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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation

(Central Store Department)

Mumbai-Pune Road,
Pimpri, Pune-411018,
Maharashtra, INDIA

Tel.No. +91-020-673333333
Website: www.pcmcindia.gov.in
E-mail: [email protected]

(Tender website: https://mahatenders.gov.in)

Selection of vendor for carrying out a turnkey project for

Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) at 4 Hospitals of




1 E - Tender No. 24/2023-24

2 Name of The Equipment CSSD Turnkey Project

Sr. No. of
Tender EMD (Rs.)
No. units Total cost (Rs.)
Fees (Rs.)

1 4 32,10,88,123/- 47,040 32,10,881/-

All bid related activities (process) like Tender Document Download, Bid
Submission and Submission of EMD and other documents will be governed by
the time schedule given under Key Dates below:
Date Of commencement of sale of 21/02/2024
Tender document/ download
Pre Bid Meeting 28/02/2024 Time- 11.00 AM

Last Date and Time for the Submission 13/03/2024 Time- 03.00 PM
of tenders

Date and Time of Opening of Envelope 14/03/2024 Time-04.00 PM

No. 1 on words
Address for communication Department of Central Store
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal
In accordance with G.R.No.SPO-2014/Pra.Kra.82/Part-III/Industry-4, dated 01.12.2016
issued by Industry, Energy & Labour Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai – 32,
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Purchase Cell, Pune, invites online digitally sealed
tenders in Two Bid System CSSD Equipment in the year 2023-24

1. The Tenders shall be submitted online through e-tendering process only. No tender will be
accepted manually or through fax etc.
2. The tender document will be uploaded / released on website https://mahatenders.gov.in. The
bidder is required to download the tender document from this website as per the schedule of
activities for online tender document download.
3. The bidder is required to download the tender document within the schedule of activity for
online tender document download. After expiry of the date and time for tender document
download, the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Central Store will not be

responsible for any such failure on account of bidder for not downloading the document
within the schedule.
4. The bidder is required to visit and carefully inspect the site conditions, existing
infrastructure before submitting the bid. The CSSD is to set up at following 4 hospitals of
a) New Thergaon Hospital, Jagtap Nagar, Nakhate Nagar, Thergaon, Pune, Pimpri-
b) Jijamata Hospital Pimpri, Shastri Nagar, Pimpri Colony, Pimpri-Chinchwad
c) Akurdi PCMC Hospital, Shri Mhalsakant Vidyalaya Rd, Akurdi, Pimpri-Chinchwad
d) New Bhosari Hospital Gulve Vasahat, Bhosari, Pimpri-Chinchwad
The cumulative number of beds in the above mentioned hospitals is approximately 700.
It is to be duly noted that the bidder will have to plan the execution in the sequential
manner within allocated timeline of 120 days for each hospital, as given below:
(Ti: Date of Signing of Work Order)
1. New Thergaon Hospital, Jagtap Nagar, Nakhate Nagar, T1 + 120
Thergaon, Pune, Pimpri-Chinchwad
2. Jijamata Hospital Pimpri, Shastri Nagar, Pimpri T2 +120
Colony, Pimpri-Chinchwad
3. Akurdi PCMC Hospital, Shri Mhalsakant Vidyalaya T3+120
Rd, Akurdi, Pimpri-Chinchwad
4. New Bhosari Hospital Gulve Vasahat, Bhosari, Pimpri- T4 +120

5. The bidder shall contact the Medical Officer, Medical Department, PCMC, during working
hours, for arranging visits to the above-mentioned hospitals.
6. Plan Acceptance: The successful bidder shall submit the detailed execution plan containing
design, schedule, procurement plan, lead time of the material to be delivered, staff
deployment plan, SITC plan etc. prior to the start of the work. Approval on the plan must be
availed from PCMC prior to the start of the project.
7. Extension: Extension of the project is generally not acceptable. In case of unforeseen
circumstances, the extension can be availed to the successful bidder, solely on the discretion
of the Municipal Commissioner of PCMC, only after submission of documentary evidence
of such circumstances.
8. The bidder is required to upload all the documents mentioned in the terms & conditions of
the technical bid by scanning the documents and uploading it in the PDF. This activity of
uploading the documents as well as preparation of commercial bid and other Annexure
enclosed with the tender shall be completed within the schedule.
9. The tenders submitted online will be opened on the schedule date before the participant. At
the time of opening the tender, the bidder himself or his authorized representative may be
present. In case of inconvenience to the supplier by the supplier of the tender, or in case of
non-payment of the tender, any condition of the tender shall be borne by him The
Government of Maharashtra has decided to take action as per the terms and conditions of
the Department of Industry, Energy and Labor in the year 2014/02/82 / part Ill / industry 4,
dated 01/12/2016.
10. As the tenders are invited online, bidders are required to upload tender as per the schedule
given. Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Central Store is not responsible for failure
on the part of bidder to upload tender within the time schedule. In case of any help required
for this purpose the bidder shall contact to help line of e-tendering agency National
Informatics Center (NIC). Bidders are requested to go carefully through the process of e-
tendering given on the website of https://mahatenders.gov.in.in to avoid disqualification of
their tender on any ground. In case of any technical problems e.g. payment of EMD,
downloading of tender terms, uploading of tender etc. This bidder should contact NIC
helpline for resolution of their issues. Communication with Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal
Corporation Central Store will not be entertained. Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
is not responsible for bidder not able to participate in tender due to any technical problems.


The pre-bid meeting will be held at the date, time and venue mentioned in the e-Tender
Notice. Bidders shall note that any corrigendum issued regarding this tender notice will be
published on the e-tendering website of https://mahatenders.gov.in.
The prospective bidder(s) should submit their suggestions/observations if any, in
writing through email before pre-bid meeting.
Only suggestions / observations received in writing by mail within stipulated time will be
discussed and clarified in pre-bid meeting and any modification of the tendering documents,
which may become necessary as a result of pre-bid meeting, shall be made by Pimpri
Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Central Store exclusively through the issue of an
addendum/corrigendum. The tender uploaded shall be read along with any modification.
Authorized representatives of prospective bidder(s) can attend the said meeting and obtain
clarification regarding specifications, works & tender conditions. Authorized representatives
should have authorization letter to attend the pre-bid meeting, provided queries are
submitted in time.
Any amendment to the tender will be placed on the Mahatender , and the pre bid
amendments herein called common set of deviations (CSD) should be downloaded by the
bidder and the bidder should follow the CSD along with the tender terms and conditions.
a) The bidder will not be communicated separately regarding the amendment.
b) In case there is single response to this tender the committee will be within its right to
take action as per instructions prescribed G.R.No.SPO-2014/Pra.Kra.82/Part-
III/Industry-4, dated 01.12.2016 issued by Industry, Energy & Labour
Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai – 32.
12. Non-attendance at pre-bid meeting shall not be a cause for disqualification of a bidder. The
suggestions/objections received in pre-bid meeting may not be considered, if the same are

not in consonance with the requirement of the tender/project. Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal
Corporation, Central Store reserves the right to reject the same.
13. Manner of Submission of Tender
The tender is divided in two parts and required to be submitted online only
Technical Bid (Part I):- Contains technical information such as technical specifications,
terms & conditions of the tender, qualification criteria, documents required to be submitted
to qualify for opening of commercial bid, general terms & conditions of the tender,
instructions to the bidder for submission of the tender, other Annexures required to be
submitted by the bidder along with the technical bid, confirming to tender terms &
conditions. Detailed specification of the tendered item shall be as per Annexure „X‟.
Commercial Bid (Part- II):- Contains price bid to be filled in by the bidder.
14. Original Tender Form :-
Bidders are required to sign and put official seal of the company on every page of the tender
form as well as proposal. They are also required to sign on every page of the specification
copy and affix the seal of the company at the right hand corner of the bottom of the page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: - Apart from all the conditions mentioned in this tender document,
the tender rules / guidelines published by Industry, Energy & Labour Department,
Mantralaya, Mumbai – 32 vide G.R. No. SPO-2014/Pra.Kra.82/Part-III/Industry-4, dated
01.12.2016 are applicable and it is binding for bidders.

Technical bid shall contain following documents duly SELF ATTESTED, failing which tender
will be declared Invalid. These documents shall be in the form of PDF files, if required in Zip
file. These documents need to be digitally signed by the bidder and uploaded in the technical
bid during online bid submission stage.
To be submitted along-with Technical Bid as mentioned in (Annex- I).
In every case of offer whether indigenous or imported the name of manufacturer, address
together with brand /make /model should be indicated in the tender. Any conditional offer
of the bidder will be rejected.
2. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) & Tender Fee
The bidder should pay tender fee and EMD online only.
The EMD will be forfeited if the bidder withdraws from tender process at any stage OR the
bidder fails to enter into contract according to the terms & conditions if accepted. EMD of
the unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded within due course.
3. Product Catalogue:-
The bidder should submit following documents along with the technical bid:
 Original Catalogues/brochures showing details of Technical Specifications of Equipment
should be enclosed.
 All specification should be substantiated by Technical data sheets in original. Photocopies
of the Catalogue / Brochure will be rejected.
 For imported equipment, Certificate of origin of the equipment's/Component including date
of manufacturing must be enclosed
4. Copy of G.S.T. Registration Certificate
5. GST Clearance Certificate:-
GST clearance certificate mentioning clearance up to the last month/quarter (as applicable)
from the date of publishing of the tender should be attached.
6. Turnover: - The average turnover for the last 3 years from the date of publication of tender
should be 30% of total cost (Rs.) mentioned under this RFP
7. Production Capacity:
Bidder should have the experience of supply, installation, commissioning and operations of
CSSD under turnkey projects to government or semi government hospitals in the last 5
years to a minimum 30% of tender cost.
8. Technical Capacity
The bidder(s) in their own name/in manufacturer’s name from which they have obtained
authorization should have satisfactorily executed the CSSD turnkey work of minimum
a) One Govt/Semi Govt Hospital with greater than or equal to 560 beds during last three 3
years OR
b) Two Govt/Semi Govt Hospital with greater than or equal to 350 beds during last three 3
years OR
c) Three Govt/Semi Govt Hospital with greater than or equal to 280 beds during last three
3 years.
9. The bidder should submit complete audit report with relevant certificates and schedules for
the last 3 financial years from the date of publishing of the tender certified by registered
Chartered Accountant. It the audit of last financial year is not complete, the bidder has to
submit provisional audit report (Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account Statement)
signed by registered Chartered Accountant.
10. In case of foreign manufacturer the following document of the last 3 years for similar
equipment supplied will be required.
a. Country of Origin Certificate issued by competent authority of that country (Chamber
of Commerce) naming the manufacturer, consignee, name of equipment, invoice no,
quantity etc.
11. If partnership exists, partnership deed should be presented.
a. Acceptance of terms and condition of the tender should be provided on the bidder’s
letter head.
b. Bidder should have the authorization letter and should submit the compliance chart.
c. Certificates should be submitted as per requirement of the tender.
12. Authorization Letter:-
In case the bidder is not the direct manufacturer, manufacturer's Authorization letter from
the foreign principal (OEM)/original manufacturer of CSSD confirming bidder is authorized
to bid CSSD system on its behalf.
An importer quoting on behalf of manufacturer must attach authorization letter from the
manufacturer to quote on behalf of manufacturing & to do after sales services till disposal of
machinery as per Annexure-II. (It is mandatory to have a complete address, working e-mail
address and contact numbers of the Manufacturer as well as it should mention the Country
of manufacture of the equipment. Equipment manufactured in any other place, than the
mentioned originally; will be rejected. [Incomplete Authorization in any form will not be
accepted. It will be liable for rejection of bid.]
13. I.S.O., I.S.I., CE from notified body or USFDA Certificates:-
The imported equipment mentioned must be USFDA certified.
In case of equipment with I.S.O., I.S.I., CE from notified body or USFDA , certificates
required as per tender requirement.
14. Users list:-
The bidder should submit user list of quoted model (only) as per Annexure - IV. And
should also submit order copies to support the claim.
15. Make / Model:-
Detail of products, called in tenders, supplied to in the state of Maharashtra/India in last 03
years as per (Annexure - V) and the client list in India for past 3 years along their telephone
numbers of concerned and their valid e-mail id. This should be supported by order copies of
the same.
16. After Sales Service:-
The bidder should have minimum 2 service centers in Maharashtra with complete address,
phone nos., fax nos. and e-mails as per (Annexure - VI).
17. Terms & Condition Acceptance Certificate should be submitted as per (Annexure - VII).
18. Fall Clause
It is a condition of the contract that all through the currency thereof, the price at which the
bidder will the supply store should not exceed the lowest price charged by the bidder to any
customer during the currency of the rate contract and that in the event of the prices going
down below the rate contract prices the bidder shall promptly furnish such information to

Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Central Store to enable Pimpri Chinchwad
Municipal Corporation, Central Store to amend the contract rates for subsequent supplies.
Awarded bidder should submit on Rs 100 stamp paper that he is not by any relation
connected to any Corporator or Corporation employees
19. Commercial bid should not be submitted in Envelope No. 01 (Tech. Bid) else the bid will be
20. Being a Turn Key tender, prices quoted in the commercial bid should inclusive of all (Basic
equipment plus installation and commissioning of equipment). The maintenance of any
additional equipment required for proper installation and commissioning of the
equipment/machinery supplied will be the responsibility of the bidder for minimum of 8
21. Authentication for Documents:-
The responsibility to produce correct authentication for documents rests with the bidder. If
any documents is detected to be forged, bogus etc., the tender shall be rejected and EMD
shall be forfeited. Any contract entered under such condition shall also be liable to be
cancelled at any time during its currency and further penal action like criminal prosecution,
blacklisting etc. against the said contractor and/or the partners shall be instituted.
22. The quantity mentioned in the tender is only approximate estimated quantity, The Central
Store, Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation , if required may Purchase extra 50% of
quantity published within 6 months of Purchase Order as repeat order.
At the time of submission of tender documents to this office all the photo copies of
certificates / documents attached with the tender should be duly Self Attested.



* Should there be a minimum sales criterion to quality in past 3 years.


The Commercial Bid (Part-II) should contain the price. The cost should be quoted in
Indian currency only, any fluctuation in the international currency will not be a concern of
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation and the price quoted in the tender will be considered
as final. Bidder should quote the price in proforma mentioned in Annexure-IX mentioning
cost of Turnkey Project including all taxes.
All financial offers must be prepared and submitted online which should be signed
using individual's digital certificate. Date of opening of commercial bid will be informed
accordingly. Commercial quote in any other format shall be rejected. Conditional offers shall
not be considered and shall be treated as non-responsive.


1. No price should be quoted in part I (Technical Bid). If any price is quoted in
technical bid, the entire tender shall be considered as INVALID.
2. Envelope No.2 shall be opened only when the documents as mentioned in Envelope
No.1 are in order, as per requirements and as per specifications. Valid bidder shall be
informed accordingly.
a. The Envelope No. 2 (Commercial Bid) shall be opened of only those bidders
who have submitted all the documents as per tender terms and conditions in the
envelope no.01 and are technically qualified. If two bidders have quoted same
cost of project, then the demonstration of both the bidder will be taken.
b. Unsatisfactory performance at demonstration will disqualify the bidder.
c. The demonstration should be done if possible at the institute specified. In case of
heavy / bulky equipment the demonstration may be arranged at a place where the
equipment is already functioning and as per convenience of the concern technical
committee at the cost of the bidder. Demonstration of the equipment in the
factory premises is not allowed.
4. The tender validity should be for a minimum period of 120 days from the date of
opening the Envelope No.2 (Commercial Bid). The validity of the tender can be
extended up to 180 days at the discretion of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal
Corporation, Central Store Department
5. There will be no change or any type of rectification in quoted cost due to
international fluctuation of currency after submission of tender. No communication
in this regard will be entertained.
No increase in the rate will be allowed if the government raises any taxes or there is
any variation/alteration of exchange rate of foreign currency, after the lender
approves the tender rate.
6. Demonstration:-
7. Demonstration is compulsory for lowest bidder and the bidder should arrange for the
demonstration in India of the equipment quoted for in the tender within 7 days from
the date of intimation of the request for demonstration preferably in Pune. However,
if complete system of quoted model/complete system is not available in Pune,
demonstration may be arranged outside Pune in any mutually agreed upon hospital at
bidder’s cost. Demonstration must be given within 7 days-time from the date of
receipt of letter from Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Central Store if
planned in Pune and within 15 days if outside Pune, otherwise liable for
penalty/legal action like forfeiture of EMD, blacklisting. If demonstration / testing of
equipment offered by bidder is found to be non-satisfactory, then his offer will not
be considered.
The demonstration of equipment should be attended by empanelled members as
decided by Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Central Store from members
empanelled by PCMC. The video recording of the demonstration shall be
mandatorily done. Soft copy of the Video Recording shall be handed over to the
representative of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Central Store who
witnessed the demonstration. Arrangement of Video Recording shall be done by the
bidder at their own cost. The demonstration report shall be prepared on same day
and signed by all present including representatives of bidder and the report of the
demonstration should be scanned and mailed to Central Store Department, Pimpri
Chinchwad Municipal Corporation and Medical Department, Pimpri Chinchwad
Municipal Corporation on his / her office mail I.D. on the same day.
It is responsibility of successful bidder to operate, commission CSSD for 4 full days
with all requisite consumables. Successful bidder has to demonstrate functionality of
entire system by deploying their own staff for 4 full days including all consumables
and delivering finished products as per specifications.
8. Training: - The successful bidder shall have to give sufficient training at their cost
to the staffs of the Hospital and Engineers of concern institute to operate the Medical
Equipment. Also it shall be provided as and when required if asked by user
The successful bidder will have to pay a security deposit of an amount equivalent to
5% of the cost of the project offered. Security deposit shall consist of EMD of 1%
and balance 4% to be furnished in the form of bank guarantee from any
Nationalized/scheduled bank in India, prior to signing of the agreement.
2% of the Security deposit will be refunded after completion of warranty period and
balance 3% to be paid after completion of CMC period of 5 years after completion
of warranty period.
9. The successful bidder should enter into a Tripartite contract agreement (PCMC,
Bidder & Manufacturer) for all CSSD equipment.
10. The overall scope of work shall be completed by the bidder within 480 days from the
date of signing of work order. Any extension, if required due to delay in delivery on
accord of unavoidable circumstances, shall be provided after approval of Deputy
Commissioner, Central Store Department, PCMC
11. Penalty on late delivery:- In the event of the delay of the completion of the project,
the purchaser will recover from contractor by way penalty, a sum equal to Rs.
20000/- per day of delay calculated from the next day after the agreed completion
period is over.
12. Consequences of inferior supply: - If the equipment supplied is found of inferior
quality or not as per specifications, the contractor shall replace the equipment within
one month from the date of intimation at the cost & risk of the contractor and also
liable to pay the fine imposed by PCMC, failing which Earnest Money Deposit &
Security Deposit of the contractor shall be forfeited and the bidder shall be liable for
penal action including black-listing etc. In addition to the forfeiture of the Earnest

Money Deposit & Security Deposit, if any fine is imposed by PCMC the same shall
be recovered from other dues to the contractor from –his bills payable.
13. Replacement of Rejected materials: - Bidder / Contractor shall have to replace
rejected material with approved one. The supplier shall remove the rejected material
within 15 days failing which the same will be disposed off by consignee at the risk
and cost of contractor without any further correspondence in this regard.
It will be mandatory to replace the disassembled or faulty equipment within 5 days
in good condition. In case of non-delivery on time, levy will be charged as
mentioned in clause 18.
14. Risk & Cost Purchase: - In case the Contractor/s, shall at any time during the
continuance of these presents fails to supply satisfactorily the equipment within the
prescribed time as herein provided and or in case shall fail to replace any part/s that
may have been rejected with other of approved quality, the consignee shall be at
liberty forthwith to procure the same in the open market at the risk and cost of the
contractor/s. Similarly if the work underlying the contract is not executed
satisfactorily within the stipulated period or after the same having been disapproved
wholly or partly is not rectified or re-done to the satisfaction of the Officer in Charge
within the said specific period, the consignee shall get the same executed or rectified
or re-done through any other agencies, at the entire risk of the supplier and expenses
thereby incurred, shall be payable by the supplier and / or may be deducted from any
moneys due or become due to the contractor/s and the consignee may, however fix
such other subsequent date as he may think fit by which the delivery of the said
article and or execution of the said work shall be completed.
15. Blacklisting: - The firm shall be black-listed, if it is found that:-
a. Forged documents are submitted OR
b. If it becomes responsive on the basis of submission of bogus certificate /
c. In case of non-supply of equipment / accessories or supply of substandard
quality or supply of equipment / accessories found to have been previously used
or having reconditioned parts.
16. Warranty Period :- (including supply of spares).
The warranty period shall be for 3 years from the date of commissioning for the
whole turnkey project executed by the consignee.
The successful bidder must ensure 95% uptime during warranty period. In case of
downtime, warranty period will be extended for period of downtime. If the
equipment is not attended within 24 hours, the supplier will be liable to pay a penalty
of 0.07% of purchase cost of concerned equipment for every day of delay.
Downtime shall be calculated annually and applicable penalties shall be deducted
from the security deposit. Certificate of such uptime / downtime issued by the end
user will be binding for the supplier.
Replacement of parts and service thereof due to manufacturing defects during
warranty period will be entirely at the supplier's cost. The expenditure incurred for
procurement of space, transport, installation, commissioning, and various duties
shall be borne by the supplier.

