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EnergyProcedia 117
Procedia 00(2017)
1st International Conference on Power Engineering, Computing and CONtrol, PECCON-2017, 2-
1st International Conference on Power
4 March Engineering,
2017, VIT Computing
University, Chennai and CONtrol, PECCON-2017, 2-
4 March 2017, VIT University, Chennai Campus
PV Integrated Shunt Active Filter for Harmonic Compensation
PV Integrated
The 15thShunt Active
International Filter on
Symposium forDistrict
Harmonic Compensation
Heating and Cooling
a b c
Assessing Dr.
Srinatha, Mrs.ofS.using
Srinath , Mrs. S. Poongothai
, T. Aruna
the bheat c*
, T. Aruna *
temperature function for aof,Electrical
long-term district , heat demand forecast
a b c
Professor , Assistant Professor , PG Scholar ,
Professor Assistant and Electronics
Professor , PG Engineering,
Scholar b c

Department Engineering
of Electrical andCollege, Chennai-66
Electronics Engineering,
a Velammal Engineering College, Chennai-66
I. Andrića,b,c*, A. Pina , P. Ferrão , J. Fournier ., B. Lacarrièrec, O. Le Correc
a b

IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research - Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
Veolia Recherche & Innovation, 291 Avenue Dreyfous Daniel, 78520 Limay, France
Abstract c
Département Systèmes Énergétiques et Environnement - IMT Atlantique, 4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44300 Nantes, France
The usage of non linear loads in recent days are becoming vast that gives an alarm signal to power system and power engineers in
The usage
terms of non linear
of quality loadsAs
of power. in recent days
a result ofare becoming
large amountvast of that gives anpower
non-linear alarm signal to power
electronic system and
equipments power distortion
harmonic engineers in is
terms of quality
Abstract of power.
encountered by the Asutilities
a resultinofeach
large amount
day. of non-linear
The purpose of activepower
filterelectronic equipments
is to eliminate harmonicpresent
the harmonics distortion is
in the
frequently encountered
electrical signal ensuing by the utilities
in sustaining theinquality
each day.
of theThe purpose
power supplyofinactive filter isDSP
the system. to eliminate
controlled the harmonics
Shunt present
Active Filter in the
is used in
this papersignal ensuingharmonics
to eliminate in sustaining
andthe quality of reactive
compensate the power supply
power in theby
caused system. DSPload.
nonlinear controlled Shunt
Discrete Active
Fourier Filter is used in
Transformation is
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the
usedpaper to eliminate
to generate harmonics
reference source and compensate
current. reactive
The firing power
pulses causedactive
for shunt by nonlinear
filter areload. Discrete
generated Fourier
based on aTransformation
hysteresis based is
used gas
to controller emissions
generate reference from
source the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat
current implemented in current. The firing so
a DSP controller, pulses
that for
allowsactive filter areofgenerated
elimination based on
the harmonics anda compensation
hysteresis based of
sales. Due
reactive power to component
controller theimplemented
load conditions
in acurrent,
DSP and inbuilding
ensuing soa that
supply renovation
SAF policies,
current elimination heatof demand
is purely in the
the harmonics
sinusoidal. future
Simulation could
compensation of theof
reactive power
proposed the investment
SAF tocomponent return period.
of load current,
meet the requirements ensuing standards
of IEEE-519 in a supply are current
given. which is purely sinusoidal. Simulation results of the
The mainSAF
proposed scope of this
to meet thepaper is to assess
requirements of the feasibility
IEEE-519 of using
standards arethe heat demand – outdoor temperature function for heat demand
forecast. The district of Alvalade,
© 2017 The Authors.Published by Elsevier Ltd. located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665
2017 ThethatAuthors.
vary Published
in both by Elsevierperiod
construction Ltd. and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district
© 2017 The under
Peer-review Authors.Published
responsibility byofthe
Elsevier Ltd. committee of the 1st International Conference on Power Engineering,
renovationand under responsibility
scenarios of thescientific
were developed scientific committee
intermediate,of the 1st International Conference on Powerheat
Computing under
and responsibility
CONtrol. ofthe scientific of thedeep). To estimateConference
1st International the error, onobtained demand values were
Power Engineering,
compared and
Computing withCONtrol.
results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors.
The results showed
Keywords:Current that when
distortion; only Loads;
Nonlinear weather change isDigital
Harmonics; considered, the margin
Signal Processor of error
(DSP); could be(PV);
photovoltaic acceptable
Shunt /for someActive
Parallel applications
(the /error
(SAF) (PAF).in annual
Keywords:Current demand
distortion; was lower
Nonlinear Loads;than 20% forDigital
Harmonics; all weather scenarios(DSP);
Signal Processor considered). However,
photovoltaic (PV); after
Shuntintroducing renovation
/ Parallel Active Filter
(SAF) / (PAF).the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered).
The value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the
decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and
renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the
coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and
improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.

© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

* Corresponding
Peer-review author.
under Tel.: 9444524749
responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and
* Corresponding
Cooling. author. Tel.: 9444524749
address:[email protected]
E-mail address:[email protected]
1876-6102© 2017demand;
Keywords: Heat The Authors. Published
Forecast; by change
Climate Elsevier Ltd.
1876-6102© 2017 The
Peer-review under Authors. Published
responsibility by Elsevier
ofthe scientific Ltd. of the 1st International Conference on Power Engineering, Computing and CONtrol.
Peer-review under responsibility ofthe scientific committee of the 1st International Conference on Power Engineering, Computing and CONtrol.

1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling.
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 1st International Conference on Power Engineering, Computing
and CONtrol.
S. Srinath et al. / Energy Procedia 117 (2017) 1134–1144 1135
2 Authorname/ Energy Procedia00 (2017) 000–000

1. Introduction

Power Quality (PQ) is an essential part of an electrical power system. The term PQ means to sustain purely
sinusoidal current in phase accompanying a purely sinusoidal voltage. The power produced at the generating station
is absolutely sinusoidal in nature. The quality of electric power is weakening mostly by cause of current and voltage
harmonics, zero and negative sequence components, voltage sag, voltage swell, flicker, voltage interruption, etc [1].
The usage of nonlinear loads in industrial, commercial and residential applications is increased which in turn
requires local supply of reactive and harmonic power which reduces the power loss and sustain the quality of power
in the system [4]. A conventional compensation approaches such as passive filters, synchronous condensers, phase
advancers, etc. were hired to enhance the quality of power.

Centralized power generation systems are facing scarcity of fossil fuel and need to decrease emission. Long
transmission lines are also one of the causes for losses of electric power. This scenario has aroused the growth of
another power sources such as photovoltaic panels. The distributed generation (DG) concept emerged as a way to
integrate various power plants, rising the DG owner’s reliability, lowering emissions and equipping further power
quality benefits [7].

The shunt passive LC filters are used to enhance power factor and to overcome current harmonics. One of the
major drawbacks of passive filters is the unchangeable compensation characteristics. Other traditional controllers
also possess several drawbacks like bulkiness, electromagnetic interference, resonance, etc. These drawbacks urged
to additional research in establishing flexible and vital solutions utilizing custom power devices [3]. Custom power
devices are power conditioning equipment with static power electronic converters to enhance the power quality.
Shunt active filter (SAF) is one among the different types of convention power devices projected to enhance the
quality of power [1]. To maintain the dc capacitor voltage in shunt active filter, DG is integrated with SAF.
Different current control methods were projected for shunt active filter. For executing hysteresis current control,
Digital Signal Processor has excellent changing and fast response among many digital controllers [2].

2.Shunt Active Filter

2.1 Principle of Operation

The shunt active filter exposed in Fig. 1 is a currentcontrolled voltage source inverter (VSI), which is coupled in
parallel with the load. It is regulated in such a way to achieve the essential reactive and harmonic currents of the
load. Hence, the utility want to supply only the active part of the fundamental element of the load current and thus
the power pollution difficulty along the power line could be avoided.
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1136 S. Srinath et al. / Energy Procedia 117 (2017) 1134–1144

Fig. 1 Simplified diagram of Shunt Active Filter

2.2.Generation of Reference Current

Most APFs have been outlined on the basis of instantaneous reactive power theory (or p-q theory) to estimate the
desired compensation current [2]. In I d-Iq method, the reference frame d–q (direct axis, Quadrature axis) is resolved
by the angle with reference to the α–β frame utilized in the p–q theory. Although the voltage and load currents are
sinusoidal, the p–q and Id–Iq approaches yield source currents with harmonics [7]. In this paper, the discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT) has been used to extract the magnitude and phase angle of the fundamental component of the load
current. This fundamental component has together real and reactive parts. A real part of the magnitude of a
fundamental component is multiplied with unit sine having same phase angle of the supply voltage. The
dissimilarity between the real part of the fundamental component and the actual load current constitute the reference
for the current to be injected.

2.3. DSP Controller

Dual-DSP hardware structure is implemented based on MCBSP to recognize signal processing and an experiment to
realize the communication between the dual-DSP to meet demand the speed [1]. The DSP is implemented in
hardware to view the values of input voltage, input current and output voltage and estimate the maximum power
obtainable from the solar panels. It also determinates the duty-cycle used to the power switch setting the output
voltage desired [7]. In this paper, DSP controller is used to generate the firing pulse for SAF. This is done by
implementing hysteresis current controlled digital signal processor support excellent dynamic and fast response
among many digital controllers.

The hysteresis current control scheme utilized for the shunt active filter control is exposed in Fig.2. The
compensation current reference to be introduced by the active filter is assigned to as iref and the actual current of the
active filter is assigned to as iinj. The control scheme decides the switching pattern of active filter in such a way to
maintain the actual injected current of the filter to persist within a desired hysteresis band (HB) as exposed in Fig. 2.

