Speaking Time 1

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Liana Robinson

Garrett Byrne
Andrea Janz

Unit 1 Summertime 9

Unit 2 Nearly Lunch Time 13

Unit 3 Fun at School 17

Unit 4 Pop Music 21

Unit 5 At the Zoo 25

Unit 6 Rainy Today 29

Unit 7 Fun Outdoors 33

Unit 8 Bedtime 37

Unit 9 My Pet 41

Unit 10 Magical Sky 45

Unit 11 Busy Day 49

Speaking Time 1 ISBN 978-1-59966-618-1

Liana Robinson · Garrett Byrne · Andrea Janzen
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
© 2012 Compass Publishing 15 14 13 12
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
Photo Credits
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, All images © Shutterstock, Inc.
recording, or otherwise, without prior permission in writing
from the publisher.

Project Editor: Casey Malarcher

Acquisitions Editor: Zoe Smith
Content Editor: Ang Lee Ming
Copy Editor: Kelli Ripatti
Illustrator: Hieram Weintraub
Cover/Interior Design: Design Plus

email: [email protected]
Unit 12 Doing Something Fun 53

Unit 13 On the Farm 57

Unit 14 Good at Dancing 61

Unit 15 My Friend’s Pond 65

Unit 16 Making an Omelet 69

Unit 17 About Birds 73

Unit 18 Fun with Drawing 77

Unit 19 Learning to Play 81

Unit 20 From Kenya 85

Transcripts 89
How to Teach with This Book
Speaking Time is a three-level speaking series designed for elementary school students
of English. The activities presented in each unit of the books help students expand
their basic speaking skills through guided practice. Additional listening and pair-work
activities provide opportunities for students to hear spoken models and practice their
own oral skills in communicative situations.
The content of Speaking Time covers a wide range of theme-based topics over twenty
units per book. Each unit contains four pages of linked language practice based on a
given modeled speech.

Modeled Speech 5 min.

A target printed speech model is presented at the start

Summer ti me
of each unit.
This Modeled Speech is also recorded on the audio CD. Listen. Track 1

Allow the students to listen to the audio track more than I like summer.
It is hot.
I go swimming in summer.

once to gain familiarity with the rhythm of the speech as

I like to swim.
The water is cool.
I eat ice cream, too.
Summer is a happy time!

well as the content. They can also be encouraged to Do you like summer?

Listen again and read aloud.

mentally rehearse the speech as they listen along, before I like . . . . It is . . . .

they try to read aloud. Listen and speak.
Track 2


. . . fall. / . . . cool. . . . spring. / . . . warm.

Practice 30 min.
3. 4.

Each Practice section allows for the practice of a key . . . summer. / . . . hot.

Tell your partner which season you like.

. . . winter. / . . . cold.

sentence in the Modeled Speech section. Unit 1 9

Section (5 min.)
As a warm up, students can be asked to identify the pictures. The students then listen
to the audio CD.
The students should then try to say the complete sentences for pictures 1-4 without the
accompaniment of the audio CD. Students can be spot-checked to see if they are able
to follow the given sentences. Teachers can ask individuals to tell the whole class the
sentence for picture 3, for example. Teachers can then wrap up by starting the sentence,
and asking students to chorus the sentence ending, or vice versa.

4 How to Teach with This Book

Section (5 min.)
Section B can follow a similar teaching approach as Section A. Section B generally differs
from Section A, in that the expressions to complete the sentence pattern are often longer.
As with Section A, students also have
the opportunity of talking to a partner
about the pictures. Again, there is always I....

a follow-up prompt to encourage pair

Listen and speak. Track 3

1. 2.

work practice.
. . . go skiing in winter. . . . go swimming in summer.
3. 4.

. . . pick apples in fall. . . . have a picnic in spring.

Listen again and repeat. Tell your partner what you do in each season.

I like to . . . .

Section (5 min.)
The students are required to listen and letter the four pictures according to what they
hear on the audio CD.
Again, students can be asked about the illustrations before following the instructions
in the book. As students gain more confidence, they can be involved in a speculation
game as to which picture will feature next on the audio recording. Play the audio CD
more than once to allow everyone to be
I like to . . . . confident with their answers. Then,
Listen and letter the pictures.
listen again and confirm everyone’s
Track 4

answers according to the answer key.

1. 2.
a Finally, students should use the model
expression in pair-work practice.
3. 4.

Tell your partner what you like to do in different seasons.

I like to ________________________.
Examples have a picnic swim make a snowman play in leaves

10 Unit 1

How to Teach with This Book 5

Section (10 min.)
Students listen to the audio CD and fill the blanks in the
sentences. Sum-Up
Listen and write. Track 5

1. I like __________________________________.

If students find spelling difficult, go back to the Modeled

It is ____________________________________.
3. I ______________ strawberries ____________.
4. I like to __________________________ leaves.

