6 - Intro to Cause-Effect & Thesis Statements - R2W3 4E P130-132
6 - Intro to Cause-Effect & Thesis Statements - R2W3 4E P130-132
6 - Intro to Cause-Effect & Thesis Statements - R2W3 4E P130-132
LE ARN ING 0 UTC 0 ME Essay Writing: Use the writing process to write a cause or effect essay
Most people are curious. They want to know why something happened or what happened
as a result of some event or situation. When your purpose is to analyze the reasons
(causes) or the results (effects) of something, you should use a cause or effect type of
essay. For example, when you answer a question such as, "Why did you decide to major in
biology?", you are analyzing causes. When you answer a question such as, "What effects will
learning English have on my career?", you are analyzing effects. Study this chart.
Reasons for taking an online college course Effects of peer pressure on teenagers
"They say kids these days are overweight because we don't get
enough vigorous exercise. Maybe we should chew faster!"
In academic writing, you will often need to analyze causes and/or effects. For example, in a nursing
class, you might need to discuss the common causes of chronic back pain or the effects of physical
therapy on patients with back pain. In a history class, you might be asked to analyze the technological
causes of the Industrial Revolution or the effects of the Industrial Revolution on family life in
England. In an economics class, you might be required to explain the reasons for the high inflation
rate in Venezuela or the effects of the high rate of inflation on the Venezuelan middle class. In an
anthropology course, you might need to explore the reasons why many of the world's languages are
disappearing or the effects of their disappearance on indigenous populations.
The Language of Causes and Effects: Useful Phrases and Sentence Patterns
English has many ways to express cause-and-effect relationships. The following chart shows some of
the most common ones.
Transitions Examples
for this reason It was raining. For this reason, we canceled the soccer game.
There are several causes of jet lag: travel across three or more time zones, poor sleep habits
prior to travel, and poor flight conditions.
There are several bad effects of drinking too much coffee: insomnia, digestive problems, and an
increase in blood pressure, anxiety, and tremors.
There are three main reasons why I wont to share an apartment with a roommate: more space,
lower rent, companionship.
There are three main reasons why my family decided to move to a bigger city: more
employment opportunities, better schools, more cultural activities.
3. _ __ __ had l several
three important effects on _ _ _ __
a few
My parents' divorce had three important effects on my life.
The new shopping center had several positive effects on our community: more job opportunities,
an increase in home values, and convenient places to meet and socialize.
••r.E#!!Mill!ii9111 Write a thesis statement for each topic. Use a variety of sentence patterns.
Thesis statement: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Thesis statement: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Thesis statement: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Thesis statement:
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