Socks (Compulsory, But some people do use VPN, but it’s advisable to use Socks)
Mac Address Changer (Compulsory)
RDP (is optional,but it’s advisable to use it for security purposes)
Drop (optional but it’s advisable to use it for more Secured shopping sites)
Cc (Credit Card)
For carding always use a computer. I know some other carders uses a mobile device, but it
is less secure and involves more risk.
SOCKS (SOCKet Secure). It is an internet protocol which allows network packets between a
client and server traffic pass through a proxy server, so your real IP is hidden and proxy IP
get showed.
We use this for the purpose of matching our location same with the Credit Card owner
Location to make a successful transaction. And also it doesn’t leak your DNS details but
VPN do, so it’s more secure than VPN.
It is very useful tool to clean your browsing history help in cleaning your browsing history,
cookies, temp files, etc. But many people neglect this part and they get caught, so please
make use you take note of this part.
i.e carders uses it to connect someone else computer while carding, using someone else PC
to card from their own Computer.. mainly for anonymity purpose.
DROP is an address which the you uses for the shipping address in the carding ops.
If you are carding with a USA Credit card, then you need to use a USA address as shipping
address then your order will be shipped successfully and safely, and you your self will be
So If you have relative or friends, then no problem, otherwise make use of sites that provides
drop services only if you can pay extra for shipping.
| credit card Number |Exp Date| CVV2 code | Name on the Card | Address | City | State |
Country | Zip code | Phone # (sometimes not included depending on where you get your
credit card from)|
e.g: (randomly taken number/details)
Each credit card company starts their cards with a different number:
Each card company has their own specific types of cards, here are some of the basics:
The first 6 numbers of CC is the BIN number, So from the above example the bin is 486236
So now we will collect some info about this BIN. For that there is so many websites.. e.g[/i]
Now we can calculate few things from above info.. approx balance, is this bin non vbv or vbv
, Bank phone no. from google… etc. etc.I will explain later how to check cc balance with
Skype method…
VBV(Verified by Visa) ( You can buy non verified by visa cc from cc Shop )
Extra verification process is added by visa, there are different types of authentication used,
most notably would be a password, date of birth, social security number, or mothers maiden
name. Will send OTP to CC owner mobile No. or need secret Password when doing
transaction in any process.
Very easy to use. No need of more info about Credit Card like DOB, SSN, MMN. Also no
need for OTP doing transaction.
Similar to VBV, but carders always buy NON VBV CC for carding. Cause the shopping site is
VBV or NON VBV we don’t care, we have NON VBV CC.
So no OTP, no AVS, no need SSN etc. NON VBV is not verifired by visa card, you can buy
anything with non vbv cards without going through 3rd verification process.
A system used to verify the identity of the person claiming to own the credit card. The
system will check the billing address of the credit card provided by the user with the address
on file at the credit card company. This was an attempt to help identity theft and fraud over
the internet.
This is a system we as carders dont have to worry about since we have the billing address of
the credit card holder.
I mentioned it since it is good to be aware of it and that almost every site has this system. It
emplifies the importance of typing in the address correctly.
Types Of Carding
According to some great carders, there are three types/levels of carding. They are listed as:
Easy Carding:
In this level a carder do carding of very cheap goods. For example: small phone call bills,
etc. Mostly in this level the carder use to do carding of goods below 50$. This is known as
the beginners level of carding.
Intermediate Carding:
In this level the carder do carding of slightly higher goods like background reports, or very
small physical items like some clothes. Mostly in this level carders use to do carding of
goods below 50$. The different between the Level 1 and Level 2 carding is that Level 2 do
carding of physical items.
Hard Carding:
This is regarded as the advance carding. In this level the carder do carding of everything this
includes: cellphones , laptops and other goods. Mostly in this level the carder use to do
carding of goods above 50$ and the upper limits is not fixed.
We suggest that if you want to start your life as carder mover from level 1 to 3 gradually.
