Ada 280235
Ada 280235
Ada 280235
,,-,.-,,-,o,, EI Ig1 11 I •
Michael S. Salisbury @
Electro-Optics Techniques Section
WLJAARI-2, Bldg 622
3109 P St.
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7700
February 1994
94 6 13 057
• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *
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128 Feb 94 ITechnical Re rt 1 Aug 91 - I Nov 93
4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Sensitivity and Signal to Noise Ratio im- S. FUNDING NUMBERS
provement of a One Micron Ladar System Incorporating a
! r..1....,-f,-Doped Optical
T.-_, .. Fiber
T.. Preamplifier. Subtitle:
.•. . . PE 61101F
r6. AUTH4OR(SY" PR 2004
TA 08
Michael S. Salisbury _U_06
13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) In an effort to increase the signal to noise ratio of a con-
tinuous wave, one micron all solid state ladar system, a rare earth doped optical
fiber amplifier has been investigated as a preamplifier for ladar return signals.
This details the experimental system used and provides a theoretical analysis of the
fiber amplifier's effect on heterodyne and direct detection. The SNR is plotted as
a function of the return signal power, and a SNR threshold defines a minimum detec-
table signal power. The return signals required to attain the SNR threshold are com-
pared for four cases: direct detection with and without the fiber amplifier, and
ýheterodyne detection with and without the fiber:amplifier. For direct detection,
these results predict a sensitivity increase of 21.0 dB, yet for heterodyne detection
the predicted sensitivity increase is only 4.0 dB. These SNR equations are then used
to predict experimental improvements of 42.0 dB and 4.0 dB for the direct detection
and heterodyne detection experiments, respectively. Experimentally measured in-
4creases in SNR are then compared to these predictions. Specifically, for direct de-
tection a SNR increase of 36.5 dB has been measured, and for heterodyne detection the
,experimental work yielded an increase of 8.0 dB.
73 S
Ladar. Lidar Fiber SN_ _alifier.
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 i Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18
4 a i mi ii n mi I
This Technical Report was prepared by the Electro-Optics Techniques Group, Electro- 0
Optics Branch, Mission Avionics Division, Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base, Ohio.
The following personnel contributed to the formulation and review of this report:
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Unannounced LI
Justification ....................
Y .. ...
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f-/ I
iii 0
A 1.06 micron ladar test bed has been built by the Electro-Optics Branch of the
Mission Avionics Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. The ladar system was
built with in-house research finding to evaluate experimental ladar devices as components
of a ladar system. This system characterization of the devices can reveal undesirable
properties of the devices early in the development phase, properties that might not be seen
in a device characterization.
The Air Force Office for Scientific Research (AFOSR) funded initial work on a
rare-earth doped optical fiber preamplifier by Dr. Richard Miers, Indiana * *
University/Purdue University - Fort Wayne (IUPU-FW). The goal of the project was to
investigate the effect of the fiber amplifier on ladar sensitivity by incorporating it into the
one micron ladar test bed. In-house research monies at Wright Laboratory were used to
provide finding for a University of Dayton graduate research assistant, who was hired
the fiber preamplifier and incorporate it into the ladar test bed. This thesis is the result of
that work effort.
A B STRACT .......................
PREFACE...................................................................................... iv
I. INTRODUCTION...................................................................I
11. LADAR SYSTEM.................................................................. 6
2. 1 Direct Detection System .................................................. 6
2.2 Heterodyne Detection System ....................................... 1
2.3 Target Selection............................................................ 13
DIRECT DETECTION ..................................................... 15..i
4.2 Heterodyne Detection With the Fiber Amplifier .................................... 33
S.... .... e.. ............. ............ 61...... • ! •
Figure 6: Direct Detection Signal to Noise Ratio vs. Return Signal Power 0
for Detection Without the Fiber Preamplifier ............................................... 20
Figure 7: Direct Detection Signal to Noise Ratio vs. Return Signal Power
for Detection With the Fiber Preamplifier .......................... "................................ 28 * *
Figure 8: Heterodyne Detection Signal to Noise Ratio vs. Return Signal
Power for Detection Without the Fiber Preamplifier .......................................... 32
' .* 'L
N number of spontaneous emission-spontaneous emission beat noise terms at 0
2 kHz
Nh number of spontaneous emission-spontaneous emission beat noise terms at
200 MHz
peimental SNR increase for direct detection
Ah expimental SNR increase for heterodyne detection
O:f:f random phase of the spontaneous emission power
rrl electrical signal power for direct detection without the fiber amplifier
rr2 electrical signal power for direct detection with the fiber amplifier
rIFa electrical IF power for heterodyne detection without the fiber amplifier
FIpb electrical IF power for heterodyne detection with the fiber amplifier
rNI electrical noise power for direct detection without the fiber amplifier
rN2 electrical noise power for direct detection with the fiber amplifier
rN3 electrical noise power for heterodyne detection without the fiber amplifier
rN4 electrical noise power for heterodyne detection with the fiber amplifier
x 00
••. ... ..e •...... .. ..... _ .... ..... e ......... .• ... .. . .. • .. .... .. •oO0!
Electromagnetic waves have been used for communications since the first demonstration
of radio was made by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895, shortly after Heinrich Hertz
successfully generated and detected the electromagnetic waves predicted by James Clerk
Maxwell. Hertz and Marconi generated the radio waves by changing the current in a wire
over time, causing the wire to emit electromagnetic radiation. The wavelengths Marconi
used represent the upper end of the electromagnetic spectrum, which can be divided into
radio wavelengths and optical wavelengths. The radio wavelengths range from millimeters
to hundreds of kilometers and are divided into microwave, short-wave radio and long-
wave radio bands; the optical wavelengths range from tens of nanometers to hundreds of
micrometers and are divided into ultraviolet, visible and infrared bands. 1 Radio
systems. Shortly thereafter, radio waves were used detect and track aircraft. This
technology was given the acronym of RADAR, which stands for BAdio Detection And
Ranging. Radar advanced rapidly, fueled by World War I and World War 11.2
the quantum theory of matter. The orbital states of electrons around the nucleus of atoms
give rise to radiation energy transfer as electrons shift energy levels. In 1950 MASER
* S *
electromagnetic waves in the microwave band. 3 Ruby was then pumped optically, which
resulted in LASER (Light ,mplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) technology.
