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Hydrogen fuel generation and storage

Article · January 2011

DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2011/v4i6/30097

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3 authors, including:

Ramesh Bapu B. R Karthikeyan Janakiraman

Chennai Institute Of Technology Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology


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Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 4 No. 6 (June 2011) ISSN: 0974- 6846

Hydrogen fuel generation and storage

B.R. Ramesh Bapu1, J. Karthikeyan2 and K. Vijayakumar Reddy3

RVS Padhmavathy College of Engineering& Technology, Thiruvallur District, Chennai 601201, India
Department of Mechanical Department, Sathyabama University, Chennai 600119 India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad 500085, India
[email protected]

We present the various ways by which hydrogen gas is generated and its methods of storing. The future hydrogen
economy will feature hydrogen as an energy carrier in a reliable and sustainable energy supply system. Building an
infrastructure that allows for easy and cost-effective transportation and delivery of hydrogen energy is a critical step.

Keywords: Fuel cell, hydrogen, electrolysis.

Introduction natural gas, ethanol, methanol for fueling IC engines
At the beginning of the 21st century, fuel cells appear provides less emission, and increase performance.
poised to meet the power needs of variety of applications. In this paper we present the various ways by which,
Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert the hydrogen gas is generated and methods of storing the
chemical energy to electricity and thermal energy. hydrogen.
Electricity made by the conversion of primary energy Sources of hydrogen
sources is easily transported and delivered to end-users. Hydrogen does not exist alone in nature. Natural gas
Hydrogen is a clean fuel and efficient energy medium for contains hydrogen (about 95% of natural gas is methane,
fuel cells and other devices. Building an infrastructure CH4), as does biomass (cellulose) and hydrocarbons, like
that allows for easy and cost-effective transportation and coal. An equally diverse array of primary energy sources,
delivery of hydrogen energy is a critical step toward a such as wind, solar, geothermal, nuclear and
future hydrogen economy (NREL,1995). hydropower, can be used to extract hydrogen from water.
Hydrogen can be produced from water, renewable Primary energy sources
energy sources and from other fuels. A hydrogen life Primary energy sources in nature includes sunlight,
cycle as shown in Fig.1. Hydrogen could be used for a wind, water, nuclear power, geothermal power and
broad range of applications to supplement or substitute potential energy from the Earth’s gravity and the stored
the consumption of hydrocarbon fuels and fossil fuels in energy includes biomass, coal, oil and natural gas.
an environment friendly manner. The large-scale Electrolysis
introduction of hydrogen as a fuel would reduce the Chemical reactions in batteries or galvanic cells
consumption of fossil fuels and keep the air clean free provide the driving force for electrons to struggle through
from pollution. Hydrogen can be loads. The chemical energy is
produced from renewable energy Fig. 1. Hydrogen life cycle directly transformed into electric
sources by various methods. energy. Electrolysis can be carried
Electrolytic, prototypic/photo out in solutions or molten salts
biological, photo-electrolysis and (liquid). Because the atoms and
thermos-chemical hydrogen ions have to move physically, the
production technologies are medium has to be a fluid. The
currently under development and products, like the reactants in a
use. The selection of production galvanic cell, can be in a solid,
processes/ technologies will liquid, or gas state.
depend on the availability of Electrolysis of water
resource, expertise, By providing energy from a
infrastructure and economical battery, water (H2O) can be
aspect. The aim of the hydrogen dissociated into the diatomic
program is to expand the role of molecules of hydrogen (H2) and
hydrogen as a fuel for surface oxygen (O2). The electrolysis of
transportation. The using of one mole of water produces a
hydrogen initially will be as an mole of hydrogen gas and a half-
additive to conventional fuels. mole of oxygen gas in their normal
The combination of hydrogen diatomic forms as shown in Fig.2.
with fossil fuels such as gasoline,
Popular article “Hydrogen fuel” Ramesh Bapu et al.
©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) http://www.indjst.org Indian J.Sci.Technol.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 4 No. 6 (June 2011) ISSN: 0974- 6846

