Simplest MOS device is the MOS capacitor with just two terminals
MOS transistor (MOSFET) has four terminals
• Applying a positive gate bias to same structure leads to depletion of holes (a)
from the interface towards the substrate
• Positive charges are repelled to the gate by the electric field
• Induced space-charge region (no +ve mobile charges but –ve immobile ions)
is created in the substrate – oxide interface (b)
• As the positive gate bias increases, free electrons appears in the space charge region (c)
which is referred to as electron inversion layer
• When large enough positive voltage is applied to the gate, inversion layer is created
(channel) in the p-region which connects the source to the drain.
• Electrons can then move from the source to drain resulting to current flow
• Ideally no current flows in the oxide and substrate because the oxide is an insulator
and the channel is separated from the substrate by a space-charge region.
VGS < VTH and positive VDS applied: Space charge regions created, transistor in OFF state
essentially drain current is almost zero
VGS > VTH and positive VDS applied:
Inversion layer created, transistor turns ON, current flows in the device as VDS is increased