This gave coherent electromagnetic radiation at optical wavelengths with uniform
wavefronts, making optical detection and ranging possible. Detection and ranging with a
laser was initially designated as LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging), where it was
understood that the source was a laser. Over time, another acronym for laser sources has
become prominent, LADAR (Lser Detection And Ranging), although both acronyms are 0
still used. 2
Ladar and radar systems have different performance properties, and both have
advantages and disadvantages in certain areas. The primary differences between the two 0
systems are due to the nature of the emitting process and the different wavelengths. The
efficiency of a ladar source is much lower than that of a radar source because of the
inefficiency in obtaining ladar transmitter energy by quantum mechanical means. The 0
particles, 4 but the low wavelengths result in high angular resolution and high information
bandwidths. The combination of a ladar system and a radar system can be used to obtain
an optimal amount of information, but the development of ladar technology is far behind 0
the radar technology.
Ladar systems have unique applications due to some of the properties already
mentioned. Remote sensing of the atmosphere is an obvious choice because of its ability
to "see" particles in the atmosphere. Ladar can be used to track wind patterns such as
3 I
weather phenomena and turbulence resulting from aircr traftfic. 6 ,7,8, 9 Pollution
monitoring is another use, resulting from the optical wavelength absorption properties of
particles in the air. Some pollutants will absorb certain wavelengths and reemit a
The angular resolution and range information capabilities of ladar lend it to a wide variety
of rangefinding, tracking and targeting applications, many of which are in remote military
and space based systems. 11,12,13,14 Military and space based applications create
restrictions on ladar systems, particularly the laser transmitters.
Ladar technology has advanced rapidly over the years, fueled by the continual
development of laser sources. The most advanced sources for ladar use gases as a lasing
medium, but these sources are large and heavy, and they have a limited lifetime as the gas
is slowly consumed as a result of the lasing process. Solid state lasers are more reliable,
more compact and have longer lifetimes than other sources, but are less technologically 0
developed. For the remote applications mentioned previously, these advantages are vitally
important, and a large amount of research is currently underway to bring solid state lasers
Current solid state laser radar wavelengths include 1.06 pm (Nd:YAG) and
recently 2.09 pm (CrTmHo:YAG), where the parenthetical information indicates the
composition of the respective laser materials.1 8 These solid state systems are more 0
efficient, have longer operating lifetimes, and are more compact and light weight than the
common CO2 ladar, which is representative of mature ladar systems with gas sources.19
One of the most important characteristics of any ladar system is its sensitivity. One
method of increasing the sensitivity of a remote sensing device, such as a ladar system, is
to optically amplify the return signal before detection. Rare earth doped optical fiber
preamplifiers, highly developed by the communication industry, offer a compact and
lightweight optical preamplifier for integration into a solid state ladar system. The primary
fiber amplifiers developed by the telecommuication ndustry are constructed using
praseodymium and erbium doped fibers, for amplification at 1.3 microns and 1.55 microns
respectively. 20 ,2 1 Unfortunately, these doped fibers will not amplify the return signal
from a 1.064 or 2.09 micron ladar system. Neodymium doped (Nd 3 +) optical fibers,
however, have been developed for use as law sources.22,23 These fibers are primarily
made into fiber lasers by coating or polishing the fiber ends to create a cavity. By
combining the Nd3 ÷ fibers used for fiber lasers and the concept of a fiber amplifier from
telecommunications, an optical fiber amplifier can be developed and incorporated into a
1.064 micron ladar system, which represents mature solid state ladar technology.
When a fiber amplifier is added to a ladar receiver, the return signal is increased by 0
a power gain factor. However, spontaneous emission from the fiber amplifier adds an
optical noise to the receiver, so the benefit of the amplified return signal must be weighed
against the increased noise. 0
Direct detection ladar systems operating at near infra-red wavelengths are limited
by the noise generated by the detection electronics. In a simple, inexpensive system, these
noises can be quite large. When the noise added by the fiber amplifier spontaneous 0
emission does not have a significant impact on the overall noise of the system, a large
increase in direct detection sensitivity is achieved by adding the fiber amplifier, as we will
show later. 0
For heterodyne detection, a large local oscillator (LO) power is mixed with the
return signal in order to ensure that the detection is LO shot noise limited. In this case,
the spontaneous emission directly increases the shot noise. Also, the beat noise term 0
between the spontaneous emission and the large LO has a strong impact on the noise level.
Overall, the sensitivity of a heterodyne ladar system will be shown not to increase as
dramatically with the addition of a fiber amplifier as the direct detection scheme. S
amplifier are used in each chapter to plot SNR vs. return siga power to give a measure
of the sensitivity improvement for each case. The SNR equations from Chapters 3 and 4
are also used in Chapter 5 to predict experimental SNR improvements. Experimental
results are presented in Chapter 6, and Chapter 7 contains a summary and proposals for
future experiments.
This chapter provides an overvew of the test bed ladar system, focusing on some aspects
of the design that impacted the experimental work. Figures 1 and 4 show the ladar system
layout for direct detection (Figure 1) and heterodyne detection (Figure 4) with the fiber
amplifier inserted.
system from reentering the laser head. The beam then passes through a varable rafto
attenuator (VRA) consisting of a half wave plate in a rotatable stage and a polarizing
beamsplitter cube. As will be described in detail later, this is used to reduce the
transmitted optical power to levels appropriate for the targets we have used. Also note
that as the photodetector we chose to use is AC coupled, the beam is modulated by a
Laser Precision model CTX-534 chopper operating at 2 kHz.
After passing through the VRA, the beam passes through a tranmisraeceiv (T/R)
switch, consisting of a polarizing beamsplitter cube and an Electro-Optics Technology
model 1845-5 Faraday optical rotator used to rotate the outgoing beam polarization by 45
' ' .
. I • 'd- • .... .
degrees. The beam then travels to the target after which the backscattered optical return
signal received from the target is rotated an additional 45 degrees by the optical rotator.
The polarization of the received signal light is thus perpendiclar to the original outgoing
light and is reflected by the polarizing beamsplitter cube into the return signal leg.
Optical Variable Ratio Beemspher Optical
Isolator Attenuator Cube Romor
Nd:YAG chopper k I
Fiber Coupler
Bund"=s Detection
22 Meter Spool of Filter Elaics 0
Nd Doped FiWer
The return signal from the target then passes through a dichroic mirror and is
coupled into the core of a Rutgers University Nd3 + doped optical fiber, whose double
cladding configuration is shown in Figure 2,23 while pump light from a laser diode is
simultaneously reflected off the dichroic mirror and coupled into the rectangular inner
cladding of the doped fiber.
