Instant Download Corporate Volunteering Responsibility and Employee Entrepreneurship 1st Edition Aldona Glińska-Neweś PDF All Chapters
Instant Download Corporate Volunteering Responsibility and Employee Entrepreneurship 1st Edition Aldona Glińska-Neweś PDF All Chapters
Instant Download Corporate Volunteering Responsibility and Employee Entrepreneurship 1st Edition Aldona Glińska-Neweś PDF All Chapters
Harmony of Colour 80 Teddies and Toys 1st Edition Nuclear
Corporate Volunteering,
Responsibility, and Employee
Introduction 1
Opening Remarks 1
Structure of the Book 3
1 Corporate Entrepreneurship 7
1.1 The Phenomenon of Corporate Entrepreneurship 8
1.1.1 The Understanding of Corporate Entrepreneurship 8
1.1.2 The Role of Corporate Entrepreneurship 10
1.2 Different Facets of Corporate Entrepreneurship 13
1.3 Measuring Corporate Entrepreneurship: Corporate
Entrepreneurship as a Construct 17
vi Contents
4 Corporate Social Responsibility as a Booster of
Employee Entrepreneurial Activities 59
4.1 Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Effects on
Companies 60
4.2 Corporate Social Responsibility and Work
Meaningfulness 62
4.3 Corporate Social Responsibility and Organisational
Commitment 63
4.4 Corporate Social Responsibility and Work Engagement 64
4.5 Corporate Social Responsibility and Relationships
at Work 65
4.6 Behavioural Effects of CSR and Corporate
Entrepreneurship 65
Contents vii
8 Concluding Remarks 124
8.1 Summary of Findings: The Framework of Corporate
Volunteering Contribution to Corporate
Entrepreneurship 124
8.2 Contributions and Practical Implications 126
8.3 Limitations and Further Research 127
Index 129
Opening Remarks
A focus on entrepreneurship within established organisations is not new,
and many scholars have discussed the phenomenon of what is known as
corporate entrepreneurship (CE) (see e.g. Morris et al., 2010), pointing
out its importance in a changing, uncertain environment.
After Sharma and Chrisman (1999, p. 18), we apply a broad definition
of CE as ‘the process whereby an individual or group of individuals, in
association with an existing organisation, create a new organization or
instigate renewal or innovation within that organization’. We treat CE
as a processual phenomenon resulting from the perceptions, attitudes,
and behaviours of individuals (supported by colleagues) within certain
organisational and environmental contexts. CE is a multi-dimensional,
complex, and context-sensitive phenomenon that can be analysed on
three major levels: individual, team, and organisational (see Chapter 1
for more details).
DOI: 10.4324/9781003194750-1
2 Introduction
Concepts connected with CE have been developed by scholars for the
last 50 years (see e.g. Arz, 2017; Burger & Blažková, 2020). CE can
be perceived as a goal in itself, or as a tool for survival, for building a
learning organisation, or for developing a strategy of survival and devel-
opment in highly competitive markets. CE, after 50 years of development,
can be considered not a managerial fad but rather a lasting and poten-
tially promising tendency. Many scholars stress that the overreliance on
stability and procedures may lead to bureaucracy and a lack of competi-
tiveness in a rapidly changing environment (Morris & Kuratko, 2002).
Such a bureaucratic setting often supports strategic myopia among man-
agers (or to be more precise, its negative side), often leading to opportun-
ities being missed in different aspects of organisational functioning (see
e.g. Czakon & Kawa, 2018). Entrepreneurial organisations are opposed
to those dominated by bureaucracy that supports the myopic managerial
perceptions that can hinder opportunity recognition.
The assumption that CE is a fundamental way to support the develop-
ment of companies, and sustaining their competitive advantage is quite
visible in studies, as well as textbooks and publications for managers
(Burns, 2020). We would like to follow this path, but we intend to show
CE from a new perspective. Specifically, we aim to present CE as a pro-
cess that may be related with, and result from, CSR and its practices,
such as corporate volunteering. Thus, we want to combine in our frame-
work selected elements of different disciplines: entrepreneurship, CSR,
and organisational behaviour. We believe that such an approach sheds
new light on CE, and particularly on the antecedents of entrepreneurial
behaviours of employees.
The inspiration for this book came from a conversation we had in
late 2020 on possible common research projects. It is important to note
that we represent two distinct subdisciplines of management studies—
entrepreneurship and organisational behaviour—and at first sight we
thought that these two fields were quite distant. However, when diving
into the details, we realised that these ‘distant fields’ do have many things
in common, and quite often we simply approach similar problems from
different perspectives. Hence, we decided to combine our perspectives
in this publication and propose an approach that shows corporate
volunteering as a factor that can promote entrepreneurship among
employees. More specifically, we argue that employee perceptions of
CSR, as well as their participation in CSR-related initiatives such as cor-
porate volunteering, are capable of boosting CE through building an
environment that enhances employee entrepreneurial behaviours.