generation step required by electrolysis. There are two

main classifications of such systems.
Production using photo-biological technology
There are two approaches available in this technology:
The whole-cell system: It involves certain algae and
bacteria and the hydrogen generation from biological
systems is generally light dependent. Enzymes in cell
(biological system) act as a catalysts to associate water
into hydrogen and oxygen by absorbing sunlight. The
conversion efficiency of this process, which means the
amount of hydrogen energy produced as a percent of
sunlight absorbed, is as low as 5 %. This process has
potential for near-term production at solar conversion
efficiency from 5-10 %.
Cell-free system: It employs hydrogen-producing
Current method of hydrogen production enzymes, has potential for more long-term technologies
Currently, there are two widespread applications for that provide efficiency nearly 25 %.
production of hydrogen. Hydrogen is also the byproduct Photo electro chemical production (PEC)
of petroleum refining and chemical process. This method helps to convert optical energy into
Hydrogen production by team reforming chemical energy by using semi-conducting electrodes in
In this process hydrogen is derived from fossil fuels a photochemical cell. There are two systems available: 1)
such as natural gas ethanol. The aim of the process is to A semiconductor surface has dual purpose. It absorbs
separate hydrogen from carbon component of the fuel. solar energy and act as an electrode for dissociation of
During the first step, fuel decomposes to hydrogen and water. The efficiency in this process is more than 8 %
carbon monoxide by steaming on catalytic surfaces. In currently. Operating lifetimes of these systems are limited
the second step, which is called shift reaction, CO and due to the light-induced corrosion of semiconductors and
water convert to CO2 and hydrogen. The temperature of other chemical effects and 2) Dissolved metal complexes
reaction is higher than 200 oC. are used as a catalyst in the second process. The soluble
Hydrogen production from water metal complex absorbs energy and creates an electric
Hydrogen can be produced by dissociation of water. charge separation, which causes water-splitting reaction.
Water splits into its two basic species, oxygen and Although this process is currently less advanced than the
hydrogen by electrolysis, which is the only practical semiconductor technology, it has a promise of avoiding
method currently. In this method an electric current corrosion problems.
passes through water. The current enters the electrolysis Gasification production or pyrolysis of biomass
device through the cathode, which is charged negatively Hydrogen along with different gasses are obtained by
and leaves through the anode, which is charged applying heat to coal, municipal solid waste, and
positively. During the process, hydrogen is separated and biomass-wood, grasses and agricultural waste. The
collected at the cathode: whereas, oxygen is separated composition of the gases depends on the type of the
and collected at the anode. With this method, hydrogen is feedstock, the availability of oxygen, the temperature of
very pure and can be used in electronics, food industries the reaction and other parameters. There is no CO2
and space program. contribution to the environment during the process.
Advanced hydrogen production Because the same amount of CO2 which is consumed by
Cost effectiveness in hydrogen production and the the biomass while growing returns to environment during
selection of the best feedstock are important in hydrogen conversion process. More research needs to be done in
production. Production technology needs more this technology in order to have a cost-effective method.
improvement compared to storage technologies & Techniques involving selective membranes or catalysts
utilization systems. Research in production is focused on for separating and purifying the hydrogen must be
technologies for overcoming cost and energy source improved to remove of tars and oils from hydrogen.
barriers (Carl A. Kukkonen & Mordecai Shelef, 1993). An alternative method of producing hydrogen from
There are several technologies bur are in the early biomass is a combination of pyrolysis and steam
research and development stages. These technologies, reforming process. First step in pyrolysis is to use heat to
which use renewable sources of energy, have strong dissociate complex molecules into simple units. The
potential for being cost-effective production systems. resultant reactive vapors must be then converted to
Photo conversion production hydrogen. Although this process is at an early stage, it
Solar energy is used in this process as renewable has potential for being one of the least expensive
energy resource. Sunlight is used in order to dissociate production methods. Research is focused on improving
water into hydrogen and oxygen. The advantage of this efficient catalyst and for the steam-reforming step, and
process is that there is no need for separate electric
Popular article “Hydrogen fuel” Ramesh Bapu et al.
©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) http://www.indjst.org Indian J.Sci.Technol.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 4 No. 6 (June 2011) ISSN: 0974- 6846

evaluating economic feasibility and environmental Gas-on-solids adsorption technology

