laser safety manual

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The word laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of

Radiation. Lasers are used as research aides in many departments at Florida
International University.

The laser is a device, which produces a very intense and very narrow (collimated) beam
of electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range 180 nm to 1 mm. Important
properties of lasers are: monochromaticity (narrow wavelength range), directionality
(high collimation) and coherence (propagation in same phase). Because laser light is
not an ionizing type of radiation, interaction with the body is generally at the surface.
The eye and the skin are critical organs for laser radiation exposure, and the resultant
effects vary depending on the type of laser (frequency or wavelength of the radiation)
and beam energy output. Laser radiation of the proper wavelength and energy may be
focused by the lens of the eye onto the retina causing severe damage. If laser radiation
is of high enough energy, skin burns may also result if extremities or other body parts
are placed in the laser beam.

Laser devices are classified into different classes- Class 1, 1M, 2, 2M, 3R, 3B and 4
based on the potential for the direct beam or beam viewed with an optical aid or
reflected beam to cause biological damage to the eyes and/or skin. The laser
classification in this manual is based on the guidelines recommended by American
National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers, ANSI Z136.1 - 2014.

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 1 of 1


The purpose of this Manual is to ensure the safe use of lasers at Florida International
University by identifying hazards, providing laser safety training, and implementing the
necessary engineering and administrative controls. To achieve this goal, the University
has adopted the guidelines recommended by American National Standard for the Safe
Use of Lasers, ANSI Z136.1-2014. The laser safety manual is available on the EH&S
website (
Access to EH&S website or a copy of FIU Laser Safety Manual must be available in
each lab using Class 3B or Class 4 lasers.

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 1 of 1


All Users of Laser devices shall comply with the following:

 all applicable federal, state and local safety laws, rules and regulations relating in
any way to the purchase, handling, use, storage, transfer and disposal of these

 the terms and restrictions set forth in the University’s license, permit or
registration relating to the purchase, handling, use, storage, transfer and disposal
of these devices, as applicable;

 applicable university policies and procedures; and

 the procedures described in the laser safety manual, that assure responsibility,
accountability and physical safeguards with regards to these devices.

Researchers and principal Investigator shall be held responsible and accountable for all
aspects of compliance.

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 1 of 1


The Laser Safety Manual provides the necessary structure, management and operating
procedures to assure the safe use of laser devices in teaching and research
laboratories operating under the direction of any FIU employee, officer or agent.

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 1 of 1


The safety standards contained herein are based on the American National Standards
Institute, Inc., “American National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers” (ANSI Z136.1-
2014). This manual represents the generally accepted best practice standards and
University’s Special Hazard Materials’ Policy for the safe use of lasers within the fields
of industry, education, research, and medicine.

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 1 of 1


Responsibility for the administration of the safety standards contained herein rests with
the Director of Environmental Health & Safety who may delegate the management and
oversight of this program to a Certified Laser Safety Officer.

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 1 of 1



The Laser Safety Committee (LSC), a Standing Committee at Florida International

University ("University"), is the governing body for all aspects of laser protection at FIU,
including all affiliated research, clinical, instructional and service units that use laser
devices in work or research facilities owned or controlled by the University. The LSC in
its capacity as a governing body shall ensure that all possession, use and disposition of
laser devices by University personnel at Florida International University comply with
pertinent federal, state and University regulations.

The LSC approves policies, rules and procedures for the safe use of laser devices. The
LSC has the authority to grant, deny, or withdraw permission for the use of laser
devices by an authorized user within the University. The LSC is responsible for the

 Approving University procedures, safety manuals, and criteria for training (and
refresher training) and testing of each category of workers involved with the use
of laser devices, including support staff, to ensure that the laser safety program is
properly implemented according to accepted safety practices.
 Ensuring that only qualified individuals are permitted to use laser devices or to
supervise such use by others.
 Reviewing annual reports from the LSO summarizing lab inspections, including
compliance with safety related engineering and administrative controls and use
of personal protective equipment, occupational exposure for all personnel to
laser radiation and other conventional hazards, and compliance with
Federal/State of Florida regulations.
 Enforcing compliance with the program, including imposition of sanctions for non-
 Providing advice to research groups, departments and investigators via the LSO.
 Tracking corrective action of items of concern brought to the Committee.
 Endorsing recommendations and university policies to be submitted to FIU
Operations Committee for approval.


The Laser Safety Officer is responsible for the day to day administration and
implementation of the procedures that support safety and compliance in the laser safety

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 1 of 4

program. To be qualified to execute the function a Laser Safety Officer shall complete
bachelor’s degree or higher in relevant field of study and have one full year of experience
working with laser devices or managing safety of laser devices. Certification by Board of Laser
Safety ( as Laser Safety Officer (CLSO) is preferred. The LSO specific
responsibilities are as follows:

 The LSO shall review all request for purchase of laser devices and approve prior
to purchase.
 The LSO shall classify, or verify classifications, of lasers and laser systems used
under the LSO’s jurisdiction.
 The LSO shall be responsible for hazard evaluation of laser work areas, including
the establishment of Nominal Hazard Zones (NHZ).
 The LSO shall be responsible for assuring that the prescribed control measures
are implemented and maintained. This includes avoiding unnecessary and
duplicate controls and recommending or approving substitute or alternate control
measures when the primary ones are not feasible or practical.
 The LSO shall approve Class 3B and Class 4 standard operating procedures and
other procedures that may be part of the requirements for administrative and
procedural controls.
 The LSO shall recommend or approve protective equipment, i.e., eyewear,
clothing, barriers, screens, etc., as may be required to assure personnel safety.
The LSO shall assure that protective equipment is evaluated periodically to
ensure proper working order.
 The LSO shall approve the wording on area signs and equipment labels.
 The LSO shall review and approve Class 3B and Class 4 laser installation
facilities and laser equipment prior to use. This also applies to modification of
existing facilities or equipment.
 The LSO shall assure that the safety features of the laser installation facilities
and laser equipment are audited periodically to assure proper operation.
 The LSO shall assure that adequate safety education and training, including
refresher training is provided to laser area personnel.
 The LSO shall identify the personnel categories for medical surveillance.
 The LSO shall assure that the necessary records (required by applicable
government regulations, medical examinations, maintenance of safety programs,
SOPs, audits, etc.) are maintained.
 The LSO shall maintain a plan to respond to notifications of incidents of actual or
suspected exposure to potentially harmful laser radiation and prepare reports.
 Approval of a Class 3B or Class 4 laser or laser system for operation will be
given only if the LSO is satisfied that the laser hazard control measures are
adequate. These include Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for
maintenance and service operations within enclosed systems, and operation

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 2 of 4

procedures for class 3B and 4 systems. The procedures should include adequate
consideration to assure safety from non-beam hazards.
 All purchases of laser equipment will be through the LSO. A purchase
requisition/request shall be submitted to the LSO for approval prior to forwarding
it to the Purchasing Department.


The supervisors shall be knowledgeable of the requirements of laser safety, the

potential hazards and associated control measures for all classes of lasers and laser
systems; education; and all policies, practices and procedures pertaining to laser safety
at locations under their authority. Their responsibilities are as follows:

 The supervisor shall be responsible for the issuance of appropriate instructions

and training on laser hazards and their control, including On-The-Job training to
all personnel who may work with lasers that are operated within the supervisor’s
 The supervisor shall not permit the operation of a laser unless there is adequate
control of laser hazards to employees, visitors, and the general public.
 The supervisor shall submit the names of the individuals scheduled to work with
lasers to the LSO and shall submit information as requested by the LSO for
medical surveillance scheduling and training completion.
 The supervisor shall budget for safety devices and eye examination of the
individuals using laser devices. See Appendix 11 - Procedure for Eye
 The supervisor shall verify that the students using laser devices have medical
 When the supervisor knows of, or suspects, an accident resulting from a laser
operated under his authority, the supervisor shall immediately implement the
institution’s accident responsible plan and ensure it includes notification of the
 If necessary, the supervisor shall assist in obtaining appropriate medical
attention for any employee involved in a laser accident.
 The supervisor shall not permit the operation of a new or modified Class 3B or
Class 4 laser under his or her authority without the approval of the LSO.
 The supervisor shall submit plans for Class 3B and Class 4 laser installations or
modifications of installations to the LSO for review.
 For Class 3B and Class 4 lasers and laser systems, the supervisor shall develop
SOPs for laser operation and beam alignment for review and approval by the
LSO and ensure that they are provided to users of such lasers.
 The supervisor shall provide, implement, and enforce the safety

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 3 of 4

recommendations and requirements prescribed in this Manual. The supervisor

shall complete the Laser Registration Form(s) (see Appendix 8) and submit them
to the LSO within seven days of receipt of the laser devices.
 The supervisor shall themselves participate in laser safety training.


The individual users working with lasers or laser systems shall have the following

 Shall read and comply with FIU Laser Safety Manual.

 Shall complete laser safety training prior to starting work with lasers.
 Shall not energize or work with or near a laser unless authorized to do so by the
supervisor of that laser.
 Shall comply with safety rules and procedures prescribed by the supervisor and
the LSO. The employee shall be familiar with all operating procedures.
 Shall restrict access by ancillary services personnel into a room or area where a
Class 3B or Class 4 laser is operating.
 Shall report all accidents or injuries to the Principal Investigator, Public Safety
and EH&S immediately.
 Shall consult with the Principal Investigator before taking any steps beyond the
scope of the SOP.

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 4 of 4


A laser generates a beam of very intense light. The major difference between laser light
and light generated by white light sources (such as a light bulb) is that laser light is
monochromatic, directional and coherent.

Monochromatic means that all of the light produced by the laser is of a single
wavelength. White light is a combination of all visible wavelengths (400 – 700 nm).

Directional means that the beam of light has very low divergence. Light from a
conventional source, such as a light bulb, diverges, spreading in all directions. The
intensity may be large at the source, but it decreases rapidly as an observer moves
away from the source, falling as an inverse square of the distance from a point source.
In contrast, the output of a laser has a very small divergence and can maintain high
beam intensities over long ranges. Thus, relatively low power lasers are able to project
more energy at a single wavelength within a narrow beam than that can be obtained
from much more conventional light sources.

Coherent means that the waves of light are in phase with each other and they are of the
same wavelength. A light bulb produces many wavelengths, and they are not in phase
with each other.

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 1 of 1


The basic components of a laser are the lasing medium, energy pump and optical

The lasing medium is a substance that can be excited to a metastable state through
addition of energy that is “pumped” into the lasing medium. The lasing medium can be a
solid, liquid, gas or semiconductor.

The source of energy needed to excite the atoms of the lasing medium may be:
 An intense source of light that emits a wide range of photon energies and
necessarily includes photons of the exactly the right energy to excite the lasing
 A radio frequency voltage, or
 A power source.

The optical cavity contains mirrors at each end. One end is completely mirrored and the
other end is partially mirrored. In the optical cavity the intensity of the photons is
increased because they are reflected back into the cavity by mirrors. By pumping large
amounts of light into the lasing medium, the atoms of the lasing medium are excited into
metastable state and a “population inversion” is attained in which most of the atoms are
in an excited state.

After a population inversion is achieved, the spontaneous decay of few electrons from
the metastable state to lower energy level starts a chain reaction. The photons emitted
spontaneously will hit (without being absorbed) other atoms and stimulate their
electrons to make transition from the metastable energy level to lower energy levels,
emitting photons of precisely the same wavelength, phase and direction.

To produce a laser this reaction must take place in the optical cavity. When the photons
reach the end of laser material they are reflected by the end-mirror back into the
material where the chain reaction continues and the number of photons is increased.
When the photons arrive at a partially-reflecting mirror, only a portion will be reflected
back into the cavity and the rest will emerge as laser beam.

The laser output may be pulsed or steady, as in continuous wave (CW) lasers. A Q-

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

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Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 1 of 2

switch in the optical path is a method of providing laser pulses of extremely short time
duration. The Q-switch may use a rotating prism, or a shutter device to create the pulse.
Q-switched lasers may produce a high-peak-power laser pulse of a few nanoseconds

A continuous wave laser has a steady power output, measured in watts (W). For pulsed
lasers, the output generally refers to energy, rather than power. The radiant energy is a
function of time and is measured in joules (J).

Two terms are often used when measuring or calculating exposure to laser radiation.
Radiant Exposure is the radiant energy divided by the area of the surface that receives
the laser energy. It is expressed in J/cm2. Irradiance is the radiant power incident per
unit area upon the surface. It is expressed in W/cm2. For repetitively pulsed lasers, the
pulse repetition factor (prf) and pulse width are important in evaluating biological effects.

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 2 of 2


There are many types of lasers available for research, medical, industrial, and
commercial uses. Lasers are often described by the kind of lasing medium they use -
solid state, gas, excimer, dye, or semiconductor, etc.

Solid state lasers employ a lasing material distributed in a solid matrix. One example is
the Neodymium-YAG laser. The term: YAG is an abbreviation for the crystal: Yttrium
Aluminum Garnet which serves as the host for the Neodymium ions. This laser emits an
infrared beam at the wavelength of 1064 nanometers. Accessory devices that may be
internal or external to the cavity may be used to convert the output to visible or
ultraviolet wavelength. Solid state lasing media are typically optically pumped, using
either a flashlamp or arc lamp, or by laser diodes. Diode-pumped solid-state lasers tend
to be much more efficient, and have become much more common as the cost of high
power semiconductor lasers has decreased.

Solid-state lasers where the light is guided due to the total internal reflection in a
waveguide are called fiber lasers. Because of huge ratio of the length to the transversal
size the active element of such a laser looks as a fiber. Guiding of light allows extremely
long gain regions providing good cooling conditions; fibers have high surface area to
volume ratio allows efficient cooling. In addition, the fiber's waveguiding properties tend
to reduce thermal distortion of the beam.

Gas lasers use a gas or a mixture of gases within a tube in the laser cavity. A voltage
(the external pump source) is applied to the tube to excite the atoms in the gas to a
population inversion. The most common gas laser uses a mixture of helium and neon
(He-Ne), with a primary output of 632.8 nanometers which is a visible red color. All gas
lasers are quite similar in construction and behavior. For example, the CO2 gas laser
radiates at 10,600 nm in the far-infrared spectrum. Argon and krypton gas lasers
operate with multiple frequency emissions principally in the visible spectra. The main
emission wavelengths of an argon laser are 488 and 514 nm. The light emitted from this
type of laser is normally continuous wave (CW).

A chemical laser is a laser that obtains its energy from a chemical reaction. Chemical
lasers can achieve continuous wave output with power reaching to megawatt levels.
They are used in industry for cutting and drilling, and in military as directed-energy
weapons. Common examples of chemical lasers are the chemical oxygen iodine laser
(COIL), all gas-phase iodine laser (AGIL), and the hydrogen fluoride laser and

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 1 of 3

deuterium fluoride laser, both operating in the mid-infrared region. There is also a DF-
CO2 laser (deuterium fluoride-carbon dioxide), which, like COIL, is a "transfer laser."
The hydrogen fluoride and deuterium fluoride lasers are unusual in that there are
several molecular energy transitions with sufficient energy to be above the threshold
required for lasing. Since the molecules do not collide frequently enough to re-distribute
the energy, several of these laser modes will operate either simultaneously, or in
extremely rapid succession so that an HF or DF laser appears to be operating
simultaneously on several wavelengths unless a wavelength selection device is
incorporated into the resonator.

Dye lasers use a laser medium that is usually a complex organic dye in liquid solution or
suspension. The most striking feature of these lasers is that they are highly tunable, or
produce very short-duration pulses (on the order of a few femtoseconds). Proper choice
of the dye and its concentration allows the production of laser light over a broad range
of wavelengths in or near the visible spectrum. Dye lasers commonly employ optical
pumping although some types have used chemical reaction pumping. The most
commonly used dye is Rhodamine 6G which provides tunability over 200 nm in the red
portion (620 nm) of the spectrum.

Excimer lasers (the name is derived from the terms excited and dimers) use reactive
gases such as chlorine and fluorine mixed with inert gases such as argon, krypton, or
xenon. When electrically stimulated, a pseudomolecule or dimer is produced and when
lased, produces light in the ultraviolet range. They are used in semiconductor
photolithography and in LASIK eye surgery. Examples of excimers laers are: ArF (193
nm), KrCl (222 nm), KrF (248 nm), XeCl (308 nm), and XeF (351 nm).

Metal vapor lasers produce laser light in the infrared, visible, or ultraviolet. They must
operate at high temperatures to keep the metals vaporized; they are excited by
electrical discharges in mixtures of metal vapor and noble gases. Copper vapor lasers
produce green and yellow light from a mixture of copper vapor with helium or neon.
They are excellent sources of short, high-intensity laser pulses at very high pulse-
repetition rates. Copper vapor lasers are used in some machining and laser cutting
applications. They can also be used to separate isotopes of uranium using selective
ionization of hyperfine transitions.

Semiconductor lasers (sometimes referred to as diode lasers) are not to be confused

with solid state lasers. These are the most widely used lasers today and emit visible or
infrared light when an electric current passes through them. The emission occurs at the
interface (p-n junction) between two regions doped with different materials. The p-n
junction can act as a laser medium, generating stimulated emission and providing lasing
action if it is inside a suitable cavity. These lasers are generally very small physically,

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 2 of 3

and individually of only modest power. However, they may be built into larger arrays.
The most common diode laser is the Gallium Arsenide diode laser with a central
emission of 840 nm. The source pump for these lasers is electric current.

