Tivoli Monitoring for Databases Oracle Agent

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Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent

Version 6.1.0

User’s Guide

Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent

Version 6.1.0

User’s Guide

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Appendix E, “Notices,” on page 203.

First Edition (November 2005)

This edition applies to version 6.1 of IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent (product number 5724-B96)
and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Collect and view historical data . . . . . . . 17

About this guide . . . . . . . . . . . ix Chapter 4. Workspaces reference . . . 19

Who should read this guide . . . . . . . . . ix About workspaces . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
What this guide contains . . . . . . . . . . ix More information about workspaces . . . . . . 19
Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x Predefined workspaces . . . . . . . . . . 19
Prerequisite publications . . . . . . . . . x Oracle Alert Log group . . . . . . . . . 21
Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . x Oracle Cache Totals group . . . . . . . . 21
Accessing terminology online . . . . . . . xi Oracle Contention group . . . . . . . . . 22
Accessing publications online . . . . . . . xi Oracle Databases group . . . . . . . . . 23
Ordering publications . . . . . . . . . . xi Oracle Enterprise group . . . . . . . . . 24
Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Oracle Logging group . . . . . . . . . . 24
Tivoli technical training . . . . . . . . . . xii Oracle Processes group . . . . . . . . . 25
Support information . . . . . . . . . . . xii Oracle Servers group . . . . . . . . . . 25
Conventions used in this guide . . . . . . . . xii Oracle Sessions group . . . . . . . . . . 27
Typeface conventions . . . . . . . . . . xii Oracle System Global Area group . . . . . . 27
Operating system-dependent variables and paths xii
Chapter 5. Attributes reference . . . . 29
Chapter 1. Overview of the Monitoring About attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Agent for Oracle . . . . . . . . . . . 1 More information about attributes . . . . . . . 29
IBM Tivoli Monitoring overview . . . . . . . . 1 Attribute groups and attributes for the Monitoring
Features of the Monitoring Agent for Oracle . . . . 1 Agent for Oracle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Components of Monitoring Agent for Oracle . . . 2 Advanced Queue Summary attributes . . . . 30
User interface options . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Alert Log Details attributes . . . . . . . . 32
Alert Log Summary attributes . . . . . . . 33
Cache Totals attributes . . . . . . . . . . 34
Chapter 2. Requirements and Cluster Summary attributes . . . . . . . . 38
configuration for the monitoring agent . 5 Configuration attributes . . . . . . . . . 39
Requirements for the monitoring agent . . . . . 5 Contention Summary attributes . . . . . . . 41
Configuration settings for the monitoring agent on Database attributes . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Windows and UNIX operating systems . . . . . 6 Dispatcher Detail attributes . . . . . . . . 47
Configuring on your local system from the Files attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services Index Summary attributes . . . . . . . . 50
window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Library Cache Usage attributes . . . . . . . 52
Configuring using the tacmd command line for Listener Detail attributes . . . . . . . . . 53
Windows and UNIX . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Lock Conflicts attributes . . . . . . . . . 54
Configuration settings and parameters for deploying Logging Summary attributes . . . . . . . 56
monitoring across your Windows and UNIX PCM Lock Conflict Detail attributes . . . . . 59
environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Process Detail attributes . . . . . . . . . 59
Deploying the monitoring agent remotely from the Process Summary attributes . . . . . . . . 62
Tivoli Enterprise Portal . . . . . . . . . . 8 Rollback Segments attributes . . . . . . . 65
Deploying the monitoring agent using the tacmd Segments attributes . . . . . . . . . . . 68
command line . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Server attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Granting permission on the Monitoring Agent for Server Enterprise attributes . . . . . . . . 75
Oracle on Windows and UNIX operating systems . . 9 Server Options attributes . . . . . . . . . 79
Installing Oracle V$Dynamic performance tables . . 12 Session Detail attributes . . . . . . . . . 81
Session Summary attributes . . . . . . . . 85
Chapter 3. How to use the Monitoring SGA Memory attributes . . . . . . . . . 87
Agent for Oracle . . . . . . . . . . 13 SQL Text Full attributes . . . . . . . . . 90
View real-time data about Oracle . . . . . . . 13 Statistics Detail attributes . . . . . . . . . 91
Investigate an event . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Statistics Enterprise attributes . . . . . . . 94
Recover the operation of a resource . . . . . . 14 Statistics Summary attributes . . . . . . . 100
Customize your monitoring environment . . . . 15 Table Summary attributes . . . . . . . . 106
Monitor with custom situations that meet your Tablespaces attributes . . . . . . . . . 107
requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 iii

Trans Blocking Rollback Segment Wrap Oracle_Processes_Warn . . . . . . . . . 126
attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Oracle_Redo_Immediate_Warning . . . . . 126
Disk capacity planning for historical data . . . . 111 Oracle_Redo_Log_Spc_Waits_Crit . . . . . 126
Oracle_Redo_Log_Spc_Waits_Warn . . . . . 126
Chapter 6. Situations reference . . . . 115 Oracle_Redo_Log_Waits_Critical . . . . . . 127
About situations . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Oracle_Redo_Log_Waits_Warning . . . . . 127
More information about situations . . . . . . 115 Oracle_Redo_Logs_Crit . . . . . . . . . 127
Predefined situations . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Oracle_Redo_Logs_Warn . . . . . . . . 127
Oracle_Alerts_Crit . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Oracle_Redo_Miss_Warning . . . . . . . 127
Oracle_Alerts_Warn . . . . . . . . . . 118 Oracle_Rollback_Waits_Crit. . . . . . . . 127
Oracle_ARCH_Active_Warning . . . . . . 118 Oracle_Rollback_Waits_Warn . . . . . . . 127
Oracle_Archiv_DestFull_Critical . . . . . . 118 Oracle_Server_CPU_Pct_Critical . . . . . . 128
Oracle_Archive_DestFull_Warning . . . . . 119 Oracle_Server_CPU_Pct_Warning . . . . . . 128
Oracle_Bkgd_Dump_Space_Crit . . . . . . 119 Oracle_Server_Not_Active . . . . . . . . 128
Oracle_Bkgd_Dump_Space_Warn . . . . . . 119 Oracle_Server_Status_Inactive . . . . . . . 128
Oracle_Buf_Cache_Hit_Int_Crit . . . . . . 119 Oracle_SGA_FreeSpace_Inefficien . . . . . . 128
Oracle_Buf_Cache_Hit_Int_Warn . . . . . . 119 Oracle_SMON_Active_Critical . . . . . . . 128
Oracle_CKPT_Active_Warning. . . . . . . 120 Oracle_Sort_To_Disk_Percent_High . . . . . 128
Oracle_Cont_Row_Crit . . . . . . . . . 120 Oracle_SQL_Tracing_Active . . . . . . . 129
Oracle_Cont_Row_Warn . . . . . . . . . 120 Oracle_SystemTS_PctFree_Critica . . . . . . 129
Oracle_Cursors_Per_Tran_High . . . . . . 120 Oracle_SystemTS_PctFree_Warning . . . . . 129
Oracle_Data_Cache_Inefficient . . . . . . . 120 Oracle_Temp_Extents_Tbsp_Crit . . . . . . 129
Oracle_DB_Archiving_Disabled . . . . . . 120 Oracle_Temp_Extents_Tbsp_Warn . . . . . 129
Oracle_DB_PctFree_Space_Low . . . . . . 120 Oracle_Time_Between_Checkpoints . . . . . 130
Oracle_Deadlocks_Timeouts_High . . . . . 120 Oracle_Too_Many_Rollbacks . . . . . . . 130
Oracle_Dictionary_Cache_Hit_Cri . . . . . 121 Oracle_Total_Applctn_Process_CPU . . . . . 130
Oracle_Dictionary_Cache_Hit_War . . . . . 121 Oracle_Total_Rollback_Critical . . . . . . . 130
Oracle_Enqueue_Waits_High . . . . . . . 121 Oracle_Total_Rollback_Warning . . . . . . 130
Oracle_Err_Msg_ORA1578_Critical . . . . . 121 Oracle_Total_Sessions_Killed . . . . . . . 130
Oracle_Err_Msg_ORA60_Critical . . . . . . 121 Oracle_Total_System_Process_CPU . . . . . 130
Oracle_Err_Msg_ORA600_Critical . . . . . 121
Oracle_Extents_Tbsp_Crit . . . . . . . . 121 Chapter 7. Take Action commands
Oracle_Extents_Tbsp_Warn . . . . . . . . 121 reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Oracle_Free_Space_Frag_Crit . . . . . . . 121 About Take Action commands . . . . . . . . 131
Oracle_Free_Space_Frag_Warn. . . . . . . 122 More information about Take Action commands 131
Oracle_Free_Tbsp_Crit . . . . . . . . . 122 Predefined Take Action commands . . . . . . 131
Oracle_Free_Tbsp_Warn . . . . . . . . . 122 SQLPLUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Oracle_FreeList_Wait_Ratio_Crit . . . . . . 122
Oracle_FreeList_Wait_Ratio_Warn . . . . . 122 Chapter 8. Policies reference. . . . . 133
Oracle_FreeSpace_Deficit_Crit . . . . . . . 122
About policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Oracle_Largest_Waiters_Critical . . . . . . 123
More information about policies . . . . . . . 133
Oracle_Largest_Waiters_Warning . . . . . . 123
Predefined policies . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Oracle_LGWR_Active_Critical . . . . . . . 123
Oracle_server_Not_Active . . . . . . . . 133
Oracle_Library_Reloads_Pct_Crit . . . . . . 123
Oracle_Freespace_low . . . . . . . . . 134
Oracle_Library_Reloads_Pct_Warn . . . . . 123
Oracle_Listener_Crit . . . . . . . . . . 123
Oracle_Max_Extents_Crit . . . . . . . . 124 Appendix A. Workspaces workgroups
Oracle_Max_Extents_Tbsp_Crit . . . . . . 124 mapped to tasks . . . . . . . . . . 135
Oracle_Max_Extents_Tbsp_Warn . . . . . . 124 Oracle Servers workspace . . . . . . . . . 136
Oracle_Max_Extents_Warn . . . . . . . . 124 Oracle Databases workspace . . . . . . . . 138
Oracle_Pct_MAX_DML_Lock_Warning . . . . 125 Oracle System Global Area workspace . . . . . 140
Oracle_Pct_MAX_DML_Locks_Critic . . . . 125 Oracle Processes workspace . . . . . . . . 140
Oracle_PctMax_FileOpen_Critica . . . . . . 125 Oracle Sessions workspace . . . . . . . . . 142
Oracle_PctMax_FileOpen_Warning . . . . . 125 Oracle Alert Log workspace . . . . . . . . 143
Oracle_PctMax_Processes_Critica . . . . . . 125 Oracle Cache Totals workspace . . . . . . . 144
Oracle_PctMax_Processes_Warning . . . . . 125 Oracle Contention workspace . . . . . . . . 145
Oracle_PctMax_Sessions_Critical . . . . . . 125 Oracle Logging workspace . . . . . . . . . 147
Oracle_PctMax_Sessions_Warning . . . . . 126
Oracle_PMON_Active_Critical . . . . . . . 126 Appendix B. IBM Tivoli Enterprise
Oracle_Processes_Crit . . . . . . . . . 126 Console event mapping . . . . . . . 149
Oracle_Processes_Wait_Latch . . . . . . . 126

iv IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Appendix C. Problem determination 173 Workspace problem determination . . . . . 193
Gathering product information for IBM Software Situation problem determination . . . . . . 194
Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Take Action command problem determination 196
Built-in problem determination features . . . . 173 Support information . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Problem classification. . . . . . . . . . . 174 Searching knowledge bases . . . . . . . . 197
Trace logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Obtaining fixes . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Overview of log file management . . . . . 174 Receiving weekly support updates . . . . . 198
Examples of trace logging . . . . . . . . 175 Contacting IBM Software Support . . . . . 198
Principal trace log files . . . . . . . . . 175
Enabling detailed tracing in the collector trace Appendix D. Accessibility . . . . . . 201
log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Navigating the interface using the keyboard . . . 201
Setting RAS trace parameters . . . . . . . 180 Magnifying what is displayed on the screen . . . 201
Problems and workarounds . . . . . . . . 182
Installation and configuration problem Appendix E. Notices . . . . . . . . 203
determination . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Agent problem determination . . . . . . . 190
Tivoli Enterprise Portal problem determination 192
Problem determination for remote deployment 192
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

Contents v
vi IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
1. Requirements for Monitoring Agent for Oracle 5 26. Workspace group mapping: Oracle
2. Usage of the tivoliorts tablespace . . . . . . 9 Contention workspace . . . . . . . . 145
3. Viewing real-time data about Oracle . . . . 13 27. Workspaces for the Oracle Contention
4. Investigating an event . . . . . . . . . 14 workspace group . . . . . . . . . . 146
5. Recovering the operation of a resource . . . 15 28. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Logging
6. Customizing your monitoring environment 15 workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
7. Monitoring with custom situations . . . . . 17 29. Workspaces for the Oracle Logging
8. Collecting and viewing historical data . . . 18 workspace group . . . . . . . . . . 147
9. Capacity planning for historical data . . . . 112 30. Overview of event slots to event classes 150
10. Overview of Oracle Workspace group 31. Information to gather before contacting IBM
mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Software Support . . . . . . . . . . 173
11. Workspaces for Monitoring Agent for Oracle 136 32. Trace log files for troubleshooting agents 176
12. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Servers 33. Problems and solutions for installation and
workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 configuration for agents that run on UNIX
13. Workspaces for the Oracle Servers group systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 34. Problems and solutions for installation and
14. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Databases configuration on Windows . . . . . . . 185
workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 35. Problems and solutions for installation and
15. Workspaces for the Oracle Databases group 139 configuration of Monitoring Agent for Oracle . 186
16. Workspace group mapping: Oracle System 36. General problems and solutions for
Global Area workspace . . . . . . . . 140 uninstallation . . . . . . . . . . . 189
17. Workspaces for the Oracle System Global 37. Agent problems and solutions . . . . . . 190
Area workspace group . . . . . . . . 140 38. Tivoli Enterprise Portal problems and
18. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Processes solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 39. Remote deployment problems and solutions 193
19. Workspaces for the Oracle Processes 40. Workspace problems and solutions . . . . 193
workspace group . . . . . . . . . . 141 41. Specific situation problems and solutions 194
20. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Sessions 42. Problems with configuring situations that you
workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 solve in the Situation Editor . . . . . . 195
21. Workspaces for the Oracle Sessions 43. Problems with configuration of situations that
workspace group . . . . . . . . . . 142 you solve in the Workspace area . . . . . 196
22. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Alert Log 44. Problems with configuration of situations that
workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 you solve in the Manage Tivoli Enterprise
23. Workspaces for the Oracle Alert Log Monitoring Services window . . . . . . 196
workspace group . . . . . . . . . . 143 45. Take Action commands problems and
24. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Cache solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Totals workspace . . . . . . . . . . 144
25. Workspaces for the Oracle Cache Totals
workspace group . . . . . . . . . . 144

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 vii

viii IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
About this guide
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent User’s Guide provides
information about using IBM® Tivoli® Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent.

Use the configuration chapter in this guide along with the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Installation and Setup Guide to set up the software.

Use the information in this guide along with the IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide
to monitor Oracle.

Who should read this guide

This guide is for system administrators who install and use Monitoring Agent for
Oracle to monitor and manage Oracle resources.

Readers should be familiar with the following topics:

v Tivoli Enterprise™ Portal interface
v IBM Tivoli Monitoring application software
v IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console® (optional)
v Oracle
v Microsoft® Windows® operating systems
v AIX® operating systems
v Solaris operating systems
v HP-UX operating systems

What this guide contains

This guide contains the following chapters:
v Chapter 1, “Overview of the Monitoring Agent for Oracle,” on page 1
Provides an introduction to the Monitoring Agent for Oracle.
v Chapter 2, “Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent,” on page
Provides requirements and configuration information specific to the Monitoring
Agent for Oracle.
v Chapter 3, “How to use the Monitoring Agent for Oracle,” on page 13
Provides a list of tasks to perform when using the monitoring agent, a list of
procedures for performing each task, and references for where to find
information about the procedures. After completing installation and
configuration and becoming familiar with the information in Chapter 1 of this
guide, use this chapter to see how you can use the monitoring agent.
v Chapter 4, “Workspaces reference,” on page 19
Provides an overview of workspaces, references to additional information about
workspaces, and descriptions of predefined workspaces in this monitoring agent.
v Chapter 5, “Attributes reference,” on page 29
Provides an overview of attributes, references to additional information about
attributes, descriptions of the attribute groups and attributes in this monitoring
agent, and disk space requirements for historical data.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 ix

v Chapter 6, “Situations reference,” on page 115
Provides an overview of situations, references to additional information about
situations, and descriptions of the predefined situations in this monitoring agent.
v Chapter 7, “Take Action commands reference,” on page 131
Provides detailed information about the Take Action commands, references to
additional information about Take Action commands, and descriptions of the
Take Action commands provided in this monitoring agent.
v Chapter 8, “Policies reference,” on page 133
Provides an overview of policies, references for detailed information about
policies, and descriptions of the predefined policies included in this monitoring
v Appendix A, “Workspaces workgroups mapped to tasks,” on page 135
Provides additional information about the predefined workspaces provided with
this monitoring agent.
v Appendix B, “IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping,” on page 149
Provides information about the subset of Monitoring Agent for Oracle
predefined situations that are mapped to IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console events.
v Appendix C, “Problem determination,” on page 173
Provides information about troubleshooting the various components of the
Monitoring Agent for Oracle, information about log files and messages, and
information about your options for obtaining software support.
v Appendix D, “Accessibility,” on page 201
Provides information about the accessibility features in the Monitoring Agent for
v Appendix E, “Notices,” on page 203
Provides IBM and Tivoli notices and trademark information as it applies to the
Monitoring Agent for Oracle.

This section lists publications relevant to the use of the Monitoring Agent for
Oracle. It also describes how to access these publications online and how to order
these publications.

Prerequisite publications
To use the information in this guide effectively, you must have some knowledge of
IBM Tivoli Monitoring products, which you can obtain from the following
v IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator’s Guide
v IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide
v IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide
v IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Upgrading from Tivoli Distributed Monitoring
v IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide
v Introducing IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.1.0

Related publications
The following documents also provide useful information:
v IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Adapters Guide
v IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Event Integration Facility User’s Guide

x IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

v IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Reference Manual
v IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Rule Developer’s Guide

Accessing terminology online

The Tivoli Software Glossary includes definitions for many of the technical terms
related to Tivoli software. The Tivoli Software Glossary is available at the following
Tivoli software library Web site:


The IBM Terminology Web site consolidates the terminology from IBM product
libraries in one convenient location. You can access the Terminology Web site at the
following Web address:


Accessing publications online

IBM posts publications for this and all other Tivoli products, as they become
available and whenever they are updated, to the Tivoli software information center
Web site. Access the Tivoli software information center by first going to the Tivoli
software library at the following Web address:


Scroll down and click the Product manuals link. In the Tivoli Technical Product
Documents Alphabetical Listing window, click M to access all of the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring product manuals.

Note: If you print PDF documents on other than letter-sized paper, set the option
in the File → Print window that allows Adobe Reader to print letter-sized
pages on your local paper.

Ordering publications
You can order many Tivoli publications online at the following Web site:


You can also order by telephone by calling one of these numbers:

v In the United States: 800-879-2755
v In Canada: 800-426-4968

In other countries, contact your software account representative to order Tivoli


Accessibility features help users with a physical disability, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully. With this product,
you can use assistive technologies to hear and navigate the interface. You can also
use the keyboard instead of the mouse to operate most features of the graphical
user interface.

For additional information, see Appendix D, “Accessibility,” on page 201.

About this guide xi

Tivoli technical training
For Tivoli technical training information, refer to the following IBM Tivoli
Education Web site:


Support information
“Support information” on page 197 describes the following options for obtaining
support for IBM products:
v “Searching knowledge bases” on page 197
v “Obtaining fixes” on page 198
v “Contacting IBM Software Support” on page 198

Conventions used in this guide

This guide uses several conventions for special terms and actions, and operating
system-dependent commands and paths.

Typeface conventions
This guide uses the following typeface conventions:
v Lowercase commands and mixed case commands that are otherwise
difficult to distinguish from surrounding text
v Interface controls (check boxes, push buttons, radio buttons, spin
buttons, fields, folders, icons, list boxes, items inside list boxes,
multicolumn lists, containers, menu choices, menu names, tabs, property
sheets), labels (such as Tip:, and Operating system considerations:)
v Keywords and parameters in text
v Words defined in text
v Emphasis of words
v New terms in text (except in a definition list)
v Variables and values you must provide
v Examples and code examples
v File names, programming keywords, and other elements that are difficult
to distinguish from surrounding text
v Message text and prompts addressed to the user
v Text that the user must type
v Values for arguments or command options

Operating system-dependent variables and paths

The direction of the slash for directory paths might vary in this documentation. No
matter which type of slash you see in the documentation, use the following
guidelines for a slash:
v If using UNIX®, use a forward slash (/).
v If using Windows, use a backslash (\).

xii IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
The names of environment variables are not always the same in Windows and
UNIX. For example, %TEMP% in Windows is equivalent to $TMPDIR in UNIX.

For environment variables, use the following guidelines:

v If using UNIX, use $variable.
v If using Windows, use %variable%.

Note: If you are using the bash shell on a Windows system, you can use the UNIX

About this guide xiii

xiv IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Chapter 1. Overview of the Monitoring Agent for Oracle
The Monitoring Agent for Oracle helps you monitor Oracle and perform basic
actions with Oracle. This chapter provides a description of the features,
components, and interface options for the Monitoring Agent for Oracle.

IBM Tivoli Monitoring overview

IBM Tivoli Monitoring is the base software for the Monitoring Agent for Oracle.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring provides a way to monitor the availability and performance
of all the systems in your enterprise from one or several designated workstations.
It also provides useful historical data for tracking trends and troubleshooting
system problems.

You can use IBM Tivoli Monitoring to do the following tasks:

v Monitor for alerts on the systems that you are managing with predefined
situations or custom situations
v Establish your own performance thresholds
v Trace the causes leading to an alert
v Gather comprehensive data about system conditions
v Use policies to perform actions, schedule work, and automate manual tasks

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal is the interface for IBM Tivoli Monitoring products. By
providing a consolidated view of your environment, the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
permits you to monitor and resolve performance issues throughout the enterprise.

See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring publications listed in “Prerequisite publications” on

page x for complete information about IBM Tivoli Monitoring and the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal.

Features of the Monitoring Agent for Oracle

As part of IBM Tivoli Monitoring, the Monitoring Agent for Oracle offers a central
point of management for distributed databases. It provides a comprehensive means
for gathering exactly the information you need to detect problems early and
prevent them. Information is standardized across all systems, and you can monitor
hundreds of servers from a single workstation. The Monitoring Agent for Oracle
helps you easily collect and analyze specific information.

The Monitoring Agent for Oracle is an intelligent, remote monitoring agent that
resides on managed resources. It assists you in anticipating trouble and warns
systems administrators when critical events occur on their systems. With the
Monitoring Agent for Oracle, database and systems administrators can set
threshold levels and flags for alerts when the system reaches these thresholds.

In the Tivoli Enterprise Portal interface, information is displayed in named

workspaces. Tivoli Enterprise Portal refers to this tabular format for information as
a table view. Information can also be displayed in the workspace as charts, graphs,
or other formats that you can specify.

A monitoring agent can provide the following benefits:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 1

v Simplify application and system management. Manage applications, platforms, and
resources across your environment.
v Increase profits. Get real-time access to reliable, up-to-the-minute data that allows
you to make faster, better-informed operating decisions.
v Scale and port to new platforms. Get support for a wide variety of platforms.
v Improve system performance . Integrate, monitor, and manage your system,
network, console, and mission-critical applications. A monitoring agent can alert
the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server when conditions on the system network
meet threshold-based conditions. These alerts notify your systems administrator
to limit and control database usage. You can view data gathered by a monitoring
agent in tables and charts for the status of your distributed database systems.
v Enhance efficiency. Monitor diverse platforms and networks from a single PC
screen. Depending on your configuration, you can collect and monitor data
across platforms. A monitoring agent gathers and filters status information at the
managed resource rather than at the hub, eliminating unnecessary data
transmission and sending only data that is relevant to changes in status
conditions. The Monitoring Agent for Oracle helps you monitor and gather the
consistent, accurate, and timely information you need to perform your job

The Monitoring Agent for Oracle includes the following features that facilitate
database management:
v Supports the Oracle database management system.
v Situations can be created from attributes.
v Historical data collection can be collected for long-term trending.
v Determines whether the problem being monitored is related to SQL.
v Checks for a particular situation and, if a problem is found, page someone or
send a UNIX mail note (reflex automation).
v Includes predefined situations and templates.

Components of Monitoring Agent for Oracle

After you install and set up the Monitoring Agent for Oracle, you have an
environment that contains the client, server, and monitoring agent implementation
for IBM Tivoli Monitoring that contains the following components:
v Tivoli Enterprise Portal client with a Java-based user interface for viewing and
monitoring your enterprise.
v Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server that is placed between the client and the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server and enables retrieval, manipulation, and analysis
of data from monitoring agents.
v Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, which acts as a collection and control point
for alerts received from the monitoring agents, and collects their performance
and availability data.
v Management agent, the Monitoring Agent for Oracle, installed on the systems or
subsystems that you want to monitor. This monitoring agent collects and
distributes data to a Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console is an optional product, which acts as a central

collection point for events from a variety of sources, including those from other
Tivoli software applications, Tivoli partner applications, custom applications,
network management systems, and relational database systems. You can view

2 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

these events through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal (using the event viewer), and you
can forward events from IBM Tivoli Monitoring situations to the IBM Tivoli
Enterprise Console component.

User interface options

Installation of the base software and other integrated applications provides the
following interfaces that you can use to work with your resources and data:
Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client interface
The browser interface is automatically installed with Tivoli Enterprise
Portal. To start Tivoli Enterprise Portal in your Internet browser, enter the
URL for a specific Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client installed on your
Web server.
Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop client interface
The desktop interface is a Java-based graphical user interface (GUI) on a
Windows or Linux® workstation.
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
Event management application
Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window
The window for the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services utility is
used for configuring the agent and starting Tivoli services that are not
already designated to start automatically.

Chapter 1. Overview of the Monitoring Agent for Oracle 3

4 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Chapter 2. Requirements and configuration for the monitoring
This chapter contains information about the following topics and procedures
relevant to the installation and configuration of the Monitoring Agent for Oracle:
v “Requirements for the monitoring agent”
v “Configuration settings for the monitoring agent on Windows and UNIX
operating systems” on page 6
v “Configuration settings and parameters for deploying monitoring across your
Windows and UNIX environments” on page 8
v “Granting permission on the Monitoring Agent for Oracle on Windows and
UNIX operating systems” on page 9
v “Installing Oracle V$Dynamic performance tables” on page 12

Requirements for the monitoring agent

In addition to the requirements described in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation
and Setup Guide, the Monitoring Agent for Oracle has the requirements listed in
Table 1.
Table 1. Requirements for Monitoring Agent for Oracle
Operating system Windows UNIX
Operating system v Windows 2000 Advanced Server v AIX 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 (32-bit and
versions (32-bit) 64-bit)
v Windows 2000 Professional v Solaris 8, 9, 10 (32-bit and
(32-bit) 64-bit)
v Windows 2000 Server (32-bit) v HP-UX 11i (32-bit and 64-bit)
v Windows 2003 Server EE v On Solaris, X11 is required
v Windows 2003 Server SE
v Windows XP Professional
Application v Oracle version 8i (8.1.7)(32-bit) v Oracle version 8i (8.1.7) (32-bit
versions and 64-bit)
v Oracle version 9i (32-bit)
v Oracle version 9.2 (32-bit) v Oracle version 9i (32-bit and
v Oracle version 10g (32-bit)
v Oracle version 9.2 (32 bit and
v Oracle version 10g (32 bit and
Memory v 32 MB RAM per Oracle instance v AIX 20 MB
that is to be monitored v HP-UX 50 MB
v 150 MB virtual memory, plus 5 v Solaris 50 MB
MB for each agent installed

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 5

Table 1. Requirements for Monitoring Agent for Oracle (continued)
Operating system Windows UNIX
Disk space v 450 MB disk space for the v 450 MB disk space for the
monitoring agent monitoring agent
v Historical data collection disk v Historical data collection disk
space: See “Disk capacity space: See “Disk capacity
planning for historical data” on planning for historical data” on
page 111 page 111
v For Oracle v10g: v For Oracle v10g: 30Mb disk
– CPU speed: 933 MHz space
– RAM: 2GB v Depending on your system
– AIX, v5.1 or above (32-bit or
– HP-UX, v11.x (32-bit or
– Oracle, v8.1.7, 9.2, or 10g
Other For remote administration, IBM For remote administration, IBM
requirements Tivoli Monitoring: Windows OS Tivoli Monitoring: UNIX Agent
Agent must be installed and must be installed and running.

v Install Oracle V$Dynamic v Install Oracle V$Dynamic

performance tables performance tables
v Create ID for agent to v Create ID for agent to
communicate with oracle communicate with oracle
v Grant select permissions for v Grant select permissions for
Oracle Oracle

Configuration settings for the monitoring agent on Windows and UNIX

operating systems
Never attempt to start the monitoring agent until you have completed the
configuration steps appropriate to installation of the monitoring agent.

After completing the steps to install the Monitoring Agent for Oracle as described
in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide, ″Installing monitoring
agents,″ you configure the Monitoring Agent for Oracle using the settings in this

To start the Monitoring Agent for Oracle use the itmcmd dbagent command.

Additionally, the following two commands can verify that the installation and
configuration are complete
v itmcmd config
v itmcmd dbconfig

The itmcmd config command is documented in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring

Installation and Setup Guide.

The parameters that the itmcmd dbconfig command accepts are as follows:

itmcmd dbconfig [-h install_dir] [-s server | -i ID| -p password] [product_code]

6 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

-h install_dir
The name of the top-level directory in which you installed the monitoring
-s server
The name of the server.
-i ID The user-defined ID for the server.
-p password
The user-defined password for the server.
The product code, which is or.

Configuring on your local system from the Manage Tivoli

Enterprise Monitoring Services window
To configure the Monitoring Agent for Oracle on Windows, use the following
Server Name
Name of the Oracle Database that is to be monitored
Login Oracle user id to be used to connect to the Oracle Database in the Server
Name field
Password for the Oracle user id in the Login field
Database Version
Oracle version of the Database
Home Directory
Install directory for the Oracle Database to be monitored
Error Log File
(Windows only) By default, the name of the Oracle Error Log

Note: Enter only ASCII characters in these fields.

Configuring using the tacmd command line for Windows and

See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide for the complete tacmd
configureSystem command.

Use the following parameters for the -p | --properties parameters to configure the
Monitoring Agent for Oracle:
Name of the Oracle Database instance that is to be monitored
Install directory for the Oracle Database instance to be monitored
Oracle user id to be used to connect to the Oracle database
Password for the Oracle user id
Oracle version of the Server

Chapter 2. Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent 7

(UNIX only) Hostname on which this monitor is to run

Configuration settings and parameters for deploying monitoring

across your Windows and UNIX environments
Use these settings to configure the Monitoring Agent for Oracle when deploying
this monitoring agent remotely as described in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation
and Setup Guide.

Deploying the monitoring agent remotely from the Tivoli

Enterprise Portal
Use following settings for the Database Properties tab:
Database Server Instance Name
Name of the Oracle Database instance that is to be monitored
Database Server User Id
Oracle user id to be used to connect to the SQL Server in the Database
Server Instance Name field
Password for the Oracle user id in the Database Server User Id field
Database Server Version
Oracle version of the Server
Database Server Home Directory Path
Install directory for the Oracle Database instance to be monitored
Database Server Error Log File
(Windows only) By default, name of the Oracle Server Error Log
Database Hostname
(UNIX only) Hostname on which this monitor is to run

Use following settings for the Agent tab ″Run as″ information:
Use local system account
Select this setting.
Allow service to interact with desktop
Leave this check box clear.

Deploying the monitoring agent using the tacmd command

See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide for the complete tacmd
addSystem command.

Use the -t |--type TYPE parameter to specify the Monitoring Agent for Oracle that
you are configuring: OR

Use the following parameters for the -p | --properties parameters to configure the
Monitoring Agent for Oracle:
Name of the Oracle Database instance that is to be monitored

8 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Install directory for the Oracle Database instance to be monitored
Oracle user id to be used to connect to the Oracle database
Password for the Oracle user id
Oracle version of the Server
Hostname on which this monitor is to run
UNIX only property. Database server instance’s error log file name, not

Granting permission on the Monitoring Agent for Oracle on Windows

and UNIX operating systems
To grant access to all views of the Monitoring Agent for Oracle.

Background information
This procedure includes
v creating a user ID
v creating and associating a tablespace with the new user ID
v granting permissions to the new user ID that are required by the Monitoring
Agent for Oracle

Creating a user ID is accomplished by using Oracle facilities. Creating tablespaces

and granting permissions are accomplished by executing the sample korgrant.sql
or korgrantcustom.sql file that is provided with the Monitoring Agent for Oracle.

By default, korgrant.sql will create a tablespace called tivoliorts with an initial size
of 250 MB, and associate it with the user ID that you specify. korgrantcustom.sql
allows you explicitly specify the tablespace name, datafile name and size to use.
This tablespace is used by the Monitoring Agent for Oracle to store temporary
tables that are needed to satisfy select queries. These temporary tables are created,
dropped, and reused as needed by the Monitoring Agent for Oracle. The following
table illustrates how the Monitoring Agent for Oracle uses this tablespace.
Table 2. Usage of the tivoliorts tablespace
Temporary tables Typical number of
Oracle Agent Query created Column Definitions Rows
Tablespace Segment TIVOLI_ Tablespace_Name Worst case is the
MAXEXTENTS VARCHAR2(30), number of
maxFreeExtent tablespaces.

Chapter 2. Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent 9

Table 2. Usage of the tivoliorts tablespace (continued)
Temporary tables Typical number of
Oracle Agent Query created Column Definitions Rows
Tablespace Cluster TIVOLI_SYS_ owner_name Worst case is the
CHAINED_ROWS varchar2(30), tablespace with the
table_name largest number of
varchar2(30), rows in either
cluster_name sys.dba_tables or
varchar2(30), sys,dba_cluster.
head_rowid rowid,
TIVOLI_CHAINED_ name varchar2(100), Worst case is the
ROWS occurs integer tablespace with the
largest number of
rows in either
sys.dba_tables or
sys,dba_cluster that
has non-zero chained
Tablespace Index TIVOLI_INDEX_ NAME Worst case is the
STATS VARCHAR2(30), tablespace with the
LF_ROWS NUMBER, largest number of
DEL_LF_ROWS rows in
NUMBER, sys.dba_indexes.

If you are satisfied with the default tablespace values in korgrant.sql, and have
only one Oracle instance defined per system to monitor, korgrant.sql might meet
your needs. However, if you have more than one Oracle instance to monitor per
system, and/or you need to customize the tablespace name, datafile name, and
size, use korgrantcustom.sql.

korgrantcustom.sql has the following usage:

korgrantcustom.sql user_ID tablespace_name datafile tablespace_size

ID of the Oracle user. Must be created prior to running this sql file.
Example value: tivoli.
Name of the tablespace to create and associate with the user ID. Example
Value: tivoliorts
The fully qualified path and name of the datafile to use for the tablespace.
If the path is omitted, the datafile location is determined by either Oracle
or the operating system. Example value: tivoliorts. dbf.

10 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Specifies how large the tablespace must be. The value must include the
units. Example value: 250M. (Creates a 250 megabyte tablespace.)

Required authorization role

Database administrator

Before you begin

Before beginning this procedure, install and configure the agent at described in
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

When you finish

When the permissions have been successfully granted, you can start the
monitoring agent.

Perform this procedure from the Windows command line:
1. Open a command prompt.
2. Type the command for the operating system you are using:
sid Oracle instance, which is case-sensitive
home Home directory of the Oracle instance
3. Start Oracle SQLPlus in the command line window where you set the
environment variables, or in an alternate tool that you use to issue SQL
4. Log in to Oracle as a user that has Oracle DBA privileges
5. Do one of the following to establish your Oracle database connect login:
v If you want to use the pre-existing connect login id in Oracle, skip this step
and go to Step 6.
v If you want to use a different Oracle database connect login, use the
command in the following example:
create user tivoli identified by secret
tivoli User ID
secret Password
6. Type the following to grant select permissions:
start install_dir\tmaitm6\SQLLIB\korgrant.sql user_ID

start install_dir\tmaitm6\SQLLIB\korgrantcustom.sql user_ID tablespace_name
datafile tablespace_size

Chapter 2. Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent 11

start install_dir/misc/korgrant.sql oralogin

start install_dir/misc/korgrantcustom.sql user_ID tablespace_name datafile
Additional information: The output is logged to the korgrant.log file in the
current working directory. This log records the tables to which the Monitoring
Agent for Oracle has been granted select permissions. For korgrantcustom.sql,
the log name is korgrantcustom_tablespace_name.log.

Installing Oracle V$Dynamic performance tables

Use the catalog.sql script that is located in your $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
directory to create the public synonyms and views of the Oracle V$Dynamic
performance tables that the Monitoring Agent for Oracle requires to report
performance data.

To determine whether the views already exist, ask your Oracle database
administrator to connect to Oracle as the user SYS and issue the following
statement: desc v_$database. If the response is ″Object does not exist″, the
performance synonyms and views were not created. In this case, your Oracle
database administrator must run the catalog.sql script to create the necessary
performance views and synonyms. This is a normal part of Oracle installation, but
this step might not have been completed for your database. If the catalog.sql script
does not run correctly, contact Oracle Support for help. The catalog.sql script is in
your $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory.

12 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Chapter 3. How to use the Monitoring Agent for Oracle
After you have installed and configured the Monitoring Agent for Oracle, you can
begin using this monitoring agent to monitor your resources.

This chapter provides information about how to use the Monitoring Agent for
Oracle to perform the following tasks:
v “View real-time data about Oracle”
v “Investigate an event” on page 14
v “Recover the operation of a resource” on page 14
v “Customize your monitoring environment” on page 15
v “Monitor with custom situations that meet your requirements” on page 16
v “Collect and view historical data” on page 17

For each of these tasks, there is a list of procedures that you perform to complete
the task. For the procedures, there is a cross-reference to where you can find
information about performing that procedure. Information about the procedures is
located in subsequent chapters and appendixes of this user’s guide and in the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring documentation.

View real-time data about Oracle

After the Monitoring Agent for Oracle has been installed, configured, and started,
the monitoring agent begins monitoring.

Table 3 contains a list of the procedures for viewing the real-time data about Oracle
that the monitoring agent collects. The table also contains a cross-reference to
where you can find information about each procedure.
Table 3. Viewing real-time data about Oracle
Procedure Where to find information
View the hierarchy of your monitored IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide:
resources from a system point of view ″Navigating through workspaces″ (in
(Navigator view organized by operating ″Monitoring: real-time and event-based″
platform, system type, monitoring agents, chapter)
and attribute groups).
View the indicators of real or potential
problems with the monitored resources
(Navigator view).
View changes in the status of the resources IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Using
that are being monitored (Enterprise workspaces″ (in ″Monitoring: real-time and
Message Log view). event-based″ chapter)
View the status of the agents in the Chapter 4, “Workspaces reference,” on page
managed enterprise that you are monitoring 19 in this guide
(Monitoring Agent Status view).

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 13

Table 3. Viewing real-time data about Oracle (continued)
Procedure Where to find information
View the number of times an event has been IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Using
opened for a situation during the past 24 workspaces″ (in ″Monitoring: real-time and
hours (Open Situations Count view). event-based″ chapter)

Chapter 4, “Workspaces reference,” on page

19 in this guide

Chapter 6, “Situations reference,” on page

115 in this guide
Manipulate the views in a workspace. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Using
views″ (in ″Monitoring: real-time and
event-based″ chapter)

Investigate an event
When the conditions of a situation have been met, an event indicator is displayed
in the Navigator. When an event occurs, you want to obtain information about that
event so you can correct the conditions and keep your enterprise running
smoothly. The situation must be associated with a Navigator Item in order to

Table 4 contains a list of the procedures for investigating an event and a

cross-reference to where you can find information about each procedure.
Table 4. Investigating an event
Procedure Where to find information
Determine which situation raised the event IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Opening
and identify the attributes that have values the situation event workspace″ (in
that are contributing to the alert. ″Monitoring: real-time and event-based″
chapter, ″Responding to alerts″ section)
Review available advice. Chapter 4, “Workspaces reference,” on page
19 in this guide
Notify other users that you have taken IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide:
ownership of the problem related to an ″Acknowledging a situation event″ (in
event and are working on it. ″Monitoring: real-time and event-based″
chapter, ″Responding to alerts″ section)
Remove the event from the Navigator. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Closing
the situation event workspace″ (in
″Monitoring: real-time and event-based″
chapter, ″Responding to alerts″ section)

Recover the operation of a resource

When you find out that a resource is not operating as desired, you can control it
manually or automatically using Take Action commands.

Table 5 on page 15 contains a list of the procedures for recovering the operation of
a resource and a cross-reference to where you can find information about each

14 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Table 5. Recovering the operation of a resource
Procedure Where to find information
Take an action on a resource manually. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide:
v ″Other views″ (in ″Custom workspaces″
chapter, ″Workspace views″ section)
v ″Take action – Reflex automation″ (in
Situations for event-based monitoring″
chapter, ″Situation event-based monitoring
overview″ section)

Chapter 7, “Take Action commands

reference,” on page 131 in this guide
Take an action on a system condition IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide:
automatically by setting up a situation to ″Situations for event-based monitoring″
run a Take Action command. chapter
v ″Customizing a situation″
v ″Creating a situation″
v ″Specify an action to take″
v ″Distribute the situation″

Chapter 7, “Take Action commands

reference,” on page 131 in this guide
Take multiple actions on system conditions IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Policies
automatically using a policy. for automation″ chapter
v ″Creating a policy″
v ″Maintaining policies″
Take actions across systems, monitoring v ″Workflows window″
agents, or computers using a policy.
Chapter 8, “Policies reference,” on page 133
in this guide

Customize your monitoring environment

You can change how your monitoring environment looks by creating new
workspaces with one or more views in it.

Table 6 contains a list of the procedures for customizing your monitoring

environment and a cross-reference to where you can find information about each
Table 6. Customizing your monitoring environment
Procedure Where to find information
Display data in tables or charts (views) in IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide:
Tivoli Enterprise Portal. v ″Custom workspaces″
v ″Table and chart views″
Display an overview of changes in the status IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Message
of the situations for your monitored log view″ (in ″Situation event views:
resources (Message Log View). message log, situation event console,
graphic, and Tivoli Enterprise Console″

Chapter 3. How to use the Monitoring Agent for Oracle 15

Table 6. Customizing your monitoring environment (continued)
Procedure Where to find information
Specify which attributes to retrieve for a IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Creating
table or chart so you can retrieve only the custom queries″ (in ″Table and chart views″
data you want by creating custom queries. chapter)

Chapter 5, “Attributes reference,” on page 29

in this guide
Build links from one workspace to another. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide:
v ″Link from a workspace″ (in ″Custom
workspaces″ chapter)
v ″Link from a table or chart″ (in ″Table and
chart views″ chapter)
Identify which predefined situations started IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″What
running automatically when you started the the enterprise workspace shows″ (in
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. ″Monitoring: real-time and event-based″
chapter, ″Using workspaces″ section)

Chapter 6, “Situations reference,” on page

115 in this guide
Determine whether to run situations as Chapter 6, “Situations reference,” on page
defined, modify the values in situations, or 115 in this guide
create new situations to detect possible

Monitor with custom situations that meet your requirements

When your environment requires situations with values that are different from
those in existing situations, or when you need to monitor conditions not defined
by the existing situations, you can create custom situations to detect problems with
resources in two ways:
v Create an entirely new situation
v Create a situation by copying and editing a predefined situation

Note: When you create and run a situation, an IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
event is created. For information on how to define event severities from
forwarded IBM Tivoli Monitoring situations and other event information,
see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator’s Guide.

