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Efficient Spectral Envelope Estimation and its

application to pitch shifting and envelope preservation

Axel Roebel, Xavier Rodet

To cite this version:

Axel Roebel, Xavier Rodet. Efficient Spectral Envelope Estimation and its application to pitch shifting
and envelope preservation. International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, Sep 2005, Madrid,
Spain. pp.30-35. �hal-01161334�

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Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’05), Madrid, Spain, September 20-22, 2005



A. Röbel X. Rodet

Analysis/Synthesis Group Analysis/Synthesis Group

IRCAM, Paris, France IRCAM, Paris, France
[email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT changing pitch, formants may change their relative level and may
In this article the estimation of the spectral envelope of sound sig- even appear or disappear completely. For speech signals it is well
nals is addressed. The intended application for the developed al- known that the first formant moves with the fundamental frequency.
gorithm is pitch shifting with preservation of the spectral envelope Given the rather small bandwidth that the lower formants usu-
in the phase vocoder. As a first step the different existing envelope ally have, this makes sense from a energy-saving point of view.
estimation algorithms are investigated and their specific properties The spectral deviations, however, depend on the instrument that is
discussed. As the most promising algorithm the cepstrum based it- played and the playing style, and therefore, the optimal warping
erative true envelope estimator is selected. By means of controlled function would require a model of the envelope evolution, a topic
sub-sampling of the log amplitude spectrum and by means of a that is beyond the following investigation.
simple step size control for the iterative algorithm the run time of The subject of the following investigation is first, the investiga-
the algorithm can be decreased by a factor of 2.5-11. As a remedy tion into the properties of the different options that are available for
for the ringing effects in the the spectral envelope that are due to the estimation of the spectral envelope. The comparison of the dif-
the rectangular filter used for spectral smoothing we propose the ferent estimators, i.e. all-pole models and cepstral models, shows
use of a Hamming window as smoothing filter. The resulting im- that the cepstral based true envelope estimator has especially fa-
plementation of the algorithm has slightly increased computational vorable properties, besides the fact that its estimation is compu-
complexity compared to the standard LPC algorithm but offers sig- tationally rather demanding. Despite of its favorable estimation
nificantly improved control over the envelope characteristics. The properties the true envelope estimator has not received much at-
application of the true envelope estimator in a pitch shifting appli- tention outside of Japan, because the original publication has been
cation is investigated. The main problems for pitch shifting with in Japanese [6]. Therefore, the basic principle of the algorithm
envelope preservation in a phase vocoder are identified and a sim- will first be explained, before an optimized implementation is pro-
ple yet efficient remedy is proposed. posed, that reduces the required computation to a minimum. The
new implementation features the advantageous properties of the
discrete cepstrum [7] without its drawbacks [8], and, with reduced
computational complexity. The algorithm can be run in real time
Pitch shifting is a signal transformation that is often used and many even in parallel with the signal transposition algorithm, i.e. the
algorithms are available to achieve it. In the following article we phase vocoder. The advantage of the cepstral representation is the
address signal transposition based on a frequency domain repre- fact that the optimal envelope model order can be derived from the
sentation notably the phase vocoder [1, 2, 3]. There exist two ap- fundamental frequency of the sound signal, which makes it sim-
proachers to achieve pitch-shifting in the phase vocoder [4], both ple to achieve semi automatic order adaptation. Considering the
of which share the problem that they do not allow to change pitch application to signal transposition we investigate into the problem
without affecting timbre. If naturalness of the modified signals that the envelope properties are ill conditioned for frequencies be-
is desired the timbre modification poses a significant problem. A low the fundamental frequency. A revised pre-warping function is
straightforward means to prevent timbre modification for mono- proposed that may achieve significantly improved perceived sound
phonic signals consists of pre-warping the spectral envelope of quality and may be used to influence the position of the first for-
each signal frame in the spectral domain before the transposition mant of the pitch shifted signal. Comparing the transposition re-
is actually performed [1]. To be able to perform the pre-warping sults obtained with the true envelope and a standard LPC envelope
a robust estimator of the spectral envelope is needed. To be able estimation we find that for high pitched signals the artifacts related
to achieve real time transposition [5] the estimation should be ef- to the fact that the all-pole model may represent individual peaks
ficient and result in reasonable estimates for signals containing si- are significantly reduced.
nusoidal and noise signal components. The article is organized as follows. In section 2 we describe
Note, however, that even the preservation of the spectral enve- the main tools that are available today for spectral envelope estima-
lope is not necessarily assuring a naturally sounding transformed tion. We compare the different algorithms with respect to results
signal. A simple comparison of spectra of instrument samples re- and performance. In section 3 we describe the steps that are neces-
veals that the spectral envelope of sounds played with the same sary to reduce the computational complexity of the algorithm. In
instrument changing only the pitch do in most cases not preserve 4 we describe the automatic selection of the appropriate cepstral
the same spectral envelope. Using straightforward spectral com- smoothing order and in section 5 we evaluate the performance of
parison it can be easily found that for the same instrument and the optimized algorithm and investigate into its application for en-

Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’05), Madrid, Spain, September 20-22, 2005

velope preservation. has been developed in [6] where it was introduced as a method
that estimates the true envelope. The algorithm is iterative and a
2. ESTIMATING THE SPECTRAL ENVELOPE straightforward implementation requires rather extensive compu-
tation, especially if the FFT size is large. Let Vi (k) be the cep-
The term spectral envelope denotes a smooth function that passes stral representation of the spectral envelope at iteration i, that is
through the prominent spectral peaks. For an harmonic signal the the Fourier transform of the filtered cepstrum, and further initial-
prominent spectral peaks are generally the harmonics, however, if ize the iteration using A0 (k) = log(|X(k)|) and V0 (k) = −∞.
some of the harmonics are missing or weak (clarinet) the spectral The algorithm then iteratively replaces the current target amplitude
envelop should not pass through these. From this explanation the spectrum according to
main problem of the spectral envelope becomes apparent. There
Ai (k) = max(Ai−1 (k), Vi−1 (k)) (2)
exists no technical or mathematical definition and what is desired
depends to some extend on the signal and iteratively applies the cepstral filter to the updated target spec-
Most of the existing techniques are based on either linear pre- trum Ai . With this procedure the valleys between the peaks of
diction (LPC) [9] or the real cepstrum [10]. For an LPC model of the target spectrum will be filled by the cepstral filter and the esti-
order Pl the standard all-pole model estimation using the Levinson- mated envelope will steadily grow until all the peaks are covered.
Durbin recursion requires O(Pl2 ) floating point operations. For As stopping criterion of the procedure a parameter ∆ is used that
reasonable Pl (< 120) it is possible to run the LPC estimation in defines the maximum excess that a peak of the observed spectrum
real time within the phase vocoder such that for each frame the is allowed to have above the spectral envelope (in the following
spectral envelope can be pre-warped as required. For harmonic experiments ∆ = 2dB is used). The graceful interpolation of the
sounds the all-pole model suffers from systematic errors that have signal spectrum according to the requested cepstral order is a nice
been addressed in [11]. For high pitched signals or for signals feature of the algorithm avoiding all the problems related to the ill-
that contain individual, outstanding sinusoids , i.e. sinusoids with conditioned setup of the discrete cepstrum [8]. Nevertheless, the
significantly increased amplitude, the all-pole model may start to method suffers from two drawbacks. The first is due to the fact that
represent those peaks and, if it is applied for envelope preservation, the complexity is not related to Pc but to the DFT size K. Because
the sound quality of the transposition degenerates. the algorithm basically calculates a sequence of DFTs of order K,
The second approach that is available for envelope estimation it scales with O(K log(K).
is cepstral smoothing. This method is based on a Fourier repre- The second problem is due to the fact that, as is commonly
sentation of the log amplitude spectrum of the signal. Similar to done, the window applied to the spectrum is a rectangular win-
the all-pole model a number of proposals have been made to find dow. The rectangular windowing will smooth the log amplitude
the spectral envelope using the cepstrum. In the following article spectrum by means of convolution with a periodic sinc function.
we will briefly discuss two of the proposed strategies, the discrete This smoothing kernel creates oscillations whenever the log am-
cepstrum [7, 8] and the true envelope [6]. plitude spectrum changes rapidly. This is the well known Gibbs
The real cepstrum C(l) of a signal is the Inverse Fourier trans- Phenomenon. Artificial oscillations in the spectral envelope are
form of the log amplitude spectrum of the sound. If we define rather annoying, especially for applications that try to detect the
