Tekart P.7 R.E NOTES 2025
Tekart P.7 R.E NOTES 2025
Tekart P.7 R.E NOTES 2025
▪ Vaccinating animals.
▪ Giving them shelter.
▪ Giving them water.
▪ Enforcing laws against poaching.
▪ Avoiding over loading donkeys and horses.
▪ Eve
▪ Failing to respect other people.
▪ By committing fornication.
▪ By taking bribes.
▪ By cheating examinations.
▪ Practicing witch crafts.
▪ Worshipping idols.
▪ Abraham
Qn: Which agreement did God make with the people of Israel? Exo19:1 – 5, 24 :3)
Steps in God’s plan for salvation.
Qn: How did Jesus care for the bodily needs of people?
Qn: How did Jesus care for the spiritual life of people?
Qn: Why did Jesus promise his disciples the Holy spirit?
▪ To guide them.
▪ To teach them how to pray.
▪ To give them courage.
▪ To teach them the word of God.
Qn: Where did Jesus meet his disciples after promising them the Holy Spirit
▪ Bethany
▪ Mary
▪ Martha
▪ Lazarus
▪ Mountain olives.
Qn: On which day did the apostles receive the holy spirit?
▪ On Pentecost day.
Qn: In which form did the Holy Spirit appear to the apostles?
▪ Flames of fire.
▪ These are the characters we get due to the influence of Holy spirit.
▪ Love
▪ Joy
▪ Peace
▪ Patience
▪ Kindness
▪ Goodness
▪ Faithfulness
▪ Gentleness
▪ Self-control
▪ These are abilities to do services we get from the influence of the Holy spirit.
Examples of the gifts of the Holy Spirit
▪ Wisdom
▪ Knowledge
▪ Faith
▪ Power to heal
▪ Discerning
▪ Speaking in tongues
▪ Power to heal
▪ Power to perform miracles
▪ Dove.
▪ Strong wind.
▪ Fire………………………………………………………………………………
Qn: State things the disciples were able to do after receiving the Holy Spirit
▪ Preaching Boldly.
▪ Healing the sick.
▪ Casting out demons.
▪ Praying.
▪ Listening to the advice.
▪ By meditating.
▪ By listening to inner voice.
The Works of the holy Spirit in the life of believers (Luke 4:1)
6. How was the creation of Adam different from that of other creatures?
7. Why did Jesus promise his disciples the Holy Spirit freely before the coming of the Holy
8. Why were the disciples not able to preach the gospel freely before the coming of
Holy Spirit?
9. Name the town where the Apostles were when they received the Holy Spirit.
New words
Common traditional and Christians beliefs
▪ Adultery
▪ Backbiting
▪ Drunkardness
▪ False accusations
▪ Telling lies
▪ Stealing
▪ Greed
Importance of reconciliation
▪ It prevents revenge.
▪ It promotes unity.
▪ It creates peace
▪ It promotes forgiveness.
▪ It restores personal communication.
▪ It restores friendship and love.
Traditional ways of reconciliation
▪ Paying fines.
▪ Sharing eats and drinks/sharing a meal.
▪ Asking for forgiveness.
▪ Using mediators like Elders, chiefs and clan heads.
▪ African traditionalists believe that the dead remain living somewhere as spirits.
▪ African traditionalists believe that the dead remain part of their families.
▪ African traditionalists believe that the dead will not resurrect.
▪ African traditionalists believe that the living will join the dead when they die.
Qn: Why are the dead called living dead according to African traditional beliefs?
Biblical teaching on death and life after death (Gen 3:19, 1cor15:20, John 11:15).
▪ The Bible teaches that when a person dies his or her soul is taken away by God.
▪ The bible teaches that the body is returned to the soil after death.
▪ The Bible teaches that whoever believes in Jesus will resurrect.
▪ The bible teaches that the soul remains alive after death.
Qn: Why should Christians not fear death?
Qn: State the similarity between ATR and Christian beliefs on death and life after death
Differences between ATR and Christian beliefs on death and life after death
▪ This is the fellowship between saints and Christians who are still alive.
2. Who is a saint?
5. Name the former archbishop of Uganda who was declared a saint
New words
World Religions
What is a religion?
▪ Christianity
▪ Islam
▪ Judaism
▪ Buddhism
▪ Hinduism
▪ Bahai faith
▪ Sikhism
Signs of religions
▪ Baptism.
▪ Hand shaking during church service
▪ Circumcision.
