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Electromagnetic compatibility analysis of electric equipments



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2 authors:

Matej Kucera Milan Sebok

University of Žilina University of Žilina


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University of Žilina, Slovakia,

Electromagnetic compatibility analysis of electric equipments

Abstract. Electromagnetic compatibility- EMC and functional safety can no longer be treated as two separate disciplines when electrical or
electronic systems are considered performing safety-related functions. Furthermore the usual EMC approach to define immunity requirements on the
basis of availability and economical conditions cannot be applied to immunity issues regarding safety-related systems. And on the other hand the
approach within functional safety to emphasize the relevance of the SIL cannot be transferred in a simple way into the EMC area. An appropriate
approach to combine both disciplines consists of the introduction of special immunity levels and test methods in connection with a particular
performance criterion “Functional Safety”.

Streszczenie. Analizowano łącznie dwa parametry – kompatybilność elektromagnetyczną i funkcjonalne bezpieczeństwo. Zaproponowano metodę
łączenia tych dwóch parametrów z uwzględnieniem aspektów ekonomicznych. (Analiza kompatybilności elektromagnetycznej i funkcjonalnego
bezpieczeństwa w sprzęcie elektrycznym)

Keywords: reliability, electromagnetic compatibility - EMC, electromagnetic field, ISDN modem.

Słowa kluczowe: kompatybilnośc elektromagnetyczna, bezpieczeństwo funkcjonalne

Introduction The difference between the limit of emittance and the

Reliable operation of electronic equipment at various level of emittance represents a reserve of design of
technological and operation conditions requires safe particular equipment from the point of view of EMI. The
operation on communication devices. Information transfer, level of resistance is the maximum level of disturbance
automatic processing and data recording is exposed to affecting particular equipment at which the operation is not
detrimental influences from various sources. Disturbance worsened. The limit of resistance is the lowest permissible
effect of environments shows unwanted bonds, interference level (according to the standards) of equipment resistance.
noise, resonance and transitional phenomena that may The difference between these levels represents a reserve of
cause incorrect operation of electronic equipment, distortion design of particular equipment from the resistance point of
and degradation of data transfer and its recording and in view.
extreme cases also a destruction of the equipment. The difference between resistance and emittance
At failure, e.g. as a result of shift or interturn short-circuit defines the EMC reserve of particular equipment. The
at the winding of a transformer; the electromagnetic technical standards defines the term of compatible levels as
interference with other electrical equipments may change a maximum permissible level of total disturbance that is
[9], [10]. believed affect equipment and devices operating in
A system that is perfectly reliable but not electro- particular conditions. Differences between the emittance
magnetically compatible has no practical use [1], [2]. and the resistance towards this compatible level define the
Equipment has to work in electromagnetic environment reserve of emittance and a reserve (span) of resistance.
without breaching values set by technical standards and If tested equipment is to comply with the EMC
recommendations of CENELCC and IEC. Reliability and requirements, its level of emittance must be always lower
electromagnetic compatibility are inseparable requirements than the maximum permissible level. The level of resistance
on system that is to operate reliably and to maintain its must be always higher than the maximum permissible level.
functionality. Factors of reliability must be monitored which The limit of resistance must be higher than the limit of
in turn allows us using objective methods of reliability emittance. Only this way a sufficient reserve of EMC of
evaluation. equipment can be achieved. Actual value of the reserve of
the equipment design from the EMI and EMC points of view
The theory of Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC is not defined in technical standards and can be set by the
Electromagnetic equipment is an emitter of manufacturer with or without consideration of customer
electromagnetic disturbances and also a receiver operating requirements.
in certain electromagnetic environment.
The basic of studying EMC of biologic and technical
systems represents The Basic EMC Chain, depicted in