X(k) to represent the K-point DFT of the signal frame x(n) the formant structure from the envelope. They can be reduced signifi-
real (discrete) cepstrum C(l) of a signal frame is cantly if a Hamming window (centered at frequency zero) is used
as the smoothing filter in the cepstral domain. Selecting the win-
dow approximately 1.66 as large as the rectangular window creates
C(l) = log(|X(k)|)ei K . (1)
a smoothing kernel with approximately the same central lobe, but
nearly no side lobes. The resulting spectral envelopes are much
Because the spectral envelope is considered to be a smoothed ver- smoother which facilitates their use for further processing.
sion of the amplitude spectrum a simple means to obtain an es- To evaluate the real world performance of the algorithms we
timate of the spectral envelope is to set all the high frequency have selected two examples of singing voice sounds. The first is
elements in the cepstrum to 0. As is well known the resulting a tenor singer displayed in fig. 1. The model orders have been
Fourier representation is the optimal approximation of the log am- selected such that the acoustic result obtained when used to pre-
plitude spectrum, in the MSE sense, using as mathematical model warp the spectral envelope during transposition achieves subjec-
a Fourier series with limited number of harmonics and fundamen- tively the highest quality for the whole sound. The sound segment
tal period given by the sample rate. The number of harmonics that is displayed in fig. 1 has relatively high pitch such that the
used on the non negative frequency axis is called the order Pc of model problems will be apparent. With respect to the envelope
the cepstrum. Unfortunately, the filtered cepstrum will create an obtained by means of the LPC it is clearly visible that the all-pole
envelope following the mean of the spectrum and not the contour model obtained by means of the levinson algorithm favors the rep-
of the spectral peaks. The discrete cepstrum proposed in [7, 8] resentation of large amplitude peaks and may over-estimate the
establishes a method to find the cepstrum parameters consider- amplitude. Accordingly, as soon as transposition is not an integer
ing only the peaks of the signal amplitude spectrum, such that the factor the transformed sound contains whistling artifacts. The dis-
mean spectrum is close to what is considered a spectral envelope. crete cepstrum is obviously doing a very good job for the present
The problems are, that the the method requires a fundamental fre- signal. The envelope closely follows the selected peaks deviating
quency analysis or another means to preselect the spectral peaks, only if the cepstral order or the regularization require it. The true
that it is often ill-conditioned, and has computational complexity envelope describes a similar contour, however, it follows the peak
of O(Pc3 ). contour more faithfully passing generally ∆dB below the peaks.
There is, however, another procedure to cope with the fact The difference, however, is small and hardly perceptually relevant.
that the filtered cepstrum represents the mean value. The method As a second sound example we consider a soprano singer. The

Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’05), Madrid, Spain, September 20-22, 2005

envelope estimate tenor envelope estimate sopran

50 DFT spectrum DFT spectrum
discrete cepstrum (70) 30 disc cepstrum (25)
40 lpc (60) lpc (15)
true envelope (70) true env (25)
30 10
20 0

10 −10

0 −20

−10 −30
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
F[kHz] F[kHz]

Figure 1: The signal spectrum of a tenor singing voice segment Figure 2: Estimating the spectral envelope for a soprano singer.
with the envelope estimates obtained with standard LPC Pl = 60, The spectrum is shown with envelope estimates obtained with stan-
the discrete cepstrum and two versions of the true envelope esti- dard LPC Pl = 15, the discrete cepstrum and the true envelope
mator (standard and optimized). All cepstral models use Pc = 70. estimator original and new optimized version (all Pc = 25).

