Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC)Clinical Features and Counseling for BRCA1 and BRCA2
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC)Clinical Features and Counseling for BRCA1 and BRCA2
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer (HBOC)Clinical Features and Counseling for BRCA1 and BRCA2
Hereditary breast cancer Hereditary ovarian cancer
BRCA1/2 Genetic counseling Lynch syndrome
Recent committee opinions from the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists1 and The
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists2 highlight the need for cancer
risk assessment to be a process in which genetic counseling plays a seminal role. It
is the role of the genetic counselor to obtain relevant information concerning an individ-
ual’s risk, to explain the process to the patient, explain how family history and laboratory
testing provide an adjusted risk for developing cancer, and finally, to provide a lucid
This work is supported in part by the generosity of the Bears’ Care Foundation.
Division of Clinical Genetics, Feinberg School of Medicine of Northwestern University,
Chicago, IL, USA
Northwestern Ovarian Cancer Early Detection and Prevention Program, Feinberg School of
Medicine of Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Feinberg School of Medicine of Northwestern
University, Chicago, IL, USA
Cancer Genetics Program, Feinberg School of Medicine of Northwestern University, Chicago,
Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Program, Feinberg School of Medicine of North-
western University, Chicago, IL, USA
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy, Chicago, IL, USA
* Prentice Women’s Hospital, 250 East, Superior Street, Room 05-2174, Chicago, IL 60611.
E-mail address: [email protected]
explanation of the risk for cancer development along with the preventative, screening,
and diagnostic processes that are available to the patient based on the adjusted risk. It
is indeed a complex and challenging task, given the emotional and psychosocial factors
that affect the entire process and that must be addressed by the counselor.
The development and implementation of genetic counseling has been, until
recently, mostly geared to pediatric, infertility, and prenatal issues. Counseling was
initially based on mathematical algorithms (Bayesian analysis) that calculated the like-
lihood that a child or fetus would be affected; no specific prenatal testing was available
and in many situations, the eventual pediatric diagnosis was based on phenotypic
presentation or crude analyte measurement rather than a molecular assay. As such,
disparate conditions with similar phenotypic presentations were classified as being
manifestations of a similar disorder, eventually leading to inaccurate evaluations
and counseling. While an important element of counseling was and remains emotional
support for the patient, in many cases this was all that could be offered to those who
had had an adverse perinatal or pediatric outcome, and were seeking reassurance
and accurate evaluations for future children and other family members.
As understanding of the pathophysiology of diseases and disorders improved,
genetic counseling began to provide more detailed and accurate assessment of the
risk for particular conditions in future pregnancies and children. However, it was the
development of ultrasound and amniocentesis that allowed for prenatal diagnosis,
and thus more accurate counseling, to be provided to prospective parents. This further
expanded with the delineation of the molecular basis for certain genetic disorders such
as sickle cell disease and cystic fibrosis. Indeed, it was this step that laid the foundation
for moving genetic counseling away from mathematical estimations of pediatric and
prenatal risk to a more accurate assessment of risk for an increasing number of
prenatal, pediatric, and adult conditions, thus changing the overall approach and use
of genetic counseling in the evolving evidence-based approach to health care.
We now arrive at the current role of genetic counseling, and in particular, cancer
genetic counseling. The completion of the Human Genome Project provided a virtual
dictionary of gene and DNA sequences, all serving as a template for determining which
sequences were associated with a variety of diseases as well as particular traits and
characteristics. One disease state that was likely to be highly amenable to not only this
new information but to the evolving and emerging technologies used to gather and
interpret this molecular information was cancer. This article provides an overview of
the molecular changes associated with inherited gynecologic malignancies and the
incorporation of this information in the counseling of individuals at increased risk for
developing malignancies, as well as conventional and emerging approaches to the
screening of the general population.
The author examines cancer genetic counseling and its role in women’s health care.
The focus is hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC); however, cancer predispo-
sition caused by genes other than BRCA1/2 is also considered. The aim is to provide
the reader with a foundation for counseling based on fundamental knowledge of the
genes and their clinical consequences. The reader is then guided through the
mechanics of risk assessment for individual patients, concluding with the psychoso-
cial implications of counseling.
(EOC),3 although these 2 genes account for a smaller percentage of isolated familial
breast cancer cases in the absence of EOC.4 BRCA1 is located on chromosome
17q21, contains 22 coding exons, and spans 80 kb DNA, and BRCA2 is located on
chromosome 13q12-13, contains 26 coding exons, and spans 70 kb DNA. Both genes
are part of the DNA break repair pathway and appear to function as tumor suppressor
genes, with mutations resulting in a highly penetrant susceptibility to the development
of breast cancer and EOC. Mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2 associated with the
development of both malignancies are found throughout the coding regions and at
splice sites, with most of these mutations being small insertions or deletions that
lead to frameshift mutations, nonsense mutations, or splice site alterations. All of these
genetic alterations invariably lead to premature protein termination and altered or
absent proteins that fail to suppress the development of malignancies in breast and
ovarian/epithelial tissues. In addition to these mutations and some missense muta-
tions, large deletions and rearrangements not detectable by standard polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) have recently been identified and are now part of the molecular
testing provided to those undergoing genetic testing for BRCA mutations. Palma and
colleagues5 reported that genomic rearrangements, detected by an analysis separate
from conventional gene sequencing and aimed at detecting large gene rearrange-
ments not amenable to detection by conventional analyses6 (eg, BART analysis [BRA-
CAnalysis Rearrangement Test]), accounted for 18% of BRCA1/2 mutations in
non-Ashkenazi Jewish probands with no such rearrangements being detected in
Ashkenazi Jewish probands.