17. Annual Maintenance Contract (For rendering services) /Comprehensive
Annual Maintenance Contract:-
The equipment, furniture, fittings shall be under AMC/CMC in accordance to the
Annexure X. The AMC shall be @0.5% per year of the cost of the
machinery/Equipment (excluding taxes). Where required, bidder will have to agree
for Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) inclusive of all spares @ 5% of
the cost (excluding taxes) of the equipment per year. The period of such AMC /
CMC will be of 5 years after completion of 3 years warranty period. In case of non-
compliance of AMC/CMC the supplier will be liable to pay a penalty as per penalty
clause mentioned in the above clause no. 17 for warranty. Such penalty shall be
recovered from the amount of bank guarantee submitted. Payment for AMC/CMC
on yearly basis will be made by PCMC, at the end of year after satisfactory
performance report from the end user.
It will be bidder’s responsibility to carry out inspection under AMC/CMC in every
quarter and a detailed inspection report must be submitted post inspection.
18. Payment:-
a. The selected bidder shall be awarded work orders in the sequential manner with
work order equivalent to project cost (as quoted by the selected bidder) for each
project (hospital). The selected bidder shall submit the Performance Bank Guarantee
(PBG) equivalent to 5% of the work order value. At the time of implementation of
the project at first hospital in accordance with the issued work order, the PBG shall
be adjusted against the submitted EMD and balance amount (if applicable) shall be
deposited by the bidder before commencement of the project.
b. Performance Bank Guarantee for the subsequent projects (hospitals) shall be 5% of
the work order value.
c. For each project, payment of 70% amount of the materials delivered and accepted
after inspection by PCMC, shall be paid after submission of actual invoice of the
material on every delivery and the balance amount shall be paid after successful
installation and satisfactory commissioning and operation of the project as per the
issued work order within 8 weeks after submission of invoice. It is recommended
that the successful bidder shall raise invoice equivalent to minimum 10% of the
work order value.
d. 2% of the Performance Bank Guarantee of the specific project will be refunded after
completion of warranty period and balance 3% to be paid after completion of CMC
period of 5 years after completion of warranty period.
19. Third Party Inspection and issue of subsequent work orders :-
a. The Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation has authority to appoint third party
inspection. The cost of third party inspection shall be borne by the PCMC.
b. On satisfactory evaluation of the project execution, the subsequent new work orders
shall be further issued to the bidder with no price escalation. i.e. the subsequent work
orders shall be issued at the price quoted by the bidder in their commercial bid
without any changes. This project will be valid for 2 years.
c. The Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation reserves the right to deny or extend
any further award of work order.
20. The bidder should install the equipment in the concerned department of the
institution, give demonstration free of cost and train the staff of the department
(number as specified by the user.)It will be bidder’s responsibility to transfer the
existing CSSD equipment and install the same at the designated space provided by
PCMC. Bidder must ensure that the existing CSSD operation doesn’t get disturbed
during the execution of the turnkey project.
21. The Bidders are not allowed to quote for equipment's / components of lesser
specification (in quality or thickness of material) as specified in specifications Lower
specification/deviation from tender specification shall lead to rejection of bid
straightaway Latest models which fulfil this tender's specifications must be quoted
22. Bidder shall be responsible for carrying out required dismantling/demolishing works
for construction of CSSD as per layout plan approved by the institute/Hospital The
dismantling works may include demolition of existing walls, doors, windows, false
calling, wall tiles, floor tiles electrical installations, sanitary installations, plumbing
installations etc. The disposal of scrap /waste due to dismantling and during the
construction of CSSD, at a site as suggested by the Institute/Hospital is the
responsibility of the bidder
23. Bidder shall conduct quarterly routine inspections of CSSD equipment under
CMC/AMC and submit the annual report for processing of CMC/AMC payment for
that year.
24. Complaint/s :-
If any bidder has a complaint against any process, decision etc. then the complainant
has to give a written complaint within 10 days of such a decision or any other
grievance to the Deputy Commissioner, Central Store, PCMC to review such a
decision or grievance and mention clearly his grievance, provided that after
declaration of successful bidder only those bidders who have participated in tender
process can lodge a complaint also if technical bid is opened and before opening of
commercial bid only those bidders who have been declared as technically qualified
can lodge their grievance.
If the complainant is not satisfied with decision of Deputy Commissioner, Central
Store, PCMC he can appeal against this decision before Municipal Commissioner
within 15 days in writing.
25. Indemnity:
The Bidder is expected to carry out its Assignment with due diligence and in
accordance with the prevailing standards of the profession. The Bidder shall
indemnify, the Client against all, losses or damages arising out of Bidder’s failure to
perform its obligation, during providing/ performing the Services under the Contract.
It is bidder’s responsibility to take care of the material procured. Client shall not be
held accountable for any loss, theft or damage of the material procured by the bidder.
The Bidder shall indemnify the Client and shall hold the Client harmless from any
claims by any Third Party against the Client for adopting the Bidder’s reports,
certification and recommendation and use of other intellectual property supplied by
the Bidder under the Contract. The Bidder shall indemnify Client under or in
connection with the Assignment under the contract whether for breach of
obligations, tort, negligence or otherwise howsoever arising, which shall not exceed
total amount of the Consultancy Fee.
26. Jurisdiction of the Courts :-
In case of any claim, dispute or differences arising in respect of tender, the cause of
action shall be deemed to have arisen in Pune and all legal proceedings in respect of
any such claim, dispute or difference shall be instituted in a Competent Court in the
city of Pune.

27. Affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/- stating that the rates
quoted in the tender are not higher than D P C O, N P P A or not Higher than
MRP” to be submitted to this office along with proof of online paid tender fees
& EMD. (To be submitted to this office)
28. "Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/-regarding the firm has not
been found guilty of malpractices, misconduct or blacklisted/debarred for the
quoted product by Public Health Department, Govt. of Maharashtra or by any
local authority and other State Government/Central Government's
organizations as on the date of submission tender document for the quoted
items." (To be submitted to this office)
28 Force Majeure:
28.1 For purposes of this Clause, 'Force Majeure' means an event beyond the
control of the Supplier and not involving the Supplier's fault negligence
and not. Such events may include, but are not limited to, acts of the
Purchaser either in its sovereign contractual capacity, wars or revolutions,
fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine and freight embargoes.

28.2 If a Force Majeure situation arises at any time during the subsistence of
contract, the Supplier shall promptly but not later than 30 days notify the
Purchaser in writing of such conditions and the cause thereof. Unless
otherwise directed by the Purchaser in writing, the Supplier shall continue
to perform its obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably
practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance
not prevented by the Force Majeure event.
28.3 Force Majeure will be accepted on adequate proof thereof.
28.4 If contingency continues beyond 30 days, both parties will mutually discuss
and decide the course of action to be adopted. Even otherwise contingency
continues beyond 60 days then the purchaser may consider for termination
of the contract on pro-rata basis.
All the terms and conditions of tender, contract and supply etc. are binding on the
bidders as well as the information provided by the authorities.
The decision of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Central Store
Department will be final and binding. Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation,
Central Store Department reserves the rights to reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reason.
I have read all the terms and conditions of the tender carefully and I agree to
abide by them.

Signature of Bidder with Seal



Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation

List of Annexure

Annexure No. Description

Annex No. I : Proforma to be submitted along-with Technical Bid

Annex No. II : Manufacturer Authorization Letter

Annex No. III : Technical Compliance Chart

Annex No. IV : User List of Quoted Model

Annex No. V : Detail of Products supplied in the state of Maharashtra/India in last


Annex No. VI : Details of After Sales Service Station

Annex No. VII : Terms & Condition Acceptance Certificate

Annex No. VIII : Consortium Agreement

Annexure IX : Proforma of Commercial Bid

Annex No. X : Technical Specification.

Annex No. XI : Consignee List.

Annex No. XII : Proforma of Affidavit

Annex No. XIII : Proforma of Affidavit

Annex No. XIV : Power of Attorney

Annex No. XV : Format for Affidavit

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)
(on Bidder’s Letterhead)

1 Name and address of the firm :-

2 Registered Head Office Postal address :-

3 Telephone No., FAX & E-Mail :- :-

4 In case of proprietorship / Partnership firms, names of proprietors / partners/ Directors

with address and percentage of share

5 Ownership status of the firm

(State Govt. / Central Govt./Jt. Sector /co - operative /SSI /Private)

6 Whether tendering as a manufacturer / importer

7 Name of the person & Phone no. who should be contacted by this office in case of
any urgent problem.

8 Full Address with Email ID, Phone Numbers and Location of Original
manufacturing work/factory/factories :

I / we hereby declare that particulars furnished above are true to the best of my /our knowledge
and belief and that if any of the particulars is found to be materially incorrect / misleading, my
/our tender shall be rejected and I / we are liable for penal action as per terms specified in the "
term and conditions of tender”.

Date :-

Full Signature of the bidder with official seal and address

ANNEXURE II (Only for Imported Item)
(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

Manufacturer's Letter Head

Ref :- Date :-
The Commissioner
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Maharashtra, Pune

Dear Sir,
I/We the undersigned who is/are authorized signatory/signatories of the Manufacturing
(Name & complete address)
Firm M/s.……………………… ………………Country of Origin….......
(Name & complete
…. do hereby authorise “exclusively”

M/s…………………………………………………………. to quote rates/collect the

orders/raise the bills for the items manufactured by me/us under the Tender No.


I/We have gone through all the terms and conditions and read important instructions of

the tender and will be binding on me.

We hereby confirm that all after sale services of our product supplied will be

provided by us or importer.

Authorized Signature
with Stamp and Seal

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

Technical Compliance Chart

(On Bidder’s Letterhead)

Name of the Project: CSSD Turnkey Project

Sr Tender Equivalent Whether the tender If the tender quoted is

No specifications as specifications quoted by the supplier not as per specifications
asked in the quoted by the is as per specifications then variations/
tender form tendered with the asked for. Indicate deviations should be
name of the against each item clearly indicated against
manufacturer clearly YES / NO. each item asked for.
1 2 3 4 5

Note: Equivalent detail compliance in column 3 of quoted product is expected. Simply writing
Yes/ NO/ Complies/ as per tender requirements, will be liable for rejection.

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

User List of Quoted Model

(On Bidder’s Letterhead)
Name of the Equipment/Instrument:-

Sr. Model No. Name and Authorized Tel., Fax & Date of Supply
No. Address of Contact Mobile No.
Institute Person with Email-ID
1 2 3 4 5 6

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

Detail of Products supplied in last 03 years.

(On Bidder’s Letterhead)

Specify how much quantity of products was supplied in Maharashtra/India in the last Three
years as shown below (use separate sheet if necessary).
Name of the Quantity of Amount of Name of the institute to
Equipment supply business Rs. whom supply is made
1 2 3 4

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)
Details of After Sales Service Station
(On Bidder’s Letterhead)
Name of the Equipment/Instrument:-

Contact Numbers with STD code

Sr. Name of the Full Address Contact Person
No. Agency with Pin code Name Tel (Off) Mobile No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

(On Bidder’s Letterhead)

Terms & Condition Acceptance Certificate

Ref: - Date :-

The Commissioner
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Maharashtra, Pune

Ref:- Tender Document No _____________________ Date__________

Respected Sir,
I /We the undersigned have examined the above mentioned Tender Enquiry document,
including Amendment / Corrigendum No.________________ Dt__________ (if any), the
receipt of which is hereby confirmed.
If our tender is accepted, we undertake to supply the goods & perform the services as
mentioned in Tender Enquiry Document in accordance with the delivery schedule.
We further understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you
may receive against your tender enquiry.
We confirm that we fully agree to the terms and conditions specified in above
mentioned Tender Enquiry document including Amendment / Corrigendum if any.