A free electron laser, or FEL, is a laser that shares the same optical properties as
conventional lasers such as emitting a beam consisting of coherent electromagnetic
radiation which can reach high power, but which uses some very different operating
principles to form the beam. Unlike gas, liquid, or solid-state lasers such as diode
lasers, in which electrons are excited in bound atomic or molecular states, FELs use a
relativistic electron beam as the lasing medium which move freely through a magnetic
structure, hence the term free electron. The free electron laser has the widest frequency
range of any laser type, and can be widely tunable, currently ranging in wavelength from
microwaves, through terahertz radiation and infrared, to the visible spectrum, to
ultraviolet, to soft X-rays. FELs find appications in medicine and anti-missile directed

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 3 of 3


The objective of this manual is to provide a reasonable and adequate guidance for the
safe use of lasers and laser systems. A practical means for accomplishing this is first to
(1) classify lasers and laser systems according to their relative hazards and then to (2)
specify appropriate controls for each classification. Laser devices are classified into 7
different classes- Class 1, 1M, 2, 2M, 3R, 3B and 4 based on the ability of the laser
beam to cause biological damage to the eye or skin during use. Examples:

A Class 1 laser system is:

 Considered to be incapable of producing damaging radiation levels during
operation, and
 Exempt from any controls or other forms of surveillance with the exception of
requirements for embedded lasers.

Any laser, or laser system containing a higher Class laser, that cannot emit accessible
radiation levels during operation in excess of the applicable Class 1 accessible emission
level (AEL) for any duration within the maximum duration (30,000 s except for infrared
system where 100 s shall be used) inherent in the design or intended use of the laser or
laser system.

Products which have previously have been classified as Class IIa (emitting visible
radiation less than 0.4 mW) under Federal Laser Product Performance Standard
(FLPPS) should be treated as Class 1.

A Class 1M laser system is:

 Considered to be incapable of producing hazardous exposure conditions during
operation unless the beam is viewed with an optical instrument such as an eye-
loupe (diverging beam) or a telescope (collimated beam), and
 Exempt from any controls measures other than to prevent potentially hazardous
optically aided viewing; and is exempt from other forms of surveillance.

Any laser, or laser system containing a laser that cannot emit during operation,
accessible radiation levels in excess of the applicable Class 1 AEL under the conditions
of measurement for the unaided eye, but exceeds the Class 1 AEL for telescopic
viewing and does not exceed the Class 3B AEL, for any emission duration within the
maximum duration (30,000 s) inherent in the design or intended use of the laser or laser

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
Laser Safety Manual Revision Date: 06/02/2014
Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 1 of 4

A Class 2 laser system:

 Emits in the visible portion of the spectrum (0.4 to 0.7 µm), and
 Eye protection is normally afforded by the aversion response.

A Class 2M laser system:

 Emits in the visible portion of the spectrum (0.4 to 0.7 µm), and
 Eye protection is normally afforded by the aversion response for unaided
 However, Class 2M is potentially hazardous if viewed with optical aids.

Class 2 and 2M lasers and laser systems are visible CW and repetitive-pulse lasers
systems which can emit accessible radiation energy exceeding the appropriate Class 1
AEL for the maximum duration inherent in the design or intended use of the system, but
not exceeding the Class 1 AEL for any applicable pulse emission duration < 0.25 s and
not exceeding average radiation power of 1 mW. Class 2M lasers and laser systems
pose the same ocular hazards to the unaided eye as Class 2, but are potentially
hazardous when viewed with optical aids.

Any laser, or laser system that cannot emit during operation accessible radiation levels
in excess of the applicable Class 2 AEL under the conditions of measurement for the
unaided eye, but exceeds the Class 2 AEL for telescopic viewing and does not exceed
the Class 3B AEL, for any emission duration within the maximum duration (0.25 s)
inherent in the design or intended use of the laser or laser system is a Class 2M laser,
or laser system.

A Class 3R laser system is:

 Potentially hazardous under some direct and specular reflection viewing
condition if the eye is appropriately focused and stable, but the probability of an
actual injury is small. This laser will not pose either a fire hazard or diffuse-
reflection hazard.

Class R lasers and laser systems include lasers and laser systems which have an
accessible output between 1 and 5 times the Class 1 AEL for wavelengths shorter than
0.4 µm or longer than 0.7 µm, or less than 5 times the Class 2 AEL for wavelengths
between 0.4 and 0.7 µm.

Note – Lasers can be classified as Class 1M and Class 2M even if their output exceeds
Class R.

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

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Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 2 of 4

A Class 3B laser system:

 May be hazardous under direct and specular reflection viewing conditions, but is
normally not a diffuse-reflection or fire hazard.

Class 3B lasers and laser systems include:

a) Lasers and laser systems operating outside the retinal hazard region (< 400 nm
or > 1400 nm) that can emit accessible radiation power in excess of Class 3R
AEL during any emission duration within the maximum duration inherent in the
design of laser and laser system, but which (a) cannot emit accessible average
radiation power in excess of 0.5 W for T  0.25 s or (b) cannot produce
accessible radiation energy greater than 0.125 J within an exposure duration T 
b) Visible (400 nm to 400 nm) and near infrared (700 nm to1400 nm) lasers and
laser systems that can emit in excess of the AEL of Class R but which (a) cannot
emit accessible average radiation power in excess of 0.5 W for T  0.06 CA s and
(b) cannot emit accessible radiation energy greater than 0.0.03 CA J per pulse for
t < 0.06 CA s when 0.5 W peak power is exceeded. In addition per pulse
accessible radiation energy shall not exceed 0.125 J. For this limit pulses
separated by less than tmin are to be considered one pulse.

T – Total exposure duration for a train of laser pulses

T – Duration of a single pulse or exposure (s)
Tmin - duration (> 1 ns) for which there is no significant flow of heat from the volume of
tissue in which the energy was absorbed, and therefore of the absorbing tissue during
the exposure.

Class 3B lasers require labeling and physical controls to prevent viewing of direct and
specularly reflected beam.

A Class 4 laser system (high power):

 Is a hazard to eye or skin from the direct beam, and
 May pose a diffuse-reflection or fire hazard
 May also produce laser generated air contaminants (LGAC) and hazardous
plasma radiation.

AEL for Class 4 lasers and laser systems is greater than that for class 3B lasers.

Laser and laser systems designated for a specific class by a manufacturer in

accordance with the Federal Laser Product Performance Standard (FLPPS) (or latest

Florida International University Origination Date: 10/01/03

Environmental Health & Safety Revision Number: 05
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Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 3 of 4

version thereof) or International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60825-1 (or latest

version thereof) may be considered as fulfilling all classification requirements of the
ANSI standards. In cases where the Laser and laser system classification is not
provided, or where the class level may change because of addition or deletion of
engineering controls, the Laser and laser system classification shall be classified by the
Laser Safety Officer (LSO).

Changes in classification in the new standard:

 All former Class 1 are now Classes 1 and 1M.
 Most former Class 2 are now Class 2 (or 2M if a highly diverging beam, e.g., a
diode laser)
 All former products labeled as ANSI Class 3a (IEC 3B) with a “Danger” logo,
such as most laser pointers are renamed Class 3R.
 Class 3a expanded-beam lasers are now Class 1M and 2M.

Embedded systems:

Class 2, 3 or 4 lasers or laser systems contained in a protective housing and operated

in a lower classification mode may be classified at a lower classification. Specific control
measures may be required to maintain the lower classification. For embedded systems
that are non-commercial design and construction, the University LSO shall determine
the classification.

For the purposes of laser safety, a direct beam, which has been reflected from a mirror
or polished surface, is considered to be as intense as the direct beam. Laser beams,
which hit flat or non-mirror like surfaces are considered to be diffused and the diffusely
reflected beam is not as intense or as well defined as the direct beam.

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The primary wavelengths for commonly used lasers include the ultraviolet, visible and
infrared regions of the spectrum. Ultraviolet radiation for lasers consists of wavelengths
between 180 and 400 nanometers (nm). The visible region consists of radiation with
wavelengths between 400 and 700 nm. The infrared region of the spectrum consists of
radiation with wavelengths between 700 nm and 1 mm.

The color or wavelength of light being emitted depends on the type of lasing material
being used. For example, if a Neodymium: Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (Nd:YAG) is used
as lasing material, light with a wavelength of 1064 nm will be emitted. Table No. 1,
Typical Laser Systems, illustrates various types of lasers, the lasing material used, and
the wavelength emitted by that type of laser. Note that certain material and gases are
capable of emitting more than one wavelength. The wavelength of the light emitted in
this case is dependent on the optical configuration of the laser.

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The hazards of lasers may be separated into two general categories: beam-related
hazards to eyes and skin and non-beam hazards, such as electrical and chemical


Improperly used laser devices are potentially dangerous. Effects can range from mild
skin burns to irreversible injury to the skin and eyes. The biological damage caused by
lasers is produced through thermal, acoustical and photochemical processes.

Thermal effects are caused by a rise in temperature following absorption of laser

energy. The severity of the damage is dependent upon several factors, including
exposure duration, wavelength of the beam, energy of the beam, and the area and type
exposed to the beam.

Acoustical effects result from a mechanical shockwave, propagated through tissue,

ultimately damaging the tissue. This happens when the laser beam causes localized
vaporization of tissue, causing the shockwave, analogous to ripples in water from
throwing a rock into a pond.

Beam exposure may also cause photochemical effects when photons interact with
tissue cells. A change in cell chemistry may result in damage or change to tissue.
Photochemical effects depend greatly on wavelength. Table No. 2, Summary of Laser
Biological Effects, summarizes the probable biological effects of exposure of eyes and
skin to different wavelengths.


Exposure to the laser beam is not limited to direct beam exposure. Particularly for high-
powered lasers, exposure to beam reflections may be just as damaging as exposure to
the primary beam.

Intrabeam exposure means that the eye or skin is exposed directly to all or part of the
laser beam. The eye or skin is exposed to the full irradiance exposure or radiant
exposure possible.

Specular reflections from mirrored surfaces can be as harmful as exposure to the direct
beam, particularly if the surface is flat. Curved mirror-like surfaces will widen the beam

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such that while the exposed eye or skin does not absorb the full impact of the beam,
there is a larger area for possible exposure.

A diffuse surface is a surface that will reflect the laser beam in many directions.
Surfaces that are not completely flat, such as jewelry or metal tools, may cause diffuse
reflections of the beam. These reflections do not carry the full power or energy of the
primary beam, but may still be harmful, particularly for high-powered lasers. Diffuse
reflections from Class 4 lasers are capable of initiating fires.

The major danger of laser light is hazards from beams entering the eye. The eye is the
organ most sensitive to light. Just as a magnifying glass can be used to focus the sun
and burn wood, the lens in the human eye focuses the laser beam into a tiny spot that
can burn the retina. A laser beam with low divergence entering the eye can be focused
down to a 10 to 20 micro-meter diameter spot at the retina, thereby increasing the
irradiance of the beam at the retina by 100,000 to 200,000 times of the beam entering
the eye.


The light energy emitted from laser pointers into the eye can be more damaging than
staring directly into the sun.

Laser devices are ranked by class according to their energy or power, and hence, their
potential to cause injury. Laser pointers are typically Class 2 or Class 3R devices. They
are usually hand held and emit a low-divergence visible beam of less than 5 milliwatts.
Laser pointers are usually limited to a class 3R (5 mW) output or less; however, there
are more powerful laser pointers available and these devices present a significant
potential for an eye injury if viewed directly.

Laser pointers are typically used in lecture presentation to identify objects or images.
Their accuracy and precision is also used in aiming firearms or other visual targeting

The scope of potential for injury with laser pointers has not been fully determined even
though numerous exposure incidents have been recorded. It has been shown that a
momentary exposure to a laser pointer, such as might occur from an inadvertent sweep
of the beam across a person’s eye usually causes a temporary impairment and does
not usually result in a retinal burn. However, in addition to the hazards created by
exposure to a direct beam, other exposure concerns include ocular effects such as
flash blindness, afterimage, and glare. Ocular exposure to the beam from a pointer

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could lead to temporary vision dysfunction and present possible physical dangers if the
individual is engaged in a vision-critical activity such as driving or operating machinery
during the exposure.

Federal law requires a warning on the product label about the potential hazard to the
eyes caused by the pointer. Users of laser pointers must be alert to the potential
hazards and follow the recommended safety procedures.

Use laser pointers with caution and only for their intended purpose. Comply with the
manufacturer’s safety recommendations:

 Never point a laser pointer at anyone, and never look directly into the beam.
 Never aim a laser pointer at surfaces that would reflect the light back, such as
mirrors or mirrored surfaces.
 Purchase only those laser pointer devices with a clear warning on the label about
the potential to cause eye damage. Read the instructions carefully, and follow
 Choose a laser pointer that stays “ON” only when you apply pressure with your
fingers. That way you can never leave the beam “ON” by accident.
 Choose laser pointers with power that is appropriate to serve the intended

Lasers can harm the skin via photochemical or thermal burns. Depending on the
wavelength, the beam may penetrate both the epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis
is the outermost living layer of skin. Far and mid-ultraviolet (the actinic UV) are
absorbed by the epidermis. Sunburn (reddening and blistering) may result from short-
term exposure to the beam. UV exposure is also associated with an increased risk of
developing skin cancer and premature aging (wrinkles, etc.) of the skin.

Thermal burns to the skin are rare. They usually require exposure to high-energy beams
for an extended period of time. Carbon dioxide and other infrared lasers are most
commonly associated with thermal burns, since this wavelength range penetrates
deeply into skin tissue. The resulting burn may be first degree (reddening), second
degree (blistering) or third degree (charring).

Some individuals are photosensitive or may be taking prescription drugs that induce
photosensitivity. Particular attention must be given to the effect of these (prescribed)
drugs, including some antibiotics and fungicides, on the individual taking the medication
and working with or around lasers.

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Table No. 3, Summary of Bioeffects of Commonly Used Lasers, summarizes the

biological effects of commonly used lasers on the skin as well as on the cornea, lens
and retina.


In addition to direct hazards to the skin and eyes associated with exposure to the laser
beam, it is also important to address other hazards not related to exposure of the eye
and skin to the laser beam. Non-beam hazards are a class of hazards that do not result
from direct human exposure to a laser beam.

Non-beam hazards include physical, chemical, and biological agents. Non-beam

hazards may occur when a material is exposed to laser beam (e.g., fire or airborne
contaminants); when materials used to generate the beam (e.g., flow-through gases,
dyes and solvents) are released into the atmosphere, or when individuals contact
system components (e.g., shock or electrocution).

Because of the diversity of these potential hazards, the LSO may employ safety and/or
industrial hygiene personnel to effect the hazard evaluations for special considerations.

13.4.1 PHYSICAL AGENTS Electrical Hazards

Electrical equipment in general presents three potential hazards: shock, resistive
heating, and ignition of flammable materials.

The use of lasers or laser systems can present an electric shock hazard. This may
occur from contact with exposed utility power utilization, device control, and power
supply conductors operating at potentials of 50 volts and above. These exposures can
occur during laser setup or installation, maintenance and service, where equipment
protective covers are often removed to allow access to active components as required
for those activities. Those exposed can be equipment installers, users, technicians, and
uninformed members of the public, such as passers by.

The effect upon those who accidentally come into contact with energized conductors at
or above 50 volts can range from a minor “tingle”, to startle reaction, to serious personal
injury, or death. Because the pathways of current are all pervasive, such as ground, it is
not possible to characterize all the parameters in any situation to predict the occurrence
or outcome of an electric shock accident. Electric shock is a very serious opportunistic
hazard, and deaths associated with laser systems have occurred.

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Protection against accidental contact with energized conductors by means of a barrier

system is the primary method of preventing electric shock accidents with laser
equipment. Hazard warnings and safety instructions extend the safety system to
embody exposures caused by conditions of use, maintenance, and service, and provide
protection against the hazards of possible equipment misuse. It is recommended that
electrical surge protection be provided to minimize transients, spikes, harmonics,
outages, and electromagnetic interference.
Grounding should be provided by providing a reliable, continuous metallic connection
between the part or pats to be grounded and the grounding conductor of the power
wiring system. Where required “Emergency Power Off” shall be installed to allow the
elimination of electrical hazards during emergencies.

Resistive Heating:
Heating of a conductor due to electric current flow increases with the conductor’s
resistance. Unchecked and increasing resistive heating can produce excessive heat
build up and potentially damage/corrode system components. While laser system
designers generally provide sufficient cooling for routine operations, it is important that
this equipment be regularly checked for excessive resistive heating symptoms such as
component warping, discoloration, or corrosion, and repaired as needed.

Electrical Spark Ignition of Flammable Materials:

Equipment malfunction can lead to electrical fires. In addition, electrical sparks can
serve as an ignition source in the presence of flammable vapor.
Using recognized independent testing organizations that verify the efficacy of equipment
safety systems, with respect to the requirements of consensus safety standards, is
important for the protection of the equipment user.

