Bouck, 2020
Bouck, 2020
Bouck, 2020
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Abstract: Virtual manipulatives are an emerging intervention to support students with disabilities in mathe-
matics. Through a multiple probe across participants design, researchers examined use of an intervention
package consisting of a virtual manipulative (i.e., the Two-Color Counter app-based manipulative) and the
system of least prompts (SLP) to support students’ acquisition, maintenance, and generalization of solving
addition of integers problems. Researchers found a functional relation between the intervention package and
middle school students’ accuracy. All three students acquired the skill, with two able to consistently generalize
as well as maintain adding integers. The three students were also generally independent when solving the
problems with the app.
For students with disabilities, learning occurs across different settings, people, or materials
across four stages: acquisition, fluency, main- (Collins, 2012).
tenance, and generalization (Alberto & Trout- Research-supported instructional strategies
man, 2009; Collins, 2012; Shurr et al., 2019). that support acquisition include modeling;
Students start the acquisition stage when they prompting systems, such as least-to-most
begin learning a new skill or concept (Collins, prompting; task analysis; and visual supports
2012; Snell & Brown, 2011). When students (Snell & Brown, 2011; Shurr et al., 2019).
demonstrate the skill with 60% accuracy inde- Fading support and overlearning are two ex-
pendently or 100% with support, they move amples of instructional strategies that support
into the fluency stage (Shurr et al., 2019). maintenance of skills or concepts (Collins,
With fluency, students can be both accurate 2012; Snell & Brown, 2011). Generalization is
and efficient (Collins, 2012; Snell & Brown, supported through distributed trials, natural
2011). During the fluency stage, the skill is not reinforcement, and providing examples and
new and students become more independent. non-examples (Collins, 2012; Snell & Brown,
Once a student demonstrates a skill with suf- 2011; Shurr et al., 2019).
ficient accuracy (e.g., 60%) and realistic speed
for the real world, the student moves into the
Mathematics Education for Students with
maintenance stage (Shurr et al., 2019). Main-
tenance involves the performance of a skill
when it is not proceeded by instruction (Al- As with other areas, mathematics learning for
berto & Troutman, 2009). When students students with disabilities follows the stages of
consistently demonstrate the skill without re- acquisition, fluency, maintenance, and gener-
teaching across time, they have achieved alization. However, researchers suggest lim-
maintenance (Shurr et al., 2019). Generaliza- ited attention is paid to issues of maintenance
tion involves performing a skill consistently and generalization with regards to academic
content for students with disabilities (Spooner
et al., 2012). Although researchers found
Correspondence concerning this article should mathematics interventions and instruction
be addressed to Emily C. Bouck, 343a Erickson Hall, positively benefit student acquisition of math-
620 Farm Lane, Michigan State University, East Lan- ematical content (cf., Barnett & Cleary, 2015;
sing, MI 48824. E-mail: [email protected] Hudson et al., 2018; King et al., 2016; Spooner
Intervention: Virtual
Measure Baseline Manipulatives ⫹ Prompting Generalization Maintenance
Range 0 5 (100%) 3–5 (60–100%) 5 (100%)
Mean 0 5 (100%) 4.6 (92%) 5 (100%)
Median 0 5 (100%) 5 (100%) 5 (100%)
Stability stable stable stable stable
Trend zero-celerating zero-celerating zero-celerating zero-celerating
Tau-Ua --- 1.0 1.0 1.0
PND --- 100% 100% 100%
# of sessions 5 5 5 4
Range 0 5 (100%) 0–5 (0–100%) 4–5 (80%–100%)
Mean 0 5 (100%) 3.6 (76%) 4.2 (85%)
Median 0 5 (100%) 5 (100%) 4 (80%)
Stability stable stable stable variable
Trend zero-celerating zero-celerating decelerating accelerating
Tau-Ua --- 100% 0.8 1.0
PND --- 100% 80% 100%
# of sessions 8 5 5 4
Range 0 3–5 (60–100%) 0–3 (0–60%) 1–3 (20–60%)
Mean 0 4.4 (88%) 1.6 (30%) 2 (40%)
Median 0 5 (100%) 2 (40%) 2
Stability stable variable variable variable
Trend zero-celerating accelerating accelerating zero-celerating
Tau-Ua --- 1.0 0.8 1.0
PND --- 100% 80% 100%
# of sessions 9 5 5 3
Note: a Tau-U conducted between baseline and intervention, between baseline and generalization, and then
baseline and maintenance.