Sign and Office seal of the Bidder


Format of Consortium Agreement to be entered amongst all Members of a bidding Consortium

[To be on non-judicial stamp paper of Rupees One Hundred Only (INR 100/-) or appropriate
value as per Stamp Act relevant to place of execution, duly signed on each page. Foreign
entities submitting Bid are required to follow the applicable law in their country.]


M/s. .........................................., M/s. .........................................., AND
.......................................... for bidding for Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation’s
Tender for “
” (TENDER NOTICE No. -----/----/-----/ / ) (hereinafter referred to as the

THIS Consortium Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”) executed on this

.......... [date]
day of .......... [month], .......... [year]

1. M/s. .........................................., a company incorporated under the laws of

.................... and having its Registered Office at ..........................................,
(hereinafter called the "Party 1,” which expression shall include its successors,
executors and permitted assigns);

2. M/s. .........................................., a company incorporated under the laws of

.................... and having its Registered Office at ..........................................,
(hereinafter called the "Party 2,” which expression shall include its successors,
executors and permitted assigns);

for the purpose of submitting the Bid in response to the Tender and in the event of selection
as Selected Bidder to comply with the requirements as specified in the Tender and ensure
execution of the Tender’s Scope of Work as may be required to be entered into with PCMC.

Party 1 and Party 2 are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Parties” and individually
as a “Party”.

WHEREAS the Tender stipulates that the Bidders qualifying on the strength of a Bidding
Consortium shall submit a legally enforceable Consortium Agreement in a format
specified in the Tender, whereby each Consortium Member undertakes to be liable for its

Roles and Responsibilities, provide necessary guarantees and pay required fees as required as
per the provisions of the Tender, as specified herein.

WHEREAS any capitalized term in this Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed to such
term in the Tender document.


In consideration of the above premises and agreement all the Parties in this Consortium do
hereby mutually agree as follows:

1. In consideration of the selection of the Consortium as the Bidding Consortium by

PCMC, we the Members of the Consortium and Parties to the Consortium Agreement
do hereby unequivocally agree that M/s. .......................................................... [Insert
name of the Lead Member], shall act as the Lead Member for self and agent for
and on behalf of M/s.
.......................................... and M/s. .......................................... [the names of all the
Members of the Consortium to be filled in here].

2. The Lead Member is hereby authorized by the Members of Consortium and Parties
to the Consortium Agreement to bind the Consortium and receive instructions for and
on behalf of all Members. The Roles and Responsibilities of all other members shall
be as per the Annexure to this Agreement.

3. The Lead Member shall be liable and responsible for ensuring the individual and
collective commitment of each of the Members of the Consortium in discharging all
their respective Roles and Responsibilities. Each Consortium Member further
undertakes to be individually liable for the performance of its part of the Roles and
Responsibilities without in any way limiting the scope of collective liability envisaged
in this Agreement in order to meet the requirements and obligations of the Tender.

4. In case of any breach of any of the commitment as specified under this Agreement by
any of the Consortium Members, the Lead Members of the Consortium shall be liable
to meet the obligations under the Tender.

5. Except as specified in the Agreement, it is agreed that sharing of responsibilities as

aforesaid and obligations thereto shall not in any way be a limitation of responsibility
of the Lead Member under these presents.

6. This Consortium Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the
Laws of India and Courts at Pune alone shall have the exclusive jurisdiction in all
matters relating thereto and arising there under.

7. It is hereby agreed that the Lead Consortium Member shall furnish the Bid
Security, as stipulated in the Tender, on behalf of the Bidding Consortium.

8. It is hereby agreed that in case of selection of Bidding Consortium as the
Project Implementing Consortium, the Parties to this Consortium Agreement do
hereby agree that they shall furnish the Performance Guarantee and other
commitments to PCMC as stipulated in the Tender. The Lead Member shall be
responsible for ensuring the submission of the Performance Guarantee and other
commitments on behalf of all the Consortium Members.

9. It is further expressly agreed that the Consortium Agreement shall be irrevocable

and, for the Project Implementing Consortium, shall remain valid over the term of the
Project, unless expressly agreed to the contrary by PCMC.

10. The Lead Member is authorized and shall be fully responsible for the accuracy and
veracity of the representations and information submitted by the Consortium Members
respectively from time to time in response to the Tender for the purposes of the Bid.

11. It is expressly understood and agreed between the Members of the Consortium and
Parties that the responsibilities and obligations of each of the Members shall be as
delineated as annexed hereto as Annexure forming integral part of this Agreement. It
is further agreed by the Members that the above sharing of responsibilities and
obligations shall not in any way be a limitation of joint and several responsibilities
and liabilities of the Members, with regards to all matters relating to the execution
of the Bid and implementation of the Project envisaged in the Tender.

12. It is hereby expressly agreed between the Parties to this Consortium Agreement that
neither Party shall assign or delegate or subcontract its rights, duties or
obligations under this Agreement except with prior written consent of PCMC.

13. This Consortium agreement:

a. has been duly executed and delivered on behalf of each Party hereto and
constitutes the legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligation of each such Party;
b. sets forth the entire understanding of the Parties hereto with respect to the
subject matter hereof; and
c. may not be amended or modified except in writing signed by each of the
Parties and with prior written consent of PCMC.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties to the Consortium Agreement have, through PCMC,
executed these presents and affixed common seals of their respective companies on the Day,
Month and Year first mentioned above.

1. For M/s. ..........................................................

(Party 1)

[Signature of Authorized Representative]

…………………….. [Name of
Authorized Representative]
[Designation of Authorized

Witness 1: Witness 2:

[Signature of Witness 1] [Signature of Witness 1]

………………………………………… ………………………………………………
………………………. ………………….

Name: Name:


2. For M/s. .......................................................... (Party 2)

[Signature of Authorized Representative]

…….. [Name of Authorized Representative]
[Designation of Authorized Representative]

Witness 1:

[Signature of Witness 1]

Name: Designation:

Witness 2:

[Signature of Witness 1]

Name: Designation:


(Notary Public)

. Date:

Annexure to the
Consortium Agreement

Role and Responsibility of each Member of the Consortium:

1. Roles and Responsibilities of the Party 1 (Lead Consortium Member):

2. Roles and Responsibilities of the Party 2

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)
Proforma of Commercial Bid

PRICE SCHEDULE FOR: ________/ CSSD Turnkey Project/2023-24

Item description Quantity Total cost (including all taxes) in Rs

1 2 3

CSSD Turnkey Project - New

Thergaon Hospital, Jagtap Nagar,
Nakhate Nagar, Thergaon, Pune,
CSSD Turnkey Project - Jijamata 01
Hospital Pimpri, Shastri Nagar,
Pimpri Colony, Pimpri-Chinchwad
CSSD Turnkey Project - Akurdi 01
PCMC Hospital, Shri Mhalsakant
Vidyalaya Rd, Akurdi, Pimpri-
CSSD Turnkey Project - New 01
Bhosari Hospital Gulve Vasahat,
Bhosari, Pimpri-Chinchwad
A- GRAND TOTAL (To be quoted by bidder)

Total tender price including all taxes (in words) _____________________________


1. The Bidder shall be selected based on the lowest cumulative quote (A-GRAND TOTAL)
2. The price should be quoted only in Indian currency

Signature of the Bidder

Business address

To be uploaded in the form of EXCEL ONLY


Technical Specification CSSD Turnkey Project

A Wash Area/Dirty Area

1 CSSD Washer Disinfector Chamber Qty:4 Imported

Volume 300-400 Litres Double door (l5Din Type of Maintenance
process capacity) Contract - CMC

a) The washer disinfector shall be suitable for cleaning and disinfection of

surgical instruments/goods/Robotic Instrument/Anesthesia equipment MIS
instruments. The process shall include prewash, detergent wash and hot water
disinfection, rinse and drying cyclers.
b) The unit shall be suitable for electrical operation and would be complete with
water circulation pump, necessary valves & fittings.
c) It should be microprocessor based double door washer to ensure correct
program sequence and display irregularities or deviations immediately.
d) Chamber Capacity: Chamber Volume should be approx. at least 300-400Lts. to
hold at least 15 Nos. of standard DIN trays with Five level rack to give ample
space between the racks for proper cleaning.
e) The circulation piping should be made Stainless-Steel construction quality with
electro polished washed surfaces. The wash chamber- should also be fitted with
bright light for clear visibility of the washing process. Chamber dimension
should suit the capacity.
f) Rotary spray assemblies are positioned (one at top and ono at bottom of
chamber, each measuring 24-3/8” (620 mm long) to reach all load surfaces.
g) Spray assemblies are easily removable without tools to aid in cleaning and
h) Providing complete coverage, longer spray arms with nozzle covering 120
degree ensuring no area is left untouched
i) If a power failure occurs, door can be opened manually, A door interlock
feature is provided to prevent cross contamination.
Wash Chamber:
Chamber is constructed of 16-gauge, 316L stainless steel (No. 4 finish), argon- welded and
polished, Chamber is of sanitary-type design (horizontal fixed surfaces are sloped,
overlapping metal sheets) for complete drain ability and to reduce hard- to-clean locations.
Washer should have following features:
a) For shortest possible filling and draining phases, higher capacity quick opening
valves should be used so that short total process time is achieved. The design
should focus on saving the environment through reduced consumption of all
utilities. The water consumption should not be more than 40-Gal water/Cycle.
b) Cleansable spray arms should be located at the top and bottom of the chamber.
c) Wash racks should be automatically connected to water and drying air in order
to clean and dry the inside of the lumen instrument
d) The drying air should be pre-heated.
e) The washer should be equipped with independent temperature monitoring.
f) All electrical components should be easily accessible for easy service
ergonomic design.
g) Washer should have a built-in self-cleaning debris filter.
h) The double doors (vertical slide) should have see-through glass window &
should facilitate the loading process.
i) The washer should have min 3 dosing pumps (detergent, alkaline & lubrication)
for process chemicals, instrument lubricants/enzymatic cleaners.
j) The use of icons for cycle selection helps the SPD technician understand the
different cycle options
k) Status lighting above the door gives indication of washer status:
i. White: Cycle in progress
ii. Green: Washer available
iii. Red: Needs attention
l) Washer should have Eight factory-loaded (Instruments, Orthopedic
Instruments, Utensils, Plastic Goods, Rigid M.I.S, anesthesia/Respiratory
Goods, Gentle and Decontamination) and 20 Custom cycles. Each cycle
effective, fast, energy efficient and may be customized (within allowed range of
parameters) to meet specific operating requirements
m) It should also support for the future requirement for the Robotic Instruments.
(Manufacture compatibility certificate must be provided)
n) Unit to have LCD Display of 8.4” and operating console with touch screen
display. The unit should feature safety measures such as
i. Automatic door sliding with lock and double door
ii. Automatic temperature regulation.
iii. Electronic adjustment of water level
o) The unit should also have an interface standard for a batch printer. The unit
should have also have USB port & unit should restore the cycle memory for up
to 300 cycles. The washer disinfector shall be supplied with universal rack, 5
level racks for instrument tray, full size instrument tray.
p) It should have shortest 27 min cycle or better time with 15 standard DIN tray
process capacity & in 1 hour it should process 30 standard DIN trays.
q) The necessary quantity of 15 DIN trays should be provided as standard supply
for functional purpose with each unit.
r) The Five-level rack should be given along with the washer with 2 hose at each
level for flushing lumen instruments. MIS Rack should be provided.
s) Sump constructed of 316 L and capacity of 34 1 and more with stainless steel
t) Stainless pump should be powered by dual speed motor: High pump (14 HP)
and low pump (3.5HP)
u) Drying system should include 3 hp or more capacity blower and three electric
heaters totaling 11.8Kw
v) Consumable 5 liter each of alkaline and Enzymatic & Lubrication solution
should be provided with each unit
a) CAN/ CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1, Second Edition UL 61010-1, Second Edition
b) CAN/ CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-2-040, First Edition: 2007 UL 61010-1:2005