The frequency of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations in the general population is estimated
to be 1 in 300 to 1 in 800,7 though a more recent study by Risch and colleagues8 in
Canada suggest that these frequencies may be considerably higher, at 1 in 140 to 1
in 300. However, some populations and communities have a higher frequency of
certain BRCA1/2 mutations than is found in the general population. In the United
States, BRCA1/2 mutations are found in approximately 1 of every 40 individuals of
Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish ancestry. What also distinguishes this commu-
nity is that 3 mutations (185delAG and 5382insC in BRCA1 and 6174delT in BRCA2)
account for approximately 98% of mutations detected.9 In Iceland, the 999del5 muta-
tion in BRCA2 accounts for approximately 7% of all cases of EOC occurring in Ice-
landers.10 These mutations are known as ‘‘founder mutations,’’ so named because
in certain populations begun by a small ancestral group isolated by societal behavior
or geography, certain genes in the original ‘‘founders’’ of a community or population
can become far more common in succeeding generations after initiation of the isola-
tion than would occur in the general population. The identification of founder muta-
tions allows for more facile screening of individuals of those groups associated with
these mutations. As such, evaluating individuals of Eastern European Jewish ancestry
at increased risk for a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation based on family history is now
accomplished by first determining the presence of one of these 3 mutations unless
analysis of an affected relative shows that the BRCA1/2 mutation in the family is not
one of these 3 mutations. Evaluating for these 3 mutations in high-risk members of
the Ashkenazi Jewish community is not only easier than gene sequencing but also
less costly. However, even in some clinical scenarios in which a single putative
BRCA1/2 mutation is of interest in the risk assessment process, a ‘‘single site’’ anal-
ysis would potentially be augmented with a founder mutation analysis or even full gene
sequencing if the family history indicates that another mutation may be present,
possibly from the other parental lineage. For individuals from populations associated
with founder mutations who are at increased risk for BRCA1/2 mutations based on
family history and found not to have one of the founder mutations, gene sequencing
112 Shulman
Table 1
MMR genes associated with mismatch repair system
mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of proper cellular growth and develop-
ment, and thus predisposing those targeted cells and organs to malignant transforma-
tion with a mechanism different than that observed in HBOC. These inactivating
mutations not only prevent the repair of damaged DNA but also increase the rate of
mutations at the DNA microsatellites of growth-regulating genes. Microsatellites are
short (1–5 base pairs), polymorphic DNA sequences that are repeated 15 to 30 times
at a given locus and are distributed throughout the genome. Microsatellite instability
(MSI) thus serves as a marker for MMR mutations; indeed, microsatellite instability
analysis and immunohistochemical (IHC) staining for the presence or absence of the
proteins MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2 serve as preliminary diagnostic steps in
determining the presence of a DNA repair defect for many individuals at increased
risk for MMR mutations. IHC can evaluate tumor tissue for gene expression but cannot
assess the functionality of any of these proteins. As such, IHC alone cannot determine
whether the protein present does not function properly because of a missense muta-
tion; accordingly, IHC should be combined with MSI to screen prospective tumors for
MMR mutations. MSI is a common feature of LS-associated tumors; however, studies
of MSI in ovarian tumor tissue from EOC have not provided consistent diagnostic
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer
HBOC syndrome is one of the most common reasons for referral for genetic coun-
seling and consideration of genetic testing. HBOC is characterized by a strong family
history of breast cancer and EOC, with most such families having more cases of breast
cancer than ovarian cancer. HBOC families, like other families with hereditary cancer
predisposition syndromes, are characterized by a far earlier age of onset than is seen
in the general population, as well as a higher likelihood of bilateral disease. In addition,
HBOC families have a markedly higher frequency of family members with breast
cancer and EOC occurring in the same individual and, for some gene mutations,
a strikingly higher risk for breast cancer in men.
A study by Ramus and Gayther15 showed that 81% of families with at least 2 cases
of EOC and 1 case of breast cancer had a deleterious mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2,
thus confirming earlier studies and models demonstrating that the majority of cases of
HBOC are associated with BRCA1/2 mutations.16,17 Indeed, Lynch and colleagues3
reported that BRCA1/2 mutations were found in approximately 6% to 8% of isolated
EOC cases, but in 80% to 90% of HBOC cases.