Outer Claddin
125 microns Low Index Polymer 0
Core: 5 x3.3 microw O A
Inner Claddin-:
Figure 3 shows in detail the setup used to couple the return signal and the pump light into
the fiber amplifier.2 4 The laser diode used to pump the fiber is a Laser Diode 0
Incorporated model LDT 26010 laser diode with an 808.4 nanometer, 500 milliwatt CW
output and a built in Thermo-Electric (TE) cooler. The TE cooler acts as a heat pump,
which cools the laser diode emitter and decreases the output wavelength, allowing the •
wavelength to be tuned over a small range. The TE cooler shifts the wavelength of the
laser diode to the peak absorption of the neodymium doped fiber, given to be 805
nanometers by Rutgers University. To maintain constant operating conditions, a
thermistor monitors the temperature and stabilizes the output power and wavelength by
using a feedback loop to vary the current to the TE cooler.
A grin rod lens from a Newport F-GRKI graded-index rod lens kit minimizes the
divergence of the.output beam from the laser diode. As seen in Figure 3, the return signal
and pump light are combined using a dichroic mirror, which transmits the 1.064 micron
return signal and reflects the 805 nanometer pump light. The two combined beams are
coupled into the fiber simultaneously using a Newport F-1015 high precision single mode
fiber coupler. As the pump light travels through the fiber it passes through the core and
creates a population inversion in the rare earth dopant, causing the return signal to be
amplified as it passes through the core. Note that due to typically small return signals, the
. . •
0 0 0 00 0 0
fiber amplifier is operated in the amush signal regime. Thus, spontaneous emission ftom the
upper lasing level is added to the amplified retun. signal. We will see the effect of this
spontaneous emission power later.
Retium Sip.!
1064 a
Len Tranmsit 1064 im
805 rm
Fiber Copler
22 Meter Spool of
Nd 3+ Doped Fiber
ST Comiec0tor
core within the ST connector which is designed for standard circular 125 micron diameter •
fibers. The buffer on the Rutgers fiber is made of a hard polymer, iflte the 125 micron
outer cladding of the fiber, which would fit into the connector snugly, is made of a soft
polymer. (see Figure 2) Several attempts were made to remove the buffer without
stripping off the outer cladding, though all were unsuccessful. With the buffer and outer
cladding removed, only the rectangular inner cladding and core are left for insertion into
the connector, making it very difficult to align the core at the center of the connector.
Thus, in order to couple the light out of the fiber amplifier and into another, non-doped,
single mode fiber, the ST connector on the non-doped fiber was placed into a fixed mount.
The connector on the end of the fiber amplifier was then fixed to a Newport three axis S
positioner, and index matching gel was used to provide good coupling between the fibers
as the positioner was used to manually align the two cores. The resulting coupling ratios
were consistently greater than 75 percent, allowing enough throughput power for S 0
experintal data to be taken.
The power coupled out of the fiber amplifier at this point includes the amplified
return signal, broadband spontaneous emission power and any unabsorbed pump power. S
A four nanometer optical bandpass filter, centered at 1.064 microns, is used to eliminate
the excess pump light (at 850 nm), as well as any spontaneous emission power outside of
the 1.064 ± .002 micron wavelength range.
The total optical loss following the fiber amplifier for direct detection effects the
amplified signal and the spontaneous emission. The two losses in the direct detection
system are the air splice loss and the bandpass filter transmission loss, each contributing I
approximately twenty five percent. The total optical transmission of the direct detection
system is thus nloptd = (1-0.25)2 = 0.56. After the optical filter, the fight is then coupled
into a multimode fiber pigtailed to the InGaAs PIN detector package, from which the
output is amplified and measured with a spectrum analyzr. The amplification and 9
detection electronics are detailed in the next chapter. lit
now coupled into the fiber leading to the evanescent wave coupler, where ninety percent is
coupled into the output fiber.
....t _...
. .....
.. ...
. .. .. ......•. . .. . . S..
. ... .I . .. .. . . ..,,• , . .... ... ., .0 . , ,. . . . .. ., , . ... 0.
t . .. . .
NdYA Locad Ptlibizint
Nd.YA Op"ilaor Bnqiil•er
LAWs kola111r So"imr Cube mvn
Air Fr Wv CoupCr
Si CeuFiler
the 1.064 micron ladar in its heterodyne detection configuration. The local 0 0
oscillator splitter is outlined, and the fiber amplifier is shown inserted into
the return signal leg.
The total optical loss following the fiber amplifier for heterodyne detection also 4
affects the amplified signal and the spontaneous emission; The three losses in the
heterodyne detection system are the air splice loss, the bandpass filter transmission loss
and the coupling loss of the evanescent wave coupler. Again, the splice and filter each
contribute a loss of approximately twenty five percent, while the coupler adds a loss of ten
percent to the heterodyne case. The total optical transmission of the heterodyne detection
system after the fiber amplifier is thus rloPt,h = (I-0.25)2 x 0.9 = 0.51. The combined 0
signal, local oscillator and spontaneous emission powers are then coupled into the
multimode fiber pigtailed to the detection electronics, where an intermediate frequency
(IF) signal at 200 MHz is generated during the photo-detection process. For heterodyne S
9. 9. ........... .
With the system configurations thus established, the nex issue became determining
the targets necessary to give measurable return signals for each detection scheme.
Dfferet targets are required for the two detection schemes because of the inherent
differences in the detection techniques. During direct detection the return signal is not
mixed with a large local oscillator as it is in the heterodyne case. In order to generate a
measurable return signal, a mirror / glint target is used as the direct detection target. The 4
variable ratio attenuator (VRA) discussed previously (see Figure 1) is then used to vary
the transmitted, and thus the received, optical power. By using the VRA in this fashion,
the strength of the return signal can be adjusted until it is just visible above the noise, with 0
the fiber amplifier not in operation. When the amplifier is turned on then, the resulting
ratio of signal to noise powers yields a direct measurement of SNR improvement for the
For the heterodyne detection case, the large local oscillator power mixes with the
return signal power to create the IF signal, thus allowing a diffuselspeckle target to be
used. The driver for the acousto-optic modulator, however, radiates an electric field at 0
the desired 200 MHz IF signal frequency. As this field tends to be picked up by the
detection circuitry, resulting in a noise spike on the spectrum analyzer which drowns out
the IF signal at 200 MHz, the diffuse target was mounted on a motorized linear translation 4
stage, thus causing a small Doppler shifting of the IF signal away from the 200 MHz noise
spike. More specifically, the moving diffuse target consisted of a piece of flame sprayed
aluminum, tilted at 45 degrees and translated parallel to the beam path by a variable speed 0
In the prelininary preparations to take measrment verifying the results of these
theoretical comparisons, it is important to realize that the neodymium dopant of the fiber 0
has a four level lasing scheme. Therefore, with the laser diode pump light blocked, the
..9_... .... .. . ... ...
