Form Hilbert spaces are constructed over fields that are complete in a non-
archimedean valuation. They share with classical Hilbert spaces the basic
property expressed by the Projection Theorem. However, there appear some
remarkable geometric features which are unknown in Euclidean geometry.
In fact, due to the so-called type condition there are only a few orthogonal
straight lines containing vectors of the same length, so these non-archimedean
spaces are utmost inhomogeneous.
In the paper we consider a typical Form Hilbert space (E, < , >) and we show
that this geometric feature has a strong impact on the group O(E) of all
isometries T : E −→ E and on the lattice L of all normal subgroups of O.
In particular, we describe some remarkable sublattices of L which have no
analogue in the classical orthogonal groups.
1 Preliminaries
Our specific frame of reference will be the canonical FHS constructed by H. Keller
In this section we shortly review the standard construction given in [3] and [2]. In
contrast to these articles we prefer, for the present purpose, to write the value group
1. The base field. For i = 1, 2, . . . let Gi =< gi > be an infinite cyclic group
ordered by gir < gis if and only if r < s. The value group G is the direct sum G =
n1 n2 nr
i∈N Gi . That is, g ∈ G if and only if g = (g1 , g2 , . . . , gr , 1, . . .) for some r ∈ N,
nr > 0.
Next, let F = R (Xi )i∈N be the field of all rational functions in the variables
X1 , X2 , . . . with real coefficients. There is a uniquely determined Krull valuation
| | : F −→ G ∪ {0} for which
Remark. Let A be the valuation ring and k ∼ = R the residual field of the valuation.
We denote by Π0 : A −→ k the canonical projection.
2. The space. Let E be the space of all sequences x = (ξi )i∈N0 ∈ K N0 for which
the series ∞ 2
i=0 ξi Xi converges in the valuation topology, where X0 := 1. Operations
in E are of course componentwise. We define an inner product < , >: E × E −→ K
< x, y >:= ξi ηi Xi for x = (ξi )i , y = (ηi )i ∈ E.
This symmetric bilinear form < , > is anisotropic. As usual we say that x, y ∈ E
are (form-)orthogonal, x ⊥ y, if < x, y >= 0, and for a subspace U ⊂ E we define
its (form-)orthogonal complement by U ⊥ := {x ∈ E : x ⊥ u for all u ∈ U }.
Next the assignment
q √
x 7−→ kxk := | < x, x > | ∈ G
Definition. The orthogonal group of a space E is the group O(E) of all isometries
on E.
There is no lack of isometries. In any inner product space (E, < , > over a field K
with char K 6= 2 every vector u 6= 0 induces an isometry τu by
< x, u >
τu (x) = x − 2 u
< u, u >
called the reflection with respect to the hyperplane Hu := {w ∈ E : w ⊥ u}. It
is immediate that τu (u) = −u, τu (x) = x for every x ∈ Hu . Therefore (τu )2 = τu ,
hence τu is an involution.
The famous theorem of Cartan Dieudonné states that in an inner product space
(E, < , >) with dim E = n, every isometry is a product of at most n hyperplane
reflections. This is no longer true in infinite dimensional vector spaces. Indeed, since
τu is the identity in the hyperplane Hu , the isometry σ = −Id, with Id the identity
in E, cannot be written as a finite product of hyperplane reflections. The study of
isometries when dim E = ∞ turns out to be a difficult and challenging problem. A
variety of outstanding results were obtained by H.Gross and his school in Zürich,
above all in a purely algebraic setting of spaces of countable dimension.
We have started an analysis of O(E) for the FHS space described above. We have
identified and described some relevant sublattices of the lattice of normal subgroups
of O(E). Therefore we give here a brief summary of the definitions and theorems
we shall use, (see [1]).
Definition. Let P be a non-empty ordered set and S ⊆ P . An element x ∈ P is
an upper (respectively lower) bound of S if s ≤ x (respectively x ≤ s) for all s ∈ S.
The least upper bound of S, if it exists, is called the supremum of S and denoted
by S. Dually the infimum of S, S, is the greatest lower bound of S.
Remark. If S = {x, y} then x ∨ y denotes its supremum and x ∧ y its infimum.
Definition. Let L be a non-empty ordered set. If x ∨ y and x ∧ y exist for all x, y
in E, then L is called a lattice. If S and S exist for all S ⊆ L, then L is called
a complete lattice.
