Tutorial 3 Microprocessor (1)

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Prepared By: Suroj Burlakoti

National College of Engineering (NCE)

Subject: Microprocessor Year/Part: II/I
Tutorial No.: 3 Faculty: BCT

1. Write a ALP in 8085 to transfer 20 bytes of data in a table to another table by interchanging D1 and D4
bits of each byte. [2075 Baisakh]

2. There are two tables holding twenty data whose starting address is 9000H and 9020H respectively. WAP
to add the content of first table with content of second table having same array index. Store sum and
carry into the third and fourth table indexing from 9040H and 9060H respectively. [2074 Bhadra]

3. Write a program for 8085 to generate multiplication table of number stored at 8230h and store the
generated table starting at 8231H. For example if location 8230H is 05H, store 05H in 82300AH in
8231H and so on. [2072 Magh]

4. Write an ALP for 8085 to find the square of ten 8-bit numbers which are <=0FH, stored from memory
location C090H. Store the result from the end of the source table. [2073 Magh]

5. An array of bytes is stored starting from memory location C301H. Length of this array is stored in
memory location C300H. Write an assembly language program in 8085 to add upper and lower nibble of
each byte and store the sum starting from memory location C401H. [2078 Chaitra]
6. Write a assembly level language program for 8085. Table 1 contains 16 no. of 8-bit data. Transfer data
which has no. of 1’s greater than 3 from table 1 to table 2, otherwise store FFH in table 2. [2071 Magh]

7. Write an ALP for 8085 to divide a byte stored in memory location 9070H by byte at 9071H and store the
remainder and quiescent in location 9072H and 9073H respectively. [2070 Magh]

8. Write a program to convert ten BCD numbers stored at 4350H to binary and store the result at 4360H.
[2069 Bhadra]

9. Write a program to convert ten binary numbers stored at A050H to BCD and store the result at A060H.

10. Write a program for 8085 microprocessor to arrange the ten 8-bit data stored in memory location starting
from 9050H in ascending order.

11. Write a program for 8085 microprocessor to count the number of data from table that are divisible by 3.
Assume that the table consist 20 bytes of data stored at memory location starting from 9000H. Display
the count in port address 40H.


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