Dynamic Business Law 4th Edition – Ebook PDF Version 2024 scribd download
Dynamic Business Law 4th Edition – Ebook PDF Version 2024 scribd download
Dynamic Business Law 4th Edition – Ebook PDF Version 2024 scribd download
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About the Authors vii
firm that provides negotiation, ethics, and team training Professor Barkacs currently spends her time teach-
for the private sector. Professor Barkacs has published ing, publishing, consulting for The Barkacs Group,
numerous journal articles in the areas of law, ethics, and doing volunteer work for various civic causes. She
and negotiation. She and her husband are coauthoring enjoys walking, weight lifting, and spending her free
a book on negotiation. She has been the president, vice time with her husband Craig and their three cats, Phoe-
president, conference chair, and treasurer of the Pacific nix, Violet, and Vanessa.
Southwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business
A Guided Tour
We are full of gratitude to the reviewers, adopters, and students who have stimulated us to
create this fresh and improved 4th edition of Dynamic Business Law. Any book is a work in
progress, and certainly this one is no exception. It is humbling indeed to check and proof-
read and study, but still omit things that should be included and fail to adequately explain
what we do include. But with your assistance, we feel we have a much better book now.
We have constructed a book that is both comprehensive and readable. But the features
integrated into the chapters provide its distinctive worth. Each feature stands by itself as an
aid to the kind of learning we hope to encourage. Yet the features are also a cohesive unit,
Confirming Pages
contributing both to the liberal education of the students who use this book and to their
skills as decision makers in a market economy.
Specifically, we provide a comprehensive examination of all the relevant questions,
concepts, and legal rules of business law. Our text addresses the power and authority
8 Part 1 The Legal Environment of Business
of constitutions, statutes, case law, and treaties as sources of law. Together the various
elements of what we call “the law” make up the foundation and structure of the market
3. The arbitrator refused to postpone the hearing despite sufficient cause, refused to hear
relevant evidence, orexchange process.to prejudice the rights of one of the parties.
otherwise misbehaved
4. The arbitrator exceeded Decisions to trade
his or her authority andtoproduce
or failed requireto trust—trust
use that authority make a that consumers, firms, workers,
mutual, final, and definite award.
financial institutions, and asset owners will do as they promise and that violations of such
The U.S. Supreme Court has held that these four grounds are the exclusive grounds
promises will be unacceptable in the marketplace. Without guarantees that promises will
for vacating, modifying, or correcting an arbitrator’s award, and parties cannot expand
be kept,
on these grounds in contract. 10 market exchanges
Consequently, in the United would
States, grind to adecisions
arbitration halt. Business law provides these guarantees
are generally upheld. Other
andcountries are taking actions
the boundaries withinto which
increase certain
the number of arbitra-can be made and enforced.
tions, while reducing the need to appeal the arbitration decisions. For example, Brazilian
lawmakers reformed severalMarket
articles indecisions
the Brazilianare
Code to inincrease
a context—a
the practicepersistently
of changing context. The law, in
arbitration. These reformsturn, is dynamic
mandate insign
that parties response. New commitment”
an “arbitration technologies and business practices bring new disputes
arbitration proceedings. This commitment states the disputed issue, the venue of the arbi-
over rights and responsibilities in a business setting. Future business leaders need knowl-
tration, and the parties involved. The arbitration commitment renders the outcome of the
arbitration comparable toedge of existing
a decision business
handed down by thelaw, as well
judiciary asConsequently,
branch. a set of skills permitting them to adjust efficiently
parties no longer need toand
appeal to the judiciary branch after an arbitration hearing.
effectively to new legal issues that arise over the course of their careers.
We are excited
Legal Principle: An arbitration award can about
be setthe contents
aside for onlyoffour
features and want to explain the function of
(1) the award resulted from fraud or corruption; (2) the arbitrator is biased or
corrupt; (3) the arbitrator misbehaved in a way that prejudiced the rights of a party; in business.
each of them in preparing our students for leadership
and (4) the arbitrator misused his authority in the making of the award.
