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Innovative, global leaders in automation
in Europe, Japan and the United States
rely on MULTIPROG® and ProConOS® as
the foundation for their most critical
products and systems.

Each day, our products prove their

quality and reliability in thousands of
different applications in nearly all of the
industrial branches.

The main application fields of the soft-

ware are: automotive, mining, printing
machines, building automation, industrial
robotics, presses, process controls in
steel and chemical works, turbines,
packaging machines, weighing technolo-
gy and wind wheels.

The foundation of our software

Reaching goals hand in hand Changes in safety technology

Offering technologies and automation The control industry evolves to the
software, KW-Software is a system change from electromechanical safety
partner for suppliers of automation components to safe electronic systems
solutions. Our strength is the combina- which are connected to standard bus
tion of our know-how in control and systems. KW-Software follows this
information technology, which results trend as a pioneer, offering:
in the development of our products • the programming system SAFEPROG
themselves and the ability to integrate and
these products into customer-specific • the redundant runtime system SafeOS
Safety Integrated
Innovation and flexibility Safety Integrated by KW-Software is a
Innovation and realization of global unique concept, based on the know-how
standards are the main aspects for the in the control and safety technology,
conception of our software. Thus we and which allows to develop safety
enable our customers’ leadership in applications and control programs with
technology and a short time-to-market. help of IEC 61131 programming tools.
Our long-term expertise in the automa-
tion industry guarantees you quality
and stability of our products. On this
base, you can provide your customers’
individual and flexible solutions.

Safety and quality

KW-Software supports you throughout
the whole product cycle of your auto-
mation system and offers:
• Consultancy for the selection of
hardware and software components
• Individual training courses for your
system development engineers
• Common system integration
• Training courses for end users and
• Reliable support

The IEC 61131 technology platform

Your automation solution consists of
the following components:
• MULTIPROG®, the IEC 61131 pro-
gramming system,
• ProConOS®, the PLC operating
• The ProConOS® OPC Server, for the
data exchange with visualization
• The ProConOS® Gateway, for remo-
te maintenance via Internet
MULTIPROG ® The IEC 61131 programming system

The IEC 61131 programming

system MULTIPROG® supports
all IEC 61131-3 programming
According to the task to be
handled, the experience and
the company standard, you
may choose one of the five
standardized programming

MULTIPROG® with project administra-

tion and FBD editor

IEC 61131 programming languages Intuitive programming Clearly structured project adminis-
MULTIPROG® runs as a 32 bit applica- tration
• Instruction List (IL) tion on all standard PC Windows® The project administration of
• Structured Text (ST) systems and allows intuitive program- MULTIPROG® offers a user-friendly
• Function Block Diagram (FBD) ming and provides a clear structure: structuring by:
• Ladder Diagram (LD)
• Sequential Function Chart (SFC) • User interface and use are strictly • Representing the project tree accor-
oriented to the Windows® standard. ding to the IEC 61131 software
All programming languages can be • The Edit Wizard displays the availa- model
mixed within one project. ble elements in all editors. • Using of the project tree according
• An extensive context-sensitive to the Windows® Explorer
Machine Sequential Function HTML help system supports you on • Displaying of the different project
Chart (MSFC) all levels: from questions about the parts by different views
Machine Sequential Function Chart is general use, via information about • Reusability of function blocks in user
an additional programming language in function blocks, up to the back- and firmware libraries
MULTIPROG®, which offers the follo- ground of the IEC 61131 regulations. • Know-how protection using pass-
wing advantages: • Cross references automatically word handling or firmware libraries
create an overview of the used data. • Integration of several controllers in
• Reduced commissioning times by • Multiple document interface (MDI) one project.
easy programming and cyclically with an unlimited number of dock-
running processes in machines able windows
• Reduced downtimes by an extended • Self-definable and dockable toolbars
diagnostic • In a few minutes you will learn the
• Easy handling by extended modes, basic steps to create a PLC program
such as automatic and manual mode by in the online help integrated
video sequences.

