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Tekart P.7 R.E NOTES 2025

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Nature of Human beings as part of God’s creation (Genesis1:26- 30)

Characteristics of human beings

▪ Human beings were created in God’s image.

▪ Human beings have a large complex brain.
▪ Human beings walk on two legs.
▪ Human beings can produce their own food by cultivating land.
▪ Roles of human beings as part of God’s creation (Psalms 8:1 – 6, 1:28, 2:15)
To look after God’s creation.
▪ To co create
▪ To cultivate land and grow food.
▪ To respect both animal and plant freedoms.

Examples of animal freedoms

▪ Freedom from hunger, malnutrition and thirst.

▪ Freedom from fear and distress.
▪ Freedom from pain injuries and diseases.
▪ Freedom to express natural behavior.

Ways of caring for animals

▪ Vaccinating animals.
▪ Giving them shelter.
▪ Giving them water.
▪ Enforcing laws against poaching.
▪ Avoiding over loading donkeys and horses.

Ways of caring for plants

▪ Applying manure and fertilizers

▪ Weeding crops.
▪ Applying pesticides.
▪ Watering plants during dry season.
▪ Protecting plants from strong wind.
▪ Avoiding bush burning.
▪ Avoiding deforestation.
How to care for human life

▪ Getting treatment in case one is sick

▪ Feeding on balanced diet.
▪ Maintaining proper hygiene.
▪ Having enough rest.
▪ Doing physical exercise.
▪ Immunizing children.
▪ Avoiding bad habits like smoking and taking alcohol.

How human beings failed to live up to God’s standards (Genesis 3:4 – 5)

▪ Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.

Qn: Who committed the first sin?

▪ Eve

Qn: What punishment did God give to Adam (Gen3:16 -19)?

▪ To work hard for food

Qn: What punishment did God give to Eve?

▪ To have pain while giving birth.

▪ To be subject of man.

Qn: What punishment did God give to the serpent?

▪ To crawl on its belly.

▪ To eat dust.
▪ The off springs of woman to crush its head.

Consequences /results of Adam and Eve’s disobedience.

▪ Suffering
▪ Jealousy
▪ Hatred
▪ Death
▪ Envy
▪ Embarrassment among people.
▪ Diseases.

How people fail to live up to God’s standards today?

▪ By worshipping small gods.

▪ By being corrupt
▪ By murdering people.
▪ By stealing other people’s property.

▪ Failing to respect other people.
▪ By committing fornication.
▪ By taking bribes.
▪ By cheating examinations.
▪ Practicing witch crafts.
▪ Worshipping idols.

How God bridged the gap with people

▪ He sent His son Jesus to die for our sins

Teaching about God’s plan for salvation

Qn: What does salvation mean?

▪ Salvation means the power to overcome sin.

Qn: Why did God bless Abraham? (Genesis12: 1 -3)

▪ To use him and fulfil his plan of salvation.

▪ To use Abraham as father of all nations.
▪ To use him as a source of blessings to all nations on Earth.

Qn: Why did God bless Abraham?

▪ He was obedient to God.

Qn: From whom did God start his plan of salvation?

▪ Abraham

Qn: How was God’s plan of salvation fulfilled?

▪ After the coming of Jesus to die for man’s sins.

Qn: Which agreement did God make with the people of Israel? Exo19:1 – 5, 24 :3)

▪ To obey the Ten Commandments.

Qn: Why did God give Israelites the Ten commands?

▪ To keep them holy.

▪ To keep them obedient.
▪ To prevent sinning.
▪ To guide them.

Steps in God’s plan for salvation.

▪ God calls Abraham.

▪ God rescues Israelites from Egypt.
▪ God makes a covenant with Israelites.
▪ The Israelites reach the promised land.
▪ God prepares his chosen people through leaders and prophets.

Qn; How did Jesus live a perfect life?

▪ He loved all people including sinners (Romans 5:6- 19).

▪ He was prayerful (mark 14: 32 – 41).
▪ He never committed any sin.
▪ He resisted temptations.
▪ He preached the word of God.
▪ He obeyed and respected his parents.

Qn: How did Jesus care for others?

▪ He healed the sick

▪ He cast out demons.
▪ He fed the hungry.
▪ He preached the word of God.
▪ He raised the dead.

Qn: How did Jesus care for the bodily needs of people?

▪ He fed the hungry.

▪ He made the lame to walk.
▪ He healed the sick.
▪ He raised the dead.

Qn: How did Jesus care for the spiritual life of people?

▪ He preached the word of God.

▪ He forgave sinners.


▪ Jesus promised his disciples a helper.

▪ The helper was the holy spirit.

Qn: Why did Jesus promise his disciples the Holy spirit?

▪ To guide them.
▪ To teach them how to pray.
▪ To give them courage.
▪ To teach them the word of God.

Qn: Where did Jesus meet his disciples after promising them the Holy Spirit

▪ Bethany

Qn: Name the three friends of Jesus in Bethany

▪ Mary
▪ Martha
▪ Lazarus

Qn; State two events that took place at Bethany

▪ Jesus blessed his disciples.

▪ Jesus ascended into heaven.

Qn: On which mountain did Jesus ascend into heaven?

▪ Mountain olives.


Qn: On which day did the apostles receive the holy spirit?

▪ On Pentecost day.

Qn: In which form did the Holy Spirit appear to the apostles?

▪ Flames of fire.

Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22 -23)

What are the fruits of the Holy spirit?

▪ These are the characters we get due to the influence of Holy spirit.

Examples of the fruits of the Holy spirit

▪ Love
▪ Joy
▪ Peace
▪ Patience
▪ Kindness
▪ Goodness
▪ Faithfulness
▪ Gentleness
▪ Self-control

Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1Cor12:27)

▪ These are abilities to do services we get from the influence of the Holy spirit.

Examples of the gifts of the Holy Spirit

▪ Wisdom
▪ Knowledge
▪ Faith
▪ Power to heal
▪ Discerning
▪ Speaking in tongues
▪ Power to heal
▪ Power to perform miracles

Symbols of the Holy spirit (John1:32)

▪ Dove.
▪ Strong wind.
▪ Fire………………………………………………………………………………

Qn: State things the disciples were able to do after receiving the Holy Spirit

▪ Preaching Boldly.
▪ Healing the sick.
▪ Casting out demons.

Qn: Why is the Holy spirit called a helper?

▪ It helps in spiritual growth.

Ways of cooperating with the Holy spirit

▪ Praying.
▪ Listening to the advice.
▪ By meditating.
▪ By listening to inner voice.