Both activities— volunteering and entrepreneuring— require (and
develop) similar competencies; they include a more active approach and
an ability to recognise opportunities and build differentiated networks of
relations. However, in this book we go far beyond the problem of com-
petency development alone and focus our attention on a larger set of
employee attitudes and behaviours.
Introduction 3
Studies conducted so far show that corporate volunteering generates a
multitude of employee attitudes, behaviours, and competencies that are
important for both organisations and individuals (Dreesbach-Bundy &
Scheck, 2017; Rodell et al., 2016). In our approach, we argue that, based
on the aforementioned effects, corporate volunteering develops affects,
perceptions, and mindsets that support employee initiative and entrepre-
neurial behaviour and, in consequence, contribute to CE. The most sig-
nificant effects of volunteering in this regard include strengthened work
meaningfulness, relationships, open cross- functional communication,
and organisational commitment.
In our theoretical considerations, as well as in case studies, we dem-
onstrate the relationship between employee participation in corporate
volunteering projects and their entrepreneurial behaviours. As we
mentioned, both issues have already been presented separately. We com-
bine them in a single framework that locates the aforementioned relations
in an organisational context, stimulating both kinds of activities, i.e.
entrepreneuring and corporate volunteering.
The book contributes to management studies in the subdisciplines of
entrepreneurship, CSR, and organisational behaviour. Its main contri-
bution lies in including CSR in the discourse regarding antecedents of
CE. Moreover, the book builds a better business case for CSR, delivering
rationales for business engagement in socially responsible initiatives as
being supportive of company survival and development.
4 Introduction
Chapter 3 introduces the individual employee working in an organ-
isational context. Here, we analyse factors influencing the entrepre-
neurship of employees and concentrate on the organisational level.
Elements connected with strategy, organisational design and job design,
HR practices, and organisational culture are presented. We show some
barriers that block employee entrepreneurial behaviour and contrast
them with best practices that foster such behaviour. In the last part of the
chapter, we open a discussion on the role of HR and CSR in employee
Chapter 4 builds on the discussion commenced in Chapter 3. We focus
specifically on employee perceptions of CSR and explain the process
by which they boost employee entrepreneurial activities. We argue that
working for a socially responsible company that contributes towards the
greater good gives employees a sense of purpose and adds meaningful-
ness to their work. Perceived CSR also enhances employee relationships
with both the company and peers, contributing to employee commitment
and work engagement. In turn, the experienced meaningfulness, posi-
tive relationships at work, commitment, and work engagement combine
to make employees feel confident in their generative competencies and
encourage them to engage in solving problems creatively. As a result,
these behavioural effects play a mediating role between CSR and CE.
In Chapter 5, we present the essence of corporate volunteering and
its various forms, as implemented in contemporary companies, including
, intra-, and extra- organisational volunteering, followed by
examples of volunteer projects obtained from companies operating in
Poland. This chapter also depicts the state of the art in regard to organ-
isational outcomes of employee participation in corporate volunteering.
We focus particularly on positive relationships at work, work meaning-
fulness, and organisational commitment, arguing these to be the primary
effects of employee participation in corporate volunteering.
Chapter 6 refers back to the concept of entrepreneurial competen-
cies introduced in Chapter 2 to discuss the mechanisms for developing
employee competencies through corporate volunteering. We present the
role of volunteer work characteristics in the process and again discuss
the mediating role of work meaningfulness and relationships with others;
this time, though, we treat them as mediators between volunteer work
characteristics and employee competency development. We focus spe-
cifically on the type of beneficiaries and the intensity of employee con-
tact with them as the key characteristics of volunteer work. The chapter
presents a framework of four logics of volunteer competency develop-
ment, explaining how combinations of beneficiary type and intensity of
contact with beneficiaries strengthen specific aspects of the cognitive,
emotional, and social intelligence competencies of employee-volunteers.
Chapter 7 is designed to exemplify the relations between corporate
volunteering and employees’ entrepreneurship. Based on our research,
we present three case studies from the Polish economy. We used a case
Introduction 5
study method based on qualitative investigation (interviews) and ana-
lysis of documents (provided by the companies or available on official
company websites). It is important to emphasise that the Polish economy
is characterised by a particularly high increase in the scale of corporate
volunteering implemented in companies (Responsible Business Forum,
2020). To illustrate this phenomenon, we used the cases of:
Arz, C. (2017). Mechanisms of organizational culture for fostering corporate
entrepreneurship: A systematic review and research agenda. Journal of
Enterprising Culture, 25(4), 361–409.
Burger, L., & Blažková, I. (2020). Internal determinants promoting corporate
entrepreneurship in established organizations: A systematic literature review.
