1. Annex A Guidelines for Proposal Submission Draft

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Guidelines for Grant Applicants

‫اہنمائ‬‫گرانٹ پروپوزل ےک ےلئ ر‬

Introduction to Child Protection Fund (CPF) AND Humanitarian and Development Fund (HDF)
The Child Protection Fund (CPF) is established by Muslim Charity to promote the "ACT LOCAL THINK GLOBAL"
strategy, which empowers civil society to act locally while being aware of the global impact of their actions. This
strategy also respects the local context, needs of the communities, and the environment. Muslim Charity's goal
is to enhance the quality of life and well-being of the communities and children by addressing the issues that are
important to them and aligning their actions with the global goals and challenges that affect us all.

Source of Child protection and Humanitarian & Development Funds

Muslim Charity’s fundraising strategy involves sharing information and resources among different networks,
interest groups and communities to “Create a world of harmony where people of all backgrounds can
appreciate life and good health, education and a livelihood”. Muslim Charity highlights the causes that we
support and inspire people to donate and get involved in many forms, such as peer-to-peer campaigns, online
platforms, events, workshops, and networks. The overall benefit of our approach is to create opportunities for
mutual support and empowerment by overcoming challenges and celebrating the achievement together. The
funds are generated through fundraising from the communities, networks and individuals in United Kingdom
and rest of the world through appeals and community engagement.
-Fostering learning and innovation by exchanging best practices and feedback
- Creating opportunities for mutual support and empowerment by overcoming challenges and celebrating
successes together
The funds also include Zakat (Muslim Obligation to give portion of their wealth) and generous contribution from
the communities.
Why creation of Child Protection (CPC) and Humanitarian & Development Committees (HDC)?
The CPCs are formed to support the development and implementation of community-led projects that address
local needs and priorities. The committees are composed of volunteers who have relevant experience and
knowledge of the community, as well as a commitment to the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion. The
committees review and evaluate grant applications, provide feedback and recommendations, and monitor the
progress and outcomes of funded projects. The committees also foster collaboration and co mmunication among
community stakeholders, and promote the visibility and impact of the grant program. The committee also
provides feedback and recommendations to the applicants Muslim Charity, and monitors the progress and
outcomes of the funded projects.

The role of Secretariat in the management of Child Protection Funds (CPF) is crucial for the smooth operation
and effective implementation of grants. The Secretariat acts as the administrative backbone and provides
support in various aspects of grants and provide support to the committees. Here are some key responsibilities
of the Secretariat:

A. Calls for Funding Opportunities: (Proposals/Application): The secretariat provides forums to

communities for access to funds through call for proposals/applications for the CPF grants to implement their
ideas for the well-being of the communities and children. The secretariat shall use online, offline forums
including information desks/presentations at universities or other public forums to inform about the
opportunities. The secretariat provides information, guidance and assistance to potential applicants, helping
them navigate the application process and meet the eligibility criteria. By doing so, the funding secretariat helps
to democratize access to funding and foster a culture of social and economic empowerment. It is a good practice
to share a work-plan with the committee members to ensure transparency and accountability.
The secretariat is a useful source of information and guidance for anyone looking for funding opportunities
to implement child protection and community development projects. The secretariat can help the public
understand and apply for the CPF programs, which offer financial support for various projects and
initiatives. An efficient secretariat can enable the public to access the funds they need to carry out their
projects and make a positive impact on society and economy.

B. Application Process: The Secretariat is responsible for managing the grant application process. This
includes creating and disseminating application forms, providing guidance to applicants, and ensuring that
applicantions are received and processed for further action by the committees.
C. Review and Evaluation: The Secretariat coordinates the review and evaluation of grant applications.
The secretary presents the applications for review and evaluation to committee to assess the applications and
make funding recommendations based on predetermined criteria. The secretariat will ensure that invitations
are being sent for the presentation by the applicants.
D. Onsite Survey/assessment of the Application/Proposal: The Secretariat coordinates the visit for
physical assessment and review of the applicants and invite members to join the visit. In any case secretariat is
responsible for conducting such visits and report the findings to committee.
E. Due Diligence and Relevant Compliance Documentation: The secretariat is also responsible to perform
the due diligence on the successful applicants and present the final document (files) of each applicant for
signature of secretary and president.