c) Medical devices Directive 93/42/EEC as amended by 2007/47/EC EN/IEC
61010-1: Second Edition; EN/IEC 61321-1:2005;
d) EN/IEC 61010-2-040:2005
e) EN ISO 15883-1:2006 Washer-disinfectors-General Requirements, Definitions
and Tests
f) EN ISO 15883-2:2006
g) US FDA Certified

2 Wash Station with 2 Sinks Qty: 8 Indigenous

Type of
Contract - AMC

The work top should be made of solid, bright-polished stainless steel SS304 of minimum
sheet thickness of 1.5 mm to with stand heavy-duty work with wet instruments and
delivered ready for assembly in accordance with the following specifications.
a) Designed with an integrated 10 mm high edge at the front and sides, and a60
mm high edge (splash back) at the rear.
b) The front and side edges are welded together and polished at the corners.
c) The work top should slope to the sink, and should be reinforced by a full-
length support frame
d) The support frame should be a complete assembly with the front, back and end
welded together at the comers.
e) Corners should be curved to a 65 mm radius for easy cleaning.
f) All standard sink units are of sizes that also allow processing of the large
modular instrument trays (of size L450 x W340 xD70 mm).
g) Sink units are 600 mm long and 400 mm wide and 300 deep.
h) The legs should be able to provide strong up port and hold the entire unit
securely. The sink should include a drain valve, removable strainer, manually
operated drain-valve, overflow drain pipe and water trap. The table shall also
include a mixing faucet with swivel spout, for cold and hot water connection

3 Soiled instrument receiving Qty: 4; 1500L x 600W x 900H Indigenous

table mm
Type of
Contract - AMC

a) Stainless steel tables specially designed for work with dry and wet goods
(heavy-duty sorting of wire baskets and containers and work with dry/wet
goods, inspection, and packing various sets of surgical instruments in trays) and
for general purpose pre- storage.
b) The worktables should have a rigid stainless steel construction which is easy to
clean and without sharp edges or corners.
c) The worktop should be supported by a complete assembly with full-length
reinforcements along the front, back and ends, welded tighter at the corners
d) The support frame has to be mounted on a solid, stable floor stand, made of
polished stainless-steel square tubing, with horizontal braces 300 mm above
floor level. An adjustable (+ 25 mm) plastic foot, easy to clean, is amounted on
each leg.
e) Delivered ready for assembly.
f) All edges should be smooth, and the rigid frame should be made up of
minimum 1.5 mm sheet thickness stainless steel (304)
g) There should be unobstructed access to the working space, since the only
supports needed along the front of the table are the corner legs. This also
facilitates cleaning of floors.

4. Spray Gun Rinser Qty: 8 Imported or

Type of
Contract - CMC

a) Spray gun rinse unit should bed signed for connection to water or compressed
air, to use for assisted cleaning of pipettes, catheters, cannulas, syringes etc.
b) The spray-gun should include tubing and different tips and nozzles for the
various cleaning purposes.

5. Wall Mounted Cabinet Qty: 4; 1100L x 400D Indigenous

x 400H mm
Type of
Contract - AMC

a) Wall mounted cabinet fabricated should be made of electro-polished heavy-duty in

SS 304 matt finish with single wall construction and hinge openable doors and one
fixed shelf in the center.

B Pre and Pack Area ( Clean Area )

6 Horizontal Sterilizer Chamber Volume- 700 Qty: 4 Imported

Litres or more Double door hinged/Vertical
Type of Maintenance
sliding (10 STU and More)
Contract - CMC

a) Microprocessor/PLC controlled steam under pressure, free standing

b) sterilizer/autoclave having double jacketed rectangular 316L grade St. Steel chamber
or better.
c) Size: 700 Liters. Capacity per cycle should be at least 10 STU or more in one cycle.
d) The Sterilizer should have adjustable cycle time which should be less than 60
e) Should have pneumatically/electrically operated vertical sliding/Hinged Door Double
Door (constructed of 316L or better)
f) Should have durable non lubricated steam activated door seal on both the doors.
g) Sterilizer should be able to perform Bowie & Dick test and vacuum leak test.
Sterilizer should have fully automatic operation with multiple cycle selection as well
as & drying phase. The audio as well as visual indication should be provided after the
completion of each cycle.
h) Sterilizer should be equipped with pre-programmed cycle.
i) 134 degree C pre-vacuum wrapped instruments/porous Load, Rigid
j) 121 deg C rubber, plastic, heat sensitive material, rigid container, porous load, 121
deg liquid cycle.
k) Bowie & Dick
l) Leak test
m) All these cycles should be pre feed into the control system and should be validated as
n) Sterilizer should have electronic water saving control function included- which
should have condenser, condensing the exhaust chamber steam to acceptable temp. as
i< i environmental favorable good practices as well as excellent drain system
preventing pollutants to enter water supply Sterilizer should have touch sensitive 4
LED/LCD controls with battery back-up and digital thermal printer as standard for
records keeping.
o) Sterilizer should have inbuilt vacuum pump for creating pre vacuum before
sterilization phase as well as post sterilization drying phase. It should have the
bacteria retentive filter Or Hepa Filter Sterilizer should be supplied along with
Steam Generator with 70 Kw or more capacity for faster cycle. Steam generator
should be in build or stand- alone unit. The sterilizer should have any in build
/standa1one steam generator of adequate capacity it should be mounted under the
chamber/standalone separate generator should be made of SS 316 L/carbon steel
the steam generator should have insulation of minimum 30-50 m thick chloride
free mineral wool with rigid aluminum steel housing
p) Sterilizer should have safety features such as pressure relief safety valve,
chamber float switch in case of excess condensate accumulation in the chamber,
door safety in case of door obstruction etc.
q) Quality steam i.e. condensate free, 97 to 100% saturated vapor complete with
piping; valves and pressure relief etc. delivery at 50 to 80 psig pressure.
Importantly to ensure only steam enters in the chamber, both jacket & chamber
should have independent steam supply lines.
r) The panel should include various pressure & temperature display for depiction of
actual pressure/ temperature in chamber, jacket.
s) Water consumption should be low & features like electronic water saving
controls should be provided.
t) Piping should be made of stainless steel/ Copper or Better material quality, all the
process wall should be stainless steel or copper or better should be
pneumatically/electrical operated piston valves for longer trouble free operation.
u) Electrical Service-380 to 440 V, 50 Hz, 3phase
v) The supplier should do the complete onsite stainless-steel paneling to all the
sterilizers one the side.
w) Sterilizer units should be supplied with the following consumables. (Consumable
approved by EN 285 or USFDA)
x) Bowie Dick Test packs-200 Test packs-200 Test pack (To test autoclave
integrity) Chemical indicator strip- 600 strips,
y) Chemical Indicators tape-10 tapes, Rapid Biological indicators-200 BI.
z) Rapid Incubators: 1 result with 40 Minute
aa) The manufacturing firm should have spares availability in India and must have
direct operations in India with own trained service engineers to ensure service
bb) Imported Accessories to include S.S. Loading Carriage (qty. lx 2) & transfer
Carriages (Qty.: 2x2)

dd) Standard: Conforming to ANSIAAMI ST8 American national standard USFDA
ee) ASME Pressure Vessel and others e.g. UL-61010/CE/CSA etc. ANSI/UL 61010-1
standard for electric equipment: general requirement TUV /PED Pressure equipment
Directive 2014
ff) Quality Managements ISO 13485: 2016.

