DOI: 10.30994/sjik.v9i2.420
ISSN: 2252-3847 (print); 2614-350X (online) Vol.9 No.2 November 2020 Page.1238-1249
Communication is one of the competence areas that is needed by nursing students,
especially in clinical nursing practice. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect
of the simulation method on improving communication skills in nursing clinical practice.
Using Systematic design review. Search for articles was conducted from 29 Apri to 16 Juni
2020 by accessing five electronic databases (Scopus, Science Direct, Pubmed, Ebscohost
dan ProQuest). The article year is limited from 2015-2020. Keywords: “Simulation” OR
“Roleplay”, “communication” AND “Communication Skills” OR “Communication
Ability” OR “Communication Competence” and “Nurse” AND “Students”. Assessing the
quality of articles using the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Apprational Tool and PRISMA
checklist as a guide in article screening. A total of 25 articles were analyzed according to
inclusion criteria. The selected article is divided into two broad themes about simulation
methods: simulation methods with exercises (n = 14) and simulation methods with
roleplay or role-playing (n = 11). The research design uses mostly observational studies
(cross-sectional and qualitative studies), Quasi-Experimental, and Randomized Control
Trials. The sample was nursing students with a varied sample size ranging from 36 to 160
respondents. Simulation methods with exercises and roleplay or role-playing effective in
improving communication skills in nursing clinical practice.
Received August 2, 2020; Revised September 17, 2020; Accepted October 3, 2020
STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan, its website, and the articles published there in are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International License.
Communication skills are very important for a nursing student (Stevens, Mcniesh, &
Goyal, 2019). Beginning nursing students have knowledge, experience, and few
opportunities to practice communication which can negatively impact communication
skills (Yu, 2017) as well as their learning abilities in clinical practice (White, 2015).
Existing research states that there are several interventions that can be used to improve
student communication skills. The method applied during education to improve a student's
communication skills is one of them is the simulation method, but the simulation method
applied still cannot guarantee that it can have a significant effect on student
communication skills. (Blake & Blake, 2019). Based on research conducted in Turkey, it
was stated that as many as 76% of the 249 students who practice nursing clinics experience
communication problems and most of these 66% of communication problems occur
between students and patients. (Öztürk, 2015). Communication is closely related to the
health care process and is included in the target patient safety standards. According to
James (2016), there are as many as 440,000 people die each year due to mistakes which
are accidental or unwanted injuries. 80% of these accidental incidents are serious medical
errors that occur due to poor communication between nursing service providers and
patients (Blake & Blake, 2019). According to WHO (2016), one of the causes related to
medication errors is poor communication which has an impact on patient safety in the
hospital. Communication is influenced by several factors, namely perception, values,
emotions, background, roles, knowledge and relationships (Amirah, 2016). The knowledge
factor is very closely related to the learning process received by students during education
and what determines the success of this learning depends on the learning method used
(Alamrani, Alammar, Alqahtani, & Salem, 2017). The learning method that can be done is
the simulation method. The simulation method as a step in learning can effectively
increase knowledge and skills because students can immediately see what is being learned
applied not only in theory. Several studies have been carried out related to learning
methods that can improve the communication skills of nursing students. Based on the
results of research submitted by Basak, Demirtas and Iyigun (2019), it was stated that the
learning method with simulation has a positive effect on the communication skills of
nursing students.
This systematic review was conducted to provide a comprehensive systematic
description of the simulation method to improve the communication skills and self-
confidence of nursing students. The protocol in this systematic review refers to The Center
for Review and Dissemination and the Joanna Briggs Institute Guideline as a guide in
assessing the quality of the study. Systematic reviews will be evaluated using the PRISMA
checklist to determine the selection of studies that have been identified. This systematic
review will be registered at Airlangga University, Surabaya. Literature search strategy
using 5 databases; Scopus, Science direct, Pubmed, Ebscohost, and ProQuest. The search
was carried out from 29 April 2020 to 16 June 2020 to identify relevant research. Phrase
searching used is the boolean logic used is "And", and "Or". In addition, the search process
for articles is limited to article journals and in English and the year limitation focuses on
articles published in the last 5 years. Keywords in this Systematic review are adjusted to
Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) Pubmed Communication, simulation and nursing
The results of the article analysis found that 4 studies were Randomized Control Trials, 14
studies used Quasy-Experimental, 3 cross-sectional studies and 3 qualitative studies. Based
on these results, after the critical appraisal was carried out using the JBI critical appraisal
tools, a quality score was given.
Data base
Scopus 478
PubMed 109
ScienceDirect 306
Proquest 39
Skrining judul dan abstrak (n= 57 article does not match the title and
124) abstract
The studies included in this systematic review article consisted of 10 studies in the
USA carried out in laboratories, classrooms, nursery departments, hospitals and simulation
wards, 4 studies in Korea were conducted in laboratories, simulation education centers and
clinical learning centers, 2 studies were conducted in Norway, Australia and China were
conducted in laboratories, classrooms, and hospitals, and 1 other study was conducted in
Turkey, Ireland, Taiwan, England, and Sweden conducted in classrooms and online. The
time of the research was conducted between 2015 - 2019. The simulation method is based
on the results of the study conducted, it was found that there were 2 types of simulation
methods to improve communication skills in nursing. First, the type of simulation method
in the form of both offline and online exercises. There are 18 studies, namely patient
standard-based, debriefing simulation, environment-based, teach-back simulation, video
simulation and online simulation. Second, the type of simulation method using roleplay or
role playing, there are 7 studies consisting of drama, psychodrama, roleplay and scenarios.
