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Astrological Healing_ the History and Practice of -- Ebertin, Reinhold -- 1989 -- York Beach, Me__ S_ Weiser -- 9780877287117 -- A7b8d276081af64ea1a518f8ba56c176 -- Anna’s Archive

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ae The

and Practice of
_ Astromedicine

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Astrological Healing
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Astrological Healing
The History and Practice of

Reinhold Ebertin


York Beach, Maine
First published in 1989 by
Samuel Weiser, Inc.
Box 612
York Beach, Maine 03910-0612

02 01 00 99 98 97 96
10: 9°82],
6 4 ee

English translation © 1989 Samuel Weiser, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmit-
ted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo-
copy, without permission in writing from Samuel Weiser, Inc. Reviewers may
quote brief passages.

The original German language edition was first published by Ebertin-Verlag,

Freiburg/BRD under the title of Sterne Helfen Heilen von Reinhold Ebertin.
Copyright © 1982 Ebertin-Verlag, Freiburg.

Translated from the German by Transcript,

Wales, Great Britain.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Ebertin, Reinhold.
Astrological healing.

Translation of: Sterne helfen heilen.

Includes index.
1. Astrology and health. 2. Healing--Miscellanea.
I. Title
BF1729.H9E2413 1989 133. 5’8613 89-9129
ISBN 0-87728-643-4 hardbound
ISBN 0-87728-711-2 paperback
Typeset in 11 point Garamond

Printed in the United States of America

The paper used in the publication meets the minimum requirements of the
American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library
Materials Z39.48-1984.

Part One: The Foundations of Astromedicine

Chapter 1: The Sources of Astrology 3

Chapter 2: Pioneering Research by Healers 31
Chapter 3: Cosmic Structures of Remedies 69
Chapter 4: Metals as Healing Agents 121

Part Two: Cosmobiology

Chapter 5: Cosmic Principles for Astromedical Diagnosis 131

Chapter 6: The Cosmogram 163

Part Three: Cosmobiological Practice

Chapter 7: Chart Diagnosis and Consultation 177

Chapter 8: Case Studies 219
Chapter 9: Calculating a Suitable Day for Surgery 325


Disease Correspondences 357

Some Cosmic Correspondences of Disease 37D
Chronology of Cosmobiological Medicine 381

Endnotes 397
Index 403


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surrounding. the early cultures of the human race. Old
Indian sources assign to it an age of several hundred thou-
sand years. Kock paintings discovered in northern lands and
in the Sahara lead us to suppose that people were taking an interest in
the starry heavens overhead, and in the movements of the Sun, Moon
and planets, some ten to twenty thousand years before our own era.
Boll has established that as long ago as the period between 2000
and 1000 B.c. an astrologically oriented system of medicine arose
under the name of zatronzathematics.' Abraham of the Old Testa-
ment has been numbered among the fathers of astrology. Moses (ca.
1250 B.c.) is also alleged to have been one of the astrologers of
antiquity. Because of his wisdom, he was treated with religious
respect by the Egyptian priests. The cosmo-religious significance of
Moses is deducible from the fact that he has been depicted as a lunar
deity with two horns and that the Law was given on Mount Sinai, the
Moon mountain.
The Chaldean priests (named for the land of Chaldea watered by
the lower course of the rivers Euphrates and Tigris) were also physi-
cians who incorporated the astrological knowledge of their time in
their medical work. These doctor-priests and astrologers took care
that women brought their children into the world under the best

possible cosmic conditions. In accordance with the time of birth,

water was taken from certain transparent vessels of different colors,
and medicinal plants were sought which bore resemblance to certain
In the Orphic mysteries of Greece (seventh-sixth centuries B.C.),
a large part was played by tonal vibrations, music and consecrated oil.
Even in those days, it was realized how important beautiful and
harmonious surroundings were for the healing process.
Kurt Pollak writes in his book Wissen und Weisheit der alten
Arzte —die Heilkraft der frithen Hochkulturen:

The astrological signatures found in chance or natural

omens were doubtless the most important for, according to
the old oriental mode of thought, the stars are the hand-
writing of heaven. Since accurate astrology required highly-
trained interpreters . . . its use was confined to affairs of
state and for consulting the welfare of kings, etc. Observa-
tions were made of the Moon, the Sun, the planets and the
stars and also of atmospheric phenomena. According to
Jastrow, astrology was also employed to determine the
course and prognosis of a disease, especially in respect of
the day of the month on which it began or in respect of
special phenomena observed in the Moon and planets while
it lasted. Thus in one text, for example, we read: “When a
child is born, if the Moon is rising the life will be brilliant,
good, and long.” Astrological medicine in the strict sense of
the word first developed in Egypt during the Hellenistic
period and reached its apogee in the Middle Ages and the

Even the physicians of ancient Greece were able to draw on rich

Egyptian sources. The Egyptian masterpiece, the works of Hermes
Trismegistus, which received their final form around 300 B.c., were
known to the Greek medical practitioners.
The Greek philosopher and doctor Empedocles (490-430 B.c.),
who practiced on the southern coast of Sicily, had a reputation as a
wonder-worker and was regarded by his followers as a god. He taught
that all life was derived from the “root of things,” the four elements
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 5

(fire, earth, air and water), and that out of the various mixtures of
these arose love and hate and, above all, diseases.*
The physician Hippocrates (460-377 B.c.) of the island of Cos in
the Aegean Sea, is still honored today as the “Father of medicine.”
His first school on Cos was highly respected. This was also the site of
the famed shrine of Aesculapius, the god of healing.
A piece of writing has been ascribed to Hippocrates, in which
relationships were worked out between the entire heavens of the
fixed stars and the human body. He is said to have assigned the
middle of the thorax, or solar plexus, to the Sun; but to have assigned
the body as a whole to the Moon. He also left us an interesting
example of astrological dream interpretation. When, for instance,
the dreamer sees the stars dimmed or completely obscured by atmo-
spheric influences, one can determine from this the severity of the
disease, its cause and the appropriate remedy. Hippocrates is also said
to have written a treatise entitled On the Astrology of Physicians.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.c.) was Plato’s most
gifted pupil. Aristotle laid the foundation of the astrological picture
of the world accepted in his day and age. According to him, the
universe is eternal. Immovable in its center rests the earth, sur-
rounded by variously revolving spheres to which the heavenly bodies
are attached. The spheres and the heavenly bodies are formed from
the ether; mundane things are formed from the four elements (fire,
earth, air and water). Aristotle paved the way for the rational-
scientific approach of Hellenistic astrology. The correspondences in
table 1 may be traced to him and his contemporaries.
Professor Wilhelm Gundel has authored a compendious work
entitled Neue astrologische Texte des Hermes Trismegistos —Funde
und Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der antiken Astronomie und
Astrologie.4 Hermes Trismegistus (as we spell his name in English)
has had attributed to him forty-two hermetic writings with an
astronomical-astrological, medical and philosophical-magical con-
tent. In the late Hellenistic period, these works were translated from
Egyptian into Greek and to some extent formed the basis of the

*Rather love and hate were supposed by Empedocles to be active forces continually
uniting and separating the elements. 77.

Table 1. Hellenistic Correspondences

Gemini Libra Aquarius

Cancer Scorpio Pisces
Cold-Dry Taurus Virgo Capricorn

development of astrology in the East. Especially in the medical texts,

there are early references to correspondences between the signs and
degrees of the zodiac and bodily parts and organs.
With the observation of the cosmic correspondences of diseases
began the change-over from universal astrology, with its emphasis on
the fate of mankind, to individual astrology, which is concerned with
the fates of single individuals.
An unknown astrologer in 379 B.c. cited from the writings of
Hermes Trismegistus the statement that, according to their place-
ments in certain decans (10° sections of the zodiac), the malefic
planets send diseases and infirmities to those parts of the body that
are ruled by the decans concerned. This is particularly likely when
Saturn in a night birth or Mars in a day birth rules the place which
could cause the trouble.
In the Buch des Hermes Trismegistos an Asklepios tiber dte
Pflanzen der steben Sterne (The Book of Hermes Trismegistus to
Asclepius on the Plants of the Seven Stars), medicinal plants corres-
ponding to the signs and decanates are discussed. ‘“‘Zodiacal plants”
are said to develop their full potency when they are gathered, pre-
pared and used at the time when the Sun is posited in the appropri-
ate sign. At the same time, the Moon should be trine the Sun (aspect-
ing it by 120°).
With Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) there was a new epoch
in the development of astrology. His conquests had a unifying effect
on Oriental and Grecian views on the subject. We are indebted to the
astronomer and mathematician Hipparchus of Nicaea (161-127 B.c.)
for the division of the zodiac into 360°. He extended the scheme by
which bodily parts and organs are assigned to the zodiac and the
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 7

Astrology in Rome
When Greece was drawn into the orbit of Rome ca. 196 B.c., there
was in increase in cultural exchange between Greece and the Roman
Republic; and so astrology became known in Rome too. However, it
was there that the art began to deteriorate, so that steps were taken
against its practitioners and it was even prohibited from time to time.
In 33 B.c. Augustus had all “astrologers and wizards” expelled from
Rome. Even then there was a big difference between serious astrolog-
ical study and mere superstition.
We are informed that the Roman emperor Tiberius employed a
court astrologer whom he also treated as a friend. This was Thrassilos
of Alexandria (died 36 A.D.). Around the middle of the first century
A.D. the physician and astrologer Thessalos was active, to whom we
owe an iatromathematical, or astromedical, herbal.
Claudius Ptolemaeus, or Ptolemy (ca. 100-178 A.D.), was, as
mathematician, astronomer, astrologer and physicist, the last of the
great scientists of antiquity. In his writings, he took into consider-
ation the findings of earlier astrologers. His fundamental work on
astrology, Tetrabib/os, is still extant and has been translated from
Greek to Latin by Melanchthon.* The exposition of Ptolemy, the
“king of astrologers,” anticipates many of the principles of present-
day cosmobiology. For instance, he made allowance for heredity,
taught free will, and rejected fatalism. J
Among other things, he wrote on the action of Saturn from a
medical point of view: “induces general disorders and deterioration
through cold and, in particular, chronic diseases of the human
body— pulmonary tuberculosis originating from catarrhs, secretory
disorders, fluxes, quartan fever.” He thought that Mars had an affin-
ity with tertian fever, hematemesis (vomiting blood), painful diseases
and excessive infant mortality. Right up to modern times, the work of
Ptolemy has formed the basis of many astrological textbooks.
Galen of Pergamum (129-200 A.D.) was the most celebrated
medical man of imperial Rome. He first practiced as a gladiatorial
surgeon and then became personal physician to the emperor Marcus
Aurelius. Galen wrote numerous medical treatises and remained for
centuries an authority on the healing art. He held the view that the
true physician must also be a philosopher. He wrote about Hippoc-

rates and Plato and is supposed to have developed the doctrine of

temperaments based on Hippocrates’ humoral theory.
In his book on the prognosis of diseases in which the patient is
confined to bed, he argues that the Moon and the five visible planets
provide important clues for both astrologer and doctor. Thus he
recommends that blood-letting and purging should be performed
only when the Moon is waxing and the aspects are favorable. When
the Moon is in Cancer or Virgo no laxatives should be given, because
at these times patients will not tolerate them but will suffer from
nausea. On the other hand, this form of treatment may be dispensed
when the Moon is in Aries, Taurus or Leo. Also when the Moon is in
Scorpio purges should be prescribed, because every source of trouble
can then be traced by the Moon and the body can be purified from
within. With the Moon in Capricorn purges must be avoided, how-
ever, since they would produce bowel cramps.
Ca. 335 A.D. Firmicus Maternus (dates of birth and death
unknown) wrote what was then the most comprehensive text book of
astrology, the eight-volume Matheseos bri. In the works of Firmicus
Maternus we find still current the correspondences of the signs of the
zodiac to the human body. For instance, Aries corresponds to the
head, Taurus to the neck region, Pisces to the feet, etc. For him,
astrology was a divine science.

The Influence of Christianity

In the fifth and sixth centuries, astrological empiricism and Christian

theology became increasingly mixed with one another. As far as
Christianity was concerned, the stars do not rule our fates but act
solely as pointers to the future.
Incidentally, it is interesting to note that the numbers three,
four, seven and twelve, which from the earliest times have been
regarded as sacred, have entered both into astrology and into Chris-
tianity. There immediately spring to mind the four elements, the
four cardinal signs, the four evangelists, the twelve zodiac signs and
the twelve disciples of Jesus.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 9

The Middle Ages through the Renaissance

One of the most influential personalities of the Middle Ages was

Count von Bollstaédt, known to history as Albertus Magnus. He is
thought to have been born in 1193 in Lauingen/Donau, and he died
on the 15th November 1280, in Cologne. As theologian, philoso-
pher, natural scientist and astrologer, he was a famous doctor
universalis. He taught chiefly at Cologne and Paris. One of his
scholars later became the great Catholic theologian Thomas
In his Speculum astronomiae, he divided star lore into theoreti-
cal astronomy and practical astrology. The latter he subdivided into a
theoretical and a practical part, and this practical part he split up into
Nnativities, revolutions, questions and elections.
As far as astromedicine is concerned, his attitude to the triplici-
ties (elements) is rather intriguing. Thus he claimed that images of
the fiery triplicity (Artes, Leo, Sagittarius) would abort fevers, dropsy,
paralysis, etc.; images of the airy triplicity (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius),
on the other hand, would moderate a fever accompanied by sweating
and make a person inclined to peace, friendship and a punctilious
observance of the law; the images of the watery triplicity (Cancer,
Scorpio, Pisces) were supposed to alleviate hot, parching fevers, but
also to give a disposition to lying, inconstancy, injustice and self-
indulgence; the images of the earthy triplicity (Taurus, Virgo, Capri-
corn) were supposed to be cold and dry in their effects and were
thought to be good for acute diseases and to make a person religious
and inclined to rural life. 3
The attitude of Albertus Magnus to astrology is well expressed in
the following lines from his work De muineralibus:

Everything produced by nature and by art is affected by the

celestial powers. The constellations and the heavenly bodies
were there before all created things, and so they exercise an
influence on everything that is subsequent to them. It nec-
essarily follows that, when a correctly observed celestial pat-
tern depicts any work of nature or of art, some of the
powers of the former will influence the latter.

Who would deny, in the light of this, that Albertus Magnus

occupied himself with astrology? He also wielded a sharp sword
against conservative teachers and scholars who clung to the old and
did not want to learn anything new. For example, he exclaimed:

This is what I have to say about sundry idle windbags who

are looking for excuses for their idleness and poke their
noses into books only in order to find something to revile:
such people killed Socrates, drove Plato from Athens, and
expelled Aristotle. In the kingdom of knowledge they are
what the liver is to the body. In each body there is bile; this
spreads through the body and makes it bitter. Equally, in
the realm of scholarship, there are some bitter and ill-
natured people who make everyone else bitter and do not
allow the truth to be sought in sweet fellowship.

The abbess Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179 A.D.) occupied a

special place in the 12th century, which also produced such distin-
guished figures as Albertus Magnus, Bernard of Clairvaux, Bernard
of Chartres and others. From her birth, Hildegard was trapped in a
net of pain and disease. Her physique is said to have been ethereal or
airy. Every change in the weather and every cosmic constellation
exerted the most profound influence on her; but this very sensitivity
enabled her to grasp things that remained hidden from others. She
saw visions, and speaking of them said:

In these visions, my souls soars by the will of God to the

heights of the firmament and to the shiftings of the winds,
and straddles lands and expanses of space. I enter, as it
were, into the wavering and wandering of clouds and into
other mutable things. Everything is clear to my spirit. My
eyes are open. No ecstasy enfolds me. I gaze on my visions
day and night, awake and not adream; but often deathly
sick and deadly tired.

On the whole, as a contemporary biographer noted, her teach-

ing was sound. For as the Codex Latinum shows she set “man” in her
Cosmos Table with outstretched arms in the center of the universe,
which rotates around him as he stands on the earth surrounded by the
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 11

cosmic spheres. The latter radiate on him, meet in him and cause the
human being, as their point of intersection and crystallization center,
to reflect into the universe.

As the partner of the world, man is the mirror of the uni-

verse. In predestined union, body and soul belong together
as man and wife, as heavenly and earthly, earth and water,
sun and moon, winds and birds in the air, bread in the
oven, and the comb with its honey —the delight of the soul
is to be busily creative in the body.
In Hildegard’s view,
We could call the sun the cap of the firmament; it illumi-
nates the whole firmament and also the earth and the
waters, and sheds its warmth on them in varying measure.
In the middle regions of the earth its rays are strongest.
Owing to the sun’s action, the earth is extremely vigorous
there; everything, both fruits and living creatures, is more
powerfully developed than in other places on earth.
The moon too, in her phases, has an influence on the fluid
balance in human beings. Fluid assimilation can not be
regarded in the same way as when it is tempered by the sun;
this gives a much more stable equilibrium, so that it neither
increases nor decreases. Now, the phases of the moon do
not rule human nature as if she were a goddess, nor can
human beings apply anything to or withdraw anything
from the moon. Rather the moon affects people’s life activi-
ties by means of the taste of the air; therefore blood and
other humors can be moved according to the lunar phases.
Patterning himself on the moon, man understands himself
to be a “Zomo mutatus’ whose humoral complex is subject
to atmospheric influences in many respects.°

When God created the world, He reinforced it with the four

elements: fire, earth, air and water. The doctrine of the elements,
which Hildegard apparently adopted from the Greek philosophers,
played a big part in her thinking as it did in that of others. Humans
live by virtue of the four humors just as the universe is composed of

four elements. Fire with its forces resides in the brain and marrow. In
humans, these fire forces manifest themselves as a glow in the visual
faculty, as cold in the sense of smell, as wetness in the sense of taste,
as air in the sense of hearing and as movement in the sense of touch.
Air and its forces are expressed in respiration and in the reason. Water
with its fifteen forces is found in the fluids and in the blood. Earth is
encountered with its seven forces in the tissues and bony system. As
long as the elements preserve their correct order in the organism, the
individual is healthy; but as soon as they deviate from their func-
tional order the individual falls ill.
In her Hez/kunde’ Hildegard speaks of the formation of man-
kind in accordance with cosmic laws, of sexual behavior, of the
human being between sleeping and waking, of diseases from the
head to the feet, of nourishment and digestion, of metabolic disor-
ders, of remedies, of a healthy regime, of the quality of the physician
and of the chart of life.
At the period in which she lived, Hildegard was instrumental in
formulating a body of knowledge which, over the centuries, had
become lost to view and only then was brought to light again. Here
we have room for just a few quotations to give readers an insight into
the work of the “prophetess of Rupertsberg.”

When the blood increases in the organism with the waxing

of the moon, the human being, man or woman, is ready for
procreation, that is to say for the production of progeny.
For when the moon 1s waxing there is an increased supply of
blood and the seed is strong and vigorous; but when the
moon is waning there is a diminished supply of blood and
the seed is weak and infertile.

Also in trees, which become green from the root, the sap
increases in the waxing moon and decreases in the waning

If noble and healthful herbs are picked (either by cutting

them or by pulling them out by the root with their juices
intact) under a waxing moon, they will prove better for the
preparation of electuaries (medicinal pastes), ointments
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 13

and similar remedies than if they are gathered under a

waning moon.

As the moon waxes and wanes, so the blood and humors in

the female organism are purified at the time of the
monthly flow. Otherwise the woman could not survive,
since she is much richer in humors than the man and could
become very unwell.

A strong man should be bled every three months, because

after two changes of the moon the blood has its maximum
strength and its optimum fullness. The operation should be
performed on the first day of the waning moon, but in any
case within six days of the change of the moon. Blood-
letting is inadvisable when the moon is waxing, because the
blood and the morbid matter in the blood system are then
very difficult to separate. Since morbid matter naturally
preponderates in the elderly, bleeding is advisable sooner in
their case. In special instances, bleeding may be performed
as early as the twelfth year in males. However, no more
blood should be drawn than will fill both shells of a nut.
Up to the fifteenth year and after the fiftieth, bleeding
should be performed once. In old age, bleeding is rather
harmful; in special cases it is preferable to use blisters, say
with earline (Vardi nigra), corrosive types of carlima or simi-
lar herbs. When the blister bursts, the harmful fluid
between the skin and the flesh can be discharged.

Besides Hei/kunde, her book Gott ist am Werk* is also worth

mentioning. According to the latter, the creation of the world in
God’s likeness is a system of correspondences between the macrocosm
and the microcosm for “in the circle of the macrocosm the human
being appears as homo quadratus spreadeagled on the world cross in
a quadruplicity of elements, winds, qualities and temperaments.”

Man is like the sun and moon. . . . And so these heavenly

luminaries are meant to serve a person as inner signs of how
he should sigh, pray, cry to God and call on the Holy Spirit
to help him. But they may also teach him the correct use of

the signs and how to employ them for his own and his
neighbour's use.

In the picture of the twelve months, Hildegard shows her knowl-

edge of natural history and of the story of the life and sufferings of
Christ. Everything in the pattern of the universe, in human anatomy,
and in history, is worked into a grand design which presents us with a
mature Christian anthropology.
The abbess Hildegard was one of the commanding personalities
of her age, and was the prophetess of the century; emperor and pope
kept in touch with her and her influence pervaded the whole of
Western Europe. Hildegard’s main works have been republished
since 1954 but are mostly out of print again. As the leading expert on
them, Professor Schipperges has performed a great service in his
translation and commentaty.°
A famous contemporary of Albertus Magnus and Hildegard was
the Archduke Leopold of Austria, bishop of Freising, who published
his Tractatus decem de astrorum ca. 1200. And in the thirteenth
century, astrology was strongly supported by princes. The Emperor
Frederick II employed the famous astrologer Michael Scot as his per-
sonal physician. The latter was born in Balwirie, Scotland, in 1214,
was educated in France, and then attached himself to the emperor, to
whom he prophesied the place and nature of his death. Scot was
killed in 1291 when a stone fell on him inside a church. At the
emperor’s command, he had written several volumes on the secrets of
nature and on chiromancy, physiognomy and astrology. His book
Compendium magiae nigrae was ttanslated into German by the his-
torical Johann Faust under the title, Faustz Hoellenzwang oder
Mirakel-Kunst und Wunderbuch (Faust’s Ruler of the Infernal
Powers or Miracle Art and Wonder Book).
Gilbert Anglicus (William of England) wrote ca. 1219 a treatise
on The Diagnosis of Disease by Astrological Rules Without the
Inspection of Urine. In this manuscript, a copy of which is in the
Austrian National Library, the relationship of the seven planets to the
twelve zodiac signs as well as to the then known organs and diseases is
depicted in eighty-four sections.
The fame of Alphonso X of Castile rests on the Alfonsine tables
named for him. The latter were completed in 1252 and enabled
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 15

astrological calculations to be performed with greater accuracy and

reliability than had previously been possible. For this reason he was
nicknamed “Astrologus.”
Guido Bonati, one of the most celebrated astrologers of the
thirteenth century, was born in 1230 at Cascia near Florence. At first
he read law, but soon added astronomy and astrology to his studies,
and his skill in these earned him the title “Siderabilissimus.” He was
appointed court astrologer to the Emperor Frederick II. Later he
lectured at Paris and Bologna and then entered the service of Count
Guido of Montefeldro and advised the latter on the art of gunnery. In
his old age, Bonati joined the Franciscan order and died at the mon-
astery in Ancona in 1300. He wrote a comprehensive treatise, which
in 1572 was published in Basel under the title Auslegung der
menschlichen Geburtsstunde (An Exposition of the Hour of Human
Birth).'° His view was that the Ascendant must always lie centrally
between two planets, and so he founded the doctrine of half-sums or
Peter of Albano (1250-1316) was a physician, astrologer and
magician. Initially he studied medicine and philosophy, gaining doc-
torates in both; then, after a short stay in Constantinople, he settled
in Padua where he became the first professor of medicine. He
charged very high fees for his treatments and would not make house
calls for less than thirty crowns. When he was treating Pope Honori-
ous IV, he came under suspicion of being in league with the devil and
was thrown into prison, where he took poison in 1316.
In front of Padua city hall, a statue has been erected in his honor
describing him as a physician and astrologer. In his book, Astro/a-
bium planum, he showed how to find the places of the planets with
fair accuracy by graphical means without recoutse to calculation. To
some extent, therefore, he was the father of today’s graphic
Cichus Asculus (1250-1327), whose given name was Francesco
della Stabili, was a well-known physician and astrologer who named
himself for his home town of Cecco d’Ascoli. He studied philosophy,
theology, medicine, mathematics, astrology and poetry. He was a
friend of Dante and, for a short time, was personal physician to Pope
John XXII. During the years 1322 through 1325 he taught at the
University of Bologna. An attempt to interpret the life of Christ

astrologically landed him a charge of heresy; upon which he

renounced his theory and did penance. In 1326 he was appointed
personal physician and astrologer to Duke Charles (the landless) of
Calabria. But when he foretold from the charts of the Duchess, Marie
of Valois, and of her two-year-old daughter, that they would both
lead immoral lives, he fell into disfavor. His enemies renewed the
charges of heresy and on 15th September 1327 he was burned alive at
On the threshold of modern times, Nicolaus Cusanus
(1401-1464), whose real name was Nikolaus Chypffs or Krebs,
appeared at Kues (Cusa) on the Moselle. He was born a year after
Johann Gutenberg, the inventor of book printing. In his youth there
occurred the Council of Pisa, the birth of Joan of Arc, and the start of
the Hussite war. In 1425, Cusanus became episcopal adviser to the
Court of Mainz, and was ordained in 1439. In 1436 he published a
treatise on calendar reform, was raised to the cardinalate in 1448,
became bishop of Brixen in 1450 and, in 1459, was created curial
As far as Cusanus was concerned, the hierarchical cosmos of the
ancient world no longer had any reality. For him, the earth was the
cosmic position of the human race; it was not the center of the
universe, for humans had now begun to see themselves as creatures to
whom it was impossible to assign a fixed station in the All, because
their existence signified a single stage in the endless unfolding of
Cusanus stood between ancient and modern times. He still
relied on the perceptions of Hermes Trismegistus and yet was an early
percursor of Copernicus. He rent the medieval fabric of the heavens
in order to look beyond to new worlds. His attitude to astrology was
formulated chiefly in his work Conjecturis. In this book, The Art of
Conjecture, he incorporated the earth in a network of cosmic activi-
ties. Theology, cosmology and anthropology were made mutually
dependent and were welded into a unity.
The individual was proved by Cusanus to have a measure of
autonomy with regard to the whole: “Each being in the universe
rejoices in its uniqueness, which it shares with none other.” At this
point, personal astrology began to come increasingly to the fore while
universal astrology receded into the background.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 17

Agrippa von Nettesheim, who was born on the 14th September

1486 in Cologne and died on the 18th February 1535, was a scion of
an old, wealthy and aristocratic family which bore the name Net-
telhym. He studied law, but took a particular interest in books on the
occult sciences. He understood eight languages, six of which he knew
so well that he “spoke them elegantly, and was able to dictate and
translate them.” In about 1507 he went to Paris, where he founded
an “occult society.” There he changed his residence several times,
becoming a soldier and then a man of learning again in quick succes-
sion. He made use of astrology and the secret arts in earning his
living. In 1505 he was installed in Burgundy as a lecturer in theology,
but soon came into conflict with the clergy. Because he was so perse-
cuted by the monks, he went to England in 1510 but speedily
returned to Cologne, where students crowded to his lectures.
On a trip to Wiirzburg he got to know the abbot Trithemius,
stayed at his monastery and learned much from him. He wrote three
books of occult philosophy, was appointed an imperial councilman
and undertook the inspection and improvement of the mines. In
1522 he was a captain in the imperial army waging war against the
Venetians and was dubbed knight for his bravery. In the meantime
he had graduated as a doctor of law and a doctor of medicine.
On the 12th July 1513, he received a letter from Pope Leo X
praising his zeal for the Apostolic See. In the following years he
delivered lectures at Pavia on Hermes Trismegistus. In 1518, on the
recommendation of his friend Syndikus, he was appointed orator and
advocate to Metz. When he espoused the cause of innocent people
who were accused of witchcraft, saving many of them from torture
and prosecution, he was attacked by the monks and was forced to
leave Metz in 1519. He then returned to his native city, Cologne.
After the death of his wife in 1521, he went as a physician to
Geneva and Freyburg in Switzerland, where he married again. In
1524 he decided to reside in Lyons. There the reputation of his
practical skill was so great that Francis I granted him a pension and
the Queen Mother chose him as her personal physician. In 1527,
however, he was dismissed for refusing to chart the progress of French
affairs with the help of astrology. In July 1528 he arrived in Antwerp,
where he gained public recognition as a great healer. Here the plague
killed his second wife, who had borne him seven children. In 1529 he

received an invitation from Henry VIII of England. Then he accepted

the position of imperial archivist and historiographer to the Regent
Margaretha. But persecution was soon renewed against him and on
the death of Margaretha he was left to starve. His enemies slandered
him to the emperors Ferdinand and Charles and his salary was not
paid. In 1531 he was even thrown into prison in Brussels for a short
time. In 1532 he paid a visit to the Archbishop of Cologne, to whom
he had dedicated his Occult Philosophy. Defying the inquisitors, he
saw an improved version of his Occu/t Philosophy through the press
and the book was published in 1533. In the same year he went to
Bonn, and died in the house of a nobleman on the 18th February
Because he travelled so widely and became acquainted with the
great thinkers of his era, Agrippa acquired extraordinary knowledge
and perception, which unfortunately led the ignorant to suppose that
he possessed supernatural powers and even that he was in league with
the devil. In his second book, he commented: “As soon as the com-
mon people see something out of the ordinary, they fondly imagine
in their ignorance that demons are the authors of it, or treat as a
marvel what is simply a work of scientific or mathematical art.”
In his astrological researches he developed the subject beyond
the state in which he found it. It is true that he looked for its
foundations in the elements, but he also set out an extensive range of
correspondences for the individual planets. Here are one or two

To Jupiter correspond, of the elements air, of the humors

blood, together with the vital spirit and everything to do
with nourishment and growth, of the tastes favorite foods,
of plants and trees the silk-cotton tree, basil, ox-tongue,
mace, lavender, mint, violet, horse-chestnut, beech,
poppy, hazel-bush and others.

To Mars correspond, of the elements fire, together with all

pungent and hot things, of the humors bile, of the tastes
bitter and pungent— burning the tongue and making the
eyes water, of plants and trees hellebore, garlic, horse-
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 19

radish, large radish, spurge laurel, aconite and all plants

armed with thorns.

To Venus correspond, of the elements air and water, of the

humors phlegm, plus blood and semen, of tastes what is
sweet, fatty and pleasant, of plants and trees vervain, vio-
let, maidenhair, valerian, sandalwood, coriander and all
spicy plants together with delicious and favorite types of
fruit such as pears, figs, and pomegranates.

To Mercury correspond, of the elements water, of the body

fluids the mixed humors in particular, of trees and plants
the hazelbush, cinquefoil, fumitory, salad-burnet, marjo-
ram and parsley.*

On the subject of disease, we read in his fourth book:f

To know whether a patient will recover or die, look to see if

Saturn or Mars or the Dragon’s Tail is associated with evil
planets in the first house. If evil planets occupy the angles,
this is a bad sign for the patient. If you wish to know
whether you can cure the patient, note whether Jupiter,
Venus or the Dragon’s Head are in the Ascendant or
Descendant, for this is a good sign. If the Moon is with a
benefic planet, go and give the patient remedies; if she is
with a malefic planet, or if malefics occupy angles, do not
go for you will be unable to help the patient. If the signs
are good, try to discover where or in what member his
trouble lies; for Aries rules the head, Taurus the neck,
Cancer the chest and lungs, Leo the heart, Virgo the abdo-

*The violet and hazelbush each appear twice in these lists. The violet is assigned to
Jupiter and Venus, and the hazelbush is assigned to Jupiter and Mercury. Culpepper,
in his Herbal, is simpler and says of violets, “They are a fine pleasing plant of
Venus,” and of hazel nuts, “They are under the dominion of Mercury.” T7.
tThe so-called Fourth Book of Agrippa’s Occult Philosophy is spurious in the sense of
being wrongly attributed to him, although based on genuine old texts by other
writers. 77.

men and intestines, Libra the navel and the kidneys, Scor-
pio the anus and the genitals, Sagittarius the hips and
buttocks, Capricorn the knees, Aquarius the calves and Pis-
ces the feet.
These anatomical correspondences have held good right down to
the present day, but are certainly not always applicable, because the
zodiac signs taken on their own are not decisive.
Large chunks of the works of Agrippa von Nettesheim, which
were reprinted in 1921, were occupied with contemporary magic, but
he always upheld the principle, “In everything turn to the Lord, and
think, say and do nothing outside the will of God.’*
Whereas the past votaries of astrology relied heavily on the
teachings of Hermes Trismegistus and Claudius Ptolemy, the mod-
erns have in some areas broken entirely new ground as science has
won fresh knowledge.
Johann Miller of Kénigsberg, who was named Regiomontanust
for his birth place, introduced a new system of house division based
on the rotation of the earth. This work was the result of his educa-
tion. He was born in Konigsberg on the 6th June 1436, and from his
twelfth year studied in Leipzig logic, spherical astronomy, arithmetic,
and geometry. He completed his training in Vienna and, together
with his teacher, Purbach, improved planetary theory. In 1464 he was
summoned by Matthias Corvinus, the king of Hungary and Bohemia,
and cured the latter of a depression into which he had fallen through
fear of a solar eclipse. He became celebrated for his numerous scien-
tific works and was installed by Pope Sixtus IV as bishop of Regens-
burg, being called to Rome in 1475 for a planned calendar reform.
Here he died on the 6th June 1476, of poison administered by the
sons of George of Trebizond. Regiomontanus is accounted the great-
est astronomer in the period between Ptolemy and Copernicus, and is
known as the “father of German astronomy.”

* Agrippa did use pious expressions from time to time, but his detailed exposition of
magic as a “philosophy,” rather than as something of antiquarian interest, leads one
to suspect that he was really a pagan at heart. 77.
TLatin form of the German, meaning “King’s Mountain.” 77.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 21

Hieronimus de Manfredi of Capua was professor of medicine at

Bologna at the end of the 15th century. He endeavored to combine
astrology and medicine, being the first to publish calendars with
medical elections, i.e., giving information about which days of the
year are good or bad for taking medicine, bleeding, and cupping. His
work Centiloguium de medicis et infirmis was printed in Bonn in
It is interesting to note that in 1496, a broadsheet was issued on
the subject of syphilis by the physician Dietrich Uelzen (Ulsenius),
and in it was a woodcut by Diirer."' It has been reproduced as figure 1
on page 22. In the upper part of the picture we see the zodiac circling
a sphere. Scorpio, which generally is characteristic of diseases of the
sexual organs, contains the Sun, Moon and two planets. These plan-
ets are taken to represent the grand conjunction ofJupiter and Saturn
which occurred in 1484, the year inscribed within the zodiac belt. In
the main part of the print, a man is represented who is marked with
syphilis. His face and upper leg are covered with eruptions. The title,
“Lichnica genesis,” refers to the origin of the disease.
Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim (1493-1541) of Ein-
siedeln deliberately named himself Paracelsus, i.e., “above (or
greater than) Celsus,” Celsus being a renowned ancient physician.
Paracelsus was a medical man who had gained his doctor’s hood at
Ferrara in 1517. He interested himself in philosophy, pharmacy and
Paracelsus turned against the astrological tradition of his times,
and especially against Galen’s doctrine of humors. He regarded man
as a microcosm and spoke, among other things, of the “Astrum in
corpore,” or the star in us. He believed that to be proficient, a doctor
must also practice astronomy and astrology — without the art of astro-
logical interpretation, a doctor was a “pseudomedicus.” For him, the
pattern of the heavens was a pointer to both diagnosis and therapy.
He categorically rejected the fatalistic doctrine that “the star makes
the man,” and did not speak of Mars and Saturn as ruling over us but
as being in us, On the power of medicinal plants we find him saying,
“The power of herb comes not only from the earth but also from the
planets; the Corpus (body) is from the earth however.”
One of the fundamental discoveries of Paracelsus was the doc-
ttine of signatures, according to which, from the appearance and

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Figure 1. A Direr woodcut showing the astrological indications of

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 23

structure of plants, we can draw conclusions about their medicinal

action on the organs and other parts of the body. For instance, he saw
in the walnut a resemblance to, and thus a relationship with, the
human brain. His doctrine of signatures was adopted by the anthro-
posophical medical practitioners and by the alchemists.
The Paracelsian researcher, Dr. Bernhard Aschner, M.D., said of
him, “Paracelsus was not a wonder-doctor but a wonder of a doctor.”
C.G. Jung saw in him a pioneer not only in medicine but in empiri-
cal, psychologically oriented healing.
Martin Pegius lived in the 16th century as a royal councilman in
Salzburg and concerned himself with the astrology of his times with
great success, being the first to publish a comprehensive textbook on
the subject in German (in 1570).'? On the relationship between ther-
apeutics and astrology, he says, among other things:

I think that physicians are to blame chiefly for not seeing

that skill in reading the stars is requisite to their medical
art; since Paracelsus gave them all such a bad time, they
practice medicine without reference to stellar science.
Diseases will occur in those parts of the body that are indi-
cated by some sign of the Zodiac. Thus Aries signifies the
head, Taurus the neck, Gemini the arms, etc.; Saturn signi-
fies the right eye, the spleen and the bladder, Jupiter the
right hand, the lungs and the ribs, Mars the left eye, the
left ear and the penis, the Sun both eyes (especially the
right), the face and the entire right side of the body, Venus
the buttocks and the liver, Mercury the tongue and the
interior of the nose, the Moon the right side of the throat,
the uvula, the stomach, the womb, the vulva and the left

These anatomical correspondences do not quite coincide with mod-

ern opinions, but can nevertheless be regarded as a useful attempt to
combine medicine with astrology.
Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) was a Danish astronomer who built
the Uranienborg and Stjerneborg observatories. He was confirmed in
his astrological beliefs when in 1563 the plague broke out in Europe

at the same time as there was a conjunction of the outer planets in the
nebula Praesepe in the sign of Cancer.
Johann Antonius Maginus (13th June, 1555-11th February,
1617) was born in Padua. He became professor of mathematics of
Bolgona and was invited by Pope Gregory XIII to take part in reform-
ing the calendar. Maginus cast the horoscopes of almost all the
princes of Europe, compiled ephemerides, and wrote a book on the
use of astrology in medicine.
One of the most famous astrologers of the 17th century was Jean
Baptist Morin (23rd February, 1587—6th November, 1656). He was
born in Villefranche in the south of France, learned medicine and
mathematics, became a doctor of medicine and finally went to Ger-
many to study mining. Here he became acquainted with astrology. In
1621 Morin was appointed personal physician to the Duke of Luxem-
bourg, and there followed a similar appointment to Louis XIII of
France. The French statesman, Richelieu, and Cardinal Mazarin
sought his advice. When he died in 1656, he left behind him his
huge opus, the Astro/ogia Gallica. One of Morin’s special develop-
ments was the doctrine of determination, which was an attempt to
elaborate a comprehensive theory of combinations. The multi-
volume Bausteine der Astrologie, published between 1926 and 1928
by Sinbad-Weiss in Munich, was to some extent based on the teach-
ing of Morin. In this are to be found notes on astromedicine and
medicinal plants.
From the hand of Abdias Trews (12th July 1597-Easter 1669),
who was born in Ansbach and studied theology, philosophy and
mathematics at Wittenberg, appeared a treatise entitled, Astro/ogia
Medica. His “groundwork of improved astrology” was reprinted in
1927. In the astromedical section of the book he remarks:

When I and my family have something the matter with us

[he was twice married and had twenty-two children], I con-
sult the doctor, tell him what the trouble is . . . as far as I
understand it, and accept what he prescribes. But I myself
choose the time when the remedy is used and, God be
praised, find myself well again by doing so. In fact, because
of all the illnesses and accidents in my own family, I have
had more opportunities to put my ideas to the test than I
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 25

would have wished. What I am revealing here is based

partly on personal experience and partly on the use of
Placidus de Titis was born in Perugia in 1603. He worked out a
new house system which is still popular. His table of houses appeared
in 1657. He criticized the house systems of Regiomontanus and Cam-
panus. Later he wrote a commentary on the works of Ptolemy and
also published an astronomical treatise entitled, De diebus decretorits
et agrorum decubio.

Modern Astrology
In the 18th and 19th centuries, we find a whole series of astrologers
who advised clients and even wrote books but made hardly any con-
tributions to medical astrology. We know that Wolfgang von Goethe,
Friedrich von Schiller, Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling, August Wilhelm
Schegel, Joseph Karl Benedikt von Eichendorff, Ludwig Tieck, Frie-
drich Hélderlin and Novalis (Friedrich Leopold von Hardenberg)
were very interested in astrology. Johann Wilhelm Pfaff (born on the
5th December, 1774), the last professor of astrology at the University
of Erlangen, was a keen advocate of his subject. “
But we do come to an important figure for astromedicine in the
person of R.C. Smith, who styled himself “Raphael.” Raphael’s ephe-
merides, which were first published in 1800 and have appeared
annually ever since, owe their inception to R.C. Smith. In his book
on medical astrology, Raphael confitmed the findings of Paracelsus
when he wrote: “Among our native plants, there are medicinal herbs
suitable for diseases of all types and, provided they are used in
accordance with astrological principles, they offer unlimited help in
every complaint and illness.”
At the end of the last century, the Hamburg astrologer Albert
Kniepf became well known and, in 1898/99 he published pamphlets
on Die psychischen Wirkungen der Gestirne (The Influences of the
Planets on the Psyche) and Die Physik der Astrologie (The Physics of
Astrology). In his opinion, the effects of the planets are due to
electromagnetic stimulation, and he maintained that the human aura
is much more sensitive than a selenium cell to planetary radiations.

In July 1909, Alexander Bethor launched the periodical

Zodiacus, and in Leipzig a year later the Astrologische Rundschau
(The Astrological Review) came out under the editorship of Brandler-
Pracht, who from 1914 onwards also edited the Astrologischen Blit-
ter (Astrological Papers). In these magazines one could always count
on finding articles on “Diseases Caused by Stellar Influences.”
In 1850, the death of Professor Wilhelm Pfaff occurred in
Erlangen. He had taught astrology at the university there. From that
time forward there were no more academic lectures and seminars on
astrological themes. Although astrological books were still published
in the second half of the 19th century, the subject led a more or less
shadowy existence. But, with the arrival of the 20th century, people
in scientific professions, especially physicians, began to take an inter-
est in it once more.
Dr. Friedrich Feerhow’s Die medizinische Astrologie” came out
in 1914. In it, he mentions, among other things, that he was the first
to try and find a scientific causal explanation of the cosmobiological
relationship.'* Dr. Feerhow provides a wealth of astromedical mate-
tial, including details from the charts of patients, and refers to other
authors who had studied astromedicine in depth. Thus he calls the
Parisian physician Dr. R. Allendy a “clinical pioneer in the field
astrological diagnosis.’ And he continues:

Dr. Allendy states that it is foolish to disregard the assis-

tance offered by astrology, seeing that it gives the doctor a
practical guide, and its role in pathology is very important.
... From a series of instructive natal charts, he exemplifies
this (planetary) influence, even demonstrating from several
of them how difficult diagnoses were made with their help
when the usual clinical tests had been unsatisfactory or
actually misleading."

This quotation refers to the discussion of a report made to the Second

International Congress for Experimental Psychology held in Paris
March 25-30, 1913.
We could consider 1926 a turning-point in the history of astrol-
ogy; for that was when the compendious work of the qualified physi-
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 27

cian Baron Herbert von Kléckler was published.’ On the subject of

astromedicine, von Kléckler has this to say:

In view of the putative and, to my mind, completely estab-

lished relationship between the horoscope on one hand and
heredity and body-shape on the other, we do seem entitled
to look for some connection between the stellar pattern at
birth and specific physical functions and their disorders. If
it is possible to find clear-cut relationships between chart
factors and the shape of the body, then this is the first step
to a medical understanding of the chart; for without doubt
there is a link between types of human physique and cer-
tain predispositions to disease, since even academic medi-
cine has led to the recognition of constitutional types
(sthenic, asthenic, apoplectic, etc.).

Perhaps it wouldbe easier to accept astrological data if

astrology could be restricted, in addition to the specifica-
tion of astrological constitutional types, to the discovery of
the timing of biological periods for which analogous pro-
cesses have been discovered by modern science —seen, say,
in the coincidence between the frequency of epileptic fits
and certain phases of the Moon.”

Dr. von Kléckler was aiso one of the first to use statistics to put
astrology on a scientific basis. A year after Kléckler’s breakthrough,
Dr. Karl Th. Bayer produced his dissertation, Die Grundprobleme
der Astrologie (The Fundamental! Problems of Astrology), in which
he said that “astrology can fulfill all the requirements for making it a
science,” and that “it occupies a well defined position vis-a-vis natural
philosophy and psychology.’””! In fact, Bayer saw a particularly close
link between astrology and psychology.
One of those who drew support from the findings of Dr. Bayer
was Professor Georg Anschiitz in his book Psychologie (Psychology),”
published in 1953. He said:

The attempts made by astrology to find a connection

between human types and the sun, moon, planets and
signs of the Zodiac, has so far not been taken very seriously

by science. Part of the reason lies in the fact that outsiders

notice complicated and imprecise concepts which give them
the impression that the whole thing is nothing more than
the popular typology of a byegone age.”


The method of erecting a so-called natal chart (radix) may

be regarded as scientific to the extent that the calculation is
performed on the basis of spherical trigonometry to make
an astronomical picture of the heavens for a given moment
of time and for a given geographical point in space. The
Ascendant and the Meridian are determined in a generally
accepted way, but how best to calculate the inner houses is a
matter of dispute. Recently, attempts have been made to
dispense with house calculations altogether. . . . The vari-
ous modes of calculation and interpretation reveal extraor-
dinary subjectivity. But this does not negate their intrinsic

Cosmobiological phenomena in the widest sense were dealt with

by Professor Wilhelm Hellpach in Geopsyche—Die Menschenseele
unter dem Einfluss von Wetter und Klima, Boden und Landschaft
(Geopsyche—the Human Psyche Under the Influence of Weather
and Climate, Soil and Landscape).” Although the author expresses
considerable reservations with regard to astrology in this book, he is
well worth reading because he shows so clearly that, in addition to the
cosmic factor studied by cosmobiology, a host of other factors affect
mankind and these too must be taken into account in cosmobiology
and astromedicine.
In 1929, Dr. Hans Hermann Kritzinger brought out a book with
the strange title Todesstrahlen und Wiinschelrute (Death Rays and
Divining Rod). In his chapter “Man in the Cosmic Forcefield,”’ he
studies the influence of the higher atmospheric layers on variations in
the earth’s magnetism and the relationship between these and air
pressure and weather. He quotes the results of the psychiatric physi-
cian Dr. Heinrich Lahmann, who found that a fall in atmospheric
pressure regularly produced disorders in the digestion, the circulation
of the blood, the nervous system and the mental condition.”
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 29

The physician Dr. Fritz Schwab, whose book Sternmdachte und

Mensch (The Stellar Powers and Humanity) was published in 1923,”
repeatedly found cases of the same type occurring together in his
clinical work. Thus, on the same day, two girls with appendicitis were
admitted to hospital; “by chance” they occupied adjacent beds, they
simultaneously suffered from peritonitis and their operations took
place at the same time. In both, an abscess had to be opened from
below. No similar cases were treated for the next three months. On
many occasions, it “rained” hernia patients; other days were conspic-
uous for the number of patients suffering from heart failure, and so
on. At first, he was completely baffled.
Schwab goes on to mention the seven-year period of Swoboda,
the theory of periodicity advanced by Dr. Fliess, and the number
symbolism of antiquity, and quotes the statements made by Professor
Ruth in Neue Relationen im Sonnensystem (New Relationships in
the Solar System):

A survey of the many connections and numerical propor-

tions in the solar system and in the universe may well give
the impression that what we are looking at is not so much a
system as an organism. . . . We are facing the greatest
challenge to science—the question of the psychic character
of the universe.”
Schwab put his findings into the form of statistics which,
although not extensive, were a preliminary attempt to obtain signifi-
cant data from the birth picture.
The physician and psychotherapist Dr. Olga Freifrau, of
Ungern-Sternberg, came across astrology in the 1920’s and studied it
in connection with medicine and psychotherapy. In her book pub-
lished in 1928, Die innerseelische Erfahrungswelt am Bilde der Astro-
lJogie (The World of Inner Experience as Represented by Astrology), a
second edition of which appeared in 1975, she sought to tie astrologi-
cal terminology in with psychological terminology. She comments:

Therefore, when expressed in psychological terms, Saturn

represents the ability to give shape to things, Mars repre-
sents tonicity and libido, Venus represents contrast and sen-
sibility, Mercury represents nervous sensitivity and mental

ability, Jupiter represents the desire to synthesize and the

power of realization.”
A great deal has been written on the Sun and Moon as cosmic
powers, but only a brief mention of the subject can be given here.
According to Dr. Guthmann,* there is almost a one hundred per
cent increase in menstruation around the times of full moon and new
moon. Also the number of births runs parallel to the phases of the
Moon. Dr. Hilmar Heckert writes, “The outwardly visible phases of
the Moon indicate a rhythmic play of forces hidden from our eyes,
which acts in such a way on the human organism that it finds its final
external expression in an increase in male births and a decrease in
female births when the Moon is increasing in light, and in a decrease
in male births and an increase female births when the Moon is
decreasing in light.”>
The American physician Dr. Andrews ascertained from the
statistics of one thousand tonsillectomies that eighty-two per cent of
severe hemorrhages after tonsil operations occurred one to three days
before full moon.
Regular contributions on medical and psychological themes have
been a feature of the Conferences on Cosmobiological Research held
since 1949 in Aalen and then since 1980 in Stuttgart. The Kosmo-
Liologischen Jahrbucher (Cosmobiological Yearbooks), published in
Aalen since 1950 and partly still obtainable from the Ebertin Verlag,
Freiburg im Breisgau, are replete with working and research



mic outlook have searched for healing agents with some rela-
tionship to the stars. The oldest texts on the subject cannot be
evaluated today, because we have no botanical descriptions of
the medicinal plants to which they refer. However, recent centuries
have bequeathed to us an expanded knowledge of herbs and other
remedies. In fact, we still have among us physicians and pharmacists
who work in accordance with cosmic laws, although their remedies
are often offered under names that make it hard to recognize that
they have been cosmically prepared. In one or two instances the
cosmic factors are acknowledged. But a further problem is that the
experts differ because their experiences and their interpretations of
the doctrine of signatures do not agree. G.W. Surya gives the follow-
ing ascriptions in P/flanzenheilkunde (Herbal Medicine):

If we inspect the vegetable kingdom to see whether any

plants have characteristics of a planetary nature, we find
that a Martian plant will exhibit sharp leaf edges, and
thorns and stinging hairs on the leaf and stem. Nettles and
plants with blistering, pungent secretions and juices belong
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sIeW pores ‘Auyoy3 Apstiq ‘par ystppar
| ‘yuasund ‘surpsun
uns pide ‘ayqou [NJs0JOo ‘Mood aduvso ‘oneWOIeAwe ystsams|
snuaA AJaatT] ‘[NJIOTOO ‘SUT]IUIS ‘[nJJaay9
‘IYSI] ‘199Ms dtf130dos
— ‘ayqeaeyed|
Ayjoid ‘usa18 ‘anjq yurd peurnziod
Amnoaywpides| ‘Tensnun
‘JU9q povedsorsea “IUTeT IIVWIOIe ystInos
Inq yeoM
uoo; ‘PaTIva uaijo ‘snoraisAur YsTaTyA ‘MOTTIA ssa]qUaos ‘ssoqoISeI YSTYMVUT
pides yensnun aed yaTora
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 33

to the Mars type. Examples are the great and small stinging
nettle (Urtica dioica and Urtica urens), horseradish (Coch/e-
aria amoracia), field buttercup (Ranunculus acris), etc. We
can say of such plants that they possess the planetary

This doctrine of signatures can therefore be put on an astro-

logical footing, even though it is not always easy to discover
the signature or ruling planet for a given plant.

Paracelsus and other investigators have endeavored to

present the relationships between plants and planets in the
form of short catchwords. But, and the “but” is important,
we must not treat this sort of information as the absolute
truth when we find it is astrological books. Corrections and
improvements are often necessary.

Table 2 indicates relationships between planets and plants as

conjectured by Surya. See page 32. It must be emphasized that they
should not be regarded as authentic until they have been confirmed
in practice by a number of doctors.

Research Done by Dr. M. Duz

Anyone who examines the more recent astromedical texts will find
that most of the spadework was done by the French physician Dr. M.
Duz, whose opus was printed in Geneva in 1910 in only 510 copies
and was soon sold out. It was thanks to the Kosmobiophysische
Gesellschaft e.V., Hamburg, that a translation of this book by Curt
Knupfer was issued in German—to be sure, only in duplicated
form—and even so it is still almost unobtainable. Dr. Duz wrote,
among other things:

Astral science builds from the ground up, because it returns

to origins. Thus it permits us to understand the role of body
humors in physiology and in pathology—it opens fresh
horizons in regard to the constitution, and summarizes the

pathological picture; in hygiene it shows us the proper

course to take, in climatology it reveals favorable and unfa-
vorable times in yearly, daily and other periods, in thera-
peutics it provides us with a simple law that is in harmony
with nature, the law of similars, and finally in sociology it
shows us, from the dispositions of our children as revealed
in their natal charts, the training needed to fit them for
social life.

