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Sound is a form of energy emitted by the

vibrating particle. It propagates in the form
of waves in all possible directions.

When these sound waves touch the ear

drum about 1/10th of a second, then the
sensation of hearing will be stimulated.
WAVE MOTION : A wave is a
disturbance created at a
place in a medium which
travels in all possible
directions of the medium.


Longitudinal Waves

Transverse Waves
Longitudinal wave: If the direction
of vibration of the particles of the
medium is parallel to the direction
of wave motion, such a wave is
called a 'longitudinal wave’.

These waves travel in the form of

Compressions and Rarefactions.
Transverse wave: If the direction of
vibration of the particles of the
medium is perpendicular to the
direction of wave motion, such a
wave is called a ‘transverse wave’.

These waves travel in the form of

Crests and Troughs.
Terms related to Wave motion:

Time period
 Infrasonic Waves : The longitudinal
mechanical waves having frequencies
less than 20 Hz are called Infrasonic.

 Audible or Sound Waves : The

longitudinal mechanical waves which lie
in the frequency range 20 Hz to 20000
Hz are called audible or sound waves.

 Ultrasonic Waves : The longitudinal

mechanical waves having frequencies
greater than 20000 Hz are called

To eradicate the bacteria in the milk

and water. It is also called as
pasteurization of milk.

In the working of SONAR (Sound

Navigation and Ranging) to determine
the depth of submarine or an iceberg
present in the sea.
 In the treatment of arthritis (knee pain).

 To crush the stones into powder formed in

the kidney

 For removing lamp shoot from the

chimneys of factories.

 To examine foetus during pregnancy to

detect any abnormalities.
Sound is characterized by three
parameters :
(i) Pitch (ii) Loudness (iii) Quality
Loudness : Loudness of a sound wave is
the sensation that depends upon its
 The loudness of sound is directly
proportional to the square of the
amplitude of sound wave. I α a2
 Intensity of sound is measured with
sound meter or noise meter.

 Intensity of the sound is

independent of frequency.

 The loudness of sound is measured in

‘decibel dB’.

 Another unit of loudness is phon

Pitch : Pitch is the characteristic
which distinguishes a shrill (or sharp)
sound from a flat or grave sound.

•Pitch of the sound depends on

frequency of the sound wave.

•When the frequency increases, the

pitch of the sound also increases.
It is independent of amplitude of the sound

In the sound notes of a male and roaring of a

lion the frequency is less. Hence these sounds
are highly intensive or loud.

•In the sound notes of female , children,

mosquitoes the and frequency is more. Hence
the sound notes are shrill in nature.
Quality (Timber) : The ability of the
eardrum to recognize different
sound waves coming from different
sources simultaneously is called as
Quality or Timber.

•A sound of single frequency is

called a tone.
•The sound produced due to a
mixture of several frequencies is
called a note.
Echo: Phenomenon of hearing back
our own sound is called an echo. It is
due to successive reflection from the
surface of obstacles of large size.

•The minimum distance between the

source of sound and the reflecting
body should be 17.2m
The wavelength of sound should
be less than the height of the
reflecting body.

To hear an distinct echo, the

time interval between the
original sound and the reflected
sound must be 0.1s
Applications of Echoes:

 Echoes are used in SONAR to determine

the depth of water by transmitting sound
waves into water.
 Dolphins detect their enemy and obstacles
by emitting the ultrasonic waves and
hearing their echoes.
 Stethoscope, Megaphone, Hydrophone,
Fathometer work on the principle of echo.
Beats : When two sound waves of equal
amplitudes and nearly equal frequencies
are produced simultaneously then the
intensity of resultant sound wave
increases and decreases with time. This
change in the intensity of sound is called
phenomenon of beats.

 Resultant frequency is equal to the

difference in frequencies of two sound
•The phenomenon of beats is useful in
tuning two vibrating bodies in unison.

•The frequency of an unknown tuning

fork can be found using beats.

•Beats used to detect dangerous gases

in mines.
Resonance : When two bodies of same
natural frequencies are taken, and if one
body is set into vibrate then the second
body begins to vibrate with maximum
intensity of the sound. This
phenomenon is called as Resonance.

•In the resonance phenomenon the

frequency of the two vibrating bodies
should be equal.

 The soldiers are asked to halt their march fast

when they approach a bridge to avoid collapse of
the bridge due to resonance.

 The working of flute, whistle and radio are based

on the property of resonance.

 If the frequency of the voice is equals to the

frequency of a glass plate then it breaks into
pieces due to resonance.

 If a vehicle (car, bus etc) exceeds certain limit of

speed then rattling sound is heard due to
resonance only.
Reverberation: Persistence of sound
after its production stopped, is called

 Reverberation is caused when a series

of echoes are heard due to more than
one reflecting surface.

 A short reverberation is desirable in a

concert hall because it gives ‘life’ to
Refraction of Sound :When
successive layers of air have
different temperatures, the ability of
sound to travel faster in warm air
than in cold air causes bending of
sound. This bending of sound is
called refraction.
 On a warm day, the air near the ground is
warmer than the air above and so the
speed of sound waves near the ground is
higher. This causes bending of the sound
away from the ground.