Respondents in this study were nursing students from various countries who were not
limited by education levels. This study has mentioned a simulation method for
communication skills in nursing practice, with a total of 2,060 participants. Respondents /
participants for research with quasy experimental ranging from 35-160 people, RCTs
research 109-132 people, cross sectional 82-150 people, and qualitative research 12-141
people. The results can be seen in table 1.
Based on the results of the systematic review, there are 2 types of simulation
methods, namely the simulation method in the form of training and the simulation method
in the form of roleplay or role playing. The discussion in this systematic review will focus
on simulation methods that can and can be done in Indonesia. According to previous
research conducted in Indonesia, the simulation method uses both offline and online
training methods (Indriasari, 2016) and roleplay simulation (Sukamto & Putri, 2019)
effective in increasing student knowledge and skills. There are various types of simulation
methods, one of which is in the form of training. Simulation methods in the form of
exercises both offline and online as an intervention in improving communication skills in
nursing practice. Some of them that can be applied are patient standard-based simulation
methods (Martin and Chanda, 2016; Ok, Kutlu and Ates, 2019; Kellie Long, 2018; Blake
and Blake, 2019) , simulation with video (Beaird et al., 2017; Donovan & Msn, 2019;
Maclean et al., 2019) and online simulation (Yeh et al., 2019). The second simulation is
roleplay or role playing (Wang et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2015).
Standardized Patient, namely people who are trained to act as real patients to provide
specific responses to certain medical conditions (Gaylle, 2019). Martin and Chanda,
(2016) define standard patients as people who are trained to represent the characteristics of
a patient. The patient standard allows students to be immediately exposed to feedback on
the success or lack of success of being used communication strategies. In other words,
students will immediately know whether their approach is working or not because of how
the patient is responding. The effectiveness of simulations using standard patients has been
reported in terms of increased self-confidence, improved communication skills,
satisfaction with learning experiences, overall decreased anxiety of individuals with mental
illness, and increased self-reflection and availability of immediate feedback. (Martin &
Chanda, 2016). Video-assisted debriefing / reflection (VAD) is used because it may be
difficult for participants to remember precisely the events in the simulation. Watching a
video performance provides an opportunity for performance evaluation without relying on
participants' own memory or interpretation of the simulation session (Cheng et al., 2016).
Usually, the questions and answers, under the guidance of the facilitator, are resolved as a
group. Chronister and Brown, (2012) retention of knowledge, skills, and response time
measured by students completing simulated cardiopulmonary resuscitation using video
assistance and verbal debriefing methods. They found that using video and verbal
debriefing together positively influenced nursing skills and response time. Online or
virtual simulation as a strategy for the future direction of interprofessional communication
training (Foronda, Macwilliams, & Mcarthur, 2016). Asynchronous online simulation,
which provides experiential learning opportunities without the limitations of facility
scheduling and faculty time, presents such an educational modality (Lai, 2016). Using
clinical stories and asking students to verbalize their reports helps simulate experiences
that are realistic but in a safe environment. Online simulation practice opportunities
overcoming structural barriers and scheduling on-site training sessions by offering
alternative online educational methodologies that can help preserve resource scarcity (Yeh
et al., 2019). The educational intervention includes a series of asynchronous online
simulation-based DP sessions designed to provide students with structured and focused
practice opportunities. We hypothesized that the intervention would have a positive impact
on the ability of nursing students to meet the MPS and their performance and confidence
levels in reporting critical incidents of patients.
Roleplay or role-playing is a form of simulation method. Role playing means that
students are required to be able to play a role as the simulation plan is drawn up. The
simulation method in this form that can be applied in Indonesia is simulation with roleplay.
Roleplay helps students learn to work closely with their team members using scripts
assigned to them different roles in a multidisciplinary team in a variety of scenarios and
provides an imaginary context in which they can investigate the problems and behaviors of
participants' different personalities and roles by enhancing perceptions and critical
thinking. they are skills (Wang et al., 2015). Active stimulation by roleplay has been used
as an educational strategy in the study of educational ethics (Sukamto & Putri, 2019).
Improving communication skills for students is very important in the nursing practice
process. The simulation method is a learning method that can improve communication
skills. The simulation method provides a good stimulus because this activity is carried out
directly by students so that it can influence responses and skill changes. There are two
types of simulation methods to improve communication skills, namely simulation methods
in the form of offline and online training and simulation methods in the form of roleplay or
role playing. The simulation method that can be applied in Indonesia is simulation in the
form of training, including based on patient standards, simulation with video and online
simulation. Second, the type of simulation method with roleplay or role playing. Both
types of simulation methods are effective in improving the communication skills of
nursing students.
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