Induction Gen
Induction Gen
Induction Gen
To analyze the various speed variations in no-load and
determine input power variations.
Just like DC machines an induction machine can
also be used as a motor as well as a generator without any
internal modifications. Induction generators are also known as
asynchronous generators. As we already known that rotor of
an induction motor rotates at a speed close to the synchronous
speed that is slightly less than the synchronous speed. It is
because the rotor continuously falls back to a speed less than
the synchronous speed as no torque and EMF is induced in the
rotor. When the rotor rotates at synchronous speed consider
the above statements now provide AC supply across the stator
terminals of an induction machine. The RMF is produced in the
air gap and the rotor follows the RMF and starts rotating. Now
assume that the induction motor is running at synchronous
speed using a prime mover. No current will be induced in the
rotor as the relative speed is zero. When the motor is running
at a speed greater than the synchronous speed the slip will be
negative and generating current will be induced in the rotor in
the opposite direction. It also induces a RMF in the air gap and
gets linked with stator field. This induces an EMF in the stator
field which pushes a current flowing out of the stator against
the supplied voltage. Now the machine is working as an
induction generator. An induction generator is not a self-excited
machine, therefore when running as a generator, machine
takes reactive power and supplies active power. An induction
machine requires reactive power for excitation whether it is
running as a motor or a generator. When an induction
generator is connected to the grid it takes reactive power from
the grid to supply a load without using an external source. A
capacitive bank is connected across the terminals to supply
reactive power to the load and the machine.
To find efficiency,
Input power to generator = Output power of
Pin = EbIa = VaIa – Ia2Ra
Pout = W1+ W2
Efficiency = P in/ Pout * 100 (%)
Va Ia Eg Ig Pin W1 W2 Pout %η
Ensure all connections are made as per the Circuit
Provide Supply across the stator of prime mover,
cut down the armature rheostat and set the rated
By varying the field rheostat of prime mover adjust
the required speed
Provide AC supply to the generator stator
Provide necessary field excitation to the generator
to reach rated voltage.
Note down the no-load readings.
Gradually increase the loads and note down
Switch OFF the supply after positioning the
rheostat properly.
Thus, the performance characteristics of 3 φ
Induction generator were analysed.