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B.Tech. CSE (AI and ML)

2nd Year

As per National Education Policy (NEP-2020)

(w.e.f. the Academic Year 2023-2024)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Scheme of Teaching and Examination Computer Science and Engineering
(Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning)
Semester– III
S. Teaching Hours Examination
No. Categor Course Code Subject Per Weak Credits
y L T P/D IA ESE Total
Marks Marks Marks
1 FC MA-312 Probability and Statistics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100
2 PC CS-311 Operating System 3 1 0 4 40 60 100
3 PC CS-312 Data Structure and Algorithms 3 1 0 4 40 60 100
4 PC CS-314/CS- Python Programming 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
5 PC CS-315/CS- Computer Architecture & 3 1 0 4 40 60 100
414 Organisation
6 FC HS-311 Economic Engineering 3 0 0 3 40 60 100
7 OE - Open Elective-I 2 0 0 2 40 60 100

1 PC CS-311P Operating System Lab 0 0 2 1 30 20 50
2 PC CS-312P Data Structure and Algorithms 0 0 2 1 30 20 50
3 PC CS-314P/CS- Python Programming Lab 0 0 2 1 30 20 50
Total 20 04 06 25+2 850

Open Elective-I
S. Teaching Hours Examination
No. Category Course Subject Per Week Credits
Code L T P/D IA ESE Total
Marks Marks Marks
1 OE HS-301 German Language–I 2 0 0 2 40 60 100
2 OE HS-302 French Language–I 2 0 0 2 40 60 100
3 OE HS-303 Design Thinking 2 0 0 2 40 60 100
4 OE EC-311 Digital Electronics 2 0 0 2 40 60 100
Scheme of Teaching and Examination Computer Science and Engineering
(Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning)
Teaching Examination
S. No. Category Course Code Subject Hours Per Week Credits
L T P/D IA ESE Total
Marks Marks Marks
1 FC MA-411 Optimization and Calculus of 3 1 0 4 40 60 100
2 PC CS-ML-411 Introduction to Machine 3 1 0 4 40 60 100
3 PC CS-412 Design and Analysis of 3 1 0 4 40 60 100
4 PC CS-413 Artificial Intelligence and 3 1 0 4 40 60 100
Expert Systems
5 PC EC-411 Microprocessors and Interfacing 3 1 0 4 40 60 100
6 FC HS-411 Entrepreneurship and Startups 2 0 0 2 40 60 100
7 OE - Open Elective-II 2 0 0 2 40 60 100

1 PC CS-ML-411P ML Lab 0 0 2 1 30 20 50
2 PC CS-412P DAA Lab 0 0 2 1 30 20 50
3 PC CS-413P AI Lab 0 0 2 1 30 20 50
Total 19 05 06 25+2 850

Open Elective-II
Teaching Hours Examination
S. No. Category Course Subject Per Week Credits
Code L T P/D IA ESE Total
Marks Marks Marks
1 OE HS-401 Law for Engineers 2 0 0 2 40 60 100
2 OE HS-402 German Language–II 2 0 0 2 40 60 100
3 OE HS-403 French Language–II 2 0 0 2 40 60 100
4 OE HS-404 Indian Constitution 2 0 0 2 40 60 100
5 OE IKS-311 Indian Knowledge System 2 0 0 2 40 60 100

Industrial Training after Semester-IV of four weeks duration.

MA-312 Probability and Statistics
Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
3 1 0 4 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40
Instructions to the question paper setter:
Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five
sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has
short answer type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five questions
in all, i.e one question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E. In the
question paper, the questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II, Unit-
III and Unit-IV respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Probability and Random Variables: Introduction, basic concepts–sample space, events, basic rules and
axioms events, counting sample space, conditional probability and independence, permutations and
combinations, rules of probability, bayes theorem. random variables – concept of random variable,
percentiles, probability distributions – discrete & continuous, mean, variance and covariance of random
variables, Chebyshev sine quality.
Standard Probability Distributions: Discrete distributions - uniform, binomial, multinomial,
hypergeometric, negative binomial, distributions-Bernoulli, Poisson, exponential, Gaussian Poisson,
Fnormal, gamma, Weibull and beta distributions and their properties-function of random variables.
Sampling Distributions: Fundamentals of Data: Collection, Summarization, and Visualization; Sampling
and Sampling Distributions Random sampling, sampling distributions of means, estimation, properties of
point estimators, confidence interval, maximum likelihood and bayes estimators, prediction intervals.
Central Limit Theorem; Methods of Estimation, Unbiased estimators; Confidence Interval Estimation: Z-
interval, t-interval
Testing of Hypothesis: Hypothesis Testing, Types of Errors, Rejection Region Approach and p-value
Approach. Testing of hypothesis for mean, variance, proportions and differences using normal, t, Chi-
square and F distributions, tests for independence of attribute sand goodness off it.
Linear Correlation and Regression Analysis: Introduction, linear regression model, regression
coefficient, lines of correlation, rank correlation

Text Books:
1. Gupta, S.C, and Kapur, J.N., ―Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics‖, Sultan Chand, Ninth
Edition, NewDelhi,1996.
2. Johnson. R.A., Miller & Freund’s Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Sixth Edition,
Pearson Education, Delhi, 2000.
3. Douglas C. Montgomery and George C. Runger, Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers
, 5thEdition,2011.

Reference books:
1. Walpole, R. E., Myers, R. H. Myers R. S. L. and Ye. K, ―Probability and Statistics for
Engineers and Scientists ‖, Seventh Edition, Pearson Education, Delhi,2002.
2. Lipschutz. S and Schiller. J, Schaum’s outlines-Introduction to Probability and Statistics,
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1998.
3. S.M. Ross, Introduction to ProbabilityandStatisticsforEngineersandScientists‖4th edition.
CS- 311 Operating System
Teaching Duration of End
Marks Distribution
Scheme Credit Semester Examina-
L T P Internal Assessment End Semester Examination Total tion

Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100

3 1 0 4 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of the end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five
sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has
short answer type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five questions
in all, i.e one question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E. In the
question paper, the questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II, Unit-
III and Unit-IV respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Course Objectives: To understand the role, responsibilities and the algorithms involved for achieving vari-
ous functionalities of an Operating System.

Introduction and System Structures: Computer-System Organization, Computer-System Architecture,
Operating-System Structure, Operating-System Functions, Operating-System Services, User and Operat-
ing-System Interface, System Calls, Types of System Calls, Operating-System Design and Implementa-
Process Management: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operations on Processes, Inter-process
Communication, Multi-threaded programming: Multi-core Programming, Multithreading Models.
Process Scheduling: Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Multiple-Processor
Concurrency: The Critical-Section Problem, Peterson’s Solution, Synchronization Hardware, Mutex
Locks, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchronization, Monitors.
Deadlock: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Pre-
vention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, Recovery from Deadlock.
Memory Management: Basic Hardware, Address Binding, Logical and Physical Address, Dynamic link-
ing and loading, Shared Libraries, Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Segmentation, Paging,
Structure of the Page Table, Virtual Memory Management: Demand Paging, Page Replacement, Alloca-
tion of Frames, Thrashing.
File Systems: File Concept, Access Methods, Directory and Disk Structure, File-System Mounting, File
Sharing, Protection, File-System Structure, File-System Implementation, Directory Implementation, Allo-
cation Methods, Free-Space Management.
Disk Management: Mass Storage Structure, Disk Structure, Disk Attachment, Disk Scheduling, Disk
Management, Swap-Space Management, RAID Structure.
Networks, Security and Design Principles: Overview of network operating system, distributed operating
system, security attacks, security mechanisms and policies, OS Virtualization, Unix/Linux Case study.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Explain the basics of an operating system viz. system programs, system calls, user mode and ker-
nel mode.
2. Select particular CPU scheduling algorithms for specific situations and analyse the environment
leading to deadlock and its rectification.
3. Explicit memory management techniques viz. caching, paging, segmentation, virtual memory, and
4. Understand the concepts related to file systems, disk scheduling and security, protection.
5. Comprehend the concepts related to concurrency.