Cross references allow a clear display of

the objects which are used in the project
The IEC 61131 programming system MULTIPROG ®

The use of MULTIPROG® offers

you many advantages.
Our long-term experience in
the automation industry gua-
rantees you a sophisticated
software product.

IntelliSense automatically completes variable

names, structure elements and function block

Textual languages Graphic editor Cross-compiling

The text editor allows you to create The fully graphic editor allows a com- The basic languages of the IEC 61131
your programs fast and easily. You are pletely free placing of objects as well standard, i.e. FBD, LD and IL, can be
supported by various functions: as a network-oriented handling. You cross-compiled to each other including
• Syntax highlighting indicates the may choose the method which suits their comments. Program code which
keywords of the program. best to your application, and use the has been written in ST can be compi-
• IntelliSense automatically completes functions of the editor by which you led to any of the three basic langua-
your variable names, structure ele- can quickly create your programs in ges.
ments and function block parame- LD/FBD or SFC.
ters. The editor supports: Multi user functionality shortens
• The Edit Wizard eases the editing by • Mixing of LD, FBD and SFC in a sin- programming times
displaying the available elements gle worksheet It is possible to have different function
and function blocks. • Placing of objects at a sizeable grid items of a plant created in parallel by
• The menu adapts itself context-sen- • Insertion of new elements into exi- several users. The multi user functiona-
sitively. sting networks without any limita- lity allows them to work simultaneous-
tions ly in the same project.
• Moving of single objects or networks
• Autorooting for an automatic con- On-line language switching for
nection true international support
• Display of graphics in the functions The software including help systems
and function blocks to visualize their and documentation is available in
purpose English, German, French, Japanese and
• Opening of the code by a double Chinese language. On-line, even the
click on the appropriate user-defined user-generated project documentation
functions and function blocks can be switched into any language as
• Different colors for functions and well.
function blocks from the firmware
library, the user library and the pro-

The Edit Wizard displays the objects which are

available in the appropriate programming
MULTIPROG ® The multi target automation software

MULTIPROG® supports the

integration of different Hard-
ware systems.
It is suited for the program-
ming of distributed controller

MULTIPROG® in the debug mode of the FBD editor, with

Logic Analyzer, cross references and watch window

Extended diagnostic reduced Management of distributed Network variables:

start-up times controls Easy powerful configuration of
Extensive diagnostic functions reduce MULTIPROG® supports projects of distributed communication
commissioning times and downtimes: distributed heterogeneous controls: Based on the German research project
• Logic Analyzer • Several configurations/resources MOVA (Modular, open, distributed
• Recipes can be simultaneously administra- function block systems for the automa-
• Breakpoints ted, programmed, debugged and tion industry) and its successful reali-
• Address debug taken into operation in one project. zation, the network variables have
• Single step • All connected controls can be admi- allowed KW-Software to apply a new
• Overwriting and forcing nistrated in one dialog. For example standard in the configuration of distri-
• Online changes the program can be downloaded buted control systems.
• PLC simulation with one mouse click to all connec- Network variables offer you the follo-
ted controls and then be started; wing possibilities:
and much more. • Easy realization of distributed PLC
applications with several configura-
tions and resources
• Automatic organization of the data
• No additional programming effort,
as the structure of the distributed
system does not have to be conside-
red when the system is designed
• The program can be started, stopped
and changed in online mode in each
PLC within the network, indepen-
dent from the other existing PLCs.

