Varsh Ney 2011
Varsh Ney 2011
Varsh Ney 2011
DOI 10.1007/s00704-011-0415-y
Received: 25 July 2010 / Accepted: 3 February 2011 / Published online: 13 March 2011
© Springer-Verlag 2011
NWTF was a very low turbulence wind tunnel 2.25 m high. Wind speeds up to 80 m/s can be generated
specially designed for aeronautical applications. The by using a 12 blade blower, and the turbulence level
length of the test section was not sufficient for bound- in this wind tunnel is less than 0.8%. Temperature
ary layer depth to occur over the test location. There- stratification in the wind tunnel was negligible (<0.2◦ C)
fore, artifices have been used to make the boundary (Varshney and Panigrahi 2005).
layer grow. The wind tunnel was a closed-return type, Several configurations have been employed to simu-
and the test section is 8.75 m long, 3 m wide, and late the lower part of the atmospheric boundary layer
Fig. 1 Arrangements of simulation hardware in the wind tunnel test section. The simulation hardware include three castellated barrier
walls, five constant angled wedge-shaped vortex generators, total 72 roughness elements, and an extended test section in contraction
Experiments on integral length scale control in atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel 131
using different combinations of passive devices which fourth-order polynomial curve fit through the points
included constant-wedge angle spires with height 2 m, was done to obtain the transfer function which was used
three castellated barrier walls of height 10 cm, and to convert measured voltages from the CTA with the
many roughness elements mounted on floor to produce hot wire probe into velocity sample with an uncertainty
initial momentum defect in the boundary layer (Fig. 1). of approximately 1.5%.
Each roughness element was a rectangular piece with
a width of 15 cm, length 0.5 cm, and height of 20 cm.
Roughness elements were placed in 12 staggered rows
4 Methodology
of six elements in each row with an average spacing of
30 cm in lengthwise x- as well as spanwise y-directions
The lateral homogeneity and the influences of the side
(Fig. 1). Roughness elements covered a total of 3.6 m
walls on the air flow have been investigated at 15
length of the test section. The frontal area density of
different lateral positions at the time of experiments.
the obstacle array varied from 0.06 to 0.10. For the
The velocity profiles around the center of the tun-
calculation of the frontal area density, the frontal area
nel were reasonably homogeneous with mean wind
(AF ) of each obstacle, area of each barrier, and area
speed uz . Decelerated wind speeds in the outer velocity
of each vortex generator were considered. Further, this
profiles next to the side walls were within acceptable
frontal area depends on the direction of the airflow. In
limits. In addition, turbulence structure remained sim-
our calculations, the frontal area density is defined as
ilar at all sufficiently high Reynolds number (>105 ).
the ratio of the frontal area and the total surface area
Surfaces considered in this study were sufficiently
(λF = AF /AT ). The normal to the long face of the array
rough and exhibited Reynolds number similarity. Ad-
was oriented toward the prevailing wind directions,
ditional measurements were made to assure Reynolds
resulting in a flat and homogeneous upwind.
number invariance, lateral uniformity, and longitudinal
An automated (computer controlled) three-axis tra-
versing mechanism has been used for traversing the hot
In order to obtain the integral length scale, the ran-
wire probe. It has a capability to move in three principal
dom behavior of a fluctuating velocity at a particular
directions (i.e., three-translation degrees of freedom)
point in space has been a point of discussion. For
with maximum possible displacement of 8.75, 2.8, and
example, for small objects, it would be reasonable to
1.70 m in the streamwise (x), spanwise (y), and vertical
assume that the wind force acting due to gustiness on
directions (z), respectively. Its positioning accuracy is
a point could be approximated as the force acting over
of the order of ±0.1 mm over entire range.
the whole object. However, for large constructions such
In this study, a hot-wire probe (P-11) connected
as low-rise buildings, bridges, or towers, this can no
with DANTEC streamline DT-11, constant tempera-
longer be the case. Therefore, there can be no direct
ture anemometer (CTA) was used to measure instan-
relationship between the random behavior of the wind
taneous velocity signals. The hot wire probe was made
from place to place along the structure. It is nonethe-
of wollaston platinum rhodium (90/10) wire, joined
less necessary to obtain the measure of distribution of
to the prongs by etching and soft soldering. Veloc-
gust, say, along a building; thus, statistical method must
ity fluctuations were sampled at 6,000 Hz. The soft-
be employed. Integral length scales of turbulence are
ware required for the sampling was developed using
measures of average size of turbulent eddy in the flow.
the application tool LabVIEW (a virtual instrumenta-
To obtain the integral length scale, auto-correlation
tion software) having properties such as selection of
coefficient, Rux , has been used in this study.
