Definition: A covalent bond is the strong electrostatic attraction between the shared electrons
(negatively charged) and the two nuclei (positively charged) of the boned atoms. It is
It has a simple molecular structure.
It is formed between non-metallic atoms by sharing of outermost electrons.
By distillation. Water is boiled at 100 degrees Celsius (at 1 atmosphere) but salts in sea water
are non-volatile. Steam (water vapor) condenses on the cold surface of the condenser to give
liquid water. The distillate obtained is pure water and the residue contained sand and salts.
What is used in the flask and what is its use?
Anti-bumping granules. To prevent bumping due to overheating of the solution. To ensure
sooth boiling of the solution.
What is the use of the thermometer?
To measure the temperature of the escaping water vapor. To ensure the distillate obtained is
pure water.
How to test for the presence of sodium ions?
A platinum wire is dipped into concentrated hydrochloric acid. The wire is heated in a non-
luminous flame until it has no special color. The HCl converts the impurities into
corresponding volatile chlorides to be vaporized off. The wire is dipped into fresh portion of
conc. The HCl is turned into a sample of powdered sample. The wire is heated in a non-
luminous flame. The color of the flame is observed.
Why do you need to use a non-luminous flame?
It is easier to observe the color of the flame. (It has more energy than the luminous flame, so
that the electrons can absorb more energy, thus, the color of the flame is more notable)
How do you test for chloride ions?
By using silver nitrate test. Add silver nitrate solution to the solution. Add dilute nitric acid.
Why is it necessary to add excess nitric acid?
To prevent the formation of other precipitates which are soluble in dilute nitric acid.
What is the result of the experiment if Cl ions are present?
A white precipitate is observed.
What is the result of the experiment if carbonate or sulphite ions are present?
A white precipitate is observed at first. It redissolves to give a clear solution.
Equation for the reaction.
AgNO3 (aq) + NaCl (aq) = AgCl (s) + NaNO3 (aq)
How to test for the presence of water?
By using dry cobalt (II) chloride paper (add a few drops of sea water to the paper using
dropper*), the paper will change from blue to pink.
By using anhydrous copper (II) sulphate powder, it turns from white to blue. (Watch glass)
Describe the process of electrolysis.
When water is electrolyzed, 1) hydrogen gas and chlorine gas form at the negative pole
(cathode) and the positive pole (anode). 2) The solution left behind is sodium hydroxide.
sea water > (after electrolysis) H2 (g) + Cl2 (g) + NaOH (aq)
oppositely charged electrode 吸走咗 electrons 或者 push 咗啲 electrons, ionic compound (gain or
lose electrons)變做 molecules/ atoms (primitive shape)
Ch.9 Structures and properties (important)
Chapter focus:
1. different structures of substances 2. their properties and explanation
The "shell" of water molecules reduces the attractions between the ions. The ions are
hydrated. (cations, anions 唔會吸住大家, 全部散曬, move freely)
Ionic compounds are soluble in polar solvents like water, but insoluble in non-polar solvents
(methylbenzene) because the cations and anions are attracted by polar ends of water
molecules and are stabilized by the molecules.
Properties of covalent compounds/ non-metal elements/ simple molecular structures
Covalent compounds are gases, volatile liquid, soft solids at room temperature because they
have relatively low boiling and melting points.
Since they are discrete molecules held together by weak Van der Waals’ forces. It requires
little energy to overcome the weak attractions. *molecules 之間係 covalent bond*
They usually do not conduct electricity because they have no mobile ions or electrons.
What are some exceptions?
Hydrogen chloride is molecular and has no mobile ions or mobile electrons.
Ch.8: When hydrogen chloride gas reacts with water, hydrogen chloride molecules break
down to give hydrogen ions H+ and chloride ions Cl-. The lone pairs of the O atom in H2O can
bond with H+ ion, forming a dative covalent bond. A more stable ion hydronium ion H3O+ is
When dissolved in water, hydrogen chloride ionizes to give hydrochloric acid containing
mobile ions H+ Cl-. Thus, it conducts electricity. H2O + HCl = H3O+ + Cl-
They are usually insoluble in polar solvents but much more soluble in organic solvents/ non-
polar solvents.
(Since they are held by weak Van der Waals’ forces, they cannot overcome the strong
attraction between water molecules.
In organic solvents like heptane, the attraction between iodine molecules and molecules of
organic solvent is similar to those between molecules of organic solvent. It is strong enough
to overcome the attractions between the molecules of organic solvent.)