You can specify the following information for a situation:

v Name
v Attribute group and attributes
v Qualification to evaluate multiple rows when a situation has a multiple-row
attribute group (display item)
v Formula
v Take Action commands
v Run at startup
v Sampling interval
v Persistence
v Severity
v Clearing conditions

16 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

v Expert Advice
v When a true situation closes
v Available Managed Systems

Table 7 contains a list of the procedures for monitoring your resources with custom
situations that meet your requirements and a cross-reference to where you can find
information about each procedure.
Table 7. Monitoring with custom situations
Procedure Where to find information
Create an entirely new situation. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Creating
a new situation″ (in ″Situations for
event-based monitoring″ chapter, ″Creating a
situation″ section)

Chapter 5, “Attributes reference,” on page 29

in this guide
Create a situation by copying and editing a IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide:
predefined situation. ″Customizing a situation″ (in ″Situations for
event-based monitoring″ chapter)

Chapter 6, “Situations reference,” on page

115 in this guide

Chapter 5, “Attributes reference,” on page 29

in this guide
Run a situation on a managed system. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide:
″Situations for event-based monitoring″
v ″Associate situations with navigator
v ″Distribute the situation″ (in ″Customizing
a situation″ section)
v ″Start, stop, or delete a situation″

Collect and view historical data

When you collect historical data, you specify the following configuration
v Attribute groups for which to collect data
v Collection interval
v Summarization and pruning of attribute groups
v Roll-off interval to a data warehouse, if any
v Where to store the collected data (at the agent or the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server)

Table 8 on page 18 contains a list of the procedures for collecting and viewing
historical data and a cross-reference to where you can find information about each

Chapter 3. How to use the Monitoring Agent for Oracle 17

Table 8. Collecting and viewing historical data
Procedure Where to find information
Configure and start collecting short-term IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide:
data (24 hours). ″Historical reporting″ (in ″Table and chart
views″ chapter)
Configure and start collecting longer-term
data (more than 24 hours). IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator’s Guide
View historical data in the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal. “Disk capacity planning for historical data”
on page 111
Create reports from historical data using
third-party reporting tools.
Filter out unwanted data to see specific
areas of interest.

18 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Chapter 4. Workspaces reference
This chapter contains an overview of workspaces, references for detailed
information about workspaces, workspace groups according to navigation
selections, and descriptions of the predefined workspaces included in this
monitoring agent.

About workspaces
A workspace is the working area of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal application
window. At the left of the workspace is a Navigator that you use to select the
workspace you want to see. As part of the application window, the right side of
the status bar shows the Tivoli Enterprise Portal server name and port number to
which the displayed information applies, and the ID of the current user.

As you select items in the Navigator, the workspace presents views pertinent to
your selection. Each workspace has at least one view. Some views have links to
workspaces. Every workspace has a set of properties associated with it.

This monitoring agent provides predefined workspaces. You cannot modify the
predefined workspaces, but you can create new workspaces by editing them and
saving the changes with a different name.

More information about workspaces

For more information about creating, customizing, and working with workspaces,
see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide.

For a list of the predefined workspaces for this monitoring agent and a description
of each workspace, refer to the Predefined workspaces section below and the
information in that section for each individual workspace.

For additional information about workspaces for this monitoring agent, see
Appendix A, “Workspaces workgroups mapped to tasks,” on page 135.

Predefined workspaces
The predefined workspaces are grouped according to the following Navigator
v Oracle Alert Log group
– Alert Log Summary
– Enterprise Alert Log Summary
v Oracle Cache Totals group
– Cache Totals Summary
– Enterprise Cache Totals Summary
v Oracle Contention group
– Blocking SQL Text
– Contention Summary
– Enterprise Contention Summary
– Waiting SQL Text

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 19

– Session Detail
– SQL Text
v Oracle Databases group
– Database Summary
– Enterprise Database Summary
– Tablespace Cluster
– Tablespace Files
– Tablespace Index
– Tablespace Segment
– Tablespace Table
v Oracle Enterprise group
– Oracle Historical Summarized Availability Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Hourly
– Oracle Historical Summarized Capacity Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Hourly
– Oracle Historical Summarized Performance Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Hourly

Note: Monthly is the default.

v Oracle Logging group
– Enterprise Logging Summary
– Logging Summary
– Transaction Blocking
v Oracle Processes group
– Enterprise Process Summary
– Process Summary
– Session Detail
– SQL Text
v Oracle Servers group
– Enterprise Server Statistics Summary
– Enterprise Servers Summary
– Server Configuration
– Server Ratio Statistics Detail
– Server Statistics Summary
– Server Throughput Statistics Detail
– Server Summary
v Oracle Sessions group
– Enterprise Session Summary
– Session SQL Text
– Session Summary
v Oracle System Global Area group
– Enterprise System Global Area Summary
– System Global Area Summary

The remaining sections of this chapter contain descriptions of each of these

predefined workspaces, grouped according to navigational selection. The
workspaces are organized alphabetically within their groups.

20 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Oracle Alert Log group
The Oracle Alert Log group provides information to help you monitor errors for
Oracle server instances. The workspaces in this group provide the following
v Errors for server instances since startup
v Errors for server instances during the current interval
v Age of the last error
v Critical error messages
v Text of each error message

Alert Log Summary workspace

Alert Log Summary is a predefined workspace that provides the following types of
v Overview about alert log entries for Oracle server instances. You can view
attributes such as the age of the last error, time the last error occurred, and
number of administrative operations during the last interval.
v Details about alert log entries for a selected server instance. You can view
attributes such as text of each message, IDs of each message, and time each
message was issued.

Enterprise Alert Log Summary workspace

Enterprise Alert Log Summary is a predefined workspace that provides an
overview of errors for Oracle server instances. You can view attributes such as
errors since startup for server instances, errors during the current interval for
server instances, and age of the last error for server instances.

Oracle Cache Totals group

The Oracle Cache Totals workspace group provides information to help you
monitor cache usage for Oracle server instances. The workspaces in this group
provide detailed information about the usage of the following:
v Dictionary cache
v Library cache
v Redo log buffer

Cache Totals Summary workspace

Cache Totals Summary is a predefined workspace that provides statistics about
cache usage by a server instance. You can view information about the following
v Library cache, dictionary cache, and redo log buffer
v Number of times the system found handles for objects in the library cache, and
requested executions from the library cache

Enterprise Cache Totals Summary workspace

Enterprise Cache Totals Summary is a predefined workspace that provides
information to help you monitor cache usage for Oracle server instances. You can
view attributes such as number of entries in the dictionary cache, percentage of
successful scans of the dictionary cache, and percentage of successful gets from the
library cache.

Chapter 4. Workspaces reference 21

Oracle Contention group
The Oracle Contention workspace group provides information to help you monitor
lock contention in your environment. The workspaces in this group provide the
following information:
v Data Manipulation Language (DML) limits and where used
v Blocking and waiting sessions
v Blocking and locked objects
v Conflict that involves the greatest number of sessions
v Number of locks
v Lock types and lock modes
v SQL text for any blocking and waiting session

Blocking SQL Text workspace

Blocking SQL Text is a predefined workspace that provides information about the
cause of a lock conflict. The various fields in the Blocking SQL Text table view
identify the blocking session and the SQL text that resulted in lock conflict.

Access this workspace by right-clicking the link in the Blocking Session Detail view
of the Session Detail workspace.

Contention Summary workspace

Contention Summary is a predefined workspace that provides information about
contention situations for server instances in your environment. You can view
information about attributes such as the following:
v Contention Summary: DML locks being used, blockers and waiters, and sessions
in the largest conflict
v Lock Conflict: IDs of blocking and waiting sessions, modes of the lock request
and held lock, and name and type of object locked by the blocking session.

Enterprise Contention Summary workspace

Enterprise Contention Summary is a predefined workspace that provides an
overview about lock contention for Oracle server instances. You can view attributes
such as number of DML locks being used for server instances, number of blockers
and waiters for server instances, and percentage of the DML lock limit being used.

Session Detail workspace

Session Detail is a predefined workspace that provides information about a
selected lock conflict. You can view attributes about the following details:
v Session status, type, and serial number
v Name of the program for the session
v Name of the schema associated with the user
v Frequency of data hits in the cache for the session
v Totals for read, get, and change operations for the session
v Waits for locks and causes of waits

Access this workspace by right-clicking the link in the Lock Conflict view of the
Contention workspace.

Waiting SQL Text workspace

Waiting SQL Text is a predefined workspace that provides information about the
cause of a lock conflict. The various fields in the Waiting SQL Text table view
identify the waiting session and the SQL text that resulted in lock conflict.

22 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Access this workspace by right-clicking the link in the Waiting Session Detail view
of the Session Detail workspace.

Oracle Databases group

The Oracle Databases group provides information on status and space usage for
the database. It includes information about archiving and the number of files and
tablespaces. You can view information about attributes such as the following:
v Database Summary: size and percentage of freespace available
v Tablespace: extents and their size and usage, segment types and quantities, and
size and status of the tablespace

Database Summary workspace

Database Summary is a predefined workspace that provides general database

This workspace has the following views:

v Tablespace
v Database Summary

Enterprise Database Summary workspace

Enterprise Database Summary is a predefined workspace that provides information
about the Oracle databases in your environment to assist you in monitoring the
database activity. You can view information about attributes such as the following:
v Archiving operations for databases
v Free space in the SYSTEM tablespace
v Number of megabytes in the SYSTEM tablespace

Tablespace Cluster workspace

Tablespace Cluster is a predefined workspace that provides information about
clusters defined for a tablespace. You can view attributes such as chained rows and

Access this workspace by right-clicking the link in the Tablespace view of the
Database Summary workspace.

Tablespace Files workspace

Tablespace Files is a predefined workspace that provides information about the
files contained in a tablespace. You can view attributes such as size, space usage,
fragmentation, and other file management information.

Access this workspace by right-clicking the link in the Tablespace Segment view of
the Tablespace Segment workspace.

Tablespace Index workspace

Tablespace Index is a predefined workspace that provides information about
indexes defined for a tablespace. You can view attributes such as percent deleted
and index type.

Access this workspace by right-clicking the link in the Tablespace view of the
Database Summary workspace.

Chapter 4. Workspaces reference 23

Tablespace Segment workspace
Tablespace Segment is a predefined workspace that provides information about
segments defined for a tablespace. You can view attributes such as size, space
usage, and fragmentation.

Access this workspace by right-clicking the link in the Tablespace view of the
Database Summary workspace.

Tablespace Table
Tablespace Table is a predefined workspace that provides information about tables
defined for a tablespace. You can view attributes such as chained rows and owner.

Access this workspace by right-clicking the link in the Tablespace view of the
Database Summary workspace.

Oracle Enterprise group

The workspaces in this group provide information about historical data. There are
hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly historical workspaces for each of the following
types of data:
v Historical Summarized Availability
v Historical Summarized Capacity
v Historical Summarized Performance

Oracle Logging group

The workspaces in this group provide information about the following:
v Rollback segment activity and status
v Rollback segments needing recovery
v Segment shrinks, extents, extends, and wraps
v Segment size
v Transactions blocking rollback segments

Enterprise Logging Summary workspace

Enterprise Logging Summary is a predefined workspace that provides an overview
of information about logging activity and rollback segments for Oracle server
instances. You can view attributes such as rollback segments, extents for rollback
segments, and pending offline segments.

Logging Summary workspace

Logging Summary is a predefined workspace that provides the following
v Logging Summary: basic and detailed logging information about extents and
activity. You can view attributes such as size of all active rollback segments,
number of all rollback segments, and number of all extents for rollback segments
v Rollback Segments: status of each rollback segment, name and number of each
rollback segment, and wraps from one extent to another

Access this workspace by right-clicking the link in the Rollback Segment view of
the Logging Summary workspace.

Transaction Blocking workspace

Transaction Blocking is a predefined workspace that provides information on
attributes such as the transaction sequence number, transaction status, transaction
start timestamp, rollback segment number, and session address.

24 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Oracle Processes group
The Oracle Processes workspace group provides information to help you monitor
the following processes for Oracle server instances:
v Number of foreground and background processes
v Percentage of active processes
v Maximum limits set for the number of processes

Enterprise Process Summary workspace

Enterprise Process Summary is a predefined workspace that provides an overview
about processes for Oracle server instances. You can view such attributes as
number of background and foreground processes, percentage of active processes,
and maximum limits set for the number of processes.

Process Summary workspace

Process Summary is a predefined workspace that provides information about
Oracle processes running for server instances. You can view attributes such as the
v Process Summary: CPU usage for applications, number of active concurrent
processes, and percentage of allowable processes currently active
v Process Detail: types of processes, amount of memory allocated to each process,
and length of time each process has been active.

Session Detail workspace

Session Detail is a predefined workspace that provides information about a single
session for a server instance. You can view attributes such as the following:
v Address of the process
v Totals for reads, gets, and changes
v Number of waits and causes of waits

Access this workspace by right-clicking the link in the Process Detail view of the
Process Summary workspace.

SQL Text workspace

SQL Text is a predefined workspace that provides information about the SQL text
for a selected session.

Oracle Servers group

The Servers group provides the following information about an Oracle server:
v Status of server instances
v Databases being mounted and opened
v Parallel processing setting
v Checkpoint processing setting
v SQL tracing setting
v Initialization parameter values
v Percentage of hits on the data cache
v Number of processes waiting for locks to be released
v Number of processes waiting for the redo log to acquire space
v Sessions currently logged on to server instances
v Physical reads and writes per second
v Gets for server instances

Chapter 4. Workspaces reference 25

Enterprise Server Statistics Summary workspace
Enterprise Server Statistics Summary is a predefined workspace that provides
summary information about server instances in an enterprise. You can view
attributes such as current value for each statistic, enqueue waits, physical reads,
physical writes, and average values per transaction and per second for each
statistic. You can also view ratio statistics and throughput statistics.

Enterprise Servers Summary workspace

Enterprise Servers Summary is a predefined workspace that provides an overview
of information to help you monitor the Oracle servers in your environment. You
can view attributes such as status of server instances, status of databases, and CPU
usage by server instances and operating systems.

Server Configuration workspace

Server Configuration is a predefined workspace that provides information about
the following:
v Configuration: configuration settings for a server instance and its database (such
as initialization defaults, parameter IDs and names, and settings for parameters)
v Server Options: the server release and installed options (such as parallel
processing, checkpoint processing, SQL tracing, release status, and distributed

Access this workspace by right-clicking the link in the Server Summary view of the
Server Summary workspace.

Server Ratio Statistics Detail workspace

Server Ratio Statistics Detail is a predefined workspace that provides information
about the following:
v Performance statistics reported as averages, percentages, and counts for server
instances. You can view attributes such as data cache hits, time between
checkpoint, and full table scans.
v Statistics for a selected server. You can view attributes such as current value for
each statistic, minimum and maximum values recorded for each statistic, and
average values per transaction and per second for each statistic.

Access this workspace by right-clicking the link in the Ratio Statistics view of the
Server Statistics Summary workspace.

Server Statistics Summary workspace

Server Statistics Summary is a predefined workspace that provides information
about a selected server instance. You can view attributes such as current value for
each statistic, minimum and maximum values recorded for each statistic, and
average values per transaction and per second for each statistic. You can also view
ratio statistics and throughput statistics.

Server Throughput Statistics Detail workspace

Server Throughput Statistics Detail is a predefined workspace that provides
information to help you monitor statistical counts. You can view information about
attributes such as the following:
v Throughput Statistics: average physical reads and writes per second, average
logical reads per second, and number of gets
v Statistics Summary: logons, user calls, time of the last checkpoint, and

26 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

v Statistics Detail: current value for each statistic, minimum and maximum values
recorded for each statistic, and average values per transaction and per second
for each statistic

Access this workspace by right-clicking the link in the Throughput Statistics view
of the Server Statistics Summary workspace.

Server Summary workspace

Server Summary is a predefined workspace that provides information on the status
of all server instances and shows whether databases are mounted and open. You
can view attributes such as free space for the archive files, collection status, server
version, time since startup, and SGA space.

Oracle Sessions group

The Oracle Sessions workspace group provides information to help you monitor
sessions for Oracle server instances. The workspaces in this group provide the
following information:
v Number of sessions
v Number of active sessions
v Percentage of maximum sessions currently active

Enterprise Session Summary workspace

Enterprise Session Summary is a predefined workspace that provides information
to help you monitor sessions for Oracle server instances. You can view attributes
such as number of sessions, number of active sessions, and percentage of
maximum sessions currently active.

Session SQL Text workspace

Session SQL Text is a predefined workspace that provides information about the
SQL statements loaded in the library cache. You can view the detailed text
contained in these statements.

Access this workspace by right-clicking the link in the Session Detail view of the
Session Summary workspace.

Session Summary workspace

Sessions is a predefined workspace that provides the following information:
v Summary information about sessions for all server instances. You can view
attributes such as number of active, inactive, and killed sessions.
v Session details for a selected host. You can view attributes such as session status,
type, and serial number; command in progress of the session; and percentage for
successful hits on the data cache for the session.

Oracle System Global Area group

The Oracle System Global Area workspace group provides the following
information to help you monitor SGA usage for Oracle server instances:
v Percentage of free space in the SGA
v Number of megabytes in the SGA

Enterprise System Global Area Session Summary workspace

Enterprise System Global Area Summary is a predefined workspace that provides
overview information about SGA usage for Oracle server instances. You can view

Chapter 4. Workspaces reference 27

attributes such as percentage of free space in the SGA, amount of space in the SGA
allocated for server instances, and amount of space in the data cache, shared pool,
and log buffer.

System Global Area Summary workspace

System Global Area Summary is a predefined workspace that provides the
following information:
v Summary information about the SGA for each server instance. You can view
attributes such as number of megabytes in the SGA, the percentage of free space
remaining in the SGA, and the time of the last checkpoint.
v Information about memory usage in the SGA. You can view attributes such as
data cache, dictionary cache, library cache, SQL area, and PL/SQL objects.

28 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Chapter 5. Attributes reference
This chapter contains information about the following topics:
v Overview of attributes
v References for detailed information about attributes
v Descriptions of the attributes for each attribute group included in this
monitoring agent
v Disk space requirements for historical data

About attributes
Attributes are the application properties, such as the amount of memory usage or
the message ID, that the Monitoring Agent for Oracle measures and reports.

Attributes are organized into groups according to purpose. The attributes in a

group can be used in the following two ways:
v Chart or table views
Attributes are displayed in chart and table views. The chart and table views use
queries to specify which attribute values to request from a monitoring agent.
You use the Query editor to create a new query, modify an existing query, or
apply filters and set styles to define the content and appearance of a view based
on an existing query.
v Situations
You use attributes to create situations that monitor the state of your operating
system, database, or application. A situation describes a condition you want to
test. When you start a situation, the Tivoli Enterprise Portal compares the values
you have assigned to the situation attributes with the values collected by the
Monitoring Agent for Oracle and registers an event if the condition is met. You
are alerted to events by indicator icons that appear in the Navigator.

Some of the attributes in this chapter are listed twice, with the second attribute
having a ″(Unicode)″ designation after the attribute name. These Unicode attributes
were created to provide access to globalized data. Use the globalized attribute
names because this is where the monitoring agent is putting the data. If you were
using a previous Candle® OMEGAMON® release of this monitoring agent, you
must run the Application Migration Tool to create globalized attributes for your
customized queries, situations, and policies. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Installation and Setup Guide for more information.

More information about attributes

For more information about using attributes and attribute groups, see the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide.

For a list of the attributes groups, a list of the attributes in each attribute group,
and descriptions of the attributes for this monitoring agent, refer to the Attribute
groups and attributes section in this chapter.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 29

Attribute groups and attributes for the Monitoring Agent for Oracle
This monitoring agent contains the following attribute groups, which are listed
v Advanced Queue Summary
v Alert Log Details
v Alert Log Summary
v Cache Totals
v Cluster Summary
v Configuration
v Contention Summary
v Database
v Dispatcher Detail
v Files
v Index Summary
v Library Cache Usage
v Listener Detail
v Lock Conflicts
v Logging Summary
v PCM Lock Conflict Detail
v Process Detail
v Process Summary
v Rollback Segments
v Segments
v Server
v Server Enterprise
v Server Options
v Session Detail
v Session Summary
v SGA Memory
v SQL Text Full
v Statistics Detail
v Statistics Enterprise
v Statistics Summary
v Table Summary
v Tablespaces
v Trans Blocking Rollback Segment Wrap

The following sections contain descriptions of these attribute groups, which are
listed alphabetically. Each description contains an alphabetized list of attributes in
the group.

Advanced Queue Summary attributes

Use Advanced Queue attributes to create situations that monitor the number of
messages in a user-specified queue that are in one of the following states:
WAITING, READY or EXPIRED. These attributes monitor checks on the progress

30 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

of a queue’s propagation. The group’s attributes show anomalies caused by the
network or with the destination to which the queue is attempting to propagate.

Average Propagation Rate. The number of bytes-per-second that were propagated

over all enabled schedules or over a particular queue in a user-specified schedule.

Average Ready Message Wait Time. The number of messages in the READY state
in each queue and the average waiting time of each message in days, hours,
minutes, or seconds. Use this attribute to discover if messages have been waiting
for a long time and whether potential performance bottlenecks might be occurring.
Messages in the READY state are available for propagation across schedules as
soon as a dequeue operation is started. A queue with multiple messages in the
READY state can indicate problems with the dequeue process or problems with the
queue destination.

Current Interval. The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous
sample and the current sample. A sample is the data that the monitoring agent
collects about the server instance. The value format is an integer. Use this attribute
to specify the amount of time between samples.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Propagation Errors. The messages that were not propagated, and were
subsequently recorded as errors.

Queue Name. The name of the queue for which objects are to be checked. If you
leave this field blank, the monitoring agent checks all queues.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example,TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 31

Total Messages Expired. The number of messages in the EXPIRED message status
that is to be monitored for a specific queue. If you do not select a message status,
the monitoring agent uses EXPIRED status.

Total Messages Ready. The number of messages in the READY message status
that is to be monitored for a specific queue. If you do not select a message status,
the monitoring agent uses EXPIRED status.

Total Messages Waiting. The number of messages in the WAITING message status
that is to be monitored for a specific queue. If you do not select a message status,
the monitoring agent uses EXPIRED status.

Total Ready Message Wait Time. The amount of time that messages in the READY
status have spent in a specific queue.

Alert Log Details attributes

Use Alert Log Details attributes to create situations that monitor detailed
information gathered in the Oracle alert log. This is a multiple-instance group. You
cannot mix these attributes with those of any other multiple-instance group.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Message ID. The identifier assigned to the message. The value format is
alphanumeric with a maximum of 12 characters. For example, a value of 1652 is a
sample message ID. The Oracle relational database management system (RDMS)
assigns the message IDs. Use this identifier to monitor a specific message.

Message Text. The text of the message. The value format is alphanumeric with a
maximum of 120 characters (for example, ’unable to extend temp segment by 128
in tablespace TEST’). The text is truncated if the message exceeds 120 characters.
Monitor situations for important messages.

Message Text (Unicode). The text of the message. This attribute is globalized. The
value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 360 bytes (for example, ’unable
to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEST’).

Message Timestamp. The time the message occurred.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

32 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Alert Log Summary attributes

Use Alert Log Summary attributes to create situations that monitor detailed
information gathered in the Oracle alert log. This is a multiple-instance group. You
cannot mix these attributes with those of any other multiple-instance group.

Age of Last Error. The age of the last error in minutes. This value alerts you to
recent errors. The value format is an integer. For example, a value of 5 indicates
that the last reported error is 5 minutes old. This attribute helps monitor the
frequency of errors.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example: DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example,TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Timestamp Last Error. The time of the last error.

For example, a value of 09/30/99 13:00:27 indicates that the event occurred on
September 30, 1999 at 1:00:27 p.m. Do not specify a time stamp in a situation.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 33

Timestamp Last Error Admin Operation. The time of the last administrative
operation associated with an error.

Total Admin Operations Interval. The number of administrative operations that

have occurred for this interval. The value format is an integer. For example, a
value of 1 indicates that one administrative operation occurred during this interval.
This attribute reflects administrative operations associated with CREATE, ALTER,
and DROP statements and STARTUP, SHUTDOWN, and ARCHIVE LOG actions.
This is a benchmark measurement. Monitor the number of administrative
operations for tuning purposes.

Total Admin Operations Startup. The number of administrative operations that

have occurred since the instance started. The value format is an integer. For
example, a value of 2 indicates that two administrative operations have occurred
since the instance started. This attribute reflects administrative operations
associated with CREATE, ALTER, and DROP statements and STARTUP,
SHUTDOWN, and ARCHIVE LOG actions. This is a benchmark measurement.
Monitor the number of administrative operations for tuning purposes

Total Critical Alerts. The number of the highest level of alerts. The value format is
an integer. This value is based on information from the alert log. These metrics are
derived by counting the occurrences of specific Oracle messages that occur within
the sample time. For a list of message IDs for Total Critical Alerts, see
Oracle_Alerts_Crit in Chapter 6, “Situations reference,” on page 115.

Total Errors For Interval. The number of errors that have been reported for the last
interval. The value format is an integer. This value is based on information from
the alert log. Monitor this attribute to determine if there are new errors.

Total Errors Since Startup. The number of errors reported since the instance
started. The value format is an integer. For example, a value of 3 indicates that
three errors have occurred since the start of the instance. This value is based on
information from the alert log. Compare this value with that for current errors.

Total Warning Alerts. The number of the warning alerts. The value format is an
integer. This value is based on information from the alert log. These metrics are
derived by counting the occurrences of specific Oracle messages that occur within
the sample time. For a list of message IDs for Total Warning Alerts, see
Oracle_Alerts_Warn in Chapter 6, “Situations reference,” on page 115.

Cache Totals attributes

Use Cache Totals attributes to create situations that monitor cache usage for a
server instance. These attributes monitor the usage of the library, dictionary, and
redo log buffers. This is a multiple-instance group. You cannot mix these attributes
with those of any other multiple-instance group.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Dictionary Total Cache Entries. The number of entries within the data dictionary
cache. The value format is an integer (for example, 1500). The cache contains
information on such items as users, tables, files, indexes, rollback segments, storage

34 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

information, and database security. Use a shared buffer pool large enough to
accommodate required dictionary objects, shared SQL statements, and session

Dictionary Total Fixed Entries. The number of fixed entries in the dictionary
cache. The value format is an integer (for example, 300). These entries remain in
the dictionary cache. Use this attribute and others for dictionary cache usage to
monitor and tune the dictionary cache.

Dictionary Total Flushes. The number of times the data from the dictionary cache
was moved to disk. The value format is an integer. For example, a value of 615
indicates that data was flushed from the dictionary cache 615 times. This attribute
is a cumulative count from the start of the server instance. Monitor this attribute
for excessive I/O activity.

Dictionary Total Gets. The number of requests to the dictionary cache for
information about objects. The value format is an integer. For example, 150000
indicates 150,000 gets. This value is a cumulative count for the start of the server
instance. Compare this attribute with that for Dictionary Total Misses. Monitor
these two values over a prolonged period of time.

Dictionary Total Hit Percent. The percentage of times that requests to the
dictionary cache successfully found objects. The value format is a percentage with
two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a
percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the
decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 95 to specify 95%. A
value of 85% or better is usually a good value. This percentage is low soon after
start-up since many misses occur as the items are initially placed in the dictionary

Dictionary Total Misses. The number of data requests that resulted in dictionary
cache misses. The value format is an integer (for example, 3000). This attribute is a
cumulative count from the start of the server instance. It includes the misses that
initially occur when items are first loaded into the cache.

Dictionary Total Modifications. The combined total of inserts, updates, and

deletions made to the dictionary cache. The value format is an integer. For
example, a value of 1025 indicates that 1025 modifications were made to the
dictionary cache. This attribute is a cumulative count from the start of the server
instance. Monitor this attribute when tuning the dictionary cache.

Dictionary Total Scan Completes. The number of times a list of subordinate

entries was scanned completely. The value format is an integer. For example, a
value of 6325 indicates that a list of subordinate entries in the dictionary cache was
completely scanned 6325 times. This attribute is a cumulative count from the start
of the server instance. Analyze dictionary performance. Compare this attribute
with those for Dictionary Total Scan Requests, Dictionary Total Scan Misses, and
the Dictionary Total Scan Hit Percent.

Dictionary Total Scan Hit Percent. The percentage of times that requests to the
dictionary cache successfully found objects. The value format is a percentage in the
range 0-100 with two decimal places allowed. For example, to specify a percentage
for a situation, type 8000 in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values,
but omit the decimal point ( type 80 to specify 80%). Generally, the higher the
percentage, the better the performance.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 35

Dictionary Total Scan Misses. The number of times scan failed to find data in the
dictionary cache. The value format is an integer. For example, a value of 6325
indicates that a list of subordinate entries in the dictionary cache was completely
scanned 6325 times. This attribute is a cumulative count from the start of the
server instance. Analyze dictionary performance. Compare this attribute with those
for Dictionary Total Scan Requests, Dictionary Total Scan Completes, and the
Dictionary Total Scan Hit Percent.

Dictionary Total Scan Requests. The number of scan requests made to the
dictionary cache. The value format is an integer (for example, 9000). This value is a
cumulative count from the start of the server instance. Analyze dictionary
performance. Compare this attribute with those for Dictionary Total Scan
Completes, Dictionary Total Scan Misses, and the Dictionary Total Scan Hit

Dictionary Total Valid Cache Entries. The number of entries in the dictionary
cache that contain valid data. The value format is an integer (for example, 1000).
This attribute is a count for the current interval. Use this attribute to monitor and
tune the dictionary cache. Compare it with the Total Cache Entries attribute.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Library Get Hits. The number of times objects were accessed in the library cache.
The value format is an integer (for example, 275000). This value is a cumulative
count from the start of the server instance. Monitor this attribute for tuning

Library Total Execution Hit Pct. The percentage of get requests that accessed
initialized objects in the library cache. The value format is a percentage with two
decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for
a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal
values, but omit the decimal point (type 80 to specify 80%). A percentage of 90% or
better generally is a benchmark for good performance. Performance can be
improved by such techniques as
v Writing and using identical SQL statements and blind variables
v Increasing the SHARED POOL SIZE parameter

Library Total Executions Hits. The number of times the system pinned and
accessed initialized objects in the library cache. The value format is an integer (for
example, 575000). These occurrences are execution hits. If the system locates an
object in the cache but must initialize it, the occurrence is considered a miss. This
value is a cumulative count from the start of the server instance. Monitor this
attribute for tuning purposes. Compare it with the attribute for Number of Get

Library Total Executions or Pins. The number of times the system issued pin
requests to access objects in the library cache. The value format is an integer (for
example, 580000). This value is a cumulative count from the start of the server

36 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

instance. Monitor this attribute for tuning purposes. Compare it with the Execution
Hit Percent attribute in the Library Cache Usage attribute group.

Library Total Get Hit Percent. The percentage of get requests that accessed objects
in the library cache in the interval. The value format is a percentage with two
decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for
a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal
values, but omit the decimal point (type 90 to specify 90%). A value of 90% or
better is generally a benchmark of good performance. You can improve
performance by such techniques as the following:
v Writing and using identical SQL statements and blind variables
v Increasing the SHARED POOL SIZE parameter

Library Total Get Requests. The number of times gets were issued to access
objects in the library cache since the server started. The value format is an integer
(for example, 275000). This value is a cumulative count form the start of the server
instance. Monitor this attribute for tuning purposes. Compare its value with the
Library Total Get Requests.

Library Total Invalidations. The number of times that non-persistent objects in the
library cache, such as shared SQL areas, have been invalidated. The value format is
an integer (for example, 50). This value is a cumulative count from the start of the
server instance. Monitor this attribute for tuning purposes. Establish SQL standards
that promote identical statements for reuse.

Library Total Reloads. The number of times that objects in the library cache
needed to be reinitialized and reloaded with data because they were too old or
became invalidated. The value format is an integer (for example, 100). This is a
cumulative count from the start of the server instance. Monitor this attribute for
tuning performance. Keep the number of reloads close to 0.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Redo Log Buff Immediate Gets. The number of current gets for redo latches. The
value format is an integer. For example, a value of 709921 indicates that the current
number of gets for redo latches is 709,921. Contention for the redo log buffer exists
if the ratio for immediate misses to immediate gets is more than 1%. Monitor this
attribute to check for contention in the redo log buffer.

Redo Log Buff Immediate Misses. The number of current misses for redo latches.
The value format is an integer. For example, a value of 709921 indicates that the
current number of gets for redo latches is 709,921. Contention for the redo log
buffer exists if the ratio for immediate misses to immediate gets is more than 1%.
Monitor this attribute and the number of immediate gets to check for contention in
the redo log buffer.

Redo Log Buff Immediate Percent Misses. The percentage of the redo immediate
gets that resulted in misses. The value format is a percentage with two decimal
places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a
situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values,
but omit the decimal point (type 5 to specify 5%). Contention for the redo log
buffer exists if the ratio for immediate misses to immediate gets is more than 1%.
Monitor this attribute to check for contention in the redo log buffer.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 37

Redo Log Buff Willing To Wait Gets. The current number of gets for redo latches.
The value format is an integer. For example, a value of 709921 indicates that there
are currently 709,921 gets for redo latches. Contention for the redo log buffer exists
if the ratio for immediate misses to immediate gets is more than 1%. Monitor this
attribute to check for contention in the redo log buffer.

Redo Log Buff Willing To Wait Misses. The current number of misses for redo
latches. The value format is an integer (for example, 200). Contention for the redo
log buffer exists if the ratio for immediate misses to immediate gets is more than
1%. Monitor this attribute to check for contention in the redo log buffer.

Redo Log Buff Willing To Wait Percent Misses. The percentage of the
willing-to-wait gets that resulted in misses. The value format is a percentage with
two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a
percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the
decimal values, but omit the decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%). Generally, a
value greater than 1% indicates contention for redo log allocation or redo copy
latches. Consider increasing the size of the LOG BUFFER parameter in 5%
increments to reduce contention.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Cluster Summary attributes

Use Cluster Summary attributes to create situations that monitor the number of
chained rows calculated for specified clusters in the endpoint database. Chaining
occurs when rows are updated and become too large to be stored on a single
Oracle data block. Chained rows double the amount of I/O required to retrieve
data, and should be avoided.

Chained Rows. The number of chained rows calculated for a specified cluster in
the endpoint database. Chaining occurs when rows are updated and become too
large to be stored on a single Oracle data block. Chained rows double the amount
of I/O required to retrieve data, and should be avoided.

Cluster Name. Designates the schema and cluster name of the cluster the
monitoring agent checks for chained rows.

Current Interval. The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous
sample and the current sample. A sample is the data that the monitoring agent
collects about the server instance. The value format is an integer. Use this attribute
to specify the amount of time between samples.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive

38 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Owner Name. The name of the owner of the cluster. The value format is
alphanumeric with a maximum of 92 characters and is not case-sensitive. For
example, the value LSRDB is the name of an owner. Use this attribute to monitor a
specific tablespace.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example,TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Tablespace Name. The name of the tablespace that contains the cluster. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 92 characters and is not case-sensitive.
For example, the value KORDB is the name of a tablespace. Use this attribute to
monitor a specific tablespace.

Configuration attributes
Use Configuration attributes to create situations that monitor configuration of a
server instance. The attributes in this group identify the initialization parameters
that a server instance uses. This is a multiple-instance group. You cannot mix these
attributes with those of any other multiple-instance group.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Default In Use. Indicates whether the server instance is using the default value for
initialization parameter. The following values are valid:
Yes Server instance is using the default parameter.
No Server instance is using the value specified for the Oracle initialization
parameter in the V$PARAMETER table.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 39

Under some circumstances the default settings might need to be adjusted. Use this
attribute to track the effect of a parameter on performance.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The host name is specified when the operating system is
installed. Use this attribute and the Database Name and Server to identify a
specific instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Parameter. The name of the initialization parameter. The value format is

alphanumeric with a maximum of 35 characters. For example, the value db_files is
the name of an initialization parameter. Use this value to track the performance of
a particular initialization parameter.

Parm ID. The parameter ID the server instance assigned to the initialization
parameter. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 4 characters (for
example, 0088). Use this value to track the performance of a particular initialization
parameter. The parameter IDs remain constant for different releases of Oracle.
Parameter names, however, sometimes change between releases.

Parm Type. The numeric ID the server instance assigned to the initialization
parameter. The server instance uses numeric identifiers to group the initialization
parameters into categories. The Oracle server assigns this identifier. The following
values are valid:
01 User/process
02 Cache/IO
03 Log/archive
04 MTS
05 Parallel
06 SQL
07 Files
08 Replication server
09 Scan/sort
10 NLS

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

40 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Value. The value for the initialization parameter. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 30 characters (for example, 100). The instance uses this
configuration value to start the server instance. Use this value to track the effect of
initialization settings on performance.

Value (Unicode). The value for the initialization parameter. This attribute is
globalized. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 92 bytes. The
instance uses this configuration value to start the server instance. Use this value to
track the effect of initialization settings on performance.

Contention Summary attributes

Use Contention Summary attributes to create situations that monitor lock
contention for each Oracle server. This is a multiple-instance group. You cannot
mix these attributes with those of any other multiple-instance group.

Current Interval. The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous
sample and the current sample. A sample is the data that the monitoring agent
collects about the server instance. The value format is an integer (for example, 90).
Use this attribute to specify the amount of time between samples.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Distribution of Largest Conflict Pct. The percentage of waiting sessions involved

in the largest conflict. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places
allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a situation,
type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit
the decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%). A high percentage indicates that a
single lock conflict is responsible for the majority of waiters. Use this attribute to
monitor and tune performance.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Lock Hit Ratio. The proportion of data block accesses that do not require lock
conversions. Lock hit ratio indicates how efficiently user processes are distributed
across multiple instances.

Maximum DML Locks Allowed. The maximum limit of data manipulation (DML)
locks set by the Oracle initialization parameter. The value format is an integer (for
example, 100). Adjust this parameter setting if necessary.

No. Waiters In Largest Conflict. The number of waiting sessions involved in the
largest conflict. The largest conflict is the one with the most waiters. The value
format is an integer (for example, 5). This attribute identifies potential conflict
problems. Use this data to monitor and tune performance.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 41

Object ID With Max Waiters. The ID of the object that has the most waiters. The
value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 10 characters. For example, a
value of 1124 indicates the ID assigned to the object with the most waiters. This
value identifies the object of the contention. Use this identifier to monitor and tune

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Pct of Sessions Blockers. The percentage of current sessions that are blockers. The
value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100.
For example, to specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the
Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point
(type 10 to specify 10%). A high percentage can indicate contention problems. Use
this percentage to monitor and tune performance.

Pct of Sessions Waiters. The percentage of current sessions that are waiters. The
value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100.
For example, to specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the
Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point
(type 20 to specify 20%). A high percentage can indicate contention problems. Use
this percentage to monitor and tune performance.

Percent Max DML Locks. The percentage of allowable data manipulation locks
(DML) currently being used. The value format is a percentage with two decimal
places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a
situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values,
but omit the decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%). Transaction will fail if they
cannot acquire the needed locks. Monitor this percentage to evaluate the setting of
the DML LOCKS initialization parameter.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Total Being-written Locks. Total number of Being-written redo log instance locks
held or requested at the time of the sample.

Total Blockers. The number of blockers. A blocker is a session that holds a lock
causing one or more sessions to wait for the lock. The value format is an integer
(for example, 12). This value is a count for the current interval. Generally, the
lower this value, the better the performance of your system. Monitor this attribute
with others for memory tuning purposes.

Total Buffer Locks. Total number of buffer hash table instance locks held or
requested at the time of the sample.

42 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Total Control (CI) Locks. Total number of control file schema global enqueue locks
held or requested at the time of the sample.

Total Control (CS) Locks. Total number of control file schema global enqueue
locks held or requested at the time of the sample.

Total Cross-instance Locks. Total number of cross-instance function invocation

instance locks held or requested at the time of the sample.

Total Data Locks. Total number of data file instance locks held or requested at the
time of the sample.

Total Distributed (DR) Locks. Total number of distributed recovery process locks
held or requested at the time of the sample.

Total Distributed (DX) Locks. Total number of distributed transaction entry locks
held or requested at the time of the sample.

Total DLL Locks. Total number of DLL enqueue locks held or requested at the
time of the sample.

Total DML Locks. The number of data manipulation locks (DML) held or
requested at the time of the sample. The value format is an integer (for example,
4). The server instance automatically applies locks as needed. Monitor the number
of active DML locks for performance tuning.

Total Extended-segment Locks. Total number of extended-segment enqueue locks

held or requested at the time of the sample.

Total File Locks. Total number of file set locks held or requested at the time of the

Total Generic Locks. Total number of generic enqueue locks held or requested at
the time of the sample.

Total Instance Locks. Total number of instance recovery serialization global

enqueue locks held or requested at the time of the sample.

Total Library Locks. Total number of library cache invalidation instance locks held
or requested at the time of the sample.

Total Log Locks. Total number of log start / log switch enqueue locks held or
requested at the time of the sample.

Total Master Locks. Total number of master buffer hash table instance locks held
or requested at the time of the sample.

Total Media Locks. Total number of media recovery locks held or requested at the
time of the sample.

Total Mount Locks. Total number of mount definition global enqueue locks held
or requested at the time of the sample.

Total Mount-startup Locks. Total number of mount or startup database primary or

secondary instance locks held or requested at the time of the sample.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 43

Total Redo Locks. Total number of redo thread global enqueue locks held or
requested at the time of the sample.

Total Row Locks. Total number of row wait enqueue locks held or requested at the
time of the sample.

Total Sequence (SN) Locks. Total number of sequence number instance locks held
or requested at the time of the sample.

Total Sequence (SQ) Locks. Total number of sequence number enqueue locks held
or requested at the time of the sample.

Total Sequence (SV) Locks. Total number of sequence number value locks held or
requested at the time of the sample.

Total SGA Locks. Total number of SGA open-file information locks held or
requested at the time of the sample.

Total Space Locks. Total number of space transaction enqueue locks held or
requested at the time of the sample.

Total System (SC) Locks. Total number of system commit number instance locks
held or requested at the time of the sample.

Total System (SH) Locks. Total number of system commit number high-water
mark enqueue locks held or requested at the time of the sample.

Total Temporary (TS) Locks. Total number of Temporary segment enqueue locks
held or requested at the time of the sample.

Total Temporary (TT) Locks. Total number of Temporary table enqueue locks held
or requested at the time of the sample.

Total Transaction Locks. Total number of transaction enqueue locks held or

requested at the time of the sample.

Total USE ROW ENQUEUE Locks. Total number of USE_ROW_ENQUEUE

enforcement locks held or requested at the time of the sample.

Total User Supplied Locks. Total number of user-supplied locks held or requested
at the time of the sample.

Total User Locks. Total number of User name locks held or requested at the time
of the sample.

Total Waiters. The number of sessions waiting for locks held by blocking sessions.
The value format is an integer. For example, a value of 5 indicates a total of 5
sessions are waiting for locks to be released. One or more blocking sessions are
holding locks on data. Monitor the number of waiting transactions for performance
and tuning purposes.

Total Write-atomic-log-switch Locks. Total number of Write-atomic-log-switch

global enqueue locks held or requested at the time of the sample.

44 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Database attributes
Use Database attributes to create situations that monitor performance and
availability of Oracle databases. This is a multiple-instance group. You cannot mix
these attributes with those of any other multiple-instance group.

Archive Log Mode Enabled. Indicates whether the ARCHIVELOG mode is

enabled for the database. The following values are valid:
Yes Enables automatic archiving of full, online redo logs.
No Disables automatic archiving of full, online redo logs.

This option guarantees recovery of all committed transactions and permits online
backups while the database is mounted but not open. It copies full redo logs before
they are overwritten.

Auto Archive. Indicates whether the server instance archives the redo log files
automatically or manually. The following values are valid:
Yes Indicates automatic archiving when an online redo log becomes full.
No Indicates manual archiving is a manual operation.

Archiving full redo log files provides a way to achieve a complete recovery of all
transactions. To enable automatic archiving use the ALTER DATABASE command
and the ARCHIVELOG option.

Current Interval. The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous
sample and the current sample. A sample is the data that the monitoring agent
collects about the server instance. The value format is an integer (for example, 90).
Use this attribute to specify the amount of time between samples.

Database Domain. The name of the domain for the database. The domain
indicates the logical location of the database. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 35 characters and is not case-sensitive (for example, World). A
dot separates each level in the domain name. The levels follow an order of
leaf-to-root node. The report truncates domain names containing more than 35
characters. The domain name is defined by the DB DOMAIN initialization
parameter. The default is World.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

DB Block Size. The number of bytes allocated for the data blocks in the database.
The value format is an integer in the range 0-9728l. Increments are in multiple
bytes of 512; for example 4096. This database block size determines how the
database uses and allocates free space. Common values are 2048 and 4096 bytes.
Consider data block size when managing disk space and memory resources.
Generally, a larger block size improves performance; a minimum of 2048 bytes is

DB Files Open. The number of files in the database that are open. The value
format is an integer (for example, 25). This value is the total of all files having an
ACTIVE status.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 45

DB Pct Free Space. The percentage of free space in the database. The value format
is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example,
to specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%).
Monitoring Agent for Oracle calculates this percentage from the number of free
blocks in the database and the number of allocated data blocks for the database.
Set alerts for abnormal conditions. Evaluate the need for adding more file space to
the database. Double-click the row to identify which tablespaces are low in free

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Max Open Files Allowed. The maximum number of open files allowed at one
time for the database. The value format is an integer. For example, a value of 20
indicates that the maximum number of files allowed open is 20. The minimum
must be greater than or equal to the number of files specified for
MAXDATAFILES. The maximum is operating system dependent. If the number of
open files consistently comes close to the maximum limit for open files, consider
increasing the limit. Review the other limits on open data files set during the
creation of the database and by the operating system.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Percent Max Files Open. The percentage of files that are open of the maximum
number of files allowed open at one time for the database. The value format is a
percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to
specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%).
Monitor this percentage to ensure that it remains under 100%. Increase the limit for
database files if necessary. Also review the other limits on open data files set
during the creation of the database and by the operating system.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

SYSTEM TS Pct Free. The percentage of free space in the SYSTEM tablespace for
the database. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in
the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a situation, type a
number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the
decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%). Monitor the adequacy of available space.

