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Avinash_Scopus_2018_Microstrip E-Shaped Patch Antenna for ISM Band at 5.3GHz Frequency Application

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2018 2nd International Conference on Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Microstrip E-Shaped Patch Antenna for ISM Band

at 5.3GHz Frequency Application
Shivani Sharma and Tarishi Dimri
USICT, GGSIPU, [email protected], [email protected]
Dwarka, New Delhi- 110078, India

Manoj Kumar (Associate Professor) Avinash Singh ( Assistant Professor)

USICT, GGSIPU, [email protected] USICT, GGSIPU, [email protected]
Dwarka, New Delhi-110078, India Dwarka, New Delhi-110078, India

light weighted and compact to be implemented over any

device and easy to fabricate and modify. These antennas
Abstract: In this paper the microstrip E-shaped patch are very versatile in terms of impedance, resonant
antenna is simulated using Ansoft HFSS (High frequency, polarization and pattern and both linear and
frequency simulation software) for ISM band at circular polarization can be achieved [1]. As 2.4 GHz band
5.3GHz operating frequency using ROGER RT™ / becomes overcrowded and interference becomes more
DUROID 5870 substrate with microstrip feed line and obvious in that frequency band due to its licence free nature
compared to that of conventional rectangular type an enhanced frequency band with higher data rate and less
patch antenna in which Duroid is used but with congestion is designated as high frequency ISM 5 GHz
different dielectric and loss value. An improvement in band which extends from 5.1 GHz to 5.8 GHz [5]. It is used
return loss has been achieved with E-shaped patch for commercial Wi-Fi for high data rates up to 1.3gbps for
using duroid 5870 which is thrice the value achieved by standard 802.11/ac/n, long distance communication,
conventional rectangular patch antenna with the value WLAN and wireless applications. Enhancement
of -46 dB. VSWR is also improved with the value of techniques can be implemented to make microstrip patch
1.009 to that of 1.1 in conventional antenna and gain has antennas to increase its bandwidth for 5GHz ISM band
been achieved with enhanced bandwidth of 200 MHz at applications [2]. Microstrip patch antennas are made up of
5.3 GHZ with the value of 6.28 dB which is higher than three different layers i.e. ground plane, substrate and patch.
4.5 dB achieved in Rectangular patch antenna. The substrate is sandwiched between conducting patch and
Microstrip patch antenna is designed has major ground plane. The microstrip patch is a radiating patch
applications at frequency 5.3 GHZ for industrial, placed over dielectric substrate with a ground plane on the
medical, scientific, WLAN, Wi-Fi and long range underside of the dielectric substrate. Radiation occurs
wireless applications with higher data rates. mostly because of the fringing field in between the
Keywords: ISM, S11 Return loss, VSWR, WLAN, HFSS, dielectric substrate and the radiating patch and hence the
Gain. electromagnetic waves fringe off from the top of the patch
to substrate, reflecting off the ground plane and radiating
out in the air [6].
The conventional rectangular patch antennas has a major
With the development in wireless communications the drawback of narrow bandwidth. Also along with
need for high frequency and data rates has been increased development in the wireless communications the need for
gradually. The wireless portable electronics devices like high frequency and data rates has been increased gradually
mobile phones, GPS receivers, laptops with high mobility hence bandwidth of the antenna must be increased. Since
requires an efficiently compact and light weighted antenna they are inherently narrow bandwidth antennas because of
for communicating with other fixed or mobile stations. small size different techniques can be used to enhance the
Microstrip patch antennas are perfect to be used in wireless bandwidth of the microstrip patch antennas.
communication devices because they are having low Incrementation techniques can be implemented to enhance
profile compared to conventional antennas hence performance of these patch antennas to increase its
compatible for planar and non-planar surface. They are bandwidth and the range of frequency for transmission

978-1-5386-6918-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 219

DOI 10.1109/ICMETE.2018.00056

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