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Widi Alfina

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“Impossible is just an opinion”

Widi Alfina

Widi Alfina, 2024. Students Difficulties in Speaking English Encountered by The
Eleventh Grade of MA Alkhairat Pusat Palu (A Descriptive Qualitative Research
Study at MA Alkhairat Pusat Palu) Skripsi of the English Education Department
The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tadulako University of Palu
Supervised by Aminah, and Zarkiani Hasyim.
The objective of this research is to find out the difficulties in speaking English
and the factors that cause the students difficulties in speaking English. This
research used a qualitative approach, with findings that were not obtained through
statistical procedures or calculations. The type of research design employed was a
case study. A case study is a research method that specifically investigates
contemporary phenomena objects that are ongoing or have occurred but still leave
a significant impact at the time the research was conducted within the context of

real life, using various data sources.This research conducted at Madrasah Aliyah
Alkhairat Pusat Palu, Jl. Sis Al Jufri, Palu, Central Sulawesi. There are 5 students
and one teacher as participants, and the reseacher find out the information
about student difficulties in speaking English.
The study found that most students in the classroom primarily used Indonesian,
with the teacher using it 95% of the time. English was only used 3% of the time,
and students struggled with assignments and presentations in
Indonesian.Additionally, students faced psychological issues such as fear of
making mistakes, shyness, and anxiety, which impacted their confidence when
speaking English. They encountered various difficulties, including language
barriers and a lack of desire to communicate.The excessive use of Indonesian
hindered vocabulary acquisition and retention, leading to challenges in
vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar comprehension. The study emphasizes
the need to address these issues in the classroom to enhance students' learning

Key words: English speaking, student difficulties


Widi Alfina, 2024. Kesulitan Siswa dalam Berbicara Bahasa Inggris yang
Dihadapi oleh Siswa Kelas Sebelas MA Alkhairat Pusat Palu (Studi Penelitian
Kualitatif Deskriptif di MA Alkhairat Pusat Palu) Skripsi Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas
Tadulako Palu Dibimbing oleh Aminah dan Zarkiani Hasyim.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesulitan-kesulitan dalam

berbicara bahasa Inggris dan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan siswa kesulitan
dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif,
dengan temuan-temuan yang tidak diperoleh melalui prosedur atau perhitungan
statistik. Jenis desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Studi kasus
adalah suatu metode penelitian yang secara khusus menyelidiki fenomena-
fenomena kontemporer yang sedang berlangsung atau telah terjadi tetapi masih
menyisakan dampak yang signifikan pada saat penelitian dilakukan dalam konteks
kehidupan nyata, dengan menggunakan berbagai sumber data. Ada 5 siswa dan
satu guru sebagai partisipan, dan peneliti mencari tahu informasi tentang kesulitan
siswa dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris.

Studi ini menemukan bahwa sebagian besar siswa di kelas menggunakan bahasa
Indonesia, dengan guru menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sebanyak 95%. Selain
itu, siswa menghadapi masalah psikologis seperti takut melakukan kesalahan,
malu, dan cemas, yang berdampak pada kepercayaan diri mereka saat berbicara
bahasa Inggris. Penggunaan bahasa Indonesia yang berlebihan menghambat
akuisisi dan retensi kosakata, yang mengarah pada tantangan dalam kosakata,
pengucapan, dan pemahaman tata bahasa. Penelitian ini menekankan perlunya
mengatasi masalah ini di kelas untuk meningkatkan pengalaman belajar siswa.

Kata kunci: Berbahasa Inggris, kesulitan siswa


Alhamdulillahirabbil 'Alamin, thanks to Allah SWT, because the writer could

complete this research as one of the requirements for getting the undergraduate

degree ( S.Pd ) in english education department.Peace and salute always given to

our last prophet muhammad SAW, who has guided us from the darkness to the

brightness. The skripsi that the author made with the title " Students Difficulties in

Speaking English Encountered by The Eleventh Grade of MA Alkhairat Pusat


Palu " can be completed as one of the academic requirements to obtain a Bachelor

of Education degree in the English Language Education Study Program,

Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education, Tadulako University, Palu.

There are a number of people who have been so helpful and supportive for me

from the beginning of my study until it is achieved. To all of them, I wish to

extend heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for their contribution directly or

indirectly. In this precious moment, I would like to express my sincere gratitude


1. Mukrim S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D. as a reviewer, thank you for your support, and

guide for this research, give suggestions and time for the researcher.

2. Dr. Mam Aminah S.pd., M.pd., M.Ed. as supervisor who always guide this

researcher, give suggestion, time and more knowledge in completing this


3. Zarkiani Hasyim., S.Pd., M.Pd. as Co supervisor who always give

suggestion, support and advice for the researcher

4. Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairat pusat Palu, who has helped the researcher

during this research

5. Rector of Tadulako University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Amar, ST, MT, IPU, ASEAN

Eng, Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Dr.

Jamaluddin, M.Si., Head of the Department of Language and Arts, Dr.


Agustan , S.Pd., M.Pd, The Coordinator of the English Education Study

Program, Dr. Darmawan, S.Pd., M.Phil, who has also helped a lot and

gave suggestions, so that this skripsi can be completed soon.

6. My beloved family, especially my uncle who always give the best pray,

the best effort, the best support system.

7. My cutie friends, Fitri, maghfirah, dewi, asila and all my friend who

always support, accompany, comfort the researcher and thank for every

time that we spend together.