. ........ ... .._.. . ...... ...m ... . ..... . ,,p,, , . ... ... .. . . ,... ... t .. .._0 .. .
return signal will pass through the fiber unamplified and with no loss due to signal
absorption. This eliminates any need to physically remove the fiber amplifier from the
system to make the signal to noise ratio comparison measurements. The signal-to-noise
ratio equations in the following two chapters are developed with the goal of comparing 4
detection sensitivity of a ladar system without and with a fiber amplifier.
* 4
* 4
*0 0
The signal to noise ratio (SNR) is defined to be the ratio of the signal power to the noise
power. This section provides a theoretical analysis of the overall post detection electronic
SNR for the ladar testbcd in a direct detection configuration, considering detection both
with and without a fiber amnplifier. The analysis begins with a discussion of the optical
power incident on the detector and follows with a derivation of the signal and noise
voltages after the detection electronics. 'S•
3.1 Direct Detection Without the Fiber Amplifier
For a direct detection scheme, the outgoing 9
continuous wave laser power must be 9~L@
modulated so the signal current can be AC coupled into the post detection electronics.
The optical rhopper used to modulate the beam results in a 2 kHz square wave return
signal. Figure 5 shows the electronics between the detector and the spectrum analyzer,
which is used to measure the SNR. The detector is a Lasertron QDFT-250-301 pinFET
detector package, with a multi-mode fiber pigtail. The photodetector is saturated at 220
rnicrowatts of power and has a bandwidth of 250 ME~z. The package includes an
integrated current to voltage preamplifier with a transimpedance of 5.9 kU). The detector
package is terminated with a 975 Ql load'as a precautionary measure, as recommended by
the manufacturer, and is then AC coupled to an electronic amplifier. For direct detection,
the electronic amplifier is an Analog Modules 324A-3-B voltage amplifier with an input
impedanýce of R.. =R. IMlQf, a voltage gain g g. =1000 and an amplification
bandwidth from 200 Hz to 35 MHz. The amplified voltage is then connected to the 50
Ohm input of a Tektronix 495P spectrum analyzer whose resolution bandwidth has been
set to 10Hz.
Trlmimpsdbnco Load Electronic An Sr
N-R m 'A R *.r69 kOhm B 975 C
~~~ gl Itn
-- Ohms C
input -o
gaio input •
Inpedance rimpdance
r I"R ,,0p I "5
The signal current frolm the detector, i,, at node A on Figure 5 is given by
i, = 91P,[sqr(2,t)] (1)
where 9 =.704 A/W is the responsivity of the detector package, P, is defined to be the
optical return signal power incidenton the detector, and the square wave function (sqr) in
Equation I represents a 50% duty cycle positive square wave function (i.e. values of only
zero and one). The signal voltage V, just after the integrated preamplifier (at node B on
Figure 5) is then
• t• S.... •n . •• J •0
.... .. "*.. ..
.... . " 9''... " "I l 0m
l fi9m n . .. . .. ... .
= •PR.4..[(2,v?)] (2)
where R,.,, - 5.9 kOhm is the transimpedace of the preamplifier. The voltage is then
amplified by the Analog Modules amplifier to yield a voltage at node D of
V, -, , 1gV
= g.9tPR..,qr(2*g)] 0
where due to the large input impedance of the Analog Modules amplifier, there is no
appreciable voltage drop across the 975 Ohm series resistance. The signal power, r,,, 0
The total noise from the detector consists of shot noise from the optical return
signal power on the detector, dark current noise and thermal noise. The well known
equations for these noise components, given as mean squared noise currents, are 0
(i02)=2eB.(i,), (i'2)=2eI,, and (i,2)= 4kB.T/I.,, respectively, where e is the basic
electronic charge, B. is the electronic bandwidth of the detector, I is the detector dark
4kBT (7)
=gRe91 +2BI
Note~, though~, that the noise power terms used in deriving Equation 8 are white noises in
nature, so the power is equally spread across the fil electrical bandwidth B,. The
I spectrum analyzer noise power of Equation 8 is thus displayed as equally divided among
the bandwidth intervals defined by the spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth, 5v -10
Hz. The actual nonse power layal dpayed by the specuum analym, r, is then
The noise power into the spectrum analyzer, however, is equal to the detector noises plus
the excess noise added by the Analog Modules electronic amplifier. This noise was
measured by disconnecting the detector package from the amplifier and measuring the
noise level r on the spectrum analyzer due to the amplifler alone. The total noise power, 0
r., is then found by adding this measured value, r. = -57 dBm (2 nW), to the noise in
Equation 9, giving
(* +••z . 0•
Using Equations 4 and 10, the direct detection SNR equation without the fiber amplifier in
place is
SNR.,o = r,,
= 2(11)
(g.R .)2 (e(6v)9• • , +2e(,6v)I, 4+( ) J+ R 1.2. 0x 10- W
A useful measure of detection sensitivity can be obtained by plotting the SNR from
Equation I I as a finction of the return signal power, P,, as shown in Figure 6. A
. .
£ S
6.12 6.14 6.16 6.16 6.26 6.2 6•.24 6.2 6.3 6.36 6.22
P hMan "OsiPorerise
This plot is used to determine the return power necessary to achieve a'specified
threshold SNR, defined to be the minimum SNR at which a return signal can be reliably
discerned from the noise. The threshold SNR has been chosen to give a high probability of
detection for normal values of the probability of false alarm. 2 9 From Figure 6, the
mininmm detectable return signal for direct detection without the fiber amplifier for the
chosen threshold SNR of 6 is 0.263 nanowatts. This will be compared to the value for
direct detection with the fiber amplifier, derived in the following section.
• J . . .. L) . . . .... .q .. . . J .. . SCn . . .
TABLE 1: List of Variable Valses for use in Sgal to Noise Ratio
Equatiom. This table describes and quantifies the variables used in S
evaluating the signal to noise ratio equations. All variables common to
both the direct and heterodyne detection equations are in the top section,
while the variables distinct to either direct or heterodyne detection follow
Common Vxaria
The noise terms previously dimmed do not change, with the exception of the shot 0 0
noise term. The shot noise is larger because the signal power is now increased by a factor
G and because there are also spontaneous emission photons from the fiber amplifier
incident on the detector. Modifying Equation 10 accordingly, the detector noise plus 0
electronic amplifier noise now becomes
coupled into the single propagating mode of the fiber. The amount of spontaneous
mason power emitted into a single mod*, md tsm couena mW the propaating mode, 0
the optical bandwidth. For this case, v - 2.82 x 1014 is taken to be the bmndpus filter 0
center frequency, corespondaing to a wavelength of 1.064 ^un, and Bo - 1.07 x 1012 Hz
is the bandwidth of the four nanometer optical bmndpas filter. Note that as previously
mentioned, the spontaneous emission from the fiber amplifier must pass through the 0
connector air splice and the bandpas filter, and thus the spontaneous emission power
incident on the detector is given by
where r, is the fifty six percent optical efficiency of the direct detection system after
the fiber amplifier.
