Age Range: Y2
Weekly Maths Tasks (Aim to do 1 per day) Weekly Reading Tasks (Aim to do 1 per day)
● Work on Education City - your child has ● Find a book where you can see the
an individual login to access this. characters celebrating. Is it a birthday?
● Play on Daily 10 - play levels 1 or 2 to Can you read the book to someone over
practise adding and subtracting. the phone?
● Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. This ● Read the story Kipper’s Birthday.
game could support this. Discuss how it may be similar or the
● On a calendar (here is an online same to your birthday celebration.
calendar if needed) go through and write ● Create a celebration book with your
down when different family members family. Can you add sound buttons onto
birthdays are or when special events are the words?
happening in your family. ● Create a Celebration Reading Den.
● Practise telling the time in words. This What will you have in there? Who can
could be done through this game (scroll read in there with you? Will you have
down to access the game). Read to the cushions in there so you are
hour, half hour and quarter past. comfortable?
● Choose and write the name of a 3D ● Read a poem about a celebration you
shape of your choice. List how many have had or looking forward to
edges, vertices and faces it has. celebrating with your family.
● Purple Mash - your child has an ● Get your child to read a book on Oxford
individual login to access this. Click on Owl, discuss what your child enjoyed
Maths. about the book. This requires a login but
Times Tables Rockstars – your child is free to sign up. On this site, there are
has an individual login to access this. plenty of resources to help home
Focus on 10, 2 then 5 x tables. learning across a range of subjects.
● Listen to a story read out loud,
Storytime, Audible. Also there are lots
of authors reading their books on
YouTube as well as children’s favourite
books read aloud by celebrities/others.
● Purple Mash - your child has an
individual login to access this. Click on
Serial Mash and choose your age
This project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more
about celebrations. Learning may focus and different types of celebrations that take
place and who may celebrate them. It could look at how people celebrate different
events differently in other parts of the world.
Create a celebration card for a family member. - What will they put on the front? Will it be
pictures or will they write a birthday poem? Can they use different materials to design their
celebration card?
Bake a cake: Weigh out the ingredients and bake a cake for a celebration. Can they write the
instructions and send them to a friend? Can they tweet their school with a photo of their cake and
Design a celebration party: Ask your child to choose a celebration. Who would they invite? Get
them to make a list of things they will need? (banners, balloons etc...) Would they have to have a
dress code? Can they design a celebration invite? On a piece of paper can they think about the
colours and pictures they may have.
Can your child name the months in order? What do they notice about them? (Look at the letters at
the beginning of the month.) Can they think of a celebration for each month they may have with
their family? Find out when it’s people's birthdays or anniversaries. Which month has the most
Seasons: Ask your child how many seasons we have? Can they name
Watch 1 Watch 2 Ask them to look outside their window and see if they
can name the season we are in at the moment. What can they see? Can
they see any flowers? Or new buds? Can they draw a picture of what they
can see using different materials?
Spring is in the air: Spring is around us: Can they look around
the house to see what they can use to make a crafty spring
Create a card for each of these celebrations. How will their designs be different? Are there
particular colours they can use? Could they make a pop up card? Could they
make a card using no pen and only fabric?
Traditional celebration: Talk to an adult and ask about any traditional celebrations you may have
as a family. Why do you celebrate them? How do you celebrate them and when?
Do you have to wear different clothes and eat different food?
Gather the family and sing the song ‘Celebration’: Can you add actions to the dance? Could
you have a concert and perform to your family and friends?
Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - These packs are split into different year groups
and include activities linked to reading, writing, maths and practical ideas you can do
around the home.
Twinkl - to access these resources click on the link and sign up using your own email
address and creating your own password. Use the offer code UKTWINKLHELPS.
Headteacherchat - This is a blog that has links to various learning platforms. Lots of these
are free to access.
Audible – a wealth of audiobooks available for free for the duration of the school closures.
No login or download needed.
BBC Bitesize Daily – online lessons and resources and programmes on iplayer