One apparently highly important feature is that the cosmic corre-

spondences are quite different in different regions of the globe. On
this point, Dr. Duz says:

It is a fact that in hot climates in particular there is a

prevalence of acute diseases, especially those affecting the
liver; by expanding the vessels, the heat causes an impair-
ment of the blood and so the liver becomes congested.
Indeed, hepatic disorders and acute diseases are very fre-
quent in the countries concerned for this reason. Now,
whereas people living in warmer climates are subject to liver
trouble, those in cold and damp climates suffer from
chronic (earth-type) or lingering disorders.*®

In his section on “Physiological Synthesis,” Dr. Duz expressed

the opinion that “physiology is the science dealing with the nature
and constitution of the body, i.e., of the endowments of life. But,
since life itself eludes our investigations, astrophysiology is restricted
to the consideration of the effects of the heavenly bodies, especially
the Moon, on living cells. As we shall see, the Moon is very closely
involved with things animate and inanimate, and its journey through
the twelve signs of the zodiac affects the body.” It must be remem-
bered that the following tables were originally written in French; so
when we tead of this or that organ being “affected” we must not start
thinking in terms of cause and effect: all that is meant is a correspon-
dence between cosmic factors and human organs. (See tables 3 and 4
on pages 35-37.)
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 35

Table 3. Correspondences between the Zodiac Signs and the

Human Body (after Dr. Duz)
Sign Physical Correspondence
Aries affects the cerebral nervous system, the head and
what is dependent on it. It gives a predisposition to
liver disease. Elementary quality: dry heat.
Taurus has to do with the thyroid gland and thyroid carti-
lage, the thymus, which disappears in adulthood,
the pituitary, the neck, and the throat and its ancil-
laries. There is a predisposition to kidney disease.
Elementary quality: dry cold.
Gemini affects the respiratory system (superior lobes of right
and left lung), the innervation of the lungs, the
arms and the first, second, third and fourth verte-
brae. It gives a predisposition to diseases of the cra-
nium. Elementary quality: wet heat. (While on the
subject of lung disease, we might consider the statis-
tics of Dr. Schwab, which suggest that Libra plays
the main role in these disorders. Also, we must
remember that the positions of the planets in the
zodiac are made better or worse by aspects and mid-
point aspects.)
Cancer affects the digestive organs (stomach, pit of stomach,
epigastrium) and their adjuncts, as well as the dia-
phragm, the inferior lobes of the lungs (two right,
one left) and the pleura. It predisposes to diseases of
the head and abdomen. Elementary quality: wet
corresponds to the cardiac and circulatory system
(heart, large blood vessels), the upper third of the
stomach, the orifice of the stomach (cardiac, and the
fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth vertebrae. It
predisposes to heart disease. Elementary quality: dry

Table 3. Continued
Sign Physical Correspondence
Virgo has to do with two-thirds of the right lower stomach,
the solar plexus, the pyloric valve, the left lobe of
the liver, the caudate lobe of the liver, the pancreas,
and their adjuncts, the abdominal-epigastric stomach
system and everything dependent on it. It predis-
poses to diseases of the cranium. Elementary quality:
dry cold.
Libra relates to the kidneys, the left and right region of the
navel and the hypogastrium (lower abdomen), 1.e.,
the left and right regions of the groin, part of the
small intestine, the urinary bladder in children and
the uterus during pregnancy. It gives a predisposition
to kidney disease. Elementary quality: wet heat.
Scorpio relates to the urogenital system, bladder, uterus, and
pituitary (also to the corresponding nose-and-throat
system) and to the endocrine glands (e.g., to the
suprarenals, ovaries, testicles, etc.). It predisposes to
liver disease. Elementary quality: wet cold.
Sagittarius relates to the musculature, also to the cardiac system,
the blood vessels, the peritoneum, the bladder mus-
cle, the lumbar region and the thighs. It gives a pre-
disposition to chest diseases. Elementary quality: dry
Capricorn concerns the skin and mucous membranes, the cell
tissues, and the knees. It gives a tendency to diseases
of the spleen. Elementary quality: dry cold.
Aquarius affects the circulatory system (and the blood itself),
the shins and the ankles. It predisposes to diseases of
the spleen. Elementary quality: wet heat.
Pisces has to to with the fibers and tendons, and more
especially with the respiratory organs and the syn-
ovia* (joint oil), also with the calcaneum and the
feet. It gives a predisposition to diseases of the chest.
Elementary quality: wet cold.
*A term coined by Paracelsus from the Greek syn = “with” and the Latin ovum = “egg.”
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 37

Table 4. Correspondences between the Planets and the Human Body

(after Dr. Duz)
Sign Physical Correspondence
Sun rules cell vitality. Disease: inflammation.
Moon governs cell modularity. Diseases: hyperemia and
degeneration of the blood.
Mercury maintains the nerves. Diseases: neurosis, metastases
(harmful subsidiary growths).
Venus controls the intercellular fluid. Diseases: dystrophy
(defective nourishment), infections.
Mars stimulates the cells. Diseases: inflammations, fevers,
organ lesions.
Jupiter tules cell regeneration. Diseases: toxic conditions,
mercury poisoning, lead poisoning, iodine poisoning,
bromine poisoning, food poisoning, allantiasis
(botulism, sausage poisoning), syphilis, gonorrhea,
ctcs,.=-dyscarsia . (faulty \«condition’.,of the
blood— defective humoral mixture).
Saturn contracts the cells and rules the protoplasm. Diseases:
asthenia (weakness), stenosis (stricture), chronic
*Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not included, since at the time Dr. Duz was writing
they had not been sufficiently studied. Tr.

Research Done by G.W. Surya

G.W. Surya called himself a student of the occult. However, in this
connection it must be pointed out that he was active in the first
quarter of the 20th century, when all knowledge that was not aca-
demically approved was branded as “occult.” Today, many things
once thought of as occult knowledge have been incorporated in sci-
ence or in parapsychology. The book Astrologze und Medizin (Astrol-
ogy and Medicine),** which Surya produced with his friend Sindbad

(Schwickert), is one of the volumes of Ok&ku/te Medizin (Occult Med-

icine). The first printing was in 1921, to be followed by several
improved and enlarged editions.
After a brief historical survey and an introduction to astrological
techniques, Surya stresses that the insight of the practicing physician
and the wisdom of an accomplished astrologer, are both required in
order to make good use of astrodiagnosis. Let no one think that “with
such intellectual equipment as an old emphemeris and a freshly
sharpened pencil, he can cure a chronic patient in a quarter of an
hour.” The task is impossible, in any case, since Surya, like other
authors, regarded it as essential to calculate the directions, especially
the secondary directions or progressions. I know from personal experi-
ence, especially since preparing many life diagrams, that this is the
only way to detect chronic disease, especially cancer, many years
before the symptoms appear.
Therefore even Paracelsus emphasized that astrology is only
one of the pillars of medicine; even in diagnosis and prog-
nosis, there is need for philosophy and virtue—both of
which are to be understood in their Paracelsian sense.
In uniformity with most other authors, and for the sake
of brevity, we will speak of the astrological factors in a
nativity as if they “affected” or “influenced” things. This is
in keeping with the law of correspondences, which states
that when two phenomena occur simultaneously they are
related as cause and effect or are both effects of one and the
same cause. Anyway, that is how we hope to be understood.
See Cicero’s dictum, “It is sufficient to experience what
happens, even if we do not know 4ow it happens.’
In contrast to traditional astrologers, who had been limited to
seven planets, Surya mentions the pathological influences of Uranus
and Neptune proposed by the English astrologer Raphael.

Schwab —Hickethier—Schussler

Dr. Schwab, to whom reference has already been made, wrote that we
shall be able “to use astrology to introduce a measure of calculation
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 39

or, as Maack says, of ‘genuine mathematics,’ into medicine. And

wasn’t this what alchemy was always after—namely to pinpoint the
right remedy?” A year after it was published, he came across an
interesting confirmation of the astro-biochemical system announced
in 1928. At Easter 1929, he was on holiday in Wiesbaden and went to
pay respects to a colleague. During a stroll, they were chatting on this
subject, when the friend suddenly exclaimed,” Doctor, you really
should study Hickethier’s book, in which the choice of biochemic
remedy is set out according to type and complexion.”
Having secured a copy-of the Lehrbuch der Anthtzdiagnostik (A
Manual of Facial Diagnosis), Schwab found that the author had
reached the same conclusions as he had, although approaching the
subject from a completely different angle. Hickethier proposed eleven
clearly defined types, e.g., the cheesy face (Calc. phos.), the puffy face
(Silicea), the red, hollow-eyed face (Ferr. phos.). Since his types are
more or less identical with the astrological ones, we can naturally
replace his notation with appropriate astrological symbols: e.g., Cancer
for Calc. phos., Pisces for Silicea, Aries for Ferr. phos., etc.
On that basis, Schwab drew up Table 5 on pages 40-44, which
has now been brought up to date. The table combines signs with
physical symptoms and how they relate to homeopathic remedies.
The obviously striking correspondences in Table 4 corroborate
one another. “For example, when Aries is the rising sign, the native,
if a true Arian, will also belong to the Ferr. phos. type. Therefore
Ferr. phos. comes under Aries.”*
Indeed, Schiissler says of Ferr. phos. and of Kali sulph. that
they transport oxygen and promote oxidation. They exactly corres-

*It is interesting to compare the zodiac attributions of the biochemic cell salts given
in this book with those given by Dr. George Washington Carey (see The Zodiac and
the Salts of Salvation, by Inez Eudora Perry, published by Samuel Weiser, York
Beach, ME in 1971). Dr. Carey’s scheme has often been quoted more or less accu-
rately by others (for example, by James Vogh in Astrology and Your Health, Granada
Publishing, 1980), apparently without questioning its truth. However, the attribu-
tions mentioned in this present book differ in almost every instance from those of
Carey; the one exception being Na. sulph. for Taurus.
The discrepency is so striking that it raises the suspicion that both schemes are
wrong. At any rate, it shows how easily a strong subjective element can enter into the

Table 5. Remedy Selection according to Appearance,

Sign and Disease
Appearance Sign Disease

Ferrum Feverish look, Aries. Hard Inflammatory

phos. hollow-eyed, look, eagle- hyperemia,
shadows under eyed, often inflammations,
eyes as if greatly prone to fever- hemorrhages,
fatigued, red ishness, head pneumonia,
forehead, hectic always hot, red encephalo-
flush. face, especially meningitis.
in the forehead.

Greenish yellow Taurus. Usually Metabolic dis-

face and skin, yellowish color ‘turbances due
impression of of skin and to defective
slow metabo- face, metabolic regulation of
lism, abnormal disorders due to the water econ-
redness. faulty diet (food omy, bilious-
usually too ness, diabetes,
rich), gallblad- skin complaints.
der and skin

Magnesium Pale pink face, Gemini. Fresh Cramps, stom-

phos. crimson over colors, nervy, ach cramps,
the cheek always on the bladder spasms,
bones, numer- go, tendency to colic, neural-
ous patches like feverish-nervous gias, chorea (St.
red blushes, disorders, e.g., Vitus’ dance),
inner restless- tuberculosis, tuberculosis,
ness, hectic red otherwise scrofulism.
in neuralgias. cramps and
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 41

Table 5. Continued

Calcium Waxy face, like Cancer. Pallid, |Exudates, rick-

phos. white-wash. soft, flabby ets. (This rem-
skin, anemia, _| edy regenerates
relaxed tissues _| the cells.)
and the conse-
quences of
these, disorders
of the glands
and serous
rickets in chil-
Brown color. Leo. Animated, Vertigo, palpita-
sulph. light sun-tan tion of the
color, tendency heart, catarrhs.
to heart disor-
ders, pleurisy,
distension of
the aorta, ver-
Well-known Virgo. Seems Drowsiness and
cooking-salt tired and lack- coldness, watery
face, rather ing in energy, diarrhea, stom-
spongy and wears a look of ach trouble,
puffy, often suffering as in water brash.
sweaty, occa- intestinal disor-
sionally watery ders, rather
eyes. puffy skin, ten-
dency to dis-
eases of the
stomach and

Table 5. Continued

Kali Delicate brown- Libra. Fine deli- |Exudates, diph-

mur.* ish, milky skin, cate complex- _| therial deposits
like alabaster, ion, metabolic |in body cavities,
swollen glands, disorders, catarrh with
leukorrhea. unbalanced plastic exuda-
state of the tions.
organs — glands,
skin, serous

Ash-grey, as if Scorpio. Gener- Disturbed

phos. the face was ally dusky, grey |neurotrophy,
unwashed. face color, (red |weak memory,
cheeks are rare |neurasthenia,
in Scorpio), vasomotor dis-
nervous condi- |turbances of the
tions, diseases | sympathic ner-
of the brain- vous system,
worker, venereal |severe dynamic
diseases, sexual |conditions,
neurosis, serious |typhus, sepsis,
infections, ty- | syphilis.
phus, dysentery.

*Not Kali chlorat. as the German. Kali mur. is a ch/oride of potassium not a
chlorate. Tr.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 43

Table 5. Continued

Oily exudations Sagittarius. The |Excess of lactic

in the folds skin often dis- | acid and its
around the eyes plays impuri- consequences,
and nose, greasy |ties, moles, uric acid diathe-
appearance, blackheads, sis and its con-
disorders of the |liver disorders, |sequences, poly-
sebacious overoxidation, | arthritis,
glands, black- articular dis- hyperacidity of
heads, general eases, especially the stomach,
overoxidation, in the hip. diarrhea, chil-
rheumatism and dren’s diseases.
Calcium Longitudinal Capricorn. Poor Bone diseases,
fluor. and transverse blood supply to displacement of
creases on a the skin, a fur- the abdominal
dark reddish- row in the organs, skin
blackish sub- crease between complaints such
stratum, in the the nose and as fissures,
angle made by eye, the com- cracks, hard-
the eye the plexion is often ened exudates,
nose. red with dark nodules in the
shading, degen- breast.
erative condi-
tions, deformi-
ties, bad
posture, enter-
optosis (pro-
lapse of the
bowels), spots,

Table 5. Continued

Aluminum* |T Aquarius. Dell- Nervous

Probably a cate complex- impulses, disor-
complex of ion, light color, ders of the
biological cramps and smooth muscu-
ash other nervous lature of the
conditions, intestines, blad-
intestinal gases, der, and larynx,
flatulence, dis- nasal catarrh
eases of the and pharyngitis,
limbs and muscle weakness
joints, the typi- and spasms,
cal demineral- failing sight in
ized individual. old age.

S ilicea Facial skin Pisces. Thick Diseases of the

translucent or as skin, fresh com- connective tis-
if covered in plexion, some- sue, pus spots,
varnish, crow’s- times with a effusions are
feet, often bald- glassy look, resorbed, gout,
ness. tendency for gravel in the
crow’s-feet at kidneys, cata-
corners of eyes, fact.
septic foci,
lumps, proud
flesh, cancer.

*Calc. sulph. is the English equivalent here. Tr.

TThis space is blank in the German text. Hickethier described only eleven types; one
less than the astrological and biochemical twelve. Tr.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 45

pond to the signs Aries and Leo, for they fit the typology. In astrolog-
ical nomenclature, these two signs are known as fire signs, and this
tells us among other things that they have something to do with
biological combustion. (The typical members of the signs have a
good color and produce plenty of blood and body heat). On the other
hand, Schtissler says of Nat. sulph. and Nat. mur. that they attract
tissue water and help to regulate the water economy of the body.
Their signs, in our scheme, are earth signs; that is to say, they are dry
and readily absorb water. Their natives are very sensitive with regard
to water balance.

Richard Herlbauer-Virusgo
In 1935, the Ebertin Verlag, Erfurt, published Praktische Astro-
Medizin (Practical Astromedicine) as a manual for the “Dulcanoster”
therapeutic system developed by the author on the basis of cosmo-
biological principles. With the assistance of IosWerk in Regensburg,
he prepared a homeopathic complex of remedies corresponding to
the zodiac signs, to the elements and to the planets. In the foreword
to his book, Herlbauer-Virusgo writes:
Several astromedical (cosmobiological) systems of therapy
have been worked out to meet the requirements of the New
Age, but their novelty and their more or less complicated
modes of operation have prevented them from reaching a
very wide circle.

question, and, as a matter of fact, anyone who takes the trouble to read Carey’s
reasons for matching certain cell salts with certain zodiac signs will find that when-
ever he could not match them on medical or biological grounds, he made do with
some mineralogical analogy. And yet, presumably, people are still taking regular
doses of “their” birth salts in the belief that they have a sound scientific reason for
doing so.
Quite possibly, it is a mistake to try and make a one-to-one pairing of the
biochemic salts and signs. Although there are twelve of each, the areas they cover are
not the same. The signs represent body sections and organs, whereas the salts affect
the functioning of body tissues shared by many different body parts and organs. 77.

The “Dulcanoster” therapeutic system explained in this

book has made a big change in the situation and represents
a practical healing system which is easy to use and has a
sound cosmobiological basis. It is not simply a symbolic
relationship with the signs and planets, but guarantees a
treatment tailored to the needs of the individual. In this
system, pure herbal remedies are combined with homeo-
pathic compounds.*

In preparing his remedies, Herlbauer-Virusgo relied chiefly on

the findings of Dr. Allendy and Dr. Feerhow, whose research has
already been described. Numerous physicians and health practition-
ers have been using his system for many years. It was characteristic of
the period of its inception that, in order to recruit as many physicians
as possible, the manufacturers used labels of two types. For those who
believed in astrology, the remedies were labeled with the names of
the signs and planets but, for sceptics, only the names of the active
constituents were mentioned and the fact that the composition had a
cosmic basis was suppressed. This usage was retained by the Gdp-
pingen firm which later manufactured the “Dynoplex” remedy
according to Herlbauer’s instructions. For example, Silicea with the
addition of Belladonna, Cochlearia off., Opecuanha, Natrium
chlor., Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, etc., corresponded to the sign Cancer.
Herlbauer’s system offered compound remedies for each sign of the
zodiac, for the individual planets, and for the elements, as well as a
selection of tisanes for the various signs. Physician and cosmobiologist
Dr. H.G. Miiller-Freywardt of Munich has formulated a new range of
zodiac teas.” In choosing the right tea, however, it is not always the
Sun sign or the Ascendant which is the decisive factor; any sign that
exercises a particularly strong influence must also be taken into
account. Table 6 is another listing of homeopathic remedies that can
be used by sign or planet.
In using the individual remedies and in deciding the correct
dosage, a qualified homeopath should always be consulted, since it is
important that the correct attenuation is prescribed.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 47

Table 6. Homeopathic Sign and Plant Remedies formulated by

Albert Lang

Aries Cimifuga D Sun 1 Cactus D

Taurus Guaiacum D Sun 2 Lycopus D
Gemini Bryonia D Moon 1 Agaricus D
Cancer Silicea D Moon 2 Senecio D
Leo Kalmia D Mercury 1 Baptisia D
Virgo Colocynthis D Mercury 2 Valeriana D
Libra Cantharis D Venus 1 Primula D
Scorpio 1 Scilla D Venus 2 Fucus D
Scorpio 2 Gelsemium D Mars 1 Hypericum D
Sagittarius Chamomilla D Mars 2 Apis D
Capricorn Viola D Jupiter 1 Asclepias D
Aquarius Dulcamara D Jupiter 2 Salvia D
Pisces Urtica D Saturn 1 Taxus D
Saturn 2 Pimpinella D
Uranus 1 Veratrum D
Uranus 2 Stramonium D
Neptune 1 Passiflora D
Neptune 2 Helleborus D

Dr. H.G. Mier-Freywardt

Dr. Miiller-Freywardt was a regular speaker from as early as the Sec-
ond Conference for Cosmobiological Research in 1950. He was abso-
lutely convinced of the relationship between the cosmos and human-
ity and constantly used astromedicine to help him in his practice, and
even made himself so proficient in astrology that he listed astrologer
as his profession on his passport. “Kosmisches Denken: Eine praktis-
che Realitat arztlichen tuns und lassens” (Cosmic Thinking: A Practi-
cal Guide to What Is Done and Not Done in Medicine) was one of his
subjects at the meetings. Here are a few sentences from this funda-
mental lecture:

When we come to look at the course of human life—the

life-portrait if you like —within the framework of time and
space, it is particularly important for those of us who are
physicians to try and do so in the context of disease. Disease
is part of the life-portrait of an individual even when it does
not stand in the foreground. The old adage about “dying in
good health,” which is something we would all still like to
do at the end of a healthy life, proposes a goal that is harder
to achieve than it used to be.“
Dr. Reich, co-founder of the Cosmobiological Academy at Aalen
e.V., agreed with leading researchers and experts in the field that a
natural and holistic therapy is essentially cosmic. For him, cosmic
thinking was a practical guide to medical do’s and don’ts. He saw one
of the secrets of the zodiac as its very arrangement, which is both a
progress and a rhythm. During his travels in Japan, Korea and Bali,
Dr. Reich learned of the reliance placed by the Asiatics on symbols.
Out of his own experiences, he confirmed the dictum of C.G. Jung
that “the astrological symbols are the archetypes of mankind, and are
deeply rooted in our psyches.”
Here, perhaps, we should mention a few of the more important
basic cosmobiological laws:

1) Especially important in a nativity are those planets that are as

nearly as possible in exact hard or easy aspect with one another
according to classical theory.
2) In every case, the dominant planetary influences are those uniting
several personal points in themselves.
3) In the hierarchy of personal points the MC is the chief; then come
the Sun, ASC, Moon, lunar nodes, IC and DC.

The fundamentals of astromedical practice were laid down by

Dr. Miuller-Freywardt in his lecture, “Sinn und Unsinn astromedi-
zinischer Diagnosen” (Sense and Nonsense in Astromedical Diagno-
sis) at the 21st Conference in 1969. He said:
The psychologist and the expert on psychosomatic diseases
tell us in technical jargon nothing else than what astrologers
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 49

have been maintaining for centuries, that the mode of life

favored by the astrological type Leo frequently leads to
disorders of the heart and circulation, while behavior char-
acteristic of Pisces often results in impaired mobility due to
diseases of the shanks, ankles and feet. This certainly does
not mean that any and every emphasis on Leo in the chart
will signify cardiac problems. The natural law by which
each event has its astrological counterpart does not work
both ways; therefore we must refrain from making medical
diagnoses from the radix alone without corroboration.
Many patients have been filled with fear and despair by
astromedical diagnosis and by some even less reliable prog-
nosis from the stars. One would have to be very brash to say
a patient, “Forget that new job for the moment—you will
be having a heart attack some time in the next few
A case is known to the author in which an astrologer advised a
pregnant woman to have an abortion, since her child would be hand-
icapped. The woman was reassured by professional advice and bore a
perfectly healthy child. In another instance, a man was given the
prognosis that he would die at the age of forty-five. One can imagine
the fear into which he was thrown at that age. He was counselled by
another practitioner and survived; the progressed aspects did come
into operation, but released their influence as a loss of employment.
Facts such as these are one reason why astrologers should produce
evidence of their skill and would do well to belong to a professional
Dr. Miiller-Freywardt continued that in the main he made use of
the circle of the elements of Dr. Folkert and the homeopathic com-
pounds of Herlbauer-Virusgo, because the progress of a cure was
often more satisfactory with biological medicaments chosen on the
similia principle rather than on the contrana principle of allopathy.

Dr. Wilhelm Folkert

The Dr. Folkert to whom reference was made by Dr. Miiller-
Freywardt first spoke at the 11th Conference for Cosmobiological

Research at Aalen in 1959, just after the publication of his basic

textbook on his life’s work, SpAdron.” I had already made the
acquaintance of Dr. Folkert in 1950 at a discussion held in Radio
Frankfurt’s big studio. (The main speakers were myself on behalf of
astrology and cosmobiology and Max Gerstenberger on behalf of
astronomy.) During the discussion, Dr. Folkert first drew attention to
his working methods and also remarked on the absolute necessity of
including heliocentric constellations as well (we shall return to this
point later). In his lecture, Dr. Folkert said, among other things:

Until now, since nothing of the kind yet exists in our pro-
fessional literature, none of you has read a book clearly
showing in a scientific way the effect of cosmic influences
on the individual —even though Mr. Ebertin has written an
atticle pleading that such a work is badly needed.
My own practice is a synthesis of East and West. Acu-
puncture has been adopted from Eastern medicine and is
already being taught at university level by our French
neighbors. [In 1959 acupuncture was still relatively
unknown in Germany, but many books on the subject
appeared in the next decade]. The foundations of Chinese
philosophy are the principles of Yang and Yin on which the
celebrated Chinese book of wisdom, the I Ching, is based.
Nothing that happens, none of the tension in living nature,
would be conceivable without the opposition they produce
between positive and negative, light and dark, dry and wet,
etc. In medical work extending over thousands of years, the
Chinese have discovered hundreds of sensitive points on the
human body and have realized that they mark the course of
a continuous stream of energy flowing through the body. In
disease, this energy flow is disturbed.
With the help of X-rays, scientists have counted the ele-
ments and know today that ninety-two elements occur nat-
urally. . . . Now if each atom is like a tiny planetary system,
ought not the elements as a whole to have the same appear-
ance? .. . I have succeeded without difficulty in establish-
ing an unforced connection between our solar system and
the periodic system of the elements. As far as I know,
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 51

nobody has done this before. What you are learning now is
something new; the fruit of my studies over the past ten
years or more.
I have arranged the elements in a circle with special refer-
ence to Yang and Yin. The odd elements are Yang and the
even elements are Yin. The circle runs continuously from
the lightest elements through the heaviest and back to the
lightest again.
In this circle we can also arrange the Chinese [acupunc-
ture] points. These are distributed all over the body. They
are each the size of a pin’s head, and when they are manip-
ulated correctly they are very sensitive—especially in dis-
ease. The points are all interconnected and we have to
assume that a continuous flow is taking place through our
bodies through definite channels, similar to the flow of an
electric current through a wire. The flow takes twenty-four
hours to return to its starting point. This explains the varia-
tion in the reactions of the organs according to the time of
day—on account of which I give my remedies at exactly
determined hours.”

Speaking on the significance of the Sun’s place in the radix, Dr.

Folkert made the interesting statement that patients born on the
same day exhibit similar symptoms. He discovered this by running
through more than twenty-five thousand medical cards, and Dr.
Muller-Freywardt confirmed the observation from his own records.
In the book Sphéron, the following cases are adduced. A female
birth took place on 10th July, 1925 at 5 p.M. At the age of five months
the child suffered from convulsions which lasted several hours. One
week after vaccination on 17th June, 1937, she had a fit of convul-
sions, and this was repeated several times. Body cramps also super-
vened. A male patient born on the same day at 3 A.M. suffered from a
spasm of the esophagus at the age of six months. And a female
patient born on the same day at 2 A.M. had an attack of vaginismus
(vaginal spasm) at the age of twenty-four.
Various individuals who shared 21st November, 1901 as their
birthday suffered from sexual disorders. A male patient born on this
day at around 3 P.M. fell into a state of mental confusion in 1940, and

kept writing love letters which were heavily underlined and full of
eccentricities. Another male patient born on the same day, who suf-
fered from chronic psoriasis, was covered in 1940 by a fiery red,
burning, itching eczema from his abdomen to his anus. A third
patient, born at 12:30 p.M., came for treatment in 1950 suffering
from giddiness, strabismus, depression and an evil-smelling dis-
charge from the testicles and the region of the inguinal glands. A
female patient came for giddiness, buzzing in the ear and listlessness
in 1953; in 1928 an operation had been performed on one of her
ovaries. Another female patient, weighing one hundred and ninety-
three pounds, complained of giddiness and headaches. She suffered
from a persecution complex and had a growth the size of two fists in
her abdomen.
The Sun is 28° Scorpio here and, according to the Anatomusche
Entsprechungen der Tierkreisgrade (The Anatomical Correspon-
dences of the Zodiac Degrees)“ 25°-28° have to do with the fallo-
pian tubes, perineum, anus and mucous membranes; as can also be
seen in the similar scheme developed by Fritz Brandau in his
Organuhr (Organ Clock).*

The Daily Rhythm of the Human Organism

We have mentioned several times already how important it is, in
diagnosis and therapy, to recognize the diurnal rhythm in the human
organism. This is linked with meteorological and physical processes
occurring during the day. Giinther Wachsmuth explored the subject
in great detail in his book Erde und Mensch (Earth and Man).* As
may be seen from tables 7 and 8, definite phases occur at 3 A.M,
9 AM., 3 P.M. and 9 P.M. (See pages 53-54.)
At 3 A.M. barometric pressure is at minimum; there is maximum
conductivity of the vertical electrical current and a variational change
in the earth-current. At 9 A.M. barometric pressure is at a maximum,
there is a turning-point in the movement of the air, the valley wind
starts to blow, and there is a matutinal increase in the potential
gradient and variations in the earth-current. At 3 P.M. barometric
pressure is at a minimum and there is a change in the movement of
the air. At 9 P.M. barometric pressure is at a maximum; there is a
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 53

Table 7. Daily Meteorological and Physical Processes (after Dr.

3 P.M. Phase 9 A.M. Phase
Minimum of barometric pressure, Maximum of barometric pressure,
of oscillations in the earth’s and of oscillations in the earth’s
magnetism, of the potential magnetism.
gradient (in the lower layers),
Hour of change for air movement
and of radioactivity near
and wind vectors, and for varia-
tions in terrestrial magnetism.
Hour of change for air movement
Onset of the valley wind.
and wind vectors, for variations
in terrestrial magnetism, and for Morning increase in the potential
variations in the earth-current. gradient.

Variations in the earth-current.

9 pM. Phase 3 AM. Phase

Maximum of barometric pressure, | Minimum of barometric pressure

and of osciliations in terrestrial (in the double daily wave), of
magnetism. air movement near the ground,
of oscillations in terrestrial
Hour of change for air movement. - magnetism, and of the potential
Onset of the mountain wind. gradient.
Hour of change for variations in Maximum of conductivity of the
terrestrial magnetism and for vertical electric current, and of
variations in the earth-current. radioactivity in the layers near
the ground.
Evening increase in the potential
gradient. Hour of change for variations in
the earth-current.

Table 8. The Daily Rhythms and Phases of the Internal Processes

(after Dr. Wachsmuth)
3 P.M. Phase 9 A.M. Phase
Maximum of: secretory activity of Maximum of: body temperature
the liver and kidneys, glycogen (at local time when travelling).
mobilization (emptying of the
Increase in: the activity of the liver
liver), bile production and
and kidneys, diuresis (morning
secretion, diuresis (at local time
urination), the discharge of
when travelling).
dissimilation products, circulat-
Increase in: blood pressure, circu- ing erythrocytes, leukocytes (red
lation, vital lung capacity, oxy- and white blood corpuscles) and
gen consumption and release of thrombocytes, bile secretion,
carbon dioxide. blood sugar.
Minimum: glycogen storage in the
liver, fat resorption in the wall
of the intestine.

Afternoon temperature peak.

Decrease in: kidney activity Maximum of: glycogen storage in

the liver, fat resorption in the
Accumulation of glycogen in the
intestinal wall, blood enrich-
ment in the lungs and legs,
Greater frequency of labor pains. water retention in the blood,
increase of melanophoric hor-
Evening maximum of blood pres- mone, contraction of the capil-
sure. laries.
Sharp fall in body temperature Minimum of: bile secretion, diure-
around 10 P.M. sis, water excretion, pulse rate,
Maximum venous return between heart frequency, blood pressure,
9 p.M. and midnight, then sud- circulation, venous reflux, heart
den change in the circulation of minute volume, vital capacity of
the blood. lungs, oxygen consumption and
release of carbon dioxide,
metabolism, body temperature.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 55

change in the movement of the air and variations in the earth’s

magnetism. These are the most significant phases, which belong to
rhythms controlled partly by the cosmos and partly by the earth.
If we now take a look at the rhythm of the liver, we find a
maximum concentration at 3 A.M., with storage of glycogen in the
liver; at the same time bile production commences. The glycogen
content starts to decrease slowly; blood sugar and bile secretion
increase. At 9 A.M. the liver reaches an intermediate stage of secretion
until, at 3 P.M., a maximum of bile production and bile secretion is
reached. After this the secretion and storage of glycogen in the liver
commences, with a half-way stage at 9 P.M. and maximum concentra-
tion at 3 A.M.
And just as the rhythmic functioning of the liver plays an impor-
tant part in metabolism, so the rhythmic functioning of the kidneys
plays an important part in water elimination. Incidentally, it has
been found that these processes are independent of meal-times. We
can distinguish a morning flow starting at about 3 A.M., a maximum
secretion at around 3 P.M. and a minimum secretion around mid-
night. These phases persist even during world travel and correspond
to the current local time of the traveller. The circulation of the blood
has a daily rhythm, in that the heart minute volume shows a marked
increase between 10 P.M. and midnight and a marked decrease
between 2 A.M. and 4 A.M.; the difference being six to ten per cent.
In the respiratory process it has been established that the vital
capacity, the respired-air content of the lungs, peaks in the morning
and afternoon. The evening decrease_represents eight to twenty per
cent of the morning capacity. The actual figures for pulmonary blood
engorgement are ca. 300-800 c.c. of blood, which accumulate in the
lungs between 2 A.M. and 6 P.M. and between 10 P.M. and 2 A.M.
According to Schenk (Wachsmuth, p. 391) blood formation in
the bone marrow is most intense around 4 A.M., and the number of
circulating leukocytes is greatest around 4 P.M.
In the endocrine system, the adrenal glands are most active
during the day, whereas the pituitary gland is more active at night.
And, in the nervous system, the sympathetic nerve predominates by
day and the vagus by night. The evening drop in body temperature is
also characteristic.

Here we have only given some of the basic points from Wach-
smuth’s copious volume, which is particularly useful for judging the
proper time to take medicaments.
In this connection, mention must also be made of the investiga-
tions of Dr. E.W. Stiefvater and his book Die Organuhr (The Organ
Clock).“’ The author published a large diagram, the bare outline of
which is reproduced here as figure 2. This diagram is very similar to
Wachsmuth’s tables, but actually improves on them as a survey of the
body’s daily activities. Yin and Yang relationships and many other
details have been omitted from the annexed drawing.

Day crisis

Night crisis AZ 2

Figure 2. The 24-hour clock and physical activity in the body (after
E.W. Stiefvater).
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 57

Alexander von Bernus

Alexander von Bernus came of an old aristocratic Frankfurt family,

but shortly after his birth he was adopted by his uncle, Friedrich
Alexander von Bernus. In the main, he is known as a poet and as the
publisher of a magazine which received contributions from well-
known contemporary writers. Following the death of his uncle, he
became lord of the manor at Stift Neuburg, a place steeped in the
traditions of a mighty past. Even as a chid, von Bernus had a taste for
supernatural and metaphysical things, and he went on to immerse
himself in the writings of Paracelsus and in rare alchemical texts,
which he acquired from Gustav Meyrink in 1914. He devoted himself
more and mote to alchemy, came to know Rudolf Steiner, and finally
founded the Laboratorium Soluna at Schloss Neuburg, later remov-
ing it to Schloss Donaumiinster.
Alexander von Bernus died in 1965. A great exhibition from his
estate was mounted in Karlsruhe State Library in 1971. In his list of
medicaments there are no more than one or two references to “Astto-
sophie” but, on the other hand, it emerges from his book A/chemy
und Heilkunst (Alchemy and the Healing Art), published in 1948,
just how interested he was in cosmic correspondences, on which he
had in fact relied when preparing his remedies. He called astrology as
exact empirical science.
How seriously he took his research appears from a quotation he
made from Rudolf Steiner: “The laboratory bench must become an
altar restored.” He also expressed the opinion that the hour in which
medicinal plants are gathered is a vital factor since, it they are not
picked at the right time of day, the medicine will, as Paracelsus said,
pass through the body without doing any good at all. (The literal
words of Paracelsus are that, if the herbs are not picked at the right
time, the medicine prepared from them “goes uselessly through the
The aim that Alexander von Bernus set himself was, as we read
in the preface of his book, “to place the cosmogenetic and philosoph-
ical system known as alchemy in its true light as a scientific discipline
quite distinct from modern physics and chemistry, and to produce
evidence of its genuineness.” For: “Through astrology we finally
introduce an element of calculation—Maack even goes so far as to say

of mathematics—into medicine. And wasn’t this the very thing that

alchemy was always trying to do, namely to pinpoint the right

Alexander Miiller
Between 1924 and 1927, the pharmacist Alexander Miiller lectured on
“Cosmic and Telluric Rays as the Causes of Disease.” The lectures were
collected under the title Kosmos und Mensch (Cosmos and Man).” On
the basis of his experiments, which he was scrupulous to perform only
on living beings, he came to the conclusion that, with the help of
electrically active salts, one could imitate every climatic influence with-
out exception and, to some extent, could artificially produce the
atmospheres of meadow, upland and mountain. Understandably, to
begin with, he met with strong resistance on all sides, being branded
by some as a visionary and by others as a swindler. He said:
Generally speaking, electrolytes are thought of as salts
which have the property of breaking up in aqueous solution
into their molecules, atoms, electrons and ions, and there-
fore of generating an electric current due to the friction
between colliding particles as the material flies apart. Their
solutions also have an increased capacity for carrying electric
currents from outside sources.
My recognition that all the causes of disease are invari-
ably to be sought in the disruption of the minutest vessels
of the organism paves the way for a cure.
Then it occurred to me to use two stimuli of different
kinds, corresponding to cosmic vibrations, and to impart
special properties and a special direction in our bodies to
the stimuli applied to our nerves. In addition, the means
used had to bring uric acid, calcium, oxalate and insoluble
phosphates into solution. I had been successful thus far,
after countless attempts, especially in influencing the activ-
ities of the glandular organs, when the thought struck me
that I could derive all stimulation from my electrolysis of
the solar plexus, the true function of which is totally
unknown to science.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 59

Miller also recognized that cosmic rays have completely differ-

ent effects at different times of day. Around noon, and in the eve-
ning, the radioactive radiations bring about an involuntary contrac-
tion of the finest capillaries in the organism and the large vessels
expand under pressure. At night, on the other hand, the radioactive
influences of the Moon (according to phase) appear to regulate the
spinal nerves; especially as, when the body is recumbent, the earth
currents are driven to increasing activity by them. Miiller realized that
related ideas were to be found in the work of the Dornach anthropo-
sophist, Dr. Giinther Wachsmuth, after he had been presented with
the latter’s book Die atherischen Bildekrifte in Kosmos, Erde und
Mensch.© Alexander Miiller also exchanged ideas with Mrs. Elsbeth
Ebertin; who regularly took and recommended his preparations,
since the twenty-four different salts contained in the remedy Sepde-
len are compounded on cosmic principles.
Like a number of other research workers, Alexander Miiller took
the view that all epidemics are the consequence of strong solar flares.
He named his field of research sepdelenopathy. However, those who
take the well-tried Sepdelen today seldom know that it has a cosmic

Carl Friedrich Zimpel

Carl Friedrich Zimpel was born in-Sprottau/Schlesien in 1800. In
addition to being a professional engineer, he was an officer in the
Prussian guards and an aide to the King of Prussia. When his suit for
the hand in marriage of the daughter of a high-ranking officer was
rejected, he tried to elope with his sweetheart. However, his plan was
discovered and he was sentenced to confinement in a fortress. By
favor of the king he was permitted to travel to America. There he
purchased needles, ribbons and similar items and began peddling his
wares in Canada. In this way he familiarized himself with the country
and its inhabitants and learned to speak the language. But it was not
long before he resumed his old profession, working for the mines and
railways, and eventually built houses in New York where he became

the owner of more than one hundred properties. However, he lost

everything in a great slump and returned to his homeland as an
American citizen. By this time he had lost his enthusiasm for build-
ing railroads and turned to the study of medicine, graduating as a
Ph.D. and being awarded the diploma of a homeopathic physician
by Dr. Lutze. He was later decorated with the Prussian Gold Medal
for Art and Science and was made an honorary member of the Uni-
versity of Jena.
In 1849 he went to London in order to practice as a homeopath
and became interested in theosophy* and mysticism. It is not know
when he started to study spagyrics and the writings of Paracelsus. He
spent his professional fees on travelling to France, Spain, Italy, Ligu-
tia, San Remo, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, the Holy Land, Lebanon
and whenever he could win acceptance for homeopathy and could
spread the knowledge of its benefits.
In Italy he made the acquaintance of, among others, Count
Cesare Mattei, the founder of electro-homeopathy (a system similar
to electro-homeopathy was produced by Professor Krauss in conjunc-
tion with Iso-Werk, Regensburg). Dr. Zimpel visited Italy a number
of times, where he achieved striking success with his remedies during
a terrible outbreak of cholera. In 1873 he moved house to Naples,
and collaborated with the resident pharmacist, Hartenstein. And the
same yeat he met Dr. Mauch of Géppingen, who acquired all Zim-
pel’s manuscripts and original prescriptions. The Zimpel remedies,
all of which bear the head of Paracelsus on the label, are still available
and are prescribed by registered physicians and lay medical practi-
tioners alike.
In Dr. Zimpel’s description of the spagyric system of healing,
nothing is said about the remedies being prepared under specific
cosmic laws; in fact the word astrology is avoided in order not to
ruffle any academic feathers. However, mention is made of the her-
metic sciences and of occultism in the Paracelsian sense.™!

*Clearly not the Hindu-type “Theosophy” of the Theosophical Society, founded in

1875, as the latter was not yet in existence; more likely the older German theosophy
of Meister Eckhart and Jakob Boehme.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 61

Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy

Rudolf Steiner was born on the 27th February 1861, in Kraljevec

(K6nigsdorf) on the Hungarian-Croatian border. In 1879 he passed
his school-leaving examination and entered the College of Science
and Technology in Vienna, but also attended lectures in philosophy
and medicine at the university there. In 1884, on the recommenda-
tion of his tutor, he was invited by Josef Kiirschner to edit Goethe’s
scientific writings with an introduction and notes. The fact that
Steiner came to Goethe by way of natural philosophy was particularly
significant to him. The immediate consequence of Steiner’s work was
that he was called to the Goethe-Schiller Archiv in Weimar. Thus an
opportunity was presented to him to make contact with representa-
tives of the intellectual world.
A big step in Steiner’s life was his transfer to Berlin in 1897.
Here he edited the Magazin fiir die Literatur des In- und Auslandes
(‘The Magazine for German and Foreign Literature’) and was able to
come to grips with the equivocal cultural trends of the turn of the
century. In his numerous articles he was already displaying those
constructive abilities which were to prove so fruitful. He founded
Anthroposophy as a science and, by the time of his death on March
30, 1926, had formulated his spiritual researches in more than six
thousand lectures. In 1913 he erected the Goetheanum in Dornach as
a center for the anthroposophical movement and, when this was
destroyed by fire on New Year's Eve 1922/23, designed a second
building in a new architectural style.
Steiner made a special study of medical and anthropological
problems, one of his most pregnant sayings being: “In order to join
forces with health, it is necessary to see the entire cosmos in man.” He
said this in his treatise Krankhettsfalle und andere medizinische Fra-
gen (Cases of Disease and Other Medical Questions). At Easter
1920, he delivered a course of lectures to thirty-five doctors and
medical students in which he laid the foundation for an expansion of
medical science by the addition of knowledge drawn from spiritual
science. This and other courses led to the demand for a place where
remedies could be developed and manufactured in accordance with
the findings of spiritual science, and the foundation of a manufactur-

ing company was laid at Arlesheim. In 1924, the German firm

Weleda was set up in Stuttgart and Swabian Gmiind.
The firm endeavors to cultivate medicinal plants in their natural
habitats and to use appropriate fertilizers. Due consideration is also
given to the correct ecological conditions, so that the herbs encourage
one another’s growth. Plants are harvested at the right time of day
and in the proper season. It is known, for example, that the healing
properties of the dandelion vary according to whether the herb is
gathered in spring or in autumn. The toxicity of many species of
Ranunculus is greater in June than in October. Thorn-apple leaves
picked in the morning have a higher alkaloid content than those
picked in the evening. And foxglove leaves are most potent when
picked and prepared on a sunny afternoon.

Dr. Rudolf Hauschka

Dr. Rudolf Hauschka is an anthroposophist. From 1928 through 1940
he collaborated extensively with Dr. Ita Wegmann at the Clinical
Therapeutic Institute founded by her in Arlesheim, Switzerland. Dr.
Wegmann was a close associate of Dr. Rudolf Steiner in the twenties.
Dr. Hauschka has published the results of his investigations in the
books, Substanzlehre, Ernahrungslehre, and Hetlmittellehre (The
Doctrine of Substances, The Doctrine of Nutrition, and The Doctrine
of Remedies)? and put them into practice at his Wala Remedy Labo-
ratory in Eckwalden bei Bad Boll. I had the privilege of knowing him
personally, and was amazed at the care taken over the manufacture of
his medicaments. It is a tribute to the happy atmosphere of the
enterprise and to the confidence of the staff in the methods used fot
preparing the remedies that willing workers were always on hand to
harvest the medicinal plants in the early morning and at sundown.
Within the compass of a few pages, it would be impossible to give
anything like an adequate idea of Hauschka’s wealth of learning and
practical experience. A few extracts from the section of stellar influ-
ences in earthly substances will have to suffice.
Many old writings allude to the powers of the zodiac pic-
tures and to the significance of their names, but we have
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 63

lost our insight into this way of representing reality. Sci-

ence, in particular, has severed every link with traditions
recorded for our benefit in the tomes of the ancients. How-
ever, the spiritual science founded by Rudolf Steiner has
resurrected, in a form suited to modern minds, the knowl-
edge of the connections between constellations, earth and
man. Many ways have been advertised as leading to a
knowledge of the universal creative principles, and yet all
the while we have been gazing with unseeing eyes at their
images in the stars.

We are gradually realizing that everything has arisen from

the essence of this stellar pattern, which builds the earth
and the human body. Now, if we want to cooperate intelli-
gently with these formative forces of the fixed stars and
planets which affect us here below, we would do well to ask
ourselves what are the ultimate physical results of their
action? In the twelve signs, the names of which were
bestowed by the old seers, four images hold a leading posi-
tion: the Lion, the Eagle (Scorpion), the Water Bearer and
the Bull. These four, known to us in mythology and in the
Book of Revelation, have always been seen as depicting the
makeup of the human being:

—the Eagle represents the power of thought, which is asso-

ciated with the head; .

—the Lion, with its powerful chest development, repre-

sents the energy of the heart;

—the Bull (or cow), which is a treasury of metabolic prod-

ucts [milk, meat, leather and horn], represents the

—the Water Bearer, finally, represents the harmonizer of

the other principles in the earthly organization of the
human being —which is why the ancients called it the Man
or Angel.

Thus, in Atlantean times, four human types could be dis-

tinguished: the Eagle or cerebral, the Lion or pectoral, the
Bull or metabolic, and those who for the most part kept
these in balance—the Water-Bearer people.”
As an aid to understanding what he was going to say next, Dr.
Hauschka supplied the diagram reproduced here as figure 3.

The four leaders of the zodiac, the lion, water bearer, bull and
eagle, represent the four essential substances hydrogen, oxygen,
nitrogen and carbon, which build the entire organic world. Accord-
ing to Dr. Hauschka, the harmonization of these four chemicals
forms protein, the basis of all life. Protein is so versatile when we


Figure 3. The four essential substances and the chemicals of the

zodiac. Nitrogen (N) 1s Taurus, Oxygen (O) 1s Aquarius, Carbon (C)
ts Scorpio, and Hydrogen (H) ts Leo. The other substances in order
from Aries: Silicon (St) 1s Antes; Sulfur (S) is Gemini; Phosphorus (P)
1s Cancer; Sodium (Na) ts Virgo; Calcium (Ca) is Libra; Magnesium
(Mg) ts Sagittarius; Aluminum (Al) ts Capricorn.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 65

observe that it is constructed of these four elements, each with its

distinct and extensive sphere of action yet together producing the
matrix for the development of living, ensouled and spiritually acti-
vated substance!
Consider the difference between human and vegetable protein.
In making vegetable protein, the formative forces of these four ele-
ments flow together from the four corners of the universe, which we
have now learned to identify by the four images of the signs. The
pure cosmic forces are forever renewing vegetable forms. Thus the
plant is plugged straight into macrocosmic energies; the human
being, on the other hand, is a microcosm, i.e., a small copy of the
macrocosm, and bears within the celestial forces of the planets and of
the zodiac. These express themselves organically and synthesize
human protein as a microcosmic imitation of the macrocosm.

G‘yrill von Korvin-Krasinski

The four elements as exemplified by the cardinal signs of the zodiac
are widely known among all peoples, and so are their interrelation-
ships. It is only their names that differ. Father Cyrill von Korvin-
Krasinski made a special study of Tibetan medicine and produced a
comprehensive work on the subject. The easily grasped fundamentals
are set out in his book, Mzkrokosmos-Makrokosmos (Microcosm-
Macrocosm). Tibetan medicine is based, in fact, on three principles:
chi, schara and badgan. To which are added further elements, corres-
ponding to our four Western elements—fire, earth, air and water.
The following excerpts may serve to give some idea of the researches
and ideas of the father from Maria Laach abbey.
Mental and physical well-being ultimately consists of har-
mony between the three basic principles (regarded as per-
fectly objective), and of their uniform control over all areas
of human life. Any one-sidedness is a form of disease; and
the wise physician’s task is to counteract the one-sided
excess of deficiency of one of the three above-mentioned
ultimate basic aspects of the human being, by using the
two other basic aspects to counteract or to supplement it.

It goes without saying that the lama-physician must also be

a philosopher in order to understand and correctly apply
this doctrine of the three principles; just as he needs to have
a great deal of ordinary medical knowledge in order to work
out the proper regimen for his patients. Especially interest-
ing is his appreciation of the many microcosmic and macro-
cosmic correspondences linking man with his environment
and, above all, with the vegetable kingdom. The physician
displays his skill by exploiting the highly-developed science
of the Tastes; which enables him to discover some plant or
plant-part having a mysterious, though by no means magi-
cal, affinity with the diseased organ.* A few of the more
important and more readily understood correspondences
are given here.
The woody framework in trees corresponds to the human
skeleton. And so we have “anthropoid” plants such as the
cedar, oak and lime, standing erect like human beings;
whereas others such as the weird-looking cacti and scrub-
land bushes, lianas and so on, are quite unlike us and seem
to spread out in all directions. The human liver corresponds
to the flat leaf of the deciduous trees, the bile to the green
chlorophyll (and in the cosmos the sun). The outspread
hand corresponds to the finger-like leaf structure of trees
such as the chestnut, the palm and the rhododendron. The
intestines correspond to the roots, which draw liquid nutri-
ents from the soil; the nails to the colored petals of the
flower; the finger-tips to the sensitive tendrils of climbers
such as the pea, the vine, the ivy, etc. The mother’s breast,
full of nourishing milk, has it counterpart in fruits such as
the grape, orange or cherry, in which the juice collects
around a tough, usually unpalatable, pip or stone; on the
other hand, hard fruit with husks or shells enclosing the

*The herbalism of ancient Europe also relied on a knowledge of the tastes and
“temperatures” of plants; but this seems to have been increasingly ignored as herbs
were classified according to their physiological and medicinal action. Tr.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 67

nutritious part, fruit that is to say such as almonds and rice

and other nuts and grain, correspond to the brain. Plump
seed cotyledons, which for a time look like two small wings,
correspond to the two halves of the brain. They are particu-
larly noticeable in peas and beans and, on account of the
similarity, these were recommended as foods for brain-
workers, even though the Tibetans had no inkling that they
contain phosphorus. Analysis by formal analogy of shape
and appearance seems to have done service for chemical
analysis. The similarity between the head on one hand and
nuts and corn on the other is also the reason for Tibetan
offerings of peas and grain in human skulls— obviously as a
substitute for earlier blood sacrifices in which the brain was
offered, as evidenced by the skull cemeteries still found
near Chinese temples.»
In another section of his book, the author deals with the link
between mankind and the zodiac.

To summarize now the relationship between healer and remedy, Frie-

drich Husemann always said that a doctor has to treat human beings,
but cannot confine himself to them if he wants to help them. He
needs to take note of the curative properties of the animal, vegetable,
and mineral kingdoms as well. In other words, a doctor must strive to
comprehend nature. There will be no end to his striving as long as he
has not gotten to the bottom of what nature is all about. The physi-
cian needs two pictures: one of the human being and one of the
universe. These pictures should match in the sense that when the
picture presented by human beings changes—through illness—the
undisturbed universe will show where the possibilities of healing lie.

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porting to show the cosmic correspondences to herbs and
other medicaments, but their writers are frequently at odds
with one another. For example, Dr. Duz associated Abrota-
num with Mercury, whereas Asboga associates it with the Sun, and
Busse listed its cosmic correspondent as Jupiter.
Interested students can research the various correspondences fur-
ther in the original literature, and the contradictions could be greatly
extended. For now it is only important to note that the contradictions
are explained by the fact that on different occasions different organs
or diseases are activated through the correspondences. For this reason
I conceived the idea, as long ago as 1952, of expressing the
multifaceted correspondences in terms of remedy structure. My inves-
tigations were published in part in current issues of the magazine
Kosmobiologie, and they brought to light some interesting relation-
ships, especially those between the signs. Some structures displayed
square correspondences, others sextile, others quintile, etc. An exam-
ple of this is shown in Table 10, which shows the cosmic structure of

This chapter will focus on correspondences of homeopathic rem-

edies. Each remedy will be followed by an illustration of how the
energy would manifest based on my research. Other homeopathic
remedies follow, giving the reader an idea of how the homeopathic
remedies relate to the signs.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 71

Table 10. Cosmic Remedy Structure

2h M ») h
Nutrition, Heart, Ego problems, Fluid balance Skeleton, joints,
weight increase, circulation, psychological serum, lymph, stone formation,
liver (bile), blood, eyes, disorders, mucous deformities,
lungs cerebrum, complexes, membranes, indurations,
vitality repressions stomach, leukocytes

yMotoric nervous Overdevelop-

system, organs ment, drastic
of speech and measures,
hearing, hands collective events,
and fingers accidents,

.eactions to
Reactions to
social life,
influences hospitalization,
confinement in
an institution

ov *
Muscles, Glandular
tendons, red system, neck,
blood corpuscles, tonsils, kidneys,
bile veins, cheeks,
skin, bladder

Life rhythm, Solar plexus,

spinal cord, pineal gland,
meninges, paralysis,
pituitary cellular
disorders caused
by the

Choleric, bilious Melancholic, Horse chestnut Sanguine, Phlegmatic,
constitution, lymphatic- bilious-sanguine lymphatic-
digestive organs nervous Aesculus constitution, nervous
constitution, hippocastanum congestion of constitution,
blood, anemia, blood, lesions metabolism,
growths elimination


Abrotanum, or Southernwood (lad’s love), has its main correspon-

dences with four signs:

Cancer: Stomachache, constriction in the chest, pleurisy.

