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IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series

6868 UV LED

Features Description
• 6868 UV LED The IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series is a high-power(10W)
• ALN substrate with anti-UV Glasses Lens
UV LED with Good Thermal Dissipation and High
• ROHS and REACH Compliant
• MSL 4 qualified according to J-STD 020
Efficiency. It is a SMD type LED which can be used
in various applications.

• UV Curing
• Medical applications
• Counterfeit Detection
• Purification

60D 120D
6.8*6.8*3.7mm 6.8*6.8*1.5mm

Recommended Solder Pattern

(Suggest Stencil t=0.12 mm)

Figure 1. IN-C68QABTM / IN-C68QACTM Recommended Solder Pattern

* All dimensions are in millimeters.
* Tolerance is ±0.13mm unless other specified.

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IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series
6868 UV LED

Package Dimensions


Figure 2. IN-C68QABTM / IN-C68QACTM Package Dimension

All dimensions are in millimeters.
Tolerance is ±0.13mm unless other specified.

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IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series
6868 UV LED

Absolute Maximum Rating at 25oC

Characteristics Symbol Min. Typical Max. Unit
DC Forward Current1 IF --- 500 1000 mA
Pulse Current (@1/10 duty) 2 IP --- --- 1200 mA
Forward Voltage VF 12.0 14.0 16.8 V
Reverse Voltage VR --- -20 --- V
Leakage Current (5V) IR --- --- 10 μA
Junction Temperature3 Tj --- 85 --- ℃
Operating Temperature Range Topr -40 - 80 ℃
Storage Temperature Range Tstg -40 --- 80 ℃
Soldering Temperature Tsol --- --- 260 ℃
Thermal Resistance Junction /
Solder Point Rth --- 2.0 --- ℃/W

Viewing Angle4 2θ1/2 --- 60/120 --- Deg

Electrostatic Discharge (HBM) ESD --- 8 --- KV

1. When operating at other than ambient temperature, maximum allowable current depends on derating curves.
2. Pulse width = 0.01s & duty factor = 1/10.
3. When operating at maximum allowable current, Tj must be below 85 ℃.
4. Viewing angle tolerance is ± 10°.

Electrical Characteristics T A = 25°C (Note 1)

VF(V)@700mA Viewing Angle IR(μA)@VR=5V

min typ max 2θ1/2 max
12.0 --- 16.8 60/120 10
1. Performance guaranteed only under conditions listed in above tables.

ESD Precaution
ATTENTION: Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) protection
The symbol above denotes that ESD precaution is needed. ESD protection for GaP and AlGaAs based chips is necessary even
though they are relatively safe in the presence of low static-electric discharge. Parts built with AlInGaP, GaN, or/and InGaN based
chips are STATIC SENSITIVE devices. ESD precaution must be taken during design and assembly.
If manual work or processing is needed, please ensure the device is adequately protected from ESD during the process.

Please be advised that normal static precautions should be taken in the handling and assembly of this device to prevent damage or degradation which
may be induced by electrostatic discharge (ESD).

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IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series
6868 UV LED

Electronic-Optical Characteristics
Relative Spectral Power Distribution

S pectrum D istribution
Relative luminous intensity(%)


3 65n m 385 nm 395 nm 405 nm 41 5nm



325 3 50 375 400 4 25 450 4 75

W avelength (nm )

Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage (Ta=25℃) Relative Radiant Flux vs. Forward Current (Ta=25℃)

Forward Current vs. Ambient Temperature Radiant Power vs. Ambient Temperature

Viewing angle(2θ1/2) ± 10°

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IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series
6868 UV LED

Typical Spatial Distribution(60D)


Typical Spatial Distribution(120D)


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Proprietary & Confidential
IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series
6868 UV LED

Ordering Information

Product Emission Color Viewing Angle Orderable Part Number

120° IN-C68QACTMU2

120° IN-C68QACTMU4

120° IN-C68QACTMU5

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IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series
6868 UV LED

Label Specifications

Inolux P/N:

I N - C 6 8 Q A X T M X - X X X X
Die View Customized
Material Package Circuit Orientation Current Lens Color
Qty. Angle Stamp-off

• Package, 68 = 6.8 x 6.8 mm

Inolux • Q: 4 chips
SMD C= U2 = 365-370nm
• A: 4 series T = Top M= (Blank)
Ceramic U4 = 380-390nm
• View Angle, Mount 700mA = Clear U5 = 390-400nm
B: 60 Deg
C: 120 Deg

Lot No.:

Z 2 0 1 7 01 24 001
Year (2017, 2018, …..) Month Date Serial

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IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series
6868 UV LED

Peak Wavelength Binning

Peak Wavelength unit: nm@700mA

Bin Code Min Max
U2 R1 365 370
SA 380 385
SB 385 390
TA 390 395
TB 395 400

1. Binning current is 700mA
2. Wavelength tolerance ± 2nm

Voltage Binning

Voltage unit: V@700mA

Peak Wavelength Bin Code Min Max
C0 12.0 12.8
C1 12.8 13.6
C2 13.6 14.4
U2: 365~400nm
C3 14.4 15.2
C4 15.2 16.0
C5 16.0 16.8
1. Binning current is 700mA
2. Voltage tolerance ± 0.8V

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IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series
6868 UV LED

Radiant flux (Power) binning

Radiant flux (Power)

unit: mw@700mA
Peak Wavelength Bin Code Min Max
P35 3,000 3,500

P40 3,500 4,000

U2: 365~370nm
P45 4,000 4,500

P50 4,500 5,000

P50 4,500 5,000

P55 5,000 5,500

U4: 380~390nm
P60 5,500 6,000

P65 6,000 6,500

P50 4,500 5,000

P55 5,000 5,500

U5: 390~400nm
P60 5,500 6,000

P65 6,000 6,500

1. Tolerance of Forward voltage (VF ) ±0.8V
2. Tolerance of Radiometric Power (Po) ±10%
3. Tolerance of Wavelength ±2nm

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IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series
6868 UV LED

Thermal Design
Thermal design of the end product is important. The thermal resistance between the junction and the solder point (RΘJ‐
S) and the end product should be designed to minimize the thermal resistance from the solder point to ambient in order
to optimize the emitter life and optical characteristics. The maximum operation current is determined by the plot of
Allowable Forward Current vs. Ambient Temperature.

