Astrological Healing_ the History and Practice of -- Ebertin, Reinhold -- 1989 -- York Beach, Me__ S_ Weiser -- 9780877287117 -- A7b8d276081af64ea1a518f8ba56c176 -- Anna’s Archive
Astrological Healing_ the History and Practice of -- Ebertin, Reinhold -- 1989 -- York Beach, Me__ S_ Weiser -- 9780877287117 -- A7b8d276081af64ea1a518f8ba56c176 -- Anna’s Archive
Astrological Healing_ the History and Practice of -- Ebertin, Reinhold -- 1989 -- York Beach, Me__ S_ Weiser -- 9780877287117 -- A7b8d276081af64ea1a518f8ba56c176 -- Anna’s Archive
ae The
and Practice of
_ Astromedicine
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Astrological Healing
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Astrological Healing
The History and Practice of
Reinhold Ebertin
02 01 00 99 98 97 96
10: 9°82],
6 4 ee
Ebertin, Reinhold.
Astrological healing.
The paper used in the publication meets the minimum requirements of the
American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library
Materials Z39.48-1984.
Endnotes 397
Index 403
2 a 7 -
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(fire, earth, air and water), and that out of the various mixtures of
these arose love and hate and, above all, diseases.*
The physician Hippocrates (460-377 B.c.) of the island of Cos in
the Aegean Sea, is still honored today as the “Father of medicine.”
His first school on Cos was highly respected. This was also the site of
the famed shrine of Aesculapius, the god of healing.
A piece of writing has been ascribed to Hippocrates, in which
relationships were worked out between the entire heavens of the
fixed stars and the human body. He is said to have assigned the
middle of the thorax, or solar plexus, to the Sun; but to have assigned
the body as a whole to the Moon. He also left us an interesting
example of astrological dream interpretation. When, for instance,
the dreamer sees the stars dimmed or completely obscured by atmo-
spheric influences, one can determine from this the severity of the
disease, its cause and the appropriate remedy. Hippocrates is also said
to have written a treatise entitled On the Astrology of Physicians.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.c.) was Plato’s most
gifted pupil. Aristotle laid the foundation of the astrological picture
of the world accepted in his day and age. According to him, the
universe is eternal. Immovable in its center rests the earth, sur-
rounded by variously revolving spheres to which the heavenly bodies
are attached. The spheres and the heavenly bodies are formed from
the ether; mundane things are formed from the four elements (fire,
earth, air and water). Aristotle paved the way for the rational-
scientific approach of Hellenistic astrology. The correspondences in
table 1 may be traced to him and his contemporaries.
Professor Wilhelm Gundel has authored a compendious work
entitled Neue astrologische Texte des Hermes Trismegistos —Funde
und Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der antiken Astronomie und
Astrologie.4 Hermes Trismegistus (as we spell his name in English)
has had attributed to him forty-two hermetic writings with an
astronomical-astrological, medical and philosophical-magical con-
tent. In the late Hellenistic period, these works were translated from
Egyptian into Greek and to some extent formed the basis of the
*Rather love and hate were supposed by Empedocles to be active forces continually
uniting and separating the elements. 77.
Astrology in Rome
When Greece was drawn into the orbit of Rome ca. 196 B.c., there
was in increase in cultural exchange between Greece and the Roman
Republic; and so astrology became known in Rome too. However, it
was there that the art began to deteriorate, so that steps were taken
against its practitioners and it was even prohibited from time to time.
In 33 B.c. Augustus had all “astrologers and wizards” expelled from
Rome. Even then there was a big difference between serious astrolog-
ical study and mere superstition.
We are informed that the Roman emperor Tiberius employed a
court astrologer whom he also treated as a friend. This was Thrassilos
of Alexandria (died 36 A.D.). Around the middle of the first century
A.D. the physician and astrologer Thessalos was active, to whom we
owe an iatromathematical, or astromedical, herbal.
Claudius Ptolemaeus, or Ptolemy (ca. 100-178 A.D.), was, as
mathematician, astronomer, astrologer and physicist, the last of the
great scientists of antiquity. In his writings, he took into consider-
ation the findings of earlier astrologers. His fundamental work on
astrology, Tetrabib/os, is still extant and has been translated from
Greek to Latin by Melanchthon.* The exposition of Ptolemy, the
“king of astrologers,” anticipates many of the principles of present-
day cosmobiology. For instance, he made allowance for heredity,
taught free will, and rejected fatalism. J
Among other things, he wrote on the action of Saturn from a
medical point of view: “induces general disorders and deterioration
through cold and, in particular, chronic diseases of the human
body— pulmonary tuberculosis originating from catarrhs, secretory
disorders, fluxes, quartan fever.” He thought that Mars had an affin-
ity with tertian fever, hematemesis (vomiting blood), painful diseases
and excessive infant mortality. Right up to modern times, the work of
Ptolemy has formed the basis of many astrological textbooks.
Galen of Pergamum (129-200 A.D.) was the most celebrated
medical man of imperial Rome. He first practiced as a gladiatorial
surgeon and then became personal physician to the emperor Marcus
Aurelius. Galen wrote numerous medical treatises and remained for
centuries an authority on the healing art. He held the view that the
true physician must also be a philosopher. He wrote about Hippoc-
cosmic spheres. The latter radiate on him, meet in him and cause the
human being, as their point of intersection and crystallization center,
to reflect into the universe.
four elements. Fire with its forces resides in the brain and marrow. In
humans, these fire forces manifest themselves as a glow in the visual
faculty, as cold in the sense of smell, as wetness in the sense of taste,
as air in the sense of hearing and as movement in the sense of touch.
Air and its forces are expressed in respiration and in the reason. Water
with its fifteen forces is found in the fluids and in the blood. Earth is
encountered with its seven forces in the tissues and bony system. As
long as the elements preserve their correct order in the organism, the
individual is healthy; but as soon as they deviate from their func-
tional order the individual falls ill.
In her Hez/kunde’ Hildegard speaks of the formation of man-
kind in accordance with cosmic laws, of sexual behavior, of the
human being between sleeping and waking, of diseases from the
head to the feet, of nourishment and digestion, of metabolic disor-
ders, of remedies, of a healthy regime, of the quality of the physician
and of the chart of life.
At the period in which she lived, Hildegard was instrumental in
formulating a body of knowledge which, over the centuries, had
become lost to view and only then was brought to light again. Here
we have room for just a few quotations to give readers an insight into
the work of the “prophetess of Rupertsberg.”
Also in trees, which become green from the root, the sap
increases in the waxing moon and decreases in the waning
the signs and how to employ them for his own and his
neighbour's use.
*The violet and hazelbush each appear twice in these lists. The violet is assigned to
Jupiter and Venus, and the hazelbush is assigned to Jupiter and Mercury. Culpepper,
in his Herbal, is simpler and says of violets, “They are a fine pleasing plant of
Venus,” and of hazel nuts, “They are under the dominion of Mercury.” T7.
tThe so-called Fourth Book of Agrippa’s Occult Philosophy is spurious in the sense of
being wrongly attributed to him, although based on genuine old texts by other
writers. 77.
men and intestines, Libra the navel and the kidneys, Scor-
pio the anus and the genitals, Sagittarius the hips and
buttocks, Capricorn the knees, Aquarius the calves and Pis-
ces the feet.
These anatomical correspondences have held good right down to
the present day, but are certainly not always applicable, because the
zodiac signs taken on their own are not decisive.
Large chunks of the works of Agrippa von Nettesheim, which
were reprinted in 1921, were occupied with contemporary magic, but
he always upheld the principle, “In everything turn to the Lord, and
think, say and do nothing outside the will of God.’*
Whereas the past votaries of astrology relied heavily on the
teachings of Hermes Trismegistus and Claudius Ptolemy, the mod-
erns have in some areas broken entirely new ground as science has
won fresh knowledge.
Johann Miller of Kénigsberg, who was named Regiomontanust
for his birth place, introduced a new system of house division based
on the rotation of the earth. This work was the result of his educa-
tion. He was born in Konigsberg on the 6th June 1436, and from his
twelfth year studied in Leipzig logic, spherical astronomy, arithmetic,
and geometry. He completed his training in Vienna and, together
with his teacher, Purbach, improved planetary theory. In 1464 he was
summoned by Matthias Corvinus, the king of Hungary and Bohemia,
and cured the latter of a depression into which he had fallen through
fear of a solar eclipse. He became celebrated for his numerous scien-
tific works and was installed by Pope Sixtus IV as bishop of Regens-
burg, being called to Rome in 1475 for a planned calendar reform.
Here he died on the 6th June 1476, of poison administered by the
sons of George of Trebizond. Regiomontanus is accounted the great-
est astronomer in the period between Ptolemy and Copernicus, and is
known as the “father of German astronomy.”
* Agrippa did use pious expressions from time to time, but his detailed exposition of
magic as a “philosophy,” rather than as something of antiquarian interest, leads one
to suspect that he was really a pagan at heart. 77.
TLatin form of the German, meaning “King’s Mountain.” 77.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 21
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at the same time as there was a conjunction of the outer planets in the
nebula Praesepe in the sign of Cancer.
Johann Antonius Maginus (13th June, 1555-11th February,
1617) was born in Padua. He became professor of mathematics of
Bolgona and was invited by Pope Gregory XIII to take part in reform-
ing the calendar. Maginus cast the horoscopes of almost all the
princes of Europe, compiled ephemerides, and wrote a book on the
use of astrology in medicine.
One of the most famous astrologers of the 17th century was Jean
Baptist Morin (23rd February, 1587—6th November, 1656). He was
born in Villefranche in the south of France, learned medicine and
mathematics, became a doctor of medicine and finally went to Ger-
many to study mining. Here he became acquainted with astrology. In
1621 Morin was appointed personal physician to the Duke of Luxem-
bourg, and there followed a similar appointment to Louis XIII of
France. The French statesman, Richelieu, and Cardinal Mazarin
sought his advice. When he died in 1656, he left behind him his
huge opus, the Astro/ogia Gallica. One of Morin’s special develop-
ments was the doctrine of determination, which was an attempt to
elaborate a comprehensive theory of combinations. The multi-
volume Bausteine der Astrologie, published between 1926 and 1928
by Sinbad-Weiss in Munich, was to some extent based on the teach-
ing of Morin. In this are to be found notes on astromedicine and
medicinal plants.
From the hand of Abdias Trews (12th July 1597-Easter 1669),
who was born in Ansbach and studied theology, philosophy and
mathematics at Wittenberg, appeared a treatise entitled, Astro/ogia
Medica. His “groundwork of improved astrology” was reprinted in
1927. In the astromedical section of the book he remarks:
Modern Astrology
In the 18th and 19th centuries, we find a whole series of astrologers
who advised clients and even wrote books but made hardly any con-
tributions to medical astrology. We know that Wolfgang von Goethe,
Friedrich von Schiller, Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling, August Wilhelm
Schegel, Joseph Karl Benedikt von Eichendorff, Ludwig Tieck, Frie-
drich Hélderlin and Novalis (Friedrich Leopold von Hardenberg)
were very interested in astrology. Johann Wilhelm Pfaff (born on the
5th December, 1774), the last professor of astrology at the University
of Erlangen, was a keen advocate of his subject. “
But we do come to an important figure for astromedicine in the
person of R.C. Smith, who styled himself “Raphael.” Raphael’s ephe-
merides, which were first published in 1800 and have appeared
annually ever since, owe their inception to R.C. Smith. In his book
on medical astrology, Raphael confitmed the findings of Paracelsus
when he wrote: “Among our native plants, there are medicinal herbs
suitable for diseases of all types and, provided they are used in
accordance with astrological principles, they offer unlimited help in
every complaint and illness.”
At the end of the last century, the Hamburg astrologer Albert
Kniepf became well known and, in 1898/99 he published pamphlets
on Die psychischen Wirkungen der Gestirne (The Influences of the
Planets on the Psyche) and Die Physik der Astrologie (The Physics of
Astrology). In his opinion, the effects of the planets are due to
electromagnetic stimulation, and he maintained that the human aura
is much more sensitive than a selenium cell to planetary radiations.
Dr. von Kléckler was aiso one of the first to use statistics to put
astrology on a scientific basis. A year after Kléckler’s breakthrough,
Dr. Karl Th. Bayer produced his dissertation, Die Grundprobleme
der Astrologie (The Fundamental! Problems of Astrology), in which
he said that “astrology can fulfill all the requirements for making it a
science,” and that “it occupies a well defined position vis-a-vis natural
philosophy and psychology.’””! In fact, Bayer saw a particularly close
link between astrology and psychology.
One of those who drew support from the findings of Dr. Bayer
was Professor Georg Anschiitz in his book Psychologie (Psychology),”
published in 1953. He said:
to the Mars type. Examples are the great and small stinging
nettle (Urtica dioica and Urtica urens), horseradish (Coch/e-
aria amoracia), field buttercup (Ranunculus acris), etc. We
can say of such plants that they possess the planetary
Table 3. Continued
Sign Physical Correspondence
Virgo has to do with two-thirds of the right lower stomach,
the solar plexus, the pyloric valve, the left lobe of
the liver, the caudate lobe of the liver, the pancreas,
and their adjuncts, the abdominal-epigastric stomach
system and everything dependent on it. It predis-
poses to diseases of the cranium. Elementary quality:
dry cold.