The Works of the holy Spirit in the life of believers (Luke 4:1)

▪ The holy spirit helps believers to stand persecution from non-believers.

▪ It helps believers to overcome temptations and sin.
▪ It helps believers to live in harmony.
▪ Helps believers to know the truth about God.
▪ Helps believers to preach the word of God.
▪ Helps believers to pray.
▪ It guides believers to do the right things.
▪ Reminds Christians what to do.


1. What did God use to create Adam?

2. Why did God create human beings last?

3. What shows that God loved Adam and Eve so much?

4. What does the name Eve mean?

5. Give the meaning of incarnation?

6. How was the creation of Adam different from that of other creatures?

7. Why did Jesus promise his disciples the Holy Spirit freely before the coming of the Holy


8. Why were the disciples not able to preach the gospel freely before the coming of

Holy Spirit?

9. Name the town where the Apostles were when they received the Holy Spirit.

10. How is the Holy Spirit important to the life of a believer?

12. What lessons do Christians learn from crucifixion of Jesus?


New words

▪ Alpha God is the beginning.

▪ Ancestors Great grandparents.
▪ Justice fair treatment.
▪ Misfortune bad happening.
▪ Mystery unusual happening.
▪ Omega God is the End.
▪ Omnipresent God is everywhere.
▪ Omnipotent God is able to do all things.
▪ Sacrifice Giving up something important in order to succeed.
▪ Socialize Meeting freely with others.
▪ Supernatural Beyond natural ability.
▪ Traditionalist Person who believes in traditional practices.

Common traditional and Christians beliefs

▪ Both believe in God as creator.

▪ Both believe in life after death.
▪ Both believe in life as a gift from God.
▪ Both believe in dedicating children to God after birth for protection and blessings.

Differences between African Traditional religion and Christian beliefs

▪ A.T.R believes in witch craft unlike Christians do not.

▪ ATR believes in small gods while Christians believe in one God.
▪ ATR uses ancestors as mediators in worship while Christianity does not.
▪ Christians believe in the resurrection of the body on judgement day while ATR does
▪ ATR allows polygamy unlike Christianity.
▪ Christians believe that Jesus is their only sacrifice for sin while ATR sacrifices animals.
and people
Evil practices in A.T.R
▪ Witchcraft
▪ Charms
▪ Sacrificing human beings

Causes of misunderstanding in communities

▪ Adultery
▪ Backbiting
▪ Drunkardness
▪ False accusations
▪ Telling lies
▪ Stealing
▪ Greed


Qn: What is reconciliation?

▪ Reconciliation is the bringing back of lost friendship.

Importance of reconciliation

▪ It prevents revenge.
▪ It promotes unity.
▪ It creates peace
▪ It promotes forgiveness.
▪ It restores personal communication.
▪ It restores friendship and love.

Traditional ways of reconciliation

▪ Paying fines.
▪ Sharing eats and drinks/sharing a meal.
▪ Asking for forgiveness.
▪ Using mediators like Elders, chiefs and clan heads.

Christian ways of reconciling with God (2cor 5: 18 – 19)

▪ By accepting Jesus as personal saviour.

Ways of reconciling with one another

▪ Apologizing to one another.

▪ Visiting each other.
▪ Asking for forgiveness.

Traditional beliefs on death and life after death

▪ African traditionalists believe that the dead remain living somewhere as spirits.
▪ African traditionalists believe that the dead remain part of their families.
▪ African traditionalists believe that the dead will not resurrect.
▪ African traditionalists believe that the living will join the dead when they die.

Qn: Why are the dead called living dead according to African traditional beliefs?

▪ The dead remain somewhere living as spirits.

Ways the dead are remembered

▪ Naming children after them.

▪ Caring for their graves.
▪ Swearing in their names
▪ Offering them food and drinks as sacrifices.
▪ Cursing other people through them.
▪ Holding ceremonies for the dead.

Biblical teaching on death and life after death (Gen 3:19, 1cor15:20, John 11:15).

▪ The Bible teaches that when a person dies his or her soul is taken away by God.
▪ The bible teaches that the body is returned to the soil after death.
▪ The Bible teaches that whoever believes in Jesus will resurrect.
▪ The bible teaches that the soul remains alive after death.

Qn: What is the origin of death according to Christianity?

▪ The sin of Adam and Eve

Qn: Why should Christians not fear death?

▪ Death is the beginning of eternal life.

▪ There is life after death.
▪ Jesus resurrected from the dead

Qn: State the similarity between ATR and Christian beliefs on death and life after death

▪ Both believe in life after death.

Differences between ATR and Christian beliefs on death and life after death

▪ ATR offers sacrifices to the death unlike Christians.

▪ ATR does not believe in judgment day unlike Christians.
▪ ATR does not believe in resurrection of the body while Christians in resurrection.
▪ In ATR the dead are remembered as ancestors while in Christianity the dead are
remembered as saints


Qn: What is communion of saints?

▪ This is the fellowship between saints and Christians who are still alive.


▪ It is the way living Christians relate with dead Christians.

Ways communion of saints is expressed in the living Christians

▪ By using the names of saints at Baptism.

▪ Naming churches after saints.
▪ Naming schools after saints.
▪ Naming streets after saints.
▪ By praying through saints.

Importance of communion of saints to living Christians.

▪ It inspires Christians to work for eternal life.

▪ Saints act as role models to Christians in their lives.
▪ Christians get determination.
▪ It strengthens one’s faith.


1. How did Jesus overcome death?

2. Who is a saint?

3. Give one way Christians communicate with saints

4. What will happen to the righteous people on the Day of Judgement?

5. Name the former archbishop of Uganda who was declared a saint

6. How can a Christian secure eternal life?

7. Why is death not the end of a Christian?


New words

• Creed -- set of religious beliefs

• Festival -- period to celebrate religious event.
• Initiation -- ceremony to introduce a member to new life.
• Prostration -- posture showing respect for God.
• Synagogue -- Jewish house of worship.

World Religions

What is a religion?

• A religion is a belief in spiritual beings.

Examples of world religions

▪ Christianity
▪ Islam
▪ Judaism
▪ Buddhism
▪ Hinduism
▪ Bahai faith
▪ Sikhism

Signs of religions

▪ A religious sign a gesture or an action which when used conveys a particular


Examples of religious signs

▪ Baptism.
▪ Hand shaking during church service
▪ Circumcision.
▪ Kneeling while praying

Symbols of religions

• A symbol is a physical object that represent something.

Examples of religious symbols.

• Cross
• Rosary
• Bible

• Quran
• Moon crescent
• Tasbih
• Star

Importance of religious symbols

• They help believers to understand their religions.