Text Books:
1. Silberschatz A., Galvin B. P. and Gagne G., Operating System Concepts, John Wiley &
Sons Inc (2013) 9th ed.
2. Stallings W., Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles, Prentice Hall (2018) 9th ed.

Reference Books:
1. Bovet P. D., Cesati M., Understanding the Linux Kernel, O' Reilly Media (2006), 3rd ed.
2. Kifer M., Smolka A. S., Introduction to Operating System Design and Implementation: The OSP 2
Approach, Springer (2007).
CS- 312 Data Structure and Algorithms
Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
3 1 0 4 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five
sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has
short answer type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five questions
in all, i.e one question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E. In the
question paper, the questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II, Unit-
III and Unit-IV respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Course Objectives: To become familiar with different types of data structures and them applications.

Data Structures: Definition, primitive and derived data types, abstract data types, need for data structures,
types of data structures. Algorithm: Definition, characteristics, development of algorithm, Analysis of
complexity: - time complexity, space complexity, order of growth, asymptotic notation with example,
obtaining the complexity of the algorithm. Arrays: Definition, 1d and 2d arrays, operations on arrays,
sparse matrices, structures and arrays of structures.
Linked list: Representation of linked list in memory, allocation & garbage collection, operations on linked
list, doubly linked lists, circular linked list, linked list with header node, applications. Stacks: representation
of stack in memory, operations on stack and applications. Queues: Representation of queues in memory,
operations on queues, circular queues, double ended queues, priority queues, applications.
Trees: Introduction, representation of tree in memory. Binary Trees: Terminology, binary tree traversal,
binary search tree, insertion, deletion & searching in binary search tree, heap trees, types of heap trees,
insertion, deletion in heap tree with example, heap sort algorithm, introduction of AVL trees & B-trees.
Graphs: Definition, representation of graph (adjacency matrix, adjacency list), traversing a graph (DFS &
BFS), dijkstra‘s algorithm for shortest distance, minimum spanning tree.
Searching and sorting: Need for searching and sorting, linear and binary search, insertion sort, selection
sort, merge sort, quick sort, radix sort and bubble sort. Hash Tables: Introduction, hash function, collision
resolution techniques in hashing, deletion from hash table.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

On completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. Implement basic data structures in solving fundamental problems.
2. Implement various searching and sorting techniques.
3. Implement tree and graph data structures along with their related operations.
4. Evaluate and apply appropriate data structure(s) for real-world problems.

Text Books:
1. Seymour Lipschutz : Theory and practice of Data structure , Tata Mc. Graw Hill 1998
2. Tenebaum, A. Langsam Y and Augenstein , A. J: Data structures using C++ , Prentice Hall Of
Reference Books:
1. Data structures and Algorithms in C++ by Micheal T. Goodrich, Wiley India publication.
2. Data structures, R. Venkatesan, S. Lovelyn Rose, Wiley India publication.
3. Data Structures using C++ By Patil, Oxford University press.
4. Data Structures, Algorithm and Object-Oriented programming, Gregory L. Heileman, Tata Mc-
Graw Hills.
5. S. Sahni, Data structure Algorithms ad Applications in C++, WCB/McGraw Hill.
6. J.P. Tremblay and P.G. Sorenson, ―An Introduction to Data Structures with applications‖, Tata
McGraw Hill.
CS-314/ CS-411 Python Programming
Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
3 0 0 3 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five
sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has
short answer type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five questions
in all, i.e., one question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E. In the
question paper, the questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II, Unit-
III and Unit-IV respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Course Objectives: This course will help you to understand the basics of Data Science which includes
Programming, Mathematics, and Statistics before getting started with advanced machine learning techniques.
Students will also gain knowledge in various data pre-processing techniques and data visualization
Introduction to Python: Identifiers, Keywords, Statements and Expressions, Variables, Operators, Prec-
edence and Associativity, Data Types, Indentation, Comments, Reading Input, Print Output, Type Con-
versions, type () Function and Is Operator, Dynamic and Strongly Typed Language.
Control Flow Statements: if Decision Control Flow Statement, the if…else Decision Control Flow State-
ment, the if-elif-else, Decision Control Statement, Nested if Statement, the while Loop, The for Loop, The
continue and break Statements
Functions, Built-In Functions, Commonly Used Modules, Function Definition and Calling the Function,
The return Statement and void Function, Scope and Lifetime of Variables, Default Parameters.
Strings, Creating and Storing Strings, Basic String Operations, Accessing Characters in String by Index
Number, String Slicing and Joining, String Methods, Formatting Strings,
Lists, Creating Lists, Basic List Operations, Indexing and Slicing in Lists, Built-In Functions Used on
Lists, List Methods, The del Statement
Dictionaries, Creating Dictionary, Accessing and Modifying key: value Pairs in Dictionaries, Built-In
Functions Used on Dictionaries, Dictionary Methods, The del Statement,
Tuples and Sets, Creating Tuples, Basic Tuple Operations, Indexing and Slicing in Tuples, Built-In Func-
tions Used on Tuples, Relation between Tuples and Lists, Relation between Tuples and Dictionaries.
Files, Types of Files, Creating and Reading Text Data, File Methods to Read and Write Data, Reading and
Writing Binary Files. Reading and Writing CSV file.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. To know the concept of functions in Python, like “if” and different types of loops.
2. Be able to convert datatypes and work with lists.
3. To know the difference between running Python programs on Mac and Windows
4. Be able to work with CSV files
1. Gowri Shankar S, Veena A, “Introduction to Python Programming”, 1st
edition, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2018. ISBN-13: 978-0815394372.
CS-315/ CS-414 Computer Architecture & Organisation
Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
3 1 0 4 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five
sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has
short answer type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five questions
in all, i.e., one question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E. In the
question paper, the questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II, Unit-
III and Unit-IV respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Basics of Digital Electronics: Codes, logic gates, flip flops, registers, counters, multiplexer, de
multiplexer, decoder, and encoder. Register Transfer and Micro operations: Register transfer
language, register transfer, bus & memory transfer, logic micro-operations, shift micro-operation.
Computer Arithmetic: Unsigned, signed and floating-point data representation, addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division algorithms. booths multiplication algorithm.
Basic Computer Organization: Instruction codes, computer instructions, timing & control, instruction
cycles, memory reference instruction, input/output & interrupts, complete computer description & design
of basic computer. Control Unit: Hardwired vs Micro programmed control unit. Central Processing
Unit: General register organization, stack organization, instruction format, addressing modes, data
transfer & manipulation, program control, RISC, CISC.
Input-Output Organization: Peripheral devices, I/O interface, Modes of data transfer: Programmed
I/O, Interrupt-Initiated I/O, DMA transfer, I/O processor. Serial Communication. Memory Unit:
Memory hierarchy, processor vs. memory speed, main memory, auxiliary memories, high-speed
memories, cache memory, associative memory, virtual memory, and memory management hardware.
Introduction to Parallel Processing: Flyn‘s classification, pipelining, arithmetic pipeline, instruction
pipeline, characteristics of multiprocessors, inter connection structures, inter processor arbitration, inter
processor communication & synchronization. Performance evaluation SPEC marks LINPACK
Whetstone Dhrystone etc., transaction processing benchmarks. Case Studies: Case studies of some
contemporary advanced architecture for processors of families like Intel, AMD, IBM etc./ Seminar on
state-of the-art technology.