Palu, November 3 rd 2024

Widi Alfina



1.1 Background 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 The Objective of the Research 3
1.4 Significance of the research 3
1.5 Scope of Research 4
1.6 Limitation of the Research 4
1.7 Operational Definition of Key Term 4
2.1 Previous Study 5
2.2 Review of Literature 7
3.1 Research Design 18
3.2 Setting 18
3.3 Research Instrument 18
3.4 Technique of Data Collection 19
3.5 Technique of Data Analysis 21
4.1 Research Findings 23
4.2 Discussion 27
5.1 Conclusion 30

5.2 Suggestion 30

1.1 Background

In learning English one of the skills language needed to learn is speaking. It

was presented directly by Luoma (2004), which stressed the importance of

language performance. Because the ability to speak languages reflects someone

personality, self-image, knowledge and ability to express opinions. So we need to

increase the ability to speak in academia. But despite the importance of learning

to speak as the development of English learning.

According to brown (2007), states that speaking is social contact in

interactive language functions is an importance key and in which it is not what the

learning say the counts but how learning say it what learning convey with body

language, gestures, eye contact, physical distance and other nonverbal message. It

means that speaking is activity human in interactive language to say something or

convey message with body language, gesture not with oral language.

In Indonesia in educational context, speaking is additionally emphasized in

learning. It has become one of the student weekly exercises, most students face

tension when speaking English for verbal communication purposes.

In Shen and Chiu (2019) studies, general difficulties of speaking concerns

about making mistakes, fear of criticism or shame in communicating so that low

or non-widespread communication participation arises. In addition, the



of speaking began to be ignored by seeing more teachers speaking than students.

It is contrary to the primary purpose of English teaching especially in high school

which must increase the ability of learners to use English effectively and

accurately when communicating. In general English subjects aim to ensure

learners: 1) Develop communicative competence in English with a variety of

multimodal texts (oral, written, visual, audiovisual, 2) Develop intercultural

competencies to understand and appreciate perspective, practices and products of

Indonesian culture and foreign cultures, 3) Develop the confidence to express as

on independent and responsible individual, 4) Develop critical and creative

reasoning skills.

The causes of difficulties faced by students when speaking can be caused

by several things, such as language differences. English as a universal language

has a different grammar from Indonesian as the students' mother tongue. These

things are related to linguistic characteristics. The two languages, Indonesian or

mother tongue, have nothing in common in their grammar. This includes phonetic

and syntactic aspects and even semantic aspects. This can be proven by looking at

the difficulties experienced by students in speaking.

Looking at the related understanding speaking in the study of English, the

researcher take an initiative about the improvement of speaking at MA Alkhairaat

Pusat Palu by looking at any difficulty students experienced in communicating


1.2 Problem Statement

Based on the background, the problems of the research can be formulated


1. What are the difficulties faced by the students of eleventh grade of MA

Alkhairaat Pusat Palu in speaking English?

2. What are the factors causes the difficulties of eleventh grade of MA

Alkhairaat Pusat Palu in speaking English?

1.3 The Objective of the Research

The objective of this research is to find out the difficulties in speaking

English and the factors that cause the students difficulties in speaking English.

1.4 Significance of the research

The significance of this research is expected that the findings will be benefit

for teachers, school, and other researchers.

1. For the teachers

This study can help English teachers to have a better understanding of

their students speaking issues, and the findings will provide them feedback on the

challenges of teaching speaking in senior high schools. Knowing the obstacles

that the students confront will make it easier for the teachers to find solutions.

2. For the school

This research can increase the knowledge of the school to achieve school

progress to compete in the knowledge development competition for students.


3. For the researchers

This research aims to find out students difficulties in learning to speak, it

will also provide new references about difficulties in learning to speak. In

addition, researchers can choose several methods to overcome student


1.5 Scope of Research

This research focuses on several factors about Students difficulties in

speaking English. In the relation to the difficulty researcher discuss the difficulties

in speaking English.

1.6 Limitation of the Research

In this research, the researcher limits the research to the students

difficuties factors and solutions to the students difficulties in speaking.

1.7 Operational Definition of Key Term

To prevent misconceptions about specific term used in this research, the

researcher provide the key terms as follows:

1. Speaking is one of the language skills which allow us to communicate

effectively. This skill gives us the ability to convey information verbally and

in a way that the listener can understand.

2. Difficulty is trouble, hardship, a situation or something that is difficult.

difficulty is a condition that shows a characteristic of obstacles in activities to

achieve goals, so that better eefforts are needed to overcome these obstacles.

2.1 Previous Study

In this research, the researcher found another previous studies that are

relevant with this research. The first research was conducted by Sari (2017),

entitled students’ difficulties in speaking skill, at the second grade of SMA

Muhammadiyah 1 Karanganyar. The objectives of this research were to describe

students’ difficulties in speaking, to describe the factors caused students

difficulties in speaking and to describe the studentS strategies that used to

overcome the difficulties. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The

instruments used in collecting the data were observation and interview. The

results of this research were every student has several difficulties in speaking,

namely: inhibition, nothing to say, un-even participant and mother tongue. The

factors caused students difficulties in speaking, namely: personality, motivation,

cognitive style, class condition, the students’ strategies, cognitive strategies, and

socio-affective strategies.

The second study was conducted by Nadzirotunnuha (2017) entitled the

Analysis of students problem on speaking skill, at SMP Islam Darussalam

Dongko. The objectives of this research were to analyze students’ problem in

speaking skill and to know what were the teacher did to solve the students

speaking problems. This research used survey with quantitative approach, the


instruments used to collect the data in this research are questionnaire and

interview. The result of this research showed that the students faced speaking

problems such as inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation, and

mother tongue, the teacher asked the students to feel confident when they speak

by giving reward. For nothing to say, the teachers gave the topic that was suitable

to the students and gave the early concept at the beginning of learning. For low or

uneven participation, the teachers gave same opportunity to all students and made

a small dynamic group. For mother tongue use, the teachers habituated students to

speak English, avoided giving too difficult and too many topics, and change the

students’ mindset that English is not difficult.

