MULTIPROG and ProConOS_engl
MULTIPROG and ProConOS_engl
MULTIPROG and ProConOS_engl
Innovative, global leaders in automation
in Europe, Japan and the United States
rely on MULTIPROG® and ProConOS® as
the foundation for their most critical
products and systems.
The foundation of our software
IEC 61131 programming languages Intuitive programming Clearly structured project adminis-
MULTIPROG® runs as a 32 bit applica- tration
• Instruction List (IL) tion on all standard PC Windows® The project administration of
• Structured Text (ST) systems and allows intuitive program- MULTIPROG® offers a user-friendly
• Function Block Diagram (FBD) ming and provides a clear structure: structuring by:
• Ladder Diagram (LD)
• Sequential Function Chart (SFC) • User interface and use are strictly • Representing the project tree accor-
oriented to the Windows® standard. ding to the IEC 61131 software
All programming languages can be • The Edit Wizard displays the availa- model
mixed within one project. ble elements in all editors. • Using of the project tree according
• An extensive context-sensitive to the Windows® Explorer
Machine Sequential Function HTML help system supports you on • Displaying of the different project
Chart (MSFC) all levels: from questions about the parts by different views
Machine Sequential Function Chart is general use, via information about • Reusability of function blocks in user
an additional programming language in function blocks, up to the back- and firmware libraries
MULTIPROG®, which offers the follo- ground of the IEC 61131 regulations. • Know-how protection using pass-
wing advantages: • Cross references automatically word handling or firmware libraries
create an overview of the used data. • Integration of several controllers in
• Reduced commissioning times by • Multiple document interface (MDI) one project.
easy programming and cyclically with an unlimited number of dock-
running processes in machines able windows
• Reduced downtimes by an extended • Self-definable and dockable toolbars
diagnostic • In a few minutes you will learn the
• Easy handling by extended modes, basic steps to create a PLC program
such as automatic and manual mode by in the online help integrated
video sequences.
Automation interface guarantees Integration through ActiveX and Would you like it even more flexible?
consistent data Add-Ins MULTIPROG® allows different adapta-
Modern automation suites include Different tools of different manufactu- tions and extensions, from brandlabe-
software tools for nearly all projection rers are often applied in different auto- ling of the software up to the adapta-
phases and tasks: E-CAD, fieldbus/net- mation tasks. ActiveX controls can be tion of customer-specific controllers
work configurator, PLC programming, integrated as control bars, which allow (PLC’s) having their own code execu-
SCADA, etc. They all access partly the MULTIPROG® to work without any pro- tion and online monitoring.
same objects. However, there is often blems in the individual suites. Even concepts which take care of the
a lack of data exchange, i.e. a common The MULTIPROG® Add-In interface integration of customer-specific pro-
pool which is available equally for all allows the integration of ActiveX con- gramming languages are supported.
components. The solution for this chal- trols or the implementation of additio-
lenge is called 'automation interface'. nal customer-specific functionalities. Full documentation support
• Via the automation interface, Successful integration requires more
MULTIPROG® opens its data to than technology, so extensive and
other tools comprehensive documentation is avai-
• MULTIPROG® allows external crea- lable for all diffe-
tion and modification of its project rent steps of the
data. Futhermore specific attributes integration and
can be added. adaptation of
• As all essential data can be display- MULTIPROG®.
ed in MULTIPROG®, a frequent swit- Many significant
ching among different tools during projects have been
PLC programming and commissio- successfully
ning is not needed any longer. completed by this
• Observers guarantee data consisten- documentation.
ce with other tools
Thus the engineering effort for the pro-
gramming of PLCs is reduced.