MULTIPROG® in the debug mode of the text editor, with

powerflow, forcing/overwriting and step/trace function
The base for your automation software MULTIPROG ®

The open architecture of

MULTIPROG® provides a new
direction in the creation of
automation software. It is pos-
sible to create tools which
lead to real competitive advan-
tages in the engineering sector
- beyond PLC programming

MULTIPROG® as a container for ActiveX control applications:

Integration of a bus configurator

Automation interface guarantees Integration through ActiveX and Would you like it even more flexible?
consistent data Add-Ins MULTIPROG® allows different adapta-
Modern automation suites include Different tools of different manufactu- tions and extensions, from brandlabe-
software tools for nearly all projection rers are often applied in different auto- ling of the software up to the adapta-
phases and tasks: E-CAD, fieldbus/net- mation tasks. ActiveX controls can be tion of customer-specific controllers
work configurator, PLC programming, integrated as control bars, which allow (PLC’s) having their own code execu-
SCADA, etc. They all access partly the MULTIPROG® to work without any pro- tion and online monitoring.
same objects. However, there is often blems in the individual suites. Even concepts which take care of the
a lack of data exchange, i.e. a common The MULTIPROG® Add-In interface integration of customer-specific pro-
pool which is available equally for all allows the integration of ActiveX con- gramming languages are supported.
components. The solution for this chal- trols or the implementation of additio-
lenge is called 'automation interface'. nal customer-specific functionalities. Full documentation support
• Via the automation interface, Successful integration requires more
MULTIPROG® opens its data to than technology, so extensive and
other tools comprehensive documentation is avai-
• MULTIPROG® allows external crea- lable for all diffe-
tion and modification of its project rent steps of the
data. Futhermore specific attributes integration and
can be added. adaptation of
• As all essential data can be display- MULTIPROG®.
ed in MULTIPROG®, a frequent swit- Many significant
ching among different tools during projects have been
PLC programming and commissio- successfully
ning is not needed any longer. completed by this
• Observers guarantee data consisten- documentation.
ce with other tools
Thus the engineering effort for the pro-
gramming of PLCs is reduced.

Documentation of the automation interface in the HTML help

Sample application: project "Observer" as a sequence diagram
ProConOS ® The IEC 61131 PLC operating system

Reliability by experience reaction from the application towards

Installing the PLC operating ProConOS® has been applied in the runtime errors (exception handling:
system ProConOS® (Pro- automation industry since 1991. watchdog, division by zero, etc.) and
grammable Controller Opera- Thus a sophisticated and reliable pro- changes in the operational mode (e.g.
ting System), a standard duct is available, which matches cur- stop to run, boot sequence). Highly
hardware platform as well as rent requirements and which is conti- efficient communication functions sup-
specific hardware platforms nuously adapted to new technologies. port OPC, remote maintenance and
will become a highly efficient programming. ProConOS® supports the
PLC. This includes the loading Advantages due to a clear multi client functionality.
and processing of PLC pro- structure
grams, the supply of debug The modular software structure offers: High performance
functionalities for the program- • Multiple interfaces for system deve- Optimized machine code is created for
ming, commissioning and lopment engineers execution.
maintenance of PLC controlled • Easy realization of manufacturer- Using Pentium® processors, instruction
machines and plants. specific features times within a few nanoseconds are
• Fast integration into existing achieved. Despite this performance the
systems such as CNC, robotics’, priority structure guarantees within the
motion control, etc. framework of preemptive scheduling
that there will always be enough pro-
Standard real-time operating systems cessing time for the communication
by well-known manufacturers form the with the programming system, the OPC
base of ProConOS®. and the debug.

Preemptive multitasking
ProConOS® is based on a standard
multitasking operating system and
supports preemptive scheduling. This
allows the exact prediction of the time
behavior of user tasks. A watchdog is
assigned to each user task and will
activate the appropriate system tasks
to realize corrective action if a realti-
me violation arises. In this way super-
vision is guaranteed. The programming
of system tasks allows a differentiated
The IEC 61131 PLC operating system ProConOS ®

ProConOS® memory Peripheral and file system support ProConOS®:

The partition of the ProConOS® memo- • Reading of inputs and writing of out- The communication talent
ry covers all requirements towards the puts via a separate I/O image A highly efficient and flexible interface
data management of a modern PLC: • Update synchronous to the tasks for the integration of network commu-
• Inputs • Open I/O interface for the connection nication drivers allows an easy realti-
• Outputs of a wide-range periphery me data exchange via variables.
• Flags • Storage of the bootproject in order As variables are assigned within
• Shared memory flags to realize the PLC specific startup groups of different communication cha-
• System flags behavior racteristics, ProConOS® can communi-
• Retentive memory • Storage of the user program as an cate simultaneously with different con-
archive project within the internal trollers within the network. Thus
file system ProConOS® is perfectly integrated into
• Storage of any file within the inter- both existing and new automation con-
nal file system with access functions cepts.
for further processing.