Electrical Hazard Control Regulations:

Additional electrical safety requirements are imposed upon laser devices, systems, and
those who work with them, by the United States Department of Labor, Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
p_part_number=1910) , the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70), and related state and
local laws and regulations. These requirements govern equipment connection to the
electrical utilization system, electrical protection parameters, and specific safety training.
OSHA [e.g., 29 CFR 1910.303(g)(2)(1)] requires additional control measures for those
circuits operating t more than 50 volts. Where applicable, the user shall comply with
provisions of OSHA Standards for Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices (29 CFR
1910 Subpart S) and the Control of Hazardous Energy(lockout/tagout; 29 CFR
These requirements must be observed with all laser installations. In addition, it is

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recommended that fire extinguishers designed for electrical fires should be used with
laser systems. A panic button can also serve to eliminate or minimize electrical hazards
in an emergency if the button cuts power to the system. The following are potential
electrical safety related problems:
 Uncovered and improperly insulated electrical terminals.
 Hidden “power-up” warning lights.
 Lack of personnel trained in current cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
practices, or lack of refresher training. EH&S provides CPR training. This training
is recommended for the individuals using high voltage/current equipment. Please
contact EH&S training coordinator at for additional information.
 Failure to properly discharge and ground capacitors.
Note- High voltage electrical storage capacitors may spontaneously partially recharge after
discharge unless they are shortened.
 Non earth-grounded or improperly grounded equipment. If stored electrical
energy exists (e.g., capacitors), discharge or remove the stored energy and
apply grounds to the normally energized conductors.
 Non-adherence to the OSHA lockout standard (29 CFR 1910.147).
 Excessive wires and cables on floor that create fall or slip hazards. Non-Laser Radiation (NLR)

The operation of laser systems and application of laser energy onto materials can
produce a variety of radiation sources in addition to the laser radiation that the device
was designed to produce. Sources of NLR include collateral radiation and LTIR.

Collateral radiation is any electromagnetic radiation, except laser radiation, emitted by

laser or laser system (e.g., excitation frequency emissions, flash lamp light leakages, X-
rays emitted by laser components). In very high powered pulsed laser systems it may
present hazards that warrant additional control measures.

LTIR is emitted by a material as a result of being exposed to laser beam. LTIR emission
depends primarily on the laser irradiance at the target and composition of the target
material. Example - plasma radiation is generated when an energetic laser beam
interacts with matter, typically metals. When high power pulsed laser beams (peak
irradiance of the order of 1012 are focused on a target. Plasma is form of matter
that has been heated to a completely or partially ionized state.

Ionizing Radiation
X-ray radiation may be generated by electronic components of the laser systems (e.g.,
high–voltage vacuum tubes- usually > 15 kV) and from pulsed laser beams with a peak
irradiances of the order of 1016, or higher, that are focused on a target. Plasma
radiation produced by extremely high powered laser beams (> 1018 incident on

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specially-designed targets may also accelerate ions to produce ionizing radiation,

particularly neutrons, which may in turn lead to activation in materials surrounding the

Optical Radiation
Collateral ultraviolet (UV) radiation emitted from the discharge tubes and pump lamps,
as well as plasma emissions created during laser-material interaction processes, may
contain sufficient UV and blue light (180 nm to 550 nm) to pose a long terms ocular
viewing hazard unless appropriate eye protection is worn. UV radiation may also cause
photodermatitis or photokerititis. Studies have shown that the integrated blue-light
irradiance levels are much higher for CO2 than Nd:YAG laser/target interactions. Also
welding events yield higher plasma radiation levels than cutting events. Photosensitizing
agents from industrial chemicals or medications can make an individual more
susceptible to those effects. Laser-related UV sources shall be suitably shielded so that
personnel exposures are maintained with exposure limits specified by the American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit values for
Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure indices. High levels
of shorter wavelength UV radiation can produce significant amounts of ozone, which will
need to be exhausted if concentrations approach recognized exposure limits. Visible
and infrared radiation exposures from non-laser sources should be controlled to within
the limits specified in the appropriate guidance documents [e.g., the ANSI/IESNA RP-27
series of Recommended Practices (Photobiological Safety for Lamps)]. Much of the
optical radiation band may be shielded by plastics such as polycarbonate and
poly(methyl methacrylate)-type plastics, although additives (dyes) may be necessary for
visible and some IR wavelengths.

The control measures include distance, shielding and personal protective equipment. Fire Hazards:

Class 4 laser beams represent a fire hazard. Enclosure of Class 4 laser beams can
result in potential fire hazard if the enclosure materials are likely to be exposed to
irradiances exceeding 10 W.cm2 or beam powers exceeding 0.5 W. Under some
conditions where flammable compounds and substances exist, it is possible that fires
can be initiated by Class 3B lasers

Note- The NFPA standard 115 states that for CW lasers, 0.Wcm-2 is a possible ignition hazard.

Opaque laser barriers, e.g., curtains can be used to block the laser beam from exiting
the work area during certain operations. While these barriers can be designed to offer a
range of protection, they normally cannot withstand high irradiance levels for more than

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few seconds without some damage, e.g., production of smoke, open fires or
penetrations. Users of commercially available barriers should obtain appropriate fire
prevention information from the manufacturer.

Operators of Class 4 lasers should be aware of the ability of unprotected wire insulation
and plastic tubing to catch fire from intense reflected or scattered beams, particularly
from lasers operating at invisible wavelengths. The risk of fire is greater in oxygen-rich
atmospheres when oxygen or nitrous oxide is being used such as in electrical setting.

The three components required for a fire to start are: a combustible material, an
oxidizing agent and a source of ignition. Therefore, to reduce the risk of fire in laser
applications, great care should be taken to keep these components separated from
each other. Explosion Hazards

High-pressure arc lamps and capacitor banks in laser equipment shall be enclosed in
housing which can withstand the maximum explosive pressure resulting from
component disintegration. The laser target and elements of the optical train which may
shatter during laser operation shall also be enclosed or equally protected to prevent
injury to operators and observers. Explosive reactions of chemical laser reactants or
other laser gases may be of concern in some cases.

There have been several reports of explosions caused by the ignition of dust that has
collected in ventilation systems serving laser processes. The potential for such can be
minimized by good maintenance practice. Mechanical Hazards:

In many industrial applications lasers are employed in conjunction with robots. Robots
can punch holes in protective housing, damage the delivery system, and cause a laser
beam to be aimed at operators or enclosures. In addition to such hazards, the
mechanical safety of the robots installation must be considered to prevent accidents,
e.g., a worker being pinned between a robot and a confining object. Noise Hazard

Certain lasers (e.g., pulsed lasers) and associated electrical devices can generate
painful and unpleasant noises at high frequency or repetitive rate which are harmful to
the ears. Sources of this noise originate from 1) the laser system itself, 2) the fume
extraction device and 3) the laser procedures.

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Recommended preventative measures are:

 Implement administrative controls to restrict individual exposure time.
 Eliminate excessive noise by installing the noise absorbing material, if possible.
 Maintain smoke evacuation system regularly or replace with a low noise level
 Employ visual warning (flashing lights) instead of audible alarms.
 Wear ear protectors where noise exceeds the recommended limits.
 Evaluate the noise hazard and post a hearing protection warning sign. Fiber Optic Fragment Hazard

Small lengths or particles of optical fiber material can pose risk of irritation, infection, or
injury, particularly when cleaving fibers during slicing operations. Use of protective
finger guards, gloves, or shields should be considered when performing cleaving
operations. Adhesive tape can be used to pick up loose particles or slices during
operations. A good work practices is to collect discarded fibers in a container to avoid
subsequent embedding in clothing, skin, eye, or under the finger nails. Nanoparticles

Interaction of high energy femtosecond lasers with solid material can cause material
blow off (ablation) of fast ions and atoms, as well as clusters and nanoaggregates of
target material. The quality and quantity of that energy will determine the amount of
ablated material as well as the average particle size.

Processes that produce laser-generated nanoparticles shall be engineered so as to

avoid the entry of particles into the body via inhalation, ingestion or absorption


These include laser generated airborne contaminants, compressed gases, dyes and
solvents, and assist gases. Laser Generated Air Contaminants (LGAC)

Air contaminants may be generated when certain Class 3B and Class 4 laser beams
interact with matter. The quantity, composition, and chemical complexity of the LGAC
depend greatly upon target material, cover gas and the beam irradiance. The LSO shall

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ensure that industrial hygiene aspects of exposure to LGAC are addressed and that
appropriate control measures are recommended and documented.

While it is difficult to predict what LGAC may be released in any given interaction
situation, it is known that contaminants, including a wide variety of new compounds, can
be produced with many types of lasers. When the target irradiance reaches a given
threshold, approximately 107, target materials including plastics, composites,
metals, and tissues, may liberate carcinogenic, toxic and noxious airborne

The amount of the LGAC may be greater for lasers that have most of their energy
absorbed at the surface of the material. Such compounds may be gaseous or
particulate and can, under certain conditions, pose occupational concern. LGAC include
metallic fumes, chemical and gaseous vapors, and biological fragments from human
and animal tissues (bio-aerosols, dead and live cellular material, bacteria, fungi, and
viruses). Some of the compounds from materials include: polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons from mode burns on poly-methyl methacrylate-type polymers; hydrogen
cyanide and benzene from cutting of aromatic polyamide fibers; fused silica from cutting
quartz; mutagenic agents from laser surgery; heavy metals from etching; benzene from
cutting polyvinyl chloride; plus cyanide, formaldehyde and synthetic and natural fibers
associated with other processes.

The LSO shall ensure that appropriate industrial hygiene characterizations of exposure
to LGAC are effected in accordance with applicable federal, state and local

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13.0 LASER HAZARDS Compressed Gases

Many hazardous gases are used in lasers and laser applications including chlorine,
fluorine, hydrogen chloride, and hydrogen fluoride. All compressed gases having a
hazardous material information system (HMIS) health, flammability or reactivity rating of
3 or 4 shall be contained in an approved and appropriately exhausted gas cabinet that
is alarmed with sensors to indicate potential leakage conditions. Standard operating
procedures should be developed for safely handling compressed gases. Typical safety
problems that often arise when using compressed gases are: Working with free-
standing cylinders not isolated from personnel.
 Inability to protect open cylinders (regulator disconnected) from atmosphere and
 No remote shutoff valve or provisions for pumping gas before disconnect or
 Labeled hazardous gas cylinders not maintained in appropriate exhaust
 Gases of different categories (toxic, corrosives flammable, oxidizer, inert, high
pressure, and cryogenic) not stored separately in accordance with OSHA and
Compressed Gas Association requirements. Cryogenic Liquids/ Gases

Cryogenics can cause burns of the skin and eye and can pose an asphyxiation hazard
by replacing oxygen in small enclosed spaces. Personal protective equipment, such as
lab coats, insulated gloves and eye protection should always be worn when handing
such materials, Laser Dyes

Laser dyes are complex fluorescent organic compounds, which, when in solution with
certain solvents, form a lasing medium for dye lasers. Certain dyes are highly toxic or
carcinogenic. Since these dyes frequently need to be changed, special care must be
taken when handling, preparing solutions for, and operating dye lasers. A Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for dye compounds shall be available to all appropriate

The use of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as a solvent for cyanine dyes in dye lasers should
be discontinued if possible. DMSO aids in the transport of dyes into the skin. If another
solvent cannot be found, low permeability gloves should be worn by personnel any time
a situation arises where contact with the solvent may occur.

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Dye lasers containing at least 100 milliliters of flammable liquid shall conform to the
provisions of the NFPA (NFPA 30, 45 and 99) and the NEC (Article 500). Laser dyes
shall be prepared in a laboratory fume hood. Dye pumps and reservoirs should be
placed in secondary containment vessels to minimize leakage and spills in conformance
with NFPA 115. Assist Gases:

These gases may be used to produce an inert atmosphere, to remove materials from
the beam-interaction site, and to minimize deposition on components (e.g., mirrors and

Control Measures for LGAC

In general there are three major control measures available to reduce the concentration
of LGAC to acceptable levels. They are exhaust ventilation, respiratory protection, and
isolation of the process. The priority of control requires that engineering controls be
used as the primary control measure, with respiratory protection and other forms of
PPE) used as supplementary controls.

Exhaust Ventilation
Wherever possible, recirculation of LGAC should be avoided. Exhaust ventilation
ensures that all personnel exposures to hazardous concentrations of LGAC are
maintained at or below the allowable levels specified by OSHA, NIOSH, or the ACGIH.
Enclosing hoods should be used to control LGAC. Enclosing hoods afford better control
than exterior hoods, are less susceptible to drafts, and may provide protection from
reflected and scattered radiation.

Respiratory Protection
Respiratory protection may be used to control brief exposures, or as an interim control
measure until other engineering or administrative controls are implemented. If
respiratory protection is utilized, the program shall comply with the provisions specified
by the US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (29CFR
1910.134) (or latest version thereof). This standard requires medical evaluation and a
respirator fit test prior to use of a respirator.

Process Isolation
The laser process may be isolated by physical barriers, master-slave manipulators, or
remote control apparatuses. Process isolation should be used with laser welding or
cutting of targets such as plastics, biological material, coated metals, and composite
substrates. In addition, during biomedical application, the work area and personal

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protective equipment shall be disinfected or sterilized immediately after use. See Table
5 and Table 6, "Control Measures for the Four Laser Classes," for engineering,
administrative and procedural controls.

Control Measures for Chemical Hazards

 Consult the MSDS for the chemical in use.
 Wear personal protective equipment such as lab coats, gloves and goggles when
handling the chemical.
 Store the chemical in proper place.
 Provide adequate ventilation.
 Follow the clean-up and waste disposal procedures for any chemical spills.


These include LGAC and infectious materials. LGAC may be generated when high
power laser beams interact with tissue. Infectious materials, such as bacterial and viral
organisms, may survive beam irradiation and become airborne.

Use a portable local evacuation system of suitable air flow capacity that can be installed
close to the source and that is equipped with high efficiency easily maintainable filtration
system and that produces low noise. The working area should also have general
ventilation to reduce concentration of the contaminants below the threshold limiting


Airborne nanoparticles are generated in nanoparticle generation processes such as

laser ablation to produce carbon nanotubes. Some of LGAC generated in surgical and
other processes may also be in the nano size range. Nanoparticles may penetrate into
the skin and possibly beyond into the blood stream. Exposure to nanoparticles can be
controlled by use of local and general ventilation, process isolation, filtration and
personnel protective equipment including respiratory protection.

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Sign dimensions, letter size and color, etc., shall be in accordance with American
National Standard Specifications for Accident Prevention Sign ANSI Z535 series (or
latest version thereof).

There are two possible Symbol designs that can be used:

 ANSI Z535 Design: the laser hazard symbol shall be sunburst consisting of two
sets of radial spokes of different lengths and one long spoke, radiating from a
common center (see Appendix 5)

 International Electrochemical Commission (IEC 60825-1) Design: The laser

symbol shall be composed of an equilateral triangle surrounding a sunburst
pattern consisting of two sets of radial spokes of different lengths and one long
spoke, radiating from a common center (see Appendix 6).


The following signal words are used with the ANSI Z535 design laser sign and labels:

 Caution: The word “Caution” shall be used with all signs and labels associated
with all Class 2 and 2M lasers and laser systems that do not exceed the
appropriate MPE for irradiance (see Appendix 5).

 Danger: The word “Danger” shall be used with all signs and labels associated all
lasers and laser systems that exceed the applicable MPE for irradiance, including
all Class 3R, Class 3B and Class 4 lasers and laser systems (see Appendix 6).
The optical density (OD) of the protective eyewear and wavelength shall be
shown on the sign for a location requiring the use of eyewear.

 Notice: The word “Notice” shall be used on signs posted outside a temporary
laser controlled area, for example, during period of service. When a temporary
laser controlled area is created, the area outside the temporary area remains
Class 1, while the area within is either Class 3B or Class 4 and the appropriate
danger warning is required within the temporary laser controlled area (see
Appendix 5).


a) For area signs, at position 1 (Appendix 6) above the tail of the sunburst,

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place special precautionary instructions or protective action that may be

applicable, for example:
 Laser Protective Eye Wear Required (state required OD for DANGER
 Invisible Laser Radiation
 Knock Before Entering
 Do Not Enter When Light is On
 Restricted Area

b) At position 2 below the tail of the sunburst, state the type of laser or the emitted
wavelength, pulse duration (if applicable), and maximum output.

c) At position 3, state the class of the laser or laser system.

d) All signs shall be conspicuously displayed in locations where they best serve to warn

e) Equipment labels shall conform to the following specifications:

At position 1 above the tail of the sunburst, place special precautionary
instructions actions required such as:
 For Class 2 lasers and laser systems, “Laser Radiation – Do Not Stare into
 For Class 2M and Class 3R lasers and laser systems where accessible
irradiance does not exceed the applicable MPE based upon a 0.25 s
exposure for wavelengths between 0.4 and 0.7 µm, “Laser Radiation – Do
Not Stare into Beam or View Directly with Optical Instruments”
 For all other Class 3R lasers and laser systems, “Laser Radiation – Avoid
Direct Eye Exposure”
 For Class 3B lasers and laser systems, “Laser Radiation – Avoid Direct
Exposure to Beam”
 For Class 4 lasers and laser systems, “Laser Radiation – Avoid Eye or Skin
Exposure to Direct or Scattered Radiation”

All warning labels shall be conspicuously displayed in locations on the equipment where
they best serve to warn onlookers. Websites for some of the labels suppliers are:
Laser Vision:; Fianium US Inc.:; Kentek:; Rockwell Laser Industries:

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All protective equipment shall be permanently labeled as specified below:

 All laser protective eyewear shall be labeled with the optical density and
wavelength(s) for which protection is afforded. All laser protective window, sold
other than as an integral part of a product, shall be labeled with the optical
density and wavelength(s) for which protection is afforded. Such windows should
also be labeled with the exposure time for which the limit applies and conditions
under which protection is afforded.
 All permanently mounted collecting optics housing containing laser protective
filters sold other than as integral part of the product shall be labeled with the
optical density and wavelength(s) for which protection is afforded. All collecting
optical filter housing should also be labeled with the threshold limit and exposure
time for which the limit applies and conditions under which protection is afforded.
 All laser protective barriers sold other than as an integral part of a product shall
be labeled with the barrier exposure time for which the limit applies and the beam
exposure conditions under which protection is afforded.
 All laser protective viewports and films sold other than as an integral part of a
product should be labeled with the optical density and the spectral region for
which protection is afforded. This information shall be provided by the

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Control measures shall be devised to reduce the possibility of exposure of the eyes and
skin to hazardous levels of laser radiation and other hazards associated with devices
during operation and maintenance.