7 Low Temperature H202 Sterilizer Qty: 4 Imported

Single Door(Usable volume 110 L
Type of
and more)
Contract - CMC

Low Temperature Sterilization System using Hydrogen Peroxide is intended for use in
the terminal sterilization of properly prepared (cleaned, rinsed and dried) reusable metal
and nonmetal medical devices used in healthcare facilities. It includes exposing an
article to be sterilized to a H2O2 gas mixture. The exposure of the article to hydrogen
peroxide is carried out at an adequate pressure and a chamber temperature of not more
than 50-degree C during the entire cycle time. The system should be compatible with
medical devices like flexible endoscopes, rigid endoscopes, lumen, non-lumen, metal,
non-metal, heat and moisture sensitive instruments etc.
a) The Sterilizer should use Low Temperature H2O2 Gas for sterilization which
Should have Chamber temperature not exceeding 50 Deg at all the time during
the cycle.
b) Sterilizer should require only electrical connection as a utility, it should not
require any plumbing.
c) The offered model should be latest in the market and top in line in the series. Old
model in presence of new similar model not to be quoted Nor Old model with
software upgrade to be quoted. The quoted model should have load conditioning
phase or moisture detection phase prior to sterilization cycle to reduce cycle abort
d) The sterilant phase should follow the moisture detection phase so the sterilant is
not wasted in case of cycle aborts due to moisture.
e) The chamber should be rectangular in shape with total usable volume of 110Ltr
or more.
f) The chamber includes at least two shelves to felicitate maximum loading.
Equipment should be supplied with 2 No of trays.
g) The System should have suitable technology to convert / break H2O2 to
environmentally suitable by product such as water & O2 at the end of each cycle.
h) The display panel of the system should be at least 5” with high resolution which
essentially should show all the cycle parameters including sterilant usage &
i) The System should have suitable cycles for various medical devices such as
flexible endoscopes, rigid endoscopes, lumen, non-lumen, metal, non-metal, heat
and moisture sensitive instruments including Da Vinci robotic instruments.
Robotic equipment’s validation and compatibility should be with the offered
model (letter to be submitted)
j) The System should have three dedicated cycles for the following.
i. Non lumen cycle (not more than 30min)
ii. Flexible cycle (not more than 40min)
iii. Lumen Cycle (not more than 60 min
k) In addition, the equipment should also have a faster cycle for terminal
sterilization of non-lumen pouched devices or pouched tray within 16 min. The
approved weight should be 5 kg or more.
l) Should be able to sterilize rigid stainless steel lumened instruments with inside
diameter that is ≥ 0.77 mm internal diameter (ID) and ≤ 500 mm in length. 510 K
should be provided to validate the same.
m) Should be able to sterilize double channel rigid lumened instruments with
diameter ≥ 0.77 mm ID and ≤ 527 mm in length & Triple Channel Rigid lumened
instruments with inside diameter of ≥ 1.2 mm ID and ≤ 275 mm in length.
Equipment should have capability to sterilize 20 lumens per load or more
(19lbs).510 K should be provided to validate the same.
n) Should be able to sterilize flexible lumened instruments with a single lumen that
is ≥ 1 mm ID and ≤ 1050 mm in length
o) or two lumens with:
i. one lumen that is ≥ 1 mm ID and ≤ 990 mm in length
ii. and the other lumen that is ≥ 1 mm ID and ≤ 850 mm in length.
p) Equipment should have load capability to sterilize two flexible scope or one
flexible scope and additional load of 24lbs. 510 K should be provided to validate
the same.
q) The equipment should have load capability of 50lbs or better for non- lumen
load.510 K should be provided to validate the same.
r) Sterilant should be in a cassette/bottle/cup with hydrogen peroxide concentration
more than or equal to 59 % and the same concentration to be maintained during
the sterilization cycle.
s) The container should contain enough sterilant for 12 or more cycles. It should be
stored at room temperature (25-30-degree C). RFID technology should be
available on sterilant cups or bottle to notify of remaining sterilant and cup
expiration to help reduce waste.
t) For any kind of Load, the overall cycle time should not be more than 60 min with
full load capacity in the chamber.
u) The system Should be able to document cycle parameters on inbuilt printer and
have a disposable cycle for expired sterilant if any.
v) The system should be equipped with required safety features. The door opening
should be controlled by dynamic, electromagnetic & Electronic device and it
should open only with atmospheric pressure in the chamber.
w) The sterilant should be in leak proof cup or cassette and as a safety feature no one
should have access to the sterilant once introduced in the machine or equipment.
x) The sterilizer should be recommended by the IFUs (Information for use) of
reputed Device manufacturers of endoscopes, fiberscopes, telescopes & other
surgical instruments. Validation certificates of at least 3 reputed makers to be
attached (like /Olympus/Stryker/Karlstorz/Pentax). System should be mandatory
for robotic capabilities and separate robotic capability letter to be provided.
y) Lumen sterilization claims should be validated and endorsed by USFDA (510K)
and Equipment should be USFDA approved and Conformity European (CE) .
z) Sterilizer should be supplied with High-speed Incubation system with Biological
incubation result time within 60 min. The main equipment and incubator should
be of the same manufacturer.
aa) The system should have capability to store data of at-least 200 cycles.
bb) The following consumables list to be given free along with the equipment

S Description Qty

1 H2O2 Sterilant 90 cycles

2 Biological Indicator (result within 50 BI

60 min)

3 Trays (25 x 11.75 x 4.5 cm) 2 unit

4 Tyvek paper 75 MM X70 M 5 Reel

5 Tyvek paper 150 MM X 70 M 5 Reel

6 Chemical Indicator Strip 600 unit

7 Chemical Indicator tape 6 unit

cc) The quoted model should have hands-free loading Innovative foot pedal which
makes loading quick, safe and easy.
i. Manufacturer should have certification for quality standards
ii. Medical Device Directive (MDD) 2007/47/EC
iii. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Standard UL 61010-1 Second Edition
iv. Canadian Standards Association (CSA) CAN/CSA 22.2 No. 61010-1
Second Edition
v. EN 61010-1
vi. EN 301489-1, -3
vii. EN 14937
viii. IEC 61010-2-040
ix. ISO/EN 14937 – Sterilization of health care products -- General
requirements for characterization of a sterilizing agent and the
development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for
medical devices
x. USFDA approval and certificate to be provided.

8. Heat Sealing Machine Qty: 4 Imported or

Type of
Contract - CMC

a) Rotary heat sealers should provide validated sealing (as per DIN 58953T7 with
manufacturing certificate) of sterilization bags and clear-view pouches
(paper/plastic laminate).
b) These through feed-type sealers should be microprocessor-controlled for highest
capacity and ease of operation.
c) The rotary heat sealer should give documentation of process parameters via an
integrated printer which could be integrated with documentation system. There
should be provision of serial interface for PC (RS232).
d) The design should be tilted forward ergonomically for increased user
convenience and space-saving installation.
e) The sealer housing should be power-coated and the control panel should be of the
flat-membrane type, for easy cleaning.
f) It should be operationally simple. When a bag is fed in to one side of the
machine, the machine should start automatically or by pushing a button, moving
the bag through the machine, and applying pressure and heat to form a perfect
g) The warm-up time should not exceed 30 seconds, and the feed speed should be
approx. 10m/ min.
h) The temperature should be adjustable form 50-200°C with a tolerance of 1% of
the set value.
i) It should be regulated by a heating element that is highly sensitive to temperature
fluctuations, assuring even temperature and perfect seals.
j) It should offer a number of additional features, including:
i. Automatic set-up
ii. Energy-saving stand-by mode
iii. Pre-set temperatures
iv. Re-settable counter function
k) The rotary heat sealer should be equipped with a port and cable for connection of
the sealer to a PC and printer, enabling monitoring and documentation of the
entire process.
l) The sealer should have a protection mechanism against overheating and start
prevention at temperature deviations outside +/- 5°C tolerance.
m) The rotary heat sealer should be European CE or US FDA Certified or ISO

9. Worktable for Sealing Machine Qty: 4 Indigenous

Type of
Contract - AMC

a) Worktable for sealing machine with one under shelf and 3 drawers Size: 1500L x
600W x 900 H mm
b) MOC: SS 304 (thickness of 1.5mm for top & 1.2mm for standpipes) Stainless
steel tables specially designed for work with dry and wet goods- heavy duty
sorting of wire baskets and containers and work with dry/wet goods, inspection,
and packing various sets of surgical instruments in trays- and for general purpose
pre- storage.
c) The work tables should have a rigid stainless-steel construction which is easy to
clean and should be without sharp edges or corners.
d) The work top should be supported by a complete assembly with full- length
reinforcements along the front, back and ends, welded together at the corners.
The support frame has to be mounted on a solid, stable floor stand, made of
polished stainless-steel square tubing, with or izontalbraces 300 mm above floor
level. An adjustable (+ 25 mm) plastic foot, easy to clean, is mounted on each
e) All edges should be smooth, and the rigid frame should be made up of minimum
1.5 mm sheet thickness stainless steel (304).
f) There should be obstructed access to the working space, since the only supports
needed along the front of the table are the corner legs, this also facilitates
cleaning of floors. The table should be delivered ready for assembly.

10. Packing and Control Table two Qty: 8 Indigenous

wayworking with 2 shelves
Type of
Contract - AMC

This table should be specially designed for sorting, Inspection, functional control
and packing of various sets for wards, clinics, etc. And for surgical instruments sets in
trays. The table should allow to bed one comfortably, either sitting or standing.
a) The rigid frame should be made of stainless steel (304) and the work to pin SS
304 with sheet thickness of 1.5 mm
b) There should be unobstructed access to the working space, since the only support
needed along the front of the table are the corner legs. This also facilitates
cleaning of floors.
c) The single workplace table should have 700mm wide work top and a double
workplace should havel400mm work top.
d) The table should include a two-shelf console, mounted on the worktop, for
storage of packaging materials. The rigid supporting columns of the console
include 3 electrical outlets.
e) There should be a free space of 450mm between the lower shelf and the worktop,
and l50mm between the two shelves.
f) The table should have a drawer unit 9on both sides in the double model) mounted
under the worktop.
g) Each drawer unit should be 400 mm wide and include a drawer and a sliding
h) It Must be anti-rust.
i) Optional fluorescent tube fittings (Inspection lamp) may be provided

11 Linen folding and packing Table Qty: 12 Indigenous

Type of
Contract - AMC

The table should be specially designed for sorting, inspection (each piece of linen
can be moved over an illuminated inspection panel) and folding of surgical dressing
sets and individually packaged towels/gowns. The extended width also facilitates
work with large dressing sheets. Work can be carried out comfortably, either sitting or
a) The worktop should be made of a robust wood-based core material, surfaced with
plastic laminate in a soft white color that enhances the lighting for inspection of
b) The rigid frame should be made of stainless steel (304).
c) All edges of the worktop shall be smooth.
d) The top has a built-in opalescent (milky) plastic surface plate, l000x600mm,
illuminated from underneath by two 25 W fluorescent tubes located beneath the top
in a laminated recess.
e) The table has two electrical outlets (one on each side).
f) There should be unobstructed access to the working space, since the only supports
needed along the front of the table are the corner legs. This also facilitates cleaning of

12. Wrapping Sheet Stand Qty: 4 Indigenous

Type of
Contract - AMC

a) Wrapping sheet or SMS paper dispenser stand should be made of electro-polished

heavy-duty SS 304 (thickness of 1.2mm with 25mm round pipes for stand) of size:
1500x400x1800 (WDH) mm mounted on 4 lockable castors

13 Linen storage Rack Qty: 24 Indigenous

Type of
Contract - AMC

a) Linen storage rack in MOC: SS 304 (thickness of 1.2mm for shelves & 1.2mm for
stand pipes) of size 1500L x 450W x 1850H with 4 shelves, 3 side railing to avoid
linen from falling off the rack

14. Storage rack for instrument Qty: 4 Indigenous

storagewith sheet (5 shelves)
Type of Maintenance
Contract - AMC

a) Storage rack for instrument storage should be made of electro polished heavy duty
SS 304(thickness of 1.5mm for top & 2mm thick angle frame for support) of
size:1000 L x400W X 1850 H mm with five shelves at least 1.5mm in thickness


15 Storage rack floor mounted free Qty: 8 Indigenous

standing (l5baskets)
Type of
Contract - AMC

This specification holds good for both single and double basket storage racks tostore
wire baskets in sterile storage and / or as pre-storage of clean packed goods.
a) The rack should be designed as an open unit to promote aeration of sterilized goods
and to make inspection of stored goods as easy as possible. Baskets should be loaded
and unloaded by conveniently sliding them on rigid, horizontal guide-rails, consisting
of 40 & above x20 mm steel profiles.
b) The guide-rails are wedeled to a robust support column mounted on a rigid floor
c) The columns should be joined by support frames on top and below the base of the
d) To facilitate cleaning of the floor, the base should have a rigid construction that
minimizes the number of legs needed for support.
e) Each leg should have an adjustable foot (+25 mm)
f) The single rack should have a free-standing section that holds 5 baskets in each

