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Reg. No.


Credit Based IV Semester B.Com. Examination, September 2022

(2019-20 and Earlier Batches)
Financial Accounting – iv
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 120

Instruction : Provide working notes wherever necessary.


Answer any four questions : (4�6=24)

1. Write a note on shortworkings and recoupment of shortworkings.

2. What are the features of independent branch ?

3. How do you allocate the following items in departmental accounts ?

a) Packing charges
b) Import duty
c) Factory rent
d) Carriage outwards
e) Depreciation on machinery
f) Canteen expenses.

4. Ramesh underwrites the new issues of Vijaya Ltd., to the extent of 20,000
shares of ` 10 each. The agreed commission was 6% payable as to 60% in
cash and the rest in fully paid share. The public subscribed 8,000 shares and
the balance had to be taken up by Ramesh.
Show Journal Entries for the above.

5. Pass the adjusting entries in the books of the Head Office for the following
transactions :
a) Goods amounting to ` 1,000 transferred from Udupi branch to Hubli branch.
b) Rent ` 500 of the branch paid by the Head Office.
c) Goods in transit ` 800 at end of the year.
d) Depreciation ` 500 on branch fixed assets when such account are kept in
the Head Office book.
BCMCMC 260 -2- *BCMCMC260*
6. From the following information prepare minimum rent account.
Year Royalty in ₹
2019 80,000
2020 1,00,000
2021 1,05,000
Minimum rent is ` 1,20,000.


Answer any four questions : (4�12=48)

7. Ravi Company leased a colliery on 1 January, 2018 at a minimum rent of
` 25,000 p.a. merging into a royalty of ` 10 per ton with a power to recoup
short-working over the first three years of the lease. The output of the coal
mine are
Year Royalty in ₹
2018 1,500
2019 1,750
2020 3,000
2021 3,500
Prepare :
a) Royalty Account
b) Shortworkings Account
c) Landlord Account.

8. Sanvi Ltd. invoices goods to its branch at Udupi at cost. From the following
particulars for the year ending 31st December, 2021, prepare Branch account
and Debtors A/c in the books of Head Office.
Balance as on 1-1-2021 ₹
Branch stock 12,000
Petty cash 150
Branch debtors 3,200
Cash sales 64,000
*BCMCMC260* -3- BCMCMC 260

Cash sent to branch for

Rent 2,400
Salaries 7,200
Petty cash 1,500
Credit sales 32,000
Goods sent to branch 80,000
Cash received from debtors 30,000
Goods return by branch 500
Balance as on 31-12-2021
Branch stock 11,500
Petty cash 155
Branch debtors ?

9. Following is the Trial Balance of Delhi branch as on 31st March, 2022 :

Particulars Debit (₹) Credit (₹)
Chennai Head Office A/c 32,800 –
Stock on 01-04-2021 55,000 –
Purchases 1,80,000 –
Goods received from H.O. 93,000 –
Sales – 3,90,000
Goods supplied to H.O. _ 55,000
Salaries 14,600 _
Debtors 37,000 –
Creditors _ 13,500
Rent 9,600 –
General expenses 4,700 –
Cash at Bank 17,800 –
Furniture 14,000 –
4,58,500 4,58,500
BCMCMC 260 -4- *BCMCMC260*
The stock on 31-03-2022 was valued at 30,000. The Branch A/c in the Head
Office Books on 31-03-2022 stood at ` 5,000 (debit). On 28-03-2022 Head
Office forwarded goods to the value of 26,000 to the branch which were
received by the branch on 03-04-2022.
Prepare Branch Trading and Profit and Loss A/c and Branch A/c in the Books
of Head Office.

10. Following is the Profit and Loss Account of Sakshi Ltd. for the year ended
31st March, 2022.
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
To Purchases : Dept. A 1,50,000 By Sales : Dept. A 1,70,000
Dept. B 1,30,000 Dept. B 1,40,000
Dept. C 85,000 Dept. C 40,000
To Salaries and wages 48,800 By Closing Stock :
To Rent 10,000 Dept. A 60,200
To Sundry expenses 11,100 Dept. B 19,900
To Profit 40,100 Dept. C 44,900
4,75,000 4,75,000

Additional Information :
a) Dept. A and B are sales departments located at showroom and Dept. C is
a production department.
b) Apportion salaries and wages at 30% to production department and 70% to
c) Showroom salaries and wages are to be divided in 1 : 2 ratio between
A and B departments.
d) Rent of production department is ` 5,000, rent of showroom is apportioned
equally between A and B departments.
e) Sundry expenses are apportioned in the sales ratio of the departments.
Prepare departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account.
*BCMCMC260* -5- BCMCMC 260

11. Madhav Industries Ltd., issued 12,000 equity shares of ` 10 each at a premium
of ` 1 per share. The whole issue was underwritten by underwriters M, N and O
as follows :
M – 5000 shares (Firm underwriting 2000 shares)
N – 4000 shares (Firm underwriting 2000 shares)
O – 3000 shares (Firm underwriting 1000 shares)
Applications were received for 10000 shares of which marked applications were :
M – 3000 shares
N – 2000 shares
O – 2000 shares
The underwriters were entitled to a commission of 5%. Calculate each
underwriter’s liability and pass Journal entries.