Leo: Anemia, stabbing pain in region of heart, cardiac neurosis,
backache and lumbago.
Virgo: Depression, anxiety, irritability due to digestive disorders,
emaciation in spite of feeding well.
Aquarius: Circulatory disorders, emaciation of the legs.

Planetary disorders:

Sun: Heart, circulation, cardiac insufficiency.

Saturn: Skin, eczema, skeleton, stiff joints, gout, emaciation.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 73

© seas ae =
Heart, Skin
1) S 6
Intestines Heart, Stomach
(liver, gallbladder, circulation, back

Lower leg, veins

Figure 4. Cosmic remedy structure for Abrotanum (Southernwood)



Aconite, ot Monk’s-Hood, is one of the most poisonous yet most

valuable of medicinal plants. Naturally the tincture is highly attenu-
ated before being used, unless it is applied under medical supervi-
sion. The structure of aconite in the zodiac takes the form of a

Ares: Head, cranial nerves, frontal headache, swimming head, buzz-

ing in the ear, earache, nasal catarrh.

Gemini: Drawing and cramping pains in the limbs, pins and needles,
atony of the muscles, polyarthritis.
Leo: Heart, circulation, palpitation of the heart, cardiac anxiety, car-
diac neurosis.
Libra: Kidneys, urinary bladder, scanty urine with pain and urging,
relief by sweating.
Sagittarius: Sciatica.
Aquarius: Veins, cramp in the calf.

Planetary disorders:

Mercury: Nerves, trigeminal neuralgia.

Mars: Nerves controlling size of blood vessels and blood pressure,
fever, chills, inflammations.

Uranus: Cerebral nerves, nervous twitches, attacks of cramp, restless-

ness, general uneasiness.

Aconite is a remedy of the first rank for all the inflammatory

conditions (Mars) and is given until the patient perspires.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 75

oi eeriearepenic
eee <n Aan alertCerebral
Sensory nerves
Vasomotor nerves

Limbs Head,
cranial nerves,
eyes, nose
es a
Sciatic nerve Kidneys, Heart, circulation
urinary bladder

Figure 5. Cosmic remedy structure for Aconite (Monks-Hood).


Aesculus Hippocastanum
Aesculus hippocastanum, ot Horse Chestnut, has its main correspon-
dences with Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius:

Taurus: Dryness of nose and throat, scanty secretions, feeling of

swelling at back of nose, dry cough, catarrh of the nose and throat.
Leo: Lumbar weakness, dull ache in small of back and around the
hips, rheumatism.

Scorpio: Sense of fullness in abdomen, griping pains, diarrhea or

constipation, hard stools, pains in anus, mucous diarrhea, intestinal
disorders, hemorrhoids.

Aquarius: Swelling of lower leg when standing, phlebitis,


Aesculus is a remedy mainly for phlebitis and hemorrhoids,

although, in addition to helping the veins, it benefits the other
organs mentioned in the cosmic correspondences. Many sufferers
from rheumatism keep a homeopathic attenuation of horse chestnut
on hand to ward off their disease. Often the correspondences with
the planets are more important than those with the signs. In the
diagram for Aesculus the arrows point to the following planets and
their correspondences:

Jupiter: Pains in the liver or rectum, distended abdomen, constipa-

tion, swollen feet.
Mars: Hemorrhoids, burning pain in anus, inflammations.
Venus: Diseases of the nose and throat, dry catarrh, vein problems.

Saturn: Congestions, rheumatism.

Finally, Aesculus is a special remedy for the SA type (externally

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 77

Figure 6. Cosmic remedy structure diagram for Aesculus (Horse



Agaricus muscarius, ot Fly Agaric, has the structure of the rune

‘Man’ = man, with its axis between Aries and Libra and its side-arms
running to Virgo and to Scorpio.

Ares: Central nervous system, meninges, pituitary, giddiness when

walking, headaches, better on going to stool or on passing wind,
cillosis (twitching of the eyelids).
Virgo: Nervous stomach and intestinal disorders, colic.
Libra: Cystoparalysis (paralysis of bladder), vesical spasms (bladder
spasms), heavy perspiration with suppressed urination.
Scorpio: Diseases of the rectum, sexual debility, pruritis.

Planetary disorders:

Uranus: Central nervous system, meninges, pituitary, fibrillation of

the muscles, uncertain gait, spasms.

Mercury/Uranus: Fits of excitement, irritability, restlessness, over-

stimulation of the nerves, effects of mental overwork.

Mercury/ Mars: Disorders of the motor impulse, cramps.

Mars/ Uranus: Disturbances of the functional rhythm, tremors, writ-
er’s cramp, squint.

Saturn: Obstructions, feeling of (icy) coldness under the skin, sudden

plunge from cheerfulness into melancholy.
Venus: Relief of functional disorders by secretion from the lachrymal
(tear), salivary and intestinal glands, perspiration with suppression of
urine, temporary interruption of the flow of urine.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 79

Central nervous system

Meninges, pituitary

3S eo fone
Sudden onset Motor nervous - Disturbances of
of nervous disorders system the functional
Nerve irritants, rhythm,
reflexes tremors
Obstructions in the é Relief of functional disorders
organism showing themselves by secretions from the
in the skin: formication, lachrymal, salivary and
pins and needles, chilly intestinal
feeling of nervous origin glands, perspiration

Central nervous system

mp oe m
Intestinal nerves Urinary bladder Rectum
through the skin
Figure 7. Cosmic remedy structure for Agaricus muscarius (Fly


Aloe socotrina is often grown in flower pots as a domestic remedy,

since the freshly cut leaves make an excellent application for burns
and inflammations. The cosmic structural pattern of the aloe is the
same as that of Fly Agaric but has another meaning.

Aries: Rush of blood to the brain (cerebral congestion), pain in the

forehead and vertex (top of head), headache better in fresh air, worse
from bending and movement.
Virgo/Scorpio: Heaviness and fullness in the intestines, often invol-
untary bowel motions, weakness of the anal sphincter, burning and
itching of the anus, colitis with involvement of the liver, intestinal
ulcer, hemorrhoids. Aloe is a drastic purgative.
Libra: Frequent urging to urinate, dark-colored urine, often involun-
tary stools during urination.

Planetary disorders:

Mars: Burns, elimination of morbid matter and metabolic products

by inflammation, suppuration and fever, bitter and sour taste in the
Saturn: The feces forms balls; biliary stasis in gout and hypochondria,
general congestion, exhaustion, unsociableness.

N.B. Aloe is suitable only for occasional short-term use.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 81

fou h
Burns, heat, Congestions, Indurations,
inflammations, fever exhaustion anthropophobia
(fear of people)

np ays ™
Enteritis Headaches due Hemorroids,
to pockets of gas burning in the anus

Figure 8. Cosmic remedy structure for Aloe socotrina (Aloe).



Alumina, or Aluminum Oxide, is an important constituent of clay

and loamy soil. Its structural pattern is that of half a six-pointed star.

Taurus: Nasal catarrh and sore throats of various kinds, including

“clergyman’s sore throat” due to weak vocal cords, nose bleed.
Cancer: Dyspepsia, cold in the stomach, gastritis, anxiety and fear of
becoming a permanent invalid, psychoses.
Virgo: Colic, flatulence, constipation.
Scorpio: Chronic enteritis, intestinal lesions, blood in the stools.

Planetary disorders:

Moon: Stomach disorders due to the state of mind, small ulcers in the
stomach and small intestines.

Saturn: Chronic diseases, constant fatigue, thinness, lack of body

heat, tendency to take cold, pruritis, hair loss.

Neptune: Aggravation of diseases of over-indulgence in alcohol.

Alumina acts slowly but deeply and needs to be taken for a fairly
long time.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 83

Chronic diseases, Stomach disorders, Misuse of alcohol

thinness, lack of hyperacidity
body heat

¥ 69 np
Nasal catarrh and Stomach disorders, Intestinal colic,
sore throat hyperacidity flatulence

Constipation, rectal

Figure 9. Cosmic remedy structure for Alumina (Aluminum Oxide).



Arnica montana contains an antiseptic essential oil. It should be used

well diluted. The structural pattern is a cross embracing the signs
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, with an additional side-arm to

Anes: Cerebral congestion with coldness of the extremities due to

venous stasis, headache worse through coughing and bending.
Taurus: Inflammation of the throat, buzzing in the ear.
Leo: Stabbing pain in the heart, angina pectoris, backache.
Scorpio: Foul-smelling flatulence, involuntary stools, diarrhea con-
taining pus and blood.
Aquarius: Phlebitis, varicose veins, cramps in the calves.

Planetary disorders:

Mars: Injuries, inflammations, sore joints, sprains, hematomas, nerv-

iness, quarrelsomeness.

Saturn: Weakness, exhaustion, worn-out feeling, rheumatism.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 85

Injuries, Skin and bones

inflammation, Weakness,
joint pains, sprains rheumatism

Vr vw
Cerebral congestion, Throat, nose,
headache tonsils, ears

8 7 a
Heart, spinal cord Lower leg, varicose

Figure 10. Cosmic remedy structure for Arnica montana (Arnica).



Arsentcum album, or White Arsenic, acts on a great many organs in

accordance with a structural pattern that includes all the signs of the
zodiac from Taurus through Scorpio.

Taurus: Laryngitis, head cold, sore mouth, difficulty in swallowing,

Gemuni: Cough, shortness of breath, restlessness, sticking pain in the
Cancer: Indigestion, gastritis, nausea, unquenchable thirst.
Leo: Disorders of the heart and circulation, angina pectoris.
Virgo: Pedantry, irritation over trifles, digestive disorders, and pre-
disposition to cancer.
Libra: Burning pain in the urethra, incontinence, lumbago.
Scorpio: Diarthea with foul-smelling stools, burning in the anus,

Planetary disorders:

Saturn/ Neptune: Diseased condition of the whole organism, general

sepsis, faded features, deep rings around the eyes; the tip of the nose
and the hands and feet feel cold; toxins not eliminated.
Mars/Neptune: Tendency to weeping eczemas, ulceration,
Moon/Neptune: Sensitive stomach, dyspepsia, sense of anxiety,
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 87

Disease of the entire Poisoning, infection,

organism, general weakness,
sepsis exhaustion

ay ¥v
Sensitive stomach, Laryngitis, head
feeling of anxiety cold,
sore mouth

I €
Cough, shortness of Stomach ache,
breath nausea

Heart, circulation Digestive disorders
(due to vexation)

Urinary organs Hemorroids,

Figure 11. Cosmic remedy structure for Arsenicum album (White



Aurum metallicum, ot Gold Leaf, is a splendid remedy for the cen-

tral nervous system and the solar plexus.

Aries: Cerebral congestion, red, bloated face, boring pains in the

head, pain in the cranial bones.
Taurus: Bitter taste in the mouth, halitosis (bad breath) due to diges-
tive disorders.
Leo: Palpitation of the heart accompanied by fear and a sense of
constriction, irregular heartbeat, coronary sclerosis, angina pectoris.

Scorpio: Redness and swelling of the nose, nasal obstruction, pains in

the sexual organs.

Planetary disorders:

Sun/Moon: Diseases connected with the psychological state, chronic

diseases, diseases of the eyes.
Saturn: Dejection, lack of self-confidence, lack of initiative, depres-
sion, skin complaints, sensitivity to cold.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 89

Eyes, poor sight, Skin complaints,

solar plexus sensitivity to cold,

ii a
Cereberal congestion, Bitter taste in
headache mouth,
bad breath

SQ ‘ Mm
Heart, circulation, Redness and
angina pectoris swelling
of the nose,
sexual disorders
(uterus, testes)

Figure 12. Cosmic remedy structure for Aurum metallicum (Gold



Atropa belladonna, ot Deadly Nightshade, is structured mainly on

the negative signs (apart from Aries).

Aries: Cerebral congestion, throbbing headache, hot head and face,

teeth-grinding during sleep, hypersensitivity of the sense organs.
Taurus: Dry throat, inflamed throat and tonsils, start of a sore throat,
functional disorder of thyroid, pain in middle ear.
Cancer/Virgo: Disease of the digestive organs, nausea, stomach
cramps, gastric ulcer, appendicitis.
Scorpio: Intestinal disorders, burning in the urethra, abdominal

Planetary disorders:

Mars: Fever, inflammation, muscular cramps, shooting pains in all

the limbs.
Saturn: Skin complaints, pimples and pustules, herpes.
Uranus: Spasmodic conditions, sudden severe functional disorders,
symptoms that quickly come and go, restlessness, hypersensitivity,
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 91

Fever, muscle Skin complaints


r oy,
Spasmodic Cerebral congestion
sudden severe
functional disorders

& Sonp
Sore throat and Digestive tract,
tonsils, thyroid, gastric and
middle ear intestinal colic
Appendicitis, nasal
catarrh, sexual

Figure 13. Cosmic remedy structure for Atropa belladonna (Deadly


Bryonta Alba
Bryonia alba, or White Bryony, has a structural pattern that forms a
Maltese cross with the tips spanning Gemini/Cancer, etc.

Geminti/Cancer: Pleura, bronchial tubes, lungs, dry cough with feel-

ing of thirst, chest pain when coughing and with any vibration,
Virgo/Libra: Lack of bile secretion, jaundice brought on by anger,
dry stools, constipation, burning pain in anus, kidney weakness.
Antes /Pisces: Great thirst for cold water to slake body heat, often also
chills and shivers.

Sagittarius/Capricorn: Feeling of weakness in the limbs, muscle

pains, rheumatism, pain on any movement.

Planetary disorders:

Moon /Saturn: Disordets of the fluid balance, dryness, great thirst for
cold water, agitation, irritability, anxiety.
Jupiter: Liver disorders, pneumonia and pleurisy.
Mars: Excited states, inflamed gallbladder or appendix (cholecystitis
or appendictitis), muscle pains, redness and swelling of the skin.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine Pe)

Great thirst due to Diseases of the

internal heat and lungs
dryness and liver

oy 1s
Inflamed Bronchitis,
gallbladder pneumonia, pleurisy
or appendix, muscle
pains, diseases due
to anger

Tp = YX
Intestines, Alleviation of heat
appendix, by cold
Limbs, joints

Figure 14. Cosmic remedy structure for Bryonia alba (White


Calcium Carbonicum

Calcium carbonicum hahnemanni, ot oyster shellchalk, is not analyti-

cally pure calcium carbonate but contains (as Hahnemann was well
aware) important traces of other chemicals such as manganese. Its
structural pattern is a six-pointed star with the rays touching the
negative signs.

Taurus: Salivary glands, inflammation of the mucous membranes,

tonsillitis, discharge from the ear, thyroid weakness.

Cancer: Hyperacidity of the stomach, sour or bitter taste in the

mouth, heartburn, stomach cramps.

Virgo: Diseases of the digestive organs, acid diarrhea.

Scorpio: Gallstone colic, hemorrhoids, hard stools, intestinal cramps,
diseases of the genitals.
Capricorn: Arthritis and muscular rheumatism, joint pains, skin
complaints, poorly developed bones due to calcium deficiency.
Pisces: Cold feet, diseases from getting wet.

Planetary disorders:

Saturn: Debility of the cells and tissues due to a disturbed calcium

balance, fragile bones, inhibited and depressed state, general
fatigue, health failure due to overstrain, skin complaints, deadness of
the limbs.
Venus: Chronic inflammation and swelling of the lymph glands and
tonsils, tubercular glands, nasal catarrh, weakness of gonads.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 95

Weakness of cells Glandular system

tissues due to a
disturbance in the &
calcium balance :
Salivary glands,
tonsils, ear Mm
i) Sexual organs
Digestive organs

4 x
Bones, joints, teeth, Feet

Figure 15. Cosmic remedy structure for Calctum carbonicum

hahnemanni (Oyster Shell Chalk).

Cinnamomum camphora, or Camphor Tree, yields camphor, an
ancient Chinese remedy particularly useful for raising the blood

Aries: Throbbing at back of head, grimacing, loss of consciousness,

giddiness, coldness of the whole body.
Taurus /Scorpio: Head cold, choking fits, burning sensation in the
abdomen, colic, gallstone colic.

Leo: Cardiac distress, cardiac insufficiency, internal cold.

Libra: Renal colic.

Planetary disorders:

Uranus: Cramps in various organs.

Mercury /Uranus: Nervous agitation.
Sun/Neptune: General weakness and exhaustion, fearful visions.
Mars/Neptune: Paralysis of the muscles. A poison antidote.
Saturn: Coldness of the body, loss of strength, shivers, cold sweat,
skin complaints.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 97

Cramps in vacious Nervous agitation


Weakness, Body coldness, cold

exhaustion, perspiration, skin
terrifying visions complaints

oa Ae
Muscular paralysis - Throbbing in head,
grimacing, loss of

6m 8K
Colds, choking fits, Cardiac distress,
intestinal disorders cardiac insufficiency
Renal colic

Figure 16. Cosmic remedy structure for Cinnamomum camphora

(Camphor Tree).


Chamomuilla, or Chamomile, has a structural pattern based on the

first quadrant of the zodiac and on the signs Scorpio and Sagittarius
opposite it.

Aries: Teething-fever in children, headaches, hot perspiration and

hot flushes to the head, red face.

Taurus: Cold in the head, paroxysms of coughing.

Gemuni/Sagittarius: Pains in the extremities, muscular rheumatism.
Cancer: Bloated stomach after meals, pressure on the stomach, nau-
sea, worse by anger or irritation.
Scorpio: watery or slimy stools, enteritis, colic.

Planetary disorders:

Moon: Organic disorders due to vexation or worry, sensitivity of the

stomach, bitter and foul taste in mouth, sour eructations.

Uranus: Spasms and cramps, especially of the stomach and

Mars: Griping pains, inflammations, fever, neuralgias.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine

Sensitivity of the Spasms, nerves

stomach to
psychological states,
uterine disorders ve
Head, teeth

Pains, fever, joints

J Mm
89 abdominal
Stomach organs

Arms, thighs

Figure 17. Cosmic remedy structure for Chamomilla (Chamomile).



Eupatorium perfoliatum, ot Boneset, acts on the organs represented

by the signs from Aries through Virgo.

Aries: Throbbing headache, hot flushes to the head with red face,
giddiness, aching around the eyes.
Taurus: Sore throat, dry nose and throat, yellow-coated dry tongue.
Gemini: Bruised feeling, weakness of the limbs and joints.
Cancer. Pain in chest and stomach, especially when coughing;
Leo: Backache.
Virgo: Digestive disorders, pain in region of liver, nausea and

Planetary disorders:

Mars: Head feels hot, fever, aches and pains everywhere.

Saturn: Every bone and joint aches, exhaustion and weakness.
Neptune: Exhaustion and weakness due to infection.
Mars/Saturn: Dry fever, bone lesions, dry nose and little
Saturn/Neptune: Infectious diseases, epidemics.
Mars/Neptune: Susceptibility to contagious diseases.
Saturn = Mars/Neptune: Skin function suppressed, body full of
toxins, malaise.

Eupatorium is a greatly prized remedy for influenza, being pre-

scribed on its own and as an ingredient in many flu remedies.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 101

Head hot, fever Pain in every bone Exhaustion,

and joint weakness,
Bone lesions, dry hip
fever with dry nose, Infectious diseases, Weakness,
little perspiration epidemics susceptibility to
contagious diseases
h- otf Of
Suppressed skin Heat hot, headache
fuctions, body full Sore throat, dry
of toxins, epidemics throat, dry nose

I Chest and stomach N
Weakness of the pains Backache
and joints
Nausea, digestive

Figure 18. Cosmic remedy structure for Eupatorium perfoliatum



Hamamelis virginiana, ot Witch Hazel, has a structural pattern in the

form of a cross pointing to the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquar-
ius, with the main emphasis on Aquarius, because this folk remedy is
very beneficial to the veins.

Taurus: Overactive thyroid, pharyngitis, exophthalmic goiter.

Leo: Cardiac pain and sacralgia.
Scorpio: Period pains, enterorrhagia (bleeding from the intestines),
hemorrhoids, diseases of the sex organs.

Aquarius: Phlebitis, varicose veins, development of varicose veins—

especially during pregnancy.

Planetary disorders:

Mars: Recent wounds, hemorrhages, inflammations.

Jupiter. Hemorrhages in tuberculosis of the lungs, and from the

stomach and intestines, impure blood.

Saturn: Congestion, hardening.

Neptune: Ulcers, infections.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 103

Fresh wounds, Pulmonary disease,

hemorrhages, expectoration of
inflammations blood, impure

Congestion, y
indurations Ulcers, infections

NQ v
Heart disease, : Over-active thyroid,
sacralgia goiter

mM =
Menstrual pains, Phlebitis, varicose
pain in the genitals, veins

Figure 19. Cosmic remedy structure for Hamamelis virginiana (Witch


Hypericum perforatum, ot St. John’s Wort, has a structural pattern
based on Aries, Taurus and the opposite signs Libra and Scorpio.

Ares: Cerebral congestion with irritation of the cerebral nerves.

Taurus: Mucus formation in the throat, dry cough.
Libra: Tendency to kidney and bladder stone.
Scorpio: Epistaxis (nosebleed), gastritis and enteritis, hemorrhoids,
abdominal pain, disease of the genital organs.

Planetary disorders:

Mars: Wounds, contusions, insect bites, hemorrhoids.

Jupiter. Lung disease, hemoptysis (coughing up blood).

Moon/Saturn: Melancholy, depression, anxiety states, mania, insom-
nia, extreme fatigue. In disorders of the psyche, high potencies (very
high dilutions) are required.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 105

Wounds, bruises, insect bites, Lung disease with coughing up

hemorroids blood

Melancholy, depression, anxiety states, mania, insomnia, lassitude

vy ra
Headache, facial neuralgia - Kidney stone, toxins are
excreted via the urine

v TM
Accumulations of Nose bleeds, genital disorders
mucus in throat

Figure 20. Cosmic remedy structure for Hypencum perforatum (St.

John’s Wort).

Strychnos ignatii, ot St. Ignatius’s Bean, exerts its main influence on
the nervous system. Therefore, in the structural diagram, the empha-
sis is laid on Aries, with further effects from Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio
and the planet Mercury.

Aries: Cerebral congestion with headaches and a flushed face,

Taurus: Tickling in the throat, irritating cough, coughing spasms, dry
Cancer: Dyspepsia, stomach pains after smoking tobacco,
Scorpio: Cutting pains in the anus and rectum, anal prolapse.

Planetary disorders:

Moon/Saturn: Emotional disturbance, melancholy, quiet grief, con-

sequences of fear and terror, lack of self-confidence, vexation, fits of
anger when contradicted, sensitivity to cold.
Uranus/Moon/Mars: Changeable mood, sobbing fits, convulsions,
spasms, trembling of the whole body.
Mercury: Hypersensitivity of the nerves and sense organs.
Neptune/Pluto: Confusion, hysteria, ill-effects of toxic stimulants
(tobacco, alcohol), psychological symptoms followed by functional
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 107

Dh .
Emotional disturbances, Changeable moods, sobbing
melancholy, fear and terror, fits, convulsions, colonic spasms
sensitivity to cold

x ye
Hypersensitivity of the nervous Confusion, possession, injury
by toxic stimulants

me : €9
Cerebral congestion, headache Stomach disorders due to
agitation, gastric catarrh in

v ui
Tickling in the throat, Prolapsed rectum, hemorroids
ifritating cough

Figure 21. Cosmic remedy structure for Strychnos ignatu (St.

Ignatius’s Bean).


Iodum, or Iodine, is a dark gray element belonging to the group

known as the halogens. Its vapor is violet-colored. In nature, it occurs
only in small quantities; for example, in sea water, in seaweeds and in
salt springs. Its cosmic correspondences are mainly with Taurus, Leo,
Scorpio and Cancer.

Taurus: Iodine metabolism, thyroid disorders, scrofulism, pharyngi-

tis, hoarseness.

Cancer: Gastritis, intestinal ulcers, pancreatitis (inflammation of the

pancreas), abdominal pain.
Leo: Goiter heart, constant sense of weight on the heart accompanied
by worty, cardiac palpitation on the slightest exertion.
Scorpio: Diarrhea, duodenal ulcer, diseases of the genitals.

The influence of iodine should not be thought of as confined to

the thyroid: it acts on all the connective tissues and on all the glands
and lymph nodes.

Planetary disorders:

Venus: Iodine metabolism, the entire glandular system, scrofulism.

Mercury/Uranus: Inner unrest, nervous irritability.

Saturn/Neptune: Skin complaints, discolored yellowish skin with a
red face, excretion of toxins through the skin.
Mercury/Neptune: Anxiety states, unbalanced behavior.
Mercury/Mars: Overexcitement of the nerves.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 109

Iodine metabolism, thyroid Inner agitation

disorders, scrophulism

Hy oy
Skin complaints (acne, Anxiety states
pustules, furunculosis)

3d v
Overexcitement of the nerves Head colds, hoarseness

é9 J
Gastritis, bulimia (voracious Cardiac palpitations
appetite), inflamed pancreas
Diarrhea, duodenal ulcer,
swellings in the genitals

Figure 22. Cosmic remedy structure for lodum (lodine).


Nux Vomaca

Strychnos nux vomica, ot Poison Nut, has a cosmic structure based on

Aries (the head) and on the signs of the digestive organs, Cancer,
Virgo, Libra and Scorpio.

Aries: Headache, giddiness, often due to stomach complaints which

also cause bad breath, acute racking pains in the face, contraction of
the face and jaw muscles.

Cancer: Capricious appetite, ravenous hunger, putrid condition of

the stomach especially after indulgence in alcohol or tobacco, chronic
gastritis especially in sedentary workers.

Virgo: Digestive disorders, alternate constipation and diarrhea. Liver

region tender.

Libra: Kidney weakness, cystorrhea.

Scorpio: Liver disorders, colic, urgent need to relieve bowels or blad-

der, hemorrhoids, diseases of the genital organs.

Planetary disorders:

Mercury: Central nervous system, neuralgia, consequences of mental


Venus: Cystorrhea, pain in neck of bladder and in urethra.

Uranus: Muscle cramps, rheumatism, facial spasms, menstrual


Moon/Saturn: Weariness of life, fear and anxiety, annoyance over

trifles, connection between organic disorders and the mental state.

Moon: Stomach complaints, mental disorders.

Neptune: Consequences of abuse of stimulants (alcohol, tobacco,


Nux vomica will often quickly improve an upset stomach.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 111

Central nervous Cystorrhea Muscle cramps,
system, neuralgia, rheumatism, facial
results of mental spasms

ch D y
Weariness of life, Stomach complaints, Results of abuse of
fear and anxiety mental disorders stimulants and

a Ps
Headache, bad Atrophy of the Aversion to foods,
breath bladder putrid stomach

Tp Mh
Digestive disorders, Liver disease, frequent calls to
constipation stool and to urinate,
hemorrhoids, diseases of the

Figure 23. Cosmic remedy structure for Strychnos Nux Vomiuca

(Potson Nut).

Passtflora incarnata, or Passion-Flower, has an unusual but symmetri-
cal cosmic structure.

Anes: Mental disturbances due to addictions, e.g., to morphia.

Leo: Heart feels squeezed, angina pectoris, pain in left side and down
left arm, insomnia.

Scorpio: Cramping pains in abdomen.

Pisces: Addiction, alcoholism.

Planetary disorders:

Mercury /Uranus: Nervous restlessness, insomnia.

Uranus: Spasmodic conditions.
Neptune: Addiction, especially to morphia.

Passiflora is much used to relieve pain and to induce sleep.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 113

Nervous agitation, insomnia Spasmodic conditions

y Y
Addictions, withdrawal from Mental disorders due to
morphia addiction

2 ¢ M1
Heart feels squeezed, angina Abdominal cramps
pectoris, pains in left side of
chest and down left arm

Addiction, alcoholism

Figure 24. Cosmic remedy structure for Passiflora Incarnata (Passion



Pulsatilla pratensis, or Wind Flower, has a structural pattern like a

Maltese cross and therefore has correspondences with quite a number
of diseases.

Aries: Headache, especially in the back of the head, conjunctivitis,

cloudy vision, ear diseases, migraine.

Taurus: Nasal catarrh and pharyngitis, hoarseness, intense tickling in

Cancer: Gastritis with hypoacidity or hyperacidity (deficiency or
excess of acid), especially after fatty or sour foods, stomach spasms.
Libra: Pyelitis and cystitis (inflammation of the outlet of the kidney
and inflammation of the urinary bladder).
Virgo: Enteritis, some constipation, more frequent diarrhea.
Scorpio: Burning pain in the urethra.
Capricorn: Polyarthritis, stiff joints, itching of the skin, pimples in
various parts of the body.
Aquarius: Phlebitis, varicose veins, varicose ulcers.

Planetary disorders:

Moon/Saturn: Weeps easily, inclined to depression, thirstlessness,

dry lips and skin, poor circulation.
Mars: Irritability, inflammation, sore muscles.

Jupiter: Swellings and congestions.

Saturn: Colds and chills, skin diseases.
Uranus: Disturbed rhythm due to lack of movement.
Neptune: Infectious diseases, cutaneous eruptions (rashes).
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 115

Negative emotional Disturbed rhythm Infectious diseases:

state, depression, influenza, measles,
thirstlessness, dry scarlet fever
lips and skin

2, 6
Irritability, sore Swellings Colds and chills
ay w-~ 69
Dimness of sight, Catarrh, hoarseness Hypoacidity,
conjunctivitis, ear stomach
disease, migrain cramps
rg 6 —

Pyelitis and cystitis Polyarthritis Venostasis, varicose


Tp mM
Enteritis Genital disorders

Figure 25. Cosmic remedy structure for Pulsatilla Pratensis (Wind-

flower, or Pasque Flower).

Sulfur, ot sulphur, has the structure of a rather irregular five-pointed
star with its tips resting mainly on the signs representing the digestive
organs, Cancer, Virgo and Scorpio, but also on the opposite signs,
Aries and Aquarius.

Anes: Cerebral congestion with heat on top of the head, morbid fear
of being out in the sun, conjunctivitis.
Cancer/Virgo/Scorpio: Bad breath, gastritis, swollen liver, loss of
appetite for many foods, craving for alcohol and candies, heartburn,
enteritis, constipation, itching of anus, hemorrhoids, diabetes.

Aquarius: Phlebitis, varicose veins, cramp in the calves.

Planetary disorders:

Saturn: Burning and itching of the skin, eczema, furunculosis

through lack of hygiene.
Jupiter: Liver diseases.

Mars: Muscular rheumatism, polyarthritis, fever with dry heat and

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 117

bo) os
Skin complaints Liver diseases Muscular
(acne) due to lack of rheumatism,
hygiene fever

69 IP ™
Portal vein system (stomach, intestines, pancreas, spleen, liver),
many foods not tolerated, craving for alcohol and candy, diabetes,
diarrhea or constipation, gastritis

iY Mm ad
Aversion to light, Hemorroids, Phlebitis, varicose
conjunctivitis inflammed veins
gallbladder, itching
of anus

Figure 26. Cosmic remedy structure for Sulfur (Sulphur).


Zincum Valerianum

Zincum valerianum, or valetianate of zinc, is indicated chiefly in

sleep disorders from various causes.

Aries: Frontal headache, neuralgia, grinding of the teeth.

Cancer: Nervous dyspepsia, stomach cramps, continual eructation.
Libra: Burning and cutting pains in the urethra, urge to urinate,
especially at night.
Aquarius: Fidgetiness in the legs, varicose veins, cramp in the calves.

Planetary disorders:

Mercury/Uranus: Restlessness, trembling of the limbs, nervousness,

cramps associated with insomnia.
Sun/ Neptune: Weakness, fatigue, nervous exhaustion due to mental
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 119

3S oy
Restlessness, trembling, Weakness, exhaustion,
nervousness, cramps, insomnia giddiness, faintness

'¥ %
Frontal headache, Stomach cramps,
neuralgia, teeth watery eructations

8} LB:
Nervous heart Call to urinate, especially at
disorders, night
palpitation of the
heart, backache

Fidgety legs, calf cramp

Figure 27. Cosmic remedy structure for Zincum Valeranum

(Valerianate of Zinc).
“44 A

“. te a mci be cone 7 7

7 cies te

Saar eR, sali hon

sage giv sctratt ;meabbhas

if Gmpe ony ar Sel}


~ “a

al Be oon 5



tween the planets and certain metals has been handed
down to us from the remote past; and although metallic
solutions are seldom used in medicine nowadays, we cer-
tainly read of cures being performed with metals in the ancient
world. Thus it is related that when the youthful hunter Ilceus was
suddenly robbed of his glowing health and fine physique by a pesti-
lence, the nymph Lipare took him inside her underground cavern
and bathed his body in liquid silver, that is to say, in quicksilver or
mercury, and so restored him.”
The founder of the more modern use of minerals and metals for
therapeutic purposes is Paracelsus. As he watched the work of his
father, a mining engineer, and saw the metals being won from the
ground, he was struck by the idea of using minerals and metals as
remedies—and so became the father of the pharmaceutical industry.
He went so far as to dissolve gold preparations in alcohol for medical
However, the relationships between diseases and metallic solu-
tions will be best understood if we take a look at the homeopathic
materia medica.

Gold—Aurum—the Sun

Gold is a normal constituent of the human body, being chiefly con-

centrated in the brain, where it enters into the central nervous system
and enhances its vitality. When it is deficient, we find symptoms of
depression and even suicidal tendencies. Therefore, gold is an epit-
ome of life. It has an affinity with the sense organs, especially the
eyes. According to tradition, the Sun corresponds to the right eye and
the Moon to the left. But, as ruler of Leo, the Sun has to do with the
heart and circulation; consequently, Aurum is employed in cases of
cerebral congestion with roaring and a sense of commotion in the
head and ringing in the ears, also in palpitation of the heart, and a
sensation of constriction round the heart compelling deep breaths to
be drawn.
The dose is from the third to the twelfth decimal dilution. The
number represents the number of zeros following 1; thus 3x is a
dilution in the ratio of 1:10,000, 6x is a dilution in the ratio of
1:1,000,000, etc.
Various salts of gold are also prescribed, e.g., Aurum iodatum,
Aurum sulfuratum, etc.

Silver—Argentum—the Moon

Silver is prescribed mainly in the form of Argentum nitricum. Since

the Moon corresponds to the stomach and digestive organs, Argen-
tum nitricum is a remedy for the stomach and the intestinal tract,
especially in cases of nervous diarrhea before a journey, a public
appearance, an examination, or whenever a person is tensed up over
the future. The stomach is often distended and “feels like bursting,”
there is severe belching, and feelings of anxiety accompany the diges-
tive disorders. If the Moon in the cosmogram is aspecting Saturn or
Neptune, this can show a tendency to chronic stomach disorders, the
cure for which can be found in Argentum nitricum, among other
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 123

The reason quicksilver is known as mercury is its relationship to the
planet of the same name. In homeopathy, the preparation chiefly
employed is Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni. Just as mercury corres-
ponds to the central and peripheral nervous system, so Mercurius is
administered for agitation of the nerves with fear and restlessness,
hastiness, irritability, mental confusion, dread of losing one’s reason,
and for a lack of concentration and thought even bordering on idiocy.
In addition, the preparation is recommended for facial neuralgia,
conjunctivitis, suppuration in the ear, pharyngitis and bronchial
Other mercurial compounds employed are Mercurius sublimati-
cus corrosivus, Mercurius iodatus flavus, Mercurius biniodatus (Mer-
curius iodatus ruber), Mercurius dulcis and Mercurius chromicus oxy-
The dose is between 3x and 12x.

Copper— Cuprum—Venus

Copper is one of the essential elements found in the body; it occurs in

blood serum and serves as a catalyst for a series of enzymes. It is a
component of cellular protoplasm and controls the activity of the
blood-building cells. Cuprum metallicum and Cuprum aceticum are
particularly valuable in kidney diseases (Venus) when the latter are
accompanied by spasms. Cuprum arsenitum can prove helpful in
diseases of the urinary organs. The recommended dose is between 3x
and 12x.

lron—Ferrum— Mars

An old folk remedy for iron deficiency in weak, anemic people was to
stick a clean nail in an apple in the evening and to eat it the following
morning; the idea being that a certain amount of iron would be
dissolved by the acids in the apple, to the benefit of the body.

Children suffering from a lack of iron show symptoms of growth

disorders; adults have lack-luster rough hair, dry flabby skin and
brittle nails. A lack of iron plays a part in feverish infectious diseases.
Medicinal doses of iron act mainly to raise the hemoglobin content
and the red cell count; they stimulate the bone marrow and accelerate
the circulation of the blood. Ferrum is also used for sore muscles
(Mars) and in rheumatic disorders.
In addition to Ferrum metallicum, we employ Ferrum col-
lodiale, Ferrum aceticum, Ferrum carbonicum, Ferrum muriaticum,
Ferrum atsenicum and others.


Like Jupiter, the metal tin has a close connection with the respiratory
organs and also with the digestive organs, especially the liver. The
remedy is therefore employed in rawness and hoarseness of the
throat, in a weak chest with shortness of breath, in obstruction of the
air passages by phlegm (which is yellow or green and unpleasantly
sweetish), in oppressive respiration and soreness of the chest.
The usual dose is 3x. Higher potencies are not always

Lead—Plumbum— Saturn

The most frequent application of Plumbum metallicum is in arterio-

sclerosis, a painful disorder in which fibrous tissue thickens the arter-
ies so that some of the smaller ones may become blocked and lead to
epilepsy, to kidney disorders, or even to apoplectic fits. It has proved
its worth in spastic obstipation (complete constipation), in intermit-
tent limping, in emaciation, and in a pale and muddy skin.
All the above come under Saturn. Since lead is a remedy that is
not broken down in the body and is eliminated only with difficulty,
only the higher dilutions from 6x should be employed.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 125

In addition to Plumbum metallicum, we use Plumbum aceti-

cum, Plumbum iodatum, and Plumbum collodiale.
With Saturn we come to the last of the traditional “seven plan-
ets” and therefore to the last of the traditional attributions of the
metals. The following relationships between planets and metals have
been worked out only within the last two centuries, as the more
distant planets were discovered.

Zinc—Zincum— Uranus

Zinc is still a relatively new metal, and was first extracted from its ore
in the middle of the 18th century, at the time when Uranus was
discovered.* The amount of zinc in the individual organs is higher
when cell growth is vigorous. Uranus chiefly relates to the function of
the cerebellum; it is therefore understandable that many physicians
regard zinc as a brain remedy and have used it in nervous twitching of
all kinds. Its main action is on the central nervous system when
tiredness and weakness alternate with restlessness and excitement. A
characteristic feature is that the legs can not be kept still when the
person is seated. In nocturnal insomnia, too, it is hard to keep the
limbs still. The typical diseases almost always have a nervous charac-
ter, for example in digestive disorders. Zinc is valued as a tranquil-
lizer and as a remedy for neuralgia. Zincum valerianum is a good
soporific in doses between 3x and 6x. Zincum phosphoricum helps in
nervous exhaustion; Zincum sulfuricum in enteritis and eye

*Uranus was discovered by Herschel in 1781. According to the Encyclopaedia Britan-

nica, 1947: “In 1597 Libavius described ‘a peculiar kind of tin’ which was prepared in
India. . . . From his account it is quite clear that this metal was zinc. . . . It is not
known to whom the discovery of isolated zinc is due; but we do know that the art of
zinc-smelting was practiced in England from about 1730.” It is obvious from:this that
the discovery of Uranus and the isolation of metallic zinc did not take place at exactly
the same time. However zinc production did continue to rise following the finding
of the planet.

Aluminum—Alumina— Neptune
Aluminum is one of those metals that have been discovered in mod-
ern times: pure aluminum was first successfully produced in 1827.
Neptune was discovered in 1846. Aluminum is contained mainly in
clay and loam. It is an essential trace element, but in soluble form can
produce severe symptoms of irritation and poisoning (Neptune), pos-
sibly with paralysis (Neptune again) and muscular spasms. As a rem-
edy it is used chiefly in infections, chronic nasal catarrh and pharyn-
gitis, weakness of the vocal cords, clergyman’s sore throat, mucus in
the throat, aggravation of diseases by indulgence in alcohol (Nep-
tune), general weakness of the whole body, unsteady gait, and weari-
ness in the legs.
Since aluminum is used principally for constitutional disorders,
the higher potencies from 12x and upwards are prescribed.

Baryta Carb—Barium Carbonate—Pluto

In all the astromedical writings known to me, there is no mention of
any metals corresponding to Pluto, which was discovered in 1930.
According to recent findings, Pluto is linked with unusual diseases
and with disorders which develop until they are chronic and, like
cancer, begin to disintegrate the body.
Barium does not appear to be essential to the human organism,
and indeed is regarded as a toxin. To barium corresponds a type of
child with impaired physical and mental development, who is
clumsy, slow to learn to talk, stunted in growth, not interested in
play, mentally dull and full of anxiety; in other words, it corresponds
to the “backward children” on the care of whom vast sums are being
spent today. Baryta Carb has given excellent results in retarded
growth, since it has a specific influence on the endocrine system
(pituitary and diencephalon).
Generally speaking, barium is also a remedy for disorders of the
lymphatic and glandular systems. On the other hand, it is also a
remedy for the elderly, being particularly good in arteriosclerosis
accompanied by high blood pressure, in senile heart and in cerebral
sclerosis. That this should be so is due to the fact that, in old age, the
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 127

stunted growth sometimes found in childhood has its counterpart in

a disharmonious involution (deterioration), possibly in the form of
The dose is from 3x through 12x and higher. In chronic cases the
remedy is taken once a day at the most.
In addition to Baryta carb, Baryta muriatica, Baryta acetica and
Baryta iodata are prescribed.

Whenever the use of metals in homeopathic form is being consid-

ered, the advice of a homeopathic doctor or qualified lay homeopath
should always be taken. In speaking here of the correspondences
between the metals and certain diseases, we have had to confine
ourselves to disorders coming within the scope of the given planets.
The range of application of the metals is much greater of course, and
anyone who is particularly interested in this area of astromedicine
would do well to consult Jaap Huibers’s book, Gesund sein mit
Metallen (How to Be Healthy with Metals).





diagnosis and prognosis, it is essential to discuss the funda-
mental working principles of cosmobiology. The term cos-
mobiology was coined several decades ago. All it means is
that certain relationships exist between Cosmos and Bios, between
the universal All and the All of living things. Once this concept had
been given a special name, the need was seen to study such relation-
ships much more closely than had been done in the past.
Astrology and cosmobiology are often wrongly treated as inter-
changeable expressions; sometimes for commercial reasons, often
quite deliberately. But they are different, and the difference between
them is that traditional astrology is largely built on a mantic basis,
and is popularly resorted to for fortune-telling; whereas cosmo-
biology goes to work scientifically, collects empirical evidence of the
relationships between the cosmos and the human race, sifts this evi-
dence statistically, and endeavors to correlate it with and confirm it
by the results obtained from other methods of investigation. While
astrology is restricted mainly to making assessments of the native’s
character and prospects, cosmobiology, as I understand it, recognizes
a cosmic factor which naturally co-determines the life-pattern and

% radiation


Figure 28. The influences considered in cosmobiology.

developmental possibilities, yet has a hand in other formative forces

too. Figure 28 illustrates the following factors:

1) In heredity with its known strong influence on character, constitu-

tion and career;

2) In the parental home, where a special influence is exerted both by

the relationship of the parents to each other and by that of the
parents to their children (guiding images); also by the economic,
social and educational background;

3) In the environmental setting of the parental home; in neighbor-

hood, school and local community with their social, economic and
cultural expectations;

4) In the landscape with its mountains and uplands, its plains and
coastal regions;

5) In the climate, which 1s closely associated with the landscape and,

as marine and inland, lowland and highland, produces distinct dif-
ferences in the character of the inhabitants;
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 133

6) In the weather, which is produced both by cosmic and by terrestrial

factors, and the appreciable influence of which on our mental and
physical state has been highlighted by modern research (bio-

Clearly, among all these formative forces we are electing to take

account of the cosmic factor represented by the planetary pattern at
birth. But, since this factor is just one of many, cosmobiology—
unlike traditional astrology—does not pretend to work out a total
picture an individual’s fate, but merely investigates the structural and
developmental possibilities suggested by the factor.’ And so it is
imperative to stress once more that, in an astromedical study,’ we
must obtain the supplementary information mentioned above and
know the case history of the patient. Blind diagnosis is no more
possible in a cosmobiological sense than it is possible in a scientific
sense. (Which is not to say that blind diagnosis could not accidentally
hit the mark on occasion.)
When working with an individual, I consider the following:

1) The astronomical positions of the planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury,

Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, the Moon’s
nodes, and perhaps Transpluto as well (I am not currently using the
so-calied transneptunian planets as none has yet been confirmed by

2) The culmination point (Medium Coeli = Midheaven) over the

birth place; -

3) The Ascendant, or rising sign, where planets might just be coming

up above the horizon at the birth place.

I do not employ the twelve houses; they are so speculative that

fourteen rival house systems have been devised. However, the
Ascendant and the Medium Coeli remain the same in each system
and are therefore useable. What is more, I have abandoned the
strengths and debilities; also the so-called points of fortune, love and
death, since these are inaccurate unless the time of birth is known to
within four minutes or has been rectified. But I do employ the half-

Table 10. Table of International Abbreviations of Cosmic Factors

Ap = apex N- = north
Z = galactic center S = south
hel = heliocentric he) = nodes of Mer-
@® = Earth (hel) = ER cury
pa = Cupid = CU (Planetary nodes are
G = Hades = HA | symbolized by two small
+ = Zeus = ZE circles as shown in the case of
f = Chronos = KR Mercury above.)
24 = Apollo = AP © = Sun = SU
6 = Admetus = AD D = Moon = MO
a = Vulcan = VU YB = Mercury = ME
% = Poseidon aiP@ Q = Venus = VE
Pp = progressed O' = Mars = MA
S = solar arc directions 2 = Jupiter = JU
T = transit h = Saturn = SA
t = radical position $ = Uranus = UR
R= retrograde tt = Neptune = NE
st = stationary @ = Pluto = PL
//_ = parallel 6 = Transpluto = TP
A = Ascendant = ASC 2 = Dragon’s Head = DR
M = Medium Coeli = MC (Moon’s ascending node)
‘Ya = Agies =e Ass Planetary Aspects
YW = Taurus =, TA 0° = conjunction = OC
IL = Gemini = GM __ 30° = _semisextile iN
69. = Cancer = CN 45° = semisquare =e:
aw =viles =aUE 60° = sextile = +*
IP = Virgo =i 72° = quintile ih
= = Libra = LI 90° = square = 0
M = Scorpio =) SG v1202=rcrine = A
” = Sagittarius =SG 135°= sesquisquare =
* = Capricorn = CP 144° = biquintile = Bq
== = Aquatius = AQ 150° = quincunx = MQc
MPa Pisces = PS 180° = opposition = 00
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 135

Table 10. Continued

= Greenwich Mean Time
local standard time
= West European Time (0°)
Central European Time (15°)
= East European Time (30°)
summer time
German summer time
German double summer time
zone time
= ante meridiem (morning between 0 and 12 h)
post meridiem (afternoon between 12 and 24 h)
local ascendant
local meridian

sums (midpoints), as they help me to gain a better idea of the cosmic

state of a given planet and to identify many of the finer details in the
complex pattern of modern life.
In order to keep our exposition compact and easy to follow, I
shall make use of the standard symbols and abbreviations shown in
Table 10.

Heaven and Earth, Yang and Yin

In the usual charts, the horizontal plane joins the Ascendant and the
Descendant, and separates the visible from the invisible part of the
heavens, the upper half being regarded as positive and the lower half
as negative. Then again, a line dropped from the Meridian makes a
division between East and West: the Eastern half being positive and
the Western half negative.
The Chinese, relying on a five-thousand-year-old tradition,
regard Heaven as Yang, as the generator of all phenomena and of
everything that exists in the world, and regard Earth as Yin, the
recipient of Heaven and the bearer of Heaven’s progeny.”
The concepts Yang and Yin are aptly symbolized by a circular
disc divided by a wavy line as shown in figure 29 on page 136.

Figure 29. The Tao, or Yin and Yang.

However, it is not implied that the two principles are antagonistic;

rather they are complementary and flow into one another so as to
form a unity. Of course, at some times the Yang principle preponder-
ates and at others the Yin principle does so. If the balance is dis-
turbed, it is possible, for example, to cure a Yin disease by Yang
remedies (or treatment), which will restore that balance in the body.
The two names are essentially distinguished by the vowels A and I,
and it is helpful to look upon them as standing for the Ambient-
oriented individual and the Interior-oriented individual, or, as C.G.
Jung called them, the Extrovert and the Introvert. “A” is the initial of
the word ambient (our external surroundings) and represents the
centrifugal principle; “I” is the initial of the word interior and repre-

ee Yang (centrifugal)
Yin (centripetal)

Yang (vertical) Yin (horizontal) Yang and Yin

united in the cross

© Yang (Sun = day) D Yin (Moon = night)

Figure 30. Yin and Yang energy.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 137

sents the centripetal principle. In everyday life, ambient-oriented

people are recognized by the way their whole being is focused on the
outside world, by their lively behavior and their wish to do everything
themselves; whereas interior-oriented people absorb everything into
themselves and are very sensitive and reserved.
Yang corresponds to the vertical, Yin to the horizontal. When
they are united they form the cross. Yang corresponds to the Sun and
day; Yin to the Moon and night. During the day we walk erect in the
Yang position, and at night we lie down and rest in the Yin position.
When in the Yin position we are more exposed to cosmic radiation
and take in energy which we give out again during the day. (See
figure 30 on page 136.)
Yang can also be pictured as a triangle with its apex pointing
upward, and Yin as a triangle with its apex pointing downward.
When the two triangles are superimposed they make the six-pointed
star symbolic of the union of positive and negative, of male and
female. ;
As far as colors are concerned, Yang represents bright and warm
colors; Yin represents dark and cold colors. Other colors are interme-
diate in value between Yang and Yin:

Yang—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet— Yin.

It should therefore be possible to adjust the balance between Yang

and Yin by the color of our clothing. Thus people who need to
contemplate do well to wear bright-colored clothing. And it is note-
worthy that Buddhist monks observe this rule by dressing in saffron
robes to offset their absorption in religious meditation.* Catholic
monks, on the other hand (with the exception of those who wear
white or colored cowls), have a negative effect in their black garb.
(Some other contrasting pairs are shown in table 11.)
Yang and Yin are not clear-cut concepts or tendencies, but
change into one another from time to time. Foods and medicaments
play a big part in this. The content and strength of Yang and Yin

* Another explanation is that they wear yellow because they believe this color stimu-
lates the mind.