Confirming Pages
chapter contains multiple “Comparing Some judges, lawyers, and politicians in the United States advo- intervention, has been a part of Japanese culture for hundreds
cate the adoption of Japan’s ADR techniques into the U.S. judiciary of years. In modern times, conciliation committees consist of one
system. The techniques come in three forms: compromise, concili- judge and two appointed members of the community. Acceptance
the Law of Other Countries” boxes. ation, and arbitration. of the committee’s recommendation is not necessary, but if the
Compromise (wakai) is defined as a contractual agreement parties wish to concede, the recommendation has the force of a
Because so many market decisions are between parties that becomes the basis for a voluntary settlement. Due judgment.
to the voluntary nature, no compromise is possible if one party does not The final type of ADR is arbitration (chusai). The arbitration
made in an international context, future wish to settle. Compromise may be proposed at three distinct times. procedure in Japan is markedly similar to that in the United States.
First, a simple compromise may be reached before the initiation of a A two- or three-judge panel reaches a recommendation that is a
business leaders need to familiarize suit. Second, after initiation, but before litigation, the parties may appear binding decision.
in court and present a compromise. Such a compromise is legally bind- The success and popularity of all three types of ADR in Japan
ing on both parties. Third, parties may compromise during litigation, are attributed to the attitudes of the citizens. People in Japan are
themselves with the likelihood that a which is when most compromises occur. It has been estimated that reluctant to bring a lawsuit against a fellow citizen. To them, using
nearly one-third of all disputes are settled using compromise. ADR is a less brash way to resolve a dispute than suing someone
particular legal principle essential to The second ADR technique used in Japan is conciliation outright. Obviously, this attitude is quite distinct from that of the
(chotei). Conciliation, reaching compromise through a third party’s American legal culture.
doing business in one country may not
be appropriate in other countries. The “Comparing the Law of Other Countries” boxes
have settlement authority. Third, the procedures of the minitrial can be modified to meet
provide heightened awareness of this likelihood by illustrating how more preciselyunique the needs the
of thelaw
parties.in a
For example, parties may give the neutral adviser
the authority to settle the case if the representatives cannot come to a settlement agreement
certain country often is. After reading dozens of these “stories ofafter difference,”
a certain period of time. readers will
certainly better understand the need to discover relevant law in all EAR jurisdictions
market decisions have legal implications. With early neutral evaluation, sometimes called early neutral case evaluation, the parties
select a neutral third party and explain their respective positions to this neutral, who then
We believe that students learn innumerable valuable lessons about U.S. business law by in the Northern District of California,
evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the case. The parties use this evaluation to reach
a settlement. Early neutral evaluation was pioneered
contrasting the concepts of our business law system with those of our primary trading part-
and is now used in a number of other federal courts.
ners. We typically use Canada, Japan, China, Russia, Mexico, andPSeveral thestates European
Union for
now allow private trials, an ADR method in which a referee is selected and
our comparisons because modern business managers will more likely paid by thebe interacting
disputing parties to offer awith
legally binding judgment in a dispute. The referees
do not have to have any specific training; however, because retired judges often serve as
the law in those particular jurisdictions. referees, this method is often referred to as “rent-a-judge.”
Generally, a private trial occurs after a case has been filed in district or state court.
After the parties have engaged in discovery and developed their positions, the parties may
choose to participate in a private trial. The parties would typically notify the trialPages
Confirming judge
overseeing their case that they are participating in a private trial. The disputing parties
C. E-COMMERCE BOXES determine the time and place of the trial and conduct the trial in private to ensure confi-
dentiality. The referee writes a report stating the findings of fact and the conclusions of the
A central feature of modern business law. This report is filed with the trial judge; however, if any party is dissatisfied with the
resolution of the case, the party can request a trial before a trial court judge. If this request
decisions is new technology, specifi- E-COMMER Cis E
A NtheDpartyT can
H Eappeal
L AtheWdecision of the referee.
cally the rapid spread of electronic TORT LAW VERSUS CRIMINAL LAW TO IMPROVE THE ONLINE
Neutral Evaluation: A Technique Whose Time has C, available at: http://corporate.findlaw.com/litigation-disputes/neutral-
commerce. This development has cre- Suppose your ex-boyfriend posed as you on a number of online per- You might be able to pursue the creator of the website,
88 sites, such as iwantu.com. He posted what he described as your depending on how the facts play out and on your state’s law.