• They enable individuals to share common beliefs.
• They strengthen the believers’ faith


• The founder of Christianity is Jesus Christ.

• The followers of Jesus are called Christians.
• The holy book for Christians is the Bible.

Examples of sects in Christianity

• Catholics
• Orthodox
• Anglicans
• Pentecostals
• Jehovah’s witnesses
• Seventh Day Adventists
• Presbyterian church

Beliefs in Christianity

• Beliefs in one God.

• Beliefs in Jesus as the son of God.
• Belief in the Holy spirit
• Beliefs in the resurrection of Jesus.
• Belief in Jesus as the Saviour
• Belief in life after death.
• Belief in the Holy Trinity.

Symbols of Christianity

• Rosary
• Cross
• Bible

Signs of Christianity

• Baptism.
• The sign of the cross.
• Hand shaking during church service
• Kneeling down while praying.


Islam is the total submission to the will of Allah.

• It was founded by Prophet Muhammad.

• The followers of Islam are called Muslims.
• The holy book for Muslims is the Quran.

Symbols in Islam

• Quran
• Tasbih
• Star
• Moon/ crescent

Signs in Islam

• Circumcision.
• Removing shoes before entering the mosque.
• The greeting.


• It was founded by Moses.

• The holy book for Judaism is Torah.
• Books of law are also called Pentateuch.
• Torah is made up of books of law of the Old Testament.

Books of Torah

• Genesis
• Exodus
• Leviticus
• Numbers
• Deuteronomy.

Qn: Who wrote the Pentateuch?

• Moses

Beliefs in Judaism
• Belief is only one God not trinity.
• Belief in the holy book of Torah.
• Belief in the Sabbath.
• The belief in the Sabbath.
• The belief in God’s prophets.
• The beliefs in the Passover and Pentecost

Symbols of Judaism

• The temple.
• The synagogue.
• Creed called Shema.
• Jewish Prophets.

Signs of Judaism

• Circumcision

• It was founded by Bahaullah is Persia.
• Its head quarter are in Haifa in Israel.

Symbols of Bahai faith

• The temple.
• The five pointed stars.
• The greatest name.
• Nine pointed star.

Beliefs in Bahai faith

• The belief in truthfulness.

• The belief in equality of men and women.
• The belief in unity of all people in the world.
• The belief that religion goes hand in hand with science.



How does one become a member of Hindu religion?

• By birth

Beliefs in Hinduism

• The beliefs in one supreme called Brahma.

• The belief in eternal life.
• The belief in re – incarnation.
• The belief in the law of karma (record of deeds).
• The beliefs in eating vegetables only.
Symbols in Hinduism

• The statue in the temple.

• The sacred cow.
• The holy book called Bhagavad Gita.

Signs of Hinduism

• Grouping people according to class

• Ablution using water from river gangers
• Celebrating festivals like Diwali (Festivals of light)


• It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama in India

Buddhism temple

Beliefs in Buddhism.

• Belief in eternal life.

• Belief in re birth / reincarnation of people.
• Belief in a god called Brahma schampati.

Symbols in Buddhism.

• The eight-fold path

• Round table called Mandala many sides.

Signs in Buddhism.

• Initiation ceremonies.
• Statue of Buddha while seated.
• Kneeling before the statue.
• Removing shoes before entering the shrine.

Common religious beliefs

• Believe in existence of God (theism).

• Believe that there is no God (Atheism).
• Believe in the existence of a creator(deism).
• Believe in all the natural objects that have life (animalism).

Ways of respecting and relating to people of other religions

• By being polite
• By listening to them
• Respecting their places of worship.
• By respecting their founders.
• By celebrating their special days.
• By respecting their religious beliefs and practices.


1. Give two symbols of Christian faith.

2. Give two signs of a Christian family.

3. How can one show Christian values?

4. Why should we respect people from other religions?

• Service is the act of helping or doing work for others.
• A servant is a person who does work for others.

Examples of servants

• God’s servants e.g. Bishops, Pastors, Prophets.

• Civil servants e.g. Teachers doctors.
• Domestic servants e.g. porter.

Biblical teaching on serving others (Luke 12:32 – 34).

Luke 16 :19 – 25, John 13:8, Mathew 25:33 -40).

It teaches that those who serve others will be rewarded by God.

It teaches that serving others is serving God.

It teaches that we should aim at serving others instead of serving ourselves.

Qn: How does God reward people who serve others?

• He gives them blessings on earth.

• He gives them eternal life in Heaven.

Qn: How did Jesus teach his followers to serve others

▪ By washing his disciples’ feet

People who accepted God’s call to service

a) Mother Theresa

▪ She served the sick.

▪ She founded the order of sisters and brothers.


b) William Wilberforce
▪ He struggled to stop slave trade.

C) Dr. Lucille Teasdale

▪ She built St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor In Gulu.

▪ She treated sick people.
People who need service
▪ The poor.
▪ The Disabled.
▪ The sick.
▪ The orphans.
▪ The refugees.
▪ The elderly.


Examples of local voluntary organizations

1. The AIDS support organization (TASO)

▪ It cares for AIDS patients.

▪ It provides counseling service.
▪ It provides food to AIDS patients.
▪ It provides treatment to AIDS patients.

2. Uganda Women’s effort to save orphans (UWESO)

▪ It cares for orphans by providing shelter.

▪ It provided education facilities.
3. Sanyu Babies Home

▪ It cares for abandoned and homeless children.

4. Watoto

▪ It is a home which helps orphans, street and homeless children.

▪ It feeds provides shelter and pays school fees.

5. Wakisa Ministries

▪ It is an organization which cares for pregnant young girls.

▪ It provides shelter.
▪ It provides treatment to pregnant young girls.
▪ It provides clothes and food.

International Relief Organizations which serve others.

Qn: What are voluntary organizations?

• These are organizations which help the needy people freely.


a) International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

▪ It cares for the wounded in wars and other disaster victims by.
▪ Providing food.
▪ Providing medicine.
▪ Providing shelter.

b) World Vision International

▪ It supports orphans and peasants by;

▪ Building schools
▪ Building clinics
▪ Providing safe water

c) Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA)

▪ It cares for people hit by disaster by.

▪ Building schools.
▪ Building medical centers.
▪ Providing safe water.

d) Carry American Relief Everywhere (CARE)

▪ It provided shelter.
▪ It provides food.
▪ Providing medical care.

e) Plan international

▪ It builds homes for people.

▪ Providing school fees.

International voluntary Christian organizations in Uganda which serve people

• Save the children fund (SCF).

