Seeing Space 1st Edition Robert A. Crone 2024 scribd download
Seeing Space 1st Edition Robert A. Crone 2024 scribd download
Seeing Space 1st Edition Robert A. Crone 2024 scribd download
State Space A Reader 1st Edition Neil Brenner
Seeing Space
Dedicated to Joanna Crone-Ravestein,
my guardian angel in later years
Seeing Space
Robert A. Crone
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
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Published by: Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers
ISBN 0-203-97104-3 Master e-book ISBN
Preface xi
Acknowledgements xiii
Part I 1
1. A Short History of Space 3
Space in ancient times 3
Space theory in the Middle Ages 4
Space in the Renaissance 5
Newton’s space 5
The geometry of space 6
How empty is space? 6
The principle of special relativity 6
The principle of general relativity 7
The quantum theory 7
Objective space 9
2. Perceptual Space 11
Historical notes 11
Locke: Primary and secondary features 11
Berkeley 12
Kant 12
Biological aspects of spatial localisation 14
Psychological aspects of spatial localisation 14
Animals and psychology 14
Psychological description of the human being 15
Real space as proof station for phenomenal space 15
The place of biology and psychology in a pluralistic world 16
The area between perception and action 17
Part II: The Visual Perception of Space 25
4. Some Basic Facts about the Visual System 27
The eye and the ocular muscles 27
The optics of the eye 27
The eye muscles and eye movements 28
The retina 29
The visual pathways 34
A short history of neural localisation 38
6. Directional Vision 55
Introduction 55
Directional vision and eye movements 55
Retinal local signs 56
The influence of compensatory eye movements on directional vision 56
Influence of gaze movements 58
Directional vision with two eyes 59
The range of directional vision 59
The visual field 60
The charting of the visual field in the brain 61
Charting the visual field in the area striata 62
Precision of directional vision 65
The precision of the motor system 65
The subjective precision of directional vision 67
Visual acuity, optics and contrast 68
The optical quality 70
Contrast 71
Visual systems analysis 71
The neurophysiology of the visual acuity 74
The retina 75
The lateral geniculate body 77
The visual cortex 77
Visual systems analysis and neurophysiology 78
The pathology of directional vision 79
viii Contents
7. Stereoscopic Perception of Depth 83
A model of binocular vision 83
The history of binocular depth perception 86
Some psycho-physiological aspects of stereopsis 93
Physiological double vision: the range of the oblique connections 93
The horopter 95
The limits of depth perception 96
Estimation of absolute stereoscopic depth 96
Estimation of relative stereoscopic depth 97
Fusion: vision below the threshold of stereoscopic vision 98
Range of fusion 99
The fusion curve and the motor role of disparity 99
Rivalry, suppression and dominance 101
Dominance 102
The psychophysics of stereograms 102
Julesz’ random dots pattern 104
Stereoscopy and vergence 108
The neurophysiology of binocular vision 109
The neurophysiology of disjunctive movements 111
Contents ix
The psychological theory of spatial vision in historical perspective 133
Johannes Kepler and the projection theory 134
The sensorimotor theory of spatial vision in historical perspective 137
Descartes 137
Lotze 138
Roelofs and the principle of equivalence 140
Stability and plasticity of visual orientation 140
The future of a sensorimotor theory of spatial localisation 143
References 175
Index 181
x Contents
Space, like light and colour, is a fundamental aspect ofvision. A number of publica-
tions on spatial vision have been made. Most of them are concerned with details
which are hardly accessible because of their high degree of specialisation in the
areas of neurophysiology, systems theory, philosophy or psychology. This book
aims at a brief non-specialised survey of the whole subject. I have tried to explain
difficult things in a simple way, to keep the style light and to offer the reader relaxa-
tion every now and then with a historical digression. I have not given detailed infor-
mation about differing points of view, but have given preference to the insights I
have acquired myself as an ophthalmologist during many decennia of clinical and
theoretical work. Seeing Space has been written for eye specialists, ophthalmic
opticians, psychologists and other practitioners of visual science, and also for any-
one possessing some knowledge of science who is interested in spatial vision.