sound\method LPC dis. cep TE TE Hamming

signals spectrum together with the envelope estimates are shown tenor 1.6s 4.6s 7.s 5.45s ¡
in fig. 2. Note, that again the LPC model is mainly influenced sopran 0.7s 1.3s 8.21s 6.67s
by the major spectral peaks and misses completely the formant
that exists around 3kHz. For this example the discrete cepstrum
performs not as well. The problem arises due to the fact that the Table 1: Calculation times for the spectral estimates for the whole
discrete cepstrum requires special treatment of the region below tenor and soprano sound signals. The sound examples last 6s and
the fundamental to prevent the discrete cepstrum from creating a 3s, respectively. The cepstral order is as specified in fig. 1 and
high level bump around frequency 0Hz. This is the problem of ill- fig. 2. For the Hamming windowed cepstrum the order has been
conditioning that has been extensively discussed in the literature. selected to PC = 116.
In contrast to this the true envelope performs much better. It fills
the valley at frequency zero according to its cepstral order and the
result is intuitively correct. While the true envelope is not optimal used. By means of carefully adapting the algorithm a significant
in making up the envelope around DC (see the discussion in sec- reduction of the run time appears to be possible.
tion 5.1), it nevertheless will never create a local maximum around There exist two steps that are proposed to reduce the run time
frequency zero. of the true envelope estimator. First the highly irrelevant infor-
The run time of all the algorithms used to estimate the data mation that is contained in the spectrum due to its oversampling is
in fig. 1 and fig. 2 are compared in table (1). The run time for the removed by means of sub-sampling of the log amplitude spectrum.
discrete cepstrum strongly increases with the model order which is Further sub-sampling can be performed if the cepstral model order
related to the computational complexity of matrix inversion. The is taken int account. In a second step the step size of the iterative
run time for the LPC is smaller and is sufficiently fast for real time algorithm can be controlled to achieve slightly faster convergence.
processing. The computational complexity of the true envelope These two steps together significantly reduce the computational
estimator appears to be inversely related to the model order. This complexity of the iterative algorithm, such that the true envelope
is due to the fact that the main change in complexity comes from estimator becomes much cheaper than the discrete cepstrum, and
the number of iterations that are required until convergence. For only slightly more expensive than the LPC.
this a higher model order appears to be advantageous, because the
difference between the initial cepstrum and the final envelope will
be smaller. A similar argument may explain that the Hamming 3.1. Reducing size of the cepstrum
window smoothed cepstrum, that has been used for run time com-
Given the fact that it is hardly possible to perceive the form of
parison in table (1) and that uses a larger number of coefficients,
the spectral envelope with a precision given by the width of the
requires slightly less computation.
spectral peaks it appears reasonable to down-sample the log am-
plitude spectrum such that a frequency bin has approximately the
3. REDUCING THE COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY width of a sinusoidal peak. While the exact position of the am-
plitude samples is perceptually irrelevant, and therefore, can be
Considering the true envelope algorithm we recognize that there safely quantized, the amplitude values of the spectral peaks should
exists a lot of wasted computation due to the large cepstrum size be treated more carefully. It is clear that it is the maximum value

Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’05), Madrid, Spain, September 20-22, 2005