▪ Kneeling while praying
Symbols of religions
• Cross
• Rosary
• Bible
• Quran
• Moon crescent
• Tasbih
• Star
• Catholics
• Orthodox
• Anglicans
• Pentecostals
• Jehovah’s witnesses
• Seventh Day Adventists
• Presbyterian church
Beliefs in Christianity
Symbols of Christianity
• Rosary
• Cross
• Bible
Signs of Christianity
• Baptism.
• The sign of the cross.
• Hand shaking during church service
• Kneeling down while praying.
Symbols in Islam
• Quran
• Tasbih
• Star
• Moon/ crescent
Signs in Islam
• Circumcision.
• Removing shoes before entering the mosque.
• The greeting.
Books of Torah
• Genesis
• Exodus
• Leviticus
• Numbers
• Deuteronomy.
• Moses
Beliefs in Judaism
• Belief is only one God not trinity.
• Belief in the holy book of Torah.
• Belief in the Sabbath.
• The belief in the Sabbath.
• The belief in God’s prophets.
• The beliefs in the Passover and Pentecost
Symbols of Judaism
• The temple.
• The synagogue.
• Creed called Shema.
• Jewish Prophets.
Signs of Judaism
• Circumcision
• It was founded by Bahaullah is Persia.
• Its head quarter are in Haifa in Israel.
• The temple.
• The five pointed stars.
• The greatest name.
• Nine pointed star.
Beliefs in Bahai faith
• By birth
Beliefs in Hinduism
Signs of Hinduism
Buddhism temple
Beliefs in Buddhism.
Symbols in Buddhism.
Signs in Buddhism.
• Initiation ceremonies.
• Statue of Buddha while seated.
• Kneeling before the statue.
• Removing shoes before entering the shrine.
• By being polite
• By listening to them
• Respecting their places of worship.
• By respecting their founders.
• By celebrating their special days.
• By respecting their religious beliefs and practices.
• Service is the act of helping or doing work for others.
• A servant is a person who does work for others.
Examples of servants
a) Mother Theresa
b) William Wilberforce
▪ He struggled to stop slave trade.
4. Watoto
5. Wakisa Ministries
▪ It cares for the wounded in wars and other disaster victims by.
▪ Providing food.
▪ Providing medicine.
▪ Providing shelter.
c) Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA)
▪ It provided shelter.
▪ It provides food.
▪ Providing medical care.
e) Plan international
Religious Organizations
Selfless service
Examples of servant
▪ Eternal life
▪ They will enter the kingdom of God
TOPIC 5 : LIVING IN THE SPIRIT OF LOVE (Genesis ;2: 18, Mathew 19:4)
▪ Marriage is the legal union of man and woman as husband and wife
Types of marriage
▪ Religious marriage.
▪ Customary marriage.
▪ Civil Marriage.
Religious Marriage
Qn: What are marriage vows?
Customary Marriage
▪ It involves exchanging vows.
Customary Marriage
▪ To produce Children.
▪ For company.
▪ For sexual satisfaction.
▪ To gain respect
Biblical laws on Marriage (1cor7:1 -16)
▪ Everyman should have one wife and every woman one husband.
▪ A man should fulfill his duty as a husband and a woman should fulfill her duties as a
▪ A husband is a master to his wife’s body and a wife too is a master of her husband‘s
▪ In holy Matrimony divorce is not allowed.
▪ Should be faithful
▪ Should have true love.
▪ Should have good health.
▪ Should be obedient.
▪ Should be hard working.
▪ Should be trust worthy.
▪ Should be good looking.
▪ Should have a good family background.
▪ Ability to bear children.
▪ Family background.
▪ Age.
▪ Education level.
▪ Religion.
▪ Discipline.
▪ Health status.
Responsibility of children at home
▪ Respecting elders/parents.
▪ Washing utensils
▪ Cleaning the compound.
▪ Mopping the house.
▪ Collecting fire wood.
▪ Fetching water.
▪ Looking after young ones.
Duties of parents
▪ Love is jealous.
▪ Love is not ill mannered.
▪ Love is not unforgiving.
▪ Love is not proud.
▪ Love is not selfish.
Qualities of a good friend
▪ Should be approachable.
▪ Should be open.
▪ Should be loyal.
▪ Should be honesty.
▪ Should be trustworthy.
▪ Should be sympathetic.
▪ Should be considerate.
Signs of disrespect.
▪ Backbiting
▪ Quarreling
▪ Sex deviation refers to sexual behavior that is different from the normal one.
▪ Homosexuality.
▪ Incest.
▪ Prostitution.