There are several differences and similarities among the researcher's

research and the previous ones. Data collection techniques, using questionnaires

and interviews have been used by both researchers and these will also be used by

the researcher. Another similarity lies in the objectives of the first previous

research related to the explanation of speaking difficulties and the use of

descriptive qualitative research methods. While the differences can be seen from

the two previous research subjects. The first previous study took SMA 1

Muhammadiyah Karanganyar as the research subject and the second previous

study took SMP 2 Islam Darussalam Dongko as the research subject.

Furthermore, the quantitative approach has been used by the second previous

study as a research method that is different from the descriptive qualitative

research that will be used by researcher and the research objectives related to

student problem analysis are also different in the length contained in the second

previous study.

Finally, the researcher of this research will conduct the same research

related to student difficulties as previous research but with differences in research

subjects that have never been studied before.

2.2 Review of Literature

2.2.1 The Importance of Speaking

Speaking is important because people use their speaking skill to

communicate with each other. Brown (2004) explain that speaking is an oral

interaction where participants need to negotiate the meaning of ideas, feelings

and information. In this case, the listener must understand the relationship

between the ideas presented. Torky (2006) define speaking as an interactive

process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and

processing information. Its form and meaning are dependent on the context in

which it occurs, including the participants themselves, the physical

environment and the purposes for speaking. It is often spontaneous, opened, and

evolving. However, speech is not always unpredictable. Language functions or

patterns that tend to recur in certain discourse situations can be identified.

Based on the theory above, speaking is the important part of the communication.

We need to improve our skill in speaking for communicating and getting or giving

information for other.

2.2.2 Speaking Aspects


Speaking is the most important skill to master. Brings the ability to have a

conversation. Through conversation people can do oral communication to apply

communication function itself. Harmer (2007) argues that speaking skills that

require the simultaneous use of a number of different abilities. They include

aspects of speaking. There are several points which explains the aspects of

speaking English as follows:

a. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the act way speakers produce clearer language when they

speak. It is deal with the phonological process that refers to the component of a

grammar made up of the element and principles that determine how sound and

pattern in a language. It is included the segmental factors, vowels, consonants,

words stress, tone pitch and intonation patterns. For the reason, if the speakers

want to be able to speak English fluently they need to be able to pronoun

phonemes correctly.

b. Grammar

Grammar is the basic units of meanings, such as words and a set of rules

to combine them into a new sentence (Fromkin & Rodman, 2014). It is needed

for the speakers to arrange a correct sentence in a conversation. The speakers must

be able to manipulate and to distinguish appropriate grammatical forms in

appropriate ones. The utility of grammar is also to learn the correct way to gain

expertise in a language in oral and written form.

c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a basic element in language. It is included a single word, set

phrases, variable phrases, phrases verbs and idioms. One cannot effectively

communicate or express their ideas both in oral and written form if they do not

have sufficient vocabulary.

d. Fluency

Fluency is the ability to keep going when speaking spontaneously. In a

simple term, fluency is the ability to talk freely without too much stopping or

hesitating. When fluently the speakers should be able to get the messages across

with whatever resources and abilities they have got regardless and other mistakes.

2.2.3 The Difficulties of Speaking Skill

Mastering speaking is not easy. In learning speaking, the students are

usually faces difficulties in speaking English. That can be seen from two aspects,

there are psychological aspect and language aspect.

1. Psychological Aspects

English speaking skill can be difficult for student in any educational levels

and environment to acquire. The challenge is also encountered by the students of

the Islamic based school, this is caused by several factors, one of which is


According to Juhanna (2012), there are some psychological aspects that

faced by the students when they speaking in the class:

a. Fear of mistake

Many theorists argued that fear mistake becomes one of the main

factors of students reluctance to speak in English in the class room. Aftat (2008)

adds that this fear is linked to the issue of correction by students fear of being

laughed at by other students or being criticized by the teacher. So, the students

low of motivation and low of participant in speaking activity. Therefore, it is

important for teachers to convince their students that making mistake is not a

wrong thing. Because students can learn from their mistakes.

b. Shyness

Shyness is an emotional thing that many students suffer from at

home time when they are required to speak in English class. Shyness is one

of common problem in student’s speaking performance. Shyness also being a

problem in speaking learning class, so paying attention on this aspect is

also quite important in order to help the students do their speaking

performance in the classroom (Gebhard, 2000). According to Baldwin (2010)

speaking in front of people is one of the more common phobias that

students encounter and feeling of shyness makes their mind go blank or

that they will forget to say.

c. Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling of tension, apprehension and nervousness with the

situation of learning foreign language, Anxiety is one of the problems

that can make students do not feel comfortable when they doing speaking

performance. Anxiety can affect students performance. It can influence the

quality of oral language production and make individuals appear less fluent

than the really are. By the explanation above, the teacher should make an attempt

to create a learning atmosphere which gives students more comfortable situations

in their learning activity (Hermaniar and Azkiya, 2021).