of a peak that contains accessible information about the value of component with highest frequency. Under the assumption that the
the spectral envelope. Therefore, the sub-sampling operation that amplitude of the cepstral coefficients decrease with their frequency
is used to remove irrelevant spectral information replaces the orig- this offset appears to be acceptable. This is even more true for the
inal log-amplitude spectrum of size K by means of a sub-sampled cepstral smoothing using a Hamming window, because in this case
spectrum S(m) having size M being the largest power of 2 below the highest cepstral coefficients are used only with a very weak
the size of the analysis window. To keep the relevant informa- weight. For interpolation from this stage of sub-sampling, two
tion contained in the maxima of the spectral peaks sub-sampling is options are available. We may either perform another linear in-
done using a maximum filter as follows terpolation together with the up-sampling from the previous stage,
or, to obtain a smooth contour, a band limited interpolation may be
m(u+0.5)−1 K performed in the spectral domain. In the present investigation the
S(m) = max (log(X(k))), where r= . (3)
k=m(u−0.5) M second option has been selected.
Because the removed information is irrelevant from a perceptive
point of view a simple linear interpolation can be used to up- 3.2. Controling the step size of the iterative algorithm
sample the spectral envelope that will be obtained from the down-
In the original version of the iterative algorithm the cepstral co-
sampled representation to the initial DFT size.
efficients of the next iteration are created by simply filtering the
To further reduce the computation the order Pc of the cepstrum
cepstrum. The speed of the adaptation depends on the match be-
is considered. As has been shown in [12] a sub-band DFT can be
tween the part of the cepstrum that will be retained and the energy
used to reduce the amount of computation if the signal under inves-
distribution of the spectrum to be enveloped. If the log amplitude
tigation is band limited. They show that the standard K-point DFT
spectrum has a form such that its spectrum is completely contained
can be decomposed into two K/2-point DFT, one operating on the
in the part of the cepstrum below the cepstral order the algorithm
lower half band and the other on the upper half band. The sub-band
will converge in a single step. If, however, the log amplitude spec-
DFTs operate on two low resp. high pass filtered and sub-sampled
trum contains impulses (partials) the energy in the cepstrum will
signals. The filtering and sub-sampling introduces linear distor-
have a large band width and the part of the energy that is used to
tion and aliasing, however, in combining the two sub-band DFTs
adapt the envelope will only be the small portion of the energy that
the errors will cancel and the complete K-point DFT is obtained.
falls into the kept band. Generally speaking the more the changes
While the whole process is computationally more demanding than
that are required to update the envelope are related to energy in the
the direct evaluation of the K-point DFT, savings can be achieved
band above the cepstral order, the smaller will be the correlation
if one of the sub-band DFT can be neglected because the energy
with the basic functions in the lower cepstral band, and, the longer
in the band is low. The whole process can be iterated to further
the algorithm will need to converge.
reduce computational complexity and effective bandwidth of the
It can be further expected that for later iterations the differ-
DFT. For the true envelope estimation we are seeking to calculate
ences between the smoothed envelope and the original spectrum,
the low frequency bins of a DFT. Therefore, we will consider the
eq. (2), will be more and more restricted to small regions. This
result of the DFT of the lowest frequency band, only.
means the differences will become smaller but also approach the
Due to the use of only the lower sub-band DFT to construct
form of impulses. Accordingly the rate of convergence of the al-
the cepstral coefficients related to the complete K-point DFT a
gorithm will slow down. In the following the smoothed cepstral
systematic error is introduced. One part of the error is due to the
vector at iteration i is denoted as Ci and the cepstrum obtained
pass-band attenuation of the sub-band filter, the other part due to
from the current target vector according to eq. (2) will be denoted
the weak stop-band rejection of the sub-band filter which leads to
as Ci0 . Moreover, we distinguish in band energy EI of the cepstral
aliasing errors. From the detailed investigation presented in [12] it
change, that is the energy of the difference between Ci0 and Ci−1
can be concluded that for sub-sampling 8 times above the required
confined to the region below the cepstral order Pc and the energy
band limit of the DFT the aliasing error is in the order of 20dB
of the cepstral change outside of this band, which is denoted as
below the maximum amplitude in the aliased band. Note however,
EO . Using these entities it is easy to show that for spectra with a
that for the iterative procedure considered here the out of band en-
single or a sequence of harmonic impulses the instantaneous con-
ergy and the aliasing due to limited stop-band rejection will reduce
vergence can be obtained if the change of the cepstral coefficients
with the ongoing iteration. While initially the out of band energy
from the last step is multiplied by λ = EIE+E O
. For the general
may be significant this energy and the resulting aliasing error will I