Don’t try to go on Hard Carding if you have no idea of carding because it may end up you at
Now that you know all the needful about carding, let’s move to the main part….
To progress with this stage make sure you have gathered all your tools:
Credit Card, Socks5 matching with the CC owner address, CCleaner Software, MAC
address changer software, High Speed internet,.
How to use socks in Mozilla Firefox:
Now the screen will pop up with various options like : 1. No proxy; 2.Auto Detect; 3.Use
system proxy; 4. Manual proxy configuration. You mark 4. Manual proxy configuration. Now
type in socks host IP you have,
For example Socks Host: Port: 1080
Latest Method Of Carding
This carding method is easy and simple to do on any online shopping site, you just have to
buy a valid cc and viola! you can start carding but make sure there is balance in cc otherwise
order will be failed (You can buy live cc from us +2349035439486.)
Create an email account with CC matching name. E.g If CC name is Martins John then
make like
Now Run Remote Desktop Connection and connect with your RDP Host. But if are not using
rdp then follow the below steps…
Run MAC address changer, change all MAC address.
Run CCleaner. Analyze and clean.
Set socks5 in Mozzila firefox. I believe I explained that already, scroll up if you didn’t read it.
Now Restart Firefox and goto and check if your ip is blacklisted or
not and is it the same as CC holder address.
Now open any shopping site. I will recommend a shopping site from your country. Why?
Because you dont need to wait a lot to get your package
Now Register with credit card holder information, name, country, city, address, and email you
made one just for this order.
Choose your item & add to cart. Never choose big amount items first.
In shipping address enter your address or your drop address, where you want to deliver
Go to payment page, choose Credit Card as payment method
Enter your CC details. Like CC Number, CC holder name, CVV/CVV, Exp. Date. Don’t copy
& paste info. Type it one by one. Cause most site have copy-paste detector script..
In Billing address enter CC holder address. Now proceed to payment.
Wait for order to arrive to your shipping address. When they arrive the courier boy will call
you. Then ask for any ID card. If you can make fake ID card then good. Otherwise show your
any ID card (School ID Voter ID, College ID card)
NOTE: Try to card small amount item first within $200, then after shipping you can go for big
order, try to use fast delivery
How to Card Using A Mobile Phone
I will advice against carding using phone cause it’s kind of risky, but if you can follow the
beloe procedures, then you can card using your device.
Requirements For Carding From Mobile Phone :
Ok, so you got your cc, your drop and try to be anonymous as you can make yourself.
[color=#800000]Security Tips
When ever you have a CC, the next step is to get a socks5 in either the same city and state
as the card holder, or as close to it as you can find. You must use socks.
I recommend using firefox since it is stable, easy to use, you can load many unique and
helpful plugins (tamper data, sniffers, etc). Don’t use Chrome ever.
Many carders do neglect to clear history, or instead of shutting down their computer just put
it to sleep so they dont have to wait for it to decrypt, etc. What am trying to say is DON’T BE
Emails – always create email for every site you card. Either Gmail or Yahoo is good.
What you need: DROP for delivery (or a mule), Clean SOCKS5, RDP, Ccleaner, MAC
1. Make a new USER ACCOUNT on your PC, to match cardholdername .E.g.if cardholder
name is Mary Jane, make an account MaryJane – this is to counter browser fingerprinting
even more
2. Make a new EMAIL similar to card holder name .E.g.
3. Run Ccleaner – delete all temporary files in browser and in system
4. Run MAC changer to get new MAC address
5. Run RDP
6. Get proxy running for the SAME state where cardholder is
7. Disable JavaScript
8. Change your PC timezone to the same state as cardholder timezone
9. Go to and ensure that you are anonymous and everything matches
10.Go to
11. Sign up with a new account.
12. Browse around, find your item, but take your time ~10 mins recommended. Make some
orders but do not pay yet.
13. Close the browser and let it sit for few hours. 24H for best results.
14. Log back in with same proxy, same MAC – same everything – dont clean your PC
15. Go and pay for the order and enjoy your lootz