The book contains three parts. Part I describes general aspects of space and spa-
tial perception. Part II begins with a short, elementary survey of the visual system
(Chapter 4). As eye movements are of crucial importance for spatial vision, the evo-
lution of the eye and the eye movements is elaborated in Chapter 5. The specific
characteristics of spatial vision, the recognition of direction, depth and movement,
are treated in the other chapters of Part II. Part III describes the spatial identifica-
tion of visual objects.
Part I
1. A Short History of Space1
‘Space’ is a word that we use every day, but if anyone were to ask us what space is, it
becomes apparent that it is a mystery. Space has something to do with the position
of things, but exactly what the relationship is is difficult to say. We don’t always
mean the same thing when we say ‘space.’ When a billiard player says that there is
space between two billiard balls which are lying close together, he obviously means
what is lying between things.When a cancer surgeon speaks of a ‘space-occupying
lesion,’ he means something quite different: the measurements of the thing itself,
which is growing and threatening life. And finally, when one speaks of space travel,
one thinks of space as an infinite ocean in which Gagarin and Armstrong have
dipped their toes.
Jammer, 1954.
concentric spheres: the spheres of the moon, the sun, the planets and the fixed
stars. Space has an internal structure, which causes heavy objects in the sublunary
sphere to fall downwards, in the direction of their ‘natural place,’ the centre of the
universe, and light objects, such as fire, to move in the opposite direction. In the
spheres of the planets and the fixed stars, the natural direction of movement is
circular. In the heavens, where other laws apply than in the sublunary sphere,
there must be a different substance (not fire, water, air or earth), a fifth element, a
quinta essentia.
Aristotle avoids the abstract idea of space and concentrates on the psychologi-
cally more accessible idea of place. He tries to define the place where a material
object is. Naturally that isn’t the object itself; the place is only incidental, an acci-
dens, which really exists, but has no independent existence like a substantial body. It
is the enveloping boundary of the body. A moving object frees itself from its old
place, and takes over a new place in space. The outer sphere of the universe has no
enveloping boundary, thus no place and no limit.
Aristotle is convinced that a vacuum is an impossibility and is profuse in argu-
ments to disprove the existence of a void. An example: if material objects were in a
void, nothing would be able to make them move, and if they were moving, nothing
would be able to stop them; for that matter: bodies of different weights would all fall
in a void at the same high speed, an assumption which was in disagreement with
Aristotle’s physical ideas (which did not include inertia and gravity).
Contrary to Aristotle, the Stoa, a later philosophical school, believed that
an empty space did exist outside the universe. The universe did not spread into this
void because it has an inner cohesion, its own tension (tonos). Posidonius (100 BC)
discovered that the tides were caused by the moon, a strong argument for the exist-
ence of this tension. But the ‘extracosmic’ void could not be missed, because the
world was subjected to cycles of thermic expansion and contraction. We are
reminded of modern hypotheses about the ‘Big Bang’ and the ‘Big Crunch,’ but
also of ideas about Perpetual Return, as found in Oriental religions, and also in
4 Seeing Space
When, in the Renaissance, Aristotle’s authority began to wane, people began to
wonder if nature really abhorred a vacuum. It was difficult to explain how water
could be sucked upwards in a straw against its natural direction. Is the water not
only obedient to its own nature (natura particularis) but also to a heavenly power
(virtus celestis)? In the middle of the seventeenth centuryTorricelli and Pascal radic-
ally disposed of the theory of horror vacui.
Acquaintance with the antique atomic theory also helped to make people less
afraid of a vacuum, and they began to assume that extracosmic and intracosmic
space were one. This had important consequences. It was already agreed that the
space in the world had a three-dimensional structure, but now the assumption was
made that this was also true for infinite space. Gassendi, (1564^1642) whose opin-
ions resembled those of Democritus and Epicurus, described space as non-
created, infinite, immovable, three-dimensional, empty and objectively existing. He
was one of the most important precursors of Newtonian science; although he was
a priest, he refused to identify God with space.The English theologian Henry More
(1642^1727), on the other hand, did not abandon the medieval divinisation of space
and reached the radical conclusion that God is a three-dimensional being. This
point of view was unacceptable for most people, almost as unacceptable as
Spinoza’s idea that God and nature are one (una substantia sive deus sive natura).