Libra relates to the kidneys, the left and right region of the
navel and the hypogastrium (lower abdomen), 1.e.,
the left and right regions of the groin, part of the
small intestine, the urinary bladder in children and
the uterus during pregnancy. It gives a predisposition
to kidney disease. Elementary quality: wet heat.
Scorpio relates to the urogenital system, bladder, uterus, and
pituitary (also to the corresponding nose-and-throat
system) and to the endocrine glands (e.g., to the
suprarenals, ovaries, testicles, etc.). It predisposes to
liver disease. Elementary quality: wet cold.
Sagittarius relates to the musculature, also to the cardiac system,
the blood vessels, the peritoneum, the bladder mus-
cle, the lumbar region and the thighs. It gives a pre-
disposition to chest diseases. Elementary quality: dry
Capricorn concerns the skin and mucous membranes, the cell
tissues, and the knees. It gives a tendency to diseases
of the spleen. Elementary quality: dry cold.
Aquarius affects the circulatory system (and the blood itself),
the shins and the ankles. It predisposes to diseases of
the spleen. Elementary quality: wet heat.
Pisces has to to with the fibers and tendons, and more
especially with the respiratory organs and the syn-
ovia* (joint oil), also with the calcaneum and the
feet. It gives a predisposition to diseases of the chest.
Elementary quality: wet cold.
*A term coined by Paracelsus from the Greek syn = “with” and the Latin ovum = “egg.”
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 37
Schwab —Hickethier—Schussler
Dr. Schwab, to whom reference has already been made, wrote that we
shall be able “to use astrology to introduce a measure of calculation
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 39
*It is interesting to compare the zodiac attributions of the biochemic cell salts given
in this book with those given by Dr. George Washington Carey (see The Zodiac and
the Salts of Salvation, by Inez Eudora Perry, published by Samuel Weiser, York
Beach, ME in 1971). Dr. Carey’s scheme has often been quoted more or less accu-
rately by others (for example, by James Vogh in Astrology and Your Health, Granada
Publishing, 1980), apparently without questioning its truth. However, the attribu-
tions mentioned in this present book differ in almost every instance from those of
Carey; the one exception being Na. sulph. for Taurus.
The discrepency is so striking that it raises the suspicion that both schemes are
wrong. At any rate, it shows how easily a strong subjective element can enter into the
Table 5. Continued
Table 5. Continued
*Not Kali chlorat. as the German. Kali mur. is a ch/oride of potassium not a
chlorate. Tr.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 43
Table 5. Continued
Table 5. Continued
pond to the signs Aries and Leo, for they fit the typology. In astrolog-
ical nomenclature, these two signs are known as fire signs, and this
tells us among other things that they have something to do with
biological combustion. (The typical members of the signs have a
good color and produce plenty of blood and body heat). On the other
hand, Schtissler says of Nat. sulph. and Nat. mur. that they attract
tissue water and help to regulate the water economy of the body.
Their signs, in our scheme, are earth signs; that is to say, they are dry
and readily absorb water. Their natives are very sensitive with regard
to water balance.
Richard Herlbauer-Virusgo
In 1935, the Ebertin Verlag, Erfurt, published Praktische Astro-
Medizin (Practical Astromedicine) as a manual for the “Dulcanoster”
therapeutic system developed by the author on the basis of cosmo-
biological principles. With the assistance of IosWerk in Regensburg,
he prepared a homeopathic complex of remedies corresponding to
the zodiac signs, to the elements and to the planets. In the foreword
to his book, Herlbauer-Virusgo writes:
Several astromedical (cosmobiological) systems of therapy
have been worked out to meet the requirements of the New
Age, but their novelty and their more or less complicated
modes of operation have prevented them from reaching a
very wide circle.
question, and, as a matter of fact, anyone who takes the trouble to read Carey’s
reasons for matching certain cell salts with certain zodiac signs will find that when-
ever he could not match them on medical or biological grounds, he made do with
some mineralogical analogy. And yet, presumably, people are still taking regular
doses of “their” birth salts in the belief that they have a sound scientific reason for
doing so.
Quite possibly, it is a mistake to try and make a one-to-one pairing of the
biochemic salts and signs. Although there are twelve of each, the areas they cover are
not the same. The signs represent body sections and organs, whereas the salts affect
the functioning of body tissues shared by many different body parts and organs. 77.
Until now, since nothing of the kind yet exists in our pro-
fessional literature, none of you has read a book clearly
showing in a scientific way the effect of cosmic influences
on the individual —even though Mr. Ebertin has written an
atticle pleading that such a work is badly needed.
My own practice is a synthesis of East and West. Acu-
puncture has been adopted from Eastern medicine and is
already being taught at university level by our French
neighbors. [In 1959 acupuncture was still relatively
unknown in Germany, but many books on the subject
appeared in the next decade]. The foundations of Chinese
philosophy are the principles of Yang and Yin on which the
celebrated Chinese book of wisdom, the I Ching, is based.
Nothing that happens, none of the tension in living nature,
would be conceivable without the opposition they produce
between positive and negative, light and dark, dry and wet,
etc. In medical work extending over thousands of years, the
Chinese have discovered hundreds of sensitive points on the
human body and have realized that they mark the course of
a continuous stream of energy flowing through the body. In
disease, this energy flow is disturbed.
With the help of X-rays, scientists have counted the ele-
ments and know today that ninety-two elements occur nat-
urally. . . . Now if each atom is like a tiny planetary system,
ought not the elements as a whole to have the same appear-
ance? .. . I have succeeded without difficulty in establish-
ing an unforced connection between our solar system and
the periodic system of the elements. As far as I know,
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 51
nobody has done this before. What you are learning now is
something new; the fruit of my studies over the past ten
years or more.
I have arranged the elements in a circle with special refer-
ence to Yang and Yin. The odd elements are Yang and the
even elements are Yin. The circle runs continuously from
the lightest elements through the heaviest and back to the
lightest again.
In this circle we can also arrange the Chinese [acupunc-
ture] points. These are distributed all over the body. They
are each the size of a pin’s head, and when they are manip-
ulated correctly they are very sensitive—especially in dis-
ease. The points are all interconnected and we have to
assume that a continuous flow is taking place through our
bodies through definite channels, similar to the flow of an
electric current through a wire. The flow takes twenty-four
hours to return to its starting point. This explains the varia-
tion in the reactions of the organs according to the time of
day—on account of which I give my remedies at exactly
determined hours.”
kept writing love letters which were heavily underlined and full of
eccentricities. Another male patient born on the same day, who suf-
fered from chronic psoriasis, was covered in 1940 by a fiery red,
burning, itching eczema from his abdomen to his anus. A third
patient, born at 12:30 p.M., came for treatment in 1950 suffering
from giddiness, strabismus, depression and an evil-smelling dis-
charge from the testicles and the region of the inguinal glands. A
female patient came for giddiness, buzzing in the ear and listlessness
in 1953; in 1928 an operation had been performed on one of her
ovaries. Another female patient, weighing one hundred and ninety-
three pounds, complained of giddiness and headaches. She suffered
from a persecution complex and had a growth the size of two fists in
her abdomen.
The Sun is 28° Scorpio here and, according to the Anatomusche
Entsprechungen der Tierkreisgrade (The Anatomical Correspon-
dences of the Zodiac Degrees)“ 25°-28° have to do with the fallo-
pian tubes, perineum, anus and mucous membranes; as can also be
seen in the similar scheme developed by Fritz Brandau in his
Organuhr (Organ Clock).*
Here we have only given some of the basic points from Wach-
smuth’s copious volume, which is particularly useful for judging the
proper time to take medicaments.
In this connection, mention must also be made of the investiga-
tions of Dr. E.W. Stiefvater and his book Die Organuhr (The Organ
Clock).“’ The author published a large diagram, the bare outline of
which is reproduced here as figure 2. This diagram is very similar to
Wachsmuth’s tables, but actually improves on them as a survey of the
body’s daily activities. Yin and Yang relationships and many other
details have been omitted from the annexed drawing.
Day crisis
Night crisis AZ 2
Figure 2. The 24-hour clock and physical activity in the body (after
E.W. Stiefvater).
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 57
Alexander Miiller
Between 1924 and 1927, the pharmacist Alexander Miiller lectured on
“Cosmic and Telluric Rays as the Causes of Disease.” The lectures were
collected under the title Kosmos und Mensch (Cosmos and Man).” On
the basis of his experiments, which he was scrupulous to perform only
on living beings, he came to the conclusion that, with the help of
electrically active salts, one could imitate every climatic influence with-
out exception and, to some extent, could artificially produce the
atmospheres of meadow, upland and mountain. Understandably, to
begin with, he met with strong resistance on all sides, being branded
by some as a visionary and by others as a swindler. He said:
Generally speaking, electrolytes are thought of as salts
which have the property of breaking up in aqueous solution
into their molecules, atoms, electrons and ions, and there-
fore of generating an electric current due to the friction
between colliding particles as the material flies apart. Their
solutions also have an increased capacity for carrying electric
currents from outside sources.
My recognition that all the causes of disease are invari-
ably to be sought in the disruption of the minutest vessels
of the organism paves the way for a cure.
Then it occurred to me to use two stimuli of different
kinds, corresponding to cosmic vibrations, and to impart
special properties and a special direction in our bodies to
the stimuli applied to our nerves. In addition, the means
used had to bring uric acid, calcium, oxalate and insoluble
phosphates into solution. I had been successful thus far,
after countless attempts, especially in influencing the activ-
ities of the glandular organs, when the thought struck me
that I could derive all stimulation from my electrolysis of
the solar plexus, the true function of which is totally
unknown to science.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 59
The four leaders of the zodiac, the lion, water bearer, bull and
eagle, represent the four essential substances hydrogen, oxygen,
nitrogen and carbon, which build the entire organic world. Accord-
ing to Dr. Hauschka, the harmonization of these four chemicals
forms protein, the basis of all life. Protein is so versatile when we
*The herbalism of ancient Europe also relied on a knowledge of the tastes and
“temperatures” of plants; but this seems to have been increasingly ignored as herbs
were classified according to their physiological and medicinal action. Tr.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 67
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a dg
.eactions to
Reactions to
social life,
influences hospitalization,
confinement in
an institution
ov *
Muscles, Glandular
tendons, red system, neck,
blood corpuscles, tonsils, kidneys,
bile veins, cheeks,
skin, bladder
Choleric, bilious Melancholic, Horse chestnut Sanguine, Phlegmatic,
constitution, lymphatic- bilious-sanguine lymphatic-
digestive organs nervous Aesculus constitution, nervous
constitution, hippocastanum congestion of constitution,
blood, anemia, blood, lesions metabolism,
growths elimination
Planetary disorders:
© seas ae =
Heart, Skin
1) S 6
Intestines Heart, Stomach
(liver, gallbladder, circulation, back
Gemini: Drawing and cramping pains in the limbs, pins and needles,
atony of the muscles, polyarthritis.
Leo: Heart, circulation, palpitation of the heart, cardiac anxiety, car-
diac neurosis.
Libra: Kidneys, urinary bladder, scanty urine with pain and urging,
relief by sweating.
Sagittarius: Sciatica.
Aquarius: Veins, cramp in the calf.
Planetary disorders:
oi eeriearepenic
eee <n Aan alertCerebral
Sensory nerves
Vasomotor nerves
Limbs Head,
cranial nerves,
eyes, nose
es a
Sciatic nerve Kidneys, Heart, circulation
urinary bladder
Aesculus Hippocastanum
Aesculus hippocastanum, ot Horse Chestnut, has its main correspon-
dences with Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius:
Planetary disorders:
3S eo fone
Sudden onset Motor nervous - Disturbances of
of nervous disorders system the functional
Nerve irritants, rhythm,
reflexes tremors
Obstructions in the é Relief of functional disorders
organism showing themselves by secretions from the
in the skin: formication, lachrymal, salivary and
pins and needles, chilly intestinal
feeling of nervous origin glands, perspiration
Planetary disorders:
fou h
Burns, heat, Congestions, Indurations,
inflammations, fever exhaustion anthropophobia
(fear of people)
np ays ™
Enteritis Headaches due Hemorroids,
to pockets of gas burning in the anus
Planetary disorders:
Moon: Stomach disorders due to the state of mind, small ulcers in the
stomach and small intestines.