d. Lack of confidence

The situations of lack confidence are when the students who did not

apply English orally could have a negative impact. They were afraid to

speak and to make the mistakes. Often they chose to remain silent or did not

speak English in order to avoid the ridicule of friends. Sometimes they had

prepared words, but they found it difficult to express them. Therefore, this

incident could reduce their attractiveness to practice English orally. Having

self-confidence needed to look at themselves and judge them. If they thought

they could do anything, then they were up for the challenge. Despite facing

tough problems, they easily found the best solution to improve themselves. Self-

confidence is the key to success in English speaking skills. Students who are

confident in their abilities are able to overcome their fears and negative

thoughts so that they will speak English fluently. Therefore, the teachers

should encourage the students to practice speaking more often to boost

their self-confidence. In addition, students self-confidence could be created

by having positive thinking and showing love for their self. When students

could do these two things, they would be able to speak English without any


2. Language aspects

English language skills can be seen from four skills, namely writing,

reading, speaking, and listening. In addition, there are three language elements

that play an important role in supporting the four skills, namely these four skills,

namely pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar (language structure), which has

always been an obstacle to learning English (Megawati, 2016).

a. Pronunciation is one part of speaking skills that will be directly and clearly

observable and knowable. When someone speaks in English, people who

listen will directly identify the pronunciation of that person. Pronunciation

is one of the most important aspects of English, especially in oral

communication. Every sound, stress pattern, and intonation can convey

meaning. Speakers who are not native English speakers (non-native

Speakers who are not native English speakers (non-native speakers) when

speaking English must be very careful in pronouncing some vocabulary in

English because if there is an error in pronunciation, even just a little, it

can cause misunderstanding. So, mastering good and correct pronunciation

as well as native speakers to be understood is very necessary. According to

Lado (1964: 70), pronunciation is the use of the sound system in speaking

and listening. (speaking) and listening (listening). In this case,

pronunciation is only treated as actions that occur in speaking and

listening; Lado does not mention how the sound is produced. The sound is

produced. From this definition, it can be concluded that pronunciation is a

way of saying a certain word or phrase that is generally accepted or

understood (intelligible).

b. Vocabulary is literally “a rundown or assortment of words or of words

and phrases sometimes alphabetically. assortment of words or of words

and phrases sometimes alphabetically organized and explained or

defined." From this understanding, it can be understood that vocabulary is

a list of words and phrases arranged alphabetically and explained or

defined. Hatch & Brown (1995) say that vocabulary refers to a list or set

of words for a particular language or a list or set of words that may be used

by every speaker of a language. that might be used by any speaker of the

language. From this statement, vocabulary can be defined as all the words

that are known or used by everyone, and it is all the words in a particular

language. Cameron (2001) concludes that vocabulary is one of the most

important areas of knowledge in language. field of knowledge in language,

it plays an important role for learners in mastering a language. In

mastering a language, this statement emphasizes the importance of

vocabulary in the knowledge of a language. in the knowledge of a


c. Grammar is a rule or guide used to learn the grammar of a language.

Grammar serves to give clear meaning to words so that sentences or

paragraphs become clear. Thus, grammar is influential in making each

other understand in communication. In Indonesian, grammar is known as

S-P-O-K (subject, predicate, object, description (Keterangan)). While in

English, grammar studies the form of verbs, adjectives, interrogative

sentences, and more. Grammar is the first lesson learned by humans since

they were babies. When we are young, we often hear people around us

talking, so over time we learn how to pronounce words, then learn to form

sentences perfectly. Grammar is a collection of rules about the structure of

language use both orally and in writing (Rohmah, 2009).

2.2.4 English in Indonesian school

The learning process by including English in subject in Indonesia has

begun since the Dutch colonial era, the dynamics of policies and curriculum

changes from the government have colored our education world, especially in

English subjects themselves. The need to use and master foreign languages,

especially English has made changes which is quite significant in the education

system in Indonesia. The position of English in the learning curriculum Indonesia

is important because in addition to responding to global challenges, English is an

international language that must be mastered and studied by the Indonesian

people, especially in our education world, as well access to digital technology. As

a society and especially educators themselves, they certainly understand and have

hope that if English does have an important role in learning in Indonesia, English

must remain in the learning curriculum in Indonesia, considering and seeing its

urgency in today’s era, but in fact it is often found in education.

We in particular do not fully understand and master English, starting from

the low interest in learning English among students, students feeling hesitant in

starting and using English, difficulty understanding and pronouncing vocabulary

from students, and also educators who are less competent in teaching so that it

makes the position of English in the curriculum in Indonesia increasingly urgent,

and of course the government’s goal to include English lesson in the curriculum

is definitely not separated from preparing human resources capable of global


2.2.6 Characteristic of Speaking Success

Spoken language is easy to perform but in some case it is difficult. In

order they can carry out the successful speaking. They have to fulfill some

characteristic of successful activity (Brown, 2001).

1. Learners take a lot

As much as possible of the period of time allotted to the activity is in fact

of occupied by learners talk.

a. Participant is even

In classroom discussion all of the learners get change to speak and

contribution are fairly evenly distributed.

b. Motivation is high

Learners are eager to speak if they are interested in the topic have something

new to say about it, because they want to contribute to achieving a task


c. Language is of an acceptable level

Learners express themselves in utterances that are relevant, easily

comprehensible to each other and of an acceptable level of language accuracy.

2. Strategies to solve speaking problems


In the process of learning speaking, of course there are some

problem which teacher has to solve it. Ur (1991) mention that at least there are

five ways to solve the problems of speaking, they are:

1. Use group

2. Base the activity on easy language

3. Make a careful choice of topic and task stimulate interest

4. Give some instruction of training in discussion skills.

5. Keep students speaking the target language.


2.2.5 Conceptual Framework


3.1 Research Design

This research used a qualitative approach, with findings that were not

obtained through statistical procedures or calculations. The type of research

design employed was a case study. A case study is a research method that

specifically investigates contemporary phenomena objects that are ongoing or

have occurred but still leave a significant impact at the time the research was

conducted within the context of real life, using various data sources. The case

study made it possible to investigate a particular event, situation, or social

condition and to provide insight into the processes that explain how certain events

or situations occur.