ated new challenges and opportuni- rape fantasies and listed your name and address. He then encouraged You might be able to sue for defamation, false-light invasion
men to act out your fantasies in person. Would you be afraid? How of privacy, negligence, and/or intentional infliction of emo-
ties that were unforeseeable until very might criminal law respond? Could tort law also help you? In a real tional distress. You will face an uphill battle, though, in meeting
case in 1992, Gary Dellapenta, the ex-boyfriend, was sentenced to six your burden of proof. In the mid-1990s, Ken Zeran brought tort
recently. With each edition, we are years in prison for violating California’s then new cyberstalking law. claims against a radio station that broadcast untrue information
If someone were threatening you as Dellapenta threatened his suggesting he was selling T-shirts and other items with insen-
kub23585_ch04_0070-0095.indd 88 08/25/16 04:14 AM
enhancing our coverage of technology ex-girlfriend, you might want the creator of the website and/or an sitive remarks about the Oklahoma City bombing of a federal
Internet service provider to assist you in pulling the posts before building. Zeran was unable to prove any of the torts he alleged.
x A Guided Tour
relationship, mediation is popular because it allows parties to preserve their relation-
ship throughout the dispute. Mediation helps parties work together to reach a consensus.
Because parties are encouraged to communicate openly, they usually do not experience
bitterness toward the opposing party. Furthermore, each party typically leaves mediation
with a better understanding of the opposing party; consequently, this understanding may
actually facilitate a better working relationship between the parties. Therefore, the first D. CONNECTING TO THE CORE
advantage of mediation is that it helps disputing parties preserve their relationships.
The second advantage to mediation is the potential for creative solutions. The parties The business curriculum, as experienced by
are responsible for offering alternatives to solve problems. A party to mediation is often
not necessarily looking for a money award. Instead, that party may be trying to find a solu- students, can easily be seen as a collection
tion so that both parties can benefit from the resolution of the dispute.
In addition, parties to mediation have a high level of autonomy. Unlike liti-
of silos, with each silo, or academic depart-
To see how ADR relates to
gation or arbitration, where a neutral third party makes a decision that resolves
the dispute, mediation allows parties to take control of the process and resolve
ment, walled off from the others with its
resolving conflicts that arise in
the workplace, please see the
the dispute together. The parties generally have more dedication to the agree-
ment because they helped make the decision. Finally, mediation, like other
own special language and issues. But suc-
Connecting to the Core activity
in Connect.
methods of alternative dispute resolution, is less costly, less time-consuming,
and less complicated than litigation.
cessful business decisions start with the rec-
These benefits can obviously be very worthwhile. However, critics of medi-
ation argue that its informal process improperly creates an image of equality
ognition that decision makers should take
between the parties. Consequently, we improperly assume that the resulting agreement advantage of the interrelatedness of the vari-
between the parties is also equal. However, if one party has more power than the other, the
agreement is not necessarily fair or equal. Thus, the image of equality in mediation can be ous subject areas.
misleading. Furthermore, a party who knows that he or she has no chance of winning a
case could enter the mediation process in bad faith, with no intention of making an agree- The purpose of the Connecting to the
ment. Therefore, some people may abuse the mediation process in an attempt to simply
draw out the dispute. Core feature is to drive home the point that
Uses of Mediation. Mediation is used to resolve collective bargaining disputes. Because concepts from finance, accounting, market-
workers and employers must continue to work together, mediation typically helps preserve
the relationship between the workers and the employers. Under the National Labor Rela- ing, management, and economics are closely
tions Act (NLRA), a union must contact the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services
to attempt to mediate its demands before beginning a strike to achieve higher wages or linked to concepts and dilemmas in business
better working hours.
Similarly, the law. The study
Equal Employment of business
Opportunity Commission law
best seen the as a foundational component of the larger study
mediation of employment discrimination claims. The EEOC has a mediation program that
of business
uses mediators employed administration.
by the EEOC, This
as well as external mediators feature
trained in media-for the fourth edition has been placed on the web-
181,734 mediations.siteApproximately
tion and discrimination law. Between 1999 and 2014, the EEOC mediation program held
7 Dynamic
percent Business
of these mediations (129,924Law.
were successfully resolved.
Mediation is also commonly used in environmental disputes. For example, Japan has
created a committee, the Environmental Pollution Disputes Committee, devoted solely to
the resolution of environmental disputes. This committee may use mediation or arbitra-
tion. Why is mediation particularly useful for environmental disputes? First, mediation
After each case in the book, we have provided critical-thinking questions to highlight the
allows for creative solutions and compromises, which are often needed in environmental
disputes. Suppose an endangered species makes its home on land that an entrepreneur
need to think critically about the reasoning used by the court. In addition, we include
recently purchased with the intention of building a bed-and-breakfast facility. Because the
in every chapter a Point / Counterpoint problem that encourages the reader to evaluate
“History of the EEOC Mediation Program,” www.eeoc.gov/mediate/history.html.
the conflicting reasoning surrounding a key issue in the chapter. Legal evolution occurs
through a process of curiosity, an awareness of new problems in the marketplace, and sen-
sitivity to rights and responsibilities that havePages
Confirming not been given proper attention.