Table 11. Contrasting Pairs

Male Female
Fertilizing Fertilized
Condensing Dispersing
Concentrated, applied energy Diffused, misapplied energy
Ordered Disordered
Time Space
Day Night
Summer Winter
Dry Wet
Salt Sweet, sour (sugar turns to
acid in the body)*
Positive Negative
Tight Loose
Hard Soft
Heavy Light
*There is not the same simple polarity here as there is between hard and soft say;
because salt and acid are part of one set of four—acid, base, salt, water—formed by
the interplay of their components, another set of four—H, OH, M, X. Tz.

vary in them, as roughly indicated in the synopsis shown in table 12

on pages 139-141. The lists are intended to enable the reader to
restore balance between Yang and Yin by eating the appropriate
foods. A certain amount of guidance in this matter can be obtained
from the birth chart, since a Jupiter-type, say, needs the balance to be
restored by Yin foods, and a Saturn-type needs it to be restored by
Yang foods.
The way in which foods are prepared can make them more Yang
or more Yin, or can even convert them from one to the other. Heat-
ing, boiling, baking, roasting, drying, stewing, salting, or seasoning
with bitter herbs makes food more Yang in character. Cooling,
enriching with liquids, adding sour or sweet things, flavoring with
spices containing strongly aromatic herbs or roots (provided they are
not bitter), grating, crushing and fermentation makes foods more
Yin in character. When cereals are soaked in water they become more
Yin; when foods are sweetened with sugar, they too become Yin.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 139

Table 12. Yang and Yin Foods

Yang Vegetables Yin Vegetables
Cabbage lettuce, deep-rooted Artichoke (2)
(1) Asparagus (3)
Carrot (2) Butter beans (1)
Celery root (1) Cabbage, red (1)
Chicory (1) Cabbage, white (1)
Coltsfoot root (2) Cauliflower (2)
Corn-salad, lamb’s lettuce (1) Celery leafstalk (1)
Dandelion leaves (1) Cucumber (3)
Dandelion root (3) Fennel (1)
Endive (1) Jerusalem artichoke (1)
Garlic (1) Kale (1)
Horseradish (3) Kidney beans, green (1)
Leek (1) Kohlrabi (1)
Parsley root (1) Paprika (5)
Radish (1) Peas, green, dwarf (1)
Radish, large, black/white (1) | Peas, tall (2)
Salsify (2) Potato (1-4)
Turnip (1) Sorrel (1)
Turnip, early garden (1) Spinach (1)
Tomato (3)

Apple (2) Banana (3)

Apricot (2) -| Date (4)
Bilberry, whortleberry (1) Fig, fresh (4)
Cherry (2) Grape (3)
Gooseberry (1) Grapefruit (2)
Raspberry, wild (1) Lemon (2)
Red currant (1) Melon (2)
Strawberry, cultivated (1) Orange (3)
Strawberry, wild (2) Peach (2)
Sweet chestnut (2) Pear (3)
Pineapple (4)

Table 12. Continued

Yang Meat, Fish, Yin Meat, Fish,
Poultry Poultry
Beef (3) Carp (1)
Caviar (3) Eel (4)
Chicken (1) Lobster (1)
Crab (1) Octopus (2)
Egg, fertilized (3) Oyster (3)
Hare, rabbit (1) Pork (4)
Herring (3) Sausage (4)
Lamb (1)
Mackerel (2) Invalids should avoid the
Pheasant (3) above foods if possible.
Pike (1)
Reindeer (3)
Salmon (2)
Sardine (2)
Shrimp (2)
Sprat (3)
Tuna (1)
Veal (1)
Venison (2)
Yang Fats, Oil Yin Fats, Oil
Beech kernel oil (1) Beef suet (5)
Rapeseed oil, pure (1) Butter, natural soured (3)
Rice oil (1) Butter, dairy cream (4)
Seasame oil (2) Coconut oil (2)
Soybean oil (1) Coconut oil, hardened (3)
Sunflower oil (1) Groundnut oil (1)
Wheat-germ oil (1) Lard (4)
Margarine, solidified (3)
Olive oil (1)
Palm oil (2)
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 141

Table 12. Continued

Yang Beverages Yin Beverages

Alcohol, medicinal (3) Beer (2)

Birch-leaf tisane (2) Champagne (3)
Centaury tisane (2) Cocoa (5)
Ginseng tisane (3) Coffee, ground (5)
Mugwott tisane (3) Fruit juice, sweetened (4)
Rhododendron tisane (2) Fruit juice, unsweetened (2)
Sage tisane (2) Mineral water (2)
Thyme tisane (2) Soda water (2)
Spring water (2)
Tea, Chinese or Indian (2)

Yang Milk Products Yin Milk Products

Camembert cheese (2) Buttermilk (1)

Goat’s milk cheese (3) Cream, fresh (3)
Gruyére cheese (2) Cream, sour (3)
Quark, skimmed (1) Kephir (a Caucasian milk
Roquefort cheese (2) drink) (2)
Soft cheese (2) Milk, full-cream (12)
Whey cheese (2) Milk, sour (2)
Whey (2)
Yoghurt (2)

Miscellaneous Yin Foods

Honey (3)
Sugar, raw cane (4)
Sugar, refined white (5)
Syrup (3)

The Human Body

A human body is an entity composed of Yang and Yin. The right
side of the body is Yang and the left side is Yin since, in most people,
the right side is the more active. When a person is defending himself,
he holds his left hand (Yin) in front of his face and raises his right
arm (Yang) to push or strike.
According to Rilling there are obvious anatomical differences
between the two sides. For instance, the left side of the heart is more
powerfully developed, the left of the portal vein is longer than the
right, the left kidney is larger than the right, the left ureter is the
longer of the two, the left apex of the lungs is more frequently
attacked by tuberculosis than the right, etc.
Rilling has also found experimentally that the left side of the
face is changed less by events than is the right. “Stamped on the right
side of the face are the various impressions made by life, and it hints
to us, Moreover, concerning certain traits hiding in the unconscious.
. . . It has been shown empirically that there is a genetic connection:
the father’s ancestry being embodied more strongly in the right side
and the mother’s in the left.” Rilling lists the Yang and Yin meridians
as shown in table 13.
The gallbladder is seen as particularly important. It is the organ
that is noted for its purity, since it contains nothing but bile; whereas
waste products are contained in or pass through the other organs.
There is a Chinese proverb that says that a brave man has a strong
gallbladder but a timid man has a weak one. As we shall see later, the
bile is assigned to Mars; so that it would not be strange to find a well-
fortified Mats going with a strong gallbladder and vice versa.

Table 13. Yin/Yang Meridians

Large intestine Lungs

Stomach Spleen and pancreas
Triple warmer Circulation-sex
Small intestine Heart
Gallbladder Liver
Urinary bladder Kidneys
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 143

The relationship between the large intestine and the lungs is

confirmed by the frequency of constipation in pulmonary disease
brought on through taking a chill. If heat is generated in the large
intestine, this is often revealed by a dry irritating cough. Similar
relationships exist between the other organs.

Types of Character and Constitution

The Yang/Yin principle also turns up in the modern theory of types,
which recognizes the contrast between those who are thin and fat, or
tall and slim, short and stout.
Table 14 on page 144 contains a small excerpt from the very
detailed “Synoptic Constitution Table” of Schulte-Kuhlmann as
given in Rilling’s book.* A brief synopsis such as the one in our table
can give no more than a general impression; anyone who wishes to go
deeper into the subject needs to make a thorough study of Rilling’s
fact-packed volume.
Whatever theory of types we study, we shall find that there is
really no such thing as a pure type: individuals tend to favor one type
or another, that is all. We shall find also that a person who was
unusually thin when young may well fill out with fatty tissue in old
age. And, in any case, it is possible to alter the size of the body by a
suitable diet, sporting activities, massage, etc.

Yang and Yin in the Zodiac

Although the same names have not been used of course, Yang types
and Yin types have long been recognized in the zodiac. Even
Claudius Ptolemy in his Tetrabzb/os wrote of some signs being male
and of some being female:
Apart from these definitions (of the various types of sign),
six signs are male and day signs and an equal number
belong to the female and to the night. Their succession is
unbroken; just as day follows night and just as the union of
male and female beings is a natural necessity. We shall
adopt Aries as our starting point on the grounds, which |

Table 14. Constitutional Types

Origins, Authors Broad Type
Ancient Chinese medicine Yang type Yin type
Ancient Indian concepts ca. Cow elephant | Gazelle type
S00 B.C. (used of females)
Cervantes (1605) Sancho Panza Don Quixote

Carus (1865) Plethoric Cerebral,

constitution with sensitive,
preferential asthenic
development of constitution
the digestive
Huter (1880) Alimentary Sensory
temperament temperament
Kretschmer (1921) Pyknic, Leptosome
cyclothymic (asthenic),
Stockard (1923) Lateral type Linear type
Curry (1949) Warm-front Cold-front
sensitive type sensitive type
Rilling (1957) Plus type Minus type

have already mentioned, that the male lord must always go

first since the active energies invariably rush ahead of the
passive. Thus Aries and Libra are male and belong to the
day. This arises from the circumstances that the equator on
which they lie produces the most original and most power-
ful motion of all living things. From these follow a male
and a female sign in a continuous series.

Figures 31 and 32 on page 145 illustrate the positive and negative

signs and show you how the yang energy and yin energy manifest.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 145

Figure 31. Distribution into positive and negative signs.

ee oo IO MN 6 jt
Figure 32. The alternation of Yang (+) and Yin (-) signs in the

Figure 33. Cosmogram for October 9, 1898, 4:30 A.M. at

50°N36'/17° E02".
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 147

Yang and Yin in the Cosmogram

Figure 33 on page 146 is a sample cosmogram for the 9th October
1898. The Ascendant is on the horizontal line dividing the circle into
an upper Yang half and a lower or Yin half. The Meridian (MC) is on
the vertical line dividing it into an eastern Yang half and a western
Yang half.* A scrutiny of the placements shows that Pluto, Neptune,
MC, Moon, Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus and Saturn all
occupy positive (or Yang) signs, while Mars, ASC and the lunar nodes
are in negative (or Yin) signs. Therefore Yang predominates in this

Cosmosophic Principles
As Boll tells us, “Prechristian astrology made an admirably valiant
attempt to explain the world as a whole—as a single great unity; it
also fitted the human race into this commonwealth which binds all
living things together by its laws.”°' Now what can be the implication
of this, except that the connection between the Cosmos and the Bios
is not open to complete understanding by scientific means and lies
deeper than science, in the realm of philosophy and religion, linking
us with our Creator, with God? Here is an outlook that used to be the
common property of mankind: its traces being found among the
healing, and survives, if only unconsciously, in all religions that share
a common cosmic basis.

The Three Humors

In Tibetan and Indian medicine, physiological processes are catego-

rized according to a threefold division, which can hardly be purely
empirical but must have been the consequence of a preconceived
metaphysical view of the threefold nature of being.”

*Readers new to the subject should note that here, unlike in an atlas, east is on the
left-hand side of the chart and south is at the top. 77.

The first of the three principles is C4z = air, wind. This is not
ordinary air, however, but Reason which upholds and penetrates the
All; it is Idea and Law.
The second principle is Schara = bile (yellow), which is not
ordinary bile, either, but the principle that governs and moves the
cosmos and underlies each impulse and force: the Doer or principle
of action.
The third principle is Bagdan = water (phlegm). As we might
expect, it is not ordinary water, but the transporting principle or
Vessel, which is passive in character and is codetermined and shaped
by the other principles.
It would take us too far afield to give a proper account of these
principles here; especially as we are more interested in the theories
worked out in the Mediterranean region. The basis of humoral
pathology, the concept that all disease can be traced back to a faulty
condition of the body humors, was laid in the astrology of ancient
Greece. The fundamentals of the theory were developed by Greek
philosophers and physicians.

Elements— Temperaments —Humors

The wide acceptance of the age-old doctrines of Yang and Yin, of the
elements and humors, and of the constitutions based on these, is
obvious from the fact that the doctrines have survived for five thou-
sand years and are still being endorsed today. (See figure 34 on page
149.) Thus they find a place even in the Psychologie (Psychology) of
Dr. Anschiitz, from whose book the following lines are taken:

Whereas, in its beginnings, psychology goes back to the

classification of men and women according to the predomi-
nance in them of one of the four elements (fire, air, water
and earth). Hippocrates and Galen explain the tempera-
ments in terms of the postulated four main fluids of the
human body: yellow bile (cholos), black bile (melas cho-
los), blood (sanguis) and phlegm (phlegma). Later on, the
temperaments were attributed to the condition of the
blood, and the choleric temperament was called hot-
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 149

Medium Coeli


Ascendant Descendant
Morning Evening

Imum Coeli

Figure 34. Cosmopsychological diagram.

blooded, the melancholic thick-blooded, the sanguine

thin-blooded, and the phlegmatic cold-blooded.
1) The choleric temperament exptesses itself by touchi-
ness and, at times, by displays of strong emotion, which do
not persist at a high level for long, however, and therefore
occur by fits and starts rather than for any length of time.
The expression of the feelings is often bitter and wounding.
There is a tendency to irascibility, rather than to adoring
love, but not to implacability. The choleric person has great
self-confidence, and has no time for minor details or slavish
adherence to rules and regulations. He easily becomes over-
bearing and ambitious, and can act decisively. He can be
broad-minded and loyal, but also proud and egotistic. In
the main he is serious-minded and is seldom seen indulging

in boyish high spirits. His negative traits are arrogance, bad

temper, insolence and recklessness.
2) The phlegmatic temperament is seen in the person
who is fussy and difficult over everything and obstinately
sticks to his guns. He likes repose, leaves things to happen,
and is traditional and conservative. Because being punctual
makes life easier, he is punctual in his affairs, provided they
are relatively undemanding. He is free from illusions, does
not fret, and is sensible, practical, reliable and peaceable.
He is content to let others get on with things if they do not
disturb him, and he always preserves his inner composure.
On the negative side are indolence and sloth.
3) The sanguine temperament is characterized by a high
degree of excitability, which lacks depth however. The san-
guine person is easily impressed, interested and pleased;
but he loses interest quickly and is not suited to routine
work. He is forgetful, given to impulse, and unreliable. He
enjoys cheerful company and likes to be helpful, but makes
promises without keeping them. He gets into trouble for
playing silly tricks, says he is sorry, and does the same thing
again at the earliest opportunity. He is a complete optimist,
treats everything lightly, but knows as little of deep happi-
ness as he does of deep unhappiness. Frivolity, thoughtless-
ness, absent-mindedness and superficiality are his bad
4) The melancholic temperament is not open to slight
and superficial impressions, but anything that does affect
one who possesses it will do so inwardly for a long time.
Whatever stirs his emotions will put down deep roots in
him and will determine his frame of mind. Outwardly he is
pretty cautious, often mistrustful. He is serious, almost dis-
mal, worries about the future and is often avaricious and
mean. In love and friendship he is true, but prone to jeal-
ousy. He is marked by industry, punctuality and conscien-
tiousness, and expects others to be so, too. When embark-
ing on a project, he does so thoughtfully and deliberately
and then stays with it. He avoids noisy entertainments and
seeks solitude, communion with nature and the society of
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 151

just one or two good friends. In extreme instances, he can

become misanthropic and depressed.”

By the term temperament readers should understand the style in

which the mind and (in particular) the will and emotions operate in
an individual. The term constitution indicates the quality of a person
displayed in body form and function, in executive ability, power of
resistance, and reflexes. Psychology and medicine have now joined
forces, and our conception of the body-soul combination has been
expanded to include everything which through inheritance and expe-
rience has become part of the psychophysical basis of the personality.
We must also include proneness to certain diseases, the state of vital-
ity and functioning of the entire organism and, finally, all physical
and mental abilities. .
In summarizing the traditional view mentioned above, we can
recognize in figure 33 on page 146, the divisions into Yang and Yin,
day and night, summer and winter, and the various elements. The
citcle is successively divided into halves, quarters and eighths to give
the basic aspects of opposition, square, semisquare and sesquisquare.
What is more, according to Retschlag,“ the traditional elements of
the signs have an affinity with certain of the chemical elements as

Fire signs with oxygen (O)

Earth signs with carbon (C)
Air signs with nitrogen (N)
Water signs with hydrogen (H)

Cosmobiological Types
As is shown in the book Grundlagen der kosmobtiologischen
Heilkunde (The Fundamentals of Cosmobiological Medicine), vari-
ous sorties have been made into the field of typology (from Kretsch-
mer, Pfahler, Jaensch, Jung and others). For the purposes of cosmo-

Table 15. Cosmopsychological Types

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius tense outer
Taurus, Virgo, (Scorpio), Capricorn tense inner
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius relaxed outer
Cancer, Pisces relaxed inner

biology, it has been found helpful to borrow the graphological types

of Christiansen-Carnap.® In these we have both a relaxed and a tense
type and, following Jung, an outer type and an inner type (or extro-
vert and introvert).
Scorpio has been placed between brackets and put with signs
belonging to the SI type in Table 15, since we do not see how it can
possibly be equated with the LI signs Cancer and Pisces— it lacks their
tenderness and composure.
As Baron von Kléckler” pointed out some time ago, the Scor-
pion has quite a different nature from the Crab and the Fish. In a
private conversation, Professor Gerhard Kriiger explained this as fol-
lows: “Cancer may be likened to a water-spring, Scorpio to a stagnant
pool, and Pisces to the sea— because Scorpio has a more settled and
unbending character like the matter-of-fact SI types. Then again,
Scorpio is ruled by the positive planet Mars, whereas Cancer is ruled
by the Moon and Pisces by Neptune, both of which are negative.”
Assessment of the various features of the cosmogram can not be
carried out on a single level since, as will be appreciated, the slow-
moving planets often remain for years in a single sign and so make
the same impression on very many individuals, while other planets
transit a sign within a month and the very quick-moving points ASC
and MC pass through one zodiac degree in about four minutes. The
swifter the cosmic factor, the fewer the people who can share any of
its positions.
If we were to rate planetary positions based on the following
scale of values, the individuality factors (Sun, Moon, MC, ASC)
would be valued at 3 points, the quick-moving planets (Mercury,
Venus, Mars) valued at 2 points each, and the slow-moving planets
(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) plus the lunar nodes val-
ued at 1 point each. Therefore using our chart for 9th October 1898,
the planets would rate as follows:
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 153

SA signs have:
Moon in Leo 3 points
Venus in Sagittarius 2 points
Uranus in Sagittarius 1 point
Saturn in Sagittarius 1 point
Total: 7 points
SI signs have:
Ascendant in Virgo 3 points
Dragon’s Head in Capricorn 1 point
Total: 4 points
LA signs have:
Pluto in Gemini 1 point
Neptune in Gemini 1 point
MC in Gemini ~ 3 points
Mercury in Libra 2 points
Sun in Libra 3 points
Jupiter in Libra 1 point
Total: 11 points
LI signs have:
Mars in Cancer 2 points
Total: 2 points
All told, this amounts to a total of 24 points. When the results are
displayed graphically, the material shown in figure 35 emerges.
A bar chart such as figure 35 is useful for statistical research. For
example, Dr. Rolf Reissmann carried out some studies on epileptics
in Leipzig and found:
SA types = 37 points
SI types 95 points
LA types 53 points
LI types = 53 points

It seems, therefore, that epileptics belong mainly to the SI type,

although this needs verification by further work.


Figure 35. Type composition.

Character and Disease

The reason character types have been mentioned in the present trea-
tise is that character and disease go together and exert a reciprocal
influence on one another. Anyone who has studied homeopathy will
know the homeopathic “drug pictures.” One speaks, for instance, of
the nux vomica type who, with wide mouth and full lips, seeks
sensual enjoyment, but also is predisposed to disorders of the stom-
ach and intestines, has taunt features and is slightly nervy. Or of the
phosphorus type with slender figure and eagerness to do his best, but
with little interest in sport or practical activities. Since these homeo-
pathic types have so much in common with the cosmobiological ones,
doctors who have been trained in cosmobiology take readily to pre-
scribing homeopathic remedies.
Nevertheless, it must not be forgotten that it would be worse
than useless to attempt a diagnosis from a cosmobiological stand-
point alone. The standard physical and psychological clinical meth-
ods are also necessary. The main value of cosmobiology lies in its
power to detect a disease which is still latent, thus enabling preven-
tive measures to be taken. It will also warn us of likely relapses or
recurrences and will say whether we should treat a given disorder as
chronic or acute. The following material is an overview of the cosmic
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 155

correspondences to diseases and remedies, as types relate to tempera-

ment and constitution. The remedies should be taken on the advice
of a homeopathic practitioner.

1) The Tense Outer type = SA type

General characteristics: Practical, unimaginative, understanding of

the outside world, plenty of determination, good powers of observa-
tion, enterprising with clear-cut aims and plans, often out for per-
sonal advantage, little empathy or flexibility, enjoys a contest, likes
to be seen to be superior.

Temperament: Choleric, bilious-nervous.

Constitution: Athletic, ectomorphic.

Physique: Lean or stream-lined with powerful muscles, often promi-

nent veins, hirsute body, strong, expressive face, sparkling eyes.

Diseases: In many instances the diseases originate in a disordered

function of the liver and gallbladder. If too much bile is secreted,
combustion increases and there is a tendency to feverishness. With
the spread of bile through the body, the organism becomes poisoned
and the individual suffers from jaundice, and from a painful and
swollen liver. The stomach, intestines, kidneys and urinary bladder
are often implicated as well. Nervous disorders, such as so-called
nervous indigestion, can occur as well. Sometimes there is a predispo-
sition to neuralgia, sciatica and rheumatism.
Around middle life, between the ages of forty-five and fifty,
there is a possibility that the choleric temperament will turn melan-
cholic, especially if the set goals have not been achieved by this time
or if there have been severe reverses.

Prophylaxis (preventive measures): Any overactivity or excess should

be avoided. The tendency to eat highly-seasoned foods, to take alco-
hol, tobacco and poisonous medicaments, etc., should be curbed,
because stimulants activate the choleric temperament and upset the
digestive organs. Foods should be more Yin than Yang. Especially
recommended are oat and barley gruel, rice, green vegetables, plenty

of fruit, little milk and few eggs. Good to drink are soda water with a
dash of wine, orange juice, lemons, red currants, cherries and
During convalescence long excursions are beneficial. Vacations
should be spent in resorts with a temperate climate.
According to Herlbauer, suitable homeopathic remedies are
Belladonna, Chelidonium, China, Hyoscyamus nig., Nux vomica,
Phosphorus, Veratrum vir., Natrum nitr. Obviously, these remedies
need to be taken under the supervision of a qualified practitioner.

2) The Tense Inner type = SI type

General characteristics: A cautious, reflective nature, usually on

guard, not very outgoing, given to thoughtful, planned and system-
atic behavior, reserved, often shy and embarrassed, many times
inconsiderate and unsociable, in all projects patient, tenacious and
obstinate, conservative, sometimes fanatical and narrow-minded.

Temperament: Melancholic, lymphatic-nervous.

Constitution: Solid, endomorphic.

Physique: Slim to stout with soft outlines, sometimes rather puffy; a

lax, often stooping posture; not many prominent veins, normal hairi-
ness, dark eyes.

Diseases: The causes of disease can lie in the condition of the blood;
especially in a deficiency of red blood corpuscles, by which the resist-
ance is lowered. Common complaints are insomnia, and digestive
troubles— especially constipation or diarrhea. The appetite is capri-
cious and oscillates between ravenous hunger and no desire to eat at
all. Headaches are frequent, particularly if the diet is faulty. There is
a tendency to hysteria and hypochondria. A sedentary occupation
plus an unsuitable diet lead to vein troubles and hemorrhoids. Auto-
toxins (uric acid) are often excreted via the skin. The throat is sensi-
tive with a likelihood of tonsillitis.

Prophylaxts: Illnesses are frequently brought on by a lack of exercise;

the circulation should be constantly stimulated. The consumption of
fats and sour things (acids) should be cut down as much as possible.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 157

Since the temperament is liable to incline to Yin, the diet should

incline to Yang. Care should be taken that drinks are not overly
sweetened artificially.
Convalescence is aided mote by a cold than by a hot climate.
According to Herlbauer, suitable homeopathic remedies are
Aesculus hippoc., Arsenicum alb., Aurum met., Calcarea carb.,
Graphites, Pulsatilla, Veratrum alb.

3) The Relaxed Outer type = LA type

General characteristics: Quick reactions to all impressions from out-

side. The individual is content to be borne along by the stream of
life, rises to every occasion, readily makes contact with others, dis-
plays no inhibitions of any kind, easily brushes difficulties aside,
takes people and things for what they are, is neither dogmatic nor
mystical, adapts to any situation, seldom makes a commitment to
fixed principles or tenets. The LA type is most clearly seen in danc-
ing, musicianship and rhythmic movement.

Temperament: Sanguine, bilious-sanguine.

Constitution: Slender, ectomorphic.

Physique: Slim, medium height to tall, mobile body with lively

gestures. Often a supple and sporty type. Light eyes, fine teeth, veins
visibly bluish.
Diseases: The diseases are mostly acute rather than chronic, and often
arise from plethora with a tendency to nosebleeds, congestion of the
blood, hemorrhagic effusions. There can be a predisposition to
inflammations of the throat and chest, or to inflammations as a
consequence of injuries. Illnesses are quite frequent but usually run a
tapid course.

Prophylaxis: A mixed diet which is not too soggy, hot, or salty ts

recommended. The key to preserving the health is moderation in all
things. This animated temperament needs to be balanced by Yin
foods, dried fruit and fruit juices; new light wines are usually well
For convalescence rainy regions are best.

Herlbauer’s suggested homeopathic remedies are Sulphuricum

acidum, Aconitum, Belladonna, Hyoscyamus nig., Pulsatilla, Rhus

4) The Relaxed Inner type = LI type

General characteristics: Whereas the LA type is uninhibited enough
to get those around in tune with himself or herself and has the knack
of “managing” them by being adaptable and flexible, the LI type is
more self-contained, makes no demands on the outside world and
bases his or her activities on hard necessity or on maintaining the
balance of the inner life. People of this type are often dreamy and
meditative and not always equal to all demands; at times they are
unpractical and irresolute. They seek to bridge over conflicts, avoid
dissensions, try to empathize with others, and are considerate and
easy-going. In a negative sense, they can be driven to and fro by their
appetites and by pleasure seeking. They are full of strong emotions,
helpful and tolerant, but never inclined to take a risk.
Temperament: Phlegmatic, lymphatic-sanguine.
Constitution: Endormorphic.
Physique: Short to medium height, roundish outlines, lackadaisical
posture, scant body hair, inclination to baldness, slow pulse, flabby
muscles (because any exertion is avoided), little physical strength,
inclination to fatness.
Diseases: The diseases of this type arise mainly from a deficient
metabolism and from reduced secretory activity of the glands and
skin, the main cause of which is avoidance of exercise. When illnesses
are neglected they can become chronic. Glandular diseases are the
chief problem. The healing fever is usually slow to make its appear-
ance and therefore the cure is delayed.
Prophylaxis: The diet should be on the dry side, and should be light
whenever the body is sluggish. Drinks containing bitter principles are
to be preferred. Indulgence in poisons such as alcohol, tobacco and
strong sleeping pills should be avoided. In order to stimulate the
metabolism, plenty of fresh air, exercise, toughening, and sporting
activities are required.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 159

Herlbauer says that the appropriate homeopathic remedies are

Belladonna, Capsicum ann., Magnesium chlorat., Natrum carb.,
Natrum chlorat., Natrum sulph., Pulsatilla nigr., Abies canad.,
Argentum nitr., Lilium tigr., Populus trem., Sepia, Calcium carb.,
Carbo anim., Carbo veg., Phosphorus, Phytolacca dec., Silicea.

The individual types have now been described in sufficient detail as

regards character, physique, temperament and constitution to enable
the reader to determine the type to which he or she belongs. How-
ever, the picture is not always a simple one because there are quite
liable to be interfering factors. If, for example, in a radix of the LA
type, the Sun is conjunct Saturn, the vitality of the type will be
drained and the individual will not be so animated. On the other
hand, if Mars is conjunct and Sun in an SI type, the native will be
much more energetic and positive than we should normally expect.

Zodiac Signs— Organs— Diseases

In medieval almanacs there was always a blood-letting manikin show-
ing when the Moon was in the right sign for blood-letting in cases of
disease; the theory being that each part of the body was governed by
a sign of the zodiac. These correspondences of the signs to body parts
are not authoritative, however, and do not have the degree of reliabil-
ity needed for diagnostic purposes. A great deal of research is still
required in this field. Nevertheless, experience has shown that there
are certain sectors of the zodiac, and even certain degrees, that pro-
vide amazingly precise indications. Some of the evidence is contained
in the Anatomischen Entsprechungen der Tierkreisgrade (Anatomi-
cal Correspondences of the Zodiac Degrees) and in Brandau’s
As it turns out, we have to take into account not only a given
sign but also, as a secondary influence, the signs that are in square
and opposition to it. Thus there is often a connection between the
signs of the fixed cross, Taurus/Leo/Scorpio/ Aquarius. For example,
vein trouble (Aquarius) is often associated with heart trouble (Leo) or

Mucous mem brane

of stomach

Blood vessels of the. - Blood vessels in t


Figure 36. From Fritz Brandau’s Organuhr der anatomischen

Entsprechungen (Ag/en, 1978).
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 161

even with abdominal disorders (Scorpio). Then again, Taurus may

not be implicated in throat problems but in abdominal disorders
corresponding to its opposite sign, Scorpio. Taurus and Scorpio cor-
respond to the various secretory organs, including the nose and ton-
sils. Therefore we need to take due note of the reciprocity of the
individual organs.

Mutual Relationships Between Organs of the Body

As has just been pointed out, the anatomical correspondences con-
cern not just signs taken singly but their opposite signs as well. The
situation is comprehensible in terms of the homology of organs which

Table 16. Relationships between Organs of the Body

Adrenals — thymus Mammary glands — ovaries
Beard — pubic hair. Mouth — vulva and vagina
Bladder —trachea Nostrils— rectum
Breasts — ovaries Ovaries—thyroid, breasts
Bronchii— ureters Pancreas — liver
Cecum — stomach Pituitary —endocrine glands
Cervix of uterus— tonsils Prostate — tonsils,
Chin — pubic region thyroid, larynx
Clitoris — tongue Pubic region —chin
Endocrine glands— pituitary Rectum — nasal concha
Genital mucosa — salivary Small intestine — ileum
glands Spleen — liver,
Genital organs— thyroid, ~ internal secretion
endocrine glands Stomach — cecum
Glans of the penis— tongue Testicles— thyroid
Heart — uterus (womb) Thyroid — ovaries,
Intestines — esophagus prostate, spleen, testicles
Kidneys — lungs Tongue —clitoris, glans
Larynx — heart Tonsils— prostate, uterus
Larynx — uterus Trachea— bladder, urethra
Liver — pancreas, spleen Upper lip— perineum
Lungs — kidneys Ureters— bronchii
Urethra —trachea

are connected or alike in some way. For instance, there are the mouth
and the vulva and vagina, the tongue and the clitoris, the tonsils and
the uterus or prostate as the case may be. It is observable in young
women, for example, that a vaginal discharge or infection often fol-
lows a tonsillectomy.
These relationships were published many years ago by the
French physicians, Dr. Adrien Peladan and Dr. Duz, and by the
Viennese physician, Dr. Feerhow. They are listed in Table 16 in
alphabetical order.
Dr. Feerhow cautioned that he would not vouch for the absolute
accuracy of this list, which is meant merely to serve as an incentive to
further investigation.

Experience over several decades has convinced me that for diseases of
individual organs the planets are often more decisive than the signs in
which they are posited. Consider, for example, the aspects between
Venus and Saturn which often evoke kidney trouble or female dis-
eases, between the Sun and Neptune indicating cardioasthenia (a
weak heart), or between the Moon and Saturn indicating distur-
bances of the fluid balance, etc. Interested students should refer to
table B and table C in Appendix I on page 359 for sign correspon-
dences and planetary correspondences.



ogy, differing mainly according to the house system
favored. Originally, the houses were nothing more than the
twelve signs of the zodiac. These signs were each allotted to
a planet or planetary deity known as the ruler of the house. Presum-
ably, the feast of a planetary deity was celebrated in the month
belonging to the given sign or house. But then, in imitation of the
twelvefold division of the zodiac, another division of the heavens was
made into twelve sections beginning with the Ascendant, or rising
Originally, these sections were counted clockwise, that is to say
in the natural order consisting of Ascendant, MC (culminating
point), Descendant (setting point), IC (midnight point), and back to
the Ascendant. It is said that the Egyptian god Hermes Trismegistus
brought about a reform in which the houses were counted anticlock-
wise, because “the individual, on entering the world, has his whole
destiny lying in the night of the future; therefore, the planets that are
still in the dark lower hemisphere are those that must indicate what is
to come.” This absurd method of counting the houses is still used
everywhere today.
The uncertainty that is a feature of using houses arises from the
fact that fourteen houses systems have been devised, agreeing on only

two points: the Ascendant (ASC) and the Medium Coeli (MC). Now,
in certain house systems, the ASC and MC practically coincide when
the birth place.is in the far north, and some houses are only a few
degrees wide, whereas others span several signs. My own response has
been to abolish this unsatisfactory state of affairs by making do with
the ASC, the MC and the aspects. So no house divisions will be found
in my examples. The two authentic points, ASC and MC are written
A and M respectively, in order to mark their positions as accurately as
possible, especially when other factors are crowded into the same
In order to work with the cosmogram, the zodiac has been sur-
rounded by a 90° outer wheel to facilitate locating the aspects. (See
figure 37.) I have reduced the number of aspects that I use to those
that are based on a continuous subdivision of the cross; that is to say,
to angles of 0°, 180°, 90°, 45°, and 135° as shown in figure 38.%

Figure 37. Composite chart showing the 360° circle of the zodiac,
and the outer 90° circle (or dial) that we work with in cosmobiology.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 165

Square = 90°

Opposition = 180°
=> 45 bd

Sesquisquare = 135°

Figure 38. Progressive subdivision of the circle into aspects.

For efficient study of the cosmogram, a 90° dial or at least a slide

tule is necessary to help determine the aspects, the midpoints, and
the solar arc directions. To get the timing right, I have developed the
Life Chart, and will use this a number of times in the examples that
follow. The Annual Chart can be taken from graphic 45°
In recent years the declinations of the planets® have been much
neglected by astrologers, even though—since a point is always
defined by two intersecting lines—the position of a planet can never
be located by its zodiac tongitude alone. Reference to any atlas will
illustrate this. For instance, Hamburg in North Germany and Tunis
in North Africa both lie near longitude 10°E, but the latitude of
Hamburg lies between 53°N and 54°N, while that of Tunis lies more
March 21 September 23



Vernal Equinox Autumnal Equinox

Figure 39. The declinations of the Sun.


or less on 37°N. No one could consider these positions to be the

same. Equally, the distances of the planets from the celestial equator
are significant too.
The declinations of the Sun have a profound influence on the
seasons, as can be seen in figure 39 on page 165. The other planets
more ot less follow the path of the Sun. The declinations will be often
mentioned in the following examples, and the reader will soon come
to appreciate their importance.

The Aspects
Individual planets in the cosmogram are related to one another by
aspect. Especially significant are the aspects arising from the cross and
its successive divisions, i.e., conjunction, opposition, square, semi-
square and sesquisquare. The trine and sextile, and the rest of the
aspects belonging to traditional astrology play hardly any part in
disease unless they form half-sums as in the case of an exact trine.
The next thing to do is to combine the meanings of the aspect-
ing planets. Recommended reading on the subject is my book Kom-
bination der Gestirneinflisse (The Combination of Stellar
The Sun always symbolizes the whole body, the vitality, the will
to live, the heart and the circulation. In its combinations with other
planets, we get such effects as cardiac deficiency from Sun/Neptune;
inflammations from Sun/ Mars; blood diseases from Sun/Jupiter; cell
deposits, indurations, and stone formation from Sun/Saturn; irregu-
larities of the heart beat from Sun/Uranus, etc. Lunar aspects are
involved with the body’s fluid balance and with the fluid balance of
individual organs. Thus with Moon/Venus we may expect disorders
relating to glandular products and hormones; with Moon/ Mars
unconsciously activated muscle movements, or mental reactions to
the outside world, e.g. blushing or blanching.
Further information is obtainable from the half-sums (mid-
points) when there are planets at equal distances on either side of a
given planet.
In figure 40, Jupiter is shown in the middle of and equidistant
from Saturn and Neptune. This is written Jupiter = Saturn/Neptune
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 167


Figure 40. Jupiter at the midpoint of Saturn and Neptune.

or, in brief, JU = SA/NE. Another way of putting it is to say that

Jupiter is at the half-sum of Saturn and Neptune. In calculating the
half-sum, it is helpful to count from the first point of Aries in each
Thus, Saturn at 28° Aries = 28°; Neptune at 14° Gemini =
74° (30° Aries + 30° Taurus + 14° Gemini = 74° from the first
point of Aries). Their sum is 102°, and therefore their half-sum is
51° = 21° Taurus, the position of Jupiter. Such a laborious calcula-
tion as this will seldom be performed, however, since it is easier to use
our special calculator (the 90° dial) and slide rule.
JU = SA/NE is a direct midpoint. Now, if the Sun were at 21°
Aquarius, it would be square SA7NE, and the latter would be an
indirect midpoint. At one time, we made a distinction between
direct and indirect midpoints, but this has turned out to be unneces-
sary, as numerous examples will show.

The Ninety-Degree Dial

The usual piece of equipment is made of plastic and has a screw in
the center of the inscribed zodiac in order to secure it to the rule. The
half-sums are measured on the rule, as are the distances between the

positions of the planets, in order to determine at what age the various

combinations are activated. The handling of the equipment will be
explained as we proceed.
The correspondences between cosmic patterns and the symptoms
of disease (see Table A on pages 359-368) must not be allowed to
delude us into thinking that cursory inspection of a natal chart can be
used to diagnose disease. There are cases, it is true, where the evidence
immediately strikes the eye but, generally speaking, the cosmic pattern
of disease is made up of several correspondences acting together. Then
again, there are other factors to be considered which are not susceptible
of being determined cosmically (e.g., telluric rays). Whenever a dis-
ease presents itself, the essential correspondences will also be found;
but one must never assume that the reverse is true, and that the
correspondences will always materialize in the form of disease. They
should be treated more as indications of what to avoid or prevent. If
the life-style is natural and healthy, individual aspects will do little
harm; it is only through persistent wrong feeding, stimulant and drug
abuse, or over-indulgence in sport, that trouble starts. Further infor-
mation will be found in my comprehensive work, Kosmobiologische
Diagnostik (Cosmobiological Diagnosis).”
The disease correspondences have been numbered for easy refer-
ence. DC followed by a number stands for the given disease corre-
spondence. For example, if you see (DC 17) in the text in the follow-
ing sections, this means that you should refer to Table A, number 17
and see the disease correspondence.

Determining the Predisposition to Disease

On leafing through the relatively few books on astromedicine, one
finds numerous rules but no advice on how to proceed systematically.
Now, although an experienced practitioner will often recognize the
significant patterns at first sight, the novice can easily go wrong. An
endeavor must therefore be made to start from the general situation,
from the picture presented by the chart as a whole.
In order to do this I have prepared a table to make this work as
easy as possible. (See Table 17 on page 170.) As the reader no doubt
remembers, we have already used this scheme in our sample chart. In
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 169

this particular case, the positive (or Yang signs) contained nine fac-
tors, as against three factors in the negative (or Yin) signs. Using the
key for type composition already supplied (see page 153), we obtain
eighteen points for Yang but only six points for Yin.
On coming to the aspects, we must also distinguish between
planets with positive and those with negative characters. Finally, we
have to list the midpoints and underline those having a particular
bearing on disease.
When all these findings have been tabulated, the following
synopsis is obtained:

1) The individual belongs to the Yang type, which is very active and
lively and, when ill, tends to suffer mostly from acute diseases associ-
ated with fever, sudden spasms and colics, etc.

2) The heavy occupation of air signs points to a sanguine or LA type

with a bilious-sanguine constitution. Since Gemini and Libra are
especially strongly tenanted, and the planets in them exhibit close
mutual aspects, there could be a predisposition to diseases character-
istic of Gemini and Libra, such as pulmonary disease, nervous disor-
ders or diseases of the kidneys, bladder and lumbar region.

3) Among the strong aspects, we note those between the Sun, Jupt-
ter, and Mars giving warning of blood diseases, and of disorders of
the circulation, liver and gallbladder. The Venus/Uranus aspect
points to glandular problems, especially where the kidneys are con-
cerned. Neptune/MC hints at professional disappointments and at
limited opportunities for development, so that the mental reaction
could have a deleterious effect on the weaker organs.

4) Of midpoint aspects listed in Table 17 on page 170, those under-

lined are particularly important. For full details, my book Kombina-
tion der Gestirneinflisse should be consulted, although the essential
correspondences have already been given here. MA = VE/SA, which
was not set down in our list, suggests suppression of the internal
secretions, and glandular problems (kidneys).

Table 17. Cosmobiological Table of Predispositions to Disease

Name: XY, civil servant Disease: Renal colic
Date of birth: 10.9.1898 Hr.: 4:30 A.M.
Place: 50°36’ N/17°12'E
Sign occupation:
Aries Taurus
Gemini 9t{fM Cancer of
Leo Cc Virgo A
Libra YOu Scorpio
Sagittarius 9S Capricorn &
Aquarius Pisces

Fire Earth
Air Water
Positive total: Negative total:

Lunar nodes
Sun 64002925 Moon Lo
Mats oO0A%nD? Venus o%4/Onc
Jupiter dO0d Neptune OMOA
Uranus -Od@? Sacuriry ==
Pluto 2C Mercury
MC otf 13 ASC og
SU = 24/8-d/2-9-5 MO = 9~h/tf-h/M-h/A
MA =2%-2/¥%-9/h-t/6 VE = $-O-2/2-d7Q
JU = &P-3/¥-9/h-h/é M-A-84-0'4/9S
UR = O-24/2-0/2-9 SA = 9/9-6/9-Y/4
PL = t/t{t—-h/M-h/A-O/9S-C ME = S24 /M-C/o
MC = tf-A-9/h-0'Y,/9S AS = M=tf-t/2-0'24/96
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 171

If a certain midpoint aspect can not be found in Table A in the

Appendix, we take the meaning of the midpoint itself —in the above
instance this was DC 59 = VE/SA.
The midpoints listed below are those we would be concerned
with. The disease correspondence comes from Table A.

MA = SA/UR : Injury, accident, operation (DC 113)

PL = SA/NE : Serious disease, chronic suffering (DC 123)
PL = SA/MC : Ego disorders, lack of perseverance (DC 132)
PL = SA/AS_ : Suffering from repression
MC = MA/UR : Injury, accident, operation (DC 88)
MO = SA/NE : Depression (DC 117)
MO = SA/MC : Mental suffering, depression (DC 134)
SA = MO/JU : Disease of liver or gallbladder (DC 29)
ME = MA/NE : Nervous debility, abuse of vital energy (DC 91)

Tendencies to.develop certain diseases cannot manifest them-

selves until activated by directions or transits. This principle, which
hardly receives a mention in most textbooks, is very important since it
supplies a general key to the history of a disease. In our example
chart, everything depends on the activation of the following essential

Neptune/MC/ ASC

The quickest and shortest way of making a synopsis is as follows:

consult the ephemeris for the year in question, in this instance 1898,
and see if there are any significant aspects to the radix made 30 and
60 days after birth. These are the progressions, or secondary direc-
tions, and are based on the day-for-a-year system. Thus the 30th day
after birth represents the 30th year of life and the 60th day represents
the 60th year of life.
On the 30th day after birth, or October 9th, there is nothing of
much interest. Mars is 3° Leo and has therefore made a conjunction

with the natal Moon, which could affect the years leading up to age
30. The native did not recall anything particularly worth mentioning
for this period however.
The 60th year of life is represented, near enough, by the 8th of
December. Uranus is at 4° Sagittarius, having just made a semisquare
to Jupiter, and is approaching a sesquisquare to Mars.
Saturn is 14°57’ Sagittarius and will soon be in opposition to
Pluto = Saturn/Neptune! At the same time, it is approaching a
sesquisquare to the Moon. Jupiter is 2° Scorpio and has just made a
square to the Moon. Now we have to remember that the effects of
such progressed aspects become apparent many years before they are
exact; so that SA,-180-PL = SA/NE can make itself felt long before
the 60th year of life.
The second method for pinpointing events or diseases is by using
solar arc, which amounts to ca. one degree for each year of life. The
special rule can be used to discover whether there are any special
aspects for the 30th year of life. It will be found that, at age 32, Pluto
reaches the Sun on the 90° dial, and so therefore does the SA/NE
midpoint with which Pluto is already in aspect. At around 35 years of
age, the AS, MC, NE complex approaches the Moon. Around 30
years of age, the Moon joins Venus and Uranus in a semisquare to the
Sun, and Saturn transits Mercury. Thus, within the compass of a few
years, there are a number of possibilities of disease.
So what actually occurred? In 1932 the native suffered from an
attack of renal colic, which is signified in the cosmogram by the heavy
tenancy of Libra and by the conjunction of Venus and Uranus. The
colic persisted until 1938.
In 1959, at age 69, the native became ill with jaundice and, in
the end, a gallbladder operation was required. As has already been
seen, progressed Saturn approaches Pluto in opposition in this year;
also the progressed Sun has transited Pluto while making a sesquis-
quare to the Moon. Therefore significant patterns were activated
during this period. What is more, Saturn, (s = advanced with solar
arc) and Mars, link up with the AS, MC, NE complex. On the 24th of
September 1962, the native suffered from heart failure initiated by
Mars at 20° Cancer conjunct Mars square Jupiter, and to Mercury
being stationary in 21° Libra after making a square to Mars.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 173

This, then, should give the reader some idea of how to work out
the indications of disease. In Part Three, we will go in depth into the
elements of cosmobiological practice, and provide several case studies
for further study.
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garded as no more than an aid to diagnosis, because a full
diagnosis and prognosis are not possible on a cosmobiologi-
cal basis alone. An anamnesis, or case history, must always
be available for reference, since the radix (or natal chart) tells us
nothing about heredity, environment, family and contemporary life,
etc. A chart diagnosis may hit the bull’s-eye but may also be wide of
the mark. During a consultation, significant facts can emerge which
are important for advice and treatment and, to drive this home, I am
going to let the reader sit in with me, so to speak, at a typical
Following a recommendation from a doctor friend of mine, I was
visited by a lady who had already consulted several physicians and
had taken various tests without positive results. She explained that
she was partly well but, then again, quite unwell.
I pencilled in the planetary positions for her day of birth without
making an exact calculation for the moment. This took no more than
five minutes. I at once noticed a Mercury/Sun/Saturn complex with
an opposition from Venus. The lady certainly did not give the
impression that she felt in any way inhibited by the aspect of the Sun

and Saturn, but the fact did emerge that she had not been able to
develop as she would have liked. She had a husband considerably
younger than herself (Venus/Saturn can mean a big age difference)
who left her much on her own and did not behave very affectionately
toward her. This was fully in line with the Venus/Saturn aspect;
which was only a semisquare of the sort that is often disregarded, yet
is highly significant in my work, as I have already pointed out.
Since Pluto was at the midpoints Sun/Moon = Moon/Uranus
= Venus/ Mars, and Mars was at Venus/Saturn, I inquired whether
she had any children, knowing that these planetary patterns either
deny a birth or else correspond to very difficult births. I also asked if
she had undergone any major surgery. In reply, she mentioned four
miscarriages and an abdominal operation.
The husband’s chart had a Venus/ Mars conjunction which was
aspected by the wife’s Pluto. From this and other constellations, it
could be concluded that he was not only very passionate but also
brutal and inconsiderate. It emerged during the interview that he
never took his wife with him on business trips because he liked to
enjoy himself with other women.
The consultation revealed that, apart from the usual problems
associated with the change of life, there was nothing wrong with this
lady, but that there was an urgent need to take the stress out of her
relationship with her husband, by arranging for a doctor to have a
frank talk with him or by referring the couple to a marriage guidance

On another occasion, a man brought his 27 year old daughter to me.

The latter was unsure of herself and was dissatisfied with her occupa-
tion; what is more she did not seem able to find the right partner. A
glance at the aspects in her chart showed a Jupiter/Saturn/Moon
stellium in Taurus square Mats. The degrees of Taurus involved were
16° and 17°, which can have a lot to do with the thyroid gland. My
first question, therefore, was whether she had had any problems with
her tonsils or thyroid gland. She answered in the affirmative. My next
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 179

question was, “Weren’t you under treatment during 1962 and 1963?”
She confirmed this as well. The inquiry was prompted by the fact
that in the years concerned, Neptune had made an aspect to the
points mentioned, thus giving the possibility of ill-health. Careful
and judicious interrogation helped to confirm other surmises.
Since there was apparently none of the reticence often associated
with Moon conjunct Saturn, I thought their conjunction might imply
some disorder of the digestive apparatus, especially the stomach. The
young lady admitted that she had already suffered from gastric ulcers
and that her digestion left much to be desired.
She told me that a number of her friendships had been broken,
this being further evidence of the effect of the Moon/Saturn conjunc-
tion, which is liable to bring estrangements and separations together
with a sense of isolation. I learned that this scientific assistant was
deskbound much of the time; this was not good for her since the
above mentioned aspects are a sign of digestive disorders brought on
by underactivity.
This example illustrates how use of the cosmogram can provide
an opportunity to ask pertinent questions and to elicit answers that
many clients might otherwise hold back.
The potential value of these studies to the physician and lay
practitioner may be seen in the following case. An elderly physician
with whom I had been associated for many years, and who was con-
versant with my methods, phoned me one evening with some very
interesting news. Before saying what it was, I must mention that this
doctor owned a small sanatorium and that whenever a patient
applied for admission he immediately prepared their Cosmogram
and Annual Curve.
Well, to return to our story, one day a patient was brought to
him in whose chart he found a severe crisis indicated for the next few
days. He therefore declined to accept the responsibility and had the
man admitted to hospital. Three days later he received news that the
man died. If the death had occurred in his private clinic, he might
easily have become embroiled in litigation. His cosmobiological
knowledge had saved him from this.

Figure 41. Cosmogram for Inge Lehmann, born May 6, 1923. Birth
data withheld for confidentiality.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 181

Calculating a Nativity

In the Federal German Republic, some forty thousand handicapped

children are born every year. They are a heavy mental and financial
burden on their parents and require costly assistance from the state.
Professor G. Wendt of Marburg, at a convention of the Evangelical
Academy, Loccum, in November 1975 spoke on the topic of “Genet-
ics and Health” and said, “In our eagerness to help the handicapped,
we have failed to consider the possibility of preventing people being
handicapped in the first place.”
This possibility is put on a cosmobiological basis when procre-
ation is undertaken at a certain time. (Further light on the subject can
be found in a memorandum of the Cosmobiological Academy,
Aalen, on “The Prevention of Down’s Syndrome.” Researcher Erich
Modersohn of Lippstadt did much of the spadework for this.) The
point can be illustrated by the birth of a handicapped child and the
cosmobiologically calculated birth of a healthy one.
The children’s mother, whom I shall call Inge Lehmann, was
born on the May 6th, 1923 (see figure 41 on page 180). She married
at the age of 27 and two years later bore a child who, because one of
the parents was Rhesus negative, did not develop normally, and had
to be placed in an institution. When the child was 4 years old the
father died and it was a long time before the mother could bring
herself to remarry. She eventually did so at the age of 38. The man
was not completely healthy but he did want to have a child. “A
marriage without a child is not a marriage at all!” he said. But his
wife had a nagging fear that a second child would also be abnormal.
The family had had great confidence in me for many years and asked
whether it would not be possible to calculate a propitious conception
date. The first task was to investigate the cosmograms of the mother
and of the handicapped child. The mother is of the Yin SI type.
Using the 90° dial, we immediately recognize the association of
Venus with Pluto and Saturn, and of Saturn with the MC. The
Jupiter/Sun-Neptune complex is not good either, and there ts a dis-
tinct possibility of difficult or defective births (VE = SA/PL) and of
disappointments in love and marriage. Doubts are also raised by UR
= DR = SA/NE and MA = SA/NE and by VE/NE.

Figure 42. Cosmogram for Marta, born April 15, 1952. Birth data
withheld for confidentiality.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 183

When Marta was born on the 15th of April 1952, the progressed
Sun in the mother’s cosmogram had reached the place of Mars, which
was a critical place in the chart. In Marta’s own cosmogram (see figure
42 on page 182), we are struck by the fact that on the 90° dial, the
Moon/Venus/Mercury/Uranus/Saturn complex coincides with the
Pluto/Venus/Saturn/MC complex of the mother. UR = ME/SA sig-
nifies diseases of the nerves in the child (DC 46). In Kombination der
Gestirneinflisse (The Combination of Stellar Influences), we read for
ME/SA, “Nerve-block, affections of the organs of speech and hear-
ing.” At the time of this writing (1978), the child, though fully
grown, is still living in an institution, has not been able to learn
anything and can do only simple manual work. At the 45th degree,
the child’s Mars is covered by the mother’s Jupiter, Sun and Neptune.
At the 76th degree, the child’s MC stands at the midpoints MA/UR
= SA/NE. It is easy to see that extraordinarily critical constellations
affected both mother and child at the time of birth. No wonder the
mother feared to bear another child. Nevertheless, the life diagram
looks hopeful.

The Life Diagram

On the 90° dial all the conjunctions, squares and oppositions come
together in the same place. Yet it has been found that the 45° and
135° aspects (the semisquare and sesquisquare) are also very signifi-
cant. Because they are harder to recognize, they used to be ignored.
But if we substitute a 45° dial for the 90° dial, they will leap to the
eye just as clearly as squares and oppositions do in the latter. When
the zodiac is divided into eighths, the starting point for the 45° dial
will lie at 0° Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, and at 15° Taurus,
Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. In the Life Diagram, this partition will be
shown on the left of the diagram. In our example (see figure 43 on
page 184), the first column is the key to the positions of Venus,
Pluto, Saturn, MC and the Moon, the second column to those of the
Sun and Neptune, the third column to those of Mercury, Mats,
Uranus, and lunar nodes, etc. These positions are plotted on the
graph and the planetary curves are drawn from left to right.

1963 1973
30 50
sEee8 Ve.“ Sa ae scereseunsss

~ Sa. San



:7 22]as
) HfEatmeee 3Fe
frabice: 8
® PUI ESE) a
8 ry
10 Ut
11 atlA
12 27 ine Geeae eas
‘ 1328PE anti ical NUEaoe a4
ceescesss 8 S9SS0S598. F8eeeeee29 (<)

Figure 43. Life Diagram for Inge Lehmann. Note the birth of her first
daughter, who was handicapped, the death of her first husband, the
birth of her second daughter, and her own death.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 185

It would be unwieldy to reproduce more than a short section of

the Life Diagram here, so we will commence at the 30th year of life.
The paths of the planets are plotted from the 30th day after birth,
i.e. June 5th, 1923, and their positions are marked for every ten days
(representing years). See figure 43. The positive constellations are
identified by small open circles, the negative ones by black dots. In
this way a survey of the entire life can be made.
A small orb must always be allowed for the individual constella-
tions. Usually these constellations begin to make their influence felt
before they are exact. With the swiftly moving planets, this can
happen one or two years in advance. When the slow moving planets
aspect one another, the effect can appear as much as ten years or more
ahead of time. ‘
At the birth of the first daughter, the path of progressed Venus
is crossing the line of radical Neptune at the place of a critical mid-
point between Mars and Saturn in the mother’s radix. (The paths of
the progressed planets take the form of curves or sloping lines and are
labeled inside the graph with the symbols of their planets; the posi-
tions of the radical planets are shown by horizontal lines and are
identified by their respective symbols in a separate column to the
right of the graph.) Already the contact of Venus with Neptune
underscores the disappointment in love and marriage created by the
birth of a handicapped child. Lower down the chart, the Sun 1s
crossing the position-line of Mars, which is also the disease midpoint
of Saturn and Neptune. Finally, at the very bottom of the chart,
Venus is crossing the position-lines of Jupiter and the Sun. This
represents the birth, but Neptune gives it a negative character.
Now the couple was thinking of having a second child. This is
shown around 1965/1966 by the passage of progressed Mars and MC
over the position-line of Venus; a direction that was influential on
the following investigation into the possibility of calculating a suit-
able time for another conception and birth. What was required was
to find, within the years mentioned, a point in time that would favor
conception and birth—a time that would be troubled by as few
negative aspects as possible during pregnancy.

