the Internet.
attractive Adstouse
faces brightour
capture colors and
attention. Noise surrounds us
everywhere. All of this makes us react
constantly. Each of these distractions
leading to a reward triggers a
dopamine-related response in our
brain. Eating a sweet, checking
Facebook, playing a computer game,
or watching a video on YouTube
reinforce the same brain circuits
activated in people with addictions.
This affects our ability to control our
attention and make decisions about
what we want to do.
So, when we try to work on a long-
term project, it's not surprising that
the first thing we do is check
Facebook, make tea, or have a
snack. How can we break this
routine? One of the simplest
solutions is to try meditation.
motivates youneeds to change
to seek food. and
When you eat, your blood sugar
level rises, making you feel happy
and satisfied, and encouraging you
to rest. Eventually, serotonin converts
to melatonin, the sleep hormone. In
summary, how you feel is often
related to your physical state, and
this, in turn, influences your way of
So, if you feel anger, could it be
because your body is not in its best
It's possible. You're more likely to feel
angry because you've had a bad day.
And you're likely to feel angry due to
physiological reasons, such as:
that it will
as bad pass. At least, it won't look
Secondly, try to do something about
it. Eat something. Sleep. Follow
your own natural rhythms and work
when you are naturally most
productive. Harness the cycles of
the day and keep your circadian
rhythm in order.
By the way, the circadian rhythm is
a biological pattern of
approximately 24 hours that
influences our bodies and is
affected by factors such as light,
temperature, and day and night.
At the same time, look for ways to
directly control your physiology. The
best way? Breathing. If you learn to
breathe properly (using abdominal
breathing to fill the lower lungs and
then the upper), and if you take slow
and controlled breaths, you can
We have working memory. What is
working memory? It is a type of
that number
can write it. in your mind until you
From an academic perspective,
working memory is understood as a
part of memory that allows for the
temporary storage of information but
with limited capacity. There are many
theories about how working memory
works exactly and which parts of the
It is used, for example, when your
boss asks you to arrive an hour earlier
to work the next day. You keep this
information in your memory only for
the necessary time, i.e., until you have
complied with the request to arrive
However, it has recently been
discovered that working memory is
actually a form of attention. When
you use "working memory," you are
simulating something in your mind,
like imagining yourself saying a
number or seeing an image, so that
the information persists even after it
has disappeared from your senses.
Working memory is used in many
situations, such as remembering the
topic of a conversation or tracking the
position of players on a sports field. It
is also crucial in writing to keep
concepts in your mind while you
The good news is that you can
improve your working memory by
training your focus. And if you train
your working memory, your
concentration ability will also
So, how do you train your working
focus as well.
be more
you earn like this:you
- What Prosperity
spend. = What
Managing your expenses is a
crucial factor for your financial well-
being. Controlling your spending
If you desire financial freedom, you
need to change your focus and take
actions to achieve it.
It is true that many people have
experienced the frustration of starting
a new fitness program or diet plan,
only to abandon it after a few days or
weeks. Blame is often attributed to
external factors, such as choosing the
wrong program, unfavorable