Text Books:
1. Mano, Morris M., Computer System Architecture, Prentice Hall.
2. Hayes, J.P., Computer Architecture and Organization, Mc Graw Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Hennessy, J.L., Patterson, D.A, and Goldberg, D., Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach,
Pearson Education Asia.
2. Leigh, W.E. and Ali, D.L., System Architecture: software and hardware concepts, South Wester
Publishing Co.
HS-311 Economic Engineering
Teaching Credi
Marks Distribution
Scheme t Duration of End
End Semester Tota Semester Examination
L T P C Internal Assessment
Examination l
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
3 0 0 3 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five
sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has
short answer type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five
questions in all, i.e., one question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section
E. In the question paper, the questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-
II, Unit-III and Unit-IV respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Course Objectives: The educational objectives of this course are Choose the concept of scarcity to explain
economic trade-offs, opportunity costs, and rational behaviour. Discover the determinants of foreign trade
flows and exchange rates, and their effects on the domestic economy.

Introduction: Definition, Nature, Scope, Importance and significance of Economics. For Engineers, Distinction
between Micro and Macroeconomics. Concept of Utility and Its Types. Demand and Supply: Demand, Kinds of
Demand, Demand Function, Law of Demand. Elasticity of Demand: Concept, Types, Measurement and importance.
Demand Forecasting and its techniques.
Production Function: Concept and types, Returns to Factor and Returns to Scale, Law of Variable Proportions. Cost
and Revenue: Concept of Cost, Short run and Lung-run Cost Curves, Relationships among various costs, Break-
even Analysis. Revenue Curves: Concept and Types.
Market Structure: Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly. Banking: Commercial
Banks- Function, Central Bank (RBI)- Function and Role of Banks in Economic Development.
National Income: Definition of National Income and its Aggregates, Methods of Calculating National Income.
Inflation: Meaning, Types, Theories, Causes, Effects and Control. Business Cycle – Meaning- Phases of business
cycle. Balance of Payments, Monetary and Fiscal Policies.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify the determinants of supply and demand; demonstrate the impact of shifts in both market supply and demand
curves on equilibrium price and output.
2. Determine the roles that prices and markets play in organizing and directing economic activity
3. Calculate and graph the short-run and long-run costs of production, supply and demand elasticities.
4. Describe governmental efforts to address market failure such as monopoly power, externalities, and public goods.
5. Examine and interpret a nation’s economic performance indicators such as economic growth, unemployment and
inflation from a macroeconomic perspective.
6. Articulate the mechanics and institutions of international trade and their impact on the macro economy.

1. Steven A. Greenlaw, David Shapiro, “Principles of Economics”,2nd Edition, Rice University – OpenStax,
2020.ISBN-13: 978-1947172371

Reference Books:
1. N. Gregory Mankiw, “Principles of Economics”,8th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2016.ISBN-13:978-
2. 3Niall Kishtainy, “The Economics Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained”,1st Edition, DK Publishers,
3. Yves Hilpisch, “Python for Finance: Mastering Data-Driven Finance”, 2nd Edition, O’Reilly Media, 2018
CS-311P Operating System Lab
Teaching Scheme Credit Marks Distribution
Practical Internal Practical External
L T P C Total
Assessment Assessment
Maximum Marks: 30 Maximum Marks: 20 50
0 0 2 1
Minimum Marks: 12 Minimum Marks: 08 20

Following is the list of experiments out of which minimum 08 experiments must be performed in the lab. The
additional experiments may be performed by the respective institution depending on the infrastructure available.

List of experiments:
1. Overview of single user systems, network operating system and multiuser system.
2. User administration in window sand Linux operating system.
3. Write a program for the simulation of following non-pre-emptive CPU scheduling algorithms to find
turn around time and waiting time.
1. FCFS b)SJF c) Round Robin(pre-emptive) d)Priority
4. Write a program for the simulation of following file allocation strategies.
1. Sequential b) Indexed c) Linked
5. Write a program for the simulation of following contiguous memory allocation techniques
1. Worst-fit b)Best-fit c)First-fit
6. Write a program for the simulation of following file organization techniques
1. Single level directory b)Two level directory c)Hierarchical
7. Write a program for the simulation of Bankers algorithm for the purpose of deadlock avoidance.
8. Write a program for the simulation of following disk scheduling algorithms
9. Write a program for the simulation of following page replacement algorithms
10. Write a program for the simulation of producer-consumer problem using semaphores.
11. Study the Linux operating system and implement various commands.
12. Write a program do the following:
a) Find the attribute of file. b) To change the attribute of file. c) Create the directory. d) Delete the
directory. e) Create the file. f) Delete the file g) Find the size of Hard Disk, RAM, and VRAM, cache.
13. Study of various viruses / worms and tools.
CS- 312P Data Structure and Algorithms Lab
Teaching Scheme Credit Marks Distribution
Practical Internal Practical External
L T P C Total
Assessment Assessment
Maximum Marks: 30 Maximum Marks: 20 50
0 0 2 1
Minimum Marks: 12 Minimum Marks: 08 20

Following is the list of experiments out of which minimum 08 experiments must be performed in the lab. The
additional experiments may be performed by the respective institution depending on the infrastructure available.

List of experiments:

1. Write recursive program which computes then Fibonacci number

2. Write recursive program which computes the factorial of a given number.
3. Write a program to implement linear search using arrays
4. Write a program to implement binary search using arrays
5. Write c program to implement bubble sort, to sort a given list of integers in ascending order.
6. Programtoimplementinsertionsorttosortagivenlistofintegersinascendingorder.
7. Program to implement INSERTIONSORT to sort a list of numbers
8. Write a program that implement merge sort, to sort a given list of integers in ascending order.
9. Write a program that implement stack using arrays
10. Write a program that implement stack using linked list Program
11. Write a program that implement Queue using array
12. Write a program that implement Queue using linked lists.
13. Write program to implement linked list operations (Creation, Insertion, Deletion, reversing).
14. Write a program to implement binary tree
15. Write a program to implement heap sort using arrays.
CS-314P/CS-411P Python Programming Lab
Teaching Scheme Credit Marks Distribution
Practical Internal Practical External
L T P C Total
Assessment Assessment
Maximum Marks: 30 Maximum Marks: 20 50
0 0 2 1
Minimum Marks: 12 Minimum Marks: 08 20

NOTE: - Following is the list of experiments out of which 8-10 experiments must be performed in the lab.
The additional experiments may be performed by the respective institution depending on the infrastructure
and student intake.