Figure 44. Cosmogram for Sabine, born June 11, 1966. Birth data
withheld for confidentiality.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 187

The Annual Diagram

During World War II, I carried on quietly and developed the graphic
45° ephemerides, which has been improved a number of times since.
The graphic 45° ephemeris has proved particularly useful in recent
To return now to our married couple, after I had reviewed the
year using the Annual Diagram, September, 1965 seemed to be the
most favorable month, since on September 11th the paths of Mars
and Jupiter would meet on the position-lines of Jupiter and the Sun
taken from the mother’s radix. (See figure 45 on pages 188-189.) In
addition there were overlappings, such as Mercury on Venus and the
MC, Venus on the Moon, Venus on Mars, the midpoint Venus/ Mars
on Uranus, and the Sun on the North Node. Saturn’s path had
already intersected the position-line of the Moon, and Uranus and
Pluto were approaching the position-line of Uranus.
I warned the couple to remain continent before this date, as the
time was one of great procreative energy. After exactly 273 days, the
normal period of gestation, the second daughter, Sabine, was born
on June 11, 1966. (See figure 44.)
When this child’s chart is superimposed on that of her mother,
quite another picture emerges from the one seen with the first child.
The girl’s Jupiter and Mercury coincide with the mother’s Pluto, the
child’s Venus falls on the mother’s Sun and Jupiter, and (less favor-
ably) the child’s Uranus and Pluto are in the same place as the
mother’s Uranus and North Node. The parents were overjoyed at the
birth of their daughter. .
Now you probably have already noticed in the life diagram of
the mother that the progressed movements of Mars and the MC to
the position-line of Saturn presaged her own premature death. In
Sabine’s cosmogram, the early separation from her mother ts indi-
cated by the Moon/ Saturn conjunction. The child’s cosmogram is not
without its problems, but the wish of the parents was fulfilled.
S961 peqeendrs
seas saeeee,
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s CSEt 08004 ~
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Smoking Mother, Ailing Child

Anyone who was present at the 29th Conference for Cosmobiological
Research held at Aalen in 1977 will remember a mother with a small
deformed boy. The mother gave me a long account of her troubles
together with a photo of the child, so that it was possible to make a
very accurate study of this case. (Incidentally, the case shows how
important it is to consider the mother’s natal chart as well as that of
the child, for a birth is a very special event for the mother and is
bound to figure in her cosmogram; and this fact will facilitate any
birth-time rectification that may be needed in the cosmogram of the
child.) So in order to work with this problem we can learn a great deal
from the mother’s statements.
The boy’s abdomen has become so swollen that his legs
are hardly able to support him. He is always tired, listless,
and whimpering, and sleeps a great deal; he has frequent
stomachaches and pains in the head and bones. He is con-
stantly perspiring, his arms and legs often go numb, at
night he tosses and turns, moans and talks gibberish. Dur-
ing the day his sleep is more peaceful.
The disease he had is known as Gaucher's disease and is a
deformity in children that implicates the central nervous system. It is
a rare metabolic disorder thought to be incurable. According to con-
ventional medicine, the child had been “no longer clinically viable”
for several years and should “scientifically speaking” have been long
dead. For five years he had ben treated by a lay medical practitioner
and had made considerable progress. The main worry was the huge
abdomen, 32 inches in citcumference at the navel. All the organs
were displaced by tumors of the liver and spleen. His heart had
already been lifted to the level of the third costal arch, and the boy
constantly suffered from respiratory problems. The cause of his con-
dition was a deficiency of the enzyme glycocerebrosidase, which was
down to fourteen percent. Consequently, an aliphatic saccharide in
the body was not broken down and accumulated in the spleen, liver,
bone marrow, lungs and brain. Its main storage place was the spleen.
The lungs still seemed to have been spared. The marrow had almost
disappeared; at least it had not been possible to extract any by punc-
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 191

ture the previous summer. Obviously the disease was genetic, but the
mother imagined that the child had been injured at birth and that
she had—unwittingly— poisoned him over the years.
She wrote:

When my son was due to come into the world, some other
mother was getting most of the attention. The midwife just
let me lie there and told me to hold back the contractions,
but I did not quite manage it; the baby’s head kept bump-
ing against my pelvis. I was totally exhausted and must
have fainted. Suddenly a doctor lay across my tummy and
pressed with all his weight, while a second doctor forced my
head into the pillow and then pulled me up so that my
neck and spine nearly snapped. All at once I was still. One
of the doctors wanted to perform a cesarean section, the
other was against it. The process began again. Once more I
lost my strength: Then I heard the sister say that the heart
had stopped beating and I thought the child was dead. At
that instant I had no mote pain and I saw myself lying in
the bed while hovering over myself [apparently she experi-
enced an OBE in which her spirit left her physical body].
Then I returned. A doctor said I had a son. However, I did
not manage to see my child; he was so feeble that they had
wasted no time in transferring him to another ward. When
I did see him, he was bright red and would not stop crying;
every now and then he had a fit of convulsions. The lady
doctor said that the boy was not red but was suffering from
a severe rash. Bottle-feeding did not suit him. It was then
that I must have started poisoning him with the milk from
my breasts. When he was three years old he started hemor-
rhaging, two years later he became mentally disturbed and,
when he was 6, no longer knew his name. A year later the
naturopath started treating him. The boy had to enter the
class for handicapped children. He had to be kept on a
strict diet. When, in the summer of 1976, he ate some
sausage and pork again, the rash broke out once more. His
abdomen swelled by about four inches.


tft- 10°20N |B= 22°31n|M= 11°418 | A = 23°27N

Figure 46. Cosmogram for mother, born May 27, 1932, at 6 A.M. in
Munich, W. Germany.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 193

Before we start investigating the cosmograms for mother and

son, the report must be analyzed. The facts described imply that the
causes of the disease lie in the mother and also that mistakes were
made when the baby was being born. We have the following dates for
the mother: born May 27th, 1932, at 6 A.M. according to the Munich
registry. On October 12th, 1948, she had her first period. On
December 1st, 1952, there occurred the suicide attempt of a boy-
friend. She said, “I was so upset that for three days I smoked so much
that I became an addict. I did not feel I was to blame, but I was the
reason for the attempt; I suffered greatly over it and was anxious
about him.” (Here is where the cause could lie for everything that
happened later.) On July 18th 1962, she had an appendix operation
and several attacks of shortness of breath. (The child suffered from
these, too, later on.) On February 24th 1966, she had a tonsillectomy
and suffered more breathing problems. She married in 1966 as well.
On August 14th 1966, she went on a mountain trip without realizing
she was pregnant. The child was born on May 8th 1967. On August
6th 1976, she was short of breath and became exhausted but refused
to take valium (very wisely, since valium can have serious side
When looking at the mother’s consmogram, we are immediately
struck by the Neptune/Sun/Moon complex opposite Uranus and
Pluto on the 90° dial (SU-90-NE-90-MO-45-PL-45-UR, or SU = UR/
PL = MO/NE). At the same time, among the declinations, MO/NE
is approximately MO-180-NE. Aspects between planets having the
same declinations, i.e., between those that are equidistant from the
equator, must be regarded as particularly powerful. (See figure 46 on
page 192.) ‘
The crucial constellations have been set out in a 90° wheel on
their own (see figure 47 on page 194). We take the following notes
from Kombination der Gestirneinfliisse (The Combination of Stellar
Influences) and from the disease correspondences: affliction through
mental suffering, sudden upsets, cramps and convulsions, sudden
events in the circle of friends (the suicide attempt!) and in the mar-
riage, sensitivity, susceptibility to influences, etc. The blows of fate
early on are also indicated by MA = JU/SA.
These constellations begin to take effect at age 20 in 1952, when
PL,-90-MA becomes exact. It is not only Pluto that is involved near

Figure 47. Cosmogram for the mother on the 90° dial.

this 20th degree, but the whole complex in which the planet ts
found. PL-90-MA points to some act of violence, in this instance the
suicide of the friend. NE,-135-MA means addictions (according to
No. 722 in The Combination of Stellar Influences). The addiction
and its consequences are also indicated by SU/NE (COSI No. 266),*
SU = NE/PL (COSI No. 999) and ME = MA/NE (COSI No. 725).
The last-mentioned constellation is valid because ME,—almost
stationary— activates the entire complex at 6° Sagittarius. The various
constellations also point to disorders of the body’s fluid balance and
to blood disease (through addiction). The likelihood of there being
foci of infection in the body due to the strong Neptunian constella-
tion is confirmed by the appendix and tonsil operations.
The powerful disease complex, which is especially noticeable in
the life diagram (see figure 48 on page 195), is ever menacing.
Around 1967, Mars, transited the complex, so that a severe setback

*COSI from now on refers to The Combination of Stellar Influences.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 195

1942 1952 1962 1972





Figure 48. Life Diagram for the mother (born May 27, 1932).

Figure 49. A portion of the 45° Graphic Emphemeris for 1966 and
1967. This shows the conception.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 197

would be expected at that time. There is a link, too, with the 1952
direction of Mars to the complex. To judge by the planetary pattern,
this was no occasion for risking conception.
The crisis becomes even clearer when you examine the 45°
gtaphic ephemeris for 1966/67. Our excerpt shows the constellations
for the times of conception and birth (see figure 49 on page 196).
Presumably, conception took place under the transits of Venus and
Mars over the position-lines of Venus and the MC. In the days that
followed, thus during the strenuous mountain holiday, Venus, Jupi-
ter, and Mars transited the disease complex. It will, of course, be
remembered that the birth was activated by Mars, over this complex
in the Life Diagram. At the end of April, shortly before the birth on
May 8th, Mars again transited the disease complex. Uranus, which
contacted Saturn just after conception, now approached Saturn’s
position-line. The Sun on Jupiter would be regarded as positive, if a
solar eclipse had not been due at the same time. Also moving over
the disease complex is the MC, although the graphic ephemeris does
not show this.
Now it is particularly interesting to note the declinations at
birth. The only way to get a good view of them is by using the scheme
I devised. See figure 50 on page 198. Here we have, firstly, MO/NE
reinforcing MO-180-NE, then ME/MA = SU/UR = UR/PL andJU
= NE/PL (impure blood). At the birth, we have MO,//VE and VE,/
/VE, so that VE has the same declination in both mother and child;
SU//PL//ASC, MA,//SU and JU;//SU; JU,//ME and ME,;// ASC;/
/ME, so that ME, too, corresponds in mother and child. In the
parallels of the child, the disease constellations SU//NE, SA = SU/
NE and MA = UR/NE preponderate. Their evidence points to low
powers of resistance, misapplied energy, paralysis, handicap and
In the radix of the handicapped child there are many critical
constellations, in which there are indications of two tumors. (By a
tumor we mean a swelling or growth at a place where it is not sup-
posed to be. It can be a malignant, cancerous growth from the size of
a pea to the size of a human head.) We should therefore look for
constellations associated with cancer, constellations which will be
examined in more detail later. The relevant aspects (shown in figure
51 on page 199) are between PL, NE, SA and the personal points

Figure 50. Declination Diagram of the mother. On the declination

midpoint dial, the inner circle registers the natal positions, and the
outer circle shows the current positions of the declinations.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 199


fy=_s20n |$= 4°50N

Figure 51. Cosmogram for unhealthy child born May 8, 1967, at 4:40
A.M., Munich, W. Germany.

Figure 52. The midpoints.

MC, SU, MO. On the 90° dial we have MO = SA/NE, MC = MO/

SA = NE/PL and others. These constellations are illustrated in fig-
UleS 2.
From an inspection of the planetary positions on the day of birth
as shown on the graphic 45° ephemeris (figure 53 on page 201) it
appears, to begin with, that the nativity coincides with an aspect
between Venus and Mercury shortly before an eclipse of the Sun. In
the first days of life, corresponding to the first years of life, the paths
of Saturn and Neptune cross, but luckily move off in different direc-
tions. Pluto remains for a whole week at SU/MA, where it indicates
inflammations and heart trouble. What is more, for a whole week
(interpreted as a decade), Uranus does not leave the midpint MA/
NE, signifying continual weakness and the consequences of poisons
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 201

derived from the mother—seen initially in a rash covering the entire

body. (If expectant mothers smoke immoderately or take too many
medicaments, the baby’s body is often covered in a rash.) There is
some hope of improvement in the years after puberty when Jupiter,
squares MO, although, of course, MO = SA/NE is unfavorable

Figure 53. The unhealthy child born May 8, 1967, on the 45°
Declination Midpoint Dial.

Since toxins were present in the child’s body right from the start,
the best course of action would have been to try and eliminate them;
instead of which, wrong treatment seems to have made matters
worse. A physician or naturopath schooled in cosmobiology would
have immediately recognized the fundamentally toxic condition and
would have adopted the appropriate measures. Better still would
have been to start treating the mother before she became pregnant.
Top priority should be given to persuading women to give up smok-
ing, since the habit always loads the body with poisons which can be
transferred to the child.
As was subsequently discovered, the boy’s father, too, was
unhealthy, so that a predisposition to disease could have been inher-
ited from him as well. The father was born to Regensburg on October
25th 1934, at about 11:30 a.M. On August 6th 1965, two years before
the birth of the child, he suffered a concussion of the brain and a
double fracture at the base of the skull. In 1970, he had a severe rash
which started on his back and eventually covered his body; this was
accompanied by chills and fever, watery, fetid stools, ear discharges,
nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and thirst. In 1971 all his hair fell
out and he had to wear a toupee. He became diabetic. Even though
the last-mentioned diseases did not appear until after the child’s
birth, the tendency to suffer from them must already have been

“T Don’t Want a Dead Child!”

The next case also shows how important it is to consider the mother’s
natal chart if we are to judge a diseased condition correctly. The
mother, whom I shall call Mary, wrote in a letter dated July 1975:

For two-and-a-half years, our son [whom I shall call John]

has suffered from anxiety neurosis and compulsions. He has
received medical treatment a number of times. Six weeks
ago, we were informed that there is little chance of
improvement. However, we have refused to give up hope,
seeing he is our only child. We have already spent a small
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 203

fortune on treatment and have now consulted a

hypnotherapist. Our son was always a nervous child, and
frightened of anything new.
Three yeats ago, in 1972, an accident gave John a shock;
since then he developed a desire for cleanliness which has
degenerated into a terrible obsession. The life he leads,
owing to his condition, is almost unbearable. We could
certainly do with some hope of his recovery.
A second letter, in reply to a request for further information,
contained the following:
The accident occurred on July 2nd 1973. Four weeks later,
my husband and I visited a spa; all John wanted to do was
to stay at home. On the day in question, the cellar of our
house was under water following an electric storm. The
house was flooded. When everything was tidied up, John
set out after us. A slow change began to take place in him.
John was very independent and liked to try and get his
own way. But when he was 10 years old he had to go into
hospital to have his testicles adjusted. His nurse was unsym-
pathetic to children; she treated him roughly and used to
hit him and smack him. As a result he developed an anxiety
neurosis. She was later dismissed from service.
During my pregnancy, I had a stone in the kidney, and
for this reason my child was born six-and-a-half weeks early.
The doctor told me that I must be prepared for the child to
be stillborn—after we had been thrilled to be having a
child! I had endured so much pain in the kidneys that I
could not imagine that my child was not alive. I became
hysterical and screamed, “I don’t want a dead child!” I was
fearful for a long time that I might end up losing it. How-
ever, the birth—with the exception of a pelvic
displacement* — was perfectly normal.

*SA at 1° Sagittarius, corresponding to the pelvic bones!



= sees] @=aan][AS

ee ff

Figure 54. Mary, born July 21, 1927. Birth data are incomplete for we
have no birth time.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 205

Throughout the whole of May 1975, John was in a psy-

chiatric hospital where he was put on drugs to help him
overcome his fear of dirt. But every time he was given the
medication he suffered a nervous and circulatory collapse
and remained unconscious for three hours. After the third
attempt, the treatment was discontinued because he could
not tolerate it. The doctors wanted to try something more
drastic such as is used on children who are out of control
but, rather than submit to that, John left the hospital.

Our cosmobiological investigation must start with the mother’s cos-

mogram (see figure 54 on page 204). As it happens, we have to make
do with the planetary positions for July 21st 1927, without knowing
the exact time of birth. It is probable that she was born before noon
and that the position of her Moon mote or less coincides with that of
her Sun, because the Moon at 21° AR-180-LI would be appropriate
for kidney disease.
When the directions are calculated, we find that SU (on August
19th, 29 days after her birth) is 25° Leo 30’ and conjunct Neptune.
(See figure 55 on page 206.) This means that in the corresponding
year the mother was particularly susceptible to disease and ought not
to have considered having a child. In any case, MA-0-NE and MA//
NE in the chart show a constant risk of infection. If conception
occurred in or around November 1955, then this would be the time
when NE,-90-SU was due.
For the period preceding the birth, we reproduce a copy of the
graphic ephemeris for 1956 (see figure 56 on page 207) showing the
main planetary paths. It is obvious from this how NE; moves to SU at
the very time of birth, UR having already contacted the position-line
of SU. SA cuts the position-lines of SA and PL more than once, and
PL moves between the position-lines of MA and NE. The causes of
the kidney disease, so far as they are not decided by directions, lie
especially in the year-long passage of Neptune through the ME/VE/
SU complex. Just prior to the birth, MA crosses the position-line of
MA and, on the day of birth, crosses the lines of PL and SA. Disease
correspondence No. 126 reads, “Undergoing ill-treatment, having to
fight for one’s life, catastrophe, operation.” The danger of a stillbirth

is evident, and the mother’s cry: “I don’t want a dead child!” need
not surpfise us.
The birth positions for John, the son, are noted in the outer 90°
wheel of the mother’s cosmogram. First of all, it is characteristic that
the birth took place when MO and ASC were linked with the moth-
er’s MO. NE = SU denotes weakness, SA = MA and MA = SA
reveal the danger to the child’s life.

Figure 55. Mary’s directions on the 90° dial.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 207

A Life Diagram for the Declinations shows that SU reaches the

joint MA/NE line and that the same line is also directly activated by
MA, in the day’s constellation. The birth is indicated by MA, over VE
and MO, and JU, = UR represents to a certain extent the happiness
that the child is still breathing. Finally, the agitation accompanying
the birth is shown by UR; = SU on the day in question. Thus one can
approach the birth constellations from various angles but will always
run into Neptunian aspects, which turn out to be decisive.

Tre 248

Met eee

Figure 56. A portion of the Graphic Ephements for 1956.


The terrible anxiety over his life was probably communicated

from the mother to the child (See figure 58 on page 210.) On extract-
ing the essential constellations from the child’s radix (see figure 59 on
page 211); we have MO = ASC = SU/SA, which according to COSI
No. 243 signifies “depression, anxiety, inferiority feelings.” SU =
UR/NE corresponds, according to DC No. 137, to “little will to live,
sensitivity, disease.”
If John’s Life Diagram (figure 60 on page 212) is used to study
his progressions, we can see when the above mentioned constellation
MO = ASC = SU/SA was activated. The first time was when, at age
10, he had an operation on his testicles and used to dread the rough
hands of his nurse.
Corresponding to age 17, Mercury crosses MO and ASC = SU/
SA. This was when the doctors began their wrong treatment and were
keen to perform radical tests on a sensitive and nervous individual.
Of course, we would be hard put to it to tell, from the cosomogram
alone, that the case is one of obsessional cleanliness. But if we con-
sider SA/ME/MA in the inner circle, we find MA = ME/SA.
According to COSI No. 494 this signifies nervous disorders; and that
these result from a troubled psyche can be seen from the position of
the Moon. Even if there is a temporary improvement, the Life Dia-
gram shows that a further crisis can be expected approximately
between ages 22 and 24, when ME and MA, intersect the position-
line of Neptune.
John’s Declination Life Diagram (see figure 61 on page 213) is
informative, too. In the first years of life JU//MA is still forming,
and at the time of the accident shock MA//MO is forming. ME//SA
designates the alteration in the mental state, while SA//MC is within
an orb of 1°.
Especially characteristic, however, is the declination picture
around the July 2nd, 1973. As in the case of the mother, SU //PL, so
that in both cases there is a tendency to be self-assertive and domi-
neering. At this time SA and SU move to SU//PL. This means,
according to COSI No. 284, firstly “the ruthless overcoming of
obstructions and hindrances” —such as occurred when the cellar in
the house was flooded—and secondly “physical impediment,” i.e.,
disease. SA// ASC produces difficulties in the environment (ASC).
The mother’s report contained nothing that would correspond to
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 209

10/1937 20/1947 30/1957

HH oeaks

Owe \¢Ress 2 ee Bem:
7 Gi o SAEs. Weeesccers

rH seeene
Bees impsaseaass
enna secs tiated
4 ef een.
ae “ees! jeguce auacetsaen HH 4 sores

nn ees Se

Figure 57. Directions for Mary.



Ut- 9°05N |@= 22°50N |= 18°40s | A = 21°45s

Figure 58. John’s cosmogram. He was born June 4, 1956. Birth data
withheld for confidentiality.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 211

Figure 59. John’s essential constellations.

VE//UR; but ME//SA corresponds to the Mercury constellation in

the planetary-longitude cosmogram and, in this instance, points to a
nervous disorder affecting the structure of the personality (SA//MC).
We should also take note of ME = SU/NE = NE/PL in the declina-
tion diagram, since these also indicate nervous disorders. The decli-
nation midpoint discs (figures 62 and 63) are shown on pages 215
and 216.


HH anes
BSBReaasr 288



seaace =

Figure 60. John’s Life Diagram.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 213

Years 10 20 30 July 1973




fe :

Figure 61. John’s Declination Life Diagram.


Figure 62. Mary’s Declination Midpoint Disc for July 21, 1967.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 215

Figure 63. John’s Declination Midpoint Disc for June 4, 1956.


How Can Cosmobtology Help in Cases of Disease?

A whole book could be devoted to a single case, but enough has been
said to demonstrate how a cosmobiological investigation can be con-
ducted without recourse to the traditional houses, to sign rulers, or to
speculative transneptunian planets which have not been confirmed
by astronomy. The question now arises: how can cosmobiology help?
In the examples discussed, the cosmic correspondences were
shown to match the facts. The various treatments mentioned were
handled under critical cosmic conditions and were therefore far from
When we are involved with treating children who have diseases
that have a psychological basis, it is necessary to look at the planetary
configurations of the mother and also to involve her in the treatment
so that she will avoid mistakes in looking after her offspring.
Anyone who wants to bring a healthy child into the world
should choose the best time for sexual intercourse with the spouse,
and should definitely not leave the matter to chance. To see the sense
of this, one has only to think of the consequences of conceiving a
child when one of the parents is ill, or the father is under the influ-
ence of drink, or the mother is a heavy smoker! The parents should
prepare for each birth by making a suitable adjustment to their way
of life. This demands sacrifice, and abstention from life’s little plea-
sures, but the rewards can be the joy of having a healthy child. .
In the event of illness or disease, the best treatment ought to be
applied under favorable constellations; then the trouble should
quickly disappear. A treatment that does not take into account the
psychological state is of little value. As already pointed out, between
40 and 60 percent of all diseases have a psychological origin.
The great value of cosmobiology lies in the facility it gives for
timing. I remember how, more than fifty years ago, when I was a
teacher, one of my pupils was a very backward small boy who would
not speak. On the basis of his birth constellations I looked for days
when the child might be more responsive and there was a chance of
getting through to him.
Over twenty years ago, a mother consulted me about her girl.
The child was far too fat and frequently fell ill. Little Asta, born May
7th 1953 (see figure 64 on page 217), had a cosmogram from which a
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 217

Figure 64. Asta, born May 7, 1953. Birth data withheld for

disposition to disease can be instantly recognized, since SA and NE in

Libra are scarcely half a degree apart. This is a sign of chronic (SA)
diseases (NE) affecting the kidney region (LI), possibly accompanied
by rashes and patches of redness on the skin because the kidneys are
not functioning properly.
And so it is not surprising that a severe cutaneous eruption made
its appearance shortly after birth. MA = VE/SA = VE/NE and ASC
= MA/NE are part of the pattern. VE/SA (DC No. 59) signifies
inhibited internal secretion and glandular problems (kidneys); MA/
NE points to infectious diseases. The child was often feverish,
because her body was trying to rid itself of its toxins. She also suffered
from a sore throat every few weeks. The latter condition is shown by
the Sun in 16°-17° Taurus, which are the degrees representing the
thyroid gland and the tonsils. A constant watch had to be kept on
these weaknesses; the diet had to be modified (to exclude all animal
fat and especially any type of pork), and the child had to be given
plenty of exercise in the open air to harden her.
When she was 31/2 years old, she developed a cough and pharyn-
gitis. If Mars is progressed by 31/2°, it is 135° away from the disease
midpoint SA/NE. When, in 1958/59 she suffered from chickenpox
(varicella), measles and whooping cough (pertussis), UR,-90-SA/NE
was forming and the disease midpoint was activated again. In addi-
tion, SA/ NE, was in opposition to ME and MC. Then the predisposi-
tion to disease was successfully kept under control. The child was a
late developer, as is shown by SA/NE, and her progress at school was
slow. Vocational and other tests gave satisfactory results however.
When she failed to enter high school, I advised that for the time
being she should be sent to a school that would let her develop at her
own pace. Higher education could be considered later on. Thanks to
a natural diet and the avoidance of inoculations, the child steadily
improved, passed various examinations, went on to technical college,
and finally entered university.
This example demonstrates the possibility of countering quite
ominous constellations, and that it is worth while to watch how an
individual is developing in the light of the cosmic correspondences so
that the knowledge may be used to advantage.



histories in considerable detail, although our discussion will
be confined to really significant features in order to leave
space for as many examples of cosmobiological diagnosis as
possible. We will look at a preponderance of examples dealing with
cancer first. .
The scourge of cancer is on the increase. Nearly every fourth or
fifth person dies of the disease. Therefore it is natural to ask whether
a predisposition to cancer can be recognized in the cosmogram. Well,
I have used the statistics to identify the following groupings, each
composed of three factors, and conclude that these are mainly
responsible for the cancer diathesis:

We can speak here of a cancer syndrome. By a syndrome is
meant the simultaneous appearance of a group of symptoms charac-
teristic of a certain disease —all of which need not be present, how-

ever. Usually we find several of these three-factor groupings, but it

must be emphasized that they do not doom the native to become a
cancer sufferer; all they do is to warn of the possibility. They are
generally present in the charts of sufferers however.
When Wilhelm Konig lectured on a certain cancer pattern dur-
ing one of our conferences, many of those present were alarmed to
find this pattern in their own cosmograms although they were free of
cancer at that time. They were over-reacting; but anyone who discov-
ers a cancer constellation in his or her chart ought to take preventive
measures at the slightest hint of trouble in this direction.
The three-factor groupings mentioned do not usually show up
except in the 90° wheel. In the following examples we shall try to
illustrate the forms taken by the cosmic indications of cancer.

A Case of Unrecognized Cancer

The following lines are taken from a letter written to me:

After my wife’s death, I went over things in my mind so

thoroughly that, if you would like to study it, I can paint
you a detailed picture of her illness right up to the day she
died. About two or three months before her death she
began putting her affairs in order and expressed the opin-
ion that things would have to take their course. She had
always looked after her health: throughout the year she
would tread dew in our garden and in winter went barefoot
in the snow. Her blood pressure was always very high and
she visited the doctor for regular checkups. In October
1968, the doctor said to her, “Your blood sedimentation
rate worries me.” However, a preliminary examination for
cancer was negative. On April 14th, 1964, she had had an
operation on her ear to remove a small tumor which was
supposed to be benign. Presumably the family doctor
attributed the bad sedimentation rate to this. Anyway, he
arranged for her to see the ear specialist every two weeks in
order to have her ear examined.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 221

On June 13th, 1969, my wife noticed something wrong and

went to the doctor, who rushed her into hospital. On June
30th, 1969, she had a hysterectomy. The operation was a
success but, on July 10th the surgeon who had operated on
my wife announced that there was no more hope of saving
her because the disease had spread to other parts of her
body. Treatment was given to control the disease as much as
possible. On 11th September, my wife was allowed to come
home; in any case she no longer wanted to stay in hospital.
On 10th October, we took a trip to the North Sea, where
my wife could still enjoy the beauties of nature, while I was
constantly oppressed with the knowledge that nothing
could help the one who was dearest to me in the whole

From this time on, the patient steadily deteriorated. By the end
of October she could‘hardly eat anything. She asked the doctor when
the end would come, and he answered that her sufferings would be
over before the year was out. She died December 8th, 1969.
If we now take at the radix (figure 65 on page 222) and at its
essential structures as given in a separate illustration (figure 66 on
page 223), we shall recognize the cancer syndrome MC = SU/PL, SA
= PL/MC, MA = SA/MC, NE-PL-MC. These structures emerge as
part of larger groupings. The solar arc directions at the time of the
hysterectomy are marked in the outer circle. UR; = MA represents the
operation, NE, = MA represents the spread of the cancer by metasta-
sis, and ASC, = MA is a further pointer to the operation. It will be
noted that MO, = SA and MC, (in opposition) = PL are particularly
critical in their effect on the constellations in the inner circle—an
effect for which we must always allow.
The extract from the declination life diagram (figure 67 on page
224) is very striking. As has already been said, the directions usually
take effect ahead of time. Here we see how MA, rises, and then dips
to cross the entire complex UR/VE (ovaries!)/MA/NE. The adverse
movement of Mars covers the period from 1964 through the time of
Our extract from the Annual Diagram for 1969 (figure 67) high-
lights the final stages of the disease. Unfortunately, the operation was

Figure 65. Female who died from cancer. Born May 12, 1906. Birth
data withheld for confidentiality.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 223

seeen -<---— --—-4--

9 @-tLem h9-teM oA
Pe Se Uga-- ==(©) aja eps nase aes

Figure 66. The major constellations from figure 65. The solar arc
directions for the time of the hysterectomy are marked in the outer

1916 1926 1936 1946 1956 Sd: 1976
faa SCiceeseceeeseeneeeeees eeeeeeeeeoreneene ieee
oa =-susasaewecsaee


May une July August September October November December

1969 ' 11 21 31 10 20 30 10 20 30 9 19 29 8 18 26 8 Pd TNF 27) BO te BF

Steet ie
: ___ ft + Se tN he )



A ot eos:

Figure 67. Sections of the Declination Diagram and the Annual

Diagram for 1969.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 225

performed on a full moon and with SA over PL (= NE/MC). Under

JU = MO, the wife was very glad to be discharged from hospital.
But, on the occasion of the trip to the North Sea, we find very critical
adverse constellations: UR = SA, NE = MO, SA = PL. Death
occurred when UR; = UR = NE was activated by MA. The release
from suffering is represented by JU; = VE = SA. In this case, the
doctor should have been alert to the danger of cancer when a growth
had to be removed from the ear.

Recovery from Cancer

The following case, as described by cosmobiologist Erich Modersohn
of Lippstadt, is a good example of the help to be derived from a study
of the planetary constellations. Modersohn reported: “I can’t stand it
any longer; my appendix will have to be removed and so will the cyst
in my abdomen!” said the female patient in August, 1969. The
operation was performed on September 8th, 1969. There was a can-
cerous growth the size of a child’s head behind the uterus and this
was taken out together with the uterus itself and the ovaries. The
rectum was removed too and was replaced by an artificial anus on the
left side of the abdomen. It was not feasible to remove daughter
growths from the right kidney and the wall of the pelvis. The find-
ings, which were confirmed by histological tests at two different
institutes, were communicated to the patient’s relatives. The surgeon
said that he had been able to alleviate her condition for the time
being but that her life expectancy was in the region of only six
In the autumn of 1969, the patient was given the usual treat-
ment with radioactive cobalt, which she did not tolerate at all well.
On January 20th, 1970, she was admitted to the Ringberg Clinic of
Dr. Issels, where her diseased tonsils and dead teeth were taken out.
Her right kidney no longer functioned. The patient was bloated and
looked very ill. After four weeks of treatment, she was slimmer and
her “defunct” kidney was working again. The patient took fresh
courage and hoped to improve.
She was discharged on April 10th 1970. Her family physician
continued to treat her on the lines laid down by Dr. Issels. A thor-



Figure 68. Cancer patient, born October 5, 1903, at 5 AM,

Dortmund, W. Germany.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 227

Figure 69. The major constellations for figure 68.


1923 1933 1943 1953 1963 1973

20 30 40 50 oo oak

y Benenr.caeen Sen
eaerae. CHES ‘eae


— naaAa 2STH——

i) am

2 BSaRaAse
8) Hae GE Ges SSSR OOeeoeSReoA Cease isee
24 ssebseuserezessezeezezeezecvezee? SzSrentes

Figure 71. Section of the Declination Life Diagram.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 229

ough examination at the hospital where she had had her operation
revealed no trace of the secondary growths. The woman felt better
than she had done for years; she resumed her normal activities and
started eating proper meals again. She returned to the Ringberg
Clinic for a course of preventive therapy and was confident that she
had beaten the disease. See figures 68 and 69 on pages 226 and 227.
The following points are of special interest in the cancer syn-
drome: SU = SA/PL, SU = SA/MC, NE = MA/SA. In this per-
son’s Life Diagram SA, approaches the position-lines of PL and MC
and reaches them around 1968 through 1970 as shown in figure 70
on page 228. At the time of the operation SU, = SA is due. What is
so helpful for the recovery, however, is the movement of JU and MA
over JU with VE.
In the extract from the Declination Life Diagram, you'll notice
some things in common with the previous example. (See figure 71 on
page 235.) In both cases MA, runs up to its highest (most northerly)
position and then moves down over a complex to activate the disease.
What is more, SU, and MA, cross the position-line of NE simultane-
ously. In many instances we see time and again how clear is the
connection between the junction of MA and NE and a gradual poi-
soning of the body. In cancer this happens through metastasis (by
which cancerous cells travel from the original site of the disease to
other parts of the body via the bloodstream, the lymphatic system,
etc.). At birth the critical declination was 4° 19’ S; but 60 days = 60
years had to elapse before the declination line of NE was reached.
Turning now to the sections from the Annual Diagram (figure
72 on page 230), we find that the operation was performed under NE
= SU and PL with SU over MO. After the patient was transferred to
the Ringberg Clinic, it was fortunate that JU joined PL = MC sta-
tionary. JU = PL signifies organic regeneration, that is to say, the
production of healthy new cells. Among other benefits, the kidneys
started functioning properly again. PL = MC signifies an internal
change, self-assertion, the overcoming of a crisis in the life.
The patient was discharged when SA had crossed the PL, MC,
UR, ASC, MO complex and UR had crossed the ME/NE/DR com-
plex. The worst was now over, and the doctor who had given our
example patient six months to live was proved wrong.

We hope that this example will restore hope to many cancer

sufferers, and that they will realize that it is possible for them to
recover; especially if they can find a physician who knows what he or
she is doing and is not so dazzled by the wonders of modern medicine
that he or she forgets the healing powers of nature.

1969 1970 «s°-erremerioe

July _ August | September woe January February March

Pai weeal Real ya

tee wee es W021 34 oy Doses Ai ee epanaie:

ime oeses Pebe

ne laige


® | ee

ames = WN
Ee BS ER cz es
CWT Ae BO SES eats a

CaP Git ae
Diss Th) Lei) ai tt een he]
“Sr eae. 4
eae ae ead 2 oy. " (el 2 SS GHG ten“ €4 LORI ah
te Ye Pa est
|a | by b

SES MV Wha:rc i amas’ SS eee An SY

Figure 72. Annual Diagram for our cancer patient.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 231

Giinther Liiders’ Death from Cancer

Giinther Liiders, the popular German actor, was born in Ltibeck on
March 5th 1905, at 6:30 A.M. He died on Match 1st 1975, of liver
cancer, after suffering from kidney disease for a long time. Appar-
ently he was completely unaware he had cancer, for it was only at the
time of his operation that secondary growths were discovered in vari-
ous parts of his body.
The significant planetary formations in his cosmogram can be
seen at a glance: MC = SA/NE, MC = SU/PL, and SU = MA/NE
= VE = JU. In addition, MA and NE form a sesquisquare. Since the
liver and kidneys were chiefly affected, it is significant that JU and
VE are in aspect with SU = MA/NE. See figures 73 and 74 on pages
232 and 233.
On consulting the Organuhr devised by Fritz Brandau, we find
that the degrees occupied by PL and MC are associated with liver
trouble and that the degree occupied by MA is associated with kidney
It is noteworthy how decisive the above mentioned constella-
tions are at the time of death. NE, coincides with SU and opposes
MA, with VE = JU. Therefore the disease formation SU = MA/NE
= VE = JU was activated at death. What is more, SU; is moving over
the midpoint between MA and SA, or over the “death axis.” MC,
coincides with SA.
In the section from the progressed life diagram (see figure 75 on
page 240), NE, had cut the position line of MA several decades
earlier. Shortly before death, SU cuts the position-lines of NE and
MA, SA approaches the position-line of MO, and SU approaches that
of SA. As has already been said more than once, an event can be
triggered by progressed aspects years before the latter are exact. The
direction MC, = SA was activated at the time of death by transiting

Cancer of the Kidneys

The famous rocket engineer, Wernher von Braun (with the “atom
formula” SU-PL-MA), was born at 9:15 A.M. on March 23rd, 1912, in

Figure 73. Giimther Liiders, born March 5, 1905, at 6:30 A.M., in

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 233

Figure 74. The significant factors in Liiders’ cosmogram.


30 ace mak

sagsecccses :
HEH seeassaet
sus seceegasgessneae

s ae
Lo OhWN—
PN "a8+++rh 1
BB. ‘eg8888

Eanatari oe ;
see aEa SgSgeeseueuseguneses 4
eet seee Bs
oe 6
Me ciiiterns
= =SEn88) a 18
sea ceceeseees Ht Hnceiattatieeracateest iC
ssa BEES 20
Figure 75. Life Diagram for Giinther Liiders.

Wirsitz bei Bromberg, W. Germany. He worked on rocket research in

Peenemunde with Dr. Dornberger and was involved in the develop-
ment of the V-1 pilotless flying bomb and the V-2 long-range rocket.
In 1945 he was taken with other top scientists to the USA, where the
government offered him facilities to continue his work. Because of
rivalry between various services of the American armed forces, the
satellite program was frozen for years, a state of affairs that von Braun
found very frustrating. It was only after the triumph of the Russian
Sputnik that he came into prominence again, and he enjoyed his first
success with the launch of Exp/orer I in February 1958. In 1972 the
rocket problem was again treated as of secondary importance, so that
Wernher von Braun returned to.Germany a disappointed man. See
figure 76.
It is likely that the repeated hindrances and setbacks experienced
by the inventor and contributed much to the development of a major
cancer. He died of kidney cancer in Alexandria, Virginia, at age sixty-
Looking now at the anatomical correspondences of the individ-
ual positions of the planets, we find that ME/DR/NE/MC points to
kidney disease. The prominent cancer syndrome is NE = SA/PL, and
the fact that it is connected with VE is another sign of glandular
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 235

= g°19!n| Q = 10°38!S

23° 23'N

Figure 76. Wernher von Braun, born March 23, 1912, at 9:15 A.M. in

1962 scan aie cri


cueusegee —
SEESeSeasss5 sesssesstssze. “SEESSEESES==52052
sunesessacen mw TTTit

Figure 77. Life Diagram for Wernher von Braun.


Figure 78. Declination Diagram for Wernher von Braun.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 237

disorders in which the kidneys may well be implicated. PL = VE/NE

and MO = VE/SA = SU/NE point in the same direction.
The life diagram (see figure 77 on page 243) provides the clear-
est indications of the development of the disease. The radix shows a
platic (wide) conjunction between SA and MO. In a case like this, it is
essential to determine if SA moves toward the position-line of MO, as
it does here. However, as we have already discussed, it is possible to
pick up advance warnings of a disease of this nature years or even
decades before it manifests itself.
The kidney disease is indicated by VE-135-NE. This constella-
tion was activated in the year of death.
The invariable close association of NE with cancer emerges once
again from the Declination Diagram. See figure 78 on page 236.
Here SU and MA move to NE while the paths of VE (kidneys) and SA
cross the position-line of Pluto.

Intestinal Cancer

The case of W.G. fits in well in our series of cancer patients because
the Life Diagram presents the same picture as that presented by the
Life Diagram of Wernher von Braun. See figure 79 on page 238. SA,
goes to meet the position-line of the Moon and death occurs when it
eventually does so. Now, whereas in the previous example the cancer
affected the kidneys and here it affects the intestines, we are led to
conclude that we are unable to make an exact diagnosis of the disease
but have to content ourselves with weighing up the probabilities. In
both cases the fluid balance, represented by the Moon, is involved.
And in both cases Saturn leads to disorders, tightnesses, hardening,
swellings or secondary growths. See figure 80 on page 239.
Many years before SA, = MO is exact, SU/NE and MA, cross the
position-lines of SA and MO. NE is involved as usual and MA 1s the
activator of the illness. SU-135-NE in the cosmogram already warns
of a predisposition to disease.
Apparently this lady used to “take everything to heart” without
bringing herself to talk.about it; and the tendency to bottle things up
was easily transmitted to her entire digestive system, which became
clogged. This is characteristic of a MO/SA conjunction. But, when a

Figure 79. W.G., born January 28, 1900.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 239

1900 ee 1920 1930 1940 1950






CeeERRGEB spe nesene
st be NS x
life au



eesmes seeatieeaitLJ


Figure 80. Life Diagram for W.G.


constellation of that kind is seen in the cosmogram, it is possible to

take preventive measures. If the person concerned does not have the
power to take them, relatives can do wonders with a little loving help.
See the description of the case in my book Lebensdiagramme (Life

Lung Cancer Visible on the 90° Dial

So far it has been taken for granted that most chronic diseases can be
detected on the day for a year system. However, there are cases where
progressions prove difficult. Then it is necessary to introduce solar
arcs into the Annual Diagram. Solar arcs are easy to recognize with
the 90° dial. The dial is a square plate on which a large 90° circle is
inscribed. A hole is bored in the center of the plate to take a bolt.
What we do is to prepare two forms—with a larger and a smaller 90°
circle. The larger form is placed on the dial with the smaller form on
top of it, each marked with the individual positions. 0° Cancer is
marked by a dash or with the Aries sign. The outer circle can now be
moved through the solar arc for any desired year of life, and the solar
arc directions can therefore be determined straight away simply by
turning the dial manually.
Lying in front of me is a report from a reader of my magazines
(H.G.D.), who was born at 3:34 P.M. on October 5th, 1923, in Bres-
lau (figure 81 on page 241). For the diagnosis of lung cancer, which
was made in 1976, the solar arc is 53°. When the individual positions
have been marked, the smaller cosmogram disc is held in place while
the larger disc is turned through 53°. The fifty-third degree of the
smaller disc is marked with a dash and the Aries sign. We now have to
consider a further degree-circle beginning with this Aries sign.
Two immediate observations can be made: JU and NE have just
passed SU and PL on the left side and SA; has reached UR on the
right side. The addition of minuscule “s” indicates that the factor
concerned has been progressed by solar arc. For accurate work, 53°
are added to each planetary position to obtain the following
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 241

Figure 81. H.G.D., born October 5, 1923, at 3:34 P.M. in Breslau, W.


MOs 227 93° “Libra 30" MC = 17° Aquarius 29’

DRo (= 325 *Scorpias39’ PLixe =5 Virgo 2 ik
MA = 15° Scorpio 00’ NE = 12° Libra 44’
SU = —4° Sagittarius 22" ASC =~ 8° Taurus/49’
SA»! = 14° Sagittarius 56’ ME ==22°/Scorpio 35-
JU = 12° Capricorn 17" VE = 11° Sagittarius 04’
UR == #7 Taurus 35!

We can now see that SA,-90-UR is exact within a minute of a degree

and, UR is at SU/NE, we may anticipate sudden states of weakness.
The passage of JU and NE over SU and PL occurs at this stage,
but the disease must have been activated previously. Now JU-90-NE
in the radix signifies the “torpidity” of an organ, i.e., that some
organ is not functioning as it should, and JU points either to the
lungs or to the liver.
It is not easy, however, to find progressed aspects exact to a
degree. SA, is in 27° Libra 28’ and is therefore approaching SA,-135-
UR. The aspect is not exact for another ten years, but experience
teaches that constellations of this sort can be effective decades in
advance. What is more, SA,-90-UR is in fact exact; so some kind of
physical weakness or impaired health may be expected this year. We
must always remember that the planetary constellations are simply
aids to diagnosis; they do not invariably tell the whole story.
The patient gave the following report:
1st to 6th October, 1976: visit to East Germany; I felt fine
on the trip. On 16th November chest pains; medical exami-
nation. 18th November: several X-rays, weakness, admis-
sion to hospital. Shadows found on lungs. 8th December:
full narcosis, bronchoscopy (visual examination of the bron-
chial tubes with a special instrument and removal of a small
tissue sample), discharge from hospital the next day. A
week later the result came through: lung cancer.
The patient guessed that the lung cancer had been activated by NE,
= SU.
On the 28th December he was admitted to the hospital, and on
December 29th the right lobe of the lungs was surgically removed.
The operation was successful.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 243

Suddenly, for two days in succession, I along with other

patients in the ward felt very ill; suffering from fluctuating,
low blood pressure, physical weakness and digestive diffi-
culties on the 5th and 6th of January 1977. I later discov-
ered that there had been a full Moon, with the Sun at 16°
Capricorn; both aspecting the SU-PL constellation. When
at midnight on January 6th, the Moon entered Leo, I felt an
immediate improvement. I was discharged on the 12th of
January, and have since been at home, still not able to do
very much and rather short of breath.

If, in the light of the above report, we look at the constellations

in the Annual Diagram (figure 82 on page 244), we find that the
beginning of October was positive, with PL over SU indicating energy
and the ability to get things done. SA = ME signifies travel. At the
end of October events took a critical turn when UR crossed the MA
position-line, but there was still a residue of positive energy left over
from JU over PL early in the month. On the 16th of November, the
patient suffered from chest pains. At this time MA, SU and ME were
crossing the position-lines of SU and PL. This constellation is cer-
tainly consistent with pains (MA). According to COSI No. 218, SU
and MA combine to give “inflamed cells.” Then came a New Moon
(the circled N in the graphic ephermeris) and this is characteristic of .
weakness. When the diagnosis of lung cancer was announced, UR was
approaching the MC; MA over UR apparently produced the corres-
ponding hectic activity.
NE crossed the position-line of UR and UR crossed that of MO.
These can hardly be called good constellations for surgery, but the
operation was a success. Shortly afterward, however, came a relapse
on the 5th of January. But MA over JU and NE saw the patient being
discharged from hospital. Nevertheless, he remained an invalid and
was very short of breath, since critical constellations continued to be
operative, for example UR = MO and NE = UR. Also, in the
middle of January SA = ME intervened. The reader will recall that
for the trip to East Germany we equated this constellation with tra-
vel; now, however, it does not have the same meaning but signifies
negative (SA) thoughts (ME), because in someone aged fifty-three,
the powers of recuperation are not as good as might be wished and

1976 1977
6 16 26 6 16 26 5

—— Bau 3s Se 3s

aa a
ca as
Paws aaa

Figure 82. Annual Diagram for H.G.D.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 245

the outlook was rather gloomy. Without knowing how urgent the
operation was, it is hard to say whether a more favorable day could
have been scheduled for it.

Inge Egger Died of Cancer

Inge Egger was one of Germany’s best-loved actresses. She enter-
tained her public in films like Hochzeit im Heu (Wedding in the
Hay), Auf der Alm, da gibt’s ka Siind (All's Well in the Alps), Eva tm
Frack (Eva in Evening Dress), and Der eingebildete Kranke (The
Imaginary Invalid). She preferred schmaltzy music to classical music,
and had an unaffectedly natural style of playing. Her father, who had
been an Austro-Hungarian officer, placed her in a young ladies’
boarding school and would not countenance her dream of becoming
an actress. But fate was kind to her.
In her own words: “Every Sunday we were taken for a walk
somewhere like a flock of sheep. On one occasion we visited the race
track at Freudenau an die Reihe. And what do you think happened?
A man suddenly came up to me and introduced himself as a talent
scout for Wien-Film (Vienna Films). It seems that he and his staff
were looking for young hopefuls. I was given a screen test that very
At this time JU;-90-VE and MC,-180-VE were due. Her parents
gave in and agreed to her entering the Reinhardt-Seminar, as she had
already passed the test.
Nevertheless, her radix (see figure 83 on page 246) does contain
a number of critical points. Following her initial successes in 1944, a
glandular disease (VE = SA/PL) made her put on so much weight
that for some time she was unfit for filming (JU;-90-SU). All the
money she had started earning encouraged her to indulge in big
meals with plenty of rich foods and wines. However, her appearance
quickly changed after an appendix operation (SU at 3° Virgo corres-
ponding to the caecum); she became and remained slim.
In 1956 she unexpectedly ran out of work: actresses of her type
had gone out of fashion. This was when SU,, JUp and ME, were
crossing the position-line of Neptune in the Life Diagram, Neptune
being the planet of disappointment and disillusion, which, in the


© = 10°05'nN| C= 4°30'S| O= 1°35!S

G7= 13°33'n| 2L- 14°50!s|
F- 493915]
Ut- 15°28 G- 20°23'n M=- 179065

Figure 83. Cosmogram for Inge Egger, born August 27, 1923, 10:45
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 247

radix, holds a critical position at MO/SA. See figure 84 on page 248.

This constellation points to constitutional depression. The actress
became so depressed, in fact, that at the end of March 1958, she
slashed her wrists in a bid to end it all. However, she was saved in the
nick of time. MA and PL are semisquare in the radix, and it will be
noted how close their position-lines are in the Life Diagram. At the
period in question, PL, was within one minute of a degree of making
an exact semisquare with MA. This constellation can indicate
There were additional upsets too. Her friend Richard Haiissler
had left her, and another friendship, with Willy Birgel, had turned
sour. This is mirrored by VE, crossing the position lines of MA and
Further insights are provided by the Declination Life Diagram.
Here, MO/SA and NE = SU/PL immediately spring to the eye. At
the time in question, ME, VE and SU cross the position-lines of MO
and SA in quick succession. It is obvious that the seeds of cancer were
sown at this time. The interplay of planetary longitudes and declina-
tions can be seen in the death constellation at the beginning of
September 1976 where, as in 1958, SE, VE, and MA cross the parallel
of MO//SA. UR; moves over MO just before the death axis MA/SA.
See figures 85 and 86 on pages 249 and 250. _
To sum up: the following disease constellations were present in
this case: PL = SU/NE = MA; SA = UR/NE = SU; NE = MO/
SA; MO = VE/PL (= MA/SA); MO//SA; NE//JU = SU/PL.

Cancer of the Colon

Now we shall discuss the cosmogram of a male cancer patient who
had a malignant growth in the colon which was surgically removed on
July 12th, 1976. In the cosmogram (see figure 87 on page 252), the
predisposition to cancer may be seen in the formulas MC = NE/PL
and SU = SA = MA/NE. Whenever SU and SA are in exact aspect,
there is always a tendency to the thickening and hardening of tissues
and to growths. However, whether or not the SU/SA combination
will lead to a serious illness depends on the native’s life-style and on
what happens to him. But we do advise that, if anyone has either this
asaded ssu5apuedafatatis eedsfasl *

Bae Fad

o] aceite 73° US
eee netle Attempt

ee 98



TEED age
Adah Ge +] 2 acne HH el as
Gus SgaGGaHeGeusatancssat
TEmeposeusescianac arasssseerert!
Pg bbls, sassnscsscdecses “s@bepaio” ccccisstasacsosecesesccsi
CINE Sue FEE CONC me ms(

Figure 84. Life Diagram for Inge Egger.

ay fe
NMI NU Ig ee* 95

= : tee ; . =
NY tt Att tt dy MA St
Et Hd HEBGGseo0HKt
NYi HN I| + LA ong rt TT At
Eset €L6t €96T €S6T

ever €€6T
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 249

Figure 85. Declination Midpoint Disc for Inge Egger.


