2010 Brekken Machines and Drives Comparison for Low-Power Renewable Energy and Oscillating Applications
2010 Brekken Machines and Drives Comparison for Low-Power Renewable Energy and Oscillating Applications
2010 Brekken Machines and Drives Comparison for Low-Power Renewable Energy and Oscillating Applications
4, DECEMBER 2010
Fig. 2. Close up of rack and pinion and generator. II. MATERIAL AND METHODS
To compare the different drives, a small-scale (≈200 W) test
attractive as all parts of the system can be sealed from the bed has been used, as shown in Fig. 3. On the rotational test
corrosive salt–water environment. If a rotational generator is bed, there is a fixed permanent magnet brushed dc “generator”
used, it may be necessary to use a linear-to-rotary conversion coupled to four interchangeable “motors.” The available motors
mechanism to convert the heaving, reciprocating motion to ro- are as follows:
tational motion, such as the following: rack and pinion; chain, 1) permanent magnet brushed dc;
belt, or cable drive; or ball screw [15]. This research focuses 2) induction;
on small rotational generators, assuming a linear-to-rotary con- 3) permanent magnet brushless dc; and
version system such as a rack and pinion. A concept of such 4) synchronous reluctance.
a system is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. This is a conceptual ex- The test bed and machines are made by MotorSolver to ap-
ample for illustration; in actual application, the placement and proximately the same physical size and rated speed. The ma-
orientation of the generator, the nature of the linear-to-rotary chines were originally developed for educational use and as
mechanism, and the geometry and size of the buoy may vary. such they are rated conservatively. The induction machine and
the synch. rel. machine have lower nameplate-rated power than It should also be noted in the case of a permanent magnet
the brushed and brushless dc machines, but due to the very sim- (or wound field) synchronous machine, and it is simple to use
ilar size and construction and conservative rating, the functional a diode rectifier to convert the varying frequency, amplitude,
difference in nameplate-rated power is not expected to be sig- and direction of the output to dc [2], [20], [21]. This has the
nificant. Any of the four machines used in this research could be advantage of being simple and robust, but has disadvantages in-
reasonably employed for the simulated application (100 W aver- cluding poor THD in the machine and limited control of torque.
age, as explained in Sections I and III). The machine parameters The dSPACE-based setup used in this research allows for rela-
are given in the Appendix. The drive board is made by HiRel tively simple implementation of vector control and synchronous
and has two bidirectional three-phase inverters running off of a rectification, which lends itself well to speed and torque control.
common 42 V dc bus. The switching frequency for pulsewidth
modulation (PWM) is 10 kHz. The drive board has transducers III. DEFINITION OF OSCILLATING OPERATION
for current and voltage sensing. The generator is equipped with
Three tests were conducted for each of the four machines and
an optical encoder for position and speed sensing, and a torque
corresponding drives are as follows
transducer is mounted between the machines for torque mea-
1) Machine and drive efficiency for constant operation.
surements. A dSPACE DS1104 system is used for control and
2) Machine and drive efficiency for oscillating operation.
data acquisition.
3) Machine and drive efficiency for oscillating operation at
For this experiment, the brushed dc “generator” acts as the
rated speed and torque but sweeping the frequency of
load and its armature is connected to a variable resistive load
(i.e., high-power potentiometer). The machine to be tested
In each case, the system is allowed to reach a steady-state op-
(“motor”) is speed controlled using the well-known speed and
erating temperature. In all cases, flux weakening (i.e., extended
torque cascade loop structure, as shown in Fig. 4. The exact
speed operation) was not used to allow a more direct comparison
structure of the torque control varies between the four machines.
between the machines.