• Christian children fund (CCF).
• World Vision International.
• Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA).
• Compassion International.

Local Christian Voluntary Organisations In Uganda

▪ Young Men Christian Association (YMCA)
▪ Young Women Christian Association (YWCA)
▪ Mothers union.

Religious Organizations

▪ Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA)

▪ Uganda Muslim Education Association (UMEA)
▪ Uganda Muslim Teachers Association (UMTA)
▪ Uganda Muslim Students Association (UMSA)
▪ African Muslim Agency (AMA)
▪ Uganda Muslim Youths Assembly (UMVA)
▪ International Islamic Relief Organisations (IIRO)
▪ Uganda Joint Christian Council (UJCC)
▪ Inter Religious Council (IRC)
▪ Compassion International (CI).
▪ Mother Union
▪ World Vision International (WVI).
▪ Scripture and Christian Union (YMCA).
▪ Young Men’s Christian Association.
▪ Young Women Christian Association (YWCA).

Christian Voluntary Organisations

▪ Compassion International (CI).

▪ Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA).
▪ Christian Children Fund (CCF).
▪ World Vision International (WVI).
▪ Save the children Fund (SCF).

Contributions of Religious Organisations

▪ They have built schools.

▪ They have built hospitals.
▪ They have built orphanages.
▪ They have built banks like Centenary bank.
▪ They have started television stations.
▪ They have set up radio stations.
▪ They have mobilized people for development projects.
▪ They contribute to constitutional making.

Roles of Inter religious council

▪ It mediates peace talks.

▪ It encourages democracy and rule of law.
▪ It contributes to constitutional making.

Selfless service

▪ Selfless service means serving others freely first before yourself.

Examples of selfless service

▪ Serving as an army officer.

▪ Serving as a scout.
▪ Serving as a doctor.
▪ Serving as a priest.
▪ Serving as a mid-wife.

Examples of servant

▪ God’s servants e.g bishops, pastors.

▪ Civil servants e.g teachers , doctors.
▪ Domestic servants e.g Porter.

Biblical teaching on Bishops, Pastors (Luke13:32 – 34, Mathew25:35-40).

▪ It teaches that those who serve others will be rewarded by God.

▪ It teaches that we should aim at serving God.
▪ It teaches that we should aim at serving others than ourselves.
▪ When we serve others, we shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.

Qn: What is the reward for those who serve others?

▪ Eternal life
▪ They will enter the kingdom of God

TOPIC 5 : LIVING IN THE SPIRIT OF LOVE (Genesis ;2: 18, Mathew 19:4)

Qn: What is marriage?

▪ Marriage is the legal union of man and woman as husband and wife

Qn: Why is Marriage called a social Institution?

▪ It unites different people together.

Types of marriage

▪ Religious marriage.
▪ Customary marriage.
▪ Civil Marriage.

Religious Marriage

▪ This is marriage conducted in a church or mosque.

▪ It is called Holy Matrimony in Christianity.
▪ The marriage is conducted by a religious leader.

Qn: What are marriage vows?

▪ These are promises made by couples during marriage

Activities done by couples in church during marriage

▪ Exchanging marriage vows.

▪ Signing marriage certificates
▪ Exchanging rings.

Examples of marriage vows

▪ To love one another till death.

▪ To love one another in poverty and riches.
▪ To love each other in sickness.
Characteristics of Religious Marriage
▪ It is conducted by religious leaders
▪ It emphasized love.
▪ It is between one wife and one husband.
▪ It involves two witnesses for couples
▪ It involves exchanging vows.

Qn: How is a wedding ring important?

▪ It helps to identify a married couple.

Customary Marriage

▪ This is marriage performed according to the traditional customs.

Characteristics of customary marriage

▪ It is conducted by clan leaders and elders.

▪ It allows polygamy.
▪ It allows divorce.
▪ Bride price is paid.
▪ It respects virginity.

Qn: What is Bride price?

▪ This is money or property paid by a husband to his wife’s family.

Characteristics of Religious Marriage

▪ It is conducted by religious leaders
▪ It emphasizes love.
▪ It is between one wife and one husband
▪ It involves two witnesses for couples.

▪ It involves exchanging vows.

Qn: How is a wedding ring important?

▪ It helps to identify a married couple

Customary Marriage

▪ This is marriage performed according to the traditional customs.

Characteristics of customary marriage

▪ It is conducted by clan leaders and elders

▪ It allows polygamy.
▪ It allows divorce.
▪ Bride price is paid.
▪ It respects virginity.

Qn: What is bride Price?

▪ This is money or property paid by a husband to his wife’s family.

Importance of bride Price

▪ It shows that marriage has been recognized.
▪ It is a sign of respect to the girl’s family.


Qn: What is civil Marriage?

▪ This is marriage performed by the chief administrative officer (CAO).

Characteristics of Civil Marriage

▪ It does not involve many people.

▪ Divorce is allowed at the end of a contract.
▪ It does not involve going to the church to make vows.
▪ It is not permanent.

Reasons why people Marry (Mathew 19:4, Gen1:27-28) (Gen2:18 – 25)

▪ To produce Children.
▪ For company.
▪ For sexual satisfaction.
▪ To gain respect

Biblical laws on Marriage (1cor7:1 -16)

▪ Everyman should have one wife and every woman one husband.
▪ A man should fulfill his duty as a husband and a woman should fulfill her duties as a
▪ A husband is a master to his wife’s body and a wife too is a master of her husband‘s
▪ In holy Matrimony divorce is not allowed.

Biblical laws on love (Mathew 19:3-6)

▪ Love is the basis of unity between husband and wife.
▪ Husband has to love his wife and the wife has to love her husband.

Biblical teaching on adultery (Exodus 20:14)

▪ Divorce is not accepted

Qualities of a good marriage partner

▪ Should be faithful
▪ Should have true love.
▪ Should have good health.
▪ Should be obedient.
▪ Should be hard working.
▪ Should be trust worthy.
▪ Should be good looking.
▪ Should have a good family background.
▪ Ability to bear children.

Factors considered while choosing a marriage partner

▪ Family background.
▪ Age.
▪ Education level.
▪ Religion.
▪ Discipline.
▪ Health status.

Common Marriage Problems

▪ Adultery.
▪ Neglect of children.
▪ Lack of trust.
▪ Lack of respect for one another.
▪ Quarrels.
▪ Fights.

Responsibility of children at home

▪ Respecting elders/parents.
▪ Washing utensils
▪ Cleaning the compound.
▪ Mopping the house.
▪ Collecting fire wood.
▪ Fetching water.
▪ Looking after young ones.