16 SS modular sterilizing Wire baskets Qty: 120 Indigenous
Type of
Contract - AMC

It should be modular design with standard SPRI sizes and high precision and should be
designed for sterilizing/ processing as well as easy handling and management of the
supply, storage and distribution of re-circulated sterilized goods.
a) It should be self-drying alter disinfection in hot water (min +85°C )
b) Instrument trays should be sturdy, jig- welded trays maintain their size and shape
even if handled carelessly.
c) It should be both nest able and stackable there should be special wire support to help
making baskets both stackable (when the supports and folded into the basket) And
nest able 9when the supports are folded out)
d) The top frame should be designed such that it should serve as a handle grip easy
carrying even when heavily loaded.
e) There should be no sharp edges or wires.
f) The surfaces should be smooth to assure easy cleaning in a washer-disinfector. The
baskets should be made of electro- polished heavy duty stainless steel (304) and
should have a rigid bottom frame that gives space for airing between goods and work

17. Trolley for material transport packing area Qty: 24 Indigenous or

(closed transport trolley) imported
Type of
Contract - AMC

a) A trolley should be made of electro-polished heavy-duty SS 304 for sterile goods

handling where higher than normal dust protection is required, e.g. short transports
between hospital buildings. Suitable for handling baskets or containers with a total
capacity of 9 STU (1 STU = 600 x 300 300 mm) on three solid, removable shelves (3
x 3 STU).
b) Trolley should be fitted with large stainless-steel wheels (B 160 mm) for easier
c) Two fixed wheels and two swivel wheels with brakes.
d) The fully welded stainless-steel construction (minimum 18 gauges, 304) makes it
suitable for cabinet washers. The doors open 270° for easy access and cleaning.
e) Trolley should have lockable doors and should include handle bars

18 Pass Box with Ultra UV Light Qty: 8 Indigenousor

Type of
Contract - CMC

a) Pass Box should be made of electro-polished heavy-duty SS 304 with thickness

of 1.5mm of clear internal size: 600 x 600 x 600 mm with automatic interlocking
system and with UV light,

19 Instrument Tray Qty: 120 Indigenous

Type of
Contract - AMC

a) It should be modular design with standard sizes and high precision and should be
designed for use through all phases of instrument processing: washing and
disinfection (both manual and in an automatic washer-disinfector), ultrasonic
cleaning, inspection and packing, sterilization, storage, distribution and usage.
b) It should be self-drying after disinfection in hot water (min. +85°C)
c) Instrument trays should be sturdy, jig-welded trays maintain their size and shape
even if handled carelessly.
d) The tray is made of stainless steel (304) wire net, with a maximum mesh size of
6.5 mm and a wire diameter of 1.5mm. This design gives optimal cleaning results
and at the same time prevents instruments from penetrating the sides of the tray.
All cross-points in the network and vertical wires to top and bottom frames
should be point-welded. All free wire ends should be soft-polished to prevent
injury when handled.
e) The bottom wire construction should include a rigid, 3 mm diameter, stainless
steel (304) wire frame to provide space for airing between goods and work
surface and to allow use on roller, belt and chain conveyors.

20 RO Plant Qty: 4 Indigenous

Type of
Contract - CMC

a) Plant 1000 Liters per hour capacity

b) Should have stainless steel skid mounts for pre-treatments and RO unit. Should
have booster Pumps. Should have direct bypass valve and auto flush systems.
Should have thin film composite membrane of equivalent. Should have dry run
protection of pump. Should have automatic tank level control. Should have over
voltage and over current protection. Should have high efficiency reverse osmosis
c) Should have re-circulation pump provides instantaneous delivery flow. Should
have comprehensive micro-processor monitoring and control system.
d) CE/ISO Certified, Lab testing Reports.

a) SS Furniture sizes should be according to the site requirement.

21 Ultrasonic Cleaner 70 litre and more Qty: 2 Imported

(Single Chamber)
Type of Maintenance
Contract - CMC

a) Ultrasonic Cleaner should reduce the need for manual brushing and flushing of
instruments, reducing the risk of cross contamination to the CSSD personnel and
increasing patient safety. Designed and manufactured to meet all national and
international decontamination standards, the ultrasonic cleaner should improve
contaminated surgical instruments. productivity within the CSSD by reducing
manual handling of potentially
b) The equipment should have large chamber capacity of not less than 65 liters for
maximum instrument throughput, accommodates full DIN tray without
instrument decanting and auto tunes to get optimum performance by controlling

the frequency within the range of 36 to 40 KHz.
c) Intuitive drop lock' design, that creates a better carrier/chamber seal increasing
lumen flushing pressure.
d) The cleaner should be able to clean and process at least 40 MIS instruments or
general surgical instruments in one cycle
e) The ultrasonic cleaner should be able to process 40 cannulated instruments by sonic
irrigation and powered flushing of lumen
f) Construction with high grade 316 (tank), 304 (general construction) corrosion
resistant stainless steel with brushed finish
g) The System should achieve Thermal disinfection (AO 3000)
h) Achieve less than 5ug protein residual in a single cycle
i) Touch screen and New user-friendly control system
i. USB port connectivity
ii. HTM 01-01/EN ISO 15883 compliant
iii. AAMI TIR 30 & 12 compliant
j) Tray for 40 cannulated instruments to be given (Qty:2)
k) Tray for 4 kg instruments (Implants orthopedic instruments) to be given (Qty:1)
l) It should have provision to wash Da-Vinic Robotic instruments Da Vinci Robotic
instrument validation.
m) USFDA Certified


Type of Maintenance Contract - CMC



Inner Skin & outer Skin: IS15961-2012. JSW PRIME HOT
DIPAluminium-Zinc Alloy Metallic Coated Steel
20.5KW cooling Capacity Clean Room Grade Air conditioner


Inner Skin & Outer Skin: Is15961-2012. JSW PRIME HOT Air handling unit
DIP Aluminium-Zinc Alloy Metallic Coated Steel should be
according to the
30KW Cooling Capacity Clean Room Grade Air conditioner
site conditions
Inner Skin & outer Skin : IS15961-2012. JSW PRIME HOT
DIPAluminium-Zinc Alloy Metallic Coated Steel
39KW Cooling Capacity Clean Room Grade Air conditioner


Inner Skin & Outer Skin : IS15961-2012. JSW PRIME HOT

4 DIPAluminium-Zinc Alloy Metallic Coated Steel
54KW Cooling Capacity Clean Room Grade Air conditioner


Filter : separator less H-14 grade imported Media Miniplete
5 HEPA filter 99.99% Efficient-Gel seal type.
Housing Body : CRCA powder coated with 16 Gauge sheet, 18
S.S. perforated sheet

Volume control duct dampers

6 Scope : Supply of materials Aerofile extruded aluminium sections
with Nylone gear links.

Return air grills with collar dampers

7 Scope : Supply of material. Aerofile extruded aluminium sections
withcollar dampers / S.S Perforated sheet with collar dampers.

Differential pressure gauges

Scope : Supply of Material.
8 Differential pressure gauges. Magnehelic gauges with housing box
and mounting accessories.
Make : Dwyer / Waree / Equivalent. Range : 0 to 50mm of /h20.

Different pressure gauges

Scope : Supply of material
9 Differential pressure gauges. Magnehelic gauges with housing box
and mounting accessories Make : Dwyer / Waree / Equivalent. Range
: 0 to30 pascal.


Scope : Supply, Fabrication and Installation ECO pre insulated ducts
( Factory Fabricated Sheets) in accordance with the approved shop
drawings complete with all accessories like flanges, suspensions,
rods, anchor bolts, G.I bolts & nuts etc. 20mm thick ECO panel
prefabricated ducting filled with puff with proper profiles supports,
rods, etc prefabricated as per ISI standards.


Type of Maintenance Contract - AMC
S.S. 304 Partition Panels Sq.
1 Panel Thickness: 50 mm +- 1mm. Panel MOC: S.S. 304, S.S. As per Ft
304, Extruded Aluminium Sections, Dully Filled. Panel Outer Site
Face: S.S.304, 0.8 mm. Panel Inner Face : S.S. 304, 0.8 mm. Conditions

S.S. 304 Fall Ceiling Panels Sq.
2 Panel Thickness: 50 mm +- 1mm. Panel MOC : S.S 304, G.I. Ft
ExtrudedAluminium Sections, Dully Filled. Panel Inner
Face: S.S. 304, 0.8 mm. Panel Outer Face: G.I. 0.8 mm.
3 Material: Aluminium based coving for all sharp corners with Rft
silicmorters. Size 50mm x 50mm.
Conductive Vinyl FLOORING Sq.
Scope : Supply of Anti static, conductive flooring. Material : Ft.
vinyle.2 mm Thick Flexible Homogeneous vinyl Floor
covering with an electrical resistance of 5 x 10 (4) < R < 10
(6) (EN1081). The conductive carbon coated PVC pellets
create the permanent static- conductive properties. It
4 complies with EN 649. NOTE : Customer has to finish their
floor with hard surfaces with zero level. Base floor should be
without any undulation. NOTE 2: Flooring will be supplied
in standard available shade. NOTE 3 : The area where
Conductive Flooring is to be installed the customer should
provide One Earthing point for every 150 sq. Ft. area and for
area exceeding 150 sq. Ft. two or more Earthing point are to
be provided. The Earthing points are to be of at least 3” or 4”
above the ground level, at the skirting point concealed.
DOUBLE DOOR TYPE (SIZE : 1800 X 2100 MM ):
DOOR. Material :
Both side micro guard (2mm / HPCL (4mm) Aluminium Nos
5 1mm) S.S. 304 (0.8mm) with PUF filled. Providing Flush
Door 49mm thick. View Glass both side fixed with 3M / saint
gobin adhesive tape with Puff insulation. Door closer (
Dorma TS-68) STD. Arm., S.S.D. type Handle (200mm),
Door lock (Door Set Make / Doyen Make), S.S. Ball
Bearing Hingles (Dorma make), Concealed Flush bolt, Seal for
airtightness, VHB Tape & sealant Insulation.
Material : Both side Micro guard (2mm / HPCL (4mm) /
Aluminium (1mm)/ S.S. 304(0.8mm) with PUF filled.
Providing Flush Door 49 mm thick. View Glass Both sides
6 fixed with 3M / saint gobin adhesive tape with Puff insulation.
Door Closer (Dorma TS-68) STD. Arm., S.S.D. type Handle
(200mm), Door Lock (Door Set Make / Doyen Make), S.S.
ball Bearing Hingles (Dorma Make), Concealed Flush bolt,
Seal for airtightness, VHB Tape & Sealant Insulation.


7 Supply of Recess mounted sealed IP54 protocol, non, Nos
hygroscopic Peripheral room application LED light with
digital non dimmableballast.

