1. Introduction 2365
2. Direct Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate from 2367
Methanol and CO2
2.1. Outlines 2367
2.2. Organic Dehydrating Agents and 2367
Homogeneous Catalysts
2.3. Reaction Mechanism 2368
2.4. Heterogeneous Catalysis 2369
2.5. Inorganic Dehydrating Agents 2369 the biggest obstacle for establishing industrial processes
2.6. Other Topics 2370 based on CO2 as a raw material is its low energy level. In
3. Dimethyl Carbonate Synthesis via Cyclic 2370 other words, a large energy input is required to transform
Carbonates CO2. There are four main methodologies to transform CO2
4. Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonates 2371 into useful chemicals:
4.1. Cyclic Carbonate Synthesis Outline 2371 (i) To use high-energy starting materials such as hydrogen,
4.2. Catalysts for the Cycloaddition of CO2 with 2371 unsaturated compounds, small-membered ring compounds,
Oxiranes and organometallics.
4.3. Reaction Mechanism 2373 (ii) To choose oxidized low-energy synthetic targets such
4.4. Asymmetric Synthesis 2374 as organic carbonates.
4.5. Outlook 2374 (iii) To shift the equilibrium to the product side by
5. Alternating Polymerization of Oxiranes and CO2 2374 removing a particular compound.
5.1. Reaction Outlines 2374 (iv) To supply physical energy such as light or electricity.
Selecting appropriate reactions can lead to a negative
5.2. Catalyst 2376
Gibbs free energy of the reaction (Scheme 2).
5.3. Asymmetric Polymerization 2377
5.4. Immobilized Catalysts 2377 Scheme 2. Organic Synthesis Using CO2
6. Synthesis of Urea and Urethane Derivatives 2378
7. Synthesis of Carboxylic Acid 2379
8. Synthesis of Esters and Lactones 2380
9. Synthesis of Isocyanates 2382
10. Hydrogenation and Hydroformylation, and Alcohol 2382
11. Electrochemical Reaction 2383
12. Prospects of CO2 Transformation323 2383
13. Abbreviations 2383
14. References 2383
1. Introduction
Utilizing renewable resources is a prerequisite for a
sustainable society. One easily available renewable carbon
resource is carbon dioxide (CO2), which has the advantages
of being nontoxic, abundant, and economical (Scheme 1).1-21
CO2 is also attractive as an environmentally friendly chemical A lot of research has been conducted on reactions using
reagent and is especially useful as a phosgene substitute. CO2 as a raw material, as shown in Scheme 3, e.g. CO2
However, few industrial processes utilize CO2 as a raw reductions under photoirradiation, or under electrolytic
material. Because CO2 is the most oxidized state of carbon, conditions, or production of synthesis gas by reforming
natural gas with CO2. However, many of these reactions
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Telephone and fax: +81- produce rather simple molecules such as carbon monoxide
29-861-4719. E-mail: [email protected]. and formic acid. This review article mainly address synthetic
10.1021/cr068357u CCC: $65.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 06/13/2007
2366 Chemical Reviews, 2007, Vol. 107, No. 6 Sakakura et al.
Toshiyasu Sakakura received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Organic Hiroyuki Yasuda was born in 1964 in Tokyo, Japan. He received his Ph.D.
Chemistry from the University of Tokyo under the supervision of Professors in 1994 from the University of Tokyo under the supervision of Professor
T. Mukaiyama and K. Narasaka. He now is affiliated with the National Makoto Misono. He began his research career at the National Institute of
Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), which is Materials and Chemical Research in AIST in 1995, and he joined the
one of the largest national research institutes in Japan, and also has a research group of Professor Sakakura in 2000. In 2001, he received the
position as a professor at the University of Tsukuba. He is author of Noguchi Memorial Award for Encouragement of Research and Develop-
about 100 patents and 100 scientific papers. Dr. Sakakura’s research ment from The Japan Petroleum Institute. He is presently a leader of the
goal is the development of efficient synthetic reactions by homogeneous Molecular Catalysis Group at the Research Institute for Innovation in
catalysis, especially utilization of fundamental molecules such as carbon Sustainable Chemistry in AIST. His current research interests include
dioxide, hydrocarbons, and water. He is also interested in combining development of chemical processes utilizing CO2 and design of organic−
homogeneous catalysis with photolysis, supercritical fluids, and micro- inorganic hybrid catalysts.
reactors. He received the CSJ Award for Young Chemists from the Japan
Chemical Society for the catalytic C−H bond activation by the rhodium Scheme 3. Scope of the Current Review
trimethylphosphine complex.