F. Grant Administration: Once grants are awarded, the Secretariat oversees the administration of the
grant funds. They ensure that grant recipients comply with reporting requirements, monitor the progress of
funded projects, and provide necessary support and guidance. Prepare the report for the committee

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G. Communication and Stakeholder Engagement: The Secretariat acts as a liaison between grant
applicants, recipients, and other stakeholders. They communicate with applicants throughout the application
process, inform successful and unsuccessful applicants, and engage with the community to promote
transparency and accountability.

H. Monitoring and Reporting: The Secretariat monitors the progress and outcomes of funded projects to
ensure that they align with the program objectives. They collect project reports from grant recipients, conduct
site visits if necessary, and prepare regular progress reports for committee, Muslim Charity and stakeholders.

I. Financial Management: The secretariat assists in the financial management of the CPF and HD funds
to the committee. They keep track of fund disbursements, receipts, and financial reports. They work closely
with committee members to develop budgets, monitor expenses, and ensure compliance with financial

J. Capacity Building: The Secretariat may also provide capacity-building support to grant recipients. This
can include training workshops, networking opportunities, and sharing best practices to enhance the success
and sustainability of funded projects.

K. Stakeholder Engagement: The secretariat facilitates engagement with various stakeholders, including
community members, donors, government agencies, and partner organizations. They organize community
consultations, workshops, and other events to gather input and feedback. They a lso maintain regular
communication with stakeholders to provide updates on committee activities.

L. Governance of Secretariat: The operation of the secretariate is headed by Secretary of Committees

and Secretariate Assistant and other staff.

Overall, the secretariat plays a vital role in supporting the effective functioning of committees by providing
administrative, coordination, and documentation support. Their work helps ensure transparency, accountability,
and efficient management of community funds.
Objectives of Vulnerable Child Fund?
Followings are the two specific objectives;
• Protection of the rights of children and prevent their exploitation.
• Access to quality education, health care, social protection and other essential services for children who
are at risk of or engaged in child labour or living on the streets.
Who Can Apply for Vulnerable Child Fund:
The Vulnerable Child Fund can be applied in following two categories:
Individuals and Community Interest Groups who have ideas OR projects that align with the objectives and
criteria of Vulnerable Child fund can apply for grants through an application process. The funds are only open to
individual and community interest group applicants from different sectors and backgrounds, as long as they
demonstrate a clear commitment to ending child labour and improving the lives of vulnerable children, children
who do not attend the school and are in the school going age, the children at risks etc.
Please see Annexures for details on the categories;
How to Apply for Vulnerable Child Fund:
The Child Vulnerable Fund Applications can be submitted through different paths like WhatsApp, emails or in
persons which is explained below:
Geographic Focus ‫عالقائی دائرہ کار‬

HVCF is a pilot project geographically focusing on Hyderabad City, therefore, your proposal must be for
Hyderabad City only.
‫حیدرآباد ولنریبل چائلڈ پروٹیکشن کمیٹی ایک تجرباتی پراجیکٹ ہے جس کا دائرہ کار حیدرآباد شہر ہے۔ لہٰذا آپ کا پروپوزل حیدرآباد شہر‬
‫کے لئے ہونا الزمی ہے۔‬

Thematic Focus Areas ‫موضوعاتی انتخاب کا دائرہ کار‬

HVCF is a devoted fund for social welfare, protection, resilience and development of the vulnerable children in
Hyderabad City. Therefore, your project proposal must be for vulnerable children only.
‫ تحفظ اور ترقی کی لئے وقف عطیہ ہے۔ لہٰذا آپ کا‬،‫حیدرآباد ولنریبل چائلڈ پروٹیکشن فنڈ حیدرآباد شہر کے غیر محفوظ بچوں کے سماجی بہبود‬
‫پروپوزل غیرمحفوظ بچوں کے تحفظ کے حوالے سے ہونا الزمی ہے۔‬

Eligible for Grant? ‫عطیات کے حصول کی اہلیت‬

Individuals and Community Interest Groups (CIGs) having innovative ideas for social welfare, protection,
resilience and development of the vulnerable children of the areas.
‫وہ مقامی افراداورمیونٹی انٹریسٹ گروپس جو کہ مقامی سطح پر بچوں کے تحفظ کے منشور پرعمل پیرا ہیں اور جدیدطریقہ کارکے ذریعے‬
‫بچوں کے تحفظ اورترقی کیلئے جامع آئیڈیاز پر کام کرنا چاہتے ہیں اس عطیہ کے حصول کے لئے اہل ہیں۔‬