Types of Authority
1. Divine Authority.
2. Apostolic Authority.
3. Marital authority.
4. Civil authority.
5. Symbolic authority.
▪ This is authority possessed by objects like the constitutions, Bible, flag, court of arms.
Qn: Mention any three proper use of authority and freedom (Roman 13:1 -7)
▪ To guide people.
▪ To protect people.
▪ Top promote unity among people.
▪ To mobilize people for development.
▪ King Herod.
▪ Pontius pilate.
▪ Pharaoh of Egypt.
▪ King Saul.
▪ King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.
Examples of talents
▪ Singing
▪ Dancing
▪ Acting /Drama
▪ Debating
▪ Drawing
▪ Writing
▪ Playing football.
Ways of identifying talents
▪ Through praying.
▪ Through practice.
▪ Through the guidance of other people.
▪ Through taking studies in regard to your talents.
Using available resources to serve God and fellow human being (Genesis1:26 -30)
Qn: How does the Holy Spirit helps us through our conscience?
Money is a resource
▪ Trading
▪ Farming
▪ As gifts
▪ Through stealing
▪ Through corruption
▪ Through prostitution
▪ Through bribery
▪ Through gambling
Uses of Money that spoils our relationship with God (TIMOTHY 6:7 – 10)
▪ Envy
▪ Bribery
▪ Murder
▪ Stealing
▪ Jealous
▪ Robbery
Time as a resource
▪ Time is money.
▪ Time wasted will never be gained.
▪ Do the right thing at the right time.
▪ There is time for work and time for rest.
▪ Too much work or leisure for us is not good.
▪ Respect your time table.
▪ Over sleeping.
▪ Spending too much time doing unproductive activities.
▪ Doing work slowly and carelessly
Human Rights.
▪ Denial of education.
▪ Detention without trial
▪ Forcing someone to marry.
▪ Practicing mob justice.
▪ Taking one’s property forcefully.
Children’s rights
Common examples of child abuse
▪ Defilement.
▪ Corporal punishment.
▪ Forced early marriages.
▪ Child labour.
▪ Child neglect.
▪ Indecent assault.
▪ Physical
▪ Social.
▪ Emotional.
▪ Determination.
▪ God’s fearing.
▪ Family background.
▪ Academic level.
▪ Continuous practice.
▪ Self-confidence.
▪ Hard work.
▪ Being prayerful.
▪ Serving others.
▪ Goal of love.
▪ Respect of God and other people.
▪ To have harmony with God and human beings.
▪ Thinking more of other than ourselves.
Cause of failure
▪ Lack of faith
▪ Lack of self confidence
▪ Pride
▪ Illiteracy
▪ Poor advice
Forms of fear
Causes of fear
▪ Being lonely
▪ Lack of confidence
▪ Death
▪ Embarrassment
Values of fear
▪ It helps us to avoid dangerous situations
▪ It makes us to do some tasks better.
▪ It makes us to respect those who can protect us.
▪ It makes us to seek for God’s help.
Biblical teachings on fear and courage (Mark14:32 -36, Joshua 1:5-9, Isaiah 41 :10-13)
▪ We should pray to God for strength and courage when in fear.
▪ We should have determination, confidence as a solution to fear.
▪ It teaches that we should never fear.
▪ It teaches that all our worries should be left to God.
Examples of emotions
▪ Sadness
▪ Anger
▪ Fear
▪ Cheerfulness
▪ Being patient.
▪ By avoiding any kind of anger.
▪ By avoiding revenge.
▪ By being kind.
▪ By having faith and confident in God.
▪ Through prayer.
▪ Through reading the Bible.
▪ Through singing hymns
▪ Through visions.
▪ Through the Bible.
▪ Through dreams.
▪ Through prophets.
Types of prayers
Types of prayers
1. Petition prayer
▪ These are prayers said to request for our bodily and spiritual needs.
2. Thanksgiving prayers.
3. Intercessional prayers.
▪ These are prayer said to request God to meet other people’s need.
4. Liturgical prayers.
5. Prayers of praise These are prayer said to glorify God (Exodus 15:1 – 8).
6. Invocation prayers.
Importance of prayers.
▪ To praise God.
▪ To show love to God.
▪ To thank God.
▪ Praying silently.
▪ Praying loudly.
▪ Morning time.
▪ To thank God for the protection at night.
▪ To thank God for the new day.
Before meals
Time of Joy.
▪ To glorify God.
▪ By praying.
▪ By reading the Bible.
▪ By helping the needy.
▪ By preaching the word of God.
▪ Through fasting.
▪ Lord’s prayer.