Even so, Newton has been influenced by More. He says that we, human beings,
only have images of things ‘in our little sensoriums’ but that God exercises his will
‘in his boundless uniform sensorium,’ the still divinised absolute space.
We leave theology for the moment and consider how Newton arrived at the idea of
infinite, homogeneous, three-dimensional, immovable and absolute space. The
death-blow had, in fact, already been delivered to the Aristotelean system of the
world by Copernicus’ heliocentric system (1543). Kepler discovered the elliptic
path of the planets (1609) and Newton discovered that the same force that causes
heavy objects to fall downwards on earth is responsible for the paths of the moon
and the planets (1687). This undermined Aristotle’s theory that different laws of
movement applied in the sublunar world than outside it. But that did not prove
that space wasas Gassendi thoughtabsolute, immovable and infinite. Galileo
had even stated that movement and immobility were relative terms. If an object was
dropped from a tower it landed at the foot of the tower and if the same object was
dropped from the crow’s nest of a sailing ship it landed at the foot of the mast. But
Newton declared that this relativity principle only applied in the kinematic sense:
for spatial systems which were moving in a linear, uniform manner in relation to
each other. When reference systems revolve in relation to each other, different
dynamic laws apply. If the water in a revolving bucket is made to revolve, the water
rises against the inside wall of the bucket. In this case one of the systems revolves
Grant, 1981.
Westfall, 1980.
6 Seeing Space
reference system in which the researcher is making his measurements (1905; see
Einstein, 1917).With this conclusion he finally laid to rest Newton’s absolute space
and the ether. There were two conditions: the reference systems had to move with
constant velocity and in a rectilinear direction (as in Galileo’s relativity principle),
and the speed of light, which necessarily influences the measurements, had to be
taken into consideration. In this way, time became included in every physical calcu-
lation. Relativistic physics doesn’t think any more in terms of three-dimensional
space but in a four-dimensional space-time continuum. In relation to spatial vision,
the subject of this book, this relativity principle is not important.The speed of light
is so great that it makes no difference whether one looks out of the window of a mov-
ing car or of one that is standing still. If the speed of light were 30 km per hour
instead of 300,000 km per second4, the relativity principle would have a great influ-
ence on how we see the world. A moving cyclist would appear much thinner than a
stationary one and, at the same time, the cyclist would see the people on the pave-
ment suddenly become much thinner as he rode away (Fig. 1.1).
Gamov, 1940.
Greene, 1999.
8 Seeing Space
important to know that the string theory operates in a world with ten or more
dimensions. For the reader’s peace of mind it may be said that even the string theory
allots no more than three dimensions to macroscopic space; the other dimensions
are, so to speak, the curled-up dimensions of a microworld. Even so, from Newton’s
absolute, homogeneous, infinite and three-dimensional world, the last attribute,
the three-dimensionality, is now being called into question.
The space, of which the history is sketched above, is distinguished as real space from
geometrical spaces which are only a possibility, and also from any space which owes
its existence solely to one or morenecessarily subjectivesensory qualities. Real
space can also be called physical space, because it is not filled with visible, audible
or tangible things, but with measurable objects. Because measurements can be veri-
fied or disproved by anybody, real space is also called objective space.
Classical physics has cut the connection between objective reality and the
senses.That has led to enormous successes, to astonishing but completelydehuman-
ised (without sensory information) knowledge. The separation of objective reality
and the observer has, however, not been completely successful. Quantum mecha-
nics is based once more on two corner-stones: the reality and the observer. In this
case it is not the painting of reality in the colours of the human senses, but the altera-
tion of reality by the action of a human measuring instrument.
In the previous chapter the objective features of space have been characterized; the
question now arises how the spatial characteristics of things are perceived. To
acquaint the reader with divergent theories, I introduce three founders of episte-
mology: Locke, Berkeley and Kant.