diminish with the envelope approaching the final position. The al- case the optimal step size control has not been found, however,
gorithm stops if the complete spectrum is covered by the envelope our experiments showed that also for noisy spectra the use of the
in which case the out of band energy will be zero and no aliasing energy ratio leads to better performance than the more defensive
takes place any more. strategy to use its square root as proposed in [13]. To update the
According to the previous discussion the cepstrum size L is cepstral coefficients we use now
selected to be 8Pc such that even for the first iteration only a small Ci (r) = λW (r)(Ci (r)0 − Ci−1 (r)) + Ci−1 (r). (5)
amount of aliasing will take place. Moreover, instead of the mean
filter used in [12] prior to sub-sampling, we again use a maximum The function W (k) represents the window function, which here
filter to best preserve the relevant information is either rectangular or Hamming, and which is centered at the
l(h+1)−1 M origin of the cepstrum. The energy relation between in-band and
A0 (l) = max (S(m)), where h= . (4) out-of-band energy controls the step size of the algorithm. The im-
m=lh L
portant point why the windowing operation needs to be integrated
Note, that the two maximum filters eq. (3) and eq. (4) can be into the coefficient update is that a repeated windowing of the cep-
combined into a single operation. With the selected L the place- stral coefficients would systematically increase the smoothing of
ment error is smaller than an 8-th part of the period of the cepstral the envelope even if no out-of-band energy is present. For all but

Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’05), Madrid, Spain, September 20-22, 2005

the rectangular window repeated windowing is not a transparent envelope estimate sopran
operation and needs to be avoided. This is achieved here because 40
the window acts only ones on every change of the coefficients such DFT spectrum
that the estimated envelope will not be systematically smoothed. 30 true env orig (25)
20 true env opt. (25)
3.3. Summary of the revised algorithm true env ham orig (25)
10 true env ham opt. (25)
The algorithm starts with the input of a amplitude spectrum of size
K. Based on the selected cepstral order Pc a sub-sampled initial

log amplitude spectrum A0 (l) is generated according to eq. (3) −10
and eq. (4). The last stage cepstral spectrum C−1 (r) is initialized
to 0. The first iteration of cepstral smoothing uses eq. (5) with step −20
size fixed to λ = 1. The cepstral coefficients are then transformed −30
back into log amplitude domain to get V0 (l) which is compared by
means of eq. (2) with the original input spectrum A0 (l) to obtain −40
the modified target spectrum for the next generation A1 (l). From
this a new cepstrum C10 is calculated and the algorithm continues
using a step size λ according to eq. (5). The iteration finishes if 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
the initial log spectrum A0 (l) is nowhere larger than the smoothed F[kHz]
spectrum Vi (l) by more than ∆dB. If required Vi (l) is then up-
sampled by M L
in the spectral domain by means of multiplying the Figure 3: Comparison of the estimated spectral envelope for the
current set of cepstral coefficients with an appropriate phase vector soprano singer using the original and the optimized true envelope
and applying repeatedly a complex Fourier transform. The result- estimator and Pc = 25. The variation in the true envelope due to
ing spectrum is up-sampled again by means of linear interpolation the severe sub-sampling is less than 3dB.
to obtain the final spectral envelope. Note, that for the calcula-
tion of the real cepstrum the input and the output vector are both sound\method orig. sub sub/step sub/step (Ham)
real and symmetric, such that the order of FFT and IFFT can be tenor 7s 3.24s 2.2s 2.2s ¡
chosen as convenient. To be able to apply the frequency domain soprano 8.21s 0.88 0.72 0.86s
interpolation we have chosen to use a real valued FFT transform to
obtain the cepstrum and to use the IFFT function to transform the
cepstral coefficients that become complex after frequency domain Table 2: Calculation times for the spectral estimates for the tenor
interpolation back into the log amplitude domain. and soprano sound signals using the optimized true envelope esti-
mator with and without step size control. The cepstral order is the
4. CEPSTRAL ORDER SELECTION same as in table (1).