For reasons similar to those discussed prior to Equation 9, the optical bandwidth
of the spontaneous emission is broken into small frequency intervals. For convenience, the 0
In addition to the increased shot noise in Equation 13, there me two additional •
noise term rising as a result of spontaneous emission. The first of these tenms arises due
to beating between the spontaneous emission and the return signal, while the second arises
due to the spontaneous emission beating with itseK both of which result from the square 0
law detection of optical radiation. 3 1
emission component beats with the return signal. This noise is maniest at a frequency 0
equal to the separation between the center frequency of the return signal and the frequency
of the spontaneous emission noise components. The spontaneous emission-spontaneous
emission beat noise occurs between two spontaneous emission components of different 0
frequencies. A detailed analysis of the beat noises due to spontaneous emission can be
Only the portion of the spontaneous emission-return signal beat noise contributing 0 0
to the SNR at the signal modulation frequency must be considered. This portion of the
beat noise occurs when spontaneous emission components separated by +/- 2 kHz from
the optical firequency of the return signal beat with the return signal. The electric field
incident on the detector from the return signal and these two spontaneous emission
components is 31
power in one 10 Hz frequency component, a, is the linear polarization of the return signal,
4-f and 5,f are the random polarizations of the two spontaneous emission components,
and oo = 2;r.2.82 x 1014 is the angular frequency of the return signal. Recall now that
• ___.O ... •
0_ • . , e • • .. . • gri
the detector curent due to an electric field is equal to the upOMivity of the detector
multiplied by the squ electric fidd vMe twat
When Equation 17 is substituted into Equation 18, two 2 Hiz beat noise current terms
arise from the beating between the spontaneous emission and the return signal. These
terms ame manipulated wing trigonometric identities, resulting in the return signal-
spontaneous emission beat noise current, i,.,,2,
where 'FFf and 'Ff are random efficiency terms (i.e. 0 < Ttf :5- 1) arising due to the * *
polarization mixing of the two fields. It is important to note that the signal bandwidth is
assumed to be less than or equal to 10 Hz for this analysis. If the source has a bandwidth
larger than the assumed 10 Hz, the signal power will be divided into a number of 10 Hz 0
components. Each of these signal components will mix with spontaneous emission
components, resulting in a number of beat noise terms at any frequency (i.e. 2 kHz for
direct detection or 200 MHz for heterodyne detection). The total number of return signal-
spontaneous emission beat noise terms at that frequency will be larger, but the magnitude
of each term will be smaller. The sum of these tems results in a total beat noise term
having the same magnitude as given in Equation 19, which assumed a narrowband source. 0
As for the spontaneous emission-spontaneous emission beat noise, the electric
fields due to all spontaneous emission components must be considered, with any pair of
components separated by 2 kHz contributing to the SNR noise terms at 2 kHz. The 0
spontaneous emission electric field is represented by a summation of components, 3 1 each
of which is separated by the resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer, 8v =10 Hz, 9
from its nearest neighboring frequency component. That is,
'Cat= X1: 2 Pco[(a. + 2 Wv~+ + (D, (20)
noise current, the squared R. is multiplied by the responsivity of the detector. When the
summation of Equation 20 is squared, the cross terms give rise to the spontaneous
emission - spontaneous emission beat noise current, though only those beat terms affecting
the SNR at 2 kHz are considered. This current is then written as a summation of those
where Oj is the random phase of each beat component, 'Fj is a term which takes into
account the polarization mixing efficiency and N is the number of spontaneous emission
beat terms at 2 kHz. The optical bandwidth, Bo =1.07xI012H•, contains 1.07x10" of
the 10 Hz frequency increments, and there are 200 frequency increments in the 2 kHz
band. The total number of components separated by 2 kHz, and thus the number beating
at that frequency, is obtained by N = 1. 07 x 10" - 200 w1.07 x10".
The beat noise currents given by Equations 19 and 21 are then analyzed through
the transimpedance amplifier, the electronic amplifier and the spectrum analyzer, resulting
in 0
...€ _....
. . . . ... € .. . .. .. .. . . ... ... .. ..9 .. . . .. . . . ... . . . .a . .. .... . .. .. S.
. ..
=Sj.t (22)
Equation 13 and including the signal power from Equation 12, the signal to noise ratio,
SN,., for direct detection with the fiber amplifier is
A=A &)
3 2e(v)r(G + P.)
4k( v)T
+2e(av)1,4 + (25)
+gRGP,P., + (P.p) 2 N 0
Figure 7, a plot of SNR vs. return signal power for Equation 24, shows that the
optical signal power required to reach the threshold SNR of 6 is 2.06 picowatts. (The
values used in plotting Equation 23 can be found by referring to Table 1.)
12 28 0
I I IA IM I2 ' Ii 2A
IJI 2.2 2. 2J6I U
P laws Uip PeW Wskmtl)
The value found using Figure 7 is 21.0 dB smaller than the power required to reach the
threshold for direct detection without the fiber amplifier, thus showing a significant 0
increase in sensitivity obtained by adding the fiber amplifier to the direct detection
system. 3 2 Next Chapter 4 compares the sensitivity of the heterodyne detection scheme
with and without the fiber amplifier. 0
This chapter provides a theoretical analysis of the SNR for heterodyne detection, both
with and without the fiber preamplifier included. As shown, an additional noise term must
be accounted for due to beating effects between the local oscillator and spontaneous
emission fields. As a result of this new noise term, the sensitivity gains when using the
fiber preamplifier in a heterodyne ladar system are not as dramatic as those achieved for
the direct detection case.