46 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Generally, the free space in the SYSTEM tablespace should range between 30-50%.
If free space is low, consider adding an additional file to the SYSTEM tablespace.

Total DB Size. The number of megabytes (MB) allocated for the database. The
value format is a decimal with two decimal places allowed. For example, a value
of 5000 indicates 50.00 megabytes. Do not include the decimal point if you specify
this value for a situation. Use this attribute when you are evaluating the amount of
free space in the database.

Total Extents. The number of extents allocated for the database. The value format
is an integer (for example, 100). This value equals the number of database extents
allocated for all the database files. Monitor this attribute to determine if too many
extents exist for a database.

Total Files Defined. The number of files defined in the database. The number
includes files with a status of online, offline, SYSOFF, SYSTEM, and RECOVER.
The value format is an integer (for example, 35). Refer to this attribute when
assessing such installation options as DB FILES.

Total Files Offline. The number of files with a status of OFFLINE. The value
format is an integer (for example, 2). A status of offline indicates that the file is
offline and not available for use. Determine the reason for any offline files.

Total Files Recover. The number of files with a status of RECOVER. The value
format is an integer (for example, 1). A status of RECOVER indicates that the file
needs to be recovered or is currently being recovered. Monitor this attribute when
assessing the need to recover the database files.

Total SYSTEM TS Size. The number of megabytes (MB) allocated for the SYSTEM
tablespace for the database. The value format is an integer with two decimal places
allowed. For example, a value of 500 indicates 5.00 megabytes. Do not include the
decimal point if you specify this value for a situation. This value is based on the
file size of the file or files belonging to the SYSTEM tablespace. Free space within
the SYSTEM tablespace is critical for creating new objects and other functions. If
free space in the SYSTEM tablespace is low (for example, less than 30%), consider
adding an additional file.

Total Table Spaces. The number of tablespaces defined in the database. The value
format is an integer (for example, 5). This value is based on the number of
tablespaces specified in the database, including the system-provided ones. Use this
attribute in reviewing the size of your database.

Dispatcher Detail attributes

Use Dispatcher Detail attributes to create situations that monitor dispatcher
processes for protocols involved with contention. If the dispatcher processes for a
specific protocol are busy more than 50% of the time, you can improve
performance by adding more dispatcher processes. This monitor is relevant only if
the instance was configured for the multi-threaded server.

Current Interval. The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous
sample and the current sample. A sample is the data that the monitoring agent
collects about the server instance. The value format is an integer. Use this attribute
to specify the amount of time between samples.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 47

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Dispatcher Average Wait Time. The time (in hundredths of a second) that a
response waits in the response queue for this dispatcher process to route it.

Dispatcher Busy Rate. The percentage of time that dispatcher processes for the
protocol with the most contention are busy.

Dispatcher Name. The name of the dispatcher process. The value is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 4 characters.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Network Address. The network address of the dispatcher. The value is

alphanumeric with a maximum of 128 characters.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the Oracle server. The value format is alphanumeric with a
maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive.

Files attributes
Use Files attributes to create situations that monitor information about the files
contained in a tablespace. These attributes provide data on size, space usage,
fragmentation, and other file management information. This is a multiple-instance
group. You cannot mix these attributes with those of any other multiple-instance

Backup Status. Indicates whether the file is flagged to be backed up. Set alerts to
identify which files need to be backed up. The following values are valid:
File is flagged to be backed up.
File is not flagged to be backed up.
File is probably offline.

48 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

File ID. The numeric identifier for the file. The value format is an integer (for
example, 2). Oracle assigns this identifier when the file is created. Use this ID as an
additional identifier for the file.

File Name. The name of the file including the path. The value format is
alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive (for
example, usr/dbs/sys1.dbf ). Use this attribute to track information about status,
extents, and free space.

File Name (Unicode). The name of the file including the path. This attribute is
globalized. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 192 bytes and is
not case-sensitive (for example, usr/dbs/sys1.dbf ). Use this attribute to track
information about status, extents, and free space.

File Status. Indicates whether the file is online and available for use. You can
monitor the availability of one or more files. The following values are valid:
File is offline and not available for use.
File is online and available for use.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Largest Free Block. The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated in the largest free block
for the tablespace. The value format is an integer (for example, 240). A large value
indicates unfragmented free space while a small value indicates fragmented free
space in the file. Monitor tablespaces that are potential candidates for
reorganization. Set alerts to inform you when this value falls below a preferred
number of kilobytes.

Largest Pct Free. The largest percentage of contiguous free space in the tablespace
or file. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the
range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in
the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point
(type 10 to specify 10%). The smaller the percentage, the more fragmented the free
space. Monitor tablespaces that are potential candidates for reorganization. Set
alerts to inform you when this value becomes too low.

Number Extents. The total number of extents allocated for this file.

Number Free Blocks. The number of data blocks within the file or tablespace that
have free space. The value format is an integer (for example, 5). A data block is the
smallest area in which Oracle physically stores data. Check the number of free

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 49

blocks and the size of the largest free block when evaluating fragmentation of free
space in a tablespace. Consider the suitability of increasing the space for a file.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Pct Free Space. The percentage of free space in the tablespace. The value format is
a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to
specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%).
The preferred percentage of free space depends upon the type of tablespace the file
belongs to. For example, a tablespace that has limited updates needs a small
amount of free space. A tablespace that has many updates needs more free space.
Monitor this attribute to determine if free space exists within the files for a

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Tablespace Name. The name of the tablespace. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 30 characters and is not case-sensitive. For example, the value
KORDB is the name of a tablespace. Use this attribute to monitor a specific

Tablespace Name (Unicode). The name of the tablespace. This attribute is

globalized. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 92 bytes and is
not case-sensitive. For example, the value KORDB is the name of a tablespace. Use
this attribute to monitor a specific tablespace.

Time Backup Started. The time stamp of the most recent backup for the file. This
value indicates when the file was last placed in backup mode. This does not
guarantee that the file was actually backed up. A very old date, for example, 1988,
usually means the file has never been backed up.

Total Size. The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the file or tablespace. The
value format is an integer (for example, 400). The appropriate size is dependent on
need and usage. Use this attribute when analyzing the amount of free space and
reviewing the number of allocated extents.

Index Summary attributes

Use Index Summary attributes to create situations that monitor information about
the indexes contained in a tablespace. These attributes provide data on percent
deleted, owner, and other index information. This is a multi-instance group. You
cannot mix these attributes with those of any other multi-instance groups.

50 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Current Interval. The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous
sample and the current sample. A sample is the data that the monitoring agent
collects about the server instance. The value format is an integer. Use this attribute
to specify the amount of time between samples.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Index Name. The name of the monitored index.

Index Type. The type of index. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 27

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Percent Deleted. The percentage of deleted rows from an index that have not been
repopulated. The percentage of space used by an index determines what needs to
be rebuilt or coalesced. To prevent uneven growth of indexes, run the check on
indexes where insertions and deletions occur frequently.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the Oracle server. The value format is alphanumeric with a
maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive.

Table Name. The name of the indexed object. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 92 characters and is not case-sensitive.

Table Owner. The owner of the indexed object. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 92 characters and is not case-sensitive.

Table Type. The type of the indexed object (for example, TABLE, CLUSTER). The
value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 5 characters and is not

Tablespace Name (Unicode). The name of the tablespace that contains the cluster.
The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 92 bytes and is not
case-sensitive. For example, the value KORDB is the name of a tablespace. Use this
attribute to monitor a specific tablespace.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 51

Library Cache Usage attributes
Use Library Cache Usage attributes to create situations that monitor the Oracle
library cache on a namespace basis. These attributes report usage for such
operations as request and hits for gets and reloads of objects in the library cache.
This is a multiple-instance group. You cannot mix these attributes with those of
any other multiple-instance group.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Execution Hit Pct. The percentage of times the system found objects already
allocated and initialized in the cache. The value format is a percentage with two
decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to provide a value for a
situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values,
but omit the decimal point (type 75 to specify a value of 75%). A miss occurs if the
system locates the object in the cache but must then initialize it with generated
data or data queried from the database. A good hit percentage for the library cache
is 90% or more.

Execution Hits. The number of times the system found objects allocated and
initialized in the cache. A miss occurs if the system locates the object in the cache
but must then initialize it with generated data or data queried from the database.
The value format is an integer. For example, a value of 12550 indicates 12,550
execution hits. This attribute shows the count from the start of the server instance.
If you have recently started the server instance, this value will be small. Monitor
this data for performance tuning.

Executions or Pins. The number of times the system issued pin requests to access
objects in the cache. A pin is an execution. The value format is an integer. For
example, a value of 12900 indicates 12,900 executions or pins. This attribute is the
count from the start of the server instance. Shared SQL helps improve
performance. SQL statements must be identical to be shared.

Get Hit Percent. The percentage of requests that accesses objects in the library
cache. Handles for the objects belonging to each namespace were already allocated
in the cache. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in
the range 0-100. For example, to provide a value for a situation, type a number in
the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point
(type 75 to specify 75%). If you have recently started the server instance, this
percentage will be low. A good hit percentage for the library cache is 90% or more.
Use standardization and coding techniques to help maximize the use of shared
SQL statements.

Get Hits. The number of times the handles for the namespace were found in the
cache. When a miss occurs, the system allocates the handle and inserts it into the
namespace. The value format is an integer (for example, 50). This attribute is the
count from the start of the server instance. A high ratio of Get Hits to Get Requests
is desired.

Get Requests. The number of times the system requested handles to objects
belonging to a namespace within the library cache. The value format is an integer.
For example, a value of 6690 indicates 6 690 Get Requests. This attribute is the

52 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

count from the start of the server instance. A high ratio of Get Hits to Get Requests
is desired. Compare the Get Requests attribute with the Get Hits attribute. Monitor
these attributes for tuning purposes.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Invalidations. The number of times that non-persistent objects in the library cache
have been invalidated. Shared SQL areas are examples of non-persistent objects.
The value format is an integer (for example, 2). The value is the count from the
start of the server instance. The lower this value, the better the performance of
your system.

Namespace. The library cache namespace which includes SQL TRIGGER, INDEX,
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 15 characters. For example, a value of
TABLE/PROCEDURE is a namespace for the library cache. Use this attribute to
identify the namespace assigned to a library cache.

Namespace (Unicode). The library cache namespace that includes SQL TRIGGER,
attribute is globalized. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 48
bytes. For example, a value of TABLE/PROCEDURE is a namespace for the library
cache. Use this attribute to identify the namespace assigned to a library cache.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Reloads. The number of times objects in the library cache had to be reinitialized.
The value format is an integer (for example, 4). This value is a count from the start
of a server instance. When no more room is available in the library cache, Oracle
removes old statements to make room for new ones. The total reloads should be
near 0 for good performance.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). This attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Listener Detail attributes

Use Listener Detail attributes to create situations that monitor the state of the
Oracle listeners.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 53

Current Interval. The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous
sample and the current sample. A sample is the data that the monitoring agent
collects about the server instance. The value format is an integer. Use this attribute
to specify the amount of time between samples.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Listener Name. The name of the listener process. The value format is
alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive.

Listener Port. The network port number that the listener uses.

Listener Protocol. The protocol that the listener uses for communications with the

Listener Status. The following states or statuses describe listener readiness:

v Active
v Inactive
v Unknown

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the Oracle server. The value format is alphanumeric with a
maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive.

Lock Conflicts attributes

Use Lock Conflicts attributes to create situations that monitor sessions waiting for
locks and lock conflicts. These attributes provide information on user IDs, types of
blocking objects, and lock request modes. This is a multiple-instance group. You
cannot mix these attributes with those of any other multiple-instance group.

Blocker Object Name. The name of the object locked by the blocking session. The
value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not
case-sensitive (for example, TABLE1). Use this unique identifier for monitoring and
tuning purposes.

54 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Blocker Object Type. The type of object that is locked by the blocking session. The
value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not
case-sensitive (for example, 2). Use this data for monitoring and tuning purposes.

Blocking Session ID. The ID of the blocking session. The value format is an
integer with a maximum of 4 characters (for example, 7). Use this identifier for
monitoring and tuning purposes. It shows which session is holding the lock.

Blocking User ID. The user ID for the blocking session. The value format is
alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive (for
example, CANDLE1). Use this attribute to identify specific users. Notify users
whose actions, such as leaving their workstations before committing updates, cause

Blocking User ID (Unicode). The user ID for the blocking session. This attribute is
globalized. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 24 bytes and is
not case-sensitive (for example, CANDLE1). Use this attribute to identify specific
users. Notify users whose actions, such as leaving their workstations before
committing updates, cause problems.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Lock Mode Held. The mode of the lock currently being held by the blocking
object. This lock mode tells how Oracle is applying a lock in regards to its
restrictions. The more restrictive the lock, the less concurrency for transactions. Use
this data to monitor the lock mode being applied to a lock. The following values
are valid:
An EXCLUSIVE mode was requested.
None No mode was requested.
Null A NULL mode was requested.
Share A SHARE mode was requested.
Row-S (SS)
A ROW SHARE mode was requested.
S/Row-X (SSX)
A ROW SHARE EXCLUSIVE mode was requested.
Row-X (SX)
A ROW EXCLUSIVE mode was requested.

Lock Request Mode. The lock request mode for a manual lock. The following
values are valid: Exclusive, None, Null, Share, Row-S (SS), Row-X (SX), S/Row-X
(SSX). If a lock mode was requested, a LOCK TABLE statement is being used to
manually override the automatic locking that Oracle applies. Use this data to
monitor the lock mode specified in a LOCK TABLE statement.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 55

Locked Object ID1. The first ID of the locked object. This is the first resource
identifier for the locked object. The value format is an integer with a maximum
length of 4 characters (for example, 1124). This value is specific to the type of lock
being applied. For example, ID1 values are associated with a media recovery lock,
others with a DML lock. Use this data for monitoring and tuning purposes

Locked Object ID2. The second ID of the locked object. The value format is an
integer with a maximum length of 4 characters. This value is specific to the type of
lock being applied. For example, ID1 values are associated with a media recovery
lock, others with a DML lock. Use this data for monitoring and tuning purposes.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). This attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Waiting Session ID. The identifier assigned to the waiting session. The value
format is an integer (for example, 13). This value identifies a session that is waiting
for a lock. Use this value for monitoring and tuning purposes.

Waiting User ID. The identifier for the user that is waiting for a lock. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive.
For example, a value of CANDLE2 indicates the identifier of a user who is waiting
for the session. Use this value for monitoring and tuning purposes.

Waiting User ID (Unicode). The identifier for the user that is waiting for a lock.
This attribute is globalized. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of
24 bytes and is not case-sensitive. For example, a value of CANDLE2 indicates the
identifier of a user who is waiting for the session. Use this value for monitoring
and tuning purposes.

Logging Summary attributes

Use Logging Summary attributes to create situations that monitor logging. These
attributes report data on rollback segment usage and status. This is a
multiple-instance group. You cannot mix these attributes with those of any other
multiple-instance group.

Average Extents Per RBS. The average number of extents per rollback segment
(RBS). The value format is a decimal with two decimal places allowed (for
example, 3.50). Every rollback segment must have at least two extents. Numerous
extents negatively impact performance. For good performance, keep the number of
extents to a minimum. Assign users to large rollback segments for long-running
updates. Keep other rollback segments small.

56 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Average Transactions Per Segment. The average number of active transactions
across all rollback segments. The value format is a decimal with two decimal
places allowed. For example, a value of 4.00 indicates each rollback segment has an
average of 4 active transactions. Four transactions per rollback segment is a
benchmark for acceptable performance. Too many transactions per rollback
segment increase the chances for rollback segment contention. If there is contention
for the rollback segment, balance the number of active rollback segments until the
percent of waits on the undo header is 1% or less.

Buffer Busy Wait Pct. The percentage of waits to gets. A percentage greater than
1% implies contention. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places
allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a situation,
type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit
the decimal point (type 1 to specify 1%). Use this attribute to monitor performance.
Consider adding additional rollback segments to eliminate contention for rollback

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Percent RBS Needing Recovery. The percentage of rollback segments needing

recovery. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the
range 0-100. For example, type 15 in the Comparison field in a situation to set a
trigger value of 15% for rollback segments needing recovery. Rollback segments
needing recovery are in a PARTLY AVAILABLE state. Use this percentage to
monitor and tune performance.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). This attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Size of Active Rollback Segs. The total size of all active rollback segments
converted from bytes to kilobytes (KB). The value format is an integer (for
example, 688). Correctly-sized rollback segments help performance. They reduce

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 57

dynamic extensions and increase the chances of the segments being in the buffer
cache. Monitor this attribute to tune performance. Use the STORAGE parameter to
specify the size for rollback segments.

Total Active Transactions. The number of active transactions across all rollback
segments. The value format is a decimal with two decimal places allowed (for
example, 2.50). This attribute reflects the current activity for the server. Use this
attribute to monitor and tune performance.

Total Header Gets. The number of requests for rollback segment headers. The
value format is an integer (for example, 23141). A high number of header gets in
comparison to header waits indicates good performance. Monitor this attribute
when tuning database performance.

Total Header Waits. The number of requests for rollback segment headers that
resulted in waits. The value format is an integer (for example, 3). A high number
of header waits in comparison to header gets indicates poor performance. Monitor
this attribute when tuning database performance.

Total Online Rollback Segments. The number of rollback segments with a status
of ONLINE. The value format is an integer (for example, 8). A rollback segment
must be online to be available for use by a transaction. Bring offline rollback
segments online as needed. Use this attribute to monitor how many rollback
segments are online.

Total Pending Offline Segments. The number of rollback segments with a status
of PENDING OFFLINE. The value format is an integer (for example, 2). Active
transactions that are using the rollback segments prevent them from going offline.
The rollback segments go offline when all transactions finish. Take rollback
segments offline to prevent them from being used when you want to take a
tablespace offline or drop a rollback segment.

Total Rollback Extents. The number of extents for the rollback segments. The
value format is an integer (for example, 13). Generally, giving each rollback
segment 10-20 equally-sized extents promotes good I/O performance for rollback

Total Rollback Segment Extends. The number of extends that can be used for
additional extents by all rollback segments. The value format is an integer (for
example, 7). Too many extends indicates improperly sized rollback segments. Use
this attribute to monitor and tune performance.

Total Rollback Segment Shrinks. The number of times all rollback segments
shrank, eliminating one or more extents each time. The value format is an integer
(for example, 2). Each reduction eliminates 1 or more extents. Use this attribute to
monitor and tune performance.

Total Rollback Segments. The number of rollback segments regardless of their

status. The value format is an integer (for example, 11). This value is the total
number of the rows in the dba rollback segs table. It includes online and offline
rollback segments. Contention for rollback segments can result if there are not
enough rollback segments for transaction activity.

Total RBS Needing Recovery. The number of rollback segments needing recovery.
These rollback segments contain data that is corrupted or cannot be rolled back.

58 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

The value format is an integer (for example, 2). Use recovery techniques that can
recover the rollback segments by applying the changes from the redo log.

PCM Lock Conflict Detail attributes

Use parallel cache management (PCM) lock conflict attributes to monitor
distributed locks that cover one or more data blocks (table or index blocks) in the
buffer cache. Parallel cache management locks do not lock any rows on behalf of

Current Interval. The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous
sample and the current sample. A sample is the data that the monitoring agent
collects about the server instance. The value format is an integer. Use this attribute
to specify the amount of time between samples.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

PCM Lock Conversion Time. The time in seconds that it takes for a PCM lock
conversion to take place.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). This attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Process Detail attributes

Use Process Detail attributes to create situations that monitor a single process for a
server instance. These attributes provide detailed information that includes the
type and status of the process and ID associated with the process. This is a
multiple-instance group. You cannot mix these attributes with those of any other
multiple-instance group.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 59

Backgrnd Process. Indicates whether the process is a background process. For
example, the Database Writer (DBWR) and the Log Writer (LGWR) are background
processes. The following values are valid:
Yes Process is a background process.
No Process is a system process.

Identify the background processes for a server instance or orphaned background

processes that are consuming excessive CPU. The following list includes
background processes for a server instance:
v Archive (Arch)
v Checkpoint (CKPT)
v Database Writer (DBWR)
v Dispatcher (Dnnn)
v Lock (LCKn)
v Log Writer (LGWR)
v Process Monitor (PMON)
v Recoverer (RECO)
v System Monitor (SMON)

Current CPU Pct Used. The percentage of the CPU time the process has used of
the maximum CPU time allowed by the host. The value format is a percentage
with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a
percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the
decimal values, but omit the decimal point (type 10 to specify 10%). Use this
attribute to monitor performance and identify processes that consume excessive
CPU time.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Latch Address. If the process is waiting on a latch, this is the address in the
System Global Area (SGA) of the latch. The value format is an integer (for
example, 0). Identify the address of a process that is waiting for a latch. If the
process is not waiting on a latch, the value is 0.

Latch Wait. Indicates whether the process is waiting for a latch to be released. The
following values are valid: Yes and No.

Latches protect data within the SGA and provide quick access to database buffers.
Identify the processes, if any, that are waiting for latches.

60 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Oracle Process ID. The ID that the server instance assigned to the process. The
value format is an integer (for example, 10). Refer to this ID to help identify a

Oracle System Process. Indicates whether the process is a system process for
Oracle. The following values are valid:
Yes A background process.
No A non-background process.

Track processes for a variety of purposes, for example, to identify which processes
are background processes and which are operating system processes.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

OS Process ID. The process ID the operating system assigned to the process. The
value format is an integer (for example, 15112). An operating system process ID
exists if the process is on a multi-threaded server. Refer to this ID to help identify
the process.

Process Address. The address of the process that owns the session. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, 4001C194).
Refer to this attribute to identify the location of a process.

Process Run Time. The number of minutes that the process has been active. The
value format is mmmmm.ss and the following values are valid:
ss Seconds

For example, a value of 158850 indicates the process has been active for 1,588
minutes and 50 seconds. If you specify this value for a situation, include the
decimal values, but omit the decimal point. This attribute helps analyze time
requirement. Monitor the length of time a process has been active. Identify
processes that exceed a specified limit.

Process Serial Num. The serial number the server instance assigned to the process.
The value format is an integer (for example, 2). Refer to the serial number to help
identify the process.

Process Start Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates when the process started.

Program Name. The name of the program that is being executed by the process.
The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 30 characters and is not
case-sensitive. For example, the value oracle@candle (DBWR) is the name of a
program. Refer to the name of the program to help identify the process.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 61

with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Terminal ID. The terminal identifier specified by the operating system. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters. For example, the value
NULL identifies the type of terminal. Refer to the terminal ID to help identify the

Total CPU Time. The number of seconds of CPU time the process has used on the
host since the process started. The value format is a decimal with two decimal
places allowed. For example, a value of 225 indicates 2.25 seconds of CPU time. If
you specify this value for a situation, include the decimal values, but omit the
decimal point. Monitor the CPU time for a process or set an alert for a specific

Total Memory Alloc. The number of kilobytes (KB) of memory the operating
system allocated for the process. The value format is an integer (for example, 412).
The source of this value is the UNIX ps command. Consider the amount of
allocated memory and CPU usage when tuning system performance.

User ID. The identifier of the user using the session. The value format is
alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters. For example, a value of ORACLE1
is the identifier assigned to the user of the session. Refer to this ID to help identify
the process and user.

User ID (Unicode). The identifier of the user using the session. This attribute is
globalized. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 24 bytes. For
example, a value of ORACLE1 is the identifier assigned to the user of the session.
Refer to this ID to help identify the process and user.

Process Summary attributes

Use Process Summary attributes to create situations that monitor all the processes
for a server instance. These attributes report such information as CPU usage,
process activity, waits for latches, and system processes. This is a multiple-instance
group. You cannot mix these attributes with those of any other multiple-instance

ARCH Active. The flag setting for system Archive. The following values are valid:
Yes System Archive is active.
No System Archive is not active.

CKPT Active. The flag setting for system Check Point. The following values are
Yes System Check Point is active.
No System Check Point is not active.

Current Interval. The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous
sample and the current sample. A sample is the data that the monitoring agent
collects about the server instance. The value format is an integer, for example, 90.
Use this attribute to specify the amount of time between samples.

62 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle severs.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

LCK Active. The flag setting for system Locking. The following values are valid:
Yes System locking is active.
No System locking is not active.

LGWR Active. The flag setting for the System Log Writer. The following values are
Yes System Log Writer is active.
No System Log Writer is not active.

Max Processes Allowed. The maximum number of concurrent processes allowed

for the server instance. The value format is an integer (for example, 50). This value
is based on the Oracle default of 50 or an overriding initialization parameter.
Consider this value when monitoring active processes in general or particular
types of active processes.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Pct Max Processes Active. The percentage of the maximum number of allowable
concurrent processes that are active. The value format is a percentage with two
decimal places allowed in the range 0-100; the default is 50. For example, to specify
a percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes
the decimal values, but omit the decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%). The source
is the PROCESSES initialization parameter. It specifies the maximum number of
user processes that can simultaneously connect to an Oracle server. This maximum
includes background processes, such as, BWR. Consider this attribute when
monitoring active processes in general or particular types of active processes.

PMON Active. The flag setting for the system Process Monitor. The following
values are valid:
Yes System Process Monitor is active.
No System Process Monitor is not active.

Processes Waiting Latch. The number of processes that are waiting for a latch to
be released. The value format is an integer. For example, a value of 3 indicates that
3 processes were waiting on latches during the current interval. Latches protect
shared data structures in the System Global Area (SGA). How they are

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 63

implemented depends largely on the operating system. Monitor this attribute when
evaluating performance and the need to tune the SGA.

RECO Active. The flag setting for system Recovery Monitor. The following values
are valid:
Yes System Recovery Monitor is active.
No System Recovery Monitor is not active.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Server CPU Pct Application. The percentage of CPU time the processes for
applications are using on the host. The value includes the CPU that the Dispatcher
Process (Dnnn) and the Shared Server Processes (Snnn) for a multi-threaded server
are using. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the
range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in
the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point
(type 10 to specify 10%). This value includes user processes that execute the
applications and manage communications with the server processes. Use this
attribute to monitor the use of the CPU by application processes or set an alert for
a specified threshold.

Server CPU Pct System. The percentage of CPU time the processes for the server
instance are using on the host. This value includes the background processes such
as the Database Writer (DBWR) and Log Writer (LGWR). The value format is a
percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to
specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%).

This value includes the server processes that handle requests from connected user
processes and background processes, such as, Database Writer (DBWR). Use this
attribute to monitor the use of CPU by system processes or set an alert for a
specified threshold.

Shared Server Process Ratio. The current number of shared-server processes as a

percentage of the instance limit.

Shared Server Wait Time. The average wait time (in hundredths of a second) that
a request waits in the request queue.

Note: This attribute is relevant only if the instance is configured for the
multi-threaded server.

SMON Active. The flag setting for the System Monitor. The following values are
Yes System Monitor is active.

64 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

No System Monitor is not active.

SNP Active. The flag setting for the system Snapshot Refresh. The following
values are valid:
Yes System Snapshot Refresh is active.
No System Snapshot Refresh is not active.

Total Background. The number of background processes that are active. The value
format is an integer (for example, 5). The background processes are as follows:
v Archive (Arch)
v Checkpoint (CKPT)
v Database Writer (DBWR)
v Dispatcher (Dnnn)
v Lock (LCKn)
v Log Writer (LGWR)
v Process Monitor (PMON)
v Recoverer (RECO)
v System Monitor (DMON)
Use this attribute to monitor the use of CPU by system processes or set an alert for
a specific threshold.

Total Foreground. The number of foreground processes that are active. The value
format is an integer (for example, 50). Foreground processes are server processes
that handle requests for connected user processes. Monitor the use of CPU by
foreground processes or set an alert for a specific threshold.

Total Processes. The number of processes that are active for the server instance.
The value format is an integer. For example, a value of 55 indicates a total of 55
active processes.

This total includes all of the following:

v Application processes
v Background processes
v Foreground processes
v System processes
Monitor the use of CPU by foreground processes or set an alert for a specific

Rollback Segments attributes

Use Rollback Segments attributes to create situations that monitor active rollback
segments. These attributes provide information on their status, size, transaction
load, and shrinks. This is a multiple-instance group. You cannot mix these
attributes with those of any other multiple-instance group.

Avg Shrink Size. The average number of bytes that each rollback segment shrinks.
The value format is an integer (for example, 51200). The OPTIMAL size parameter
for a rollback segment enables Oracle to deallocate extents when their data is no
longer needed for active transactions.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 65

Avg Size of Active Extents. The average number of bytes in each active extent.
The value format is an integer (for example, 20480). These extents contain
uncommitted data. Use this data for tuning and performance purposes.

Buffer Busy Wait Pct. The percentage of waits to gets. A percentage greater than
1% implies contention. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places
allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a situation,
type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit
the decimal point (type 1 to specify 1%).

Bytes Written. The number of bytes written to each rollback segment. The value
format is an integer (for example, 650). Monitor this value to evaluate the sizing of
rollback segments. This data is reported by the Oracle WRITES statistic.

Current Block Number. The number of the block to which the rollback segment is
currently writing. The value format is an integer. This data is reported by the
Oracle CURBLOCK statistic.

Current Extent Number. The number of the extent to which the rollback segment
is currently writing. The value format is an integer (for example, 4). This data is
reported by the Oracle CUREXT statistic.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle severs.

Header Gets. The number of requests for headers of rollback segments that
resulted in gets. The value format is an integer (for example, 725). A high number
of header waits in comparison to header gets indicates poor performance.

Header Waits. The number of requests for headers of rollback segments that
resulted in waits. The value format is an integer (for example, 3). This data is
reported by the Oracle WAITS statistics. A high number of header waits in
comparison to header gets indicates poor performance.

High Water Mark Size. The high-water mark for the size of the rollback segment.
This value indicates the maximum number of bytes the rollback segment
contained. The value format is an integer (for example, 712700). This data is
reported by the HWMSIZE statistic in Oracle. Compare the number of bytes for
this attribute with the number of bytes for Optimal Size.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Number Active Transactions. The number of active transactions using this rollback
segment. The value format is an integer (for example, 7). This data is reported by
the Oracle XACTS statistic. Generally, 4 active transactions per rollback segment
supports good performance.

66 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Number Extents. The number of extents for a file, rollback segment, or tablespace.
The value format is an integer (for example, 2). The data is reported by the
EXTENTS statistic in Oracle.

Optimal Size. The optimal size of the rollback segment in bytes. The OPTIMAL
parameter determines this size. The value format is an integer. For example, a
value of 241664 indicates 241,664 bytes. Use of the OPTIMAL size parameter
enables Oracle to deallocate extents when they are not needed for active
transactions. Compare the number of bytes for the optimal size with the number of
bytes for the high water mark.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Rollback Segment Name. The name of the rollback segment. The value format is
alphanumeric with a maximum of 30 characters (for example, R02). You specify the
name when you create the rollback segment. Use this attribute to identify the
rollback segment.

Rollback Segment Name (Unicode). The name of the rollback segment. This
attribute is globalized. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 92
bytes (for example, R02). You specify the name when you create the rollback
segment. Use this attribute to identify the rollback segment.

Rollback Segment Number. The number of the rollback segment. The number of
the SYSTEM rollback segment is 0. The value format is an integer (for example, 0).
This value is reported by the USN statistic in Oracle. Use this information to
identify the rollback segment.

Rollback Segment Size. The size of the rollback segment converted from bytes to
kilobytes (KB). The value format is an integer (for example, 276). You specify size
when you create the rollback segment. Generally, use large rollback segments for
long-running updates and small rollback segments for online transaction
processing systems.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Segment Extends. The number of extends that each segment can use for extents.
The value format is an integer (for example, 2). Correct sizing of rollback segments
is important to achieve good performance. Monitor this attribute to evaluate the
sizing of a rollback segment.

Segment Shrinks. The number of times each rollback segment shrank. Each
reduction eliminates 1 or more extents. The value format is an integer (for
example, 3). This value is reported by the Oracle SHRINKS statistic. Oracle
automatically shrinks a rollback segment to its optimum size.

Segment Status. The status of the rollback segment. The following values are
Rollback segment is online.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 67

No transactions are using the rollback segment.
Rollback segment is going offline but some active transactions are still
using it.

This value is reported by the Oracle STATUS. Use this attribute to monitor and
tune performance.

Segment Wraps. The number of wraps from one extent to another. The value
format is an integer (for example, 2). This value is reported by the Oracle WRAPS
statistic. Use this attribute to monitor and tune performance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the database name and host name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Segments attributes
Use Segments attributes to create situations that monitor segments defined for a
tablespace. These segments provide detailed information regarding such data as
size, space usage, and fragmentation. This is a multiple-instance group. You cannot
mix these attributes with those of any other multiple-instance group.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle severs.

Free Space Deficit. Checks whether any segments are unable to allocate their next
extent because of insufficient free space in the tablespace, and not because the
segments reached MAXEXTENTS. The reported trigger value represents the
worst-case equity (available space less required space); a negative equity figure
means that the next extent for that segment will fail. It does not check objects of
segment_type CACHE. If the Exclude Rollback Segments argument is set to Yes,
the monitor does not check the free space in any rollback segments.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Initial Extent Size. The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the initial extent for
the segment. The value format is an integer (for example, 8). A default value of 10
kilobytes is common. This is the INITIAL EXTENT parameter specified for the
tablespace. Monitor this value for tuning data definition (DD) settings. For
example, an initial extent size that is too small can cause numerous extents to be
allocated and slow performance.

68 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Max Extents Specified. The maximum number of extents that can be allocated for
the segment. The minimum is 1. The maximum is operating system dependent.
The value format is an integer (for example, 10). This value is the default or the
value specified when the tablespace was created. This limit is not enforced for the
SYSTEM tablespace. Use this value as a benchmark when monitoring space usage,
the creation of extents, and performance.

Maximum Temp Extents Allocated. A percentage that indicates how close

temporary segments are to their maximum extents limit (the ratio, as a percentage,
of extents to the maximum extents limit).

A temporary segment is used whenever sorts are too large to be performed in

memory; that is, the amount of space required is greater than the value of the
init.ora parameter SORT_AREA_SIZE. Oracle creates a segment in the temporary
tablespace of the user who performs the sort operation. If the number of extents
for an object reaches the value of the MAXEXTENTS storage parameter, and the
object needs to allocate an additional extent, the operation fails. Check the storage
parameters for the temporary tablespace to ensure that they are appropriate for
your applications.

Note: Over time, the temporary tablespace becomes fragmented, and should be
dropped and recreated periodically. You can reduce the amount of
fragmentation by running the following command:
alter tablespace [tablespacename] coalesce;

You can create a dedicated temporary tablespace, in which a single

temporary segment is created. This segment is not dropped, and you can
avoid costs associated with creating and dropping temporary segments.

Min Extents Specified. The minimum number of extents that can be allocated for
the segment. The value format is an integer (for example, 2). The minimum is 2 for
rollback segments; the minimum is 1 for all other segments. This value is static.
Use this value as a benchmark when monitoring space usage, the creation of
extents, and performance.

Next Extent Size. The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the next extent for
the tablespace. The value format is an integer (for example, 8). This value is
operating system dependent. Oracle uses the value for Pct Extent Size Increase to
adjust the next extent size. Monitor this attribute for performance tuning.

Number Extents. The number of extents for a file, rollback segment, or tablespace.
The value format is an integer (for example, 5). The data is reported by the Oracle
EXTENTS statistic.

Number Freelist Groups. The number of groups of free lists allocated for the
segment. A free list is a list of available blocks. The value format is an integer (for
example, 2). The minimum value is 1. Oracle maintains one or more free lists for
each table and index segment. Multiple free lists for a segment reduce contention
when concurrent inserts occur.

Number Freelists Allocated. The number of free lists allocated for each free list
group. The value format is an integer (for example, 3). This value should reflect the
number of concurrent inserts expected against the table. A free list is a list of
available blocks that are reserved for segment extents.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 69

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Pct Extent Size Increase. The percentage by which each successive extent will
increase in size. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed
in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a situation, type a
number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the
decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%). Size this percentage appropriately to avoid
excessive increases. Using a value of zero can prevent the space from growing out
of control.

Pct Max Extents Allocated. The percentage of possible extents that has been
allocated. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the
range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in
the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point
(type 50 to specify 50%). Use this attribute to monitor space usage, the creation of
extents, and performance.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Segment Name. The name of the segment. The value format is alphanumeric with
a maximum of 15 characters and is not case-sensitive. The segment name is
truncated in reports if it exceeds 15 characters.

Segment Name (Unicode). The name of the segment. This attribute is globalized.
The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 92 bytes and is not
case-sensitive. The segment name is truncated in reports if it exceeds 92 bytes.

Segment Owner. The name of the tablespace that owns the segment. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 15 characters and is not case-sensitive.
For example, a value of TEST1 is the name of the tablespace that owns the
segment. The value for the segment owner is truncated in reports if it exceeds 15
characters. Use this attribute to determine which segments a tablespace owns.

Segment Owner (Unicode). The name of the tablespace that owns the segment.
This attribute is globalized. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of
48 bytes and is not case-sensitive. For example, a value of TEST1 is the name of the
tablespace that owns the segment. The value for the segment owner is truncated in
reports if it exceeds 48 bytes. Use this attribute to determine which segments a
tablespace owns.

Segment Type. The type of segment. The following values are valid:
Segment for tables in a cluster.
Deferred Rollback
Rollback segment for distributed requests. Oracle creates this segment in
the SYSTEM sorting tablespace when it must defer distributed transaction
Segment for an index.

70 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Rollback segment.
Segment for a non-clustered table.
Temporary segment created for SQL.

Use this attribute to track information about extents and free lists by segment type.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the database name and host name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Tablespace Name. The name of the tablespace. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 30 characters and is not case-sensitive. For example, the value
KORDB is the name of a tablespace. Use this attribute to monitor a specific

Tablespace Name (Unicode). The name of the tablespace. This attribute is

globalized. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 92 bytes, and is
not case-sensitive. For example, the value KORDB is the name of a tablespace. Use
this attribute to monitor a specific tablespace.

Total Extents Not Allocated. The number of contiguous sets of data blocks for
storing data that are not in use.

Total Size. The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the file or tablespace. The
value format is an integer (for example, 400). The appropriate size is dependent on
need and usage. Use this attribute when analyzing the amount of free space and
reviewing the number of allocated extents.

Server attributes
Use Server attributes to create situations that monitor a server instance. These
attributes provide information about status, CPU usage, and size of items such as
the data cache and Oracle alert log. This is a multiple-instance group. You cannot
mix these attributes with those of any other multiple-instance group.

Archive Dest Pct Full. The percentage of space in the archive destination for the
redo log that is full. The value format is an integer expressed as a percentage with
two decimal places allowed. To specify a percentage for a situation, type a number
in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal
point. For example, type 50 to specify 50%. Monitor this value for
v Abnormal conditions
v Available storage for archiving redo logs
v Over use of the system
v Under use of the system
If the value is 0%, the archive destination might be a tape rather than a disk file
system, or the database might be running in NOARCHIVELOG mode.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 71

Archive Free Space. Monitors the amount of free space (in kilobytes) on the
archive destination device. The destination device is controlled by the
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter in the init.ora file for the instance. This monitor
is only applicable when the database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. If the
database is running in NOARCHIVELOG mode, the monitor returns a value of
NA. Use the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter in the init.ora file for the instance
to specify the location of the archiving device.

Note: This monitor does not support the evaluation of free space when archiving
to tape.

Archive Used Space. Monitors the space (in kilobytes) used by archived redo logs
in the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST directory. This monitor is only applicable when the
database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. If the database is running in
NOARCHIVELOG mode, the monitor returns a value of NA. This monitor can be
used to indicate how fast redo logs are being archived and when they should be
backed up to tape or another disk on the local system or on a remote system.

Collection Status. Indicates the status of the data collector. The data collector is the
part of the monitoring agent that collects information about the server instance.
The following values are valid:
Active Data collector is active.
Data collector failed to communicate with the server instance.
Data collector is active but cannot communicate with the probe.
Data probe cannot talk to the data collector.
Data collector cannot connect to the Oracle server instance or database.
Intelligent remote agent cannot communicate with the data collector.
Data collector is waiting for the server instance to restart.
Data collector is waiting for the server instance to start.

The collector must be active to report data. Monitor this attribute for abnormal

Current Interval. The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous
sample and the current sample. A sample is the data that the monitoring agent
collects about the server instance. The value format is an integer. Use this attribute
to specify the amount of time between samples.

Data Cache Size. The number of megabytes (MB) allocated to the buffer for the
data cache in the System Global Area (SGA). The value format is an integer with
two decimal places allowed. This value remains static for the server. The
initialization parameter, DB BLOCK BUFFERS, determines the size of the data
cache. Generally, a large, appropriately sized, data cache reduces disk I/O and
improves the performance of Oracle.

72 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters, and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

DB Mounted. Indicates whether the database for the server instance is mounted.
The following values are valid:
Yes Database is mounted.
No Database is not mounted.
Undetermined status. The database might be mounted but not open, or
open but not mounted.

The database must be mounted to report data. Set alerts to identify problems
associated with failing to mount a database on an active server.

DB Open. Indicates whether the database for the server instance is open and
available for use. The following values are valid:
Yes Database is mounted.
No Database is not mounted.
Undetermined status. The database might be mounted but not open, or
open but not mounted.

The database must be mounted to report data. Set alerts to identify problems
associated with failing to mount a database on an active server.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters, and is not case-sensitive.
The name of the host is specified when the operating system is installed. Use this
attribute and those for Database Name and Server to identify a specific Oracle

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Last Checkpoint Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
server instance performed the most recent checkpoint.

Log Buffer Size. The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated to the cache for the redo
log buffer in the System Global Area (SGA). The value format is an integer (for
example, 16384). A value of 16384 indicates 16,384 kilobytes. Log information in
this buffer is written to the redo logs. This value remains static for the life of the
server instance. The initialization parameter, LOG BUFFER, determines the size of
this buffer.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Percent Archive Free Space. The percent of free space on the archive destination
device. The destination device is controlled by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST
parameter in the init.ora file for the instance. This monitor is only applicable when

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 73

the database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. If the database is running in
NOARCHIVELOG mode, the monitor returns a value of 100 percent. Use the
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter in the init.ora file for the instance to specify the
location of the archiving device.

Note: This monitor does not support the evaluation of free space when archiving
to tape.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Server CPU Percent. The percentage of CPU used by all the system and
application processes for the server instance. The value format is a percentage with
two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. To specify a percentage for a
situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values,
but omit the decimal point. For example, type 10 to specify 10%. This attribute
value references the CPU used by all Oracle-connected processes. Set alerts to
monitor thresholds or to identify a source of CPU contention as being Oracle or
the operating system.

Server Status. The status of the server instance. The following values are valid:
Active Server is active.
Server is active but access is restricted to sessions having the RESTRICTED
SESSION system privilege.
Server is not active.
Server is being stopped.
Status of the Oracle server is unknown.

Use this attribute to monitor the server for abnormal status conditions or for
problems related to its status.

Server Version. The version of the Oracle server for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 10 characters (for example:
Use this attribute to monitor the different versions of the server that you might
have running.

SGA Pct Free. The percentage of free space currently in the System Global Area
(SGA). The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the
range 0-100. To specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the
Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For
example, type 20 to specify 20%. A large amount of consistently free space might

74 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

indicate wasted space. Conversely, too little free space can impair database
performance and reduce hit ratios. Monitor the adequacy of available free space in
the SGA.

Shared Pool Size. The number of megabytes (MB) allocated for the shared pool in
the System Global Area (SGA). The shared pool contains the library and dictionary
caches, and some user and server session information. The value format is an
integer with two decimal places allowed. Exclude the decimal point when you
specify a value for a situation. For example, type 350 to specify 3.5 megabytes.

This value is static for the life of the server. The size is based on the SHARED
POOL SIZE initialization parameter. The following list shows the contents of the
v Dictionary cache
v Library cache
v User information
v Server session information for multi-threaded server sessions

Time Since Startup. The number of minutes that have elapsed since the server
instance started. The value format is an integer. Soon after an Oracle server
instance starts, the reported throughput and performance ratios might not be
indicative of a real problem. Create situations with other attributes to monitor
server instances over an extended period of time. For example, identify
long-running applications that consume excessive resources.

Total Datafiles. The number of datafiles stored on the server.