As BRCA1 and BRCA2 are autosomal genes with high penetrance, transmission
can occur either maternally or paternally; accordingly, equal attention must be paid
to the assessment of paternal relatives of an individual being evaluated for a possible
BRCA1/2 mutation. BRCA1 mutations have not been shown to consistently increase
risk for breast cancer in men whereas BRCA2 mutations have been shown to increase
the risk for male breast cancer. Accordingly, any case of male breast cancer, regard-
less of age at diagnosis, should prompt the offering of genetic counseling and consid-
eration of genetic testing for HBOC because of the overall low frequency of male
breast cancer in the general population and the markedly increased risk in men with
BRCA2 mutations. Kessler and colleagues (personal communication, 2007) found
that among individuals at increased risk for heritable colon cancer, an equal distribu-
tion of paternal and maternal transmission of deleterious (and autosomal) genes was
found. However, among individuals at increased risk for HBOC, an approximately
70:30 (maternal to paternal) distribution was found when an equal ratio would have
114 Shulman
been predicted (BRCA1/2 are autosomal). Families with either few members or few
females pose a barrier to accurate risk assessment, as affected females provide the
main evidence of the existence of a deleterious BRCA1/2 mutation. Kessler’s study
(personal communication) shows that in many cases, affected females in the paternal
lineage are either ignored or not considered on an equal basis with affected members
from the maternal lineage because of a misperception that HBOC is a disease of
women, and that genetic events in the paternal families of putative BRCA1/2 mutation
carriers do not play as important a role in the assessment of risk as those affected indi-
viduals in the maternal lineage.
Mutations in BRCA1/2 confer a markedly increased risk for developing breast
cancer and EOC, with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations both being associated with an
approximately 85% to 90% risk for developing breast cancer by the age of 70
(Figs. 1 and 2).18,19 However, whereas BRCA1/2 mutations are associated with
a markedly elevated risk for developing EOC, BRCA1 mutations are associated with
a higher risk for developing EOC than BRCA2 mutations (see Figs. 1 and 2). Risch
and colleagues20 found 60 germline mutations in BRCA1/2 among 649 unselected
cases of EOC; 39 were in BRCA1 and 21 in BRCA2. Satagopan and colleagues21
found that carriers of either of the 2 BRCA1 founder mutations in the Ashkenazi Jewish
population (185delAG and 5382insC) were estimated to have a 37% risk for devel-
oping EOC by the age of 70 years, whereas those carrying the founder BRCA2 muta-
tion (6174delT) were estimated to have a 21% risk. Other clinical differences between
the 2 BRCA1/2 gene mutations include an approximately 100-fold increased risk for
male breast cancer among BRCA2 mutation carriers with only a potentially slight
increased risk for male breast cancer among BRCA1 mutation carriers.22 In addition,
an increased risk for early-onset prostate and pancreatic cancer among BRCA2 muta-
tion carriers has been observed in some studies,8,23 whereas other studies of high-risk
prostate cancer families have observed little impact of BRCA2 mutations.24 In addi-
tion, a marked increased risk for pancreatic and gastric cancers in BRCA1 mutation
carriers has been reported25; of interest is that Risch and colleagues8 similarly
reported an increased risk for pancreatic and gastric cancers in BRCA1 and BRCA2
carriers, although they found the risk for pancreatic cancer to be higher among
BRCA2 carriers and the risk for gastric cancer to be higher in BRCA1 carriers. Finally,
although most of the morbidity and mortality associated with BRCA1/2 mutations has
Fig. 1. Age-related risk for breast and ovarian cancers associated with BRCA1 mutations.
(Adapted from Brose MS, Rebbeck TR, Calzone KA, et al. Cancer risk estimates for BRCA1
mutation carriers. J Natl Cancer Inst 2002;94:1365–72; with permission.)
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 115
Fig. 2. Age-related risk for breast and ovarian cancers associated with BRCA2 mutations.
(Adapted from The Breast Cancer Linkage Consortium. Cancer risks in BRCA2 mutation
carriers. J Natl Cancer Inst 1999;91(15):1310–6; with permission.)
been focused on the increased risk for breast and ovarian cancers and other malig-
nancies, Mai and colleagues26 report a significantly increased risk for noncancer
mortality among BRCA1/2 mutation carriers, thus potentially adding another consider-
able medical and emotional issue to be addressed by genetic counselors providing
counseling to individuals at increased risk for having BRCA1/2 mutations.
Lynch Syndrome
CRC is the third most common type of cancer in the United States, with more than
140,000 new cases diagnosed each year. LS is the most common hereditary form
of CRC and is believed to account for up to 3% of all cases; with this projected
frequency of 1 out of every 35 individuals with CRC having LS, more than 28,000
new cases of LS will occur worldwide in 2010.27 This does not include individuals at
increased risk for CRC because of a positive family history; familial CRC, defined as
2 or more first-degree relatives with CRC, is thought to account for up to 20% of all
cases of CRC.27 If the impact of germline mutations and family history affect the
frequency of CRC and associated malignancies to this degree, the failure to assess
family history and to identify at-risk individuals to allow for earlier detection and inter-
vention programs clearly places a considerable number of people at risk for devel-
oping malignancies that could have ostensibly been prevented. As such, the value
of genetic counseling and testing for LS in at-risk individuals seems to be a relatively
straightforward and important step in reducing the risk for CRC and other associated
Lynch malignancies.