Duties of parents

▪ Paying school fees.

▪ Protecting children.
▪ Providing food.
▪ Providing medical care.
▪ Supervising children’s activities.

LOVE (MARK12:31, 1COR.13:4-7)

▪ True love has the following meaning according to Paul.

▪ Love is patient.
▪ Love is faithful.
▪ Love is enduring.
▪ Love is hopeful.
▪ Love is kind.
▪ Love is everlasting.

What love is not?

▪ Love is jealous.
▪ Love is not ill mannered.
▪ Love is not unforgiving.
▪ Love is not proud.
▪ Love is not selfish.

Qn: Who is a friend?

▪ A friend is a person you relate with freely.

▪ A friend is a person you share secrets with.

Qualities of a good friend

▪ Should be approachable.
▪ Should be open.
▪ Should be loyal.
▪ Should be honesty.
▪ Should be trustworthy.
▪ Should be sympathetic.
▪ Should be considerate.

Signs of disrespect.

▪ Backbiting
▪ Quarreling

Qn: What is self-control?

▪ Self-control when a person is able to control his/her emotions.

Qn: What is sex deviation?

▪ Sex deviation refers to sexual behavior that is different from the normal one.

Examples of sexual deviations

▪ Homosexuality.
▪ Incest.
▪ Prostitution.


▪ Authority and freedom

▪ Authority is having rightful power over people or something.
▪ Freedom is not being under control of someone else.

Types of Authority

1. Divine Authority.

▪ This is authority possessed by God.

2. Apostolic Authority.

▪ This is the power Jesus gave to the church.

3. Marital authority.

▪ This is authority husbands have over their wives.

4. Civil authority.

▪ This is the power civil leaders have over their people.

5. Symbolic authority.

▪ This is authority possessed by objects like the constitutions, Bible, flag, court of arms.

Qn: Mention any three proper use of authority and freedom (Roman 13:1 -7)

▪ Keeping law and order.

▪ Defending people’s right.
▪ Caring for the Needy.
▪ Promoting unity.
▪ Creating peace.

Qn: Give two ways leaders misuse authority

▪ By mistreating people they lead.

▪ Being corrupt.
▪ Embezzling public funds.
▪ Giving unfair court rulings.
▪ Leaders overtaxing the people they lead.
▪ Leaders practicing Nepotism and tribalism.
▪ Grabbing people’s land

Ways people misuse freedom

▪ Through dressing badly.

▪ Using obscene words to people.
▪ Abusing people on social media.
▪ Blackmailing leaders and places of work.

Qn: State any two relationship between freedom and authority.

▪ Both are God given.

▪ One affects the other.
▪ The misuse of both authority and freedom leads to evil acts.

Biblical teachings on authority and freedom (Titus 31:1, Romans3:1-17,

Matthew 22:15 .-22)

▪ All authority comes from God.

▪ All leaders should be servants of people.
▪ Leaders should give freedom to their people.
Responsibilities of leaders.

▪ To guide people.
▪ To protect people.
▪ Top promote unity among people.
▪ To mobilize people for development.

Qn: What lessons do we learn from Jesus’ perfect.

Use of authority (JOHN 13:5).

▪ He used authority to benefit all people.

▪ He used it to solve problems.
▪ He used authority to serve others.

Examples of leaders in the Bible who misused their authority.

▪ King Herod.
▪ Pontius pilate.
▪ Pharaoh of Egypt.
▪ King Saul.
▪ King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.

Leaders in the Bible who used their authority well

▪ Jesus Christ
▪ King David
▪ Prophet Isaiah
▪ John the Baptist
▪ Elijah
▪ Simon Peter


Qn: What is a talent?

▪ A talent is a natural ability to do something well.

▪ A natural given ability to do something well.

Examples of talents

▪ Singing
▪ Dancing
▪ Acting /Drama
▪ Debating
▪ Drawing
▪ Writing
▪ Playing football.

Ways of identifying talents

▪ Through praying.
▪ Through practice.
▪ Through the guidance of other people.
▪ Through taking studies in regard to your talents.

Using available resources to serve God and fellow human being (Genesis1:26 -30)

▪ Making machines for building roads and houses.

▪ Making medicine to cure disease…
▪ Making phones to easy communication.
▪ For making communication better.

Uses of resources that break God’s commandments

▪ Making medicine to carryout abortion.

▪ Making deadly weapons of mass destruction.
▪ Making poisonous chemicals to poison others.
▪ Disputing God’s existence.

CONSCIENCE (JOHN 16:13, JOHN 3:20 – 21)

▪ Conscience is a feeling that tells a person whether he/she is going to do is right or


Qn: How does the Holy Spirit helps us through our conscience?

▪ Holy spirit reveals the truth to our conscience.

Money is a resource

▪ Money is a medium of exchange.

Ways people get money

▪ Trading
▪ Farming
▪ As gifts

Wrong ways of getting money

▪ Through stealing
▪ Through corruption

▪ Through prostitution
▪ Through bribery
▪ Through gambling

Good uses of Money (Proverbs 11:24 -25)

▪ To pay education services.

▪ To pay taxes
▪ To buy clothes.
▪ To pay for health services
▪ To pay for amenities.
▪ To buy furniture.
▪ To pay tithe

Uses of Money that spoils our relationship with God (TIMOTHY 6:7 – 10)

▪ To buy drugs of dependence.

▪ To bribe.
▪ To buy prostitutes.
▪ To hire other people to commit murder.

Effects of too much love for money

▪ Envy
▪ Bribery
▪ Murder
▪ Stealing
▪ Jealous
▪ Robbery

Time as a resource

Points to remember when using time.

▪ Time is money.
▪ Time wasted will never be gained.
▪ Do the right thing at the right time.
▪ There is time for work and time for rest.
▪ Too much work or leisure for us is not good.
▪ Respect your time table.

Bad ways of using time.

▪ Over sleeping.
▪ Spending too much time doing unproductive activities.
▪ Doing work slowly and carelessly

Human Rights.

▪ They are freedoms that everyone must enjoy.

Ways of respecting people’s rights.

▪ Settling conflicts in courts of law.
▪ Respecting tribal religious differences.
▪ Respect other people’s property.
▪ Avoiding murder.

Examples of human rights.

▪ Right to own property.

▪ Freedom of speech.
▪ Freedom of worship.
▪ Right live.
▪ Freedom of movement.
▪ Freedom of press.

Bodies that protect Human Rights

▪ Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC).

▪ Federation of Uganda Lawyers (FIDA).
▪ Inspector General of Government (IGG).
▪ Uganda Human Rights Initiative (UHRI).