 On a cold day or at night, the reverse

happens and the sound waves bend
towards the earth. Thus on a cold day
sounds can be heard over longer
sound is different in different

•In a medium, the velocity of sound

basically depends upon elasticity and
density of medium.

•Velocity of sound is maximum in

solids and minimum in gases.
 When sound enters from one
medium to another medium, its
velocity, time period, amplitude
and wavelength changes but
frequency remains unchanged.

 In a medium, the velocity of

sound is independent of
Effect of the pressure: The velocity of
the sound is independent of pressure of
the air.

The variation of the pressure of the air

doesn't affect the velocity of the sound
propagating through it.

•The velocity of sound in hilly areas,

coastal areas and plains will be the
Effect of the temperature : The velocity of
the sound is directly proportional to square-
root of Temperature. V α √ T

For every 1° rise of the temperature the

velocity of the sound increases by 0.61 m/sec.

The velocity of sound is more in summer as

the temperature is high.
Effect of the density: The velocity of the
sound is inversely proportional to the
square root of the density of gas based on
the Newton’s - Laplace equation V = .

The density of the gas varies from one gas

to another. So, the velocity of the sound
also changes from one gas to another.
•The velocity of the sound is more in
Hydrogen i.e. 1230 m/sec because
the density of this gas is very small.

• Air has more density. Hence the

velocity of the sound in the air is 330
Effect of the Humidity: As the humidity
increases, the density of air decreases.

The velocity of sound is more in the rainy

season due to less density of the air.

At same temperature, the velocity of the

sound is more in rainy day than summer
because the density of air is less on a rainy
day than a summer day.
SUPERSONIC VELOCITY : If the velocity of
the object is more than the velocity of the
sound then it is called supersonic velocity.

•Jet planes, rockets, missiles,

warships…move with supersonic velocity.
•Supersonic velocity is measured in terms
of Mach number.

Mach no. =
When the Jet planes fly off with supersonic
velocity then they produce highly energetic
Shock waves.

The tremendous air pressure variations caused

by Shock waves produce a loud burst of sound
called Sonic Boom.

The warships produce Bow waves when they

move with supersonic velocity.
Subsonic velocity : If the velocity of the object is
lesser than the velocity of sound.
Mach number lesser than one (<1)

Sonic velocity : If velocity of the object is equals to

velocity of the sound.
Mach number is equals to unity (1)
Supersonic velocity: If the velocity of
object is 1 to 5 times of the velocity of
the sound.
Mach number varies from 1 to 5.

Hypersonic velocity: If the velocity of the

object lies between 5 to 10 times of
velocity of the sound.
Mach number lies between 5 to 10.
DOPPLER'S EFFECT :The apparent
frequency of the sound received by
observer due to the relative motion
between the observer and source of the
•Doppler's effect can be applied to
sound, light and in the case of all
types of waves.
Applications :
 In the working of the SONAR, Doppler effect
is used.

 The RADAR which is used to find the altitude,

direction of motion and velocity of a flying
object also works on the principle of Doppler's

 The laser speed gun which is used to

determine the speed of the vehicle at a point
are also based on Doppler's effect.
 To find the defect in the blood circulation
of the human being. This method is known
as Doppler color photo.

 To determine the track, orbit and range of

an artificial satellite moving around the

 To study the colored rings of Saturn

 To study the binary stars or double stars.
SOUND POLLUTION : According to world
health organization (WHO), if a person is
subjected to the sound of intensity 85 dB or
more continuously about 8 hours per day
then it is called as sound or noise pollution.

 If the intensity of sound exceed

120dB,then it causes pain on the eardrum.
Name of the instance Intensity of the sound (dB)

1) Moving of grass 0 (cannot be heard)

2) While murmuring 20-30

3) In normal conversation 40-60

4) Pendulum of the wall clock 30

5) From the traffic 70-75

6) From rock music 120
7) From Jet planes, aero planes, 100-200
1. The minimum distance between two particles in similar phase is 10cm. The
minimum time after which a given particle comes to same phase is 0.1sec.
What is the velocity of progressive wave?
2. A compression wave of frequency 250 per sec is setup in an iron rod and
passes from the rod into air. The speed of the wave is
5000 m/sec in Iron and 350 m/sec in air. What is the wavelength in each?
3. The sound produced by a tuning fork has a wavelength of 1.4m in air. What
would be its wavelength in water?
4. At what temperature the velocity of sound in a gas would have a value
twice as much at 27⁰ C?
3. Three tuning forks produce sounds of wavelength 1m, 2m and 3m
respectively in air at the same temperature. What is the ratio of their
6. A person sets his watch by the sound of siren at a distance of 1km. How
many seconds is his watch slower?
7. A person standing in front of a hill produces a sound and hears an echo after
1sec. What is the distance between the person and the hill?
8. A person standing at some distance from a cliff hears the echo of sound
after 3sec. He walks 170m away from the cliff and observes that echo is heard
after 4sec. What is the speed of sound?

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