Figure 86. Declination Life Diagram for Inge Egger.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 251

constellation or MO = SA in the cosmogram, he or she ought to take

prophylactic measures in good time and, above all, should avoid any
form of psychological stress. One might assume from JU = MC that
this individual would enjoy considerable success and good fortune in
life, but MC = JU = NE/PL must not lie overlooked. What is more,
according to the Anatomischen Entsprechungen der Tierkreisgrade,
the Ascendant at 7° Sagittarius indicates intestinal disorders. The
Ascendant is also afflicted by SA/MC = SA/JU = SU/JU.
The excerpt from the Life Diagram (figure 88 on page 253)
reveals that, between ages fifty and sixty, NE,-135-ASC was forming,
and JU, at this place encouraged the development of a growth. The
predisposition to cancer was activated by SU, and MA, over the MO/
MC/JU/DR/MA complex. In addition, ME and VE meet on the
position line of PL.
The Annual Diagram (figure 89 on page 254) shows that the
operation was initiated by MA, crossing the entire complex; fortu-
nately, JU; was transiting this complex and the operation was a suc-
cess. Of course, PL = MA/ SA = SA/SU and UR = SA, SU added
to the problem.
The directions which fell due are marked in the outer circle of
the cosmogram, and we may single out as specially characteristic SU;
and SA, over MC = JU, and UR, with VE, and ME, at PL, which are
indicative of the operation.
Since the patient was a student of astrology, he felt it was signifi-
cant that SA, would reach the cusp of the 8th house in 1980, and that
there had been similar constellations in the case of his wife. On this
basis, he calculated that he would die in the summer of 1980.
From a cosmobiological point of view, a prognosis of this kind
must be positively discouraged; particularly when made on the basis
of house cusps. The danger is that the invalid will convince himself
that Saturn on the cusp of the 8th house, traditionally known as the
house of death, must signify the end of life and that this idea will
take such a hold on him that it will bring about his demise regardless
of any constellations. Thoughts are extremely potent. Negative
thoughts produce negative events; positive thoughts fortify the life
energy and are capable of overcoming very grave crises.

Figure 87. Male cancer patient, born July 30, 1910, 4:15 p.M., Central
European Time at 53°N51', 12°E. The time of birth has been
rectified based on events in the life.



Figure 88. Life Diagram for male cancer patient in figure 87.

9 Ce ae To sae
aes 26
1s 25
T 76, 1e 28 8 16 20 7 17 227 6 16) 26
gum a

ita HB a 8 ToT aia Tame Saiami

pte ee a a Seay=
eoee eas! 8elelpbeebesteeiet Faanene nie ae Oe eS a ppeae aeLT aii

ie | | i |
19|c 27. gaa? Meee se

a cashes
a saahoncali]Pechooaard

a0 Gauea 6a
23 | aia Baeee Gm 1835 aa

124| ry BGG Gl GReee G8) (HG)

25 | a Ege eReh ee w PE
26| SOE
eas etTY
28| PROCae AC sere4 aa ee Ie
29| FA EES SSG Ree Sse seacee
30| PON CL oe ee 'c8
2ageesh Ha Se a ee
ee B ¥ wee eae ane mest tal
NO he aaa sea Ha HH
See 2 aea a Ss enh Oo OG
x S28 1 htie. See Ce ae we ee |
i iid


Figure 89. Annual Diagram for male cancer patient (figure 87)
showing surgery done in July, 1976.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 255

Testicular Tumor

For this young man, born on September 12th, 1945, as for his par-
ents, the diagnosis of a tumor was a heavy blow. Karl was the only
son, and already the head of an international company. See figure 90
on page 256. His parents did their utmost to save their son and heir,
but it was all in vain. The predisposition to tumor formation is given
by various constellations: NE = SU/SA; MO = SA/NE; SA = MC;
MA = NE. These constellations are found in other tumors and can-
cers too. The indications of disease of the sexual organs are:

VE = 15° Leo 45’, close to 17° Leo, representing the testes

MC = VE/NE: weakness of the genitals
SA = VE/MA: impediments in the sexual life
MA = NE: infectious diseases
NE = MO/VE: abnormal glandular activity; forced continence
PL = MO/SA: bladder trouble, constitutional depression

In June, 1958, when he was 13 years old, he underwent his first

operation. However, the cause of the disease must lie in the fifth year
of life, when MA and VE crossed the position-line of NE. JU = NE
gives the possibility of a false diagnosis attended by serious conse-
quences. Then the paths of SU and ME crossed the position-line of
NE. SA was continually creeping nearer to MC and bringing the
threat of a serious illness, and the death occurred in 1977 when SU
reached the position-line of SA. See figure 91 on page 257.
A study of the declinations will reveal the gravity of the disease,
for SA//MC reinforces SA-180-MC. The midpoint SA/MC coincides
with MO/VE = NE = JU. This points to a severe disorder of the
glands. For good measure we have MA//PL//UR.
MA and PL are very tight together in the Declination Life Dia-
gram, leading us to conjecture that an accident occurred to the native
when he was young or that he was forcibly abused by someone,
possibly without his parents’ knowledge. MA moves to UR and leads
to a fresh operation. Also SA, moves to MC as in the progressed Life
Diagram. See figure 92 on page 258.
The early crossing of JU and SU over NE suggests infectious
diseases in childhood.


©= 4°06'n |C= 16°51'S | BY = 11°9a'N » ee

= 23°29'N |A= pozsis | T= .21222'n |G -22°52IN
Ut= 9°5415¢) @ = 23°17'N | M= 21°03!8 | A =19°36'N

Figure 90. Karl, born September 12, 1945. Birth data have been
withheld for confidentiality.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 257

1965 1975 1985


Sorry a SERRE

a ’

eeGa aFE EEE

ae. Sek
t+ ie <

Figure 91. Karl’s Life Diagram.






Figure 92. Karl’s Declination Midpoint Disc.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 259

In 1975 the doctors had given up hope for the patient, saying
that he could not last longer than another two years. Unfortunately,
their prognosis was correct. In the autumn of 1976, I warned of a
grave crisis, and this occurred in 1977. When SA; = MA was exact in
the July of that year, the patient died.

Cardiac Valve Operation

In cases of heart disease, the first thing to do is to look at the Sun’s
position and aspects. In M. G.’s cosmogram (figure 93 on page 260,
the Sun is in 13° Aries 44’ and 135° from Neptune at 28° Leo 55’.
This immediately suggests cardiac (Sun) weakness (Neptune). In the
Anatomische Entsprechungen der Tierkreisgrade, 28° Leo represents
the valves of the heart. SU and NE form an axis in the 90° wheel in
which we find the midpoints MA/PL and SA/MC. This means that
the causes of the disease are agitation and mental suffering. MA/PL
often signifies violent treatment of the body (operation). A notable
aspect of the cosmogram is MA-90-UR. According to COSI No. 710,
this constellation corresponds to functional rhythm, the action of the
heart muscle, injury and operation.
On examining the excerpt from the Life Diagram (figure 94 on
page 261), UR runs to meet MA; the square is exact at the time of the
operation. In addition, NE was retrograde at the time of birth and
turned direct after an interval of forty days, so that it was back to
normal when the operation was performed. On the other hand, SU
cuts the SU-NE axis. And so both constellations relating to disorders
of the cardiac valves and to disturbances of the cardiac rhythm were
being activated at the time of the operation.
The operation day (see figure 95 on page 261) was well chosen
because, in addition to ME = MA, MA = ASC in between Full
Moon and New Moon, SU = JU and JU = MO are due; thus the
operation was a success and the patient was able to return home four
weeks later. Other constellations were due, but have been left out of
consideration here so that we can keep to the essentials.

Figure 93. M.G., born April 4, 1929, 1:45 p.M., in Wolfenbutte.

Cardiac valve operation.
1969 1973

Geen e.°es

eeesseeueeliet rest soem."

guasseus =

Figure 94. Excerpt from M.G.’s Life Diagram.

[July [August |September [|October] November |December_
eeeew ee Reae
19 Sha9 19 ee
adePe! aSeehee xf
7 Rn ea wee: ut. et 6 16 26 6 ‘16 Ty


tleoan aemut, iat


or hg Ver
ctl a oer 83


Figure 95. The Annual Diagram.

Figure 96. W.G., born March 1, 1916, 8:30 PM, Leipzig, E.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 263

A Case of Poliomyelitis
None of the examples of this book have been specially chosen to fit in
neatly with the theory of the subject. The reader should understand
that there are cases in which it is hard to see relevant correspondences,
and that it is not good to jump to conclusions just because some
constellation happens to be due. There must be some analogy to the
events or illness in question. In the disease now known as poliomyeli-
tis or “polio” for short (formerly called infantile paralyis), PL = SU/
NE has been found repeatedly.
The following case of polio (see figure 96 on page 262) has been
supplied by medical assistant Hans Reissmann of Leipzig. A member
of his own family was involved, so he was able to state the exact time
of the outbreak of the disease. The then schoolchild exhibited the
first symptoms of paralyis in Leipzig at 8:00 A.M. on September 6th,
1922. The time is certain because the child’s father was just about to
leave home for work in the bank, but had to drop everything and run
from doctor to doctor in order to fetch help.
On the subject of the disease itself, Reissmann writes: “Spinal
infantile paralysis is an infectious disease. It is epidemic and usually
appears in summer or autumn. The infective agent is a poliomyelitis
virus. There are three varities of the disease. It has an incubation
period (the interval between exposure to the disease and its appear-
ance) of between four and twelve days.”
On looking for the essential disease constellations, we notice VE
= SA/NE; MO = SU/SA. If the positions are adjusted by approxi-
mately 6° to match the age, the MC moves into square aspect with
VE = SA/NE and a chronic (SA) disease (NE) is activated.
In the day’s constellations for the September 6th, 1922, we have
NE,-180-UR (paralyzed rhythm), UR; = SU (sudden disturbance). If
due allowance is made for the above mentioned incubation period,
the Sun must have transited NE/PL twelve days previously, so that
the disease was caught under SU;-135-NE.
There is a really striking disease picture in the Declination Dia-
gram (figure 97 on page 264), with a stellium of negative factors
compressed within a space of 4°: in particular, SA/MC/MA/NE/PL/
MC/SA echoes MC = SA in the radix. This is underlined by the
strong infection constellation NE = MA/PL.

Figure 97. Declination Midpoint Disc for W.G.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 265

The case illustrates that disease constellations will always indi-

cate when trouble is likely to strike, but do not so readily identify the
type of disease or the organs affected.

A Second Case of Poliomyelitis

The person concerned was born at 1:45 A.M. on May 12th 1945 in
Hirschberg, Silesia. See figure 98 on page 266. Her twin sister came
into the world at 2:00 P.M. In the 25th problem set in the magazine
Kosmobiologie (1959), readers were asked which of the twin sisters
developed polio in August of 1948. Twelve contributors sent in the
correct answer, and pointed out that the first-born has MC = MA =
UR/NE. In the fifth year of her life, SA, activated the midpoint
constellation in question. In the Annual Diagram, NE,-180-UR cor-
responds to the appearance of the disease. Also, in the cosmogram we
have NE = SU/PI within an orb of 2°. If NE is shifted by a solar arc
of 5°, NE,-135-SU becomes exact. In the Declination Picture,
SA//UR has an orb of only 8’. UR, reaches 20° 52’ at the time of the
disease, thus narrowing the orb to 3’.

He Smoked Himself to Death

Dr. Z., who has been using the Ebertin method for years, writes
concerning the following case:
From time to time, I like to see the light thrown by cosmo-
biology on what happens to my patients. Here is an exam-
ple you might find interesting. On looking at the concise
ephemerides for 1971/1980, I doubted whether attorney S.
would live beyond June 1975. He was smoking himself to
death, and did in fact die with Jupiter and Uranus over
Pluto shortly before Saturn was over the ASC and Neptune
was over Saturn. It was an easy death. I had drawn his life
diagram years before.
The patient suffered from dropsy. Enormous quantities of
fluid collected in the body tissues and cavaties due to blood

“ fais,


Figure 98. A second case ofpoho. Patient born May 12, 1943 at 1:45
A.M., in Hirschberg, Silesia, Poland.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 267

serum being forced out of the capillaries by local and gen-

eral stasis. However, he would have lived longer than he did
if he had not been such a heavy smoker. His body was no
longer able to cope with the poisons he had put into it.
The predisposition to a chronic disease is given in the cosmo-
gram by SU = MA = SA/NE: “incurable chronic deterioration.”
Diseases caused by overindulgence in such things as alcohol,
tobacco and caffeine, are shown usually by SU = NE/PL (COSI No.
999). In the present cosmogram (see figure 99 on page 268), this
formula is changed around to become NE = SU/PL = MC. Dropsy
is indicated by NE = MA/PL = MC. Furthermore, UR = NE/PL =
SA/MC = DR points to an insidious, practically painless disease
which may have a psychological origin. The climax of the disease was
reached when SU = UR = NE/PL = SA/MC.
The case also illustrates how strongly involved the declinations
can be in a disease process. See figure 100 on page 269. In the
declination picture, PL = SU/NE = MA/NE signifies the main
malady, the dropsy, and points to extensive damage due to the tox-
ication by smoking. UR//NE represents the disturbed rhythm. Now
the declination diagram itself is very interesting. See also figure 101
on page 270.
The movements of UR, NE, and SA are minimal, so that it is
hard to differentiate them from the position-lines of these planets.
JU,//MO rules the second half of life to give a big increase (JU) in the
body’s fluid content (MO). Death was precipitated by MA,//SA,
ME,//SA and SU,//UR.
As for the transits, there was a successful stay in hospital in
March 1974, represented by SA; = NE/MC, UR, = SA and helped
by JU; = MO. In the summer of 1974, the patient was readmitted to
hospital under SA; = MA/SU; death ensued in January 1975, when
JU; and UR, both transited PL and the transits SA; = VE/ASC/NE,
= SA and UR, = PL were nearly due.

Glaucoma and Cerebral Embolism

Eye diseases, especially cataract and glaucoma, are dreaded com-
plaints of old age. But when the corresponding constellations are

Figure 99. Attorney born April2, 1902, at 1:30 A.M., at 40°N, 10°E.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 269

Figure 100. Declination Midpoint Disc for attorney. PL = SO/NE =

MA/NE: dropsy.

1912 1922 1932 1942 1952 1962 1972

10 20 30 50 60 70
Gaanreee CT} N

Jasuo oi Pyeery
A ctendssieatbtatct ay

vasae oe
Ee 7a
a San atti
"seescest guaua!

Figure 101. Declination Life Diagram. Born April 2, 1902; died

25, 1975.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 271

present, it should be possible to take preventive measures in good

time. In contrast to cataract, glaucoma affects the whole eye and can
easily lead to loss of sight. The leading symptom is increased pressure
within the eyeball. The cause is either excessive production of humor
in the eye or else the outflow of humor is obstructed or even pre-
vented altogether. The rising pressure in the eye squeezes the retina,
the optic nerve and the blood supply. According to the degree and
duration of the pressure, there is a more or less quick destruction of
the nerve fibers and atrophy of the optic nerve.
The case before us is that of a female born on February 28th,
1900, at 3:00 P.M. in 15° E and 45° 30’ N. See figure 102 on page
271. Without recourse to any special equipment, it should be imme-
diately obvious that ME = NE = SA/PL. In addition, we have SU =
JU = MO/NE; SA = PL/MC; UR = MA/NE; PL = MO/SA. The
full structural picture is diagrammed below.

SU = MO/NE: Impaired blood supply, accumulation of fluid in

the organism, deficient salt utilization (psychological dis-
turbances, eye diseases).
UR = MA/NE: Crippled activities, muscular paralysis, dystrophy,
susceptibility to infection, the consequences of infection.
ME/NE: Loss of sensibility, neurasthenia, paralyzed nerves.

SA = PL/MC: Determination to recover, decision to operate,

change of therapy. To this I would add: chronic diseases,
risk of cancer.

NE = SA/PL: Underdevelopment of the organs, hardening or

ossifying of the organs.
NE = VE/MA: Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system,
vegetative functional disturbances (especially in the intes-
tines and kidneys), menstrual anomalies, varicose veins.
PL = MO/SA: Chronic disturbances of the fluid balance, defects
in the mucous membranes, weeping wounds, bladder trou-
ble, constitutional depression, hereditary diseases.

Figure 102. Female, born February 28, 1900, at 45°N30', 15°E.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 273

(-) Ip) $
= b8--+--M thas ns
ie 9--+--M Oe
ie ed Ot -4--tHt
Galea ¥--4--F"

Figure 103. Structural elements of the cosmogram for February 28,


Obviously, not all the possibilities will materialize. A copy of the

case history or a talk with the patient is therefore necessary. A case
history provides an opportunity to check the accuracy of the cosmo-
gram. One must never treat the birth chart as a settled fact, but as
something that is constantly being modified by directions and
When she was 14, this girl had a congenital glaucoma of the left
eye which was surgically removed. According to tradition, the left eye
is represented by the Moon and the right by the Sun. If we move the
Moon, representing the left eye, through 14° (= 14 years) it
approaches Uranus on the 90° dial exactly at the SU/UR midpoint,
having already passed SU because the operation was the result of an
existing condition. At the same time we should remember that SU =
MO/NE indicates eye disease. See figure 104 on page 274.
At age 55, a glaucoma developed in the right eye. If we move
MA through 55° (= 55 years), MA is exactly opposite SU, 1.e., MAs-
45-SU. Once again, SU = MO/NE; the constellation representing
eye disease was activated.
When I am making a rough survey, I do not always calculate the
exact solar arc, but make do with the simple degree direction corres-
ponding to the year of the patient’s life. This is not accurate to the

minute but, in any case, a direction seldom takes full effect in a

single day but requires time to unfold. See figure 105 on page 275.
On the 23rd August 1960, the patient had a cerebral embolism.
An embolism may be defined as the obstruction of a vein or artery by
a plug (embolus) borne along by the bloodstream until it becomes
lodged in a narrow place. The embolus is dangerous when it cuts off
the blood supply to an area not served by collateral vessels. It can

Figure 104. Age 14, glaucoma of the left eye; age 55, glaucoma of the
right eye.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 275

Figure 105. Female born February 28, 1900. Solar arc = 59°44'. SU’
= NE/ME.

consist of a clot of blood (thromboembolism), of fat (fat embolism),

of cellular debris (from cancers or caseous lymph nodes), of foreign
bodies or of amniotic fluid. If a plug of this sort does manage to cut
off the blood supply, the starved tissues will die.
An embolism in the brain is particularly dangerous; as is shown
by the present case, which required a stay in hospital lasting sixteen
months. The solar arc for the 60th year is about 60° or, to be exact,
59° 44’. If the individual positions are moved in the 90° wheel, the
SU goes to 9° Taurus 16’ where it is semisquare ME and NE. A quick
glance at the disease constellations shows several relating to disor-
dered nerves and paralysis. In addition, MC; = NE, MOs-135-UR =
MA/NE and MA,-45-PL are all forming. From this we see that disease
complexes based on NE, UR and PI are all three being activated

Figure 106. The 45° Graphic Ephemeris for 1960.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 277

SEN ie
mete |
Se hoe

Figure 107. Graphic Ephemeris for 1961.

At the time of the embolism (see figure 106 on page 276) almost
every one of these factors is being activated by transits in the annual
diagram, and especially by the new Moon. MA crosses the position-
line of UR. In addition, SA approaches MO/PL and SU cut the MC
line, JU is stationary on NE, and NE is approaching the NE/ ASC/ ME
complex where it is due the following year. So it is not hard to
anticipate the outbreak of disease at this time.
We can even predict that the disease will be prolonged, since the
slow-moving planet Neptune is creeping toward the NE/ASC/ME
complex. NE = ASC signifies an unpleasant or depressing
environment —in this instance, the hospital.
Turning now to the graphic 45° ephemeris for 1961 (figure 107
on page 277) from which we are showing the first five months, we
notice the danger of a crisis in April, when PL = MC, MA = MC, SU
= MC, SA = PL, ME = NE and NE are all due and when there was
a new Moon on April 15, 1961. On the night of April 15th, the
patient had six attacks of cerebral eclampsia resulting in 50 percent
loss of mobility, in loss of the singing voice, and in osteopathy and
osteoporosis (bone disease and brittleness of the bones). It might
have been possible, with cosmic foresight, to have recognized this
danger and to have taken steps to circumvent it.

Death from Drugs

The film actress Renate Ewert was born at 6:28 A.M. on November
9th, 1933, in Konigsberg. See figure 108 on page 280. She began to
dream of becoming an actress at a very early age and pestered her
parents into letting her attend drama school. After she was content
with minor parts for some time, she met the film director Paul May
when she was 22, and he offered her a role in the film 08/15. She was
a success, and went on to appear in several films. The opportunity
came her way to star with some very fine actors, such as Paul Horbi-
ger, Heinz Erhardt, Dietmar Schonherr, Heinz Ruhmann, and oth-
ers. However, it was not only in films that she hit the headlines, but
also in affairs with married colleagues, which provoked a much
stronger reaction in those days than they would evoke now and were
well aired in the popular press. Although she longed for a partner for
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 279

life, she had no success (VE = SU = UR/NE = NE/PL, MA = VE/

She suffered from bouts of depression, did everything she could
to gain relief and finally turned to drugs. She took ever increasing
doses until she was no longer fit to appear in front of the camera.
Good friends tried to cure her, but she hid herself away from every-
bedy, a mere shadow of her former self. On December 10th, 1966,
she was found dead in her flat. The doctor stated that she must have
ended her life some days earlier.
The question as to whether it would have been possible to have
foreseen the tragedy and perhaps to have prevented it can be
answered in the affirmative. For this purpose, it is necessary to take a
closer look at the structure of the cosmogram. See figure 109 on page
281. A strong Neptunian influence is observable, even though the
NE aspects are not exact. Note how informative the midpoints are as
seen in the 90° wheel, UR is joined to PL opposite NE (UR-135-NE-
90-PL). The UR/PL/NE axis crosses the SU/VE axis. The meaning of
SU = NE/PL is given in the COSI as “diseases due to indulgence in
alcohol, tobacco and drugs, etc.” Here is a systematic listing of the
various midpoints:

NE = MO/PL: Sentimentality, pessimism, loss of will-power

NE = MO/UR: Loss of energy, muddled endeavors
NE = JU/SA: Pessimism, feeling of abandonment, unbearable
MA = VE/NE: Powerful erotic desires, sexual misconduct
MA = MO/SA: Lack of determination, mental conflicts, disease
VE = UR/NE: One-sided enthusiasm
MO = MA/NE: Nervous debility, addiction
MO = ISA/UR: Mental strain, depression
MO = SA/PL: Sad fate in a woman
SA = PL/MC: Struggle to live, death
MC = SA/NE: Odd character, frequent changes of mood, easily
discouraged, mental suffering, poor health
MC = MO/MA: Unusual activities, actor
ME = NE/MC: Depressive psychoses, mental disorders
MC = SU/NE: Sensitive, weak, ailing, worn out

Figure 108. Renate Ewert, born November 8, 1933, at 6:26 AM.,

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 281

Figure 109. Mayor configurations for Renate Ewert. The solar arc
directions for 1966 are on the outside of the structural picture.

Figure 110. An excerpt from the Annual Diagram for 1961.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 283

Figure 111. Declination Midpoint Disc for Renate Ewert.


It has to be admitted that these statements are in keeping with

the facts of the case, and that everything they predicted happened—
because nothing was done to prevent it. The cause of the tragedy lay
mainly in the mental state, in the loss of energy, and in the obsession
with wishes that seemed to defy fulfillment. The actress was unable
to free herself from her depression unaided, and so turned to drugs.
She ought to have received psychotherapy at a fairly early stage.
In 1963 transiting Neptune had already reached the place of the
Sun, thus activating the basic planetary picture — disease consequent
on drug abuse.
The solar arc directions due in 1966 are marked on the outside of
the structural picture shown in figure 109. According to these, SA
had crossed the NE axis two years previously. MA, had also crossed it.
This constellation can be read as MA/SA,; = NE with the meaning:
“low vitality, resistance not developed, flagging strength, worn-out
condition, life-force sapped by poison, death in mysterious circum-
stances.” PL = UR, activated MC = MO/MA = SA/NE = SU/NE,
again pointing to weakness, disease and fatigue.
In the excerpt from the annual diagram, UR and PL had already
crossed the position-line of the Moon in August, SA and UR are
moving up to the MA and SA position-lines, and death is threatened
by MA; = SU, SA; = MA. See figure 110 on page 283.
A look now at the declinations (figure 111 on page 284) reveals
an emphasis on affection, love and sexuality. SU-90-SA has an orb of
6° in the cosmogram. SU//SA and SU//ASC reinforce this in a
negative way. Equally, UR-90-PL was reinforced by UR//NE. If the
declinations are calculated for the year of death, NE,//SU has already
formed in October 1966. This constellation represents the weak, sick,
enfeebled body, and is fully in keeping with the placement of SU =
NE/PL (results of alcoholism, smoking, and drug abuse).

A Life Spent Fighting Anxiety

A long report was sent to me by a lady on whom I shall bestow the
pseudonym Pia Wagner. Since it is needful to preserve confidential-
ity, it is not possible to repeat everything she wrote. Nevertheless, her
chart is very instructive in a number of respects; especially with regard
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 285

to the conjunction of the Moon and Saturn, which is among the

causes of her neurosis and subsequent depressive psychosis.
Her father was a revenue officer, and her paternal grandfather
and great-grandfather were attorneys. Another ancestor was a Protes-
tant clergyman. Her paternal grandmother was the daughter of a lord
of the manor with a long family history, and her greatgrandmother
came from France; she had Scottish and Frisian ancestors. One of her
forefathers was an astrologer who was raised to the Bohemian nobility
by the Emperor Rudolf II.
Her mother was a housewife whose father had been a chief
accountant. The other ancestors on this side of the family were inde-
pendent farmers. One of her great-grandfathers was descended from
Portuguese Jews. Her maternal ancestors were mostly marked by the
signs Aries, Virgo and Pisces. Table A on page 361 shows the compar-
ative planetary positions of the parents.
Their daughter’s birth took place when the following constella-
tions were due in the mother’s cosmogram: MA = JU, ASC = UR,
MC = VE/MA, MO = MA/UR. On attempting to determine the
day of conception, we find the following constellations: in the father,
MA, = VE/MA; VE; = MO, ME, = MO; in the mother, MA; =
ME/VE; VE = MO (SA).
Confirmation that the Moon and Saturn were indeed in aspect
in the mother’s radix is supplied by this description:

My mother is a very instinctive woman and her activities are

colored by repressed aggression [MA-45-UR, MO-135-SA].
Her own parents were very strict with her. She loved my
brother more than me. I think I was my father’s favorite
child. Unfortunately my parents were incapable of being
warm and loving. I do not think they loved one another.
Both of them take life much as it comes. They seem to have
completely drained each other of vital energy while locked
in a “‘cat-and-dog” struggle. The atmosphere in their home
has always been like that of a Strindberg play.
In this gray, loveless, puritanical and frugal environ-
ment, my brother and I grew up. I was the loneliest child.
My brother was always teasing me, and when I got mad at
him he would hide behind my mother. Then they would

both have a laugh at me. This is the cause of my later

anxiety and aggression neuroses. It is only fair to mention,
however, that more recently when I have had to fight
against disease and want, my parents have always been very
supportive. Today I enjoy a tender relationship with them.
My parents were ambitious to make something of their
children. When I was little, I showed musical talent; I was
made to learn the piano and it was taken for granted that I
was going to become the family virtuoso on that instru-
ment. No one thought of asking me whether I was inter-
ested in it. My brother, who has always had a sharp and
witty tongue, was set down for a literary career. But he took
his fate into his own hands and, when he was 16, he ran
away from home to escape the atmosphere of the place. He
rented a room and became a cub reporter on the staff of
one of the big state newspapers. When he visits his father
and mother, he is polite but not affectionate. The family
gets together only at Christmas and birthdays. As for me, I
left the academy as pianist, composer, and trained music
teacher. I couldn’t run away from home because I was a girl,
and I had to stay there until I was 25. This is what did me so
much harm psychologically.
Our parents always wanted children who would excel
artistically, but they were in no position to bring up artistic
performers because all they did was to fill their offspring
with psychological inhibitions and inferiority feelings—
properties that are disastrous for a performer. I was con-
stantly nervous of other people. My parents were so fright-
ened of other people, they were positively servile. They
invariably sided with others and sacrificed their own chil-
dren’s good to them. Such goings on are enough to drive
any child to despair and to give it the idea that nothing but
betrayal can be expected from the family. The upshot is a
terrible anxiety which ends in neurosis. One simply lacks
the self-confidence to overcome fits of depression.
Here we must pause a moment to emphasize that it is entirely
possible to overcome the fear and inferiority feelings imparted by
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 287

Moon/Saturn. By taking yourself in hand, or through the help of

others, you can conquer the negative side of life. The writer of the
above report was eventually able to make more of her life and of her
capabilities, even though she had wasted a lot of precious time.
The positions in Pia’s cosmogram are concentrated almost exclu-
sively in Cancer and Leo, and this in itself points to conflict, seeing
that Cancer is negative and Leo is positive. See figure 112 on page
288. The type composition score is as follows: SA = 11, SI = 3, LA
= 2 and LI = 8 points. Since the SA score was highest, it was
negativism that gained the ascendancy. Nevertheless, SU = PL
proved to be a powerful factor which gave Pia enough initiative to
achieve some of her goals. SU-45-VE = MA/JU helps the develop-
ment of creativity, but at the same time, SU-45-SA indicates the
hereditary problems and the difficulty in getting on in the world. VE
= SA leads to shyness and reserve strongly affecting the love-life.
Confining our attention to those constellations that relate to the
body and mind, we observe the following planetary pictures: SU =
PL = VE = SA: disappointment, sexual inhibitions, organic disor-
ders, difficult love affairs, desire for freedom from mental pressure,
tensions in the love-life. MC = MO/NE: sensitive and easily hurt, but
also inspired. ASC = NE = ME/NE = UR/PL: inability to make
headway in the face of the environment (the parents), lack of staying
power, tendency to be easily led, uncertainty, nervous diseases, diffi-
cult circumstances. ME = VE/PL = SA/PL: artistic talent, readiness
to solve hard problems. VE = SA = MO/MC: sense of duty, sexual
inhibitions, discontent, unhappy love affaizs, pessimism. NE = ME/
MC = VE/JU = JU/SA: disillusionment, abrasive relationships with
others (parents, partner), pessimism, sense of being forsaken, intoler-
able loneliness.
This case once more demonstrates that the way the life develops
cannot be divorced from the state of health. The mother was a very
strong influence and exerted unusual pressure on the child:

I was robbed of the pleasure music had given me, because I

did not wish to perform music; I wanted to become an
actress. When I entered the music academy, my mother
made me practice at the piano so hard that even my profes-
sor felt compelled to intervene and protested to her that she


© = 23°o9n |C= _7°36n | Y = 21°59'N|Q = 14°45'N

G7= 23°53'N| 2p= 21°48'N |Fy= 14°26 |O = 11°40!5
Ut- :s°14n M = 15°11'N |A = 12°46!s

Figure 112. Pra Wagner, born July 1, 1919, 3:00 pM, 12°N36',
S52 BO2
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 289

would soon kill all love of music in me. But she did not
want to listen, and his prediction quickly came true. Then,
shortly after marrying and leaving home, I became depres-
sive and conceived such a hatred of the keyboard that I sold
my inoffensive grand piano and for years I did not practice.
Whenever I fancied playing something, I sat down at our
old instrument. As a pianist I suffered from stage fright
and had lapses of memory. It was years before I was able to
enjoy music again.

An examination of the life diagram (figure 113 on page 290)

will quickly reveal the complex of SU/VE/SA/MO. The first great
turning-point was reached when Pia was twenty. SA = MO was due
and, with that, the MO = SA influence was overcome to some
extent. Simultaneously, several positive aspects came into play; e.g.,
MA = SU-45-VE/MC = JU and SU = ME.

In August 1939 (age 20) I became engaged. I was not

really in love, but the young man, a fellow-student at the
academy, was the first with whom I had really been able to
talk seriously and confidentially. We were free to share one
another's thoughts. His family (his father wrote for the
theater) were very friendly and full of fun, and this wonder-
ful atmosphere was a revelation to me. However, the
engagement soon became burdensome, because my fiancé
wanted to make love to me physically and I was not ready
for it; I was emotionally and erotically inhibited [VE =
SA]. I felt the situation was one of mental and physical

These feelings are symbolized by MA-45-SA. In the following years

her engagement was broken off.
In 1941, Pia turned Roman Catholic. Even this act fits the future
disease picture:

I had always been religious. Love of God, yes, love in gen-

eral, was the main theme of my life. Well, love and art!
These are the areas where I have experienced the greatest
suffering, despair and disappointments. The sense of isola-
iano Hai 3
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Figure 113. Life Diagram for Pia Wagner.

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cee aeRil iin HU “a

is iN X pz
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 291

tion [SA = MO], to which I seem doomed, is accentuated

by the fact that I do not look Nordic. I am black-haired
and have dark eyes; an inheritance no doubt from my
French and Jewish ancestors. I was worthless, that’s why I
was alone! Men loved and desired me, but only one or two
ventured to propose marriage. Of course, I was holier than
the Pope and seized the opportunity to tell my fiancé that
I could no longer be his mistress. Not till we were married
would I sieep with him again. He protested against my
chastity [SA = VE] but I was not to be moved.

Inspection of Pia’s Life Diagram reveals, in addition to the pro-

gression SA, = MO, a constellation that is less obvious in the cosmo-
gram: MA-45-NE. The two planets face one another on the 90°
wheel. In the Life Diagram, NE, keeps edging closer and closer to
MA. This constellation derives its character from ME/MC = JU/SA,
which points to the galling relationships (in the parental home), to
the unbearable loneliness (lack of marital satisfaction) and to a pessi-
mistic frame of mind.

In the autumn of 1943, the first symptoms of neurosis

showed themselves, when I was lying in hospital suffering
from gastritis. This was the year in which I fell deeply in
love in a purely spiritual way with a young priest who had
received me into the Catholic Church. I was aware that he
loved me, too; but it scared him and, without warning, he
started acting unfriendly toward me. I did not understand
his behavior, because everything was so innocent and noth-
ing had happened. His change of attitude came as an emo-
tional shock. Of course, I had been very naive, I saw that
afterwards. I was capable of loving him platonically [due to
VE-SA-MO in Leo] but to him I was a physical temptation.

The neurosis and the stomach trouble are associated with SA, =
MO. SA,-O-MA-45-NE also plays a part. And, in the lower part of
the Life Diagram, NE,-45-MA is gradually forming. These leisurely
directions are initially activated by SA,. In this connection, it should
be noted that NE,-45-MA is not exact until age sixty, but makes itself
felt many years in advance. I see here a vindication of my rule that a

constellation is effective as long as a planet is within 1° of its exact

position. In this instance, NE and MA are within a more generous orb
of 2° which works due to the fact that NE,-45-MA is triggered to
some extent by SA,-0-MO.
The way in which the development of the disease is mirrored by
the constellations in the Life Diagram should now be clear to the
reader; so the further course of events can be described more briefly.
In 1944 there was an opportunity to marry, but Pia discovered that
her prospective partner had homosexual tendencies. However, on
December 21st, 1944, she wedded a young actor. “I was very
impressed; besides, my home life was miserable and I wanted to get
away from it.” The husband was born at 2:49 P.M. on October 22nd,
1922, in South Jutland. A comparison of the natal charts reveals that
the negative constellations play a leading role. VE = SA in the
female chart comes in contact with MO in the male chart. MC; =
NE, leads to disappointment. “I wanted to have children but my
husband turned out to be sterile.” On October 2nd, 1947, the couple
adopted a boy who had been born on September 22nd, 1947. This
was one of the few happy moments in Pia’s life under JU,-0-ME.
Professionally, too, her prospects looked brighter, and she saw a final
hope of doing something creative and artistic by becoming an actress.
But the hope was short-lived because, in June 1949, she failed the
audition for drama school.
SU, = NE is found in the Life Diagram under 1949, and this
activates NE,-45-MA. She began to suffer from a severe depressive
psychosis. “I felt that there was nothing left to hope for. All my
vitality had disappeared; only a thin thread held me back from sui-
cide. It is impossible for me to paint the hell of depressive psychosis. I
remained shut up in this hell for almost three quarters of a year. The
doctors were unable to help me. All they did was to give me barbitu-
rates, phenobarbitone, etc., which made the so-called stupor phases
of the disease even worse.” Now, with NE-MA constellations, medi-
cation should be avoided as much as possible, because allopathic
drugs can aggravate the disease or transpose it. Homeopathic reme-
dies are more helpful because although they act slowly, they have no
side effects.
With VE,-45-NE, Pia suffered a particularly hard blow of fate.
While she and her husband were on tour, their child was playing in
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 293

the harbor and some youths pushed him into the water and he was
In May 1955, she was engaged to perform in three short films for
television. The programs were “hand ballets” in which her fingers
were used to perform a dance. In spite of this successful activity, she
had to visit a psychoanalyst because her bouts of neurotic depression
had become so painful.
After a fresh marital union had ended in failure and divorce, the
patient began to suffer from asthma. ME, = SA had fallen due. The
serious disability had its good side in that the performer now received
a sickness pension and was no longer forced to work.
The Life Diagram shows SA,-180-UR and SU,-180-UR looming
up next. This corresponds to a series of setbacks which helped to
worsen the disease.
Thanks to an advance from the inheritance her parents will one
day leave to her, this trained musician plans to buy a small house
where she can play the piano and practice chamber music without
disturbing the neighbors.

A Case of Mental Aberration

The following item is taken from a newspaper report: “An angel of

death mounting heavenward was the favorite figure of the 34 year old
graphic designer. This sinister theme ran like a red thread through
many of his water colors and ether works. On Monday night
(22nd—23rd September 1974), the mentally sick artist himself played
the part of death’s ghastly messenger.”
Erich Postenrieder, a baker’s son, was born at 8:55 P.M. on May
26th, 1940, in Baden bei Wien. See figure 114 on page 294. After
trying his hand for a short time as a baker’s apprentice, he immersed
himself in literature; especially in the writings of Dante, Klopstock,
Goethe, Holderlin, and James Joyce. He also amused himself by
composing morbid poems. Because of his brilliance at drawing, he
was sent to the Academy for Applied Art in Vienna and, when still
very young, he matured his painting technique by visits abroad to
France and Italy. His main occupation was that of artist, but for brief

© = 21°13'N| C= 12°s52ts| Y= 23°16n] D = 25°sain
O'= 24°26'N 2L= 11°16'N F- 12°11'N ae 72189 2IN
Ut- gooimn| @= 23°41'N| M- 1°36'S| A = 21°49!S

Figure 114. Erich Posternrieder, born May 26, 1940, at 8:55 PM,
Baden bei Wien, W. Germany.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 295

periods he had been a croupier, then a medical student and, in fact,

had tried all sorts of jobs.
On looking at his cosmogram, we note the following constella-
tions: MO-90-SA, the significance of which we have already seen in
previous examples, SA-135-NE and SA-135-MO, or NE = MO/SA.
These all suggest the possibility of mental disturbance, with a ten-
dency to bouts of depression and a lack of self-confidence. On the
other hand, artistic talent and opportunities for success are shown by
UR. The radical square MO-90-SA is reinforced by the parallel MO//
A quick glance at the positions for the 30th and 60th days after
birth reveals that SA,-90-MO, JU, = SA-135-NE and NE,-135-SA
are due.
These directions show up very clearly in the Life Diagram. See
figure 115 on page 296. The already narrow distance between NE and
JU continually decreases. When the native is about eighteen years
old, SU crosses the position-lines of NE and SA; SA, reaches the MO
line some six years later.
The biographical details state that the artist suffered his first
attack of mental aberration when he was 24, after which he had to be
confined to an institution for a long time. In his unstable and
depressed state, he executed original drawings and water colors which
aft critics interpret as a “warning to the sick world.”
The Life Diagram shows the virtual impossibility of conquering
the disease, for NE is approaching 23° Virgo and therefore the
sesquisquare of SA. Between 1967 and 1970, JU crosses the position-
lines of SA and NE. In 1973 the native had to be readmitted to the
mental hospital, but was soon discharged being apparently more
cheerful and full of vitality. He married and a daughter was born of
the union. This is represented in the Life Diagram by VE over MC
and ME over JU. But SU over MA = SU/SA is also forming.
In view of the constellations in the Annual Diagram for 1973
(figure 116 on page 297), the patient should not have been dis-
charged on any account. True enough, a few Jupiter transits gave him
a certain amount of uplift, but Uranus and Neptune move to the
position-line of the Sun. This signifies, on the one hand, great agita-
tion (UR) and, on the other hand, weakness and stupefaction (NE).

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Se Sa sbaeelesselucseseeelebecdon
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4) Bae 9S8 Amneg SUCRE EST PERTEER IEE LeeTzEREEE A.<2 igs |
é +444 tt Te Daves fae SAR

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rT esans er
Sas sauueceeee
SCE TH sccepecehea Hh i
—— BSEaa a
p LN ff EN St ate

Figure 115. Life Diagram for Erich Posternrieder.


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The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 299

UR and NE are capable of switching off the conscious mind and of

handling the individual over to the uncontrolled impulses of the
unconscious. At the top right of the diagram we have some fairly
ominous constellations, as SA and PL simultaneously cross MC and
MA. These constellations can lead without warning to brutality and
violence. A physician trained in cosmobiology would never have
tisked releasing a patient into the community when such directions
were active. Only by checking their astrological charts as a backup to
the medical diagnosis is it possible to make a wise decision regarding
the discharge of mental patients. The same applies to the release of
convicts. if one wishes to ensure that they will not commit fresh
crimes on being paroled or let out of prison at the wrong time.
In the Annual Diagram for 1974 (figure 117 on page 298), PL is
threading its way through the MC/MA/UR complex; SA also crosses
this constellation in the summer. When MA also crossed the complex
on the night of the 22nd/23rd September, “the Angel of Death
struck.” A contemporary newspaper article reported as follows:
Erich Postenrieder, who has recently held successful
exhibitions in the Basilisk and Kaiser Galleries in Vienna,
and whose paintings and drawings have been purchased by
the Albertina and the Lower Austrian government, was a
patient for more than a year in the Gugging state hospital.
[He must have been discharged when JU was stationary for
a considerable period over its own position-line.] After his
condition had apparently improved, the doctors released
him. The oversight, or as Gugging medical superintendent
Friedrich Lorenz calls it, “the lack of provision for after-
care,” had disastrous consequences and relapse. When his
condition worsened a few days ago [PL, = MA = SU/SA
and SA, = DR = MO/NE = MA/PL], Erich Postenrieder
avoided the doctors. The big, corpulent man, who seemed
to have every hope of becoming an established artist after
his discharge, was suffering from fits of depression again.
His young, attractive wife, who had finished an insured
leave of one year after childbirth, wanted to leave their
child with grandparents in Baden. She discussed her hus-
band’s condition with her in-laws. It was decided at a fam-

ily council, and with apparent agreement of Postenrieder,

that he should be taken to see the doctor early Monday
That night the artist’s sleep was troubled. When he rose
at 1:15 A.M., ostensibly to take some medicine, his wife
followed him into the kitchen. Suddenly she no longer saw
her husband facing her, but the Angel of Death who had
been haunting Postenrieder’s brain in a terrifying way ever
since his first committal. The artist was standing naked in
the kitchen with something held behind his back. Silvia
scarcely had time to speak before he stabbed her with a
kitchen knife; then, with a punctured lung, she fled down
the stairs leading from their attic flat in 18 Mozart Street.
A Hofrat’s widow living in the same block heard the
screams, looked up the stairs, and horrified by the sight of
the naked man, slammed her door shut. Silvia hid in a
lavatory and was later taken to hospital. Postenrieder went
back into the flat and completed his grisly work: he killed
his darling daughter as she lay in her cot, and knifed his
parents in a desperate struggle in the kitchen. Then he cut
his throat and threw himself from a window, hitting the
ground thirty-six feet below.
A number of obvious constellations warn of the event of Sep-
tember 23td,.€.¢., SU, =. MA/NE = SA/PE, MO7 = URw=—MO/
SA/NE, = MA/SA, SA; = DR. = MA/PL, MA; =.MA\="SU/SA,
PL, = MA, MC, = MA/PL. Ifeel it is important to realize that such
tragedies can be foreseen and averted. It would have made a vital
difference here if only the doctor had arranged for proper aftercare
when the patient was under critical constellations.

Elma Must Stay Fat!

On examining our next cosmogram (see figure 118 on page 302) we

notice a clear indication of disease in the 90° wheel, namely SA-90-
VE. Other inauspicious signs are UR-90-PL and the relationship of
these planets to NE. The first thing likely to happen in this case is a
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 301

disturbance of the glandular system (SA = VE), in which the kidneys

play a big part. If the kidneys are malfunctioning, water collects in
the body and induces obesity. Whenever the fluid balance of the
body is upset, we should take a look at the Moon. Here we have MO
= MC = SA/NE. Thus the Moon is in the disease axis.
Next, we ought to inquire if the individual planets are forming
aspects with one another. This is best seen in the Life Diagram. SA,
= VE takes effect in the years between thirty and forty; allowance
being made for the fact that (as experience shows) such constellations
always start to operate years ahead of time. In the center of the Life
Diagram, UR, = PL and NE, = PL are slowly forming. The critical
point came at the age of thirty, when SU and VE crossed the position-
line of NE. ;
Elma Karlowa was a very popular actress. She had starred in
more than thirty films and had played opposite many well-known
actors. But a gradual change came over her formerly immaculate
body. In 1958 a film producer told her: “Elma, you are putting on
weight; take care or no more parts will come your way!” At this, she
began to live in dread of growing stout and of quickly reaching the
end of her career. “I received a psychological shock,” she told a
reporter, “because I wasn’t fat and wasn’t going to get fat either.” But
in 1963, Peter Alexander refused to appear with her. Her weight had
increased from 110 to 150 pounds. She fasted, and tried various
treatments, but nothing seemed to help. Colleagues began shunning
her. What had gone wrong? The answer lies in SA-90°-VE and SA,
= VE, a glandular disorder.
She said at that time: “I tried to take my life with an overdose of
sleeping tablets. But I was saved. . . . My unconscious would not
allow me to die. . . . I hardly know how to explain it. I guess I just
didn’t want to die looking homely. I was 21 [MA, = JU] when a
German film producer discovered me, and | became a star almost
overnight. The plunge back from sudden riches to sudden poverty
was not too strange, but it was mighty grim.”
She still had a little money left, but she needed an occupation,
also the feeling that she was still useful to somebody; and so she
became a charwoman, a washerwoman, a canvasser and a cravat-
maker. (See figure 119 on page 303).

N| Q = 13°52!N
= 19°58 |B = 6°25'N
= 17°20'N| A = 12°31'N

Figure 118. Cosmogram for Elma Karlowa, born March 12, 1932,
3:40 p.M., Zagreb, Yugoslavia.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 303

1942 1952 1962 1972 1982

10 20 30 40 50

a ea
Rear eee ssssiccsen, ‘Saecesescnasesenasssas

HE sities, et HltfaNeHH
aaaasHEE AH
RH egGeGnha NEE ogGn0n WP

ape Hy aan




aRse cL e ea eeae
t+ a
eneseene sssasneaees =


HH ce Satan See —

Figure 119. Life Diagram for Elma Karlowa.


But Karlowa was tough. She managed to endure eighty days in

hospital on a null diet. She became slimmer, although not so slim as
before, and soon secured a role. Ironically, she was cast in a comedy in
which she had to stuff herself with chocolate creams, so she rapidly
became fatter. But now they wanted her that way: she had to stay fat.
In her prime she used to be paid fifty thousand to two thousand
marks per film; now she has to be content with a comparative pit-
tance. But she has not given in. From time to time she appears on
television as well. At all events, she has succeeded in mastering her
fate, and is living proof that there is no need for us to be worsted by
critical constellations.

In Double-Quick Time to the Operation

A young married couple who went on a world tour every year always
had an annual diagram prepared so that they could adapt their travel
plans to the constellations. The result was that everything went well,
even when their journeys took them through the trouble spots of
Southeast Asia. On the other hand, ignorance of the cosmic situation
can prove very prejudicial, as is shown by the following case.
In the natal chart for my client (see figure 120 on page 305)
you'll see two complexes, UR/ VE/MA and NE/DR/SU, are immedi-
ately obvious in the 90° wheel. These two complexes are separated by
35° to 40° so it is likely that a crisis affecting health could occur
between the ages of thirty-five to forty. In this connection, SU/NE
points to weakness and disease, and UR/VE/MA points to sexual
matters and the female organs. Now look at SA, midway between the
complexes. This suggests growths, a tumor, or cell death.
Inspection of the excerpt from the Annual Diagram for 1966
(figure 121 on page 306), in which all the essential factors are given,
instantly reveals that nearly all the slow-moving planets are forming
ominous constellations. NE; is weaving its way through the UR/ VE/
MA complex where it dwells on the position line of VE. PL and UR,
are moving over the lines of JU and SA; SA; is stationary on the
position-line of ME. Anyone acquainted with cosmic laws would
avoid travel at such a time. Here is a circumstantial report of the
course of events.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 305

Figure 120. Female born November 22, 1928. Birth data withheld for

=r anNin

ALS ball

ee eS

i Seas

Figure 121. Annual Diagram for 1966.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 307

On April 13th, 1966 my client experienced abdominal pains

while at work. MA, was crossing the lines of ASC and MO. It seemed
as if the case was one of inflammation (MA). The patient put off
going to the doctor until April 23rd, 1966 and, when she did, he
diagnosed a uterine myoma. Myomas are benign tumors of connec-
tive tissue that do not develop before the 20th (or more usually) the
35th year of life. If they grow very rapidly and there is a deterioration
in the general health, this is cause for concern and they ought to be
surgically removed. The doctor gave her injections every five days,
but the course did her no good. She remained tired and listless. An
appointment was made for her to see him again in three month’s
In spite of her condition, she went on vacation with her husband
on June 30th. It was glorious weather at the seaside, and they stayed
at a good hotel where the food was excellent and the other guests
were good company. The sun and the salt water toned up their skin
and started to give them a tan. But appearances were deceptive.
Jupiter and Neptune together mean “fictitious good luck,” and JU;
and NE, met on the position-line of Venus at the time. MA; over NE
was not a good sign either.
On July 13th, the patient’s abdomen was struck by a heavy wave
while she was bathing. She recalls, “It felt as if something had burst
inside me. My husband had to help me out of the water. I felt ill, and
had sharp tummy pains which made me vomit.” MA, was crossing the
lines of UR and VE, and NE, was approaching the position line of
Although she was in such bad*shape, the couple visited a large
town on July 14th. “I felt obliged to pull myself together,” she said,
“S09 as not to spoil my husband’s holiday. On the 15th of July we went
against my will to a small island; I was longing to go home. I fainted
in the street but was able to rest for a while in a house. I slept there
for two hours while my husband saw to our luggage. From the 19th
through the 20th July, I lay in bed unable to eat anything and, apart
from brief periods of relief, was in agony day and night.”
The local doctor advised that the patient should return home as
soon as possible. The journey was undertaken on July 22nd, with the
pain increasing until it was almost unbearable. They arrived on the
23rd at 7:30 A.M. and their own doctor started to examine her ten

minutes later. She was immediately admitted to the hospital and, at

12 noon, was wheeled into the operating theater for surgery that
lasted two-and-a-half hours. The doctor had acted like lightning.
MA, conjunct MA, expedited the operation besides representing the
surgery itself. It was a good thing that JU; = PL, UR; = JU and PL,
= JU were due on the following days. As early as the 6th of August
the patient was fit to be discharged.
Nevertheless, difficult constellations followed. SA moved over
MC, and UR and PL moved over SA, while NE dipped back towards
VE. As the case notes show, the emotional shock after the operation
was extraordinarily great when the patient realized that she was no
longer able to bear children. She could console herself, however, that
she had survived the crisis well and that her husband still loved her.
Early warning of what was in her cosmogram and annual diagram
would, if heeded, have stopped her going away on holiday. Certainly,
the first attack of severe pain should have sent her rushing home to
consult the surgeon.

The Childless Queen

The problem of children often plays a very big part in marriage,
especially in ruling houses where the call for an heir to the throne is so
imperative. A well-known example is the fate of Queen Soraya, the
former consort of the late Shah of Persia.
A superficial glance at the natal chart (see figure 122 on page
310) leaves one wondering why ever this lady should be infertile
seeing her Moon ts in opposition to Jupiter and her Mercury is con-
yunct Venus. However, consideration of SU = MA/SA = NE/PL
reveals that she may be inadequate in certain areas, for she suffers
from diseases brought on by indulgence in poisons such as nicotine.
She was a notoriously heavy smoker, and this and her other addictions
caused her infertility. Now, MO = SA/NE points not simply to
disease in general but, more specifically, to female (MO) disorders
MC = SU/SA = MA/NE indicates infectious diseases, and
obstructions to her personal development in spite of her impetuous
spirit(MC = VE/PL). The former constellation is reinforced by ASC
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 309

= MA = SU/SA. ME = VE = MA/JU = MO/MA gives a strong

desire to be procreative, which is unfortunately frustrated by other
constellations. MA = VE/PL = SU/SA reveals passion but denies
the birth of a child. JU = SU/VE shows the possibility of happiness
in love butJU = SA/NE speaks of illnesses. The constellations SA =
SU/NE, UR = VE/SA, NE = VE/SA, PL = VE/SA have the same
Soraya was betrothed to the Shah in October 1950, and the royal
wedding took place on February 12th 1951. She was then eighteen
years, seven months and twenty days old. The solar arc for the event
was 17°, 35’. According to this, SA; = MO was due, which is not a
very favorable constellation
—especially for a woman. MO = SA/NE
was also activated. SU, had crossed PL and was now at the UR/PL
midpoint, showing the exceptional demands being made on this
young woman.
In the life diagram (figure 123 on page 311), we see that the
semisquare between NE and PL is exact. Also the activation of this
constellation by SU, is imminent. Perhaps the young woman was so
upset at this time that she kept on smoking cigarettes in order to calm
herself. In the Life Diagram, VE and ME reach SU, which is at MA/
SA = NE/PL however.
Already in 1954, when SU = NE/PL was exact in the Life
Diagram, rumors were going round of an intended divorce on
account of childlessness. The divorce was granted in 1958. In the Life
Diagram we see how, at this time, MA is approaching SA, after SU,
has crossed the position-line of UR. During this period the young
queen must have experienced a gréat upheaval.
The annual curve that I have devised gives a very clear idea of
Soraya’s situation. See figure 124 on page 312. One key is to look for
triangles standing on (positive) or hanging from (negative) a base
line. The difference in height depends on how long it takes a planet
to traverse 1°. In the case of Jupiter, for example, the difference can
be anything from 4-26 days. With Neptune, the differences can run
to several weeks. These variations arise because of the times when the
planets are stationary (as seen from earth). In Soraya’s and in the
Shah’s curve, the rise indicates the marriage; but then, in Soraya’s
case, the curve descends steeply under the influence of NE,-90-MC.
Nevertheless, striking as this is, the reader is cautioned not to study

Figure 122. Cosmogram for Queen Soraya, born June 22, 1932, 1:13
P.M., Esfahan, Iran.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 311

1942 1952
10 20 Years
1 sasesesesace ao ee PT t+tt++++4
2 LEGSu ER HeCCHeeH se--asande ane H
Sebusasseacese> ossaneseeBeasteesn.
suugee susseeseeee
seo saue
e seesese Hh

5 Sugseeueeusr_ ceaelaecgensmasnees A
6 21 Se Ssstostersercsic, “3
Z. Biel etene aa bh ott as
roe testeeyeniiaetTeREESEE -
a Ne]
otf wh roese

pen. et
HN Seasssiii ith]aesuiztlt
Eftffe eestetite
snszesesss SaaPaEEaaEhecmecememenet 6f-A
Se pb.
ssosane 74
oe spnactiitt
=—— » sat sSaSennnss SEenam. @

fevei Bt


Figure 123. Life Diagram for Queen Soraya.



