The ethics of using social media for young generation
The ethics of using social media for young generation
The ethics of using social media for young generation
ِح ْيِم
ََأ َأ
َّما َبْعُد. َواْلُمْر َس ِلْيَن َس ِّيِدَنا ُمَح َّمٍد َوَعَلى َاِلِه َوَاْصَح ِبِه ْج َمِعْيَن
First of all, let us praise and thank the presence of Allah Almighty, for the abundance of grace
and the joy of all of us can still gather in this place without any barriers at all and in good
Secondly, shalawat and greetings we pour out to the Prophet Muhammad who has brought us
out of the dark ages to the era of bright light today, namely Islam. May we all get intercession
on the end, aamiin.
On this nice occasion, allow me standing here to deliver a speech under the title the ethics of
social media for young generation.
We cannot blame the negative impacts that arise on existing social media, because the function
of the media will follow who the users are. If used properly, social media will have a good
impact function, and vice versa. Therefore, when surfing social media, we need to put ethics
1. You are not allowed to make hate speech or hate speech, provocation, and slander.
Islam teaches us to maintain and create peace. As Islam itself means peace, and brings
prosperity and tranquility. So, social media must be used as a means to create peace, not the
other way around. There have been many cases of hate speech, provocation and slander that
have threatened our unity.
َٰٓي َأ ُّي َها ٱ َّل ِذي َن َءا َم ُن ٓو۟ا ِإن َج ٓا َء ُك ْم َفا ِس ٌۢق ِب َن َب ٍإ َف َت َب َّي ُن ٓو۟ا َأن ُت ِصي ُبو۟ا َق ْو ًۢما ِب َج َٰه َل ٍة َف ُت ْص ِب ُحو۟ا َع َل ٰى َما َف َع ْل ُت ْم َٰن ِد ِمي َن
"O you who believe, if a wicked person comes to you with news, then check carefully. so that
you do not inflict a disaster on a people without knowing the situation that causes you to regret
your actions"
3. No showing off.
Lately there has been a lot of talk about the flexing phenomenon. Many people like to flaunt
their luxury on social media. In Islamic teachings, this is strictly prohibited because it causes
many negative effects. If his showing off attitude is seen by people who are not able to afford it,
it will cause offense. It's better if we really have excess abilities to be grateful in the right way
without having to show it off on social media. So empathy must be prioritized not only in the
real world, but also in social media.
5. Respect others.
The rapid flow of information on social media, of course, has its pros and cons. Differences in
attitudes and views are natural, so it is necessary between us to prioritize mutual respect and
appreciation. Do not let our posts or comments on social media contain elements of tyranny. As
in real life, our actions on social media will always be monitored by Allah and recorded by
angels who watch over us. Allah swt says in the letter Qaf verse 18:
There is not a single word spoken but there are Roqib and Atid by his side who is always ready
(to record) ".