Easy To Start With, Easy To Grow With: Enterprise Service Bus
Easy To Start With, Easy To Grow With: Enterprise Service Bus
Easy To Start With, Easy To Grow With: Enterprise Service Bus
High Performance
Although weve worked hard on providing the lowest learning curve and the smoothest development experience, the WSO2 ESB is not a toy. The nely tuned engine o ers blazing performance within a at memory footprint. The fully asynchronous core eliminates limits on concurrent messages and is deeply architected around Web services to ensure messages pass through the system with as little touch as necessary. Our customers successfully rely on the WSO2 ESB for their most demanding high throughput scenarios.
ongoing costs low. And the great performance means you maximize your investments in hardware you can run the WSO2 ESB on cheaper, less powerful computers.
Weve shown you how you can save time and money on todays projects with WSO2s ESB. But your enterprise will grow and your technology needs to grow, too. WSO2s ESB comes loaded with many built-in core capabilities and extension mechanisms to ensure you have a solid basis for solving needs you arent even aware of yet. To start with, the ESB has 29 built-in mediator types that form the building blocks for sophisticated transformation and routing tasks. The next level allows you to program speci c logic in Java or Javascript. And as your enterprise expands and your technology needs increase, youll have the exibility to add in components from the complete WSO2 Carbon platform. This platform encompasses a range of capabilities unmatched in other platforms business processes, data services, identity services, rules and events processing, and more. Youll have the capacity to adapt quickly to change and ensure that your architecture evolves gracefully over time. And partnering with WSO2 will keep you on pace with technological innovations. Open Source development has proven its ability to evolve along with the emerging needs of businesses as they grow and develop. Weve built a foundation that can help you in your current projects and be part of your enterprises technological growth in the coming years.
The ESBs intuitive Web management console makes local or remote management a breeze. And when you use the WSO2 ESB in tandem with the WSO2 Governance Registry, you will have the capability to con gure and manage clusters and policies in one place. The WSO2 ESB also has the capability to publish usage stats to the WSO2 Business Activity Monitor, so you can track the health of the system in real time. Youll also bene t from the exibility of WSO2 ESBs capability to integrate with your existing systems with support for management protocols such as JMX.
The WSO2 ESB o ers unbeatable savings on cost of ownership. Not only have you already saved upfront license fees because the WSO2 ESB is 100% true Open Source, but the speed and ease of developing for the ESB means signi cant savings of developer time. Simple management keeps
Management Console
Application Server
Enterprise Service Bus
JMS Broker
File System
Identity Server
User Management
Governance Registry
Mediation Receiver
Log/ Tracer
High performance
Message content is parsed on demand touch as little of the message as possible Fully asynchronous model no limit on concurrent messages and at memory footprint Message Relay mode for ultra-low latency situations
Enterprise ready
Clustering High availability Load balancing Fault tolerance Transactions Integrated Registry/Repository with the ability to connect to external registry
Cloud ready
Service discovery through WS-Discovery Web console, remote API, and command line provisioning Full hot deploy, undeploy, update allowsindependent management in a shared environment Amazon AMI, vmWare, KVM images available
OS Linux Windows Derby Oracle Standalone Tomcat Ant Eclipse Abdera AMQP Email FIX FTP Hessian HTTP/S Solaris AIX MySQL MSSQL WebLogic WebSphere Maven Carbon Studio IMAP/S JMS Non blocking HTTP/S Quartz SFTP SAP Servlet Javascript Jaxen HL7 CSV SMTP/S SOAP TCP UDP VFS XMPP WebSphere MQ Geronimo JBoss HP-UX Mac OS x Containers Flexible Deployment Topologies Event Handling Security EJB3 ESB Client/ Server Spring Peer-to-Peer Enterprise Service Network (ESN) Hub and Spoke Pipeline Database App Server Development Tools Transports Asynchronous Streaming WS-* LDAP Synchronous Transactions Kerberos Open ID SAML Web Services SOAP 1.1/SOAP 1.2 WSDL 1.1/WSDL 2.0 WS-Addressing (supports dual channel invocation) WS-Security with Apache Rampart WS-ReliableMessaging with Apache Sandesha 2 WS-Eventing with Apache Savan & WSO2 Eventing WS-Policy (supports separate policies for incoming/outgoing messages) MTOM/SwA optimizations for binary messages XML/HTTP (POX) REST formats
Data Formats