Central European Business Review, 9(2), 19–45.
Burns, P. (2020). Corporate entrepreneurship and innovation (4th ed.).
Czakon, W., & Kawa, A. (2018). Network myopia: An empirical study of net-
work perception. Industrial Marketing Management, 73, 116–124.
Dreesbach-Bundy, S., & Scheck, B. (2017). Corporate volunteering: A biblio-
metric analysis from 1990 to 2015. Business Ethics, 26(3), 240–256.
Kuratko, D. F., Goldsby, M. G., & Hornsby, J. S. (2019). Corporate innovation:
Disruptive thinking in organizations. Routledge.
Morris, M. H., & Kuratko, D. F. (2002). Corporate entrepreneurship. South-
Western/Harcourt College.
6 Introduction
Morris, M. H., Kuratko, D. F., & Covin, J. G. (2010). Corporate entrepreneur-
ship & innovation (3rd ed.). South-Western, Cengage Learning.
Rodell, J. B., Breitsohl, H., Schröder, M., & Keating, D. J. (2016). Employee
volunteering: A review and framework for future research. Journal of
Management, 42(1), 55–84.
Sharma, P., & Chrisman, J. J. (1999). Toward a reconciliation of the definitional
issues in the field of corporate entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and
Practice, 23(3), 11–27.
Internet Source
Responsible Business Forum (2020)
Corporate Entrepreneurship
DOI: 10.4324/9781003194750-2
8 Corporate Entrepreneurship
This opening chapter concludes with a strict definition of our focus:
we show that we are interested most in the micro-foundations of entre-
preneurship within established organisations. This individual level—
employees who innovate, use their creative capacities to spot, and create
opportunities important for the whole organisation—directs our analyses
within the whole volume.
Corporate Entrepreneurship 9
Also, a concept of intrapreneurship was introduced that extended the
focus of CE to embrace individuals within organisations (Arz, 2017;
Pinchot, 1985). At the same time, researchers discussed whether CE can
be developed within bureaucratic structures and how entrepreneurial
behaviour can and should be encouraged. As Kuratko and Audretsch
claim, during the 1990s, researchers focused on CE as re-energising and
enhancing companies’ ability to develop the skills to create innovations;
also, more comprehensive definitions of CE began to take shape. In
the 21st century, the concept of entrepreneurial behaviour has been
developed further and in more detail (encompassing dimensions like
pro-activeness, innovativeness, and risk-taking). Also, numerous studies
linking CE to sustainable competitive advantage and growth have been
All these developments demonstrate that CE is a multi-dimensional,
complex, and context-sensitive phenomenon that can be analysed on
three major levels: individual, team, and organisational. Figure 1.1 below
illustrates the concept of CE.
In this book, we apply a broad, classical definition of CE proposed by
Sharma and Chrisman (1999, p. 18), according to which CE is ‘the pro-
cess whereby an individual or group of individuals, in association with an
existing organization, create a new organization or instigate renewal or
innovation within that organization’. We treat CE as a process resulting
from perceptions, attitudes, and behaviours of individuals within a cer-
tain organisational and external context. In other words, we agree with
Kuratko and Morris (2018), who claim that CE describes entrepreneurial
behaviour inside established organisations and that the value of CE lies
Strategic entrepreneurship
Corporate venturing
10 Corporate Entrepreneurship
in the extent to which it becomes a strategy to engage in entrepreneurial
actions to achieve a competitive advantage.
CE, as we preliminarily demonstrated above, may refer to many
different activities within existing organisations. We will discuss this
diversity in Section 1.2.
Corporate Entrepreneurship 11
a metamorphosis from an existing vision that produces changes in the
products and services, customers/ clients, channels, skills, margins,
competitive advantage, and people’ (Gartner & Brush, 2007, p. 5).
Therefore, CE is dynamic and requires changes that bring some novelty
to internal processes and/or relations with the environment and external
stakeholders. As such, CE requires companies to engage in a learning
process, exploration followed by the exploitation of resulting discoveries
(of opportunities).
CE requires changes, but it also may help organisations to cope with
environmental changes. This, however, requires of existing companies a
certain initial potential. A study by Yuan, Bau, and Olson (2017, p. 313)
shows that this is particularly visible in companies with strong market
capabilities, that ‘tend to adopt CE activities to cope with ambivalent
changes’, while companies with weak market capabilities would ‘actually
reduce their CE activities in highly ambivalent environment’. In other
words, the application of CE activities is not a natural choice for every
organisation, as it requires certain internal capabilities. A lack of such
capabilities may support existing routines rather than triggering efforts
to change them.