Alumina acts slowly but deeply and needs to be taken for a fairly
long time.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 83
¥ 69 np
Nasal catarrh and Stomach disorders, Intestinal colic,
sore throat hyperacidity flatulence
Constipation, rectal
Planetary disorders:
Vr vw
Cerebral congestion, Throat, nose,
headache tonsils, ears
8 7 a
Heart, spinal cord Lower leg, varicose
Planetary disorders:
ay ¥v
Sensitive stomach, Laryngitis, head
feeling of anxiety cold,
sore mouth
I €
Cough, shortness of Stomach ache,
breath nausea
Heart, circulation Digestive disorders
(due to vexation)
Urinary organs Hemorroids,
Planetary disorders:
ii a
Cereberal congestion, Bitter taste in
headache mouth,
bad breath
SQ ‘ Mm
Heart, circulation, Redness and
angina pectoris swelling
of the nose,
sexual disorders
(uterus, testes)
Planetary disorders:
r oy,
Spasmodic Cerebral congestion
sudden severe
functional disorders
& Sonp
Sore throat and Digestive tract,
tonsils, thyroid, gastric and
middle ear intestinal colic
Appendicitis, nasal
catarrh, sexual
Bryonta Alba
Bryonia alba, or White Bryony, has a structural pattern that forms a
Maltese cross with the tips spanning Gemini/Cancer, etc.
Planetary disorders:
Moon /Saturn: Disordets of the fluid balance, dryness, great thirst for
cold water, agitation, irritability, anxiety.
Jupiter: Liver disorders, pneumonia and pleurisy.
Mars: Excited states, inflamed gallbladder or appendix (cholecystitis
or appendictitis), muscle pains, redness and swelling of the skin.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine Pe)
oy 1s
Inflamed Bronchitis,
gallbladder pneumonia, pleurisy
or appendix, muscle
pains, diseases due
to anger
Tp = YX
Intestines, Alleviation of heat
appendix, by cold
Limbs, joints
Calcium Carbonicum
Planetary disorders:
4 x
Bones, joints, teeth, Feet
Cinnamomum camphora, or Camphor Tree, yields camphor, an
ancient Chinese remedy particularly useful for raising the blood
Planetary disorders:
oa Ae
Muscular paralysis - Throbbing in head,
grimacing, loss of
6m 8K
Colds, choking fits, Cardiac distress,
intestinal disorders cardiac insufficiency
Renal colic
Planetary disorders:
Arms, thighs
Aries: Throbbing headache, hot flushes to the head with red face,
giddiness, aching around the eyes.
Taurus: Sore throat, dry nose and throat, yellow-coated dry tongue.
Gemini: Bruised feeling, weakness of the limbs and joints.
Cancer. Pain in chest and stomach, especially when coughing;
Leo: Backache.
Virgo: Digestive disorders, pain in region of liver, nausea and
Planetary disorders:
I Chest and stomach N
Weakness of the pains Backache
and joints
Nausea, digestive
Planetary disorders:
Congestion, y
indurations Ulcers, infections
NQ v
Heart disease, : Over-active thyroid,
sacralgia goiter
mM =
Menstrual pains, Phlebitis, varicose
pain in the genitals, veins
Hypericum perforatum, ot St. John’s Wort, has a structural pattern
based on Aries, Taurus and the opposite signs Libra and Scorpio.
Planetary disorders:
Melancholy, depression, anxiety states, mania, insomnia, lassitude
vy ra
Headache, facial neuralgia - Kidney stone, toxins are
excreted via the urine
v TM
Accumulations of Nose bleeds, genital disorders
mucus in throat
Strychnos ignatii, ot St. Ignatius’s Bean, exerts its main influence on
the nervous system. Therefore, in the structural diagram, the empha-
sis is laid on Aries, with further effects from Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio
and the planet Mercury.
Planetary disorders:
Dh .
Emotional disturbances, Changeable moods, sobbing
melancholy, fear and terror, fits, convulsions, colonic spasms
sensitivity to cold
x ye
Hypersensitivity of the nervous Confusion, possession, injury
by toxic stimulants
me : €9
Cerebral congestion, headache Stomach disorders due to
agitation, gastric catarrh in
v ui
Tickling in the throat, Prolapsed rectum, hemorroids
ifritating cough
Planetary disorders:
Hy oy
Skin complaints (acne, Anxiety states
pustules, furunculosis)
3d v
Overexcitement of the nerves Head colds, hoarseness
é9 J
Gastritis, bulimia (voracious Cardiac palpitations
appetite), inflamed pancreas
Diarrhea, duodenal ulcer,
swellings in the genitals
Nux Vomaca
Planetary disorders:
Central nervous Cystorrhea Muscle cramps,
system, neuralgia, rheumatism, facial
results of mental spasms
ch D y
Weariness of life, Stomach complaints, Results of abuse of
fear and anxiety mental disorders stimulants and
a Ps
Headache, bad Atrophy of the Aversion to foods,
breath bladder putrid stomach
Tp Mh
Digestive disorders, Liver disease, frequent calls to
constipation stool and to urinate,
hemorrhoids, diseases of the
Passtflora incarnata, or Passion-Flower, has an unusual but symmetri-
cal cosmic structure.
Leo: Heart feels squeezed, angina pectoris, pain in left side and down
left arm, insomnia.
Planetary disorders:
y Y
Addictions, withdrawal from Mental disorders due to
morphia addiction
2 ¢ M1
Heart feels squeezed, angina Abdominal cramps
pectoris, pains in left side of
chest and down left arm
Addiction, alcoholism
Planetary disorders:
2, 6
Irritability, sore Swellings Colds and chills
ay w-~ 69
Dimness of sight, Catarrh, hoarseness Hypoacidity,
conjunctivitis, ear stomach
disease, migrain cramps
rg 6 —
Tp mM
Enteritis Genital disorders
Sulfur, ot sulphur, has the structure of a rather irregular five-pointed
star with its tips resting mainly on the signs representing the digestive
organs, Cancer, Virgo and Scorpio, but also on the opposite signs,
Aries and Aquarius.
Anes: Cerebral congestion with heat on top of the head, morbid fear
of being out in the sun, conjunctivitis.
Cancer/Virgo/Scorpio: Bad breath, gastritis, swollen liver, loss of
appetite for many foods, craving for alcohol and candies, heartburn,
enteritis, constipation, itching of anus, hemorrhoids, diabetes.
Planetary disorders:
bo) os
Skin complaints Liver diseases Muscular
(acne) due to lack of rheumatism,
hygiene fever
69 IP ™
Portal vein system (stomach, intestines, pancreas, spleen, liver),
many foods not tolerated, craving for alcohol and candy, diabetes,
diarrhea or constipation, gastritis
iY Mm ad
Aversion to light, Hemorroids, Phlebitis, varicose
conjunctivitis inflammed veins
gallbladder, itching
of anus
Zincum Valerianum
Planetary disorders:
3S oy
Restlessness, trembling, Weakness, exhaustion,
nervousness, cramps, insomnia giddiness, faintness
'¥ %
Frontal headache, Stomach cramps,
neuralgia, teeth watery eructations
8} LB:
Nervous heart Call to urinate, especially at
disorders, night
palpitation of the
heart, backache
Fidgety legs, calf cramp
“. te a mci be cone 7 7
7 cies te
~ “a
al Be oon 5
Gold—Aurum—the Sun
Silver—Argentum—the Moon
The reason quicksilver is known as mercury is its relationship to the
planet of the same name. In homeopathy, the preparation chiefly
employed is Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni. Just as mercury corres-
ponds to the central and peripheral nervous system, so Mercurius is
administered for agitation of the nerves with fear and restlessness,
hastiness, irritability, mental confusion, dread of losing one’s reason,
and for a lack of concentration and thought even bordering on idiocy.
In addition, the preparation is recommended for facial neuralgia,
conjunctivitis, suppuration in the ear, pharyngitis and bronchial
Other mercurial compounds employed are Mercurius sublimati-
cus corrosivus, Mercurius iodatus flavus, Mercurius biniodatus (Mer-
curius iodatus ruber), Mercurius dulcis and Mercurius chromicus oxy-
The dose is between 3x and 12x.
Copper— Cuprum—Venus
lron—Ferrum— Mars
An old folk remedy for iron deficiency in weak, anemic people was to
stick a clean nail in an apple in the evening and to eat it the following
morning; the idea being that a certain amount of iron would be
dissolved by the acids in the apple, to the benefit of the body.
Like Jupiter, the metal tin has a close connection with the respiratory
organs and also with the digestive organs, especially the liver. The
remedy is therefore employed in rawness and hoarseness of the
throat, in a weak chest with shortness of breath, in obstruction of the
air passages by phlegm (which is yellow or green and unpleasantly
sweetish), in oppressive respiration and soreness of the chest.
The usual dose is 3x. Higher potencies are not always
Lead—Plumbum— Saturn
Zinc—Zincum— Uranus
Zinc is still a relatively new metal, and was first extracted from its ore
in the middle of the 18th century, at the time when Uranus was
discovered.* The amount of zinc in the individual organs is higher
when cell growth is vigorous. Uranus chiefly relates to the function of
the cerebellum; it is therefore understandable that many physicians
regard zinc as a brain remedy and have used it in nervous twitching of
all kinds. Its main action is on the central nervous system when
tiredness and weakness alternate with restlessness and excitement. A
characteristic feature is that the legs can not be kept still when the
person is seated. In nocturnal insomnia, too, it is hard to keep the
limbs still. The typical diseases almost always have a nervous charac-
ter, for example in digestive disorders. Zinc is valued as a tranquil-
lizer and as a remedy for neuralgia. Zincum valerianum is a good
soporific in doses between 3x and 6x. Zincum phosphoricum helps in
nervous exhaustion; Zincum sulfuricum in enteritis and eye
Aluminum—Alumina— Neptune
Aluminum is one of those metals that have been discovered in mod-
ern times: pure aluminum was first successfully produced in 1827.
Neptune was discovered in 1846. Aluminum is contained mainly in
clay and loam. It is an essential trace element, but in soluble form can
produce severe symptoms of irritation and poisoning (Neptune), pos-
sibly with paralysis (Neptune again) and muscular spasms. As a rem-
edy it is used chiefly in infections, chronic nasal catarrh and pharyn-
gitis, weakness of the vocal cords, clergyman’s sore throat, mucus in
the throat, aggravation of diseases by indulgence in alcohol (Nep-
tune), general weakness of the whole body, unsteady gait, and weari-
ness in the legs.
Since aluminum is used principally for constitutional disorders,
the higher potencies from 12x and upwards are prescribed.
% radiation
4) In the landscape with its mountains and uplands, its plains and
coastal regions;
Ap = apex N- = north
Z = galactic center S = south
hel = heliocentric he) = nodes of Mer-
@® = Earth (hel) = ER cury
pa = Cupid = CU (Planetary nodes are
G = Hades = HA | symbolized by two small
+ = Zeus = ZE circles as shown in the case of
f = Chronos = KR Mercury above.)
24 = Apollo = AP © = Sun = SU
6 = Admetus = AD D = Moon = MO
a = Vulcan = VU YB = Mercury = ME
% = Poseidon aiP@ Q = Venus = VE
Pp = progressed O' = Mars = MA
S = solar arc directions 2 = Jupiter = JU
T = transit h = Saturn = SA
t = radical position $ = Uranus = UR
R= retrograde tt = Neptune = NE
st = stationary @ = Pluto = PL
//_ = parallel 6 = Transpluto = TP
A = Ascendant = ASC 2 = Dragon’s Head = DR
M = Medium Coeli = MC (Moon’s ascending node)
‘Ya = Agies =e Ass Planetary Aspects
YW = Taurus =, TA 0° = conjunction = OC
IL = Gemini = GM __ 30° = _semisextile iN
69. = Cancer = CN 45° = semisquare =e:
aw =viles =aUE 60° = sextile = +*
IP = Virgo =i 72° = quintile ih
= = Libra = LI 90° = square = 0
M = Scorpio =) SG v1202=rcrine = A
” = Sagittarius =SG 135°= sesquisquare =
* = Capricorn = CP 144° = biquintile = Bq
== = Aquatius = AQ 150° = quincunx = MQc
MPa Pisces = PS 180° = opposition = 00
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 135
ee Yang (centrifugal)
Yin (centripetal)
* Another explanation is that they wear yellow because they believe this color stimu-
lates the mind.
Male Female
Fertilizing Fertilized
Condensing Dispersing
Concentrated, applied energy Diffused, misapplied energy
Ordered Disordered
Time Space
Day Night
Summer Winter
Dry Wet
Salt Sweet, sour (sugar turns to
acid in the body)*
Positive Negative
Tight Loose
Hard Soft
Heavy Light
*There is not the same simple polarity here as there is between hard and soft say;
because salt and acid are part of one set of four—acid, base, salt, water—formed by
the interplay of their components, another set of four—H, OH, M, X. Tz.
Honey (3)
Sugar, raw cane (4)
Sugar, refined white (5)
Syrup (3)
ee oo IO MN 6 jt
Figure 32. The alternation of Yang (+) and Yin (-) signs in the
Cosmosophic Principles
As Boll tells us, “Prechristian astrology made an admirably valiant
attempt to explain the world as a whole—as a single great unity; it
also fitted the human race into this commonwealth which binds all
living things together by its laws.”°' Now what can be the implication
of this, except that the connection between the Cosmos and the Bios
is not open to complete understanding by scientific means and lies
deeper than science, in the realm of philosophy and religion, linking
us with our Creator, with God? Here is an outlook that used to be the
common property of mankind: its traces being found among the
healing, and survives, if only unconsciously, in all religions that share
a common cosmic basis.
