2008 Load Control of Wave Energy With Hydraulic PTO
2008 Load Control of Wave Energy With Hydraulic PTO
2008 Load Control of Wave Energy With Hydraulic PTO
Oscillating bodies constitute an important class of wave energy converters, especially for offshore deployment. Phase control by
latching has been proposed in the 1970s to enhance the wave energy absorption by oscillating bodies (especially the so-called point
absorbers). Although this has been shown to be potentially capable of substantially increasing the amount of absorbed energy, the
practical implementation in real irregular waves of optimum phase control has met with theoretical and practical difficulties that have
not been satisfactorily overcome. The present paper addresses the case of oscillating-body converters equipped with a high-pressure
hydraulic power take-off mechanism (PTO) that provides a natural way of achieving latching: the body remains stationary for as long as
the hydrodynamic forces on its wetted surface are unable to overcome the resisting force (gas pressure difference times cross-sectional
area of the ram) introduced by the hydraulic PTO system. A method of achieving sub-optimal phase-control is developed, based on the
theoretical time-domain modelling of a single-degree of freedom oscillating body in regular and irregular waves, by adequately delaying
the release of the body in order to approximately bring into phase the body velocity and the diffraction (or excitation) force on the body,
and in this way get closer to the well-known optimal condition derived from frequency-domain analysis for an oscillating body in regular
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A.F.O. Falcão / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 358–366 359
The coefficients A(o) and B(o) depend on the geometry the form
(and on the frequency o). Z t
If the system is linear, the governing equation may be € þ rgS xðtÞ þ
ðm þ A1 ÞxðtÞ € dt
Lðt tÞxðtÞ
written as 1
_ tÞ,
¼ f d ðtÞ þ f m ðx; x; ð9Þ
ðm þ AÞx€ þ ðB þ CÞx_ þ ðrgS þ KÞx ¼ F d eiot . (2)
where AN is the limiting value of the added mass A(o) for
Replacing x ¼ X0 eiot, we find
o ¼ N. The convolution integral in Eq. (9) represents the
Fd memory effect in the radiation force. The force fm applied
X0 ¼ . (3)
o2 ðm þ AÞ þ ioðB þ CÞ þ rgS þ K on the body by the energy conversion mechanism is a linear
or non-linear function of x and x, _ and may also be an
The time-averaged absorbed power is (see, e.g., Falnes,
explicit function of time if the system is actively controlled.
The memory function L can be calculated from the
1 1 B F d 2 radiation damping coefficient B(o) by (see Falnes, 2002b):
P̄ ¼ Co2 jX 0 j2 ¼ jF d j2 U 0 , (4) Z
2 8B 2 2B 2 1 BðoÞ
LðtÞ ¼ sin ot do. (10)
where U 0 ¼ ioX 0 is the complex amplitude of the velocity p 0 o
_ This shows that, for a given body and given incident
Eq. (9) can easily be integrated numerically, from initial
wave (i.e., fixed o, B, and Fd), the time-averaged absorbed
conditions for x and x.
power is maximum when the values of K and C are such
2.5. The power take-off mechanism
F d ¼ 2BU 0 , (5)
in which case the diffraction force fd is in phase with the The hydraulic circuit includes a hydraulic cylinder or
_ By combining (4) and (5), we find
velocity x. ram, a high-pressure (HP) gas accumulator, a low-pressure
(LP) gas accumulator and a hydraulic motor (or a water
o2 ðm þ AÞ ¼ rgS þ K, (6)
turbine) (Fig. 1). A rectifying valve system prevents liquid
B ¼ C. (7) from leaving the HP accumulator at E and from entering
the LP accumulator at D. The hydraulic machine is driven
Eq. (6) is a resonance condition, whereas (7) is a damping by the flow resulting from the pressure difference between
condition for maximum power. the HP and LP accumulators.
Typically, ocean wave energy is concentrated in the We denote by m1 and m2 the masses of gas inside the HP
range 0.5ooo0.9 rad/s. In this range and for most point and LP accumulators, respectively, which are supposed to
absorbers, (6) would imply negative values for the PTO remain unchanged during operation. Assuming the duct
spring stiffness K, which is a condition difficult to and accumulator walls to be rigid and the liquid
implement in practice. Phase control by latching is a incompressible, the total volume of gas remains constant,
method, initially proposed by Budal and Falnes (1980), for i.e., m1v1(t)+m2v2(t) ¼ V0 ¼ constant (vi, i ¼ 1, 2, is spe-
overcoming this problem. cific volume of gas). We may also write
dv1 ðtÞ
2.3. Irregular waves qðtÞ qm ðtÞ ¼ m1 ,
Real irregular waves may be represented with good where q(t) is the volume flow rate of liquid (oil or water)
approximation as a superposition of regular waves, by displaced by the piston and qm(t) is the volume flow rate
defining a spectrum. We adopt a discretized Pierson– through the hydraulic motor (or water turbine).