---- - ----
i = 9(2iPIPcs(2xr&)) (26)
After the integrated current to voltage preamplifier, the IF signal at node B of Figure 5
For this detection scheme, the input impedance of the Miteq amplifier is not large enough
to neglect voltage division with respect to the 975 02 safety load resistance. The actual •
D = 9751"=+50 0.048 (28) •
The gain from the Miteq amplifier is a power gain of 61 dB, corresponding to a voltage
gain of g = g. = 1122. The voltage after the amplifier, Vg.., at node D, is thus 6
while the spectrum, analyzer sees the following power level, r.,., centered at 200 MHz
( , =p2(gD
The derivation of the noise power level for the heterodyne detection case without 0
the fiber amplifier is very similar to the derivation used to obtain Equation 10. The noise
power level for heterodyne detection without the amplifier, r,,, is then
]F3+6.3x0 W,()
where the electronic amplifier noise, measured for the Miteq amplifier by the same method
as for the Analog Modules amplifier, was determined to be 6.3 X 10-" W. In comparison
to Equation 10, a shot noise term due to local oscillator power PLO has been added, and a 0
factor of 2 multiplying the total shot noise term has been included, as the outgoing signal
is no longer chopped (see Equations 4 and 5). Also, the voltage divider effect D has been
included. 0
For the heterodyne detection case without the fiber amplifier, it is convenient to
note the limiting noises of the detection scheme. With a measured local oscillator power
of 200 microwatts, the various noise terms can be evaluated to show that the local
oscillator shot noise dominates the other noise fctors by almost 10 dB, thus ensuring
local oscillator shot noise limited detection. The noise power, under this limiting case,
then becomes
Taking the ratio of Equations 31 and 32 yields the signal to noise ratio, SNAW,,.,.,
.,.. u .
...... _ .....m_O.... l 0
Figure 8 is the plot of SNR vs. return signal power from Equation 33, again using the
parameters found in Table 1. From Figure 8, 1.54 x 10-17 Watts of return signal power
are required to reach the SNR threshold of 6.
increased by the power gain factor G. The total electric field incident on the detector is
composed of the amplified return signal, the local oscillator and the sportaneous emission.
The IF signal power, given by Equation 30 for heterodyne detection without the
The detector and electronic noise power level for detection with the fiber amplifier
is similar to Equation 31. However, the return signal power is increased by G in the
heterodyne shot noise term, and the spontaneous emission power adds another component
to the shot noise term. The electronic and detector noise power level is thus
For the heterodyne case, three spontaneous emission beat noise terms must be
added to Equation 35. For heterodyne detection, the spontaneous emission out of the
fiber amplifier passes through the connector air splice, the bandpass filter and the
evanescent wave coupler. The spontaneous emission power is therefore calculated using
7 lopt,h and Equations 15 and 16, giving 15.8 pWatts and1.5 x 10-6 Watts for Pse and
Pse,8v, respectively. The first beat noise term is the return signal-spontaneous emission
where there is a factor of two difference between this equation and the return signal-
spontaneous emission beat noise of Equation 22. This factor arises because the signal
power is not chopped for heterodyne detection as it is for direct detection. The second
term is the local oscillator-spontaneous emission beat noise term, which has the same form
as the return signal-spontaneous emission beat noise with the local oscillator power, Pl0 ,
substituted for GPr, giving
O(91g.DR~, )2 0
r.,. - •g ) 2 P 1 P,.. (37)
The third term is the spontaneous emission-spontaneous emission beat noise term, given 0
(9lg.DR&.,J 2 N,0
4 - .5v (38)
where Nh represents the number of beat noise terms at 200 MHz. This number is 0
calculated similarly to the discussion proceeding Equation 21, where again there are
1.07 x 10" incremental frequency components in Bo and 2.00 x 10' of the components in
the 200 MHz band. The total number of terms beating at 200 MHz is obtained by 0
N=1.07x10" -2.00xl0' 1.07×x10". The total beat noise is thus givenas 3 1
r ...
,-= +r"._. +r•_
o ~~~~(9gg.DR.,., 2 Nj(9
,] ( 9)
,P . . + ,
1P 2N'
R= ( g g[2 G
t P.r , +2 P
* 0=
.I .9_ 9 t9 ....... .. _
- - -
The SNR for heterodyne detection with the fiber amplifier is obý from Equati 34,
35 and 39 to yield
SIJ~TMr4 +T..
2(g.Dl..) 2 GpP
e,) (40)
A. --2e()91(GP,+P + P.)
R,. (41) *
+29 :GP,
2 P~z + 29t P.
1(u~ N2p
Figure 9 shows the SNR vs. return signal power for heterodyne detection with the
fiber amplifier from Equation 40, using the values found in Table 1. The return signal
power required to reach the threshold SNR is 6.0 x 10'" Watts, giving an increase in the
sensitivity of the heterodyne detection system of only 4.0 dB with the fiber amplifier
added. At this point it is impo Want to carefuily examine this result, as the classical result
of using optical amplification in a heterodyne detection scheme is an increase of one over
the quantum egiciency of the detector. 30 ' This chapter's analysis appears to contradict this
2, 0
inefficiency. For the ladar testbed system used, however, there is an additional optical loss
after the fiber amplifier of -qopth. Including this inefficiency, the sensitivity increase is 0
lOlog(l/( 7)(7..))=4.0dB. If the optical losses are absent, the resulting increase
approaches the classical result. Therefore, very little increase in sensitivity can be
achieved by the addition of a fiber amplifier to an ideal heterodyne detection scheme. 0
Chapter 5 examines the experimental easurements to be taken, and uses the equations
from Chapters 3 and 4 to derive SNR improvement predictions for the experimental work.
_ 0
The signal to noise ratio equations derived in Chapters 3 and 4 were used to determine the
sensitivity increase for direct detection and heterodyne detection with the fiber amplifier.
The exeiments done, however, will give a measurement of the mpg to noise ratio
increase, not a sensitivity increase. In this chapter, the equations from the sensitivity
analysis are used to predict the SNR increases for ladar detection with a fiber amplifier
included. The various signal and noise terms are quantified. numerically to give the
predicted signal to noise ratios in dB, using the values for all parameters gien previously *
in Table 1.
5.1 Direct Detection SNR
From Chapter 3, the signal to noise ratio for direct detection without the fiber
amplifier, SNRdrw/o, expressed in terms of electrical power is given as
,•VR•.., ",•(42) =
="•+r.r +I.. +r.
where rrl is the electrical signal power, rsN1 is the shot noise power, rdark is the dark
current noise power, ltherm is the thermal noise power and Iea is the electronic amplifier
noise power. S
J----• • 0nm
mam. .mm ml 9..._... ....... i..