*Readers new to the subject should note that here, unlike in an atlas, east is on the
left-hand side of the chart and south is at the top. 77.
The first of the three principles is C4z = air, wind. This is not
ordinary air, however, but Reason which upholds and penetrates the
All; it is Idea and Law.
The second principle is Schara = bile (yellow), which is not
ordinary bile, either, but the principle that governs and moves the
cosmos and underlies each impulse and force: the Doer or principle
of action.
The third principle is Bagdan = water (phlegm). As we might
expect, it is not ordinary water, but the transporting principle or
Vessel, which is passive in character and is codetermined and shaped
by the other principles.
It would take us too far afield to give a proper account of these
principles here; especially as we are more interested in the theories
worked out in the Mediterranean region. The basis of humoral
pathology, the concept that all disease can be traced back to a faulty
condition of the body humors, was laid in the astrology of ancient
Greece. The fundamentals of the theory were developed by Greek
philosophers and physicians.
Medium Coeli
Ascendant Descendant
Morning Evening
Imum Coeli
Cosmobiological Types
As is shown in the book Grundlagen der kosmobtiologischen
Heilkunde (The Fundamentals of Cosmobiological Medicine), vari-
ous sorties have been made into the field of typology (from Kretsch-
mer, Pfahler, Jaensch, Jung and others). For the purposes of cosmo-
SA signs have:
Moon in Leo 3 points
Venus in Sagittarius 2 points
Uranus in Sagittarius 1 point
Saturn in Sagittarius 1 point
Total: 7 points
SI signs have:
Ascendant in Virgo 3 points
Dragon’s Head in Capricorn 1 point
Total: 4 points
LA signs have:
Pluto in Gemini 1 point
Neptune in Gemini 1 point
MC in Gemini ~ 3 points
Mercury in Libra 2 points
Sun in Libra 3 points
Jupiter in Libra 1 point
Total: 11 points
LI signs have:
Mars in Cancer 2 points
Total: 2 points
All told, this amounts to a total of 24 points. When the results are
displayed graphically, the material shown in figure 35 emerges.
A bar chart such as figure 35 is useful for statistical research. For
example, Dr. Rolf Reissmann carried out some studies on epileptics
in Leipzig and found:
SA types = 37 points
SI types 95 points
LA types 53 points
LI types = 53 points
The reason character types have been mentioned in the present trea-
tise is that character and disease go together and exert a reciprocal
influence on one another. Anyone who has studied homeopathy will
know the homeopathic “drug pictures.” One speaks, for instance, of
the nux vomica type who, with wide mouth and full lips, seeks
sensual enjoyment, but also is predisposed to disorders of the stom-
ach and intestines, has taunt features and is slightly nervy. Or of the
phosphorus type with slender figure and eagerness to do his best, but
with little interest in sport or practical activities. Since these homeo-
pathic types have so much in common with the cosmobiological ones,
doctors who have been trained in cosmobiology take readily to pre-
scribing homeopathic remedies.
Nevertheless, it must not be forgotten that it would be worse
than useless to attempt a diagnosis from a cosmobiological stand-
point alone. The standard physical and psychological clinical meth-
ods are also necessary. The main value of cosmobiology lies in its
power to detect a disease which is still latent, thus enabling preven-
tive measures to be taken. It will also warn us of likely relapses or
recurrences and will say whether we should treat a given disorder as
chronic or acute. The following material is an overview of the cosmic
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 155
of fruit, little milk and few eggs. Good to drink are soda water with a
dash of wine, orange juice, lemons, red currants, cherries and
During convalescence long excursions are beneficial. Vacations
should be spent in resorts with a temperate climate.
According to Herlbauer, suitable homeopathic remedies are
Belladonna, Chelidonium, China, Hyoscyamus nig., Nux vomica,
Phosphorus, Veratrum vir., Natrum nitr. Obviously, these remedies
need to be taken under the supervision of a qualified practitioner.
Diseases: The causes of disease can lie in the condition of the blood;
especially in a deficiency of red blood corpuscles, by which the resist-
ance is lowered. Common complaints are insomnia, and digestive
troubles— especially constipation or diarrhea. The appetite is capri-
cious and oscillates between ravenous hunger and no desire to eat at
all. Headaches are frequent, particularly if the diet is faulty. There is
a tendency to hysteria and hypochondria. A sedentary occupation
plus an unsuitable diet lead to vein troubles and hemorrhoids. Auto-
toxins (uric acid) are often excreted via the skin. The throat is sensi-
tive with a likelihood of tonsillitis.
Blood vessels of the. - Blood vessels in t
are connected or alike in some way. For instance, there are the mouth
and the vulva and vagina, the tongue and the clitoris, the tonsils and
the uterus or prostate as the case may be. It is observable in young
women, for example, that a vaginal discharge or infection often fol-
lows a tonsillectomy.
These relationships were published many years ago by the
French physicians, Dr. Adrien Peladan and Dr. Duz, and by the
Viennese physician, Dr. Feerhow. They are listed in Table 16 in
alphabetical order.
Dr. Feerhow cautioned that he would not vouch for the absolute
accuracy of this list, which is meant merely to serve as an incentive to
further investigation.
Experience over several decades has convinced me that for diseases of
individual organs the planets are often more decisive than the signs in
which they are posited. Consider, for example, the aspects between
Venus and Saturn which often evoke kidney trouble or female dis-
eases, between the Sun and Neptune indicating cardioasthenia (a
weak heart), or between the Moon and Saturn indicating distur-
bances of the fluid balance, etc. Interested students should refer to
table B and table C in Appendix I on page 359 for sign correspon-
dences and planetary correspondences.
two points: the Ascendant (ASC) and the Medium Coeli (MC). Now,
in certain house systems, the ASC and MC practically coincide when
the birth in the far north, and some houses are only a few
degrees wide, whereas others span several signs. My own response has
been to abolish this unsatisfactory state of affairs by making do with
the ASC, the MC and the aspects. So no house divisions will be found
in my examples. The two authentic points, ASC and MC are written
A and M respectively, in order to mark their positions as accurately as
possible, especially when other factors are crowded into the same
In order to work with the cosmogram, the zodiac has been sur-
rounded by a 90° outer wheel to facilitate locating the aspects. (See
figure 37.) I have reduced the number of aspects that I use to those
that are based on a continuous subdivision of the cross; that is to say,
to angles of 0°, 180°, 90°, 45°, and 135° as shown in figure 38.%
Figure 37. Composite chart showing the 360° circle of the zodiac,
and the outer 90° circle (or dial) that we work with in cosmobiology.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 165
Square = 90°
Opposition = 180°
=> 45 bd
Sesquisquare = 135°
The Aspects
Individual planets in the cosmogram are related to one another by
aspect. Especially significant are the aspects arising from the cross and
its successive divisions, i.e., conjunction, opposition, square, semi-
square and sesquisquare. The trine and sextile, and the rest of the
aspects belonging to traditional astrology play hardly any part in
disease unless they form half-sums as in the case of an exact trine.
The next thing to do is to combine the meanings of the aspect-
ing planets. Recommended reading on the subject is my book Kom-
bination der Gestirneinflisse (The Combination of Stellar
The Sun always symbolizes the whole body, the vitality, the will
to live, the heart and the circulation. In its combinations with other
planets, we get such effects as cardiac deficiency from Sun/Neptune;
inflammations from Sun/ Mars; blood diseases from Sun/Jupiter; cell
deposits, indurations, and stone formation from Sun/Saturn; irregu-
larities of the heart beat from Sun/Uranus, etc. Lunar aspects are
involved with the body’s fluid balance and with the fluid balance of
individual organs. Thus with Moon/Venus we may expect disorders
relating to glandular products and hormones; with Moon/ Mars
unconsciously activated muscle movements, or mental reactions to
the outside world, e.g. blushing or blanching.
Further information is obtainable from the half-sums (mid-
points) when there are planets at equal distances on either side of a
given planet.
In figure 40, Jupiter is shown in the middle of and equidistant
from Saturn and Neptune. This is written Jupiter = Saturn/Neptune
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 167
Figure 40. Jupiter at the midpoint of Saturn and Neptune.
this particular case, the positive (or Yang signs) contained nine fac-
tors, as against three factors in the negative (or Yin) signs. Using the
key for type composition already supplied (see page 153), we obtain
eighteen points for Yang but only six points for Yin.
On coming to the aspects, we must also distinguish between
planets with positive and those with negative characters. Finally, we
have to list the midpoints and underline those having a particular
bearing on disease.
When all these findings have been tabulated, the following
synopsis is obtained:
1) The individual belongs to the Yang type, which is very active and
lively and, when ill, tends to suffer mostly from acute diseases associ-
ated with fever, sudden spasms and colics, etc.
3) Among the strong aspects, we note those between the Sun, Jupt-
ter, and Mars giving warning of blood diseases, and of disorders of
the circulation, liver and gallbladder. The Venus/Uranus aspect
points to glandular problems, especially where the kidneys are con-
cerned. Neptune/MC hints at professional disappointments and at
limited opportunities for development, so that the mental reaction
could have a deleterious effect on the weaker organs.
Fire Earth
Air Water
Positive total: Negative total:
Lunar nodes
Sun 64002925 Moon Lo
Mats oO0A%nD? Venus o%4/Onc
Jupiter dO0d Neptune OMOA
Uranus -Od@? Sacuriry ==
Pluto 2C Mercury
MC otf 13 ASC og
SU = 24/8-d/2-9-5 MO = 9~h/tf-h/M-h/A
MA =2%-2/¥%-9/h-t/6 VE = $-O-2/2-d7Q
JU = &P-3/¥-9/h-h/é M-A-84-0'4/9S
UR = O-24/2-0/2-9 SA = 9/9-6/9-Y/4
PL = t/t{t—-h/M-h/A-O/9S-C ME = S24 /M-C/o
MC = tf-A-9/h-0'Y,/9S AS = M=tf-t/2-0'24/96
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 171
Neptune/MC/ ASC
with the natal Moon, which could affect the years leading up to age
30. The native did not recall anything particularly worth mentioning
for this period however.
The 60th year of life is represented, near enough, by the 8th of
December. Uranus is at 4° Sagittarius, having just made a semisquare
to Jupiter, and is approaching a sesquisquare to Mars.
Saturn is 14°57’ Sagittarius and will soon be in opposition to
Pluto = Saturn/Neptune! At the same time, it is approaching a
sesquisquare to the Moon. Jupiter is 2° Scorpio and has just made a
square to the Moon. Now we have to remember that the effects of
such progressed aspects become apparent many years before they are
exact; so that SA,-180-PL = SA/NE can make itself felt long before
the 60th year of life.
The second method for pinpointing events or diseases is by using
solar arc, which amounts to ca. one degree for each year of life. The
special rule can be used to discover whether there are any special
aspects for the 30th year of life. It will be found that, at age 32, Pluto
reaches the Sun on the 90° dial, and so therefore does the SA/NE
midpoint with which Pluto is already in aspect. At around 35 years of
age, the AS, MC, NE complex approaches the Moon. Around 30
years of age, the Moon joins Venus and Uranus in a semisquare to the
Sun, and Saturn transits Mercury. Thus, within the compass of a few
years, there are a number of possibilities of disease.
So what actually occurred? In 1932 the native suffered from an
attack of renal colic, which is signified in the cosmogram by the heavy
tenancy of Libra and by the conjunction of Venus and Uranus. The
colic persisted until 1938.
In 1959, at age 69, the native became ill with jaundice and, in
the end, a gallbladder operation was required. As has already been
seen, progressed Saturn approaches Pluto in opposition in this year;
also the progressed Sun has transited Pluto while making a sesquis-
quare to the Moon. Therefore significant patterns were activated
during this period. What is more, Saturn, (s = advanced with solar
arc) and Mars, link up with the AS, MC, NE complex. On the 24th of
September 1962, the native suffered from heart failure initiated by
Mars at 20° Cancer conjunct Mars square Jupiter, and to Mercury
being stationary in 21° Libra after making a square to Mars.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 173
This, then, should give the reader some idea of how to work out
the indications of disease. In Part Three, we will go in depth into the
elements of cosmobiological practice, and provide several case studies
for further study.
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and Saturn, but the fact did emerge that she had not been able to
develop as she would have liked. She had a husband considerably
younger than herself (Venus/Saturn can mean a big age difference)
who left her much on her own and did not behave very affectionately
toward her. This was fully in line with the Venus/Saturn aspect;
which was only a semisquare of the sort that is often disregarded, yet
is highly significant in my work, as I have already pointed out.
Since Pluto was at the midpoints Sun/Moon = Moon/Uranus
= Venus/ Mars, and Mars was at Venus/Saturn, I inquired whether
she had any children, knowing that these planetary patterns either
deny a birth or else correspond to very difficult births. I also asked if
she had undergone any major surgery. In reply, she mentioned four
miscarriages and an abdominal operation.