As with other cancer susceptibility syndromes, LS is associated with an increased
risk for cancers in multiple organs including endometrial, urogenital, pancreatic and
biliary tract, and EOC. Of note is that more recent study of Lynch families shows
that female members of these families have a higher cumulative lifetime risk for devel-
oping endometrial cancer than for developing colorectal cancer.27 Women who carry
a germline mutation for LS have a 20% to 60% lifetime risk of developing endometrial
cancer; Aarnio and colleagues28 reported standardized incidence ratios of 68% and
62%, respectively, in LS individuals with mutations in MLH1 or MSH2. Banno and
colleagues29 reported the frequency of microsatellite instability markers among 38
cases of endometrial cancers from individuals with familial clustering of cancers
(endometrial and other cancers) to be 31.6%, and Mathews and colleagues30 found
116 Shulman
Cancer risk assessment is a process by which individuals are identified who are at
increased risk for a hereditary or familial cancer and are offered a different approach
to prevention and screening than that which is offered to individuals in the general
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 117
population. Such altered interventions for high-risk individuals can range from an
earlier initiation of screening, such as the initiation of mammography before the age
of 40 years in women with a BRCA1/2 mutation, to the incorporation of screening
protocols not offered to non–high-risk individuals, such as the use of regular breast
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations in women with BRCA1/2 mutations.
The detection of a deleterious mutation may also prompt a novel or unique approach
to prevention, such as the consideration of oral contraceptive use to reduce the risk for
EOC in women with BRCA1/2 mutations, prophylactic colectomy in individuals with
mutations in DNA repair genes (LS), and prophylactic premenopausal salpingoophor-
ectomy in women with BRCA1/2 mutations. However, not all preventative measures
offered to high-risk individuals are necessarily extreme or extirpative in nature; for
example, women at increased risk for EOC are likely to be encouraged to breastfeed
or consider bilateral tubal ligation once childbearing has been completed as a way to
reduce the risk for EOC without increasing the risk for breast cancer.4,35 What is clear
is that the identification of high-risk individuals, whether as result of inheriting a delete-
rious mutation or because of a extensive family history of cancer, allows for the
offering of risk reduction strategies that have been shown to prolong lives and improve
quality of life for high-risk individuals.36 This is the rationale for the current approach to
cancer genetic counseling and risk assessment.
Until an inexpensive and facile method becomes available that provides information
on an individual’s complete genome, there will controversies as to who is offered
genetic counseling and genetic testing to determine whether a deleterious mutation
in a tumor suppressor gene in present and is adversely affecting risk of developing
malignancy. The United States Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) put forth
guidelines in 200537 recommending that only women at high risk for having a delete-
rious BRCA1/2 mutation be offered counseling and testing. The USPSTF defined high-
risk women as those non-Ashkenazi Jewish women with 2 first-degree relatives with
breast cancer, 1 of whom received the diagnosis at age 50 years or younger; a combi-
nation of 3 or more first- or second-degree relatives with breast cancer regardless of
age at diagnosis; a combination of both breast and ovarian cancer among first- and
second-degree relatives; a first-degree relative with bilateral breast cancer; a combi-
nation of 2 or more first- or second-degree relatives with ovarian cancer regardless of
age at diagnosis; a first- or second-degree relative with both breast and ovarian
cancer at any age; and a history of breast cancer in a male relative. For women of
Ashkenazi Jewish heritage, an increased-risk family history includes any first-degree
relative (or 2 second-degree relatives on the same side of the family) with breast or
ovarian cancer. Based on these criteria, it was estimated that about 2% of adult
women in the general population have an increased-risk family history and should
be offered counseling and testing. Women with none of these family history patterns
have a low probability of having a deleterious mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes,
and the routine offer of counseling and testing to such low-risk individuals is not
The USPSTF guidelines are just one attempt to quantify risk and identify those indi-
viduals who would most benefit from counseling and genetic testing. Other
approaches to quantifying risk include the popular Gail Model, as well as BRCA Pro
and the most recent breast cancer risk assessment tool from the National Cancer
Institute, the Breast Cancer Assessment Tool (; Table 2). All of these
methods are meant to be used by clinicians to determine breast cancer risk and take
118 Shulman
Table 2
Questions in the Breast Cancer Assessment Tool from the National Cancer Institute, last
modified April 28, 2008 (Click a question number for a brief explanation, or read all
3. What was the woman’s age at the time of her first menstrual
4. What was the woman’s age at the time of her first live birth of
a child?
6a. How many breast biopsies (positive or negative) has the woman
6b. Has the woman had at least one breast biopsy with atypical
into account a variety of demographic, family and personal history, and medical
history to arrive at an adjusted risk for developing breast cancer. Indeed, newer risk
assessment tools include factors other than personal and family history and are
considered to provide a more accurate assessment of risk by including such param-
eters as breast density, measurements of serum estradiol and androgens, body mass
index, and history of fracture and height loss.38 Those women found to be at increased
risk, usually considered to be a lifetime breast cancer risk of 20% to 25% or greater,
are typically offered counseling and genetic testing, as well as different screening
interventions such as annual breast MRI examinations.
Recent guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists2
and the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists1 have clarified the need for clinicians to
incorporate risk assessment into their practices to identify those women who may
benefit from counseling and testing. Although these guidelines and recommendations
do not promote a more expansive role for genetic testing, they do raise awareness of
the marked increased risk of cancer development in individuals with tumor suppressor
gene mutations and with family members with certain malignancies. The guidelines
thus serve to encourage clinicians to incorporate cancer risk assessment, ranging
from a detailed family history to the use of a risk assessment tool such as the Gail
model or the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool, and provide individuals at
increased risk for cancer to consider counseling, testing, and more appropriate
screening options. In this regard it is hoped that if such recommendations increase
the number of people undergoing genetic testing, it is as result of more people at
high risk recognizing their increased risk for developing cancer, and clinicians
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 119
choosing to further evaluate this risk with genetic testing rather than a greater (and
inappropriate) concern for developing such malignancies in the low-risk population.