Moskowitz spectrum. Since linear water wave theory is The specific entropy s1 of the gas inside the HP
assumed, the resulting diffraction force is simply obtained accumulator (and s2 for the LP accumulator) will change
by linear superposition due essentially to heat transfer. This may be connected to
X changes in seawater temperature and surrounding air
f d ðtÞ ¼ f d;n ðtÞ. (8) temperature, and also to changes in the power dissipated
(viscous losses and electrical losses) inside the converter.
Such changes are likely not to be significant over time
2.4. Time-domain analysis intervals less than, say, 1 h, and so it is reasonable to
consider that the gas compression/expansion process inside
The PTO system of most wave energy converters of the accumulator is approximately isentropic (s1 and s2 are
the oscillating-body type is strongly non-linear, and so constant) during a sea state (this means that, although the
the frequency-domain analysis, outlined above, is not changes in gas temperature may be significant during the
applicable. This can be dealt with by the time-domain compression/expansion cycle, the corresponding changes in
analysis (see Falnes, 2002b). The governing equation takes entropy may be neglected).
A.F.O. Falcão / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 358–366 361
We note that the force SCDp required to pump fluid into The instantaneous power absorbed by the converter is
the HP accumulator is to be overcome by the action of R_ t
PðtÞ ¼ FjxðtÞj, and its time-average in t0ptptf is
the buoy upon the piston. For details of modelling, see P̄ ¼ Dt1 t0f PðtÞ dt. The value of P̄ naturally depends on
Falcão (2007). the magnitude of the time interval Dt ¼ tft0. The
numerical values presented here were obtained for
Dt ¼ 1800 s.
3. Floating converter with gas accumulator
4. Coulomb damping
We consider a hemispherical buoy oscillating in heave,
driving a hydraulic cylinder or ram that pumps high-
It is important to control the device in order to maximize
pressure liquid (oil or water) into a hydraulic circuit
the produced energy. This should take into account the sea
(Fig. 1). The rectifying valve is controlled in such a way
state, characterized by Hs and Te. Since the system is
that the liquid is pumped from the cylinder into the HP
assumed linear from the hydrodynamic point of view, then,
accumulator and sucked from the LP accumulator into the
for fixed Te, the values of P̄=H 2s and q̄=H s will depend only
opposite side of the cylinder. The hydraulic machine is
on the ratio F/Hs (we assume here the force F to be
driven by the flow resulting from the pressure difference
approximately constant over the sea state under considera-
between the HP accumulator and the LP accumulator. The
_ is the flow rate pumped by
tion, and, as before, q ¼ S C jxj
time variation of the gas pressure difference Dp ¼
the piston). If phase control by latching is introduced (see
p1(t)p2(t) between the HP and LP accumulators results
Section 5), then those values will depend also on the
from (i) the action of the buoy upon the piston, and (ii) the
control strategy and algorithm.
flow of liquid through the turbine or hydraulic motor.
We consider first that the floater (and hence the piston) is
The diffraction force fd(t) that appears in (9) can be
unable to move for as long as the resultant hydrodynamic
obtained from the spectrum characterizing the sea state
force on its wet surface is less than F ¼ SCDp. This kind of
under consideration and from the excitation force coeffi-
damping (simple Coulomb damping) does not involve any
cient G(o). While the body is moving, the governing
phase control strategy and was analysed in detail in Falcão
equation is (9), with f m ¼ signðxÞF, _ where F ¼
(2007). For this situation, the proposed control algorithm
SC(p1p2) ¼ SC Dp and SC is the cylinder cross-sectional
consists in establishing a proportionality relationship
area (the piston rod cross-section is neglected). At some
between the instantaneous liquid-flow rate through the
time, the time-varying body velocity will become zero.
hydraulic motor (or water turbine), qm, and the instanta-
From then on, the body will remain stationary unless, or
neous pressure difference Dp between the HP and LP
until, the hydrodynamic force on the body
Z t
f d ðtÞ rgS xðtÞ € dt
Lðt tÞxðtÞ qm ¼ S 2C G Dp, (12)
where G is a constant. The power available to the hydraulic
overcomes the resisting force F ¼ SC(p1p2) (or, if phase machine is Pm ¼ qm Dp ¼ G(SC Dp)2 ¼ GF2. We note that,
control by latching is implemented, until the controller over a sufficiently long time, the time-averaged values of P
allows the piston to be released) and fluid is again pumped and Pm are equal (no energy losses are assumed to occur in
into the HP accumulator (and sucked from the LP the hydraulic circuit).