For all uses of lasers and laser systems, it is recommended that the minimum laser
radiation required for the application be used. Also, it is recommended that the beam
height be maintained at a level other than the normal position of the eye of a person in
the standing or seated position. Review of reported accidents shows the major causes
of accidental exposures are:

 Inadequate laser safety program: LSC committee, LSO, controls, internal

 Inadequate training
 Unanticipated eye exposure during alignment
 Remote viewing methods for laser (TV camera or image converter) not used
 Misaligned optics and upwardly directed beams
 Available eye protection not used
 Equipment malfunction
 Eyewear worn not appropriate for laser in use
 Improper methods of handling high voltages
 Intentional exposure of unprotected personnel
 Operators unfamiliar with laser equipment
 Ignorance of potential hazards
 Lack of protection of non-beam hazards
 Improper restoration of equipment following service
 Unanticipated eye/skin exposure during laser usage
 Inhalation of LGAC and/or viewing laser generated plasmas
 Fires resulting from Ignition of materials
 Failure to follow SOPs

60% of laser accidents in the research setting happen during laser alignment/ beam
manipulation, almost all without the user wearing laser protective eyewear.

Some famous quotes from the laser users who do not comply with the safety measures:
 “Don’t insult my intelligence”
 “I’ll get it the work done one way or the other”
 “That can’t happen to me”
 “15 years working with lasers and I haven’t had an accident yet

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 “Nothing bad will happen”

 “Hey I have two eyes”
 “Trust me”


The immediate response following an accident is to provide first aid/medical attention
and to take actions to remove unsafe condition.

Immediate Response
 Shut down the laser system
 Keep the individual who sustained injury as cool as possible
 Seek immediate medical attention (ambulance/Public Safety for transportation) to
medical facility
 Contact the Laser Safety Officer (include after office contact numbers in
 Notify the supervisor
 Arrange for the examination of the individual by an ophthalmologist/ a doctor, as
 Do not operate laser system further until the incident has been investigated and
corrective actions have been taken

 Prepare an initial concise report of the incident that covers the basics of ‘who’,
‘what’, ‘where’, and ‘when’ and submit to the LSO and supervisor immediately.

 All incidents should be investigated to prevent recurrence, and reduce the
possibility of severe trends.
 The investigation process should involve visiting the site, interviewing the
individuals involved, taking pictures if they provide supporting information. The
investigation team may involve the LSO, supervisors and other experts in the
 The depth of investigation depends on the severity of the accident. However, the
investigation should be initiated quickly, should focus on the essential facts, be
thorough and concluded within a reasonable time limit. The investigative process
should avoid blaming. Results should be properly communicated and corrective
action plans implemented as required.
 Lessons learned from the investigation should be clearly spelt out to prevent
reoccurrence of the incidents.
 The Laser Safety Committee should analyze the reported incidents to monitor

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Remember: Every incident is an opportunity to learn how to prevent similar events
from occurring

The following control measures should be used:

 Engineering
 Administrative and Procedural
 Protective Equipment


Commercial products manufactured in compliance with the Federal Laser Product

Performance Standard (FLPPS) will be certified by the manufacturer and will
incorporate those engineering controls required by the FLPPS or the IEC 60825-1
standard (or latest revision thereof).

The engineering applicable controls for a laser or laser system are:

 Protective Housings (All Classes)

A protective housing shall be provided for all classes of lasers or laser systems. Special
safety procedures may be required when protective housings are removed. The use of
appropriate eyewear is recommended at such times. If a user-created enclosure does
not meet the requirements of a protective housing (e.g., a non-interlocked cover), it shall
be considered as a barrier or curtain and other controls are required per section
“operating a laser without protective housing.”

 Operative a Laser without Protective Housing (Class 3B and Class 4)

In some circumstances, such as research and development and during the manufacture
or servicing of lasers, operation of lasers or laser systems without a protective housing
may become necessary. In such cases the LSO shall affect a hazard analysis and
ensure that control measures are instituted appropriate to the class of maximum
accessible emission level to assure safe operation. The control measures may include,
but are not limited to: laser control area; eye protection; appropriate barriers, shrouds,
beam stops, etc.; administrative and procedural controls; education and training.

 Walk-in Protective Housing (Embedded Class 3B and Class 4)

Class 1 lasers or laser systems which contain embedded Class 3B and Class 4 lasers
with protective housings which are of sufficient size to allow personnel within the
working space shall be provided with an area warning system which is activated upon
entry by personnel into the protective housing. Only authorized personnel shall be

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provided means to override the sensors for alignment or testing procedures. If

overridden, the appropriate warning (light, electronic tone, etc.) shall be activated.

 Interlocks on Removable Protective Housings (All Classes)

Fail-safe interlocks shall be provided for any portion of the protective housing which, by
design, can be removed or displaced during operation and maintenance, and thereby
allows access to Class 3B and Class 4 laser radiation.

 Key Control (Class 3B or Class 4)

A Class 3B or Class 4 laser or laser system should be provided with a master switch.
This master switch shall effect beam termination and/or system shutoff and shall be
operated by a key, or by a coded access (such as a computer code). The authority for
access to the master switch shall be rested in the appropriate supervisory personnel.

As an alternative, the master switch can be designed to allow system activation using a
momentary switch action (or alternative) that initiates system operation with the option
that the key (or alternative) can be removed after operation commences. In this mode, if
the system ceases to operate, the key switch (or alternative) must again be used to
restart the laser or laser system.

 Viewing Windows, Display Screens, and Collecting Optics

In order to adequately address additional protection requirements, it is sometimes
necessary to utilize a number of various protective devices such as viewing windows,
display screens, and laser barriers.

All viewing windows and diffuse (reflective or transmitted) display screens included as
integral part of a laser or laser system shall incorporate a suitable means (such as
interlocks, filters, attenuators) to maintain the laser radiation at the viewing position at or
below the applicable MPE as determined by the LSO.

All collecting optics (such as lenses, telescopes, microscopes, endoscopes, eye-loupe,

etc.) that integrate use of a laser or laser system shall incorporate a suitable means
(such as interlocks, filters, attenuators) to maintain the laser radiation through the
collecting optics at or below the applicable MPE as determined by the LSO.

 Beam Paths (Class 3B or Class 4)

For Class 3B or Class 4 lasers or laser systems where a beam path is unenclosed or is
partially enclosed, a laser hazard analysis shall be affected by the LSO.

In applications of lasers or laser systems where the entire beam path is enclosed, and
the enclosure fulfils all requirements of a protective housing, requirements of Class 1

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are fulfilled and no further controls are required. When the protective housing
requirements are temporarily relaxed, such as during service, the LSO shall affect the
appropriate controls (such as temporary control area and administrative and procedural

 Remote Interlock Connector (Class 3B or Class 4)

A Class 3B laser or laser system should or a Class 4 laser or laser system shall be
provided with a remote interlock connector. When the terminals of the connector are
open circuited, accessible radiation shall not exceed the applicable MPE.

 Beam Stop or Attenuator (Class 3B or Class 4)

A Class 3B laser or laser system should or a Class 4 laser or laser system shall be
provided with a permanently attached beam stop or attenuator. The beam stop or
attenuator shall be capable of preventing access to laser radiation in access of the
applicable MPE when the laser or laser system output is not required, as in warm up

 Laser Area Warning Signs and Activation Warnings (Class 3R, Class 3B, or
Class 4)
The purpose of a laser area warning sign is to convey a rapid visual-alerting message
(1) Warns the presence of a laser hazard in the area
(2) Indicates specific policy in effect relative to laser controls
(3) Indicates the severity of the hazard
(4) Instructs appropriate action(s) to take to reduce the hazard

Words “CAUTION,” “DANGER,” “NOTICE” are used in the warning. Class 3R areas
should be and Class 3B and Class 4 areas shall be posted with the appropriate sign.
The exterior boundary of the temporary laser controlled area shall be posted with a
Notice sign.

Warning Signs for Non-beam Hazards: Warning signs for non-beam hazards
shall be posted when the hazards are possible.

Activation Warning Systems (Class 3B and Class 4): An activation warning

system should be used with Class 3B and shall be used with Class 4 lasers and
laser systems during activation or startup.

Audible Warning Devices (Class 3B and Class 4): For single pulse lasers and
laser systems, an audible system may commence operation when the laser
power supply is charged for operation, for example, during the charging of

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capacitor banks. Distinctive and clearly identifiable sounds that arise from
auxiliary equipment (such as vacuum pump or fan) and which are uniquely
associated with the emission of laser energy are also acceptable as audible

Visible Warning Devices (Class 3B and Class 4): One form of visible warning is a
single red light or lighted warning sign that flashes when the laser is operating
and is readably visible through laser protective eyewear and also viewable within
the area. The light can be electrically interfaced and controlled by the laser power
supply so that the light is on and flashing only when the laser is operating.

Arrangement for installation of “Laser on” visible warning at the entrance to the
laser lab (whether or not interlocked with the lasers) can be made with Facility
Management by submitting Minor Project Request Form
stForm_Rev2007_0604.xls) and checking box for laser devices.

 Laser Controlled Area (Class 3B or Class 4)

A hazard analysis shall be performed by the LSO. If the analysis determines that the
classification associated with the maximum level of accessible radiation is Class 3B or
Class 4, a laser controlled area shall be established and adequate measures instituted.

 Temporary Laser Controlled Area (All Classes)

In those conditions where removal of panels or protective housing, overriding of
protective housing interlocks, or entry into NHZ becomes necessary, and the accessible
laser radiation exceeds the applicable MPE, a temporary laser controlled area shall be
devised for the laser and the laser system. Such an area shall provide all safety
requirements for all personnel, both within and outside the area.

 Controlled Operation (Class 4)

Whenever appropriate and possible, Class 4 lasers and laser systems should be
controlled and monitored at a position as distant as possible from the emission portal of
the laser or laser system.

 Equipment Labels (All Classes)

Warning Logotype Label for equipment (All Classes except Class 1): All lasers
and laser systems (except Class 1) shall have appropriate warning labels with
the laser sunburst logotype symbol and the appropriate cautionary statement.

Protective Housing Equipment Label (All Classes): An advisory protective

housing label that indicates the relative hazard of laser contained within the

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housing shall be placed on all removable housings which have no safety interlock
and which can be removed or displaced during operation, maintenance, or
service, and thereby allow access to laser radiation in excess of applicable MPE.
The laser sunburst logotype symbol is not required on such advisory labels.

Long Distance Beam Conduit Label (All Classes except Class 1): The LSO
shall effect advisory protective housing labeling on long distance (>3 meters)
beam conduits that contain beams operating above Class 1 levels. Such labeling
shall be placed on the outside of the conduit at appropriate intervals
(approximately 3 meters), to provide warning of the relative hazards of laser
radiation contained within the conduit. The laser sunburst logotype symbol is not
required on such advisory labels.



Administrative and procedural controls are methods or instructions that specify rules, or
work practices, or both, which implement or supplement engineering controls and which
may specify the use of personal protective equipment. Unless otherwise specified,
administrative and procedural controls shall apply only to Class 3B and Class 4 lasers
or laser systems. Important administrative and procedural controls are listed below:

 Standard Operating Procedures (Class 3B or Class 4)

 Output Emission Limitations (Class 3R, Class 3B, or Class 4)
 Education and Training (All except Class 1)
 Authorized Personnel (Class 3B or 4 or Embedded Class 3B or 4) – Class 3B or
Class 4 lasers or laser systems shall be operated, maintained, or serviced only
by authorized personnel. Lasers or laser systems with enclosed Class 3B or
Class 4 lasers shall be maintained or serviced only by authorized personnel if
such procedures would permit access to levels which exceed 3R AEL.
 Alignment Procedures (All except Class 1) – Alignment of Class 2, 3R, 3B, or
Class 4 laser optical systems (mirrors, lenses, beam deflectors, etc.) shall be
performed in such a manner that the primary beam, or a specular or diffuse
reflection of a beam, does not expose the eye to a level above the applicable
MPE. Written standard operating procedures (SOPs) outlining alignment
methods should be approved for Class 3B and shall be approved for Class 4
lasers or laser systems. SOPs shall also be applicable for all classes of lasers or
laser systems which contain embedded Class 3B or Class 4 lasers under
conditions which would allow access during alignment procedures. The use of
lower power (Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3R) visible lasers for path simulation of

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higher power lasers is recommended for alignment of higher power Class 3B or

Class 4 visible or invisible lasers or laser systems.

 Alignment Procedures for Class 3B and Class 4 Lasers

Alignment should be done only by those who have received laser safety training. In
addition, the following actions should be taken:
(1) Exclude unnecessary personnel from the laser area during beam
(2) Whenever possible use low-power visible lasers for path simulation of
high-power visible or invisible lasers.
(3) Wear protective eyewear and clothing to the extent practicable.
(4) When aligning invisible (and in some cases visible) laser beams, use
beam display devices such as image converter viewers or phosphor cards
to locate beams.
(5) Perform alignment tasks that use high-power beams at the lowest power
(6) Use a shutter or beam block to block high-power beams at their source
except when actually needed during the alignment process.
(7) Use a laser rated block to terminate high-power beams down range of the
optics being aligned.
(8) Use beam blocks and/or laser protective barriers in conditions where
alignment beams could stray into areas with uninvolved personnel.
(9) Place beam blocks behind optics (e.g., turning mirrors) to terminate
beams that might miss mirrors during alignment.
(10) Locate and block all stray reflections before proceeding to the next optical
component or section.
(11) Be sure all beams and reflections are properly terminated before high-
beam operation.
(12) Post appropriate area warning signs during alignment procedures where
lasers are normally Class 1 (enclosed).

 Spectators (Class 3B or Class 4) – Spectators should not be permitted within a

laser-controlled area which contains a Class 3B laser or laser system and
spectators shall not be permitted within a laser-controlled area which contains a
Class 4 laser or laser system unless:
(1) Appropriate approval from the supervisor has been obtained
(2) The degree of hazard and avoidance procedure has been explained, and
(3) Appropriate protective measures are taken.

 Service Personnel (All Classes) – Personnel who require access to Class 3B or

Class 4 lasers or laser systems enclosed within a protective housing or protected

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enclosure shall comply with the appropriate control measures of the enclosed or
embedded laser or laser system. The LSO shall confirm that service personnel
have the education and safety training commensurate with the class of the laser
and system contained within the housing.

 Federal, State, or Local Requirements – The laser operator or LSO responsible

for producing the laser demonstration shall determine that any applicable federal,
state, or local requirements are satisfied.


Enclosure of the laser equipment or beam path is the preferred method of control, since
the enclosure will isolate or minimize the hazard. When engineering controls do not
provide adequate means to prevent access to direct or reflected beams at levels above
the MPE, it may be necessary to use personal protective equipment. Note that the use
of protective equipment may have serious limitations when used as the only control
measure with higher power Class 4 lasers or laser systems. The protective equipment
may not adequately reduce or eliminate the hazard and may be damaged by the
incident laser radiation.


Eye Protection (Class 3B or Class 4)

Eye protection devices which are specifically designed for protection against radiation
from Class 3B lasers and laser systems should be administratively required within the
NHZ and their use enforced when engineering or other procedural and administrative
controls are inadequate to eliminate potential exposure in excess of the applicable
MPE. Eye protection devices which are specifically designed for protection against
radiation from Class 4 lasers and laser systems shall be administratively required and
their use enforced when engineering or other procedural and administrative controls are
inadequate to eliminate potential exposure in excess of the applicable MPE.

Laser protective eyewear is usually not required for Class 2 and Class 3R lasers and
laser systems except in conditions where intentional long-term (> 0.25 s) direct viewing
is required.

Laser protective eyewear may include goggles, face shields, spectacles or prescription
eyewear using special filter materials or reflective coatings (or a combination of both) to
reduce exposure to below the MPE. Eye protection may also be necessary to protect
against physical or chemical hazards.

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UV Laser Protection: Special care shall be given to the possibility of producing

undesirable reactions in the presence of UV radiation, for example, formation of skin
sensitizing agents, ozone, LGACs, etc. Personal protective equipment shall be used
when working with open beam Class 3B or Class 4 UV lasers. This shall include both
eye and skin protection.

