60 pages | 6 x 9 | PAPERBACK
ISBN 978-0-309-10623-8 | DOI 10.17226/11884
Samantha Chao, Rapporteur; Forum on the Science of Health Care Quality
Improvement and Implementation; Board on Health Care Services; Institute of
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Advancing Quality Improvement ON THEChallenges
Workshop Summary
THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES PRESS 500 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20001
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Dr. Charles M. Vest is president of the National Academy of Engineering.
Short Term, 37
Long Term, 38
The Importance of Strategies for Change, 38
Leveraging Other Industries, 40
Context, 41
Areas for Further Discussion, 41
Clarifying Communication, 42
The Need for Further Knowledge, 42
A Workshop Agenda 45
B Workshop Participants 47
he Institute of Medicine’s Forum on the Science of Health Care
Quality Improvement and Implementation held a workshop
on January 16, 2007, in Washington, DC. The workshop had its
roots in an earlier forum meeting when forum members discussed
what is meant by the terms “quality improvement” and “imple-
mentation science” and became convinced that they mean different
things to different people. At the time, the members also discussed
the need to identify barriers to quality improvement research and
to implementation science. Thus the purpose of this workshop
was to bring people together from various arenas to discuss what
quality improvement is, and what barriers exist in the health care
industry to quality improvement and also to research about quality
The summary that ensues is thus limited to the presentations
and discussions during the workshop itself. We realize that there is a
broader scope of issues pertaining to this subject area but are unable
to address them in this summary document.
*The Forum’s role was limited to planning the workshop, and the workshop sum-
mary has been prepared by the workshop rapporteur as a factual summary of what
occurred at the workshop.
Hospital Perspective
Craig Miller of Baptist Health Care System described how this
hospital system changed its culture. In 1997, Miller said, Baptist was
a place that provided poor quality care. Once the hospital leadership
recognized that change was necessary to improve employee satisfac-
tion and to solve financial problems, Baptist began to focus its efforts
on the people associated with the system—the patients and the
employees. With this focus, Baptist transformed itself into a hospital
system that now provides excellent quality care, as evidenced by the
system winning the 2003 Baldrige Quality Award.
Baptist built its vision of change around five pillars of excellence:
people, service, quality, growth, and finance. In addition to these
pillars, Baptist used the Baldrige criteria for excellence to transform
Nursing Perspective
Nurses are central to improving the quality of health care deliv-
ery, said Marita Titler of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
Titler presented four major points to illustrate the role of nurses in
quality improvement, including an overview of the quality improve-
ment program at the university, strategies used to implement perfor-
mance improvement, challenges in improving quality, and markers
of success. The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics bases its
implementation of new processes and procedures on seven prin-
ciples, Titler said. The first of these principles is that education is
necessary but not sufficient in order to change practice behaviors.
The second is that implementation is not necessarily sustainable;
constant tracking and improvement are required to improve the
likelihood that a change will be sustained. The third principle is to
facilitate doing the right things. The fourth is that data need to be
effectively transformed into useable and actionable information.
The fifth principle is to have a clear focus for implementation. The
sixth is coordination among all players, which is especially useful
in complex interventions. The seventh principle is to pilot or try
the intervention prior to implementing the change system-wide.
Improving care requires a number of strategies that integrate these
seven principles and at the center of them is engaging the workforce,
Titler said.
criteria are: leadership; strategic planning; focus on patients, other cus-
tomers, and markets; measurement, analysis, and knowledge management; workforce
focus; process management; and results (Baldrige National Quality Program, 2007).
Generalizable Measured
scientific + → performance
evidence improvement
Quality improvement is analyzed using a variety of study
designs, including systematic reviews, controlled trials, case reports,
and hybrid quantitative/qualitative reports, Batalden said. These
different methods have different strengths, each with its own set of
advantages and disadvantages.