List of experiments:

1. Demonstrate about Basics of Python Programming

2. Demonstrate about fundamental Data types in Python Programming. (i.e., int, float, complex, bool and
string types) Demonstrate the working of following functions in Python. i) id () ii) type() iii)range()
3. Write a Python program to demonstrate various base conversion function
4. Write a Python program to demonstrate various type conversion functions
5. Demonstrate the following Operators in Python with suitable examples: i) Arithmetic Operators
ii) Relational Operators iii) Assignment Operator iv) Logical Operators v) Bit wise Operators vi)
Ternary Operator vii) Membership Operators viii) Identity Operators
6. Write Python programs to demonstrate the following:
1. Input() ii)print()iii)‘sep’attributeiv)‘end’attributev)replacementOperator({})
7. Demonstrate the following Conditional statements in Python with suitable examples. i) if statement ii)
if else statement iii) if-else-if statement
8. Demonstrate the following Iterative statements in Python with suitable examples. i) while loop ii) for
9. Write a Python program to demonstrate various ways of accessing the string. i) By using Indexing
(Both Positive and Negative) ii) By using Slice Operator
10. Python program to perform read and write operations on a file.
HS-301 German Language-I
Credit Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P C Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
2 0 0 2 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five
sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has
short answer type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five questions
in all, i.e one question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E. In the
question paper, the questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II, Unit-
III and Unit-IV respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Wichtige Sprachhandlungen:Phonetics–Sichbegrüßen-Sichundanderevorstellenformell/informell-
Grammatik: regelmäßige Verbenim Präsens - ―sein‖ und habenim Präsens - Personal pronomenim
Wichtige Sprachhandlungen:TelefonNummernverstehenundsprechenUhrzeitenverstehen und
sagenVerneinung ―nicht und kein‖ (formell und informell).
Grammatik:Wortstellung–Aussagesatz–W-FrageundSatzfrage(Ja/NeinFrage) Nomenbuchstabieren und
notierenbestimmter und unbestimmter Artikelund Negativartikelim Nom. & Akkusativ
Wichtige Sprachhandlungen:Tageszeitenverstehenund über Terminesprechen- Verabredungenverstehen–
Grammatik: Personal pronomenim Akkusativ und Dativ - W-Fragen ―wie, wer, wohin,wo,was usw.-
Genitivbei Personennamen- Modal verbenim Präsens ―können, müssen,möchten‖
WichtigeSprachhandlungen:Sichaustauschen,wasmankann,muss–BezeichnungenLebensmittel –
Mengenangabenverstehen –PreiseverstehenundEinkaufzettelschreiben
Grammatik:Wortstellungin SätzenmitModalverben – Konnektor ‖und‖ –
―noch‖-kein-------mehr – ―wieviel, wieviele, wie alt, wielange‖ –


1. GermanforDummies
2. SchulzGriesbach
HS-302 French Language-I
Credit Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P C Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
2 0 0 2 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five sections
A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has short answer
type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five questions in all, i.e one
question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E. In the question paper, the
questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II, Unit-III and Unit-IV
respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Course Content:
Grammar and Vocabulary: Usage of the French verb ―se presenter‖, a verb ofself-
introductionandhowtogreetaperson-―saluer‖.:Definitearticles, ―prepositionsdelieu‖ subject pronouns.
ListeningandSpeaking:TheauthenticsoundsofthelettersoftheFrenchalphabet and the accents that play a
vital role in the pronunciation of the words. Pronunciation of words like Isabelle, presentezandlaliaison –
vousetes, vousappelez and role play of introducing each other–group activity.

enrolment/registration form.
possessive adjectives and pronouns of insistence- moi, lui..andnumbers from 0 to20.
Listening and Speaking: Nasal sounds of the words like feminine, ceinture,parfum and how to ask simple
questions on one ‘s name, age, nationality, addressmailid and telephonenumber.
Writing:Conjugationsoffirstgroupverbsandparagraphwritingonself-introduction and introducing a third
person. Reading Comprehension:readingatextthat speaks ofone‘s profileand answeringquestions.
Listening and Speaking: To express one‘s likes and dislikes and to talk ofone‘spastime activities
(sportsactivities), je fais du ping-pong and nasalsoundsofwords– janvier,champagne.
Writing-Conjugationsoftheirregularverbs:faireandsavoirandtheirusage.Paragraphwriting on
one‘sleisureactivity-(passétemps favori).
Grammar and Vocabulary: les verbes de direction- to ask one‘s way and togivedirections,verbes-
pouvoirandvouloirand2ndgroupverbs,a droite,lapremiereagaucheandvocabularyrelatingto accommodation.’
ListeningandSpeaking:Toreadandunderstandthemetromapandhencetogiveonedirections– dialogue between
two people.
Writing:Paragraphwritingdescribingtheaccommodationusingthedifferentprepositionslikeen facede,
derriere-to locate.
Reading Comprehension: Atext/adialogue between twoonlocation and directions-ouest
Text Book
1. Learn French: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning French for Beginners by Simple
2. French: A Linguistic Introduction by Douglas Kibbee (Author), Frederic Jenkins
(Author),Zsuzsanna Fagyal (Author)


1. An Introduction to the French Language by MDe Fivas

2. French for Americans--Volume 1: A clear and easy method for beginners by Sidonie Besser(Author)
HS-303 Design Thinking
Credit Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P C Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
2 0 0 2 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five
sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has
short answer type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five questions
in all, i.e one question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E. In the
question paper, the questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II, Unit-
III and Unit-IV respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

An Insight to Learning: Understanding the Learning Process, Kolb’s Learning Styles, Assessing and
Interpreting. Remembering Memory: Understanding the Memory process, Problems in retention, Memory
enhancement techniques. Emotions: Experience & Expression: Understanding Emotions: Experience &
Expression, Assessing Empathy , Application with Peers.

Basics of Design Thinking: Definition of Design Thinking, Need for Design Thinking, Objective of Design
Thinking, Concepts & Brainstorming, Stages of Design Thinking Process (explain with examples)–
Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test. Being Ingenious & Fixing Problem: Understanding Creative
thinking process, Understanding Problem Solving, Testing Creative

Process of Product Design: Process of Engineering Product Design, Design Thinking Approach, Stages of
Product Design, Examples of best product designs and functions, Prototyping &Testing: What is Prototype?
Why Prototype? Rapid Prototype Development process, Testing, Sample Example, Test Group Marketing.
Celebrating the Difference: Understanding Individual differences & Uniqueness, Group Discussion and
Activities to encourage the understanding, acceptance and appreciation of Individual differences.