Lynch Syndrome
Assessing an individual or a family for LS is accomplished by determining whether the
history meets Amsterdam II criteria (Table 3). If a family history is suggestive of LS but
the criteria cannot be met because of family size or other factors, consideration of risk
can be accomplished using revised Bethesda criteria (Table 4). Women with Lynch
mutations do not have a marked increased risk for developing breast cancer; as
such, family histories with multiple family members with ovarian cancer and no cases
of breast cancer, but having family members with Lynch-associated malignancies (eg,
colorectal cancer, endometrial cancer) should first be evaluated for MMR mutations
rather than BRCA1/2 mutations.39
Individuals who meet Amsterdam II criteria are evaluated by obtaining peripheral
blood for direct sequencing of the MLH1 and MSH2 genes. For those individuals
whose families do not meet Amsterdam criteria but do meet Bethesda criteria, first
evaluating tumor tissue for MSI and IHC (before mutation testing) is the preferred
approach for screening at-risk individuals. MSI testing and IHC appear to provide
concordant information, as Vasen and colleagues40 reported a 93% concordance
between the 2 tests in colon cancer specimens. This approach is associated with
high (90%–95%) sensitivity for detecting MMR gene mutation carriers,34 but as with
IHC, it provides no information as to which gene is mutated and thus which malig-
nancy that individual may have the highest risk for developing. As such, the diagnosis
of LS currently proceeds in a stepwise approach27:
Table 3
Amsterdam II criteria for Lynch syndrome
Table 4
Bethesda guidelines to determine which colorectal tumors should undergo MSI testing
For patients with a 20% to 25% risk of LS, genetic risk assessment is strongly
recommended. Such patients include:
Family pedigrees meeting Amsterdam criteria
Patients with metachronous (define) or synchronous (define) CRC, endometrial
cancer or ovarian cancer before age 50
Individuals with a first- or second-degree relative with a known germline mutation
in a mismatch repair gene.
For patients with a 5% to 10% risk for LS, genetic risk assessment may be helpful.
Such patients include:
Patients with CRC or endometrial cancer diagnosed before age 50
Patients with endometrial and/or ovarian cancer and a synchronous or meta-
chronous Lynch-associated tumor at any age
Patients with CRC or endometrial cancer and a first-degree relative diagnosed
with a Lynch-associated malignancy before age 50
Patients with CRC or endometrial cancer at any age with 2 or more first- or
second-degree relatives diagnosed with a Lynch-associated malignancy at
any age
A patient with a first- or second-degree relative who meets the above criteria.
While the SGO recommendations present a clear identification of who may benefit
from genetic risk assessment and testing, they does not provide insight into what
testing should be offered.41 At present, colon cancer MSI testing and IHC are used
to triage patients to determine who should receive counseling and consideration of
gene sequencing, with IHC being an efficient and cost-effective tool in identifying
tumors with mismatch repair deficiency. However, the lack of emphasis on gyneco-
logic malignancies in the Amsterdam II and Bethesda criteria, as well as the recogni-
tion that having an age cut-off of 50 years below which IHC testing is routinely applied
to endometrial cancer cases, may be too low to adequately identify a sufficient
number of individuals with LS who present with endometrial cancer42,43 leads one
to consider an alternative approach to risk assessment and genetic testing for putative
LS individuals with endometrial cancer. Resnick and colleagues41 propose a screening
algorithm with endometrial cancer cases that uses an age cut-off of 60 years rather
than 50 years to determine which specimens are to be tested by IHC for MLH1,
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 121
MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2. Of the 1 in 5 specimens that have an abnormal IHC from this
expanded initial cohort, and adding to this individuals with considerable family histo-
ries or evidence of Cowden syndrome (see later discussion), approximately 12% of
cases would be referred for genetic counseling and gene sequencing.
Although there is currently no standard or conventional approach to either the iden-
tification of individuals at increased risk or screening and testing of those individuals
who may have inherited a mutated MMR gene, future technological advances,
including microarray assays, may make the development of diagnostic criteria or
screening algorithms obsolete. One of the major drawbacks to large-scale mutation
screening is the time and cost of such testing. The development of accurate and
less costly molecular analyses will surely promote a more widespread use of gene
testing for at-risk individuals for LS and other cancer susceptibility conditions.