For the brushed dc machine, armature current was used to con-
A major objective of the testing was to compare constant-
trol torque. For the brushless dc machine, vector control was
speed efficiency with oscillating efficiency. Therefore, the con-
used with the d-axis aligned with the rotor flux, and the q-axis
cept of rms speed and rms torque is introduced. For constant op-
current used to control torque [17]. For the induction machine, a
eration, rms speed and rms torque are simply the constant speed
V/f control with a slip input was used to control torque. Lastly, for
and constant torque, and the constant machine shaft power is
the synchronous reluctance machine, vector control was used.
equal to the speed multiplied by the torque.
The rotor saliency was aligned with the d-axis, and q-axis and
For the oscillating case, the machine is controlled to follow a
d-axis currents were used in equal proportion to control torque.
sinusoidal speed profile to approximate actuation from an ocean
As the load machine is a dc type connected to a resistance, it
will produce a load torque proportional to speed. This is a good
approximation to optimal control for ocean wave energy [12]. 2π
ω(t) = ω̂ sin t (1)
It is noted that the power flow is from the motor to be tested Tw
to the “generator” (as labeled in Fig. 3) and to the load resistors. where Tw is the wave period and is typically on the order of 8 s.
This research is focused on evaluation of the effects of oscilla- As the speed profile is sinusoidal, the rms speed is then
tion on the four machine types (“motor” in Fig. 4) when those
machines and associated drive control are used in oscillating ωrm s = √ . (2)
wave power generation. It is assumed that general observations 2
about the effects of oscillation on motoring can be drawn for The load motor is a brushed dc machine connected to a load
generation as well, as is standard in machine testing [18], [19]. resistor. Therefore, it produces an opposing torque proportional
is a constant
idc,c = I (21)
√ 2π
idc,o = I 2 sin t . (22)
The power loss due to heating of the windings is the same
between the constant and oscillating cases
pcond,dc (i) = i2 R (23)
pcond,dc (idc,c ) = I R = pcond,dc (idc,o )T w .
Fig. 7. Brushed dc machine efficiency: (a) constant and (b) oscillating at 8 s period.
Therefore TABLE I
Pcore (ωe,o )T w < Pcore (ωe,c ). (38)
The core power loss should be less for the case of oscillating
operation for the brushless dc machine, the induction machine,
and the synchronous reluctance machine.
E. Theoretical Efficiency Summary EFFICIENCY AT 0.71 PU SPEED, 0.71 PU TORQUE, AND 0.5 PU POWER
As outlined at the beginning of Section III, three tests are
conducted: efficiency for constant operation, efficiency for os-
cillating operation, and efficiency as a function of oscillation
(i.e., wave) frequency. EFFICIENCY AT 0.5 PU SPEED, 1 PU TORQUE, AND 0.5 PU POWER
Fig. 8. Efficiency as a function of wave period at rated power for (a) drive and (b) machine.
process is repeated for three evenly spaced points between 0 B. Efficiency Versus Wave Period
and 1 pu in speed and three evenly spaced points between 0 and The dependency of efficiency on wave period Tw has been
1 pu in torque. This yields the machine and drive efficiency at tested at rated power. The result is shown in Fig. 8. The rms
nine evenly spaced points in the torque–speed plane. (Note that
speed and torque are both 1 pu, and the average power over one
√ oscillating operation, a speed of 1 pu means that ω(t) =
for the wave period is 1 pu.
283 2 sin((2π/T√ w )t) rad/s and a torque of 1 pu means that
TL (t) = 0.354 2 sin((2π/Tw )t) Nm, such that the rms speed
and torques are the same between the constant and oscillating
B. Efficiency Versus Wave Period A. Machine Efficiency
The drive speed is set to follow a sinusoidal reference such The theoretical calculations predict that machine efficiency
that the rms value of the sinusoidal speed reference is 1 pu. should be higher for oscillating application. Tables I–IV indeed
The frequency of the sinusoidal reference is the variable to be show that this is the case. In nearly every combination of speed
swept. The load machine resistive load is adjusted until the rms and torque for the brushed dc, induction, and brushless dc ma-
shaft torque is 1 pu. The average drive and machine efficiency chines, the efficiency is higher in the oscillating operation than
over one wave period (Tw ) is then recorded for eight different in constant operation.
periods of sinusoidal drive speed reference between 2 and 16 s. There are a few exceptions. In every case, the synchronous
reluctance machine was less efficient in oscillating operation.