The following factors shall be considered in selecting the appropriate laser protective
eyewear to be used:
 Laser power and/or pulse energy.
 Wavelength(s) of laser output.
 Potential for multi-wavelength operation.
 Radiant exposure or irradiance levels for which protection (worst case) is
 Exposure time criteria.
 Maximum permissible exposure (MPE).
 Optical density requirement of eyewear filter at laser output wavelength.
 Angular dependence of protection afforded.
 Visible light transmission requirement and assessment of the effect of the
eyewear on the ability to perform tasks while wearing it.
 Need for side-shield protection and maximum peripheral vision requirement.
 Radiant exposure or irradiance and the corresponding time factors at which laser
safety eyewear damage (penetration) occurs, including transient bleaching.
 Need for prescription glasses.
 Comfort and fit.
 Degradation of filter media, such as photo bleaching.
 Strength of materials (resistance to mechanical trauma and shock).
 Capability of the front surface to produce a hazardous specular reflection.
 Requirement for antifogging design or coatings.


 Determine the wavelength of the laser: Eye protection is wavelength-specific.

Eyewear that provides protection for CO2 lasers will not necessarily protect
against Nd:YAG lasers.
 Determine the maximum anticipated viewing duration: Viewing duration will fall
into one of three categories:
 Unintentional, accidental exposure to visible lasers (400-700 nm), use 0.25
 Unintentional, accidental viewing of near infrared (700-1000 nm) beams, use
10 seconds.
 For all other lasers, use laser on time or 600 seconds for visible Class 3B or

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 Class 4; diffused reflection or extended source viewing maximum viewing

time during any given 8 hour period or 30,000 s for long-term exposure.
Repeated exposures are additive over a 24-hour duration regardless of the
repetition rate for the wavelength range of 0.180 to 0.400 µm. Determine the
maximum irradiance or radiant exposure to which the eye may be exposed.

Consider the following:

 If the emergent beam is not focused down to a smaller spot and is greater
than 7 mm in diameter, the emergent beam radiant exposure/irradiance may
be considered the maximum intensity that could enter the eye.
 If the beam is focused after emerging from the laser or if the beam diameter is
less than 7 mm, assume that all of the laser energy/power could enter the
eye. In this case, use limiting beam aperture of 7 mm.
 Determine the optical density needed. The optical density is logarithm to the
base 10 of the reciprocal of transmittance (ratio of transmitted power or energy to
incident power or energy). Transmittance is also the ratio of MPE to irradiance or
radiation exposure.
 Select the type of eye protection needed: Laser eye protection is available in the
form of glasses and goggles. The lens may be made out of glass or crystalline
filter material or plastic. Generally, glass or crystalline lenses are recommended
for harsh environments, such as areas where solvents and corrosives are used.
 Test the eye protection. Always check the integrity of the lens before use. At very
high beam intensities, filter materials become bleached out or otherwise
damaged. A continuous wave power exceeding 10 W can fracture glass and burn
through plastics.

Identification of Eyewear
 All laser protective eyewear shall be clearly labeled with the optical density and
wavelength for which protection is afforded. Color-coding or other distinctive
identification of laser protective eyewear is recommended in multi-laser

Cleaning and Inspection

Periodic cleaning and inspection shall be made of protective eyewear to ensure the
maintenance of satisfactory condition. This shall include:
 Periodic cleaning of laser eyewear. Care should be observed when cleaning
lenses of protective eyewear to avoid damage to the absorbing and reflecting
surfaces. Consult eyewear manufacturers for instructions for proper cleaning
 Inspection of the attenuation material for pitting, crazing, cracking, discoloration,

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 Inspection of the frame for mechanical integrity.
 Inspection for light leaks and coating damage that would permit hazardous
intrabeam viewing.
 Eyewear in suspicious condition should be tested for acceptability or discarded.

Purchasing Information for Protective Eyewear

The following information should accompany each laser safety protective eyewear
device purchased:
 Wavelength(s) and corresponding optical density for which protection is afforded.
 Pertinent data such as damage threshold for laser safety purposes (see
Appendix C for reference material).
 Manufacturers' recommendations on shelf life, storage conditions, and use.


Facility windows (exterior or interior) that are located within the NHZ of a Class 3B or
Class 4 laser or laser system shall be provided with an appropriate absorbing filter,
scattering filter, blocking barrier, or screen that reduces any transmitted laser radiation
to levels below the applicable MPE level.

Such laser windows shall be specifically selected to withstand direct and diffusely
scattered beams. In this case, the window barrier shall exhibit a damage threshold for
beam penetration for a specified exposure time commensurate with the total hazard
evaluation for the facility and specific application.

Important in the selection of the window are the factors of flammability and
decomposition products of the window material. It is essential that the window not
support combustion or release toxic airborne contaminants following a laser exposure.



A blocking barrier, or screen, or curtain which can block or filter the laser beam at the
entryway should be used inside the controlled area to prevent the laser light from exiting
the area at levels above the applicable MPE level.

Such laser barriers shall be specifically selected to withstand direct and diffusely
scattered beams. In this case, the barrier shall exhibit a damage threshold for beam
penetration for a specified exposure time commensurate with the total hazard
evaluation for the facility and specified application

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Important in the selection of the barrier are the factors of flammability and
decomposition products of the barrier material. It is essential that the barrier not support
combustion or release toxic fumes following a laser exposure.

Websites for some of the suppliers of laser safety curtains, windows, laser safety
panels, laser barriers; laser dumps, laser shutters, entry control systems, interlocks,
eyewear, etc. are:
Laser Vision:; Kentek:;; Rockwell Laser Indusries:; Noir:; Beamstops’r: www.; Honeywell:
Laser Safety Systems:


In some laser applications, such as use of excimer lasers operating in the ultraviolet, the
use of a skin cover shall be employed if chronic (repeated) exposures are anticipated at
exposure levels at or near the applicable MPE limits for the skin.

Skin protection can best be achieved through engineering controls. If the potential exists
for a damaging skin exposure, particularly for ultraviolet lasers (295 - 400 nm), and/or
laser cutting application, then skin covers and / or “sunscreen” creams are
recommended. Most gloves will provide some protection against laser radiation. Tightly
woven fabrics and opaque gloves provide the best protection against laser radiation. A
laboratory jacket or coat can provide protection for the arms. For Class 4 lasers,
consideration shall be given to flame-retardant materials. For wavelengths greater than
1400 nm, large-area exposures can cause heat loading – causing skin dryness and
heat stress. These exposures shall be minimized.

15.9 Some Tips on Laser Safety

 Follow written standard operating procedures

 All laser users complete laser safety. They complete refresher training every 3
 Hands-on beam alignment training should be administered by the supervisors and

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 Level of training provided by the supervisors should be commensurate with the

 Activate a visual or audible indicator prior to emission of the beam
 Operate lasers in well lighted areas whenever possible to reduce pupil size and
minimize possible eye damage
 Post the laser area with warning signs
 Use remote firing with video monitoring or other remote viewing techniques when
 Remove reflective materials (watches, rings, etc.) from the beam path
 Locate and block all unwanted reflectors at each optical element
 Terminate laser beam with beam trap
 Block beam before adding optical elements
 Except as required for medical use, configure the laser beam path such that the
exposed beam is above eye level of a person in standing position or below eye level
of a person in seated position
 Avoid vertical or oblique beams
 Perform alignment at low power
 Use minimum power or energy, as practicable
 Use barriers to confine beam
 Perform final sweep to verify beam controls
 Use appropriate personal protective equipment to prevent eye injuries, skin/hair
burns, and inhalation exposures
 Use frame for the eyewear with widest field of view as possible
 Frame should have at least the same damage threshold as the filter
 Provide eyewear to patients and visitors for access to areas where beam irradiance
> Maximum Permissible Exposure
 Remember, ultra short lasers degrade eyewear filters upon exposure
 Ask for documentation from the manufacturer for test on eyewear
 Claim by suppliers/manufacturers regarding eyewear optical density (OD) > 7 is
questionable, if untested
 Clean and maintain eyewear, and discard them if there is a visible sign of damage
 Remember laser safety glasses are designed to protect your eyes against accidental
direct hit of the laser beam, and NOT for long-term or intrabeam laser viewing
 Provide adequate protection from non-beam hazards (fire, electric shocks, plasma
radiation, exposure to laser generated airborne contaminants, hazardous gases,
 Provide proper earth-grounding for laser and laser systems
 Keep combustible materials such as unprotected wire insulation, plastic, rubber,
paper, human tissues, human hair, intestinal gases, and skin treated with acetone

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and alcohol-based preparation, away from the path of intense direct or reflected
beams. They may catch fire
 Use suitable ventilation system to exhaust laser generated airborne chemical or
biological contaminants
 Investigate all incidents to enhance quality of the environment, safety and health,
and to prevent recurrence, and reduce the possibility of severe trends.

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The basic reasons for performing medical surveillance of personnel working in a laser
environment are the same as for other potential hazards. Medical surveillance should
be limited only to those who are clearly known to be at risk from particular kind of laser
radiation. Medical surveillance is not recommended for personnel using Class 1, Class
2, Class 2M or Class R lasers or laser systems, and should be required for Class 3B
and Class 4 lasers or laser systems.

Preassignment Medical Examinations

The purpose of the medical examination is to establish a baseline against which
damage (primarily ocular) can be measured in the event of an accidental injury. A
second purpose is to identify certain workers who might be at special risk from chronic
exposure to selected continuous-wave lasers. For incidental workers (e.g., custodians,
military personnel on maneuvers, clerical and surgical and supervisory personnel not
working directly with lasers) only visual acuity measurement is required. For laser
workers’ medical histories, visual acuity measurement, and selected examination
protocols are required. The wavelength of laser radiation is the determinant of which
specific protocols are required. Examination should be performed by, or under the
supervision of ophthalmologist or optometrist or other qualified physician.

Periodic and Termination Medical Examinations

Neither periodic medical examinations nor termination medical examinations are

required by ANSI Z136.1-2007. However, EH&S highly recommends for individual
departments to require their employees to be examined at the termination of laser or
laser system operation assignments for the purpose of legal protection against
unwanted claims that might occur after an employee leaves a particular job.

Examinations Following a Suspected or Actual Laser-Induced Injury

Medical examinations shall be performed as soon as practical (usually with 48 hours)
when a suspected injury or adverse effect from a laser exposure occurs. In addition to
the acute symptoms, consideration shall be given to the exposure wavelength, emission
characteristics and exposure situation to assure appropriate medical referral.

Examination Protocols
Ocular History: The past eye history and family history are reviewed. Enquiry should
be made into the general health status with a special emphasis upon systemic diseases
which might produce ocular problems. The current refraction prescription and the date
of the most recent examination should be recorded.

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Certain medical conditions may cause the laser workers to be at an increased risk for
chronic exposure. Use of photosensitizing medications, such as phenothiazines and
psoralens, lower the threshold for biological effects in the skin, cornea, lens and retina
of experimental animals exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Aphakic individuals would be
subject to additional retina exposure from blue light and near UV and UV radiation.

Visual Acuity: Visual acuity for far and near vision should be measured with some
standardized and reproducible method. Refraction corrections should be made if
required for both distant and near test targets.

Macular Function: An Amsler grid or similar pattern is used to test macular function for
distortions and scotomas. The test should be administered in a fashion to minimize
malingering and false negatives. If any distortions or missing portions of the grid are
present, the test is not normal.

Color Vision: Color vision discrimination can be documented by Ishihara or similar

vision tests.

Examination of the Ocular Fundus with an Ophthalmoscope or Appropriate

Fundus Lens at a Slit Lamp: This portion of the examination is to be administered to
individuals whose ocular function is not normal. The points to be covered are: the
presence or absence of opacities in the media; the sharpness of outline of the optic
disc; the depth of physiological cup, if present; the ratio of the size of retina veins to that
of the arteries, the presence or absence of a well defined macula and the presence or
absence of a foveal reflex; and any retinal pathology that can be seen with an
ophthalmoscope (hyper-pigmentation, depigmentation, retinal degeneration, exudate,
as well as any induced pathology associated with changes in macular function). Even
small deviations from normal should be described and carefully localized. Dilation of
pupil is required.

Pre-placement skin examination of workers is not required; however, it is suggested for
employee with history of photosensitivity or working with UV lasers. Chronically
exposed individuals to UV radiation should receive annual skin cancer screening.

Records and Record Retention

Complete and accurate records of all medical examinations (including specific test
results) should be maintained for all personnel included in medical surveillance
program. Records should be retained for at least 30 years.

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Laser safety training shall be provided to the LSO and users of Class 3B and 4 lasers.
Laser safety training should be provided to users of Class 1M, Class 2, Class 2M or
Class 3R lasers. The level of training shall be commensurate with the degree of
potential laser hazards, both from the laser radiation and non-beam hazards. Laser
safety training shall include warning against the misuse of lasers.

Users shall include operators, technicians, engineers, maintenance and service

personnel, and any other persons working with or potentially exposed to laser radiation
in excess of Class 1.

Topics for inclusion in a laser safety program may include, but are not limited to, the
 Fundamentals of laser operation (physical principles, construction, etc.)
 Bioeffects of laser radiation on the eyes and skin
 Significance of specular and diffuse reflections
 Non-beam hazards of lasers
 Laser and laser system classifications
 Control measures
 Overall responsibilities of management and employee
 Medical surveillance practices (if applicable)
 CPR for personnel servicing or working on lasers with exposed high voltages
and/or the capability of producing potentially lethal electrical currents.

In addition to the above referred topics, the LSO and other individuals responsible
for the laser safety program, hazards evaluations and implementation of control
measures shall be trained in the following topics:

 Laser terminology
 Types of lasers, wavelengths, pulse shapes, power/energy
 Basic radiometric units and measurement devices
 MPEs
 Laser hazard evaluations and other calculations

The laser safety training at FIU is conducted in two phases. The first is a Web-Based
course covering laser safety basics and regulations
( This is followed by hands-on laser alignment on-
the-job-training taught by a laser laboratory supervisor. Laser operators learn how to
align visible and invisible lasers safely using low power lasers, common optical
elements, control measures, viewing aids, and appropriate eyewear. Before operating a

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laser independently the user shall acknowledge completion of training and eye
examination requirements and obtain approval from the supervisor and the LSO (See
Appendix 6).

Refresher Training: The Laser Safety Committee shall address the needs for
maintaining the appropriate level of laser safety proficiency through the use of periodic
training. The FIU on-line safety training serves the purpose of refresher training which
should be completed every 3 years.

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The following procedures have been established:
 Online Laser Safety Training Procedure
 Laser Purchasing Procedure
 Laser Registration with EH&S
 Laser Registration with the State
 Authorized User Change or Relocation of Lasers
 Laser Laboratory Inspection Procedure
 Eye Examination Procedure
 Eye Examination Authorization Procedure
 Eye Examination Report
 Laser Research Proposal Review Procedure
 Laser Disposal


All laser operators (employees and students) must successfully complete on-line laser
safety training. For this they should visit FIU EH&S website
(, and register for laser training, attend the training
and appear for examination. A certificate is printed for those who score a minimum of


For the purchase of special hazard materials, such as laser devices, radioactive
materials, etc. prior approval is required from the applicable safety officer. For example,
approval must be obtained from the Laser Safety Officer before purchase order for a
Class 3B or Class 4 laser device is placed. As commodity codes are completed,
PantherSoft purchasing system will direct for approval of special hazard materials to the
approving safety officer. Till that time the present procedure of e-mailing or faxing
requisition or request for approval to the safety officer, obtaining approval and
electronically attaching the approval to the PantherSoft purchase will continue. Given
below is the procedure:
 The Principal Investigator identifies that he/she plans to purchase a laser device.
 He/she fills in details of the laser device – name, address and phone number of the
company; model number, wavelength, maximum power/energy and class of the
laser, location where laser will be installed.
 The LSO reviews the safety features, contacts the PI if necessary regarding safety
issues, and approves the purchase.

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 On receipt of the laser device the PI contacts the LSO.

 Within seven days of the receipt of the device the PI fills in the laser registration form
and submits it to the LSO.
 PI installs the device in consultation with the LSO.


All Class 3B and 4 lasers must be registered with EH&S by filling in LASER


According to Florida Administrative Code (FAC) all Class 3B and 4 lasers must be
registered with the State within 30 days after acquisition of the laser product
( The LSO fills in the required
registration form. The LSO/Director, EH&S submits it to the State. The State evaluates
the registration request, approves it and returns the form to the LSO/Director EH&S with
a registration number.


All class 3B and 4 laser devices are registered with the Bureau of Radiation Control in
the name of an individual at a particular location. Whenever there is change in the user
or a place of use it must be brought to the attention of the LSO who is responsible to
update inventory and registration with the Bureau. For Laboratory Relocation Guide visit
the EH&S website:

Arrangement for transfer/pick up materials with special hazards such as lasers can be
made by downloading property control form from
(, checking box for lasers
and submitting to the Property Control (see Appendix 8).

If an authorized user of laser devices separates from FIU, procedures for separation
from FIU must be followed to account for laser devices, which otherwise, particularly
laser diodes, may be misplaced/ lost.


