BSN220_CHA_LAB_ Musculoskeletal Assessment Checklist_Student
BSN220_CHA_LAB_ Musculoskeletal Assessment Checklist_Student
BSN220_CHA_LAB_ Musculoskeletal Assessment Checklist_Student
Week 14
Sem 1 AY 2024-25
Musculoskeletal Assessment Checklist
Temporomandibular joint
With the person seated, inspect the area just anterior to the
ear. Place the tips of your first two fingers in front of each
ear and ask the person to:
open and close the mouth. Drop your fingers into the
depressed area over the joint and note smooth
motion of the mandible. An audible and palpable
snap or click occurs in many healthy people as the
mouth opens.
7. Hips
Inspect Symmetric levels of iliac crests.
Gluteal folds, Equally sized buttocks
Palpate the hip joints while the person in supine position
for stability, symmetry, pain, swelling or mass.
Test active ROM:
- Hip flexion: raise each leg with knee extended, bend
knee up on the chest with other leg straight.
- Internal/ external rotation: flex knee and hip to 90
degrees, swing the foot outward and inwards
- Abduction/ adduction: Swing leg laterally and
medially with leg straight
- Hyperextension: when standing, swing the leg back
8. Knees
Inspect shape & contour, color, swelling, lesion, lower leg
alignment, quadriceps muscle.
Palpate for temperature, pain, swelling or bulge sign,
palpate for Ballottement of the Patella.
Bulge Sign
For swelling in the suprapatellar pouch, the bulge sign confirms the
presence of small amounts of fluid as you try to move the fluid from
one side of the joint to the other. Firmly stroke up on the medial
aspect of the knee 2 or 3 times to displace any fluid ( A). Tap the
lateral aspect (B). Watch the medial side in the hollow for a distinct
bulge from a fluid wave. Normally none is present.
Ballottement of the Patella
Sample Charting
States no joint pain, stiffness, swelling, or limitation. No muscle pain or weakness. No history of bone
trauma or deformity. Able to manage all usual daily activities with no physical limitations. Occupation
involves no musculoskeletal risk factors. Exercise pattern is brisk walk 1 mile 5×/week.
Joints and muscles symmetric; no swelling, masses, deformity; normal spinal curvature. No tenderness
to palpation of joints; no heat, swelling, or masses. Full ROM; movement smooth, no crepitus, no
tenderness. Muscle strength—able to maintain flexion against resistance and without tenderness.
Overall Assessment
Muscles and joints—healthy and functional