There is disagreement in the field about the use of what some
believe to be the “gold standard,” randomized controlled trials
(RCTs). Some people do not believe that RCTs are useful in complex
social contexts, such as quality improvement processes, while others
believe RCTs to be an extremely valuable method for evaluating
these interventions. Given that different interventions lend them-
selves to specific evaluation methods, Grimshaw and Batalden con-
cluded that one should always attempt to choose the best possible
study design, given the individual circumstances.
Both short-term and long-term opportunities exist for strength-
ening the science of quality improvement. In the short term, the
opportunities identified by workshop participants centered on
strengthening the evidence base for quality improvement. This
can be achieved by using the most rigorous methods possible to
assess interventions and by clarifying the focus of quality improve-
ment projects. Long-term opportunities include creating strategies
to improve professional development and effect cultural change
among all stakeholders.
General Reactions
General reactions to the workshop discussions were given at
the end of the day by both forum members and audience members.
Many of their comments focused on the need to leverage experi-
ences from other disciplines. The role of context should also be more
carefully studied, as well as communication between researchers
and between researchers and implementers. Other areas for the
forum to pursue were also proposed.
ith its Forum on the Science of Health Care Quality
Improvement and Implementation, the Institute of Medi-
cine (IOM) convenes representatives from academia,
clinical practice, government, and industry in a neutral setting where
they can discuss various ideas about improving the science behind
health care quality improvement and implementation. Through
these discussions, forum members attain a better understanding of
what the needs of the science are, and they begin breaking down the
communication barriers that prevent advances in the field.
The workshop “The Path to Quality Improvement: Approaches
and Barriers” was held on January 16, 2007, in Washington, D.C.
It was the result of a forum conversation that had taken place in
December 2006. The forum had identified a need to understand
what was meant by the terms “quality improvement” and “imple-
mentation science,” and during the ensuing discussion it became
clear to forum participants that these terms mean different things to
different people. Forum participants also discussed the need to iden-
tify the barriers to quality improvement research and to implemen-
tation science. The purpose of this workshop was therefore to bring
people together from various arenas to discuss the scope of quality
improvement in a broad sense. The forum members felt it would be
valuable to hear about lessons learned not only from within health
care settings but from outside of health care as well. Because of the
limited time available at this workshop, not all relevant perspectives
his section includes discussions from a variety of perspectives:
non-health care services, health plans, hospitals, and nursing.
It was not possible, however, to include examples from all
settings, such as smaller physician practice settings and long-term
care settings.
*The Forum’s role was limited to planning the workshop, and the workshop sum-
mary has been prepared by the workshop rapporteur as a factual summary of what
occurred at the workshop.
the efficiency of its operations and the flow of its processes are also
critical factors in its success.
For these reasons Medtronic set itself the goals of assuring that
it produced high-quality products while at the same time increas-
ing efficiency and improving flow. Webster highlighted three issues
that Medtronic found to be important in reaching these goals: lead
time, external variability, and internal variability. Lead time is the
period of time from the beginning to the end of a process. A patient
who must sit in the waiting room of an emergency room for three
hours is an example of a need to reduce lead time. Variability refers
to differences in conditions or in how a process is performed; exter-
nal variability refers to differences that cannot be controlled by the
process’s operator, while internal variability refers to processes that
can be. An epidemic would be an example of external variability,
Webster said, while incorrect prescriptions would be an example
of internal variability. If an organization can reduce lead time and
internal variability, he said, it can gain the flexibility it needs to
manage external variability, which in turn will lead to improved
customer experiences and reduced costs. These three issues—lead
time, external variability, and internal variability—are important not
just in manufacturing, Webster said, but in health care as well.
There are a number of tools that can be used to improve quality
and focus on the problems of lead time and variability, Webster said.
In its efforts to maximize profits, Medtronic chose two: Six Sigma
and Lean. In particular, Medtronic combined the two tools to create
an innovative technique it called Lean Sigma. The company created
Lean Sigma for three reasons, Webster said.