Total OS CPU Percent. The percentage of CPU the operating system is using for
applications and system purposes. The value format is a percentage with two
decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. To specify a percentage for a situation,
type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit
the decimal point. For example, type 20 to specify 20%. This percentage includes
the CPU that the operating system is using for applications and system overhead.
Set alerts to monitor CPU threshold or to determine if a source of CPU contention
is the operating system.

Total Redo Logs. The number of redo logs that can be created before the disk is
full. This attribute uses the space available, in kilobytes, in the
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST directory to determine how many additional redo logs can
be created before the disk is full. If the database is running in NOARCHIVELOG
mode, the monitor returns a value of 999.

Total SGA Size. The number of megabytes (MB) allocated to the System Global
Area for the server instance. The value format is an integer with two decimal
places allowed. A value of 465 indicates that 4.65 megabytes are allocated for the
SGA. The SGA should always fit into memory to avoid paging or swapping to
disk. Set alerts to monitor thresholds for free space in the SGA and to evaluate
SGA sizing for each Oracle server.

Server Enterprise attributes

The Server Enterprise attributes provide the Oracle system identification, status
and version information for the enterprise view. This enterprise view applies to
Server, SGA, Cache, and Alert Log.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 75

Age of Last Error. The age of the last error in minutes. This value alerts you to
recent errors. The value format is an integer. For example, a value of 5 indicates
that the last reported error is 5 minutes old. This attribute helps monitor the
frequency of errors.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters, and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Data Cache Size. The number of megabytes (MB) allocated to the buffer for the
data cache in the System Global Area (SGA). The value format is an integer with
two decimal places allowed. This value remains static for the server. The
initialization parameter, DB BLOCK BUFFERS, determines the size of the data
cache. Generally, a large, appropriately sized, data cache reduces disk I/O and
improves the performance of Oracle.

DB Mounted. Indicates whether the database for the server instance is mounted.
The following values are valid:
Yes Database is mounted.
No Database is not mounted.
Undetermined status. The database might be mounted but not open, or
open but not mounted.

The database must be mounted to report data. Set alerts to identify problems
associated with failing to mount a database on an active server.

DB Open. Indicates whether the database for the server instance is open and
available for use. The following values are valid:
Yes Database is mounted.
No Database is not mounted.
Undetermined status. The database might be mounted but not open, or
open but not mounted.

The database must be mounted to report data. Set alerts to identify problems
associated with failing to mount a database on an active server.

Dictionary Total Cache Entries. The number of entries within the data dictionary
cache. The value format is an integer (for example, 1500). The cache contains
information on such items as users, tables, files, indexes, rollback segments, storage
information, and database security. Use a shared buffer pool large enough to
accommodate needed dictionary objects, shared SQL statements, and session

Dictionary Total Hit Percent. The percentage of times that requests to the
dictionary cache successfully found objects. The value format is a percentage with
two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a
percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the
decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 95 to specify 95%. A

76 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

value of 85% or better is usually a good value. This percentage is low soon after
start-up since many misses occur as the items are initially placed in the dictionary

Dictionary Total Scan Hit Percent. The percentage of times that requests to the
dictionary cache successfully found objects. The value format is a percentage in the
range 0-100 with two decimal places allowed. For example, to specify a percentage
for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal
values, but omit the decimal point (type 80 to specify 80%). Generally, the higher
the percentage, the better the performance.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters, and is not case-sensitive.
The name of the host is specified when the operating system is installed. Use this
attribute and those for Database Name and Server to identify a specific Oracle

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Library Total Execution Hit Pct. The percentage of get requests that accessed
initialized objects in the library cache. The value format is a percentage with two
decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for
a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal
values, but omit the decimal point (type 80 to specify 80%). A percentage of 90% or
better generally is a benchmark for good performance. Performance can be
improved by such techniques as the following:
v Writing and using identical SQL statements and blind variables
v Increasing the SHARED POOL SIZE parameter

Library Total Get Hit Percent. The percentage of get requests that accessed objects
in the library cache in the interval. The value format is a percentage with two
decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for
a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal
values, but omit the decimal point (type 90 to specify 90%). A value of 90% or
better is generally a benchmark of good performance. You can improve
performance by such techniques as
v Writing and using identical SQL statements and blind variables
v Increasing the SHARED POOL SIZE parameter

Log Buffer Size. The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated to the cache for the redo
log buffer in the System Global Area (SGA). The value format is an integer (for
example, 16384). A value of 16384 indicates 16,384 kilobytes. Log information in
this buffer is written to the redo logs. This value remains static for the life of the
server instance. The initialization parameter, LOG BUFFER, determines the size of
this buffer.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Redo Log Buff Immediate Percent Misses. The percentage of the redo immediate
gets that resulted in misses. The value format is a percentage with two decimal
places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a
situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values,
but omit the decimal point (type 5 to specify 5%). Contention for the redo log

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 77

buffer exists if the ratio for immediate misses to immediate gets is more than 1%.
Monitor this attribute to check for contention in the redo log buffer.

Redo Log Buff Willing To Wait Percent Misses. The percentage of the
willing-to-wait gets that resulted in misses. The value format is a percentage with
two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a
percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the
decimal values, but omit the decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%). Generally, a
value greater than 1% indicates contention for redo log allocation or redo copy
latches. Consider increasing the size of the LOG BUFFER parameter in 5%
increments to reduce contention.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Server CPU Percent. The percentage of CPU used by all the system and
application processes for the server instance. The value format is a percentage with
two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. To specify a percentage for a
situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values,
but omit the decimal point. For example, type 10 to specify 10%. This attribute
value references the CPU used by all Oracle-connected processes. Set alerts to
monitor thresholds or to identify a source of CPU contention as being Oracle or
the operating system.

Server Status. The status of the server instance. The following values are valid:
Active Server is active.
Server is active but access is restricted to sessions having the RESTRICTED
SESSION system privilege.
Server is not active.
Server is being stopped.
Status of the Oracle server is unknown.

Use this attribute to monitor the server for abnormal status conditions or for
problems related to its status.

SGA Pct Free. The percentage of free space currently in the System Global Area
(SGA). The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the
range 0-100. To specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the
Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For
example, type 20 to specify 20%. A large amount of consistently free space might

78 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

indicate wasted space. Conversely, too little free space can impair database
performance and reduce hit ratios. Monitor the adequacy of available free space in
the SGA.

Shared Pool Size. The number of megabytes (MB) allocated for the shared pool in
the System Global Area (SGA). The shared pool contains the library and dictionary
caches, and some user and server session information. The value format is an
integer with two decimal places allowed. Exclude the decimal point when you
specify a value for a situation. For example, type 350 to specify 3.5 megabytes. This
value is static for the life of the server. The size is based on the SHARED POOL
SIZE initialization parameter. The following list shows the contents of the pool:
v Dictionary cache
v Library cache
v User information
v Server session information for multi-threaded server sessions

Timestamp Last Error. The time of the last error.

Total Errors for Interval. The number of errors that have been reported for the last
interval. The value format is an integer. This value is based on information from
the alert log. Monitor this attribute to determine if there are new errors.

Total Errors Since Startup. The number of errors reported since the instance
started. The value format is an integer. For example, a value of 3 indicates that
three errors have occurred since the start of the instance. This value is based on
information from the alert log. Compare this value with that for current errors.

Total OS CPU Percent. The percentage of CPU the operating system is using for
applications and system purposes. The value format is a percentage with two
decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. To specify a percentage for a situation,
type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit
the decimal point. For example, type 20 to specify 20%. This percentage includes
the CPU that the operating system is using for applications and system overhead.
Set alerts to monitor CPU threshold or to determine if a source of CPU contention
is the operating system.

Total SGA Size. The number of megabytes (MB) allocated to the System Global
Area for the server instance. The value format is an integer with two decimal
places allowed. A value of 465 indicates that 4.65 megabytes are allocated for the
SGA. The SGA should always fit into memory to avoid paging or swapping to
disk. Set alerts to monitor thresholds for free space in the SGA and to evaluate
SGA sizing for each Oracle server.

Server Options attributes

Use Server Options attributes to create situations that monitor a server instance.
These attributes provide information on status, CPU usage, and size of items such
as the data cache and Oracle alert log. This is a multiple-instance group. You
cannot mix these attributes with those of any other multiple-instance group. These
attributes report settings for server options and operating system information. This
is a multiple-instance group. You cannot mix these attributes with those of any
other multiple-instance group.

CKPT Proc Enabled. Indicates whether the checkpoint (CKPT) process is enabled.
The following values are valid:

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 79

Yes Starts an additional process to provide for quicker checkpoint processing.
No Does not start an additional process. The database writer (DBWR) process
updates the headers.

Check this setting when diagnosing possible bottlenecks. If the CHECKPOINT

process is disabled, a bottleneck can occur during checkpoint processing as the file
headers are updated in open files.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The valid
format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 8 characters, and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Distrib Avail. Indicates whether the distributed option is installed and available
for use. Yes and No are valid values.

This option is always available. Use this attribute to confirm whether distributed
connections are allowed to and from the Oracle server.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 64 characters, not case-sensitive (for
example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating system is
installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to identify a
specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

OS Type. The type of operating system for the Oracle server. The value format is
alphanumeric, with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, AIX). AIX is a type of
UNIX operating system. This value remains static for the server instance. Verify the
type of operating system on which the Oracle server is running. You can identify a
group of servers that are using the same type of operating system, for example,

OS Version. The version of the operating system for the Oracle server. The value
format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, 3.2). This
value is static. Identify and monitor a group of servers that are using the same
version level of the operating system. Confirm the version of the operating system
on which the Oracle server is running.

Par-Q Avail. Indicates whether the parallel query option is installed and available
for use. Yes and No are valid values.

This value is static for the life of the server. Identify whether OPS is installed for

Par-S Avail. Indicates whether the parallel server option is installed and available
for use. Yes and No are valid values.

80 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

This value is static for the life of the server instance. Identify whether the Oracle
parallel query option is available for each Oracle.

Release Status. Indicates the status of the release of the Oracle server. The
following values are valid:
Release is a development release from Oracle.
Release is a production release from Oracle.

This value is static. Check this attribute to verify whether the Oracle server code is
a production release or a development release.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric,
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

SQL Trc Enabled. Indicates whether the global SQL trace facility is enabled. The
following values are valid:
Yes Global trace facility is enabled to generate statistics.
No Global trace facility is disabled to avoid the generation of statistics.

The SQL trace facility generates statistics about the performance of the SQL
statements executed for the server instance. Using the trace facility increases
overhead and the use of resources for logging. Monitor the use of this option when
identifying sources of heavy demands on the system resources. Set an alert to
check for its unintentional use.

Startup Timestamp. Indicates the date and time the server instance started.

Timed Stats. Indicates whether the server instance collects additional timing
statistics. The following values are valid:
Yes Timed statistics option is enabled to collect certain performance values.
No Timed statistics option is disabled. Oracle does not collect additional
statistics for certain performance values.

This value remains static for the server instance; it is an initialization parameter.
Using the option for timed statistics provides useful timing values but increases

Session Detail attributes

Use Session Detail attributes to create situations that monitor a single session for a
server instance. These attributes provide detailed information that includes data
such as the session status, waits, gets, and locks. This is a multiple-instance group.
You cannot mix these attributes with those of any other multiple-instance group.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 81

Client Host Name. The operating system name of the host computer for the client
application. The value format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 64 characters,
not case-sensitive (for example, Candle). Use this attribute to identify a specific

Client Process ID. The process ID taken from the host computer that is running
the client application. The value format is an integer (for example, 49685). Use this
attribute to identify a specific session.

Client User ID. The user name for this session. The value format is alphanumeric,
with a maximum of 8 characters, and is not case-sensitive (for example, SYS). Use
this attribute to identify a specific session.

Client User ID (Unicode). The user name for this session. This attribute is
globalized. The value format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 24 bytes, and is
not case-sensitive (for example, SYS). Use this attribute to identify a specific

Command. The name of the command the session is executing. The following
commands are valid:

Use this attribute to identify the command that is associated with the process for
the session.

Currently Waiting. Indicates whether the session is waiting for a resource or event.
The following values are valid: Yes and No.

Monitor this attribute to identify potential problem sessions and applications.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 8 characters, and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Event or Resource Waiting On. If the session is waiting for a resource or event,
this is the name of the event or resource for which the session is waiting. The
value format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 20 characters, and is not
case-sensitive (for example, ’client message’). This attribute is true for the current
interval. Monitor the locks on transactions to identify potential problems or
persistent locks.

Event or Resource Waiting On (Unicode). If the session is waiting for a resource

or event, this is the name of the event or resource for which the session is waiting.
This attribute is globalized. The value format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of
60 bytes, and is not case-sensitive (for example, ’client message’). Only the first 20

82 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

bytes are saved. This attribute is true for the current interval. Monitor the locks on
transactions to identify potential problems or persistent locks.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 64 characters, and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Lock Address. If the session is waiting for a lock to be released, this is the address
of the data or resource that is locked. The value format is an integer (for example,
1531). Monitor the locks on transactions to identify potential problems or persistent

Open Cursors. The greatest number of open cursors in a specific session, reported
as a percentage of the limit that the OPEN_CURSORS parameter defines in the
init.ora file for the instance.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

PCM Conversion Waits. For sessions that are waiting for a PCM lock, Event or
Resource Waiting on is lock element cleanup, this value represents how long (in
seconds) those sessions have been waiting.

Process Address. The address of the process that owns the session. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, 4001C194).
Refer to this attribute to identify the location of a process.

Program Name. The name of the program that is being executed by the process.
The value format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 30 characters, and is not
case-sensitive (for example, oracle@candle (DBWR). The value, oracle@candle
(DBWR), is the name of a program. This information is reported for a process.
Refer to the name of the program to help identify the process.

Run Time. The number of minutes that the process has been active. The value
format is mmmmm.ss and the following values are valid:
ss Seconds

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Schema Name. The name of the user schema for the session. The value format is
alphanumeric, with a maximum of 8 characters, and is not case-sensitive (for
example, CANDLE2). Use this attribute as an additional identifier for the user

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 83

Schema Name (Unicode). The name of the user schema for the session. This
attribute is globalized. The value format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 24
bytes, and is not case-sensitive (for example, CANDLE2). Use this attribute as an
additional identifier for the user schema.

Schema User ID. The identifier for the server instance assigned to the user schema
for the session. The value format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 8 characters
(for example, 19). Use this attribute as an additional identifier for the user schema.

Serial Number. The serial number the server instance assigned to the session. The
value format is an integer (for example, 5935). Oracle assigns this value at the start
of the session. Use this attribute to identify a specific session.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Server Type. The type of server connection for the session. The following values
are valid:

For example, a value of DEDICATED identifies the type of server connection. Use
this attribute to identify the type of server being used by a session.

Session Hit Percent. The percentage of requests that have retrieved data from the
cache during the session. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places
allowed in the range 0-100. To specify a percentage for a situation, type a number
in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal
point, for example, 60. Achieving a high percentage of hits improves performance.
Retrieving data from cache memory saves the overhead associated with disk I/O.
Use this attribute to monitor the percentage of hits on the data cache. Consider
increasing the size of the data cache to tune performance if necessary.

Session ID. The session identifier for the server instance. The value format is an
integer (for example, 8). This value is assigned at the start of a specific session. Use
this value to identify a specific session.

Session Status. Indicates the status of the session. The following values are valid:

This value reports the status for the current interval. Monitor session status and
identify killed sessions. Determine if orphaned background processes for killed
sessions are still running and consuming excessive CPU.

Session Type. The type of process for the session. The following values are valid:

84 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Terminal ID. The terminal identifier specified by the operating system. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters. The value, NULL,
identifies the type of terminal. Refer to the terminal ID to help identify the process.

Total Block Changes. The number of block changes that have occurred during the
session. The value format is an integer. This value reflects the number of data
blocks that were written during the session. Use this attribute to monitor change
activity for data blocks.

Total Block Gets. The number of gets for single blocks that have occurred during
the session. The value format is an integer. A get for a single block does not use a
consistent get to access the data. Monitor this attribute with others for memory
tuning purposes.

Total Consistent Changes. Number of times the server instance used a consistent
change for this session. The value format is an integer. A consistent change
indicates a request for a certain class of data. This count is from the start of the
session. Monitor this attribute, along with others, for memory tuning purposes.

Total Consistent Gets. The number of times the server instance used a consistent
get to retrieve data for the session. The value format is an integer. A consistent get
indicates a request for a certain class of data. This count is from the start of the
session. Monitor this attribute, along with others, for memory and contention
tuning purposes.

Total Physical Reads. The number of physical reads that have occurred during the
session. A physical read occurs when the server instance accesses data on disk. The
value format is an integer. Physical reads retrieve data from disk when it is not
available in the buffer cache. Monitor this attribute along with others for tuning
I/O performance and memory allocation.

User ID. The identifier of the user using the session. The value format is
alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters. For example, a value of ORACLE1
is the identifier assigned to the user of the session. Refer to this attribute to help
identify the process and user.

User ID (Unicode). The identifier of the user using the session. This attribute is
globalized. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 24 bytes. For
example, a value of ORACLE1 is the identifier assigned to the user of the session.
Refer to this attribute to help identify the process and user.

Waiting On Lock. Indicates whether the session is waiting for a lock to be

released. The following values are valid:
Yes Transaction is waiting for a lock.
No Transaction is not waiting for a lock.

Monitor the locks on transactions to identify potential problems or persistent locks.

Session Summary attributes

Use Session Summary attributes to create situations that monitor all the sessions
for a server instance. These attributes provide such information as the number of
sessions, the limit set on the maximum number of sessions, and the number of
sessions waiting for locks. This is a multiple-instance group. You cannot mix these
attributes with those of any other multiple-instance group.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 85

Active Sessions. Number of sessions with the status of active. The value format is
an integer (for example, 15). Monitor this attribute and compare it with the values
for Total Sessions and other types of sessions.

Current Interval. The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous
sample and the current sample. A sample is the data that the monitoring agent
collects about the server instance. The value format is an integer (for example, 90).
Use this attribute to specify the amount of time between samples.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 8 characters, and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Dedicated Server Connects. The number of sessions using dedicated connections.

The value format is an integer (for example, 15). Dedicated connections provide the
pathways for dedicated processes, which are not shared.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 64 characters, and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

HWM Sessions Seen. The largest number of sessions that were active at one time
for the server instance. The value format is an integer (for example, 16). Monitor
this attribute and compare it with the value for MAX Sessions Allowed. Determine
if you need to increase the limit specified for concurrent sessions.

Inactive Sessions. The number of sessions with the status of inactive. The value
format is an integer (for example, 4). A session is inactive if it is not making an
SQL call. Monitor this attribute and compare it with the attributes for Total
Sessions and other sessions.

Killed Sessions. The number of killed sessions which are waiting to be purged by
the Oracle SMON process. The value format is an integer in the range 0-9999 (for
example, 10). Killed sessions are waiting to be purged by the SMON process. They
continue to count towards the resource limits set for the user. Monitor this
attribute and compare it with the values for Total Sessions and other types of

Max Sessions Allowed. The maximum number of sessions that are allowed to be
active at one time for the server instance. The value format is an integer (for
example, 50). The minimum is 0. The maximum is determined by the number of
user licenses. Monitor this attribute and compare it with the high-water mark for
concurrent sessions. Determine if you need to tune initialization parameters and
coordinate configuration settings for the operating system.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

86 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Other Connects. The number of pseudo sessions. The value format is an integer
(for example, 1). Sessions, such as killed sessions, are associated with a pseudo
server. Compare this attribute with those for dedicated and shared connections.

Pct Max Sessions Active. The percentage of the maximum number of allowed
sessions that are currently active for the server instance. The value format is a
percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. To specify a
percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the
decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 50 to specify 50%.
This attribute helps determine the current usage level for the server. If appropriate,
define situations to monitor high usage of a server instance.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Sessions Waiting On Lock. The number of sessions that are waiting for locks to be
released. The value format is an integer (for example, 1). Sessions waiting on locks
continue to use resources. Monitor situations in which killed processes continue to
hold locks.

Shared Server Connects. The number of sessions using shared processes. The
value format is an integer (for example, 4). These sessions are running on
multi-threaded (MTS) servers. Compare this attribute value with those for
dedicated and other connections.

Total Sessions. The number of sessions that are connected for the server instance.
This value includes sessions with a status of active, inactive, and killed. The value
format is an integer (for example, 20). This value helps determine the current
usage level for the server instance. Monitor this attribute and compare its value
with those for other types of sessions and the maximum number of concurrent

SGA Memory attributes

Use SGA Memory attributes to create situations that monitor the System Global
Area (SGA) for a server instance. These attributes provide detailed information that
includes the amount of free space in the SGA and size data for the SGA, the
shared pool, and the redo buffer. This is a multiple-instance group. You cannot mix
these attributes with those of any other multiple-instance group.

Data Cache Size. The number of megabytes (MB) allocated to the buffer for the
data cache in the SGA. The value format is an integer with two decimal places
allowed. (for example, 100). This value remains static for the server. The
initialization parameter, DB BLOCK BUFFERS, determines the size of the data
cache. Generally, a large, appropriately sized, data cache reduces disk I/O and
improves the performance of Oracle.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 87

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters, and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 64 characters, and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Log Buffer Size. The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated to the cache for the redo
log buffer in the SGA. The value format is an integer (for example, 16384). A value
of 16384 indicates 16,384 kilobytes. Log information in this buffer is written to the
redo logs. This value remains static for the life of the server instance. The
initialization parameter, LOG BUFFER, determines the size of this buffer.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

SGA Maximum Percent Free. The highest percentage of free space that the SGA
experienced during collection for the server instance. The value format is a
percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100 (for example, 25).
To specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 25 to
specify 25%. No free space in the SGA can result in high overhead for disk I/O.
Monitor the SGA free space for its high, low, and current values. Consistently low
free space can impair hit ratios and performance. Consistently high free space
wastes space.

SGA Minimum Percent Free. The lowest percentage of free space that the SGA
experienced during data collection for the server instance. The value format is a
percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100 (for example, 5). To
specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 5 to
specify 5%. No free space in the SGA can result in high overhead for disk I/O.
Monitor the SGA free space for its high, low, and current values. Consistently low
free space can impair hit ratios and performance. Maintaining a 5% minimum
amount of free space is advisable.

88 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

SGA Percent Data Cache. The percentage of the SGA that the server instance uses
for the buffer cache. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places
allowed in the range 0-100 (for example, 10). Monitor the size of the data cache to
tune database performance. Too small a buffer decreases cache hits and increases
overhead for disk I/O.

SGA Percent Dict Cache. The percentage of the SGA that the server instance uses
for the data dictionary cache. The value format is a percentage with two decimal
places allowed in the range 0-100 (for example, 10). To specify a percentage for a
situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values,
but omit the decimal point. For example, type 10 to specify 10%. Oracle accesses
the data dictionary cache to parse SQL statements and to allocate storage at
runtime. An undersized dictionary cache can reduce database performance by 50%
or more. Monitor the size of the dictionary cache to tune database performance. An
appropriately sized dictionary cache
v Improves performance on SQL statements
v Limits recursive calls
v Reduces misses and overhead for disk I/O

SGA Percent Free. The percentage of free space currently in the SGA. The value
format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100 (for
example, 20). To specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the
Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For
example, type 20 to specify 20%. A large amount of consistently free space might
indicate wasted space. Conversely, too little free space can impair database
performance and reduce hit ratios. Monitor the adequacy of available free space in
the SGA.

SGA Percent Library Cache. The percentage of the SGA that the server instance
uses for the library cache. The value format is a percentage with two decimal
places allowed in the range 0-100 (for example, 20). To specify a percentage for a
situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values,
but omit the decimal point. For example, type 20 to specify 20%.

Whenever Oracle needs an SQL statement for an execute call, it checks the library
cache to see if the parsed statement is available in memory. Monitor the size of the
library cache to tune database performance. An appropriately sized library cache
v Increases hits for parsed SQL statements
v Reduces CPU usage for SQL parsing
v Saves I/O calls
v Eliminates excessive loading and dropping of SQL statements

SGA Percent Other. The percentage of the SGA that the server instance uses to
store other memory structures. The value format is a percentage with two decimal
places allowed in the range 0-100 (for example, 19). To specify a percentage for a
situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values,
but omit the decimal point. For example, type 19 to specify 19%. Other memory
structures include such items as locking information, information communicated
between processes, and the request and response queues for a multi-threaded
server. Monitor the amount of SGA that other memory structures use.

SGA Percent PL/SQL. The percentage of the SGA that the server instance uses for
storing PL/SQL. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed
in the range 0-100 (for example, 1). To specify a percentage for a situation, type a

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 89

number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the
decimal point. For example, type 1 to specify 1%. The PL/SQL objects can include
procedures, functions, and packages. Monitor the space being used by the PL/SQL
objects. Sufficient space enables Oracle to store compiled procedures and packages
in memory so that they can be shared and executed quickly.

SGA Percent SQL Area. The percentage of the SGA that the server instance uses
as a shared SQL area. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places
allowed in the range 0-100 (for example, 40). To specify a percentage for a
situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values,
but omit the decimal point. For example, type 40 to specify 40%. The shared SQL
area is the part of the shared pool that the server instance uses for executing SQL
statements. Monitor the amount of SGA reserved for the SQL area to tune database

Shared Pool Size. The number of megabytes (MB) allocated for the shared pool in
the SGA. The shared pool contains the library and dictionary caches, and some
user and server session information. The value format is an integer with two
decimal places allowed (for example, 350). Exclude the decimal point when you
specify a value for a situation. For example, type 350 to specify 3.5 megabytes.

This value is static for the life of the server. The size is based on the SHARED
POOL SIZE initialization parameter. The shared pool contains the
v Dictionary cache
v Library cache
v User information
v Server session information for multi-threaded server sessions

Total SGA Size. The number of megabytes (MB) allocated to the SGA for the
server instance. The value format is an integer with two decimal places allowed
(for example, 465). A value of 465 indicates that 4.65 megabytes are allocated for
the SGA. The SGA should always fit into memory to avoid paging or swapping to
disk. Set alerts to monitor thresholds for free space in the SGA and to evaluate
SGA sizing for each Oracle server.

SQL Text Full attributes

Use SQL Text Full attributes to create situations that monitor the SQL statements
loaded in the library cache. These attributes provide the detailed text contained in
those statements. This is a multiple-instance group. You cannot mix these attributes
with those of any other multiple-instance group.

Address. An address that identifies a uniquely cached cursor. The value format is
alphanumeric, with a maximum of 8 characters, and is not case-sensitive (for
example, D01FB374).

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric, a maximum of 8 characters, and is not case-sensitive (for
example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Hash Value. A value that is paired with the SQL ADDRESS to identify a uniquely
cached cursor. The value format is an integer (for example, 1346913543). The
system automatically assigns the value for this attribute.

90 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric, with a maximum of 64 characters, and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Section Number. A number used to sort the pieces of SQL text. The value format
is an integer (for example, 0). This attribute controls the presentation of
information in the SQL Text report.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Session ID. The session identifier for the server instance. The value format is an
integer (for example, 8). This value is assigned at the start of a specific session. Use
this value to identify a specific session.

SQL Text. A complete or partial SQL statement. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 60 characters, and is not case-sensitive (for example, lock table
sys.table2 in exclusive mode). Any portion of the text exceeding 60 characters is
truncated. Use this attribute to monitor specific text in SQL statements.

SQL Text (Unicode). A complete or partial SQL statement. This attribute is

globalized. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 192 bytes, and is
not case-sensitive (for example, lock table sys.table2 in exclusive mode). Any
portion of the text exceeding 60 bytes is truncated. Use this attribute to monitor
specific text in SQL statements.

Statistics Detail attributes

Use Statistics Detail attributes to create situations that monitor system-wide
statistics for a server instance. These attributes provide detailed information about
each statistic that includes the average, maximum, and minimum delta values. This
is a multiple-instance group. You cannot mix these attributes with those of any
other multiple-instance group.

Avg Value (per Sec.). The average delta value per second for the statistic during
the current interval. The value format is a decimal number with two decimal
places allowed in the range 0-2147483647.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 91

This value indicates the norm for the statistic during the current interval. Monitor
this average for performance and tuning information. If the value for a statistic
exceeds 2147483647, the following events occur:
v The server instance resets the value to 0.
v The value for Stat Wrap Around is set to Yes to indicate that the value for Total
Since Startup is not valid.
v The value for Current Value includes the adjustments and contains the valid
delta value for the statistic.

Avg Value (per Tran). The average delta value per transaction for the statistic
during the current interval. A transaction includes commits and rollbacks. The
value format is a decimal number with two decimal places allowed in the range
0-2147483647. This value indicates the norm for the statistic during the current
interval. Monitor this average for performance and tuning information. If the value
for a statistic exceeds 2147483647, the following events occur:
v The server instance resets the value to 0.
v The value for Stat Wrap Around is set to Yes to indicate that the value for Total
Since Startup is not valid.
v The value for Current Value includes the adjustments and contains the valid
delta value for the statistic.

Current Interval. The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous
sample and the current sample. A sample is the data that the monitoring agent
collects about the server instance. The value format is an integer. Use this attribute
to specify the amount of time between samples.

Current Value. The delta value for the statistic of the last two samples taken. The
value format is an integer in the range 0-2147483647. The server instance stores
values for statistics within the range 0-2147483647. If the value for a statistic
exceeds 2147483647, the following events occur:
v The server instance resets the value to 0.
v Resets the value for Stat Wrap Around to Yes to indicate the value for Total
Since Startup is not valid.
v The value for Current Value includes the adjustments and contains the valid
delta value for the statistic.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters, and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters, and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Maximum Seen. The largest delta value for the statistic during an interval. An
interval is the time that elapses between two samples. The value format is an
integer in the range 0-2147483647. Monitor this data for performance information.
If the value for a statistic exceeds 2147483647, the following events occur:

92 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

v The server instance resets the value to 0.
v The value for Stat Wrap Around changes to Yes to indicate that the value for
Total Since Startup is not valid.
v The value for Current Value includes the adjustments and contains the valid
delta value for the statistic.

Minimum Seen. The smallest delta value for the statistic during an interval. An
interval is the time that elapses between two samples. The value format is an
integer in the range 0-2147483647. Monitor this attribute for performance
information. If the value for a statistic exceeds 2147483647, the following events
v The server instance resets the value to 0.
v The value for Stat Wrap Around changes to Yes to indicate that the value for
Total Since Startup is not valid.
v The value for Current Value includes the adjustments and contains the valid
delta value for the statistic.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Stat Class. The classification the server instance assigned to the statistic that
indicates the class of the statistic. The value format is an integer. The server
instance assigns this value. Monitor any possible relationship between a class of
statistic and performance.

Stat ID. The numeric identifier for the statistic. The value format is an integer. The
name of the statistic can change for a release of Oracle, but the Stat ID for the
statistic remains the same. Use this numeric identifier instead of the name of the
statistic when you create a situation.

Stat Name. The name of the Oracle statistic. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 40 characters (for example, DBWR). The value, DBWR, is the
name of a statistic. The name of the statistic can change for a release of Oracle, but
the numeric ID for the statistic remains the same. Use the numeric ID instead of
the name of the statistic when you create a situation.

Stat Name (Unicode). The name of the Oracle statistic. This attribute is globalized.
The value format is alphanumeric and is the first 40 bytes (for example, DBWR) of
the Oracle statistic name.

Stat Wrap Around. Indicates whether the server instance has reset the value for
the statistics to 0 since the server instance was started. The following values are

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 93

Yes The statistic exceeded 2147483647 and was reset by the server instance. The
value for the Total Since Startup attribute is not valid.
No The statistic has not been reset. The value for the Total Since Startup
attribute is valid.

If the value for a statistic exceeds 2147483647, the following events occur:
v The server instance resets the value to 0.
v The value for Stat Wrap Around is Yes to indicate that the value for Total Since
Startup is not valid.
v The value for Current Value includes the adjustments and contains the valid
delta value for the statistic.

Total Since Startup. The total of all values for the statistic since the server instance
was started. The value format is an integer. This value is valid unless the server
instance has reset the statistic. Check the Stat Wrap Around attribute to determine
if the statistic has been reset.

Statistics Enterprise attributes

The Statistics Enterprise attributes provide Enterprise information for the following
categories: Statistics, Processes, Sessions, Lock Conflicts, Roll Back Segments, and

Active Sessions. Number of sessions with the status of active. The value format is
an integer (for example, 15). Monitor this attribute and compare it with the values
for Total Sessions and other types of sessions.

Archive Log Mode Enabled. Indicates whether the ARCHIVELOG mode is

enabled for the database. The following values are valid:
Yes Enables automatic archiving of full, online redo logs.
No Disables automatic archiving of full, online redo logs.

This option guarantees recovery of all committed transactions and permits online
backups while the database is mounted but not open. It copies full redo logs before
they are overwritten.

Auto Archive. Indicates whether the server instance archives the redo log files
automatically or manually. The following values are valid:
Yes Indicates automatic archiving when an online redo log becomes full.
No Indicates manual archiving is a manual operation.

Archiving full redo log files provides a way to achieve a complete recovery of all
transactions. To enable automatic archiving use the ALTER DATABASE command
and the ARCHIVELOG option.

Average Extents Per Rollback Seg. The average number of extents per rollback
segment. The value format is a decimal with two decimal places allowed (for
example, 3.50). Every rollback segment must have at least two extents. Numerous
extents negatively impact performance. For good performance, keep the number of
extents to a minimum. Assign users to large rollback segments for long-running
updates. Keep other rollback segments small.

94 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Avg Time Between CHKPTs. The average number of minutes that have elapsed
between checkpoints since the server instance was last started. The value format is
a decimal with two decimal places allowed. To specify a value for a situation, type
a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the
decimal point. Oracle automatically performs a checkpoint whenever a redo log
file fills up. Frequent checkpoints can reduce recovery time but also reduce
run-time performance.

Current Session Logons. The number of currently open sessions (logons). The
value format is an integer.

Data Cache Hit Pct. The percentage of all requests for data that were hits during
the current interval. A hit occurs when the server instance accesses the data cache
for requested data instead of accessing disk storage. The value format is a
percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. To specify a
percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the
decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 20 to specify 20%. A
hit occurs when the server instance accesses the requested data in the data cache. It
does not have to access the data on disk.

DB Block Size. The number of bytes allocated for the data blocks in the database.
The value format is an integer in the range 0-9728l. Increments are in multiple
bytes of 512; for example 4096. This database block size determines how the
database uses and allocates free space. Common values are 2048 and 4096 bytes.
Consider data block size when managing disk space and memory resources.
Generally, a larger block size improves performance; a minimum of 2048 bytes is

DB Files Open. The number of files in the database that are open. The value
format is an integer (for example, 25). This value is the total of all files having an
ACTIVE status.

DB Pct Free Space. The percentage of free space in the database. The value format
is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example,
to specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%).
Monitoring Agent for Oracle calculates this percentage from the number of free
blocks in the database and the number of allocated data blocks for the database.
Set alerts for abnormal conditions. Evaluate the need for adding more file space to
the database. Double-click the row to identify which tablespaces are low in free

Dedicated Server Connects. The number of sessions using dedicated connections.

The value format is an integer (for example, 15). Dedicated connections provide the
pathways for dedicated processes, which are not shared.

Enqueue Waits. The number of processes that were waiting for a lock to be
released during the current interval. Oracle records each lock as an enqueue. The
value format is an integer. The number of resources that can be locked is
determined by values specified for processes. Monitor this attribute when tuning

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Logical Reads. The average number of logical reads per second performed by the
sessions during the current interval. The value format is a decimal with two

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 95

decimal places allowed. To specify a value for a situation, type a number in the
Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For
example, type 500 to specify an average of 5.00 logical reads per second. Using
logical reads rather than physical reads improves performance. Use this attribute
when tuning I/O performance.

Max Processes Allowed. The maximum number of concurrent Oracle processes

allowed. The value is an integer with a maximum of 4 characters.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Pct Max DML Locks. The percentage of allowable data manipulation locks (DML)
currently being used. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places
allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a situation,
type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit
the decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%). Transaction will fail if they cannot
acquire the needed locks. Monitor this percentage to evaluate the setting of the
DML LOCKS initialization parameter.

Pct Max Files Open. The percentage of files that are open of the maximum
number of files allowed open at one time for the database. The value format is a
percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to
specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%).
Monitor this percentage to ensure that it remains under 100%. Increase the limit for
database files if necessary. Also review the other limits on open data files set
during the creation of the database and by the operating system.

Pct Max Processes Active. The total number of processes shown as a percentage of
the maximum number of processes concurrently allowed.

Pct Max Sessions Active. The percentage of the maximum number of allowed
sessions that are currently active for the server instance. The value format is a
percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100 (for example, 50).
To specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 50 to
specify 50%. This attribute helps determine the current usage level for the server. If
appropriate, define situations to monitor high usage of a server instance.

Physical Reads. The average number of physical reads per second performed by
the sessions during the current interval. A physical read occurs when the server
instance accesses data on disk. The value format is an integer with two decimal
places allowed. Physical reads retrieve data from disk when it is not available in
the buffer cache. Physical reads reduce performance by suspending CPU activity.
Monitor this attribute for tuning I/O performance.

Physical Writes. The average number of physical writes per second performed by
the sessions during the current interval. The value format is an integer with two
decimal places allowed. Physical writes reduce performance by suspending CPU
activity. Monitor this attribute along with others for tuning I/O performance.

Processes Waiting Latch. The number of processes waiting on a latch.

96 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Redo Log Space Waits. The number of processes that were waiting for space to be
freed in the redo log during the current interval. The value format is an integer.
Excessive waits can reduce performance. Monitor this attribute when tuning
memory, I/O, and performance.

Rows Sorted. The average number of rows sorted per second during the current
interval. The value format is an integer with two decimal places allowed. To
specify a value for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes
the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 20 to specify an
average of 20.00 rows sorted per second. Monitor this attribute when tuning
performance and considering adjustments to the size of the sort area. Most online
sorting queries involve a few records that can usually be sorted in memory. If a
sorting operation cannot be done online, Oracle sorts in small runs, stores the
results on disk, and merges the final results. Large operations sorted on disk
greatly slow performance.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server CPU Pct Application. The percentage of CPU time the processes for
applications are using on the host. The value includes the CPU that the Dispatcher
Process (Dnnn) and the Shared Server Processes (Snnn) for a multi-threaded server
are using. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the
range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in
the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point
(type 10 to specify 10%). This value includes user processes that execute the
applications and manage communications with the server processes. Use this
attribute to monitor the use of the CPU by application processes or set an alert for
a specified threshold.

Server CPU Pct System. The percentage of CPU time the processes for the server
instance are using on the host. The value includes the background processes (such
as the Database Writer (DBWR) and Log Writer (LGWR). The value format is a
percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to
specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%).

Sessions Waiting On Lock. The number of sessions that are waiting for locks to be
released. The value format is an integer (for example, 1). Sessions waiting on locks
continue to use resources. Monitor situations in which killed processes continue to
hold locks.

Shared Server Connects. The number of sessions using shared processes. The
value format is an integer (for example, 4). These sessions are running on
multi-threaded (MTS) servers. Compare this attribute value with those for
dedicated and other connections.

Sort Disk Pct. The percentage of sorts that required disk during the current
interval. The value format is an integer with two decimal places allowed. To
specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 10 to
specify 10%. A high percentage of sorts can reduce performance. Monitor this
attribute to tune database performance.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 97

SYSTEM TS Pct Free. The percentage of free space in the SYSTEM tablespace for
the database. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in
the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a situation, type a
number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the
decimal point (type 20 to specify 20%). Monitor the adequacy of available space.
Generally, the free space in the SYSTEM tablespace should range between 30-50%.
If free space is low, consider adding an additional file to the SYSTEM tablespace.

Total Background. The number of background processes that are active. The value
format is an integer (for example, 5). The following lists shows the background
v Archive (Arch)
v Checkpoint (CKPT)
v Database Writer (DBWR)
v Dispatcher (Dnnn)
v Lock (LCKn)
v Log Writer (LGWR)
v Process Monitor (PMON)
v Recoverer (RECO)
v System Monitor (DMON)

Monitor the use of CPU by system processes or set an alert for a specific threshold.

Total Blockers. The number of blockers. A blocker is a session that holds a lock
causing one or more sessions to wait for the lock. The value format is an integer
(for example, 12). This value is a count for the current interval. Generally, the
lower this value, the better the performance of your system. Monitor this attribute
with others for memory tuning purposes.

Total DB Size. The number of megabytes (MB) allocated for the database. The
value format is a decimal with two decimal places allowed. For example, a value
of 5000 indicates 50.00 megabytes. Do not include the decimal point if you specify
this value for a situation. Use this attribute when you are evaluating the amount of
free space in the database.

Total Deadlocks Timeouts. The number of deadlocks and time-outs during the
current interval. The value format is an integer. Excessive deadlocks can reduce
performance. Monitor this value when tuning I/O performance.

Total DML Locks. The number of data manipulation locks (DML) held or
requested at the time of the sample. The value format is an integer (for example,
4). The server instance automatically applies locks as needed. Monitor the number
of active DML locks for performance tuning.

Total Foreground. The number of foreground processes that are active. The value
format is an integer (for example, 50). Foreground processes are server processes
that handle requests for connected user processes. Monitor the use of CPU by
foreground processes or set an alert for a specific threshold.

Total Gets. The number of gets during the current interval. The value includes
consistent gets and database block gets. The value format is an integer. This value
is used in determining the hit ratio. The larger the ratio of gets to physical reads,
the better the performance. Monitor this attribute when tuning performance.

98 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

Total Online Rollback Segs. The number of rollback segments with a status of
ONLINE. The value format is an integer (for example, 8). A rollback segment must
be online to be available for use by a transaction. Bring offline rollback segments
online as needed. Use this attribute to monitor how many rollback segments are

Total Pending Offline Segments. The number of rollback segments with a status
of PENDING OFFLINE. The value format is an integer (for example, 2). Active
transactions that are using the rollback segments prevent them from going offline.
The rollback segments go offline when the transactions finishes. Take rollback
segments offline to prevent them from being used when you want to take a
tablespace offline or drop a rollback segment.

Total Processes. The total number of active Oracle processes including system and

Total Rollback Extents. The number of extents for the rollback segments. The
value format is an integer (for example, 13). Generally, giving each rollback
segment 10-20 equally-sized extents promotes good I/O performance for rollback

Total Rollback Segments. The number of rollback segments regardless of their

status. The value format is an integer (for example, 11). This value is the total of
the rows in the dba rollback segs table. It includes online and offline rollback
segments. Contention for rollback segments might result if there are not enough
rollback segments for transaction activity.

Total Rollback Segments Needing Recovery. The number of rollback segments

needing recovery. These rollback segments contain data that is corrupted or cannot
be rolled back. The value format is an integer (for example, 2). Use recovery
techniques that can recover the rollback segments by applying the changes from
the redo log.

Total Sessions. The number of sessions that are connected for the server instance.
This value includes sessions with a status of active, inactive, and killed. The value
format is an integer (for example, 20). This value helps determine the current
usage level for the server instance. Monitor this attribute and compare its value
with those for other types of sessions and the maximum number of concurrent

Total SYSTEM TS Size. The number of megabytes (MB) allocated for the SYSTEM
tablespace for the database. The value format is an integer with two decimal places
allowed. For example, a value of 500 indicates 5.00 megabytes. Do not include the
decimal point if you specify this value for a situation. This value is based on the
file size of the file or files belonging to the SYSTEM tablespace. Free space within
the SYSTEM tablespace is critical for creating new objects and other functions. If
free space in the SYSTEM tablespace is low (for example, less than 30%), consider
adding an additional file.

Total Tablespaces. The number of tablespaces defined in the database. The value
format is an integer (for example, 5). This value is based on the number of
tablespaces specified in the database, including the system-provided ones. Use this
attribute in reviewing the size of your database.

Total Waiters. The number of sessions waiting for locks held by blocking sessions.
The value format is an integer. For example, a value of 5 indicates a total of 5

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 99

sessions are waiting for locks to be released. One or more blocking sessions are
holding locks on data. Monitor the number of waiting transactions for performance
and tuning purposes.

Statistics Summary attributes

Use Statistics Summary attributes to create situations that monitor performance
statistics for a server instance. These attributes provide information about such
statistics as the averages for reads and writes and the number of open cursors and
deadlocks. This is a multiple-instance group. You cannot mix these attributes with
those of any other multiple-instance group.

Average Cursors (per Tran). The average number of open cursors per transaction
during the current interval. The value format is a decimal number with two
decimal places allowed. To specify a value for a situation, type a number in the
Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. Use
this attribute to detect poor cursor usage by an application.
v For online processing, a good average per transaction is between 5-7 open
cursors or fewer.
v For batch processing, an average greater than 10 might be acceptable depending
on the application.

The default set by the OPEN CURSORS initialization parameter is 50.

Average Redo Entry Size. The average size of a redo entry, which is calculated as
the total redo size in bytes, divided by the number of redo entries. This
information can be useful in calculating the size of the online redo logs or the log
buffer in the system global area (SGA).