12. Pavani Ltd., operates a branch at Mysore. Goods are invoiced to the branch
at cost plus 25%. From the following particulars prepare Mysore Branch A/c in
the books of Head Office.
Balances on 01-04-2021 :

Branch stock 1,60,000
Petty cash 5,000
Branch debtors 85,000
Furniture 20,000
Cash sales 5,80,000
Total sales 8,80,000
Cash from debtors 2,90,000
Goods sent to branch 8,50,000
Discount allowed 2,500
Goods returned by branch 11,000
Goods returned by debtors 5,000
Expenses paid by Head Office :
Rent 24,000
Salary 42,000
Branch stock on 31-03-2022 1,20,000
Petty expenses 3,600
It is required to write-off depreciation on Furniture at 10% p.a.
BCMCMC 260 -6- *BCMCMC260*

Answer any two questions : (24�2=48)

13. Avish obtains a lease from Suhas to work a mine, the terms being a royalty of
` 5 per ton merging into a minimum rent of ` 50,000 p.a., there being granted
to the lessee the right to recover shortworkings during the first four year of
the lease. Avish sub-leases a part of the property to Kunal, the terms being a
royalty of ` 7 per ton merging into a minimum rent of ` 30,000 p.a. Kunal has
the right of recovery in the two years following the shortworkings.
The production was as under :
Year Avish Kunal
(tons) (tons)
2017 5000 1000
2018 6500 2000
2019 8900 3400
2020 9800 5300
2021 10000 5800
Prepare necessary Ledger Accounts in the books of Avish.

14. The Head Office of a Company at Mumbai sends goods to Mandya Branch at
selling price which is cost plus 25%. The following relate to the branch for the
year ended 31-03-2022.

Opening stock (Invoice Price) 40,000
Opening debtors 21,000
Opening fixed assets 25,000
Goods sent to Branch (Invoice price) 1,30,000
Returns to Head Office 6,000
Remittance to Branch for expenses 14,000
Total sales 1,57,000
Credit sales 1,06,000
Received from debtors 95,000
Discount allowed 6,000
Bad debts written off 2,500
Depreciation on fixed assets 3,500
Surplus in stock 1,500
Prepare Branch Stock A/c, Branch Debtor A/c, Branch Expenses A/c, Branch
Adjustment A/c, Branch Profit and Loss A/c.
*BCMCMC260* -7- BCMCMC 260
15. Yash Ltd. has its independent branch at Mysore. The following are the balances
appearing in the books of the Head Office and the branch as on 31st March,
Debit Head Branch Credit Head Branch
Office Office
₹ ₹ ₹ ₹
Cash in hand 8,000 2,500 Share capital 2,00,000 –
Opening stock 52,000 29,500 Discount 2,000 1,000
Salaries 30,000 12,000 Sales 4,50,000 1,48,000
Wages 1,25,000 48,000 Creditors 30,000 5,000
General expenses 20,000 5,000 Purchase returns 5,000 1,000
Purchases 1,55,000 80,000 Head Office A/c – 56,000
Goods received Goods sent to
from Head office – 15,000 branch 15,000 –
Rent 6,000 4,000
Branch A/c 56,000 –
Debtors 40,000 15,000
Plant – Head office 1,50,000 –
Branch 60,000 –
7,02,000 2,11,000 7,02,000 2,11,000
Closing stock : Head Office ` 42,000, Branch ` 30,000. Depreciation on plant :
Head office ` 31,550, Branch ` 10,550. Rent outstanding : Branch ` 600.
From the above prepare columnar Trading and Profit and Loss Account of
Mangala Ltd. and its branch and a Consolidated Balance Sheet. Give Journal
Entries to Incorporate Branch items in the books of the H.O.

16. From the following Trial Balance of Acharya Ltd., prepare Departmental Trading
and Profit and Loss A/c and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31-12-2021 :

Dr. (₹) Cr. (₹)

Stock on 1-1-2021 :
X Dept. 1,75,000 –
Y Dept. 1,46,000 –
Purchases :
X Dept. 3,55,000 –
Y Dept. 3,00,000 –
BCMCMC 260 -8- *BCMCMC260*
Sales :
X Dept. – 6,00,000
Y Dept. – 4,00,000
Wages :
X Dept. 82,000 –
Y Dept. 22,000 –
Rent 93,900 –
Sundry expenses 36,000 –
Salaries 30,000 –
Lighting 21,000 –
Discount 22,200 6,500
Advertising 36,600 –
Carriage inward 23,600 –
Furniture 30,000 –
Plant 2,10,000 –
Debtors and Creditors 60,600 3,06,500
Capital – 4,76,000
Drawings 45,000 –
Cash at bank 1,00,100 –
17,89,000 17,89,000
Adjustments :
i) Internal transfer of goods from Dept. X to Dept. Y ` 4,200.
ii) The items rent, sundry expenses, lighting, salaries and carriage inwards to
be apportioned in 2 : 1 ratio to Dept. X and Dept. Y.
iii) Advertising is to be apportioned equally.
iv) Discounts are to be apportioned on the basis of sales and purchase
(excluding transfer).
v) Depreciation at 10% p.a. on furniture and plant, to be charged to Dept. X,
Dept. Y in 3 : 1 ratio.
vi) The stock at 31-12-2021
Dept. X ` 1,67,400
Dept. Y ` 1,20,500

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