Ways in which human Rights are abused

▪ Denial of education.
▪ Detention without trial
▪ Forcing someone to marry.
▪ Practicing mob justice.
▪ Taking one’s property forcefully.

Children’s rights

What are children’s rights?

▪ These are rights every child should have.

Examples of children’s right

▪ Right to medical care.

▪ Right to have a name.
▪ Right to education.
▪ Right to food.

Common examples of child abuse

▪ Defilement.
▪ Corporal punishment.
▪ Forced early marriages.
▪ Child labour.
▪ Child neglect.
▪ Indecent assault.

Forms of child abuse

▪ Physical
▪ Social.
▪ Emotional.


TOPIC : Strengthened by the spirit, we accept the event of life

Qn: What is success?

▪ Success is achieving set goals

Factors that lead to success

▪ Determination.
▪ God’s fearing.
▪ Family background.
▪ Academic level.
▪ Continuous practice.
▪ Self-confidence.
▪ Hard work.
▪ Being prayerful.

What Christians should view as success (Romans12:3)

▪ Serving others.
▪ Goal of love.
▪ Respect of God and other people.
▪ To have harmony with God and human beings.
▪ Thinking more of other than ourselves.

What Christians should not view as success?





Qn: What is failure?

▪ This is the inability to achieve set goals.

Cause of failure

▪ Lack of faith
▪ Lack of self confidence

▪ Pride
▪ Illiteracy
▪ Poor advice

Qn: What is fear?

▪ Fear is to feel that something bad may happen.

Forms of fear

▪ Real fear - this is fear for objects than can harm.

▪ Imagined fear - This is general fear to fail.
▪ Anxiety - This is the state of being worried.

Causes of fear

▪ Being lonely
▪ Lack of confidence
▪ Death
▪ Embarrassment

Values of fear
▪ It helps us to avoid dangerous situations
▪ It makes us to do some tasks better.
▪ It makes us to respect those who can protect us.
▪ It makes us to seek for God’s help.

Biblical teachings on fear and courage (Mark14:32 -36, Joshua 1:5-9, Isaiah 41 :10-13)
▪ We should pray to God for strength and courage when in fear.
▪ We should have determination, confidence as a solution to fear.
▪ It teaches that we should never fear.
▪ It teaches that all our worries should be left to God.

EMOTIONS (John11:35, 2:13 -17, Luke 19:41)

▪ Emotions means a state of mind

Examples of emotions

▪ Sadness
▪ Anger
▪ Fear
▪ Cheerfulness

Qn: How to control emotions?

▪ Being patient.
▪ By avoiding any kind of anger.
▪ By avoiding revenge.
▪ By being kind.
▪ By having faith and confident in God.


Qn: How do people communicate to God?

▪ Through prayer.
▪ Through reading the Bible.
▪ Through singing hymns

Qn: How God communicates to people?

▪ Through visions.
▪ Through the Bible.
▪ Through dreams.
▪ Through prophets.


▪ A prayer is a way of communicating to God.

Types of prayers

▪ A prayer is a way of communicating to God.

Types of prayers

1. Petition prayer

▪ These are prayers said to request for our bodily and spiritual needs.

2. Thanksgiving prayers.

▪ These are prayer said to thank God (Psalms138).

3. Intercessional prayers.

▪ These are prayer said to request God to meet other people’s need.

4. Liturgical prayers.

5. Prayers of praise These are prayer said to glorify God (Exodus 15:1 – 8).

6. Invocation prayers.

Importance of prayers.

▪ They help us to come closer to God.

▪ They help us to control our emotions.
▪ They help us to talk to God.
▪ They help us to find relief in times of stress and sorrow.
▪ They strengthen people

Reasons why Christians pray.

▪ To ask for protection.

▪ To confess our sins.
▪ To praise God.
▪ To thank God.
▪ To strengthen their faith.

Reasons why Christians sing and dance during prayers.

▪ To praise God.
▪ To show love to God.
▪ To thank God.

Ways of praying (Matthew 6:5 -7)

▪ Praying silently.
▪ Praying loudly.

Forms of a loud prayer

▪ Loud prayer from memory.

▪ Loud prayer from a prayer book.
▪ Singing hymns together.

Qn: When should a Christian pray?

▪ When he/she is in need.

▪ At any time
▪ When he/she is in joy or sorrow.

Times for common prayers

▪ Morning time.
▪ To thank God for the protection at night.
▪ To thank God for the new day.


▪ To confess the sins committed during day.

▪ To ask for protection.

Before meals

▪ To ask God to bless the meal.

▪ To thank God for providing the meal.

During difficult times

▪ To ask for God’s guidance.

▪ To ask for God’s protection.

Time of Joy.

▪ To glorify God.

Ways the Holy Spirit guides us to know God

▪ He makes you recognize that God loves you.

▪ He makes one to admit that you’re a sinner and you need God’s help.
▪ He makes one to be committed to serve God.
▪ He makes one to accept Jesus as a personal savior.
▪ He makes one to recognize that he/she belongs to God’s family.

Ways of serving God

▪ By praying.
▪ By reading the Bible.
▪ By helping the needy.
▪ By preaching the word of God.
▪ Through fasting.

Types of prayers in the book of psalms

▪ Confessional prayers (Psalms 32 :25)

▪ Thanks giving prayers (Psalms38)
▪ Petition prayers (Psalms 6:1 -2)

Jesus’ teaching on prayer ( Matthew 6 :9 -13)

Qn: Name the prayer that Jesus taught his Apostle

▪ Lord’s prayer.

Lessons we learn from the lord’s prayer

▪ To give us daily bread.

▪ Deliverance from evil.
▪ Forgiveness from sins.

Reasons why Jesus prayed

▪ To get food (Luke 8:6)

▪ To forgive his enemies (Luke 23 :33 -34)
▪ To know God will (Mathew 26:42)
▪ To ask for Strength and courage (Matthew.26 :39)

Places where Jesus prayed from

▪ Garden of Gethsemane (Mather 26:39 -42)

On top of the hill (mark 6:46)
▪ At the grave yard (John11: 41 – 43)

Lessons we learn from Jesus Prayer life

▪ We must pray with faith.

▪ Prayers can be said in any place.
▪ To pray with all our soul, heart and mind.
▪ Never to doubt that God is listening to our prayer.



Qn: What are creeds?

▪ These are statements of Christians beliefs.

Examples of creeds

▪ Apostles creed.
▪ Nicene creed.
▪ Athanasius creed.

Sections of creeds

▪ The section of God the father.

▪ The section of God the son.
▪ The section of God the spirit.