The first reason was that the goals of both of these tools are to
decrease error and reduce waste from processes. Six Sigma focuses
on the efficiency of a single process, using standard deviations as a
measure to track performance. The methodology Six Sigma follows
is called DMAIC, for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and
Control. The first step is to characterize problems with products or
outcomes by defining what the problems are and then finding ways
to measure performance. After measuring performance, these result-
ing data undergo statistical analyses to identify the problem with the
process. Only when the process problem is identified can the process
be improved, whether through automation or perhaps by something
as simple as turning off a knob. The last step of DMAIC is control,
which refers to the need to sustain change so that the problem does
not recur. Statistical testing and evidence are two essential compo-
nents of Six Sigma, Webster noted.
Lean also follows the DMAIC methodology, Webster explained,
KP Non KP Providers
Source: 2002 study by the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) which found that
FIGURE 1 Comparison
Kaiser Permanente of 30-day
members have a significantly greatermortality rates after acute heart attack.
chance ofPermanente members
survival from heart attacks than-nonhave a significantly
members. greater
The study, released in chance
February 2002, showedof
survival of heart attack patients at all Kaiser Permanente hospitals
from heart attacks than non-members. The study, released in February
was better than the statewide average. Overall mortality was 8 percent versus the statewide average of 12 percent.2002,
showed that the survival of heart attack patients at all Kaiser Permanente
hospitals was better than the statewide average. Overall mortality was 8
percent versus the statewide average of 12 percent.
SOURCE: 2002 study by the California Office of Statewide Health Planning
and Development (OSHPD).
Hospital Perspective
Craig Miller of Baptist Health Care System described how this
particular hospital system changed its culture. Baptist is a four-
hospital system in northern Florida and southern Alabama. In 1997,
Miller said, Baptist was a place that provided poor quality care and
had low employee morale, below-average physician satisfaction,
and poor patient satisfaction. When the hospital leadership realized
that change was necessary to improve employee satisfaction and
to solve financial problems, Baptist began to focus its efforts on the
people associated with the system—the patients and the employees.
With this focus, Baptist transformed into a hospital system that now
provides excellent quality care, as evidenced by the system winning
the 2003 Baldrige Quality Award.
Baptist built its vision of change around five pillars of excellence,
Miller said: people, service, quality, growth, and finance. In addition
to these pillars, Baptist focused on the Baldrige criteria for excel-
Nursing perspective
Nurses are central to improving the quality of health care deliv-
ery, said Marita Titler of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
In her facility, the department of nursing has a quality management
committee. The group has broad representation, bringing together
nurses from each clinical division and from other areas of focus,
such as infection control. Work groups have also been put in place
that report to the quality-management committee to target specific,
interdisciplinary issues, such as pain, skin care, fall prevention, and
medication management.
Improvements are driven by data. Issues that data are collected
on include medication errors, falls, pain indicators, and the Centers
for Medicare and Medicaid Services indicators, such as discharge
instructions for heart failure patients. Interdisciplinary approaches
are often required to make improvements, Titler said.
The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics bases its imple-
mentation of new processes and procedures on seven principles,
Titler said. The first of these principles is that education is necessary
but not sufficient in order to change practice behaviors. The second
is that implementation is not necessarily sustainable; constant track-
Approaches to
Quality Improvement Research
lthough a number of different quality improvement strate-
gies exist, Paul Batalden of Dartmouth noted that overall
there is a lack of understanding of how to connect these dif-
ferent strategies in efforts to improve quality. Thus Batalden set forth
a framework for connecting various strategies in quality improve-
ment and quality improvement research. That framework, Batalden
said, rests on three assumptions. First, the overall goal is to achieve
better health care. Second, better health care should be based on as
much knowledge as possible. And third, improving the quality of
health and of health care is not as easy as it first seems (Batalden
and Davidoff, 2007).
