Module in Reading and Writing Skills Q1-Q3 (Module 1 - Weeks 1-2)
Module in Reading and Writing Skills Q1-Q3 (Module 1 - Weeks 1-2)
Module in Reading and Writing Skills Q1-Q3 (Module 1 - Weeks 1-2)
GRADE 11/12
MELC: Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
Lesson 1: Narration
Lesson 2: Description
Lesson 3: Definition
Lesson 4: Exemplification
Lesson 5: Comparison and Contrast
Lesson 6: Cause and Effect
Lesson 7: Problem-Solution
Lesson 8: Persuasion
What is It?
Writing a paragraph involves deep understanding of how one can achieve well-
focused and unified ideas in a composition. For example, when students are askedto come up
with a summary of a story, they tend to chop parts of the story and put it in their summary. If
that is so, it leads to create unrelated details that do not contribute in the oneness and clarity
of one’s summary.
It is important to use strategies developing ideas using a particular pattern. One
ofthese is through narration. A narrative text contains the plot which gives direction in
making a story.
In developing narration, sequential presentation of events plays an important role.
Signal words help to create unified thought and to show the transition of events to the next.
This leads us to focus on the use of the action words in the story. It also helps to move the
story and makes the story interesting.
The chronological ordering of events helps to show the reader how the story moves.
Most of the common transitional words are first, next, then, after and suddenly. Moreover, it
is also important to give specific details in pointing out the direction of the story.
What’s More?
Directions: Read the paragraph and answer the following questions on a separate sheet.
Being a transferee is never easy. At first, I was hesitant to come but my mothertold me that I
would find new friends in Masayahin Senior High School. I would never forget the day I
first entered this school, I felt so shy and nervous. I did not know anyone for I was a new
Grade 11 student. When I entered my first class looking for a chair to sit in, a boy sitting
beside the window sill asked me,“Are you new in this school?” and I answered shyly,
“Yes.” Then, he offered me the vacant seat beside him. He was Jasper, an old student in that
school. We got along with each other well in our class. We worked on our assignments and
school projects.
, he slept in our house doing our research work. After a year, we both realized that in many
ways we had a lot of similarities in termsof interests in life. In the end, we became best of
1. Where and when did the story happen?
2. What transitional devices are used to indicate the chronological order of time?
3. What event happened first?
4. What does the paragraph tell?
5. What sequence is presented in the story?
What’s New
Directions: On a separate sheet, complete the table by supplying words or phrases that best
describe the given subjects. Use any of your senses to provide appropriate descriptions. Then
answer the questions that follow.
Example: long-legged soft voice heavenly silky
beauty queen beautiful scent skin
What is It?
According to Dayagbil & et al, 2016, the use of description plays an important role to
elucidate the nature of people, places and things. A series of detailed observationabout the
subject can help you create a good descriptive paragraph. This involves the use of adjectives
and adverbs in the paragraph.
The kind of words we used to describe how your subject looks, sounds, feels,
smellsor even tastes like are called sensory languages. It also concerns how you will arrange
the details to provide an image of the scene, the person or the object you aretrying to describe
in your text.
There are two types of description. First is objective description, where the writer
presents impartial and actual picture of the subject without biases and excluding personal
impression of the subject just like when you give your description of an experiment in class.
Second is subjective description, where the writer gives personal impression of what is
observed. This is often used in making fiction stories.For instance, when you are asked to
write about a place you visit during summer vacation, you tend to give your personal
judgment of how you experience the place.
What I Have Learned
Directions: Choose the best word or group of words that will complete each statement.
Write your answer on a separate sheet.
What’s New
Directions: Read the definition paragraph below then answer the given questions.
What is It?
Definitions provide concise but exact meanings of unfamiliar words and explain
special meanings for familiar words. They are often used to explain technical words and
concepts. What to define always depends on the needs of the reader and the purpose of
communication. It can be done in either of the two distinct methods of definition.
Methods Examples
By stating its San Pablo City is one of the old towns in the Philippines andtoday, it is
characteristics known as one of the first-class cities in the provinceof Laguna. It is
also called the City of Seven Lakes namely: Bunot Lake, Calibato
Lake, Mohicap Lake, Palakpakin Lake, Pandin Lake, Sampaloc Lake,
and Yambo lake. These seven freshwater lakes are crater form of a
steam- blast eruption from
Mt. Cristobal.
By what it is Far from the normal situations that we had before, the pandemic
not makes each one of us skip buying unnecessary items.
By what it is Jollibee and McDonalds both offer savory chicken and delicious pasta
similar to that children love.