Speech section. The teacher can write a few of the

_________________________ is a happy time!
6. Do you ________________________________?
Read your sentences aloud.

Modeled Speech sentences on the board, and ask the Stress

Read the sentences aloud, stressing the words in red.

students to circle words that are called out. This can I like winter.
It is snowy.
I make a snowman in winter.

help in word recognition. As students progress, words

I like to play in snow.
The snow is pretty.
Winter is a happy time!

written on the board from the Modeled Speech section

can be erased, and students can be asked to spell out
Use the expressions in the boxes, and practice with your partner.
Examples I go skiing. / I like to go skiing.

the gaps.
go skiing go hiking fly a kite play in puddles

The teacher can also read out the Section D sentences

from the transcript at an exaggeratedly slow speed to
ride a bike go camping go skateboarding pick strawberries

Unit 1 11

hint at word spelling.

Section (5 min.)
Students read the sentences aloud, stressing the words in red color. The red words
represent the main content words in each sentence. This reflects the general rule of
English sentence stress. This should help develop students’ appreciation of sentence
and word stress, as well as intonation, since English is a stressed-timed language.

More Expressions 5 min.

Students have eight annotated pictures that they can substitute into a given key
phrase. An example of the target phrase structure is always given for the first picture.
First check that all students can identify each of the pictures. The teacher can do an
initial whole-class practice by reading out the start of the expression and having the
students complete the expression. Students should practice as many of these sentences
as they can with a partner. Stronger students can be asked to vary the given sentence by
converting it into the negative, or changing it into a third-person expression. The teacher
can also ask the students to read out their expressions using, for example, an angry
voice, or at a fast speed.

6 How to Teach with This Book

Speaking Practice 10 min.

Students need to create a script relevant to themselves
based on the Modeled Speech that opens the unit.
Students can use the expressions in the box to help My favorite season
Write about your favorite season. Use the expressions in the box to help

them. Ideally they should adapt the expressions to fit you. Then circle the stressed words and read your sentences aloud.

eat ice cream

their own circumstances. Some variations for the first line swimming in summer

could be given in advance. Students can then perform Summer


their speech in front of the class. I like __________________________________________________.

It is ___________________________________________________.
I go ___________________________________________________.
I like to ________________________________________________.
I __________________________________________________, too.

Part _________________________________________ is a happy time!

Students need to interview a classmate with the given

B My friend’s favorite season
Interview your friend about his or her favorite season. Use the questions in
the box. Then tell the class about your friend.

questions. If the students are confident to use third Which season do you like?

person verb forms, they can relay their classmates’

How is the weather in that season?
What do you do in that season?

answers to the rest of the class. Stronger students can 12 Unit 1

also make up extra questions.

Supplementary extensions might include having the students re-interview a different
person for the final Speaking Practice section at home and present it in the next
lesson. Students might also be encouraged to review the unit with the audio CD at
home. Setting a “test” of expressions the students should remember is one way
to ensure that students are spending genuine time reviewing material at home. If
students are going to be reciting material, they also need to be reminded to use the
effects of intonation and stress.


How to Teach with This Book 7

Summe r ti me

Listen. Track 1

I like summer.
It is hot.
I go swimming in summer.
I like to swim.
The water is cool.
I eat ice cream, too.
Summer is a happy time!
Do you like summer?

Listen again and read aloud.

I like . . . . It is . . . .
Listen and speak. Track 2

1. 2.

. . . fall. / . . . cool. . . . spring. / . . . warm.

3. 4.

. . . summer. / . . . hot. . . . winter. / . . . cold.

Tell your partner which season you like.

Unit 1 9
Listen and speak. Track 3

1. 2.

. . . go skiing in winter. . . . go swimming in summer.

3. 4.

. . . pick apples in fall. . . . have a picnic in spring.

Listen again and repeat. Tell your partner what you do in each season.

I like to . . . .
Listen and letter the pictures. Track 4

1. 2.

3. 4.

Tell your partner what you like to do in different seasons.

I like to ________________________.
Examples have a picnic swim make a snowman play in leaves

10 Unit 1
Listen and write. Track 5

1. I like __________________________________.
2. It is ____________________________________.
3. I ______________ strawberries ____________.
4. I like to __________________________ leaves.
5. _________________________ is a happy time!
6. Do you ________________________________?
Read your sentences aloud.

Read the sentences aloud, stressing the words in red.
I like winter.
It is snowy.
I make a snowman in winter.
I like to play in snow.
The snow is pretty.
Winter is a happy time!

Use the expressions in the boxes, and practice with your partner.
Examples I go skiing. / I like to go skiing.

go skiing go hiking fly a kite play in puddles

ride a bike go camping go skateboarding pick strawberries

Unit 1 11
My favorite season
Write about your favorite season. Use the expressions in the box to help
you. Then circle the stressed words and read your sentences aloud.

eat ice cream

swimming in summer

I like __________________________________________________.
It is ___________________________________________________.
I go ___________________________________________________.
I like to ________________________________________________.
I __________________________________________________, too.
_________________________________________ is a happy time!

B My friend’s favorite season

Interview your friend about his or her favorite season. Use the questions in
the box. Then tell the class about your friend.

Which season do you like?

How is the weather in that season?
What do you do in that season?

12 Unit 1

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