sustainability of total process. In this method, hydrogen can be stored by being
Storage adsorbed onto the surface of activated carbon. This
Currently the on-board storage methods for hydrogen technology provides better volume density than
are too expensive and there are some problems in terms compressed gas storage. The adsorption of hydrogen on
of performance requirements for applications due to low carbon is realized under 150 K (-190 F). The weight and
energy density of hydrogen. In other Fig.3 Metal hydride storage volume densities of this application
word, energy content per unit of space are comparable to liquid hydrogen
and lightweight mobile storage are systems (Herbert Aly & Gunter
important points for a transportation Siemer, 1993).
fuel. At normal temperature and Metal hydride technology
pressure conditions, energy density of Certain metals (metal hydrides)
hydrogen is about 1/1330 that of can be used to absorb and retain
gasoline, which is extremely low. The hydrogen under specific
factors that could affect hydrogen temperature and pressure
storage are: capacity, storage conditions. They release hydrogen
material, total cost and necessary under different conditions. The
Water passage Metal hybrid power
conditions for storage viz. application of magnesium is quite
temperature, pressure and purity of hydrogen. common in this process. Although they are safe and high-
Physical storage systems volume density, they are currently expensive compared
It is possible to store hydrogen in the form of with compressed gas or carbon adsorption systems. For
compressed gas and cryogenic liquid, which is as low as low-cost hydrides that can store large amounts of
20 K. Energy consumption is significant for liquefaction hydrogen, high temperature is necessary to release the
process but expensive. Compressed gas is stored at hydrogen. On the other hand, hydrides, which release
2000-2500 psi (14-17 mPa) and requires large, heavy hydrogen at lower temperatures, are expensive and have
containers. Lightweight graphite composite materials a less storage capacity. Main components of metal
which resist high pressure up to 6000 psi (41 mPa) will hydride storage system are shown systematically (Fig.3).
bring promising results in on-board storage area. This The key factors in developing practical, economic
new technology requires additional research for hydride systems includes: hydride type which is used,
developing practical, safe, reliable storage systems using desired operating temperature, desired capacity and
these materials (Walter Peschka & William J.D. costs of various system component like packaging and
Escher,1993). heat exchangers.
Solid-state storage systems Long life under repeated loading and unloading
In solid-state storage, gas-on-solids and metal cycles without significant loss in storage capacity is
hydrides are options, which are safer technologies, and expected from hydride systems. Impurities in hydrogen
they provide high storage capacity than physical storage can affect capacity negatively. Polyhydride complexes
systems. They are more expensive and heavier. using cobalt and other transition materials have higher
Currently, research is progressing on determining the storage capacity and faster recycling times than other
hydrogen adsorption/desorption properties of hydride system tested.
commercially available carbons and zeolites. Basic Hydrogen application in vehicles
concept on mechanisms of solid-state storage is essential There are two options for using hydrogen in
in order to get more knowledge about high performance transportation area.
storage materials. It includes: Hydrogen using in IC engines
• Storage capacities, rates of charge and discharge, Low fuel conversion rates are problem with gaseous-
thermal and mechanical effects and costs of available fueled engines run with high amounts of excess air. The
materials. low quenching distance of hydrogen offers improvement
• Increasing capability of manufacturing conventional in this matter. Hydrogen flames can easily penetrate into
solid-state hydrogen storage materials, like magnesium- difficult chamber zones and reach the unburnt mixtures
based hydrides and high-surface-area activated carbon. than that of fossil fuels. Optimized hydrogen engines can
• New materials systems, such as fullerenes, porous be run at higher compression ratio than that with
silicon, porous metal-silicides, hydrogenated amorphous unleaded gasoline. It makes hydrogen-powered engines
alloys, metal hydride thin films, new synthetic methods, 15-25 % more efficient than gasoline engines. Flame
highly porous and nonstructural materials. speed is one of the fundamental characteristics in
• Working with the geodynamics of underground combustion process. It identifies the relative motion of
storage, comp ability with existing natural gas storage flame front respect the unburnt mixture (Karim, 1983).
facilities and technology to lower the cost of liquefaction The high flame speed of hydrogen provides efficient cycle
such as magnetic refrigeration. similar to constant volume process. On the other hand,
Popular article “Hydrogen fuel” Ramesh Bapu et al.
©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) http://www.indjst.org Indian J.Sci.Technol.

Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 4 No. 6 (June 2011) ISSN: 0974- 6846
Fig.4. Hydrogen fuel cell
higher thermal and mechanical In the fuel cell, the cathode
loads along with increased terminal is positively charged and
combustion temperatures are the the anode terminal is negatively
reasons of thermal losses, charged. A membrane is to divide
combustion noise and nitric oxide terminals in the proton exchange
emissions. The wide flammability membrane type of fuel cell. At the
limit of hydrogen in air provides lean anode, hydrogen is split into its
operation, which brings low NOx electrons and protons (positive
emission along with higher thermal hydrogen ions). When protons pass
efficiencies. Diffusion coefficient of through the membrane, it creates a
hydrogen, which means better flow of direct current electricity
homogeneous charge, also affects between the terminals. The only
lean operation positively. High byproduct of this process is water,
quenching distance provides the which is formed by electrons,
flame front to penetrate into smallest hydrogen ions and oxygen at the
crevice without being quenched. cathode.
With respect to this characteristic, The efficiency of a fuel cell is as
hydrogen flame can reach the high as 75 %. There are no NOx, CO
unburnt mixtures than flames of emissions, because hydrogen is not
fossil fuels. burned in air. Pure hydrogen is used
Low ignition energy of hydrogen causes pre ignition in lower temperature fuel cells. Platinum catalyst is used
and backfiring of hydrogen engines using externally in the structure. For example a 40 KW fuel cell, which is
formed hydrogen-air mixtures. The reason is probably hot suitable for automotive applications, needs at least 80
oil deposits on other hotspots in cylinder. Although, grams of platinum catalyst, which is 30-60 times the
several approaches have been applied in order to solve platinum in today’s catalytic converters (Justin Fulton et
this problem, none provide satisfactory results. Cooled al., 1993). It needs further effort to make it cost-effective,
exhaust gas recirculation, cold gaseous hydrogen, water practical fuel cell for vehicles.
injection, four-valve schemes are among those methods. In the next twenty-five years, the world population is
Energy density is related to storage. As a gas, expected to increase by about 2.5 billion, with most of the
hydrogen has a very low energy density by volume. This population growth expected to occur in developing
causes large fuel tank size even with high-pressure countries. Most of the power plants will bum coal, oil, or
storage and short vehicle range. Exhaust heat is not natural gas, and contribute to our atmosphere’s carbon
sufficient for turbo charging application, but supercharger dioxide content. Soon the effects of the growing CO2
with some efficiency loss can be used to compensate content in the atmosphere will become obvious, and non-
power loss. The energy density by volume of liquid polluting fuel cells for energy conversion will be in great
hydrogen is also low (one fourth that of gasoline). Energy demand. The new concepts being developed can help
density by mass of hydrogen is 3 times that of gasoline, reduce the cost and pollution from the energy used in
which means that liquid hydrogen system will not suffer a transportation, as well as the heating and cooling of
weight penalty compared to gasoline. buildings.
Direct high-pressure injection is the most efficient References
application in IC engines. High-pressure liquid, which is 1. Carl A. Kukkonen and Mordecai Shelef (1993) Hydrogen
pressurized by a high-pressure pump, is converted to as an alternative automative fuel: update. SAE: 940766.
cold high-pressure gas by using a heat exchanger. 2. Herbert Aly and Gunter Siemer (1993) Experimental
Injection is provided after the closing of valves, which is investigation of gaseous hydrogen utilization in a dual fuel
similar to diesel engine. Ignition is done with a spark or engine for stationary power plants. ICE-(20) ASME.
glow plug. Pre-ignition decreased by using this 3. Justin Fulton, Frank Lynch, Roger Marmaro and Bryan
application. Since hydrogen does not displace air in the Wilson (1993) Hydrogen for reducing emissions from
cylinder, it provides better volumetric efficiency, which alternative fuel vehicles. SAE: 931813.
4. Karim GA (1983) Some considerations of the safety of
means higher power.
methane (CNG), as an automotive fuel-comparison with
Hydrogen fuel cells gasoline, propane and hydrogen operation. SAE: 830267.
A hydrogen fuel cell is a device as shown in Fig.4 that 5. NREL (1995) Hydrogen program overview. National
converts hydrogen gas into low-voltage, direct current Renewable Energy Laboratory.
electricity by combining hydrogen and oxygen 6. Walter Peschka and William J.D. Escher (1993)
electrochemically. This process is the reverse of the Germany's contribution to the demonstrated technical
electrolytic method, which splits water into hydrogen and feasibility of the liquid-hydrogen fueled passenger
oxygen. automobile. SAE p-p: 931812.

Popular article “Hydrogen fuel” Ramesh Bapu et al.

©Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee) http://www.indjst.org Indian J.Sci.Technol.

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