The theory of primary and secondary qualities did not remain unchallenged.There
are two alternatives: either colour is as objective as space, or space is as subjective
as colour. The first alternative is called ‘naı̈ve realism,’ the second ‘idealism.’ The
English philosopher Berkeley was an idealist. He said in his Principles of Human
Knowledge (1710) that form and colour have the same status: that of sensory phe-
nomena. The form in which an object is observed is dependent on the observer. A
horse in the distance is small and a horse nearby is big; a wheel is seen as circular or
elliptical according to the position of the observer. Our sense of space is the sense of
space of the genus Mankind, and as such is subjective: a mite, according to Berkeley,
would not be able to exist if it did not have a completely different sense of space,
adjusted to shorter distances and different spatial information. Berkeley found
objective space absurd. Space is phenomenal, defined by the spatial impressions
which we receive; he denied the objective existence of matter. Esse est percipi: all
that exists is what is perceived. Berkeley is a consistent spiritualist. God’s creation
consists of nothing more than perceiving spirits and perceived sensations (ideas).
Berkeley didn’t go so far as to say that the world disappeared when one closed
one’s eyes: the world always remained in God’s sensorium. God’s spirit is the all-
embracing spirit. Because all knowledge is built up from sensory impressions,
and abstract ideas like the concept of substance are rejected, Berkeley is also a
consistent empiricist. His revolutionary theory of knowledge was inspired by his
antirevolutionary Christian conviction, unsympathetic to materialists, atheists and
Berkeley’s theory later became popular in secularised form, particularly among
psychologists and philosophers, as phenomenalism. Phenomenalism forms a poor
basis for the natural sciences. Theoretical chemistry cannot be built on scents and
colours, and without abstractions one cannot get far with Newton’s gravitation law.
Even so, it was a Newtonian who made the ‘subjectivity’ (or rather: the non-
objectivity) of space in his Kritik der reinen Vernunft (1781) a corner-stone of his
philosophical system. Kant asked himself the question, what is the reason for the
irrefutable validity of Euclid’s axioms and Newton’s mechanistic laws? His answer:
space is an ‘a-priori intuition,’ a classification scheme for the human intellect into
which knowledge must organize itself. Space (and time also) does not form, for
Kant, part of the objective reality but is a product of ‘pure’ (aprioristic) human rea-
son. Kant does not elaborate on what remains of nature if all the contributions of
human reason are removed.The‘thing-in-itself’ is the source of all experience but is
not directly accessible to knowledge.
One might suppose that Kant, with his theory, had eliminated the distinction
between primary and secondary qualities, but that is far from being the case. The
sensory, such as colour, is in Kant’s view immeasurable and, on account of its indi-
vidual subjectivity, fortuitous. On the other hand, the ideality of space is ‘transcen-
dental,’ a supra-individual requirement of human knowledge. Kantian space,
although ‘de-objectified’ in the epistemological sense, remained in practice the
12 Seeing Space
‘objective’space of the physicists and not the phenomenal space of the psychologists
and their great leader, Berkeley. Kant called his own idealism ‘critical,’ in order to
distinguish it from the (in his opinion) ‘sentimental’ idealism of Berkeley.
The ideas of the Enlightenment culminated in the philosophy of Kant. His
influence was unprecedented. Together with the classical writers in Weimar, he
made a deep impression on German spiritual life. Preachers’sons and theology stu-
dents, already disturbed by the Enlightenment, adopted Kant’s doctrine.They were
more familiar with Plato, Goethe and the Gospels than with empirical natural
science. The first thing they did was throw the ‘thing-in-itself’ overboard.Without
the ballast of experience, thought could rise to speculative heights where ‘thinking
thinks itself.’
The rapid advance of the natural sciences put an end to this sort of idealism.
Materialism won the sympathy of many. As, however, materialism did not form a
sufficient basis for the sensory sciences with their mental phenomena, others
returned to Locke’s and Kant’s original theories. Hermann von Helmholtz, great
practitioner of the sensory sciences and also mathematician and physicist, had in
his theory of colour vision (based on ThomasYoung) stated that it depends on the
properties of the eye which‘signals’ we use to interpret reality. As the retina has three
sorts of receptors, our collection of colours is threefold. The retina is the ‘creator of
colour.’ Some philosophers and investigators of the special senses tried to demon-
strate that the senses which register space were, in the same way,‘creators of space.’
They hoped in this way to lay a scientific basis for Kant’s subjectivism, against
Kant’s intentions, who had specifically stated that space is not an empirical term.