Preemptive multitasking
ProConOS® is based on a standard
multitasking operating system and
supports preemptive scheduling. This
allows the exact prediction of the time
behavior of user tasks. A watchdog is
assigned to each user task and will
activate the appropriate system tasks
to realize corrective action if a realti-
me violation arises. In this way super-
vision is guaranteed. The programming
of system tasks allows a differentiated
The IEC 61131 PLC operating system ProConOS ®
ProConOS Firmware
Industrial PCs
ProConOS® Toolkit consists of the fol- Contact us for the availability of the
ProConOS® supports many dif- lowing components: ProConOS® Toolkit for your hardware
ferent features for the integra- • Documentation (PDF) Developers and software.
tion into different processors, Manual + User Manual
realtime operating systems Complete documentation of the Would you like it even more flexible?
and automation solutions. ProConOS® API functions as well ProConOS® open architecture allows
as of the operation behavior of to integrate:
ProConOS® • Additional processors
• ProConOS® library • New operating systems
ProConOS® Toolkit: The ProConOS® kernel is available • Customer-specific extensions
Install - compile - run! as object library and adapted to a • and much more
ProConOS® Toolkit is the easiest way specific processor type and a realti- These adaptations can be either done
to quickly create your own automation me operating system. as a service by KW-Software or by the
solution based on ProConOS®. Depen- • Main module and public header in customers themselves.
ding on the target system it is very source
easy to create a running system. A template of the main routine is Individual systems
available for starting of ProConOS® In regard to the open architecture and
as well as the definition of the scalability of ProConOS®, customer-
ProConOS® API functions. specific systems can be generated,
• Make file which range from small controllers to
Template for the linking process for high end systems.
the creation the executable
ProConOS® Full documentation support
Successful integration requires more
In order to integrate customer-specific than technology, so extensive and
and industry/application specific comprehensive documentation is avai-
know-how, ProConOS® Toolkit offers lable for all different steps of the inte-
the following ProConOS® API gration and adaptation of ProConOS®.
functions: Many significant projects have been
• Integration of I/O drivers successfully completed by this docu-
• Integration of firmware functions mentation.
and firmware function blocks
• Integration of specific communica-
tion drivers
• Integration of file device drivers
• Extension of the internal exception
handling of ProConOS®
• Integration of ProConOS® system
OPC Server and Gateway ProConOS ®
The OPC Server for distributed Flexible integration into your auto- ProConOS® Gateway allows a
communication mation solution remote access on ProConOS® PLCs via
The OPC Server can be applied for the As a component based concept, based the TCP/IP protocol based on standard
communication with a PLC or in distri- on technologies like ActiveX, COM PC components and Windows® com-
buted PLC networks. interfaces and XML, the OPC Server munication services.
offers various possibilities for integra-
Feature support: tion: Increased availability of machines
• Parameterization and monitoring of • Controls with a proprietary commu- and plants
the data monitoring can be executed nication can be integrated via an The ProConOS® Gateway allows to
via the user interface. internal interface or a server-to-ser- perform various tasks from any
• Browse interface including all ver communication. location, such as:
instance information. For the engi- • As a data provider without a user • Control and analysis of PLCs
neering tasks, the OPC client recei- interface, the ProConOS® OPC Ser- • Download and activation of new PLC
ves all available variables via a flat ver can be integrated into your own programs
or hierarchical browse interface. OPC Server. Thus ProConOS® is • Reconfiguration and bug-fixing in
• Simultaneous communication with available as an additional compo- PLC plants
several ProConOS® PLCs within the nent in your OPC environment.
network • The XML configuration of the OPC Safety by a clear structure
• In case of modifications of the pro- data allows an easy integration and The ProConOS® Gateway supports the
ject with the process running, the configuration within your enginee- user by:
OPC Server is automatically upda- ring environment. • A clear display of the active connec-
ted. Thus the plant can be modified tions; thus it is possible to retrieve
with the process running. Plug and play detailed information.
• Available for standard Windows® With help of the ProConOS® OPC Ser- • Listing and recording of all requests
operating systems and Windows® ver the user can benefit from a "plug and connections of the ProConOS®
CE 3.0. and play" functionality offering the Gateway
best-suited components for the appro- • The user authorization which can be
priate application. individually set for each communica-
tion connection to a ProConOS®
Changes in safety technology
Far East
KW-Software GmbH
c/o Euro-Far East Co. Ltd.
Lilas Nogizaka Bldg. #901
Minami-Aoyama 1-15-18
Tokyo 107-0062
Phone +81 3 3470-8769
Fax +81 3 3478-8648
[email protected]
KW-Software USA, Inc.
4242 Airport Road
Suite 2A
Cincinnati, Ohio 45226-1615
Phone +1 513-321-9385
Fax +1 513-321-6992
[email protected]