3.2 Setting

This research conducted at Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairat Pusat Palu, Jl. Sis

Al Jufri, Palu, Central Sulawesi. There are 5 students and one teacher as

participants, and the reseacher find out the information about student

difficulties in speaking English.

3.3 Research Instrument

Instrument in collecting data are a tools used by researcher to help in

collecting data in order to make it easier (Arikunto, 2000). There are the

researcher itself, observation checklist, interview guide and recorder.


1) Researcher

The researcher is the main research instrument. The researcher asked

questions, observed, and analyzed the learning process from the observations

made, and the results of the interviews made the research clearer and more


The researcher asked the teacher during observation about several things, then

interviewed students in the class about the learning process and other relevant


2) Observation checklist

In this research, the researcher used an observation checklist as an insttumen

to obtain data. the researcher made observation checklist to find out the

difficulties in speaking english in MA Aliyah Alkhairat Pusat Palu

3) Interview guide

Interview guide is a list of questions that researcher ask when conducting

interviews to obtain research data.

4) Recorder

It is used to record the students and teacher during speaking activity learning

process in the classroom and to record student question during interview

with the researcher.


3.4 Technique of Data Collection

The researcher used an observation and an interview as techniques of

data collection.

1) Observation

Observation is a complex process and a process composed of variously

biological and psychological process (Sugiyono, 2016). In this technique of

collecting data, the researcher used observation to get more information about

difficulties of students speaking English in learning process.

In this research, the researcher did not teach the students but only observed

their activities in the classroom while learning to speak. The researcher used an

observational checklist to collect data about the difficulties that students

experienced while speaking during English lessons. In this case, the researcher

observed, analyzed, and drew conclusions about the subjects based on the data.

2) Interview

Interview is the important data collection technique in qualitative

research process. According Sugiyono (2009), interview are used as data

collection techniques if researchers want to conduct preliminary studies to

find the problem under study.

The researcher interviewed the teacher and students to identify the

difficulties in learning English in class, particularly in speaking. The researcher

focused on students who had the lowest scores in the speaking test, as suggested

by the English teacher. Additionally, the researcher interviewed one teacher who

taught English at Madrasah Aliyah Alkhairat Pusat Palu to gain insights into the

difficulties students faced while speaking English during the learning process.

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis

Data analysis was the process of searching and arranging the interview

transcripts and other materials that the researcher collected to enhance her own

understanding and that of others. It involved describing the information in units,

selecting what was important, and drawing conclusions to make it easier to

understand (Sugiyono, 2012). In this research, the researcher used qualitative

methods and applied descriptive qualitative analysis techniques. The researcher

analyzed the students' difficulties in speaking English at the eleventh grade of MA

Alkhairat Pusat Palu. The data collected was analyzed through data reduction,

data display, and conclusion drawing/verification.

1. Data reduction

Data reduction means summarizing, choosing or selecting the important

points the most needed in research focusing on the main things from the data that

appear in interview transcript and field note of observation, describing them into

units, synthesizing, compiling into in patterns.

2. Data display

Data display was the second component in analyzing the data. It involved

reducing data and presenting it in an organized, compressed way so that

conclusions could be drawn more easily. Sugiyono (2012) stated that the most

commonly used form of data display for qualitative research was narrative text.

This meant that the data was presented and explained in the form of words,

sentences, and paragraphs.

3. Conclusion Drawing

This step in analyzing data involved drawing conclusions or verification.

The researcher collected the data and analyzed it to ensure it was valid, consistent,

and sufficient. The researcher read the entire transcripts of the interviews and

drew conclusions from the field notes of observations and interviews. The

researcher reached conclusions after analyzing the data.

By Miles,Huberman and Saldana 2014


In this chapter, the researcher identified and discussed students

difficulties in speaking English. These findings are based on the analysis of data

from observation and interviews.


The researcher conducted classroom observations to see the learning

process in the classroom. The researcher observed how the teacher teaches, the

teacher's interaction with students during the learning process, and communication

in the classroom when providing material. Here researcher also saw how students

are during the learning process, student interactions with teachers, interactions

among students, how active students are in class when asking questions and

presenting their assignments, and how often the use of English in the classroom is

done and used by teachers and students.

Another data collection technique used by researchers is interview. By

conducting interview, researchers obtained the information needed in this study.

Researchers conducted interviews with the same students, namely from class XI

IPS, in MA Alkhairaat Pusat Palu.

Observation has been done twice by the researcher in class XI IPS on

August 21 and 26, 2024. Based on the results of observations and interview,


researcher elaborate conclusions about students difficulties in English

lessons. The results of observation and interviews, can be seen as follows:

1. The Difficulties of Speaking Skill

a. Psychological Aspect

1. According to the results of the classroom observations, the researcher

saw that the teacher used Indonesian 95% of the time. At the

beginning of the lesson, when the teacher opened the class, English

was used, but when the teacher began to explain the subject matter,

Indonesian was used and English was no longer spoken. The teacher

used Indonesian from the provision of material to the end of the lesson,

while students used English in class only 3% of the time, both when

asking questions, responding to the teacher, answering questions, and

communicating in class. When students were given assignments by the

teacher, they found it difficult to answer and even had to use Google

Translate to help them translate words that had been classified as easy.