Theorem 2. Let L be a non-empty ordered set that has a greatest element 1. If
S exists for every non-empty subset of L, then L is a complete lattice.
Corollary 3. Let O be a group and L be the set of all its normal subgroups ordered
by inclusion. Then L is a complete lattice.
Proof. First we notice that Xk =< ek , ek >=< T (ek ), T (ek ) >. Since the types of the
P 2 2
vectors {ei : i ∈ N0 } are all different, | < T ek , T ek > | = | ξik Xi | = max{|ξik Xi | :
2 2 2
i | forall i 6= k. In addition |ξkk | = 1, hence
i ∈ N0 }, thus |Xk | = |ξkk | |Xk | > |ξik X
2 Xi 2 Xi
1 > |ξik Xk | whenever i 6= k, hence Π0 ξik Xk
= 0.
2 P 2 P 2 Xi
But Xk =< T (ek ), T (ek ) >= ξkk Xk + i6=k ξik Xi , so that 1 = ξkk + i6=k ξik Xk
Therefore Π0 (ξkk ) = 1 and it follows that Π0 (ξkk ) = ±1 as claimed.
αkk = ξkk ηkk + δk . (1)
942 H. A. Keller – H. Ochsenius
but S is an isometry, hence |δk2 Xk | ≤ | < i6=k ξik ei , i6=k ξik ei > | = | i6=k ξik
Xi |
and by the proof of Theorem 5, | i6=k ξik Xi | < |Xk |. Hence |δk | < 1 and |δk | < 1,
therefore Π0 (δk ) = 0.
From (1) we obtain now that Π0 (αkk ) = Π0 (ξkk ηkk + δk ) = Π0 (ξkk )Π0 (ηkk ) and
(ST )(k) = S(k)T (k).
and N := {NA : A ⊆ N0 }.
Proof. For each k ∈ N0 we have that O/Nk is an abelian group, hence Nk contains
Ω, the commutator subgroup of O. Therefore Ω ⊆ k∈N0 Nk = NN0 . But clearly
The subgroup J = {Id, −Id} is normal in O but does not coincide with any NA
when A ⊆ N0 . We will study here the sublattice N ∗ generated by N ∪ {J} in L.
We denote by NA∗ the element NA ∨ J. Explicitly
The lattice N ∗ is modular since it is a sublattice of L, but it is not a distributive
lattice. In fact, for every k ∈ N Nk ∧J = Nk ∩J = {Id}. Hence (N1 ∧J)∨(N2 ∧J) =
{Id} but (N1 ∨ N2 ) ∧ J = Nφ ∧ J = O ∧ J = J.
NA∗ ∨ NB = J ∨ NA ∨ NB = J ∨ NA∩B ∗
= NA∩B
NA∗ ∨ NB∗ = J ∨ NA ∨ J ∨ NB = J ∨ NA ∨ NB = NA∩B
Remark. If A ∩ B = ∅, N∅∗ = N∅ = O.
The suprema are shown in the following diagram.
NA∗ ∗
1. If A ∩ B = ∅,
NA∗ N∗
q ∗ ∗ qB
NAq qN
@ B
qN ∗ @
q q
NA ∧ NB∗ PPP N ∗ ∧ NB
q A
Note that there are elements in L∗ that do not belong to {NC∗ : C ⊆ N0 }.
They are NA ∧ NB∗ , NA∗ ∧ NB and NA∗ ∧ NB∗ .
qP q
2.3 A characterization
Theorem 13. For any i ∈ N0 let Ci = {1, −1} be the multiplicative group of two
elements and i∈N0 Ci their direct product. Then i∈N0 Ci ∼
= O/NN0 .
Theorem 16. Let A be a subgroup of O such that NN0 ⊆ A. Then A is the supre-
mum of a family of elements of N ∗∗ .
[1] G. Birkhoff, Lattice theory, Coll. Publ., XXV, American Mathematical Society,
Providence, R.I. (1967).
[3] H. Keller, Ein nicht-klassischer Hilbertscher Raum. Math. Z. 172 (1980), 41-49.
[4] H. Ochsenius and W. Schikhof, Banach spaces over fields with an infinite rank
valuation. In p-Adic Functional Analysis, Lecture Notes in pure and applied
mathematics 207, edited by J. Kakol, N. De Grande-De Kimpe and C. Perez-
Garcia. Marcel Dekker (1999), 233-293.