Test & commissioning

Various debug functions support
design, programming, test, commissio-
ning and service:
• Variable status
• Address status
• Breakpoints
• Single cycle
• Step and trace mode
• Overwriting
• Forcing
• Online changes with the process
• Watch windows
• Recipes and realtime Logic Analyzer
ProConOS ® The base of various solutions

The available realtime operating ProConOS® WIN RT –

ProConOS® embedded – systems are listed below. The soft PLC with hard realtime
The solution for your • INTEL x86/Pentium 32Bit processors: The industrial PC is a sophisticated
hardware: VxWorks, VxWin, VenturCom, RTX, solution for operating and supervising
Windows® NT Realtime (KWRTK), tasks in many machines. Using
ProConOS® embedded is avai- Windows® NT native, ProConOS® WIN RT a separate PLC
lable for a wide range of diffe- Windows® CE, RTXDOS 32 and QNX is no longer necessary.
rent processors and realtime For this purpose the software PLC
operating systems. • INTEL x86 16 Bit processors: ProConOS® WIN RT - which allows
ProConOS® supports different RTXDOS 16 and KWRTK realtime operation - is installed on
processors: from INTEL Windows® NT and leads through the
x86/Pentium 32Bit, via • Motorola 68xxx processors: control tasks of the PLC.
Motorola 68xxx, PowerPC, VxWorks, pSOS and VRTX
Hitachi SH03, up to StrongARM Hard realtime under
and NetARM. • PowerPC processors: Windows® NT
VxWorks, OSE In order to realize the deterministic
behavior necessary for automation
• Hitachi SH03 processors: tasks, the PLC operating system
ThreadX and Windows® CE ProConOS®, which has been success-
fully applied in the automation industry
• ARM7, StrongARM and NetARM for many years, uses the Windows® NT
processors: realtime extension which has been
ThreadX, VxWorks, Windows® CE developed by KW-Software (KW Real-
and pSOS time Kernel: KWRTK).
A switching from Windows® NT appli-
Integration into individual control cations to the ProConOS® WIN RT PLC
systems (kernel mode driver) is usually done
The integration of ProConOS® embed- within 1 ms. If the PLC needs more
ded into your control system accom- than 1 ms to realize a task, it will get
plished with the ProConOS® Toolkit. the required processor time.
It offers the possibility:
• To adapt ProConOS® to different
target systems and
• to add specific functionalities.
The base of various solutions ProConOS ®

Blue Screen operation ProConOS® CE – The following processors are suppor-

ProConOS® WIN RT "survives" the One development tool - many ted by ProConOS® CE:
exception violation of the Windows® platforms • INTEL 32
NT kernel. The appropriate reaction Windows CE® and ProConOS® CE per- • Motorola PowerPC
can be defined in the PLC program. fectly fit together. ProConOS® CE • Hitachi SH03
The automatic routing of the communi- opens the market of operational and • StrongARM
cation connection to the RS232 port visualization devices, for control
with help of MULTIPROG® allows to purposes.
bring the plant into a fail-safe status.
Easy handling
Fieldbus connections Compared to many other realtime ope-
ProConOS® WIN RT supports fieldbus rating systems, Windows® CE offers
connections of different manufacturers the advantage to develop and operate
for: software for various processors, using
• Interbus the traditional development tools and
• Profibus DP user interfaces. ProConOS® and this
• CANopen concept perfectly complement one
• DeviceNet another. ProConOS® runs on
The open I/O interface allows the Windows® CE 3.0 systems.
adaptation of a wide-range customer-
specific I/O and peripheral devices.
ProConOS ® Individual automation solutions