Lessons we learn from the lord’s prayer
Examples of creeds
▪ Apostles creed.
▪ Nicene creed.
▪ Athanasius creed.
Sections of creeds
Characteristics of sacraments
Examples of sacraments
a) Baptism
b) Confirmation
c) Holy Matrimony
d) Penance
e) Holy order/ordination
g) Holy Communion/Eucharist
▪ It is carryout in memory of Jesus Christ.
▪ It was first celebrated on Holy Thursday.
▪ Repentance
▪ Baptism
▪ Confirmation
▪ Symbols of Holy Communion
▪ Bread
▪ Wine
Importance of sacraments
b) Confirmation
c) Holy Eucharist
d) Penance.
e) Holy Matrimony.
Political contribution
Social contributions
Economic contributions
▪ He wanted to confuse his enemies.
▪ He wanted his people to understand him better.
Examples of parables
Parables, meaning of the words and lessons learnt from different parables
▪ People who hear God’s word but the devil takes it away.
▪ People who hear God’s word but give up when trouble comes.
Lesson learnt.
▪ To believe in God.
i) The field
▪ The world.
iii) Weeds
▪ Non believes
▪ The devil
v) Harvest
▪ The angles.
Lesson learnt
Lessons learnt
▪ To be faithful.
▪ To have love for their sinner.
▪ There is happiness/rejoicing.
▪ To repent.
▪ Parable of the ten virgins (Mathew 25:14 -30)
Believers should be prepared for the return of Jesus.
▪ Unprepared believers will be locked out of God’s kingdom when Jesus returns.
o Lazarus
o Jairus’ daughter
o Widow’s son
i) Mt. Sinai
v) Mt. Carmel
▪ It is Moses died.
viii) Mt.Tabor
Major prophets
▪ Isaiah
▪ Jeremiah
▪ Ezekiel
▪ Daniel
Minor Prophets
▪ Hosea
▪ Joel
▪ Amos
▪ Haggai
▪ Obadiah
▪ Jonah
▪ Micah
▪ Zechariah
▪ Nahum
▪ Habakuk
▪ Zephania
a) Elijah
b) Isaiah
c) Jeremiah
d) Amos
e) Elisha
▪ He preached against injustice, immorality and misuses of power.
f) Jonah
g) Malachi
h) Hosea
i) Joel
▪ Dove.
▪ Strong wind.
▪ Flames of fire.
c) Dove -- peace.
i) Bethlehem.
ii) Nazareth.
▪ It is where Jesus grew up from.
iii) Cana
iv) Golgotha
v) Canaan
vI) Akaldema
viii) Goshen
x) Lake Galilee
xi) Ur
xii) Egypt
a) Christmas day
b) Ash Wednesday
c) Palm Sunday
d) Holy Thursday
e) Ascension Day
f) Good Friday
g) Easter Sunday
h) Pentecost day
J) Passover
▪ It was the day when the angel of death killed all the first burns of Egyptians.
▪ Augustus ceaser
Qn: Name the town where Joseph and Mary went for the Census.
▪ Bethlehem
Qn: Identify the first group of people to see baby Jesus.
▪ Shepherds
These were the wise men who came from the East.
They included;
▪ Balthazar
▪ Casper
▪ Melchior
▪ Gold
▪ Myrrh
▪ Frankincense
▪ Gold - Kingship
▪ Myrrh - Death
▪ Frankincense - Resurrection
a) Incarnation
b) Transfiguration
▪ This was when Jesus changed from Body form to spiritual form.
▪ Abel mourning /weeping
▪ Adam Human beings/red earth
▪ Abraham father of nations/father of many
▪ Amos burden bearer
▪ Christ the anointed one
▪ Cain possession
▪ David beloved of God
▪ Elijah My God is lord
▪ Elishah Sigh/God is salvation
▪ Emmanuel God is with us
▪ Enoch Dedicated
▪ Enosh weakling
▪ Ezakiel God strengthens
▪ Ham Black and crafty
▪ Hosea Deliverance
▪ Isaac He laughs
▪ Isaiah Yaweh is salvation
▪ Israel He struggles with God
▪ Japheth Expansion
▪ Jeremiah God lifts up
▪ Joel Lord God
▪ Jonah Pigeon
▪ Malachi My messenger
▪ Micah Poor
▪ Moses Pulled out of water
▪ Noah Consolation/comfort
▪ Paul A changed person
▪ Peter rock
▪ Sarah Mother of many
▪ Shem celebrated name
Death of Jesus
▪ Pharisees
▪ Scribes
▪ Romans
▪ Priests