The LSO schedules an inspection with the PIs possessing Class 3B and Class 4 laser

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devices, uses the laser laboratory inspection checklist (see Appendix 9) and conducts
the inspection and submits the inspection report to the PI. The PI complies with safety
concerns raised by the LSO and responds to the LSO. The LSO performs final
compliance inspection.


Appendix 10 gives procedure for eye examination.


Appendix 12 gives procedure for authorizing an individual for eye examination.


The LSO receives a report of the eye examination of an individual and forwards the
original report to the examinee along with an acknowledgment (see Appendix 13) of the
receipt of the report. The individual retains the report for his/her records and returns the
signed acknowledgment to the LSO.


All researchers whose research involves use of laser devices fill out the Division of
Research (DoR) Safety Clearance form (see Appendix 13) and submit to the DoR. The
DoR forwards the form to EH&S. The LSO evaluates the safety issues and submits the
report to the DoR.


Disposal of all lasers and laser system shall be only through the LSO. There are 4 basic
ways to dispose of lasers that are no longer being used. The first method is to transfer
the laser to a researcher in the University. Provide to the LSO details of the lasers you
plan to dispose. The LSO will bring it to the attention of laser users in the University. If
you know of a researcher who needs and is willing to take your laser coordinate the
transfer through the LSO.

The second method is to donate the laser to an organization that can use it. Such
organizations can be schools, industrial companies, hospitals, etc. The donor should
assure that the equipment being given complies with all applicable product safety
standards, such as FLLPS, and is provided with adequate safety instructions for
operations and maintenance. The donor should ensure that the laser will be used by

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individuals who are trained in laser safety.

The third method is to return the laser to the manufacturer for credit onto a new laser.
Sometimes the manufacturer may agree to take it free and cover for all packing and
shipping expenses.

The fourth method is to eliminate the possibility of activating the laser by removing all
means by which it can be electrically activated and removing all hazardous materials
found inside the laser components, such as mercury switches, oils, and other
chemicals. Once this has happened the laser could then be disposed.

Proper waste disposal of contaminated laser-related material such as flue and smoke
filters, organic dyes, solvent solutions and hazardous chemicals shall be handled in
conformance with appropriate federal, state, and local guidelines.

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All authorized users of materials with special hazards (radioactive materials, laser
devices, controlled substance, select agents, infectious materials, carcinogenic
materials, explosive materials) must be familiar with FIU “Security in Laboratories with
Special Hazards” Policy. The policy has 3 important aspects namely responsibility,
accountability and physical safeguards regarding materials with special hazards and the
authorized users must comply with the policy. Appendix 14 describes the policy.

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Each authorized user shall report to the LSO any incident (that results in damage to the
eye(s), skin or any part of the body with lasers devices involving any individual in his/her
jurisdiction. The Director, EH&S / LSO shall report to the Florida Department of Health
(DOH) per FAC 64E-4.011: Notification and Reports of Incidents any incident
involving laser devices registered by FIU with the Department. The details of the types
of exposures and duration within which the supervisor must notify the LSO/ Director,
EH&S, and the Director, EH&S /LSO must notify the DOH, and submit written report are
given in Appendix 15.

Each report required by Rule 64E-4.011(3), F.A.C., shall describe the extent of
exposure of individuals to laser or collateral radiation, including estimates of each
individual's exposure; levels of laser or collateral radiation involved; the cause of the
exposure; and corrective steps taken or planned to be taken to assure against a

Any report filed with the Department of Health pursuant to Rule 64E-4.011(3), F.A.C.,
above, shall include the full name of each individual exposed, an estimate of each
individual's exposure and a description of any injuries. The report shall be prepared so
that this information is stated in a separate part of the report.

(1) FIU shall maintain current records, which shall be kept available to inspection by the
Department of Health, showing:
(a) The results of all surveys (inspections performed by the LSO) required under Rule 64E-
4.009, F.A.C.
(b) The results of all instrument calibrations under Rule 64E-4.010, F.A.C.
(c) The reports of incidents as described under Rule 64E-4, F.A.C.
(2) FIU shall maintain such records required by Rule 64E-4.012, F.A.C., for 5 years.

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Absorption: Transformation of energy to a different form of energy by interaction with

Accessible emission limit (AEL): The maximum accessible emission level permitted
within a particular laser hazard class.

Accessible optical radiation: Optical radiation to which human eye or skin may be
exposed for the condition (operation, maintenance or service) specified.

Administrative control measure: Control measures incorporating administrative

means (e.g., training, safety approvals, LSO designation, and standard operating
procedures (SOP)) to mitigate the potential hazards associated with laser use.

Alpha max: The angular limit subtense of an extended source beyond which additional
subtense does not contribute to the hazard and need not be considered. This value is
100 mrad for retinal thermal effects and 110 mrad for retinal photochemical effects.

Alpha min: The angular subtense of a source below which the source can be
effectively considered as a point source. The value of alpha min is 1.5 mrad.

Aperture: An opening, window or lens through which radiation can pass.

Apparent visual angle: The angular subtense of the source as calculated from the
source size and the distance from the eye.

Attenuation: The decrease in the radiant flux as it passes through an absorbing or

scattering medium.

Authorized personnel: Individuals approved by management to operate, maintain,

service, or install laser equipment.

Average power: The total energy in an exposure or emission divided by the duration of
exposure or emission.

Aversion response: Closure of the eyelid, eye movement, papillary constriction or

movement of the head to avoid an exposure to a noxious or bright light stimulant. The
aversion response to an exposure from a bright, visible, laser source is assumed to limit
the exposure of a specific retinal area to 0.25 seconds or less.

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Beam: A collection of light/photonic rays characterized by direction, diameter (or

dimensions) and divergence (or convergence).

Beam diameter: The distance between diametrically opposed points in that cross-
section of a beam where the power per unit area is l/e (0.368) times that of the peak
power per unit area.

Blink reflex: The involuntary closure of the eyes as a result of stimulation by an

external event such as irritation of the cornea or conjunctiva, a bright flash, the rapid
approach of an object, an auditory stimulus or with facial movements. The ocular
aversion response for a bright flash of light is assumed to limit the exposure of a specific
retina to 0.25 s or less.

CA: Correction factor which increases the MPE in the near infrared (IR-A) spectral band
(0.7-1.4 um) based upon reduced absorption properties of melanin pigment granules
found in the skin and in retinal pigment epithelium.

CB: Correction factor which increases the MPE in the near infrared (IR-A) spectral band
(0.45-0.69 um), because of greatly photochemical hazards.

CC: Correction factor which increases the MPE for ocular exposure because of pre-
retinal absorption of radiant energy in the spectral region between 1.15 and 1.40 um.

CE: Correction factor used for calculating the extended source MPE for the eye from the
point source MPE, when the laser source subtends a visual angle exceeding Alpha

CP: Correction factor which reduces the MPE for repetitive-pulse exposure of the eye.

Carcinogen: An agent potentially capable of causing cancer.

Coherent: A beam of light characterized by a fixed phase relation (spatial coherence)

or single wavelength, i.e., monochromatic (temporal coherence).

Collateral radiation: Any electromagnetic radiation, except laser radiation, emitted by a

laser or laser system, which is physically necessary for its operation.

Collecting optics: Lenses and optical instruments having magnification and thereby
producing an increase in energy or power density. Such devices include telescopes,
binoculars, microscopes, or loupes.

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Collimated beam: Effectively, a “parallel” beam of light with very low divergence or

Condition 1: Pertains to determining hazard classification with the consideration for

optically aided viewing of collimated beams through telescopes or binoculars.

Condition 2: Pertains to determining hazard classification with the consideration for

optically aided viewing of sources with highly divergent beams through magnifiers or
unaided viewing with or without strong accommodation.

Note- Condition 2 has slightly different measurement conditions in IEC 60825-1.

Conduit: A pipe or hollow cable through which laser energy passes.

Continuous wave (CW): A laser operated with or modeled as having a continuous

output for a period > 0.25 sec. is regarded as a CW laser.

Control measure: A means to mitigate potential hazards associated with the use of
lasers. Control measures are divided into three groups> engineering, procedural
(administrative) and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Controlled area: An area where the occupancy and activity of those within are subject
to control and supervision.

Cornea: The transparent outer layer of the human eye, which covers the iris and the
crystalline lens. The cornea is the main refracting element of the eye.

Critical frequency or Crossover pulse-repetition frequency: The pulse repletion

frequency above which the laser output is modeled as continuous wave. For example,
for a short unintentional exposure (0.25 s) to nanosecond (or longer) pulse in the visible,
the crossover pulse repletion frequency is 13,000 pulse/second (Table 1 in the

Diffraction: Diffraction is the slight bending of light as it passes around the edge of an
object. The amount of bending depends on the relative size of the wavelength of light to
the size of the opening.

Diffuse reflection: Change of the spatial distribution of a beam of radiation when it is

reflected in many directions by a surface or by a medium.

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Divergence: The increase in the diameter of the laser beam with distance from the exit
aperture, based on the full angle at the point where the irradiance (or radiant exposure
for pulsed lasers) is 1/e times the maximum value. Symbol: Ф

Electromagnetic radiation: The flow of energy consisting of orthogonally vibrating

electric and magnetic fields lying transverse to the direction of propagation. Gamma
rays, X-rays, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, and radio waves occupy various portions of the
electromagnetic spectrum and differ only in frequency, wavelength, or photon energy.

Embedded laser: An enclosed laser that has a higher classification than the laser
system in which it is incorporated, where the system's lower classification is appropriate
due to the engineering features limiting accessible emission.

Enclosed laser: A laser that is contained within a protective housing of itself or of the
laser or laser system in which it is incorporated. Opening or removal of the protective
housing provides additional access to laser radiation above the applicable MPE than
possible with the protective housing in place.

Energy: The capacity for doing work. Energy content is commonly used to characterize
the output from pulsed lasers, and is generally expressed in joules (J). Symbol: Q

Engineering control measure: Control measures designed or incorporated into the

laser or laser system (e.g., interlocks, shutters, watch-dog timer) or its application.

Epithelium (of the cornea): The layers of cells forming the outer surface of the cornea.

Erythema: Redness of the skin due to exposure from laser radiation.

Extended source: A source of optical radiation with an angular substance at the

cornea larger than αmin.

Eye-safe laser: Class 1 laser product. Because of frequent misuse of the term eye-safe
wavelength to mean retina-safe, (e.g., 1500 nm to 1800 nm) and eye-safe laser to refer
to a laser emitting at wavelengths outside the retina hazard region, the term eye-safe
can be a misnomer. Hence, use of eye-safe laser is discouraged.

Fail-safe interlock: An interlock where the failure of a single mechanical or electrical

component of the interlock will cause the system to go into, or remain in, a safe mode.

Federal Laser Product Performance Standard (FLPPS): The Center for Devices and
Radiological Health (CDRH) is a regulatory bureau within the U.S. Federal Food and

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Drug Administration (FDA) of the Department of Health and Human Services. CDRH
has been chartered by Congress to standardize the performance safety of
manufactured laser products. All laser products that have been manufactured and
entered into commerce, after August 2, 1976, must comply with these regulations. The
regulation is known as the Federal Laser Product Performance Standard (FLPPS), and
is identified as 21CFR subchapter parts 1040.10 and 1040.11.
There are three Product Performance Schemes:

1. FLPPS/CDRH 21 CFR 1010 and 1040: For countries that recognize U.S. FLPPS.
This should be considered if the laser product is only sold in the U.S.

2. IEC 60825 – 1: For countries that only recognize IEC. For example Europe normally
only accepts this format.

3. FLPPS/CDRH + Laser Notice # 50: Recommended scheme for selling to an

international market. For example selling both into Europe and the U.S. this option
should be used. Laser Notice #50 provides guidance on the conditions under which
laser product manufacturers may introduce into United States that comply with the IEC
standards 60825-1 and IEC 60601-2-22.

Field of view: The full solid angle from which a detector’s active area receives

Focal Length: The distance from the secondary nodal point of a lens to the secondary
focal point. For a thin lens imagining a distant source, the focal length is the distance
between the lens and the focal point.

Glaucoma: An ocular disease characterized by loss of visual field from damage to the
optic nerve and retinal nerve fibers, generally associated with increased intraocular

Hertz (Hz): A unit expressing the frequency of a periodic oscillation in cycles per

Hot spot: Term applied to a laser beam to denote areas within the beam, not
necessarily centered in the beam, that are above the average irradiance.

Illuminance: The luminous flux per unit area incident upon a surface. The basic units
of illuminance is lumens•m-2 (lux). Some instruments that measure illuminance are
calibrated in foot-candles (lumens•ft-2)

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Infrared (IR): For purposes of this standard, the region of the electromagnetic spectrum
between the long-wavelength extreme of the visible spectrum (700 nm) and the shortest
microwaves (1000 µm).

Installation: Placement and connection of laser equipment to enable intended


Ionizing radiation: Electromagnetic radiation having sufficiently large photon energy to

directly ionize atomic or molecular systems with a single quantum event.

Integrated radiance: The integral of the radiance over the exposure duration,
expressed in joules-per-centimeter-squared-per-steradian (J•cm-2•sr-1)

Intrabeam viewing: The viewing condition whereby the eye is exposed to all or part of
a laser beam.

Iris: The annular pigmented structure that lies behind the cornea of the human eye.
The central opening is the pupil.

Irradiance (at a point of a surface): Radiant power incident per unit area upon a
surface. Unit:

Joule (J): A unit of energy. 1 Joule = 1 Watt.second.

Lambertian surface: An ideal diffuse surface whose emitted or reflected radiance is

independent of the viewing angle.

Laser: A device that produces radiant energy predominantly by stimulated emission.

Laser radiation may be highly coherent temporally, or spatially, or both. LASER is an
acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

Laser barrier: A device used to block or attenuate incident direct or diffuse laser
radiation. Laser barriers are frequently used during times of service to the laser system
when it is desirable to establish a boundary for a controlled laser area.

Laser classification: An indication of the beam hazard level of a laser or laser system
during normal operation, or the determination thereof. The hazard level of a laser or
laser system is represented by a number or a numbered capital letter. The laser
classifications are Class 1, Class 1M, Class 2, Class 2M, Class 3R, Class 3B and Class

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Laser Controlled Area (LCA): A laser a use area where the occupancy and activity of
those within is controlled and supervised. This area may be defined by walls, barriers,
or other means. Within this area, potentially hazardous beam exposure is possible.

Laser diode: A laser employing a forward-based semiconductor junction as the active


Laser personnel: Person who routinely work around hazardous laser beams.

Laser pointer: A laser or laser system designed or used to specify a discrete point or
location, such as those lasers used in classroom lectures or for the aiming of firearms.
These products are normally Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3R.

Laser safety officer (LSO): One who has authority and responsibility to monitor and
enforce the control of laser hazards and effect the knowledgeable evaluation and
control of laser hazards.

Laser system: An assembly of electrical, mechanical, and optical components, which

includes a laser.

Laser target interaction radiation: Non-laser radiation, including ionizing radiation,

emitted by a material as a result of that material’s exposure to laser radiation.

Lesion: An abnormal change in the structure of an organ or part due to injury or


Limiting angular subtense: See: Alpha min.

Limiting aperture diameter: The diameter of a circle over which irradiance or radiant
exposure is averaged for purposes of hazard evaluation and classification. Symbol: Df

Limiting cone angle: The cone angle through which radiance or integrated radiance is
averaged when photochemical effects are considered in hazard evaluation and
classification. Symbol: γ

Limiting exposure duration: An exposure duration that is specifically limited by the

design or intended use(s). Symbol: Tmax

Macula: The small uniquely pigmented specialized area of the retina of the eye, which,
in normal individuals, is predominantly employed for acute central vision (i.e., area of
best visual acuity).

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Magnified Viewing: Viewing an object through an optical system that increases the
apparent object size. This type of optical system can make a diverging laser beam
more hazardous, (e.g., using a magnifying optic to view the end of an energized optical
fiber). See also: Collecting optics

Maintenance: Performance of those adjustments or procedures (specified in the user

information provided by the manufacturer, and considered preventative, to maintain
optimal performance of the laser system), which are to be carried out by the user to
ensure the intended performance of the product. Maintenance does not include
operation or service as defined in this section.

Maximum permissible exposure (MPE): The level of laser radiation to which an

unprotected person may be exposed without adverse biological changes in the eye or

Meter: A unit of length in the international system of units; currently defined as the
length of a path traversed in vacuum by light during a period of 1/299792488 seconds.
Typically, the meter is subdivided into the following units:
centimeter (cm) = 10-2 m
millimeter (mm) = 10-3 m
micrometer (m) = 10-6 m
nanometer (nm) = 10-9 m

Minimum viewing distance: The minimum distance at which the eye can produce a
focused image of a diffuse source, usually assumed to be 10 cm.

Nominal hazard zone (NHZ): The space within which the level of the direct, reflected
or scattered radiation may exceeds the applicable MPE. Exposure levels beyond the
boundary of the NHZ are below the applicable MPE.

Non ocular hazard distance (NOHD): The distance along the axis of the unobstructed
beam from a laser, fiber end, or connector to the human eye beyond which the
irradiance or radiant exposure does not exceed to direct or scattered laser radiation.

Non-beam hazard (NBH): All hazards arising from the presence of a laser system,
excluding direct human exposure to direct or scattered laser radiation.