The terms in Equation 42 are related to the various system parameters given in 0
Table 1. Theelectncalsignalpowerisgivenby
,(43) 0
r =( 2 ,~9
where Pr is defined to be the optical return signal power incident upon the detector. This 0
optical power is too small to be measured directly by the power meters available, so for
electrical signal power value of -45.5 dBm (see Figure 10, which we will discuss in more 0
P, = 4 x 10-'0 W ()
Using this value for Pr the following noise terms from Equation 42 can now be evaluated:
S(g0R..) 2 (e(v9~
where e is the basic electron charge, 8v is the resolution bandwidth of the spectrum
analyzer, Id is the detector dark current, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the
measured value. To perforn this maurent, the electronic amplifier input was
disconnected from the detector packam xW the output was measured on the spectrum
analyzer, resulting in a measured amplifier noise value of
As seen then from Equations 45 - 48, the measured electronic amplifier noise level of
2 x 10- W or -57 dBm, is much larger than the other noise terms, thus allowing Equation
42 to be evaluated as follows S
Similar to Equation 42, the signal to noise ratio for direct detection with the fiber
amplifier, SNRdirw, is
where rr2 is the signal power, FSN2 is the shot noise power, is the return signal-
emission beat noise power and Fea is the electronic amplifier noise power. Specifically,
T,2 (1/2Xg.RGP,. R)
= S (51)
( ((= (52)
(gR.2 (9t
where the new terms in these equations are the fiber amplifier gain, G, the total
spontaneous emission power, Pse, the incremental spontaneous emission power, Pse,8v, 0
and N, the number of spontaneous emission terms beating at the 2 kHz chopper frequency
Using the previously determined 1 dB/Mn small signal gain of the Rutgers fiber, the
the detector after the air splice and optical bandpass filter (from Equation 15) is
Using the optical signal power, the spontaneous emission power and the fiber amplifier
gain, the shot noise power rsN2 is then calculated from Equation 52 to be
S.... _.. ...
.. . . . ...t. ... ...O. .. ..... .. ... .. i . .. .. . . . . 1,,,, . . . ..O. . .. .... .. . .. . .. .... .9S . ..
r,l2 = 2.78 x 10-" W (57)
while the spontaneous emission-spontaneous emission beat noise term, nse-se, is found
to be
thus giving a total noise level TN for direct detection with the fiber amplifier of 0
The predicted SNR for direct detection with the fiber amplifier is then found by
which corresponds to a SNR of 53.5 dB. The predicted direct detection increase in signal 0
to noise ratio, &d,can then be obtained by subtracting (in dB) the SNR without the fiber
amplifier from the predicted increase with the fiber amplifier, giving
For heterodyne detection without the fiber amplifier, the SNR equation,
SNRhetw/o, is given by
SNR ,,("
r,. 3
where r]Ya is the intermediate frequency (IF) electrical signal power and TSN3 is the
local oscillator shot noise power, where we assume that the local oscillator power has
been increased until the LO shot noise term dominates all other noises. From Chapter 4, 0
= Pi,P (65)
TIF. = RsA
2(g.,D9?R. )2 ,1.(5
measured (see Figure 12) to be -55 dBm, or 3.2 x 10-9 W. This allows the received
optical power for heterodyne detection, Pr, to be calculated from Equation 65, yielding
This value for Pr is used to predict the signal to noise ratio for heterodyne detection with
however, the local oscillator shot noise power, rSN3, was calculated from Equation 66 to
than the electronic noise from the Miteq amplifier, which was measured to be 6.4 x 10-`
W, or -101.9 dBm, thus verifying that our heterodyne detection system was indeed local
oscillator shot noise limited. The predicted SNR for heterodyne detection without the
fiber amplifier is therefore
SNR•,,/orwo=3.2 x 10-9 W
-= 9.9x 10"W = 3238.8 (35.odB) (69)
We now consider the case of heterodyne detection with the fiber amplifier, where
*... 9e.... 0 • 0 0
-- S- r-.
+ ~,.
SWRA~W r~..
,,,, +(70)
where FIb is the amplified IF signal power, rsN4 is the shot noise term when the fiber
amplifier is included, is the return signal-spontaneous emission beat noise power,
rn, is the local oscillator-spontaneous emission beat noise power, and rn, -s. is the
spontaneous emission-spontaneous emission beat noise power. From Chapter 4, these
r 2(g=D R.) GP,P1, (71)
, (g.DR,.)2 29%2GP,P.6,
(g"DR•) 2
= 2Y. PJP..V (74)
- (g(5DR,)
RS_ 2)
45 4
Using Equation 73, the return sgiml-spoeteous emhuion noise is calculated to
Similarly, using Equation 74, the local oscillator-spontaneous emission beat noise is found
to be
rN = +r,_- +r
rT.+, + r.. = 6.4 x 10" W(-71.9dBm). (79)
The predicted signal to noise ratio for heterodyne detection with the fiber amplifier
is then found by substituting Equations 71 and 79 into Equation 70, giving
The predicted SNR inase for heterodyne detection with the fiber aplifier, !,, is then
obtained by subracting (in dB) the SNR for heterodyne detection without the fiber
amplifier from the SNR for heterodyne detection with the fiber amplifiergimng
In Chapter 6, the experimental data is given and compared to the results of this analysis.
4 0
4 0 4
In this section we present the SNR data we have taken and make comparisons between
our measurements and the predicted values found in the previous sections. The fr data
taken was for direct detection without the fiber amplifier. Fqure 10 shows the spectrum
analyzer display for this cae, where we note that the average noise level is -57 dBm,
which is equal to the measured value for the electronic amplifier (Analog Modules
amplifier) noise discussed in Chapter 3.
* 00
* .-300
Power (dim) -46
; 70
* 0 d
48 6
This verifies our lmitmg noise assumption for direct detection without the fiber amplifier.
Also, the signal level in Figure 10 is seen to be -45.5 dBm, which is the value used in
Equation 44 to calculate the optical return signal power. The measured SNR is thus
11.5 dB. 0
Figure 11 is a plot of the signal and noise for direct detection with the fiber
amplifier turned on. The electrical signal power level is seen to be -1.1 dBm, while the
Power (dIm) -40
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.3 2 2.2 2.4 2.1 2.81
Frequsecy (kfz)
The experimental increase in SNR for direct detection with-the fiber amplifier, A., is then
obtained by subtracting (in dB) the SNR without the fiber amplifier from the SNR with the 0
fiber amplifier
49 6
A = 48.0d-11.dB (82)
= 36.5dB
This measured SNR increase is 5.5 dB smaller than the increase of 42.0 predicted in
Section 5.1. In examining the error, it is seen that there are several errors inherent in the
spectrum analyzer used. From the specifications given in the operators manual, errors in
the Display Dynamic Range Accuracy, RF Atenuator Range Accuracy and IF Gain Range 0
Accuracy are ± 2 dB, ±1 dB and ± 2 dB, respectively, giving a possible cumulative error
of± 5 dB. These errors, combined with small, unavoidable experimental uncertainties, can
account for the 5.5 dB difference in the predicted SNR and experimental SNR. 0
Next, Figure 12 shows the Doppler shifted IF signal, located at 199.9982 MHz, for
heterodyne detection without the fiber amplifier.
Pewur (dim) -00
'i "
The electrical signal power is seen to be -55 dBm, as was used to calculate the optical
return signal in Equation 67. The noise level is also seen to be -91 dBm, which is
approximately the calculated local oscillator shot noise power described in Section 3.2.