Design Thinking & Customer Centricity: Practical Examples of Customer Challenges, Use of Design
Thinking to Enhance Customer Experience, Parameters of Product experience, Alignment of Customer
Expectations with Product Design. Feed-back, Re-Design & Re-Create: Feedback loop, Focus on User
Experience, Address “ergonomic challenges, User focused design, rapid prototyping & testing, final product,
Final Presentation –“Solving Practical Engineering Problem through Innovative Product Design &Creative

Text Book:
1. Design Thinking- Techniques and Approaches by N.Siva Prasad
2. E Balaguruswamy (2022), Developing Thinking Skills (The way to Success), Khanna Book Publishing

1. Design Thinking for innovation Research and practices by springers
2. Design Thinking for Startups: A Handbook for Readers and Workbook for Practitioners by Jimmy Jain
EC-311 Digital Electronics
Credit Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P C Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
2 0 0 2 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five sections
A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has short answer
type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five questions in all, i.e one
question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E. In the question paper, the
questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II, Unit-III and Unit-IV
respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Course Objectives: The educational objectives of this course are:

• To present a problem oriented introductory knowledge of Digital circuits and its applications.
• To focus on the study of electronic circuits.

Number System: Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal, and decimal numbers of systems and their inter conversion, BCD
numbers (8421-2421), gray code, excess-3 code, cyclic code, code conversion, ASCII, EBCDIC codes. Binary
addition and subtraction, Signed and unsigned binary numbers, 1’s and 2’s complement representation.
Boolean Algebra: Basic logic circuits: Logic Gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, Ex Nor and their truth
tables), Universal Gates, laws of Boolean algebra, De- Morgan’s theorem, Min term, Max term, POS, SOP, K-Map,
Simplification of Boolean theorem, don’t care condition.
Logic Families: Introduction to digital logic family such as RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, CMOS, IIR, HTL etc., their
comparative study, Basic circuit, performance characteristics, Wired logic, open collector output etc.
Combinational Logic: The Half adder, the full adder, subtractor circuit. Multiplexer, demultiplexer, decoder, BCD
to seven segment Decoder, encoders. Flip flop and Timing circuit: Set-reset laches, D-flipflop, R-S flip flop, J-K
Flip flop, Master slave flip flop, edge triggered flip flop, T flip flop.
Registers &Counters: Synchronous/Asynchronous counter operation, Up/Down synchronous counter, application
of counter, Serial In / Serial Out Shift register, Serial In/Parallel Out Shift register, Parallel In/Parallel Out shift
register, parallel in/ Serial Out shift Register, Bi-Directional Register.

Course Outcomes (CO’s):

On successful completion of the course
• The student can acquire the basic knowledge of measurement principles and their application in
electrical engineering.
• The students will be able to effectively employ electrical and electronics instruments for measurements
of various electrical quantities.
1. Digital Fundamentals by Morris and Mano, PHI Publication.
2. Fundamental of digital circuits by A. ANAND KUMAR, PHI Publication.
3. Digital Fundamentals by FLOYD & JAIN, Pearson’s Pub
MA-411 Optimization and Calculus of Variations
Credit Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P C Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
3 1 0 4 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five sections
A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has short answer
type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five questions in all, i.e one
question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E. In the question paper, the
questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II, Unit-III and Unit-IV
respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Introduction: A survey of some simplified examples of common real-world situations leading to
optimization problems, basic formulation and theory of optimization problems. Linear programming:
Linear programming (optimization of linear functions subject to linear constraints): basic theory; simplex
method, duality, practical techniques.
Linear programming: Basic LPP-solution techniques (Simplex, Artificial Basis), complimentary
slackness theorem, fundamental theorem of duality, degenerate solutions, cycling, applications - elements
of dynamic programming including Hamiltonian, bellman’s optimality principle. Transportation and
Assignment Problems: Solution of a balanced transportation problem, degeneracy in transportation
problems and alternate solutions, mathematical problems in formulation of assignment problems.

Non-linear programming: Non-linear programming (optimization of non-linear functions subject to
constraints) with lagrange multipliers, Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions, convexity, duality.
Approximation methods for nonlinear programming: Line search methods, gradient methods, conjugate
gradient methods, Networking techniques – PERT and CPM.
Calculus of Variations: Basic definitions-functional, extremum, variations, function spaces; necessary
conditions for an extremum, euler-lagrange equation, convexity and its role in minimization, minimization
under constraints; existence and nonexistence of minimizers, applications - isoperimetric problems,
geodesics on the surface.
Text Books:
• C. B. Gupta, ―Optimization Techniques in Operation Research, I. K. International Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd.
• A.S. Gupta, Calculus of Variations and Applications, PHI Prentice hall India.
• Mukesh Kumar Singh, Calculus Of Variations ,Krishna Prakashan Media(P)Ltd.
• J.K. Sharma, Operations Research–Problems and Solutions, Macmillian Pub.

Reference books:
• I.M. Gelfand S.V. Fomin, Calculus of Variations Dover Publications Inc Mineola, New York.
• Purna Chand Biswal, Optimization in Engineering, Scitech Publications India Pvt. Ltd.
• B.S. GREWAL, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Krishna Publications
• G. Hadly, Linear Programming, Narosa Publishing House
• Kanti Swarup, P.K. Gupta and Manmohan, Operations Research, Sultan Chand & amp; Sons.
CS-ML-411 Introduction to Machine Learning
Credit Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P C Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
3 1 0 4 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five sections
A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has short answer
type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five questions in all, i.e one
question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E. In the question paper, the
questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II, Unit-III and Unit-IV
respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Introduction: Machine-Learning Paradigms: Introduction to Machine learning, datasets, Feature sets,
Dataset division: test, train and validation sets, cross validation, Applications of Machine Learning, processes
involved in Machine Learning, Forms of Learning: Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, reinforcement
learning, Real life examples of Machine Learning.
Supervised Learning: Classification and Regression: K-Nearest Neighbor, Linear Regression, Multi linear
Regression, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes Algorithm,
Random Forest Algorithm
Unsupervised learning: Types: Clustering, Association, Dimensionality Reduction
Clustering Hierarchical-Agglomerative Clustering and Divisive clustering; Partitional Clustering, Clustering
Algorithms: K-means Clustering, Mean-Shift Algorithm, Hierarchical Clustering, Association Rules,
Dimensionality Reduction: PCA(Principal Component Analysis), K-nearest neighbors and discriminant
Reinforcement learning
Types of Reinforcement learning: Positive and Negative, Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Models: Model-
based and Model-free algorithms, On Policy and Off Policy, Markov Decision Process, Q learning,
Application of reinforcement learning