Fig.1 Basic EMC Chain

Disturbance generated by the equipment itself is

measured according to a methodology described in the
technical standard, expressed in [dBm]. Its relation to
frequency is shown in Fig.2. Fig.2 Frequency Related Compatible Levels of Disturbances
The limit of emittance resistance is the maximum
permissible (i.e. allowed by the technical standard) limit of The theory Analysis of Interference Bond Mechanisms
emittance of a particular equipment. The source of electromagnetic waves of required
frequency is an oscillating circle. The reason for this is a

296 PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 88 NR 9a/2012

fact that each moving electric charge with acceleration For statistical modelling logic regression is chosen for it
emits to its surrounding electromagnetic energy. is favourably suitable for modelling risk probability of one or
After closing a circuit with a charge capacitor current more variables (disturbance signal). It allows us to predict a
oscillations are formed and defined by function risk of an event (e.g. failure) in relation with a defined
(1) I  I 0 sin  t variable. In real evaluation of EMC reliability it is necessary
to chose disturbance signal as a variable.
where the radial frequency  is defined by Thompson
In an unified laboratory measurement we studied effects
of one failure unit on terminal reliability which is
1/ 2
 1  mathematically formulated by single-unit data file of random
(2)    quantity X. Similarly a multiple-unit data file in this case
 LC  defines a selection of random vector X = (X1, X2, ..., Xp) as
Electric charge (q) moving with acceleration (a) emits shown in Fig.3. Its theoretical background is described in
into its surrounding electromagnetic energy of intensity [7], [8]. Multi-unit data files were obtained as results from
2 0q 2a 2 measurements of several (p) physical quantities on samples
(3) W  of the same type.
3 4c
Electric dipole with a dipole momentum p emits to its
surrounding electromagnetic radiation of intensity
2 0 p
(4) W  
3 4c
where: p 
dt 2
and after modification
d 2I
 2I  0
Solving equation (5) we get a result that can be shown
in a form of a function
(6) I  I 0 sin t    Fig.3 Relation of Y and X, Variations around the regression line
represents the probability of a failure X as a result of disturbances
This function represents electromagnetic oscillations,
which in the area between the capacitor plates cause
Measurements Analysis and Results Evaluation
alternating changes of vector D (induction of electric field)
Important factors affecting failure-free and reliable
and B (induction of magnetic field, i.e. electromagnetic
operation of a particular technological unit are the technical
To analyze EM field most often means to determine in specifications of individual components. In order to verify
each point of space a vector of electric and magnetic correct operation of designed components for the
intensity. technological unit (and its ability to function properly) that
During signal processing devices operate on higher was designed by bearing in mind the theoretical knowledge
frequencies and use smaller parts and connections in accordance with related technical standards and
between them are closer. This means that dealing with regulations, a real experimental verification was carried out.
interferences is becoming more urgent on electro-technical Using experimental methods equipment was monitored in
equipment that is to operate with required level of reliability. its normal operating regime as well as in conditions where
Types of interferences are: transitional phenomena occurred that is always a liability to
any system with non-linear load. In order to achieve as
 galvanic (using a common conductor, e.g. common
close to perfect analysis as possible identification the whole
system was analysed statically followed by dynamic
 capacity (parasitic capacitance between two conductive
analysis. To carry out such measurements suitable
measuring apparatus had to be selected.
 inductive (magnetic inductance transfer),
 wave (combination of capacity and inductive Measurement Apparatus and Evaluation Method
interference on parallel conduction). Selection
Field bonds could be divided according to the source of the The actual measurement was carried out by connecting
frequency: an output disturbance voltage from the output of a sensor,
 electro-static fields (low frequencies), its quantitative evaluation and comparison with emission
 magnetic fields (low frequencies), limits of a testing object – environment. As long as the
voltage being measured has a harmonic waveform it is
 electromagnetic fields (high frequencies in MHz orders).
possible for this measurement to connect a receiver
working in a linear regime to which output clips an indicator
Statistic modelling of probability in relation to
is connected, e.g. low-frequency mV meter.
electromagnetic phenomena
In practise we mostly deal with disturbance signals that
Actual probability curves for most of the EM phenomena
have non-harmonic waveform and which frequency
is currently not sufficiently known or discovered. Detailed
spectrum has non-harmonic segments. The quality of
information is available only for a few situations (for
measurement is highly depends on measuring apparatus
example lightning protection or impulse surges). But at the
characteristics, on the range within the band to be
same time, this knowledge are not entirely exact and are
analysed, behaviour of modulus-argument characteristics
more or less a file of information about the phenomena itself
and their inter-comparability. The equipment to measure
and not as much about their portion how they affect the
disturbance (spectrum analyzer HP 7402A, RFI Meter) is
reliability of equipment.

PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 88 NR 9a/2012 297

set as a special selective micro voltmeter working on
and its magnetic part „ H “ is measured by using a frame
superheterodynn principle.
Test of End ISDN Data Adapters
Measurements were carried out in selected locations
Layout of a testing plant equipped with measuring
according to the requirements of the investor in areas with
equipment is shown in Fig.4.
suspected higher intensity of electromagnetic field – chiefly
in high-current distribution stations [5].
Further measurements were carried out in control
stations on all ISDN, measuring and control equipment
responsible for reliable operation (Fig. 5 and 6).

Fig.4. Layout of a testing plant equipped with measuring equipment

From the measured values a limit of resistance for TA

ISDN adapter was set. Measured values were used as
reference values for further analysis necessary for
determining the level of reliability.
Measured values from test pieces had clear testimonial
value i.e. from disrupting operational state of individual Fig.5. Electric part of electromagnetic field in vellum of control room
parts of the system up to complete loss of functionality of
the whole system.
From the testing equipment we received a data file that
helped to design parameters of resistance for test
components and the suitability of their use in a particular
industrial application. TA adapter was determined as the
weakest link of the function chain. The detrimental effect
was caused by link analogue ports. By applying overvoltage
according to EN 61000-4-5 link ports were damaged but
other data functions of TA remain operational.
Experimental measurements that were carried out and
later evaluated contributed to increase of reliability
especially in new control and communication system. [5].

Experimental EMI Measurements of Environment

While carrying out experimental analysis of reliability of
Fig. 6. Magnetic part of electromagnetic field in vellum of control
electro-technical equipment in a particular environment it is room
necessary to compare measured values of EMI with the
limit values set in technical standards, identification of
disturbance frequency spectra and the level of disturbance
intensity. The main point of this experimental measurement
of EMI is to find the source of disturbance, thorough
analysis and eventually elimination of unwanted parasitic
bonds between the source and the receiver of disturbances.
Measurement of disturbance effects was divided into
low-frequency and high-frequency, for which there are
regulations and requirements for measuring methodology
and measuring equipment. The source of disturbance
produces disturbances that are transferred by conduction
(line-in) and by radiation. To measure the conduction
transfer an artificial mains was supplied and the measuring
itself was carried out by using a voltage sensor and a
current sensor. Measuring disturbances caused by radiation
depends on homogeneity of close and distant
electromagnetic fields. Distant electromagnetic field is
Fig. 7. Magnetic part of electromagnetic field with limit ENV 50 166-
characterised mostly by its mutual correlation of magnetic 1
and electric part. This can be measured at the distance r 
λ/2 from the source of disturbance by means of dipole At the same time biocompatibility analysis was
antennae. In closed electromagnetic field for which r  λ/2 performed with the view of impact on service personnel
working in these environments. Identified data file was
its electric part „ E “ is measured with an isotropic radiator mathematically processed by using FFT and the results

298 PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 88 NR 9a/2012

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amount of data and knowledge acquired from both the Žilina, Slovakia,
theoretical study and in-site measurements gave numerous Email: [email protected] , [email protected]
impetuses for further study. We believe that further study
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immune behaviour of larger technological units.

PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 88 NR 9a/2012 299

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