By Examples The opening of the classes for School Year 2020 -2021 amidst the
pandemic is a great challenge to the Department of Education. They
continue researching different alternative ways of teaching and learning
to be implemented in schools such as online learning, modular learning,
and lastly learning from TV shows and radio programs.
By origin of Writers around the world define literature in different ways. Theorigin
word or of the word literature is derived from the Latin word Litera which
etymology means letter.
By its effect Due to the global pandemic, specifically COVID-19, the world
embraces the new normal. People have become more consciousabout
sanitation and hygiene. They now learn physical distancing in public
places. And, most of the people stay at home either working or
developing new hobbies and exploring new things.
What’s More
Directions: Analyze how the writer creates a shared concept and what different expanded
definition methods are used in the paragraph. Write your answer on a separate sheetof paper.
You may follow the template below:
Bimetallic Components
1Bimetals are components made up of two separate metallic units, each occupying a distinct
position in the component. 2Bimetal rods or wires (also calledclad metal, duo- or dual-metal)
are made of dissimilar metals. 3The rod core a cylindrical body made of one metal, is
surrounded by a concentric, cylindrical sleeve of another metal. 4Some fibrous metals may
also be regarded as bimetallic;for example, rods made by unidirectional solidification of
some eutectic compositions containing a metallic (or nonmetallic) compound of fibrous
filaments embedded in an almost pure metallic matrix. 5The structure of present- day Nb-SN
superconducting core can be even more complex. 6It is multimetallic-containing more than
two dissimilar metals. 7The two elements of a bimetallic product are usually intimately
interlocked, so that they function in unison.
8Bimetal rods or wire stems make it possible to combine properties ofdissimilar metals.
For example:
9Aluminum-clad steel wire combines the strength of steel with
the electrical conductivity and corrosion resistivity of aluminum.
10Superconductor core clad with copper sleeves combines
superconductivity at cryogenic temperatures with assuranceagainst
failure when a local temporary rise in resistance or temperature
11Although the number of desired bimetallic combinations for practical use is virtually
unlimited, manufacturing difficulties restrict the number of bimetallic combinations actually
in use.
Based on Betzalel Avitzur et al., “Criterion for the Prevention of Core Fracture during Extrusion of Bimetal
Rods,” Journal of Engineering for Industry, 1983, 293-30
What’s New
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Once finished, copy on a separate sheet and fill out
the table with the appropriate words that match the headings below:
Humans are often harmed by pollution. The presence of the hazardous substances
brought about by these three major types of pollution: land, air and water gravely affects
our health. For instance, a person may acquire skin problems and other deformities from
the toxic wastes present in the land that we live in such as garbage, pesticides, heavy
metals and other chemicals. Air pollution caused by toxic gases, solid and liquid particles
or aerosols, and other hazardous air pollutants adversely contaminate the air that we
breathe. Long-term exposure to airpollutants has been linked with diseases of the heart
and lungs, cancers and other health problems. Lastly, water pollution observed in our
primary water sources like oceans, rivers, and lakes is caused by the presence of
industrial wastes, sewage and waste waters, chemical fertilizersand pesticides to be
specific. Infectious diseases can be acquired through contaminated water andcan cause
cholera, jaundice, liver damage and
stomach illness in people.
Classification Examples of Hazardous Substances
Pollution 1. a.
2. Air a. .
3. b.
Study the accomplished table. How can you say that the words and phrases that you
have just written all exemplify that of the (a) topic sentence, (b) classification, (c) examples
d) transition words?
If you were able to justify your answers, then, you are now ready to learn more about
the characteristics and features of exemplification and classification as patterns of
development in writing.
What is It?
Exemplification (or illustration) is the most common and effective pattern to explain
an idea or point. In developing this kind of paragraph, the writer developsa general statement
– the topic sentence, with one or more examples to support it.
Here are some transitional expressions in writing effective exemplification
paragraphs: for instance, namely, to be specify, to clarify, to illustrate, for example,in short,
as an example.
On the other hand, classification is used when a writer needs to sort out or arrange
subjects to groups or categories based on their common and shared characteristics.
Here are some transitional expressions in writing effective classification
paragraphs: classified as, one kind, the last group, another kind, another, final type, the first
category, are categorized as, the next part.
Remember that you can use both exemplification and classification in developinga
paragraph by simply identifying categories on a particular subject and providingexamples or
illustration to explain and clarify meaning.
Comparison and Contrast
What’s New
Directions: Using a Venn diagram, jot down words and phrases showing similarities and
differences between Junior High School and Senior High School.
What Is It?