The junction temperature can be correlated to the thermal resistance between the junction and ambient (Rja) by the
following equation.
Tj = Ta + Rja*W
Tj = LED junction temperature
Ta = Ambient temperature
Rja= Thermal resistance between the junction and ambient
W = Input power (IF*VF)

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IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series
6868 UV LED

Reflow Soldering
The LEDs can be soldered using the parameter listed below. As a general guideline, the users are suggested to follow the
recommended soldering profile provided by the manufacturer of the solder paste. Although the recommended soldering
conditions are specified in the list, reflow soldering at the lowest possible temperature is preferred for the LEDs.

Suggested lead-free soldering profile:


1. The recommended reflow temperature is 240℃(±5℃). The maximum soldering temperature should be limited to 260℃.
2. Do not stress the silicone resin while it is exposed to high temperature.
3. The number of reflow process should not exceed 3 times.

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IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series
6868 UV LED

The carrier tape conforms to EIA-481D.

Item Dimension Tolerance Unit

A 7.35 േ0.10 mm
B 7.25 േ0.10 mm
C 0.33 േ0.02 mm
D 4.35 േ0.10 mm


1. Each Reel (minimum number of pieces is 100 and maximum is 350 packed in a moisture-proof bag
along with 2 packs of desiccant and a humidity indicator card.
2. A maximum of 5 moisture-proof bags are packed in an inner box (size: 240mm x 200mm x 105mm ±
3. A maximum of 4 inner boxes are put in an outer box (size: 410mm x 255mm x 230mm ±5mm).

4. Part No., Lot No., quantity should be indicated on the label of the moisture-proof bag and the cardboard

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IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series
6868 UV LED

1. Recommendation for using LEDs
1.1 The lens of LEDs should not be exposed to dust or debris. Excessive dust and debris
may cause a drastic decrease in the luminosity.
1.2 Avoid mechanical stress on LED lens.
1.3 Do not touch the LED lens surface. It would affect the optical performance of the LED
due to the LED lens’ damage.
1.4 Pick & place tools are recommended for the remove of LEDs from the factory tape & reel
2. Pick & place nozzle
The pickup tool was recommended and shown as below:

3. Lens handling
Please follow the guideline to pick LEDs:
3.1 Use tweezers to pick LEDs.
3.2 Do not touch the lens by using tweezers.
3.3 Do not touch lens with fingers.
3.4 Do not apply more than 4N of force (400g) directly onto the lens.
4. Lens cleaning
In the case which a small amount of dirt and dust particles remain on the lens surface,
a suitable cleaning solution can be applied.
4.1 Try gently wiping with a dust-free cloth.
4.2 If needed, use a dust-free cloth and isopropyl alcohol to gently remove the dirt from
the lens surface.
4.3 Do not use other solvents as they may react with the LED assembly.
4.4 Do not use ultrasonic cleaning which will damage the LEDs.

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IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series
6868 UV LED

Test Items and Results of Reliability

Duration/ Number of
Test Item Test Conditions Reference
Cycle Damage

–40℃ 30min
Thermal Shock ↑↓5min 125 100 cycles 0/22 AECQ101
℃ 30min
High Temperature EIAJ ED-4701
Ta=100℃ 1000 hrs 0/22
Storage 200 201
Ta=85℃ EIAJ ED-4701
Humidity Heat Storage 1000 hrs 0/22
RH=85% 100 103
Low Temperature Storage EIAJ ED-4701
Ta=-40℃ 1000 hrs 0/22
200 202
Ta=25℃ Tested with IN standard
Life Test 1000 hrs 0/22
High Humidity Heat Life 85℃ RH=85% Tested with IN standard
1000 hrs 0/22
Test If=500mA
High Temperature Life Tested with IN standard
Ta=85℃ 1000 hrs 0/22

ESD(HBM) 8KV at 1.5kΩ;100pf 3 Times 0/22 MIL-STD-883

Criteria for Judging the Damage

Criteria for Judgment
Item Symbol Condition
Min Max
Forward Voltage VF If=500mA LSL ×0.9 USL ×1.1
Reverse Current IR VR =5V - 100μA
Luminous Intensity Iv If=500mA LSL ×0.7 USL ×1.2


1. USL: Upper specification level

2. LSL: Lower specification level

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IN-C68QA(X)TM UV series
6868 UV LED

Revision History
Changes since last revision Page Version No. Revision Date
Initial Release 1.0 06-28-2018

INOLUX reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. INOLUX does not
assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent
rights, nor the rights of others.


INOLUX’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of the
President of INOLUX or INOLUX CORPORATION. As used herein:
1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life,
and (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to
result in a significant injury of the user.
2. A critical component in any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the
failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.

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Mouser Electronics

Authorized Distributor

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