But we do much more than just ask a lot of critical-thinking questions at particular
kub23585_ch04_0070-0095.indd 74
locations throughout the chapters. We encourage the use of a step-by-step critical-thinking
08/25/16 04:14 AM
approach that[continued] has been developed and used in classrooms in many countries. We do not
Variyam argues, and the court of repeatedly
appeals agreed, that urge
having a reputation for untruthfulness would “affect his
whereas the other doestoso “think critically.”
affect it.” Accordingly,
allegations that Variyam lacked veracity and dealt in half-
the Instead, we describe for them what is
meant by that phrase
relationship with other physicians that might send him
business or work.” The court of appeals noted that “[l]ike
in the context of business law. We include this step-by-step approach
truths do not adversely affect his fitness for proper conduct
as a physician.
in Appendix 1A attorythe
lawyers and bankers, a physician such as Variyam, by defi-
nition, depends greatly on his reputation.” But the inquiry
end of Chapter 1. Instructors who want to emphasize critical think-
In sum, Hancock’s statements . . . were not defama-
per se because they did not injure Variyam in his profes-
is not whether a reputation is necessary for a profession. If
that were true—because all professions require reputations
sion as a physician by ascribing that he lacked a necessary
skill peculiar or unique to the profession. Specifically, the ing can use that appendix as a struc-
of some sort—all statements defaming professionals would statements here regarded Variyam’s truthfulness, not the
be defamatory per se. Rather, the proper inquiry is whether lack of a necessary, peculiar skill which would render Vari- tured approach for learning how to
a defamatory statement accuses a professional of lacking yam unfit for proper conduct as a physician. Accordingly,
a peculiar or unique skill that is necessary for the proper to recover for defamation, Variyam was required to prove evaluate legal reasoning.
conduct of the profession. The specific trait of truthful- actual damages, which he did not do. There is no evidence
ness is not peculiar or unique to being a physician. As the of mental anguish because evidence that Variyam experi-
comments to the Restatement illustrate, “a charge that a enced some sleeplessness and other anxiety does not rise to
physician is dishonest in his fees is actionable, although the level of a substantial disruption in his daily routine or a
an imputation of dishonesty in other respects does not
affect his character or reputation as a physician.” . . . Like-
high degree of mental pain and distress. . . . Finally, because
Variyam did not establish actual damages, he cannot recover
wise, “a statement that a physician consorts with harlots
is not actionable per se, although a charge that he makes
exemplary damages. Accordingly, we reverse the judgment
of the court of appeals and render judgment that Variyam
After each case in the book, we have
improper advances to his patients is actionable; the one
statement does not affect his reputation as a physician
take nothing.
Reversed in favor of Defendant
provided ethical reasoning questions
to highlight the need to think ethi-
cally about the reasoning used by the
court. Throughout, our book empha-
What potential stakeholders are adversely affected? Which set of stakeholders would you weigh the heaviest
in deciding a case of this type? Why would you raise their sizes consideration of all stakeholder
interests above those of other relevant parties?
interests in every market decision.
If you say your boss is a tyrant or your roommate is a slob, are you in danger of being
sued for defamation? Probably not, because such statements are really subjective opinions
not capable of being proved. As such they are generally not actionable.
One of the important elements of defamation is that the defamatory statement must be
damaging to someone’s reputation, as the nearby Case Nugget illustrates.
The increase in communication over the Internet has presented new questions for the
law of defamation to answer. First, does a false statement made over the Internet constitute
defamation? Second, if it does, who can be held liable?
The court first attempted to answer these issues in the case of Cubby v. CompuServ,7
in which CompuServ was sued because of defamatory statements published on one of the
A Guided Tour xi
Business ethics should never be an afterthought or something firms consider because they
think they must.
Instead, business ethics is what provides the social legitimacy for markets, what dis-
tinguishes markets from the life of the jungle. While market decisions are calculating and
purposeful, they must at the same time reflect awareness that the good and the right pro-
vide social borders that elevate those decisions above simple greed and egoism.
Ethical discussion focuses on the basic observation that we are socially and globally
interdependent as entrepreneurs, asset owners, workers, businesspeople, and consumers.
Our inescapable contact with one another requires that our aspirations be defined, at least
in part, by their impact on others.
