Pathology Jars 2014

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Pathology Jars

Prepared by: Abdullah Al-Mallah

Our activity
 Videos of pathology jars are present (simulating the
Videos was cropped & cut from start & end.
Sounds was muted as it’s useless.
All are in “wmv” video extension for easy play.
Play & pause as you like.
 Diagnosis is on top of the page.
 Short comment mentioned.
 Predicted questions are added beside.
Multiple thyroid nodule
Jar containing: butterfly organ which has two lobs & isthmus, its surface
showing multiple nodules.
Q1- What are the types of
nodular goitre?
Q2-What are the complications
of nodular goitre?
Q3-What's the ttt of simple
nodular goitre?
Q4-What are the investigations
for toxic goitre?
Q5- What are the complication
of operation?
Cancer breast
"palliative simple mastectomy"
Jar containing: breast, skin over the breast

showing: peau' orange.

Inside the breast there is: huge
mass brain like about ,, ˟ ,,,
Breast cancer
radical mastectomy with B. oophorectomy
Jar containing: sector of the breast, skeletal muscle "both pectoralis" & two ovaries,
there is huge mass inside breast about …
Q1- cell origin of c. breast & common site?
Q2- pathological types of cancer breast?
Q3- methods of staging of cancer breast?
Q4- methods of spread of cancer breast?
Q5- D.D. of hard mass in the breast?
Q6- types of operation for early cancer
Q7- What's meant by Tamoxephin?
Q8- skin manifestation of cancer breast?
Malignant gastric ulcer
Jar containing: opened stomach & showing large ulcer e' irregular
outline, raised everted edge, necrotic floor.

Q1- Other types of gross picture?

Q2- Microscopic pictures?
Q3- D.D. of epigastric mass?
Malignant Tumor of the ilium.
Jar containing: hollow viscus e' bisected area of small intestine "
ileum" showing mass e' area of hge. & necrosis.
Tumour removed by resection and end to end anastomosis.
Carcinoma of colon
Traumatic rupture of spleen
Jar containing: solid organ with notch (spleen),
shows: tear in its diaphragmatic surface.

Q1 -Type of trauma?
Q2- Manifestations of rupture spleen?
Q4 - Radiological finding of this case?
Traumatic rupture of kidney
Jar containing: kidney e' trauma to lower pole
leading to: avulsed pole e‘ sub capsular hematoma & laceration.

Q1 - Type of operation,
complications, clinical types &
Q2-causes of absent hematuria in
this case & ttt. of this case?
Bone tumor mostly osteosarcoma
Jar containing: upper part of tibia
showing large grayish mass arising from the metaphysis of the tibia e'
marked destruction of bone cortex. There are areas of Hge. & necrosis

Q1 - Radiological findings?
Q2 - Complications?

Jar containing: bisected testis e' its spermatic cord.

The testis is enlarged.
The outer surface shows dilated veins &
cut section shows destruction & replacement of
testicular tissue by fleshy mass e' areas of Hge. &
Cancer caecum
removed by Rt. hemi colectomy
Jar containing: terminal part of ileum & caecum e' appendix in the back ,
inside the caecum there is mass infiltrating ilio-caecal junction , also there 's
enlarged L.N.

Q1 - C/P?
Q2 - D.D. of mass in Rt. iliac
Q3 - Pathological type?
Q4 - Lymphatic spread?
Q5 - Investigation?
Cancer rectum
Jar containing: part of descending colon & rectum
there's mass in rectum e' area of hge. & necrosis.

Q1 - Pathological types?
Q2 - Microscopic types?
Q3 -ttt. of such case?
Meckel's diverticulum
removed by resection anastomosis
Jar containing: ascending &
descending colon "transverse
colon absent".

The mucous membrane shows

numerous sessile & pedunculated
polypi which nearly fill the

The polypi show superficial

ulcerations & Hge.
Carcinoma of the pylorus
"annular type"

Jar containing: opened


The pyloric part appears

diffusely infiltrated by white
tumor tissue which produces
thickening of the wall &
narrowing of the pyloric canal
Senile prostatic hyperplasia
Jar containing opened urinary bladder & prostate.
The prostate is enlarged e' its middle lobe projecting into the lumen of the bladder & two
lateral lobes
showing multiple nodules.
The bladder wall is thickened & its mucosa is dark denoting cystitis.
T.B. pyonephrosis
Jar containing: bisected dilated kidney e' thinned out cortex.

The capsule is thick & opaque e'

nodular outer surface.
The pelvis & calyces are markedly
dilated & lined by dirty necrotic
"caseating" material.
Multiple small yellowish foci
"tuberculmata" are also seen in the
cortico-medullary area.
Q1 – Other pathological types?
Q2 – Why you examine scrotum & do PR. In
this case?
Familial polyposis coli "FPC"
treated by total colectomy
Jar containing: ascending & descending colon "transverse colon absent".
The mucous membrane shows
numerous sessile & pedunculated
polypi which nearly fill the lumen.
The polypi show superficial
ulcerations & Hge.
ileo-cacal intussusception
with gangrene of small intestine.
Jar containing: loop of small intestine e' invagination of the distal part inside the proximal part.

The invaginated outer part

"intussuscepient" is partly removed to
expose the inner part "intussusceptum"
which appears swollen, macerated &
blackish as a result of gangrene at the tip.

Q1- commonest site of in children?

Q2- other causes of the same condition?
Q3- complication, investigation and
Ilio-ilial intussusception with gangrenous
part of ileum and Mickel's diverticulum
(removed by resection and end to end anastomosis)

Jar containing: part of small

intestine (ileum) with blackish
area "gangrenous part,
there is a finger like projection
over the blackish area
(Mickel's diverticulum),
there is a window showing
blackish gut inside
Wilki's Traid
cholecystitis, duodenal ulcer and appendicitis in
one patient.

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