VI. RESULTS The theory would predict this if for that particular machine, the
windage losses are much larger than for the other machine types.
A. Efficiency Versus Speed Versus Torque This is unlikely as each machine is manufactured to approxi-
As outlined in Section V, the efficiency of the drive and mately the same size and mass. Therefore, it is likely that there
machine in each mode of operation (constant and oscillating) is an additional heat-related or core-loss-related loss mechanism
was recorded over many points in the torque and speed plane. that is not adequately accounted for.
From this, a contour plot can be created, as shown in Fig. 7, Another anomaly is the poor oscillating performance of the
for the brushed dc machine. The machine efficiency at 1 pu induction machine for low speed and high torque (Table IV). It is
speed and 1 pu torque is 75.0, and in oscillating operation, it is hypothesized that this is due to reduced cooling associated with
76.1. Linear interpolation is used between points to create the the lower speed. A more complex machine model and analysis
contour. This testing procedure was applied to all four machines that accounts for increased rotor bar and stator conductor resis-
and associated drives. For brevity, only the contour plots for the tance due to heating would be necessary to test this hypothesis.
dc machine are shown. All contour plots can be found in [16]. This is a good topic for future work.
The results for all four machines are summarized in Tables Lastly, in Table III, it was not possible to collect data for the
I–IV at four different operating points representing full power, brushless dc machine in oscillating application at high speed and
half power at equal speed and torque, half power with speed low torque. This was due to friction in the load motor exceeding
emphasized, and half power with torque emphasized. the desired torque in this lightly loaded condition.
B. Drive Efficiency There are several areas for future research. The results con-
A detailed treatment of the theoretical drive efficiency is com- clusively showed a decrease in drive efficiency for oscillating
plex as it requires full modeling and analysis of both the conduc- operation. There are opportunities for detailed theoretical treat-
tion and switching losses of the drive as a function of duty ratio ment of power electronics efficiency in oscillating operation,
and current, where these duty ratios and currents are themselves especially for oscillating AC drives. Also, this research can be
dc, steady-state ac, and ac modulated at the wave frequency. extended to include higher power machines and drives, such as
This is a complicated analytical task that is an excellent candi- would be used for utility-scale generation.
date for future research. However, the experimental results of
the drive efficiency measurements are included in Tables I–IV. APPENDIX
The trend is clear: contrary to the machines, the drives univer- MACHINE PARAMETERS
sally suffer a decrease in efficiency in the oscillating mode. This
suggests there is a high-order loss√ mechanism in the drive that
becomes very significant at the 2 higher speeds and torques
momentarily experienced in the oscillating application.
C. Overall Efficiency
Although the drive efficiency decreases in the oscillating
mode, in general, the decrease in efficiency is not as large as the
gain in efficiency in the machine. The net effect is an overall in-
crease in efficiency when operating in the oscillating mode. The
exception is the synchronous reluctance machine, which suffers
a large overall decrease in efficiency as both the machine and
drive perform poorly in the oscillating mode.
The goal of this research was to determine the effect of oscil-
lating operation on small power machines and drives used for
wave energy generation and oscillating applications. The salient
conclusions are as follows:
1) In general, machine efficiency is improved in the oscil-
lating operation, as predicted by the theoretical analysis.
This is true for the brushed dc, induction, and brushless
dc machines. The synchronous reluctance machine was an
exception, as it showed a strong reduction in efficiency in
the oscillating operation.
2) Drive efficiency universally decreased for the oscillating
3) In general, the increase in efficiency in oscillation for the
machines was greater than the decrease for the drive, re-
sulting in a net increase in system efficiency in oscillating
4) The frequency of oscillation over large ocean swell periods REFERENCES
(several seconds and greater) has no effect on efficiency
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