a baseline thyroid examination and ultrasound at 18 years old with an annual thyroid
examination thereafter. A family history of renal cancer should prompt an annual
urinalysis and urine cytology along with a renal ultrasound. Women with Cowden
syndrome should begin annual clinical breast examinations at age 18 years with semi-
annual examinations beginning at age 25. Mammography should be offered at
approximately 25 to 30 years, or 10 years earlier than the youngest affected female
in the family. In addition, women with Cowden syndrome should be offered an annual
breast MRI on initiation of annual mammographic examinations. Men with Cowden
syndrome should have annual clinical breast examinations starting at age 25 to 30
years, with further evaluation based on the finding of palpable lesions. Annual endo-
metrial biopsies should be performed starting at age 35 to 40 years, or 10 years earlier
than the youngest affected individual in the family. This can also be augmented by an
annual endovaginal ultrasound examination in postmenopausal women.44 Endome-
trial cancer is amenable to risk reduction, and approaches to prevention should also
be discussed with affected individuals. Such measures can include oral contracep-
tives and intrauterine devices to reduce the incidence of endometrial cancer as well
as hysterectomy.47
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is a rare cancer predisposition syndrome estimated to
account for approximately 1% of hereditary breast cancer cases. Mutations in
TP53, a tumor suppressor gene located on 17p13.1, are the primary cause of LFS,
which is transmitted in an autosomal dominant fashion. In addition, families with
classic LFS phenotypes have also been found to have mutations in the CHEK2
gene, found on 22q12.2. Unlike TP53, CHEK2 encodes for a serine/threonine protein
kinase which phosphorylates p53, leading to cessation of mitosis and allowing DNA
repair; CHEK2 mutations thus promote the development of malignancy by inhibiting
DNA repair, similar to the MMR genes.
LFS is characterized by early-onset breast cancer, soft-tissue sarcomas, adreno-
cortical tumors, brain tumors, and leukemias. In some families with LFS, brain tumors,
adrenocortical tumors, and sarcomas may present in childhood. Additional tumors
reported in LFS families include ovary, pancreas, lung, stomach, melanoma, and
Wilms tumor.44 Similar to other cancer susceptibility conditions, LFS appears to
increase the risk of early development of cancer, with a 50% risk of cancer by age
40 years and a 90% risk of cancer by age 60.48 Screening and management of
patients at risk for LFS is challenging given the variety of early-onset malignancies
associated with this condition. In women, annual clinical breast examinations,
including MRI and mammography, should start at age 20 years, and consideration
of oral contraception use is warranted to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, along
with an annual pelvic and abdominal ultrasound examination. However, there are no
published guidelines for screening LFS patients; clinicians should strongly consider
genetic counseling and testing (TP53 and CHEK2) for individuals and family members
with a considerable history of sarcomas and early-onset cancers.
Breast and other gynecologic cancers are found as associated malignancies in
other genetic syndromes (Table 5), all of which are rare and associated with a varied
spectrum of nonmalignant conditions and disorders. Syndromes associated with
ovarian cancer are rare and are usually associated with nonepithelial ovarian cancer,
although some cases of serous and mucinous EOC have been reported. Although
ovarian cancers and tumors have been reported in women with these genetic condi-
tions, the overall risk for developing EOC in women with these conditions seems to be
similar to that of the general population. However, the risk for developing breast and
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 123
Table 5
Genetic syndromes associated with breast and gynecologic cancers
Gene Gyn/Breast
Syndrome Inheritance (Chromosome) Clinical Features Cancer
Peutz-Jeghers AD STK11 (19) Melanocytic macules Sex cord-stromal
(mouth and lips); tumors; granulosa
polyps in GI tract; cell tumors; breast
increased risk of GI cancer
tract carcinoma
Ollier Sporadic/AD? PTHR1 (3) Multiple Granulosa cell
enchondromas; tumors
Gorlin AD PTCH (9) Basal cell carcinoma Fibrosarcoma; also
of the skin before benign fibromas
age 30; jaw cysts;
Ataxia- AR ATM (11q22.3) Delayed motor skill Breast cancer in
telangiectasia development, heterozygous
slurred speech, state
ALL, lymphoma
Hereditary diffuse AD CDH1(16q22.1) Early-onset gastric Lobular breast
gastric cancer cancer cancer
Li-Fraumeni AD TP53 (17p13) Early-onset multiple Breast cancer
CHEK2 (22q12) tumor types
sarcomas, breast,
brain adrenal, and
Cowden AD PTEN (10q23) Hamartomatous Breast cancer
lesions especially
skin, mucous
breast, and
Abbreviations: AD, autosomal dominant; ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AR, autosomal reces-
sive; GI, gastrointestinal.
The past 2 decades have witnessed the identification of several genes that have been
associated with hereditable breast and gynecologic cancers, thereby promoting the
development of and need for cancer genetic counseling. Similar to conventional
genetic counseling for pediatric and prenatal conditions, cancer genetic counseling
124 Shulman
69 70 66 Breast 64
Overy 62
Breast 39 36 40
a pedigree (Fig. 3), which provides an easy-to-access overview of the proband and his
or her family. Such information is critical even in the absence of genetic testing
outcomes. Søegaard and colleagues53 found that women with first-degree relatives
with EOC were at a significantly increased risk for developing EOC, especially early-
onset EOC.