Non-laser radiation (NLR): All radiation arising from the operation of a laser system,
excluding laser radiation. This includes collateral radiation and laser target interaction

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Ocular fundus: The interior posterior surface of the eye (the retina) as seen during
ophthalmoscopic examination.

Operation: The performance of the laser or laser system over the full range of its
intended functions (normal operation). Operation does not include maintenance or
service as defined in this section.

Ophthalmoscope: An instrument for examining the interior of the eye.

Optically aided viewing: Viewing with a telescopic (binocular) or magnifying optic.

Under certain circumstances, viewing with an optical aid can increase the hazard from a
laser beam (see telescopic viewing or magnified viewing).

Optical density: Logarithm to the base ten of the reciprocal of the transmittance: D =
log10 (1/), where  is transmittance at the wavelength of interest.

Personal protective equipment (PPE): Personal safety protective devices used to

mitigate hazards associated with laser use (e.g., laser eye protection (LEP), protective
clothing, and gloves).

Photochemical effect: A biological effect produced by a chemical change in molecules

resulting from the absorption of photons. The changed molecules fail to function as

Photopic luminous efficiency: A function that is the ratio of the radiance at λm to that
at λ, which produces the same photopic luminous sensation as observed by the
standard human eye for the specialized conditions defined by the International
Commission on Illumination (CIE). For the standard photopic observer, λm = 555 nm
and V(λm) = V(555 nm) = 1.0. Symbol: V(λ)

Photosensitizers: Substances that increase the biological response of a person to

exposure by optical radiation.

Plasma radiation: Laser target interaction radiation (LTIR) generated by a plasma.

Point source: For purposes of this standard, a source with an angular subtense at the
cornea equal to or less than alpha-min (αmin), i.e., ≤ 1.5 mrad.

Power (Φ): The rate at which energy is emitted, transferred, or received. Unit: watts
(joules per second).

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Procedural control measure: See: Administrative control measure

Protective housing: An enclosure that surrounds the laser or laser system and
prevents access to laser radiation above the applicable MPE. The aperture through
which the useful beam is emitted is not part of the protective housing. The protective
housing limits access to other associated radiant energy emissions and to electrical
hazards associated with components and terminals, and may enclose associated optics
and a workstation.

Pulse duration: The duration of a laser pulse; usually measured as the time interval
between the half-power points on the leading and trailing ends of the pulse. Symbol: t.
Typical units:

microsecond (µs) = 10-6 s

nanosecond (ns) = 10-9 s
picosecond (ps) = 10-12 s
femtosecond (fs) = 10-15 s

Pulse-repetition frequency (PRF): The number of pulses occurring per second,

expressed in hertz. Symbol: F

Pulsed laser: A laser that delivers its energy in the form of a single pulse or a train of
pulse. For purposes of this standard, the duration of a pulse is less than 0.25 s.

Pupil: The variable aperture in the iris through which light travels to the interior of the

Q-switch: A device for producing very short (10 – 250 ns), intense laser pulses by
enhancing the storage and dumping of electronic energy in and out of the lasing
medium, respectively.

Q-switched laser: A laser that emits short (10 – 250 ns), high-power pulses by means
of a Q-switch.

Radian (rad): A unit of angular measure equal to the angle subtended at the center of a
circle by an arc whose length is equal to the radius of the circle. 1 radian  57.3
degrees, 2 radians = 360 degrees.

Radiance: Radiant flux or power output per unit solid angle per unit area. Unit: Watts
per centimeter squared per steradian (W. cm-2. sr-1). Symbol: L

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Radiant energy: Energy emitted, transferred, or received in the form of radiation. Unit:
joule (J).

Radiant exposure: Surface density of the radiant energy received. Unit: joules per
centimeter squared (J. cm-2).

Radiant flux: Power emitted, transferred, or received in the form of radiation. Unit: watt
(W). Also called radiant power. Symbol: Ф

Radiant power: Power emitted, transferred, or received in the form of radiation,

expressed in watts (W).

Radiometry: For the purposes of this standard, the measure of infrared, visible, and
ultraviolet radiation.

Reflectance: The ratio of the total reflected radiant power to the total incident power,
also called “reflectivity.”

Reflection: Deviation of radiation following incidence on a surface.

Refraction: The bending of a beam of light in transmission through an interface

between two dissimilar media or in a medium whose refractive index is a continuous
function of position (graded index medium).

Refractive Index (of a medium): The ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to the
velocity of light in the medium. Symbol: n

Repetitive pulsed laser: A laser with multiple pulses of radiant energy occurring in
sequence with a pulse repetition frequency (prf)  1 Hz.

Retina: The sensory membrane, which receives the incident image formed by the
cornea and lens of the human eye. The retina lines the inside of the eye.

Safety latch: A mechanical device designed to require a conscious decision to override

the latch to gain entry to a controlled area.

Saturable absorption: The property of laser eye protection and other optical materials
where the absorption of light decreases (OD decreases) with increasing irradiance.
This has been shown to occur with certain laser eye protection materials with high-
energy nanosecond and shorter duration pulses.

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Scanning laser: A laser having a time-varying direction, origin, or pattern of

propagation with respect to a stationary frame of reference.

Secured enclosure: An enclosure to which casual access is impeded by an

appropriate means (e.g., a door secured by a magnetically or electrically operated lock
or latch, or by fasteners that need a tool to remove)

Service: The performance of procedures, typically defined as repair, to bring the laser
or laser system or laser product back to full and normal operational status. Service
does not include operation or maintenance as defined in this section.

Shall: The word shall is to be understood as mandatory.

Should: the word should is to be understood as advisory.

Solid angle: The three-dimensional angular spread at the vertex of a cone measured
by the area intercepted by the cone on a unit sphere whose center is the vertex of the
cone. Unit: steradians (sr).

Source: A laser or a laser-illuminated reflecting surface.

Spectator: An individual who wishes to observe or watch a laser or laser system in

operation and who may lack the appropriate laser safety training.

Specular reflection: A mirror-like reflection.

Steradian (sr): The unit of measure for a solid angle. There are 4 steradians about
any point is space.

T1: The exposure duration (time) beyond which the MPEs based upon photochemical
injury are lower (more restrictive) than the MPEs based upon thermal injury, for
exposure to point sources.

T2: The exposure duration (time) beyond which extended source MPEs based upon
thermal injury are expressed as a constant irradiance.

Telescopic viewing: Viewing an object from a long distance with the aid of an optical
system that increases the size of the image. The system (e.g., binoculars) generally
collects light through larger aperture thus magnifying hazards from large-beam,
collimated lasers.

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Thermal effect: For purposes of this standard, an effect brought about by the
temperature elevation of a substance due to absorption of laser energy.

Threshold limit (TL): The term is applied to laser protective eyewear filters, protective
windows, and barriers. The TL is an expression of the “resistance factor” for beam
penetration of a laser protective device. This is generally related by the Threshold Limit
(TL) of protective device, expressed in W•cm-2 or J•cm-2. It is the maximum average
irradiance or radiant exposure at a given beam diameter for which a laser protective
device provides adequate beam resistance. Thus, laser exposures delivered on the
protective device at or below the TL will limit beam penetration to levels at or below
applicable MPE.

Tmax: The total expected or anticipated exposure duration, which may differ depending
upon its use.

Tmin: The shortest exposure duration greater than 1 ns for which the MPE, expressed as
radiant exposure (J cm-2), decreases as the exposure duration decreases, reflecting a
thermal damage mechanism. tmin is an analogue for the “thermal confinement time” for
biological effects, a duration for which there is no significant flow of heat from the
volume of tissue in which the energy was absorbed, and therefore no cooling of the
absorbing tissue during the exposure.

Transmission: Passage of radiation through a medium.

Transmittance: The ratio of transmitted power (energy) to incident power (energy).

Troland: The measure of retinal illuminance or the “effective brightness” of a source

and has the units of lumens-per-steradian incident upon the retina. The troland is not
corrected for the transmission of the outer ocular media. In typical practice, the retinal
illuminance in trolands is determined by multiplying the source luminance in
candelas•m-2 by the pupillary area in mm2.

Ultraviolet radiation: Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between 0.18 to 0.4

m (shorter than those of visible radiation).

Uncontrolled area: An area where the occupancy and activity of those within is not
subject to control and supervision for the purpose of protection from radiation hazards.

Viewing window: A visually transparent part of an enclosure that contains a laser

process. It may be possible to observe the laser processes through the viewing

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Visible luminous transmission (VLT): The amount of visible light passing through a
filter, weighted for the response of the human eye, expressed as a percentage.

Visible radiation (light): The term is used to describe electromagnetic radiation that
can be detected by the human eye. For purposes of this standard, this term is used to
describe wavelengths that lie in the range 400 nm to 700 nm. Derivative standards may
legitimately use 380 nm to 780 nm for the visible radiation range.

Visual interference effects: Those effects associated with viewing of bright visible
lights. These may include glare, flashblindness, and after-images.

Watt: The unit of power or radiant flux. 1 Watt = 1 Joule-per-second.

Wavelength: The distance in the line of advance of a sinusoidal wave from one point to
the next point of corresponding phase (e.g., distance from one peak to the next).

Work practices: Procedures used to accomplish a task.

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MEDIA (nanometers)
Excimer Gas Lasers
Argon Fluoride UV 193
Krypton Chloride UV 222
Krypton Fluoride UV 248
Xenon Chloride UV 308
Xenon Fluoride UV 351
Gas Lasers
Nitrogen UV 337
Helium Cadmium UV 325
Violet 441
Argon UV 275, 351, 363
Blue 457, 476, 488
Green 514
Krypton UV 351, 356, 416
Green 530
Yellow 568
Red 647, 676, 799
Xenon White Multiple
Helium Neon Green 543
Yellow 594
Orange 612
Red 633
NIR 1152
FIR 3390

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MEDIA (nanometers)

Hydrogen Fluoride FIR 2700

Carbon Dioxide FIR 10600
Carbon Monoxide FIR 5000-5500
Metal Vapor Lasers
Copper Vapor Green 510
Yellow 570
Gold Vapor Red 627
Solid State Lasers
Quadrupled Nd:YAG UV 266
Doubled Nd:YAG Green 532
Neodymium:YAG NIR 1064
Erbium:Glass MIR 1540
Erbium:YAG MIR 2940
Holmium:YLF MIR 2100
Chromium Sapphire (Ruby) Red 694
Titanium Sapphire NIR 700-1000
Alexandrite NIR 720-800
Dye Lasers
Rhodamine 6G VIS 500-700
Coumarin C30 Green 504
Semiconductor Lasers
Galium Arsenide (GaAs) NIR 840
Galium Aluminum Arsenide VIS/NIR 670-830

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Photobiological Eye Skin

Spectral Domain
Ultraviolet C Photokeratitis  Erythema (sunburn)
(200 nm – 280 nm)  Skin Cancer
 Accelerated skin aging

Ultraviolet B Photokeratitis Increased pigmentation

(280 nm – 315 nm)

Ultraviolet A Photochemical  Pigment darkening

(315 nm – 400 nm) cataract  Skin burn

Visible Photochemical and  Pigment darkening

(400 nm – 780 nm) thermal retinal injury  Photosensitive reactions
 Skin burn

Infrared A Cataract and retinal Skin burn

(780 nm – 1400 nm) burn

Infrared B Corneal burn, Skin burn

(1.4 m – 3.0 m) aqueous flare,

Infrared C Corneal burn only Skin burn

(3.0 m – 1000 m)

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TYPE ( m) Process Skin Cornea Lens Retina
CO2 10.6 Thermal X X
HFl 2.7 Thermal X X
Erbium- 1.54 Thermal X X
Nd-YAG 1.33 Thermal X X X X
Nd-YAG 1.06 Thermal X X
Gas 0.78-0.84 Thermal [b] X
He-Ne 0.633 Thermal [b] X
Ar 0.488-0.514 Thermal/ X X[c]
XeFl 0.351 Photochemical X X X
XeCl 0.308 Photochemical X X

[a] Wavelength at 1.33 m or more common in some Nd-YAG lasers has demonstrated
simultaneous cornea/lens/retina effects in biological research studies
[b] Power levels not normally sufficient to be considered a significant skin hazard
[c] Photochemical effects dominate for long-term exposures to retina (exposure times
more than 10 seconds)

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Engineering Control Measures Classification
1 1M 2 2M 3R 3B 4
Protective Housing X X X X X X X
Without Protective Housing LSO shall establish Alternate Controls
Interlocks on Removable      X X
Protective Housing
Service Access Panel      X X
Key Control - - - - -  
Viewing Windows, Display Assure viewing limited < MPE
Screens and Collecting Optics
Collecting Optics X X X X X X X
Fully Open Beam Path - - - - - X X
Limited Open Beam Path - - - - - X X
Enclosed Beam Path None, if required controls for Protective Housing and
Interlocks on Removable Protective Housings are fulfilled
Area Warning Device - - - - -  X
Laser Radiation Emission - - - - - • X
Class 4 Laser Control Area - - - - - - X
Entryway Controls - - - - - - X
Protective Barriers and Curtains - - - - - • •

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Administrative and Classification
Procedural Controls
1 1M 2 2M 3R 3B 4
Standard Operating - - - - -  X
Output Emissions Limitations - - - - LSO Determination
Education and Training -     X X
Authorized Personnel - - - - - X X
Indoor Laser Controlled Area - + - + - X X
Class 4 Laser Controlled Area - - - - - - X
Temporary Laser Controlled      - -
Controlled Operation - - - - - - •
Outdoor Controlled Measures X + X + X X X
Laser in Navigable Airspace • • • • • • •
Alignment Procedures  X X X X X X
Spectators - + - + -  X
Service Personnel LSO Determination

Personal Protective Classification

1 1M 2 2M 3R 3B 4
Laser Eye Protection - - - - - X X
Skin Protection - - - - -  
Protective Clothing - - - - - • •

Control Measures: Special Classification

Considerations and Warning
1 1M 2 2M 3R 3B 4
Laser Optical Fiber MPE MPE MPE MPE MPE X X
Transmission Systems

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Laser Robotic Automatic - - - - - X X

Laser Controlled Area Warning - - - - - X X


X Shall
 Should
- No requirements
 Shall if enclosed Class 3B and Class 4
MPE Shall if MPE is exceeded
NHZ Nominal Hazard Zone analysis required
+ May apply with use of optical aids
Temporary laser controlled area shall be devised for lasers or laser systems, where
removal of panels or protective housing or entry into the NHZ become necessary, and
the laser radiation exceeds applicable MPE.

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The rectangular box yellow area is for

legend, e.g., LASER RADIATION, DO
10 mW, 630 nm

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Appendix 6: Laser User Training and Eye Examination Completion Certificate

Please Complete the Following and Return to the LSO

Laser User Name (print) Phone Laser Supervisor Department

1. Training Acknowledgment
I hereby certify that
 I have completed on-line safety training provided by FIU, EH&S.
 I have been instructed by my supervisor ---------------------------------------- in the safe user
of lasers and laser systems that I will be operating in the FIU laboratory/ laboratories.
 I will use appropriate protective eyewear before using any lasers
 I have read and understood the FIU Laser Safety Manual

Laser User Name (print) Signature Date

2. Baseline Eye Examination Report Acknowledgment

Dr. --------------------------------------- optometrist/ Ophthalmologist has completed my baseline eye
examination on …………… I have received the original eye examination report from the Laser
Safety Officer for which no copies or records have been maintained on file with FIU EH&S.

Laser User Name (print) Signature Date

3. Approval by Laser Supervisor

I acknowledge that the above individual has met all requirements to use the following laser(s)
Laser Type/Classification Comments/Restrictions Date

Supervisor Name (print) Signature Date

4. Approval by the LSO

I certify that the above individual has met all requirements set forth by the Laser Safety
Committee to become a laser operator.

Laser Safety Officer Name (print) Signature Date

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Principal Investigator: Phone:
Co-Principal Investigator: Phone:
Departmental Laser Safety Officer: Phone:

Laser Manufacturer:
Model Number: Serial Number:
FIU ID Number:
Laser Location:
Building Name /No. Room No.
Laser Characteristics
Laser Name and Type (e.g., Nd:YAG):
Wavelength (nm): Beam Diameter (mm): Beam Divergence (mrad):
Continuous Wave Avg. Power (watts):
Pulsed Joules/pulse Repetition Freq:
Q-Switched Pulse Width: Joules/Pulse:

Have all users received training?
Has the training been documented?
Have laboratory Standard Operating Procedures (for operation, maintenance and
beam alignment) and safety guidelines been developed for use of lasers?
Are American National Standards Institute guidelines (ANSI Z136.1 2007) and Florida
Administrative Code, Chapter 64E.4 being followed for the safe use of lasers?
Has a baseline eye test been performed and recorded for all users?
Has laboratory been inspected and approved by the University Laser Safety Officer? If
yes, date of inspection:
Purpose of use:
Signature Date:
(Principal Investigator)

Please maintain Standard Operating procedures.