The logic of switching is represented below:

If iinj< (iref− HB) S1, S2 ON & S3, S4 OFF

If iinj> (iref+ HB) S1, S2 OFF & S3, S4 ON
4 S. Srinath Energy
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Fig. 2 Hysteresis current control

The switching frequency of the hysteresis current controlmethod explained above depends on how fast the current
shift from upper limit to lower limit of the hysteresis band,or vice versa. Therefore the switching frequency does
notremain constant throughout the switching operation, but altersalong with the current waveform. Furthermore,
value of the filterinductance of the active filter is the main parameter evaluating the rate of change of active filter

3. Distributed Generation linked SAF

3.1. Distributed generation (DG)

Distributed generation generally refers to small-scale (typically 1 kW – 50 MW) electric power generators that
generate electricity at a site related to customers or that are tied to an electric distribution system .Some of the
benefits are diversification of power source, lower environmental impacts, improved security of supply, reduction in
transmission and distribution losses and improved reliability [7].

3.2. (DG – SAF) DC linked

In this proposed system, solar energy is integrated in SAF to maintain its capacitor voltage. This type of
configuration functions both in interconnected mode and islanded mode. By such configuration, the investment cost
can be reduced nearly one-fifth when compared to the system if DG and SAF are connected separately. Fig.3 shows
overall block diagram of DG integrated SAF. The purposes of using DG in SAF are
 Capacitive DC link with DG can be treated as a micro source.
 Capacitor voltage should be maintained within its limit for stable and continuous operation of voltage
source inverter and also to eliminate the difficulty of variable DC bus voltage.
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Fig.3 Overall Block Diagram of DG-SAF

4. Simulation Model of PV Integrated Shunt Active Filter

4.1. System Description

System having power quality problems like harmonics are generated due to non-linear load and Dynamic load,
which are compensated using DG-SAF at the point of common coupling. In this simulation model, PV system is
coupled to DC capacitor of SAF with PI controller in order to maintain the DC bus capacitor voltage.
The system parameters are furnished in Table 1.
Table.1 System Parameters
Parameters Values
System Voltage 415 (L-L, rms)
System Frequency 50 HZ
Non-Linear Load (Rectifier Load) 160+j0.06
PV output voltage 622 V
DC-link Capacitor 2500 µF
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Fig.4 PV integration with Shunt Active Filter

4.2. Firing Pulse Generation

The MATLAB implementation of firing pulse generation using DSP control is shown in Fig. 5. Thegenerated pulses
are used to trigger the respective IGBTs ofthe inverter. Xilinx software is used to construct the DSP controller.
MATLAB environment should be aware of System Generator and that System Generator is configured to work with

Fig.5 MATLAB implementation of DSP controller

4.3. Simulation Model of DG (Solar)

In DG subsystem, Solar (PV) is coupled to DC bus capacitor of SAF with PI controller.

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Fig.6PV connected across DC link of SAF with PI Controller

5. Simulation Results

5.1. Waveforms at source voltage, source and PCC current before compensation

Fig 7 shows voltage waveform at source side before compensation. Fig 8 shows current waveform at source side
before compensation. Harmonics are generated because of Rectifier feeding RL load.Fig 9 shows current waveform
at point of common coupling at phase-a before compensation.

Fig. 7 Waveform obtained before compensation (Source Voltage)

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Fig. 8 Waveform obtained before compensation (Source Current)

Fig. 9 Waveform obtained before compensation (PCC Current)

5.2. Waveforms at source voltage, source and PCC current after compensation

Fig 10 shows voltage waveform at the source side after compensation. Fig 11 shows current waveform at source
current after compensation. Harmonics generated by Rectifier loads are compensated at point of common coupling
using DG integrated SAF. Fig 12 shows current waveform at point of common coupling after compensation.
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Fig. 10 Waveform obtained after compensation (Source voltage)

Fig. 11 Waveform obtained after compensation (Source current)

Fig. 12 Waveform obtained after compensation (PCC Current)

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Fig 13 shows FFT analysis of current harmonics. According to IEEE standard, current harmonics should maintained
within 5%. Fig13(a) shows THD value of source current as 9.44% without compensation and Fig 13 (b) shows THD
value of source current as 2.66% with compensation.
Fig 14 shows FFT analysis of current harmonics. According to IEEE standard, current harmonics should
maintained within 5%. Fig14(a) shows THD value of PCC current as 9.44% without compensation and Fig 14 (b)
shows THD value of PCC current as 3.95% with compensation.

Fig.13 (a) Uncompensated source current Fig.13 (b) Compensated Source Current

Fig. 13 FFT analysis of Current Harmonics at source side

Fig.14 (a) Uncompensated PCC current Fig.14 (b) Compensated PCC Current

Fig. 14 FFT analysis of Current Harmonics at PCC

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Table.2 THD Values

Description THD (%)
Source current PCC Current
Before Compensation 9.44% 9.44%
After Compensation 2.66% 3.95%
Compensation Effect Compensated Compensated

6. Conclusion

The simulation of the shunt active filter integrated with DG has been carried out. DSP controller is carried out in the
current study for harmonic reduction of source current and PCC current. The SAF is found to be effective in
simulation to gather the requirements of IEEE 519 standard on harmonic levels in source current. Some of the
advantages of utilizing DG in SAF are
 Available low power DG modules can be linked electrically to give up the essential power in high power
 Using a single VSI for all DG modules brings the reward of reduced cost, reduced losses, easier design and
control of the Interconnection System.


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