Comparison in writing discusses elements that are similar while contrast in writing
discusses elements or ideas that are different. A compare-and-contrast essay, then analyzes
two subjects comparing them, contrasting them, or both. However, its purpose is not to
simply state the obvious but rather to illustrate subtle differences or unexpected similarities
between two subjects.
As a writer, you should help the readers see how these two ideas are similar or
different by showing them its advantages and disadvantages so they are able to weighthe pros
and cons before they make judgment or decision. Take a look at this example.
Source: Jenn, Kepka, Oregon Writes Open Writing Text. 2015, accessed May 21, 2020,
There are two common ways to organize comparison/contrast paragraph or essay. The
Block Method is used to compare and contrast two subjects one at a time. Youmay begin by
saying everything you have to say about the first subject you are discussing then move on
and write everything about your second subject. If you arewriting a short paragraph or essay,
you might be able to fit all of your points about each item. However, if you would want to
address one subject at a time, you may usePoint-by-point comparison.
Some cohesive devices you can use in showing similarities are likewise, similar to,
same with, like, in the same manner. To show contrast, cue words such as: on the other hand,
however, while, different with, in contrast and the like.
Source: Williams, Madalyn. February 21, 2017, accessed May 20, 2020
What I Can Do
Directions: Write a five (5) to seven (7) sentence paragraph based on the outline you
createdregarding the similarity/difference of Junior High School and Senior High School.
Cause and Effect
What’s New
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then, complete the diagram below.
Discoveries and invention of devices are always welcome until we, humans, find a way to
abuse its benefits and be adversely affected by it. This was the case when Wilhelm
Roentgen discovered x-ray and within five years, the British Army was usinga mobile x-
ray unit to locate bullets and shrapnel in wounded soldiers in the Sudan.TV was also
invented with positive thoughts in mind – there would be no national borders, education
and communication would be worldwide, etc. However, we are now trying to overcome
its physiological and psychological adverse effects on humanbeings.
(Excerpt: Emmanuel Tatah Mentan, English Essay Writing Handbook Bloomington, IN:
AuthorHouse, 2019.)
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet.
1. What is the main idea of the text?
2. What states the cause of the idea?
3. What states the results of the idea?
What Is It?
Cause and Effect is a text development pattern which explains why something
happens. It also states what results a particular event produces. It usually gives a statement
emphasizing the cause and another emphasizing the effect. The following guide questions
can be used for cause-effect development:
Further, in developing your texts you can use signal words like as a consequence
of,as a result of, because, because of, now that and since to express cause while accordingly,
consequently, hence, so, therefore, and this resulted in to signify effects.
What I Can Do
Directions: Typhoon Yolanda took the lives of over 6,300 Filipinos and displaced thousand
others. Write a five-sentence paragraph that explains why there were so many casualties even
when they were warned of a storm surge. Use cause and effect pattern of development. The
rubric below may be used in this output.
5 points 3 points 1 point
The paragraph states no
The paragraph states The paragraph states
cause and effect andit uses
cause and effect and all cause and effect but few
inappropriate transitional
transitional devices are transitional devicesare
properly used. used.
What’s New
Directions: Read the essay below. Identify the problem/s and solution/s cited in the passage
There can be no doubt that a large number of CIFL or children in conflict with thelaw
may commit more juvenile crimes despite the intense effort of teachers, the barangays, the
police and the guidance offices. This poses a huge challenge to government authorities and
the whole society as well since these minors are protected by law and should not be harmed
by all means.
Basically, while being interrogated upon, these child offenders do not take their case
seriously. They sometimes treat their offense as a practical joke similar to an amusing
snapchat or a tiktok moment. Others consider their waywardness as part of their growing up
years – their being young, wild and free. And they blend with the otherCIFL regulars, thereby
establishing an organization of future gangsters. Unfortunately, they are not given the chance
to reform their character because they cannot go to jail and should be with their parents’
custody within 24 hours. Additionally, some of them turn to substance abuse.
There might be two doable solutions to overcome the problem mentioned in the
previous paragraphs. The first step would be to give them the opportunity to intensely
rehabilitate and provide educational programs suited to their needs and abilities which will
prepare them in the harsh realities of life. It is also equally important that they get the full
support and encouragement of their parents and fellow learners.
What Is It?
A problem/solution essay presents a problem, usually discussing several aspects
ofthe problem, then concludes by discussing solutions to the problem. The problem may be
addressed in the following ways:
The solutions may be presented in various ways and you have to think about whichway
would be the most appropriate for the particular problem you are discussing. Here are some
ways to present solutions:
Preventive Ways to prevent the problem from occurring in the first place
measures For example: How to prevent COVID-19
A series ofsteps Suggest the easiest and most obvious solution first, but if that
doesn’t work, try something else, etc.