When directed to present their assignments, they also used Indonesian.

Overall, the learning process predominantly used Indonesian.

2. Based on the findings of the interviews, students who were

interviewed by the researcher exhibited psychological issues,

specifically a fear of making mistakes and shyness. This was

demonstrated by the first subject, who, when asked about speaking in

class, responded, "Kadang-kadang saya malu, Kak, karena cara

penyebutan kata saya jelek dan juga takut salah sebut kata." Other

subjects gave similar responses. The researcher also inquired about

anxiety and confidence when speaking English. Students reported that

they sometimes felt anxious about their ability to speak English, which

they perceived as very lacking, and this affected their level of

confidence. Their anxiety was influenced by various factors that made

them feel uneasy and not confident. The students also faced

psychological problems that hindered their learning. In terms of

psychological challenges, all the students had different types of

difficulties, ranging from language barriers to a lack of desire to

communicate. Their inability to express themselves in English when

speaking was notable. The majority of students provided various

explanations for their fear of making mistakes when stringing words

together, including fear of using unfamiliar language and anxiety about

making grammatical errors. Almost all of the five students interviewed

expressed the same concern: they were afraid of making mistakes.

b. Language Aspect

1. From the results of classroom observations conducted, researcher

found a lack of use of English in the classroom and during the learning

process. In terms of language aspects, the use of mother tongue which

is almost used during the learning process makes it difficult for

students to get rid of the habit of using mother tongue or Indonesian

which affects the use and increase of new vocabulary due to the lack of

use of English in the classroom, then the ability of students in terms of


word pronunciation and affects the lack of pronunciation of students

words due to the overuse of Indonesian in the learning process which

also affects students ability to remember and memorize vocabulary due

to the lack of direct practice in the classroom because they always use

their native language or Indonesian during the learning process and

when students try to say something in English they look difficult to put

words together due to students' lack of knowledge about the rules of

word structure or grammar.

2. From the results of the researcher interview regarding students

difficulties in speaking English in terms of language aspects,

students most often mentioned the lack of vocabulary, pronunciation,

and difficulty stringing words because they did not understand

grammar. Their first difficulty was the lack of English vocabulary that

was memorized and known by the students. The next difficulty for

students was in terms of pronunciation of words, which was caused

by a lack of practice and a lack of use in daily life and in class, making

them less accustomed and feeling embarrassed and not confident when

they had to speak in English in class. Then the last one was grammar.

In this case, students found difficulties when they were trying to string

words while speaking. Students found it difficult to understand the

structure in English, which was also the reason why they had difficulty

when speaking in English. As for the students lack of pronunciation

due to a lack of familiarity in its use, students who daily used their

mother tongue and/or Indonesian were faced with learning a new

language at school. The lack of vocabulary mastery by students was

caused by the way words were mentioned, which was different from

their writing, making students confused and difficult to quickly

understand. Additionally, the arrangement of vocabulary in Indonesian

and English was slightly different, which was also a factor in their

difficulty in using English. Their habit of using their mother tongue in

daily life also made it difficult for them to get used to using English

and speaking English in the learning process.

The study's findings shed light on the challenges students encounter

when learning to speak. The elements that contribute to students challenges in

learning to speak as well as the methods they take to get past those challenges.

The explanation will follow the data description and be shown below.

This study revealed that students in grade XI social studies faced some

difficulties when learning to speak English. These difficulties could be seen from

two perspectives: psychological and language. In the psychological aspect, there

were fears of making mistakes, shyness, anxiety, and a lack of confidence, and

lack of motivation. In the language aspect, there were difficulties with incorrect

pronunciation (lack of pronunciation), limited vocabulary, and a lack of

understanding of grammar.

The first factors from psychological aspects that caused students to

struggle in English was fear of making mistakes. The students admitted that they

found it difficult to learn how to pronounce vocabulary correctly, and they were

afraid of making mistakes when speaking English. They were especially afraid of

mispronouncing words because they believed that some words had the same

pronunciation but different meanings, and students experienced embarrassment if

they made mistakes in speaking English. A number of experts argued that one of

the main reasons students were unwilling to communicate in English in class was

that they were afraid of making mistakes. This aligned with the statement made by

Juhana (2012:101), who also mentioned that this concern was related to students'

problems that needed to be corrected for fear of being criticized by others or by

the teacher. Next was shyness, which was comparable to a lack of confidence; in

other words, when students lacked confidence, it was because they were not

comfortable speaking in English. Furthermore, this problem was still related to

students' anxiety about making mistakes because they felt embarrassed to use the

language if they made mistakes when speaking with their classmates. The last

issue was a lack of motivation. Although only one student out of five reported

having less motivation, the other students answered never in the given

questionnaire, but this had a significant impact on their ability to speak English,

making it difficult for them to form sentences and create easy speech.

