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Acupacy of Numbes

Exact NUmbers * Any numben which has a stnite numben af
as exQct numbens

23 ett
E. ,3, 5, 1.739, 2.014 ,
Approi mate Numbens ; Nombens that con not be exppesed ay tte dii,
E e, , V), ett

The digitt used to exp'ess anumben is lenwN as
O Hownay many S.D. ane Eheu |593 =4

2) 0.00 29 = 2
3) I. 0 29 = 4
lenOwN as PoUNdiny
Rounding o The proocess foe dropping unwated drgity is
E.9. 0 Round off upto 4 deimal place 3. 26425 3.2 C4
befare pemans sane.
If the numben is less than five then the nvmben

Raund ot upto 4digtts 35.4673 5 35. 4?

adds yp tl
If the nomben is greater than five then the number before
Round ot upto 4darts 49 855G| 985 4SG

If the number is eqUal to 5 then, fop odd numben at ten that w6

for eVen numben aften that 5

The Fonorns
In heent Epn on which is present in the. satencn Thus tye of ennn con ot
be neg ated.
Rounding ERRop This eonon apíse swhen we do pmding otf
e.9. 5, 2673 I5 27

,', Enpop = ||5, 2673 - 15.27|

), O027
TRUnction ERpop


lx-x1= 4!
occus when We reploce inste seres by
Ths eroop

Calcolation 0F EroNon
Vauve| = lX-x1
Absotvte ERpop E =|T00e Value- Approaximote
Absolute Eor0n
Relatie Eornop En = |X
TOUe Da lue |
X 100
PepCentage EopopE = Rlattve epp OR XlO0

off the numben 8652 50 yp to 4 SD and com pUte Ea, Enand E.

E.9. Round
4: |8652 50 8652

E, = | 8652 50- 8652 = 85659g

Ea 856598 -0.99
O. 99

= 99y |
Or, E = 0.99 XI00
X 52 50 and x'= 865200
A 8652 5o ~ 8652 00
E =8G5250 - &652 00] =
50 6.1 XIO -5

= 6.71X J0-X100
pto 4.4. S.D and then calculate
E.. Round off the nomben 75462 pto
and nelative ennon
A: X= 7546 2 and x'= 75460

.. Ea = |75962-75460 | 2
= 2, 65 xI0-5
7546 2

E, = 2. 65 x10XI00 = 0 002 65
1y= relat1ve error of x + relative error of y= 6.37 + =0.00314 + 0.00211 = 0.00525.

1. Find the number of significant figures of the following numbers :
(i) 34567, (ii) 0.002802, (iii) 73000, (iv)
0.000092, (v) 2.340 x 10, (vi) 250.00
(vii) 5.0021, (viii) 0.879100, (ix) 1.0000 x 10, (x)
Numbers Significant Figures Number
i) 34567 of Significant Figures
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 5
(ii) 0.002802 2, 8, 0, 2 4
154| Fundamental Mathematics
Signiffcant Figures Number of Significant |
(iii) 73000

9, 2
(iv) 4
2.340 x 10 2, 3, 4, 0
(vi) 250.00 2, 5, 0, 0, 0
5, 0, 0, 2, 1 5
(vii) 5.0021
(viii) 0.879100 8, 7, 9, 1, 0, 0
(ix) l.0000 x10 1, 0, 0, 0,0
0.00304050 3,0, 4, 0, 5, 0 6

Approximate or express the following numbers correct upto four

figures :
(i) 1.5055 (CP 2014, 2017, (ii) 0.0024145 (CP 2014, 2017], (iii) 4.6155
(iv) 0.00032145 [CP 2014], (v) 40.3586 (CP 2012, 2015), (vi) 0.0056812 (CP 2014)
22012, ,
(vii) 73.215001, (viii) 2.60047, (ix) 0.2340512, (x) 2345678. 2015]
Solution i) L506, (ii) 0.002414, (iii) 4.616, (iv) 0.0003214 (v) 40.36 (vi) 0.005681
(vii) 73.22, (viii) 2.600, (ix) 0.2341, (x) 2346 x 10

3. Round-off the following numbers correct to three significant digits :

(i) 0.004935 [CP 2013], (ii) 826.75 [CP 2013], (iii) 0.20150, (iv) 45678, (v) 17.253on
(vi) 2.0000.