How project proposals be assessed? ‫پراجیکٹ کی تجاویز کا جائزہ کیسے لیا جاتا ہے؟‬
The submitted project proposals shall be assessed through two tiers of processes, as explained below:
:‫تمام موصول شدہ پروپوزلز یعنی تجاویز کو مندرجہ ذیل بیان کئے گئے دو سطح کے مراحل سے گذرنا ہوتا ہے‬

 Technical Assessment: All the submitted project proposals shall be assessed by Hyderabad Child
Protection Committee (HCPC) with the facilitation of Hyderabad Child Protection Secretariate i.e.,
AMRDO. In this phase, the committee will review the proposals technically based on the overall objectives
of Hyderabad Vulnerable Child Fund (HVCF), along with the prerequisite documents.
‫ چائلڈ پروٹکشن سیکرٹریٹ کے‬،‫ تمام موصول شدہ پراجیکٹ کے پروپوزلز کا حیدرآباد ولنریبل چائلد پروٹیکشن کمیٹی‬:‫تکنیکی جائزہ‬
‫تعاون سے جائزہ لیگی۔ اس مرحلے میں کمیٹی تکنیکی طور پر پروپوزلز کو کمیٹی کے طے شدہ مقاصدکے تناظر میں جائزہ لیگی اور‬
‫مہیا کئے گئے کاغذات کا بغور تجزیہ کریگی۔‬
 Presentation of Proposals: After the Technical Review/assessment, each applicant(s) will be called to
Hyderabad Child Protection Secretariate, to present their respective project Infront of the Hyderabad
Child Protection Committee (HCPC).
‫ تکنیکی جائزہ لینے کے بعد ہر درخواست گذار کو حیدرآباد ولنریبل چائلد پروٹیکشن سکیرٹریٹ بالیا جائے گا‬:‫پروپوزلز کی پریزنٹیشن‬
‫تاکہ وہ اپنے متعلقہ پراجیکٹ کو حیدرآباد ولنریبل چائلڈ پروٹیکشن کمیٹی کے سامنے پیش کریں۔‬
 Approval / Rejection Process of the projects: Once both the assessment completed by Hyderabad Child
Protection Committee, the project(s) can be recommended for approval OR can be rejected. The
Hyderabad Child Protection Committee will forward all the recommended projects to Muslim Charity for
approval, and then will inform the applicant(s) regarding the approval of their project(s), whereas the
regretted proposals shall also be informed to the concern applicant(s).

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‫تجویز کئے گئے پراجیکٹ کی منظوری یا مستردکرنے کا مرحلہ‪ :‬ایک بار تجاویز کے جائزے کا مرحلہ مکمل ہونے کے بعد حیدرآباد‬
‫ولنریبل چائلڈ پروٹیکشن کمیٹی پروپوزلز کی منظوری یا مسترد کرنےکے سفارشات پیش کریگا اور یہ تمام پروپوزلز حیدرآباد ولنریبل‬
‫چائلڈ پروٹیکشن کمیٹی مسلم چیریٹی یوکے کو حتمی منظوری کےلئے ارسال کریگی جس کے بعد منظور شدہ پروپوزلزکے بارے میں‬
‫درخواست گذار کو مطلع کیا جائے گا یا تجویزمستردکئے جانے پر کمیٹی درخواست گذار کومعذرت کا خط ارسال کریگی۔‬

‫?‪What is a project document‬‬ ‫ایک پراجیکٹ ڈاکومنٹ کیا ہے؟‬

‫‪HVCF applicant must develop project proposal on standard format as per guidelines given below:‬‬
‫درخواست گذار حیدرآباد ولنریبل چائلڈ پروٹیکشن فنڈ کے وضع کیےہوئے معیاری پروپوزل فارمیٹ کے مطابق مندرجہ ذیل دیئےگئے طریقہ کار‬
‫پر اپنا پروپوزل بنائے گا‪ /‬گی‪:‬‬
‫‪Project Details‬‬ ‫منصوبے کی تفصیل‪:‬‬

‫‪The applicant describes about the issues and how the issue was determined, why it is selected to be solved‬‬
‫‪on priority basis.‬‬
‫درخواست دہندہ کو ان مسائل کے بارے میں بیان کریں اور وضاحت کریں کہ مسئلے کا تعین کیسے کیا گیااور اس مسئلے کو ترجیحی‬
‫بنیادوں پر حل کرنے کےلئے کیوں منتخب کیا گیا ہے۔‬