different channels, sampling rate, and buffer size. A
16-bit analog to digital converter was used to represent
the analog signal which had a resolution of 0.075 mV [U(t) − U(t)][U(t + τ ) − U(t + τ )]
Rux = 2
in the 0–5 V range. The higher the resolution, the U
higher the number of divisions the range was broken
into, and therefore, the smaller the detectable volt- Taylor’s formula for integral length scale is adopted
age changes. The range, resolution, and gain available in this work. With the assumption of frozen turbulence,
on a data acquisition board determined the smallest the integral length scale can be estimated from the
detectable change in voltage. Calibration between the integral time scale as
CTA output and the flow velocity was performed by
exposing the probe to a set of known velocities and T
then voltages were recorded. Track of the temperature Lux = U Rux (τ )dτ, (4)
was also kept during calibration and experiments. A 0
132 K. Varshney, K. Poddar
The area under the curve of Rux gives time scale A pitot-static pressure probe in conjunction with a
which on further multiplication with mean velocity manometer is also used to measure the free stream
produces integral length scale. Estimates of turbulence velocity. The pitot-static probe was placed at the same
scales depend significantly upon the length and degree traversing system side by side of the hot-wire probe.
of stationarity of the record being analyzed, which Distance of the probes from the floor was varied,
usually vary from experiment to experiment. and the data were collected at several locations. Mean
Using the procedure proposed by Cook (1978a, b) in velocity from velocity time series was calculated as
Eq. 5, a point was selected in the boundary layer where follows.
the longitudinal length scale as measured above was Mean velocity in x-direction:
maximum. This point was quite uniformly at a height
of 40 cm in the wind tunnel. T
Uz = U(t)dt, (6)
91.1(z)0.491 0
S= m
(Lux )1.403
m (z 0 )m
where U z is mean velocity and U(t) is instantaneous
velocity at time t.
At this height, the model values of (z)m , (z0 )m , Power-law index for the velocity profile is based on
and (Lx )m were assumed with m denoting model. A the form
trial scale factor S0 = 400 was assumed. With this α
value, the corresponding full-scale values of (z) p , (z0 ) p , Uz z
= (7)
and (Lx ) p with p denoting full scale were calculated. U ref zref
Finally, the value of the longitudinal length scale of
turbulence (Lux )a with a denoting atmosphere was To present the data in standard non-dimensional
obtained. The value of (Lux )a /(Lux )m gave a corrected forms, shear velocity was calculated using the method
value of the scale factor S1 . Obtained values were used proposed by Perry and Joubert (1963). The log law for
again to get convergence. Integral scale factors for the velocity profile was assumed in the form
all configurations are presented in Table 2. Detailed
procedure for calculating the integral length scale can U(z) 1 z−d
= ln (8)
be found in Cook (1978a). u∗ κ z0
If d ≈ 0, this equation can be approximately written
U(z) u∗ zU ref u∗ z0 U ref
= 5.75 log − 5.75 log
U ref U ref ν U ref ν 1.8 1:565
0.30 (Power law)
where U ref is the reference velocity taken at any conve-
nient height. In this study, U ref was taken at 1 m. With 1.4
this reference height, U z /U ref was calculated and plot-
ted against log(zU ref /ν). The value of u∗ was obtained
by equating the slope of the best fit line for the upper
data with 5.75 u∗ /U ref . The value of z0 was obtained 1.0
from the intercept with the Y-axis by equating it to
(5.75 u∗ /U ref ) log(z0 U ref /μ). 0.8
The “intensity” of turbulence is a measure of am-
plitude of the velocity fluctuations, which occur in the
flow. Velocity fluctuations in the flow passing over a
point can be considered being caused by a superpo-
sition of eddies transported by the mean wind. The
simplest descriptor of atmospheric turbulence is turbu-
lence intensity.
Turbulence intensity in x-direction
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
u2 (z)
Iu (z) = (10) U / U ref
Fig. 2 Comparison of mean velocity profile (U δ = 18.23 m/s) in
where u is fluctuating velocity component in the 1:565 ABL simulation with the power law profile for α = 0.307.
x-direction. Uncertainties due to the finite number of measurements (samples
of the underlying velocity distribution) are shown by horizontal
14 300
u* = 1.474 m/s
10 z = 6.71 mm 200
Logarithmic law
U / u*
6 100
2 0
0 10 20 30 40
1 10 100 Turbulence intensities (%)
log (z)
Fig. 4 Longitudinal turbulence intensity profile. S = 565. Data
Fig. 3 Comparison of the mean velocity profile in 1:565 ABL are plotted against well-known other profiles as shown in the
simulation with the logarithmic law. Uncertainties due to the figure. Horizontal bars give uncertainty in longitudinal turbu-
finite number of measurements are shown by vertical bars lence intensity
Experiments on integral length scale control in atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel 135
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