The hydrodynamic coefficients A(o) and B(o) for a 5. Phase control by latching
floating hemisphere oscillating in heave in deep water were
obtained analytically by Hulme (1982). The numerical It was found in Falcão (2007) (for a hemi-spherical
results presented below are for a hemisphere of radius floater of 5 m radius in irregular waves), that, if G is
a ¼ 5 m, r ¼ 1025 kg/m3, g ¼ 1.4 (nitrogen), in irregular optimized for Te, the simple Coulomb damping (produced
waves with a spectral distribution of Pierson–Moskowitz by a hydraulic circuit as described above) allows approxi-
type defined by (SI units, see Goda, 2000) mately the same level of energy absorption as a PTO with
an optimized linear damper (and no spring, i.e., K ¼ 0). It
S z ðoÞ ¼ 131:5H 2s T 4
e o
expð1054T 4 4
e o Þ, (11)
is known that a linear damper may be combined (in what is
where Hs is significant wave height and Te is energy period. often called ‘‘phase control’’) with a ‘‘spring’’ (possibly
The spectrum was discretized into 225 equally spaced with negative stiffness, Ko0, in the case of ‘‘small’’ bodies
(Dop¼ffiffiffi 0.01 rad/s)
pffiffiffi sinusoidal harmonics in the range or point absorbers) to enhance the wave energy absorption.
pffiffiffi 6 pop0:1 6 þ 2:24 rad/s. (The irrational number This suggests that the use of a hydraulic circuit as
6 ensures the non-periodicity in the time-series of fd(t).) described above, combined with a control algorithm like
The phases at t ¼ 0 were made equal to random numbers (12), may be extended, by some kind of phase control, to
in the interval (0, 2p). The integral-differential equation (9) achieve an increase in the amount of absorbed wave
was numerically integrated in the time domain with a time energy. In the important case of a ‘‘point absorber’’ (which
step size equal to 0.1 s. is the object of the present paper), such modification could
362 A.F.O. Falcão / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 358–366
P (kW)
remain fixed until the hydrodynamic force |fh| exceeds
RF ¼ R(SC Dp), where R41. It is to be noted: (i) that the
force that has to be overcome (if the body is to restart
moving) is now larger (by a factor R) as compared with 50
the simple Coulomb damping (i.e., compared with SCDp);
(ii) that the acceleration of the floater (unlike in the case of 0
R ¼ 1) is discontinuous when the body is released. There is 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
now a new parameter, R, to be optimized, jointly with R
parameter G. The optimization of this pair of parameters in
Fig. 3. As in Fig. 2, time-averaged absorbed power P̄ (kW) versus R (G
phase control by latching may, in some way, be regarded as
optimized for each R).
corresponding to the pair of optimization conditions (6 and
7) in the case of reactive phase control of a linear system in
regular waves. 100
Numerical simulations (30 min each) were carried out,
based on this procedure and algorithm, for a hemispheric 80
floater of radius a=5 m, in deep water, in regular waves
(see Section 5.1) and irregular waves (Section 5.2). Piston
area was SC ¼ 0.0314 m2. The masses of gas (nitrogen) in
p1 (bar)
4 4
dx/dt (m/s) 10 × fd (MN)
0 0
−2 −2
−4 −4
600 602 604 606 608 610 612 614 600 602 604 606 608 610 612 614
t (s) t (s)
4 4
2 2
0 0
−2 −2
−4 −4
600 602 604 606 608 610 612 614 600 602 604 606 608 610 612 614
t (s) t (s)
Fig. 5. Performance of a hemispherical floater in regular waves for R ¼ 1, Fig. 6. As in Fig. 5, for R ¼ 16, G ¼ 7.7 106 s/kg. P̄ ¼ 206:1 kW.