Scheme 5. Transformations of Carbon Dioxide as aprotic polar solvents. Furthermore, the excellent proper-
ties of DMC as a fuel additive have attracted much
attention.25 Moreover, linear carbonates are important alkyl-
ating agents, as are alkyl halides or dialkyl sulfates, and
carbonylating agents, as is phosgene or carbon monoxide.10,26
This section illustrates synthetic methods of linear carbonates,
especially dimethyl carbonate (DMC), starting from CO2. It
should be noted that cyclic carbonates can be easily
synthesized by reacting CO2 and epoxides, which is described
in section 4.
Currently, the largest future application of organic carbon-
ates is as a substitute for phosgene in the syntheses of
polycarbonates24 and polyurethanes.27 Polycarbonates are the
most extensively used engineering plastics, and the current
annual production of polycarbonates amounts to two million
tons worldwide. In addition, the amount produced increases
between 5 and 10% annually. On the other hand, 80-90%
of polycarbonates are currently being synthesized through
the phosgene process; an interfacial polymerization of
phosgene and bisphenol A using methylene chloride and
water as the solvents.
The major drawbacks of the phosgene processes (Scheme
7) are (i) the high toxicity of phosgene, which is controlled
by the international treaty concerning chemical weapons, and
(ii) the disposal of the coproduced hydrogen chloride.
Moreover, substituting phosgene with CO2 would drastically
reduce environmental concerns (Scheme 8),4,28 as the byprod-
uct is merely water.
Scheme 7. Dialkyl Carbonate Synthesis with Phosgene
cyclic ethers, ketals, and orthoesters are potential substrates. (iv) Catalyst: The addition of halides to tin alkoxides
[We have formally included orthoesters in the dehydrated accelerates the orthoester reaction, but adding halides
derivatives of alcohols, but it is difficult to synthesize interferes with the ketal reactions.
orthoesters by the dehydrative condensation of alcohols and (v) Recycling the dehydrating agents: Upon hydrolysis,
esters.] The reactivity of the substrates increases in the order orthoesters and ketals are converted to esters and ketones,
of route a to d in Scheme 9. For example, epoxides or cyclic respectively. Regeneration of ketals from ketones is easily
ethers easily react with CO2 to give five-membered ring achieved through a dehydrative condensation with alcohols
carbonates such as ethylene carbonate in high yields (route (Scheme 12).40 DMC production and dehydration are inde-
d). Details of the reaction conditions, including catalysts, are pendently conducted at the different places.
discussed in section 4. On the other hand, linear ethers do
not have ring strain and are much less reactive compared to Scheme 12. Recycling of Ketal as a Dehydrating Agent
epoxides. Although the CO2 insertion to dimethyl ether has
been reported, the details are unknown (route a).33
The dehydrating characteristics of orthoesters and ketals
(Schemes 10 and 11) have been well examined for the dialkyl
Scheme 10. Dehydration by Orthoester
Scheme 14. Synthesis of Dialkyl Carbonate from CO2 yield decreases to nearly half. As for step C, regeneration
of Bu2Sn(OMe)2 from (Bu2SnO)n and methanol under similar
temperatures and pressures as those for the catalytic DMC
formation has been examined. The resulting complex is a
stanoxane-type tetranuclear complex {[Bu2(MeO)SnOSn-
(MeO)Bu2]2} that has a nearly equal catalytic activity to that
of Bu2Sn(OMe)2 based on the tin atom.56 Similar observa-
tions have been reported.57,58
exchange between methanol and alkylene carbonates. Table Scheme 22. Synthesis of a Cyclic Carbonate from a
1 summarizes typical catalytic systems for this reaction. Propargyl Carbonate
Suitable catalysts need to activate both step a and step b,
and in general, basic compounds seem appropriate.78-85
Recently, it has been reported that an Fe-Zn double metal
cyanide, prepared from ZnCl2 and K4Fe(CN)6, is a highly
active heterogeneous catalyst for the synthesis of a range of
dialkyl carbonates in high yields by transesterification of
propylene carbonate with alcohols.86 The catalyst can be
recycled without significant loss in activity.