Batalden defined quality improvement as “the combined and
unceasing efforts of everyone—health care professionals, patients
and their families, researchers, payers, planners, educators—to
make changes that will lead to better patient outcome, better sys-
tem performance, and better professional development” (Batalden
and Davidoff, 2007, p. 2). If quality improvement efforts are to be
sustainable, Batalden said, all three of these goals must be focused
on, not just one or two. Unfortunately, he said, in most cases the
three goals are pursued independently, not collectively. For example,
efforts are often made to improve patient outcomes and system
performance, but the formative process of how health care profes-
sionals are trained and how to achieve better health care through
Generalizable Measured
scientific + → performance
evidence improvement
Quality improvement is analyzed using a variety of methods,
Batalden said. These include systematic reviews, controlled trials,
case reports, and hybrid quantitative/qualitative reports. These dif-
ferent methods have different strengths. The workshop discussions
focused only on systematic reviews and randomized controlled
Rigorous evaluations add valuable information to the overall
knowledge base and provide a solid base of research that can be built
upon, Grimshaw said. The majority of such evaluation approaches
today emphasize a diagnostic process that first identifies barriers,
then addresses the most important barriers with specific interven-
tions, and, finally, evaluates the effects of the different interventions
through rigorous evaluation designs.
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and other such rigorous
research methods can provide better evidence of effectiveness than
other types of methods when assessing specific questions, Grimshaw
argued. RCTs should be used to evaluate such questions as what the
likelihood is that an intervention will yield the desired effect, what
the direct effects will be of that intervention and of its alternatives,
under what circumstances the intervention will succeed or fail, and
what resources are required to do the intervention, he said.
Grimshaw described the disagreement in the field about the use
of what some believe to be the “gold standard,” RCTs, when mak-
ing evaluations of the effectiveness and efficiency of interventions.
There is some antipathy to the use of RCTs in complex social con-
texts, such as quality improvement processes, while others believe
RCTs to be an extremely valuable method of evaluating these inter-
ventions. Responding to those who do not believe in using RCTs
for quality improvement, Grimshaw said that there are many mis-
conceptions about RCTs. It is often assumed by critics, for instance,
that all randomized trials use the methods of explanatory (focused
on efficacy) drug trials that require tight inclusion criteria, that they
largely ignore context, and that they are expensive. But this is not
necessarily true, Grimshaw argued. Randomized trials of quality
improvement interventions tend to be pragmatic (focused on effec-
tiveness) and attempt to elucidate whether an intervention will be
effective in a real-world setting, not in an optimal one. Such RCTs
frequently have broad inclusion criteria and can be designed to gain
better understanding of the influence of context on the effectiveness
of quality improvement interventions and why changes occurred.
One method of achieving this, for instance, is to use observational
n the early 1990s, a number of hospitals created rapid-response
teams or medical-emergency teams to identify and intervene
early in the care of clinically critical patients. The promise of
these teams was that they could help provide better care to many
of a hospital’s most at-risk patients, and in some instances the rates
of cardiac arrest, post-surgical complications, and overall mortal-
ity were shown to have improved, at least informally. Over time,
rapid-response teams became increasingly popular. In 2003 there
were about 100 such teams in U.S. hospitals, and by 2005 there were
a couple of thousand teams, said Frank Davidoff of the Institute for
Healthcare Improvement.
This widespread adoption, however, was not accompanied by a
strong evidence base. Between 1992 and 2004, Davidoff said, only 17
reasonably creditable accounts of rapid-response teams were pub-
lished. In fact, the strength of evidence regarding the effectiveness
of rapid-response teams remains only moderate. The question that
must be raised, Davidoff commented, is this: Why has the evidence
taken so long to develop?