The first factor causing students difficulties in speaking English from the

language aspect was the lack of pronunciation. Students had difficulty because

they had not mastered how to pronounce English words correctly. According to

them, the way words were pronounced was different when they were read and

when they were spoken. In addition, the students agreed that one of the challenges

they faced when learning to speak was incorrect English pronunciation because

English pronunciation and writing were different, and some words were difficult

for them to pronounce. Next was the lack of vocabulary. The majority of students

realized that they did not master English vocabulary because, according to them,

English was a foreign language that was not often used in daily life. English

vocabulary was also too extensive to memorize, which made students feel unable

to string words together when speaking English. Finally, there was the lack of

knowledge about grammar. This was also caused by the slight differences

between Indonesian and English grammar, along with the lack of instruction on

grammar during lessons by teachers, which meant they had to learn on their own

without anyone to accompany them or provide guidance when they made


In this chapter, the researcher presents the conclusions of the research

and suggestions for developing students difficulties in English speaking lessons

in class XI IPS at MA Alkhairaat Pusat Palu. The following are the

conclusions and suggestions of this study:


The researcher discovered students challenges in English speaking

lessons, the elements that produce difficulties in English speaking lessons, and

their solutions to overcome difficulties in English speaking lessons, according to

the research findings, XI IPS students at MA Alkhairaat Pusat Palu face

difficulties in speaking English in class due to various factors such as using a

mother tongue, incorrect pronunciation, lack of motivation, lack of vocabulary,

fear of appearing foolish, and limited vocabulary. They struggle to retain words

and pronounce them correctly, making it difficult for them to comprehend the

speaker's words. They also feel ashamed when making mistakes in their English

speaking. To overcome these difficulties, students listen to English songs, listen to

pronunciation of vocabulary in songs, and watch English movies with or without

subtitles to improve their speaking skills.

Based on the conclusions presented in the fourth chapter, researcher

suggest that students should be encouraged to speak more in their daily lives and


be more active in acquiring and using English, especially in speaking. To improve

vocabulary, pronunciation, and meaning, students should use dictionaries or

Google Translate. Teachers should avoid using their mother tongue when

teaching English, and the learning process should be fun to avoid boredom. The

researcher hopes to continue this study to identify speaking difficulties and

strategies, and recommends conducting observations and interviews to gain a

deeper understanding of students problems and speaking strategies.

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Observation Guide

1. Observation Guide for Teacher

Tempat Observasi: _____________

Waktu Observasi: ____________

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak Deskripsi

Guru menggunakan bahasa

1. Inggris dalam proses
Guru memberikan
kesempatan untuk siswa
berbicara bahasa Inggris di
Guru memberikan motivasi
belajar untuk bisa berbahasa
inggris di kelas sebelum
menutup pelajaran.

2. Observation Guide of Students

No Pernyataan Ya Tidak Deskripsi

Siswa banyak diam di kelas

1. karena keterbatasan dalam
kosa kata.
Siswa terbatas dalam
berbicara karena
keterbatasan dalam tata


Siswa takut berbicara

menggunakan bahasa
3. inggris karena takut salah
dalam pengucapan bahasa

Interview Guide

Nama: _____________________

Kelas: _____________________

1. Apakah anda menyukai pelajaran bahasa inggris?

2. Sebutkan kesulitan anda dalam berbahasa Inggris!

3. Menurut anda, faktor apakah yang mempengaruhi kesulitan tersebut ketika

berbicara dalam bahasa inggris?

4. Menurut anda, apa penyebab kesulitan anda dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris?

5. Apa saran anda agar siswa dapat mengatasi kesulitan tersebut?



Description of the Informant:
S : Student
R : Researcher


R: Hallo, perkenalkan namanya siapa?

S: Nama saya Khalisah dari kelas XI ips.

R : Oke, baik,apakah kamu menyukai pelajaran bahasa inggris?

S:Iya suka

R : Berapa persen sih sukanya?

S: 100%

R: Oke, sebutkan kesulitan anda dalam berbahasa inggris ! kesulitan dalam

belajar bahasa inggris itu apa sih ?

S: Penyebutannya kak susah, kadang malu kak soalnya kadang kalau saya

bicara itu nada nya jelek dan penyebutannya nya juga banyak salah .

R: Apakah itu saja ?

S: Iya itu saja kak

R: Oke terus menurut anda faktor apakah yang mempengaruhi kesulitan tsb

ketika berbicara dalam bahasa inggris

S: Faktornya karena kurang kosa kata sehingga itu membuat saya sulit dalam

berbicara bahasa inggris dan juga tensesnya.

R: Menurutmu apa sih penyebab kesulitan dalam berbicara bahasa inggris?

S: Karena kita org indonesia.


R: Tapi pernah kah kau juga ada rasa takut buat kesalahan pas bicara di depan


S: Pernah kak, sering malah apalagi kalau sudah tidak tau mau bilang apalagi

Karna vocab ku kurang atau tidak karna takut salah sebut kata.

R: Itu berpengaruh tidak sama kepercayaan dirimu pas belajar di kelas?

S: Sangat berpengaruh kak karna kalau sudah gugup takut salah otomatis

sudah tidak PD dan malu juga.

R: Lalu bagaimana cara mu mengatasi kesulitan dalam meningkatkan bahasa

bahasa inggris?

S: Kalau saya sendiri supaya kosa kata ku bertambah, saya sering dengar

lagu bahasa inggris atau tidak nonton film barat pake subtitel biar

sekalian saya tau cara pengucapanya

R: Oke. Apakah anda punya saran untuk pembelajaran bahasa inggris


S: untuk guru mungkin kak, biasanya penjelasannya tdk merata, jadi itu bisa

di tingkatkan kayaknya.

R: Oke terimakasih


R: Halo namanya siapa ?

S: Nama saya Prila Nurmutmainnah dari kelas XI ips

R: Apakah kau suka pelajaran bahasa inggris ?

S: Iya suka

R: Sebutkan kesulitanmu dalam berbahasa inggris!

S: Kesulitannya adalah pengucapannya biasanya belibet lidahku kak.

R:Menurutmu faktor apa sih yg mempengaruhi kesulitan tersebut?

S: Kekurangan kosa kata sih kak, jadi kalau mau translate begitu tidak tau

artinya apa.