Many studies demonstrate that CE may actually help in increasing
companies’ performance; firms with a higher degree of CE perform better
(Arz, 2017; Rauch et al., 2009). The effects of CE on firm performance
have been examined in a variety of organisational forms, including family
firms (Soleimanof et al., 2019). Vanacker et al. (2021) stress that the rela-
tionship between CE and firm performance attracted attention, resulting
in many important studies, most of which show that CE is positively
related to firm performance, albeit with very different effect sizes. The
same authors demonstrate that the literature on the relationship between
CE and firm performance has some limitations that require attention;
scholars have not been systematic in investigating relationships that
different types and forms of CE have with firm performance. Also, the
environment influences relations between CE and performance. To tackle
this challenge, those authors proposed that home country intellectual
property and employee protection institutions moderate the relationship
between CE and firm performance (Vanacker et al., 2021).
Numerous studies have been devoted to analysing the relations between
CE and organisations’ innovativeness. The clear assumption is that one
of the most important reasons for introducing CE practices is to foster
innovations and, consequently, to sustain (or build) competitive advan-
tage. Cooper et al. (2000) claim that corporate entrepreneurial strat-
egies show ways to revitalise existing organisations and make them more
innovative. As Kuratko et al. (2014, p. 38) put it, ‘corporate entrepre-
neurship […] is envisioned to be a process that can facilitate firms’ efforts
to innovate constantly and cope effectively with the competitive realities
companies encounter when competing in world markets’. The authors
claim that companies implementing CE are actually ‘innovation-minded
12 Corporate Entrepreneurship
companies’ and that ‘corporate entrepreneurship flourishes in established
firms when individuals are free to pursue actions and initiatives, regard-
less of the “rules” ’ (Kuratko et al., 2014, p. 38). Prior routines may be
abandoned and substituted by new ways of thinking and acting.
Positive relations between CE and companies’ performance and
innovative capabilities influence the abilities required to build competi-
tive advantage. As Ireland et al. (2009, p. 35) put it, the exploitation of
entrepreneurial opportunities is positively related both to the strength of
the organisation’s competitive capability and to the realisation of stra-
tegic repositioning.
Just like almost every organisational phenomenon, CE, too, can have
its limitations and dark side. It is quite obvious that not every potential
opportunity and initiative is worth undertaking. Organisations need to
have a selection system that, on the one hand, helps to avoid too many
costly failures and, on the other, does not discourage people by the early
elimination of too many projects. Also, there are different factors that
motivate people to take entrepreneurial actions. Not all are fully com-
pliant with an organisation’s long-term development. We further discuss
and develop these issues in Chapter 3.
To sum up, CE can be perceived as a potentially promising answer
to vital practical challenges in managerial processes. It can serve as a
factor that:
• fosters innovations;
• enhances the creation of an open- to-
changes environment within
• facilitates learning;
• improves performance;
• enhances competitive capabilities of a company; and
• ensures sustainable development.
Corporate Entrepreneurship 13
Virgin, we’re known for challenging the status quo and shaking
up markets, while championing people and the planet.
Virgin’s purpose is to change business for good and it is the
very reason we exist. It is the lens through which we make all
our decisions.
Our values are what keep our people, products and part-
ners on the right path to achieve our purpose while providing
incredible experiences.
14 Corporate Entrepreneurship
These manifestations correspond to external and internal CE, though
they are defined slightly differently.
Corporate venturing is concerned with company involvement in the
creation of new businesses or new ventures (Sharma & Chrisman, 1999).
It may include three types of activities (Kuratko & Audretsch, 2013,
p. 330; Morris et al., 2010):
Corporate Entrepreneurship 15
16 Corporate Entrepreneurship
4 organisational rejuvenation: refers to the way a company is organised;
this is an internally focused innovation for strategy improvement; and
5 business model reconstruction: requires redesign and redefinition of
an existing business model.
Corporate Entrepreneurship 17
change the understanding of what is considered valuable. Thus, cultural
innovations may be embodied not only in products or services but also in
founders’ speeches, media coverage, packaging, ingredients, retail design,
and even philanthropy.
Also, the concept of corporate social entrepreneurship— important
from the point of view of this monograph—is gaining significant popu-
larity among scholars (Austin et al., 2006, Hemingway, 2012, 2013;
Kuratko et al., 2017). Corporate social entrepreneurship refers to actions
that focus on ways to turn a company into a better place—one can con-
tribute to sustainable development while solving environmental and
social problems.
The variety of approaches is impressive, but all the CE- related
concepts and categories are supposed to add some value to a company.
As Kuratko and Morris (2018) claim, the value of CE lies in the extent to
which it becomes a strategy to engage in an ongoing process of entrepre-
neurial actions to achieve a competitive advantage. Thus, the challenge
of building a corporate entrepreneurship strategy (CES) to foster different
types of CE seems to be crucial. Moreover, as the same authors stress,
a lack of innovative actions in today’s economy could be a recipe for
failure. The processes of building appropriate context for CE activities
are discussed in Chapter 3. Here we just want to state that the diversity of
forms of CE suggests that the task of creating a favourable environment
is indeed a complex and difficult challenge.