There is very little data available to guide the development of
quality improvement research, of health sciences research, and of
medicine in general, stated Harold Pincus of Columbia University
and New York-Presbyterian Hospital. The lack of data, coupled with
the insufficient development of the basic science of quality improve-
ment research, Jeremy Grimshaw described, has led to a situation
Barrier of focus
Many workshop speakers emphasized the need to concentrate
on the particular purpose of quality improvement projects and
research. Davidoff noted that quality improvement efforts can have
many divergent purposes. Some believe the purpose is improv-
ing performance, a process that occurs mainly through experien-
tial learning and which differs significantly from scientific research,
whose purpose, Davidoff noted, is to discover generalizable truths
through hypothesis testing.
The emphasis on experiential learning that has evolved may lead
to the conclusion that many of those doing quality improvements
are uninterested in studying and writing about their experiences,
Davidoff said. For them, discovering the generalizable truths about
the efficacy and effectiveness of quality improvement interventions
may be largely a secondary consideration.
Resource barriers
Limited data exist about the resources allocated to health care
quality improvement. According to the Coalition for Health Ser-
vices Research, an estimated $1.5 billion of federal funding was
spent on health services research in fiscal year 2006 (Coalition for
Health Services Research, 2006). In another study, about 1.5 percent
of 2002 biomedical research funding was in health services and
policy research, equating to less than 0.1 percent of total U.S. health
care expenditures (Moses et al., 2005), cited Pincus. Because these
statistics refer to funding for all of health services research, not just
Theroles of behavior and organization change are extremely relevant to the under
standing of quality improvement and implementation science, but because of the
scope of the workshop, discussion of these issues was limited.
The science behind recruiting and training researchers to study
quality improvement is not well understood, Pincus said. There is
some evidence that such strategies as involving people in research
during medical school or before, undertaking full-time research fel-
lowships, protecting faculty time, and training people in research-
intensive departments can help produce successful researchers,
Pincus said. In particular, exposure to research experiences is critical
to the recruitment of future researchers.
Another issue is how potential quality improvement and patient
safety researchers should be recruited into an interdisciplinary field.
Pincus likened it to marketing and the strategy of market segmen-
tation. Different strategies are needed for involving and recruiting
different audiences—undergraduates as opposed to residents and
post-doctoral students or health professionals versus those in fields
outside of the health professions.
The problem of ownership presents yet another barrier to recruit-
ment. It is often difficult to attribute ideas and quality improvement
interventions to one specific person. Additionally, rewarding a single
person for an idea may not be appropriate because quality improve-
ment has to become part of the culture, and therefore belongs to
everyone, noted Jay Berkelhamer of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.
This is a problem, and reward systems are yet to be built and may
indeed reward multiple people, Davidoff agreed. Pincus also noted
the trend of moving toward a “team science” approach.
One further difficulty is building a critical mass of interested
people, Davidoff said. Although it is not clear whether a critical
mass has yet been reached in quality improvement research, there
are at least some examples of movement toward that goal. For
example, Davidoff said, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s
annual meetings gathers around 6,000 people, and both Batalden
and Davidoff commented on the number of residents they have seen
who are interested in this work. Quality improvement is now also on
the agendas of many medical specialty certifying boards, said David
Stevens of the Association of American Medical Colleges. Andrea
Kabcenell of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement commented
that getting involved in quality improvement needs to be made more
democratic and accessible. However, recruitment is confounded by
the problems of publication and lack of career opportunities.
The types of training needed to be successful in quality improve-
ment have not been specified, but before evidence can be accu-
mulated on the issue, Pincus said, it will be necessary to develop
an infrastructure to train and develop people to go into the field
of quality improvement research. There are a few models for this
type of training, such as the VA Quality Scholars Program and the
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Clinical Scholars Program.
Curricula should be developed, Pincus suggested, by focusing on
those skills currently believed to be important for quality improve-
ment researchers. Values, mentorship, research opportunities, and
flexibility must be part of the environment provided. People should
also be taught practical skills, such as tips on conducting successful
research and receiving grants. And, Pincus said, if quality improve-
ment is to be treated as an interdisciplinary field, special attention
should be given to the criteria for how promotion and tenure should
be executed.