Scope of work for Civil Work:


Type of Maintenance Contract - AMC

1 Plumbing

1. Laying of heavy duty GI/PVC water pipeline for Plumbing with

necessary taps, joints, elbows, Unions, Tees and valves of
GI/PVC made to various supply points in the CSSD Room from
single point provided by the hospital. All plumbing fixtures to be
of branded make. As per site
2. Construction/laying of Draining system from all the
equipment's/Sinks to the main drain(outside the CSSD) with SS
Grating/covered with drain port, proper trap and flow system and The
tapping. All drain pipe work to be of make and grade as of already specifications
installed or being installed at same building. given are not
restrictive and
2 Electrical fitting bidder must
1. All electrical accessories like cable wire, electrical outlets,
switches etc. supplied by the contractor should be fire proof of
reputed make, certified for electrical safety requests aremet
2. Providing fixing Electrical Gadgets like ELCB MCB, Light Points, during the
Power points. Cool air Fans Exhaust fan etc. in the CSSD room. planningand
Installation of MCB, ACB, ELCB&OCB of execution
Havell/Siemens/L&T/Schneider etc. for Control Panel for CSSD phase
Installation of all electrical cabling must be of standard make and
proper earthing of all CSSD equipment's and other electrical
instrument and accessories in the CSSD room as per standard.
guidelines of BIS/Indian standard.

3 Signage

1. Charts and sign boards should be provided and installed in the

CSS for the hospital staff and should be in English language.

4 Walls

1. The required demolition and construction of the walls should be at

the customers end and according to the approved plan by the end
user the construction of the walls should be done.

5 Fire

1. Fire extinguishers or sprinkler system should be installed at the

required site as per the site requirement with Certification

Bill Of Quantities

Sr Equipment Thergoan Jijamata Akurdi Bhosari Total AMC/CMC

no Hospital Hospital Hospital hospital Quantities

1. CSSD Washer 1 1 1 1 4 CMC

Disinfector Chamber

2. Wash station with 2 2 2 2 2 8 AMC


3. Soiled instrument 1 1 1 1 4 AMC

receiving table

4. Spray gun rinser 2 2 2 2 8 CMC

5. Wall mounted 1 1 1 1 4 AMC


6. Horizontal 1 1 1 1 4 CMC
Sterilizers chamber
700 liters or more

7. Low temperature 1 1 1 1 4 CMC

H202 sterilizer

8. Heat Sealing 1 1 1 1 4 CMC


9. Work table for 1 1 1 1 4 AMC

sealing machine

10. Packing and control 3 2 2 1 8 AMC

table 2 way

11. Linen folding and 4 3 3 2 12 AMC

packing table

12. Wrapping sheet 1 1 1 1 4 AMC


13. Linen storage rack 8 6 7 3 24 AMC

14. Storage rack for 1 1 1 1 4 AMC


15. Storage rack floor 3 2 2 1 8 AMC


16. SS Modular wire 45 30 30 15 120 AMC


17. Trolley for material 8 6 6 4 24 AMC


18. Pass box with UV 2 2 2 2 8 CMC

Sr Equipment Thergoan Jijamata Akurdi Bhosari Total AMC/CMC
no Hospital Hospital Hospital hospital Quantities

19. Instrument tray 50 25 25 20 120 AMC

20. RO plant 1 1 1 1 4 CMC

21. Ultrasonic Cleaner 1 0 1 0 2 CMC

75 Litres

22. Air System for CSSD 1 1 1 1 4 CMC

for each Hospital

23. Interior solutions for 1 1 1 1 4 AMC

CSSD for each

24. Civil scope for CSSD 1 1 1 1 4 AMC

for each hospital


Consignee List

Sr. Name of the Consignee Address of the Consignee

No. Qty
New Thergaon Hospital, Jagtap Nagar,
1 New Thergaon Hospital, PCMC Nakhate Nagar, Thergaon, Pune, Pimpri- 01
Jijamata Hospital Pimpri, Shastri Nagar, 01
2 Jijamata Hospital, PCMC Pimpri Colony, Pimpri-Chinchwad

Akurdi PCMC Hospital, Shri Mhalsakant 01

3 Akurdi PCMC Hospital Vidyalaya Rd, Akurdi, Pimpri-
New Bhosari Hospital Gulve Vasahat, 01
4 New Bhosari Hospital
Bhosari, Pimpri-Chinchwad

Total: 04


AFFIDAVIT on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/-

(To be submitted to this office)
For rates

Reference: Tender No. ________/ CSSD Turnkey Project/2023-24.This is to certify that the
rates quoted in the above tender are not higher than D P C O, N P P A, or not higher than

Seal Signature



AFFIDAVIT on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/-

(To be submitted to this office)

Reference: Tender No. ________/ CSSD Turnkey Project/2023-24. The firm (Name of the
Firm) has not been found guilty of malpractices, misconduct or blacklisted/debarred/
deregistered for the quoted product by Public Health Department, Govt. of Maharashtra or by
any local authority and other State Government/Central Government's organizations as on the
date of submission of tender document for the quoted items."

Seal Signature


Power of Attorney in the name of Lead Bidder

[To be on non-judicial stamp paper of Rupees One Hundred Only (INR 100/-) or appropriate value
as per Stamp Act relevant to place of execution, duly signed on each page. Foreign entities
submitting Bid are required to follow the applicable law in their country.]

WHEREAS Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation has issued the Tender for “
” (TENDER NOTICE No. / / ) (hereinafter referred to as the “Tender”);

WHEREAS M/s. ………………., M/s. ………………. and M/s. ……………….. [Insert names of
all Members of Consortium] the Members of the Consortium are desirous of submitting a Bid in
response to the Tender, and if selected, undertaking the responsibility of implementing the Project
as per the terms of the Tender;

WHEREAS all the Members of the Consortium have agreed under the Consortium Agreement

………….. (the “Consortium Agreement”), entered into between all the Members and submitted
along with the Bid to appoint ………………. [Insert the name and address of the Lead
Consortium Member] as the Lead Consortium Member to represent all the Members of the
Consortium for all matters regarding the Tender and the Bid;

AND WHEREAS pursuant to the terms of the TENDER and the Consortium Agreement, we, the
Members of the Consortium hereby designate M/s ………….. [Insert name of the Lead Member] as
the Lead Consortium Member to represent us in all matters regarding the Bid and the TENDER, in
the manner stated below:-

Know all men by these presents, we …………………………………………………. [Insert name

and address of the registered office of the Member 1] and
…………………………………………………. [Insert name and address of the registered office
of the Member 2] do hereby constitute, appoint and authorize

…………………………………………………. [Insert name and registered office address of the

Lead Consortium Member], which is one of the Members of the Consortium, to act as the Lead
Member and our true and lawful attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds
and things necessary in connection with or incidental to submission of Consortium’s Bid in
response to the Tender issued by PCMC including signing and submission of the Bid and all
documents related to the Bid as specified in the Tender, including but not limited to undertakings,
letters, certificates, acceptances, clarifications, guarantees or any other document, which PCMC
may require us to submit. The aforesaid attorney shall be further authorized for making
representations to PCMC named in the Tender, and providing information/ responses to PCMC,
representing us and the Consortium in all matters before PCMC named in the Tender, and generally
dealing with PCMC named in the Tender in all matters in connection with our Bid, till completion
of the bidding process as well as implementation of the Project, if applicable, in accordance with the

We, as Members of the Consortium, hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things done by our
said attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our
aforesaid attorney shall be binding on us and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.

All the terms used herein but not defined shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms under the

Signed by the within named ………………………………. [Insert the name of the executant
Consortium Member] through the hand of Mr./ Ms./ Dr. ………………………………………. duly
authorized by the Board to issue such Power of Attorney.

[Signature of Authorized Representative]

…………………….. [Name of
Authorized Representative] [Designation
of Authorized Representative]

Witness 1:

[Signature of Authorized Representative]

…………………….. [Name of
Authorized Representative] [Designation
of Authorized Representative]

Witness 2:

[Signature of Authorized Representative]

…………………….. [Name of
Authorized Representative] [Designation
of Authorized Representative]




(Notary Public)

…. Date:


“Request for Proposal for “, ________/ CSSD Turnkey Project/2023-24.”

(Affidavit should be executed on a Non Judicial stamp paper of Rs 100/- or such equivalent
document duly attested by Notary Public)

1) I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that all the statements made in the
TENDER and other documents incidental and in relation thereto are true and

2) The undersigned also hereby certifies that neither our firm M/s
nor any of
its directors / constituent partners have abandoned any work in India and /
abroad nor any contract awarded to us for such works have been terminated for
reasons attributed to us, during last five years prior to the date of this
application nor have been barred by any agency of Government of India (GOI)
or Government of Maharashtra from participating in any projects.

3) The undersigned hereby authorize(s) and request(s) any bank, person, firm or
corporation to furnish pertinent information deemed necessary as requested by
PCMC to verify this statement or regarding my (our) competence and general

4) The undersigned understands and agrees that further qualifying information

may be requested, and agrees to furnish any such information at the request of
the PCMC.

Signed by an authorized officer of the firm Designation of officer

Name of Firm Date

List of Documents/ Information should be Uploaded/ submitted with Tender.
The following documents should be uploaded / submitted with the Tender Document with
page number on each document as per the order given below.
Envelope No. I
(Technical Bid)
1) Proforma as per Annex No. I
2) EMD : online
3) Copy of Value Added Tax (VAT)/TIN/GST Registration Certificate
4) Copy of Certificate of registration under company registration act 1913 &
1956, Partnership deed (If Applicable)
5) Manufacturer Authorization Letter as per Annex No. II
6) Technical Compliance Chart as per Annex No. III
7) User List of quoted model as per Annex No. IV
8) Detail of Products supplied to Government of semi government
organizations o-in last 05 years as per Annex No. V
9) Details of After Sales Service Station as per Annex No. VI
10) Terms & Condition Acceptance Certificate as per Annex No. VII
11) Format for Consortium Agreement Annex No. VIII
12) Consignee List as per Annex XI
13) Proforma of Affidavit as per Annex XII
14) Proforma of Affidavit as per Annex XIII
15) Power of Attorney as per Annex XIV
16) Format for Affidavit as per Annex XV
17) Original Product Catalogue / Brochure
18) Original Tender Form duly signed and official seal of the company on
every page of the tender. Original specification copy duly signed as per
Annex X
19) Copy of memorandum and articles of Association ( If Applicable)
20) The requisite certificate ISO, ISI, UL, BIS, CE, USFDA etc. as per
Technical Specification in Annex. No. X ( If Applicable)
21) Total Documents in Technical Bid Page No. ______ to _________

Envelope 2
(Commercial Bid)
1) COMMERCIAL OFFER as per Annex No. IX

Note: - If, during online bid preparation, any need arises to upload additional
documents, apart from the above mentioned documents, an option to upload additional
documents has been provided in the e-Tendering software which will be available to
bidders during online bid preparation stage.


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