Text Books:
• Machine Learning–Tom M. Mitchell, -MGH
• Kevin Murphy, Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, MIT Press,201
• R.S. Suttonand A. G.Barto. Reinforcement Learning-An Introduction.MITPress.1998
• Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction Book by Andrew Barto and Richard S. Sutton
• Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data Scientists Book by Andreas C.
• Müllerand Sarah Guido ,Machine Learning: The New AI Bookby Ethem Alpayd ın
• Applied Supervised Learning with Python: Bookby Benjamin Johnstonand Ishita Mathur
• Supervised Learning with Python: Concepts and Practical Implementation Using Python, Book by
CS-412 Design and Analysis of Algorithm
Credit Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P C Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
3 1 0 4 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five sections
A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has short answer
type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five questions in all, i.e one
question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E. In the question paper, the
questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II, Unit-III and Unit-IV
respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.
Introduction and Complexity Analysis: Algorithms Introduction: Algorithm Design paradigms-
motivation, concept of algorithmic efficiency, run time analysis of algorithms, Asymptotic Notations
Divide and Conquer Approach: Structure of divide-and-conquer algorithms: sets and disjoint sets: Union
and Find algorithms, quick sort, Finding the maximum and minimum, Quick Sort, Merge sort, Heap, and
heap sort. Greedy Algorithms: Optimal storage on tapes, Knapsack problem, Job sequencing with deadlines,
Minimum Spanning trees: Prim’s algorithm and Kruskal’s algorithm, Huffman codes.
Graph Algorithms: Representation of graphs, BFS, DFS, Topological sort, strongly connected components;
single source shortest paths: Bellmen-Ford algorithm, Dijkstra’s algorithm; All pairs shortest path: The
Warshall’s algorithm. Dynamic Programming: Overview, difference between dynamic programming and
divide and conquer, Matrix chain multiplication, Traveling salesman Problem, longest Common sequence,
0/1 knapsack. Backtracking: 8-Queen Problem, Sum of subsets, graph coloring, Hamiltonian cycles.
Branch and Bound: LC searching Bounding, FIFO branch and bound, LC branch and bound application:
0/1 Knapsack problem, Traveling Salesman Problem. Computational Complexity: Complexity measures,
Polynomial vs. non polynomial time complexity; NP-hard and NP-complete classes, examples, cook’s
theorem (without proof).
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
After completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Analyse the complexity of algorithms, to provide justification for the selection, and to implement the
algorithm in a particular context.
2. Apply various algorithmic design paradigms such as greedy, dynamic, backtracking etc. to solve
common engineering problems.
3. Identify basic properties of graphs and apply their algorithms to solve real life problems.
4. Demonstrate the application of algorithms and selection of appropriate data structures under several
categories such as string matching, randomized algorithms and genetic logarithms.

Textbooks & References:

1. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms by E. Horowitz and S. Sahni, Galgotia.
2. Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and
Clifford Stein, MIT Press, Cambridge.
3. The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms by A.V. Aho, J.E. Hopcroft and J.D. Ullman,
Addison Wesley.
CS- 413 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
Credit Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P C Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
3 1 0 4 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five sections
A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has short answer
type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five questions in all, i.e one
question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E. In the question paper, the
questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II, Unit-III and Unit-IV
respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Introduction: Introduction to artificial intelligence, background and applications, turing test and rational
agent approaches, introduction to intelligent agents, their structure, behaviour and environment.
Problem Solving and Searching Techniques: Problem characteristics, production systems, breadth first
search, depth first search, heuristics search techniques, best first search, A*algorithm, hill climbing, AND/OR
graph AO*, constraint satisfaction problem, means-end analysis, introduction to game playing, min max and
alpha beta pruning.
Knowledge Representation: introduction to first order predicate logic, well-formed formulas, quantifiers,
rule-based system, resolution principle, unification, forward reasoning: conflict resolution, backward
reasoning, structured knowledge representation. AI programming language: PROLOG: Syntax, procedural
and declarative meaning, PROLOG unification mechanism, converting english to PROLOG facts and rules,
goals, anonymous variable, lists, use of fail, CUT, NOT
Introduction to Neural Network: Hop field network, single and multi layer networks, perceptions, back-
propagations learning, Boltzman machine. Introduction to genetic algorithm: The genetic algorithm, genetic
operators, working of genetic algorithm, problem with genetic algorithm.
Expert System: introduction, skills/knowledge, characteristics of expert system, knowledge engineering,
inferencing, forward chaining and backward chaining expert system tools, applications and future scope
Natural language processing: Introduction, language parsing, syntactic and semantic analysis, top down and
bottom-up parsing, chart parsing, knowledge representation languages, ELIZA, speech

Text Books:
1. Russell and Norvig, Artificial Intelligence- A Modern Approach, Pearson Prentice Hall.
2. DW Patterson, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Prentice Hall of India.
3. B. Vegnanarayana, Artificial neural networks, Prentice Hall of India P Ltd.

Reference Books:
1. Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, Shivashankar B. Nair, Artificial Intelligence, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
2. Nils J Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence A New Synthesis, Morgan Kaufmann
EC-411 Microprocessors and Interfacing
Credit Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P C Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
3 1 0 4 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five sections
A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has short answer
type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five questions in all, i.e one
question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E. In the question paper, the
questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II, Unit-III and Unit-IV
respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Course Objectives: The educational objectives of this course are to understand the basics of processors and
microprocessors and interfacing with real world to study basic programming.
Introduction to Microprocessor: History and Evolution, types of microprocessors, 8085 Microprocessor,
Architecture, Bus Organization, Registers, ALU, Control section, Instruction set of 8085, Instruction format,
Addressing modes, Types of Instructions. Microprocessor timings, Microinstructions, Instruction cycle,
Machine cycles, T states, State transition diagrams, Timing diagram for different machine cycles.
Assembly Language Programming and Timing Diagram: Assembly language programming in 8085,
Macros, Labels and Directives
Serial I/O, Interrupts and Comparison of Contemporary Microprocessors: Serial I/O using SID, SOD.
Interrupts in 8085, RST instructions, Issues in implementing interrupts, Multiple interrupts and priorities,
Daisy chaining, Interrupt handling in 8085, Enabling, disabling and masking of interrupts.
Data Transfer techniques: Data transfer techniques, programmed data transfer, parallel data transfer using
8155. Programmable parallel ports and handshake input/output, Asynchronous and Synchronous data transfer
using 8251A. Programmable interrupt controller 8259A. DMA transfer, cycle stealing and burst mode of
DMA, 8257 DMA controller
Microprocessor Interfacing Techniques: Interfacing memory and I/O devices, addressing memory,
interfacing static RAMs, Interfacing and refreshing dynamic RAMs, interfacing a keyboard, Interfacing LED
and seven segment displays, interfacing a printer, Interfacing A/D converters, D/A converters.
Architecture of 8086: Memory Address space and data organization, segment registers and memory
segmentation, generating memory addresses, IO address space, addressing modes, Comparison of 8086 and
8088, minimum mode maximum mode, system timing, introduction to Pentium and further series of
microprocessors. Brief comparison of contemporary 8-bit microprocessors like Z-80, M68000 with 8085.