18 Corporate Entrepreneurship
Instrument (IAI)— that included management support, organisational
structure, availability of resources, risk management, and reward systems
as important elements shaping the environment for CE. This instru-
ment was later developed into a tool called the corporate entrepreneur-
ship assessment instrument (CEAI) (see Hornsby et al., 2002; Kuratko
et al., 2014). The CEAI can be used to assess the entrepreneurial climate
for CE (and perception of the internal environment). In a 2014 paper,
Kuratko, Hornsby, and Covin claim that there are five major components
(dimensions) of the CEAI. These dimensions are crucial to creating an
entrepreneurial and innovative environment in organisations, and CEAI
is a diagnostic tool used for assessing managers’ perceptions of the five
key dimensions. The CEAI consists of 48 items divided into 5 dimensions.
These dimensions are (Kuratko et al., 2014):
Corporate Entrepreneurship 19
creation of social value’ (Kuratko et al., 2017, p. 274). They added four
dimensions: (1) stakeholder salience, (2) social pro-activeness, (3) cor-
porate governance, and (4) transparency (disclosure); together with the
previous dimensions, the scale is composed of 61 items.
The CEAI (and its modifications, like SCES) seems to be one of the
most widespread tools within the CE domain. However, there are also
other instruments that help to measure CE and/or related phenomena.
Another approach, proposed by Kreiser et al. (2021), is referred to
as CES. The authors focus on external fit (with environmental hostility
and technological sophistication) and internal fit (in three dimensions: (1)
entrepreneurial climate—architecture, (2) entrepreneurial orientation—
behaviour, and (3) strategic intentionality—vision) in CES.
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Who Becomes a Corporate
Entrepreneur, and How?
DOI: 10.4324/9781003194750-3
1 Intrapreneurs are active mainly for profit. This is one of the most
popular myths that link entrepreneurial behaviour with profit-
seeking. Such a stereotype may suggest certain priorities of indi-
viduals and show that company development is not necessarily
important. As we already mentioned, the need for achievement is a
very common motive of corporate entrepreneurs. Moreover, in many
companies there are easier ways of getting bonuses and profits (like
strict adjustments to the standards of the remuneration system).
entrepreneurship cognitions among top level managers are
essential to the emergence of an entrepreneurial strategic vision. The
presence of pro-entrepreneurship cognitions suggests that individ-
uals have broadly favourable thoughts about entrepreneurship as
“Making his home in St. Louis, he had joined the 110th Observation
Squadron of the Missouri National Guard. Some of his qualities noted
by the Army officers who examined him for promotion, as shown by
reports in the files of the Militia Bureau of the War Department, are
as follows:
“‘Intelligent,’ ‘industrious,’ ‘energetic,’ ‘dependable,’ ‘purposeful,’
‘alert,’ ‘quick of reaction,’ ‘serious,’ ‘deliberate,’ ‘stable,’ ‘efficient,’
‘frank,’ ‘modest,’ ‘congenial’ ‘a man of good moral habits and regular
in all his business transactions.’
“One of the officers expressed his belief that the young man ‘would
successfully complete everything he undertakes.’ This reads like a
“Later he became connected with the United States Mail Service,
where he exhibited marked ability, and from which he is now on
leave of absence.
“On a morning just three weeks ago yesterday this wholesome,
earnest, fearless, courageous product of America rose into the air
from Long Island in a monoplane christened ‘The Spirit of St. Louis’
in honor of his home and that of his supporters.
“It was no haphazard adventure. After months of most careful
preparation, supported by a valiant character, driven by an
unconquerable will and inspired by the imagination and the spirit of
his Viking ancestors, this reserve officer set wing across the
dangerous stretches of the North Atlantic.
“He was alone. His destination was Paris.
“Thirty-three hours and thirty minutes later, in the evening of the
second day, he landed at his destination on the French flying field at
Le Bourget. He had traveled over 3,600 miles, and established a new
and remarkable record. The execution of his project was a perfect
exhibition of art.
“This country will always remember the way in which he was
received by the people of France, by their President and by their
Government. It was the more remarkable because they were
mourning the disappearance of their intrepid countrymen, who had
tried to span the Atlantic on a western flight.
“Our messenger of peace and good-will had broken down another
barrier of time and space and brought two great peoples into closer
communion. In less than a day and a half he had crossed the ocean
over which Columbus had traveled for sixty-nine days and the
Pilgrim Fathers for sixty-six days on their way to the New World.
“But, above all, in showering applause and honors upon this genial,
modest American youth, with the naturalness, the simplicity and the
poise of true greatness, France had the opportunity to show clearly
her good-will for America and our people.