For example: if you have a neighbor who does not wear mask nor
practice social distancing, you might first talk to him/her; if that
doesn’t work, arrange for a mediator; etc. (a last resort might be to
call the police).
Advice Give some advice and helpful hints.
A choice of Include solutions that have already been tried, have been
solutions unsuccessful, and new solutions which you are proposing.
The following transitional devices can also help you develop your text.
Introduction Middle Section/Body Conclusion
What I Have Learned
Directions: Arrange the following steps in developing a problem-and-solution text.
Brainstorm to identify several solutions.
Gather supporting information.
Define the problem to be solved.
Decide how to organize your writing.
Write a thesis statement.
Support your thesis with examples and details.
Write a strong conclusion.
Additional Activities
Directions: List down the top three problems of millennials today. Then propose possible
solutions to each of your identified problems. You can use this as a springboard in writing
a problem-solution text.
What’s New
Directions: Complete the table below after reading the paragraph.
Is iPhone 11 worth spending? One of the company’s recent novelties is the iPhone 11 –
a newer and more advanced version of the most popular phone inthe world. However, the
previous model – iPhone XR – seemed to have been satisfying people’s needs just fine as well.
So, what is the difference?
What Is It?
Persuasive text can be in the form of an argument, discussion, exposition, review or
even an advertisement.
In developing your own persuasive text, a writer must first state the issue. This will serve
as a background information about the topic. Then, it should be followed by a clear,
strong and specific argument.
An argument is one’s claim or position that can either support or reject the issue
previously stated. Arguments shall be supported with a well-researched evidences,
which will give details on how and why it supports the argument. Evidences can be
factual, logical, statistical or anecdotal in nature. It can also explain counter-
arguments not because the writer wants to prove which claims are wrong or right but
to enlighten the readers about other positions.
Lastly, a conclusion restating the main argument of the text will be the end of the text.
This will be your final statement to persuade your readers.
What I Can Do
Directions: Choose an item or a product that you frequently use. Develop a persuasive text by
making a transcript for product advertisement. The rubric below may be used for your output.
A. Directions: Choose the correct transitional devices. Write your answers on a separate
During my younger years of being a diligent worker, I would spend at least 10 hours
working in the office and I would even bring home some paper works. Until, one day I was
brought to the hospital 1. I experienced more anxieties. My
attending physician told me that I collapsed 2. stress. 3. , I started to
follow my doctor’s advice. 4. to spend at least three times a week for exercise. 5.
Another is to take stock of internal stressors I could control. 6. is to use meditation
techniques whenever I felt overwhelmed and make sure that I got sufficient rest. Lastly, is to
take time to do things I enjoy. 7. , to pursue some hobbies and pleasures to live
a more balanced lifestyle.
B. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on your
answer sheet.
10. What pattern shows similarities and differences of two subjects in a paragraph?
A. Comparison and Contrast C. Narration
B. Cause and Effect D. Problem Solution
11. When giving the full meaning of a certain topic, which pattern is applicable?
A. Description C. Narration
B. Definition D. Problem Solution
12. If you were to tell a story, which pattern of paragraph development would youuse?
A. Description C. Narration
B. Definition D. Problem- Solution
13. What pattern presents the reasons and possible results of an event?
A. Description C. Narration
B. Cause and Effect D. Problem Solution
14. In this section, you need to mention an overview of the problem, the why of the
problem, and who should be concerned about the problem.
A. Introduction C. Conclusion
B. Middle section D. Exposition
15. Which would best suit a text that aims to discuss the taxonomy of a group of
fossils that was recently discovered by a paleontologist?
A. Comparison and Contrast C. Narration
B. Classification D. Problem Solution
Answer Key
Module 1
Cidro, Mark Gleen O., et al. 2016. Integrated English for Effective Communication. 1st
ed., Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. Quezon City, Metro Manila.
Cox, Janelle. 2020. ThoughtCo. Sample Essay Rubric for Elementary Teachers. Retrieved
Dayagbil, Filomena T. Abao, Ethel L., Bacus, Remedios C. 2016. Critical Reading and
Writing for the Senior High Schoo. Lorimar Publishing, Inc., Quezon City, Metro
Galang, Teodoro M. 2020. Self-Learning Kit for Senior High School: Reading and
Writing Skills. Retrieved from:
New Visions for Public Schools. 2020. Text Analysis Essay Rubric. Retrieved from:
Valdez, Paolo Niño. 2016. English for the Globalized Classroom Series: English for
Academic and Professional Purposes. pp. 66-81.Quezon City, Philippines: Phoenix
Publishing House.