Course Outcomes: On completion of this course the student will be able to:
• Describe the architecture & organization of 8085 & 8086 Microprocessor.
• Understand and classify the instruction set of 8085/8086 microprocessor and distinguish the use of
different instructions and apply it in assembly language programming.
• Relate the addressing modes used in the instructions.
• Realize the Interfacing of memory & various I/O devices with 8085/8086 microprocessor.
• Familiarize the architecture and operation of Programmable Interface Devices and realize the
programming & interfacing of it with 8085 microprocessors.
• Interface various peripheral IC’s with Intel 8085/8086 microprocessor for its various applications
Textbooks & References:
• Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Microcomputers by B. Ram, Dhanpat Rai and Sons.
• Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and applications with the 8085/8080A by R.S. Gaonkar,
• Microprocessors& Interfacing by Douglas V Hall, McGraw Hill.
• Microprocessors and Digital Systems by Douglas V Hall, McGraw Hill.
• Introduction to Microprocessor by A.P. Mathur, Tata McGraw Hill.
HS-411 Entrepreneurship and Startups
Credit Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
2 0 0 2 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five
sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has
short answer type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five
questions in all, i.e one question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E.
In the question paper, the questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II,
Unit-III and Unit-IV respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Course Objectives: To understand the Entrepreneurship, Idea and Customer, business models, Marketing,
Sales, and Support.
Entrepreneurship Concepts: Understanding nuances of being an entrepreneur; Difference between a
startup venture and small business; Identifying entrepreneurial styles.
Idea/Problem and Customer: Identifying problems worth solving, identifying business opportunities,
methods for problem interviews; Design thinking process; Generation of potential solutions; Identifying
customer segment and early adopters, difference between a consumer and a customer, craft your value
proposition, outcome driven innovation, testing out solutions for the problems; Unique value proposition
Business Model Validation: Basic lean approach and canvas, types of business models, documenting
business plan with a lean canvas, documenting hypotheses; Introduction to risks; Develop solution demos;
The problem-solution test, solution interviews, sizing the opportunity, building a minimum viable product;
The product-market fit test; Revenue streams; How companies with different business models earn money;
Understanding income, costs, gross and net margins; Identifying primary and secondary revenue streams;
Costing and pricing; How to finance your business idea; Financing your venture at different stages, what
investors expect from you; Various sources of funding and pros & cons of each
Building a Resourceful Team: Shared leadership model, role of a good team in a venture’s success, what
to look for in a team, define clear roles and responsibilities; How to pitch to candidates to attract to join
your team, explore collaboration tools and techniques - brainstorming, mind mapping; Kanban board.
Marketing, Sales, and Support: Understanding the difference between product and brand and link
between them; Product/service positioning; Channels and strategies, budgeting and planning; Sales
planning, target setting; Unique sales propositions (USP); Follow-up and closing sale; Planning and
tracking, importance of project management to launch and track progress; Understanding time
management, workflow, delegation of tasks; Business regulations of starting and operating a business;
Documentation, how to find help to get started; Various government scheme
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) :
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
• Understanding nuances of being an entrepreneur; Difference between a startup venture and small
• Identifying problems worth solving, find the difference between customer and consumer.
• Make resourceful team and manage it.
• For marketing, sales and Support to the startup and business.
• Blank, S. G., & Dorf, B. (2012). The startup owner's manual: The step-by-step guide for building a
great company. Pescadero, Calif: K & S Ranch.
• Reference Books:
• Maurya, A (2016). Scaling Lean: Mastering the Key Metrics for Startup Growth. Portfolio/Penguin.
Sethi, A. (2016). From Science to Startup, Springer.

• Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning, Springer
CS- ML-411P ML Lab
Teaching Scheme Credit Marks Distribution
Practical Internal Practical External
L T P C Total
Assessment Assessment
Maximum Marks: 30 Maximum Marks: 20 50
0 0 2 1
Minimum Marks: 12 Minimum Marks: 08 20

Following is the list of experiments out of which minimum 08 experiments must be performed in the lab.
The additional experiments may be performed by the respective institution depending on the infrastructure

List of experiments:

1. Write a program to import and export data using Pandas library functions.
2. Implement Linear Regression Models.
3. Develop Logistic Regression Model for a given dataset.
4. Develop Decision Tree Classification model for a given dataset and use it to classify a new
5. Write a program for support vector machines.
6. Write a program to implement K- Means clustering Algorithm
7. Implement Dimensionality reduction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method.
8. Write a program to implement reinforcement learning algorithm.
CS- 412P DAA Lab
Credit Marks Distribution
L T P C Practical Internal Assessment Practical External Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 30 Maximum Marks: 20 50
0 0 2 1
Minimum Marks: 12 Minimum Marks: 08 20

Following is the list of experiments out of which minimum 08 experiments must be performed in the lab.
The additional experiments may be performed by the respective institution depending on the infrastructure

List of experiments:

1. Write a program to perform Insertion sort for any given list of numbers.
2. Write a program to perform Quick Sort for the given list of integer values.
3. Write a program to find Maximum and Minimum of the given set of integer values.
4. Write a Program to perform Merge Sort on the given two lists of integer values.
5. Write a Program to perform Binary Search for a given set of integer values recursively and non-
6. Write a program to find solution for knapsack problem using greedy method.
7. Write a program to find minimum cost spanning tree using Prim’s Algorithm.
8. Write a program to find minimum cost spanning tree using Kruskal’s Algorithm.
9. Write a program to perform Single source shortest path problem for a given graph.
10. Write a program to find solution for job sequencing with deadlines problem.
11. Write a program for all pairs shortest path problem.
12. Write a program to solve N-QUEENS problem.
13. Write a program to solve Sum of subsets problem for a given set of distinct numbers.
CS-413P AI Lab
Credit Marks Distribution
L T P C Practical Internal Assessment Practical External Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 30 Maximum Marks: 20 50
0 0 2 1
Minimum Marks: 12 Minimum Marks: 08 20

Following is the list of experiments out of which minimum 08 experiments must be performed in the lab.
The additional experiments may be performed by the respective institution depending on the infrastructure

List of experiments:
1. Write a program to implement breadth first search algorithm.
2. Write a program to implement depth first search algorithm.
3. Study of PROLOG programming language, functions and its facts.
4. Write a program to implement the Hill Climbing algorithm.
5. Write a program to build and display Neural network using Tenser flow Keres.
6. Write a program to implement back-propagations learning.
7. Write a program to implement Genetic algorithm.
8. Study of expert system tools and its applications.
9. Write a program to implement Traveling salesman problem.
10. Write a program to implement four queen problem.
11. Write a program to solve monkey banana problem.
12. Write a program to implement Tower of Hanoi.
HS-401 Law for Engineers
Credit Marks Distribution
Scheme Duration of End
End Semester Semester Examination
L T P C Internal Assessment Total
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
2 0 0 2 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five
sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has
short answer type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five
questions in all, i.e one question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E.
In the question paper, the questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II,
Unit-III and Unit-IV respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Constitutional Law: Nature of Indian Constitution(features), fundamental rights, duties and directive
Principles of State Policy (DPSP ‘s), forms of Governments, structure of Government of India, role and
responsibility of executive, legislature/parliament and judiciary, nature of Indian federal system, centre
, state and relations. Basic structure of the Indian constitution, basic features of the Indian, constitutional
amendments – Golak Nath, Keshwananda Bharti, Maneka Gandhi (1978) and S. R. Bommai
case(1994),(floor test).
Law of contract: General principles of Indian Contract Act, 1862, kinds of Government contracts and
dispute settlement, standard and printed form of contract, essential elements of valid contract proposal,
acceptance communication and revocation thereof, relevance of time in contractual obligation.
Main objectives of Arbitrates and Conciliation Act-1996, tort and law of tort, general principles of tort law,
classifications of torts: property vs. person.
Administrative Law: Evolution, nature and its scope, conceptual objection against growth of
administrative rule of law and separation of power, clarification of administrative actions, judicial review
of administrative actions, exclusion of judicial review and concept of―Ombudsman‖; Right to
InformationAct,2005 (Sub Section 1-20)
Environmental Law: Definition, meaning and its nature, environmental (Protection) Act-1986, Water
(Preservation and Control of Pollution) Act-1974, Air(Prevention and Control of Pollution)Act-
1981;Environmental pollution, overall remedies and procedures.
Human Rights: Legality of human rights, universal declaration of human rights,1948, difference between
civil and political rights, individual and human rights human rights of child, weaker section of society,
prisoners, and refugees, International Human Rights Commission.