Our text has several ethical reasoning possibilities in each chapter. But for the reader
to make use of this emphasis requires a practical step-by-step approach. In other words,
students need more than just a discussion about values or ethics. They need to have some
sense that the discussion is headed somewhere. They want to know, “How will my behav-
ior be any more ethical after I have read the chapter and participated in the class discus-
sions?” Our text answers their question.
Chapter 2 provides a clear explanation of our approach—an approach that students can
use on a regular basis. The language and organization of our model of ethical reasoning
leans implicitly on standard ethical theories. But it meets the challenge of a fast-paced busi-
ness world. It pushes stakeholders to the forefront of market decisions, where they belong,
and does so in a manner that is both powerful and doable without becoming tedious.
Business ethics are the guidelines we use to shape the world we want to create. As
such, they provide guidance for the kind of business behavior we want to reinforce. After
each case excerpt, under the heading “Ethical Decision Making,” we pause to think about
the ethics of business law by asking a question or questions derived from the practical
approach to business ethics developed in Chapter 2. Because we want students to see stake-
holder interests as having numerous ethical dimensions, we have included frequent refer-
ences to the ethical questions arising in modern business enterprises throughout Dynamic
Business Law.
What’s New in the Fourth Edition? xiii
Chapter 14 Agreement
∙ Added new case, Paul Ehlen v. John M. and LynnDee Melvin.
∙ Created new E-Commerce and the Law content called “E-Signatures.”
Chapter 15 Consideration
∙ Added new Case Nugget about lack of consideration in an option contract.
∙ Added new case about promissory estoppel Bouton v. Byers.
Chapter 25 Warranties
∙ Added new Case Nugget under Warranty Disclaimers and Waivers Old Mexican Foods,
Inc. v. Hanson Staple Company.
∙ Added new Point/Counterpoint “Do the Implied Warranties Diminish the Fundamental
Free Market and the Right to Contract?”
Tahvanus on tallirenki,
Hän sanoi sanalla tuolla:
"Jo nyt on toet totein,
Walehettomat vakani;
Nousipa kukko laulamahan, 90
Kanan poika kajahtamahan,
Jo on syntynyt Jumala,
Yliarmo auennunna."
Tahvanus on tallirenki,
Hän sanoi sanalla tuolla: 110
"Joko on toet toteni,
Walehettomat vakani? —
Jopa veitsenpää vesosi,
Jonka pöytähän sivalsit;
Rupes kukko laulamahan, 115
Kanan poika kajahtamahan;
Nousi härkä ammomahan,
Pääpönttö pölöttämähän;
Jo nyt on syntynyt Jumala,
Yliarmo auennunna, 120
Jo nyt luovun Ruotuksesta,
Otan usko Jesuksesta."
Jouluna Jumala syntyi,
Paras poika pakkasella;
Syntyi heinille hevosen, 125
Sorajouhen soimen päähän.
Härkä olkia levitti,
Sika penkoi pehkuloita,
Pojan pienen peitteheksi,
Katteheksi kaikkivallan. 130
Oli kolme veljestä, kaksi hyvää, yksi tuhkamo. Heiltä kuoli isä ja
äiti, köyhiksi jäivät. Het siitä kovin murehellisiksi tutuvat ja itkit
itkemistään. Kauan itkettyähän käski unissa heitä isä vainaja
menemään laivarannalle yöksi hanhia vahtamaan, kunki yöksensä.