These values give a SNR of 36 dB for heterodyne detection without the fiber amplifier.
Figure 13 is a plot of the signal and noise for heterodyne detection with the fiber
amplifier turned on. The electrical signal power level is -33 dBm, while the noise level is
-77 dBm, giving an experimental SNR of4 dB.
* 0
Fmqnny aW
obtained by subtracting (in dB) the SNR without the fiber amplifier from the SNR with the
fiber amplifier to yield
fibe ampifie to iel
36d8 (33)
Ah = 44(-
The measured increase in SNR is 4.0 dB larger than the p"cted increase of 4.0 dB. The 0
account for the difference between the predicted and egerimental SNR increases.
In comparing the direct and heterodyne detection results, it is somewhat 0
disconcerting to see pemvental results smaller than predicted for one case and larger
than predicted in the other. This result is caused by the different power levels used by the
two detection schemes. Specifically, the noise and amplified signal levels for the direct 0
detection case are very near the maximum range of the spectrum analyzer, while the
heterodyne detection noise floors are near the minmunm sensitivity level of the spectrum
analyzer. These two exremes represent the difference between ± 5 dB in the accuracy,
and it is reasonable to expect the experimental differences of the two cases to have
opposite signs.
.........Q .• . ......... •
,, .. .. ..J _ ...: . •.... .. ...... .. ....0Jl .... ... ... .. .. 0
A neodymium doped optical fiber amplifier has been incorporated into a solid state ladar
test bed to determine its effect on the sensitivity and signal to noise ratio of the system.
The design incorporating the fiber amplifier into the test bed was described in detail, and
some of the difficulties in 'Aimpleenting this were noted. A theoretical model of the
4 electrical signal and noise powers were developed for direct detection and heterodyne
detection. These equations were then used to predict the sensitivity increases achieved by
adding a fiber amplifier to each detection scheme. These same equations were used to
predict the signal to noise ratio increases that would be seen experimentally by adding the
fiber amplifier to the system. Measurements were then taken with the ladar system to
verify the validity of the theoretical model.
For the direct detection case, the measured SNR increase for detection with the
fiber amplifier was 36.5 dB, which is 5.5 d]B less than the predicted increase of 42.0 dB.
For heterodyne detection, the measured SNR increase is 8.0 dB, which is 4.0 dB larger
than the predicted increase of 4.0 dB.
Further wo~rk in this -area is recommended to examine fiber amplifier performance
in true ladar finctions. such as ranging and target detection. This includes examining the
effect of the fiber amplifier on return signals resulting from a pulsed or chirped output.
The research should also expand into eyesafe wavelengths, such as erbium doped fibers at
1.54 microns, which will take advantage of the advanced technology driven by the
communication industry.
This appendix discusses how Poisson statiscsmay be used to describe shot noise in the
photon detectionprocess. 0
number of photon events in T. This quantity is arrived at by taking a large number of time
samples and finding the average n. The Poisson probability distribution function is given
in terms of n and (n) by Equation A. 1 [1I
n!e(X)" •A.1
Figure A.I is a plot ofnversus Pr(n) foran (n) given to be 10. It is used to determine
the probability n photons will be detected in any interval T.
U 10
Now that the statistics of the detection process have been expressed, it is necessary to give
the definition of noise. The quantity of interest is the variance, o&, defined to be the mean
square noise level. The variance of any process can be calculated from Equation A-2 [2]
o; ( n) A.2
= (n2)-(2n(n))+((n)2) A.3
= (n 2) -(n)2
For a Poisson process, Equation A.3 can be used to show the variance is equal to
the mean. This derivation, from Boyd, starts with the algebraic identity
.. ..• .. ... . .9
S. _. .
........ . ..... ..... .. . O .... .... .'.... .t .. . . . .. . . . .. ..... . .. _. .
n =2n+n(n-i).. A.4
Then 0
The n=0 and n- I terms of the summation in Equation A-7 are equal to zero
- ,. 2'= (n).,
(n)0e-(R) A
(.-2 (n)!
where (n)2 has been pulled out of the summation. By making the change of variables
m = n- 2, Equation A.9 becomes
M-0W (in)' •
Equation A. 11 gives the variance in terms of the number of photons detected, but
the SNR is in terms of mean square current. Equation A. 11 can be used to arrive at the
current variance to be used in the SNR equation. The mean squared shot noise current
from the detector is defined as the variance of the current [3]
where i is the current in any time interval, given by the number of photons in the time
interval multiplied by the charge on an electron, e, and divided by the time,
i='-- A.13
In Equation A. 12, (1) is the average current flow per time interval for a large sampling,
= A.14
Using Equations A. 11, A. 12, k, 13 and A. 14, the mean square shot noise current is
e-0). A.15
Since the sample time is equal to one over twice the effective bandwidth,[1, ]
T =-- A.16
,2 = 2eBI. A.17
This analysis has shown the mean square shot noise is proportional to the number
of photons incident on the detector. This result -ees with the physical observation that
the shot noise from a detector increases as the amount of incident light is increased.
[2] C. G. Bachman, Laser Radar Systems and Techniques Artech House, Inc., 1979.
[9] M. P. McCormick, "Lidar in Space", OSA Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere
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Present Status and Future Projections", OSA Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere •
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[11] T. Flom, "Spaceborne Laser Radar", Applied Optics, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1979,
pp 291.
[12] P. Hermet, "Design of a Rangefinder for Military Purposes", Applied Optics,
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[13] C. K Cooke, "Automatic Laser Tracking and Ranging System", Applied Optics,
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[14] M. Elbaum and Paul Diament, "Estimation of Image Centroid, Size and Orientation
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[21] R. Olshansky, "Noise Figure for Erbium Doped Optical Fibre Amplifiers,"
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(22] P. W. France, Optical Fibre Lasers & Amplifiers, Blackie and Son Ltd., Glasgow
and London, 1991.
n 60
[23] E. Snitzer, "Rare Earth Doped Fiber Lasers," Optical Fiber Communcations '92
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4 (24] I. E. Mlers "Fiber Laser Preamplifier for Laser Radar Detectors," 1991 USAF-
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[25] A. V. Jelalian, LaserRadar Systems, Artech House, p. 32 Table 1.1, Boston, 1992
[27] See, for example, E. L. Dereniak and D. G. Crowe, Optical Radation Detectors,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1984 0
[28] See, for example, R. W. Boyd, Radiometry and the Detection of OpticalRadiation,
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[29] W. L. Wolfe and G. J. Zissis, The Infrared Handbook, table 21-3, Infrared 0
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4 0