One of the main advantages of the cepstrum based envelope esti-

mation is the fact that the required cepstral order can be directly re- fig. 2. Despite the strong sub-sampling that is applied especially
lated to the frequency resolution that the algorithm should obtain. for the soprano example the deviations between the envelope is
For an harmonic input spectrum the envelope estimator should not only marginal. The two envelopes with and without sub-sampling
resolve the individual harmonics such that the main lobe of the are shown for the soprano spectrum in fig. 3. The deviation due
smoothing kernel should have a width of about 2 times the fun- to the sub-sampling is as expected much less than a 4-th part of
damental frequency. For non harmonic spectra the width of the the fundamental frequency. Due to space constraints the figure for
main lobe of the smoothing kernel should be adapted to the largest the comparison of the results for the tenor signal is not displayed.
distance between spectral peaks that should be connected. Due to the low pitch and higher order of the cesptral filter the vari-
For a rectangular cepstral window the limit of the cepstral or- ations are considerably smaller and the envelope deviation of the
der that prevents the envelope to adapt to individual harmonics is optimized version is less than 1dB.
given by The run time that is required for the estimating the spectral
R envelope of the test signals is listed in table (2). Using only the
Pc ≤ . (6)
2δF sub-sampling the run time is reduced by a factor of about 2 for
Here R is the sample rate of the signal and δF is the frequency the tenor signal and by a factor of 9 for the soprano signal. The
peak spread limit, which is generally the maximum fundamental additional step size control further reduces the run time for the
frequency to be treated. For a hamming window the main lobe tenor to achieve a total reduction of about 3.2 (hamming windowed
is approximately 1 23 times as wide as for the rectangular window, 2.5) and for the soprano signal to 11.4 (hamming windowed 7.8)
such that the limits for the order are simply 1 23 times larger. Compared to the LPC model the increase in run time is below 40%.

5. EVALUATION AND APPLICATION TO PITCH 5.1. Application to pitch shifting

The true envelope estimator allows a significantly improved en-
To evaluate the new implementation of the true envelope estimator velope estimation especially for high pitched sounds. The ques-
we first compare with the results of the spectral envelopes esti- tion arises, whether this improved estimate is perceptible when
mated with the original algorithm that have shown in fig. 1 and being used for spectral envelope preservation in combination with

Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx’05), Madrid, Spain, September 20-22, 2005

a pitch shifting transformation. To investigate this question the ent algorithms available for envelope estimation the true envelope
true envelope estimator has been integrated into a phase vocoder estimator appears to be a very promising choice, despite the fact
application that allows to preserve the spectral envelope by means that its run time requirements are rather high. A new implementa-
of pre-warping the envelope of the STFT frames before the pitch tion of the true envelope estimator has been presented that reduces
shifting takes place. The pre-warping is done by means of simple the run time according to the cepstral order on average by a fac-
amplitude multiplication using the pre-warping factor P (k) that is tor of 2.5 to 11. As a result the algorithm can be used for real
designed to compensate the transposition of the envelope that will time applications. The scaling behavior is reversed from initially
be obtained in conjunction of the pitch shift. The pre-warping mul- decreasing run time with increasing cepstral order into increasing
tiplier for pitch shifting with a transposition factor f and a spectral run time with cepstral order. Despite the increased efficiency the
envelope A(k) is estimation results are not significantly affected.
A(k · f ) The performance of the algorithm for the envelope preserva-
P (k) = . (7)
A(k) tion has been studied. Two problems have been identified that can
Compared to the previous version that worked with an LPC based be remedied by means adaptation of the cepstral smoothing order
envelope estimator the artifacts are considerably reduced because and the envelope pre-warping function to the current pitch.
the true envelope estimator will never adapt to individual harmon-
ics of the spectrum if the order is selected according to eq. (6). 7. REFERENCES
Nevertheless, for high pitched sounds the transposed signals
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