Average Time Between CHKPTS. The average number of minutes that have
elapsed between checkpoints since the server instance was last started. The value
format is a decimal with two decimal places allowed. To specify a value for a
situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values,
but omit the decimal point. Oracle automatically performs a checkpoint whenever
a redo log file fills up. Frequent checkpoints can reduce recovery time but also
reduce run-time performance.

Background Dump Space Pct Used. The percentage of the allocated space that is
used on the background dump destination device. The destination device is
controlled by the BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST parameter in the init.ora file for
the instance.

Blocked Changes Per Transaction. Measures the amount of Data Manipulation

Language (DML) work that each transaction performs.

Blocked Transactions. The longest time, in seconds, that a transaction has been
blocked. Transactions can become blocked in the following circumstances:
v A user writes freeform SQL that is not optimized or that locks itself and other
v A user connects to the system, runs some SQL, and does not commit or roll back
their transactions, stopping others from operating certain tasks on the objects.

When configuring the monitor, specify an acceptable time limit in seconds that a
transaction should wait for an unreleased lock before the monitor triggers.

100 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Call Rate. The number of client requests made per transaction. Calls do any of the
following tasks:
v Describe
v Parse
v Open
v Fetch
v Close
v Execute

Calls per transaction can be used to detect changes in the application or the way in
which it is being used. The reported value can change considerably when ad hoc
queries are issued.

Call Rate Per Transaction. The average number of client work requests made per
transaction. Calls can describe, parse, open, fetch, close, or execute. Calls per
transaction can be used to detect changes in the application or the way in which it
is being used. The reported value can change considerably when ad hoc queries
are issued.

Changed Block Ratio. Monitors the percentage of blocks accessed that were

Cluster Key Ratio. The ratio of cluster key scan block gets to cluster key scans. If
the ratio exceeds one, the rows for a cluster key are stored in multiple data blocks.

Completed Background Checkpoints. The number of times a database writer

(DBWR) checkpoint is completed. Frequent checkpoints can reduce recovery time
in the event of a system failure, but this reduction is offset by the momentary
reduction in runtime performance while the checkpoint is carried out.

Consistent Change Ratio. The ratio of consistent changes to consistent gets.

Continued Row Ratio. Monitors the percentage of rows retrieved that extend over
more than one block, or chained rows. The ratio should be very close to 0, except in
applications that have long columns, or rows that are larger than one block
(spanned rows), where chaining is unavoidable. Instance Monitors

Core Dump Space Pct Used. The percentage of the allocated space that is used on
the core dump destination device.

Current Interval. The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous
sample and the current sample. A sample is the data that the monitoring agent
collects about the server instance. The value format is an integer. Use this attribute
to specify the amount of time between samples.

Current Open Cursors. The number of open sessions for the server instance. The
value format is a decimal with two decimal places allowed. To specify a value for
a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal
values, but omit the decimal point.

Current Session Logons. The number of currently open sessions (logons). The
value format is an integer.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 101

Cursors Opened. The average number of cursors opened per second to execute
SQL statements during the current interval. The value format is a decimal with
two decimal places allowed. To specify a value for a situation, type a number in
the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point.

Data Cache Hit Pct. The percentage of all requests for data that were hits during
the current interval. A hit occurs when the server instance accesses the data cache
for requested data instead of accessing disk storage. The value format is a
percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. To specify a
percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the
decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 20 to specify 20%. A
hit occurs when the server instance accesses the requested data in the data cache. It
does not have to access the data on disk.

Data Cache Hit Pct (Interval). The percentage of all requests for data that were
hits during the current interval. A hit occurs when the server instance accesses the
data cache for requested data instead of accessing disk storage. The value format is
a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. To specify a
percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the
decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 20 to specify 20%. A
hit occurs when the server instance accesses the requested data in the data cache. It
does not have to access the data on disk.

Data Waits Ratio. A non-zero value for this number indicates that block contention
is occurring. If the ratio of data block waits is growing, increase the FREELIST
parameter for heavily inserted tables. If in doubt, set FREELIST to 2 for any table
that might be an insert or update bottleneck.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters, and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Enqueue Waits. The number of processes that were waiting for a lock to be
released during the current interval. Oracle records each lock as an enqueue. The
value format is an integer. The number of resources that can be locked is
determined by values specified for processes. Monitor this attribute when tuning

Freelist Waits Ratio. The ratio, as a percentage, of freelist waits to the total number
of requests for data.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters, not case-sensitive (for
example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating system is
installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to identify a
specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Logical Reads. The average number of logical reads per second performed by the
sessions during the current interval. The value format is a decimal with two
decimal places allowed. To specify a value for a situation, type a number in the
Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For

102 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
example, type 500 to specify an average of 5.00 logical reads per second. Using
logical reads rather than physical reads improves performance. Use this attribute
when tuning I/O performance.

Long Table Scans. The number of full table scans the server instance performed
against large tables during the current interval. A large table exceeds the size
specified in the SMALL TABLE THRESHOLD parameter for the table. The value
format is a decimal with two decimal places allowed. To specify a value for a
situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values,
but omit the decimal point. For example, type 5 to specify an average of 5.00 full
table scans against large tables.

When a long table scan is executed, the blocks from disk are marked as old as
soon as they are scanned. They are the first to be aged off the buffer. Monitor this
attribute when tuning performance. For large instances with enough memory and
a large data block buffer, increase the SMALL TABLE THRESHOLD to reduce the
number of physical reads and repeated reads to the same long tables.

Number of Logons. The average number of open sessions (logons) per second
during the current interval. The value format is an integer with two decimal places
allowed. To specify a value for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field
that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 5
to specify an average of 5.00 open sessions per second. Monitor this attribute when
tuning private SQL areas or memory available for shared SQL areas.

Number of Trans. The average number of transactions per second during the
current interval. The value format is an integer with two decimal places allowed.
To specify a value for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 50 to
specify an average of 50.00 transactions per second. This value indicates the
activity level for the current interval. Monitor this value in consideration with
other statistics when tuning I/O performance.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Pct Active Transactions. The total number of active transactions as a percentage of

the TRANSACTIONS parameter in the init.ora file for the instance.

Pct Long Table to Full Table Scans. The percentage of full table scans that come
from long tables for the current monitoring interval. If the percentage of full table
scans that come from long tables is greater than 10%, investigate which tables are
being scanned and consider adding indexes to reduce the number of full table
scans from long tables.

Percent False Pings. The number of false pings, expressed as a percentage. False
pinging occurs when two or more blocks are accessed by two nodes concurrently
while each node is updating a separate block. Each node can access these blocks
only if the lock on each block is converted to a shared lock. This lock conversion
must occur for each block being accessed, although not all the blocks are being
updated by each node. Run this monitor if you are experiencing an inordinate
number of lock conversions.

Percent Rollbacks To Commits. The percentage of rollbacks to commits for SQL

statements during the current interval. The value format is a percentage with two

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 103

decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. To specify a percentage for a situation,
type a number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit
the decimal point. For example, type 10 to specify 10%. A high ratio of rollbacks to
commits can indicate a potential performance problem. This value can be an
indicator of instance failures. Monitor this attribute when tuning performance.

Physical Reads. The average number of physical reads per second performed by
the sessions during the current interval. A physical read occurs when the server
instance accesses data on disk. The value format is an integer with two decimal
places allowed. Physical reads retrieve data from disk when it is not available in
the buffer cache. Physical reads reduce performance by suspending CPU activity.
Monitor this attribute for tuning I/O performance.

Physical Writes. The average number of physical writes per second performed by
the sessions during the current interval. The value format is an integer with two
decimal places allowed. Physical writes reduce performance by suspending CPU
activity. Monitor this attribute along with others for tuning I/O performance.

Ping Rate. The rate of pinging across instances. Use this monitor to determine how
efficiently the user, application, and batch processes were distributed across
instances in the parallel environment you are monitoring.

Recursive Calls. The average number of recursive calls per second during the
current interval. Recursive calls are SQL statements the server instance executes
internally. The value format is an integer with two decimal places allowed. To
specify recursive calls for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 10 to
specify an average value of 10.00. Recursive calls can reduce performance. Oracle
issues these calls in addition to those issued by the user processes. Monitor this
attribute when tuning I/O performance.

Recursive Calls to User Calls Ratio. The number of recursive calls as a ratio of the
number of user calls.

Redo Allocation Latch Ratio. The ratio of misses to gets for the redo allocation

Redo Copy Latch Ratio. A percentage of misses to gets for the redo copy latch.

Redo Log Space Waits. The number of processes that were waiting for space to be
freed in the redo log during the current interval. The value format is an integer.
Excessive waits can reduce performance. Monitor this attribute when tuning
memory, I/O, and performance.

Redo Logs Not Archived. The number of redo log files that were not archived,
which indicates that the archive process is falling behind. This monitor is
applicable only when the database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. If the
database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode, the monitor returns a value of zero.
Because multiple ARCH processes are not supported, the workaround is to connect
to the instance and issue the following command: ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG ALL.
This action should help the system catch up to the redo log creation rate.

Redo Small Copy Ratio. A percentage that represents the ratio of the total number
of redo small copies to the total number of redo entries. A redo small copy is a redo
entry that is smaller than the LOG_SMALL_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE parameter in the
init.ora file for the instance. Small copy redo entries are copied on the redo

104 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
allocation latch. If the redo entry is larger than this parameter, copies are made
using a redo copy latch on multiple processor systems. On single-CPU systems, all
writes are small and are made on the redo allocation latch. A noticeable number of
redo small copies might be a contention problem for the redo allocation latch. You
can decrease the value of the LOG_SMALL_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE parameter in the
init.ora file for the instance.

Requested DBWR Checkpoints. The number of database writer (DBWR)

checkpoints that the server requested. Frequent checkpoints can reduce recovery
time in the event of a system failure, but this reduction is offset by the momentary
reduction in runtime performance while the checkpoint is carried out.

Row Source Percentage. The percentage of total rows retrieved that came from
full-table scans. Ideally, this percentage should be small, but it is depends on the
application design.

Rows Sorted. The average number of rows sorted per second during the current
interval. The value format is an integer with two decimal places allowed. To
specify a value for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that includes
the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 20 to specify an
average of 20.00 rows sorted per second. Monitor this attribute when tuning
performance and considering adjustments to the size of the sort area. Most online
sorting queries involve a few records that can usually be sorted in memory. If a
sorting operation cannot be done online, Oracle sorts in small runs, stores the
results on disk, and merges the final results. Large operations sorted on disk
greatly slow performance.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Sort Disk Pct. The percentage of sorts that required disk during the current
interval. The value format is an integer with two decimal places allowed. To
specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 10 to
specify 10%. A high percentage of sorts can reduce performance. Monitor this
attribute to tune database performance.

Sort Overflow Ratio. The number of sorts that are using temporary segments.

Table Fetch Continued Rows. The number of continued rows the server instance
had to access for processes during the current interval. A continued or migrated
row exceeds the size of the data block and is split across multiple data blocks. The
value format is an integer. Monitor this attribute when tuning I/O performance.

Total Deadlocks. The number of deadlocks during the current interval. The value
format is an integer. Excessive deadlocks can reduce performance. Monitor this
value when tuning I/O performance.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 105

Total Deadlocks Timeouts. The number of deadlocks and time-outs during the
current interval. The value format is an integer. Excessive deadlocks can reduce
performance. Monitor this value when tuning I/O performance.

Total Gets. The number of gets during the current interval. The value includes
consistent gets and database block gets. The value format is an integer. This value
is used in determining the hit ratio. The larger the ratio of gets to physical reads,
the better the performance. Monitor this attribute when tuning performance.

User Calls. The average number of user calls for applications per second during
the current interval. The value format is a decimal with two decimal places
allowed (for example, 2800). To specify a recursive call for a situation, type a
number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the
decimal point. User calls are those not generated by the Oracle instance. Monitor
this attribute when tuning database performance.

User Dump Space Pct Used. The percentage of the allocated space that is used on
the dump destination device of a user.

Table Summary attributes

Use Table Summary attributes to create situations that monitor a table, especially
for chained rows.

Chained Rows. The number of chained rows calculated for a specified cluster in
the endpoint database. Chaining occurs when rows are updated and become too
large to be stored on a single Oracle data block. Chained rows double the amount
of I/O required to retrieve data, and should be avoided.

Cluster Name. The name of the cluster, if any, to which the table belongs. The
value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 92 characters and is not

Current Interval. The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous
sample and the current sample. A sample is the data that the monitoring agent
collects about the server instance. The value format is an integer. Use this attribute
to specify the amount of time between samples.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

106 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Owner Name. The name of the owner of the table. The value format is
alphanumeric with a maximum of 92 characters and is not case-sensitive. For
example, the value LSRDB is the name of an owner. Use this attribute to monitor a
specific tablespace.

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example,TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Table Name. Designates the schema and table name to check for chained rows.

Tablespace Name. The name of the tablespace that contains the table. Null for
partitioned, temporary, and index-organized tables. The value format is
alphanumeric with a maximum of 92 characters and is not case-sensitive. For
example, the value KORDB is the name of a tablespace. Use this attribute to
monitor a specific tablespace.

Tablespaces attributes
Use tablespaces attributes to create situations that monitor a tablespace. These
attributes provide detailed information that includes the amount of free space in
the tablespace and the number of segments and rollback segments. This is a
multiple-instance group. You cannot mix these attributes with those of any other
multiple-instance group.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Free Space Fragmentation. The free space fragmentation index for all tablespaces.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters and is not case-sensitive
(for example, HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating
system is installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to
identify a specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Initial Extent Size. The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the initial extent for
the segment. The value format is an integer. A default value of 10 kilobytes is
common. This is the INITIAL EXTENT parameter specified for the tablespace.
Monitor this value for tuning data definition (DD) settings. For example, an initial
extent size that is too small can cause numerous extents to be allocated and slow

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 107

Largest Free Block. The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated in the largest free block
for the tablespace. The value format is an integer. A large value indicates
unfragmented free space while a small value indicates fragmented free space in the
file. Monitor tablespaces that are potential candidates for reorganization. Set alerts
to inform you when this value falls below a preferred number of kilobytes.

Largest Pct Free. The largest percentage of contiguous free space in the tablespace
or file. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the
range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in
the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point.
For example, type 10 to specify 10%. The smaller the percentage, the more
fragmented the free space. Monitor tablespaces that are potential candidates for
reorganization. Set alerts to inform you when this value becomes too low.

Max Extents Specified. The maximum number of extents that can be allocated for
the segment. The value format is an integer. The minimum is 1. The maximum is
operating system dependent. This value is the default or the value specified when
the tablespace was created. This limit is not enforced for the SYSTEM tablespace.
Use this value as a benchmark when monitoring space usage, the creation of
extents, and performance.

Min Extents Specified. The minimum number of extents that can be allocated for
the segment. The value format is an integer. The minimum is 2 for rollback
segments; the minimum is 1 for all other segments. This value is static. Use this
value as a benchmark when monitoring space usage, the creation of extents, and

Next Extent Size. The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the next extent for
the tablespace. The value format is an integer. This value is operating system
dependent. Oracle uses the value for Pct Extent Size Increase to adjust the next
extent size. Monitor this attribute for performance tuning.

Number Extents. The number of extents for a file, rollback segment, or tablespace.
The value format is an integer. The data is reported by the Oracle EXTENTS

Number Free Blocks. The number of data blocks within the file or tablespace that
has free space. The value format is an integer. A data block is the smallest area in
which Oracle physically stores data. Check the number of free blocks and the size
of the largest free block when evaluating fragmentation of free space in a
tablespace. Consider the suitability of increasing the space for a file.

Number Rollback Segments. The number of rollback segments contained in the

tablespace. The value format is an integer. The minimum is 2. This value indicates
the number of segments that contain information for an Oracle database recovery.
Monitor the number of rollback segments for a particular tablespace for tuning
purposes or their sizes and number of extents.

Number Temp Segments. The total number of temporary segments contained

within this tablespace. The value format is an integer. SQL queries that trigger
sorts to disk require a temporary work space or segments. Monitor the creation of
temporary segments for a particular tablespace to assess if the number of segments
is within preferred limits.

108 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Pct Extent Size Increase. The percentage by which each successive extent will
increase in size. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed
in the range 0-100. For example, to specify a percentage for a situation, type a
number in the Comparison field that includes the decimal values, but omit the
decimal point. For example, type 20 to specify 20%. Size this percentage
appropriately to avoid excessive increases. Using a value of zero can prevent the
space from growing out of control.

Pct Free Space. The percentage of free space in the tablespace. The value format is
a percentage with two decimal places allowed in the range 0-100. For example, to
specify a percentage for a situation, type a number in the Comparison field that
includes the decimal values, but omit the decimal point. For example, type 20 to
specify 20%.

The preferred percentage of free space depends upon the type of tablespace the file
belongs to. For example, a tablespace that has limited updates needs a small
amount of free space. A tablespace that has many updates needs more free space.
Monitor this attribute to determine if free space exists within the files for a

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Tablespace Name. The name of the tablespace. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 30 characters and is not case-sensitive. For example, the value
KORDB is the name of a tablespace. Use this attribute to monitor a specific

Tablespace Name (Unicode). The name of the tablespace. This attribute is

globalized. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 92 bytes and is
not case-sensitive. For example, the value KORDB is the name of a tablespace. Use
this attribute to monitor a specific tablespace.

Tablespace Status. The following table shows possible status states for the
Tablespace is online.
Tablespace is offline.
Tablespace status is undetermined.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 109

Total Extents Not Allocated. The number of contiguous sets of data blocks for
storing unused data.

Total Files. The number of files defined for this tablespace. The value format is an
integer. The tablespace contains one or more files. Review the number of files for
database administration purposes. To improve performance, consider partitioning
large tablespaces across multiple files on different devices.

Total Segments. The number of segments contained within the tablespace. The
value format is an integer. This value includes all temporary, rollback, index, table,
cluster, and deferred rollback segments. Monitor this attribute when tuning data
definition (DD) parameters.

Total Size. The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the file or tablespace. The
value format is an integer. The appropriate size is dependent on need and usage.
Use this attribute when analyzing the amount of free space and reviewing the
number of allocated extents.

Trans Blocking Rollback Segment Wrap attributes

Use Trans Blocking Rollback Segment Wrap attributes to create situations that
monitor transactions that prevent rollback segments from wrapping to the next
extent. This is a multiple-instance group. You cannot mix these attributes with
those of any other multiple-instance group.

Current RBS Extent Number. The number of the current extent to which the
rollback segment is writing. The value format is an integer. This data is reported
by the Oracle CUREXT statistic. Use this value to monitor and tune performance. It
helps show the position of the current block or high water mark used in the
rollback segment.

Database Name. The name of the database for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 8 characters, not case-sensitive (for
example, DBTEST). This unique name remains static for the life of the server
instance. In an Oracle Parallel Server (OPS) environment, a single database can be
mounted by multiple Oracle servers.

Host Name. The name of the host computer for the server instance. The value
format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters, not case-sensitive (for
example: HOST1). The name of the host is specified when the operating system is
installed. Use this attribute and those for Database Name and Server to identify a
specific Oracle instance.

Hub Timestamp The time when this data was collected.

Origin Node The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:ORA.
This character string provides a unique identifier for each server across an
enterprise. The value is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters.

Rollback Segment Number. The number of the rollback segment. The number of
the SYSTEM rollback segment is 0. The value format is an integer. This value is
reported by the Oracle USN statistic. Use this information to identify the rollback

Sample Timestamp. The time stamp that indicates the date and time the
monitoring agent collected the sample for the server instance. A sample is the data

110 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
the monitoring agent collects about the server instance. For example, a value of
09/30/99 13:00:27 indicates that the event occurred on September 30, 1999 at
1:00:27 p.m. Do not specify a time stamp in a situation.

Server. The name of the server instance. The name of the server instance is
specified when the Oracle server is installed. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters (for example, TEST1). The attribute identifies the
server instance for Oracle and its host computer. Use this attribute and those for
the Database Name and Host Name to monitor a specific Oracle instance in the

Session Address. The address of the session. The value format is alphanumeric
with a maximum of 8 characters. A value of D0084500 indicates that the address
for the session is D0084500. This value is reported by the Oracle SADDR statistic.
Use this value in queries to find out information about a user session.

Transaction Sequence Number. The number of the transaction sequence. The

value format is an integer. A value of 4 indicates that the number of the transaction
sequence is 4. This data is reported by the Oracle XIDSQN statistic. This value in
not valid for inactive rollback segments. Use this value as an identifier.

Transaction Slot Number. The number of the slot if the transaction is not valid.
The value format is an integer. A value of 28 indicates that the number of the
transaction slot is 28. This data is reported by the Oracle XIDSLOT statistic. This
value in not valid for inactive rollback segments. Use this value as an identifier.

Transaction Start Timestamp. The startup time of the blocking transaction.

Transaction Starting Extent No.. The number of the extent in which the transaction
starts. The value format is an integer. This value can be used to locate a transaction
that blocks an undo segment from wrapping. Monitor this attribute when tuning
database performance.

Transaction Status. The status of the blocking transaction. The value format is
alphanumeric with a maximum of 15 characters and is not case-sensitive. Provides
such status information as ACTIVE, INACTIVE, COLLECTING, or PREPARED.
Use this value to tune performance.

Disk capacity planning for historical data

Disk capacity planning for a monitoring agent is a prediction of the amount of disk
space to be consumed for each attribute group whose historical data is being
collected. Required disk storage is an important factor to consider when you are
defining data collection rules and your strategy for historical data collection.

Calculate expected disk space consumption by multiplying the number of bytes

per instance by the expected number of instances, and then multiplying that
product by the number of samples.Table 9 on page 112 provides the following
information required to calculate disk space for the Monitoring Agent for Oracle:
v DB table name is the table name as it would appear in the warehouse database, if
the attribute group is configured to be written to the warehouse.
v Bytes per instance (agent) is an estimate of the record length for each row or
instance written to the agent disk for historical data collection. This estimate can
be used for agent disk space planning purposes.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 111

v Bytes per instance (warehouse) is an estimate of the record length for detailed
records written to the warehouse database, if the attribute group is configured to
be written to the warehouse. Detailed records are those that have been uploaded
from the agent for long-term historical data collection. This estimate can be used
for warehouse disk space planning purposes.
v Bytes per summarized instance (warehouse) is an estimate of the record length for
aggregate records written to the warehouse database, if the attribute group is
configured to be written to the warehouse. Aggregate records are created by the
Summarization agent for attribute groups that have been configured for
summarization. This estimate can be used for warehouse disk space planning
v Expected number of instances is a guideline that can be different for each attribute
group, because it is the number of instances of data that the agent will return for
a given attribute group, and depends upon the application environment that is
being monitored. For example, if your attribute group is monitoring each
processor on your machine and you have a dual processor machine, the number
of instances is 2.
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide contains formulas that can
be used to estimate the amount of disk space used at the agent and in the
warehouse database for historical data collection of an attribute group.
Table 9. Capacity planning for historical data
Bytes per
Bytes per summarized
Attribute Bytes per instance instance Expected number of
Group DB table name instance (agent) (warehouse) (warehouse) instances
Advanced KORADVQS 246 275 585 Multiple
Alert Log KORALRTD 692 716 753 Multiple
Alert Log KORALRTS 246 273 535 Multiple
Cache Totals KORCACHE 362 406 1217 Multiple
Cluster KORCLUSS 468 493 569 Multiple
Configuration KORCONFS 352 378 415 Multiple
Contention KORLOCKS 440 505 2279 Multiple
Database KORDB 343 378 775 Multiple
Dispatcher KORDISPD 352 377 516 Multiple
Files KORFILES 647 681 976 Multiple
Index Summary KORINDXS 604 632 720 Multiple
Library Cache KORLIBCU 303 333 562 Multiple
Listener Detail KORLISTD 348 373 410 Multiple
Lock Conflicts KORLCONF 302 333 370 Multiple
Logging KORLOGS 282 315 949 Multiple

112 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 9. Capacity planning for historical data (continued)
Bytes per
Bytes per summarized
Attribute Bytes per instance instance Expected number of
Group DB table name instance (agent) (warehouse) (warehouse) instances
PCM Lock KORPCMLD 192 214 290 Multiple
Conflict Detail
Process Detail KORPROCD 355 392 621 Multiple
Process KORPROCS 314 351 799 Multiple
Rollback KORRBST 401 441 871 Multiple
Segments KORSEGS 589 629 1053 Multiple
Server KORSRVR 404 443 867 Multiple
Server KORSRVRE 436 477 1105 Multiple
Enterprise, VKORSRVRE B
Server Options KORSRVRD 246 276 313 Multiple
Session Detail KORSESSS 634 688 932 Multiple
Session KORSESSS 250 276 710 Multiple
SGA Memory KORSGA 380 413 858 Multiple
Oracle SQL Text KORSQLF 460 486 532 Multiple
Statistics Details KORSTATD 407 439 632 Multiple
Oracle_ KORSTATE 572 638 2427 Multiple
Statistics VKORSTATE B
Oracle Statistics
Stastices KORSTATS 836 908 3315 Multiple
Table Summary KORTBLS 560 586 662 Multiple
Table Spaces KORTS 423 459 995 Multiple
Trans Blocking KORTBRSW 243 271 308 Multiple
Segment Wrap

For more information about historical data collection, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Administrator’s Guide.

Chapter 5. Attributes reference 113

114 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Chapter 6. Situations reference
This chapter contains an overview of situations, references for detailed information
about situations, and descriptions of the predefined situations included in this
monitoring agent.

About situations
A situation is a logical expression involving one or more system conditions.
Situations are used to monitor the condition of systems in your network. You can
manage situations from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal by using the Situation editor.

The IBM Tivoli Monitoring agents that you use to monitor your system
environment are shipped with a set of predefined situations that you can use as-is
or you can create new situations to meet your requirements. Predefined situations
contain attributes that check for system conditions common to many enterprises.

Using predefined situations can improve the speed with which you can begin
using the Monitoring Agent for Oracle. You can examine and, if necessary, change
the conditions or values being monitored by a predefined situation to those best
suited to your enterprise.

Note: The predefined situations provided with this monitoring agent are not
read-only. Do not edit these situations and save over them. Software updates
will write over any of the changes that you make to these situations.
Instead, clone the situations that you want to change to suit your enterprise.

You can display predefined situations and create your own situations using the
Situation editor. The left frame of the Situation editor initially lists the situations
associated with the Navigator item that you selected. When you click a situation
name or create a new situation, the right frame opens with the following tabs:
Condition being tested
List of managed systems (operating systems, subsystems, or applications)
to which the situation can be distributed.
Expert Advice
Comments and instructions to be read in the event workspace
Command to be sent to the system
Until Duration of the situation

More information about situations

The IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide contains more information about predefined
and custom situations and how to use them to respond to alerts.

For a list of the predefined situations for this monitoring agent and a description
of each situation, refer to the Predefined situations section below and the
information in that section for each individual situation.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 115

Predefined situations
This monitoring agent contains the following predefined situations. The situations
marked with an asterisk (*) must be customized to work correctly as explained in
the description of each situation that must be customized.
v Oracle_Alerts_Crit
v Oracle_Alerts_Warn
v Oracle_ARCH_Active_Warning
v Oracle_Archiv_DestFull_Critical
v Oracle_Archive_DestFull_Warning
v Oracle_Bkgd_Dump_Space_Crit
v Oracle_Bkgd_Dump_Space_Warn
v Oracle_Buf_Cache_Hit_Int_Crit
v Oracle_Buf_Cache_Hit_Int_Warn
v Oracle_CKPT_Active_Warning
v Oracle_Cont_Row_Crit
v Oracle_Cont_Row_Warn
v Oracle_Cursors_Per_Tran_High
v Oracle_Data_Cache_Inefficient
v Oracle_DB_Archiving_Disabled
v Oracle_DB_PctFree_Space_Low
v Oracle_Deadlocks_Timeouts_High
v Oracle_Dictionary_Cache_Hit_Cri
v Oracle_Dictionary_Cache_Hit_War
v Oracle_Enqueue_Waits_High
v Oracle_Err_Msg_ORA1578_Critical
v Oracle_Err_Msg_ORA60_Critical
v Oracle_Err_Msg_ORA600_Critical
v Oracle_Extents_Tbsp_Crit
v Oracle_Extents_Tbsp_Warn
v Oracle_Free_Space_Frag_Crit
v Oracle_Free_Space_Frag_Warn
v Oracle_Free_Tbsp_Crit
v Oracle_Free_Tbsp_Warn
v Oracle_FreeList_Wait_Ratio_Crit
v Oracle_FreeList_Wait_Ratio_Warn
v Oracle_FreeSpace_Deficit_Crit *
v Oracle_Largest_Waiters_Critical
v Oracle_Largest_Waiters_Warning
v Oracle_LGWR_Active_Critical
v Oracle_Library_Reloads_Pct_Crit
v Oracle_Library_Reloads_Pct_Warn
v Oracle_Listener_Crit
v Oracle_Max_Extents_Crit*
v Oracle_Max_Extents_Tbsp_Crit
v Oracle_Max_Extents_Tbsp_Warn

116 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
v Oracle_Max_Extents_Warn*
v Oracle_Pct_MAX_DML_Lock_Warning
v Oracle_Pct_MAX_DML_Locks_Critic
v Oracle_PctMax_File_Open_Critica
v Oracle_PctMax_File_Open_Warning
v Oracle_PctMax_Processes_Critica
v Oracle_PctMax_Processes_Warning
v Oracle_PctMax_Sessions_Critical
v Oracle_PctMax_Sessions_Warning
v Oracle_PMON_Active_Critical
v Oracle_Processes_Crit
v Oracle_Processes_Wait_Latch
v Oracle_Processes_Warn
v Oracle_Redo_Immediate_Warning
v Oracle_Redo_Log_Spc_Waits_Crit
v Oracle_Redo_Log_Spc_Waits_Warn
v Oracle_Redo_Log_Waits_Critical
v Oracle_Redo_Log_Waits_Warning
v Oracle_Redo_Logs_Crit
v Oracle_Redo_Logs_Warn
v Oracle_Redo_Miss_Warning
v Oracle_Rollback_Waits_Crit
v Oracle_Rollback_Waits_Warn
v Oracle_Server_CPU_Pct_Critical
v Oracle_Server_CPU_Pct_Warning
v Oracle_Server_Not_Active
v Oracle_Server_Status_Inactive
v Oracle_SGA_FreeSpace_Inefficien
v Oracle_SMON_Active_Critical
v Oracle_Sort_To_Disk_Percent_Hig
v Oracle_SQL_Tracing_Active
v Oracle_SystemTS_PctFree_Critica
v Oracle_SystemTS_PctFree_Warning
v Oracle_Temp_Extents_Tbsp_Crit*
v Oracle_Temp_Extents_Tbsp_Warn*
v Oracle_Time_Between_Checkpoints
v Oracle_Too_Many_Rollbacks
v Oracle_Total_Applctn_Proces_CPU
v Oracle_Total_Rollback_Critical
v Oracle_Total_Rollback_Warning
v Oracle_Total_Sessions_Killed
v Oracle_Total_System_Process_CPU

The remaining sections of this chapter contain descriptions of each of these

predefined situations in alphabetical order.

Chapter 6. Situations reference 117

Issues a critical alert if one or more of the following errors occurs:
v ORA-0204 error in reading control file
v ORA-0206 error in writing control file
v ORA-0210 cannot open control file
v ORA-0257 archiver is stuck
v ORA-0333 redo log read error
v ORA-0345 redo log write error
v ORA-0440 – ORA-0485 background process failure
v ORA-0600 – ORA-0639 internal errors
v ORA-1114 datafile I/O write error
v ORA-1115 datafile I/O read error
v ORA-1116 cannot open datafile
v ORA-1118 cannot add a data file
v ORA-1578 data block corruption
This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Alert_Log_Summary.Total_Critical_Alerts GT 0

Issues a warning alert if one or more of the following errors occurs:
v ORA-1135 file accessed for query is offline
v ORA-1547 tablespace is full
v ORA-1555 snapshot too old
v ORA-1562 failed to extend rollback segment
v ORA-1628 – ORA-1632 maximum extents exceeded
v ORA-1650 – ORA-1656 tablespace is full
v ORA-4031 out of shared memory
v ORA-3113 end of file on communication channel
v ORA-6501 PL/SQL internal error cannot allocate new log. This error indicates
that Oracle is unable to perform a log switch. Increase the number of redo logs
to resolve this problem.
This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Alert_Log_Summary.Total_Warning_Alerts GT 0

Issues a warning alert if the archive process is not active. This situation has the
following formula:
Oracle_Process_Summary.ARCH_Active EQ No

Issues a critical alert if more than 80% of the space for the archives is full. This
situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Server.Archive_Dest_Percent_Full GE 80

118 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Issues a warning alert if 70 to 80% of the space for the archives is full. This
situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Server.Archive_Dest_Percent_Full GE 70
Oracle_Server.Archive_Dest_Percent_Full LT 80

Issues a critical alert concerning the percentage of the allocated space that is used
on the background dump destination device. The destination device is controlled
by the BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST parameter in the init.ora (Oracle 8i) or
SPFILE (Oracle 9i and above) for the instance. SPFILE name is spfileSID.ora and is
located in the $ORACLE_HOME/database.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Background_Dump_Space_Percent_Used GT 95.0

Issues a warning alert concerning the percentage of the allocated space that is used
on the background dump destination device. The destination device is controlled
by the BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST parameter in the init.ora file (Oracle 8i) or
SPFILE (Oracle 9i and above) for the instance. SPFILE name is spfileSID.ora and is
located in the $ORACLE_HOME/database.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Background_Dump_Space_Percent_Used GT 85.0
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Background_Dump_Space_Percent_Used LE 95.0

Issues a critical alert concerning the rate at which Oracle finds the data blocks it
needs in memory over the lifetime of an instance. This situation indicates the
current ratio of buffer cache hits to total requests. The goal of this performance test
is to achieve 100% hits, which is to have the entire application in memory. A
correctly tuned buffer cache can significantly improve overall database

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Data_Cache_Hit_Percent LT 70.0

Issues a warning alert concerning the rate at which Oracle finds the data blocks it
needs in memory over the lifetime of an instance. This situation indicates the
current ratio of buffer cache hits to total requests. The goal of this performance test
is to achieve 100% hits, which is to have the entire application in memory. A
correctly tuned buffer cache can significantly improve overall database

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Data_Cache_Hit_Percent GE 70.0
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Data_Cache_Hit_Percent LT 90.0

Chapter 6. Situations reference 119

Issues a warning alert if the checkpoint process is not active. This situation has the
following formula:
Oracle_Process_Summary.CKPT_Active EQ No

Issues a critical alert concerning the percentage of rows retrieved that extend over
more than one block, which is called chained rows. The ratio should be very close to
0, except in applications that have long columns, or rows that are larger than one
block (spanned rows), where chaining is unavoidable.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Continued_Row_Ratio GT 1.0

Issues a warning alert concerning the percentage of rows retrieved that extend over
more than one block, which is called chained rows. The ratio should be very close to
0, except in applications that have long columns, or rows that are larger than one
block (spanned rows), where chaining is unavoidable.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Continued_Row_Ratio GT 0.5
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Continued_Row_Ratio LE 1.0

Issues a warning alert if the average number of cursors per transaction is more
than eight. This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Average_Cursors_per_Transaction GE 8

Issues a warning alert if the hits per second on the data cache are less than 30 and
the logical reads exceed 5 per second. This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Data_Cache_Hit_Percent LE 30
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Logical_Reads GE 5

Issues a warning alert if the archive log mode for an Oracle database is disabled or
in manual mode. This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Database.Auto_Archive NE Yes
Oracle_Database.Archive_Log_Mode_Enabled NE Yes

Issues a warning alert if the amount of free space in the database is less than 20%.
This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Database.DB_Percent_Free_Space LE 20

Issues a warning alert if server deadlocks plus timeouts are greater than 10 during
an interval. This situation has the following formula:

120 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Total_Deadlocks_Timeouts GE 10

Issues a critical alert if the percentage of hits on the dictionary cache is more than
85%. This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Cache_Totals.Dictionary_Total_Hit_Percent LE 85

Issues a warning alert if the percentage of hits on the dictionary cache is 75 to 85%.
This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Cache_Totals.Dictionary_Total_Hit_Percent GT 85
Oracle_Cache_Totals.Dictionary_Total_Hit_Percent LT 95

Issues a warning alert if more than 20 locks or enqueue waits occur during an
interval. This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Enqueue_Waits GE 20

Issues a critical alert if Oracle issues message ORA1578. This situation has the
following formula:
Oracle_Alert_Log_Details.Message_ID EQ 1578

Issues a critical alert if Oracle issues message ORA60. This situation has the
following formula:
Oracle_Alert_Log_Details.Message_ID EQ 60

Issues a critical alert if Oracle issues message ORA600. This situation has the
following formula:
Oracle_Alert_Log_Details.Message_ID EQ 600

Issues a critical alert concerning the extents allocated to all database objects.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Tablespaces.Number_Extents GT 50

Issues a warning alert concerning the extents allocated to all database objects.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Tablespaces.Number_Extents GT 30
Oracle_Tablespaces.Number_Extents *LE 50

Issues a critical alert concerning the free space fragmentation index for all
tablespaces. This situation has the following formula:

Chapter 6. Situations reference 121

Oracle_Tablespaces.Free_Space_Fragmentation LT 10.0

Issues a warning alert concerning the free space fragmentation index for all
tablespaces. This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Tablespaces.Free_Space_Fragmentation LT 30.0
Oracle_Tablespaces.Free_Space_Fragmentation GE 10.0

Issues a critical alert concerning the percentage of free space in all tablespaces in a

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Tablespaces.Percent_Free_Space LT 5.0

Issues a warning alert concerning the percentage of free space in all tablespaces in
a database.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Tablespaces.Percent_Free_Space GE 5.0
Oracle_Tablespaces.Percent_Free_Space LT 20.0

Issues a critical alert concerning the percentage ratio of freelist waits to the total
number of requests for data.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Freelist_Waits_Ratio GT 2.0

Issues a warning alert concerning the percentage ratio of freelist waits to the total
number of requests for data.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Freelist_Waits_Ratio GT 0.5
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Freelist_Waits_Ratio *LE 2.0

Issues a critical alert when any segments cannot allocate their next extent because
the tablespace has insufficient free space. The alert is not issued because the
segments reached MAXEXTENTS. The reported free space deficit represents the
worst-case equity (available space less required space); a negative equity figure
means that the next extent for that segment will fail. It does not check objects of
segment_type CACHE.

Note: This situation requires customization to work correctly. Before using this
situation, customize it by specifying the name of the tablespace that you
want to monitor as follows:

122 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
1. Right-click on the situation in the Situation editor, and click Create
Another... .
2. Type a name for the situation.
3. After the situation is created, edit it, and click Add conditions... .
4. Select Tablespace Name (Unicode) from the Attribute Item list, and
click OK. The Tablespace Name (Unicode) attribute is displayed in the
Formula window.
5. Select the cell under the Tablespace Name (Unicode) attribute, and type
the name of the tablespace to monitor. Use the default comparison
operator, equals (= =).

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Segments.Free_Space_Deficit LT 0

Issues a critical alert if more than 7 sessions are waiting. This situation has the
following formula:
Oracle_Contention_Summary.Total_Waiters GT 7

Issues a warning alert if 4 to 7 sessions are waiting. This situation has the
following formula:
Oracle_Contention_Summary.Total_Waiters GT 4
Oracle_Contention_Summary.Total_Waiters LE 7

Issues a critical alert if the log writer process is not active. This situation has the
following formula:
Oracle_Process_Summary.LGWR_Active EQ No

Issues a critical alert if the number of reloads for the library cache is greater than
500. This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Cache_Totals.Library_Total_Reloads GT 500

Issues a warning alert if the number of reloads for the library cache is 200 to 500.
This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Cache_Totals.Library_Total_Reloads GT 200
Oracle_Cache_Totals.Library_Total_Reloads LE 500

Issues a critical alert about whether a listener process (tnslsnr) is running.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Listener_Detail.Listener_Status !=active

Chapter 6. Situations reference 123

Issues a critical alert concerning the number of free extents found for a segment.
This situation does not check objects of segment_type CACHE.

Note: This situation requires customization to work correctly. Before using this
situation, customize it by specifying the name of the tablespace that you
want to monitor as follows:
1. Right-click on the situation in the Situation editor, and click Create
Another... .
2. Type a name for the situation.
3. After the situation is created, edit it, and click Add conditions... .
4. Select Tablespace Name (Unicode) from the Attribute Item list, and
click OK. The Tablespace Name (Unicode) attribute is displayed in the
Formula window.
5. Select the cell under the Tablespace Name (Unicode) attribute, and type
the name of the tablespace to monitor. Use the default comparison
operator, equals (= =).

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Segments.Total_Extents_Not_Allocated LT 1

Issues a critical alert concerning the number of free extents found for a segment
within all tablespaces. It does not check objects of segment_type CACHE.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Tablespaces.Total_Extents_Not_Allocated LT 1

Issues a warning alert concerning the number of free extents found for a segment
within all tablespaces. It does not check objects of segment_type CACHE.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Tablespaces.Total_Extents_Not_Allocated LT 5
Oracle_Tablespaces.Total_Extents_Not_Allocated GE 1

Issues a warning alert concerning the number of free extents found for a segment.
This situation does not check objects of segment_type CACHE.

Note: This situation requires customization to work correctly. Before using this
situation, customize it by specifying the name of the tablespace that you
want to monitor as follows:
1. Right-click on the situation in the Situation editor, and click Create
Another... .
2. Type a name for the situation.
3. After the situation is created, edit it, and click Add conditions... .
4. Select Tablespace Name (Unicode) from the Attribute Item list, and
click OK. The Tablespace Name (Unicode) attribute is displayed in the
Formula window.

124 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
5. Select the cell under the Tablespace Name (Unicode) attribute, and type
the name of the tablespace to monitor. Use the default comparison
operator, equals (= =).

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Segments.Total_Extents_Not_Allocated LT 5
Oracle_Segments.Total_Extents_Not_Allocated GE 1

Issues a warning alert if 80 to 90% of the distributed locks are in use. This situation
has the following formula:
Oracle_Contention_Summary.Percent_Max_DML_Locks GT 80
Oracle_Contention_Summary.Percent_Max_DML_Locks LE 90

Issues a critical alert if more than 90% of the distributed locks are in use. This
situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Contention_Summary.Percent_Max_DML_Locks GT 90

Issues a critical alert if more than 95% of eligible files are open. This situation has
the following formula:
Oracle_Database.Percent_Max_Files_Open GE 95

Issues a warning alert if 85 to 95% eligible files are open. This situation has the
following formula:
Oracle_Database.Percent_Max_Files_Open GE 85
Oracle_Database.Percent_Max_Files_Open LT 95

Issues a critical alert if more than 90% of eligible processes are active. This
situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Process_Summary.Percent_Max_Processes_Active_GE 90

Issues a warning alert if 80 to 90% of eligible processes are active. This situation
has the following formula:
Oracle_Process_Summary.Percent_Max_Processes_Active GE 80
Oracle_Process_Summary.Percent_Max_Processes_Active LT 90

Issues a critical alert if more than 90% of eligible sessions are active. This situation
has the following formula:
Oracle_Session_Summary.Percent_Max_Sessions_Active GE 90

Chapter 6. Situations reference 125

Issues a warning alert if 80 to 90% of eligible sessions are active. This situation has
the following formula:
Oracle_Session_Summary.Percent_Max_Sessions_Active GE 80
Oracle_Session_Summary.Percent_Max_Sessions_Active LT 90

Issues a critical alert if the process monitor is not active. This situation has the
following formula:
Oracle_Process_Summary.PMON_Active EQ No

Issues a critical alert concerning the current number of Oracle processes as a
percentage of the instance maximum.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Process_Summary.Percent_Max_Processes_Active GT 95.0

Issues a warning alert if more than 10 processes are waiting for a latch. This
situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Process_Summary.Processes_Waiting_Latch GE 10

Issues a warning alert concerning the current number of Oracle processes as a
percentage of the instance maximum.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Process_Summary.Percent_Max_Processes_Active GT 85.0
AND Oracle_Process_Summary.Percent_Max_Processes_Active LE 95.0

Issues a warning alert if the number of immediate log buffer misses exceeds 1. This
situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Cache_Totals.Redo_Log_Buff_Immediate_Misses GT 1

Issues a critical alert concerning the number of times that a user process was
unable to allocate space in the redo log buffer.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Redo_Log_Space_Waits GE 5

Issues a warning alert concerning the number of times that a user process was
unable to allocate space in the redo log buffer.