All these attempts stranded. Some neo-Kantians tried to interpret space
through feelings experienced in muscles and joints, by means of which we learn
the difference between above and below, before and behind and left and right. The
physiologist Cyon used the directional feelings produced by the three semicircular
canals of the organ of equilibrium. His article (1901) had the characteristic titleThe
physiological basis of Euclid’s geometry. A solution of the space problem. Unhappily
the semicircular canals were already expressed in spatial terms. The argument was
thus begging the question, it was a petitio principii.
We have now heard three philosophers who, in spite of all their brain-racking,
were not able to formulate an idea of space which is acceptable to us.
Locke represented the position of the new natural science from Galileo to
Newton. He made two mistakes. In the first place, we don’t observe space ‘as it is.’
Our observation is, as far as the visual observation is concerned, dependent on our
own viewpoint and the properties of the eye. In the second place, it is a scientistic
error to think that sounds (mental sensatione which can be scientifically reduced to
vibrations in the air), are less real than vibrations in the air.
Berkeley rejected the scientism of his time and argued that all our knowledge
was sensory. He was an ‘immaterialist,’ who denied the objective existence of
things. It was an extreme position which could not last. It was irreconcilable with
the natural science which was rapidly developing, and was also contrary to the daily
experience of ordinary people.
Kant tried to explain the strict validity of natural laws by the statement that
‘space’ was a fundamental category of the human spirit. This standpoint was not
Perceptual Space 13
tenable either. As explained in Chapter 1, an objective physical space exists which is
certainly not the product of the human spirit. In addition, Kant’s theory was highly
anthropocentric and no reference was made to what spatial behaviour means in the
animal world.
It seems important to us, modern people, to define space in such a way that the
definition applies for physics (Chapter 1), for biology and for the human spirit.
14 Seeing Space
are two extreme opinions on this question, both associated with illustrious names.
Descartes considered animals to be ‘automatons’ without feelings. He only allowed
feelings and thought to human beings. A pregnant dog was kicked out of the room
by Malebranche, a younger follower of Descartes2.When the animal began to yelp
pitifully, he said to his guests: ‘it’s only a machine.’
Leibnitz, who was opposed to Descartes’ materialism, thought that even the
humblest animals had a soul and petites perceptions. Most modern people take a
middle course. If a cat screams when someone steps on his tail, that is thought to
be an expression of pain, and when he butts you with his head, that is taken to be
an expression of affection. But the expressive movements of a fly? If they exist, we
cannot recognize them.Which doesn’t mean to say that flies are‘machines,’ but only
that we allow animals an inner life on the grounds of recognizable behaviour.
van Hoorn, 1972.
Perceptual Space 15
Fig. 2.1. An optical illusion: the vertical lines appear to be bent, but they are straight.
is assessed and checked as to its verity. The mensuration of physical space gives the
final answer, as in the optical illusion in Figure 2.1, where the ruler proves that the
left and right vertical lines are not curved, although our visual perception makes us
believe that they are.
Hartmann, 1947.
16 Seeing Space
apply to the material and the biological world are still applicable to the mental
domain. Thus feelings are not susceptible to the exact measurements that exist in
the area of physics. Furthermore, the mindalthough dependent on the existence
of the individualcan transcend his material and biological limits. I have already
stated that subjective visual space is a mental space. The same is true for subjective
acoustic space.The fourth element in the structure of our real world is culture. Cul-
ture is founded on the individual minds, but obeys its own laws. It is striking that the
most typical feature of the individual mind, the subjectivity, has been lost in the
Many attempts to simplify the plurality of this image of the world have been
made. A first step is ‘dualism,’ the sharp distinction between matter and soul
which goes back to René Descartes. In this theory the independent existence of life
is thrown overboard and culture is degraded to psychologism. A still further simpli-
fication is ‘monism,’ the reduction of existence to one domain. Berkeley was the
representative of psychic monism. The present triumphal march of the natural
sciences has caused materialistic monism to have the most adherents.
In this study on spatial vision the cultural element is not taken into considera-
tion. But the relationship between biology and psychology will continually demand
our attention. As biology is ontologically more fundamental than psychology, the
biological approach to the special senses has in theory precedence. But psychology
produces such a wealth of subjective information that it has an important place in
this book.