Text Books:
• D.D. Basu, Shorter Constitution of India, Prentice Hall of India,(1996)
• Meena Rao, Fundamental concepts in Law of Contract, 3rd Edn. Professional Offset, (2006)
• H.O. Agarwal, International Law and Human Rights, Central Law Publications, (2008)
Reference Books:
1. H.M. Seervai, Constitutional Law of India, Tripathi Publications,(1993).
2. S.K. Kapur, Human Rights under International Law and Indian Law, Central Law Agency,
3. Neelima Chandiramani, The Law of Contract: An Outline, 2nd Edn. Avinash Publications Mum,
4. Avtar Singh, Law of Contract, Eastern Book Co.,(2002).\
5. AnsonW.R.(1979),Law of Contract, Oxford University Press.
HS-402 German Language-II
Teaching Duration of End
Credit Marks Distribution
Scheme Semester
L T P C Internal Assessment End Semester Examination Total Examination
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
2 0 0 2 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five
sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has
short answer type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five
questions in all, i.e one question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E.
In the question paper, the questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II,
Unit-III and Unit-IV respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

e‖ informelle ImperativsätzeVorschlägemit ―wir‖ ―sollen/wollenwir‖ -Sollich?
Modalpartikeln ―doch‖―mal‖ ―doch mal.
Grammatik: Ortsangabenmit Akk. Und Dativ ―alle‖,‖man‖Indefinitepronomen―etwas‖,
Grammatik:NomenausAdjektivennach ―etwas‖und ―nichts‖

Text Books:
1.StudiodA1.DeutschalsFremdsprache withCD.(KursbuchundSprachtraining).

1. GermanforDummies
2. SchulzGriesbach
HS-403 French Language-II
Teaching Duration of End
Credit Marks Distribution
Scheme Semester
L T P C Internal Assessment End Semester Examination Total Examination
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
2 0 0 2 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five
sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has
short answer type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five
questions in all, i.e. one question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section
E. In the question paper, the questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-
II, Unit-III and Unit-IV respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Course Content:

Grammar and Vocabulary: The second group verbs: Finir,rougir,grossir,grandir. ―Les preposition de
temps‖: à, en, le, de 7h à 8h, jusqu‘ à, vers.Listening and Speaking – the semi- vowels: Voilà, pollutant.
Writing – the days of the week, months, technical subjects, time,―lesspécialitésscientifiquesetl
‘annéeuniversitaire, paragraph writing about time table. Reading: Reading of the text and comprehension
–answering questions.
Grammar and Vocabulary–The adjectives, the nationality, feminine & masculine noun
forms―lesmétiersscientifiques‖.Listening and Speaking– Vowels: soirée,année,prèsde,très. Writing:
Countries name, nationality, ―les métiersscientifiques‖, numbers from:69toinfitiveand some measures of
unit. Reading Comprehension: reading a text.
Grammar and Vocabulary– near future, The demonstrative adjectives, Express the aim by using the verb,
Listening and Speaking –―Laliaisoninterdite– enhaut‖. Writing–some scientific terms, French expressions
to accept an invitation. Sentence framing. Reading Comprehension– reading a text.

Grammar andVocabulary–theverbs:manger,boire,thepartitivearticlesListening and Speaking – ―le ‗e‘

caduc Writing- the food, the ingredients, fruits, vegetables, expression of quantity, paragraph writing about
food habits. Reading–Reading a text.

Text Books:
1. Learn French: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning French for Beginners by Simple
Language Learning
2. French: A Linguistic Introduction by Douglas Kibbee (Author), Frederic Jenkins (Author),

References Books:
1. An Introduction to the French Language by MDe Fivas
2. French for Americans--Volume1:Aclear and easy method for beginners by Sidonie BesserAu
HS-404 Indian Constitution
Teaching Duration of End
Credit Marks Distribution
Scheme Semester
L T P C Internal Assessment End Semester Examination Total Examination
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
2 0 0 2 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five
sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has
short answer type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five
questions in all, i.e one question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E.
In the question paper, the questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II,
Unit-III and Unit-IV respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Introduction to Constitution:
Meaning and importance of the Constitution, salient features of Indian Constitution. Preamble of the
Constitution. Fundamental rights-meaning and limitations. Directive principles of state policy and
Fundamental duties-their Enforcement and their relevance.
Union Government:
Union Executive- President, Vice-president, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers. Union Legislature-
Parliament and Parliamentary proceedings. Union Judiciary-Supreme Court of India–composition and
powers and functions.
State and Local Governments:
State Executive- Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers. State Legislature-State Legislative
Assembly and State Legislative Council. State Judiciary-High court. Local Government-Panchayat raj
system with special reference to 73rd and Urban Local Self Govt. with special reference to 74th
Election provisions, Emergency provisions, Amendment of the constitution: Election Commission of
India- composition, powers and functions and electoral process. Types of emergency-grounds, procedure,
duration and effects. Amendment of the constitution-meaning, procedure and limitations.

Text Books/Suggested Learning Resources:

1. Ethics and Politics of the Indian Constitution Rajeev Bhargava Oxford University Press,
New Delhi, 2008
2. The Constitution of India B. L. Fadia Sahitya Bhawan; New edition(2017)
3. Introduction to the Constitution of India D D Basu Lexis Nexis; T wenty-Third2018 edition
4. M.V. Pylee,“IntroductiontotheConstitutionofIndia”,4thEdition,Vikaspublication,2005.
5. Durga Das Basu (DD Basu) , “Introduction to the constitution of India”,(Student
Edition),19thedition,Prentice-HallEEE, 2008.
IKS-311 Indian Knowledge System
Teaching Credi
Marks Distribution
Scheme t Duration of End
End Semester Tota Semester Examination
L T P C Internal Assessment
Examination l
Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60 100
2 0 0 2 3 Hours
Minimum Marks: 16 Minimum Marks: 24 40

Instructions to the question paper setter:

Question paper of end semester examination will be of 60 marks. The question paper will consist of five
sections A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have 2 questions of 12 marks each and section E has
short answer type questions consisting of six parts of 02 marks each. The candidate will attempt five
questions in all, i.e one question each from sections A, B, C, D and the compulsory question from section E.
In the question paper, the questions available in sections A, B, C and D will be covered from Unit-I, Unit-II,
Unit-III and Unit-IV respectively and section-E will cover whole syllabus.

Unit-I: The Constitution – Introduction

• The history of the making of the Indian constitution
• Preamble and the basic structure, and its interpretations
• Fundamentals rights and duties and their interpretation
• State policy Principles
Unit-II: Union Government
• Structure of the Indian Union
• President- role and power
• Prime minister and council of ministers
• Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
Unit-III: State Government
• Governor- Role and Power
• Chief Minister and Council of Ministers
• State Secretariat
Unit-IV: Local Administration
• District Administration
• Municipal Corporation
• Zila Panchayat

Suggested Learning Resources:

Sr No. Title of Book Author Publications
1 Ethics and Politics of the Indian Rajeev Oxford university
Constitution Bhargava Press, New delhi, 2008
2 The Constitution of India B.L. Fadia Sahitya Bhawan, New
edition, 2017
3 Introduction of the Constitution of DD Basu Lexis Nexis; twenty
India Third 2018 edition

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