‫‪Theme of the project:‬‬ ‫پراجیکٹ کا تھیم‪:‬‬

‫‪What is theme/solution of identified problem/issue that you want to solve through this project? (For‬‬
‫)‪Example, Education, Health, Protection etc.‬‬
‫اس پراجیکٹ کے ذریعے آپ جس مسئلے کو حل کرنا چاہتے ہیں اس کا تھیم کیا ہے؟ (مثالَ تعلیم‪ ،‬صحت‪ ،‬پروٹیکشن وغیرہ)۔‬

‫‪Objectives of the project:‬‬ ‫پراجیکٹ کے مقاصد‪:‬‬

‫‪Define objectives clearly having what has to be done in specific time & budget.‬‬
‫مخصوص وقت اور بجٹ کے اندر رہتے ہوئے واضح طور پرمقاصد کی تفصیل بیان کریں اوروضاحت کریں کہ آپ اس پراجیکٹ کے‬
‫ذریعے کیا کرنا چاہتے ہیں۔‬

‫‪Project Activities:‬‬ ‫پراجیکٹ کی شرگرمیاں ‪:‬‬

‫‪Briefly describe project activities those are in line with your objectives.‬‬
‫پراجیکٹ کے مقاصد اور اس کے محور کی مطابقت سے سرگرمیوں کی تفصیل بیان کریں۔‬

‫‪Project Impact/Change:‬‬ ‫پراجیکٹ کے اثرات اور تبدیلی‪:‬‬

‫?‪What change is expected in response to successful implementation of this project‬‬

‫اس پراجیکٹ کے کامیاب نفاذ کے بعد کیا اثرات ‪ /‬تبدیلی متوقع ہیں؟‬
‫‪Project implementation and management:‬‬ ‫پراجیکٹ کا نفاذ اور اس کا انتظام‪:‬‬

‫‪How will the project be carried out (Gantt chart), define logical sequence of project achievements as a‬‬
‫?‪result of input consumptions, define project implementation and management strategy‬‬
‫تجویز کردہ پراجیکٹ کس طرح سرانجام دی جائے گی ( گرافک چارٹ) کی مددسے پراجیکٹ کے حاصل کردہ نتائج کا منطقی ترتیب‬
‫کیساتھ وضاحت کریں اور انتظامی حکمت عملی کی تفصیل بیان کریں۔‬
‫‪Project budget:‬‬ ‫پراجیکٹ کا تخمینہ الگت‪:‬‬

‫‪Please clearly prepare realistic budget, define project cost; what shall be your local contribution; what‬‬
‫?‪components are being requested to be financed by HVCF; any in-kind support or equipment requested‬‬
‫درخواست گذار واضح طور پر حقیقی اور مقامی ضرورت کے مطابق پراجیکٹ کا تخمینہ الگت تیار کریں اور اس کے ساتھ مقامی‬
‫شراکت داری کی تفصیل بیان کریں۔اس بات کی وضاحت کریں کہ حیدرآباد ولنریبل چائلڈ فنڈ کے تعاون سے کن سرگرمیوں کے لئے‬
‫درخواست دی جارہی ہے؟ اور کس قسم کی مدد یا اشیا کے فراہمی کی درخواست دی گئی ہے؟‬
How should a project proposal be prepared? ‫پراجیکٹ کا پروپوزل کس طرح ترتیب دیا جائے؟‬

Please follow the project proposal form to be filled accordingly, however precise identification of the problem, its
solution (goal, objectives, activities), project deliverables/achievements in defined budget are important to clearly
‫برائے مہربانی مہیا کئے گئے پروپوزل فارم کی پیروی کریں اور اس فارم میں دیئے گئے سواالت کا تفصیل سے جواب دیں۔ نشاندہی کئے گئے‬
‫ اس کے محاصل اورواضح تخمینہ الگت کی تفصیالت تحریر کرنا الزمی ہے۔‬،‫ پراجیکٹ کی ترسیالت‬،‫ پراجیکٹ کے مقاصد‬،‫ انکے حل‬،‫مسائل‬

For more information, please contact us at: :‫مزید معلومات کیلئے ہم سےرابطہ کریں‬

Mobile No: 03332505440

Email: [email protected]

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