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6 authors, including:
Ranjit Sah
Tribhuvan University
All content following this page was uploaded by Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales on 01 March 2023.
During December 2019, a novel coronavirus virus (2019-nCov) emerged in China, which posed an
International Public Health Emergency in a couple of weeks, and very recently attained the position of
a very high-risk category by World Health Organization (WHO). This virus was named the Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) by the International Committee on Taxonomy of
Viruses (ICTV), and the disease referred to as Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19). Till March 8, 2020,
the virus has claimed the lives of nearly 3,600 humans out a total of approximately 110,000 confirmed
cases affected by this infection. The present editorial is a brief overview highlighting the most salient
features and facts with regards to COVID-19, an emerging coronavirus infection, its causative virus
(SARS-CoV-2), the current worldwide scenario, recent developments and currently ongoing progresses
to contain and control this disease which have now spread to more than 100 countries across the globe.
Of note, worldwide researchers and various health agencies are all together doing their best to halt
the spread of this virus and avoid any possible pandemic situation to be faced, which otherwise would
threaten the lives of millions of human beings.
Keywords: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, current situation, recent developments, prevention, control.
Citation: Alfonso J. Rodriguez-Morales, D. Katterine Bonilla-Aldana, Ruchi Tiwari, Ranjit Sah, Ali A. Rabaan, Kuldeep Dhama,
COVID-19, an Emerging Coronavirus Infection: Current Scenario and Recent Developments – An Overview, J. Pure Appl. Microbiol.,
2020; 14(1):.
© The Author(s) 2020. Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License which
permits unrestricted use, sharing, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and
the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
pathology. As competent carrier they can shed body parts are also used. As bats are employed as
virus till 21 days of period to other persons who materia medica, so we can not deny the probability
will come in contact to them36. Initial symptoms of zoonotic spillover through bats24,28. By involving
include fever, mild chills, dry cough, fatigue intermediate hosts (bridge hosts), SARS-CoV-2/
and shortness of breath, severe respiratory 2019-nCoV attained altered pathogenicity and
distress, pulmonary pneumonia, which worsen enhanced transmissibility through modified
if timely not diagnosed and not appropriately receptor binding domain (RBD)2,18,26,49-57.
medicated 37. As lung inflammation advances Diagnosis
hypoxemia triggers and to compensate shortness For prompt diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2,
of breath, sometimes cardiac arrest takes place, molecular tools are widely preferred 58-62 .
and hence patient sinks. Therefore, it is advised Serological diagnosis is not of much help at the
as soon as symptoms of dry cough and fever peak of the epidemic, though serum samples
begin to appear, consult a medical practitioner of recovered patients can be tested to know
to prevent further pathology within the body38. the titer of IgG. In severely infected patients,
Histological examination performed over biopsy computed tomography technique (CT) and X-Ray
tissues obtained from lung, liver, and heart tissue can be of help to observe the lesions of pulmonary
elaborated detailed picture of desquamation of pneumonia in the lungs in correlation with clinical
pneumocytes, the formation of hyaline membrane, symptoms to depict the picture of COVID-1937.
bilateral diffused alveolar damage, presence of For the diagnosis of exposed but asymptomatic
cellular fibromyxoidexudate. As marked cytopathic carriers, detection of viral nucleic acid (RNA) is of
effects, multi nucleated syncytial cells along with pertinent help, and by using pharyngeal swab the
atypical enlarged pneumocytes and interstitial viral RNA can be detected, such carriers should
mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates with the be kept in isolation to prevent the transmission
majority of lymphocytes in the affected lungs are and spread risk25,36. Most popularly, real-time
prominent features39. RT-PCR (rRT-qPCR) is performed over respiratory
Zoonotic links secretions so that within a short period, viral
Recently, few of the reports have RNA can be detected63. Researchers have also
highlighted the role of animals, veterinary, cross- developed a reverse transcriptional loop-mediated
species jumping, zoonotic links and spillover isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) diagnostic
events of SARS-CoV-2 and its transmission to technique for rapid and colorimetric detection
humans, before acquiring human to human of COVID-19 coronavirus. This isothermal LAMP-
transmission, as have been implicated with SARS based method for COVID-19 detection is referred
and MERS2,6,40-46. Atypical exposure point of SARS- to as iLACO. In this technique, a fragment of the
CoV-2 has pointed out towards the implication of ORF1ab gene was amplified by using six primers,
seafood market in Wuhan, China47, as a wet-market and phenol red are used as a pH indicator when
that sells different kinds of poultry, bats, snakes, amplification takes place color changes from pink
marmots and other wildlife animals for human to light yellow. At the same time, in negative cases,
consumption at a single place, that can act as it remains pink64. In addition to that, multiple
hot spot acting as a human-animal interphase/ reference laboratories are progressing sequencing
interaction event, where zoonotic viruses can jump the complete genome from the rRT-PCR positive
to cross-species barrier-or spillover to humans isolates.
through seafood tanks, presence of live-dead Therapeutics/Drugs and Vaccines
animals body fluids, blood, excretion or air born As infected individuals are hospitalized,
mode of transmission leading to the emergence of human patients should immediately be given
novel pathogens such as SARS-COV-2 and others48. symptomatic and supportive treatment as
Still in some parts of world, western medicines are per severity of symptoms65,66. Therapy may be
not much popular or in practice and people yet comprised of supplementary oxygen or high-flow
rely on using traditional medicines which uses not nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy through
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