R: Oh susah menterjemahkan karena kurang kosa kata ya jadi tidak tau, terus

gimana pengucapannya?

S: Iya pengucapannya juga kak.

R: Terus kamu kalau kita tidak tau berbicara bahasa inggris begitu kita tidak

percaya diri ya?

S: Iya kak kurang percaya diri dan malu juga kak, apalagi kalau banyak salah-


R : Saran kamu agar siswa dapat mengatasi kesulitan tsb apa saja ?

S: Dengan banyak lagi belajar kosa kata dan pronunciation. Bisa dari lagu atau

film yang berbahasa inggris.

R: Baik. Terimakasih.


R: Perkenalkan namanya siapa?

S: Nama saya Silva

R: Silva, kls XI ips, ini ips berapa ?

S: IPS satu satunya kak

R: Oh jadi ips cuman satu ya


S: Iya kak

R: Oke, apakah kamu menyukai pelajaran bahasa inggris?

S: Suka kak,

R: Apakah benar benar menyukainya? apasih yg membuat kamu suka sama

pelajaran bahasa inggris ?

S: Karena pelajarannya seru kak.

R: Apa sih kesulitannmu dalam berbahasa inggris ?

S: Kesulitannya dalam pengucapan sih kak

R: Oh jadi rata rata kesulitannya pengucapan ya .itu kesulitannya ya

terus faktor apakah yang mempengaruhi kesulitan itu? menurut kamu?

S: Karena kosa kata, terus grammar..

R: Penyebab kesulitanmu dalam berbahasa inggris itu apa ?

S: Karena kurang terbiasa, kurang praktek dan karna sehari-hari juga

seringnya pake bahasa indonesia jadi susah terbiasa.

R: Apakah di kelas dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris siswa di haruskan

memakai bhs inggris ?

S: Tidak kak, terus di sekolah ini juga tidak di tekankan sekali harus

menggunakan bahasa inggris, jadi perkembanganya itu tidak ada.

R: Lalu bagaimana cara mu biasanya untuk memperbanyak kosa kata dan

memperbaiki pronunciation mu?

S: Sama kayak yang lain, saya sering belajar dari lagu karna lumayan suka

juga, sama kadang nonton series dari luar.


R : Oh baik kalau begitu saranmu agar siswa dapat mengatasi kesulitan itu apa


S: Sarannya lebih semangat lagi belajar kak.

R: Oke makasih.


R: Perkenalkan namanya siapa

S: Marwatun nasrun kls XI ips.

R: Apakah kamu menyukai pelajaran bahasa inggris?

S: Saya tidak terlalu menyukainya

R: Oh tidak terlalu, kenapa tidak terlalu suka?

S: Karna susah dan cara baca dan tulisannya beda. Bikin bingung kak.

R: Oh iya memang sih banyak juga yang punya kesulitan kayak kau. Kalau

begitu apa kesulitan lainmu dalam bahasa inggris?

S: Kesulitan menghafal kosa kata kak, karna di Bahasa Inggris itu kosa

katanya banyak sekali baru satu kata kadang ada yang lebih dari satu


R: Ada lagi selain itu ?

S: Sama ini kak saya tidak tau tentang verb, itu kan pake rumus kak harus di

hafal dan pakai kamus.

R: Jadi kesulitanmu dalam bhs inggris dari pronounciationnya, terus sama

grammar? terus kalau percaya diri begitu mempengaruhi tidak?


S: Iya kak sulit dlm pengucapan dn grammar.kalau percaya diri tidak terlalu

kak, tidak sering. Kadang-kadang saja.

R: Oh jadi faktornya kesulitan itu menurutmu dalam pengucapan dan

grammar ya.

S: Iya kak.

R: Saranmu agar siswa dapat mengatasi kesulitan tersebut apa ?

S: Menurutku itu tergantung lingkungan, kalau di kampung inggris, itu di

wajibkan. atau di sekolah ini misal di wajibkan atau ada hari tertentu untuk

bicara bahasa inggris mau tidak mau terbiasa, dn itu membantu bisa

berbicara bahasa inggris. dan banyak orang bisa menangkap pelajaran itu

dari di dengarkan dari pada di baca. jadi lebih mudah untuk di mengerti.

R: Baik terimasih


R: Pernalkan nama kamu siapa

S: Nama saya Hifza Alifia

R: Apakah kamu suka pelajaran bahasa inggris ?

S: Iya suka.

R: Apa kesulitanmu dalam berbahasa inggris?

S: Kesulitan saya dalam bahasa inggris karena pelafalannya atau accentnya

kurang bagus atau penulisannya kurang tepat karena bhs inggris itu biasanya

seperti i think, itu tulisannya bukan tink tapi harus di tambah, jadi tidak sesuai


R : Faktor yg mempengaruhi kesulitan tadi apa?

S: Faktornya karena saya kurang belajar

R: Lalu bagaimana biasa caramu supaya pengetahun bahasa inggris mu ada

peningkatan agar bisa mengatasi kesulitan tersebut?

S: Biasanya saya rajin belajar, rajin mengkaji bahasa inggris itu bagaimana,rajin

menghafal kosa kata, biasanya dari dengar lagu atau dari film yang saya nonton

agar bisa mempermudah untuk berbicara bahasa inggris, itu saja sih kak.

R: Ada saran tidak untuk proses pembelajaran kedepannya ?

S: Kalau dari saya sih kak mungkin suasananya dalam belajar bisa di buat lebih

santai dan seru, supaya siswa yg belajar tidak gugup dan lebih nyaman jadi tidak

terlalu tertekan kalau bikin kesalahan.

R: Oke makasih.

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