Realtime Operating System

ProConOS® System Interface Intelligent I/Os

ProConOS Firmware
Industrial PCs

I/O-Interface Communication- Motion control


I/O Driver Sockets

Industrial robots

ProConOS® Toolkit consists of the fol- Contact us for the availability of the
ProConOS® supports many dif- lowing components: ProConOS® Toolkit for your hardware
ferent features for the integra- • Documentation (PDF) Developers and software.
tion into different processors, Manual + User Manual
realtime operating systems Complete documentation of the Would you like it even more flexible?
and automation solutions. ProConOS® API functions as well ProConOS® open architecture allows
as of the operation behavior of to integrate:
ProConOS® • Additional processors
• ProConOS® library • New operating systems
ProConOS® Toolkit: The ProConOS® kernel is available • Customer-specific extensions
Install - compile - run! as object library and adapted to a • and much more
ProConOS® Toolkit is the easiest way specific processor type and a realti- These adaptations can be either done
to quickly create your own automation me operating system. as a service by KW-Software or by the
solution based on ProConOS®. Depen- • Main module and public header in customers themselves.
ding on the target system it is very source
easy to create a running system. A template of the main routine is Individual systems
available for starting of ProConOS® In regard to the open architecture and
as well as the definition of the scalability of ProConOS®, customer-
ProConOS® API functions. specific systems can be generated,
• Make file which range from small controllers to
Template for the linking process for high end systems.
the creation the executable
ProConOS® Full documentation support
Successful integration requires more
In order to integrate customer-specific than technology, so extensive and
and industry/application specific comprehensive documentation is avai-
know-how, ProConOS® Toolkit offers lable for all different steps of the inte-
the following ProConOS® API gration and adaptation of ProConOS®.
functions: Many significant projects have been
• Integration of I/O drivers successfully completed by this docu-
• Integration of firmware functions mentation.
and firmware function blocks
• Integration of specific communica-
tion drivers
• Integration of file device drivers
• Extension of the internal exception
handling of ProConOS®
• Integration of ProConOS® system
OPC Server and Gateway ProConOS ®

The ProConOS® OPC Server

provides the gateway to the
standard Windows® world and
to Windows® CE. ProConOS®
OPC Server handles the data
exchange between Windows®
applications (e.g. visualization,
data base, ...) and ProConOS®
PLCs via the manufacturer
independent client/server
interface OPC (OLE for Process

The OPC Server for distributed Flexible integration into your auto- ProConOS® Gateway allows a
communication mation solution remote access on ProConOS® PLCs via
The OPC Server can be applied for the As a component based concept, based the TCP/IP protocol based on standard
communication with a PLC or in distri- on technologies like ActiveX, COM PC components and Windows® com-
buted PLC networks. interfaces and XML, the OPC Server munication services.
offers various possibilities for integra-
Feature support: tion: Increased availability of machines
• Parameterization and monitoring of • Controls with a proprietary commu- and plants
the data monitoring can be executed nication can be integrated via an The ProConOS® Gateway allows to
via the user interface. internal interface or a server-to-ser- perform various tasks from any
• Browse interface including all ver communication. location, such as:
instance information. For the engi- • As a data provider without a user • Control and analysis of PLCs
neering tasks, the OPC client recei- interface, the ProConOS® OPC Ser- • Download and activation of new PLC
ves all available variables via a flat ver can be integrated into your own programs
or hierarchical browse interface. OPC Server. Thus ProConOS® is • Reconfiguration and bug-fixing in
• Simultaneous communication with available as an additional compo- PLC plants
several ProConOS® PLCs within the nent in your OPC environment.
network • The XML configuration of the OPC Safety by a clear structure
• In case of modifications of the pro- data allows an easy integration and The ProConOS® Gateway supports the
ject with the process running, the configuration within your enginee- user by:
OPC Server is automatically upda- ring environment. • A clear display of the active connec-
ted. Thus the plant can be modified tions; thus it is possible to retrieve
with the process running. Plug and play detailed information.
• Available for standard Windows® With help of the ProConOS® OPC Ser- • Listing and recording of all requests
operating systems and Windows® ver the user can benefit from a "plug and connections of the ProConOS®
CE 3.0. and play" functionality offering the Gateway
best-suited components for the appro- • The user authorization which can be
priate application. individually set for each communica-
tion connection to a ProConOS®
Changes in safety technology