Perceptual Space 17
3. Non-Visual Spatial Perception
The organs of equilibrium (labyrinth, vestibule), situated in mammals in the pet-
rous bone, are extremely important for non-visual spatial perception.The labyrinth
is a double organ, in the first place consisting of the utriculus and the sacculus.
These contain lumps of calcium carbonate, the so-called otoliths, which by their
weight can exert pressure on receptor cells. The organs register the direction of
gravity and other linear accelerations. In the second place, the three semicircular
canals, which are at right angles to each other (Fig. 3.1) and are filled with fluid,
the endolymph.When the head is turned a flow originates in the endolymph, giving
rise to stimulation of the receptors in the dilated end of each canal, the so-called
ampulla. In this way the canals register the turning of the head in the three
Fig. 3.1. Diagram of the position of the semicircular canals and their ampullae in the skull
(Cogan, 1948).
dimensions of objective space. In the central nervous system the nerve fibres arising
from the labyrinth enter the vestibular nuclei, which are closely connected with the
centres from which movements are controlled: the motor centres in the spinal cord,
the cerebrum and the cerebellum.There is a particularly close relationship between
the organ of equilibrium and the motor centres for eye movements.This will be con-
sidered in Chapter 5.
Pastore, 1971; Degenaar, 1996.
20 Seeing Space
Fig. 3.2. Touch and vision. From Jamnizer, Perspectiva corporum regularium (1568).
To which the acute and judicious proposer answers:‘Not. For though he has obtained
the experience of how a globe, how a cube affects his touch, yet he has not yet obtained
the experience that what affects his touch so or so must affect his sight so or so.’ Locke
continues: ‘I agree with this thinking gentleman, whom I am proud to call my friend.’
Locke, already mentioned in connection with primary and secondary qualities,
was also the philosopher of empirism, the theory that all knowledge arises from
experience and that inborn knowledge does not exist. It is understandable that the
empirist Locke agrees with Molyneux: the visual impressions of the sphere and
the cube fall on a tabula rasa, a blank tablet. Before the cube and the sphere can be
recognized and named, an association must be made by experience between
the tactile and the visual impressions. There are no ‘innate ideas’ which equate the
terminologies of touch and vision.
Thirty years later Molyneux’s empiristic ideas seemed to be confirmed. In 1728
the famous ophthalmologist William Cheselden wrote in the PhilosophicalTrans-
actions: An Accountofsome Observations made by a young Gentleman, who was born
blind, or lost his Sight so early, that he had no Remembrance of ever having seen, and
was couch’d between13 and 14 Years of Age. The result of the cataract stab seemed at
first to be disappointing: ‘When he first saw, he was so far from making any Judge-
ments about Distances, that he thought all Objects whatever touch’d his Eyes (as he
express’d it) as what he felt, did his skin. He knew not the Shape of anything, nor any
oneThing from another, howeverdifferent in Shape, or in Magnitude: buton being told
22 Seeing Space
study of binocular vision. Helmholtz (1821^1894), who worked largely in the same
field, remained an empiricist.The last chapter of his famous Handbook is a plea for
the concept that spatial vision is dependent on experience and associations.
Now we no longer need to take sides in this struggle which lasted well into the
twentieth century. The chapter on squint and amblyopia will make it clear that
inborn ability and experience go hand in hand.The sense of sight has much to learn
in the course of the development of the young organism, but in this process it is
dominant and an autodidact, and does not need the sense of touch as teacher.
Man is an optical animal. The optic nerves contain more nerve fibres than those
reaching the cerebral cortex from all other sensory systems together.The visual sys-
tem also occupies more space in the cerebral cortex than any other sensory system.
We can therefore have an easy conscience when we direct our attention in Part II
of this book to the study of spatial vision, as a separate entity, without initially con-
sidering its relationship with the sense of touch.
Visual axis
b a
Fig. 4.2. Accommodation. Contraction of a circular muscle round the lens makes the lens
thicker (Helmholtz, 1866).
decreases (presbyopia), so that a sharp image of a near object is only possible with
the help of reading glasses (Fig. 4.3).
28 Seeing Space
Fig. 4.4. Origins and insertions of the extraocular muscles (Cogan, 1948).
connections, is responsible for the simultaneous rapid jerks and slower following
movements of the two eyes, and also for the slow movements in opposite directions.