Solution i) 0.00494 (ii) 827 (iü) 0.202 (iv) 457 x 10 (v) 17.3 (vi) 2.00.

4 Round-off the following numbers correct to 4 decimal places :

(1) 0.001056, (ii) 10.00675, (ii) 0.12325001, (iv) 2.67395, (v) 19.999965,
(vi) 1.23445, (vii) 0.004278, (viii) 6.27805, (ix) 7.9999501, (x) 1.00285.
Solution (i)0.0011, (ii) 10.0068,(iü) 0.1233, (iv) 2.6740, (v) 20.0000, (vi) 1.2344.,
(viü) 0.0043, (viii) 6.2780, (ix) 8.0000, (x) 1.0028.
5. Find the absolute,relative and percentage error, if 0.00756 is rounded-of
tothree decimal places.
Solution Here true value of the number X = 0.00756. The rounded-off nunmber
i.e., approximate number is XA = 0.008 (as rounded-off to 3 places of decimal).
Therefore (i)the absolute error E = |X - X | = |0.00756 0.008|
= |-0.00044| = 0.00044 = 4.4 x 10
EA 4.4x104 4.4
= 0.058201
(iü) the relative error ER = 75.6
|XT | 0.00756

and (iii) the percentage error Ep = (ER x 100)% = 5.8201%

Approximationsand Errors in
Numerical Computations 155
Findthe absolute, relative and percentage errorsif is approrimated by
6 0.333. 2000 BH 2005
Soution Here thhe true value y ; and the appronimate valoe K 3
the absolute error EA= ; -0.333 1-94
relative error Ep = = 9.001.
percentage error Ep = Eg 100/% = 0.1%.
(iiü) the
Find the absolute, relative and percentage error, if is approximated to
7. 5significant figures.
Solution Here exact value of the number X = 7 lts approzimate value X, = 23333
(correctto 5 significant figures). Hence
(i)the absolute error E =|X-X| =1 - 2.3333 =7-69999 0.0001
3 3
Ep = E
(i) the relative error 0.0001 and

|X | 7

Gi) the percentage error Ep = (ER x 100% = x100=
8. Write down the approximate representation of , correct upto four sig
nifcant digits and fînd the percentage error. [CP 2013, 2018]
Solution Here X (true value) = 3

X =(approximate representation) =0.6667 (correct upto four signiñcant digits

Therefore, the percentage error
|X -X l x 100%o = 2-0.6667| x 100%=
x 100%
Ep =
x 100% = 0.00005 x 100% = 0.003%.

9. Find the relative and percentage error in approximate representation of

by 0.8333. [CP 2014, 2011)
Solution True value X = a6
Approximate value XA = 0.8333 (correct to 4 significant figures).
156 Fundamental Mathematics
0.83337 0 0002
)the relative ernr Bg -0.00004 and

the perentage error Ep (E 100 - 0.00004 1004 0.0044.

10. Find the approximate vaBue of correet upto three significant

and then find the relative error.

Solution Here true value X and the sppoximate value X¡ z 0,167, correct to
signifieant figures thre
The relative eror E= a I-0.167l = 0.002.

Find the perrentage error in spproximate representation of by 1.33.

[CP 2015]
Solution The elative error E A AA where X (the true value) = and
y (the approximate value) = 1.33.
-1.33| 4-S.99 0.01
Therefore, Eg = 4
= 0.0025.

Hence the percentage error Ep = Eg x 100% = 0.25%.

12. If 0.6, 0.66 and 0.67 are three approximate values of a number 2
find out
the best approximation.
Solution The best approximation of a number is always judged from the associated
error. Here the true value Xy =.So we calculate three relative errors :
() if the approximate value X = 0.6, the relative error Ep = 4TAAT
|X |
-0.6| 0.2
= 0.1
2 2
(ii) if the approximate value X = 0.66, then relative error ER= -0.66| 0.02
= 0.01

and (iii) if XA = 0.67, ER = 1-0.67|

= 0.005.
From the above three results we see that the relative error (0.005) is minimum, when the
approximate value is 0.67. Thus 0.67 is the best approximation of the number among the
given three approximate values.

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