Figure 124. Annual Curve.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 313

Figure 125. Contact Cosmogram for Shah Reza of Iran and Queen

the annual curve in isolation but always to look at the directions when
assessing a situation.
The possibility of childlessness and subsequent divorce figures in
Das Kontakthosmogramm (The Contact Cosmogram).” Both part-
ners have an extraordinarily good constellation, shown by arrows 1
and 2 (see figure 125 on page 313), which was activated when they
met. ME and PL, (m = male, f = female) link up with MO, JU and
DR, opposite SU/VE. This signifies a fateful love alliance (PL = SU/
VE) with a fortunate (JU) woman (MO). At first, the marriage was
indeed seen as very fortunate. But the critical combination of NE, UR
and PL, is exposed to MOy, suggesting disappointment (NE) through
the woman (MO). Also, in the same constellation, we have PL = VE/
SA = NE; an indication of exceptional difficulties in the marriage
followed by estrangement and separation.
One very significant feature is the contact between SUy, and SA,,
which is marked on the Contact Cosmogram by arrow 3 (figure 124).
It warns of the separation that actually occurred when NE, passed this
place. That it was not the man who was infertile in this instance is
shown by the fact that the Shah himself did have children later on.
The relationship between the Shah and Farah Diba was considerably
better, as is explained in detail in my book on the contact cosmo-

A Queen With No Heir

Queen Fabiola of Belgium is the sixth of the seven children of Count
Don Gonzalo de Mora, one of the richest large landed proprietors in
Spain. Her three sisters married young, while she led a retiring,
domestic life (VE-180-SA) and engaged in social work. She is a
devout Catholic, not very keen on public functions but a lover of
music and literature (SU = MO/SA = SU/VE). See figure 126 on
page 316 for her cosmogram.
On September 16th, 1960, the world was taken by surprise when
the betrothal of Fabiola and the Belgian King Baudouin was
announced. The couple had met two years previously (SU;-90-MA)
= JU/UR) but had kept their association a close secret. The wedding
took place on December 15th, 1960 (VE, = PL, JU; = MA/PL). The
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 315

well-matched and discrete royal couple waited in vain for an heir to

the throne. Their hopes were blighted by the miscarriages suffered by
the very delicate Queen in 1961, 1963 and 1966. In 1971 the eldest
son of Albert, Baudouin’s brother, began training for future kingship
since there was no prospect of any other crown prince coming along.
The retiring life-style of the queen-to-be gave early warning that
she might be subject to various obstructions and organic disorders.
VE-180-SA indicates a disturbance of the internal secretions, with
special reference to the ovaries. Since VE = SA = UR/NE, we gather
that the native is hypersensitive and liable to defective body rhythms.
This constellation is also influential in stillbirths (COSI No. 938).
MO = MA/NE can tepresent poisons in the body which would not
accumulate except for faulty elimination. JU = SU/SA can signify
hereditary afflictions. SA = SU/VE is a further portent of disorders
of the glandular tissues (COSI No. 206).
An examination of the dates of the stillbirths reveals how the
above mentioned constellations are confirmed. At the time of the
first stillbirth on June 26th 1961, we have NE,-135-MO = MA/NE
and SU; = SA/NE = VE/NE, and at the third stillbirth on June
11th, 1966, UR; = SA = VE = UR/NE was due. Nevertheless, this
royal marriage, although childless, was due. Nevertheless, this royal
marriage, although childless, was not dissolved; nor would we expect
it to be, given the religious beliefs of the partners. The contact
cosmogram bears this out too. In the fuller discussion to be found in
Das Kontakthosmogramm,” | have already stated that there is no
likelihood of further births.
The mutual constellations are numbered in the Contact Cosmo-
gram (figure 127 on page 317). 1) ME = MAy = UR, can produce
unpleasant commotions and surprises, as exemplified by the still-
births; 2) JU = UR, = PL; heralds shared happy events; 3/4) PLy =
NE, = MA represents insuperable opposition. On the other hand,
VEy = JU; = SUy = VE; can be recognized as the constellation that
guarantees a harmonious marriage in spite of all adversities (SA).
It was pointed out that where childlessness is concerned, each
case is unique. There is a difference in Iran and Belgium between
similar cases owing to the different outlooks and religious attitudes in
the two countries. Say, for example, the Sun and Moon in contact
represent the marriage, and Mars and Jupiter in contact represents

Figure 126. Queen Fabiola of Belgium, born June 11, 1928, 1:13
PM., in Madrid, Spain.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 317


Figure 127. The Contact Cosmogram for Fabiola and Baudouin.


births, it is not a foregone conclusion that the interference of Saturn

with these contacts will deny progeny.
We must constantly remind ourselves that the planets on their
own can tell us nothing certain, and that other factors such as the
heredity, character and current circumstances of the native must be
taken into account.

Born with Brain Damage

Our next case is a boy found to be suffering from brain damage. See
figure 128 on page 319. The mother had already borne five children
ana had been torn each time. This time the birth was easier, but the
top of the baby’s head bulged above his forehead and he showed no
signs of life. The doctor immediately gave him an injection and said
they would know by 4 P.M. whether the child would ever open its eyes.
The little fellow lived but, after a few days, began to suffer from
epileptic fits. He was taken to a university hospital, where the conclu-
sion was reached that there was strong pressure on the left side of the
brain. Water was constantly filling a cerebral cavity and pressing on
the brain to produce fits. When the boy was older, he had to sit on
the sofa all day. If he got up he would fall over.
The doctors thought he might be suffering from a split personal-
ity or schizophrenia. Just before an attack he used to call out,
“Momma, bad boys are coming!” and, when the attack was over, he
would say, “Momma, we are going to be good friends again.” These
words seem to indicate that the disturbances originated in the uncon-
scious. They actually sound like some form of possession.
In the second cosmogram for this case, the geocentric and helio-
centric positions of the planets have been combined in a way that is
not done in ordinary horoscopes. See figure 129 on page 320. In the
center is the Sun. As far as possible, the planets have been placed in
their orbits accurately, according to scale. Straight lines have been
drawn from the Earth (represented by a cross in a circle) through the
vatious planets to show where we would see them in the zodiac. The
position of Mercuty is very significant. It is rather hard to make out in
the diagram, but lies between the Earth and the Sun. Here is it liable
to disturb the solar radiation travelling earthward. A similar effect
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 319

“a 1


207 26




Mm Spee)

Figure 128. Brain damaged boy, born July 15, 1947, 5:50 A.M. Birth
data withheld for confidentiality.

Figure 129. Helocentnc zodiac diagram for brain damaged boy.

Includes orbits of the planets from Mercury through Saturn. (This
idea was conceived by Reinhold Ebertin, designed by Simon Wolff,
and drawn by Hqas Hausemann.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 321

happens at new Moon, when it is the Moon that interposes itself

between the Sun and the Earth and occasions disturbances. The case
is quite different at the superior conjunction of Mercury, when the
planet lies beyond the Sun, and the Sun comes between Mercury and
the Earth.
Now, because Mercury has to do with the speech center, the
cranial nerves and the intellect, its position may certainly be taken as
one explanation of the disturbances in the patient’s brain. As the
diagram makes clear, Mercury is in its closest position to the Earth,
whereas Venus is approaching its furthest position from us. This
would not have been known unless the heliocentric situation had
been displayed.
The trans-Saturnian planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) can
not be entered at their true distances from the Sun in a drawing of
the present size. Even so, we continue our investigation by means of-
the separate geocentric and heliocentric charts.
In the heliocentric chart (figure 130 on page 322), Mars is square
Saturn and Pluto, as is visible at once in the 90° wheel. The SA/PL
midpoint is 12° 13’; MA is 12° 07’—a difference of no more than 6’.
This constellation, which represents “suffering violence and having to
fight for one’s life” is not present in its geocentric form, but even the
geocentric cosmogram gives several indications of the severity of the
disease. The reference to suffering violence may be interpreted as
injury to the head at birth.
The MC at 15° Aries has some surprising correspondences to
offer. In Fritz Brandau’s table of anatomical correspondences,” 13°
Aries represents the ventricles of the brain, 14° represents the frontal
lobe, and 15° the parietal lobe of the brain. Now MC = SU/NE
points to brain injury or disease. The epilepsy that commenced
shortly after birth is depicted by UR = MO/VE. In COSI No. 344 we
read, “Epilepsy and other convulsive conditions.” UR = MO/NE
indicates disturbed states of consciousness. SA = MO/NE indicates
hopelessness, pessimism, inhibitions, handicaps.
The declinations have a similar story to tell. See figure 131 on
page 323. I have noted SU//MA, VE//UR//PL, and SA//ASC.
Further confirmation is provided by my specially developed Declina-
tion Diagram. Never before have I seen such a stellium within so few
degrees. In addition, SU and MA, the representatives of the vital

Figure 130. The heliocentric chart for the brain damaged boy born
July 15, 1947, at 5:50 AM.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 323

Figure 131. Declination Midpoint Disc for July 15, 1947.


force, are at the midpoints SA/PL = SA/UR = SA/VE, correspond-

ing to the heliocentric MA = SA/PL, but do not emerge from the
longitude cosmogram.
Reliance should not be placed in one of the above methods on
its own; the situation needs to be examined from various angles for a
well-informed opinion. There is not much one can do after the event
but, if the constellations for a birth are calculated in advance, it
should then be possible to help. In the present state of midwifery, it
is not hard to induce or postpone a birth. Here, Mercury interposes
itself between the Earth and the Sun as a disturbing factor, and the
position of Mars could do with improvement too. Incidentally, I used
always to include the superior and inferior conjunctions in our pocket
ephemerides but, as nobody seemed interested in this improvement,
it is now omitted. The data may still be found in astronomical and
nautical almanacs.




who pay attention to such factors as the new Moon and
full Moon, biorhythms, and the effect (in mainland
Europe) of the hot, dry fohn wind; unless an operation is
so urgent (in the case of an accident, say) that cosmic influences and
weather conditions have to be ignored. Many surgeons are also pre-
pared to oblige patients who state a strong preference for surgery on a
certain day. Heavy hemorrhaging after full Moon surgery and attacks
of weakness after new Moon surgery are already very well
There is an old astrological rule that surgery should not be per-
formed when the Moon is in the sign representing the body part
concerned. Thus abdominal operations ought to be avoided when the
Moon is in Scorpio, kidney operations are inadvisable when the Moon
is in Libra, and the head should be left alone when the Moon is in
If a patient asks for a favorable operation day to be calculated,
my first question is whether surgery has to take place fairly soon or
not. For urgent operations I usually decline to advise, because if it
turns out that there is a narrow choice between negative constella-

tions and one is reduced to “making the best of a bad job,” the
patient would probably become apprehensive, and this would have
an adverse effect on the progress and success of the operation. But if
one has several months or even a year in which to decide, the most
favorable time can certainly be worked out, and will then help to
relieve the patient of anxiety and to strengthen his or her faith in
eventual recovery.
Here is a case in point, verified by an exchange of correspon-
dence. The daughter of Mrs. Bauer (not her real name) wrote to me
on September 15, 1975, as follows:

I wish to thank you at long last for your trouble. And

now I have another request. My mother feels she ought to
have an operation in the autumn, but will not visit the
surgeon before hearing from you what her chances are.
Mother is short of breath, apparently because of a swollen
thyroid gland. She has already had two operations for goi-
ter. After the second, she suffered a circulatory collapse,
was clinically dead and needed fifty injections to revive her.
This operation took place fifteen years ago last spring. As
you will appreciate, she is frightened of further surgery.
You would do me a great favor by letting us have your
opinion soon, for, as I say, Mother refuses to put herself in
the hands of the surgeon before hearing what you advise.

The above lines demonstrate the tremendous trust placed in a

cosmobiologist after he has successfully advised a family on a number
of occasions.
The operation fifteen years earlier was performed on April 11,
1960, when, according to the ephemeris, the Moon was full. In the
morning the Moon was 9° Libra 51’ and, at midnight, it was 24°
Libra 03’. The Sun was 21° Aries 06’ in the morning. Therefore the
Moon must have been full in the evening shortly after the operation.
In addition, other critical constellations were due: SU;-180-ASC =
MA/PL, MA, NE-90-MA and SA, = NE/PL = MO/MA. When
there have been previous operations, it is always necessary to find out
how the patient reacted to the cosmic constellations at the time.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 327

From Anna’s cosmogram (figure 132 on page 328), we can list

the following disease constellations. However, before doing so, it is
worth mentioning that in the Anatomischen Entsprechungen der
Tierkretsgrade 17° to 18° Taurus represent the thyroid gland. These
degrees are not occupied, but Uranus at 18° Aquarius 37’ does form a
square to them. The following constellations in the cosmic structural
picture (figure 133 on page 329) give warning of disease:

bad = MO/VE concerns the glandular system (thyroid).

UR = MO/VE concerns glandular malfunction.

SA = MC = UR/PL concerns pulse and respiration or shortness

of breath.

SU = SA/NE concerns disease tendencies in general. The fact

that Aquarius and Leo are involved indicates faulty circu-
lation and heart trouble.

NE = SU/MA concerns debility and disease.

MA = SU/UR concerns injuries and surgery.

On looking at the declinations (figure 134 on page 330), we see

the northern SA//MC and NE//PL and the southern SU//MA.
Since the same degrees north and south are involved, these positions
are all parallel. Therefore, SU//MA has been placed between brack-
ets in the Declination Midpoint Disc (figure 134). The main aspects
in the cosmogram (SA = MC, SU-180-SA, SU-180-NE) are consider-
ably strengthened by the declinations.
Turning now to the progressions for the fifty-ninth day after
birth, March 21, 1917, we note that NE, is slowly approaching the
Sun—an intimation of future weakness not boding well for surgery
later in life. Yet JU, is nearing MA, which offers hope that an opera-
tion would be successful. The solar arc positions are:

SU = 29° Pisces 46’ PL 2° Virgo 17’

VE n=. 26°:Pisces 19! ASC = 19° Sagittarius 28’
SA =s 26° Virgo 17” MO = 26° Aquarius 57’

[© = 202055 _ C= 25°09s | Y= 179475 |Q = 22°56s

O'- 19°03S 2L= 9°23N = 20°59N $ = 15°53S

= 19°08N |@= 18°33N |M= 20°54N| A = 7°50S

Figure 132. Anna Bauer, born January 21, 1917, at 12:30 A.M., in
Aachen, W. Germany.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 329

Figure 133. The major constellations from Anna's cosmogram.


Figure 134. Declination Midpoint Disc for Anna Bauer.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 331

MA = 8° Aries 22’ JU = 26° Gemini 27’

UR = 18° Aries 21’ NES 2° Labra57’
DR = 18° Pisces 42’ MC = 25° Virgo 38’
ME = 25° Pisces 49’

These directions have been calculated for the date of birth, January
21, 1976. The positions are set out in the outer circle of the structural
picture. NE; has moved a few minutes beyond PL =
MO/VE = UR. The complex associated with SA, is approaching MO,
making it preferable to get the operation out of the way quickly
before this direction is exact.
Now we want to discover the day on which the operation ought
to be performed. The annual diagram is not very encouraging (figure
135 on page 332), since NE; is twisting around the MC/SA/JU/ME
complex. What is more, SA; joins it for part of the way; so that, in
spite of a Jupiter transit, the prospects are not very bright early in the
year. In May SA, has left the complex and NE is not making any exact
The midpoint MA/UR is specially indicative of operations and
the ideal situation is when JU is situated at this midpoint. Then we
are likely to have a successful or safe (JU) operation (MA/UR). The
midpoint MA/UR lies in 13° Aquarius 47’. Its course is drawn as a
broken line in the annua! diagram and, in May, this line is cut by the
path of Jupiter.
The transit table on page 333 shows the exact transits for May. It
reveals that JU;-90-MA would have made the beginning of the
month favorable if SA,-90-JU had not been due as well. The full
Moon and new Moon are signified by “F” and “N”; the days of the
13th and 29th on which they occur are out of the question. On the
18th, JU-135-MO = MA/UR is due. This is a Tuesday. The Moon is
moving from Capricorn to Aquarius, and is therefore not in Taurus —
the sign associated with the site of the proposed operation. On the
19th, MO transits MA = SU/UR. This is another operation constella-
tion. The 18th and 19th of May were accordingly recommended as
suitable days for surgery. The operation was performed on the 19th
and was free from complications—as the patient reported to me with
delight and gratitude.


Udo 10 20 3 J 19 629 10 20 3 9 19 29 9 19 29 8 16 28 8 18 28 7 rie ps

enti Orne ei ay oy eb Nee 26 ikea aoe oe ee ee:

or me seal
ped papraleer pied
se aa aaeasis Bermkit salve Suer
a we = ‘aie
oy tenenene] sek ane °

gua taeaeeueh et
roe (ateesiz: :
o. 'SERBt
YS Gs = ma * REE S10
Ce NR 2 Neem.

| aeeeas ae
diegaeae ct Sea Uber
sansaqeSatan pani aniesnanietstant esse Stas:
H a OS a ws hits

Soaesets ese aS SEUNGENEC

cger LEEa ro
So Clteoe seen
TAR ea eier SenORIL (ERENenesRE
a aan
2 iWAS aeemeward ———— 2" — —
=: ae ae
a; ar ai a pes >] | anu

rreseal| eee
a <a e Oe|

caer caeeteeteactar: anise

site San cae ens Ree
eae aE ees SECC LUG
a weneinee UGGEE LeCr
Bd, pH A See aeieee sti
ohn SEC aAtae aaa ert PrN td fet
Same wt...
\escoas mee tas ay maeee Baar:
aa Oe |
Beg im
ras tesi pod 3 pd o =
mwee —7 Qed
=i ett] ||
ca pee
Vl | dk ae
a Aas.
edrate 2 sib,
2a Sis; Eeeesbaat

Figure 135. Annual Diagram for 1976.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 333

Table 18. Transit table for May 1976.


This instance should not be brushed aside as a “happy accident”

since, in nearly sixty years of practice, I have successfully calculated
many favorable days for operations, both with and without the coop-
eration of medical men. However, astrological work of this type
ought never to be undertaken unless the practitioner is very experi-
enced and is prepared to devote to it time and patience. The respon-
sibility for getting the right answer is a heavy one.
On the 22nd of May MA-0-NE is due. The fact of this constella-
tion coming so quickly on the heels of the operation caused me some
concern. The patient was advised to be careful what she ate and to
avoid pain-killers and sleeping pills as far as possible. Fortunately,
beneficial transits of Jupiter were due in June and July. The fact is
worth noting, because good transits after an operation contribute to
recuperation. If the transits relate to the Sun, so much the better.
The following two examples show how the success of an opera-
tion (or otherwise) can be reflected in the annual curve. In the first
case, the curve rises immediately after the operation, but, in the case
where the patient died, the curve is held down by powerful negative
constellations. Both cases are included in the book, Die Jahreskurve
(The Annual Curve), but are re-interpreted here.

Successful Gallbladder Operation

The first case was originally presented by Erich Modersohn in an

article entitled, “Possibilities and Limits in Making a Prognosis.””
The patient’s attention was drawn to a critical period in the autumn.
To begin with, everything went well. Then from October 1956, there
were increasing disappointments, promises were not kept and rela-
tionships at work were strained. At the beginning of November the
region of the gallbladder felt tender, and the pain grew worse and
worse until it was unbearable. No gallstones showed up in the clinical
investigation but, when an operation was performed on the 16th of
November, pebble-sized calculi were removed from the gallbladder.
The general diseased condition is represented in the cosmogram
by SU-90-NE (figure 136 on page 335). Now if the ruler in the 90°
wheel is placed on SU and NE, we have SU = NE = MO/JU. The
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 335

Figure 136. Male birth, October 24, 1914.



Figure 137. Annual Curve for 1956.

midpoint MO/JU represents the region of the liver and gallbladder

according to COSI No. 362.
The disease manifested itself when NE, had transited Leo,
Virgo, and Libra and had made a conjunction with the Sun. This
constellation is also responsible for the dipping of the curve in 1956,
as shown in figure 137. If the progressions are taken into consider-
ation too, it will be noticed that (as in the previous example) JU,
reaches MA with a promise of improvement. The operation took
place, without any opportunity to calculate the most favorable date
for it, when the Neptunian constellation was being left behind, and
JU transits to JU and SU were imminent. The surgery was successful.

Unsuccessful Prostate Operation

Now let us look, by way of contrast, at the cosmogram for September
14, 1889. See figure 138 on page 337. After the patient had suffered
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 337

Figure 138. Male born September 14, 1889, 7:28 P.M.


from prostatic hypertrophy (a swollen prostate gland) for a number of

years, the matter became urgent and au operation was performed at
9:20 A.M. on June 25th, 1956. Further postponement was out of the
question. The operation lasted two-and-a-half hours and was fol-
lowed by great physical weakness. Water collected in the tissues and
the patient suffered from shortness of breath; thrombosis occurred in
an otherwise healthy leg. The limbs slowly stiffened and, in the night
of 6th-7th October, 1956, the patient died.
At the time of the operation SU-90-SA had just come into effect
and indicated a grave crisis. The transits due were SA;-90-SA and JU;
= SA. PL transits play a big part in depressing the curve and the one
or two good transits are too weak to bring about an improvement. See
figure 139.
The enlarged prostate is indicated in the natal chart by MO, MA
and SA at the VE/UR midpoint in 11° Cancer 01’ and 26° Taurus 01’
respectively. They coincide with MA/SA in 26° Leo 04’. These con-
stellations were activated within a very narrow orb by SA, in 27°
Scorpio 06’—illustrating yet again how accurately the cosmos works.
The moral of these examples is that, if surgery is required, it
should not be put off to the last moment, when it may be impossible

Figure 139. Annual Curve for 1956 showing operation and death.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 339

to avoid the sort of critical constellations found in the second case.

On the contrary, an attempt should be made to ensure favorable
transits after any operation.

An Operation Happily Avoided

A middie-aged woman going through the change of life complained

that she had suffered from persistent hemorrhages for several years.
Nothing seemed to stop them and they were very weakening. Her
physician advised removal of the ovaries, and so she inquired when
would be the best time for an operation. Glancing at Asta’s cosmo-
gram (figure 140 on page 340), we note four planets bunched
together between 78° and 80° on the 90° dial, all fronting the Sun
and nearby Mars and Saturn.
The annual diagram will show these connections even more
clearly; with Neptune threading its way for a number of years
through the Saturn/Mars/Sun/Venus/Moon/Jupiter/Uranus com-
plex, and presumably evoking the pathological hemorrhages. See
figure 141 on page 341.
As early as 1976, Uranus and Saturn entered the complex while
Neptune began to skim over the Mars/Saturn line. In 1977 Neptune
was still hugging the Mars/Saturn line, and Saturn traversed the
complex beneath it. In 1978 Neptune reached the core of the com-
plex (bounded by the Sun and Uranus), and was still there in 1979.
See figure 142 on page 342.
By 1980, however, Saturn and Neptune have lost contact with all
but the lower edge of this complex; the whole of which is crossed by
Jupiter in August (see figure 143, page 343). On this basis, the
following advice was offered: “Unless there are urgent medical rea-
sons against it, put off having the operation at least until August.
Only then, if there is no improvement, should surgery be
On the 9th of March, the lady reported to me that the hemor-
thage had stopped. A doctor had prescribed a remedy which stanched
the bleeding within a few days and made the operation unnecessaty.
What so amazed her was that the sudden relief occurred when the

Figure 140. Asta Fehling, born April 22, 1924. Birth data withheld
for confidentiality.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 341


0 20 3% 9 19 29 10 20 3 9 19 29 9 19 29 8 16 28

= ae
Planets § * Transpluto
| woveun = B
- Solar Eclipse

Figure 141. Annual Diagram for 1980.

LOL | emf [en—e
—] oat
— ]
anf] tay] Taguig] a0
| [armen Sea
Of 6 61 6% Ol oz oc 6: 6t 6% 6 61 6% 8 ei mel ige -e 2b OareeeRbe SIT Si
Hy- zr] S ae] iim a "TTp48 oz; « st st $ ‘St


He~ ted EINEBAST rs Pe
SA Ee : i L

[ | FI ited fepeekce
ee pan
raeyey Sear a
| yh: ee OT
SER ‘om
tO SENF:! - 1
oc elmer

aan ee
ef LP
; ag
as ee
—au \\ W N aya OL Be Ba La
ee = ok oe ss Fean a

3 as
a NO a at
. ae
SSSSRESR365 gaa 13 /-asboseeud
saeEausnae aw Cs
F] = 4

oP) AP Beeaaa SEE ae

November ee ine






qa °

Figure 144, Declination Midpoint Disc.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 345

1934 1944 1954 1964 1974 1984

10 20 30 40 50 60

TN EEE cee
HE ee
N °o



SNES ne aE Hsetcs
EEN attest HHH sassa

e) Seseste TESTES eet sitiesHH

Eseeeaaazdaneeeeee t
ttncuit HEHE Ha
) HesEesscese snlni iie “a
whit oon
Petttttttttte tet SCeRREGEECEEEEEEEE
12HHHice HH HE He essa Sinees
gues escouady
13 ccuenaee=-— a mo
14 Eeeenetatezacereeeeei nadia at ssi BH
Suaseteaatasastostipe’ tiecescnttanal
rH tt

asSee eee
Sessaaserseseases=-: .7aei ZdSseGGESEEy
sees Saansseseeeensnae. sess
SeEEs seers saseuengesssssse Seacseesesee 34
specees taesemeees (7)
aeHH ee


Figure 145. Life Diagram for Asta Fehling.


Sun conjunct Uranus square Venus and the Sun with Mercury were
apparently parallel to Uranus.
On studying the declination program (figure 144, page 344), we
find UR in SU/JU, giving prospects of a fortunate (JU) sudden
change (UR) in the physical state (SU). The pathological condition is
identified by ME = PL = VE/NE as serious disease (PL) of the
female organs (SU/VE).
Although the trouble had been cleared up, I wanted to discover
what else the Life Diagram had to say, and found that in 1976, MA,
crossed the PL line. See figure 145 on page 345. One of the ovaries
had been removed at that time. The proposed second operation was
for the removal of the other ovary, which could now be left intact.
The movement of JU, over SA and MA in 1980 is rather striking.
Could it have some connection with the hemorrhages? Biological
correspondences for Jupiter given in COSI No. 78 include the men-
tion: “the organism, the blood, the menopause.” Since the hemor-
rhages were associated with the menopause (change of life), this is
our answer. The periods did not dry up at the right time, but went
out of control. An operation under this constellation might easily
have endangered the patient’s life.
The recommendation to delay Asta’s operation if at all possible
encouraged her to consult other doctors; and one of them suggested
the remedy that stopped the hemorrhages.


Every now and then there are periods when epidemics occur, in which
people, often for some obscure reason, fall victim in large numbers to
a particular virus. They spread the infection from one to another, and
soon fill hospitals to overflowing. Although such scourges as cholera
and the dreaded Black Death of the Middle Ages are seldom encoun-
tered today, certain diseases do sometimes assume epidemic propor-
tions, mainly due to the weather or to big catastrophes.
In many instances, these epidemics coincide with long-term con-
stellations. For example, there is a well-established statistical correla-
tion between waves of influenza and Jupiter/Saturn aspects. Advance
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 347

warning of these and other epidemics can often be obtained from the
graphic 45° ephemeris and also from the declination ephemeris.
In the early part of 1980, Saturn and Neptune were square for
several weeks, the square being exact around the end of March and
middle of June. As early as February, the press was reporting that
millions of people had fallen ill due to the inclement weather. In
March, two hundred thousand cases of sleeping sickness were being
treated in Uganda.
Mass diseases can be recognized in the declinations too. Thus, in
July 1975, I heard that twenty-five members of the American Legion
had suddenly died of a mysterious illness, the causes of which were
then unknown. Another hundred and thirty people were being
nursed in intensive care units. This so-called Legionnaire’s disease was
accompanied by high fever, severe chills, pains in the head and chest,
a dry cough and shortness of breath.
The disease broke out between the 21st and 24th of July 1976.
Usually, infectious diseases make their appearance under Neptunian
constellations. There are none of these as far as the planetary longi-
tudes are concerned, but in the declination ephemeris for the days in
question, the Sun, Venus and Mercury cross the position-line of Nep-
tune as shown in figure 146 on page 348.
After a very dry hot season, these constellations brought not only
the longed-for rain (Neptune), but floods of rain—especially in Mex-
ico, where one hundred ard twenty people were killed and a hundred
thousand were rendered homeless: conditions which form a good
breeding-ground for epidemics. In addition, food was being poi-
soned by pesticides. A poisonous cloud (Neptune) was also reported
drifting over Milan.
In Der kosmische Beobachter (The Cosmic Observer) for Octo-
ber 1976,” I pointed out the number of similar constellations due
between the 16th and 26th of November of last year, namely: ME//
NE on the 16th, MA//NE on the 24th, and SU//NE on the 26th.
During this period, mass suffering arose mainly through natural
disasters. In my diary, I noted: “16th November 1976, the industrial
city of Tanshan in China destroyed by earthquake. 20th November
1976, cold weather, non-stop rain in Italy, some snow. 24th Novem-
ber 1976, earthquake in Turkey, three towns in ruins, five thousand
dead. 25th November 1976, two hundred Turkish villages destroyed

VE 22 G21 2G late 2 eke

suse Seeeeacuuceassseesss
Basa wii oH Socceceesee

H+H 2Bascesveseds
29 eae Att Ne

ae, sgeeseeseee is seusasesesee

HS et TT = “

Figure 146. Mysterious disease.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 349

by quake, blizzards in Turkey, hundreds of the homeless killed by

-20° frost.” At the same time, an increase in the number of people
suffering from occupational diseases in West Germany was
announced in the media.
What we now need to know is whether we are dealing with
parallels having only a short-term effect, or with parallels exerting an
influence over weeks or even months. Well, SU//NE or MA//NE is
effective for no more than a few days, but SA//UR or SA//NE makes
its presence felt over a longer period.
In 1979 it almost escaped notice that SA//PL was due in Febru-
ary and in July. Many people suffered in the persistent cold of Febru-
ary, and also in the “summer we never had.” That spring, a hundred
thousand cases of influenza were treated in West Germany alone.
Many children died in Naples. In March, ten million South Ameri-
cans were said to be suffering from thyroid trouble. The Russians
went down with jaundice. Contagious diseases were being carried by
refugees in Southeast Asia.
As these examples show, there is a connection between cosmic
constellations (both in longitudinal aspect and in parallel aspect) and
the weather and disease. The different factors should therefore be
studied together. In scientific literature, attention is generally con-
fined to the weather and disease, while the cosmic influence is
ignored. Nevertheless, many diseases are known to be connected with
sunspots and to run through the same eleven-year cycle. Michel
Gauquelin wrote as follows:

At a closed session of the French Medical Academy held in

Paris on the March 3, 1958, Dr. J. Poumailloux, a physician
at the Saint-Antoine hospital, and his collaborator, the
meteorologist R. Viart, presented their learned colleagues
with a sensational report, according to which cardiac infarct
was mot a random occurrence but one with a frequency
governed by specific solar constants. A sudden increase in
solar activity affects the blood vessels in the human body
and causes the formation of blood clots in susceptible peo-
ple. In some circumstances, these clots can block the coro-
naty artery and so deprive the heart tissues of their necessary
blood supply. The researchers gave as one example the year
KFereeerer or

/ber ~
Septem CG e y =—N

eal-a a i
SSSR 98220 beassaa Bad er Tn
saan SES Shana! is
Sas saea/!



Frere erere F&F &

~ GS e H-NM

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 351

1957: in which they observed a large number of cardiac

infarcts between the 17th and 22nd of January, then an
absence of cases from April through July, followed by
another surge between the 1st and 3rd of September. Now,
most of that year the Sun was fairly quiet, but it flared into
activity from the 17th through the 25th of January and
from the 28th of August through the 3rd of September.’
I have investigated the days concerned and have discovered that there
were similar constellations during’ both periods.
On January 17, 1957, SU-45-SA was due shortly after the full
Moon, and SU-90-NE and MA-135-SA were due on January 22nd;
then, on September 3rd, 1957, SU-90-SA and MA-45-NE were due.
As you will see from figure 147 (on page 350), very nearly the same
degrees in the 45° wheel were involved each time.
It remains to be seen to what extent the heliocentric constella-
tions (which, like the declinations, are usually ignored) are connected
with the weather, natural catastrophes and disease. This matter has
been broached in my book Das Doppelgesicht des Kosmos (The Two
Faces of the Cosmos),” where the special significance of aspects
between Mars and Neptune is shown.

Rapid Astromedical Diagnosis

It is not often that patients will bring their cosmograms with them
when they pay a visit to the doctor or naturopath. And, of course, the
practitioner can hardly be expected to cast a chart straight away for
each patient. However, with the help of an ordinary ephemeris and a
graphic 45° ephemeris, it is possible to determine the prevailing
cosmic situation in a few minutes during the consultation. One day,
such work will be placed in the hands of a trained assistant.
When the King and Queen of Sweden were about to pay a state
visit to West Germany in March 1979, it was known that Queen Silvia
was seven to eight months pregnant, and I was commissioned to
examine the Queen’s current constellations. I shall now explain how
this can be done quickly.
Queen Silvia was born Silvia Sommerlath on 23rd December,
1943, in Heidelberg. The hour of birth is disputed: at one time it has

been given as 6:00 A.M., at another as 2:58 A.M. When the hour of
birth is unknown, it is customary to take the noon positions. The
1943 ephemeris gives the midnight positions as:

SU = 0° Capricorn 16’ DRie= ee Leotio?

VE = 16° Scorpio 49’ ye =t26ssLeo
UR = 5° Gemini 52’ MO =_ 6° Scorpio 37’
Pia = 95 leo ME = 20° Capricorn 15’
MA = 7° Gemini 06’ SA = 22° Gemini 34’
NE = 4° Libra 11’

From these midnight positions it is possible to make an approxt-

mate estimate of the noon positions for the Sun and the inferior
planets (which are the only ones to move significantly in half a day).
The Moon cannot be accurately located, since it traverses more than
13° per day. The Sun can be given another 30’; Mercury can be
advanced to barely 21° Capricorn and Venus to fully 17° Scorpio. See
figure 148 on page 353.
It will be observed that, on the left side of the graphic 45°
ephemeris, there are three columns each containing thirty degree
numbers and four different zodiac signs. See figure 149 on page 354.
The Sun has been entered at ca. 0° 45’ in the first column, because it
is in Capricorn. Neptune, at 4° Libra 11’, also comes in the first
column. Uranus at 5° Gemini 52’ comes in column three. It should
be mentioned that for each degree, the horizontal lines above and
below the degree-number mark the beginning and end of that
degree. Therefore the planetary positions can be made accurate to
almost a quarter of a degree. Saturn at 22° Gemini 34’ is entered at
the bottom of column three. Jupiter at 26° Leo 55’ is entered in the
central column. Mars at 7° Gemini 06’ is set down just below Uranus.
Venus at 16° Scorpio 49’ comes at the top of column two. Mercury in
ca. 21° Capricorn is in the middle of column one. The Dragon’s
Head and Pluto stand together in ca. 8° 40’ of the central column.
Horizontal lines are drawn across the graph from the above
positions, and these lines intersect the preprinted planetary paths.
Chief importance has to be attached to the slow-moving planets. At
the end of April, Uranus reaches the position-line of Neptune, and
from the end of April through the middle of May, Saturn is stationary
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 353


© = 23°27!
@ = 23°30'nN| M = 18°39'N|'A = 10°47!S

Figure 148. Her Mayesty Queen Silvia of Sweden, born December 23,
1943, 2:58 A.m., Heidelberg, W. Germany.





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Figure 149. Annual Diagram for 1979.

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 355

on the position-line of Mars. Both these are critical transits and

should warn an expectant mother to take extraspecial care.
In such cases, the weaker transits also require study. On the day
their majesties were due to arrive in Germany, VE; crosses VE and
NE. Then, shortly before New Moon, SU crosses NE, indicating
JU represents great rejoicing and acclamation, but
debility. VE over
MA, crosses SA and PL before the month is out.
I made the following prognosis in my manuscript (the published
version was edited): “In the days around the 25th of March, Queen
Silvia will not feel very well, as the Sun transit in opposition Neptune
is due. Possibly the exertion of the visit will tell on her in her preg-
nant state. There are some very critical constellations for her in May,
so she will have to take every precaution to ensure a safe delivery. .. .
Unfortunately, the 27th of March, the final day in Liibeck, is not
under the best constellations and mishap cannot be ruled out.”
According to press reports, “Queen Silvia was already depleted
of energy by the 23rd March, for she collapsed into a chair.” This was
the advance working of SU,-180;NE. On the 25th of March, the
Queen was indisposed, and the King had to pay the visit without his
consort, who turned back to Sweden completely exhausted.
As was established later, the Queen was not in the seventh but in
the eighth month of her pregnancy. The child was born on May 13,
1979. According to the official bulletin, the birth was normal. That
was not quite true. The public learned afterward that the Queen had
not had an easy time and, in view of SA, = MA and MA, = MA, this
is very understandable. On account of the difficult presentation of
the baby, she had to be narcotized. When she regained conscious-
ness, she was not allowed to take the baby in her arms; every effort
had to be made—so Professor Borell declared—to avoid infection.
Finally, for the same reason, the controversial “triple inoculation” was
rejected as an unacceptable health hazard to the child.
From the above example, it will be clear how many useful facts
can be gleaned from a rapid diagnosis. Nevertheless, it is always
important to cast an accurate cosmogram when the time of birth is
known; it is important, too, to consider the declinations when judg-
ing the situation. Sometimes a rapid diagnosis fails to yield any
relevant data at all; and then, of course, a more thorough investiga-
tion is essential.

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Appendix I



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The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 359

Table A. Disease Correspondences of Significant Midpoints

Number Midpoint Disease Correspondence
SU/VE Diseases arising from sexual activity
SU/MA Delicacy, disease
SU/JU Disease

Wi SU/JU Influences undermining the health
SU/SA Tendency to hearing problems,
nervous disorders
SU/SA Diseases to do with sexual activity
and marriage
SU/SA Lack of vitality, debility
SU/SA Diseases due to mental stress or
adverse cifcumstances

SU/SA Hospitalization
SU/SA Diseases due to lack of development
UR Cardiothymia
SU/UR Accident, injury
SU/UR Sudden weakness, possibly due to
approaching death
14 SU/UR Severe physical suffering, physical
15 Weakness, disease

16 Disease due to mental suffering

17 Debilitation of the female organs
18 Weak sexual impulse

Table A. Continued
Disease Correspondence
19 SA = SU/NE Impure blood, circulatory disorders,
mental suffering
20 Il SU/NE Sudden weakness, spasms,
21 = SU/NE Hospitalization
Zz = SU/PL Hypersensitivity, disease, martyrdom
23 = SU/MC Tendency to depression
24 = MO/VE Unsatisfied desire, female diseases

25 = MO/VE Glandular disorders, spasms,

26 = MO/VE Disturbed glandular function
27 = MO/MA Low potency, infection, diseases of
the genitals
28 = MO/MA Periodic disorders in the female

29 = MO/JU Disease of liver or gallbladder,


30 = SA Disturbances of the fluid balance,

retention of urine, bladder
disease, weeping wounds,
defects in the mucous
membrane, melancholy,
oa Inflammatory diseases
a2 Melancholy
33 Depressions due to organic
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 361

Table A. Continued
Disease Cortespondence
34 ASC= MO/SA_ |Close confinement in institutions,
35 Indisposition, feeling unwell
36 Injuries and accidents
a7 Sudden illness
38 Sexual debility, nervous disorders
due to unnatural sexual
39 Manic depression, a feeling of being
paralyzed or constrained
40 Hypersensitivity
41 Mental suffering, depression
42 Nervous disorders
43 Sentimentality, hypersensitivity,
Irritability, nerviness, unusual
mental states

Agitation, frenzy, delirium

Diseases of the nerves

Nervous disorders

Superexcitement of the nerves

Gloomy thoughts, pessimism,
Spasmodic disorders originating in
the nervous system

Table A. Continued
Disease Correspondence
52 |UR = ME/PL_ |Superexcitement of the nerves,
nervous breakdown
53 |NE = ME/PL_|Nervous sensitivity, anxiety states
54 |SA = ME/MC |Pessimism, depression
55 |UR = ME/NE |Unusual exciteableness
56 |SA = VE/MA_ |Morbid sexuality
57 UR = VE/MA |Rape, criminal assault, abdominal
58 |NE = VE/MA |Tendency to perversions, sexual
diseases, appendicitis
59 |VE = SA Suppression of inner secretions,
glandular disorders (kidneys)
60 SU = VE/SA _ {Sexual inhibitions, glandular
61 MO = VE/SA _|Depression
62 |NE = VE/SA __|Diseases caused by mental distress
63 |MC = VE/SA _ |Sexual inhibitions
64 |SA = VE/UR [Late or difficult birth
65 NE = VE/UR_ |Glandular disorders, abdominal
66 MA = VE/NE_|Perversions, infections, diseases of
the genitals
67 SA = VE/NE_|Morbid eroticism, diseases due to
sad love life
68 UR = VE/NE_| Perversions

69 VE/PL {Risk of sexual assault or interference

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 363

Table A. Continued

Disease Correspondence
Unsatisfied desire, depression
Psychosomatic complaints
Difficult birth, illness through

Low vitality, danger to life

Depression, mental suffering, grief
Sudden illness, danger to life

Sapping of the vitality by poison,

gas, medicines
77 Physical injury, amputation, danger
to life
78 Disease, grief, preoccupation with
719 Injury, accident, operation
80 Physical injury, accident, operation
Injury, operation (in a female)
Nervous strain, superexcitement of
‘the nerves, injury, operation
Abdominal operation
Successful operation
Severe injury, surgery, amputation
Forced injury, serious operation
Bouts of weakness, infections
following operation or injury,
danger from poisons, narcotics

Table A. Continued
Midpoint Disease Correspondence
88 MC = MA/UR Injury, accident, operation
89 SU = MA/NE Lack of vitality, infections, bouts of

90 MO = MA/NE Sensitivity, nervous debility,

infections, ill effects of
indulgence in alcohol, tobacco,
91 ME = MA/NE Nervous debility due to indulgence
in alcohol, tobacco, etc., to
wrong medication (sleeping
pills) or to self-abuse
92 VE = MA/NE Low fertility, perversions, infection
93 SA = MA/NE Body toxins, weakness, disease

94 UR = MA/NE Sudden paralysis, states of weakness,

life-threatening crises
ob, PL = MA/NE Disease through injury, poison,
wrong medication
96 MC = MA/NE Debility or illness, addiction
97 SU = MA/PL Forcible injury, accident, operation
98 MO = MA/PL Injury, results of strain
99 ME = MA/PL Superexcitement of the nerves
100 VEO == ALPE Rape, indecent assault, abdominal

Suffering violence or cruelty,

The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 365

Table A. Continued

Disease Correspondence
NE = MA/PL Concealed injury, disease due to
surgical error, catastrophes
involving water
ASC = MA/PL Accident, danger to life
MC = MA/PL Danger from Act of God,
operation, amputation
105 |SU JU/SA |Disruptions of life, pulmonary
106 |UR = JU/SA Sudden illness, loss of
consciousness, accident
107 |NE = JU/SA Depression, impure blood,
circulatory disorders
108 |JU = NE Flaccidity of the organs, false
109 |SU = JU/NE Loss of energy, disease
110 |SU = SA/UR Disease due to strain, dysrhythmia

Manic depression, mental illness

leading to organic disorders
Nervous disorders

Injury, accidents, disasters,

Loss of vitality, no love of life

An axis (or pivot) of disease

Poor health, physical suffering
Depression, female diseases
Nervous diseases, nervous debility,
disorders of the sense organs

Table A. Continued
Disease Correspondence
VE = SA/NE_ |Deficient glandular activity,
glandular troubles (kidneys),
sexual problems
Lack of energy, little love of life,
chronic diseases
Emaciation, liver or lung disease

Sudden weakness or illness, disease

due to upsets
Serious illness, chronic suffering
125 |MC = SA/NE_ |Disease due to mental suffering
126. |MA = SA/PL |Suffering ill-treatment, having to
fight for one’s life, disaster,
Problems caused by illness,
underdevelopment of organs,
swellings, indurations
Sudden assaults, violent attacks,
Diseases due to water, poison, gas,
Mental suffering caused by others or
by isolation
Diseases of the underprivileged, bad
effects of hospitalization
Ego disorders, loss of self-awareness,
disorders due to inhibited
development, no perseverance
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 367

Table A. Continued
Midpoint Disease Correspondence
1335 SU SA/MC_ |Mental illness or affliction, low
powers of resistance
134 MO = SA/MC_ | Mental suffering, depression,
135. |ME = SA/MC_|Dejection
136 |MA = SA/MC_ |Lack of vitality, low spirits
137. |SU = UR/NE |{Sensitivity, little will to live, disease
138 MO = UR/NE _ |Bouts of weakness, lack of mental
balance, disorders of

139 |MA = UR/NE _|Low powers of resistance, sense of

140 SA = UR/NE _ |Pessimism, unusual conditions

141 MC = UR/NE_|Nervous breakdown, disorders of


142 SU = UR/PL_ |Superexcitement of the nerves,

nervous breakdown

143 MA = UR/PL |Injury, accident, sudden illness,

144 NE = UR/PL_ |Exhaustion, nervous disorders, drug

145 SU = NE/PL_ |Sensitive body, diseases due to

addictions or medical poisons
(sleeping pills)
146 |MO = NE/PL_ |Strange mental states, melancholy
147 ME = NE/PL_ |Nervous debility, nervous disorders,

Table A. Continued
Disease Correspondence
148 Lack of energy, control by alien
forces (possession)
149 Pessimism, declining energy
150 Hypersensitive nerves, sudden
attacks of disease hard to
identify, disturbed

151 Delusions and self-deception

iby 4 Disease due to wrong treatment and

mental suffering, mental illness
153 Mental illness and confusion,
diseases the origin of which lies
in the unconscious

154 Serious illness, chronic disease

(cancer), consequences of
mental suffering, perhaps
through disparagement or lack
of scope for personal growth
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 369

Table B. Correspondences between Signs, Organs and Diseases

Primary Secondary
Sign Influence Influence Diseases
Aries Head, face,
ears, eyes, Headache, brain disease,
nerves apoplexy, epilepsy,
neuralgia, rashes on face
(with impaired kidney
Taurus Neck, Sexual and Goiter, pharyngitis,
throat, excretory tonsilitis, laryngitis,
tonsils, organs, diphtheria, choking fits,
respiratory | glandular mumps, disorders of the
organs system thyroid gland, heart
disease, abdominal
Gemini |Shoulders, | Thigh, Pulmonary diseases,
arms, hands, | digestive asthma, bronchial
lungs, 1st organs catarrh, fractures of arms
through 4th or legs, nerve troubles
Knee, Stomach disorders,
bones, tibia |eructation, hiccups,
(kidneys) heartburn, dropsy, failure
of peristalsis, under-active
lymph glands, inebriety,
depression, nodularity
Leo Heart, Cardia Heart disease, circulatory
circulation, (upper end disorders, anemia,
back, 5th of stomach), arteriosclerosis, venous
through 9th all blood diseases, abdominal
dorsal vessels, disorders, impotence,
vertebrae disorders of spinal trouble, neurosis,
veins and throat trouble

Table B. Continued
Primary Secondary
Sign Influence Influence Diseases
Virgo Digestive Intestinal disorders,
organs, peritonitis, diarrhea,
spleen, liver, constipation, disorders of
gallbladder liver and gallbladder,
intestinal ulcers
Libra Uterus, Nephritis, gravel,
region retention of urine,
around impure blood, poor skin
navel, head |condition (due to
deficient kidney
function), nervous
disorders, erysipelas
Scorpio Sexual and_ | Nose, Bladder complaints,
excretory throat, gravel, retention of urine,
organs, tonsils, impure blood, poor skin
uterus, bladder condition, rheumatism,
testicles, nasal polyps, nasal
rectum catarrh, furuncle,
neurasthenia, sexual
diseases, operations to do
with the sexual organs
Muscular Shoulders, | Hip disease, rheumatism,
system, arms, sciatica, gout, locomotor
thighs, digestive disturbances,
lumbar apparatus arteriosclerosis, nervous
region disorders, impure blood
Skin and Rashes, scald (scab on
bone system, head), polyarthritis,
knee tuberculosis of the bones
and joints, furunculosis,
scrofula, predisposition to
indurations, keratosis
(horny growths on skin)
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 371

Table B. Continued
Primary Secondary
Sign Influence Influence Diseases
Aquarius |Shin, calf, Heart, back, Fractured ankle,
ankle, circulation dislocations, sprains,
circulation cramp in calf muscle,
phlebitis, swollen legs,
varicose veins, blood
diseases, spinal disorders,
locomotor disturbances,
heart trouble
Feet, toes, Digestive Weak feet, flat feet,
calcaneus organs, diseases due to chills,
(heel bone) |spleen, rheumatism, gout,
nerves, alcoholism, scrofulosis,
lungs, liver | poisoning

Table C. Correspondences between Planets, Organs and Diseases

Biological Disease
Planets Correspondences Tendencies
Sun/yang Heredity, health, Disorders of the heart
vitality, heart, and circulation,
circulation, right eye, asthenia, impotence,
cerebrum, hyperemia blood disorders, eye
complaints, scrofulosis,
Moon/yin Fertility, fluid balance, Gynecological disorders
blood serum, lymph, (a badly placed Moon is
stomach, mucous mote critical in the
membranes, female cosmogram than
cerebellum, psyche it is in the male),
gastric disorders, dropsy,
glandular troubles,
ulcers, swellings,
Mercury/yin Motor nerves, organs of Nervous disorders,
speech and hearing, speech disorders,
hands, fingers defective hearing,
mental overexcitement,
rapid breathing, tremors
Glands, especially the Glandular disorders,
kidneys, veins, cheeks, kidney disease,
mouth, skin, female ulcerated tonsils,
breasts bladder troubles,
cellulitis (inflammation
of connective tissue),
growths, women’s
Mars/ yang Muscles, ligaments, red Inflammation, fever,
blood corpuscles, bile, bilious attacks, severe
nose, sexual functions hemorrhages, sexual
diseases, proneness to
injuries and accidents
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 373

Table C. Continued
Biological Disease
correspondences tendencies
Jupiter/yang Fluid enrichment, Plethora, liver and
nutrition, putting on gallbladder troubles,
weight, liver, obesity, autointoxication
gallbladder, lungs, through faulty diet,
swellings, glycogen diabetes, tendency to
balance apoplectic fits,
Saturn/yin Skeleton, joints, spleen, Metabolic disorders,
skin, teeth, white blood accumulation of toxins,
corpuscles indurations, stone and
gravel, rheumatism,
gout, chronic diseases
Uranus/ yang Vital rhythms, Disordered rhythms,
meninges, spine, nervous complains,
pituitary spasms, spinal trouble,
accidents, operations
Neptune/ yin Pineal gland, solar Prostration of organs,
plexus, subconscious paralysis, poisoning,
mind abuse of alcohol,
tobacco and other
drugs, psychological
disturbance, sleep
disorders, coma
Pluto/yang Not yet fully Growths, amputations,
investigated, but injurious operations,
experience to date links diseases due to
it with physical changes large-scale events
due to action taken by (disasters, epidemics,
the authorities or by wat, terrorism)
Act of God
Lunar Disorders connected Infections picked up in
nodes/ yin with other people crowds, hospitalization

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Appendix II


Anal pain occuts mainly in hemorrhoids, constipation and

enteritis, when there are placements of Mars, Saturn, Sun, Moon in
Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio.
Anxiety states often have their cause in angular relationships
between the Moon and Saturn or Neptune in Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Capricorn, Pisces, also in aspects of Uranus to the Sun.
Backache can be caused by inflammation around the vertebrae,
disc injury, irritation of the spinal cord. Pain extending the whole
length of the spinal column is a sign of polyarthritis. Fever, anemia
and lung disease often produce pain in the region of the shoulder
blades. Pain in the right shoulder is characteristic of liver and gall-
bladder trouble. Backache is especially associated with Leo and
Aquarius; the Sun can be aspecting Uranus, Saturn or Neptune.
Saturn and Neptune are often involved in rheumatic diseases.
Bladder pain can be due to diseases of the urinary bladder, to
the suppression of urine (Moon/Saturn) and to certain female com-
plaints. Particular attention should be paid in such cases to Libra and
Scorpio and to their opposite signs Aries and Taurus. Often there are
relationships between the Moon, Venus and Mars.