Much is known about the subcortical structures and their functions.The details are
beyond the scope of this book, but a few principles will be considered in the follow-
ing chapters.
Some knowledge of the nomenclature of the eye movements is necessary for the
reader of this book. I shall restrict myself to the horizontal and torsional move-
ments.When only one eye is being considered, one speaks of ductions. Movements
of the two eyes in the same direction (conjugated movements) are called versions,
movements in opposite directions (disjunctive movements) are vergences. Thus,
apart from vertical movements, we speak of:
1. Adduction (inwards), abduction (outwards); incycloduction, excycloduction
(upper pole of the cornea moves inwards/outwards);
2. Dextroversion, sinistroversion; dextrocycloversion, sinistrocycloversion;
3. Convergence, divergence; incyclovergence, excyclovergence.
From Greek antiquity to the Renaissance people always thought that the organ of
vision was the lens. The retina was known to exist as a thin membrane in which (on
account of the course of the blood vessels) a fishing-net could be seen, but there was
no reason to pay further attention to it.
Interest was awakened when the Basle anatomist Felix Platter (1536^1614) was
persuaded that the lens was an optic element of the eye and localised the light sens-
ibility at the back of the eye.The same idea had also been entertained byVesalius. He
thought that the place where the optic nerve leaves the eye was the light-sensitive
spot. But Platter went further. He called the retina the ‘retiform nerve’and declared
that this was the light-sensitive structure. He saw the lens as a sort of internal
Fig. 4.5. The inverted image made visible. The posterior layers of the eye have been partly
removed (Descartes, Dioptrique, [1637]).
30 Seeing Space
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or of their ministers—congresses in fact—should take place, to
consult concerning the great and common interests of the allies, and
the measures that might be considered necessary at the time to
promote the welfare and peace of the nations and of Europe.
It was this treaty which founded and introduced the Congress
policy of the next decade, and it is well to note that France although
a member of the Holy Alliance was excluded from this league, as
was to be expected, and that England which had remained outside
the Holy Alliance, here stood at the head of affairs. The true position
and significance of things are thereby made clear.j
[59] [Skrinel says, however: “For nearly half a century the Holy
Alliance was the keystone of the edifice erected at Vienna, the
hidden chain which linked Russia with the other military powers.”]
Heaven grant that we may one day attain our aim of making Russia free and of
preserving her from despotism and tyranny. This is my unique desire, and I
willingly sacrifice all my labours and my life to the aim that is so dear to me.—
Alexander I.
The year 1815, which had been filled with a series of unexpected
events, terminated with an important administrative measure which
no one had foreseen. On the 18th of January, 1817, an imperial
ukase was issued ordering the immediate expulsion of all the monks
of the order of Jesuits from St. Petersburg, and at the same time
forbidding their entry into either of the two capitals. In the middle of
the night they were provided with fur cloaks, and warm boots, and
despatched in carts to the residence of their brethren at Polotsk.[60]
It was enjoined in this ukase that the Catholic church in St.
Petersburg should be “placed on the same footing that had been
established during the reign of the empress Catherine II and which
had endured up to the year 1800.” This expulsion put an end to the
pedagogical activity of the Jesuits in St. Petersburg. The words of N.
J. Turgeniev, spoken in the year 1812 and addressed to his
successor Gruber, the Berezovski Jesuit, were, in fact, realised for
the order in the most unpleasant way. He said: “This is the beginning
of the end; you will now do so much that you will be sent away.” The
government was compelled to have recourse to decisive measures
in view of cases of conversion to Catholicism amongst the orthodox
pupils of the Jesuit school in St. Petersburg; besides which the
influence of Jesuit propaganda was spreading in a remarkable way
amongst the ladies of the high society of St. Petersburg.
This measure, however, did not put a limit to the misfortunes that
descended upon the Jesuits during the reign of Alexander. A few
years later (on the 25th of March, 1820) the order was given that the
Jesuits should be expelled finally from Russia, adding that they were
not under any aspect or denomination to be allowed to return; and at
the same time the Polotsk academy was suppressed, as well as all
the schools depending on it.
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