G ¼ 0.86 106 s/kg. Above, dx/dt: solid line, fd(t): broken line. Below,
x(t). Absorbed power: P̄ ¼ 55:0 kW.
waves as modelled by a Pierson–Moskowitz spectrum (see
Eq. (11)), and Hs ¼ 2 m, Te ¼ 7, 9, and 11 s. The results, in
in phase with each other (in agreement with optimal terms of time-averaged absorbed power P̄ divided by H 2s ,
condition (5) for linear PTO). are presented in Figs. 7–9.
The figures show that a large increase (by a factor about
5.2. Irregular waves 2.3–2.8) in absorbed power (as compared with simple
Coulomb damping, R=1) can be achieved by suitably
Optimal phase control in random irregular waves is combining the values of the control parameters R (R41)
known to require the prediction of the incoming waves and G. The largest absorbed power occurs for R equal to
(theoretically over the infinite future, in practice over a few about 16 and a value of G that depends on R and Te.
tens of seconds, see Falnes, 2002a; Naito and Nakamura, Curves for the diffraction force fd(t), and the floater
1986). In addition to this difficulty, the theoretical _ and displacement x(t), are given in Figs. 10
velocity xðtÞ
determination of the wave-to-wave optimal latching period and 11, for Te=9 s and control parameter pairs (R=1,
requires heavy computation (this seems to have been done G=0.7 106 s/kg), (R=16, G=4.2 106 s/kg).
for the first time, in wave energy applications, by Hoskin et It is not surprising that those large values of absorbed
al. (1986), who used the Principle of Maximum of power occur for relatively large amplitudes of the floater
Pontryagin), which makes it inappropriate for implemen- oscillations, that typically attain nearly twice the value of
tation in real time. the significant wave height HS, as shown in Fig. 11.
Therefore, it is particularly interesting to investigate Since the whole analysis is (as usual) based on linear
whether the simple control strategy outlined above, and hydrodynamic theory (which assumes the amplitude of
tested in Section 5.1 in regular waves, can be applied body oscillations to be small compared with the body size),
successfully to irregular waves. One ought to bear in mind such oscillations are unrealistically large (except in calm
that this should be regarded, at best, as a sub-optimal seas, say Hso1 m) and so are the values of absorbed
strategy, and that the achievable results should not be power. Of course, this is also true in general, whenever the
expected to be close to the theoretical maximum. theory predicts large oscillation amplitudes as a result of a
Numerical simulations, identical to those presented in wave energy converter being tuned (by phase control or
Section 5.1 for regular waves, were performed for irregular otherwise) to the incoming waves.
364 A.F.O. Falcão / Ocean Engineering 35 (2008) 358–366
25 3
P/H2s (kW/m2)
15 28
8 12 16 20 24 −1
5 −2
0 −3
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 700 720 740 760 780 800
t (s)
G×106 (s/kg)
Fig. 7. Hemispherical floater in irregular waves, Te ¼ 7 s. Plot of P̄=H 2s
versus control parameter G, for several values of latching control
parameter R.
P/H2s (kW/m2)
4 −1
16 20 24 −2
10 12
8 700 720 740 760 780 800
R=1 t (s)
Fig. 10. Performance of a hemispherical floater in irregular waves for
0 Te ¼ 9 s, R ¼ 1, G ¼ 0.7 106 s/kg. Above, dx/dt: solid line, fd(t): broken
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 line. Below, x(t). Absorbed power: P̄=H 2s ¼ 10:3 kW/m2.
G×106 (s/kg)
Fig. 8. As in Fig. 7, for Te ¼ 9 s. shown in Fig. 12. (This confirms the results in Section 5.1
for regular waves.)
On the other hand, values of the latching control
30 parameter R much larger than unity (required to maximize
P̄) may imply very large forces to keep the body fixed prior
25 to its release. Such forces are likely to exceed the practical
limits of the ram and remaining hydraulic circuit and
P/H2s (kW/m2)
0 6. Conclusions
A simple strategy and algorithm were proposed for the
phase control by latching of a point absorber in irregular
random waves. The device is a heaving floater equipped
−3 with a PTO consisting of a high-pressure hydraulic circuit
700 720 740 760 780 800 and a gas accumulator. The control algorithm was found,
t (s) by numerical simulation, to be a promising and remarkably
effective way to increase the amount of absorbed energy
from regular as well as irregular waves.
The control algorithm (i.e., the pair of parameters R and
1 G) to be implemented is weakly dependent on significant
wave height, but (for best results) should be adjusted to
match the sea state wave period, as illustrated in Figs. 7–9.
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