Quantitative risk assessment employs risk assessment models (see section Assess-
ing Cancer Risk) to ascertain an individual’s risk for carrying a deleterious mutation in
a cancer susceptibility gene. While risk assessment models are widely used to assess
risk for certain cancers such as breast cancer, not all malignancies are amenable to
risk assessment by a model.54 As such, counselors usually use qualitative and quan-
titative approaches to determine an individual’s risk for carrying a deleterious cancer
susceptibility gene, and provide nondirective counseling concerning the option to
undergo genetic testing or to initiate particular screening, diagnostic, or preventative
In all counseling situations, counselors should also perform a psychosocial assess-
ment of their patients, as patients frequently face emotional stress and psychological
upset based on the findings of the counseling and genetic testing (if performed). Coun-
selors should obtain information from patients before counseling and risk assessment
concerning their expectations for the counseling session, the personal impact of the
cancer(s) in question, and the economic impact of undergoing counseling and testing;
the potential clinical outcomes, their relationship with relatives, and the ability to obtain
information from those relatives; and the desire to alter their lifestyle and initiate
preventative measures in case an increased risk for cancer is determined. Equally
important is the sense of the patient concerning the personal and familial implications
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 127
of positive or negative genetic testing results. Olaya and colleagues55 found that 50%
of individuals at increased risk for carrying a BRCA1/2 mutation chose not to undergo
genetic testing, with insurance coverage playing apparently no role in the decision to
undergo or forgo such testing. In this study the investigators sought to develop coun-
seling instruments that would better explain the benefits of testing to unaffected high-
risk individuals and to target those with a high-school level education as a strategy to
improve testing rates. One should consider that those individuals who chose to forgo
genetic testing in this study did choose to undergo genetic counseling because of an
increased risk for developing cancer. This study thus demonstrates that a variety of
psychosocial factors play a major role in determining not only decisions to obtain
counseling and testing but also specific choices in this informational process. Accord-
ingly, counselors must be aware of and work with these psychosocial issues if they are
to provide effective counseling and empower their patients to obtain all the information
that they seek.
Testing an individual for a deleterious mutation that occurs in a parent is a relatively
straightforward process; nonetheless, the emotional implications of either a positive or
negative result are complex, and should be addressed before testing as the emotional
impact of the testing outcomes may not necessarily be easy to predict and can
profoundly impact the counseling process. A good example of this is found in the
movie ‘‘In The Family’’ (J. Rudnick, Producer, Kartemquin Films, 2008), a film that
documents the life of a BRCA1 mutation carrier and details the lives of other individ-
uals at risk for or with heritable breast and ovarian tumors. In one scene, 3 daughters
are finding out their BRCA1 mutation status, having decided to get tested because
their mother has a deleterious BRCA1 mutation. Two daughters are found to have
inherited the mutation while the other is found to not carry the gene. Surprisingly, it
is the unaffected sibling who is most upset at the findings of the genetic testing.
Genetic risk assessment and testing may provide qualitative and quantitative analysis
to individuals at increased risk for developing cancer; however, the perception of that
risk by patients is driven by emotional and psychological factors that are considerably
affected by the individual’s experience with cancer. Another example of this is found in
the following patient case history:
A 32-year-old woman G3P3, a college-educated, married woman with 3 children
and not of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage, is referred for genetic counseling for cancer
risk assessment by a Gynecologic Oncologist who saw the patient after self-referral
for a bilateral salpingoophorectomy. The patient’s mother had died 2 years ago
from ovarian cancer at the age of 62; no other family members had ovarian cancer
but several family members in the paternal and maternal families had breast cancer,
with 2 paternal aunts and a first cousin with premenopausal breast cancer. After
extensive counseling was provided, testing was offered to her paternal aunts with
premenopausal breast cancer, who were found to carry no BRCA1/2 mutations.
Nevertheless, the patient chose to undergo BRCA1/2 sequencing and BART (genomic
rearrangement) testing, which revealed no deleterious mutations. Despite the reassur-
ing genetic testing results, the patient was resolute in her decision to undergo extirpa-
tive ovarian surgery, even after a frank discussion of the health concerns resulting from
premenopausal oophorectomy. When informed that her risk for developing breast
cancer was considerably higher than her risk for developing ovarian cancer, and
that bilateral mastectomy would be a risk-reducing approach to be considered, the
patient look horrified and stated that she would never consider removing her breasts
unless there was a malignancy.
In this situation, the patient’s personal experience with her mother’s ovarian cancer
far outweighed her considerably higher risk for breast cancer development based on
128 Shulman
her family history. Indeed, such personal experiences are frequently the reason for
certain behaviors and actions including seeking or avoiding genetic counseling,
obtaining genetic testing, initiating risk-reducing interventions, and undergoing
prophylactic surgeries. Many women in the Northwestern Ovarian Cancer Early Detec-
tion and Prevention Program (NOCEDPP) remain active participants in the program
even after they are found not to carry the deleterious gene that was associated with
a family member’s (usually a parent or sibling) cancer. The discovery and acceptance
of psychosocial factors in coping mechanisms, behavior modifications, and emotional
reactions to medical and nonmedical events by counselors can greatly assist the
counselor in providing accurate information that is best used by the patient.
The detection of a deleterious mutation provides a more clear determination of
one’s risk for developing cancer as well as presenting a variety of screening, diag-
nostic, and preventative algorithms to reduce the likelihood of cancer or to facilitate
an earlier detection of cancer at a stage more amenable to successful treatment. In
such cases, counselors need to be aware of the emotional implications of this finding
and help their patients cope with what some describe as a personal ‘‘Sword of Damo-
cles.’’ Conversely, the detection of no mutation, even in individuals with parents who
have mutations, can lead to unexpected emotional reactions including guilt, self-
loathing, and angst, frequently as result of the concern not that they were spared
but rather they were excluded from the cancer issues that beset their families. While
many individuals who find they possess no deleterious mutation show positive
emotions from relief to joy, assessing the psychosocial status of an individual at the
beginning of the counseling process will help avert unexpected and potentially
adverse reactions to risk assessment and genetic testing outcomes.