This situation has the following formula:

126 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Redo_Log_Space_Waits GE 1
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Redo_Log_Space_Waits LT 5

Issues a critical alert if more than 1 wait occurs per interval. This situation has the
following formula:
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Redo_Log_Space_Waits GE 1

Issues a warning alert if 1 wait occurs per interval. This situation has the following
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Redo_Log_Space_Waits GT 0
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Redo_Log_Space_Waits LT 2

Issues a critical alert concerning the number of redo logs that can be created before
the disk is full, based on the space available, in kilobytes, in the

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Server.Total_Redo_Logs LT 3

Issues a warning alert concerning the number of redo logs that can be created
before the disk is full, based on the space available, in kilobytes, in the

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Server.Total_Redo_Logs GE 3
Oracle_Server.Total_Redo_Logs LT 10

Issues a warning alert if the number of immediate log buffer gets exceeds 1. This
situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Cache_Totals.Redo_Log_Buff_Immediate_Gets GT 1

Issues a critical alert concerning the percentage ratio of rollback segment header
waits to rollback segment header gets.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Rollback_Segments.Buffer_Busy_Wait_Percent GT 5.0

Issues a warning alert concerning the percentage ratio of rollback segment header
waits to rollback segment header gets.

This situation has the following formula:

Chapter 6. Situations reference 127

Oracle_Rollback_Segments.Buffer_Busy_Wait_Percent GT 2.0
Oracle_Rollback_Segments.Buffer_Busy_Wait_Percent LE 5.0

Issues a critical alert if CPU usage reaches more than 80%. This situation has the
following formula:
Oracle_Server.Server_CPU_Percent GE 80

Issues a warning alert if CPU usage is 70 to 80%. This situation has the following
Oracle_Server.Server_CPU_Percent GE 70
Oracle_Server.Server_CPU_Percent LT 80

Reports that the server is not active. This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Server.Server_Status EQ Inactive

Reports that the server is not active. When the Oracle server is down, you only see
the Oracle_Server_Not_Active situation as a default because
Oracle_Server_Status_Inactive is not associated with any workspaces. Both the
Oracle_Server_Not_Active and the Oracle_Server_Status_Inactive situations are the
same, but Oracle_Server_Status_Inactive has the following action specified: send a
mail to admin. If you want to get an e-mail automatically, you must associate this
action with your Server entry for the Navigation tree item. See the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring User’s Guide for information about how to associate a situation with a
Navigation tree item. After you associate the situation with the Navigator item,
you see both the Oracle_Server_Not_Active situation and the
Oracle_Server_Status_Inactive situation when the Oracle server is not active.

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Server.Server Status EQ Inactive, send a message to system administrator

Issues a warning alert if less than 1% of free space remains in the SGA and the
cache hit is inefficient. This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Server.SGA_Percent_Free LT 1

Issues a critical alert if the system process monitor is not active. This situation has
the following formula:
Oracle_Process_Summary.SMON_Active EQ No

Issues a warning alert if sorting to disk is more than 70%. This situation has the
following formula:
Oracle_Statistics_ Summary.Sort_Disk_Percent GE 70

128 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Issues a warning alert if the SQL_TRACE parameter has turned on SQL tracing.
This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Server_Options.SQL_Trc_Enabled EQ Yes

Issues a critical alert if less than 10% of free space remains in the SYSTEM
tablespace. This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Database.System_TS_Percent_Free LE 10

Issues a warning alert if between 10 to 30% of free space remains in the SYSTEM
tablespace. This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Database.System_TS_Percent_Free GT 10
Oracle_Database.System_TS_Percent_Free LE 30

Issues a critical alert concerning how close temporary segments are to their
maximum extents limit (the ratio, as a percentage, of extents to the maximum
extents limit).

Note: This situation requires customization to work correctly. Before using this
situation, customize it by specifying the name of the tablespace that you
want to monitor as follows:
1. Right-click on the situation in the Situation editor, and click Create
Another... .
2. Type a name for the situation.
3. After the situation is created, edit it, and click Add conditions... .
4. Select Tablespace Name (Unicode) from the Attribute Item list, and
click OK. The Tablespace Name (Unicode) attribute is displayed in the
Formula window.
5. Select the cell under the Tablespace Name (Unicode) attribute, and type
the name of the tablespace to monitor. Use the default comparison
operator, equals (= =).

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Segments.Maximum_Temporary_Extents_Allocated GT 95.0

Issues a warning alert concerning how close temporary segments are to their
maximum extents limit (the ratio, as a percentage, of extents to the maximum
extents limit).

Note: This situation requires customization to work correctly. Before using this
situation, customize it by specifying the name of the tablespace that you
want to monitor as follows:
1. Right-click on the situation in the Situation editor, and click Create
Another... .
2. Type a name for the situation.
3. After the situation is created, edit it, and click Add conditions... .

Chapter 6. Situations reference 129

4. Select Tablespace Name (Unicode) from the Attribute Item list, and
click OK. The Tablespace Name (Unicode) attribute is displayed in the
Formula window.
5. Select the cell under the Tablespace Name (Unicode) attribute, and type
the name of the tablespace to monitor. Use the default comparison
operator, equals (= =).

This situation has the following formula:

Oracle_Segments.Maximum_Temporary_Extents_Allocated GT 75.0
Oracle_Segments.Maximum_Temporary_Extents_Allocated LE 95.0

Issues a warning alert if the average time between Oracle checkpoints is greater
than 5 minutes and less than 60 minutes. This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Avg_Time_Between_CHKPTs LE 5
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Avg_Time_Between_CHKPTs GE 60

Issues a warning alert if the percentage of rollbacks to commits is more than 20%.
This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Statistics_Summary.Percent_Rollbacks_To_Commits GE 20

Issues a warning alert if CPU usage by the application processes is more than 80%.
This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Process_Summary.Server_CPU_Percent_Application GE 80

Issues a critical alert if the number of rollback segments that need recovery is more
than 9000. This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Rollback_Segments.Rollback_Segment_Number GT 90

Issues a warning alert if the number of rollback segments that need recovery is
between 8000 to 9000. This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Rollback_Segments.Rollback_Segment_Number GT 80
Oracle_Rollback_Segments.Rollback_Segment_Number LT 90

Issues a warning alert if more than one session is killed. This situation has the
following formula:
Oracle_Session_Summary.Killed_Sessions GE 1

Issues a warning alert if the CPU usage by the system processes is more than 30%.
This situation has the following formula:
Oracle_Process_Summary. Server_CPU_Percent_System GE 30

130 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Chapter 7. Take Action commands reference
This chapter contains an overview of Take Action commands, references for
detailed information about Take Action commands, and descriptions of the Take
Action commands included in this monitoring agent.

About Take Action commands

Take Action commands can be run from the desktop or included in a situation or a

When included in a situation, the command executes when the situation becomes
true. A Take Action command in a situation is also referred to as reflex automation.
When you enable a Take Action command in a situation, you automate a response
to system conditions. For example, you can use a Take Action command to send a
command to restart a process on the managed system or to send a text message to
a cell phone.

Advanced automation uses policies to perform actions, schedule work, and

automate manual tasks. A policy comprises a series of automated steps called
activities that are connected to create a workflow. After an activity is completed,
Tivoli Enterprise Portal receives return code feedback, and advanced automation
logic responds with subsequent activities prescribed by the feedback.

More information about Take Action commands

For more information about working with Take Action commands, see the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide.

For a list of the Take Action commands for this monitoring agent and a description
of each command, refer to the Predefined Take Action commands section below
and the information in that section for each individual command.

Predefined Take Action commands

This monitoring agent contains the following Take Action command:

The following information is provided about the Take Action command:

Which actions the command performs on the system to which is it sent
List of arguments, if any, for the Take Action command with a short
description and default value for each one
Destination systems
Where the command is to be executed: on the Managed System
(monitoring agent) where the agent resides or on the Managing System
(Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server) to which it is connected
Usage Notes
Additional notes relevant to using the task.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 131

This Take Action command executes the SQL statement by SQLPLUS.

If you execute the SQLPLUS take action command to the oracle agent on UNIX,
you must put \ for the special characters. If this \ is missing, the parameter will
not be passed. These special characters include the following:
v *
v ’
v (
v )
v $
v ;
For example, on Windows, select * from v$instance. On UNIX, select \* from
The SQL statement that you want to run

Destination systems
Managed system

Usage notes
For example, type the following:
koresql statement

In an argument, you do not need to put this special character, ; , at the end of the
syntax. The result is in the trace log of this procedure. See Appendix C, “Problem
determination,” on page 173 for more information about this log and its location.

In the GUI, if you put the wrong SQL syntax, you receive a 0 return. The result of
the SQLPLUS take action remains unchecked. Evaluate whether or not the koresql
executed. The result is in the log file of this procedure. See Appendix C, “Problem
determination,” on page 173 for more information about this log and its location.

132 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Chapter 8. Policies reference
This chapter contains an overview of policies and references for detailed
information about policies.

About policies
Policies are an advanced automation technique for implementing more complex
workflow strategies than you can create through simple automation.

A policy is a set of automated system processes that can perform actions, schedule
work for users, or automate manual tasks. You use the Workflow Editor to design
policies. You control the order in which the policy executes a series of automated
steps, which are also called activities. Policies are connected to create a workflow.
After an activity is completed,Tivoli Enterprise Portal receives return code feedback
and advanced automation logic responds with subsequent activities prescribed by
the feedback.

Note: The predefined policies provided with this monitoring agent are not
read-only. Do not edit these policies and save over them. Software updates
will write over any of the changes that you make to these policies. Instead,
clone the policies that you want to change to suit your enterprise.

More information about policies

For more information about working with policies, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
User’s Guide.

For information about using the Workflow Editor, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Administrator’s Guide or the Tivoli Enterprise Portal online help.

For a list of the policies for this monitoring agent and a description of each policy,
refer to the Predefined policies section below and the information in that section
for each individual policy.

Predefined policies
This monitoring agent contains the following predefined policies:
v Oracle_server_not_active
v Oracle_freespace_low

The remaining sections of this chapter contain descriptions of these policies, which
are listed alphabetically.

This policy provides actions to take when the Oracle server is not active. This
policy is triggered by the Oracle_Server_Not_Active situation. When triggered, the
workflow requires that you select one of the following actions:
v Run the kddignor command.
v Run the kddmail command as follows:
kddmail DBA_id "Oracle server &Oracle_Server.Server not active"

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 133

E-mail address of the database administrator
Name of the Oracle server
v Run the korstart command as follows:
korstart &Oracle_Server.Server &Oracle_Server.Server_Version
Modify the korstart.cmd command.
Start the Oracle instance.

This policy provides actions to take on low free space on the Oracle instance. This
policy is triggered by the Oracle_DB_PctFree_Space_Low situation. When
triggered, the workflow requires that you select one of the following actions:
v Run the kddignor command.
v Run the kddmail command as follows:
kddmail DBA_id "Oracle server &Oracle_Server not active"
E-mail address of the database administrator
Name of the Oracle server
v Run the korexpdb command as follows:
korexpdb "uid/password" &Oracle_Database.Databases_Name default_tbspace datafile
Connection user id and password as a sysadmin authority
Database name
Tablespace name
datafile Datafile name

134 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Appendix A. Workspaces workgroups mapped to tasks
Use Table 10 to determine which Oracle workspace to use in a specific situation.
Table 10. Overview of Oracle Workspace group mapping

System Global Area

Cache Totals


Alert Log



If you want to...
Investigate error messages U
Review cache usage by the U
dictionary, library, and redo
Monitor lock usage and details U
about blocking and waiting
Get information on databases, U
tablespaces, files, and segments
Monitor logging activity, U
rollback segments, and
blocking transactions
Review process details U
Review database and server U
status, SQL tracing, parallel
processing, release information,
and initialization values
View system-wide statistics on U
timings, throughput values,
and totals. A link to the
Throughput Statistics
workspace is displayed in the
Servers workspace.
View performance statistics on U
averages, percentages, and
counts. A link to the Ratio
Statistics workspace is
displayed in the Servers
Review session details U U U U
Review SQL text U U U U
Review usage of the SGA and U
its major areas

Table 11 on page 136 contains descriptions and page references for more details
about the workspaces for the Monitoring Agent for Oracle. For more information,
see Chapter 4, “Workspaces reference,” on page 19.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 135

Table 11. Workspaces for Monitoring Agent for Oracle
Navigator selections information about...
Oracle Alert Log Error messages, timestamps for messages, message
details, and the text of a message
Oracle Cache Totals Detailed usage of the dictionary, library, and redo log
buffer caches
Oracle Contention Details about locks and blocking and waiting sessions
Oracle Databases Databases, tablespaces, files, and segments that include
details on size, space usage, and extents
Oracle Logging Logging activity, rollback segments, extents, extends,
shrinks, and wraps
Oracle Processes Types and numbers of processes, process status, process
details, and SQL text
Oracle Servers Server instances, database and instance status,
initialization parameters, CPU usage, parallel processing,
and SQL tracing
Performance statistics reported as timings and
throughput values for such operations as reads, writes,
and recursive calls
Statistics reports as averages and percentages for such
items as data caches hits, enque waits, disk sorts, and
Oracle Sessions Types and numbers of sessions, session status, session
details, and SQL text
Oracle System Global Area Usage and free space for the SGA and the library,
dictionary, and data caches

Oracle Servers workspace

Use Table 12 to determine which workspace to use in a specific situation. You can
sort and filter information in the tables and charts to change the way you view
Table 12. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Servers workspace
Server Throughput Statistics
Enterprise Server Summary

Enterprise Server Statistics

Server Ratio Statistics

Server Configuration

Server Statistics

If you want to...

See the status of all server instances, databases, U U
and the system tablespace
Review information on CPU usage, archive U
space, the SGA, and database availability

136 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 12. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Servers workspace (continued)

Server Throughput Statistics

Enterprise Server Summary

Enterprise Server Statistics

Server Ratio Statistics

Server Configuration

Server Statistics
If you want to...
Review information on checkpoint processing, U
parallel processing, the distributed option, and
the operating system
Determine the average number of minutes U U
between checkpoints
Monitor the number of deadlocks and timeouts U U
for server instances
Identify a statistic you would like to monitor U U U
Review the minimum and maximum values U U U
recorded for each statistic
See settings for initialization and configuration U
Determine the number of currently open U U
Determine the average number of physical U U U
reads and writes per second

Table 13 provides background information about each linked workspace in the

Oracle Servers workspace group. An asterisk symbol (*) means that you can view a
current or historical version of the workspace.
Table 13. Workspaces for the Oracle Servers group workspace
Workspace name Associated attribute group View information about...
Servers v Oracle_Process_Detail v Free space for the archive files
v Oracle_Server v Collection status
v Server version
v SGA space
Enterprise Server Statistics v Oracle_Statistics_Summary v Current value for each statistic
v Minimum and maximum values recorded for
each statistic
v Average values per transaction and per second
for each statistic
Enterprise Servers Summary v Oracle_Process_Detail v Database status, mounted or open
v Oracle_Server v Server status
v Percentage of CPU used by the operation system
and applications

Appendix A. Workspaces workgroups mapped to tasks 137

Table 13. Workspaces for the Oracle Servers group workspace (continued)
Workspace name Associated attribute group View information about...
Server Configuration v Oracle_Configuration v Parallel processing
v Oracle_Server v Checkpoint processing
v Oracle_Server_Options v SQL tracing
v Release status
v Distributed connections
v Initialization defaults
v Parameter IDs and names
v Settings for parameters
Server Ratio Statistics Detail v Oracle_Statistics_Summary v Current value for each statistic
v Average value for each statistic
v Data cache hit percent
v Processes waiting for the redo log to acquire
Server Statistics v Oracle_Statistics_Summary v Average cursors per transaction
v Enqueue waits
v Percent of rollbacks to commits
v Number of currently open sessions
v Number of currently open cursors
v Number of physical reads and physical writes
v Number of transactions per second
Server Throughput Statistics v Oracle_Statistics_Detail v Current value of each statistic
v Oracle_Statistics_Summary v Minimum and maximum values recorded for
each statistic
v Average values per transaction and per second
for each statistic
v Logons
v User calls per second
v Average time between checkpoints
v Number of transactions

Oracle Databases workspace

Use Table 14 on page 139 to determine which workspace to use in a specific
situation. You can sort and filter information in the tables and charts to change the
way you view information.

Note: To accommodate screen width limitations, scroll to the right to view all of
the columns in a table view.

138 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 14. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Databases workspace

Enterprise Database summary

tablespace segment
Tablespace file
If you want to...
Determine the number of megabytes allocated for the SYSTEM tablespace for a U U
Monitor the percentage of free space in a tablespace U U U
See detailed information about types, sizes, numbers, names, and extents for all U
segments in a tablespace
Review the minimum and maximum number of extents specified for each U

Table 15 provides background information about data in the Oracle Databases

workspace. An asterisk symbol (*) means that you can view a current or historical
version of the report.
Table 15. Workspaces for the Oracle Databases group
Workspace Name Associated attribute group View information about...
Databases* v Oracle_Database v Domain name for the database
Provides information on status and v Oracle_Tablespaces v Size of the database
space usage for the database. It v Percentage of free space available
includes information about archiving for the database
and the number of files and
Enterprise Database Summary v Oracle_Database v Archiving operations for databases
Provides an overview about database v Free space in the SYSTEM
activity for the Oracle server tablespace for databases
instances in your environment. It also v Number of megabytes in the
allows you to access the other SYSTEM tablespace for databases
workspaces in this group.
Tablespace Segment* Oracle_Segments v Type of segment
Provides information about v Names of the segment and
characteristics of all the segments in a segment owner
tablespace, their free lists, and free v Size of each segment
list groups. v Extents and their size and usage
v Segment types and quantities
Tablespace File* Oracle_Files v Status of the file
Provides information about files and v Backup status of the file
their fragmentation, backup status, v Size and space usage for a file
and extents. v Size and status of the tablespace

Appendix A. Workspaces workgroups mapped to tasks 139

Oracle System Global Area workspace
Use Table 16 to determine which workspace to use in a specific situation. You can
sort and filter information in the table views to change the way you view
information in the workspace.
Table 16. Workspace group mapping: Oracle System Global Area workspace

Enterprise System Global Area

System Global Area
If you want to...
Monitor the percentage of free space in the SGA U U
Determine the sizes of areas in the SGA U U
Review the maximum and minimum percentages of free space recorded for each U
server instance

Use Table 17 to determine how each workspace can help you monitor the system
global area in your environment. An asterisk symbol (*) means that you can view a
current or historical version of the information.
Table 17. Workspaces for the Oracle System Global Area workspace group
Workspace Name Associated attribute group View information about...
System Global Area * v Oracle_SGA_Memory v Number of megabytes in the SGA
Contains summary information v Oracle_Server v Percentage of free space remaining in
about the System Global Area for the SGA
each server instance v Time of the last check point
v Percentage of the SGA used by data
cache, dictionary cache, library
cache, SQL area, and PL/SQL objects
Enterprise System Global Area Oracle_SGA_Memory v Percentage of free space in the SGA
for server instances
Provides an overview about SGA
usage for Oracle server instances. v Amount of space in the SGA
allocated for server instances
v Amount of space in the data cache,
shared pool, and log buffer allocated
server instances

Oracle Processes workspace

Use Table 18 on page 141 to determine which workspace to use in a specific
situation. You can sort and filter information in the tables and charts to change the
way you view information in the workspace.

Note: To accommodate screen width limitations, scroll to the right to view all of
the columns in a table view.
140 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 18. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Processes workspace

Enterprise Process Summary

Session Detail

c.SQL Text
If you want to...
Monitor the percentage of allowable processes concurrently active U U
Identify the address of the process that owns the session U
Identify the number of foreground and background processes that are U
Identify the number of processes waiting on a latch U
Determine the status of a session U
View SQL text for a session U

Use Table 19 to determine how each workspace can help you monitor Oracle
processes in your environment. An asterisk symbol (*) means that you can view a
current or historical version of the workspace.
Table 19. Workspaces for the Oracle Processes workspace group
Workspace Name Associated attribute group View information about...
Processes* v Oracle_Process_Detail v CPU usage for applications
Provides information about Oracle v Oracle_Process_Summary v Number of active concurrent
processes running for a selected processes
server instance. v Percentage of allowable processes
currently active
v Types of processes
v Amount of memory allocated to
each process
v Length of time each process has
been active
Enterprise Process Summary v Oracle_Process_Summary v Number of background and
foreground processes for server
Provides an overview about
processes for all Oracle server
instances in the enterprise. v Percentage of active processes for
server instances
v Maximum limits set for the
number of processes for server
Session Detail* Oracle_Session_Detail v Address of the process
Provides session information for a v Totals for reads, gets, and changes
selected process. v Number of waits and causes of

Appendix A. Workspaces workgroups mapped to tasks 141

Table 19. Workspaces for the Oracle Processes workspace group (continued)
Workspace Name Associated attribute group View information about...
SQL Text Oracle_SQL_Full_Text v Strings of SQL text that were read
for the session
Contains the SQL text for a selected
session. v Sort number for ordering the SQL
text in a report

Oracle Sessions workspace

Use Table 20 to determine which workspace to use in a specific situation. You can
sort and filter information in the tables and charts to change the way you view
information in the workspace.

Note: To accommodate screen width limitations, scroll to the right to view all of
the columns in a table view.
Table 20. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Sessions workspace

Enterprise Session Summary

Session SQL Text

If you want to...
Determine the number of active sessions U U
Monitor the number of sessions waiting for locks to be released U U
Determine the status of a session U
Identify the address of a locked resource U
View SQL text for a session U

Use Table 21 to determine how each workspace can help you monitor Oracle
sessions in your environment. An asterisk symbol (*) means that you can view a
current or historical version of the report.
Table 21. Workspaces for the Oracle Sessions workspace group
Workspace Name Associated attribute group View information about...
Sessions * v Oracle_Session_Detail v Number of active, inactive, and
v Oracle_Session_Summary killed sessions
Provides information about sessions
for all server instances and for a v High-water mark set for sessions
session for a selected host. v Session status, type, and serial
v Command in progress of the
v Percentage for successful hits on
the data cache for the session

142 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 21. Workspaces for the Oracle Sessions workspace group (continued)
Workspace Name Associated attribute group View information about...
Enterprise Session Summary v Oracle_Session_Summary v Number of active sessions for
server instances
Provides an overview about sessions
for Oracle server instances. v Number of dedicated connections
for server instances
v Number of sessions waiting for
locks to be released
SQL Text Oracle_SQL_Full_Text v Strings of SQL text that were read
for the session
Contains the SQL text for a selected
session. v Sort number for ordering the SQL
text in a report

Oracle Alert Log workspace

Use Table 22 to determine which workspace to use in a specific situation. You can
sort and filter information in the tables and charts to change the way you view
information in the workspace.
Table 22. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Alert Log workspace

Enterprise Alert Log

Alert Log
If you want to...
Determine the number of errors since the server instance was started U U
Determine, for each server instance in the enterprise, the number of errors since the server U
instance was started
Determine the age of the last error U
Identify messages from the alert log for a server instance U

Use Table 23 to determine how each workspace can help you monitor Oracle alerts
in your environment. An asterisk symbol (*) means that you can view a current or
historical version of the workspace.
Table 23. Workspaces for the Oracle Alert Log workspace group
Workspace Name Associated attribute group View information about...
Enterprise Alert Log v Oracle_Alert_Log_Summary v Errors since startup for server
Provides an overview about errors
for each Oracle server instance in v Errors during the current interval
the enterprise. for server instances
v Age of the last error for server

Appendix A. Workspaces workgroups mapped to tasks 143

Table 23. Workspaces for the Oracle Alert Log workspace group (continued)
Workspace Name Associated attribute group View information about...
Alert Log* v Oracle_Alert_Log_Summary v Age of the last error
Contains information about alert v Oracle_Alert_Log_Detail v Time the last error occurred
log entries for a selected server v Number of administrative
instance. operations during the last interval
v Text of each message in the alert
v IDs of each message in the alert log
v Time each message was issued

Oracle Cache Totals workspace

Use Table 24 to determine which workspace to use in a specific situation. You can
sort and filter information in the tables and charts to change the way you view
information in the workspace.

Note: To accommodate screen width limitations, scroll to the right to view all of
the columns in a table view.
Table 24. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Cache Totals workspace

Enterprise Cache
Cache Totals

If you want to...
Determine the number of entries in the dictionary cache for server instances U U
Monitor the percentages of dictionary cache hits and misses U U
Determine the number of times the system found initialized objects in the library U
Identify a namespace assigned to a library cache U

Use Table 25 to determine how each workspace can help you monitor the cache in
your environment. An asterisk symbol (*) means that you can view a current or
historical version of the workspace.
Table 25. Workspaces for the Oracle Cache Totals workspace group
Workspace Name Associated attribute group View information about...
Cache Totals* v Oracle_Cache_Totals v Library cache
Contains statistics about cache v Oracle_Library_Cache_Usage v Dictionary cache
usage by a selected server instance. v Redo log buffer
v Namespace for the library cache
v Number of times the system
found handles for objects in the
library cache
v Requested executions from the
library cache

144 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 25. Workspaces for the Oracle Cache Totals workspace group (continued)
Workspace Name Associated attribute group View information about...
Enterprise Cache Totals v Oracle_Cache_Totals View information about the
v Oracle_Library_Cache_Usage v Number of entries in the
Provides an overview about cache
dictionary cache
usage for all Oracle server instances
in the enterprise. v Percentage of successful scans of
the dictionary cache
v Percentage of successful gets from
the library cache

Oracle Contention workspace

Use Table 26 to determine which workspace to use in a specific situation. You can
sort and filter information in the tables and charts to change the way you view
information in the workspace.

Note: To accommodate screen width limitations, scroll to the right to view all of
the columns in a table view.
Table 26. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Contention workspace

Enterprise Contention Summary

Blocking SQL Text

Waiting SQL Text

Session Detail

SQL Text
If you want to...
Determine the number of DML locks for server instances U U
Determine the number of blockers and waiters for server U U
Identify the object with the most waiters U
Identify blocking and waiting sessions U U U U
Identify lock modes and IDs for sessions, users, and objects U
Identify the causes of waits for locks U U U
View SQL text for a blocking or waiting session U

Use Table 27 on page 146 to determine how each workspace can help you monitor
lock contention in your environment. An asterisk symbol (*) means that you can
view a current or historical version of the report.

Appendix A. Workspaces workgroups mapped to tasks 145

Table 27. Workspaces for the Oracle Contention workspace group
Workspace Name Associated attribute group View information about...
Contention * v Oracle_Lock_Conflicts v Locks being used for each server
v Oracle_Contention _Summary instance
Provides information about
contention situations for a selected v Blockers and waiters for each
server instance in your environment. server instance
v Sessions in the largest conflict
v IDs of blocking and waiting
v Modes of the lock request and held
v Name and type of object locked by
the blocking session
Enterprise Contention Summary v Oracle_Contention _Summary v Number of DML locks being used
for server instances
Provides an overview about lock
contention for all Oracle server v Number of blockers and waiters for
instances in the enterprise. server instances
v Percentage of the DML lock limit
being used for server instances
Blocking SQL Text Oracle_SQL_Text_Full View information about the
v Strings of SQL text that were read
Provides the SQL text for a selected
from the library cache
blocking session.
v Sort number for ordering the SQL
text in the report
Session Detail * Oracle_Session_Detail v Session status, type, and serial
Provides details about a selected
lock conflict. v Name of the program for the
v Name of the schema associated
with the user
v Frequency of data hits in the cache
for the session
v Totals for read, get, and change
operations for the session
v Waits for locks and causes of waits
SQL Text Oracle_SQL_Text_Full v Hash value that identifies the
cached cursor for the blocking
Provides the SQL text for a selected
session and the hash value for the
blocking session and a waiting
waiting session
v Strings of SQL text that were read
from the library cache
Waiting SQL Text Oracle_SQL_Text_Full v Strings of SQL text that were read
from the library
Provides the SQL text for a selected
waiting session. v Cache sort number for ordering the
SQL text in the report

146 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Oracle Logging workspace
Use Table 28 to determine which workspace to use in a specific situation. You can
sort and filter information in the tables and charts to change the way you view
information in the workspace.

Note: To accommodate screen width limitations, scroll to the right to view all of
the columns in a table view.
Table 28. Workspace group mapping: Oracle Logging workspace

Transactions Blocking
Enterprise Logging
If you want to...
Monitor the average number of extents for a rollback segment U U
Determine the optimal size for a rollback segment U
Monitor transactions that are preventing a rollback segment from wrapping to U
the next extent

Use Table 29 to determine how each workspace can help you monitor the logging
activity for rollback segments in your environment. An asterisk symbol (*) means
that you can view a current or historical version of the workspace.
Table 29. Workspaces for the Oracle Logging workspace group
Workspace Name Associated attribute group View information about...
Logging * v Oracle_Logging_Summary v Size of all active rollback segments
Includes basic and detailed logging v Oracle_Rollback_Segments v Number of all rollback segments
information about extents, size, and v Number of all extents for rollback
activity. segments
v Status of each rollback segment
v Name and number of each rollback
v Wraps from one extent to another
Enterprise Logging Summary v Oracle_Logging_Summary v Rollback segments
Provides an overview of information v Extents for rollback segments
about logging activity and rollback v Pending offline segments
segments for Oracle server instances
in the enterprise.
Transactions Blocking * Oracle_Trans_Blocking v Rollback segment
Contains information about v Current extent the rollback segment
transactions that are preventing a is writing to
rollback segment from wrapping to v Blocking transaction sequence
the next extent.

Appendix A. Workspaces workgroups mapped to tasks 147

148 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Appendix B. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping
Generic event mapping provides useful event class and attribute information for
situations that do not have specific event mapping defined. Each event class
corresponds to an attribute group in the monitoring agent. For a description of the
event slots for each event class, see Table 30 on page 150. For more information
about mapping attribute groups to event classes, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Administrator’s Guide.

BAROC files are found on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server in the
installation directory in TECLIB (that is, install_dir/cms/TECLIB for Windows
systems and install_dir/tables/TEMS_hostname/TECLIB for UNIX systems). IBM
Tivoli Enterprise Console event synchronization provides a collection of
ready-to-use rule sets that you can deploy with minimal configuration. Be sure to
install IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event synchronization to access the correct
Sentry.baroc, which is automatically included during base configuration of IBM
Tivoli Enterprise Console rules if you indicate that you want to use an existing
rulebase. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide for details.

Each of the event classes is a child of KOR_Base. The KOR_Base event class can be
used for generic rules processing for any event from the Monitoring Agent for

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 149

Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Server Oracle_Server attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: INTEGER
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v db_mounted: STRING
v db_open: STRING
v server_status: STRING
v collection_status: STRING
v server_version: STRING
v total_sga_size: REAL
v sga_percent_free: REAL
v data_cache_size: REAL
v log_buffer_size: INTEGER
v shared_pool_size: REAL
v last_checkpoint_timestamp: STRING
v archive_dest_percent_full: REAL
v time_since_startup: INTEGER
v server_cpu_percent: REAL
v total_os_cpu_percent: REAL
v current_interval: INTEGER
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v percent_archive_free_space: REAL
v archive_free_space: INTEGER
v archive_used_space: INTEGER
v total_redo_logs: INTEGER
v total_datafiles: INTEGER
ITM_Oracle_Server_Options Oracle_Server_Options attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: INTEGER
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v startup_timestamp: STRING
v release_status: STRING
v os_type: STRING
v os_version: STRING
v par_q_avail: STRING
v par_s_avail: STRING
v distrib_avail: STRING
v timed_stats: STRING
v sql_trc_enabled: STRING
v ckpt_proc_enabled: STRING
v sample_timestamp: STRING

150 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Configuration Oracle_Configuration attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v parameter: STRING
v parm_id: STRING
v kor_value: STRING
v default_in_use: STRING
v parm_type: INTEGER
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v value_u: STRING
ITM_Oracle_SGA_Memory Oracle_SGA_Memory attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v total_sga_size: REAL
v sga_percent_free: REAL
v sga_maximum_percent_free: REAL
v sga_minimum_percent_free: REAL
v data_cache_size: REAL
v log_buffer_size: INTEGER
v shared_pool_size: REAL
v sga_percent_data_cache: REAL
v sga_percent_dict_cache: REAL
v sga_percent_library_cache: REAL
v sga_percent_sql_area: REAL
v sga_percent_pl_per_sql: REAL
v sga_percent_other: REAL
v sample_timestamp: STRING

Appendix B. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 151

Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Statistics_Summary Oracle_Statistics_Summary attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v current_interval: INTEGER
v current_session_logons: INTEGER
v current_open_cursors: INTEGER
v average_cursors_per_transaction: REAL
v number_of_transactions: REAL
v number_of_logons: REAL
v cursors_opened: REAL
v user_calls: REAL
v logical_reads: REAL
v physical_reads: REAL
v physical_writes: REAL
v rows_sorted: REAL
v total_gets: INTEGER
v recursive_calls: REAL
v long_table_scans: REAL
v table_fetch_continued_rows: INTEGER
v percent_rollbacks_to_commits: REAL
v sort_disk_percent: REAL
v data_cache_hit_percent: REAL
v total_deadlocks_timeouts: INTEGER
v enqueue_waits: INTEGER
v redo_log_space_waits: INTEGER
v avg_time_between_chkpts: REAL
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v freelist_waits_ratio: REAL
v continued_row_ratio: REAL
v data_cache_hit_percent_interval: REAL
v background_dump_space_percent_used:
v core_dump_space_percent_used: REAL
v user_dump_space_percent_used: REAL
v blocked_transactions: INTEGER
v percent_active_transactions: REAL
v blocked_changes_per_transaction:
v average_redo_entry_size: INTEGER
v redo_logs_not_archived: INTEGER
v call_rate: REAL
v call_rate_per_transaction: REAL
Continued on the next page.

152 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Statistics_Summary v changed_block_ratio: REAL
v completed_background_checkpoints:
v requested_dbwr_checkpoints: INTEGER
v cluster_key_ratio: REAL
v consistent_change_ratio: REAL
v percent_long_table_to_full_table_scans_
interval: REAL
v total_deadlocks: INTEGER
v row_source_percentage: REAL
v data_waits_ratio: REAL
v redo_allocation_latch_ratio: REAL
v redo_copy_latch_ratio: REAL
v redo_small_copy_ratio: REAL
v percent_false_pings: REAL
v ping_rate: REAL
v sort_overflow_ratio: REAL
ITM_Oracle_Statistics_Detail Oracle_Statistics_Detail attribute group #
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v current_interval: INTEGER
v stat_name: STRING
v total_since_startup: INTEGER
v current_value: INTEGER
v stat_wrap_around: STRING
v average_value_per_transaction: REAL
v maximum_seen: INTEGER
v minimum_seen: INTEGER
v stat_class: INTEGER
v stat_id: INTEGER
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v stat_name_u: STRING

Appendix B. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 153

Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Process_Summary Oracle_Process_Summary attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v current_interval: INTEGER
v total_processes: INTEGER
v percent_max_processes_active: REAL
v total_foreground: INTEGER
v total_background: INTEGER
v processes_waiting_latch: INTEGER
v max_processes_allowed: INTEGER
v server_cpu_percent_system: REAL
v server_cpu_percent_application: REAL
v pmon_active: STRING
v lgwr_active: STRING
v smon_active: STRING
v reco_active: STRING
v ckpt_active: STRING
v arch_active: STRING
v lck_active: STRING
v snp_active: STRING
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v shared_server_process_ratio: REAL
v shared_server_wait_time: REAL

154 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Process_Detail Oracle_Process_Detail attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v oracle_system_process: STRING
v oracle_process_id: INTEGER
v os_process_id: INTEGER
v total_cpu_time: REAL
v current_cpu_percent_used: REAL
v total_memory_alloc: INTEGER
v user_id: STRING
v terminal_id: STRING
v program_name: STRING
v backgrnd_process: STRING
v latch_wait: STRING
v latch_address: INTEGER
v process_serial_num: INTEGER
v process_address: STRING
v process_start_timestamp: STRING
v process_run_time: REAL
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v user_id_u: STRING
ITM_Oracle_Session_Summary Oracle_Session_Summary attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v current_interval: STRING
v total_sessions: INTEGER
v active_sessions: INTEGER
v inactive_sessions: INTEGER
v killed_sessions: INTEGER
v dedicated_server_connects: INTEGER
v shared_server_connects: INTEGER
v other_connects: INTEGER
v hwm_sessions_seen: INTEGER
v max_sessions_allowed: INTEGER
v percent_max_sessions_active: REAL
v sessions_waiting_on_lock: INTEGER
v sample_timestamp: STRING

Appendix B. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 155

Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Session_Detail Oracle_Session_Detail attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v session_id: INTEGER
v serial_number: INTEGER
v server_type: STRING
v user_id: STRING
v client_user_id: STRING
v client_process_id: INTEGER
v client_host_name: STRING
v terminal_id: STRING
v program_name: STRING
v session_type: STRING
v schema_user_id: STRING
v schema_name: STRING
v process_address: STRING
v command: STRING
v waiting_on_lock: STRING
v lock_address: INTEGER
v session_status: STRING
v total_block_gets: INTEGER
v total_consistent_gets: INTEGER
v total_physical_reads: INTEGER
v total_block_changes: INTEGER
v session_hit_percent: REAL
v total_consistent_changes: INTEGER
v currently_waiting: STRING
v event_or_resource_waiting_on: STRING
v sql_address: STRING
v hash_value: INTEGER
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v run_time: INTEGER
v open_cursors: REAL
v pcm_conversion_waits: INTEGER
v user_id_u: STRING
v client_user_id_u: STRING
v schema_name_u: STRING
v event_or_resource_waiting_on_u: STRING

156 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Database Oracle_Database attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v database_domain: STRING
v total_system_ts_size: REAL
v system_ts_percent_free: REAL
v archive_log_mode_enabled: STRING
v db_block_size: INTEGER
v dedicated_server_connects: INTEGER
v db_files_open: INTEGER
v percent_max_files_open: REAL
v max_open_files_allowed: INTEGER
v total_db_size: REAL
v db_percent_free_space: REAL
v total_table_spaces: INTEGER
v total_files_offline: INTEGER
v total_files_recover: INTEGER
v total_extents: INTEGER
v total_files_defined: INTEGER
v current_interval: INTEGER
v sample_timestamp: STRING
ITM_Oracle_Files Oracle_Files attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v tablespace_name: STRING
v file_name: STRING
v file_id: INTEGER
v file_status: STRING
v backup_status: STRING
v time_backup_started: STRING
v number_free_blocks: INTEGER
v percent_free_space: REAL
v largest_free_block: INTEGER
v largest_percent_free: REAL
v number_extents: INTEGER
v total_size: INTEGER
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v tablespace_name_u: STRING
v file_name_u: STRING

Appendix B. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 157

Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Segments Oracle_Segments attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v tablespace_name: STRING
v segment_name: STRING
v segment_owner: STRING
v segment_type: STRING
v number_extents: INTEGER
v total_size: INTEGER
v percent_max_extents_allocated: REAL
v max_extents_specified: INTEGER
v initial_extent_size: INTEGER
v next_extent_size: INTEGER
v min_extents_specified: INTEGER
v percent_extent_size_increase: REAL
v number_freelists_allocated: INTEGER
v number_freelist_groups: INTEGER
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v free_space_deficit: INTEGER
v maximum_temporary_extents_allocated:
v total_extents_not_allocated: INTEGER
v tablespace_name_u: STRING
v segment_name_u: STRING
v segment_owner_u: STRING

158 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Tablespaces Oracle_Tablespaces attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v tablespace_name: STRING
v total_files: INTEGER
v total_segments: INTEGER
v number_extents: INTEGER
v tablespace_status: STRING
v total_size: INTEGER
v number_temp_segments: INTEGER
v number_rollback_segments: INTEGER
v max_extents_specified: REAL
v initial_extent_size: INTEGER
v next_extent_size: INTEGER
v min_extents_specified: INTEGER
v percent_extent_size_increase: REAL
v number_free_blocks: INTEGER
v percent_free_space: REAL
v largest_free_block: INTEGER
v largest_percent_free: REAL
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v total_extents_not_allocated: INTEGER
v free_space_fragmentation: REAL
v tablespace_name_u: STRING

Appendix B. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 159

Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Contention_Summary Oracle_Contention_Summary attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v total_dml_locks: INTEGER
v percent_max_dml_locks: REAL
v maximum_dml_locks_allowed: INTEGER
v total_blockers: INTEGER
v total_waiters: INTEGER
v percent_of_sessions_blockers: REAL
v percent_of_sessions_waiters: REAL
v object_id_with_max_waiters: STRING
v number_waiters_in_largest_conflict:
v current_interval: INTEGER
v lock_hit_ratio: REAL
v total_row_locks: INTEGER
v total_transaction_locks: INTEGER
v total_user_supplied_locks: INTEGER
v total_buffer_locks: INTEGER
v total_cross-instance_locks: INTEGER
v total_control__ci__locks: INTEGER
v total_control__cs__locks: INTEGER
v total_data_locks: INTEGER
v total_mount-startup_locks: INTEGER
v total_distributed__dr__locks: INTEGER
v total_distributed__dx__locks: INTEGER
v total_sga_locks: INTEGER
v total_file_locks: INTEGER
v total_instance_locks: INTEGER
v total_library_locks: INTEGER
v total_log_locks: INTEGER
v total_master_locks: INTEGER
v total_mount_locks: INTEGER
v total_media_locks: INTEGER
v total_use_row_enqueue_locks: INTEGER
v total_redo_locks: INTEGER
v total_system__sc__locks: INTEGER
v total_system__sh__locks: INTEGER
v total_sequence__sn__locks: INTEGER
Continued on the next page.

