Case of Snehapuri Colony
Case of Snehapuri Colony
Case of Snehapuri Colony
are directed to show cause as to why in the circumstances set out in the petition
and the affidavit filed therewith (copy enclosed) this writ petition should not be
w.P.M.P.NO.54820 0F 2017
Petition under Section 151 of C.P.C. praying that in the circumstances stated
in the affidavit filed in W.P. the High Court may be pleased to direct the
Respondent No.2 to 4 to issue an direction order to Respondent No.5 to stop all
the illegal constructions and also proposed constructions being made by the sth
Respondent in/on plot No.79 in Sy.No.22 Snehapuri Colony, Motinagar, Kukatpalli
Circle, Babbuguda Village, Balanagar Mandal, Malkajgiri, Medchal District, pending
disposal of Writ Petilion No.44219 of 20lTonlhefileof the High Court.
Learned counsel for the petitioner is also permitted to take out personal
notice on the 5th respondent by Registered Post with Acknowledgment Due
and file proof of service.
//TRUE coPY/i
Aged about 54 years
rvo H. No. 13 - 1- 15416/ 1
Snehapuri Colony
Moti Nagar ...petitioner
1. The State of Telangana
Rep by its prtncipal Secretary
Munlclpal Adminlstration
& Urban Development Department
Telangana Secretariat, Hyderabad
4. Asst.City planner
GHMC, Kukatpally Circle -144
Medchat-Malkajgiri Dist
ptot no.Zl
Circle no.14A
Snehapuri Colony
Moti Nagar
Hyderabad -500018 ...Respondenvs
The address for service of all notice and process on the above
petitioners are that of their counsel SRI.D.L.KIMN PRAKASH &
A.SRINIVASULA RA,U Advocates, A.p., HIGH COURT Advocates
it is prayed
For the reasons stated in the accompanying affldavit,
that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased to issue a writ, Order or Direction
more particularly a Writ in the nature of Writ of Mandamus declaring the action
of the Respondent 2 to 4 in not taking any action against the sth Respondent
inspite of repeated representation & complaint of the petltloner
Dt.12-09-17,25-09-17 As illegal, arbitrary and violative of the principals of
natural Justices and consequently direct the Respondents 2 to 4 to demolish
the illegal construction made by the sth Respondent on plot no.7$ Snehapuri
colony, Motinagar, Kukatpally vlllage, Balanagar lvlandal, Malkajgiri-Medchal
Dist and to pass such other orders or orders as this Hon'ble court may deem
fit and just and proper in the circumstances of the case and pass such other
order or orders as this Hon'ble Court may deem fit and proper in the
circumstances of the case in the interest of justice.
Counsel for the Petitioner
The State of Telangana
Rep by its Principal Secretary
Munlcipal Administration
& Urban DeveloPment DePartment
Telangana Secretariat, HYderabad
1- 154/6/l,Snehapurl Colony MotiNagar
do hereby
54 yea6, R/o H.No.13-
as follows:
solemnly and sincerely affirm and state on oath
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1't page corredion
01. I am the petitioner herein and as such I am well acquainted with the
fact of the case.
I submit that above writ petition is filed questioning the action of the
Respondent no.2 to 4 in not taking any action on the repeated
representation and complaints lodged by me against the Respondent
no.5 Dt.12-09-17,25-O9-L7 as illegal arbitrary and violative of
principles of natural Justice.
04. I submit that the Respondent no.5 herein without any right or title
whatsoever in nature and claiming to be the owner of the
neibhouring property bearing plot no.78 alleging that she purchased
the above said property and started to make un-authorized
construction on the said plot. There upon I along with my neibhours
logged a complaint with the police who have not taken any adion
stating it to be Civil in nature. There upon I along with the
neighbours approached the Residential Welfare Associations / Society
and lodged a complaint against the Respondent no.5.Thereafter the
members of the society on various occasions try to impress upon the
Respondent no.5 not to
undertake any unlawful and unauthorized
construction but the Respondent no.5 fail to pay heed to the advice
of the Society members.
f,.'J.lz-ll^*,. I'o:Y,
2nd page correction Attestor Deponent
no other alternative
05. I submlt that in the circumstances I was left with
except to lodge a written representation of
my grievance against the
GHMC' Hyderabad against
neigbhour wlth the Deputy Commissioner
plot no 78 of Snehapuri
the illegal construction being carried out on
Respondent no'5 lYithout leaving any setbacks
colony by the
grievance was lodged with
required as per the GHMC Act & Rules My
But the authorities
Respondent no.4 through what'sapp on 23-06-17
/ Respondent no.4 fail to take any action'
Rao' ACP' he
09. I submit that when I contacted Sri K Mallikaiun
notice issued and called
informed me that action has been taken and
was taken l submit
for the documents. Thereafter no further action
having made a number
that havlng waited for a number of days and
status of my
of visits and trips to GHMC Office to enquiry the
informatlon from the
complalnt I was not able to recelve any
the status of my
authority, Thereafter I was informed to check
complaint from the website on 05-10-17
I came to know that the
was closed. I was shocked to note that
without giving me
documents etc" the
an opportunity to submlt my grievance' my
Respondent no.4 closed the complaint
for reasons best to knor{n to
him' (i'l *dY
3d page correction
11. I submit that since the Respondent no.2 to 4 have failed to initiate
any action against the Respondent no.5 even till this date / left with
no other alternative, I am constrained to approach this Hon,ble court
for Redressal of my crievance against to Respondent no.2 to 4 and
5, and the said action of the Respondent no.2 to 4 in not initiatinq
any action to prevent and stop the illegal construction made by the
Respondent no.5 and failillg to demolish the un-authorized
construction made by the Respondent no.5 is illegal arbitrary and
violation of the principles of the natural Justice. I submit that on
account of inaction of the Respondent no.2 to 4 I am being put
irreparable loss, hardship and injustice/mental agony.
I submit that I
have no other alternative effective remedy except to
invoke the extra ordinary Jurisdiction of this Hon,ble court under
Article 226 of Constitution of India.
13. I have not filed any writ earlier or no suit or proceedings pending
before any court or authority seeking similar relief as sought in the
present writ petition.
14. It is therefore prayed that this Hon,ble court in the interest of Justice
may be pleased to issue a Writ, order or directions more particularly
one in the nature of writ of Mandamus declaring the action of the
Respondent no.2 to 4 in not taking any action against the
Respondent no.s on the representation , complaints of the petitioner
Dt.23-06-77, L2-09-L7 & 25-09-17 as illegal, arbitrary and viotative
of principles of natural Justice and consequently direct the
<.r.l' k-fll*^-l'o-!Y.
at l-lyderabad, Before me
Advocate, Hyderabad
Hyderabad do hereby solemnly and sincerely affirm and state that the contents
of the above paragraphs no.1 to 14 are true to the best of my knowledge and