Finally, not everyone who undergoes genetic testing receives a definitive result indi-
cating the presence or absence of a deleterious mutation. Of those undergoing testing
for BRCA1/2 mutations, approximately 7% are found to have a variant of uncertain
significance (VUS). VUS are usually missense or potential splice site changes that
have not, as yet, been shown to be definitively associated with adverse clinical
outcomes. More than 1500 VUS have been identified, and are frequently identified
in individuals of minority ethnic population. Most VUS have only been reported in 1
to 2 individuals, making further analysis of the clinical impact of VUS challenging.
Once a VUS is identified, further analyses such as segregation analysis or study vari-
ants in multiple unrelated individuals are applied in an attempt to characterize the VUS
as clinically relevant (favor deleterious) or irrelevant (favor polymorphism).56 However,
small sibships and family sizes as well as few individuals with any particular VUS
impede the mathematical estimation needed to better characterize the clinical impact
of a specific VUS.
The finding of a VUS is obviously a difficult clinical outcome that can lead to consid-
erable emotional distress and angst concerning the clinical implications of the genetic
test result. In such situations, counselors must use their skills to provide a clear and
measured overview of the meaning and implication of the test, and provide emotional
support for a patient who may be distraught because of the inability to obtain a defin-
itive assessment of her risk for developing cancer.
Not surprisingly, Rantala and colleagues57 report that prior to genetic counseling,
most individuals harbor misperceptions concerning their risk, with their perception
invariably being an overestimation of their actual risk. The investigators also found
that there was a trend to a more accurate perception of risk following genetic
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 129
counseling, and that the importance of preventative programs was well understood.
According to Rantala and colleagues, cancer anxiety was prevalent and was associ-
ated with most of the inaccuracy associated with risk perception by all study partici-
pants. However, the investigators also found that cancer anxiety decreased after
genetic counseling, demonstrating yet another important clinical benefit of genetic
counseling for individuals at increased risk for cancer susceptibility syndromes.
Similar findings were reported in an Italian study by Caruso and colleagues,58 who
also found an overestimation of cancer risk by women in this survey study compared
with BRCApro calculated estimates, with more pronounced inaccuracy and misper-
ception reported by low-risk women than high-risk women.
The anxiety observed in many people undergoing cancer genetic counseling clearly
has the potential to taint the counseling process by not permitting information to be
properly interpreted and analyzed by the counselee. Although this is not a unique or
novel phenomenon in genetic counseling, it may be something that is not frequently
encountered by medical generalists and specialists without formal genetics training.
Phelps and colleagues59 report on the development of a quantitative tool (the Genetic
Risk Assessment Coping Evaluation, or GRACE) to assess the degree of distress
associated with the genetic counseling risk assessment process and identify the range
of coping strategies used to lessen the distress being experienced by the patient.
Other tools are also available; it is important to recognize that the anxiety that leads
individuals to seek counseling, and likely hinders others from initiating counseling
and risk assessment, can adversely affect the counseling process if the counselor
does not recognize the anxiety and does not use techniques to help individuals gain
a more accurate perception of their risk and the steps to be taken, if available, to
reduce their risk for developing cancer.
Morgan and colleagues60 found that among women who had undergone genetic
counseling and were at high risk for HBOC, all agreed that following cancer screening
recommendations was better than not following such recommendations; none felt that
the recommendations were difficult to follow and all believed that screening would
help them stay healthy. More than half of the respondents (57%) believed that
following the screening recommendations would prevent cancer. None reported any
perceived barriers to care, although more than one-third (38%) felt that reminders
would help and 10% needed assistance in following through with care. Although
genetic counseling can never provide all the information needed for a decision in
a manner that all patients can understand, the process of genetic counseling has
clearly been shown to empower individuals to make informed decisions about critical
medical issues in their lives and to provide the emotional support needed by many to
follow through with their decisions.
The information accrued from the Human Genome Project will surely be a revolutionary
step in a process of developing new medical screening, diagnostic, and therapeutic
paradigms. The delineation of the genetic and genomic characteristics of cancer,
and in particular solid tumors, has altered the preventative, detection, and therapeutic
approaches to these malignancies over the past decade. While much attention has
been paid to the identification of tumor suppressor genes and the mutations that result
in marked increases in cancer risk, there is recognition that somatic genetic alterations
in tumor cells provide valuable information that is now applicable to improving clinical
outcomes. For example, HER2 status in breast cancer tissue is now an important
determinant in choosing the most effective chemotherapeutic regimen.61
130 Shulman
This burgeoning role of genetics and genomics in the development and treatment of
cancer requires professionals to be able to integrate current evidence with the ability
to obtain critical information from patients and provide the necessary support to facil-
itate the process by which individuals at high risk are identified and offered novel
screening, diagnostic, and preventative interventions to reduce the risk of cancer
and improve overall clinical outcomes. Cancer genetic counseling is the process
currently used to identify high-risk individuals and provide them with information
and emotional support to facilitate their decision-making process. Although techno-
logical advances may eventually alter the cancer genetic counseling process, for
now and the foreseeable future this will be how patients are best served in their search
for answers concerning their risks for developing cancer, and in the delineation of
improved interventions to prevent and treat an expanding number and variety of
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