160 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Contention_Summary v total_space_locks: INTEGER
v total_sequence__sv__locks: INTEGER
v total_generic_locks: INTEGER
v total_dll_locks: INTEGER
v total_extended-segment_locks: INTEGER
v total_temporary__ts__locks: INTEGER
v total_temporary__tt__locks: INTEGER
v total_user_locks: INTEGER
v total_being-written_locks: INTEGER
v total_write-atomic-log-switch_locks:
ITM_Oracle_Lock_Conflicts Oracle_Lock_Conflicts attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v server: STRING
v waiting_session_id: INTEGER
v waiting_user_id: STRING
v blocking_session_id: INTEGER
v blocking_user_id: STRING
v lock_request_mode: STRING
v lock_mode_held: STRING
v locked_object_id1: INTEGER
v locked_object_id2: INTEGER
v blocker_object_name: STRING
v blocker_object_type: STRING
v waiting_user_id_u: STRING
v blocking_user_id_u: STRING

Appendix B. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 161

Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Logging_Summary Oracle_Logging_Summary attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v total_online_rollback_segments: INTEGER
v total_rollback_segments: INTEGER
v total_rollback_segments_needing_recovery
v total_pending_offline_segments: INTEGER
v total_rollback_extents: INTEGER
v average_extents_per_rollback_segment:
v size_of_active_rollback_segments:
v total_active_transactions: INTEGER
v average_transactions_per_segment: REAL
v buffer_busy_wait_percent: REAL
v total_header_waits: INTEGER
v total_header_gets: INTEGER
v total_rollback_segment_shrinks: INTEGER
v total_rollback_segment_extends: INTEGER
v percent_rbs_needing_recovery: REAL

162 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Rollback_Segments Oracle_Rollback_Segments attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v rollback_segment_number
v rollback_segment_name: STRING
v number_extents: INTEGER
v rollback_segment_size: INTEGER
v bytes_written: INTEGER
v number_active_transactions: INTEGER
v header_waits: INTEGER
v header_gets: INTEGER
v buffer_busy_wait_percent: REAL
v optimal_size: INTEGER
v high_water_mark_size: INTEGER
v segment_shrinks: INTEGER
v segment_wraps: INTEGER
v segment_extends: INTEGER
v average_shrink_size: INTEGER
v average_size_of_active_extents: INTEGER
v segment_status: STRING
v current_extent_number: INTEGER
v current_block_number: INTEGER
v rollback_segment_name_u: STRING
ITM_Oracle_Trans_Blocking_Rollback_ Oracle_Trans_Blocking_Rollback_Segment_
Segment_Wrap Wrap attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v rollback_segment_number: INTEGER
v transaction_slot_number: INTEGER
v transaction_sequence_number: INTEGER
v transaction_status: STRING
v session_address: STRING
v transaction_start_timestamp: STRING
v current_rbs_extent_number: INTEGER
v transaction_starting_extent_number:

Appendix B. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 163

Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Alert_Log_Summary Oracle_Alert_Log_Summary attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v total_errors_since_startup: INTEGER
v total_errors_for_interval: INTEGER
v age_of_last_error: INTEGER
v timestamp_last_error: STRING
v total_admin_operations_startup: INTEGER
v total_admin_operations_interval:
v timestamp_last_error_admin_operation:
v total_critical_alerts: INTEGER
v total_warning_alerts: INTEGER
ITM_Oracle_Alert_Log_Details Oracle_Alert_Log_Details attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v message_timestamp: STRING
v message_id: STRING
v message_text: STRING
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v message_text_u: STRING

164 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Cache_Totals Oracle_Cache_Totals attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v library_total_get_requests: INTEGER
v library_get_hits: INTEGER
v library_total_get_hit_percent: REAL
v library_total_executions_or_pins:
v library_total_execution_hits: INTEGER
v library_total_execution_hit_percent: REAL
v library_total_reloads: INTEGER
v library_total_invalidations: INTEGER
v dictionary_total_cache_entries: INTEGER
v dictionary_total_valid_cache_entries:
v dictionay_total_fixed_entries: INTEGER
v dictionary_total_gets: INTEGER
v dictionary_total_misses: INTEGER
v dictionary_total_hit_percent: REAL
v dictionary_total_scan_requests: INTEGER
v dictionary_total_scan_misses: INTEGER
v dictionary_total_scan_hit_percent: REAL
v dictionary_total_scan_completes:
v dictionary_total_modifications: INTEGER
v dictionary_total_flushes: INTEGER
v redo_log_buff_willing_to_wait_gets:
v redo_log_buff_willing_to_wait_misses:
v redo_log_buff_willing_to_wait_percent_
misses: REAL
v redo_log_buff_immediate_gets: INTEGER
v redo_log_buff_immediate_misses:
v redo_log_buff_immediate_percent_misses:

Appendix B. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 165

Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Library_Cache_Usage Oracle_Library_Cache_Usage attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v namespace: STRING
v get_requests: INTEGER
v get_hits: INTEGER
v get_hit_percent: REAL
v executions_or_pins: INTEGER
v execution_hits: INTEGER
v execution_hit_percent: REAL
v reloads: INTEGER
v invalidations: INTEGER
v namespace_u: STRING

166 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Statistics_Enterprise Oracle_Statistics_Enterprise attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v current_session_logons: INTEGER
v logical_reads: REAL
v physical_reads: REAL
v physical_writes: REAL
v rows_sorted: REAL
v total_gets: INTEGER
v sort_disk_percent: REAL
v data_cache_hit_percent: REAL
v total_deadlocks_timeouts: INTEGER
v enqueue_waits: INTEGER
v redo_log_space_waits: INTEGER
v avg_time_between_chkpts: REAL
v total_processes: INTEGER
v percent_max_processes_active: REAL
v total_foreground: INTEGER
v total_background: INTEGER
v processes_waiting_latch: INTEGER
v max_processes_allowed: INTEGER
v server_cpu_percent_system: REAL
v server_cpu_percent_application: REAL
v total_sessions: INTEGER
v active_sessions: INTEGER
v dedicated_server_connects: INTEGER
v shared_server_connects: INTEGER
v percent_max_sessions_active: REAL
v sessions_waiting_on_lock: INTEGER
v total_dml_locks: INTEGER
v percent_max_dml_locks: REAL
v total_blockers: INTEGER
v total_waiters: INTEGER
v total_online_rollback_segments: INTEGER
v total_rollback_segments: INTEGER
v total_pending_offline_segments: INTEGER
v total_rollback_extents: INTEGER
v average_extents_per_rollback_segment:
v total_system_ts_size: REAL
Continued on the next page.
Appendix B. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 167
Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Statistics_Enterprise v total_system_ts_size: REAL
v system_ts_percent_free: REAL
v archive_log_mode_enabled: STRING
v db_block_size: INTEGER
v auto_archive: STRING
v db_files_open: INTEGER
v percent_max_files_open: REAL
v total_db_size: REAL
v db_percent_free_space: REAL
v total_table_spaces: INTEGER
v sample_timestamp: INTEGER
ITM_Oracle_Server_Enterprise Oracle_Server_Enterprise attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v current_session_logons:
INTEGERtotal_sga_size: REAL
v sga_percent_free: REAL
v data_cache_size: REAL
v log_buffer_size: INTEGER
v shared_pool_size: REAL
v db_mounted: STRING
v db_open: STRING
v server_status: STRING
v server_cpu_percent: REAL
v total_os_cpu_percent: REAL
v total_errors_since_startup: INTEGER
v total_errors_for_interval: INTEGER
v age_of_last_error: INTEGER
v timestamp_last_error: INTEGER
v library_total_get_hit_percent: REAL
v total_background: INTEGER
v processes_waiting_latch: INTEGER
v library_total_execution_hit_percent: REAL
v dictionary_total_cache_entries: INTEGER
v server_cpu_percent_application:
REALdictionary_total_hit_percent: REAL
v dictionary_total_scan_hit_percent: REAL
v redo_log_buff_willing_to_wait_percent_
misses: REAL
v redo_log_buff_immediate_percent_misses:
v sample_timestamp: INTEGER

168 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_SQL_Text_Full Oracle_SQL_Text_Full attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v server: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v address: STRING
v hash_value: INTEGER
v section_number: INTEGER
v sql_text: STRING
v session_id: INTEGER
v sql_text_u: STRING
ITM_Oracle_Advanced_Queue_Summary Oracle_Advanced_Queue_Summary attribute
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v current_interval: INTEGER
v queue_name: STRING
v propagation_errors: INTEGER
v average_propagation_rate: INTEGER
v average_ready_message_wait_time:
v total_ready_message_wait_time: INTEGER
v total_messages_ready: INTEGER
v total_messages_waiting: INTEGER
v total_messages_expired: INTEGER
ITM_Oracle_Cluster_Summary Oracle_Cluster_Summary attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: INTEGER
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v current_interval: INTEGER
v cluster_name: STRING
v chained_rows: INTEGER
v tablespace_name: STRING
v owner_name: STRING

Appendix B. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 169

Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Table_Summary Oracle_Table_Summary attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v current_interval: INTEGER
v cluster_name: STRING
v chained_rows: INTEGER
v tablespace_name: STRING
v owner_name: STRING
ITM_Oracle_Index_Summary Oracle_Index_Summary attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v current_interval: INTEGER
v index_name: STRING
v percent_deleted: REAL
v index_type: STRING
v table_owner: STRING
v table_name: STRING
v table_type: STRING
v tablespace_name: STRING
ITM_Oracle_PCM_Lock_Conflict_Detail Oracle_PCM_Lock_Conflict_Detail attribute
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v current_interval: INTEGER
v pcm_lock_conversion_time: INTEGER

170 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 30. Overview of event slots to event classes (continued)
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class event slots
ITM_Oracle_Dispatcher_Detail Oracle_Dispatcher_Detail attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp: STRING
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v current_interval: INTEGER
v dispatcher_name: STRING
v network_address: STRING
v dispatcher_busy_rate: REAL
v dispatcher_average_wait_time: REAL
ITM_Oracle_Listener_Detail Oracle_Listener_Detail attribute group
v origin_node: STRING
v hub_timestamp:STRING
v sample_timestamp: STRING
v server: STRING
v host_name: STRING
v database_name: STRING
v current_interval: INTEGER
v listener_name: STRING
v listener_port: STRING
v listener_protocol: STRING
v listener_status: STRING

Appendix B. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 171

172 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Appendix C. Problem determination
This appendix explains how to troubleshoot the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for
Databases: Oracle Agent. Troubleshooting, or problem determination, is the process
of determining why a certain product is malfunctioning.

Note: You can resolve some problems by ensuring that your system matches the
system requirements listed in Chapter 2, “Requirements and configuration
for the monitoring agent,” on page 5.

This appendix provides agent-specific problem determination information. See the

IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem
determination information. Also see “Support information” on page 197 for other
problem-solving options.

Gathering product information for IBM Software Support

Before contacting IBM Software Support about a problem you are experiencing
with this product, gather the following information that relates to the problem:
Table 31. Information to gather before contacting IBM Software Support
Information type Description
Log files Collect trace log files from failing systems. Most logs are located in a logs subdirectory
on the host computer. See “Trace logging” on page 174 for lists of all trace log files and
their locations. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide for general information about
the IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment.
Oracle information v Version number and patch level
v Sample application data file (if monitoring a file)
Operating system Operating system version number and patch level
Messages Messages and other information displayed on the screen
Version numbers for Version number of the following members of the monitoring environment:
IBM Tivoli Monitoring v IBM Tivoli Monitoring. Also provide the patch level, if available.
v IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent
Screen captures Screen captures of incorrect output, if any.
(UNIX only) Core dump If the system stops on UNIX systems, collect core dump file from install_dir/bin directory,
files where install_dir is the directory path where you installed the monitoring agent.

Upload files for review to the following FTP site: ftp.emea.ibm.com. Log in as
anonymous and place your files in the directory that corresponds to the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring component that you use. See “Contacting IBM Software Support” on
page 198 for more information about working with IBM Software Support.

Built-in problem determination features

The primary troubleshooting feature in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases:
Oracle Agent is logging. Logging refers to the text messages and trace data
generated by the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent and is always
enabled. Messages and trace data are sent to the files listed in Table 32 on page

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 173

Trace data captures transient information about the current operating environment
when a component or application fails to operate as designed. IBM Software
Support personnel use the captured trace information to determine the source of
an error or unexpected condition. See “Trace logging” for more information.

Problem classification
The following types of problems might occur with the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for
Databases: Oracle Agent:
v Installation and configuration
v General usage and operation
v Display of monitoring data
v Take Action commands

This appendix provides symptom descriptions and detailed workarounds for these
problems, as well as describing the logging capabilities of the monitoring agent.
See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem
determination information.

Trace logging
Trace logs capture information about the operating environment when component
software fails to operate as intended. The principal log type is the RAS (Reliability,
Availability, and Serviceability) trace log. These logs are in the English language
only. The RAS trace log mechanism is available for all components of IBM Tivoli
Monitoring. Most logs are located in a logs subdirectory on the host computer. See
the following sections to learn how to configure and use trace logging:
v “Principal trace log files” on page 175
v “Examples: using trace logs” on page 178
v “Enabling detailed tracing in the collector trace log” on page 178
v “Setting RAS trace parameters” on page 180

Note: The documentation refers to the RAS facility in IBM Tivoli Monitoring as

IBM Software Support uses the information captured by trace logging to trace a
problem to its source or to determine why an error occurred. The default
configuration for trace logging, such as whether trace logging is enabled or
disabled and trace level, depends on the source of the trace logging. Trace logging
is always enabled.

Overview of log file management

Table 32 on page 176 provides the names, locations, and descriptions of RAS1 log
files. The log file names adhere to the following naming convention:

v hostname is the host name of the machine on which the monitoring component is
v product is the two-character product code. For Monitoring Agent for Oracle, the
product code is or.

174 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
v instance is the name of a database instance that is being monitored.
v program is the name of the program being run.
v timestamp is an 8-character hexadecimal timestamp representing the time at
which the program started.
v nn is a rolling log suffix. See “Examples of trace logging” for details of log

Examples of trace logging

For example, if an Oracle database ″dbinst02″ is running on computer ″server01″,
the RAS log file for the Monitoring Agent for Oracle might be named as follows:

For long-running programs, the nn suffix is used to maintain a short history of log
files for that startup of the program. For example, the koragent program might
have a series of log files as follows:

As the program runs, the first log (nn=01) is preserved because it contains program
startup information. The remaining logs ″roll." In other words, when the set of
numbered logs reach a maximum size, the remaining logs are overwritten in
sequence. Each time a program is started, a new timestamp is assigned to maintain
a short program history. For example, if the Monitoring Agent for Oracle is started
twice, it might have log files as follows:


Each program that is started has its own log file. For example, the Monitoring
Agent for Oracle would have agent logs in this format:

Other logs, such as logs for collector processes and Take Action commands, have a
similar syntax, as in the following example:

where koresql is the name of a program.

Note: When you communicate with IBM Software Support, you must capture and
send the RAS1 log that matches any problem occurrence that you report.

Principal trace log files

Table 32 on page 176 contains locations, file names, and descriptions of trace logs
that can help determine the source of problems with agents.

Appendix C. Problem determination 175

Table 32. Trace log files for troubleshooting agents
System where log File name and path Description
is located
On the computer The RAS1 log files are named Traces activity of the monitoring agent.
that hosts the hostname_or_instance_program_timestamp-nn.log Note: Other logs, such as logs for
monitoring agent and are located in the following path: collector processes and Take Action
v On Windows: install_dir\tmaitm6\logs commands (if available), have a similar
See “Definitions of syntax and are located in this directory
variables” on page v On UNIX: install_dir/logs
177 for Note: File names for RAS1 logs include a
descriptions of the hexadecimal time stamp.
variables in the file
names in column Also on UNIX, a log with a decimal time stamp is
two. provided: hostname_or_timestamp.log and
hostname_or_timestamp.pidnnnnn in the
install_dir/logs path, where nnnnn is the process
ID number.
On Windows: The collector trace log file is named A collector trace log file is produced by
as follows: Monitoring Agent for Oracle.
v For Oracle 8i: hostname_O8_instance_col.out v On Windows: New log files are
v For Oracle 9: hostname_O9_instance_col.out created each time the agent is started.
One backup copy, renamed from *.out
v For Oracle 10g: hostname_OR_instance_col.out
to *.ou1, is kept for historical
The file is located in the install_dir\tmaitm6\logs purposes. The log file is not pruned.
path. v On UNIX: New log files are created
each time the agent is started. One
On UNIX: The collector trace log file is named backup copy, renamed from *.log to
hostname_or_instance_col.log and is located in the *.lo1 is kept for historical purposes.
install_dir/logs path. See “Definitions of The log file is not pruned.
variables” on page 177.
Note: A hostname_or_instance_col.out log file also See “Enabling detailed tracing in the
exists and contains stderr and stdout messages. collector trace log” on page 178 to learn
how to change the default behavior of
this type of logging.
On Windows: The "agt" trace log file is named Traces activity of the monitoring agent.
hostname_or_instance_agt.out. The file is located in v On Windows: New log files are
the install_dir\tmaitm6\logs path. created each time the agent is started.
One backup copy, renamed from *.out
On UNIX: The "agt" trace log file is named
to *.ou1, is kept for historical
hostname_or_instance_agt.log and is located in the
purposes. The log file is not pruned.
install_dir/logs path. See “Definitions of
variables” on page 177. v On UNIX: New log files are created
each time the agent is started. One
backup copy, renamed from *.log to
*.lo1 is kept for historical purposes.
The log file is not pruned.
The *.LG0 file is located in the following path: A new version of this file is generated
v On Windows: install_dir\tmaitm6\logs every time the agent is restarted. IBM
Tivoli Monitoring generates one backup
v On UNIX: install_dir/logs
copy of the *.LG0 file with the tag .LG1.
View .LG0 to learn the following details
regarding the current monitoring
v Status of connectivity with the
monitoring server.
v Situations that were running.
v The success or failure status of Take
Action commands.

176 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 32. Trace log files for troubleshooting agents (continued)
System where log File name and path Description
is located
On the Tivoli On UNIX: The candle_installation.log file in the Provides details about products that are
Enterprise install_dir/logs path. installed.
Monitoring Server Note: Trace logging is enabled by
On Windows: The file in the default. A configuration step is not
See “Definitions of install_dir\InstallITM path. Unlike RAS1 log files, required to enable this tracing.
variables” for the name of the file displays a decimal time stamp. *
descriptions of the
The Warehouse_Configuration.log file is located in Provides details about the configuration
variables in the file
the following path on Windows: of data warehousing for historical
names in column
install_dir\InstallITM. reporting.
The RAS1 log file is named hostname_ms_timestamp- Traces activity on the monitoring server.
nn.log and is located in the following path:
v On Windows: install_dir\logs
v On UNIX: install_dir/logs
Note: File names for RAS1 logs include a
hexadecimal time stamp

Also on UNIX, a log with a decimal time stamp is

provided: hostname_ms_timestamp.log and
hostname_ms_timestamp.pidnnnnn in the
install_dir/logs path, where nnnnn is the process
ID number.
On the Tivoli The RAS1 log file is named hostname_cq_timestamp- Traces activity on the portal server.
Enterprise Portal nn.log and is located in the following path:
Server v On Windows: install_dir\logs
See “Definitions of v On UNIX: install_dir/logs
variables” for Note: File names for RAS1 logs include a
descriptions of the hexadecimal time stamp
variables in the file
names in column Also on UNIX, a log with a decimal time stamp is
two. provided: hostname_cq_timestamp.log and
hostname_cq_timestamp.pidnnnnn in the
install_dir/logs path, where nnnnn is the process ID
The TEPS_ODBC.log file is located in the following When you enable historical reporting,
path on Windows: install_dir\InstallITM. this log file traces the status of the
warehouse proxy agent.
Definitions of variables for RAS1 logs:
v hostname is the host name of the machine on which the agent is running.
v install_dir represents the directory path where you installed the IBM Tivoli Monitoring component. install_dir can
represent a path on the computer that hosts the monitoring server, the monitoring agent, or the portal server.
v product is the two character product code. For Monitoring Agent for Oracle, the product code is or.
v instance refers to the name of the database instance that you are monitoring.
v program is the name of the program being run.
v timestamp is an eight-character hexadecimal time stamp representing the time at which the program started.
v nn is a rolling log suffix. See “Examples of trace logging” on page 175 for details of log rolling.

See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide for more information on
the complete set of trace logs that are maintained on the monitoring server.

Appendix C. Problem determination 177

Examples: using trace logs
Typically IBM Software Support applies specialized knowledge to analyze trace
logs to determine the source of problems. However, you can open trace logs in a
text editor to learn some basic facts about your IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Example one
This excerpt shows the typical .LG0 log for a failed connection between a
monitoring agent and a monitoring server with the host name server1a:
(Thursday, August 11, 2005, 08:21:30-{94C}kdcl0cl.c,105,"KDCL0_ClientLookup") status=1c020006,
"location server unavailable", ncs/KDC1_STC_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE
(Thursday, August 11, 2005, 08:21:35-{94C}kraarreg.cpp,1157,"LookupProxy") Unable to connect to
broker at ip.pipe:: status=0, "success", ncs/KDC1_STC_OK
(Thursday, August 11, 2005, 08:21:35-{94C}kraarreg.cpp,1402,"FindProxyUsingLocalLookup") Unable
to find running CMS on CT_CMSLIST <IP.PIPE:#server1a>
Example two
The following excerpts from the trace log for the monitoring server show the
status of an agent, identified here as ″Remote node.″ The name of the
computer where the agent is running is SERVER5B:
(42C039F9.0000-6A4:kpxreqhb.cpp,649,"HeartbeatInserter") Remote node SERVER5B:KOR is ON-LINE.
. . .
(42C3079B.0000-6A4:kpxreqhb.cpp,644,"HeartbeatInserter") Remote node SERVER5B:KOR is OFF-LINE.

Key points regarding the preceding excerpt:

v The monitoring server appends the KOR product code to the server
name to form a unique name (SERVER5B:KOR) for this instance of
Monitoring Agent for Oracle. This unique name enables you to
distinguish multiple monitoring products that might be running on
v The log shows when the agent started (ON-LINE) and later stopped
(OFF-LINE) in the environment.
v For the sake of brevity an ellipsis (...) represents the series of trace log
entries that were generated while the agent was running.
v Between the ON-LINE and OFF-LINE log entries, the agent was
communicating with the monitoring server.
v The ON-LINE and OFF-LINE log entries are always available in the
trace log. All trace levels that are described in “Setting RAS trace
parameters” on page 180 provide these entries.

On Windows, you can use the following alternate method to view trace logs:
1. In the Windows Start menu, choose Program Files > IBM Tivoli Monitoring >
Manage Tivoli Monitoring Service. The Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Services window is displayed.
2. Right-click a component and select Advanced > View Trace Log in the pop-up
menu. The program displays the Select Log File window that lists the RAS1
logs for the monitoring agent.
3. Select a log file from the list and click OK. You can also use this viewer to
access remote logs.

Note: The viewer converts time stamps in the logs to a readable format.

Enabling detailed tracing in the collector trace log

Collector trace logs are generated by a database monitoring agent. You can use the
following options to modify collector trace logging.

178 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Option one: modify the settings file
Perform the following steps to enable detailed logging for the collector trace log:
1. Open the kortrac.ctl file.
The file is located in the following path:
v On Windows: install_dir\tmaitm6
v On UNIX systems: install_dir/misc
where install_dir is the location of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring component.
2. Remove the two semicolons (;;) from the beginning of the line that contains
3. Save the file.
4. Restart the monitoring agent for the database instance that you want to trace.
Logging goes to a collector trace log file that is named in Table 32 on page 176.
The log file is stored in the following path:
v On Windows: install_dir\tmaitm6\logs
v On UNIX systems: install_dir/logs
where install_dir is the path where you installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
5. When you complete an analysis of detailed trace logs, turn off detailed logging
as follows, because trace logs can consume a large amount hard disk space.
a. Open the kortrac.ctl file mentioned in Step 1.
b. Type two semicolons (;;) at the beginning of the line that contains trace_all;.
c. Save the file.
d. Restart the monitoring agent for the database instance that you have been

Option two: modify the environment variables

You can modify trace logging for the collector log by setting the following
environment variables:
By default, new collector log files are created each time you start the agent
or when the log file reaches the limit specified by the COLL_WRAPLINES
environment variable. COLL_WRAPLINES defines the number of lines in
the col.out file and is 30,000 lines by default (about 2 MB).
By default, the product creates one backup copy of the collector log file.
The file tag is changed from *.out to *.ou1. You can configure the product
to create up to nine backup files by defining COLL_NUMOUTBAK to be
an integer from one to nine.

Set the environment variables as follows:

v On UNIX: Use a text editor to enter a new integer value for the variables in the
hostname_or_instance_name.cfg file in the install_dir/config directory. (If you
want your changes to affect all monitoring agents that are running on the
computer, modify the or.config file.) Save your changes and restart the agent.
v On Windows:
1. In the Windows Start menu, choose Program Files > IBM Tivoli Monitoring
> Manage Tivoli Monitoring Service. The Manage Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Services window is displayed.
2. Right-click the row that contains the name of the monitoring agent whose
environment variables you want to set.

Appendix C. Problem determination 179

3. Select Advanced > Edit Variables in the pop-up menu.
4. If the agent is running, accept the prompt to stop the agent. A restart is
necessary so that the environment variable that you create takes effect.
5. The list dialog is displayed. When only the default settings are in effect, there
are no variables displayed. The variables are listed after you override them.
6. Override the variable settings as follows:
a. Click Add.
b. Select the variable you want to modify in the Variable pulldown menu.
For example, select COLL_NUMOUTBAK.
c. Type a value in the Value field. For example, type the number 9, the
maximum number of backup files that can be generated.
d. Select OK two times.
e. Restart the agent.

Setting RAS trace parameters

Pinpoint a problem by setting detailed tracing of individual components of the
monitoring agent and modules.

Background Information
Monitoring Agent for Oracle uses RAS1 tracing and generates the logs described in
Table 32 on page 176. The default RAS1 trace level is ERROR.

RAS1 tracing has control parameters to manage to the size and number of RAS1
logs. Use the procedure described in this section to set the parameters.

Note: The KBB_RAS1_LOG parameter also provides for the specification of the
log file directory, log file name, and the inventory control file directory and
name. Do not modify these values or log information can be lost.

Before you begin

See “Overview of log file management” on page 174 to ensure that you understand
log rolling and can reference the correct log files when you managing log file

After you finish

Monitor the size of the logs directory. Default behavior can generate a total of 45 to
60 MB for each agent that is running on a computer. For example, each database
instance that you monitor could generate 45 to 60 MB of log data. See the
″Procedure″ section to learn how to adjust file size and numbers of log files to
prevent logging activity from occupying too much disk space.

Regularly prune log files other than the RAS1 log files in the logs directory. Unlike
the RAS1 log files which are pruned automatically, other log types can grow
indefinitely, for example, the logs in Table 32 on page 176 that include a process ID
number (PID).

Consider using collector trace logs (described in Table 32 on page 176) as an

additional source of problem determination information.

180 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Note: The KDC_DEBUG setting and the Maximum error tracing setting can
generate a large amount of trace logging. Use them only temporarily, while
you are troubleshooting problems. Otherwise, the logs can occupy excessive
amounts of hard disk space.

Specify RAS1 trace options in the install_dir\tmaitm6\KORENV file on Windows or
the install_dir/config/or.config file on UNIX systems.

Note: On UNIX, the trace options that you set in the or.config file apply to all
database instances that you are monitoring on the computer where
or.config is located. An additional trace options file,
hostname_or_instance.cfg, exists for each database instance. The
hostname_or_instance.cfg file inherits its settings from the or.config file. If
you want to set trace options for a specific instance only, modify options in
the hostname_or_instance.cfg file.
Use one of the following methods to modify trace options:
v Manually edit the configuration file to set trace logging
1. Open the trace options file:
– On Windows, open the install_dir\tmaitm6\KORENV file.
– On UNIX systems, open the /install_dir/config/or.config file.
2. Edit the line that begins with KBB_RAS1= to set trace logging preferences.
For example, if you want detailed trace logging, set the Maximum Tracing
– On Windows,
– On UNIX systems,
export KBB_RAS1=’ERROR (UNIT:kdd ALL) (UNIT:kor ALL) (UNIT:kra ALL)’
3. Edit the line that begins with KBB_RAS1_LOG= to manage the generation
of log files:
– Edit the following parameters to adjust the number of rolling log files and
their size.
- MAXFILES: the total number of files that are to be kept for all startups
of a given program. Once this value is exceeded, the oldest log files are
discarded. Default value is 9.
- LIMIT: the maximum size, in megabytes (MB) of a RAS1 log file.
Default value is 5.
– IBM Software Support might guide you to modify the following
- COUNT: the number of log files to keep in the rolling cycle of one
program startup. Default value is 3.
- PRESERVE: the number of files that are not to be reused in the rolling
cycle of one program startup. Default value is 1.

Note: The KBB_RAS1_LOG parameter also provides for the specification of

the log file directory, log file name, and the inventory control file
directory and name. Do not modify these values or log information
can be lost.
4. Restart the monitoring agent so that your changes take effect.
v (Windows only) Use the graphical user interface to set trace options
1. Open the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window.

Appendix C. Problem determination 181

2. Right-click the icon of the monitoring agent whose logging you want to
3. Select Advanced > Edit Trace Parms. The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server Trace Parameters window is displayed.
4. Select a new trace setting in the pull-down menu in the Enter RAS1 Filters
field or type a valid string.
The selections are as follows:
– No error tracing. KBB_RAS1=-none-
– General error tracing. KBB_RAS1=ERROR
– Intensive error tracing. KBB_RAS1=ERROR (UNIT:kdd ALL) (UNIT:kor ALL)
– Maximum error tracing. KBB_RAS1=ERROR (UNIT:kdd ALL) (UNIT:kor ALL)
(UNIT:kra ALL)

Note: As this example shows, you can set multiple RAS tracing options in
a single statement.
5. Modify the value for ″Maximum Log Size Per File (MB)″ to change the log
file size (changes LIMIT value).
6. Modify the value for ″Maximum Number of Log Files Per Session″ to change
the number of logs files per startup of a program (changes COUNT value).
7. Modify the value for ″Maximum Number of Log Files Total″ to change the
number of logs files for all startups of a program (changes MAXFILES
8. (Optional) Click Y (Yes) in the KDC_DEBUG Setting menu to log
information that can help you diagnose communications and connectivity
problems between the monitoring agent and the monitoring server.

Note: The KDC_DEBUG setting and the Maximum error tracing setting can
generate a large amount of trace logging. Use them only temporarily,
while you are troubleshooting problems. Otherwise, the logs can
occupy excessive amounts of hard disk space.
9. Click OK. You see a message reporting a restart of the monitoring agent so
that your changes take effect.

Problems and workarounds

The following sections provide symptoms and workarounds for problems that
might occur with Monitoring Agent for Oracle:
v “Installation and configuration problem determination” on page 183
v “Agent problem determination” on page 190
v “Tivoli Enterprise Portal problem determination” on page 192
v “Workspace problem determination” on page 193
v “Problem determination for remote deployment” on page 192
v “Situation problem determination” on page 194
v “Take Action command problem determination” on page 196

Note: You can resolve some problems by ensuring that your system matches the
system requirements listed in Chapter 2, “Requirements and configuration
for the monitoring agent,” on page 5.
This appendix provides agent-specific problem determination information. See the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem
determination information.

182 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Installation and configuration problem determination
This section provides tables that show solutions for the following types of
installation, configuration, and uninstallation problems:
v Operating system problems
v Problems with database applications
Table 33. Problems and solutions for installation and configuration for agents that run on UNIX systems
Problem Solution
The monitoring agent is started and running Check the following issues:
but not displaying data in the Tivoli 1. Check the UNIX agent log files to see whether there are
Enterprise Portal. connection problems like those mentioned in “Agent unable to
connect” on page 191.
2. Execute KORGRANT.SQL against the user account that you
want to use for IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
3. If there are no connection problems, check whether the agent
has terminated. (Search for the word ″terminated″ in the log.)
4. If the agent is not terminated, confirm that you have added
application support for the Monitoring Agent for UNIX in the
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server as described in IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
5. Ensure that the database is up and is accessible on the network.
When you upgrade to IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Fixpacks for Candle, Version 350, are delivered as each monitoring
you might need to apply fixpacks to Candle, agent is upgraded to IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
Version 350, agents. Note: The IBM Tivoli Monitoring download image or CD provides
application fixpacks for the monitoring agents that are installed
from that CD (for example, the agents for operating systems such as
Windows, Linux, UNIX, and i5/OS). The upgrade software for
other agents is located on the download image or CDs for that
specific monitoring agent, such as the agents for database

If you do not upgrade the monitoring agent to IBM Tivoli

Monitoring, the agent continues to work. However, you must
upgrade to have all the functionality that IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Presentation files and customized Omegamon The upgrade from version 350 to IBM Tivoli Monitoring handles
DE screens for Candle monitoring agents need export of the presentation files and the customized Omegamon DE
to be upgraded to a Linux on z/Series system. screens.
Non-ASCII characters entered into the Enter only ASCII characters into these fields.
configuration window for the monitoring
agent do not show up or are not the correct

Appendix C. Problem determination 183

Table 33. Problems and solutions for installation and configuration for agents that run on UNIX systems (continued)
Problem Solution
During the command-line installation, you You must exit and restart the installation process. You cannot return
choose to install a component that is already to the list where you selected components to install. When you run
installed, and you see the following warning: the installer again, do not attempt to install any component that is
WARNING - you are about to install already installed.
the SAME version of "component"

where component is the name of the

component that you are attempting to install.
Note: This problem affects UNIX
command-line installations. If you monitor
only Windows environments, you would see
this problem if you choose to install a product
component (for example, a monitoring server)
on UNIX.
The product fails to do a monitoring activity The monitoring agent must have the permissions necessary to
that requires read, write, or execute perform requested actions. For example, if the user ID you used to
permissions. For example, the product might log onto the system to install the monitoring agent (locally or
fail to run a Take Action command or read a remotely) does not have the permission to perform a monitoring
log. operation (such as running a command), the monitoring agent is
not able perform the operation.
Note: On UNIX, if one user in a user group has read, write, and
execute (rwx) permissions for PRODUCTNAME, all users in the
group have those permissions.
While installing the agent from a CD, the This error is caused by low disk space. Although the install.sh
following message is displayed and you are script indicates that it is ready to install the agent software, the
not able to continue the installation: script considers the size of all tar files, not the size of all the files
install.sh warning: unarchive of that are contained within the tar file.Run the df -k command to
"/cdrom/unix/cienv1.tar" may check whether the file systems have enough space to install agents.
have failed
Cannot locate the KDCB0_HOSTNAME Go to install_dir/config and edit the or.ini file. Set the
setting. KDCB0_HOSTNAME parameter followed by the IP address. If you
use multiple network interface cards (NICs), give the Primary IP
address of the network interface.
The Monitoring Agent for Oracle repeatedly You can collect data to analyze this problem as follows:
restarts. 1. Access the install_dir/config/or.ini file, which is described
in “Setting RAS trace parameters” on page 180.
2. Add the following line: KBB_SIG1=trace –dumpoff
Agents in the monitoring environment use Configure both the monitoring server and the Warehouse proxy
different communication protocols. For server to accept multiple protocols, as described in the IBM Tivoli
example, some agents have security enabled Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
and others do not.
Creating a firewall partition file: The How it works: When the agents start, they search
partition file enables an agent to connect to KDCPARTITION.TXT for the following matches:
the monitoring server through a firewall. v An entry that matches the partition name OUTSIDE.
v An entry that also includes a valid external address.
For more information, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and
Setup Guide.

184 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 33. Problems and solutions for installation and configuration for agents that run on UNIX systems (continued)
Problem Solution
You successfully migrate a Candle monitoring Copy the attribute files for the upgraded Candle monitoring agent
agent to IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.1.0. to install_dir\tmaitm6\attrlib on the computer where you have
However, when you configure historical data installed the Warehouse Proxy. The Warehouse Proxy must be able
collection, you see an error message that to access the short attribute names for tables and columns. That
includes, Attribute name may be invalid, or way, if the longer versions of these names exceed the limits of the
attribute file not installed for warehouse Warehouse database, the shorter names can be substituted.
The monitoring agent does not start in a Check the agent configuration to ensure that all the values are
non-ASCII environment. correctly represented. To view these parameters, go to the Manage
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window, select the agent
template, and choose the Configure using defaults. From the
resulting window, select and edit the database instance to view its

Table 34. Problems and solutions for installation and configuration on Windows
Problem Solution
When you upgrade to IBM Tivoli Fixpacks for Candle, Version 350, are delivered as each monitoring agent is
Monitoring, you might need to upgraded to IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
apply fixpacks to Candle, Version Note: The IBM Tivoli Monitoring download image or CD provides application
350, agents. fixpacks for the monitoring agents that are installed from that CD (for example,
the agents for operating systems such as Windows, Linux, UNIX, and i5/OS).
The upgrade software for other agents is located on the download image or CDs
for that specific monitoring agent, such as the agents for database applications.

If you do not upgrade the monitoring agent to IBM Tivoli Monitoring, the agent
continues to work. However, you must upgrade to have all the functionality that
IBM Tivoli Monitoring offers.
Presentation files and customized The upgrade from version 350 to IBM Tivoli Monitoring handles export of the
Omegamon DE screens for presentation files and the customized Omegamon DE screens.
Candle monitoring agents need to
be upgraded to a Linux on
z/Series system.
Diagnosing problems with When you have problems with browse settings, perform the following steps:
product browse settings. 1. Click on Start > Programs > IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Manage Tivoli
Monitoring Services. The Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services is
2. Right-click the Windows agent and select Browse Settings. A text window is
3. Click Save As and save the information in the text file. If requested, you can
forward this file to IBM Software Support for analysis.
A message similar to ″Unable to If a message similar to ″Unable to find running CMS on CT_CMSLIST″ is
find running CMS on displayed in the Log file, the agent is not able to connect to the monitoring
CT_CMSLIST″ in the log file is server. Confirm the following points:
displayed. v Do multiple network interface cards (NICs) exist on the system?
v If multiple NICs exist on the system, find out which one is configured for the
monitoring server. Ensure that you specify the correct host name and port
settings for communication in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment.

Appendix C. Problem determination 185

Table 34. Problems and solutions for installation and configuration on Windows (continued)
Problem Solution
You successfully migrate a Candle Copy the attribute files for the upgraded Candle monitoring agent to
monitoring agent to IBM Tivoli install_dir\tmaitm6\attrlib on the computer where you have installed the
Monitoring, Version 6.1.0. Warehouse Proxy. The Warehouse Proxy must be able to access the short
However, when you configure attribute names for tables and columns. That way, if the longer versions of these
historical data collection, you see names exceed the limits of the Warehouse database, the shorter names can be
an error message that includes, substituted.
Attribute name may be invalid,
or attribute file not installed
for warehouse agent.
The monitoring agent does not Check the agent configuration to ensure that all the values are correctly
start in a non-ASCII environment. represented. To view these parameters, go to the Manage Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Services window, select the agent template, and choose the
Configure using defaults. From the resulting window, select and edit the
database instance to view its parameters.

Table 35. Problems and solutions for installation and configuration of Monitoring Agent for Oracle
Problem Solution
The procedure for launching This problem happens when the trace options file is missing. You can correct the
Monitoring Agent for Oracle: problem as follows:
Trace Parameters window 1. Create a text file with the following path name:
in“Setting RAS trace parameters”
v On Windows: install_dir\tmaitm6\KORENV
on page 180 fails.
v On UNIX: /install_dir/config/or.config
2. Paste the following configuration setting in the file:
v On Windows:
v On UNIX systems:
export KBB_RAS1=’ERROR’

Note: If you installed the product in a directory path other than the
default, use that directory path instead.
1. Save your changes.
2. Repeat the “Setting RAS trace parameters” on page 180 procedure. Now the
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server: Trace Parameters window is
Collector trace logs are not Review the information in “Trace logging” on page 174 to ensure that you are
receiving error information. consulting the correct log file. The file is located in the following path:
install_dir\tmaitm6, where install_dir is the location of IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
After running the agent Ensure that the database is up and is accessible on the network.
successfully, you reinstall the
agent software, and collection of Consult the list of supported versions in the configuration chapter of the agent
monitoring data stops. user’s guide for Oracle. Confirm that you are running a valid version of the
target application. If you are monitoring a supported version of the database
application, gather log files and other information and contact IBM Software
Support, as described in “Gathering product information for IBM Software
Support” on page 173.
Alert summary report of Tivoli Ensure that the COLL_ERRORLOG setting defines a valid path. Confirm that
Enterprise Portal shows no the error log file is correct. If the error log file is correct, the problem can occur
information. because the logon account that you are using does not have sufficient
permissions in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment.

186 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 35. Problems and solutions for installation and configuration of Monitoring Agent for Oracle (continued)
Problem Solution
Error counts are displayed in the Check the time stamp for the reports. If you have set up historical data
Alert summary report in the collection for Alert summary report, it is recommended that you set up
Tivoli Enterprise Portal, however, historical data collection for the Alert detail report, too.
error messages are not displayed
in the Alert detail report.
Problems with database The Oracle agent displays -942 error in the collector log file as shown in this
connectivity occur because the excerpt:
KORGRANT script is not run. RPF0340T (5/19/05) Time = 2005/05/19 15:07:40 For cursor KSS5, rows
collected for insert = 1
RPF0300T (5/19/05) Doing prep_l_fet for cursor KSS6
RSC0200I (5/19/05) SQLCODE for PREPARE = -942
RSC0205T (5/19/05) Stmt = SELECT max(bytes) MAXLOGBYTE FROM v$log
RSC0220W (5/19/05) ORACLE Message ORA-00942: table or view does not \
exist for PREPARE
CGN1521E (5/19/05) Interval collection failed for cursor KORSRVR

After installation, you must run the configuration script as described in

Chapter 2, “Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent,” on page
After the agent starts the ’kddos When the tmp directory path is inaccessible two things happen:
isremote failed, no localization’ v The logs are stored in the install_dir/logs directory
message is displayed.
v The message kddos isremote failed, no localization is displayed as shown in
this excerpt:
$ ./itmcmd agent start or
itmcmd agent : considering servers: name
kddexec : kddos isremote failed, no localization
Collector and Agent started for name

You can safely ignore this message.

Data collection fails and a 1034 The 1034 error message indicates that the Oracle server is not running.
error message is displayed in the CGN1520T (090432) Interval collection at Thu Apr 29 09:04:32 PDT 2004 \
collector log file. for KORVER
OIN0105T (090432) Connecting to Oracle, user:candle
RCD0100E (090436) Unable to connect to ORACLE at collector
RCD0105E (090436) Connect sql code = -1034
CGN1521E (090436) Interval collection failed for cursor KORVER

You can respond as follows:

v Ensure that Oracle instances are running.
v After you confirm that the instances are running, verify the configuration step
for the Oracle agent.
v Usually, error messages in the collector log files are from Oracle. The Oracle
messages are documented at the Oracle Web site:

Appendix C. Problem determination 187

Table 35. Problems and solutions for installation and configuration of Monitoring Agent for Oracle (continued)
Problem Solution
You see the following error Run the itmcmd config -A or command under install_dir/bin directory to
message when you execute configure Oracle monitoring agent. It calls the kddfind.sh script internally. The
itmcmd config. kddfind.sh script is located under install_dir/OS_dir/bin directory. The
Your kddos root permission is kddfind.sh script uses kddos and kddos64 internally. If you have not set root
not set. This will impede permissions or run setuid, you get this error message whenever itmcmd config
database self-discovery. starts. You must change the owner and setuid of kddos (and kddos64) before
Please exit and have the executing itmcmd config -A or, as in this example:
superuser issue the following $su –root
commands: # cd install_dir/$OSsubdir/bin
# chown root kddos
cd /ct99r1e/slee/AIX5 # chmod u+sx kddos
chown root */bin/kddos
chmod u+sx */bin/kddos
Press enter to continue, or On HP-UX and SunOS, you have to make the same settings for kddos64, as in
type "exit" to exit. this example:
# chown root kddos64
The full text of this message is # chmod u+s kddos64
provided in the next row.
Sample itmcmd config -A or error message:
$ ./itmcmd config -A or
Candle DB config: Welcome to CandleDBconfig 07/07/05 8:46

CandleDBconfig prepares the environment to run the Omegamon Monitoring Agent

(OMA) for distributed databases. CandleDBconfig:

1. Prepares a configuration file for each monitored server, so that the OMA
knows how to talk to the database.

2. Verifies that the installation is correct and operational.

CandleDBconfig finds running databases much more easily and reliably than
non-running databases. If you want to monitor databases that are not currently
running, you might wish to exit CandleDBConfig and start them.

Also, CandleDBconfig works best if you have more than 25 display lines. Both
X-Windows and NT Telnet allow you to expand the number of lines without
disconnecting from UNIX. You don’t have to issue any UNIX commands to take
advantage of the increased lines.

Your kddos root permission is not set. This will impede database self-
discovery. Please exit and have the super-user issue the following commands:

cd /ct99r1e/slee/AIX5
chown root */bin/kddos
chmod u+sx */bin/kddos
Press enter to continue, or type "exit" to exit.
Unique names for monitoring IBM Tivoli Monitoring might not be able to generate a unique name for
components: ORIGINNODE is monitoring components due to the truncation of names that the product
truncated and doesn’t show the automatically generates. IBM Tivoli Monitoring automatically creates a name for
product code. each monitoring component by concatenating the subsystem name, host name,
and product code separated by colons (subsystem_name:hostname:OR).
Note: When you monitor a multinode systems, like databases, IBM Tivoli
Monitoring uses a database instance name as the subsystem name.

The length of the name that IBM Tivoli Monitoring generates is limited to 32
characters. Truncation can result in multiple components having the same
32-character name. If this problem happens, shorten the subsystem_name portion
of the name as described in the steps in the following rows:

188 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 35. Problems and solutions for installation and configuration of Monitoring Agent for Oracle (continued)
Problem Solution

v On Windows:
Note: This procedure involves editing the Windows Registry. An error in editing the Registry may cause other
system errors. It is best practice to make a backup copy of the Registry prior to modifying the Registry. If you do
not feel comfortable editing the Registry, contact IBM Software Support.
1. Run the Registry editor, regedit. Select Start > Run. Type regedit in the field and click OK.
2. Locate the following key:

where instance_name is the Oracle instance name that is associated with the target agent.
3. Open the Environment key.
4. Select the CTIRA_SUBSYSTEM_ID string attribute. If you do not find CTIRA_SUBSYSTEM_ID, add it. step
6. Type a new name for an instance name( subsystem name) For the step 4 -6, if user can’t find
5. Right-click and select Modify.
6. Type a new instance name (subsystem name). Keep in mind that the final concatenated name, including the
subsystem name, host name, and OR, cannot be longer than 32 characters.
Note: You must ensure that the resulting name is unique with respect to any existing monitoring component
that was previously registered with the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
7. Exit from the Registry editor.
8. Restart the agent.
9. A second instance in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal navigation tree might be automatically added. If this
happens, clear the old, offline agent instance navigation item using the Managed System Status workspace of
the Enterprise navigation tree item.

v On UNIX:
1. Open the configuration file for the monitoring agent, which is located in the following path:
2. Find the line the begins with CTIRA_SUBSYSTEM_ID=.
3. Type a new name for instance name (subsystem_name) that is a unique, shorter name for the instance name
(subsystem_name). The final concatenated name including the subsystem name, new host name, and OR,
cannot be longer than 32 characters.
Note: You must ensure that the resulting name is unique with respect to any existing monitoring component
that was previously registered with the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
4. Save the file.
5. Restart the agent.
If you cannot find the CTIRA_SUBSYSTEM_ID environment variable, you must add it to the configuration file
of the monitoring agent. Open hostname_or_instancename.cfg and add CTIRA_SUBSYSTEM_ID with the new instance

Table 36. General problems and solutions for uninstallation

Problem Solution
On Windows, uninstallation of Be sure that you follow the general uninstallation process described in the IBM
IBM Tivoli Monitoring fails to Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide:
uninstall the entire environment. 1. Uninstall monitoring agents first, as in the following examples:
v Uninstall a single monitoring agent for a specific database.
v Uninstall all instances of a monitoring product, such as IBM Tivoli
Monitoring for Databases.
2. Uninstall IBM Tivoli Monitoring.

Appendix C. Problem determination 189

Table 36. General problems and solutions for uninstallation (continued)
Problem Solution
The way to remove inactive When you want to remove a managed system from the navigation tree,
managed systems (systems whose right-click the item that you want to remove, and select Remove managed
status is OFFLINE) from the system.
Enterprise navigation tree in the
portal is not obvious.