Buzzing in the ear can be due to dirt or to an accumulation of

wax, but it can also be due to inflammation of the middle ear, to
anatomical changes in the ear, to nervous irritation or to medical
poisons. A clue may be found in the relationship between Mercury
and Saturn. Aries and Taurus could also be involved, especially the
degrees around 7° Aries and 10° Taurus.
Chest pain probably has a psychic cause when the discomfort is
concentrated in the solar plexus. Pain made worse by breathing can
point to pleurisy or pneumonia; often it is indicated by Jupiter
aspecting Saturn or Neptune in Gemini or Cancer. Pain in the lower
thorax is frequently associated with rheumatism. Girdle pain points
to shingles or spinal trouble, and is quite likely to involve Cancer,
Leo, Virgo and the planets Mars and Uranus.
Cough can be produced by diseases of the respiratory organs:
swollen mucous membranes in the air passages, an accumulation of
mucus, laryngitis, bronchial and pulmonary catarrh. The aspects for
which to look are those between the Moon, Mercury and Venus in
Taurus, Gemini and Scorpio. Cough can also occur when food is
regurgitated due to deficient digestion; in which case there may be
aspects to the Moon and Mercury involving Cancer and Capricorn.
Coughs such as the above, which have some organic cause, must not
be confused with a self-conscious nervous cough.
Headaches can spring from numerous causes. They can originate
in the stomach and intestines when the gases find no outlet and rise
to the head. The faulty digestion will probably show up in the cosmo-
gram in connection with the Moon and Saturn and with the signs
Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio or their opposites. Weakness of the stomach
and intestines may also be revealed by Neptunian aspects. In anemic
people, who generally have Sun/Neptune or Sun/Saturn aspects in
their charts, the headache can sometimes be relieved by placing the
head between the knees. Yoga asanas like the shoulder stand and the
head stand can help too. Other causes of headache are colds, sinusitis
and nose blockages that make it difficult to breathe. In this case it is
worth looking at Aries, Taurus and Scorpio, and the planets Venus,
Saturn, Neptune and the Moon. Headache is often an accompani-
ment of cerebritis (inflammation of the brain), colotyphoid, infec-
tious diseases and wrong medication. Neptune is nearly always
involved in such cases.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 377

Hiccup (hiccough) is a reflex movement of the diaphragm. The

disorder arises from faulty feeding, so that gas is trapped by a muscu-
lar spasm as it tries to escape. Babies tend to suffer from it unless they
are properly “burped” after meals. Cosmic correspondences can be
found in Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and in the Moon, Sun,
Saturn and Uranus. Hiccups may also have a more serious cause in
peritonitis or intestinal obstruction.
Itching skin (pruritis) is usually due to an accumulation of auto-
toxins which can be eliminated only through the skin. A child who is
being fed at the mother’s breast may suffer from irritation of the skin
if she smokes heavily or poisons herself with some other indulgence.
Hyperacidity can result from a faulty diet. One child used to suffer
from an irritating rash immediately after enjoying a plate of sausage
and bacon. Diseases of the liver, gallbladder, intestines and kidneys
can all play a part. Sugar diabetes is another possible cause. External
applications like ointments do little good; the cure must take place
from within. An alkaline diet should be adopted. Packs of healing
earth or skimmed quark may ease the violent itching. The disturbed
fluid balance is generally attributable to aspects between the Moon
and Saturn or Neptune posited in Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio or
Liver disorders are hard to diagnose at times, because they are
often painless. In hepatitis, the liver swells slightly and the skin turns
yellow. The factors mainly involved in the cosmogram are Virgo,
Pisces and Jupiter. Mars plays a part in inflammations. Liver damage
caused by wrong feeding and wrong medication is represented by
Neptune. When difficult directions of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune
are on their way in the life diagram, prophylactic measures against
chronic diseases (including cancer) should be taken in good time.
Liver complaints ought never to be treated without medical advice.
Lung disease is usually indicated by a badly placed Jupiter in the
cosmogtam. Jupiter can also stand at an unpropitious midpoint such
as Saturn/Neptune. Gemini and Sagittarius are the signs generally
associated with pulmonary disease. But the rule is not invariable. Dr.
F. Schwab in his book Sternemdachte und Mensch (The Stellar Powers
and Humanity) produced statistics in which Libra is the most heavily
occupied sign in lung disease. Thus the zodiac signs are not so reli-
able as the position of Jupiter.

Palpitations of the heart frequently originate in the frame of

mind, in general unrest, in agitation over important interviews or
examinations, and in quarrels. Transits of Mars and Uranus are often
involved. Palpitations accompanied by shortness of breath occur in
anemic persons when climbing the stairs, walking in the mountains
or exerting themselves more than normal. The Sun, Mars and Uranus
in Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio can be prominent in the cos-
mogram. Palpitations may also be found in obesity and rheumatism,
and feature Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Perspiration (excessive) occurs not only during strenuous physi-
cal activity and in very hot weather, but when sweat is secreted in
response to nervous stimulation, as in the cold sweat of fear. In
debilitated individuals suffering from such complaints as anemia,
chlorosis and cardiac insufficiency, even the slightest exertion can
produce perspiration. In fevers, the sweating is necessary to cleanse
the body of its toxins. Here sweat production is part of the healing
process.* Even night sweats serve to eliminate toxins. Suppressed
perspiration is a sign of dermal malfunction. In this case the elimina-
tion of toxins via the kidneys should be promoted with the help of
the appropriate herbal infusions. Sweaty hands are often found in
kidney disease and diabetes. The cosmic factors usually involved are
Aries, Libra, Scorpio and the Moon (fluid balance), Saturn (sup-
pressed secretions), Venus (kidney and bladder function), Mars
(inflammation), Neptune (autointoxication).
Stomachache can be due to indigestion or to a gastric ulcer. The
factors to examine first are the Moon, Cancer and Capricorn. Connec-
tions between the Moon and Saturn or the Moon and Neptune are
often involved. Stomach pains caused by some form of nervous strain
or upset usually implicate Uranus. Virgo and Scorpio come into play
when digestive disorders are chronic.
Vertigo (dizziness) results from a disturbance in the sense of
balance, the center for which is the labyrinth in the inner ear. The

*In fevers, the body is usually fighting not only its own toxins but the bacterial or
viral infections they encourage. The toxins can sometimes be eliminated in good
time by a Turkish bath or sauna or, if these would strain the system, by resorting to a
rubber sweatsuit. 77.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 379

usual cause is impaired circulation and a temporary shortage of blood

in the brain. Yoga asanas, especially the shoulder stand and head
stand, and breathing exercises, can prove helpful. The planets most
likely to be involved are the Moon, Mercury and Saturn. When
accompanied by vomiting, vertigo can be due to gastric and intestinal
disorders. Vertigo may also be a symptom of epilepsy, myelopathy,
brain disease, and brain tumor. Therefore it if recurs fairly often, it
should not be treated lightly.
The above notes on correspondences between diseases and cos-
mic factors make no pretension to being complete. They are intended
merely as an introduction to the subject. In no circumstances can they
take the place of clinical diagnosis.
With these remarks I conclude my book in the hope that it will
prove thought-provoking to doctors, lay healers, and ordinary citi-
zens; even to the extent of persuading them of the great practical use
of cosmobiology both when we are ill and when we are well.
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Appendix III


2000-1700 B.c. Enoch and Abraham.

Casi 20 B.C Moses.
668-628 B.C. King Assurbanipal founded a library of cunei-
form tablets, among them some showing the
relationship of the position of the Moon to
628-538 B.C. The Neobabylonian Empire became a center for
the astrology of Chaldea, so that the word Chal-
dean was later used as a general term for
540-480 B.c. Heraclitus of Ephesus, a Greek philosopher,
taught that all things, including the other ele-
ments earth, air and water, arose out of prime-
val fire.
490-430 B.C. Empedocles, a Greek philosopher who lived on
the south coast of Sicily, believed that the “roots
of all things” were to be found in the four ele-
ments, fire, earth, air and water.

460-377 B.C. The lifetime of the physician and astrologer

Hippocrates, the “father of medicine” and an
exponent of the doctrine of the elements.
458-388 B.C. The period of the Biblical prophet Ezra, to
whom a lunar medical almanac has been
427-347 B.C. Plato, Greek philosopher, a pupil of Socrates,
had contact with the Chaldeans.
ca. 400 B.C. Ktesias, physician at the court of the Persian
king, wrote a work called Persica.
356-323 B.C. Alexander the Great. Under him there began a
new astrological era. Different lines of develop-
ment in various parts of the Ancient World
(Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece) were brought
together. The start of scientific systematization
of the subject.
Hl. Selb) We. Diocles of Karystos practiced as a physician in
Athens, and took the age of the Moon into
account when giving treatments.
ca. 300) 3B. Original form of the Hermes Trismegistus cor-
pus. In which, among other things, diseases and
remedies were discussed, including ophthalmic
and gynecological disorders. Doctrine of the
correspondence between the body and the
ca. 300 B.C. Transition from universal astrology to individ-
ual astrology, and so to iatromathematics or the
science of astrological medicine. Doctrine of the
correspondence between medical plants and
zodiac signs.
384-322 B.C. Aristotle, son of the court physician Nico-
machus, was the ablest of Plato’s students and
became in 343 B.c. the tutor of the young prince
who was to become Alexander the Great. In his
teachings he created an astrological picture of
the world. He discussed the four fundamental
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 383

qualities and developed ancient humoral

pathology (which ascribes disease to a faulty
mixture of the body’s humors).
372-320 B.C. Theophastus, a pupil of Aristotles.
3rd cent. B.C. Alexandria in Egypt grew into a center of Helle-
Nistic science.
161-127 B.c. Hipparchus of Nicaea, astronomer, mathemati-
cian, and astrologer. Said to have invented the
360° circle. Compiled the first scientific star
catalog. Reformed astronomy and astrology,
especially where melothesia is concerned—the
tule of parts of the body by the planets and
zodiac signs.
Mid-2nd Astrology becomes widely popular in Rome,
cent. B.C. where it is then forbidden.
106-43 B.c. Cicero, statesman and philosopher, sought to
introduce Greek philosophy into Roman
thought. Also occupied himself with astrology.
100-50 B.C. Timaios employed the four cardinal points in
astrology and counted them correctly in a clock-
wise direction.
End of the Ist The poet Manilius wrote the first self-contained
cent. B.C. exposition of astrology, Astronomica, in which
he has something to say about melothesia (the
astrological correspondences).
99-45 B.C. Nigidius Figulus, Roman senator, recognized as
the first learned Roman politician, also studied
how human health is fated.
70-19 B.C. Virgil, the greatest poet of the Augustinian age,
embodied astrological ideas in his works.
65-8 B.C. Horace, the renowned poet, interested himself
in astrology.
33 B.C. Second proscription of astrology in Rome.
Expulsion of astrologers and sorcerers. Attack
on debased astrology.

20 B.c.-50 A.D. Philo of Alexandria, the chief representative of

Hellenistic-Jewish astrology, divided the exte-
rior and interior of the head, the soul, and the
whole body into seven parts corresponding to
the seven planets. Development of the seven-
year rhythm.
15 6.619) A.D. Germanicus, son of Trusus, victor over the Ger-
mans, was interested in astrology.
20-36 A.D. Thrassilos of Alexandria was chief astrologer
and friend of the Emperor Tiberius. His son,
Tiberius Claudius Balbillus, is said to have
made a special study of the term of life in the
23-79 A.D. C. Plinius Secundus wrote an encyclopedia
under the title Naturalis historia (Natural His-
tory) containing information on astrological
Mid-1st cent. A.D. Thessalos, physician and astrologer, wrote an
iatromathematical herbal. He was the first to
lay down rules on when and where herbs should
be gathered.
55-120 A.D. Tacitus, the Roman historian, immersed him-
self in astrology.
ca. 60 A.D. Krinas of Messalia, astrologer and fashionable
physician, practiced in Rome in the time of
Nero. He treated his patients according to the
current positions of the planets.
ca. 100-178 A.D. Claudius Ptolemy, mathematician, astronomer,
astrologer and physician, the last great scientist
of antiquity, incorporated in his works the
results of earlier investigations. His book, Tetra-
bib/os, is still extant. In it he refers to heredity
and free-will and writes extensively on planetary
diseases. He is the acknowledged “king of
astrologers,” and his books form the basis of all
later expositions.
129-200 A.D. Galen of Pergamum was the most celebrated
medical man of imperial Rome and was per-
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 385

sonal physician to the Emperor Marcus Aure-

lius. He is thought to have elaborated the the-
ory of temperaments, and wrote the
Prognostikon on the diseases of bedridden
Second half of Antigones of Nicaea wrote about the
the 2nd cent. A.D. horoscopes of historical notabilities.
ca. 160 ALD. Vettius Valens wrote an astrological work.
232-304 AD. Porphyry wrote an extensive commentary on
24959. A.D: Firmicus Maternus penned the most exhaustive
textbook on astrology that had yet appeared.
His eight volumes appeared under the title
Mathesios Libri. Until his conversion to Chris-
tianity in 337 A.D., he regarded astrology as a
“divine science,’ but then renounced it.
ca. 370 ALD. Paulus Alexandrinus wrote an introduction to
astrology and enjoyed a big reputation. In his
discussion of disease, he paid special attention
to the effects of the menopause.
Up to 394 A.D. Hephaestion, an astrological author living at
the Thebes of Egypt, recapitulated various texts
and traditions.
5th—6th cent. A.D. Assimilation of astrology by Christendom.
754-775 A.D. Caliph Al-Mansur indited the book,
ca. 805 A.D. The greatest Arab astrologer, Abumassar, was
born at Balkh in Khorasan; he was a pupil of
the Persian court physician Alkindi.
860-901 A.D. The astrologer Thedit. No known astromedical
877-928 A.D. Albategnis. No known astromedical texts.
919-998 A.D. Abu Nassr al Faradi. No known astromedical
ca. 1093 A.D. Ebn Ezra. No known astromedical texts.
ca. 1100 A.D. Adelandus. No known astromedical texts.

Ca ell SORATD! Albetragius, Morocco. No known astromedical

1093-1180 A.D. Albertus Magnus.
1098-1179 A.D. Hildegard of Bingen.
1200-A.D. The Archduke Leopold of Austria, Bishop of
Freising, published his Tractatus decem de
1214-1291 AD: Michael Scot, personal physician to Frederick
1216-1294 A.D. Roger Bacon referred to the heavens as the cause
of the organization of all things.
1219 ALD. Gilbertus Anglicus wrote a treatise on “The
Diagnosis of Disease by Astrological Rules
Without Resort to Urinoscopy.”
1224-1 27404 D: Thomas Aquinas, pupil of Albertus Magnus,
discounted astrology.
1230-1300 A.D. Guido Bonati, court astrologer to Frederick IJ,
founded the doctrine of half-sums.
1250-1316 A.D. Peter of Albano, physician, astrologer and
magician is to some extent the parent of graphic
1250-1327 A.D. Cichus Asculus (Francesco della Stabili) was a
mathematician, physician and astrologer.
1256 A.D. Death of John of Sacrobosco, who copied out an
extract from Ptolemy’s A/magest.
14th cent. A.D. In the first half, Johann de Luna practiced as a
physician and astrologer in Bologna.
1350-1425 A.D. Peter of Ailly, astronomer, astrologer and
19th Sept. 1398 Jean Charlier, in his capacity as chancellor of the
Sorbonne in Paris, launched a sharp attack on
astrology, and issued an edict in which a num-
ber of magical and astrological doctrines were
condemned as heretical errors.
1401-1464 A.D. Nicholas Cusanus emphasized human
1423-1483 A.D. The lifetime of Louis XI of France, who was
devoted to astrology.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 387

1425 A.D. Jacques Ganivet, professor of theology, wrote a

work entitled Amicus medicorum.
1433-1499 A.D. Marsilius Ficinus issued the De vita coelitus
1436-1461 AD. Johann Miiller (Regiomontanus) freed King
Matthias Corvinus of Hungary from a morbid
fear. He is known as the “father of German
1437-1508 A.D. Rabbi Isaac Arbabanel made a special study of
the conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn.
1440-1493 A.D. Reign of the Emperor Frederick III, who encour-
aged astrology.
1452-1531 AD. Johannes Stéffler.
1463-1494 A.D. Count Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
denounced the abuses of astrology.
1473-1543 A.D. Nicolaus Copernicus, founder of the heliocen-
tric system, was also an astrologer, as is stated on
his gravestone.
1476-1558 A.D. Lucas Gauricus, papal favorite, published
numerous astrological books.
1477-1547 A.D. Johann Schoner proved that astrology is fully
compatible with the Copernican system.
1484-1485 A.D. Johann von Lichtenberg wrote on the grand
conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the year
1486-1535 A.D. Cornelius Agrippa, personal physician to the
mother of Kin Francis I.
End of Hieronymus de Manfredi, professor of medicine
15th cent. A.D. at Bologna, publisher of almanacs giving medi-
cal elections.
1493-1541 A.D. Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim
(Paracelsus), physician, philosopher and astrol-
oger, expressed the opinion that a doctor with
no astrological knowledge is a “‘pseudomedicus”
(a sham doctor).
Ist half of Georg von Tanstetter, physician and astrologer,
16th cent. A.D. worked at the University of Vienna.

Andreas Perlacher was active at the University of

Vienna at the same time as Tanstetter.
1501-1559 A.D. Jacob Milich, mathematician, physician and
astrologer, chiefly taught the medicine of
1501-1575 A.D. Hieronymus Cardanus, physician and astrolo-
1503-1566 A.D. Michael Nostradamus.
1513-1588 A.D. Jean Ferrer (Ferrius) physician-in-ordinary to
Catherine de’ Medici.
1513-1521 A.D. Pontificate of Pope Leo X.
1514-1534 AD. Albrecht Diirer engraved “Melencolia” for Max-
imilian I. Pontificate of Pope Clement VII
(?)}-1576 A.D. Georg Joachim (Rhaeticus) calculated the first
heliocentric ephemerides according to the
Copernican system.
1525-1590 A.D. Franz Junctinus, mathematician, astrologer,
philosopher and theologian wrote the most
comprehensive astrological textbook of his
1534-1549 A.D. Pontificate of Pope Paul III.
1527-1579 A.D. Johann Stadius, mathematician, calculated
ephemerides for 1544-1606.
1529-1574 A.D. Leovitius.
1530-1575 A.D. Johann Garvaeus, professor of theology at Wit-
tenberg and famous astrologer.
1526-1580 A.D. Count Heinrich von Rantzau was an important
man of learning of his era and the author of
several books on astrology.
1546-1601 A.D. Tycho Brahe, Danish astronomer, attacked the
excesses of astrology and tried to bring about a
1555-1617 A.D. Johann Antonius Maginus, doctor of medicine
and mathematics, was a member of the Com-
mission for Calendar Reform. He wrote a book
on the use of astrology in medicine.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 389

1557-1636 A.D. David Herlich (Herlicus) lectured on mathe-

matics, astrology, rhetoric and logic at the Uni-
versity of Greifswald.
1561-1656 A.D. Francis Bacon rose from advocate to lord chan-
cellor. He considered that astrology was useful
for weather forecasting and for agriculture and
that it was invaluable in questions of health.
1561-1656 A.D. Thomas Fink, M.D., professor of mathematics,
published astronomical and medical treatises.
1571-1630 ALD. Johann Kepler, imperial mathematician and
astrologer, tried hard to reform astrology and to
rid it of superstition.
(?)}-1592 AD. * Martin Pegius wrote the first astrological text-
book in the German language to refer to
1572-1621 AD. Rudolf Goclenius, professor of medicine at Mar-
burg, published several astrological textbooks.
1574-1637 A.D. Robert Fludd, English* physician, astrologer
and Rosicrucian, described the interplay of mac-
rocosmic and microcosmic forces.
(?)-1593 A.D. Johann Antonius Roffinus, author of De /aud:-
bus astrologiae.
Can 1 SiIPALD: Johann Antonius Roffinus, author of De /audt-
bus astrologiae.
1587-1656 A.D. Jean Baptist Morin, M.D., personal physician to
the Duke of Luxembourg and later to Louis
XIII. He wrote the celebrated work Astro/ogia
1597-1669 A.D. Abdias Trews, clergyman, professor of mathe-
matics and physics, wrote among other things
Astrologia medica.
Antonio Tattoni, public health officer, a fol-
lower of Placidus, published a compendious
astronomical work in Italian.

*The German text calls Fludd Scottish, but his immediate ancestry was English and
he was born in the English county of Kent. 77.

1602-1681 A.D. William Lilly achieved fame as an astrologer

and was noted for the astounding accuracy of
his predictions.
1603-1668 A.D. Placidus de Titis, “father of modern horoscopy.”
In addition to commentaries on Ptolemy, wrote
a comprehensive medical work entitled De
diebus decretoris et agrorum decubio.
1603-1664 A.D. Andreas Goldmayer was a physician and astrol-
oger who did much to improve chart
1617-1681 A.D. George Wharton practiced as a physician in
London. He was raised to the peerage. His
astronomical writings were published by
1619 ALD. Founding of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood by
Johann Vanentin Andreae (1586-1654).*
Astromedicine was one of the things practiced
by this secret society.
1632-1682 A.D. Aegidius Strauch, professor of history and
mathematics, produced an astromedical
1669 A.D. Tobias Beutel, amateur astrologer, and art cura-
tor to the Elector of Saxony, Johann Georg II,
published a widely read textbook of astrology.
(?)-1740 A.D. Eberhard Welper wrote Speculum atrologicum,
the second part of which deals with blood-
letting and medication.
1767-1854 A.D. August Wilhelm Schegel said in his lectures,
“Astronomy will have to become astrology
1772-1801 A.D. Friedrich Leopold von Hardenberg (Novalis)
devised a magical cosmogony in which astron-
omy is the “true metaphysics.”

*This would probably be challenged by some students of the Rosicrucian movement,

even though they might accept that Andreae was heavily involved in it at some stage.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 391

1774-1835 A.D. Johann Wilhelm Pfaff was the last university

professor in Germany to promulgate astrology.
In his dissertation Uber das Wesen der Astrolo-
gie (The Rationale of Astrology), he called for
the subject to be recognized once more as a
legitimate science.
1775-1854 A.D. Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling, the well-known
philosopher, described the cosmos as a harmo-
nious work of art.
1788-1860 A.D. Arthur Schopenhauer, philosopher, called
astrology “a science with no object,” but in his
Vom Unterschted der Lebensalter (On Age Dif-
~ference) he became more sympathetic towards
1800 A.D. Raphael (R.C. Smith) commenced publication
of his yearly almanacs in London. He also pub-
lished Medical Astrology, which referred to
medicinal plants.
1800-1878 A.D. Dr. Carl Friedrich Zimpel.
1830-1860 A.D. Astrometeorology aroused great interest under
C. Murphy.
1831 A.D. Naval lieutenant (ensign) Morrison started to
publish ephemerides under the pen name
1840 A.D. Birth of Alfred John Pearce, who styled himself
Zadkiel II. He published several works in
English which are recognized as scientifically
1845 A.D. Medical man and astrologer, Dr. William Sim-
monite, wrote an astrological textbook (partly)
in the form of a catechism.
1860 A.D. Morrison-Zadkiel founded the Astrometeoro-
logical Society with a membership that quickly
swelled to two hundred.
1860-1916 A.D. George Wilde, a well-known English astrologer,
wrote a number of books.

1888-1897 A.D. Paul Flambart (Choisnard), in his Astro/ogze

scientifique, instituted statistical research into
the subject.
1888-1921 A.D. Dr. Feerhow (Wehofer), medical astrologer in
1898-1899 A.D. The Hamburg astrologer, Albert Kniepf, wrote
books on Die physischen Wirkungen der Ges-
tirne (The Physical Effects of the Heavenly
Bodies) and Die Phystk der Astrologie (The
Physics of Astrology) in which he ascribed the
influence of the stars to electromotoric
1904 A.D. In England, Alan Leo founded the monthly,
Modern Astrology, and published a series of
textbooks which were later translated into
1909 A.D. Alexander Bethor (nom de plume of Aquilin
Backmund) started the periodical Zodiakus.
1910 A.D. Dr. M. Duz published his book, Astro-
Medizin, in Geneva; German edition 1950.
1910 A.D. Karl Brandler-Pracht launched the Astro/ogzs-
che Rundschau (The Astrological Review), later
amalgamated with the Monatsschrift fir Astro-
logische Forschung (The Monthly Magazine for
Astrological Research).
1913 A.D. The Second International Congress for Experi-
mental Psychology. Dr. Allendy declared that it
was impossible to do without astrology in
1914 A.D. The first impression of Dr. Feerhow’s Medizinzs-
che Astrologie.
1917 A.D. First appearance of Elsbeth Ebertin’s almanacs,
Ein Blick in die Zukunft (Glimpse of the
1921-AD: The first edition of Astrologie und Medizin
(Astrology and Medicine) by G.W. Surya and
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 393

1925 A.D. Baron von Kléckler founded the monthly,

Sterne und Mensch (The Stars and Humanity).
1926 A.D. The issue of Astrologie als Erfahrungswissens-
chaft (Astrology as an Empirical Science) by
Baron von Kléckler, with a preface by Professor
Hans Driesch.
1926 A.D. First Astrological Congress, convened by A.M.
LO 2720ID: Publication of Die Grundprobleme der Astrolo-
gie (The Fundamental Problems of Astrology)
by Dr. Karl Th. Bayer.
1928 A.D. Reinhold Ebertin commenced publication of
.the periodical Astrologischer Ratgeber (The
Astrological Adviser), renamed after a year
Neue Sternblatter (New Stellar Papers), later
again called Mensch im Al/ and, since 1948
Kosmobiologie (Cosmobiology).
1928-1929 A.D. The first Jahrbiicher fir Kosmobiologische Fors-
chung (Yearbooks for Cosmobiological
Research) were published by Dr. Arthur
1932 A.D. Congress of “Astrological Pioneers” held in
Erfurt under R. Ebertin and Chr. Meier-Parm.
1935 A.D. The Fourth German Astrological Congress in
1938 A.D. Reinhold Ebertin took over the annual Ez” Blick
in die Zukunft (A Glimpse of the Future) and
changed it into the Kosmobiologischen Jahrbii-
cher (The Cosmobiological Yearbooks), which
until 1978 reported the international
1949 A.D. Reinhold Ebertin organized the first Confer-
ence for Cosmobiological Research at Aalen.
This became an annual event with an interna-
tional character.
1955 A.D. Baldur R. Ebertin and his father Reinhold Eber-
tin obtained permission to conduct an investi-
gation at the University Hospital in Innsbruck,

and were able to establish that there was a close

relationship between the Moon and Pluto in
various cases of schizophrenia.
3rd Aug. 1956 A.D. Professor Kéberle, professor in ordinary of evan-
gelical theology at Tiibingen, expressed the
view that a fruitful encounter might be possible
between cosmobiology and pastoral care.
4.8.1956 AD. At the Eighth Aalen Conference, Dr. Hagen-
buchner, of the University Hospital in Inns-
bruck, declared that every genuinely concerned
physician is grateful for any indication from a
cosmobiologist that might be helpful in push-
ing back the frontiers of medicine.
Nov. 1956 A.D. Founding of the Cosmobiological Academy at
Aalen, with a preponderance of medical men as
founding members, including Professor Urban,
Dr. Heinrich Reich, Dr. Walter Gollner.
1956 A.D. Dr. Hagenbuchner called for a “systematically
designed technical terminology,” and this was
produced the following year mainly through the
efforts of Reinhold Ebertin.
9th Aug. 1957 A.D. Dr. Vereno, of the Theological Institute at Salz-
burg, stated that any Catholic was at liberty to
take an interest in astrology and cosmobiology,
provided they did not fall into the error of fatal-
ism. This countered attacks by other theolo-
gians on sensible astrology and cosmobiology.
1958 A.D. Professor Rudolf Tomaschek, a geophysicist of
international repute, declared at the Tenth
Conference that the various celestial influences
were open to accurate scientific study.
1958 A.D. Dr. Siegfried Rilling published an article on the
relationship among the stomach, the mother
and the Moon, and said, “When something
goes wrong with the stomach, then we know
there has been a lack of maternal love.”
1959 A.D. Dr. Baldur R. Ebertin drew attention to the
tests of Prof. Eugster, “which have succeeded in
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 395

demonstrating the effects of cosmic radiation

and human tissues.”
1966 A.D. Dr. Wilhelm Folkert explained, for the first
time, how remedies can be selected from the
cosmogram on the basis of the cosmic circle of
the elements.
1968 A.D. Reinhold Ebertin developed the life diagram,
which gives an opportunity for the early diagno-
sis of chronic diseases, so that prophylactic mea-
sures can be taken in time.
1969 A.D. Dr. Heinz Fidelsberger of Vienna, said at the
Twenty-first Conference: “Modern physics and,
_in particular, cybernetics, are extending a hand,
so to speak, to us cosmobiologists. They give us
the opportunity to place cosmobiology on an
exact scientific basis.”
1969 A.D. The Jesuit priest, Dr. Agoston Terres, of Oslo,
spoke on syndromes in the cosmogtam as fol-
lows: “One of the most significant results of
modern physics is the general theory of relativ-
ity, which clearly has a cosmopsychological
1971 A.D. Professor Robert Biinsow of Gdttingen said,
“Plants build their materials out of the forces of
the cosmos and of the earth. That is why they
are able to form the basis of animal and human
life. Special possibilities for healing arise from
an intimate knowledge of human beings and
they way they related to nature.”
1971 A.D. Professor M.A. Charneco of Puerto Rico
declared at the Twenty-third Conference: “We
have been able to establish that certain plane-
tary reference points proposed by the Cosmo-
biological School play an important part in
detecting mental and spiritual diseases.”
1974 A.D. Dr. Agoston Terres S.J. referred to the findings
of solar physics in these words, “The positions of
the planets cause variations in the earth’s mag-

netism. These are reflected statistically in

growth processes, in certain disease symptoms,
in crimes and in other phenomena.”
1974 AD. Erich Modersohn developed his Down’s syn-
drome program in order to prevent, by cosmo-
biological counselling, the procreation of mon-
goloid children.
1976 A.D. Reinhold Ebertin recognized the role played by
planetary declinations in the life-pattern and in
1977 A.D. Reinhold Ebertin delivered the lecture which
forms the basis of the present book.
1978 A.D. Date of the last issue of the Kosmobiologische
Jahrbuch, containing the most significant con-
tributions to the conference. After sixty years,
publication had to be discontinued due to
insufficient outlets and rising production costs.
1978 A.D. The Ebertin Verlag (publishing house) was
amalgamated with the Hermann Bauer Verlag.
The periodicals Kosmobiologie and Kosmuischer
Beobachter wete combined in the new produc-
tion Mendian.
28th Aug. 1980 A.D. Reinhold Ebertin addressed the Cosmopathy
Congress under the auspices of the scientific
association Imago Mundi on “Cosmobiological
Aspects in Chronic Diseases.” This enabled
another bridge to be built in the direction of
official science.
19th Sept. 1981 A.D. Lay medical practitioner Ulrich Jiirgen Heinz
pointed out, presumably for the first time, cer-
tain processes of alchemical change in plants
and in their healing power in the human
Boll, Fr., Sternglaube und Sterndeutung. Berlin, 1928.
Gundel, W. and G., Astrologumena. Wiesbaden, 1969.
Pollak, Kurt, Wissen und Weisheit der alten Arzte—die
Heilkunde der frithen Hochkulturen. Dusseldorf/Wein, 1968.
Gundel, W. Neue astrologische Texte des Hermes Tris-
megistos—Funde und Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der antt-
ken Astrologie. Munich, 1936.
Winkel, E., Claudius Ptolemaus. Berlin, 1923. English transla-
tions have been made by J.M. Ashmand (published by Foul-
sham, London) and F.E. Robbins (published in the Loeb Classi-
cal Library Series). The Robbins translation is accurate and
complete and reproduces the original Greek text along with the
Hildegard von Bingen, Hei/kunde: Das Buch von dem Grund,
dem Wesen und der Heilung von Krankheiten. Salzburg,
Hildegard von Bingen, Hei/kunde.
se Hildegard von Bingen, Gott ist am Werk. Olten, 1958.
Hildegard von Bingen, Gott ist am Werk, Wisse die Wege,
Scivtas (Salzburg, 1955). Sczvzas is available in English from
Bear & Company, Sante Fe, NM, 1985.
10. Pegius, Martin, Geburtsstundenbuch. First printed in Basel in
1570 and reprinted in Freiburg, 1977, with a detailed exposi-
tion by Bonati. ;
at. Strauss, H.A., Der astrologische Gedanke in der deutschen
Vergangenheit. Berlin, 1926.
Dee Pegius. Geburtsstundenbuch.
13; Sindbad-Weiss, Bausteinme der Astrologie. Munich, 1935. A
useful abridgement by Jean Hieroz of Morin’s Astrologia gallica
was published by Les Cahiers Astrologiques in Nice, France, in
1941. In his introduction to Morin’s work, the editor expressed
regret that the unsettled conditions of the war years made it
impossible to reissue it entire. 77.
14. Trews, M.A., Grundriss der verbesserten Astrologie, 1661, and
translated into German by Josef Fuchs, 1927.

DD, Feerhow, Friedrich, Die medizinische Astrolgie unter Beruck-

sichtigung der Pfanzenhetlverfahren, der Homoopathie,
Hygiene und Biochemie. Leipzig, 1914.
16. Feerhow, Die medizinische Astrologie, page 1.
Life Feerhow, Die medizinische Astrologie, page 8.
18. Feerhow, Die medizinische Astrologie, page 9.
19. Von Kléckler, Baron Herbert, Astrologie als Erfahrungswets-
senschaft. Leipzig, 1927.
20. Von Klocker, Astrologie als Erfahrungswetissenschaft.
aA Bayer, T.H., Die Grundprobleme der Astrologie, page 119.
22e Anschiitz, G., Psychologie. Hamburg, 1953, page 475.
Zoe Anschiitz, Psychologie, page 430.
24. Anschiitz, Psychologie, page 475.
25: Hellpach, W., Geopsyche—die Menschenseele unter dem
Einfluss von Wetter und Klima, Boden und Landschaft. Leip-
zig, 1935, page 152 ff.
26: Kritzinger, H.H., Todesstrahlen und Wiinschelrute, page 26.
“1. Schwab, Fritz, Sternenmachte und Mensch. Zeulenroda, 1933.
28. Ruts, Neue Relationen im Sonnensystem und Unwersum.
Darmstadt, W. Germany, 1915.
29: Von Ungern-Sternberg, Olga, Dze innerseelische Erfah-
rungswelt am Bilde der Astrologie. Stuttgart, 1975, page 85.
50: Guthman, H., “Ergebnisse bioklimatscher Untersuchungen aus
dem Gebiet der Frauenheilkunde” in Die medizinische Welt,
Vol. 10, 1963, page 953.
a1. Heckert, Hilmar, Lunationsrhythmen des menschlichen
Organismus. Leipzig, 1961, page 38.
52. Andrews, E.L., “Moon Talk: The Cyclic Periodicity of Postoper-
ative Hemorrhage,” in The Journal of the Florida Medical Asso-
ciation, Vol. 46, May 1960, pages 1362-1366.
53° Ebertin, Reinhold, Kosmobiologische Jahrbucher 1938 bis
1978. Erfurt und Aalen.
34. Surya, G.W., Pflanzenheilkunde auf okkulter Grundlage und
thre Beziehungen zur Volksmeaizin, 4th edition. Pfullingen.
oBy Duz, M., Astro-Medizin und Therapeutik. Hamburg, 1950.
36. Surya, G.W., Astrologie und Medizin. Lorch, 1933.
Sts Ebertin, Reinhold, Lebensdiagramme. Aalen, 1968.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 399

38. Herlbauer-Virusgo, Richard, Praktische Astro-Medizin. Erfurt,

oo. Miiller-Freywardt, H.G., Teirkreis-Tees. Reformhaus Alpina,
Stuttgart 31.
40. Miiller-Freywardt, H.G., “Kosmisches Denken: Eine praktische
Realitat arztlichen Tun und Lassens,” Kosmobiologisches Jahr-
buch, 1963. Aalen, 1962.
41. Miiller-Freywardt, H.G., “Sinn und Unsinn astromedizinischer
Diagnosen,” Kosmobiologisches Jahrbuch, 1970. Aalen, 1969.
42. Folkert, Wilhelm, Sphéaron: Eine west-ostliche Synthese der
Hewlkunst. Frankfurt, 1958.
43. Ebertin, Lebensdiagramme.
44. Ebertin, Elsbeth and Reinhold, Anatomusche Entsprechungen
der Tierkreisgrade. Frankfurt, 1958.
45. Brandau, Fritz, Organuhr der anatomischen Entsprechungen.
Aalen, 1978.
46. Wachsmuth, Gtinther, Erde und Mensch: Ihre Bildekrafte,
Rhythmen und Lebensprozesse. Contance, W. Germany, 1952.
An earlier book by Wachsmuth, Die atherischen Bildekrafte in
Kosmos, Erde und Mensch, and covering some of the same
ground, was translated into English by Olin D. Wannamaker
and published in 1932 by the Anthroposophic Press, New
York, as The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and
Man. \t has gained a high reputation among those who have
read it.
47. Stiefvater, E.W., Die Organuhr. Heidelberg.
48. Von Bernus, Alexander, Alchemy und Heilkunst. Nutnberg,
49. Miiller, Alexander, Kosmos und Mensch. Kreuznach, 1926.
50. Wachsmuth, The Etheric Formative Forces im Cosmos, Earth
and Man.
ye Zimpel, Carl Friedrich, Zimpel’s spagyrisches Heilverfahren.
Gottingen, 1952.
Dae Steiner, Rudolf, Kranheitsfille und andere medizinische Fra-
gen. Stuttgart, 1920. Available in English as KSP
DOs Hauschka, Rudolf, Substanzlehre (Frankfurt, 1950),
Ernahrungslehre (Frankfurt, 1951), Hezlmittellehre (Frankfurt,

1965). Available in English as The Nature of Substance,

Anthroposophic, Hudson, NY, 1983.
54. Hauschka, Hed/muittellehre, page 100.
5D: Von Korvin-Krasinski, Cyrill, Tibetanische Medizinalphiloso-
phie. Zurich, 1953.
56. Huibers, Jaap, Gesund sein mit Metallen, 2nd edition. Frei-
burg, 1981.
57h Ebertin, Reinhold und Baldur, Die kosmischen Grundlagen
unseres Lebens. Aalen, 1955/1956.
58. Ebertin, Reinhold, Grundlagen der kosmobiologischen
Heidlkunde. Aalen, 1976.
a9. Rilling, S., Vagus und Sympathicus in Diagnostik und Thera-
pie sim 1957,
60. Winkel, Claudius Ptolemaus.
61. Boll, Sternglaube und Sterndeutung.
62. See also von Korvin-Krasinski, Trbetanishe Medizinalpht-
63. See Anschiitz, Psychologie, page 475.
64. Retschlag, M., Die Hedlkunst der Geheimuissenschaft. Leipzig,
65. See Ebertin, Grundlagen der kosmobiologischen Heilkunde.
66. Christiansen-Carnap, Lehrbuch der Handschriftendeutung.
Stuttgart, 1947.
67. Von Klockler, Astrologze als Erfahrungswissenschaft, page 54.
68. Ebertin, Reinhold, Mensch tm All. Aalen, 1974. Also available
in English under the title Man im the Universe. AFA, Tempe,
AZ, 1973.
69. Ebertin, Reinhold, Dek/inationsparallelen im Geburtsbild, 2nd
edition, Freiburg, 1980.
70. Ebertin, Reinhold, Kombination der Gestirneinfliisse. 11th
edition, 1981, Freiburg. Available in English as Combination
of Stellar Influences. AFA, Tempe, AZ, 1973.
TA Ebertin, Reinhold, Kosmobtologische Diagnostik. Freiburg,
V2: See Ebertin, Reinhold, Das Jahresdiagramm. Aalen, 1976.
Available in English under the title The Annual Diagram as An
Aid in Life, AFA, Tempe, AZ, 1973.
13% Ebertin, Reinhold, Das Kontakthosmogramm. Aalen, 1973.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 401

74, See also Ebertin, Reinhold, Transite: Welcher Tag ist gunstig
Jur Mich? Freiburg, 1981.
‘ey See Brandau, Organuhr der anatomischen Entsprechungen.
76. Modersohn, E., “Moglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Prognose,”
Kosmobiologie, Vol. 5, Aalen, 1957.
td: Ebertin, Reinhold, “Geheimnisvolle Krankheit,’ Der os-
mische Beobachter, Vol. 10, Aalen, 1976.
78. Gauquelin, Michael, Wetterfruhling: Einfluss des Klimas auf
die Gesunheit. Ruschlikon, 1973. Available in English as How
Cosmic and Atmospheric Energies Influence Your Health.
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1971.
chek Ebertin, Reinhold, Das Doppelgesicht des Kosmos. Aalen,

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abdomen cutting pains, 106

burning in, 96 itching of, 80, 116
cramping, 112 anxiety, 104, 108, 284
abdominal pain, 104 appetitite
Abraham, 1 loss of, 116
Abrotum, 72 Aquarius, 72, 74, 76, 84, 116,
Aconite, 74 118
Aristotle, 3
addiction, 112, 285
Arnica, 84
Aesculus hippocastanum, 76
arsenic, 86
Agaricus, 78
Arsenicum, 86
Agrippa von Nettesheim, 17
arthritis, 94
air, 65, 147 aspects, 166
airy triplicity, 8, 65 Aurum, 88
Albertus Magnus, 8
alcoholism, 112 backache, 84
Alexander the Great, 6 bad breath, 110, 116
Aloe, 80 bagdan, 147
as purgative, 80 Barium carbonate, 126
Alumina, 82 Belladonna, 88, 90
Aluminum, 43, 126 bile, 147
bladder, 74
anal prolapse, 106
inflammation of, 114
Anemia, 72
Boll, 1
anger, 106
Boneset, 100
angina, 112 brain damage, 318
annual diagram, 165, 186 Brandau, Fritz, 52
Anschutz, Georg, 27 breath
Anthroposophy, 60 shortness of, 86, 333
anus Bryonia alba, 92
burning in, 86 Calcium carbonicum, 94
burning pain in, 92 Calcium fluor., 42

Calcium phos., 41 constipation, 76, 82, 92, 114,

Camphora, 96 116
cancer, 128 contusions, 104
colon, 247 convulsions, 106
intestinal, 237 copper, 123
lung, 240 cosmic correspondences
of kidneys, 231 to herbs, 69
recovery from, 225 cosmic rays, 57
cardiac pain, 102 cosmobiological diagnosis, 216
cardiac valve, 259 cosmobiological types, 151
cataract, 274 cosmobiology, 131
cell salts, 40-44 cosmogram, 163
cough, 86, 92, 98, 104, 221
cerebral congestion, 88, 90,
104, 106
dry, 76
cramps, 74, 78, 84, 96, 116
cerebral embolism, 267
abdominal, 90
chamomile, 98
stomach, 118
Chamomilla, 98
Cusanus, Nicolaus, 16
chart diagnosis, 177
cystorrhea, 110
soreness of, 124
daily rhythm, 52
chi, 147
Deadly Nightshade, 88
childlessness, 308
depression, 72, 88, 104, 279
choking, 96
diabetes, 116
choleric temperament, 149
diarrhea, 76, 84, 86, 108
Cichus Asculus, 15
digestive disorders, 86, 88, 94,
circulation, 72, 74, 86
110; 125, 179
cold disease
sensitivity to, 88, 106 and character, 154
cold feet, 94 and cosmobiology, 215
coldness, 96 and zodiac sign, 159
colds, 114 correspondence to mid-
colic, 78, 82, 96, 98 points, 359, to organs,
confusion, 106 369, to signs, 369
congestion, 102, 114 cosmic correspondences,
conjunctivitis, 116 372,375
consciousness infectious, 259
loss of, 96 predisposition to, 168
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 405

drugs Freifrau, Olga, 29

death from, 278
Duz, M., 33 Galen of Pergamum, 7
dyspepsia, 82, 106 gallbladder, 334
gastritis, 82, 104, 114, 116
earache, 74 chronic, 110
ears Gaucher’s disease, 192
change to 122, 120 genitals
ringing in, 120 weakness of, 259
earth, 65 giddiness, 78, 100, 110
earthy triplicity, 8 Gilbert Anglicus, 14
eczema. /2, 116 glandular system
electro-homeopathy, 60 disturbance of, 301
elements, 65, 148 malfunction, 327
emaciation, 124 glaucoma, 267
Empedocles, 2 Gold Leaf, 88
energy gout, 72
loss of, 279 grimacing, 96
enteritis, 82, 98, 104, 116 growth
epidemics, 346 retarded, 126
epilepsy, 90 Guido Bonati, 15
Eupatorium, 100 Gundel, Professor Wilhelm, 3
exhaustion, 84, 96
hair loss, 82
face halitosis, 88
contraction of muscles, 110 Hamamelis virginiana, 102
pains in, 110 Hauschka, Rudolf, 60, 63
fatigue, 82, 118 head, 74
fear, 123 throbbing of, 96
Feerhow, Friedrich, 26 headache, 74, 78, 90, 98, 100,
Ferrum phos, 40 106, 110,114
fever, 90, 100 heart, 72, 84, 86, 88, 112
fiery triplicity, 8 constriction, 122
fire, 65 palpitation, 74, 122
Firmicus Maternus, 8 heartbeat
flatulence, 82, 84, 106 irregular, 88
Fly Agaric, 80 heartburn, 116
Folkert, Wilhelm, 49 heart disease, 263

hematomas, 84 Kali mur., 41

hemorrhages, 102 Kali phos., 41
hemorrhoids, 76, 80, 86, 104, Kali sulph., 41
110, 116 kidneys, 74
Herlbauer-Virusgo, Richard, diseases of, 123
45 weakness of, 92, 110
herpes, 90 kidney stones, 104
Hieronimus de Manfredi of Kniepf, Albert, 25
Capua, 21
Hildegard von Bingen, 10 laryngitis, 86
Hippocrates, 3 LA type, 157
hoarseness, 108, 114 lead, 124
hot flashes, 98, 100 life diagram, 165, 183
humors, 148 LI type, 158
hunger, 110 liver
ravenous, 110 diseases of, 116
Hypericum perforatum, 104 disorders of, 92, 110
hypersensitivity, 90 pain in, 100
hysteria, 106 pains in, 76
swollen, 116
loneliness, 279
iatromathematics, 1
lumbago, 72, 86
Ignatia, 106
lumbar weakness, 76
infections, 102
lung disease, 104
inflammations, 84, 90, 102
insomnia, 104, 112
Maginus, Johann Antonius, 24
intestinal disorders, 76, 78
Magnesium phos., 40
intestinal lesions, 82
mania, 104
Iodum, 108
Mars, 74, 76, 80, 123
iron, 123
melancholic temperament, 150
irration, 86
melancholy, 78, 104, 106
irritability, 108, 114
menstrual pain, 102
mental aberration, 293
Johann Muller of Konigsberg, mental disorders, 279
20 Mercury, 74, 78, 123
joint pains, 94 metals
Jung, 136 correspondences to planets,
Jupiter, 76, 124 120
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 407

migraine, 106 phlebitis, 76, 84, 102, 114,

Modersohn, Erich, 229 116
Monk’s-Hood, 74 phlegmatic temperament, 150
Moon, 82, 122 pimples, 90, 114
Morin, Jean Baptist, 24 planetary correspondences
Moses, 1 with metals, 120
mucus formation, 104 pleura, 92
Muller, Alexander, 57 pleurisy, 72, 92
Muller-Freywardt, H.G., 46 Pluto, 126
pneumonia, 92
Natrum mur., 41 Poison-Nut, 110
Natrum phos., 42 poliomyelitis, 263, 265
Natrum sulph., 40 Pollack, Kurt, 2
nausea, 86, 98, 100 prostate, 336
Neptune, 82, 126 pruritis, 82
Nerves, 74 psychoses, 82
nerviness, 84 Ptolemy, 7
nervousness, 118
Pulsatilla, 114
nervous twitches, 74 pulse, 333
neuralgia, 74 pyelitis, 114
90 degree dial, 164, 167
nose quarrelsomeness, 84
redness of, 88 quicksilver, 123
swelling of, 88
rashes, 114
Nux vomica, 110
- cutting pains, 106
obesity, 300 pains in, 76
remedy, 65
pancreatitis, 108 and healer, 65, 67
Paracelsus, 21 cosmic structure of, 69-119
Passiflora, 110, 112 respiration, 124
Passion-Flower, 112 restlessness, 74, 86, 88, 90,
pectoris, angina, 88 LPL S e125
pessimism, 279 rheumatic disorders, 124
Peter of Albano, 15 rheumatism, 76, 84, 92, 94
pharyngitis, 102, 108, 114,
123, 221 Sagittarius, 74

salivary glands, 94 putrid condition after alco-

sanguine temperament, 150 hol or tobacco, 110
Saturn, 72, 76, 78, 80, 82, spasms, 114
124 Stomachache, 72
SA type, 76, 155 stomach pains
schara, 147 after smoking tobacco, 106
Schwab, Fritz, 29 stool
self-confidence bloody, 82
lack of, 88, 106 dry, 92
sentimentality, 285 foul smelling, 86
sex organs watery or slimy, 98
diseases of, 94, 102, 104 stress, 180
sexual organs Sulfur, 116
pains in, 88 sulphur, 116
Sua 727 122
shooting pains, 90
Silicea, 43
surgery, 325
silver, 122
successful, 334
unsuccessful, 336
SI type, 156
SutyaGoW- 31,552,354
skin complaints, 88, 94
itching, 114
pale and muddy, 124
during sleep, 90
redness and swelling, 92
temperaments, 148
South R.C.. 25
Theophrastus, 21
sobbing fits, 106
thinness, 82
sore throat, 100 thirsty, 92
Southernwood, 72
three humors, 146
spasms, 106 change to 147, 147
sprains, 84 throat
St. John’s Wort, 104 soreness of, 126
Steiner, Rudolf, 57 tickling in, 106, 114
and Anthroposophy, 60 thyroid, 180
stiff joints, 72, 114 disorders of, 90, 108
stomach overactive, 102
bloated, 98 weakness of, 94
cramps, 98 Tiberius, 7
disorders of, 122 Tibetan medicine, 65
pressure on, 98 tin, 124
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 409

tonsillitis, 94 water, 65, 147

tremors, 78 watery triplicity, 8
Trews, Abdias, 24 weakness, 84, 92, 96, 100, 118
Trismegistus, Hermes, 6 White Arsenic, 86
tumor White Bryony, 92
testicular, 255 will-power
Tycho Brahe, 23 loss of, 285

Wins eae : i
ulcers, 82, 102
duodenal, 108 itch-Hazel,
Uranus, 74, 78, 125 wotty, 98
rirerhra writer's cramp, 78
burning in, 86, 90, 114,
118 yin and yang, 55, 135
cutting pains in, 118 character types, 143
urinate in cosmogram, 147
urge to, 118 in Zodiac, 143
urination meridians, 131, 142
suppressed, 78

varicose veins, 84, 102, 114, Zimpel, Carl Friedrich, 59

116, 118 zinc, 118, 125
Venus, 76, 78, 123 Zincum valerianum, 118
vexation, 98 zodiac
vomiting, 100 correspondences with cell
von Bernus, Alexander, 56 salts, 40-44
vori Klocker, Baron Herbert, correspondences with
27 ~ human body, 35
von Korvin-Krasinski, Cyrill, sign corresponding to plant
65 remedy, 47
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“Reinhold Ebertin’s last major work, Astrological Healing, is indeed an excep-

tional documentation that combines the wisdom through the centuries as well
as the extensive research material that can be utilized in the quest for helping ’
to conquer the illnesses and maladies in today’s complicated society. This book
should be present in the library of every astrologer who is sincerely interested
in research and practicing the healing arts.” —Eleonora Kimmel

“Reinhold Ebertin draws upon the vast tradition represented by recognized

physician-astrologers from ancient to modern times and explains the relation-
ship of plants and the human body to cosmic influences. He also relates plants
and minerals to the parts and organs of the human body and to zodiacal
degrees and signs. Employing his abundant cosmobiological knowledge
and experience of nearly 60 years of counseling, Reinhold Ebertin
discusses in his interpretation of natal charts the prevailing
health aspects or potential diseases as well as possible
remedies in the context of their cosmic structures.
This book is an essential tool for every astrologer.”
—Inge Aach

“Ebertin was one of the most outstanding

astrological practitioners in the whole history
of horoscopy. This is no theoretical cook-
book. As always with Ebertin, this invalu-
able work draws on the whole gamut of
his lifetime experience as a practicing
astrologer/cosmobiologist. It is charac-
teristically clear, direct and practical,
showing how we can identify problem
areas in the chart and how we can use |
astrology as an effective tool in the
healing process.”
—Charles Harvey


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