Niin meni esinnä vanhin, vaan kotvasen istuttua rupesi pimiä yö
peljättämään, jotta pois piti lähteä. Kotiin tulleelta kysyivät toiset:
"mitä sait?". "Itse nähnettä, kun käyttä," vastasi hän sihen. Toissa
yönä meni keskimmäinen veli ja hänen kävi samalla tavalla, kun
vanhimmanki. Niin lähti kolmanneksi yöksi tuhkamo, siinä istu kaiken
yön, ei peljännyt. Tuli päivän koittaissa aamulla kolme hanhia,
korjasit siipensä aian alle ja menit uimaan. Hän kaunihimmat siivet
sieltä valitti ja istausi taas paikallensa. Hanhet jonkun ajan uituahan
rupesivat pois lähtemään. Lähtivät toiset, vaan yksi ei päässyt, kun
siipiään ei löytänyt. Siinä ilmotti ittensä tuhkamo: "täällä siipesi on,
vaan et saa, ennenkun otat minun mieheksesi." Sillä hanhet kun
siipensä aian alle toivat, kaikki muuttuivat ihaniksi neioiksi. Lupasi
ruveta puolisoksi hänelle, sai siivet, puki päälleen, lenti kotiansa
hanhena. Tuhkamo kanssa meni kotiansa. Kysyit toiset veljet: "no
mitä sait hanhia vahettuasi?" Tuhkamo vastasi: "sain ma kuninkaan
tyttären puolisokseni." — "Sinä semmoinen kuninkaan tyttären! —
Lähti siitä sitte kuninkaan linnalle tuhkamo ja sano tytölle: täällä
minä nyt sitä vasten olen, sinua saamassa." — "Waan siitä emmet
virka kuninkaalle mitänä, vastasi tyttö, piämmä sala häitä." — "Mitä
met häitä piämmä, kun kuninkahalle emmet sano!" — "Kun sanot, se
panee semmoiset puustit ethesi, ettet niistä pääse ikänäsi." — "Mitä
tehneeki, mutta ilmotan minä." Meni sitte kuninkhaan etheen ja
sano. "Minä sinulle en anna tytärtäni, vastasi kuningas, ennen kun
menet, kaikki puut tästä vuomasta (tältä lahdelta) kaahat." Meni siitä
morsiamensa tykö ja sano: "semmoisen nyt pani puustin, kaikki puut
käski, tästä vuomasta kaataa." "Tiesin minä sen, vastasi morsian,
vaan pääset sinä siitä, kun ei pahempaa vasta panisi — mene kaaha
yksi puu ja sano puun kaatuessa: kaikki mettä taatukohon." Meni,
kaasi, sano, sai sillä kaikki puut vuomasta kaaetuksi. Lähti siitä sitte
taasen kuninkhaan etheen ja pyysi tytärtä, jo puut kaataneensa. "Et
Wielä sillä saa, sano kuningas, sinun pitää nyt mennä net kaikki
kannolle nostaa." Tuli taasen morsiamensa tykö ja sano: "jo toisen
pani puustin vielä pahemman, kaikki puut minun kannolle nostaa."
"Arvasin minä sen, vastasi morsian, vaan vielä siitäi pääset, kun ei
kolmatta panisi pahempaa — mene, nosta yksi puu kannolle ja sano
nostaessasi: nouskoot kaikki kannollehen." Meni, teki sen, sai silla
kaikki puut kannolleen nousemaan. Niin taasen kuninkhaaltä tytärtä
pyysi. Ei hän vieläkhään anna; käski kultaviljat taivaasta käyä
(noutaa), sitte vasta antaisi. Lähti siitä morsiamensa tykö ja sano:
"Nyt vasta puustin pani, kultaviljat taivaasta käyä, millä minä net
saan?" "Woisit vielä ehkä netki saaha, vastasi morsian, kun ei ainaki
pahempaa vasta tulisi." Sito hänelle sitte säkin päähän, laitto
hevosen selkään: "aja nyt siksikun hevonen putoo altasi, haurase
sitte päältäsi ja ota, mikä kätheesi puuttuu." Lähti sitte ajamaan, jo
viimmen kauan ajettuahan putosi hevonen, hän haurasi samassa
päälthään sai kultaviljat kätheensä. Putos sitte niitten kanssa ja
painui maan sisähään, ettei jäänyt, kun vähä hivukstä ylös. Tuli sitte
sotka ja teki pesänsä päähän. Muni sihen muniansa ja alko hautoa.
"Jo tämä nyt ainaki minulta pään märättää," ajatteli tuhkamo. Tuli
kettu, juosta ketkutteli, näki pesän, rupes munia syömään. Hän sitä
kettua tapasi hännästä, se tempasi ylemmäksi. Toisena päivänä tuli
ahma ja rupesi häänki munia syömään. Kun taasen sitä tarttu
häntään, se hänen tempasi vieläi ylemmäksi. Jo kolmantena päivänä
karhu juosta katkuttelee, tulee jälkimmäistä munaa syömään. Tarttui
karhua jalkaan, se hänen nosti kokonansa ylös. Ylös päässyt ei tieä,
kunne lähteä. Lähteä sitä pitäisi jonne'ki. Astuu, kävelee, kuulee
toraamisen, sinne meni. Het kun nähään tulevan, ihastuthaan,
sanothaan: "ahah! jo paisti tuli." Hään sihen sano: "ei minussa
keittämistä, eikä paistamista; vilu, pitkä matka ottanut keittämiset,
paistamiset." — "No, kun et kelpaa paistiksi, erota meitä torasta!" —
"Kyllä erotan; mikä teillä väsinä?" — "Tämä vaarivainaan saua; jos
keikahuttaa toisen pään, se vihollisen kaataa, jos toisen keikahuttaa,
oman väen nostaa ylös." — "Kuinka minä teiät siitä voisin erottoo,
jos toiselle eli toiselle annan, se minulle suuttuu, kullen en anna;
paras antakaa minulle koko saua." — "Ota, mene matkohisi!" — Otti,
lähti eelle astumaan, jo toisessa paikassa torataan. Hään sinne meni.