“With like acclaim and evidences of cordial friendship our
Ambassador without portfolio was received by the rulers, the
Governments and the peoples of England and Belgium. From other
nations came hearty messages of admiration for him and for his
country. For these manifold evidences of friendship we are
profoundly grateful.
“The absence of self-acclaim, the refusal to become commercialized,
which has marked the conduct of this sincere and genuine exemplar
of fine and noble virtues, has endeared him to every one. He has
returned unspoiled.
“Particularly has it been delightful to have him refer to his airplane
as somehow possessing a personality and being equally entitled to
credit with himself, for we are proud that in every particular this
silent partner represented American genius and industry. I am told
that more than 100 separate companies furnished materials, parts or
service in its construction.
“And now, my fellow-citizens, this young man has returned. He is
here. He has brought his unsullied fame home. It is our great
privilege to welcome back to his native land, on behalf of his own
people, who have a deep affection for him and have been thrilled by
his splendid achievement, a Colonel of the United States Officers’
Reserve Corps, an illustrious citizen of our Republic, a conqueror of
the air and strength for the ties which bind us to our sister nations
across the sea.
“And, as President of the United States, I bestow the Distinguished
Flying Cross, as a symbol of appreciation for what he is and what he
has done, upon Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh.”
Upon completing this address the President then conferred upon
Lindbergh the Distinguished Flying Cross.
A new burst of cheering went up as the medal was being pinned on
by the President. It was at this point in the proceedings that the
Secretary of the Navy, ordinarily most placid of men, is alleged to
have waved his arm in the air like a college cheer leader and
hurrahed as loudly as any. When quiet came again Lindbergh rose
and replied to the President. What he said was brief. But had he
uttered a hundred times as many words, he could scarcely have
conveyed a more important message to those about him.
He said: “On the evening of May 21, I arrived at Le Bourget, France.
I was in Paris for one week, in Belgium for a day and was in London
and in England for several days. Everywhere I went, at every
meeting I attended, I was requested to bring a message home to
you. Always the message was the same.
“‘You have seen,’ the message was, ‘the affection of the people of
France for the people of America demonstrated to you. When you
return to America take back that message to the people of the
United States from the people of France and of Europe.’
“I thank you.”
This is no place to dwell upon the minutiæ of that great day. The
picture must be sketched in with bold strokes and stippled
background. But it is impossible to pass this one short speech of
Lindbergh’s and not cajole the reader to gather something of its
significance. In a sentence it tells the story of the flight; it gives
what the speaker considered his immediate and outstanding
achievement; and it phrases that achievement in words so touching
and so eloquent that France and America, half-estranged through
wretched debt, rang with them for days.
The final touch of the miracle was that this speech was
Just as when Lincoln finished his Gettysburg address his listeners sat
stunned at the very brevity of it, so was there a curious silence
immediately following Lindbergh’s utterance. Then came long
applause. Hats were not thrown in the air. But men and women
clapped until their palms were numb. Again many wept. A radio
announcer whose stock-in-trade was routine emotional appeal, broke
down and sobbed.
More and more people were beginning to realize that something was
happening far greater than just the celebration of a mechanical
triumph over the ocean separating Europe from America.
The ceremony ended as simply and quickly as it had begun. The
President’s own car whisked Lindbergh away to the temporary White
House in Dupont Circle. A curious and eager crowd lingered there
behind police lines throughout the afternoon. From time to time their
demanding cheers could be silenced only by Lindbergh’s smiling
presence at the door or balcony.
President and Mrs. Coolidge entertained members of the Cabinet
and their wives that night. Lindbergh sat on Mrs. Coolidge’s right. He
wore conventional evening dress and was distinguished by the ease
and simplicity with which he met both sallies and inquiries of the
imposing guests.
It is one of the cruelties of social lionization that we search for the
peculiarities of our specimen. In Lindbergh’s case his peculiarity lay
in the fact that neither by word, nor look, nor deed was he in any
way grotesque. His eyes were clear, his smile quick; like a practised
diplomat he eluded entangling discussion; and he had a ready reply
for every intelligent inquiry put to him within his range of knowledge
or experience.
It is at risk of dampening the ardor of our narrative that we
repeatedly point to this trait of simplicity that lies in Lindbergh. We
do so because it was from close within the nucleus of this trait that
there sprung the incredible emotional reaction towards his
After the President’s dinner Lindbergh attended a meeting of the
National Press Club in the Washington Auditorium. This was his first
public appearance “under roof” in America. Six thousand people
risked imminent heat stroke by crowding into every seat and cranny
of the building.
The program opened with an address on behalf of the Press Club by
Richard V. Oulahan. Because this address illuminated the feelings of
the “Fourth Estate,” proverbially cynical toward notoriety, we give it
here in full:
“In your journalistic flight of the past three weeks,” said Mr. Oulahan,
you must have learned that much may be read between the lines of
what is printed in newspapers. So even a novice in newspaperdom
like yourself would have no trouble in reading between the lines of
this journalistic expression an intimate note of sincere affection.