Agent problem determination

This section lists problems that might occur with agents.

This appendix provides agent-specific problem determination information. See the

IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem
determination information.
Table 37. Agent problems and solutions
Problem Solution
When you edit the configuration for an The original configuration settings might include non-ASCII
existing monitoring agent, the values characters. These values were stored incorrectly and result in the
displayed are not correct. incorrect display. Enter new values using only ASCII characters.
(For UNIX agents running on AIX only) When Restart the UNIX agent so that it can detect the changes. For
you use Logical Partitions (LPARs) on AIX 5.3 example, if the allocated memory for an LPAR changed, restart the
LPARs, the UNIX agent fails to automatically agent.
detect some dynamic changes.
A problem can arise when you run multiple You must reconfigure the previously existing agents to restore their
agents on one computer and want them to communication connection with TEMS1. For example, you can
communicate with multiple monitoring right-click the row for a specific agent in the Manage Tivoli
servers, as described in this example: Enterprise Monitoring Services, and select Reconfigure. See the IBM
v Agents are running on computer and Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide for more information on
communicating with a Tivoli Enterprise reconfiguration.
Monitoring Server, called TEMS1.
v You install a new agent on the same
computer and you want this agent to
communicate with a different monitoring
server, called TEMS2.
v When you configure the new agent to
communicate with TEMS2, all the existing
agents are re-configured to communicate
with TEMS2.

190 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Table 37. Agent problems and solutions (continued)
Problem Solution
Agent unable to connect: The agent is This error message means that the agent is not able to connect to the
started, but no reports are displayed on Tivoli computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is running.
Enterprise Monitoring Server. The log file The reason might be any one of the following:
includes the following error: Computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is
Unable to find running CMS on running is down
CMSLIST or Endpoint Ping the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
unavailable is running and make sure that it is up and running.
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is not running
If the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is not running, recycle
the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and verify whether the
agent is connecting.
Multiple NIC Cards on the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server is running.
If multiple NICs are installed on the computer where the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server is running, identify the Primary
NIC and use the hostname or IP address.
Verify that the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server has been
configured with the Primary NIC’s IP address or hostname.
If you are using hostname, make sure that /etc/hosts has a valid
entry for the Primary NICs host name and its IP address.
On the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server set the
KDCB0_HOSTNAME variable to the primary IP address of the
computer. Use the same address to configure the agent.
To connect to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, configure
the agent with Primary NIC’s IP address or host name of the
computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is
While configuring the agent, make sure that the port number
that you are connecting to is correct. If you are not using the
default port number, make sure that you are using the same port
number used in Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. For more
information, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup
Agent is behind the Firewall
If you use a Firewall, identify whether you have any one of the
following scenarios:
v Hub monitoring server INSIDE, and agents OUTSIDE
v Hub and remote monitoring servers INSIDE, agents OUTSIDE
v Hub monitoring server INSIDE, remote monitoring server and
agents OUTSIDE
See Creating a firewall partition file for information about the
KDC_PARTITION file that enables communication across a
firewall. For additional information, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Installation and Setup Guide.
Connecting to the monitoring server through a Virtual Private
Network (VPN)
In some cases, the agent or a remote monitoring server needs to
connect to the hub monitoring server through a VPN. You must
configure the communication channel (pipe) to be ephemeral, as
in the following example:
KDC_FAMILIES=ip.pipe port:port_number
ephemeral:y ip use:n sna use:n

Appendix C. Problem determination 191

Table 37. Agent problems and solutions (continued)
Problem Solution
The agent is installed and running normally. This problem can occur when the root user account is used to install
After rebooting the computer, where Tivoli and start the agent. Verify whether you have used the root user
Enterprise Monitoring Server was running, account to install the agent.
the agent is not online.
You want to have multiple instances of Enable multiple instances as follows:
Monitoring Agent for Oracle running on the 1. Open each config file (hostname_or_instance.cfg) in
same system, but communicating with install_dir/config.
different Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
2. Insert the following definition for CT_CMSLIST: export
CT_CMSLIST=’ip.pipe: hostname_or_IP_address_of_TEMS’
3. Insert the following definition for KDC_FAMILIES: export
KDC_FAMILIES=’ip.pipe port: port_number ip use:n ip.spipe
use:n sna use:n’
The system experiences high CPU usage after View the memory usage of the monitoring agent’s process. The
you install or configure Monitoring Agent for process is named as follows:
Oracle. v For Oracle 8i: ko8coll
v For Oracle 9: ko9coll
v For Oracle 10g: korcoll
If CPU usage seems to be excessive, recycle the monitoring agent.

Tivoli Enterprise Portal problem determination

Table 38 lists problems that might occur with the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. This
appendix provides agent-specific problem determination information. See the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem determination
Table 38. Tivoli Enterprise Portal problems and solutions
Problem Solution
Historical data collection is The column, Sort By, Group By, and First/Last functions are not compatible with
unavailable because of the historical data collection feature. Use of these advanced functions will make a
incorrect queries in the Tivoli query ineligible for historical data collection.
Enterprise Portal.
Even if data collection has been started, you cannot use the time span feature if the
query for the chart or table includes any column functions or advanced query
options (Sort By, Group By, First / Last).

To ensure support of historical data collection, do not use the Sort By, Group By, or
First/Last functions in your queries.

See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator’s Guide the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
online Help for information on the Historical Data Collection function.
When you use a long process Truncation of process names in the portal display is the expected behavior. 64 bytes
name in the situation, the is the maximum name length.
process name is truncated.

Problem determination for remote deployment

Table 39 on page 193 lists problems that might occur with remote deployment. This
appendix provides agent-specific problem determination information. See the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem determination

192 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
This section describes problems and solutions for remote deployment and removal
of agent software Agent Remote Deploy:
Table 39. Remote deployment problems and solutions
Problem Solution
While you are using the remote deployment feature Do not close or modify this window. It is part of the
to install Monitoring Agent for Oracle, an empty installation process and will be dismissed automatically.
command window is displayed on the target
computer. This problem occurs when the target of
remote deployment is a Windows computer. (See the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide for
more information on the remote deployment
The removal of a monitoring agent fails when you This problem might happen when you attempt the remote
use the remote removal process in the Tivoli removal process immediately after you have restarted the
Enterprise Portal desktop or browser. Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. You must allow time for
the monitoring agent to refresh its connection with the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server before you begin the remote
removal process.

Workspace problem determination

Table 40 shows problems that might occur with workspaces. This appendix
provides agent-specific problem determination information. See the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem determination
Table 40. Workspace problems and solutions
Problem Solution
You see the following message: KFWITM083W You see this message because some links do not have default
Default link is disabled for the selected workspaces. Right-click the link to access a list of workspaces to
object; please verify link and link anchor select.
The name of the attribute does not display in a When a chart or graph view that includes the attribute is scaled
bar chart or graph view. to a small size, a blank space is displayed instead of a truncated
name. To see the name of the attribute, expand the view of the
chart until there is sufficient space to display all characters of the
attribute’s name.
You start collection of historical data but the data Managing options for historical data collection:
cannot be seen. v Basic historical data collection populates the Warehouse with
raw data. This type of data collection is turned off by default.
See Chapter 2, “Requirements and configuration for the
monitoring agent,” on page 5 for information on managing
this feature including how to set the interval at which data is
collected. By setting a more frequent interval for data
collection you reduce the load on the system incurred every
time data is uploaded.
v You use the Summarization and Pruning monitoring agent to
collect specific amounts and types of historical data. Be aware
that historical data is not displayed until the Summarization
and Pruning monitoring agent begins collecting the data. By
default, this agent begins collection at 2 AM daily. At that
point, data is visible in the workspace view. See the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Administrator’s Guide to learn how to modify the
default collection settings.

Appendix C. Problem determination 193

Situation problem determination
This section provides information about both general situation problems and
problems with the configuration of situations. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Problem Determination Guide for more information about problem determination for

General situation problems

Table 41 lists problems that might occur with specific situations.
Table 41. Specific situation problems and solutions
Problem Solution
You want to change the appearance of 1. Right-click an item in the Navigation tree.
situations when they are displayed in a
2. Select Situations in the pop-up menu. The Situation Editor window is
Workspace view.
3. Select the situation that you want to modify.
4. Use the Status pull-down menu in the lower right of the window to
set the status and appearance of the Situation when it triggers.
Note: This status setting is not related to severity settings in IBM
Tivoli Enterprise Console.
Monitoring activity requires too much Check the RAS trace logging settings that are described in “Setting RAS
disk space. trace parameters” on page 180. For example, trace logs grow rapidly
when you apply the ALL logging option.
A formula that uses mathematical This formula is incorrect because situation predicates support only logical
operators appears to be incorrect. For operators. Your formulas cannot have mathematical operators.
example, if you were monitoring Linux, Note: The Situation Editor provides alternatives to math operators.
a formula that calculates when Free Regarding the example, you can select % Memory Free attribute and
Memory falls under 10 percent of Total avoid the need for math operators.
Memory does not work: LT
#’Linux_VM_Stats.Total_Memory’ / 10
If you are running a Version 350 Access the database detail. In the ″release″ section change the version
Monitoring Agent for Oracle and you setting for the agent from 610 to 350. To enable Unicode and other
choose to alter the views to include a features, upgrade the monitoring agent to IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version
Version 610 UNICODE attribute, be 6.1.0.
aware that data for this attribute is not
displayed and you see a blank column
in this view.
Situations that you create display the For a situation to have the correct severity in TEC for those situations
severity UNKNOWN in IBM Tivoli which are not mapped, you need to ensure that an entry exists in the
Enterprise Console. tecserver.txt file for the situation and that SEVERITY is specified.

See the “Configuring Tivoli Enterprise Console integration” chapter in the

IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator’s Guide for more information.
You see the 'Unable to get attribute Ensure that the agent attribute files are installed on the Tivoli Enterprise
name' error in the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
Monitoring Server log after creating a
situation. The following example shows a typical log entry when you have this
(4320916A.0049-F60:kfaottev.c,1572,"Translate_ResultBuffer") \
Unable to get attribute name for tablename/column \
<UAG524400.UA4>. Ignored.

Problems with configuration of situations

Table 42 on page 195 lists problems that might occur with situations.

194 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
This section provides information for problem determination for agents. Be sure to
consult the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for more general
problem determination information.
Table 42. Problems with configuring situations that you solve in the Situation Editor
Problem Solution
Note: To get started with the solutions in this section, perform these steps:
1. Launch the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
2. Click Edit > Situation Editor.
3. In the tree view, choose the agent whose situation you want to modify.
4. Choose the situation in the list. The Situation Editor view is displayed.
The situation for a specific agent is Open the Situation Editor. Access the All managed servers view. If the situation
not visible in the Tivoli Enterprise is absent, confirm that application support for Monitoring Agent for Oracle has
Portal. been added to the monitoring server. If not, add application support to the
server, as described in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
The monitoring interval is too Access the Situation Editor view for the situation that you want to modify.
long. Check the Sampling interval area in the Formula tab. Adjust the time interval
as needed.
The situation did not activate at Manually recycle the situation as follows:
startup. 1. Right-click the situation and choose Stop Situation.
2. Right-click the situation and choose Start Situation.
Note: You can permanently avoid this problem by placing a check mark in the
Run at Startup option of the Situation Editor view for a specific situation.
The situation is not displayed. Click the Action tab and check whether the situation has an automated
corrective action. This action can occur directly or through a policy. The
situation might be resolving so quickly that you do not see the event or the
update in the graphical user interface.
An Alert event has not occurred Check the logs, reports, and workspaces.
even though the predicate has been
properly specified.
A situation fires on an unexpected Confirm that you have distributed and started the situation on the correct
managed object. managed system.
The product did not distribute the Click the Distribution tab and check the distribution settings for the situation.
situation to a managed system.
The situation does not fire. In the Formula tab, analyze predicates as follows:
1. Click the fx icon in the upper-right corner of the Formula area. The Show
Incorrect predicates are present in
formula window is displayed.
the formula that defines the
situation. For example, the a. Confirm the following details in the Formula area at the top of the
managed object shows a state that window:
normally triggers a monitoring v The attributes that you intend to monitor are specified in the formula.
event, but the situation is not true v The situations that you intend to monitor are specified in the formula.
because the wrong attribute is v The logical operators in the formula match your monitoring goal.
specified in the formula. v The numerical values in the formula match your monitoring goal.
b. (Optional) Click the Show detailed formula check box in the lower left
of the window to see the original names of attributes in the application
or operating system that you are monitoring.
c. Click OK to dismiss the Show formula window.
2. (Optional) In the Formula area of the Formula tab, temporarily assign
numerical values that will immediately trigger a monitoring event. The
triggering of the event confirms that other predicates in the formula are
Note: After you complete this test, you must restore the numerical values
to valid levels so that you do not generate excessive monitoring data based
on your temporary settings.

Appendix C. Problem determination 195

Table 43. Problems with configuration of situations that you solve in the Workspace area
Problem Solution
Situation events are not displayed Associate the situation with a workspace.
in the Events Console view of the Note: The situation does not need to be displayed in the workspace. It is
workspace. sufficient that the situation be associated with any workspace.
You do not have access to a Note: You must have administrator privileges to perform these steps.
situation. 1. Select Edit > Administer Users to access the Administer Users window.
2. In the Users area, select the user whose privileges you want to modify.
3. In the Permissions tab, Applications tab, and Navigator Views tab, select
the permissions or privileges that correspond to the user’s role.
4. Click OK.
A managed system seems to be 1. Select Physical View and highlight the Enterprise Level of the navigator
offline. tree.
2. Select View > Workspace > Managed System Status to see a list of
managed systems and their status.
3. If a system is offline, check network connectivity and status of the specific
system or application.

Table 44. Problems with configuration of situations that you solve in the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services
Problem Solution
After an attempt to restart the Check the system status and check the appropriate IBM Tivoli Monitoring logs.
agents in the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal, the agents are still not
The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Check the system status and check the appropriate IBM Tivoli Monitoring logs.
Server is not running.
The managed objects you created Check the managed system distribution on both the situation and the managed
are firing on incorrect managed object settings sheets.

Take Action command problem determination

Table 45 lists general problems that might occur with Take Action commands.
When each Take Action command runs it generates the log file listed in Table 32 on
page 176. This appendix provides agent-specific problem determination
information. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general
problem determination information.
Table 45. Take Action commands problems and solutions
Problem Solution
Take Action commands might require several Allow several minutes. If you do not see a pop-up message
minutes to complete. advising you of completion, try to run the command manually.
If you are unable to perform the Take Action command
manually, see IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide
for general information on troubleshooting the Take Action

196 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Support information
If you have a problem with your IBM software, you have the following options for
obtaining support for software products:
v “Searching knowledge bases”
v “Obtaining fixes” on page 198
v “Receiving weekly support updates” on page 198
v “Contacting IBM Software Support” on page 198

Searching knowledge bases

You can search the available knowledge bases to determine whether your problem
was already encountered and is already documented.

Searching the information center

Note: If you print PDF documents on other than letter-sized paper, set the option
in the File > Print window that allows Adobe Reader to print letter-sized
pages on your local paper.

The documentation CD contains the publications that are in the product library.
The format of the publications is PDF, HTML, or both.

IBM posts publications for this and all other Tivoli products, as they become
available and whenever they are updated, to the Tivoli software information center
Web site. Access the Tivoli software information center by first going to the Tivoli
software library at the following Web address:


Scroll down and click the Product manuals link. In the Tivoli Technical Product
Documents Alphabetical Listing window, click M to access all of the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring product manuals.

Searching the Internet

If you cannot find an answer to your question in the information center, search the
Internet for the latest, most complete information that might help you resolve your

The IBM Software Support Web site provides the latest information about known
product limitations and workarounds in the form of technotes for your product.
You can view this information at the following Web site:


To search for information on IBM products through the Internet (for example, on
Google), be sure to consider the following types of documentation:
v IBM technotes
v IBM downloads
v IBM Redbooks
v IBM developerWorks
v Forums and newsgroups

Appendix C. Problem determination 197

Obtaining fixes
A product fix might be available to resolve your problem. To determine what fixes
are available for your IBM software product, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Software support Web site at
2. Click the Download tab.
3. Select the operating system in the Operating system menu.
4. Type search terms in the Enter search terms field.
5. As appropriate, use other search options to further define your search.
6. Click Search.
7. From the list of downloads returned by your search, click the name of a fix to
read the description of the fix and to optionally download the fix.

For more information about the types of fixes that are available, see the IBM
Software Support Handbook at

Receiving weekly support updates

To receive weekly e-mail notifications about fixes and other software support news,
follow these steps:
1. Go to the IBM Software Support Web site at
2. Click My account in the upper right corner of the page.
3. Click Subscribe to IBM e-news. (If you have already subscribed and want to
modify your subscription preferences, click Modify subscriptions and follow
the instructions on screen.)
4. Follow the instructions on screen to provide the following data:
v Your personal contact information.
v Your areas of interest.
v The types of subscriptions and regional versions that you want to receive.
5. Review the subscription confirmation to confirm your settings.

Contacting IBM Software Support

IBM Software Support provides assistance with product defects.

Before contacting IBM Software Support, your company must have an active IBM
software maintenance contract, and you must be authorized to submit problems to
IBM. The type of software maintenance contract that you need depends on the
type of product you have:
v For IBM distributed software products (including, but not limited to, Tivoli,
Lotus, and Rational products, as well as DB2 and WebSphere products that run
on Windows, or UNIX operating systems), enroll in Passport Advantage in one
of the following ways:
Go to the Passport Advantage Web site at
WebDocs/Passport_Advantage_Home and click How to Enroll.
By phone
For the phone number to call in your country, go to the IBM Software

198 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Support Web site at
http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/guides/contacts.html and click the
name of your geographic region.
v For customers with Subscription and Support (S & S) contracts, go to the
Software Service Request Web site at
v For customers with IBMLink, CATIA, Linux, OS/390, iSeries, pSeries, z/Series,
and other support agreements, go to the IBM Support Line Web site at
v For IBM eServer software products (including, but not limited to, DB2 and
WebSphere products that run in z/Series, pSeries, and iSeries environments),
you can purchase a software maintenance agreement by working directly with
an IBM sales representative or an IBM Business Partner. For more information
about support for eServer software products, go to the IBM Technical Support
Advantage Web site http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/techsupport.html.

If you are not sure what type of software maintenance contract you need, call
1-800-IBMSERV (1-800-426-7378) in the United States. From other countries, go to
the contacts page of the IBM Software Support Handbook on the Web at
http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/guides/contacts.html and click the name of
your geographic region for phone numbers of people who provide support for
your location.

To contact IBM Software support, follow these steps:

1. “Determining the business impact”
2. “Describing problems and gathering information”
3. “Submitting problems” on page 200

Determining the business impact

When you report a problem to IBM, you are asked to supply a severity level.
Therefore, you need to understand and assess the business impact of the problem
that you are reporting. Use the following criteria:
Severity 1
The problem has a critical business impact. You are unable to use the
program, resulting in a critical impact on operations. This condition
requires an immediate solution.
Severity 2
The problem has a significant business impact. The program is usable, but
it is severely limited.
Severity 3
The problem has some business impact. The program is usable, but less
significant features (not critical to operations) are unavailable.
Severity 4
The problem has minimal business impact. The problem causes little impact
on operations, or a reasonable circumvention to the problem was

Describing problems and gathering information

When describing a problem to IBM, be as specific as possible. Include all relevant
background information so that IBM Software Support specialists can help you
solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:
v What software versions were you running when the problem occurred?

Appendix C. Problem determination 199

v Do you have logs, traces, and messages that are related to the problem
symptoms? IBM Software Support is likely to ask for this information.
v Can you re-create the problem? If so, what steps were performed to re-create the
v Did you make any changes to the system? For example, did you make changes
to the hardware, operating system, networking software, and so on.
v Are you currently using a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to
explain the workaround when you report the problem.
See “Gathering product information for IBM Software Support” on page 173 for
further tips for gathering information for IBM Software Support.

Submitting problems
You can submit your problem to IBM Software Support in one of two ways:
Click Submit and track problems on the IBM Software Support site at
http://www.ibm.com/software/support/probsub.html. Type your
information into the appropriate problem submission form.
By phone
For the phone number to call in your country, go to the contacts page of
the IBM Software Support Handbook at
http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/guides/contacts.html and click the
name of your geographic region.

If the problem you submit is for a software defect or for missing or inaccurate
documentation, IBM Software Support creates an Authorized Program Analysis
Report (APAR). The APAR describes the problem in detail. Whenever possible,
IBM Software Support provides a workaround that you can implement until the
APAR is resolved and a fix is delivered. IBM publishes resolved APARs on the
Software Support Web site daily, so that other users who experience the same
problem can benefit from the same resolution.

200 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Appendix D. Accessibility
Accessibility features help users with physical disabilities, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully. The major
accessibility features in this product enable users to do the following:
v Use assistive technologies, such as screen-reader software and digital speech
synthesizer, to hear what is displayed on the screen. Consult the product
documentation of the assistive technology for details on using those technologies
with this product.
v Operate specific or equivalent features using only the keyboard.
v Magnify what is displayed on the screen.

In addition, the product documentation was modified to include the following

features to aid accessibility:
v All documentation is available in both HTML and convertible PDF formats to
give the maximum opportunity for users to apply screen-reader software.
v All images in the documentation are provided with alternative text so that users
with vision impairments can understand the contents of the images.

Navigating the interface using the keyboard

Standard shortcut and accelerator keys are used by the product and are
documented by the operating system. Refer to the documentation provided by
your operating system for more information.

Magnifying what is displayed on the screen

You can enlarge information on the product windows using facilities provided by
the operating systems on which the product is run. For example, in a Microsoft
Windows environment, you can lower the resolution of the screen to enlarge the
font sizes of the text on the screen. Refer to the documentation provided by your
operating system for more information.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 201

202 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
Appendix E. Notices
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.
IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in
other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the
products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM
product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM
product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product,
program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may
be used instead. However, it is the user’s responsibility to evaluate and verify the
operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.

IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter
described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you
any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:

IBM Director of Licensing

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IBM World Trade Asia Corporation

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This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.

Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be
incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements
and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this
publication at any time without notice.

Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for
convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web
sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM
product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 203

IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it
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Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose
of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created
programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the
information which has been exchanged, should contact:

IBM Corporation
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Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions,

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The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material
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between us.

Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled

environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may
vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level
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Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of

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IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of
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Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the
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All statements regarding IBM’s future direction or intent are subject to change or
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This information is for planning purposes only. The information herein is subject to
change before the products described become available.

This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business
operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the
names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are
fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business
enterprise is entirely coincidental.


This information contains sample application programs in source language, which

illustrate programming techniques on various operating systems. You may copy,
modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to
IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application
programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating
system for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been

204 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply
reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. You may copy, modify, and
distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM for the
purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application programs
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logo, Tivoli Enterprise, Tivoli Enterprise Console, VTAM®, WebSphere®, z/OS®,
and zSeries® are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Microsoft, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the

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Java™ and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered
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Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or


UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks
of others.

Appendix E. Notices 205

206 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
accessibility xi, 201 benefits 1
Advanced Queue attribute group 30 Blocking SQL Text workspace 22, 146
agent books
problem determination 190 feedback x
trace logs 175 online x
agent installation problems 183 ordering x
agents, remote monitoring 1 see publications xi
Alert Log Details attribute group 32 built-in problem determination features 173
Alert Log Summary attribute group 33
Alert Log Summary workspace 21
Alert Log workspace 144
Alert Log workspace group 136
Cache Totals attribute group 34
monitoring performance with 143
Cache Totals group workspaces 21
alerts 1
Cache Totals Summary workspace 21
application version requirements 5
Cache Totals workspace 144
attribute groups
Cache Totals workspace group 136
Advanced Queue 30
monitoring performance with 144
Alert Log Details 32
calculate historical data disk space 111
Alert Log Summary 33
capacity planning for historical data 111
Cache Totals 34
Cluster Summary attribute group 38
Cluster Summary 38
collecting data 17
Configuration 39
commands, Take Action 131
Contention Summary 41
components 2
Database 45
configuration 5
Dispatcher Detail 47
local 6
Files Attributes 48
remote 8
Index 50
Configuration attribute group 39
Library Cache Usage 52
contacting support 198
list of all 30
Contention Summary attribute group 41
Listener Detail 53
Contention Summary workspace 22
Lock Conflicts 54
Contention workspace 146
Logging Summary 56
Contention workspace group 136
more information 29
monitoring performance with 145
overview 29
PCM Lock Conflict 59
operating system xii
Process Detail 59
typeface xii
Process Summary 62
creating user ID
Rollback Segments 65
Windows 9
Segments 68
customer support
Server 71
See support
Server Enterprise 75
Server Options 79
monitoring environment 15
Session Detail 81
situations 16
Session Summary 85
SGA Memory 87
SQL Text Full 90
Statistics Detail 91 D
Statistics Enterprise 94 data
Statistics Summary 100 collecting 17
Table Summary 106 trace logs 174
Tablespaces 107 viewing 17
Trans Blocking Rollback Segment Wrap 110 data provider
attributes See agent
more information 29 database agent installation problems 183
overview 29 Database attribute group 45
Database Summary workspace 23
controlling usage 2
managing distributed 1
Databases workspace 139

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005 207

Databases workspace group 136 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent
monitoring performance with 139 performance considerations 194
detecting problems, modifying situation values 16 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Oracle
directory names, notation xii how to use 1
disk capacity planning for historical data 111 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Oracle workspace groups
disk space requirements 6 Alert Log 136
Dispatcher Detail attribute group 47 Cache Totals 136
Contention 136
Databases 136
E descriptions 135
determining which to use 135
information provided by 136
see Tivoli technical training xii
Logging 136
efficiency, enhancing 2
overview 135
Enterprise Alert Log Summary workspace 21
Processes 136
Enterprise Cache Totals Summary workspace 21
Servers 136
Enterprise Contention Summary workspace 22, 146
Sessions 136
Enterprise Database Summary workspace 23
System Global Area 136
Enterprise Logging Summary workspace 24
Index attribute group 50
Enterprise Process Summary workspace 25, 141
information centers for support 197
Enterprise Server Statistics Summary workspace 26
information, additional
Enterprise Servers Summary workspace 26
attributes 29
Enterprise Session Summary workspace 27
policies 133
Enterprise System Global Area Summary workspace 27
procedural 13
situations 115
customizing 15
Take Action commands 131
features 1
workspaces 19
monitoring real-time 13
installation 5
real-time monitoring 13
local 6
environment variables, notation xii
log file 175
problems 183
mapping 149
remote 8
installing Oracle V$Dynamic performance tables for Windows
investigating 14
operating systems 12
workspaces 14
interface, user 3
problem determination for Tivoli Enterprise Portal 192
F for product support 197
features, Monitoring Agent for Oracle 1 investigating an event 14
agent trace 175
installation trace 175
other trace log 176
knowledge bases for support 197
trace logs 174
Files Attributes attribute group 48
fixes, obtaining 198
legal notices 203
G Library Cache Usage attribute group 52
Listener Detail attribute group 53
gathering support information 173
Lock Conflicts attribute group 54
granting permission
Windows 9
agent trace logs 175, 176
built-in features 173
installation log files 175
H location and configuration of logs 174
historical data trace log files 174
calculate disk space 111 Logging Summary attribute group 56
disk capacity planning 111 Logging Summary workspace 24
historical data, collecting and viewing 17 Logging workspace 147
Logging workspace group 136
monitoring performance with 147
IBM Software Support
See support M
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console managed resources
event mapping 149 monitoring 1

208 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
manuals Oracle_Free_Space_Frag_Crit situation 121
feedback x Oracle_Free_Space_Frag_Warn situation 122
online x Oracle_Free_Tbsp_Crit situation 122
ordering x Oracle_Free_Tbsp_Warn situation 122
see publications xi Oracle_FreeList_Wait_Ratio_Crit situation 122
memory requirements 5 Oracle_FreeList_Wait_Ratio_Warn situation 122
messages Oracle_FreeSpace_Deficit_Crit situation 122
built-in features 173 Oracle_Freespace_low policy 134
modifying situation values to detect problems 16 Oracle_Largest_Waiters_Critical situation 123
Monitoring Agent for Oracle Oracle_Largest_Waiters_Warning situation 123
components 2 Oracle_LGWR_Active_Critical situation 123
features 1 Oracle_Library_Reloads_Pct_Crit situation 123
purposes 13 Oracle_Library_Reloads_Pct_Warn situation 123
using 13 Oracle_Listener_Crit situation 123
monitoring agents, remote 1 Oracle_Max_Extents_Crit situation 124
monitoring servers 1 Oracle_Max_Extents_Tbsp_Crit situation 124
monitoring, viewing the real-time environment 13 Oracle_Max_Extents_Tbsp_Warn situation 124
Oracle_Max_Extents_Warn situation 124
Oracle_Pct_MAX_DML_Lock_Warning situation 125
N Oracle_Pct_MAX_DML_Locks_Critic situation 125
Oracle_PctMax_FileOpen_Critica situation 125
Oracle_PctMax_FileOpen_Warning situation 125
environment variables xii
Oracle_PctMax_Processes_Critica situation 125
path names xii
Oracle_PctMax_Processes_Warning situation 125
typeface xii
Oracle_PctMax_Sessions_Critical situation 125
Oracle_PctMax_Sessions_Warning situation 126
Oracle_PMON_Active_Critical situation 126
O Oracle_Processes_Crit situation 126
online publications Oracle_Processes_Wait_Latch situation 126
accessing xi Oracle_Processes_Warn situation 126
for support 197 Oracle_Redo_Immediate_Warning situation 126
operating systems 5 Oracle_Redo_Log_Spc_Waits_Crit situation 126
operation of resource, recovering 14 Oracle_Redo_Log_Spc_Waits_Warn situation 126
Oracle Alert Log group workspaces 21 Oracle_Redo_Log_Waits_Critical situation 127
Oracle Contention group workspaces 22 Oracle_Redo_Log_Waits_Warning situation 127
Oracle Databases group workspaces 23 Oracle_Redo_Logs_Crit situation 127
Oracle Enterprise group workspace 24 Oracle_Redo_Logs_Warn situation 127
Oracle Logging group workspace 24 Oracle_Redo_Miss_Warning situation 127
Oracle Servers group workspaces 25 Oracle_Rollback_Waits_Crit situation 127
Oracle Sessions group workspaces 27 Oracle_Rollback_Waits_Warn situation 127
Oracle System Global Area workspace group 27 Oracle_Server_CPU_Pct_Critical situation 128
Oracle V$Dynamic performance tables, installing 12 Oracle_Server_CPU_Pct_Warning situation 128
Oracle_Alerts_Crit situation 118 Oracle_server_Not_Active policy 133
Oracle_Alerts_Warn situation 118 Oracle_Server_Not_Active situation 128
Oracle_ARCH_Active_Warning situation 118 Oracle_Server_Status_Inactive situation 128
Oracle_Archiv_DestFull_Critical situation 118 Oracle_SGA_FreeSpace_Inefficien situation 128
Oracle_Archive_DestFull_Warning situation 119 Oracle_SMON_Active_Critical situation 128
Oracle_Bkgd_Dump_Space_Crit situation 119 Oracle_Sort_To_Disk_Percent_High situation 128
Oracle_Bkgd_Dump_Space_Warn situation 119 Oracle_SQL_Tracing_Active situation 129
Oracle_Buf_Cache_Hit_Int_Crit situation 119 Oracle_SystemTS_PctFree_Critica situation 129
Oracle_Buf_Cache_Hit_Int_Warn situation 119 Oracle_SystemTS_PctFree_Warning situation 129
Oracle_CKPT_Active_Warning situation 120 Oracle_Temp_Extents_Tbsp_Crit situation 129
Oracle_Cont_Row_Crit situation 120 Oracle_Temp_Extents_Tbsp_Warn situation 129
Oracle_Cont_Row_Warn situation 120 Oracle_Time_Between_Checkpoints situation 130
Oracle_Cursors_Per_Tran_High situation 120 Oracle_Too_Many_Rollbacks situation 130
Oracle_Data_Cache_Inefficient situation 120 Oracle_Total_Applctn_Process_CPU situation 130
Oracle_DB_Archiving_Disabled situation 120 Oracle_Total_Rollback_Critical situation 130
Oracle_DB_PctFree_Space_Low situation 120 Oracle_Total_Rollback_Warning situation 130
Oracle_Deadlocks_Timeouts_High situation 120 Oracle_Total_Sessions_Killed situation 130
Oracle_Dictionary_Cache_Hit_Cri situation 121 Oracle_Total_System_Process_CPU situation 130
Oracle_Dictionary_Cache_Hit_War situation 121 ordering publications xi
Oracle_Enqueue_Waits_High situation 121 other requirements 6
Oracle_Err_Msg_ORA1578_Critical situation 121
Oracle_Err_Msg_ORA60_Critical situation 121
Oracle_Err_Msg_ORA600_Critical situation 121
Oracle_Extents_Tbsp_Crit situation 121
path names, for trace logs 174
Oracle_Extents_Tbsp_Warn situation 121
path names, notation xii

Index 209
PCM Lock Conflict attribute group 59 remote deployment
performance considerations 194 problem determination 192
permission, granting remote monitoring agents 1
Windows 9 requirements
policies application versions 5
list of all 133 disk space 6
more information 133 memory 5
Oracle_Freespace_low 134 operating system 5
Oracle_server_Not_Active 133 other 6
overview 133 resource, recovering operation 14
predefined 133 Rollback Segments attribute group 65
porting systems to new platforms 1
problem determination 173, 182
agents 190
built-in features 173
scaling systems 1
describing problems 199
segment information 139
determining business impact 199
Segments attribute group 68
information centers for 197
Server attribute group 71
installation 183
Server Configuration workspace 26
installation logs 175
Server Enterprise attribute group 75
knowledge bases for 197
Server Options attribute group 79
remote deployment 192
Server Ratio Statistics Detail workspace 26
situations 194
Server Statistics Summary workspace 26
submitting problems 200
Server Summary workspace 27
Take Action commands 196
Server Throughput Statistics Detail workspace 26
Tivoli Enterprise Portal 192
Servers workspace group
uninstallation 183
monitoring performance with 137
uninstallation logs 175
overview 136
workspaces 193
Session Detail attribute group 81
Session Detail workspace 22, 25, 141
detecting 16
Session SQL Text workspace 27
problems and workarounds 182
Session Summary attribute group 85
procedures 13
Session Summary workspace 27
Process Detail attribute group 59
Sessions workspace 142
Process Summary attribute group 62
Sessions workspace group 136
Process Summary workspace 25
monitoring performance with 142
Processes group workspaces 25
SGA Memory attribute group 87
Processes workspace group 136
SGA workspace 140
monitoring performance with 141
Processes workspaces 141
general problem determination 194
list of all 116
accessing online xi
more information 115
feedback x
Oracle_Alerts_Crit 118
for support 197
Oracle_Alerts_Warn 118
online x
Oracle_ARCH_Active_Warning 118
ordering x, xi
Oracle_Archiv_DestFull_Critical 118
Oracle_Archive_DestFull_Warning 119
collecting data 17
Oracle_Bkgd_Dump_Space_Crit 119
customizing monitoring environment 15
Oracle_Bkgd_Dump_Space_Warn 119
investigating events 14
Oracle_Buf_Cache_Hit_Int_Crit 119
monitoring with custom situations 16
Oracle_Buf_Cache_Hit_Int_Warn 119
problem determination 173
Oracle_CKPT_Active_Warning 120
recovering resource operation 14
Oracle_Cont_Row_Crit 120
viewing data 17
Oracle_Cont_Row_Warn 120
viewing real-time monitoring environment 13
Oracle_Cursors_Per_Tran_High 120
Oracle_Data_Cache_Inefficient 120
Oracle_DB_Archiving_Disabled 120
Q Oracle_DB_PctFree_Space_Low 120
queries, using attributes 29 Oracle_Deadlocks_Timeouts_High 120
Oracle_Dictionary_Cache_Hit_Cri 121
Oracle_Dictionary_Cache_Hit_War 121
R Oracle_Enqueue_Waits_High 121
Oracle_Err_Msg_ORA1578_Critical 121
Ratio Statistics 136
Oracle_Err_Msg_ORA60_Critical 121
real-time data, viewing 13
Oracle_Err_Msg_ORA600_Critical 121
recovering the operation of a resource 14
Oracle_Extents_Tbsp_Crit 121
remote deploy configuration 8
Oracle_Extents_Tbsp_Warn 121

210 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
situations (continued) standardization 1
Oracle_Free_Space_Frag_Crit 121 Statistics Detail attribute group 91
Oracle_Free_Space_Frag_Warn 122 Statistics Enterprise attribute group 94
Oracle_Free_Tbsp_Crit 122 Statistics Summary attribute group 100
Oracle_Free_Tbsp_Warn 122 status of distributed database systems 2
Oracle_FreeList_Wait_Ratio_Crit 122 support
Oracle_FreeList_Wait_Ratio_Warn 122 about 197
Oracle_FreeSpace_Deficit_Crit 122 contacting 198
Oracle_Largest_Waiters_Critical 123 describing problems 199
Oracle_Largest_Waiters_Warning 123 determining business impact of problems 199
Oracle_LGWR_Active_Critical 123 gathering information for 173
Oracle_Library_Reloads_Pct_Crit 123 information centers for 197
Oracle_Library_Reloads_Pct_Warn 123 knowledge bases for 197
Oracle_Listener_Crit 123 obtaining fixes 198
Oracle_Max_Extents_Crit 124 on Internet 197
Oracle_Max_Extents_Tbsp_Crit 124 submitting problems 200
Oracle_Max_Extents_Tbsp_Warn 124 weekly update option 198
Oracle_Max_Extents_Warn 124 System Global Area Summary workspace 28
Oracle_Pct_MAX_DML_Lock_Warning 125 System Global Area workspace 140
Oracle_Pct_MAX_DML_Locks_Critic 125 System Global Area workspace group 136
Oracle_PctMax_FileOpen_Critica 125 monitoring performance with 140
Oracle_PctMax_FileOpen_Warning 125 overview 140
Oracle_PctMax_Processes_Critica 125 system performance 2
Oracle_PctMax_Processes_Warning 125
Oracle_PctMax_Sessions_Critical 125
Oracle_PctMax_Sessions_Warning 126
Oracle_PMON_Active_Critical 126
Table Summary attribute group 106
Oracle_Processes_Crit 126
Tablespace Cluster workspace 23
Oracle_Processes_Wait_Latch 126
Tablespace Files workspace 23, 139
Oracle_Processes_Warn 126
Tablespace Index workspace 23
Oracle_Redo_Immediate_Warning 126
Tablespace Segment workspace 24
Oracle_Redo_Log_Spc_Waits_Crit 126
Tablespace Table workspace 24
Oracle_Redo_Log_Spc_Waits_Warn 126
Tablespaces attribute group 107
Oracle_Redo_Log_Waits_Critical 127
Take Action commands 14
Oracle_Redo_Log_Waits_Warning 127
list of all 131
Oracle_Redo_Logs_Crit 127
more information 131
Oracle_Redo_Logs_Warn 127
overview 131
Oracle_Redo_Miss_Warning 127
predefined 131
Oracle_Rollback_Waits_Crit 127
problem determination 196
Oracle_Rollback_Waits_Warn 127
Oracle_Server_CPU_Pct_Critical 128
tasks for using 13
Oracle_Server_CPU_Pct_Warning 128
threshold levels, setting 1
Oracle_Server_Not_Active 128
Throughput Statistics 136
Oracle_Server_Status_Inactive 128
Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Oracle_SGA_FreeSpace_Inefficien 128
how to use 1
Oracle_SMON_Active_Critical 128
problem determination 192
Oracle_Sort_To_Disk_Percent_High 128
Tivoli software information center xi
Oracle_SQL_Tracing_Active 129
Tivoli technical training xii
Oracle_SystemTS_PctFree_Critica 129
trace logs 174
Oracle_SystemTS_PctFree_Warning 129
directories 174
Oracle_Temp_Extents_Tbsp_Crit 129
trademarks 205
Oracle_Temp_Extents_Tbsp_Warn 129
training, Tivoli technical xii
Oracle_Time_Between_Checkpoints 130
Trans Blocking Rollback Segment Wrap attribute group 110
Oracle_Too_Many_Rollbacks 130
Transaction Blocking 147
Oracle_Total_Applctn_Process_CPU 130
Transaction Blocking workspace 24
Oracle_Total_Rollback_Critical 130
troubleshooting 173
Oracle_Total_Rollback_Warning 130
typeface conventions xii
Oracle_Total_Sessions_Killed 130
Oracle_Total_System_Process_CPU 130
overview 115
predefined 116 U
specific problem determination 194 uninstallation
values, modifying 16 log file 175
situations, using attributes 29 problems 183
SQL Text Full attribute group 90 UNIX operating systems 5
SQL Text workspace 25, 142, 143 user ID, creating
SQLPLUS action 132 Windows 9

Index 211
user interfaces options 3 views (continued)
using IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Oracle Transaction Blocking workspace 24
Alert Log workspace 144 Waiting SQL Text workspace 22
Blocking SQL Text 146
Cache Totals workspace 144
Contention workspace 146
Databases workspace 139
Waiting SQL Text workspace 22, 146
Logging workspace 147
weekly update support option 198
Processes workspace 141
Windows agent installation problems 183
Session Detail workspace 141
Windows operating systems 5
Sessions workspace 142
workarounds 182
SQL Text workspace 142, 143
agents 190
System Global Area 140
remote deployment 192
Tablespace Files workspace 139
situations 194
Tablespace Segment workspace 139
Take Action commands 196
Transactions Blocking 147
Tivoli Enterprise Portal 192
Waiting SQL Text 146
workspaces 193
workspace groups
overview 135
V workspaces
values, modifying situations 16 Alert Log 144
variables, notation for xii Alert Log Summary 21
viewing data 17 Blocking SQL Text 22, 146
viewing real-time monitoring environment 13 Cache Totals 144
views Cache Totals group 21
Alert Log Summary workspace 21 Cache Totals Summary 21
Blocking SQL Text workspace 22 Contention 146
Cache Totals group workspaces 21 Contention Summary 22
Cache Totals Summary workspace 21 Database Summary 23
Contention Summary workspace 22 Enterprise Alert Log Summary 21
Database Summary group workspace 23 Enterprise Cache Totals Summary 21
Enterprise Alert Log Summary workspace 21 Enterprise Contention Summary 22, 146
Enterprise Cache Totals Summary workspace 21 Enterprise Database Summary 23
Enterprise Contention Summary workspace 22 Enterprise Logging Summary 24
Enterprise Database Summary workspace 23 Enterprise Process Summary 25
Enterprise Logging Summary workspace 24 Enterprise Server Statistics Summary 26
Enterprise Process Summary workspace 25 Enterprise Servers Summary 26
Enterprise Server Statistics Summary workspace 26 Enterprise Session Summary 27
Enterprise Servers Summary workspace 26 Enterprise System Global Area Summary 27
Enterprise Session Summary workspace 27 event 14
Enterprise System Global Area Summary workspace 27 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Oracle workspace groups
Logging Summary workspace 24 described 135
Oracle Alert Log group workspaces 21 information provided by 136
Oracle Contention group workspaces 22 Logging 147
Oracle Databases group workspaces 23 Logging Summary 24
Oracle Enterprise group workspaces 24 more information 19
Oracle Logging group workspaces 24 Oracle Alert Log group 21
Oracle Servers group workspaces 25 Oracle Contention group 22
Oracle Sessions group workspaces 27 Oracle Databases group 23
Oracle System Global Area group workspaces 27 Oracle Enterprise group 24
Process Summary workspace 25 Oracle Logging group 24
Processes group workspaces 25 Oracle Servers group 25
Server Configuration workspace 26 Oracle Sessions group 27
Server Ratio Statistics Detail workspace 26 Oracle System Global Area group 27
Server Statistics Summary workspace 26 overview 19
Server Summary workspace 27 problem determination 193
Server Throughput Statistics Detail workspace 26 Process Summary 25
Session Detail workspace 22, 25 Processes 141
Session SQL Text workspace 27 Processes group 25
Session Summary workspace 27 Server Configuration 26
SQL Text workspace 25 Server Ratio Statistics Detail 26
System Global Area Summary workspace 28 Server Statistics Summary 26
Tablespace Cluster workspace 23 Server Summary 27
Tablespace Files workspace 23 Server Throughput Statistics Detail 26
Tablespace Index workspace 23 Session Detail 22, 25, 141
Tablespace Space Segment workspace 24 Session SQL Text 27
Tablespace Table workspace 24 Session Summary 27

212 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide
workspaces (continued)
Sessions 142
SGA 140
SQL Text 25, 142, 143
System Global Area 140
System Global Area Summary 28
Tablespace Cluster 23
Tablespace Files 23, 139
Tablespace Index 23
Tablespace Segment 24, 139
Tablespace Table 24
Transaction Blocking 24
Transactions Blocking 147
Waiting SQL Text 22, 146

Index 213
214 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Oracle Agent: User’s Guide

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