Quality improvement research involves not only those research-
ers who will become principal investigators but also many other
professionals, such as clinician educators and administrators, whose
roles and development must also be considered. When developing
training strategies, professionals from other disciplines should be
included. Early recruitment and proper training are well-supported
strategies, but difficult to implement, Pincus said.
Ethical oversight in quality improvement remains largely
ambiguous. For example, Davidoff, citing the work of continuing
education expert Philip Nowlen, said that what distinguishes pro-
fessionals from other people is “the obligation of professionals to
‘move unceasingly toward new levels of performance.’” From this
perspective, quality improvement can be seen as an intrinsic element
of clinical care. Others, however, believe quality improvement to
be a form of clinical research, which raises the question of whether
quality improvement research is human-subjects research. This is an
important question because human-subjects research requires ethics
review and institutional review board (IRB) approval.
The purpose of IRB approval is not to decide whether clini-
cal care is ethical, Davidoff said, but the prospect of undergoing
IRB approval, which can be extremely slow and inconsistent, has
deterred some people from studying quality improvement. At the
heart of this issue is determining whether a project falls under the
rubric of quality improvement, which would not be subject to an
ethics review, or whether it is research that would require ethics
review. Currently, the distinction between these types of projects is
not well delineated, Davidoff said. Constructs need to be developed
that can help sharpen the distinction.
One member of the audience brought up the issue of confiden-
tiality, asking how the Health Insurance Portability and Account-
ability Act (HIPAA) impedes researchers’ abilities to collect data.
Davidoff responded that HIPAA does not prevent quality improve-
ment research from being conducted, although there are many rules
that need to be followed, referencing the more complete discussion
of this issue in a report from the Hastings Center (The Hastings
Center, 2006).
These concerns argue, Davidoff said, that it would be best if the
health care system itself developed ethical guidelines for quality
improvement instead of allowing the task to be subsumed by the
administrative structure responsible for clinical research ethics.
Methodological differences between the biological sciences
and the social sciences offer another barrier, Davidoff said. Quality
improvement research faces the same challenges—such as biases,
Publication is seldom seen as an essential element of quality
improvement, Davidoff said, because quality improvement studies
are often dependent on local context and do not identify and share
generalizable truths. Furthermore, Grimshaw said, much of what
is published is poorly reported. This stems from a lack of writing
experience by those doing quality improvement work, Davidoff sug-
gested. When writing about complex systems and social processes,
the need for writing experience becomes even more pronounced.
Unfortunately, there is limited guidance as to how published articles
documenting quality improvement efforts should be structured. One
exception is an article written by Davidoff and Batalden that pro-
poses guidelines for how write-ups of quality improvement studies
should be structured in an effort to improve them in the eyes of
reviewers, editors, and readers (Davidoff and Batalden, 2005).
The lack of a common vocabulary for quality improvement and
implementation research terms is a barrier to further progress. This
is compounded by the fact that frameworks for how this research
should be approached are not widely known. The result, Grimshaw
concluded, is that those doing research in these areas have difficulty
communicating with each other, which contributes to the problem of
studies not building on previous findings, as discussed previously.
The difficulties are augmented when the research is performed in an
interdisciplinary setting, Pincus added.
Barrier of sustainability
Scot Webster spoke of the important role that culture change
plays in improving quality. In particular, Webster noted Medtronic’s
culture of grass roots, bottom-up sustainability. Due to this corpo-
rate culture, individual employees and units are able to initiate
improvement projects on their own. If the employees did not believe
in quality improvement as part of their culture, sustained change
would not occur, Webster said.
Marita Titler observed that overcoming problems with employee
engagement requires addressing the false notion that interventions
and improving the quality of care do not affect employees. This means
that employees must understand why interventions are important.
Otherwise, interventions are at risk of being seen merely as addi-
tional short-term projects adding to workloads, and not as priorities.
People have to believe in the improvements, not just see them as
short-term solutions, Webster agreed, adding that culture change and
change management must be included as areas of focus.