▪ A sacrament is a visible sign of the invisible grace of Jesus Christ.

Characteristics of sacraments

▪ Must have a material sign e.g. wine, bread.

▪ Must have a permanent system of giving.
▪ Must confirm the presence and powers of Jesus.

Examples of sacraments

a) Baptism

▪ The visible symbol is water

b) Confirmation

▪ His visible symbol is laying on the person being confirmed

▪ It’s done by a bishop

c) Holy Matrimony

▪ It unites man and woman as husband and wife.

▪ Its visible symbol is as a marriage certificate.

d) Penance

▪ Its for repenting our sins.

▪ It is symbolized by feeling sorry for one’s sins.

e) Holy order/ordination

▪ It is received by people who serve in church eg. Bishops, deacons.

f) Anointing of the sick.

▪ It is given to very sick people.

g) Holy Communion/Eucharist
▪ It is carryout in memory of Jesus Christ.
▪ It was first celebrated on Holy Thursday.

Conditions for receiving Holy Communion

▪ It is carried out in memory of Jesus Christ.

▪ It was first celebrated on holy Thursday.

Conditions for receiving Holy Communion

▪ Repentance
▪ Baptism
▪ Confirmation
▪ Symbols of Holy Communion
▪ Bread
▪ Wine

Qn: What does the following symbolizes in Holy Communion?

▪ Bread - represents the body of Jesus.

▪ Wine - represents the blood if Jesus.

Importance of sacraments


▪ It washes away the original sin.

▪ It makes a person a member of God’s family.

Qn: What is the importance of water in Baptism?

▪ It washes away the original sin.

Qn: What does water represent in Baptism?

b) Confirmation

▪ It strengthens one’s faith in God.

c) Holy Eucharist

▪ It reminds Christians about the last supper.

▪ It enables Christians to receive the body and blood of Jesus.

d) Penance.

▪ It helps Christians to repent their sins.

e) Holy Matrimony.

▪ It unites woman and man as husband and wife.

f) Holy orders/ Holy Ordination.

▪ It helps a Christian to receive priesthood.

g) Anointing of the sick.

▪ It makes a person who is ill to repent in preparation for death.

Contributions of the church towards development

▪ They have built schools.

▪ They have built hospitals.
▪ They have built orphanage homes
▪ They have built banks like Centenary bank.
▪ They have set up Television and radio stations e.g. Dream TV, Top TV.
▪ They have provided Jobs to Citizens.

Political contribution

▪ They help in making the constitution.

▪ It encourages the government to observe human rights.

Social contributions

▪ They have established education centers.

▪ They have set up orphanage homes.
▪ They have promoted morals.
▪ They established medical centers.

Economic contributions

▪ They have established financial institutions e.g. Banks.

▪ They have created jobs to people.


▪ A parable is a short story with a hidden meaning taught by Jesus Christ.

▪ A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly spiritual meaning.

Qn: Why did Jesus teach using parables

▪ He wanted to confuse his enemies.
▪ He wanted his people to understand him better.

Examples of parables

▪ Parables of the Good Samaritan.

▪ Parables of the sower.
▪ Parables of the prodigal son.
▪ Parable of the yeast.
▪ Parable of the mustard seed.
▪ Parables of the ten virgin girls.
▪ Parable if the three servants.
▪ Parable of the lost coin.
▪ Parable of the rich fool.
▪ Parable of the workers in the vineyard.
▪ Parable of the hidden treasure.
▪ Parable of the lost sheep.

Parables, meaning of the words and lessons learnt from different parables

a) Parable of the sower (Mathew13:1 -23)

Qn: What do the following represent in the

a) parable of the sower

i) Seeds – Gods word

II) Sower - preacher

iii) Seeds that fell along the path.

▪ People who hear God’s word but the devil takes it away.

iv) Seeds that fell on rocky ground.

▪ People who hear God’s word but give up when trouble comes.

V) Seeds that fell on good soil.

▪ People who hear God’s message and understand it.

Lesson learnt.

▪ To believe in God.

B) Parable of the weeds (Matthew 13:24-30)

i) The field
▪ The world.

ii) Good seeds.

▪ People who believe in God.

iii) Weeds

▪ Non believes

iv) Enemy who sowed the weed.

▪ The devil

v) Harvest

▪ End of the world.

vi) Harvest workers

▪ The angles.

Lesson learnt

▪ Never to give up on faith in God.

c) Parable of the lost sheep (Mathew 118 :10 -41)

▪ Sheep the believes

▪ Man with hundred sheep Jesus
▪ Lost sheep sinner
▪ Ninety-nine sheep faithful people

Lessons learnt

▪ To be faithful.
▪ To have love for their sinner.

Qn: What happens when the lost sheep is found?

▪ There is happiness/rejoicing.

d) Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke10:25 – 31)


▪ To help the needy.

▪ To have pity for people who are suffering.

e) Parables of the prodigal son/Lost son (Luke 15:11-23)

▪ Confess our sins.

▪ To forgive.

f) Parable of the rich fool (Luke 12 :14 – 21)

▪ To trust God rather than our wealth.

g) Parable of the house built on the rock (Mathew 7:24 – 27)

▪ To heed to Jesus teachings.

h) The parables of the lost coin (Luke 15:8 -10)

▪ To repent.
▪ Parable of the ten virgins (Mathew 25:14 -30)
Believers should be prepared for the return of Jesus.
▪ Unprepared believers will be locked out of God’s kingdom when Jesus returns.

Miracles performed by Jesus

▪ He changed water into wine [John 2:1 -12.]

▪ He healed the lame [Matthew 1 :29 – 34.]
▪ He walked on water [Matthew 14 :22-32.]
▪ He calmed the storm [matthew8:23 -27.]
▪ He raised the dead [Luke 7:11-17.]
▪ He made Simon to catch large numbers of fish [Luke 5:4 -11.]
▪ He fed 5000 people on five loaves of bread and two fish.
▪ He gave sight to the blind.
▪ He put back the ear of the soldier that was cut off by Simon Peter

Qn: Why did Jesus perform miracles?

▪ To shoe God’s power.

▪ To make people believe.
▪ To show love to people.
▪ To show care to people.

Ways Jesus showed love to his people

▪ By feeding the hungry.

▪ By healing the sick.
▪ By raising the dead.
▪ By forgiving them their sins.
▪ By dying for their sins.