Please provide a list of all qualified laser users to the Radiation and Laser Safety Officer
at EH&S Office: CSC 162; Phone: (305) 348 0489/2621; Fax: (305) 348-3574; e-mail:

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Property Control
Phone: (305) 348-2167 Fax: (305) 348-2775
Requests for Transfer of equipment to a new location
Request for Transfer from one Department/Project number to another
In accordance with the Media Sanitation Policy and Data Stewardship Procedure, the University requires
that all computer equipment that has storage devices be erased using a repeated overwrite operation,
purged, degaussed, or destroyed prior to being surplus, donated, transferred or discarded.
Check here if deemed not necessary for this transfer (there is no highly sensitive data on
this computer)
Otherwise, indicate if this requirement will be performed by:
Department’s ITA (
Department’s Staff member (
UTS Call (305) 348-2284
Property Control
Non – Applicable (for furniture and non-computer equipment)
Name of person performing the cleansing ____________________ Date__________
(Adhere a compliance “sticker” to the computer after the procedure is performed)
Originating Department / Project Name: ____________________________________
Department/Project ID: From: _____________________ To: ____________________
Contact Person: _________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________
Description FIU Tag # Originating Location Destination

Prior approval from Risk Management & Environmental Health & Safety Department (EH&S) is required if the
equipment contains any material which is regulated or that could be of health concern. Please contact (305) 348-2621
for EH&S related questions. Please review the Laboratory Relocation Guide
Please check the appropriate Yes or No box. Does the equipment contain any of the following*?
Radioactive materials Yes No
Laser devices (Class 3B or 4) Yes No
Hazardous chemicals Yes No
Biohazardous materials (all types) Yes No
Controlled substances Yes No
* If the answer is “Yes”, please attach EH&S Clearance Form
___________________________________ _____________________________________
Originating Department / Project Print, Sign and Date Receiving Department/Project Print, Sign, and Date

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Semi-Annual Inspection Follow-up Inspection

A. Laboratory Specifications:

Principal Investigator or Lab Manager: ___________________________________Phone_________
Persons present for inspection __________________________________________________

B. Equipment and Laser Characteristics:


(Argon, CO2, (IIIB or (CW or LENGTH(s) OUTPUT NO. OF USE
Nd:YAG, etc.) IV) Pulsed) (nm) (Watts or

Attention PI/Authorized user:

Has the laser generation system/output been modified? Y or N (circle one). If the answer is yes, you
assume responsibility of the manufacturer and are required to classify the laser. Please sign that you will
provide classification for the laser.

Name: Signature: Date:

C. Laser Posting, Labeling and Security Measures:

Yes No NA
1. Entrance door is labeled with the name and phone numbers of the PI/Lab
Manager & Alternate
2. Entrance door is labeled with Laser Class label
3. Entrance door is labeled with Laser Hazard label
4. Entrance door is labeled with Laboratory Hazard Identification Chart
5. Warning “LASER IN USE” lighted or audible alarm is activated when laser is
turned on?
6. Laboratory security is adequate
7. Door interlock system is installed and working
8. Keyed Access to laser lab is only to the authorized personnel

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D. Laser Unit Safety Controls:

Yes No NA
1. Protective housing is in place
2. Fail-safe interlock is installed on removable protective housing
3. Interlock on housing is functioning
4. Beam shutter is present
5. Beam shutter is functioning
6. Laser activation is indicated on console
7. Beam power meter is available
8. Emergency shutoff is available, If yes, where: near the laser or at a remote
console or at both places
E. Engineering Safety Controls:
Yes No NA
1. Laser is secured to table
2. Laser optics are secured to prevent stray beams
3. Optical table is properly grounded
4. Laser beam is not at eye level in the standing or seated position
5. Beam is enclosed
6. Beam barrier(s) is (are) in place
7. Beam stops are in place
8. Beam is viewed remotely
9. Reflective materials are kept out of beam path
10. Beam alignment procedures are adequate
11. Stray beams are not seen
12. Windows in room are covered
13. There are no Class 4 diffused beams in the operating (occupied) area

F. Administrative Safety Controls:

Yes No NA
1. All users have received training within the last 3 years
2. Training has been documented (certificates available)
3. Refresher training is attended, within the last 3 years
4. Authorized users only are working with lasers
5. Laboratory Standard Operating Procedures (for operation, maintenance and
beam alignment) and safety guidelines are developed for use of lasers
6. Laboratory SOPs have been posted
7. Laser safety guidelines are posted
8. Laser safety policy manual is available
9. Emergency contact list is posted
10. Baseline eye test has been performed and recorded for all users

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11. Laser is operated under the direct supervision or control of an experienced,

trained operator
12. Protective equipment- eyewear, clothing, barriers, screens, skin protection- are
13. Protective equipment is in good condition
14. Eyewear is suitable for the wavelength and power/energy of laser

G. Non-Beam Hazards:
If potential for hazards from any of the following exists, describe how these are mitigated (e.g.,
use of fume hood):
Yes No NA
1. Toxic materials
2. Cryogens
3. Compressed gases
4. High voltage power
5. Collateral radiation
6. Explosion
7. Fire
8. LGAC production
9. Excessive noise

H. Survey meters:
a) Manufacturer: __________________________ Model/Serial No.: ___________________
Suitable for radiant energy/power and wavelength: _____________________________________
Calibration performed by: _____________________________________Date: ____________

b) Manufacturer: ___________________________ Model/Serial No.: ___________________

Suitable for radiant energy/power and wavelength: _____________________________________
Calibration performed by: _____________________________________Date: _____________


Inspected By:
Procedure for Signature:
Eye Date:

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Environmental Health & Safety has established an agreement South Florida

Vision for eye examination in accordance with the requirements of ANSI Z 136.1-

Eye examination is required for all FIU employees who work with Class 3B or
Class 4 lasers or who may be exposed to laser radiation because they frequently
access these areas as a part of their duties (ANSI Z136.1-2014 Section 6 and
Appendix F). Such employees are eligible to receive employer provided eye
examination and should be provided with the opportunity to have their eyes
examined by an optometrist. For your convenience EH&S has established a price
schedule with South Florida Vision, located at Optical Center at Navarro’s # 25,
11865 SW 26th St., Miami, FL 33175. Their phone number is (305) 552-9100 and
fax number is (305) 552-1996. At present the South Florida Vision Center
engages the services of Board Certified Doctors of Optometry - Dr. Harold
Forrest and Dr. Martha Alfonso.

The steps to obtain approval for eye examination under the agreement are as
 The principal Investigator (PI) identifies operators in their group for eye
exam and makes budget provision for eye exam.
 The negotiated cost per person for eye examination is $49.00.
 The PI sends notification to the Laser Safety Officer (by letter, e-mail or
fax) as follows:
Notification Re: Occupationally Approved Laser Eye Examination
In accordance with the requirement of ANSI Z136.1-2014 the following
individuals have been scheduled for eye examination which will be paid by
the department:
Name: ____________________________ Department: ________________
 The LSO sends e-mail acknowledgment to the authorized individual (cc

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 PI) advising him/her to schedule an appointment at their convenience with

medical service provider.
 Authorized individual schedules an appointment and PI pays the exam fee
to medical service provider.
 Medical service provider conducts medical eye examination in accordance
with ANSI Z 136.1-2014.
 Medical service provider sends report, per ANSI, to the Laser Safety
Officer at Suite CSC 162, 11200 SW 8th St., Miami, FL 33199.
 Authorized individual receives e-mail confirmation of results from LSO.
The individual receives the eye exam report from the LSO.
 All medical records are confidential and will be maintained by medical
service provider for a period of 30 years after the last known exposure at
 Medical service provider is responsible to contact the individual to follow
up, if necessary.
 Individuals may request that their records be furnished to their private
 An employee with suspected eye injury must be immediately referred to
an ophthalmologist. Notification must be provided to FIU Workers
Compensation Coordinator: (305) 348-7960 as soon as possible. For work
related injury or claim or notice visit:

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APPENDIX 11- Sample Authorization letter for Eye Examination


To: Sample
From: SK Dua, Ph.D., CHP, CLSO
Radiation and Laser Safety Officer
Environmental Health & Safety, Florida International University
11200 SW 8th St., CSC 162, Miami, FL 33199, USA
Phone: (305) 348-0489; Fax: (305) 348-3574; e-mail:
Re: Authorization to Schedule Eye Examination by Authorized Service Provider

Environmental Health & Safety has established an agreement with South Florida Vision
located at Optical Center at Navarro’s # 25, 11865 SW 26th St., Miami, FL 33175 for eye
examination in accordance with the requirements of ANSI Z 136.1-2014. The negotiated
cost per person for eye examination is $49.00. This letter is confirmation that the eye
examination is required for compliance with the laser safety program. The examination
will be conducted by, or under the supervision of, an ophthalmologist, optometrist or
other qualified physician and will comprise of: Medical Histories, Visual Acuity
Measurement and Selected Examination Protocols described in ANSI Z 136.1-2014.

Please schedule an appointment with South Florida Vision (Dr. Forrest or Dr.
Alfonso) and make sure your PI/department has made arrangement to pay for the
exam before it is completed.

Please complete the examination as soon as possible and inform me when the
examination is completed. Please inform the doctor to send the eye examination
report to me (, at the above given.

The working hours of optometrists are:

 Dr. Harold Forrest: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday -10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
 Dr. Martha Alfonso: Friday – 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM; Saturday – 9:00 to 1:00 PM

Phone: (305) 552-9100; Fax: (305) 552-1996.

Should you have questions please feel free to contact me.

Cc Director, Environmental Health & Safety

PI: ________________ Department: _______________
Gilbert, South Florida Vision,

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APPENDIX 12: Sample Eye Examination Report



CC: Department Head/Principal Investigator/Laboratory Manager (without


From: SK Dua, Ph.D., CHP, CLSO

University Radiation and Laser Safety Officer

Re: Eye Examination Report

I have reviewed the attached report submitted by Dr. ________________________, an

independent Board Certified Optometry, regarding your eye examination conducted in
accordance with the requirements of ANSI Z 136.1-2014.

Based on the report you are approved to work with laser devices. Please acknowledge
below and return this memo by -------: No records or copies of your report have been
maintained on file with FIU. This document is required as a substitute for the attached

Thank you.

Approved: YES NO

(Please Print)

Signature ___________________________ Date______________________

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Date Received for Evaluation:
DoR Proposal Title:

Name of Principal Investigator:












Reviewed by: Date:

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University Community (faculty, staff and students)




All Users of Special Hazards Materials shall follow University processes in order to become an “Authorized User” as soon
as possible and must abide by:

 all applicable federal, state and local safety laws, rules and regulations relating in any way to the purchase,
handling, use, storage, transfer and disposal of these materials;

 the terms and restrictions set forth in the University’s license, permit or registration relating to the purchase,
handling, use, storage, transfer and disposal of the Special Hazards Material, as applicable; and

 the procedures described in the applicable program safety manuals, that assure responsibility, accountability and
physical safeguards with regards to Special Hazards Materials.


Florida International University’s institutional ability to use Special Hazard Materials is contingent upon the compliance
with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, terms and conditions relating in any way to the purchase, handling, use,
storage, transfer and disposal of these materials.


10 CFR Parts 1-199, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
21 CFR Parts 1-1299, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services
21 CFR Parts 1300-1399, Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice
29 CFR Parts 1900-2006, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor
40 CFR Environmental Protection Agency
49 CFR Transportation

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Florida Department of Health, Florida Administrative Code Chapters 64E-5, 64E-16 and 64E-62
Miami-Date County Code Chapter 24 Environmental Protection
University Safety Policy
FIU Chemical Hygiene/Lab Safety Manual
FIU Radiation Safety Manual
FIU Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Manual
FIU BioSafety Manual
FIU Control Substances Safety Manual
FIU Laser Safety Manual
FIU Laboratory Relocation Guide

Administrative Office’s Address Telephone Number Fax Number
Roger Riddlemoser, Director,
Environmental Health & Safety
11200 S.W. Eighth Street, CSC 163 (305) 348-2621 (305) 348-3574
Miami, Florida 33199

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Authorized User: A User (see below) who has authorization from the University to purchase, handle, store,
transfer or dispose of Special Hazards Materials.
Carcinogenic Material: A substance or physical agent that causes cancer in humans, or on the basis of animal
experiments, is suspected of being able to cause cancer in humans.
DEA Controlled Substances: Drugs and certain other chemicals, both narcotic and non-narcotic, which come
under the jurisdiction of federal and state laws regulating their manufacture, sale, distribution, use and disposal.
Explosive Material: a substance, mixture, or compound capable of entering into a rapid and violent reaction that
produces a sudden local, dramatic increase in pressure or shock wave.
Infectious Materials: Pathogen microorganism capable of causing communicable infection.
Laser: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation- A device that produces an intense, coherent,
directional beam of light.
Radioactive Material: Any solid, liquid, or gaseous substance which emits radiation spontaneously.
Select Agent: Microorganism (virus, bacterium, fungus, rickettsia) or toxin listed by the Centers for Disease
Control or the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It includes genetically modified microorganisms or genetic
Special Hazards Materials: These materials include, but are not limited to, radioactive materials, Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA) controlled substances, select agents, carcinogenic and explosive materials,
infectious materials, and laser devices, and any other hazardous materials, the purchase, handling, storage or
transfer and disposal of which is regulated by federal, state, or local laws.
User: Consumer, registrant, permit holder, principal investigator, laboratory manager or laboratory worker
designated control of a laboratory space, device, agent, material or specimen.

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All Users who have access to Special Hazards Materials are required to handle these materials in a safe manner
and must take the necessary steps to assure:


 Take the necessary affirmative steps to become an Authorized User by following the appropriate
University process as soon as possible.

 Obtain and maintain any and all necessary licenses, permits or registrations relating to the purchase,
handling, use, storage, transfer and disposal of Special Hazards Materials.

 If relying upon the University’s licenses, permits, or registrations, become familiar with the terms and
conditions upon which the University is authorized to use the materials.

 Comply with all federal and state safety laws, rules and regulations, as well as any terms and conditions
that apply to the purchase, handling, use, storage, transfer and disposal of Special Hazards Materials.

 Complete any training required by the appropriate safety program within the time specified.

 Secure Special Hazards Materials in their custody against unauthorized access or removal.

 Ask any questions, or raise concerns, regarding the Special Hazards Materials to the designated
University official (e.g., Laser Safety Officer, Biosafety Officer, etc.)

 Maintain current and accurate records of their inventory of Special Hazard Materials (ordered, received,
stored, used, transferred and disposed) for three (3) years or more, as designated by the applicable safety
program requirements.

 Make records relating to the inventory of Special Hazard Materials available at any time to EH&S.

Note: Accountability is a condition of a regulatory directive, or a license or permit from a regulatory agency,
issued to FIU.

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Physical Safeguards

 Provide a minimum of two (2) independent physical controls, which form tangible barriers that secure
Special Hazard Materials from unauthorized removal, whenever the materials are not in use, or under
constant surveillance. For example, a radioactive material stock solution in a laboratory that is not
staffed during the evening must be in a locked cabinet/refrigerator. All points of entry to the laboratory
must also be locked.

 Controlled substances require additional physical controls. Controlled substances must be in a locked
safe. The safe must also be secured at all times by bolting it to the floor, so that it cannot be removed.


On a periodic basis, Environmental Health & Safety will inspect and audit laboratories, equipment and materials,
and the physical safeguards that are in place for the proper use, transfer and disposal of Special Hazards
Materials. Environmental Health & Safety will also conduct inventories, where appropriate.


*R = Required *O = Optiona

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Notification of Incidents Involving Any Source of Laser or Collateral Radiation

Incident Type Notification: Supervisor to Notification: LSO to DOH Notification: LSO
LSO to Individual
Notification Window
(a) An exposure to an individual of greater than By Telephone: Within 15 minutes By Telephone: Immediate notification on receiving When a registrant is
100 times the MPE or 21 C.F.R. 1040 limits of of incident LSO: X 70489; X report. Written report shall be submitted within 30 required to report to
laser or collateral radiation; or 72621 days: Bureau of Radiation Control the Department any
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C21 exposure of any
(b) An exposure to an individual which involves Written report shall be submitted Tallahassee, FL 32399-1741 individual to laser or
the partial or total loss of sight in either eye; or within 2 days to EH&S, CSC 162 Phone: (850)245-4266; Fax: (850) 487-0435 collateral radiation,
(c) An exposure to an individual which involves the registrant shall
perforation of the skin or other serious injury Any report filed with the Department shall include also provide to the
exclusive of eye injury. the full name of each individual exposed, an individual a report on
estimate of each individual’s exposure and a the exposure data
included therein.
description of any injuries. The report shall be Such reports shall
prepared so that this information is stated in a be transmitted at a
separate part of the report. time not later than
the date of
(a) An exposure to an individual of greater than By Telephone: Within 60 minutes By Telephone: Within 24 hours of receiving report transmittal to the
five times the MPE or 21 C.F.R. 1040 limits of of incident LSO: X 70489; X Department.
laser or collateral radiation; or 72621 Written report shall be submitted within 30 days

(b) An exposure to an individual with second- or Written report shall be submitted

third-degree burns to the skin or potential injury within 4 days
and partial loss of sight.

(a) Each exposure of an individual to laser and By Telephone: Within 3 hours of Written report shall be submitted within 30 days of
collateral radiation in excess of the MPE limits or incident receiving report
21 C.F.R. 1040,
LSO: X 70489; X 72621
(b) Any incident for which notification is required
by Rule 64E-4.011(1) or (2), F.A.C., above Written report shall be submitted
within 5 working days

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Laser Safety Officer: S.K. Dua Page 1 of 1

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