Titler also emphasized the barriers caused by problems at the
system level. System-level issues that can potentially detract from
he many barriers described in the previous section can be
translated into areas of opportunity for quality improvement
research. As Scott Young of Kaiser’s Care Management Insti-
tute noted, future quality improvement efforts will need to take into
account improvements in care for those with multiple chronic condi-
tions, transitions in care, new technologies, robust evidence-based
medicine, and innovative care environments.
Short term
There are a number of concrete actions that can be taken to
make quality improvement and quality improvement studies better
in the short term. One area of focus, for example, is the develop-
ment of an evidence base. And as Frank Davidoff of the Institute
for Healthcare Improvement said, managing the heterogeneity of
research will require that the goals of quality improvement projects
be more focused. Heterogeneity cannot be ignored, but there are
ways to control it within the constraints of the real world. Adapting
a lesson from randomized trial advocate Tom Chalmers, Davidoff
proposed quality improvement interventions be assessed using the
most rigorous methods possible immediately after the intervention
has been introduced. In this way, the strength of study results may
increase due to the ability to randomize.
Long term
One long-term solution to improving quality improvement
and quality improvement research would be to provide training
in research methods to people doing work in quality improve-
ment, Davidoff suggested. This could help fix the aforementioned
mismatch between training and practice. Davidoff also noted that
changes should be made to professional education. Examples of
such changes would include teaching collaborative skills, training
physicians in the manner that health care should be delivered, and
encouraging provider partnerships.
Academic and editorial cultures also need to change in order for
quality improvement and quality improvement research to develop.
These stakeholders need to recognize the social and intellectual
values of quality improvement work, Davidoff said. Other opportu-
nities include learning more about experiential learning and lever-
aging other research disciplines. Davidoff noted that other research
disciplines, such as social sciences and economics, could be useful in
moving forward. One important step in achieving this could be rec-
ognizing that quality improvement research, as an interdisciplinary
field, will require special attention, Pincus noted.
General Reactions
he following general reactions were offered by members of
the forum as well as members of the audience during the last
session of the workshop.
The difficult portion of reducing variation, Boat said, will be
allowing medical practices to account for context while treating
individual patients and understanding the various confounders of
genomic background, environmental exposures, and psychosocial
Ignatius Bau of the California Endowment agreed that the dis-
cussion of context is critical. There is the assumption that context
does not matter in quality improvement, he said, but this assump-
tion conflicts with the research agenda that attempts to produce
generalizable processes. What is known about changing culture,
such as changing provider behavior and changing processes of care
in team-based environments, should be a necessary component of
this conversation. Bau also discussed the need to understand both
resistance to change and why, according to performance measures,
best practices are not followed every time a patient is treated.
Clarifying communication
Marshall Chin and Jeremy Grimshaw recognized the many
complementarities discussed during the workshop. The workshop
also reflected the plethora of activities around quality improvement
and quality improvement research throughout the country and the
world. In order to build on all these efforts, there is a need to become
more specific in writing about these efforts. Researchers also must be
cognizant of describing the level at which an intervention is acting,
Grimshaw said.
Berkelhamer commented that those institutions in the academic
community doing the research are not necessarily those doing well
in practice centers.
Titler described the current state of communication in the field.
For the most part, implementers and researchers work in silos and
do not communicate well with each other. This lack of communica-
tion perhaps signals the need for these groups to move away from
these distinctions and work together, Titler said.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. 2007. Integrated delivery system research
network: Fact sheet. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. http://www.ahrq.
gov/research/idsrn.htm (accessed March 15, 2007).
Baldrige National Quality Program. 2007. 2007 Health care criteria for performance excel-
lence. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Batalden, P. B., and F. Davidoff. 2007. What is “quality improvement” and how can it
transform healthcare? Quality and Safety in Health Care 16(1):2-3.
Coalition for Health Services Research. 2006. Federal funding for health services research.