The husband’s chart had a Venus/ Mars conjunction which was
aspected by the wife’s Pluto. From this and other constellations, it
could be concluded that he was not only very passionate but also
brutal and inconsiderate. It emerged during the interview that he
never took his wife with him on business trips because he liked to
enjoy himself with other women.
The consultation revealed that, apart from the usual problems
associated with the change of life, there was nothing wrong with this
lady, but that there was an urgent need to take the stress out of her
relationship with her husband, by arranging for a doctor to have a
frank talk with him or by referring the couple to a marriage guidance
question was, “Weren’t you under treatment during 1962 and 1963?”
She confirmed this as well. The inquiry was prompted by the fact
that in the years concerned, Neptune had made an aspect to the
points mentioned, thus giving the possibility of ill-health. Careful
and judicious interrogation helped to confirm other surmises.
Since there was apparently none of the reticence often associated
with Moon conjunct Saturn, I thought their conjunction might imply
some disorder of the digestive apparatus, especially the stomach. The
young lady admitted that she had already suffered from gastric ulcers
and that her digestion left much to be desired.
She told me that a number of her friendships had been broken,
this being further evidence of the effect of the Moon/Saturn conjunc-
tion, which is liable to bring estrangements and separations together
with a sense of isolation. I learned that this scientific assistant was
deskbound much of the time; this was not good for her since the
above mentioned aspects are a sign of digestive disorders brought on
by underactivity.
This example illustrates how use of the cosmogram can provide
an opportunity to ask pertinent questions and to elicit answers that
many clients might otherwise hold back.
The potential value of these studies to the physician and lay
practitioner may be seen in the following case. An elderly physician
with whom I had been associated for many years, and who was con-
versant with my methods, phoned me one evening with some very
interesting news. Before saying what it was, I must mention that this
doctor owned a small sanatorium and that whenever a patient
applied for admission he immediately prepared their Cosmogram
and Annual Curve.
Well, to return to our story, one day a patient was brought to
him in whose chart he found a severe crisis indicated for the next few
days. He therefore declined to accept the responsibility and had the
man admitted to hospital. Three days later he received news that the
man died. If the death had occurred in his private clinic, he might
easily have become embroiled in litigation. His cosmobiological
knowledge had saved him from this.
Figure 41. Cosmogram for Inge Lehmann, born May 6, 1923. Birth
data withheld for confidentiality.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 181
Calculating a Nativity
Figure 42. Cosmogram for Marta, born April 15, 1952. Birth data
withheld for confidentiality.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 183
When Marta was born on the 15th of April 1952, the progressed
Sun in the mother’s cosmogram had reached the place of Mars, which
was a critical place in the chart. In Marta’s own cosmogram (see figure
42 on page 182), we are struck by the fact that on the 90° dial, the
Moon/Venus/Mercury/Uranus/Saturn complex coincides with the
Pluto/Venus/Saturn/MC complex of the mother. UR = ME/SA sig-
nifies diseases of the nerves in the child (DC 46). In Kombination der
Gestirneinflisse (The Combination of Stellar Influences), we read for
ME/SA, “Nerve-block, affections of the organs of speech and hear-
ing.” At the time of this writing (1978), the child, though fully
grown, is still living in an institution, has not been able to learn
anything and can do only simple manual work. At the 45th degree,
the child’s Mars is covered by the mother’s Jupiter, Sun and Neptune.
At the 76th degree, the child’s MC stands at the midpoints MA/UR
= SA/NE. It is easy to see that extraordinarily critical constellations
affected both mother and child at the time of birth. No wonder the
mother feared to bear another child. Nevertheless, the life diagram
looks hopeful.
1963 1973
30 50
sEee8 Ve.“ Sa ae scereseunsss
~ Sa. San
:7 22]as
) HfEatmeee 3Fe
frabice: 8
® PUI ESE) a
8 ry
10 Ut
11 atlA
12 27 ine Geeae eas
‘ 1328PE anti ical NUEaoe a4
ceescesss 8 S9SS0S598. F8eeeeee29 (<)
Figure 43. Life Diagram for Inge Lehmann. Note the birth of her first
daughter, who was handicapped, the death of her first husband, the
birth of her second daughter, and her own death.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 185
Figure 44. Cosmogram for Sabine, born June 11, 1966. Birth data
withheld for confidentiality.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 187
During World War II, I carried on quietly and developed the graphic
45° ephemerides, which has been improved a number of times since.
The graphic 45° ephemeris has proved particularly useful in recent
To return now to our married couple, after I had reviewed the
year using the Annual Diagram, September, 1965 seemed to be the
most favorable month, since on September 11th the paths of Mars
and Jupiter would meet on the position-lines of Jupiter and the Sun
taken from the mother’s radix. (See figure 45 on pages 188-189.) In
addition there were overlappings, such as Mercury on Venus and the
MC, Venus on the Moon, Venus on Mars, the midpoint Venus/ Mars
on Uranus, and the Sun on the North Node. Saturn’s path had
already intersected the position-line of the Moon, and Uranus and
Pluto were approaching the position-line of Uranus.
I warned the couple to remain continent before this date, as the
time was one of great procreative energy. After exactly 273 days, the
normal period of gestation, the second daughter, Sabine, was born
on June 11, 1966. (See figure 44.)
When this child’s chart is superimposed on that of her mother,
quite another picture emerges from the one seen with the first child.
The girl’s Jupiter and Mercury coincide with the mother’s Pluto, the
child’s Venus falls on the mother’s Sun and Jupiter, and (less favor-
ably) the child’s Uranus and Pluto are in the same place as the
mother’s Uranus and North Node. The parents were overjoyed at the
birth of their daughter. .
Now you probably have already noticed in the life diagram of
the mother that the progressed movements of Mars and the MC to
the position-line of Saturn presaged her own premature death. In
Sabine’s cosmogram, the early separation from her mother ts indi-
cated by the Moon/ Saturn conjunction. The child’s cosmogram is not
without its problems, but the wish of the parents was fulfilled.
S961 peqeendrs
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s CSEt 08004 ~
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ture the previous summer. Obviously the disease was genetic, but the
mother imagined that the child had been injured at birth and that
she had—unwittingly— poisoned him over the years.
She wrote:
When my son was due to come into the world, some other
mother was getting most of the attention. The midwife just
let me lie there and told me to hold back the contractions,
but I did not quite manage it; the baby’s head kept bump-
ing against my pelvis. I was totally exhausted and must
have fainted. Suddenly a doctor lay across my tummy and
pressed with all his weight, while a second doctor forced my
head into the pillow and then pulled me up so that my
neck and spine nearly snapped. All at once I was still. One
of the doctors wanted to perform a cesarean section, the
other was against it. The process began again. Once more I
lost my strength: Then I heard the sister say that the heart
had stopped beating and I thought the child was dead. At
that instant I had no mote pain and I saw myself lying in
the bed while hovering over myself [apparently she experi-
enced an OBE in which her spirit left her physical body].
Then I returned. A doctor said I had a son. However, I did
not manage to see my child; he was so feeble that they had
wasted no time in transferring him to another ward. When
I did see him, he was bright red and would not stop crying;
every now and then he had a fit of convulsions. The lady
doctor said that the boy was not red but was suffering from
a severe rash. Bottle-feeding did not suit him. It was then
that I must have started poisoning him with the milk from
my breasts. When he was three years old he started hemor-
rhaging, two years later he became mentally disturbed and,
when he was 6, no longer knew his name. A year later the
naturopath started treating him. The boy had to enter the
class for handicapped children. He had to be kept on a
strict diet. When, in the summer of 1976, he ate some
sausage and pork again, the rash broke out once more. His
abdomen swelled by about four inches.
tft- 10°20N |B= 22°31n|M= 11°418 | A = 23°27N
Figure 46. Cosmogram for mother, born May 27, 1932, at 6 A.M. in
Munich, W. Germany.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 193
this 20th degree, but the whole complex in which the planet ts
found. PL-90-MA points to some act of violence, in this instance the
suicide of the friend. NE,-135-MA means addictions (according to
No. 722 in The Combination of Stellar Influences). The addiction
and its consequences are also indicated by SU/NE (COSI No. 266),*
SU = NE/PL (COSI No. 999) and ME = MA/NE (COSI No. 725).
The last-mentioned constellation is valid because ME,—almost
stationary— activates the entire complex at 6° Sagittarius. The various
constellations also point to disorders of the body’s fluid balance and
to blood disease (through addiction). The likelihood of there being
foci of infection in the body due to the strong Neptunian constella-
tion is confirmed by the appendix and tonsil operations.
The powerful disease complex, which is especially noticeable in
the life diagram (see figure 48 on page 195), is ever menacing.
Around 1967, Mars, transited the complex, so that a severe setback
Figure 48. Life Diagram for the mother (born May 27, 1932).
Figure 49. A portion of the 45° Graphic Emphemeris for 1966 and
1967. This shows the conception.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 197
would be expected at that time. There is a link, too, with the 1952
direction of Mars to the complex. To judge by the planetary pattern,
this was no occasion for risking conception.
The crisis becomes even clearer when you examine the 45°
gtaphic ephemeris for 1966/67. Our excerpt shows the constellations
for the times of conception and birth (see figure 49 on page 196).
Presumably, conception took place under the transits of Venus and
Mars over the position-lines of Venus and the MC. In the days that
followed, thus during the strenuous mountain holiday, Venus, Jupi-
ter, and Mars transited the disease complex. It will, of course, be
remembered that the birth was activated by Mars, over this complex
in the Life Diagram. At the end of April, shortly before the birth on
May 8th, Mars again transited the disease complex. Uranus, which
contacted Saturn just after conception, now approached Saturn’s
position-line. The Sun on Jupiter would be regarded as positive, if a
solar eclipse had not been due at the same time. Also moving over
the disease complex is the MC, although the graphic ephemeris does
not show this.
Now it is particularly interesting to note the declinations at
birth. The only way to get a good view of them is by using the scheme
I devised. See figure 50 on page 198. Here we have, firstly, MO/NE
reinforcing MO-180-NE, then ME/MA = SU/UR = UR/PL andJU
= NE/PL (impure blood). At the birth, we have MO,//VE and VE,/
/VE, so that VE has the same declination in both mother and child;
SU//PL//ASC, MA,//SU and JU;//SU; JU,//ME and ME,;// ASC;/
/ME, so that ME, too, corresponds in mother and child. In the
parallels of the child, the disease constellations SU//NE, SA = SU/
NE and MA = UR/NE preponderate. Their evidence points to low
powers of resistance, misapplied energy, paralysis, handicap and
In the radix of the handicapped child there are many critical
constellations, in which there are indications of two tumors. (By a
tumor we mean a swelling or growth at a place where it is not sup-
posed to be. It can be a malignant, cancerous growth from the size of
a pea to the size of a human head.) We should therefore look for
constellations associated with cancer, constellations which will be
examined in more detail later. The relevant aspects (shown in figure
51 on page 199) are between PL, NE, SA and the personal points
Figure 51. Cosmogram for unhealthy child born May 8, 1967, at 4:40
A.M., Munich, W. Germany.
Figure 53. The unhealthy child born May 8, 1967, on the 45°
Declination Midpoint Dial.
Since toxins were present in the child’s body right from the start,
the best course of action would have been to try and eliminate them;
instead of which, wrong treatment seems to have made matters
worse. A physician or naturopath schooled in cosmobiology would
have immediately recognized the fundamentally toxic condition and
would have adopted the appropriate measures. Better still would
have been to start treating the mother before she became pregnant.
Top priority should be given to persuading women to give up smok-
ing, since the habit always loads the body with poisons which can be
transferred to the child.
As was subsequently discovered, the boy’s father, too, was
unhealthy, so that a predisposition to disease could have been inher-
ited from him as well. The father was born to Regensburg on October
25th 1934, at about 11:30 a.M. On August 6th 1965, two years before
the birth of the child, he suffered a concussion of the brain and a
double fracture at the base of the skull. In 1970, he had a severe rash
which started on his back and eventually covered his body; this was
accompanied by chills and fever, watery, fetid stools, ear discharges,
nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and thirst. In 1971 all his hair fell
out and he had to wear a toupee. He became diabetic. Even though
the last-mentioned diseases did not appear until after the child’s
birth, the tendency to suffer from them must already have been
The next case also shows how important it is to consider the mother’s
natal chart if we are to judge a diseased condition correctly. The
mother, whom I shall call Mary, wrote in a letter dated July 1975:
= sees] @=aan][AS
ee ff
Figure 54. Mary, born July 21, 1927. Birth data are incomplete for we
have no birth time.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 205
is evident, and the mother’s cry: “I don’t want a dead child!” need
not surpfise us.
The birth positions for John, the son, are noted in the outer 90°
wheel of the mother’s cosmogram. First of all, it is characteristic that
the birth took place when MO and ASC were linked with the moth-
er’s MO. NE = SU denotes weakness, SA = MA and MA = SA
reveal the danger to the child’s life.