4. Synthesis of Cyclic Carbonates 4.2. Catalysts for the Cycloaddition of CO2 with
4.1. Cyclic Carbonate Synthesis Outline Oxiranes
Oxiranes and oxetanes undergo cycloaddition with CO2 A typical process of CO2 cycloaddition with oxiranes uses
to give five- and six-membered ring carbonates (Scheme the produced carbonate as a solvent in the presence of an
18).11,87,88 Similar to linear dialkyl carbonates, cyclic carbon- onium salt such as tetraethyl ammonium bromide as a
ates are useful as intermediates for polycarbonates, electro- catalyst.11 In addition to onium salts, the reaction proceeds
lytes in lithium ion batteries, or green solvents. The in the presence of a wide range of catalysts, including metal
production of five-membered cyclic carbonates from CO2 halides.96 Although the catalytic activity at lower tempera-
has been industrialized since the 1950s.11 Although oxirane tures is not very high, KI seems to be one of the best catalysts
cycloaddition is rather selective, alternating copolymerization in recent industrial processes. This is probably because
of oxiranes with CO2 and homopolymerization of oxiranes potassium iodide is more economical and more durable
also proceed as explained in the next section. As another compared to quaternary ammonium salts and it is highly
type of the five-membered carbonate synthesis starting from soluble in cyclic carbonates. Supporting halide salts on solid
CO2, Nb-catalyzed oxidative carboxylation of olefins has supports such as ZnO, SiO2, carbon, and zeolite results in
been reported (Scheme 19).89 On the other hand, the high catalytic activities.97-100
dehydrative reaction of 1,2-diols to give cyclic carbonates Tables 2-4 summarize recently proposed homogeneous
is catalyzed by CeO2-ZrO2 or Bu2SnO (Scheme 20).90-92 catalysts for the cyclic carbonate synthesis from oxiranes
An iron- or copper-catalyzed reaction of a cyclic ketal with and CO2: metal complexes (Table 2), onium salts (Table
CO2 has also been proposed (Scheme 21).93 The reaction of 3), and others (Table 4). One requirement for industrial
propargyl carbonate with phenol proceeds in the presence homogeneous catalysts is not to produce solids during the
of a palladium catalyst, which leads to phenoxy-substituted catalyst separation stage by evaporating the product after
cyclic carbonates via CO2 evolution (Scheme 22).94,95 cycloaddition.
Scheme 18. Synthesis of a Cyclic Carbonate from an Among metal complexes, salen complexes of alumi-
Oxirane num,101-104 chromium,105,106 cobalt,107,108 zinc,107 and tin109
exhibit high catalytic activities. Aluminum complexes of
phthalocyanines or porphyrins are also highly active.110-114
Utilizing ionic liquids in organic synthesis has attracted
increasing attention.115 Cyclic carbonate synthesis using ionic
liquids (i.e., imidazolium salts) as catalysts,116-118 or by
combining ionic liquids and metal salts, has been re-
ported.119-123 In addition, a reaction in liquid quaternary
Scheme 19. Synthesis of a Cyclic Carbonate from an Olefin ammonium salts, e.g., Bu4NBr, has been proposed.124
Furthermore, various metal complexes of nickel,125 ruthe-
nium,126 zinc,127 copper,128 manganese,128,129 and so on have
been reported to be active (Table 4). Combining with organic
compounds such as crown ethers, onium salts, and phos-
phines has significantly improved the catalytic activities of
Scheme 20. Synthesis of a Cyclic Carbonate from a Diol metal halides.130-134 Cobalt- or manganese-substituted poly-
oxometalates have been proposed as catalysts with non-halide
counter-anions.135 These polyoxometalates work as homo-
geneous catalysts. Fully organic catalysts based on phenols
and amines have also been investigated.136,137
Scheme 21. Synthesis of a Cyclic Carbonate from a Cyclic Many papers claim low reaction temperatures and advertise
Ketal high catalytic activities. However, this is not very meaningful
from a practical viewpoint because cycloaddition (Scheme
18) is highly exothermic and effective heat removal is
fundamental to save energy. In order to recover the reaction
heat as steam, a reaction temperature around 150 °C would
be desirable. Reaction temperatures below 100 °C result in
low heat exchange efficiencies and produce nearly useless
warm water.