Washington, DC: Coalition for Health Services Research.
Cropley, S. 2007. New Maserati GranTurismo unveiled. Autocar Magazine. http://www.
speedtv.com/articles/automotive/newmodels/35516/ (accessed March 13, 2007).
Davidoff, F., and P. Batalden. 2005. Toward stronger evidence on quality improve-
ment. Draft publication guidelines: The beginning of a consensus project. Quality
and Safety in Health Care 14(5):319-325.
Ferlie, E. B., and S. M. Shortell. 2001. Improving the quality of health care in the
United Kingdom and the United States: A framework for change. Milbank Quar-
terly 79(2):281-315.
Grol, R. 2001. Successes and failures in the implementation of evidence-based guide-
lines for clinical practice. Medical Care 39(8 Suppl 2):II46-II54.
Hastings Center. 2006. The ethics of using QI methods to improve health care quality and
safety. Washington, DC: Hastings Center.
IOM (Institute of Medicine). 2006. Improving the quality of health care for mental and
substance-use conditions: Quality chasm series, Board on Health Care Services. Wash-
ington, DC: The National Academies Press.
McGlynn, E. A., S. M. Asch, J. Adams, J. Keesey, J. Hicks, A. DeCristofaro, and E. A.
Kerr. 2003. The quality of health care delivered to adults in the United States.
New England Journal of Medicine 348(26):2635-2645.
Moses, H., III, E. R. Dorsey, D. H. M. Matheson, and S. O. Thier. 2005. Financial
anatomy of biomedical research. Journal of the American Medical Association
Appendix A
Workshop Agenda
8:20 a.m.
Lessons in Quality Improvement from Outside
Health-Care Services
— Scot Webster, Medtronic
— Q&A
Moderator: Tom Boat
1:00 p.m.
Perspectives on Quality Improvement and Quality-
Improvement Research
— Paul Batalden, Health Care Improvement
Leadership Development,
Dartmouth Medical School
— Jeremy Grimshaw, Ottawa Health Research
— Q&A
Moderator: Brian Mittman
3:15 p.m.
Barriers to Quality Improvement and Quality-
Improvement Research
— Harold Pincus, Columbia University and
New York Presbyterian Hospital
— Frank Davidoff, Institute for Healthcare
— Q&A
Moderator: Jerome Grossman
Appendix B
Workshop Participants
Pamela Ballou-Nelson
Adventist Midwest Management Services
Mara Benner
Gentiva Health Services
Emily Devoto
Louis Diamond
Thomson Healthcare
Antoniya Dimova
Varna University of Medicine, Bulgaria
Molla Donaldson
George Washington University School of Medicine & Health
Denise Dougherty
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Suzanne Felt-Lisk
Mathematica Policy Research
Nagla Fetouh
Christine Mirzayan Fellowships
The National Academies
Veronica M. Friel
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Jenissa Haidari
American Academy of Otolaryngology
Michael Halpern
American Cancer Society
Michael Harrison
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Alex Hathaway
David Introcaso
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation,
Department of Health and Human Services
Nkemdiri Iruka
National Committee for Quality Assurance
Sandra Isaacson
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Rima Jolivet
American College of Nurse-Midwives
Stacie Jones
American Academy of Otolaryngology
Janet Karnoski
VA Center of Excellence
Joe Kimura
Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates
Barry Kramer
National Institutes of Health
Linda McKibben
Robert McNellis
American Academy of Physician Assistants
Robert Manduca
Swarthmore College
Karen Pennar
Hudson Health
Chesley Richards
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Anthony Rosner
Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research
David Stevens
Association of American Medical Colleges
Robin Stombler
Auburn Health Strategies, LLC
Patricia Trifunov
Greg Volkar
America’s Health Insurance Plans
Thomas Williams
TRICARE Management Activity
Laura Winner
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Steven Woolf
Virginia Commonwealth University
Junya Zhu
Brandeis University