Tre 248
Met eee
HH oeaks
Owe \¢Ress 2 ee Bem:
7 Gi o SAEs. Weeesccers
rH seeene
Bees impsaseaass
enna secs tiated
4 ef een.
ae “ees! jeguce auacetsaen HH 4 sores
nn ees Se
Figure 58. John’s cosmogram. He was born June 4, 1956. Birth data
withheld for confidentiality.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 211
HH anes
BSBReaasr 288
seaace =
fe :
Figure 62. Mary’s Declination Midpoint Disc for July 21, 1967.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 215
Figure 64. Asta, born May 7, 1953. Birth data withheld for
We can speak here of a cancer syndrome. By a syndrome is
meant the simultaneous appearance of a group of symptoms charac-
teristic of a certain disease —all of which need not be present, how-
From this time on, the patient steadily deteriorated. By the end
of October she could‘hardly eat anything. She asked the doctor when
the end would come, and he answered that her sufferings would be
over before the year was out. She died December 8th, 1969.
If we now take at the radix (figure 65 on page 222) and at its
essential structures as given in a separate illustration (figure 66 on
page 223), we shall recognize the cancer syndrome MC = SU/PL, SA
= PL/MC, MA = SA/MC, NE-PL-MC. These structures emerge as
part of larger groupings. The solar arc directions at the time of the
hysterectomy are marked in the outer circle. UR; = MA represents the
operation, NE, = MA represents the spread of the cancer by metasta-
sis, and ASC, = MA is a further pointer to the operation. It will be
noted that MO, = SA and MC, (in opposition) = PL are particularly
critical in their effect on the constellations in the inner circle—an
effect for which we must always allow.
The extract from the declination life diagram (figure 67 on page
224) is very striking. As has already been said, the directions usually
take effect ahead of time. Here we see how MA, rises, and then dips
to cross the entire complex UR/VE (ovaries!)/MA/NE. The adverse
movement of Mars covers the period from 1964 through the time of
Our extract from the Annual Diagram for 1969 (figure 67) high-
lights the final stages of the disease. Unfortunately, the operation was
Figure 65. Female who died from cancer. Born May 12, 1906. Birth
data withheld for confidentiality.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 223
9 @-tLem h9-teM oA
Pe Se Uga-- ==(©) aja eps nase aes
Figure 66. The major constellations from figure 65. The solar arc
directions for the time of the hysterectomy are marked in the outer
1916 1926 1936 1946 1956 Sd: 1976
faa SCiceeseceeeseeneeeeees eeeeeeeeeoreneene ieee
oa =-susasaewecsaee
Steet ie
: ___ ft + Se tN he )
A ot eos:
y Benenr.caeen Sen
eaerae. CHES ‘eae
— naaAa 2STH——
i) am
2 BSaRaAse
8) Hae GE Ges SSSR OOeeoeSReoA Cease isee
24 ssebseuserezessezeezezeezecvezee? SzSrentes
ough examination at the hospital where she had had her operation
revealed no trace of the secondary growths. The woman felt better
than she had done for years; she resumed her normal activities and
started eating proper meals again. She returned to the Ringberg
Clinic for a course of preventive therapy and was confident that she
had beaten the disease. See figures 68 and 69 on pages 226 and 227.
The following points are of special interest in the cancer syn-
drome: SU = SA/PL, SU = SA/MC, NE = MA/SA. In this per-
son’s Life Diagram SA, approaches the position-lines of PL and MC
and reaches them around 1968 through 1970 as shown in figure 70
on page 228. At the time of the operation SU, = SA is due. What is
so helpful for the recovery, however, is the movement of JU and MA
over JU with VE.
In the extract from the Declination Life Diagram, you'll notice
some things in common with the previous example. (See figure 71 on
page 235.) In both cases MA, runs up to its highest (most northerly)
position and then moves down over a complex to activate the disease.
What is more, SU, and MA, cross the position-line of NE simultane-
ously. In many instances we see time and again how clear is the
connection between the junction of MA and NE and a gradual poi-
soning of the body. In cancer this happens through metastasis (by
which cancerous cells travel from the original site of the disease to
other parts of the body via the bloodstream, the lymphatic system,
etc.). At birth the critical declination was 4° 19’ S; but 60 days = 60
years had to elapse before the declination line of NE was reached.
Turning now to the sections from the Annual Diagram (figure
72 on page 230), we find that the operation was performed under NE
= SU and PL with SU over MO. After the patient was transferred to
the Ringberg Clinic, it was fortunate that JU joined PL = MC sta-
tionary. JU = PL signifies organic regeneration, that is to say, the
production of healthy new cells. Among other benefits, the kidneys
started functioning properly again. PL = MC signifies an internal
change, self-assertion, the overcoming of a crisis in the life.
The patient was discharged when SA had crossed the PL, MC,
UR, ASC, MO complex and UR had crossed the ME/NE/DR com-
plex. The worst was now over, and the doctor who had given our
example patient six months to live was proved wrong.
ime oeses Pebe
ne laige
® | ee
ames = WN
Ee BS ER cz es
CWT Ae BO SES eats a
CaP Git ae
Diss Th) Lei) ai tt een he]
“Sr eae. 4
eae ae ead 2 oy. " (el 2 SS GHG ten“ €4 LORI ah
te Ye Pa est
|a | by b
30 ace mak
sagsecccses :
HEH seeassaet
sus seceegasgessneae
s ae
Lo OhWN—
PN "a8+++rh 1
BB. ‘eg8888
Eanatari oe ;
see aEa SgSgeeseueuseguneses 4
eet seee Bs
oe 6
Me ciiiterns
= =SEn88) a 18
sea ceceeseees Ht Hnceiattatieeracateest iC
ssa BEES 20
Figure 75. Life Diagram for Giinther Liiders.
= g°19!n| Q = 10°38!S
23° 23'N
Figure 76. Wernher von Braun, born March 23, 1912, at 9:15 A.M. in
cueusegee —
SEESeSeasss5 sesssesstssze. “SEESSEESES==52052
sunesessacen mw TTTit
Intestinal Cancer
The case of W.G. fits in well in our series of cancer patients because
the Life Diagram presents the same picture as that presented by the
Life Diagram of Wernher von Braun. See figure 79 on page 238. SA,
goes to meet the position-line of the Moon and death occurs when it
eventually does so. Now, whereas in the previous example the cancer
affected the kidneys and here it affects the intestines, we are led to
conclude that we are unable to make an exact diagnosis of the disease
but have to content ourselves with weighing up the probabilities. In
both cases the fluid balance, represented by the Moon, is involved.
And in both cases Saturn leads to disorders, tightnesses, hardening,
swellings or secondary growths. See figure 80 on page 239.
Many years before SA, = MO is exact, SU/NE and MA, cross the
position-lines of SA and MO. NE is involved as usual and MA 1s the
activator of the illness. SU-135-NE in the cosmogram already warns
of a predisposition to disease.
Apparently this lady used to “take everything to heart” without
bringing herself to talk.about it; and the tendency to bottle things up
was easily transmitted to her entire digestive system, which became
clogged. This is characteristic of a MO/SA conjunction. But, when a
CeeERRGEB spe nesene
st be NS x
life au
eesmes seeatieeaitLJ
1976 1977
6 16 26 6 16 26 5
—— Bau 3s Se 3s
aa a
ca as
Paws aaa
the outlook was rather gloomy. Without knowing how urgent the
operation was, it is hard to say whether a more favorable day could
have been scheduled for it.
Figure 83. Cosmogram for Inge Egger, born August 27, 1923, 10:45
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 247
Bae Fad
o] aceite 73° US
eee netle Attempt
ee 98
TEED age
Adah Ge +] 2 acne HH el as
Gus SgaGGaHeGeusatancssat
TEmeposeusescianac arasssseerert!
Pg bbls, sassnscsscdecses “s@bepaio” ccccisstasacsosecesesccsi
CINE Sue FEE CONC me ms(
= : tee ; . =
NY tt Att tt dy MA St
Et Hd HEBGGseo0HKt
NYi HN I| + LA ong rt TT At
Eset €L6t €96T €S6T
ever €€6T
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 249
Figure 87. Male cancer patient, born July 30, 1910, 4:15 p.M., Central
European Time at 53°N51', 12°E. The time of birth has been
rectified based on events in the life.
Figure 88. Life Diagram for male cancer patient in figure 87.
9 Ce ae To sae
aes 26
1s 25
T 76, 1e 28 8 16 20 7 17 227 6 16) 26
gum a
ie | | i |
19|c 27. gaa? Meee se
a cashes
a saahoncali]Pechooaard
a0 Gauea 6a
23 | aia Baeee Gm 1835 aa
Figure 89. Annual Diagram for male cancer patient (figure 87)
showing surgery done in July, 1976.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 255
Testicular Tumor
For this young man, born on September 12th, 1945, as for his par-
ents, the diagnosis of a tumor was a heavy blow. Karl was the only
son, and already the head of an international company. See figure 90
on page 256. His parents did their utmost to save their son and heir,
but it was all in vain. The predisposition to tumor formation is given
by various constellations: NE = SU/SA; MO = SA/NE; SA = MC;
MA = NE. These constellations are found in other tumors and can-
cers too. The indications of disease of the sexual organs are:
Figure 90. Karl, born September 12, 1945. Birth data have been
withheld for confidentiality.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 257
Sorry a SERRE
a ’
In 1975 the doctors had given up hope for the patient, saying
that he could not last longer than another two years. Unfortunately,
their prognosis was correct. In the autumn of 1976, I warned of a
grave crisis, and this occurred in 1977. When SA; = MA was exact in
the July of that year, the patient died.
Geen e.°es
tleoan aemut, iat
or hg Ver
ctl a oer 83
Figure 95. The Annual Diagram.
A Case of Poliomyelitis
None of the examples of this book have been specially chosen to fit in
neatly with the theory of the subject. The reader should understand
that there are cases in which it is hard to see relevant correspondences,
and that it is not good to jump to conclusions just because some
constellation happens to be due. There must be some analogy to the
events or illness in question. In the disease now known as poliomyeli-
tis or “polio” for short (formerly called infantile paralyis), PL = SU/
NE has been found repeatedly.
The following case of polio (see figure 96 on page 262) has been
supplied by medical assistant Hans Reissmann of Leipzig. A member
of his own family was involved, so he was able to state the exact time
of the outbreak of the disease. The then schoolchild exhibited the
first symptoms of paralyis in Leipzig at 8:00 A.M. on September 6th,
1922. The time is certain because the child’s father was just about to
leave home for work in the bank, but had to drop everything and run
from doctor to doctor in order to fetch help.
On the subject of the disease itself, Reissmann writes: “Spinal
infantile paralysis is an infectious disease. It is epidemic and usually
appears in summer or autumn. The infective agent is a poliomyelitis
virus. There are three varities of the disease. It has an incubation
period (the interval between exposure to the disease and its appear-
ance) of between four and twelve days.”
On looking for the essential disease constellations, we notice VE
= SA/NE; MO = SU/SA. If the positions are adjusted by approxi-
mately 6° to match the age, the MC moves into square aspect with
VE = SA/NE and a chronic (SA) disease (NE) is activated.
In the day’s constellations for the September 6th, 1922, we have
NE,-180-UR (paralyzed rhythm), UR; = SU (sudden disturbance). If
due allowance is made for the above mentioned incubation period,
the Sun must have transited NE/PL twelve days previously, so that
the disease was caught under SU;-135-NE.
There is a really striking disease picture in the Declination Dia-
gram (figure 97 on page 264), with a stellium of negative factors
compressed within a space of 4°: in particular, SA/MC/MA/NE/PL/
MC/SA echoes MC = SA in the radix. This is underlined by the
strong infection constellation NE = MA/PL.
“ fais,
Figure 98. A second case ofpoho. Patient born May 12, 1943 at 1:45
A.M., in Hirschberg, Silesia, Poland.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 267
Figure 99. Attorney born April2, 1902, at 1:30 A.M., at 40°N, 10°E.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 269
Jasuo oi Pyeery
A ctendssieatbtatct ay
vasae oe
Ee 7a
a San atti
"seescest guaua!
(-) Ip) $
= b8--+--M thas ns
ie 9--+--M Oe
ie ed Ot -4--tHt
Galea ¥--4--F"
Figure 104. Age 14, glaucoma of the left eye; age 55, glaucoma of the
right eye.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 275
Figure 105. Female born February 28, 1900. Solar arc = 59°44'. SU’
= NE/ME.
SEN ie
mete |
Se hoe
Figure 107. Graphic Ephemeris for 1961.
At the time of the embolism (see figure 106 on page 276) almost
every one of these factors is being activated by transits in the annual
diagram, and especially by the new Moon. MA crosses the position-
line of UR. In addition, SA approaches MO/PL and SU cut the MC
line, JU is stationary on NE, and NE is approaching the NE/ ASC/ ME
complex where it is due the following year. So it is not hard to
anticipate the outbreak of disease at this time.