“We of the press rub elbows with all manner of mankind. We see
much of good but we see much of self-seeking, of sordid motive, as
we sit in the wings watching the world’s procession pass across the
stage. If it is true that through our contacts we are sprinkled with a
coating of the dry dust of cynicism, that dust was blown away in a
breath, as it were, when our professional brethren who greeted you
overseas broadcast the news of your peerless exploit. To Americans
it brought a spontaneous feeling of pride that you were of their
“The whole world was carried off its feet by an accomplishment so
daring, so masterful in execution, so superb in achievement, by the
picture presented of that onrushing chariot of dauntless youth,
flashing across uncharted heavens straight through the storm’s
“But if the press, with such an inspiration, performed its mission
well, it found equal inspiration. It performed as fine a mission in
chronicling the subsequent conduct of our young Ambassador of
Good Will. His words and bearing dissipated vapors of
misunderstanding. He personified, to a Europe amazed at the
revelation, the real spirit of America.
“The press should be proud then, if in telling the story of this later
phase in the career of the American boy, it brought to the peoples of
the world a new realization that clean living, clean thinking, fair play
and sportsmanship, modesty of speech and manner, faith in a
mother’s prayers, have a front page news value intriguing
imagination and inviting emulation, and are still potent as
fundamentals of success.”
Postmaster General New then stepped forward and gave Lindbergh
the first special air mail stamp. As he handed it to the flier he said:
“It is as a pilot in the service of the Air Mail that I greet you. There is
no public service devoted to the peace time of the public whose past
and present are attended by the romance that are attached to the
history of the Post Office Department of the United States.
“From the single couriers of the early days, who followed the
uncertain trails through wood and fen on horseback and on foot, the
picturesque riders of the pony express of a later day, who risked
their lives at the hands of savage foes in the wilderness, the drivers
who serve amid the rigors of the frozen North with dog teams and
sleds, to those intrepid pilots who pierce the night with the air mail
and of whom you are a worthy representative, the whole story is set
in an atmosphere of most engaging romance.
“It has no titles to bestow—no medal it can add to those that have
been given in recognition of your splendid achievement. There is one
thing, however, it can do that will everywhere be regarded as most
appropriate. It has issued a stamp designed for special use with the
air mail which bears your name and a representation of the other
member of that very limited partnership in which you made your
now famous journey across seas. It is the first time a stamp has
been issued in honor of a man still living—a distinction which you
have worthily won.
“It is my great pleasure to be privileged to present to you, and to
the mother who gave you to this service, the first two copies of this
issue as the best evidence of the enduring regard of the Post Office
Department of the United States.”
These speeches are quoted because better than almost any other
capturable entity of those days they reflect the wide scope of the
effect Lindbergh’s success had on both governmental and business
routine. Surely it is difficult to conceive of a military victor shaking so
many foundations, no matter what the might of his mailed fist.
Secretary of State Kellogg next presented Lindbergh with a memorial
volume consisting of a compilation of diplomatic exchanges between
the State Department and the Foreign Offices of the world in
connection with the flight. His words lined in a little more of the
bewildering picture of the world’s admiration enfolding before
Lindbergh’s frankly astonished gaze.
“Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh,” he slowly and ponderously began,
staring hard at the object of his eulogy. “On May 20th and 21st,
1927, the world was electrified by the news of your non-stop flight
from New York to Paris. It was a marvelous accomplishment
requiring the highest courage, skill and self-reliance. Probably no act
of a single individual in our day has ever aroused such universal
enthusiasm and admiration. Your great deed is a mile-stone marking
scientific advancement.
“You have been congratulated by Kings and Presidents. You have
listened to the plaudits of thousands and thousands in Europe and
you know the tributes which have been justly paid to you by millions
more. You do not now realize the thousands who have expressed
their congratulations in letters and telegrams. I have had printed in
this little volume only the official telegrams which passed through
the Department of State and I take pleasure in presenting to you
this volume in commemoration of your epochal achievement.
“Along the highway of human progress, as we look back over the
last half century we marvel at the progress in science, the arts and
invention. Truly this is a marvelous age and your daring feat will
pass into the pages of history.”
Then came Dr. Charles G. Abbott, Acting Secretary of the
Smithsonian Institute who informed Lindbergh that the Institute had
decided to award him the Langley “Medal of Pioneers.” This honor
has in the past been bestowed upon a small but distinguished group
such as Orville Wright, Glenn H. Curtiss and Gustave Eiffel. Thus was
added to the tribute of press and state the commendation of one of
the oldest and finest scientific bodies in the world.
