4TTR3 (XR13)
4TTR3 (XR13)
4TTR3 (XR13)
LINE SIZE — IN. O.D. GAS (c) 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4
LINE SIZE — IN. O.D. LIQ. (c) 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8
Dimensions H x W X D Crated
34 x 30.1 x 33 34 x 30.1 x 33 30 x 27 x 30 34 x 30.1 x 33
Optional Accessories:
2 22-1842-8D-EN
Pr o d u c t S p e c i fi c a ti o n s
22-1842-8D-EN 3
Accessory Description and Usage
A n t i - S h o rt C y c l e T i m e r — Solid state timing device that prevents compressor recycling until
five (5) minutes have elapsed after satisfying call or power interruptions. Use in area with
questionable power delivery, commercial applications, long lineset, etc.
E v a p o r a t i o n D e f r o s t C o n t r o l — SPST Temperature actuated switch that cycles the condenser
off as indoor coil reaches freeze-up conditions. Used for low ambient cooling to 30°F with TXV.
R u b b e r I s o l a t o r s — Five (5) large rubber donuts to isolate condensing unit from transmitting
energy into mounting frame or pad. Use on any application where sound transmission needs to
be minimized.
H a r d S t a rt K i t — Start capacitor and relay to assist compressor motor startup. Use in areas with
marginal power supply, on long linesets, low ambient conditions, etc.
E x t r e m e C o n d i t i o n M o u n t K i t — Bracket kits to securely mount condensing unit to a frame or
pad without removing any panels. Use in areas with high winds, or on commercial roof tops, etc.
A H R I S t a n d a r d C a p a c i t y Ra t i n g C o n d i t i o n s
AHRI Standard 210/240 Rating Conditions
1. Cooling 80°F DB, 67°F WB air entering indoor coil, 95°F DB air entering outdoor coil.
2. High Temperature Heating 47°F DB, 43°F WB air entering outdoor coil, 70°F DB air entering
indoor coil.
3. Low Temperature Heating 17°F DB air entering indoor coil.
4. Rated indoor airflow for heating is the same as for cooling.
A H R I S t a n d a r d 2 7 0 R a t i n g C o n d i t i o n s — (Noise rating numbers are determiend with the unit in
cooling operations.) Standard Noise Rating number is at 95°F outdoor air.
Model Nomenclature
4 T W V 0 0 3 6 A 1 0 0 0 A A
4 22-1842-8D-EN
Schematic Diagrams
Figure 1. 1.5 — 4.0 Ton Models
22-1842-8D-EN 5
S ch e m a t i c D i a g r a m s
6 22-1842-8D-EN
Outline Drawing
Model Base A B C D E F G H J K
730 724 651 127 57 194 38 457
4TTR3018H 2 3/4 3/8
(28–3/4) (28–1/2) (25–5/8) (5) (2–1/4) (7–5/8) (1–1/2) (18)
730 724 651 137 65 210 57 457
4TTR3024H 2 3/4 3/8
(28–3/4) (28–1/2) (25–5/8) (5–3/8) (2–5/8) (8–1/4) (2–1/4) (18)
730 724 651 137 65 210 57 457
4TTR3030H 2 3/4 3/8
(28–3/4) (28–1/2) (25–5/8) (5–3/8) (2–5/8) (8–1/4) (2–1/4) (18)
730 829 756 137 79 197 60 508
4TTR3036H 3 3/4 3/8
(28–3/4) (32–5/8) (29–3/4) (5–3/8) (3–1/8) (7–3/4) (2–3/8) (20)
730 829 756 152 98 219 86 508
4TTR3042E 3 7/8 3/8
(28–3/4) (32–5/8) (29–3/4) (6) (3–7/8) (8–5/8) (3–3/8) (20)
730 933 756 152 98 219 86 508
4TTR3048E 3 7/8 3/8
(28–3/4) (36–3/4) (29–3/4) (6) (3–7/8) (8–5/8) (3–3/8) (20)
943 946 870 152 98 219 86 508
4TTR3060D 4 7/8 3/8
(37–1/8) (37–1/4) (34–1/4) (6) (3–7/8) (8–5/8) (3–3/8) (20)
22-1842-8D-EN 7
Mechanical Specification Options
The Outdoor Units are fully charged from the factory for up to 15 feet of piping. This unit is
designed to operate at outdoor ambient temperatures as high as 115°F. Cooling capacities are
matched with a wide selection of air handlers and furnace coils that are AHRI certified. The unit is
certified to UL 1995. Exterior is designed for outdoor application.
Unit casing is constructed of heavy gauge, galvanized steel and painted with a weather-resistant
powder paint finish on all louvered panels and the fan top panel. The corner panels are
prepainted. All panels are subjected to our 1,000 hour salt spray test . The base is made of a
CMBP-G30 weatherproof material to resist corrosion.
Ref rig er an t Con tro ls
Refrigeration system controls include condenser fan, compressor contactor and high pressure
switch. High and low pressure controls are inherent to the compressor. A factory supplied liquid
line drier is standard. Some models may require field installation.
The compressor features internal over temperature, pressure protection and total dipped
hermetic motor. Other features include: Centrifugal oil pump and low vibration and noise.
Condenser Coil
The outdoor coil provides low airflow resistance and efficient heat transfer. The coil is protected
on all four sides by louvered panels.
Low Ambient Cooling
As manufactured, this system has a cooling capacity to 55°F. The addition of an evaporator
defrost control permits operation to 40°F. The addition of an evaporator defrost control with TXV
permits low ambient cooling to 30°F.
T h e r m o s t a t s —Cooling only and heat/cooling (manual and automatic change over). Sub-base to
match thermostat and locking thermostat cover.
E v a p o r a t o r D e f r o s t C o n t r o l — See Low Ambient Cooling.
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Our people and our family of brands—including Club Car®, Ingersoll Rand®, Thermo King® and Trane® —work together
to enhance the quality and comfort of air in homes and buildings; transport and protect food and perishables; and
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and enduring results. For more information, visit www.ingersollrand.com.
Ingersoll Rand has a policy of continuous product and product data improvements and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.
©2016 Ingersoll Rand All rights reserved
22-1842-8D-EN 25 Aug 2016
Supersedes 22-1842-8C-EN (February 2015)