We can even predict that the disease will be prolonged, since the
slow-moving planet Neptune is creeping toward the NE/ASC/ME
complex. NE = ASC signifies an unpleasant or depressing
environment —in this instance, the hospital.
Turning now to the graphic 45° ephemeris for 1961 (figure 107
on page 277) from which we are showing the first five months, we
notice the danger of a crisis in April, when PL = MC, MA = MC, SU
= MC, SA = PL, ME = NE and NE are all due and when there was
a new Moon on April 15, 1961. On the night of April 15th, the
patient had six attacks of cerebral eclampsia resulting in 50 percent
loss of mobility, in loss of the singing voice, and in osteopathy and
osteoporosis (bone disease and brittleness of the bones). It might
have been possible, with cosmic foresight, to have recognized this
danger and to have taken steps to circumvent it.
Figure 109. Mayor configurations for Renate Ewert. The solar arc
directions for 1966 are on the outside of the structural picture.
Figure 112. Pra Wagner, born July 1, 1919, 3:00 pM, 12°N36',
S52 BO2
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 289
would soon kill all love of music in me. But she did not
want to listen, and his prediction quickly came true. Then,
shortly after marrying and leaving home, I became depres-
sive and conceived such a hatred of the keyboard that I sold
my inoffensive grand piano and for years I did not practice.
Whenever I fancied playing something, I sat down at our
old instrument. As a pianist I suffered from stage fright
and had lapses of memory. It was years before I was able to
enjoy music again.
a) 0
g Sit
92 Le
eeagcseeseeres £
es a TEL smesesesao
St HERS seeSBeutaue ecgeededde
weeeeesaceseudeness. “edanadsngeaanent -
S), U
aaa ;
cee aeRil iin HU “a
is iN X pz
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 291
The neurosis and the stomach trouble are associated with SA, =
MO. SA,-O-MA-45-NE also plays a part. And, in the lower part of
the Life Diagram, NE,-45-MA is gradually forming. These leisurely
directions are initially activated by SA,. In this connection, it should
be noted that NE,-45-MA is not exact until age sixty, but makes itself
felt many years in advance. I see here a vindication of my rule that a
the harbor and some youths pushed him into the water and he was
In May 1955, she was engaged to perform in three short films for
television. The programs were “hand ballets” in which her fingers
were used to perform a dance. In spite of this successful activity, she
had to visit a psychoanalyst because her bouts of neurotic depression
had become so painful.
After a fresh marital union had ended in failure and divorce, the
patient began to suffer from asthma. ME, = SA had fallen due. The
serious disability had its good side in that the performer now received
a sickness pension and was no longer forced to work.
The Life Diagram shows SA,-180-UR and SU,-180-UR looming
up next. This corresponds to a series of setbacks which helped to
worsen the disease.
Thanks to an advance from the inheritance her parents will one
day leave to her, this trained musician plans to buy a small house
where she can play the piano and practice chamber music without
disturbing the neighbors.
© = 21°13'N| C= 12°s52ts| Y= 23°16n] D = 25°sain
O'= 24°26'N 2L= 11°16'N F- 12°11'N ae 72189 2IN
Ut- gooimn| @= 23°41'N| M- 1°36'S| A = 21°49!S
Figure 114. Erich Posternrieder, born May 26, 1940, at 8:55 PM,
Baden bei Wien, W. Germany.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 295
sstetsctsiaitsEERE EHE Be adnar "ses
ElHST een at x
sshseasaeneetatttfaStl UGE
SSeaesaeeesee5?. <sensbessesacedecsa Saueoaae
PrrtirittittT tttESN
atte Qari ttre
4 a. +o Ht
poate ti
SER ene 11
tH + see xe
+ +t tt+ cH as
Ett pages
gases pH
La‘sais SEs: — AS Ts
: cea aetaP Sel sr + +44
: ++++4 aoe egese qa@ = ee es Et he
++ Shapes titatatal 1itt
BaSaE + itt +4 9 Be
wanes + +44 tT + FEES +
i++ Pf +4
Se Sa sbaeelesselucseseeelebecdon
SrqraauewEre'_ patatneboy Li
4) Bae 9S8 Amneg SUCRE EST PERTEER IEE LeeTzEREEE A.<2 igs |
é +444 tt Te Daves fae SAR
Part et tid | thee
+ Peta teeg Ang ass ‘
dave f . +
SS '
rT esans er
Sas sauueceeee
SCE TH sccepecehea Hh i
—— BSEaa a
p LN ff EN St ate
Ovy9O-S¥ SW3Hdd>
SQW Digstsieg
1 Taney
T Arenaqoq (PreW, Judy Atnt isndny Joquiaidag 32q009 J2qwoaon
Ie O1 02 of 61 8 RI 8% L Lt Lc L ut Os: DC
t otf
2 Lt}
s oz]
9 Tz[
8 ez]
6 bz|
tor it
bt st
oT T
it z
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oI F
0G ¢
Te Lanes
FZ 6
sz wl oT]
9% a
Lz al
a le
62 vr
og st
6t[ oz{s
2 Lz]
> azterl
st of]
N| Q = 13°52!N
= 19°58 |B = 6°25'N
= 17°20'N| A = 12°31'N
Figure 118. Cosmogram for Elma Karlowa, born March 12, 1932,
3:40 p.M., Zagreb, Yugoslavia.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 303
a ea
Rear eee ssssiccsen, ‘Saecesescnasesenasssas
HE sities, et HltfaNeHH
aaaasHEE AH
RH egGeGnha NEE ogGn0n WP
ape Hy aan
aRse cL e ea eeae
t+ a
eneseene sssasneaees =
HH ce Satan See —
Figure 120. Female born November 22, 1928. Birth data withheld for
=r anNin
ALS ball
ee eS
i Seas
Figure 122. Cosmogram for Queen Soraya, born June 22, 1932, 1:13
P.M., Esfahan, Iran.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 311
1942 1952
10 20 Years
1 sasesesesace ao ee PT t+tt++++4
2 LEGSu ER HeCCHeeH se--asande ane H
Sebusasseacese> ossaneseeBeasteesn.
suugee susseeseeee
seo saue
e seesese Hh
5 Sugseeueeusr_ ceaelaecgensmasnees A
6 21 Se Ssstostersercsic, “3
Z. Biel etene aa bh ott as
roe testeeyeniiaetTeREESEE -
a Ne]
otf wh roese
pen. et
HN Seasssiii ith]aesuiztlt
Eftffe eestetite
snszesesss SaaPaEEaaEhecmecememenet 6f-A
Se pb.
ssosane 74
oe spnactiitt
=—— » sat sSaSennnss SEenam. @
fevei Bt
Figure 125. Contact Cosmogram for Shah Reza of Iran and Queen
the annual curve in isolation but always to look at the directions when
assessing a situation.
The possibility of childlessness and subsequent divorce figures in
Das Kontakthosmogramm (The Contact Cosmogram).” Both part-
ners have an extraordinarily good constellation, shown by arrows 1
and 2 (see figure 125 on page 313), which was activated when they
met. ME and PL, (m = male, f = female) link up with MO, JU and
DR, opposite SU/VE. This signifies a fateful love alliance (PL = SU/
VE) with a fortunate (JU) woman (MO). At first, the marriage was
indeed seen as very fortunate. But the critical combination of NE, UR
and PL, is exposed to MOy, suggesting disappointment (NE) through
the woman (MO). Also, in the same constellation, we have PL = VE/
SA = NE; an indication of exceptional difficulties in the marriage
followed by estrangement and separation.
One very significant feature is the contact between SUy, and SA,,
which is marked on the Contact Cosmogram by arrow 3 (figure 124).
It warns of the separation that actually occurred when NE, passed this
place. That it was not the man who was infertile in this instance is
shown by the fact that the Shah himself did have children later on.
The relationship between the Shah and Farah Diba was considerably
better, as is explained in detail in my book on the contact cosmo-
Figure 126. Queen Fabiola of Belgium, born June 11, 1928, 1:13
PM., in Madrid, Spain.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 317
“a 1
207 26
Mm Spee)
Figure 128. Brain damaged boy, born July 15, 1947, 5:50 A.M. Birth
data withheld for confidentiality.
Figure 130. The heliocentric chart for the brain damaged boy born
July 15, 1947, at 5:50 AM.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 323
tions and one is reduced to “making the best of a bad job,” the
patient would probably become apprehensive, and this would have
an adverse effect on the progress and success of the operation. But if
one has several months or even a year in which to decide, the most
favorable time can certainly be worked out, and will then help to
relieve the patient of anxiety and to strengthen his or her faith in
eventual recovery.
Here is a case in point, verified by an exchange of correspon-
dence. The daughter of Mrs. Bauer (not her real name) wrote to me
on September 15, 1975, as follows:
Figure 132. Anna Bauer, born January 21, 1917, at 12:30 A.M., in
Aachen, W. Germany.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 329
These directions have been calculated for the date of birth, January
21, 1976. The positions are set out in the outer circle of the structural
picture. NE; has moved a few minutes beyond PL =
MO/VE = UR. The complex associated with SA, is approaching MO,
making it preferable to get the operation out of the way quickly
before this direction is exact.
Now we want to discover the day on which the operation ought
to be performed. The annual diagram is not very encouraging (figure
135 on page 332), since NE; is twisting around the MC/SA/JU/ME
complex. What is more, SA; joins it for part of the way; so that, in
spite of a Jupiter transit, the prospects are not very bright early in the
year. In May SA, has left the complex and NE is not making any exact
The midpoint MA/UR is specially indicative of operations and
the ideal situation is when JU is situated at this midpoint. Then we
are likely to have a successful or safe (JU) operation (MA/UR). The
midpoint MA/UR lies in 13° Aquarius 47’. Its course is drawn as a
broken line in the annua! diagram and, in May, this line is cut by the
path of Jupiter.
The transit table on page 333 shows the exact transits for May. It
reveals that JU;-90-MA would have made the beginning of the
month favorable if SA,-90-JU had not been due as well. The full
Moon and new Moon are signified by “F” and “N”; the days of the
13th and 29th on which they occur are out of the question. On the
18th, JU-135-MO = MA/UR is due. This is a Tuesday. The Moon is
moving from Capricorn to Aquarius, and is therefore not in Taurus —
the sign associated with the site of the proposed operation. On the
19th, MO transits MA = SU/UR. This is another operation constella-
tion. The 18th and 19th of May were accordingly recommended as
suitable days for surgery. The operation was performed on the 19th
and was free from complications—as the patient reported to me with
delight and gratitude.
gua taeaeeueh et
roe (ateesiz: :
o. 'SERBt
YS Gs = ma * REE S10
Ce NR 2 Neem.
| aeeeas ae
diegaeae ct Sea Uber
sansaqeSatan pani aniesnanietstant esse Stas:
H a OS a ws hits
rreseal| eee
a <a e Oe|
Figure 139. Annual Curve for 1956 showing operation and death.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 339
Figure 140. Asta Fehling, born April 22, 1924. Birth data withheld
for confidentiality.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 341
0 20 3% 9 19 29 10 20 3 9 19 29 9 19 29 8 16 28
= ae
Planets § * Transpluto
| woveun = B
- Solar Eclipse
He~ ted EINEBAST rs Pe
SA Ee : i L
[ | FI ited fepeekce
ee pan
raeyey Sear a
| yh: ee OT
SER ‘om
tO SENF:! - 1
oc elmer
aan ee
ef LP
; ag
as ee
—au \\ W N aya OL Be Ba La
ee = ok oe ss Fean a
3 as
a NO a at
. ae
SSSSRESR365 gaa 13 /-asboseeud
saeEausnae aw Cs
F] = 4
TN EEE cee
HE ee
N °o
SNES ne aE Hsetcs
EEN attest HHH sassa
asSee eee
Sessaaserseseases=-: .7aei ZdSseGGESEEy
sees Saansseseeeensnae. sess
SeEEs seers saseuengesssssse Seacseesesee 34
specees taesemeees (7)
aeHH ee
Sun conjunct Uranus square Venus and the Sun with Mercury were
apparently parallel to Uranus.
On studying the declination program (figure 144, page 344), we
find UR in SU/JU, giving prospects of a fortunate (JU) sudden
change (UR) in the physical state (SU). The pathological condition is
identified by ME = PL = VE/NE as serious disease (PL) of the
female organs (SU/VE).
Although the trouble had been cleared up, I wanted to discover
what else the Life Diagram had to say, and found that in 1976, MA,
crossed the PL line. See figure 145 on page 345. One of the ovaries
had been removed at that time. The proposed second operation was
for the removal of the other ovary, which could now be left intact.
The movement of JU, over SA and MA in 1980 is rather striking.
Could it have some connection with the hemorrhages? Biological
correspondences for Jupiter given in COSI No. 78 include the men-
tion: “the organism, the blood, the menopause.” Since the hemor-
rhages were associated with the menopause (change of life), this is
our answer. The periods did not dry up at the right time, but went
out of control. An operation under this constellation might easily
have endangered the patient’s life.