Followed next a medley of messages from special organizations.
Greetings from cities touched by Lindbergh in his historic flight from
San Diego to Paris were read. St. Louis sent a moving reminder that
her people were “waiting for you now impatiently ... waiting since
that gray morning when you launched out over the clouds and the
sea for Paris.”
There was one from the British Government, something almost
without precedent when it is considered that its recipient was a
private citizen on a private enterprise. The official bearer read:
“I have been desired by the British Government to express to
Colonel Lindbergh on this occasion in behalf of all the people of
Great Britain their warm congratulations on the safe return home
after his historic flight across the Atlantic. The British people regard
Colonel Lindbergh with special admiration and affection not only for
his great courage and resource, but also for his equally great
modesty in success and generosity in giving their due to other
aviators who have gone before.”
© Wide World Photos
At the end of this bewildering array of orations and gifts the speaker
of the evening was announced. One has only to put oneself in
Lindbergh’s place after reading some of the eloquence listed above
to admire the moral courage it took to face that huge audience and
once more speak with directness and precision of the things nearest
his heart—things often furthest from the burden of the discourse:
“I want to express my appreciation of the reception I’ve met in
America and the welcome I have received here tonight.” It was plain
the flier was going to cover another field than the infinitely delicate
one he had touched earlier in the day. “When I landed at Le Bourget
a few weeks ago, I landed with the expectancy and hope of being
able to see Europe. It was the first time I had ever been abroad. I
had seen a number of interesting things when I flew over Ireland
and Southern England and France. I had only been gone from
America two days or a little less, and I wasn’t in any particular hurry
to get back.
“But by the time I had been in France a week, Belgium a day and
England two or three days—by that time I had opened several
cables from America and talked with three Ambassadors and their
attachés and found that it didn’t make much difference whether I
wanted to stay or not: and while I was informed that it was not
necessarily an order to come back home, there was a battleship
waiting for me.
“The Ambassador said this wasn’t an order, but advice,” the aviator
“So on June 4 I sailed on the Memphis from Cherbourg and this
morning as I came up the Potomac I wasn’t very sorry that I had
listened to it.
“There were several things I saw in Europe that are of interest to
American aviation. All Europe looks on our air mail service with
reverence. There is nothing like it anywhere abroad.
“But, whereas we have airlines, they have passenger lines. All
Europe is covered with a network of lines carrying passengers
between all the big cities. Now it is up to us to create and develop
passenger lines that compare with our mail routes. For this we have
natural advantages in the great distances here that lend themselves
to rapid transportation by air. Moreover, we can make these long
trips without the inconvenience of passing over international
“The question comes up, ‘Why has Europe got ahead of us in
commercial airlines?’ The reason is, of course, that the Governments
over there give subsidies. I don’t think we want any subsidies over
here. Of course, if we had them they would create passenger lines
overnight, so to speak, but in the long run the airlines, the distance
they covered and the routes would be controlled entirely by the
“What we need now more than any other one thing is a series of
airports in every city and town throughout the United States. Given
these airports, in a very few years the nations of Europe would be
looking toward our passenger lines as they now look at our mail
Sunday was another full day. Under able guidance of the Chief
Executive, Lindbergh did the things every good American would
expect him to do. And, as one who has seen the lad at close range,
we can say that he did them gladly and with profound appreciation
for the privilege of doing them. After you come to know him you find
out that’s the kind he is.
He went to church with President and Mrs. Coolidge. Accompanied
by his mother he laid a wreath upon the tomb of the Unknown
Soldier in the great memorial amphitheatre in Arlington Cemetery.
He drove to Georgetown and visited the wounded soldiers at Walter
Reed Hospital. He attended a celebration in honor of the 150th
anniversary of the American flag, for which services were held on
the steps of the Capitol and presided over by Charles Evans Hughes.
It was at this last ceremony that Lindbergh received the Cross of
Honor. His response to the honor was brief and typically to the point.
He declared that credit for his flight should “not go to the pilot alone
but to American science and genius which had given years of study
to the advancement of aeronautics.”
“Some things should be taken into consideration in connection with
our flight that have not heretofore been given due weight. That is
just what made this flight possible. It was not the act of a single
pilot. It was the culmination of twenty years of aeronautical research
and the assembling together of all that was practicable and best in
American aviation. It represented American industry.
“In addition to this consideration should be given the scientific
researches that have been in progress for countless centuries. All of
this should have consideration in apportioning credit for the flight.
Credit should go not alone to the pilot, but to the other factors that I
have briefly enumerated. I thank you.”
This was the day well worthy of what Lindbergh had done and what
he stood for. And again, by the spiritual values it comprised, it struck
the inspirational note which had dominated almost everything the
lad has done or said from the moment of his landing at Le Bourget
to the moment of this writing.
Is it any wonder that the populace responded as it did?
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