"Ahah! huuttiin taas vastaan, jo paistin saamma." — "Ei minussa
keittämistä, eikä paistamista; vilu, pitkä matka vienyt keittämiset,
paistamiset." — "No, erota sitte meitä!" — "Mikä teillä erotettavana?"
— "Tämä ämmivainaan lakki, kummalle tulepi; sen kun päähänsä
panee, ei näe kukahan." — "Millä minä minä teiät siitä erottaisin; jos
jommalle kummalle annan, toinen minulle siitä suuttuu. Paras,
nakkaatta mulle." — Nakkasivat: "tuossa on, ota, mene matkohisi!"
Kun lähti, vähän matkaa astu, kuuli kolmannessa paikassa
torattavan. Meni sinne'ki. "Ahah! jo paisti sattui" — "Ei minussa
keittämistä, eikä paistamista; vilu, pitkä matka saanut keittämiset,
paistamiset." — "No, erota' sa meitä!" — "Mikä teillä toran aineena?"
— "Nämät isävainaan manhat kuovat; net semmoiset kuovat, panet
jalkaasi, kuljet kunne tahot, ei voi kukhaan mithään pahaa tehä." —
"Paha teitä erottoo; toiselle annan, toinen suuttuu — paras annatta
kuovat minulle." Sai netki. Lähti siitä paikasta ja tuli taloon. Siellä
taasen, kun ikhään nähään ovesta tulevan, sanothaan: "ahah! jo
kerran tuli mitä syöä." — "Wähä minussa syömistä; jo on vilu, pitkä
matka vienyt syömiset sekä juomiset — se vettä, mikä verta, se
luuta, mikä lihoa." — "No olisiko sinun itse nälkä?" — "Mikäpä se
olisi, kuutena kuukaunna kun en ruokaa ole nähnyt." — Sai ruokaa,
söi ja kysy syötyähän, jos eivätkö tietäisi sen kuninkhaan lääniä,
johon olisi kulkeva. "Emmet tieä, vastathiin talossa, mutt' on meillä
mettän viljat, het tiennevätkö." Kuttuthiin; ei tiennehet. Annethiin
hänelle sitte siitä talosta kivi, käskethiin pitämään, jos tarme tulisi.
Lähti siitä talosta pois ja tuli toiseen. Siellä häntä taas, syöä aiothiin,
vaan kun ei sanonut ittessänsä syömistä olevan, panthiin hänelle
ruokaa ja kysythiin, mitä asioittisi. Ei sanonut muuta asioivansa, kun
että neuottaisi hään sen kuninkhaan lääniin, jonka nimitti. "Itte
emmet tieä siitä kuninkhaasta mithään, sanothiin talossa, vaan on
meillä mettän peot, tiennevätkö." Kuttuthiin; ei tieä. Annethiin
hänelle siitäki talosta kivi ja niin meni kolmantheen. Sielläkhään ei
tietty sen kuninkhaan lääniä, jota kysyi, vaan sanothiin olevan
taivahan linnut heillä, joilta kysyttäisi. Kuttuthiin kokhoon linnut, tulit
kaikki, kokko yksin ei tullut. Niin kysythiin taivahan linnuilta sen
kuninkhaan maata; ei tiennehet. Kuttuthiin kokkoaki tulemaan, vasta
kolmannella kuttumuksella tuli. Waan et sanonut häänkhään
tietävänsä. "Tieät kyllä, mutta vaimojasi pelkäät." "Tieän minä
senthään, vaan sinne on hirviän pitkä matka." Käskethiin viemään
mies sinne, ei matkaa kattomahan. Sai lähtiissään kiven tästäki
talosta ja niin nousi kokon selälle. Kokko lähti lentämähän, lenti,
lenti, joko lie usiampaa viikkoaki lentänyt, niin kysy mieheltä: "saitko
kiveä ensimmäisestä talosta?" "Sain", vastasi mies, "Luo merehen!"