The recommendation to delay Asta’s operation if at all possible
encouraged her to consult other doctors; and one of them suggested
the remedy that stopped the hemorrhages.
Every now and then there are periods when epidemics occur, in which
people, often for some obscure reason, fall victim in large numbers to
a particular virus. They spread the infection from one to another, and
soon fill hospitals to overflowing. Although such scourges as cholera
and the dreaded Black Death of the Middle Ages are seldom encoun-
tered today, certain diseases do sometimes assume epidemic propor-
tions, mainly due to the weather or to big catastrophes.
In many instances, these epidemics coincide with long-term con-
stellations. For example, there is a well-established statistical correla-
tion between waves of influenza and Jupiter/Saturn aspects. Advance
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 347
warning of these and other epidemics can often be obtained from the
graphic 45° ephemeris and also from the declination ephemeris.
In the early part of 1980, Saturn and Neptune were square for
several weeks, the square being exact around the end of March and
middle of June. As early as February, the press was reporting that
millions of people had fallen ill due to the inclement weather. In
March, two hundred thousand cases of sleeping sickness were being
treated in Uganda.
Mass diseases can be recognized in the declinations too. Thus, in
July 1975, I heard that twenty-five members of the American Legion
had suddenly died of a mysterious illness, the causes of which were
then unknown. Another hundred and thirty people were being
nursed in intensive care units. This so-called Legionnaire’s disease was
accompanied by high fever, severe chills, pains in the head and chest,
a dry cough and shortness of breath.
The disease broke out between the 21st and 24th of July 1976.
Usually, infectious diseases make their appearance under Neptunian
constellations. There are none of these as far as the planetary longi-
tudes are concerned, but in the declination ephemeris for the days in
question, the Sun, Venus and Mercury cross the position-line of Nep-
tune as shown in figure 146 on page 348.
After a very dry hot season, these constellations brought not only
the longed-for rain (Neptune), but floods of rain—especially in Mex-
ico, where one hundred ard twenty people were killed and a hundred
thousand were rendered homeless: conditions which form a good
breeding-ground for epidemics. In addition, food was being poi-
soned by pesticides. A poisonous cloud (Neptune) was also reported
drifting over Milan.
In Der kosmische Beobachter (The Cosmic Observer) for Octo-
ber 1976,” I pointed out the number of similar constellations due
between the 16th and 26th of November of last year, namely: ME//
NE on the 16th, MA//NE on the 24th, and SU//NE on the 26th.
During this period, mass suffering arose mainly through natural
disasters. In my diary, I noted: “16th November 1976, the industrial
city of Tanshan in China destroyed by earthquake. 20th November
1976, cold weather, non-stop rain in Italy, some snow. 24th Novem-
ber 1976, earthquake in Turkey, three towns in ruins, five thousand
dead. 25th November 1976, two hundred Turkish villages destroyed
suse Seeeeacuuceassseesss
Basa wii oH Socceceesee
H+H 2Bascesveseds
29 eae Att Ne
/ber ~
Septem CG e y =—N
eal-a a i
SSSR 98220 beassaa Bad er Tn
saan SES Shana! is
Sas saea/!
~ GS e H-NM
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 351
been given as 6:00 A.M., at another as 2:58 A.M. When the hour of
birth is unknown, it is customary to take the noon positions. The
1943 ephemeris gives the midnight positions as:
© = 23°27!
@ = 23°30'nN| M = 18°39'N|'A = 10°47!S
Figure 148. Her Mayesty Queen Silvia of Sweden, born December 23,
1943, 2:58 A.m., Heidelberg, W. Germany.
ae a Hi
lo vill nosey
ite rst? As cis
Appendix I
a a
as| Dc
rH 7 -
: 7
© a a" a
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 359
Wi SU/JU Influences undermining the health
SU/SA Tendency to hearing problems,
nervous disorders
SU/SA Diseases to do with sexual activity
and marriage
SU/SA Lack of vitality, debility
SU/SA Diseases due to mental stress or
adverse cifcumstances
SU/SA Hospitalization
SU/SA Diseases due to lack of development
UR Cardiothymia
SU/UR Accident, injury
SU/UR Sudden weakness, possibly due to
approaching death
14 SU/UR Severe physical suffering, physical
15 Weakness, disease
Table A. Continued
Disease Correspondence
19 SA = SU/NE Impure blood, circulatory disorders,
mental suffering
20 Il SU/NE Sudden weakness, spasms,
21 = SU/NE Hospitalization
Zz = SU/PL Hypersensitivity, disease, martyrdom
23 = SU/MC Tendency to depression
24 = MO/VE Unsatisfied desire, female diseases
Table A. Continued
Disease Cortespondence
34 ASC= MO/SA_ |Close confinement in institutions,
35 Indisposition, feeling unwell
36 Injuries and accidents
a7 Sudden illness
38 Sexual debility, nervous disorders
due to unnatural sexual
39 Manic depression, a feeling of being
paralyzed or constrained
40 Hypersensitivity
41 Mental suffering, depression
42 Nervous disorders
43 Sentimentality, hypersensitivity,
Irritability, nerviness, unusual
mental states
Nervous disorders
Table A. Continued
Disease Correspondence
52 |UR = ME/PL_ |Superexcitement of the nerves,
nervous breakdown
53 |NE = ME/PL_|Nervous sensitivity, anxiety states
54 |SA = ME/MC |Pessimism, depression
55 |UR = ME/NE |Unusual exciteableness
56 |SA = VE/MA_ |Morbid sexuality
57 UR = VE/MA |Rape, criminal assault, abdominal
58 |NE = VE/MA |Tendency to perversions, sexual
diseases, appendicitis
59 |VE = SA Suppression of inner secretions,
glandular disorders (kidneys)
60 SU = VE/SA _ {Sexual inhibitions, glandular
61 MO = VE/SA _|Depression
62 |NE = VE/SA __|Diseases caused by mental distress
63 |MC = VE/SA _ |Sexual inhibitions
64 |SA = VE/UR [Late or difficult birth
65 NE = VE/UR_ |Glandular disorders, abdominal
66 MA = VE/NE_|Perversions, infections, diseases of
the genitals
67 SA = VE/NE_|Morbid eroticism, diseases due to
sad love life
68 UR = VE/NE_| Perversions
Table A. Continued
Disease Correspondence
Unsatisfied desire, depression
Psychosomatic complaints
Difficult birth, illness through
Table A. Continued
Midpoint Disease Correspondence
88 MC = MA/UR Injury, accident, operation
89 SU = MA/NE Lack of vitality, infections, bouts of
Table A. Continued
Disease Correspondence
NE = MA/PL Concealed injury, disease due to
surgical error, catastrophes
involving water
ASC = MA/PL Accident, danger to life
MC = MA/PL Danger from Act of God,
operation, amputation
105 |SU JU/SA |Disruptions of life, pulmonary
106 |UR = JU/SA Sudden illness, loss of
consciousness, accident
107 |NE = JU/SA Depression, impure blood,
circulatory disorders
108 |JU = NE Flaccidity of the organs, false
109 |SU = JU/NE Loss of energy, disease
110 |SU = SA/UR Disease due to strain, dysrhythmia
Table A. Continued
Disease Correspondence
VE = SA/NE_ |Deficient glandular activity,
glandular troubles (kidneys),
sexual problems
Lack of energy, little love of life,
chronic diseases
Emaciation, liver or lung disease
Table A. Continued
Midpoint Disease Correspondence
1335 SU SA/MC_ |Mental illness or affliction, low
powers of resistance
134 MO = SA/MC_ | Mental suffering, depression,
135. |ME = SA/MC_|Dejection
136 |MA = SA/MC_ |Lack of vitality, low spirits
137. |SU = UR/NE |{Sensitivity, little will to live, disease
138 MO = UR/NE _ |Bouts of weakness, lack of mental
balance, disorders of
Table A. Continued
Disease Correspondence
148 Lack of energy, control by alien
forces (possession)
149 Pessimism, declining energy
150 Hypersensitive nerves, sudden
attacks of disease hard to
identify, disturbed
Table B. Continued
Primary Secondary
Sign Influence Influence Diseases
Virgo Digestive Intestinal disorders,
organs, peritonitis, diarrhea,
spleen, liver, constipation, disorders of
gallbladder liver and gallbladder,
intestinal ulcers
Libra Uterus, Nephritis, gravel,
region retention of urine,
around impure blood, poor skin
navel, head |condition (due to
deficient kidney
function), nervous
disorders, erysipelas
Scorpio Sexual and_ | Nose, Bladder complaints,
excretory throat, gravel, retention of urine,
organs, tonsils, impure blood, poor skin
uterus, bladder condition, rheumatism,
testicles, nasal polyps, nasal
rectum catarrh, furuncle,
neurasthenia, sexual
diseases, operations to do
with the sexual organs
Muscular Shoulders, | Hip disease, rheumatism,
system, arms, sciatica, gout, locomotor
thighs, digestive disturbances,
lumbar apparatus arteriosclerosis, nervous
region disorders, impure blood
Skin and Rashes, scald (scab on
bone system, head), polyarthritis,
knee tuberculosis of the bones
and joints, furunculosis,
scrofula, predisposition to
indurations, keratosis
(horny growths on skin)
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 371
Table B. Continued
Primary Secondary
Sign Influence Influence Diseases
Aquarius |Shin, calf, Heart, back, Fractured ankle,
ankle, circulation dislocations, sprains,
circulation cramp in calf muscle,
phlebitis, swollen legs,
varicose veins, blood
diseases, spinal disorders,
locomotor disturbances,
heart trouble
Feet, toes, Digestive Weak feet, flat feet,
calcaneus organs, diseases due to chills,
(heel bone) |spleen, rheumatism, gout,
nerves, alcoholism, scrofulosis,
lungs, liver | poisoning
Table C. Continued
Biological Disease
correspondences tendencies
Jupiter/yang Fluid enrichment, Plethora, liver and
nutrition, putting on gallbladder troubles,
weight, liver, obesity, autointoxication
gallbladder, lungs, through faulty diet,
swellings, glycogen diabetes, tendency to
balance apoplectic fits,
Saturn/yin Skeleton, joints, spleen, Metabolic disorders,
skin, teeth, white blood accumulation of toxins,
corpuscles indurations, stone and
gravel, rheumatism,
gout, chronic diseases
Uranus/ yang Vital rhythms, Disordered rhythms,
meninges, spine, nervous complains,
pituitary spasms, spinal trouble,
accidents, operations
Neptune/ yin Pineal gland, solar Prostration of organs,
plexus, subconscious paralysis, poisoning,
mind abuse of alcohol,
tobacco and other
drugs, psychological
disturbance, sleep
disorders, coma
Pluto/yang Not yet fully Growths, amputations,
investigated, but injurious operations,
experience to date links diseases due to
it with physical changes large-scale events
due to action taken by (disasters, epidemics,
the authorities or by wat, terrorism)
Act of God
Lunar Disorders connected Infections picked up in
nodes/ yin with other people crowds, hospitalization
se eee
ate See
nv iite
a > ety
Appendix II
*In fevers, the body is usually fighting not only its own toxins but the bacterial or
viral infections they encourage. The toxins can sometimes be eliminated in good
time by a Turkish bath or sauna or, if these would strain the system, by resorting to a
rubber sweatsuit. 77.
The History and Practice of Astro-Medicine 379
1 conker ‘vesp
ainsin), o <lieabeuhie QiastSiruseee, on
(Deel pedeneet, Coeeadl
dtaiaiels Maeaaiaiel i
Ses oesTeevil” scree :
5. Salers @ tie?
1 "ies DiS a tee Semele
Appendix III
*The German text calls Fludd Scottish, but his immediate ancestry was English and
he was born in the English county of Kent. 77.
74, See also Ebertin, Reinhold, Transite: Welcher Tag ist gunstig
Jur Mich? Freiburg, 1981.
‘ey See Brandau, Organuhr der anatomischen Entsprechungen.
76. Modersohn, E., “Moglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Prognose,”
Kosmobiologie, Vol. 5, Aalen, 1957.
td: Ebertin, Reinhold, “Geheimnisvolle Krankheit,’ Der os-
mische Beobachter, Vol. 10, Aalen, 1976.
78. Gauquelin, Michael, Wetterfruhling: Einfluss des Klimas auf
die Gesunheit. Ruschlikon, 1973. Available in English as How
Cosmic and Atmospheric Energies Influence Your Health.
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1971.
chek Ebertin, Reinhold, Das Doppelgesicht des Kosmos. Aalen,
ah he
ie aha
CF Lan Lea) We
Wins eae : i
ulcers, 82, 102
duodenal, 108 itch-Hazel,
Uranus, 74, 78, 125 wotty, 98
rirerhra writer's cramp, 78
burning in, 86, 90, 114,
118 yin and yang, 55, 135
cutting pains in, 118 character types, 143
urinate in cosmogram, 147
urge to, 118 in Zodiac, 143
urination meridians, 131, 142
suppressed, 78
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