People Jesus raised from the dead

o Lazarus
o Jairus’ daughter
o Widow’s son

Important mountains in Christianity

i) Mt. Sinai

▪ It is where Moses received the Ten commandments.

ii) Mt. Moriah

▪ It is where Abraham tried to sacrifice Isaac.

iii) Mt. Ararat

▪ It is where Noah’s ark rested after floods.

iv) Mt. Olives

▪ It is where Jesus ascended to heaven.

v) Mt. Carmel

▪ It is where Elijah called down fire from heaven.

vi) Mt. Horeb

▪ It is where Moses saw the burning bush.

vii) Mt. Nebo

▪ It is Moses died.

viii) Mt.Tabor

▪ It is where Jesus’ transfiguration took place.

Major Prophets in the Bible

Qn: Who is a prophet?

▪ A prophet is a messenger of God who foretells.

Major prophets

▪ Isaiah
▪ Jeremiah
▪ Ezekiel
▪ Daniel

Qn: Why are major prophets called so?

▪ They wrote longer messages.

Minor Prophets

▪ Hosea
▪ Joel
▪ Amos
▪ Haggai
▪ Obadiah
▪ Jonah
▪ Micah
▪ Zechariah
▪ Nahum
▪ Habakuk
▪ Zephania

Qn: Why were minor prophets called so?

▪ They wrote shorter messages.

Prophets and their messages

a) Elijah

▪ He preached about true worship.

b) Isaiah

▪ He preached about the promised messiah.

▪ He was referred to as the messianic prophets.

c) Jeremiah

▪ He preached about hope and the new covenant.

d) Amos

▪ He preached about justice.

e) Elisha

▪ He preached against injustice, immorality and misuses of power.

f) Jonah

▪ He preached about Judgment.

g) Malachi

▪ He preached about obedience to God.

h) Hosea

▪ He preached forgiveness and hope.

i) Joel

▪ He preached about repentance to the people of Judea.

j) John the Baptist

▪ He preached about repentance.

Qn: Who was the last prophet in the Bible?

▪ Prophet John the Baptist.

Symbols of the Holy Spirit

▪ Dove.
▪ Strong wind.
▪ Flames of fire.

Meaning of the symbols

a) Flames of fire -- spiritual warmth.

b) Strong wind -- Strength of the holy spirit.

c) Dove -- peace.

Important places in Christianity

i) Bethlehem.

▪ It is Jesus’ birth town.

ii) Nazareth.

▪ It is where Jesus grew up from.

iii) Cana

▪ It is where Jesus performed his first miracles.

▪ It is where Jesus changes water into wine.

iv) Golgotha

▪ It is where Jesus was crucified.


▪ Golgotha means place of skulls.

v) Canaan

▪ It was the promised land of Israelites.

vI) Akaldema

▪ It is where Judas Iscariot committed suicide.

Note: Akaldema means field of blood.

vII) Garden of Gethsemane

▪ It is where Jesus was arrested from.

viii) Goshen

▪ It is where Israelites lived while in Egypt.

ix) River Jordan

▪ It is where Jesus was Baptized

x) Lake Galilee

▪ It is where Jesus walked on water.

xi) Ur

▪ The original; homeland of Abraham.

xii) Egypt

▪ The African country where Jesus was taken refuge.

Important days in Christianity

a) Christmas day

▪ The day Jesus was born.

b) Ash Wednesday

▪ It marks the beginning of the lent period.

c) Palm Sunday

▪ It is the day Jesus entered Jerusalem as a king.

d) Holy Thursday

▪ It is the day when Jesus had his last supper.

e) Ascension Day

▪ They day Jesus ascended to heaven.

f) Good Friday

▪ The day Jesus was crucified.

▪ The day Jesus died on the cross.

g) Easter Sunday

▪ The day Jesus was raised from the dead.

h) Pentecost day

▪ The day apostles received the holy spirit.

i) Martyrs day (3rd June)

▪ It is the day when most Christians converts were burnt.

J) Passover

▪ It was the day when the angel of death killed all the first burns of Egyptians.


Qn: Name the Roman emperor who announced population census.

▪ Augustus ceaser

Qn: Name the town where Joseph and Mary went for the Census.

▪ Bethlehem

Qn: Identify the first group of people to see baby Jesus.

▪ Shepherds

Who were the magis?

These were the wise men who came from the East.

They included;

▪ Balthazar
▪ Casper
▪ Melchior

Gifts brought by the wisemen

▪ Gold
▪ Myrrh
▪ Frankincense

Meaning of the gifts

▪ Gold - Kingship
▪ Myrrh - Death
▪ Frankincense - Resurrection

Qn: What is Epiphany?

▪ This is the period when the wise men visited Jesus.

Events/things that happened at the Baptism of Jesus

▪ The Holy spirit appeared inform of a dove.

▪ A loud voice was heard from heaven.

Define the following terms

a) Incarnation

▪ This is the coming of God in Human form through Jesus.

▪ This is the changing from spiritual form to body form.

b) Transfiguration

▪ This was when Jesus changed from Body form to spiritual form.

Christian names and their meanings

▪ Abel mourning /weeping
▪ Adam Human beings/red earth
▪ Abraham father of nations/father of many
▪ Amos burden bearer
▪ Christ the anointed one
▪ Cain possession
▪ David beloved of God
▪ Elijah My God is lord
▪ Elishah Sigh/God is salvation
▪ Emmanuel God is with us
▪ Enoch Dedicated
▪ Enosh weakling
▪ Ezakiel God strengthens
▪ Ham Black and crafty
▪ Hosea Deliverance
▪ Isaac He laughs
▪ Isaiah Yaweh is salvation
▪ Israel He struggles with God
▪ Japheth Expansion
▪ Jeremiah God lifts up
▪ Joel Lord God
▪ Jonah Pigeon
▪ Malachi My messenger
▪ Micah Poor
▪ Moses Pulled out of water
▪ Noah Consolation/comfort
▪ Paul A changed person
▪ Peter rock
▪ Sarah Mother of many
▪ Shem celebrated name

Death of Jesus

▪ Things that happened when Jesus died.

▪ The curtain of the temple split into two.
▪ There was an earth quake.
▪ Rocks split and graves were opened.
▪ Some dead saints resurrected.

People who were present at the crucifixion of Jesus

▪ Mary the mother of Jesus.

▪ Mary Magdalene
▪ Mary the wife of Cleophas
▪ John the beloved apostle.

People who buried Jesus’ body

▪ Joseph of Arimathea
▪ Nicodemus


▪ Jesus’ body was buried in Joseph’s tomb.

▪ Simon Of Cyrene carried Jesus ‘cross.

Qn: Write INRI in full

▪ Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews.

People who hate Jesus

▪ Pharisees
▪ Scribes
▪ Romans
▪ Priests


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