However, in these days safety covers a Solutions for safety technology

Responsibility for progress - much wider range, protection of In the safety technology it is possible
our definition of "safety" human beings, machines and environ- to use the well-known advantages of
ment. The safety technology is respon- the PLC programming according to the
Discussions about topics like sible to avoid malfunctions which IEC 61131 standard. For this purpose
safety and high availability and could lead to injuries of persons, the KW-Software offers you two products:
productivity have shown that loss of expensive machines or to • SAFEPROG - the IEC 61131 program-
safety technology is playing an serious damages of the environment. ming system for safety technology
increasingly important role in On the other hand, new solutions must • SafeOS - the redundant IEC 61131
the automation industry. In the take into account the increased requi- runtime system
past safety meant protection of rements of machines and production
human beings against injuries. plants to a higher flexibility and availa- SAFEPROG –
bility. The IEC 61131 programming system
Many committees work on definitions for safety applications
- from Interbus Safe via Profibus Safe SAFEPROG is based on the program-
up to Ethernet - in order to allow the ming system MULTIPROG®, which has
integration of safety technology into been successfully used in the machine
the standard fieldbusses. These defini- and plant manufacturing industry for
tions shall integrate the safety techno- many years.
logy, due to an overall view on the
appropriate fieldbus, and shall therefo- How efficient is SAFEPROG?
re allow an economic engineering, as In order to allow an easy program-
they concern the whole system. ming, SAFEPROG has a very clear user
interface. Due to various options,
SAFEPROG - the IEC 61131 programming
system for safety applications
SAFEPROG is a highly efficient pro-
gramming system:
• Programming can be done in FBD
and LD
• Adaptive Edit Wizards
• Highly efficient debug functionalities
• On-line cross references
Safety by SAFEPROG and SafeOS

Meeting safety requirements SafeOS – The "Safety Integrated" concept

In order to support the safety require- The redundant IEC 61131 PLC ope- Safety Integrated by KW-Software is a
ments, SAFEPROG has been extended rating system for safety applica- concept, based on the know-how in
by: tions the control and safety technology. This
• Multiple error detecting features SafeOS is based on the PLC program- concept allows you to change safely
• A wide-range user management ming system ProConOS®, which has from the electromechanical to the PLC
with protocol mechanisms been successfully used in the machine based safety technology.
• A redundant code creation, and plant manufacturing industry for
as well as many years. The advantage of this concept
• Standard safety function blocks, Both kinds of programming - safe and
such as "Emergency_Stop" Safety on the level of PLC opera- non safe PLC programs - can be mixed
ting systems within one tool. Thus the programmer
SafeOS combines two redundant PLC can concentrate completely on the pro-
systems processing the program code gramming of the plant, instead of
they receive from the redundant code using different tools all the time.
creation of SAFEPROG.
The physical outputs are only set if
both systems have calculated the
same result.
KW-Software GmbH
Lagesche Straße 32
32657 Lemgo
Phone +49 52 61 93 73-0
Fax +49 52 61 93 73-26
[email protected]

Far East
KW-Software GmbH
c/o Euro-Far East Co. Ltd.
Lilas Nogizaka Bldg. #901
Minami-Aoyama 1-15-18
Tokyo 107-0062
Phone +81 3 3470-8769
Fax +81 3 3478-8648
[email protected]

KW-Software USA, Inc.
4242 Airport Road
Suite 2A
Cincinnati, Ohio 45226-1615
Phone +1 513-321-9385
Fax +1 513-321-6992
[email protected]

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