课程名称 东亚国际关系
姓 名 颜小姗
学 号 2235111029
专 业 国际事务与国际关系
任课教师 杜晓军
开课时间 2023 年 9 月
课程论文提交时间: 2023 年 12 月 25 日
I. Exhibition overview
II. Origin and preparation of the exhibition
1.1 First proponent: Percival David
1.2 Exhibit selection
1.3 Shanghai pre-exhibition
1.4 Driving factor
1.4.1 China's driving force
1.4.2 The driving force of Britain and the West
III. Cultural and political significance of exhibition
I. Exhibition overview
At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic
of China, cultural works of art began to change from private
possession to public, from private property to the symbol of the
state and the nation. Various art exhibitions of modern significance
emerged. Westerners were the first to send Chinese cultural works
of art to participate in the World Expo, and held many art exhibitions
about China, making Chinese art gradually known to the world.
Exhibition is an important means and way of cultural and artistic
exchange between China and the West. However, for a long time,
even after the establishment of the Palace Museum in 1925, the
exhibitions about Chinese art at home and abroad were relatively
small in scale and focused on one aspect of the thematic art
exhibition, especially the fine art exhibition, whose influence was far
less than that of the art exhibitions about Europe, America and
Japan, and it was even more difficult to reflect the overall picture of
Chinese art.
"For the first time in world history, such a concentrated display of
Chinese art...As one of the countries with the most artistic
temperament, China has produced the most exquisite works. The
British public is incredibly enviable because they have this unique
opportunity to see these works first-hand." The above text is taken
from a report about the International Exhibition of Chinese Art in
London in 1935-1936.
From November 28, 1935 to March 7, 1936, the "International
Exhibition of Chinese Art" was held at the Royal Academy of Arts
Burlington House in London, England. This is the first comprehensive
art exhibition with the theme of Chinese art, which has aroused
great response.
There are 3080 pieces of Chinese cultural relics in the exhibition,
including porcelains, jade wares, fabrics, embroideries and so on.
Among them, 1022 pieces were provided by Chinese Kuomintang
Government. The exhibition lasted 14 weeks and attracted more
than 400,000 visitors from Europe and the United States.
1. 1935-1936 伦敦中国艺术国际展览会之陶瓷策展研究,余沁
2. 1935—1936 年伦敦中国艺术国际展览会述论,洪振强
3. 中国现代审美语境与评价体系的建构与转型—以 1935-1936 年伦敦中国国际艺术展览会为例,尚莲霞,何政龙
4. 1935-1936 年伦敦中国国际艺术展览会上的瓷器及其背后,李翊菲
5. 文物光华——1935 年-1936 年伦敦中国艺术国际展览会研究,上海书画出版社
6. 国宝之旅:1935—1936 年伦敦中国艺术国际展览会及其上海预展,郭卉