Figure 8. Loadings plot of the developed PCA model derived from a
Figure 7. D-Glyph plot of a catalyst library data. Four elements (Cr, Mn, combinatorial library of multicomponent oxides (Mo, Ni, Mn, Cr, and Co, and Te) are plotted on a 3D quaternary mixtures plot, while three Co) and the selectivity of chemical products (acetone, propionic activities are mapped to three graphical attributes of a sphere glyph: color is adelhyde, acreolein, and 1,5-hexadiene).18,97,103 mapped to activities for acrolein, size is mapped to activities for 1, 5-hexadiene, and intensity is mapped to activities for acetone. The intensity of the glyphs is adjusted on the left plot to accentuate the levels of acetone.13 selectivity of metal ions on catalytic products but also can help to assess the relative impact of these elements. Importantly, while PCA and other pattern recognition tools behavior can be modified by the effects of metal/metal or metal/ are helpful in assessing the relative impact of multiple parameters oxygen/metal interactions. In this respect, it is important to on materials properties, they are not predictive tools. For know how to choose the “right” combination of metals. Just to predicting of materials properties, other methods should be consider which combination is appropriate and why is in itself a applied.97 Just as informatics can aid in searching and discovering challenge, and hence when one considers mixed metal catalysts critical data from combinatorial experiments,71 76 it can also with 4, 5, and more metals, we clearly have, what appears to be a serve as a predictive modeling tool based on CHT experimenta- prohibitive problem on exploring in a reasonably timely manner tion. For instance, Li et al. have shown,104 a new approach the catalytic behavior of such a vast array of chemistries. involving a hybrid data mining to determine which aspects of a The groups of Maier and Rajan13,102,103 addressed this issue polymeric molecular structure have the most impact on the through a study of 103 combinatorial catalyst library. The release kinetics behavior for drug delivery (see Figure 9). They chemistries sampled the complete composition spread of a five used these molecular descriptors to model the release profile of dimensional search space containing the elements Cr, Co, Mn, proteins from a combinatorial library of biodegradable polymers. Mo, and Ni prepared by a sol gel recipe and tested by the The mathematical approach for modeling the release profile was high-throughput screening reactor. To unravel the complexity of based on a combination of genetic algorithms (GA) and support these materials compositions, a visualization approach shown in vector regression methods. The polymers explored from the Figure 7 has been utilized to track the raw data from com- combinatorial libraries included linearly varying molar composi- binatorial experiments. This visualization approach facilitated tions of binary formulations of copolymers, with the protein the establishment of the framework on how data mining tech- release rate found to increase with decreasing polymer hydro- niques can be applied to unravel the complexity of combinatorial phobicity. From the new attribute selection approach, it was experiments. determined that number of nonconjugated backbone COO The further application of data mining techniques addressed bonds, number of aromatic rings, and number of CH2 bonds two questions, such as (1) the selectivity of a given metal to were most important for accurately modeling the release kinetics catalytic activity (i.e., a reaction product) and (2) the relative behavior. This work introduces a new approach for understanding influence between metal chemistry and catalytic activity. The which factors control drug release and has important implications loading plot of the developed PCA model provided the correla- for the rational design of new polymeric carriers for drug delivery tions between the presence of a specific metal species and the In addition to materials composition, materials microstructure selectivity of a given reaction product (see Figure 8). The relative and processing parameters play equally important effects. Unravel- correlations of different chemistries and their influence on ing the interactions between these effects is critical. Thus, infor- the selectivity of chemical reactions can be visualized through the matics techniques is applied to high-throughput screening data screening of the geometrical relationships between variables from combinatorial synthesis methods. In one representative represented in this loadings plot. In this case Mo or the pair example, the ability of a polymer system to both modulate its (Mo, Co) has positive correlations with acetone formation, while effect on the immune response and to deliver a drug or antigen in a Ni and Mn are tend to inhibit the formation of all the reaction controlled fashion provides an ideal platform for both vaccine products, especially acetone. This example has shown that the adjuvants and multicomponent implants. Many factors influence data mining techniques can not only help to identify the relative the innate and adaptive immune responses, including the activation 588 |ACS Comb. Sci. 2011, 13, 579–633
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