Kun sitte loi sen kiven merehen, niin siitä paikalla kallio kasvo. Sillä
kalliolla kokko vähän aikaa lepäsi ja lähti uuelleen lentoon. Kauvan
lennettyähän kysy mieheltä jos eikö saanut toisestaki talosta kiveä.
Sano saanehensa mies ja kokko käski senki merheen lähettämään.
Siitä samate kallio kasvo ja kokko istu lepäämähän. Niin siitä taasen
lentoon kohosi ja kotvan lennettyähän kysyi mieheltä: "antoko minun
emäntäni kiveä sinulle?" "Anto", vastasi mies — "Puota vielä seki
mereen!" — Puetti mies ja siitä tuli kolmas lepäyspaikka. Kun siitä
sitte lähti lentämähän, niin kerrassaan vei miehen rannalle ja maalle
laskettuahan kysy: "no mitä minulle nyt palkasta annat?" Oli kaksi
sonnia rannalla, niin mies sano: "ota noista kumpi tahansa!" Otti
lihavamman kokko ja söi suuhunsa, sitte lähti takasi lentämään. Meni
kuninkhaan linnahan mies lakki päässä, jonka oli toraamapaikassa
saanut ja joka teki hänen näkymättömäksi. Kun morsiamensa
huoneesen tuli, niin morsian itkusilmissä, kaikki murehissaan, häntä
ei nähnyt. Jonkun ajan siellä näkymätönnä istuttuahan kuuli
morsiamensa käskevän piikaa vettä kaivosta noutamaan. Kun meni
piika, hään jälkeen, kultaviljoista vähösen vesiastiahan murensi. Tuli
piika veen kanssa, kuninkhaan tytär sano: "ei tämä ole puhasta, käy
toista." Toista kun lähti käymään, tuhkamo taas jälessä, jo enemmän
viljoista vetheen murensi. Ei kelvannut sekhään vesi kuninkhaan
tyttärelle; käski kolmannesti käyä, puhthaampata tuoa. Niin sihen
tuhkamo loi koko kultaviljan, jonka oli taivaasta saanut. Näki
kuninkhaan tytär viljan, tunsi, sano: "tässä sinä nyt olet, missä
oletki, elä piileskele!" Temposi tuhkamo lakin päästänsä ja tuli
näkyväiseksi: "tässä olen jo kotvasen istunut; missä kuningas, kun
hänestä ei kuulu mithään?" — "Elä puhu kuninkhaasta; se on
tapannut kaiken väkensä soassa, siellä on vieläki, lie'kö hengissä, vai
hengetönnä ei ole enää kotvin sanomia saatu." — "No sinne se pitää
minunki paikalla lähteä." — "Elä lähe! viikon jo viivyit matkallasi
ilmanki." — "Lähen kuitenki; en enää taia kauan viipyä." Lähti siitä,
kuningas tiellä vasthaan, kovin murheelliselta näytti. "Elä huoli
murehtia, sano tuhkamo, lähe vävypoikasi kanssa sotapaikalle
jällehen, kattothaan, jos mitä voimma." Anto kuninkhaalle kuovat ja
lakin, itte piti sauan, niin lähtivät. Tulevat sotapaikalle; vihollinen
siellä yhä saaliita korjailee. "Onko vielä vastaanottajata?" huusi
tuhkamo. — "Kyllä on vielä, jos ennenki." —. Samassa tuhkamo
keikahutti pään sauastaan, sillä kaikki oma väki nousi ylös, Keikahutti
sitte toisen pään, kaikki viholliset maahan. "No kuinka nyt nait
vävypoikasi?" kysy hän siitä kuninkhaalta. "Elä semmoisia enää
kyselekhään, sano kuningas, ota tyttäreni ja puolen riikkiä annan
sulle morsian lahjoiksi. Waan viikon viivyit matkoillasi, viikon viivyit,
kauan kasoit, viimmen tulit viisahaksi." Sihen se loppuiki.
Neittyen Ihanaisuudesta.
v. 1.
v. 2.
v. 4.
Katsannoilla kaunihilla,
Silmillänsä, sitelee;
Sanoillansa sulosilla
Wierehensä vetelee.
v. 5.
v. 6.
G. T—n Paturi
2. Susi ja Koira.
Eikä sovi toivoa'kan, että ihminen kaikin ajoin olisi yhtä ilonen —
aikansa ilolla ompi, toinen aika mielaloilla.
Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will
be renamed.
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