2372 Chemical Reviews, 2007, Vol. 107, No. 6 Sakakura et al.
The use of supercritical CO2 has attracted much interest propylene and ethylene carbonates are not. Hence, carbonates
in order to facilitate various chemical processes. Propylene are easily separated from the supercritical phase without
and ethylene oxides are soluble in supercritical CO2, while reducing the CO2 pressure. Facile catalyst recycling can be
Transformation of Carbon Dioxide Chemical Reviews, 2007, Vol. 107, No. 6 2373
Scheme 23. Facile Separation by scCO2 silicate and mesoporous silica also catalyze the reaction with
and without ammonium salts (Table 5).153,154
In light of homogeneous catalyst recycling, immobilization
is a promising approach. For cycloaddition of oxiranes and
CO2, polymer-supported catalysts155-164 as well as silica-
supported catalysts have been developed (Table 6).165-168 It
has been noted that silica-supported onium salts exhibit
hundred times higher catalytic activities compared to onium
salts alone. Thus, the silica-supported onium salts have
been applied to a flow reactor system; silica itself does not
display catalytic activity.168 In general, the catalytic activities
realized by using catalysts highly soluble in supercritical CO2 of homogeneous catalysts become lower upon immobiliza-
(e.g., perfluorophosphonium salts) (Scheme 23).138 tion. Hence, the observation that there is a large cooperative
LiBr has been reported to be a suitable catalyst in effect between the catalyst part and the solid support part is
supercritical CO2.139,140 Although it is reported that the unique.
reaction in supercritical CO2 proceeds without a catalyst in
the presence of dimethyl formamide, substrates seem to be 4.3. Reaction Mechanism
limited to styrene oxide derivatives.141
In view of catalyst separation and environmental issues The cycloaddition of monosubstituted oxirane catalyzed
(non-halogen processes), metal oxide-based catalysts are by a metal halide (MX) is discussed. First, anion X attacks
interesting. Heterogeneous catalysts such as SmOCl,142,143 the less hindered side of oxirane to open the ring. Next, the
ZnO-SiO2,144 Cs-P-SiO2,145 smectite,146 Al-Mg mixed resulting alkoxide part attacks CO2 to give the carbonate
oxides,147 magnesium oxide,148 Cs-modified zeolites,149,150 anion. Then, the carbonate anion undergoes a SN2 reaction,
hydroxyapatites,151 and zinc-substituted heteropolyacids with which simultaneously forms a five-membered ring and
sodium as cations152 have been reported as active. Titano- releases anion X (Scheme 24).
Another possible mechanism is for anion X to initially hand, the process of polycarbonate synthesis, such as in
attack CO2, followed by a nucleophilic attack of the resulting Scheme 6, uses cyclic carbonates on a large scale.
anion to form oxirane (Scheme 25). Catalysts for cyclic carbonate synthesis from oxiranes and
In order to elucidate the mechanism, the change in the CO2 are categorized into (1) ammonium or phosphonium
configuration of the methylene carbon has been investigated salts, (2) alkali metal salts (KI, LiBr, etc.), (3) metal
using D-labeled oxirane. The configuration is retained during complexes such as salen complexes, and (4) solid or
the reaction, which supports a mechanism that includes a immobilized catalysts such as SiO2-C3H6-P(Bu)3I. Future
double inversion by SN2 reactions, namely that shown in challenges include developing non-halogen catalysts, devel-
Scheme 24.108 oping immobilized or solid catalysts aimed at flow reactor
processes, utilizing new reaction media such as supercritical
4.4. Asymmetric Synthesis CO2 or ionic liquids, and asymmetric synthesis.
The synthesis of optically active cyclic carbonates (kinetic 5. Alternating Polymerization of Oxiranes and
resolution of racemic epoxides) is possible using asymmetric CO2
cobalt salen complexes as catalysts.108,169 The highest reported
enantiomeric excess of cyclic carbonates is about 86% ee 5.1. Reaction Outlines
(Table 7).
The alternating copolymerization shown in Scheme 26
4.5. Outlook comprises the same reactants as the synthesis of five-
membered cyclic carbonates; polymers are kinetic
Currently, the market for cyclic carbonates as electrolytes products, while cyclic carbonates are thermodynamic
for batteries is small. However, the demand should increase ones (Scheme 26).170 Aliphatic carbonates produced by
when electric vehicles are fully commercialized. On the other this reaction have been recently industrialized in China.171
Transformation of Carbon Dioxide Chemical Reviews, 2007, Vol. 107, No. 6 2375
Scheme 26. Alternating Polymerization of Oxirane and CO2 its application to bulk materials. On the other hand, a higher
Tg (115 °C) and the decomposition temperature (about
300 °C) of poly(cyclohexene carbonate) allow the
melt processing. The polymer is expected to be a substi-
tute for polystyrene. The characteristics of the polymers
are low oxygen permeability, biodegradability, and
The relatively low Tg (glass transition temperature) (35-40 complete thermal depolymerization to give cyclic
°C) of poly(propylene carbonate) seems to interfere with carbonates.
Table 8. Homogeneous Zinc Catalysts for Alternating Polymerization
In order to realize large-scale commercialization of these The iminate complexes have been the most intensively
alternating copolymers, the plastic properties must be studied. Bulky substituents seem to promote the partial
improved and the catalytic activities for copolymerization dissociation of dinuclear species, which results in an
must be increased. increased catalytic activity. Under optimized conditions, a
high reaction rate, a high molecular weight, and a narrow
5.2. Catalyst polydispersity have been simultaneously achieved. The
Zinc complexes were the first generation of catalysts and activities of zinc diiminate catalysts are enhanced in the
are typified by (ZnEt2 + H2O).172 The structure of the real presence of SO2.185
active species may be multinuclear but is unknown. The Metal complexes other than zinc complexes have also been
catalytic performance has been unsatisfactory and has developed. For example, cobalt (Table 9),186-191 chromium
resulted in low reaction rates, large polydispersity, and (Table 10),192-199 lanthanide (Table 11),200,201 and manga-
irregular structures. nese202 complexes have been reported. Table 12 summarizes
As structurally well-characterized highly active catalysts, the structurally uncharacterized complexes.203-210 The cobalt-
various zinc complexes have been proposed (Table 8).54,173-184 catalyzed reactions proceed under very mild conditions
Transformation of Carbon Dioxide Chemical Reviews, 2007, Vol. 107, No. 6 2377
Scheme 34. Urethane Synthesis from an Alkene Scheme 40. Oxazolidinone from Propargylalcohol
Scheme 35. Isocyanate from Urethane Scheme 41. Carboxylic Acid from Organometallic
Scheme 39. Oxazolidinone from Aminoalcohol Scheme 45. Acrylic Acid from CO2 by Metal Complexation
Scheme 47. Acrylic Acid Derivative from Acetylene Scheme 55. Carboxylic Acid Formation by C-H Bond
Scheme 61. Copolymerization of Vinyl Ether with CO2 Scheme 65. Lactone from Allene
Scheme 70. Lactone from Diacetylene Scheme 73. Isocyanate Synthesis with CO2
Scheme 80. Carboxylation of an Organic Halide already been industrialized. Second, we have to grow
seedling to large trees. Some candidates of such promising
reactions include carboxylic acid synthesis and ester syn-
thesis. It is especially important to improve reactions with
low catalytic performance or those under severe conditions
such as copolymerization of vinyl ethers and CO2, and
isocyanate synthesis from CO2. Third, it is important to
establish foundations for science to search for new reactions
and new catalysts, and to elucidate reaction mechanisms at
the molecular level. Examples of interesting research subjects
Scheme 81. Carboxylation of an Organic Halide include acrylic acid synthesis from ethylene and CO2, and
direct carboxylation of C-H bonds. Such fundamental
research will lead to the new seeds for industrialization.
13. Abbreviations
acac acetylacetonato
bmim 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium
CHO cyclohexene oxide
COD 1,5-cyclooctadiene
dba dibenzylideneacetonato
DAPO N,N-diphenylaminomethyl oxirane
DBU 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene
11. Electrochemical Reaction dcpc 1,4-bis(dicyclohexylphosphino)butane
DMAP 4-dimethylaminopyridine
Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide alone results DMAQ N,N-dimethylaminoquinoline
in the formation of oxalic acid and its derivatives such as dppb 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane
glycolic acid, glyoxylic acid, etc.320 These reactions are not dppe 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane
selective enough. By the electrochemical reactions of alkenes, dppp 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane
ketones, or organic halides under CO2, carboxylic groups EO ethylene oxide
are introduced to organic substrates. For example, allylic N-Melm N-methylimidazole
halides are converted to the corresponding carboxylic acids OTf trifluoromethanesulfonato
PCy3 tricyclohexylphosphine
(Scheme 80),321 while carbonyl compounds are transformed PEPO 1,2-epoxy-3-phenoxypropane
into R-hydroxycarboxylic acids. A similar electrochemical PhCN benzonitrile
carboxylation of a benzylic chloride is promoted under PO propylene oxide
supercritical conditions; the procedure was applied to the PPN bis(triphenylphosphine)iminium
synthesis of Ibuprofen (Scheme 81).322 rt room temperature
SO styrene oxide
TOF turnover frequency
12. Prospects of CO2 Transformation323 TON turnover number
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